w m i. B PREACHERSCJUICEL. Aliyely Breeze Stirs Up Local Methodist Circles. ELMEYIEWPABK TOBN UP. The 31. E. National Association fie fases to Fulfill Its Date. SUNDAY TRAINS AND GATE FEES. Bey. C. W. Smith Says That the Days of Campmeeting- Are Long Past. THE EFENT WILL PROCEED, HOWETER . A decided breeze has been stirred up among "Western Pennsylvania Methodists by the unexpected renewal of the old contro versy among the stockholders of the Kidge view Campmeeting Association as to the question of Sunday trains and open gates and gate fees on Sunday. The annual campmeeting at Eidgeview Park was to have commenced on the 13th of this month, under the conduct of the National Camp meeting Association, an organization of inlsters and laymen formed for the pur- rws of conducting campmeetings under contract at stipulated prices. This organization iovr refuses to keep its agreement, and will not be connected in any way with the campmeeting, as may be seen from the iollowing open letter, addresed to the Christian Standard, and republished in the curn-nt number of the Pittsburg Chris tian Advocate: THE ENGAGEMENT IS OFF. It was agreed, when the National Association accepted the invitation to hold a national campmeeting at Ridgeview Park, Pa., that no Sabbath gate fees should be taken ana no ex cursion trains should be run to the ground on the Sabbath, with the consent and approval of the local association. This pledge was given to Brother A C. Martin for the National Associ ation. With this pledge the meeting was an nounced, and all preparations were made to hold it. We were informed by a minister that the Ridgeview Park As sociation intended to take Sunday gate lees and rnn Sunday excursion trains. "We wrote to Brother Martin, asking if such was the fact, and he informs us that they have gone back on their pledge to him, and propose not only to take Sunday gate fees, but to run excursion trains. Not bclievingthat Christian men could so far violate their pledge, we telegraphed the Rev. J. T. Riley, of Pittsburg, asking if Sunday gate fees would be token. His reply is, "Sunday gate fees will be taken at Ridgeview Park." Under these circumstances we are compelled, by every consideration of honor, justice and religion, to recall the appointment. There will, therefore, be no national campmeeting leld t Ridseview Park, Pa., as advertised. W. McDonald, President of the N. C. A THE EVENT TVILI. TAKE PLACE. Eev. C. W. Smith, editor of the Christian Advocate, was seen in regard to this appar ent breach of the harmony that should pre Tail among the brethren of Eidgeview Park and the National Methodists. He said: "Without going into the merits of the controversy, I can simply say that the campmeeting will be held, exactly as ad vertised, and will be in charge of Eev. A C. Johnson, Presiding Elder of theBlairs ville district, who has for years been the active spirit in the conduct of Eidgeview Park campmeeting. I don't think there will be any.Bishop present, but I am pur suaded that the campmeeting will be as in teresting as usnal. The National Associa tion people, are, of course, highly qualified to conduct campmeetings, and makes snch religious work a specialty. Their engage ment was made in January last, and a stipulated sum was to have been paid. Their cancellation is somewhat sudden, but the Board of Directors of Eidgeview Park think themselves in the right, and will do the best they can to replace the attraction. Eidgeview Park is so lar away from Pitts burg that the matter has a trifle less in terest locally than any matter pertaining to Valley Camp. There are, however, quite a number of East End Methodists who main tain cottages at Eidgeview Park who will be interested in the matter. INTERNECINE TBOUBLE AT EIDGEVIEW. "There is a serious division of opinion among those directly interested in the park over this very matter of Sunday traios, open gates and admission fees. Two years since the stockholders of Eidgeview Park intro duced and had passed a resolution instruct ing the Board of Managers to abolish the running of Sunday excursion trains and also to close the gates on Sunday, thus doing away with the admUsion fee. But although the stockholders were so clearly in the majority, the managers found means to evade the instructions, and tbe matter has been in their hands under protest ever since. I suppose that thsmisapprehensionof which President McDonald, of the National As sociation, complains arose in the division of opinion within the Eidgeview Park Asso ciation. It is an unfortunate state of affairs, hut it cannot be helped." "What is your estimation of the amount of Sunday desecration resultant upon the gathering of a large number of people at a campmeeting, even if excursion trains are necessary for transportation?" was asked of Dr. Smith. "If a society becomes so strict that it can not hold a meeting because of possible Sun day desecration, it is going too far. There are, of course, two sides to every question. There are always scores of people who go to such meetings with not the remotest idea of listening to the preaching, and who there fore take advantage of the spirit and intent of the campmeeting. I think no deliberate occasion should be made which offers an opportunity for Sunday desecration. The first campmeetmgs were held in the woods, where no excursion features were possible, and I think the Methodist campmeeting was at its best under primitive circum stances." ABE THEY GETTING OBSOLETE? "Does not your remark lead to the deduc tion that the interest in campmeetings is dying out?" was the next query. "Oh, by no means; that is, no more than the force of circumstances affects the insti tution. Civilization has brought a new condition of affairs into vogue. Campmeet incs were originally intended as religious rallying occasions lor sparsely settled com munities. But civilization has brought churches to the doors of the people, and there is no excuse for making occasions to Violate the Sabbath day. Here is what the Christian Advocate said editorially in re gard to the controversy between the Nation al Association and the Eidgeview Park managers. We submitted the statement to one of the managers for their answer, and he denies that any such promises w ere ever made to the Na tional Association by the campmeeting manag ers or anyone authorized to speak for them. 21 e affirms that it has been their arrangement all the while to have the gates open on Sunday, and to collect tbe usual Zees at tbe gates, and that if anyone represented differently to the association he did so on his own responsibility. There was, therefore, he affirms, no had laith on their part. . CAMPMEETINGS COMMENTED UPON. In a recent issue of the Christian Advo cate, Editor Smith said several things about campmeetings as an institution, which are of interest. After adverting to the origin of campmeetings, he said: There are evils among which is the relation of campmeetlnks to the Sabbath, and the ob jection urged against it Is sot new by any means. The objectors said "these Methodists afford tbe occasion and tho temptation to Sab bath desecration; but tbe fathers pointed to the results of their labors as theirjastlncatlon and went forward. But we have 'not this defense. We hate meager sniritual results to recount; tbe character of tbe campmeeting has changed, ana its necessity as a religious Institution no longer exists. Asa financial scheme, the sell ingof admission tickets and collecting gate fees is' the best ever devised. It is all right to do it on week days, but on Sunday there is valid objection to it, there being good ground for tbe claim that It is a violation of the law of the State. It is enongh to know that able lawyers have given the deliberate opinion that the cbarginc of a gate fee for admission to a camp-ground on the Sabbath is a violation of tbe law. Tbatsbonld settle the matter with every conscientious man. We have taken no account of the (charge sometimes made that campmeetlnz managers solicit the railroads to run extra trains to their grounds on the Sabbath, and make a' bargain by which the association receives a part of the profits of tbe Sunday excursion In addition to che lees received at the gates. We have never personally known such a case, and can hardly believe it has ever occurred in our territory. If a case has ever existed we condemn it In lm measured terms. Now we submit to the managers of these meetings whether the duties of their positions do not require them to neither open their gates nor charge an admission fee on Sunday? MR. KAERCHER STILL ON DECK. Tbe Druggist Claims That the Alleshenlans Are With Illm. Mr, Kaercher, the AHeghenv druggist who has waged such persistent war against the myrmidons of the Law and Order League, was seen last night and declared his resolution of selling soda water to-day as on previous Sundays. "What is more," he said, "I will keep up the fight as long as my health and my money last." He claims that the Law and Order League has entirely lost sight of the primary ob jects for which it was founded. "Instead of repressing immorality and drunkenness," says he, "they persecute ior sectarian rea sons the well-meaning sellers of lemonade and soda water. The result is that families buy kegs of beer on Saturday night and spend Sunday in terrible debauchery." Mr. Kaercher also stated that last Sun day his drug store was full of the most res'pectable people in Allegheny; clearly showing that intelligence is arrayed on the opposite side to the Law and Order people. He will, as usual, attend to selling himself to-aay, ana will give his clerks a holiday. He has lost monev already on the affair, but he considers it lost in a good cause, and does not'regret it. He isvery bitter against bis brother druggists whom he considers miserly and half-hearted- MAD STEER IN THE PARKS. A Brate Running Wild Attempts to Gore a Lady, bnt Is Polled. On Saturday night, while crowds were promenading Allegheny Parks, listening to the music, an infuriated steer brok' loose from the neighboring stockyard and charged madly into the parks. He first attacked the iron railings, which he bent and twisted out of shape, and then, changing his course, made for the center walk. Attracted, no doubt, by the white drees of a lady standing by, he attempted to gore her, and, but for the presence of mind of a gentleman present who unfurled his um brella in the animal's face, and diverted the attack, would have doubtless succeeded in doing so. Tne lady then hid behind a tree, and the gentleman kept dodging the steer until the owner ot the mad brute arrived and suc ceeded in recapturing it. It was some time before the lady recovered from the shock. Surely there is some means bv which public poxjvB can ue nu ui uaugers iiK.e mis. AN EPISCOPAL PASTORAL. Bishop Whitehead Urges tbe Building of a Church lit Braddock. Bishop Courtland Whitehead, fit the diocese of Pittsburg, in a pastoral com mends the project of Eev. Dr. L N. W. Irvine to build an Episcopal church struc ture at Braddock. After dwelling on the desirability of such a structure there, Bishop Whitehead says that "since the ad vent of Dr. Irvine, whose work embraces the mission at Braddock and Irwin station, a vigor has been developed at both places which promises success in the future." A lot has been secured, and the Bishop urges that a building worthy ot the work on hand be erected. The necessity thereof is strongly urged, as at Braddock is centered one of the largest industries in this whole region, and many of the thousands of all nationalities gathered there are from En eland and Wales, and more or less closely connected with the Episcopal Church. FAMILIES SOMEWHAT MIXED. Mrs. Dr. Crossby Gnts Into Jail With Mrs. Dewey, Who Gets Oat. Sirs. Dr. Crossby was committed to jail last night in default of $1,000 bail for a hearing Monday before Magistrate Gripp. The information, involving intimacy with Mr. Dewey, was made by Mrs. S. I. Dewey. Another sequence of the quarrrel was a suit before Magistrate McKenna, Mrs. Crossby charging Mrs. Dewey with assault and bat tery ana enjoining surety of the peace. Mrs. Dewey, however, succeeded in secur ing bail. Mr. Dewey applied at the jail during the evening to see Mrs. Crossby, but being denied remarked concerning the. wise lawmakers and departed. Neither of the magistrates before whom the suits had been brought could be found to learn the partic ulars. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Plirsburcers and Others of Wide Acquaintance. The following named well-known young gentlemen of tbe Hill are at the places indi cated, enjoying a vacation: George Mllhgan, at New York: John Callagan and Alfred Pater son. Atlantic City; Harry Sawback, Philadel phia. A party consisting of Messrs. A. B. Urban, druggist, Ninth street, Sonthslde; George Pncbard. Will Pnchard, Frank Mvcrs and Miss Annie Frichard left by the Lake Erie at 9.30 last night for Niagara Falls. They in tend to remain away a few weeks. The Iron City Pishing Club goes to Canada next week for a two weeks' camp in the heart of tbe Thousand Islands. About 0 members will go, including a majority of the local Methodist Episcopal clergy. Transfer Clerk Tate, of the mail service on the Pennsylvania Ballroad, has resigned to enter into some business venture. He is better known as Alderman Tate, of tbe Sonthslde. Manager E. D. Wilt, of the Grand Opera House, remarks complacently that tbe first seven shows which will bo seen In the urana open tneir season in .rutsDurg. Urben ilclneirny, a son of Alderman MclneiraV, of the; Eighteenth ward, left for New York yesterday to meet bis mother, who is soon expected home from Europe. Charles A. Brown, with John F. Mealy, leaves Monday for a three weeks' tour of East ern cities and the seashore. They anticipate a pleasant trip. Senator Matt Quay left on the Day Ex press yesterday morning for the East. In the evening Hon. William Flinn also left for tbe East (7). Alex. McFarland, attorney at law, left last night for West Virginia on business. He will return about tho middle of tbe week. The Misses Kate and Jean Kerr, of Rebecca street, Allegheny, left yesterday for a three weeks' trip to Meyersdale. Mr. Charles M. Marsh and wife, of Saltsbnrg, were at the Seventh Avenue yes terday. A Livingstone leaves for the East this evening, returning about two weeks hence. H. P. Ecker, the pianist, is toughening his facile digits in the surf at Atlantic City. Miss Mollie Towers, of Waynesburg, is visiting Miss Donaldson, of tbe Southside. A Victorln, oi Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy. N. Y., is at the Uuqnesne. Mrs. Anna Eea, aged 82, was found dead at Sharpsbnrg yesterday. General Passenger Agent E. A. Ford went to Cincinnati last night. THE THE REPORTS MAILED. Documentary Evidence in the Camp bell Case Now in Washington TO SEND THE MEN BACK TO EUROPE A List of 45 of the Names of the Imported Glass Workers. THESE WILL BE NO SUITS ENTERED The reports of United States District At torney Walter Lyon and Immigrant In spector Kobert D. Layton in regard to the charges against James Campbell, President of the Window Glass Workers Associa tion, for violation of the contract labor laws, were mailed to Secretary Windom, Wash ington, last evening. The papers will reach the department to-morrow morning, when the Secretary will act upon the matter. As has been generally inferred, the reports recommend that the glassworkers who are now at Jeannette, and who were brought here under contract, be sent back to Europe. They came from England and Belgium, and if the department at Washington act upon the recommendation the men will certainly be sent back. This information was not explicitly cor roborated by Messrs. Lyon and Layton, but there is not now the least doubt about it. The two officials have maintained a digni fied silence in regard to the whole matter, and, when pressed, positively refused to say anything. They preferred that the informa tion be given by the department through the routine channels. THE BLACKLISTED FOETY-FITE. It was also ascertained that accompanying the report was a list of the names of 45 of the men who are alleged to have come here under contract. The men came in three parties, 26 at one time, 12 at another and 7 at another. Their names were obtained through the representatives of the Trades Council who were sent to Jeannette to in vestigate. When asked for a copy of the list yester day,Mr. Lyon refused to furnish lt.upon the ground that the men would see their names in The Dispatch and immediately de camp for other parts. When asked how the department expected to get the men back to Europe, he said: "I do not say that my report to the de partment will be a recommendation to send the men back; but if this is the case, I do not think there will be any trouble. We have their names, and it will only be neces sary to go to Jeannette and get the men. They cannot attempt to deny that they are the men wanted, as we have affidavits that they were among the crowd brought over. Of course many of them could escape by leaving the place, but as we have their names we can send an officer alter them. It is nothing to me, whether the men go back or not. I have fulfilled my duty, and the recommendations I have made are only in accordance with the sworn testimony." It was rumored on the streets last evening that the reports would recommend that suit be instituted against the President ot the Window Glass Workers' Association and others for bringing the men over. This is not trne. There is no recommendation whatever to that effect, as the people who are pushing the case do not want to prose cute' anybody. In regard to this. President Evans, of the Trades Council, said: SOT AT ALIi VINDICTIVE. "All we want is that the men be sent back to Europe and the jobs they now hold be given to Americans. We do not care to prosecute any members of the Window Glass Association, for the reason that some people would say we are carrying the matter too far. All we' want is to see that the laws are observed. When we send the men back we will be satisfied with the work done." Attorney Brennen, who had charge of the case against President Campbell, said: "We will have no trouble whatever send ing the men back to England and Belgium. We have a long list of their names, and when we send officers alter them they will have to go. If they swear they are not the persons mentioned, then they perjure them selves. This. I suppose, will settle the mat ter for the time being. The passenger lists of the steamships they traveled on and other records have been secured, and we have a rood case against them. If they get away from Jeannette we will send officers after them, no matter where they go. The papers and list of names will be mailed to-night, and we will now take a rest until Secretary Windom examines the documents. Every thing is now in his hands." Immigrant Inspector Layton was as close as the steerage of a steamship in regard to the matter. He refused to state what his report would be, but it was learned that it was about the same as District Attorney Lyon's. When asked for the list of names he said: "I do not wish to chase those Belgians and Englishmen all, over the country, and for that reason the names must be kept a secret. If they saw the names printed to morrow there would not be one of them at Jeannette by nightfall." AN OLD NAILER GONE. A Respected Artisan Passes Away After a Busy Life. Samuel Alben, one of Pittsburg's old time nailers, died on Saturday morning at 820 o'clock in the 32d year of his age. The deceased learned his trade as a nailer 25 years ago at Bridgeton, N. J., and next fol lowed the same occupation at Pittsburg, Steubenville, O., Wheeling, W.Va., Green castle and Belleville, Ind. Some ten years ago he contracted what is known as nailers consumption and for the past five years he has been unable to work at his trade, and returned to this city. The disease, however, stead ilv gained on him in spite of the best medical treatment, until death ended his sufferings. He was a mem ber ior many years past of General Custer Lodge No. 118 A O. TJ. W., and also of the Masonic fraternity. The funeral services will take place at his late residence, 83 Wvlie avenue, on Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Tho Coroner's Report. Coroner McDowell's report for the month ending July 31 shows a total of 83 cases dis posed of. The principal causes of death were as follows: Bailroad accidents, 18; drownings, 14; heart failnrcs, 14; lamp ex plosions, 5; old age, 3; murder, 2; shooting, 2; suicide. 1; poison, 1; sunstroke, 1; other causes, 22. There Were 6S2 Persons on Board. Smoky City Lodge 392, K. of P., started for Niagara Falls at 9:30 last night, via the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bailway, with tbe largest excursion party of the season. Six hundred and eighty-two tickets were soldi and it required 11 day coaches and 4 Wag ner sleepers to carry them. General Pas senger Agent Clark accompanied the party. Burned by a Splnsh of Vitriol. Johp Carroll, employed at the vitriol works, Eighteenth ward,t was burned slightly about the face and neck by a splash of vitriol yesterday. He .lives on the Morningside road, where Dr. F. G. Gar diner attended him. Captain Awl Expected Lust Night. John Awl, Manager of the Monongahela Inclined Plane, was seen last night in refer ence to his son, Captain 'William F. Awl's absence. He stated that he expected his son home last night. Db. B. M. Hanjta. Eye, ear, nese and throat diseases exclusively. Office, 718 Pens, street, Pittsburg, Pa; 8&sa T5 PHTSBTJBG DISPATCH, A tAWRENCEVILLE ELOPEMENT. A Married Man Hans Away' With 33. Year-Old Maldea A Wife and Six Small Children Left Behind Hlai The Latter Are Destitute. ' An elopement from Lawrenceville, which has some very sad features connected with it, occrured a week since, but has been kept so secret that the facts were' concealed and made known only yesterday. The parties in the affair are Miss Carrie Ankers, of Parker's Landing, and Wilson K. Irwin, a married man, and a well-known machine agent residing at No. G132 Butler street. A call was made on Mrs. Irwin last night, and the facts pertain taining to the elopement of her husband were ascertained. Mrs. Irwin is the mother of six young children and since her marriage, 17 years ago, has been endeavoring to earn a living for herself and family and to educate the children as well as she could afford. She said, "My husband has always slighted me ana negiectea his lamiiy. we is proiane and would act cruelly to the children, en deavoring also to degrade their morals. He was never faithlnl and I told him so, but he denied it. Six weeks ago Carrie Aukers, a pretty girl 23 years old, was engaged as servant girl at the home of my husband's sister in East Liberty. The former paid attention to the girl to such an extent that she lost her position. My husband secured her a room in the Eighteenth ward and con tinned in her company. "The disgrace of my situation became so great that last Friday night a week since I told him we could live together no longer. He refused to pay the back rent and left the house. I was afterward informed that he met the girl at the A. V. E. E. station on Forty-third'street and bought two tickets for Foxburg." DIAMOND STREET LITIGATION. i Plans -Begin to Blossom Looking Toward the Supreme Conn. It is now predicted by those well posted that a complication in the deeds of some property not a thousand miles from Wood street will have the effect of taking the Diamond sireet widening ordinance into Orphans' Court, and thence to the Supreme Court, before many weeks shall have Th? property in question consists of three 13-foot front lots, each of which is held in trust by widows with an entail running 'to the fourth generation from the testator. While the law of eminent domain will probably have due effect, a mix in frontages is pretty sure to arise.- One lot will be entirely merged in the proposed roadway, and also seven feet of the next lot. This will leave six feet in width of not much use to the heirs or to the city. It is also rumored that the owners of the largest single frontage upon Diamond street are only waiting for a move to be made by the city to spring a series of obstructionary legal tactics now in course ot preparation, tending also to throw the matter into the Supreme Court. PICNIC AT 1DLEWILD. The CnthoIIo Total Abstinence Society Have a Pleasant Time. The Catholic Total Abstinence Society held a large and enjoyable picnic at Idle wild yesterday. About 700 members and friends went from the city, and delegations were present from Irwin, Braddock and Johnstown, about 200 being present from the latter place. Among those present were Eev. Father Sheedy, Rev. Father Graham, of Irwin, and Bev. Father Canevin, president of the union. The cadets from St. Mary of Mercy's School were present and went through their tactics and exercises. Games of football, dancing, and different sports made up the programme. The ice cream and good things must not be left ont, at least the picnickers thought so, and tackled them with a will. Altogether it was a most enjoyable occasion no speeches, no accidents, plenty of fun and nothing bnt; tired bodies to mar theJ after-pleasures of the dav. A TDNNEL SPEAE-EAST. Four Young Men, a Kelt and a Bottle Found Under the Groand. Silas Dunn, Michael McGill and Michael Henry, were having a gay time In the tun nel which runs from Carson street to Knox school, Southside, last night. They man aged to get a couple of barrels of beer into the tunnel, and when they had fairly got under way nis majesty in blue put in an appearance and put a sudden termination to their jollification by arresting them, to gether with tbe keg, and lodging them in tne Thirtieth ward station house. Charley Dunn, who was making his way home through tbe tunnel when the episode occurred, was also arrested, and had a large bottle of beer in his possession. THEI JDST WANTED A ROW, And Furnished it to Order Without a Very Long Pause. A fight between eight men occurred at the corner of Thirty-fifth street and Charlotte street last evening. It cannot be ascer tained what caused the fracas. Officer Martin remarked: "They just wanted to fight, and they did." Three of the men were arrested, viz: McAndrews, F. Frees ana James L. Davies. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day ia Two Cities Condensed for Ready Bcadlnsr. A fibe occurred at Bennett's book binding establishment yesterday. It originated through a defective flue in an adjacent building. The loss on the building was $300 and by water to Mr. Bennett $3,000. He complained about what he deemed to be the unnecessary quantity of water used. The property loss was entirely covered by insurance. The building was owned by Henry Hays. William McCanlow was severely burned In the side yesterday by a piece cf hot iron passing through the plate mill rolls at the American Iron Works. James A. Zunger and Conrad Shay were also burnt. After dropping the bottom out of a cupola to allow the metal to run out, an explosion took place, the pit be ing damp. Mrs. Suonee, of Spring Garden avenue.Al legheny, gave bail for a hearing to-day be fore Alderman Bums, on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Andrew MIchaus. The prosecutor alleges Mrs. Sboner beat his little son with a piece of kindling wood. Theke was a natural gas explosion in one of Moorhead & McClean's melting furnaces yes terday. While George Caster and John Carrl- gan were making a connection tbe escaped igniiei burnt. ignited. Tbe men in the furnace were bai gas idly The Butler Street M. E. Sunday school has been turned into a normal class. The Rev. C. V. Wilson, D.D., of Emory Church, conducts the class to-day. followed by the Rev. Messrs McClurg, T. J. Leake and Mr. J. I). Weeks. The upper floor of the Seventeenth ward station has been carpeted, and six beds have been placed there for tbe reserve force. The officers will likely occupy the apartment to morrow. The First Regiment, Select Knights, A. O. U. W., of Pennsylvania, will meet at Old City Hall. Wednesday evening to make final ar rangements for tbe encampment at Conneaut Lake. John Swan and John Beck wero unloading rails at Carnegie's Thirty-third street mill yes terday. They let one of tbe rails fall, and it crushed the feet of both men. Tee alarm from box 42 at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon was caused by the burning of a shed about a bakeoven at 89 Chatham street, with little damage. A ,itbe occurred in the American Union Cigar Factory, Ohio avenue. Manchester, yes terday. The nre was quickly put out. THE (500.000 will be distributed to Johnstown people by next Wednesday, when immediate steps will be taken to pay out more. The services of the Butler Street M. E. Church to-day will be conducted by the Society of Christian Endeavor. The A: neriens Republican Club last night elected . new members. &? THE COKERS' STEIKE; Conflicting Reports Received From t he Scene of the Trouble. . OVER 9,000 OVENS REPORTED IDLE The Plasterers Make a Statement of Their Impending Strike. ACCESSIONS TO THE E. OF L. BANKS The cokers' strike in the Connellsville region still continues. The reports of the trouble from tbe different centers show a decided difference of opinion. From Scott dale comes a statement that there are now over 9,000 ovens idle, or about three-fourths of tbe region. At Connellsville it is stated that the strikers are meeting with little encouragement, and the strike is a failure. The operators in this city say their reports show that the latter is the case, and the few men who are now out will return to work in less than one week. The following special was received last night from Scott dale: Notwithstanding the reports from Connells ville that the strike is a failure, the fact re mains that it is a decided success. Tbe follow ing additional works are reported out this morn-, ing: Alice, 251 ovens; Bessemer. 273 ovens; Dia mond, 66 ovens; Donnelly, 200; Enterprise, 51; Hazlett,261;Mayfleld,65;Mullin, 82: Overton, 110; Fainter, 228: Union, 70: Standard, SS7: Lelsenring No. 1, 600; Southwest No. 1, 620. There are now 56 out of tbe 75 works in the re gion engaged in the strike, with a total of 9,602 ovens idle. These statements are based upen reports re ceived at the offlce of the Scottdale Independ ent, the headquarters of the Knights of Labor at this region. At the offlce of the H. C. Frick Company they claim that all the Lelsenring works are running to-day. HE WAS GBAIIFIED. Master Workman Kerfoot, of Subdivision No. 4, stated this morning that the almost unanimous action of the men in the present strike was far beyond his expectations. From tbe present outlook it is altogether possible that by the middle of next week there will not be a single coke plant in operation in this region. One of the strikers, when asked why tbe Frick men took the lead in the present strike, said: "The Frick men were, in a man ner, obliged to come out first, tor the reason that tbe employes of the other operators were uncertain as to whether they would consider themselves bound by the agreement of February last. Had tbe employes of tbe Frick Company acknowledged the legality of that document there would, in all proba bility, have been no strike. There are hundreds of men who were in the employ of that comi any at the time the agreement was made who emphatically deny any knowledge of its provisions until after it was signed by the supposed representatives of the workingmen, and by their present action they do not con sider that they have violated any principle of honor." Word has just reached here that five men started to work on the yard at Donnelly this morning and were attacked and driven off by a number of women. The leaders of the strike held a meeting here to-day and mapped ont the work for the committees during next week. A DIFFEBENT VIEW OF IX. The following is a special received from Connellsville: The only change in the strike situation in this vicinity to-day is the resumption of work at the Youngstown plant of the J. A. Schoonmaker Coke Company, and a cessation of work at tbe Leisenring plants ot the H. C. Frick Coke Com pany. The fact of tbe men at Youngstown re turning to work has greatly disheartened the strikers, and even the coming out of tbe Lelsen ring men at Nos. 1, 2 and 3, and Mayneld, Don nelly, Alice, Enterprise and Painter plants will not give them the jubilant feeling they had a few days ago. As tbe real conditions of the strike are becoming known, through the me dium of The Dispatch, to those men not em ployed at the works of the H. C. Frick Coke Company, a general disinclination to join the strikers is noticed. The fight the Frick men are making against that company may prove a boomerang, returning with telling force against the leaders. Thero are about 1,000 men em , ployed at Letsenrlng's and 400 at Trotter, who came out Friday morning, but the men at these plants are considered to be th 'least stubborn of any In tbe region, being generally the first to return to work. They may resume work by Monday or Tuesday. Thus tho general sitnation may be said to not favor the strikers at some works now ont. The feeling of the men is such that if a large plant would resume operations its effect would be to influence those where hesitancy exists to fol low. The most determined effort of the lead ers to make the strike general Is being made in the northern end of the region. There the workers are more thoroughly organized than In any other part. Outside of the brick plants a decided aversion is shown to joining the strik ers. At Uniontown tho status is unchanged ex cept by the return to work of the Youngstown men. Uniondale, Wheeler, Morrell and La mont are still out. At the Redstone plant of the J. M. Schoonmaker Coke Company the men are wavering, but tbe action of Youngstown will likely keep tnem in. THE NEWS IN THE CUT. Defections from the ranks of the strik ers were reported at the offices of operators in this city yesterday. The men at the Youngstown works, numbering nearly 400, have gone back to work. The Moorwooa and Standard works are also working full, a i defection of 500 men from the strikers. Bat at the Donnelly and Mayfield works,of Mc Clure & Co., the working forces were crip pled by desertions. Before departing for Washingtonville and Sherrardsville, O., respectively, yesterday, General Executive Boarder John Costello and General Secretary Watchorn agreed with Master Workman "Bae that the strike was to be a success. i Operators agree that they expect the strikers to be back at work by Monday, and the fact that some of the labor leaders have left the field to keep general engagements appears to be a tacit admission that they do not expect the battle to be a long one. A representative of the J. M. Schoon maker Coke Company said yesterday: "We have jnst received word from our Superin tendent at tbe Youngstown works that all of our men there bad returned to work this morning. Since they have gone in others have come to him and asked for work. J it i il r M.. - .-i-3 1 xicariv iiu ui uur muu arc uuw wurlllg, with the exception of a few 'diggers at the Alice mines." . HE IS. SURPRISED. William Mullen, formerly Secretary of the M. & L. A A, said last night to a Disfatch reporter: "I am surprised to see the Frick emplbyes taking the initiative while the men of the other firms were at work. The Frick Company paid higher wages than any other coke works for two years previous to 1889, and then only reduced rates to the average of rates paid at other works, where wages were below Frick's standard. Fur thermore the present wages paid by Frick and the other considerations, such as the hours of labor, a provision that six days' notice be given by both parties before quit ting, are component parts of the Frick scale. "If the strike had been brought about at any other works, there would not have been a strike at Frick's. If all the other works can put out coke it will ' settle down to a question of endurance. If not, both sides will finally come together with losses to both." ANNUAL MEETING OP 135. Mnster Workman Bae Issues Notice for a Convention nt Wllkcjbnrre. Master Workman John B. Bae has issued notice for the next annual session of Na tional District Assembly 135, K. of L. miners. The convention will be the fourth meeting since tbe organization of the dis trict. It will be held at Wilkesbarre. be ginning Wednesday, September 18. About 75 delegates will be present. Seeking a Competitive Chance. At a meeting of railroad coal operators in this city yesterday, to organize inopposition to the encroachments of Hocking Valley op erators and the railroads of that territory, it was agreed to call a general meeting of local operators to seek better rates from the rail roads, si as to get upon a competing basis. " JSUKDAYAVGtVST X 1889. THE PLA8TESERS' TROUBLE. If the Lather Return to Work To-Morrow There Will Be a Strike. A committee from Local Union No. 31 of the Operative Plasterers' International Union called at The Dispatch office last evening and made a statement in regard to their repotted strike. Yesterday afternoon, as per arrangement, all the master plaster ers in the two cities were sounded in regard to what they proposed to do to-morrow, the date of the strike. Nearly everyone re plied that they would accede to the requests of the Journeymen, as per their agreement. In this event there will be no strike and the lathers will be discharged. The cause of the trouble, as stated by the committee, was that the master plasterers let the work of lathing out by contract to in efficient persons. The latter never served a day's time as apprentices. During wet weather, when the mortar was too soft or the hod man could not work, the plasterers would be thrown idle, while the lathers found employment doing the work which rightfully belonged to them. In many instances the lathers would not nail the lath on tight enongh. The plasterer would cover over the bad lath, and, as a COflflpn llAntA TvTin 4ia linnio Ttraa fintn1 waskj.uw,. jj I4WU VUU A4WU1JW V W WUtailVU. the walls would crack. Some of the bad dwellings in this city are plastered in this manner, and the cracking walls canse trouble between the contractors and tbe owners. The lathers would not nail tbe lath properly, nor would they put them the right distance apart. About the middle of last May the journey men plasterers requested that they be given this, work, which belonged to them. They gave the master plasterers six months' time to consider the matter. The time expired last evening, and if an agreement is not reached by to-morrow morning there will be a general strike. The journeymen say they will cover all lath driven by the lathers up until last evening, but if the latter return to work to-morrow morning the plasterers will quit. v WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH P0WDERLI? He Apparently Will Not Go to the Paris Exposition. A number of the Knights of Labor in this city are wondering at present why General Master Workman Fowderly does not take his trip to the Paris Exposition as the repre sentative from the order. At the last Gen eral Assembly, held at Minneapolis, Mr. Fowderly was elected the delegate, but so far he has failed to announce his intention of going en the mission. If is claimed by some that there is no money in the General Treasury to pay his expenses, while the persons on the outs with the administration say he does not want to allow General Worthy Foreman Wheat to run the order in his absence. It is stated that Mr. Fow derly wants to keep the General Worthy Foreman back as much as possible. TO 0BSERTE LABOR DAI. The Corkvrorkers Will Have p. Celebration at Ilnllon. Arrangements are being completed by L. A 9863, K. of L., corkworkers, for a grand celebration of Labor Day, September 2. They will hold a reunion and picnic at Hal- ton Grove, where the day will be observed in a befitting manner. Amusements of all kinds will be provided, and several bands will be in attendance. The committee in charge of tbe arrangements is composed of A. Grav, Harry E. Campbell, H. Spie del, H. E. Bright, J. W. Eichardson, John McKee, B. Foley, E. D. Hooper and others. ANOTHER LOCAL IN THE DISTRICT. A illlxed Assembly Organized at Jeannette Last Evening;. Organizer Joseph L. Evans, of D. A. No." 3, Knights of Labor, went to Jeannette last evening to organize a new mixed local as sembly of the Knights at that place. The men are employes of Chambers & McKee, and work in the window house. Most of them are boxmakers, while others work about the furnaces." There wilhbe abont SO ot the men in the new local. This is the second new local assembly organized in D. A 3 witLin the pas month. DEPUTIES FOR THE CARRIE. The Trouble About the Old Strike Again Breaks Ont. Yesterday afternoon the Carrie Furnace Company applied to Sheriff McCandless for deputies to aid them in preserving the peace. The furnace is situated near Brad dock and there has been an old strike there ior about two years. The Sheriff promised to take such steps as may prove necessary. THE OWL AND THE PRISONERS. One of the Latter Had 'em Again, Upon Viewing tbe Former. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning Officers Young and Shannon arrested an owl that was clinging to the bars on one of the win dows of the machine shop of the American Iron Works, at South Twenty-sixth and Carson streets. They took it to the Twenty eighth ward station, where it was locked np. At the morning hearing the owl was taken before Judge Brokaw with the other prisoners, and when one of the latter caught sight of it he thought he had the "snakes," and created quite an excitement for a few moments. Last night Inspector McKelvey tried to pet if; but his owlship would not have it that way, and bit a chunk out of the Inspector's hand. It measures 4 feet 3 inches from tip to tip of its wings, and belongs to George Mooney, INDEPENDENCE DAT AGAIN. A Lovely Night on the Allegheny Tempts a Boatman to Pyrotechnics. Last night the river, below the Sixth street bridge, was very prettily illuminated. A gentleman in a boat, armed with rockets and colored fire, rowed ont into mid stream and there proceeded to make a "small Fourth of July." Quite a crowd collected on the bridge to watch the effect of the red. bine and green Jights upon the river; and the souls ol all the small boys bnrned to be in tbe boat with the adventurous illumina tor. CAPTAIN PATTERSON IS COMMANDER, He Will be In Charge of the Sixty-Second at Gettysburg. The Sixty-second Regimental Association held a meeting last night in City Hall for the purpose of electing a commander of the regiment, on the occasion of the dedication oi their monument at Gettysburg September 11 and 12. Captain W. J. Patterson, of Company F, was unanimously elected as, commander, xne association win meet every Saturday evening until after the dedication. It Promises to be Great. Next Saturday, the 10th inst., promises to be .a great day for local Knights of Pythias. The order in Western Pennsyl vania will, then hold their first annual pic nic and reunion at Aliquippa grove, on the P. & L. E. E. E. There will probably be a great representation of Knights not only, but of their friends, who are legion, and who know they will enjoy this outing. No Chandeliers Yet. The Allegheny High School Committee met last night for the purpose of consider ing the bids for chandeliers for the new High School building. There were three bidders. The bids were discussed, but no definite action taken. The committee adf jonrned to meet again on Monday evening? He Goes to Dlxmont. Frederick ' Neff, who made himself no torious a few nights ago by appearing in a robe de nnit on Twentv-second street. South- side, will be taken to Dlxmont on Monday, j A -STATE'S HOSPITAL Is One of the Possibilities for the -Mercy Institution. A SISTEE SPEAKS OF ITS NEEDS, And Says if Good Catholics Can't Supply Them, it Must Go. ENLARGEMENT IMPOSSIBLE AS IT A report having appeared in yesterday's papers that the wards in the Mercy Hospital were overcrowded, an interview was ob tained with the resident physician and some of the sisters. The following facts were elicited: The hospital is at present slightly overcrowded in all the wards but those set apart for fever. There are several spare lever beds; 32 cases of typhoid being treated at present, while there is room for over 40. "Of course," one of the sisters observed, "if we are pressed very hard for room we can put the surplus patients in the marine ward. More than one quarter of the beds there are empty, but, as that part of the hospital belongs to the Government, we don't care abont putting our patients there until it is absolutely necessary. OVEBCBO-WDED TWO TEARS AGO. Being asked if the hospital's capacity was ever put to so severe & test before, the sister replied that, in the fall of '87, the fever ward was totally overcrowded. The present year was a fairly good one, however, for fever, and she thought the papers should not have made to much fuss abont their predicted epidemic. There are 115 patients in the Mercy Hospital. In the medical and surgical wards there are at least seven tem porary cots erected, for patients who cannot be accommodated with regular beds. The hospital authorities have no intention to add to the present buildings. In fact, the present funds would not permit of anv addition. Some time ago, tne public wifl remember, the Government offered assist ance to the hospital in building an addition; but the hospital refused to accept the prof fered aid. Speaking of this fact, the sister said: A SERIOUS QUESTION. "It now looks as though the mere re ligious prejudices which led the hosnital into rejecting a generous gift, may at any moment cause an excessive overcrowding. Snppose a raging epidemic were to suddenly break out; the hospital would be practically useless. The maritime ward could not be used as a fever ward. I believe there is a rale to that effect, and there is no room else where. , "In the general interest it is high time something were done in the matter of this hospital. If the Catholics arc able to build the much-needed additions and keep the es tablishment going, on the exclusive princi ples they affect, well and good. Bnt if they cannot afford to make the hospital what it ought to be, then they should feel it their duty to hand it over to the State." LIBRARY HALL SALE. Those Most Interested Are nard to Find In Explanation. An execution was issued yesterday against the Library Hall building, on Penn avenue, for 66,846, on a mortgage held by John F. Holmes as surviving trustee. Felix Brunot is President of the Mercantile Library Hall Company. Inasmuch as the interest has been paid up to July 17, this year, it is somewhat hard to discover why the writ was issned, and efforts to find those most inter ested last evening were unavailing. The building is, it is said, to be sold to Joseph I iiome uo. Mr. Holmes said yesterday that he knew nothing about the matter. He supposed , that the owner wanted money, and as the nan company coma give mm none, tbat he should sell the property. I0DNG CATHOLICS' PICNIC. AH Arrangements Completed for the Gath ering at Allqalppa. The members of the Young Men's Catholic Club have completed their arrangements for their first annual picnic, to be given at Ali quippa GroveMonday, August 12. The pro ceeds of the picnic are to be used in fitting up the rooms of the clnb, and from the pres ent indications there will be a large crowd in attendance. The clnb is composed of some of the best Catholic young men in the city, and the crowd no doubt will be a select one. The followine well-known young men are on the Committee of Arrangements: W E. Flaherty, John Brislm, Charles Larkins, P. Joyce, James Brislin, Charles Lang, M. B. Kellv, W. J. Spane, W. A Hooper and B. OToole. A CONTRACTOR'S ACCIDENT. He Is Burled Beneath Bricks at (he New Exposition Bolldlugs. James Murphy, of tbe firm of Murphy & Hamilton, was badly injured yesterday at the Exposition buildings. Mr. Murphy, with two carpenters, was removing some false work from a brick arch. After the wood work had been taken away the mortar cave way and the bricks fell, and buried Mr. Murphy. He was immediately dug out and taken to Dr. J. Gay McCandless' office, where his injuries were attended to. It was found one of the small bones in his right arm was broken. He was afterward moved to his home. The carpenters, with the exception of a few scratches, came out uninjured. A FATAL EXPLOSION. The Boiler at a Coal Mine Blows Up and Kills One. A terrible boiler explosion took place at Gumbert & Huey's coal works at Bellevue, near McKeesport, yesterday morning, and resulted in the death of Louis Erb, the en gineer, and fatally injured John and Philip Harvey and their cousin, a young man from Pittsburg. They were badly scalded. The brick engine house was blown to atoms and 'portions of the boiler were carried a quarter of a mile. The body of Mr. Erb was thrown into the air, his head was crashed and his arms were broken. Genuine Infelicity. William B. Hanlon was sued by his wife before Alderman Schaferyesterday evening. She alleges he beats her. She says he will not work, that his father left him $5,000, and tbat is good excuse. He receives the money by installments and gets 51,800 next Febru ary, but the largest part of it has been spent. He Became Demented In Jail. Last Wednesday Alderman Lohrman committed Helarius Henri to jail on a charge of disorderly conduct. When the constable went for him last night Warden Berlin said that the man was demented and not fit to leave the jail. He Will Crouch Before Judge Grlpp. W. P. Crouch, of the East End. came into the ;lty last night with the intention of going to New Castle to meet his wife. He only got as far as the Lake Erie depot, where he was arrested and locked up in the tentrai station on a charge ot drunkenness. r, Mi She Fall OfTthe Cor. Mrs. Mary Bobinion. an old lady, from cable car No. 129, of the Citizens' Traction line, at Twenty-eighth street find Penn avenue last night, while attempting to get on the car. She suffered a severe spalp wound. XXaZdim 7pr $,', HE'S GOT A LITTLE LIST.- .vf ' Internal Revenue Collector Warmcnstlo Chats on Appointments and Harmony Tbe Latter In Sight. Internal Bevenue Collector Warmcastle is rapidly getting his little listof appointees completed, and promises that the pnblio will soon be placed in possession of the names of the gentlemen who will be Uncle Sam's distributors of the alluring revenuo stamp. He was seen last evening and asked how he was getting on with the Jacksoniaa distribution of Government positions. "Well, the internal revenue is not run elsewhere in the interests of civil service reform," said Mr. Warmcastle, naively, "but I am going to appoint only those who will prove thoroughly competent in the work. The district is a large one, em bracing 24 counties and nine Congressional districts, and home rule will prevail to tha extent of consulting the wishes of the local Congressmen in each and every instance. X believe that it will be a model list when I get it finished." "What do vou think. Mr. Warmcastle. of the effort being made to attract a number of Senator Quay's political opponents to hU banner?" "Oh, I'm simply an onlooker, but I im agine that harmony in Western Pennsyl vania politics is not so far distant as it might be." McKelvy Sent to tho Worics. Byron McKelvy, who was arrested in. Allegheny on Friday night for obtaining mToney under false pretense from an Alle gheny druggist, was sent to the workhouse for 60 days yesterday. IUABSHELL, THE CASH GKOCEK, Will Save You Money. Combinations are all the go just at pres ent. So popular, in fact, that the average manufacturer feels kind ot lonesome if he can't get up a little combination or .trust to boost things. The Cracker combination is one of oar aggregations of respectables. Worked very quitly, but effectively, it puts a neat little 30 per cent on crackers, and as the public in general is none the wiser, of coarse it does them no harm. As I believe every tub should stand on its own bottom, I steer clear of combinations and rustle for myself. I can offer vou crackers 23 to BO per cent less than you are -paying, viz.: Soda crackers, 6c per lb.; oyster crackers, 6c; water crackers, 6c; butter crackers, 7c; lemon crackers. 7c; wine crack ers, 7c;ginger snaps, 7c:gingercakes, 7c;fine assorted cakes, 10c; extra soda crackers, 1 in. dox, iuc; oatmeal crackers, 1 lb. box. 10c; nicnacs, 3 lbs., 25c; vanilla wafers, 2 lbs., 25e. Now don't be so unreasonable as to get angry at your grocer if he don't give yoa the same prices. He can't do it. I sell as many crackers in a week as he does in a year, and he can't buy them for price I offer them to you. And don't take his word for it if be tells you they are not good. Bemem ber he is an interested party, and come and look at them yourself. I get them lresh almost every day, and will guarantee there is no store where you can get better crackers and no other store where you can get them as fresh. If yoa prefer to do your own baking try Buckeye flour;. Only $1 30 per sack, and guaranteed to make white, light bread every time. Send for weekly pncelist and order by mail. Orders amounting to $10. withont counting sngar, packed and shipped free of charge to any point within 200 miles. Marshell, 79 & 81 Ohio st, cor. Sandusky, Allegheny. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarts 50c Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c Old Port, full quarts, 50e Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75o Biesling, fall quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 60c jf Muscatel, full onarta. ROn f I Tokay, full quarts 50c - -cur saie oy ki. i . scnmiat, xtos. Do ana 07 Fifth avenue. .- Bapiblt Disappeaeijto. ThoseJ. 81- jerseys lor 25e, blouses 40c, calico basques 25c, wrappers 50c, jersey vests, 10c, corsets, 25c up, silk mitts 15c, girl' calico dresses 7c up, sunbounets 25c, chemise 17c, Hamburg drawers, ruffled skirts and corset covers 25c each, wash rags 2c, parasols below cost, in fants' cloaks, slips and caps at cut prices. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. 89. Excursion to Chicago. 89. On Thursday, August 8. the Pittsburg and Western Bailway will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, limit ten days, for $9. Tickets good going on the Chicago express leaving Allegheny at 12:40 P. m., Central ime. v su Ik. was not the sea bathing but the nip of "Prince Begent" taken afterward that cured the Councilman. Found only at the Half Century Liquor House, 523 Liberty street, foot of Fifth avenue. Masked down from 50c to 35c a yard, a choice assortment of the best French chal lies, Koechlin's make and styles. Huous & Hacke. Aufbechx's Elite Gallery, 616 Market st., Pittsburg, leads in everything. Bring the children. Cabinets, (1 per doz. until September. Use elevator. Use Angostura Bitters to stimulate the appetite and keep the digestive organs in order. Fob a good fitting suit leave your order at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood st. su ON ACCOUNT Delay in Delivery of- Building MATERIAL, Oar stores will be open on, MONDAY, TUESDAY And probably WEDNESDAY. Come early. Goods must be sold. "V. BIBER 4 EABTLM 696 AND 507 MARKET BT. si :r .5 I L&.J i'. nrasss