-RftB jBTyrrl ,o ' THE PITTSBURGH DISPATCH, SUNDAY, AUGUST - 4, 1889. 13 IB? xrS1 ETERY DAT SCIENCE. Awful Tortures Experienced ia the Last Stage of the Opium Habit. YANKEE YS. BRITISH MECHANICS. 1h9 Eemrahlj Rapid Evolution of the Street Kailwaj. SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTBIAL NOTES twnniN roa thb dispatch.! Readers of The Dispatch who desire information on subjects relating to indus trial development and progress. in mechani cal, civil and electrical engineering and the sciences can have their queries answered through this column. A writer in the Pall Mall Gazette girts a very graphic description of the morphine habit, which is apparently growing among the community at an alarming rate, and causing devastation to body and Vml in a degree which can only be realized by those who have the misfortune to witness its ef Jects upon its unfortunate victims. There are three distinct stages of morphia absorp tion, all of them brief in duration, the last one briefest of all. During the first stage the results are purely pleasurable, they bring a draught of fresh life into jaded limbs, and the subject lives in a glamor ous sense of vague happiness. In time, however, a change comes o'er the spirit of this rose-colored dream. Its continuity becomes broken by dreadful intervals of reaction, during which the victim is oppressed by all the horrors ot intense melancholy and weakness, and from which reliet can only be obtained by continual repetition of the process of in jection. In the third stage the drug has ob tained a complete mastery, and although the subject feels that she is drifting out of life, she is practically powerless to save herself. TVere it possible, however, to analyze the mental condition of the victim during the hours oi reaction, it might be possible to realize, also, the tortures of the damned. mistaken Traditions. The Paris correspondent of a represeuta tive American mechanical paper writes, as the result of his observations at the Exposi tion: "It appears to me that we are laying too much stress upon tbe superior intelli gence of American mechanics. The Eu ropean mechanic is not the stupid fellow we have pictured him as being. I have talked with Alsace and Belgian mechanics, being referred to them because they coald and the exhibitor could not sneak English me chanics engaged in erecting machinery at the Exposition and found them men of ex cellent intelligence, and having a good deal of knowledge of mechanical matters. All our traditions are against this, but tradi tions sometimes falsify facts. In mechanics' tools, however squares, standard scales, verniers, micrometers and the like I have seen nothing that appears to me as good as thee of American manufacture. These American tools look better, are cleaner cut and more convenient In wood working machinery I think we excel at the Exposition. Our machinery appears to do better work, and to do it more completely; that is, it leaves less work to be done by hand. I have, however, never seen better castings than most of those in the European machinery. In generfcl appearance the castings made on tbe continent indicate that the molder does not use tbe trowel and sleek as much as the American molder. Perhaps he has better patterns to work from. In steel castings Europe appears to be ahead of us in the matter of producing sound work. A Countermining; Ship. Captain Zalinski, TJ. S. A., states that a ship specially designed for countermining and carrying the pneumatic torpedo gun is now under discussion. It is to be of 3,300 tons displacement, on a draught of 18 feet; it is to be turtle backed, protected by five inches of steel armor, and is to have its under-water hull especially strong, being well protected from the action of torpedoes by nmmerous compartments and pellular sub-divisions, these latter being filled with cellulose, if found desirable. She is to carry an ample supply of coal and ammuni tion. Tne shells to be used will be of 8 incu sub-caliber, fired fram 15-inch guns, of 100 pounds bursting charge. It is supposed that 1,200 of these will suffice for countermining a chan nel 7 miles long and 100 miles ia width. Three guns are to be mounted forward and abreast of each other. -as in the Vesuvius. the middle gun to be fixed in direction, but capable ot elevation, while the two outer ones will have a slight lateral train. Sets of shells will then be thrown so as to clear the channel 100 feet at a time. It is thought that the upward lift of the great wave formed by the simultaneous explosion of three shells will net only explode the fixed mines and break up connecting cables, but also tear tbe buoyant mines and circuit closing buoys away from their moorings. Tuberculosis. Becent investigation has proved that tuberculosis is a distinctly preventable dis ease. The frequent occurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis in a family is to be explained, not on tbe supposition that tbe disease itself has been inherited, but that it hat been pro duced after birth by transmission directly from some affected Individual. Wben pa. rents have the disease, and especially the mother, the children from the earliest moments of life are exposed to it under the most favorable conditions for its transmission. The measures suggested for tbe prevention of tbe spread of tbe disease are: The security oi tbe public against tubercu lar meat and milk, attained by a system of rigid official insoection of cattle; tbe dis semination among tbe people ot the knowl edge that any tubercular person may -fee a source of actual danger to his associates if tbe discharges from the lungs are not imme diately destroyed or rendered harmless; the caretul disinfection of rooms and hospital wards that are occupied or have jbeen occu. pied by phthisical patients. Kvolutlon of tbe Street Hallway. The first ancestor of the street railway was the tramway, which was first intro duced in the coal mining districts of the north of England, between tne years 1603 and 1649. It consisted of parallel lines of wooden trams or beams pinned down to the ground, with flanges on them, and not on the wheels as now. Coal wagons were drawn to and fro along these flanged trams from tbe coal pits to the shipping ports. The first use of iron on these tramways was in 1767, wben cast iron plates were nailed down to -protect them where they wore out the fast est. The width of the tramwav was about four feet eight and a half inches. Horse railroads of a crude type were in use in En gland in 1805, but it was not until 1832 that the first street car line lorpassengers was built on Fourth avenue.New York, and for trans porting granite. It was not, however, until 1852 that a second line was built, after which the system spread rapidly through out the United States. Tbe New Beltway. Tbe new "slide" railway has been most suc cessfully experimented on in Paris. The in vention enables trains to run. by means of wster power, at a speed hitherto considered Impossible. Tbo cars travel on a Aim of water, and tbe friction is thus minimized. This system would seem peculiarly adapted for elevated railways In cities, being noiseless, smootn.wltn ouf o4 thoroughly under control. A water train running at over 100 miles an hour could, it is stated, bo pulled up within SO yards, climb up gradients ot 18 inches in the yard, de scend with equal saiety, and run on curves or 44 yards radius. The cost of this system is said not to exceed 140,000 per mile. ' Improvement In Toxlcoloaienl Analyses. A method has been lately adopted for de stroying organic matter in toxlcological analy ses. It consists of oxidizing tbe organio matter bv warming with nitric acid, and alternately passing in nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. The advantages claimed lor this process are that the oxidation takes place rapidly and quietly, thus avoiding the risk of loss of fluid from bumping, etc The reagents can be easily pre pared in a state of purity. They maybe quickly volatilized by heating on the water bath: and, furthermore, while securing complete oxida tion, no loss of volatile metals can occur. , A Novel Antidote. In these days of the prevalent abnse of to bacco it is well to know that many haDitual to bacco users have been cured by tbe following plan: Those who smoke their first cigarette, say at 7 o'clock in tbe morning, begin by put ting it off just ten minutes past the hour for a few days, then make it 15 or 20 minutes, and so on until It will be noon and then night before the first one is smoked. It Is a slow but sure way of tapering; off. if faithfully followed, and ' can be applied by tbe abusers of stimulants as well as of tobacco. Tbo Price of Toothpick. Owing to overproduction and inability to dis pose of accumulated stock, most of the tooth pick mills in the State of Maine are closed. Tbe largest manufacturer states that be now wholesales his goods for less than one-twelfth nf their cost when he commenced business in 1S61. It would be interesting to know bow far this result has been bronght about by the Im provement and cheapening of dentistry, and also by improvement In manners. Tbe Naphtha Habit. A prominent medical journal calls attention to the growth of the "naphtha habit" among tbe female employes of rubber factories. The inhalation ot naphtha fumes produces a peculiarly agreeable inebriation. Naphtha Is used to clean rubbers, and is kept in large boilers, to the valve of which the employes gain access and breathe the fumes. The babrt was introduced from Germany, and is chiefly found In the Hew England States. New Treatment of Rabies. Dr. Pegrand claims to have discovered an efficient method of treaticgrables. By inject ing rabbits with the essence of tbe berb called "tansy." be produced what he calls hydrophobic intoxication, or something very similar, and with virus thus obtained be mingled ten per cent of chloral. This prophylactic was injected Into several animals which had hydrophobia, and two-thirds of tbe cases were cured. "KATI0KAL GUARfl KOTES. Sebqkaitt Jesse Wrrrs, of Company H, Eighteenth, was elected Second Lieutenant last week, while in camp. In Company 8 Cor poral Otto was elevated to tbe First Lieuten ancy. Drills in tbe Washington Infantry bave practically been suspended for the present on account of the hot weather. Lieutenant Qeil fuss, one of the active workers in the company, is laid up with a badly bnaled hand. L Major 3. C. Kay conducted two elections in Company D, Eighteenth Regiment, within the past week. Tbe result was that William Harvey was elected Captain, John Dongherty First Lieutenant, and Frank Culbert beoond Lieutenant. TBS following officers are ordered to report to Colonel Thomas Hudson at Camp Sheridan, Mt. Gretna, August 10: Quartermaster Willlim F. Bicbardson, of tbe Eighth Regiment, Ser geant Major Thomas 8. Martin and Quarter master Sergeant Charles B. Fullaway, of the division staff. Batteut B will go Into camp this week un der command of Senior First Lieutenant George Shepherd, as Captain Hunt has not yet returned from bis trip abroad. Captain E. V. Breck, formerly of tbe well-known Breek's Battery, will be tbe guest of Lieutenant fehep- nera aunng tue tour. The organizations of tbe First Brigade go into camp this week. Quite a breeze has been raised in some of tbese regiments over the official rating accorded them in tbe Adjntant General's report. Although tbe Eighth Regi ment tops the list, the First, Second and Third are away down, and itis claimed unjustly so. Caftaqt Hamilton, of Company G, Four teenth Regiment, has tendered his resignation to Colonel Ferchment. Captain Hamilton has been connected with the Guard for many years, and has won a reputation as a most effi cient officer. His resignation Is due to a pres sure of private business causing a lack of time to devote to military duties. Fkamk Ctj-bebt, a member of Company D, Eighteenth Regiment, and James Nell is, form erly an officer in Company B, of tbe same regi ment, posted forfeits last Thursday night for a competitive drill for 3100 a side. The drill is to take place in tbe near future in a local hall, and is to be governed by Upton's tactics. Cap tain Batchelor, tbe well-known drlllmaster, of this city, will probably act as referee. Lieuiekamt Hakht F. Bott, of Company I, Tenth Regiment, has tendered his resigna tion. Lieutenant Bott was offered tbe position of Inspector of Rifle Practice of tbe Tenth by Colonel Hawkins after bis re-election, but the offer was not accepted. Lieutenant Critch field, the newly appointed Inspector, is bnctling the companies lively on rifle practice, and ex pects to make an excellent showing at the end of the season. The members of tbe field and staff of tbe Eighteenth made a most favorable impression on tbe people of Ohiontown during the recent encampment there, partlcularyon the female portion, and they were voted the handsomest lot of gentlemen that had ever visited the town. Several of tbe fair ones in return are asserted to bave mangled tbe.bearts of one or two of tne mue-coatea warriors, and private' excur sions to tbe Fayette county seat on unofficial Business may ue iooea tor in toe near lutnre. Major John S. Witches, Paymaster of the United State army, (s at the Seventh Ave nue Hotel with bis wife and son. He bas been stationed at Newport Barracks, Ky., but re ceived orders to come to Pittsburg, open an offlre, and make this bis headquarters and pay station. He will pay all tbe posts and garrisons between Fort Porter, at Niagara, and tbe gar rison at Indianapolis. Tbe amount disbursed by bim each year is about $400,000. Major Wi teller served tbronghout the war as Colonel of a West' Virginia cavalry regiment, and for gallantry was breveted a Brigadier General. Compakt I, of McKeesport, is at present taking its summer outing. The rifle range just above the town is fitted up in good shape and a number of tents bave been pitchod for sleep ing purposes. Although the company just re turned from the regular encampment at Union town of a week ago. tbe men decided that as many of tbera would be compelled to be idle on account of tbe shutting down of several factories and workshops, they might as well put in the time on the rifle range as not. As a consequence Captain Coon expects to qualify every man in bis company, this season, and next year will make marksmanship a requisite for enlistment. Lieutexaxt BxAir, of tbe Second Cavalry who has been on detached dnty In this State for the past year, has won quite a reputation as a hustler. While in this city some months ago; during the annual spring inspections of the companies, be expressed bis surprise and dis gust at tbe poor quarters provided for the men, and ventured tbe assertion that with a little effort the proper amount of money would betsubscrlbed to build an armory. The latest rumor is that Lieutenant Bean will make good bis assertion by coming to Pittsburg and work ing up a fund for armory purposes. Hu cer. tainlyhas the sympathy and. best wishes of every member of the Uuard in this vicinity, and It is trusted that the rumor will pot die a natural death. Battebt B leaves for camp, next Saturday, to be gone ten days. Mt. Gretna is the site se lected, and tbe tour promises to be one of the most interesting ever held in this State. Be sides the three batterles,'and the cavalry, there will be a mingling of regular troops with the militia. Three batteries of artillery, from Washington Barracks. Fort Hamilton and Fort Adams, and two troops of cavalry from Fort Meyer, are detailed to attend. Governor Beaver asked for tbelr presence that tbe State troops might have the benefit of the movements and actions ot tbe regulars while in camp. Many visitors are expected on the grounds, and quite a number of Pittsburg military sharps have made arrangements to pay a visit of three or four days to the camp. The absence of Captain William Awl, well known In military circles in this city, during the past few days has seemingly raised a tem pest in a teapot among some people who are fond of rossip. Captain Awl is cashier of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, a position of responsibility and requiring a heavy bond. Two weeks ago be was given a leave of absence of no stated limit, and dnnng the time went with bis regiment to camp. After returning to tbe city he concluded to finish out hu vacation in traveling, and consequently left last Monday for a short trip West. That he owed tbe Pitts burg and Lake Erie Railroad anything was de nied yesterday afternoon by one of tbe officials in a position to know, and while itis unlortu nate that the exct whereabouts of Captain Awl may not be knovtn, in order to at once communicate to hiiuthe supluuu which lias shamefully been attached to bis absence, be ba a host of friends In the city who win no donbt have tbe pleasure of welcoming him baek tbU week, and aiding him lapnniiwng hUHajiiUrs., THEY HOLD THE FORT. The Business Men of Pittsburg Know No Bach Word as Fail. EVERYTHING FINE FOE DOG DATS. The Highest Point in tne County Settled in Favor of Wiliinslurfc PERMITS OUT FOE SOME BIG HOUSES There appears to be something in the flat building scheme of the New Yorker besides wind. A gentleman remarked yesterday; "It looks to me as it it will be a go. Two of 'my friends who own suitable site were approached a day or two ago with offers to buy. They were told that the ground was wanted for flats, and that an eastern man was at tbe head of the project. I hope it will be a success. We need many such buildings. 1 think they would soon become popular, Business moved along last week without any thing resembling a pyrotechnic display, but it was (1,400,000 larger than for, tbe correspond ing week last year. This is a sufficient com ment on the general situation. Under tbe stimulus of good crops and a better under standing between the railroads, trade of all kinds is in a bealtby condition and shows a broadening tendency. Local securities had a very good week, sales, so far as reported, being 3,670 shares, La Norla leading in activity. Beveralof the favorites made substantial gains, Electrio and Central Traction being most conspicuous. The market closed firm for nearly everything. Considering the season, there was a good demand for realty, sales showing a very slight falling off. The number of transfers recorded was IB8, and the consideration $120,930. One hundred and seventy-one xnortgaees were recorded: one for $500,UO0, one for S375.000, and one for (200,000. tbe total amount repre sented being tL362,543. Trading In petroleum was on an Improving basis, prices holding very closely to the dollar line. The close was quiet and steady. Notwithstanding the assertions of many re garding tHe Herron Hill reservoir being the highest point in Allegheny county, that of the Wilkinsburg Water Company is entitled to that distinction, as recently demonstrated by actual measurement, the triangulation having been made by a competent engineer. This reservoir is SOS feet above the Allegheny river. Herron Hill Is 665, and Hlland avenue S65 above. Thus the Wilkinsburg reservoir is 43 feet higher than Herron Hill and 243 feet higher than Hiland avenue. Water pressure In Wilkinsburg will be abont ISO pounds per square Inch. This will throw a stream perpendicularly 150 to 175 feet, and 230 feet horizontally. All tbe fire apparatus tbe borough will need, therefore, will be three or four hose carriages and volunteers to handle them. A single two inch bose would bave prevented tbe fire of last Wednesday. The entire cost of the water works will approximate (300,000. The pump ing station at Wildwood will cost about (40,000, the reservoir about .(25,000. and the pipe. (00, 000. The remainder of the expense will be for laying pipe, right of way. eta Water will be turned on tbe last of the month or the first of next. Building a little more'tbau held Its own last week, in spite of labor trouble and the apathy consequent upon tho dullest time of the year. The number of permits issued was 48, and tbe estimated cost of the buildings (319,4(2. The largest permit was taken out by tbe National Bank of Commerce for a seven-story brick and granite, comer of Sixth' avenue and Wood street, tbe old site, to cost (200,000. Tbe next largest was taken out by tbe Shadyside Academy for a three-story brick, which win cost (13,695, Captain J. J. Vandegrif t took out permits for two three-story brick dwellings on Shady lane, the cost of both being estimated at (26,000. Kuhn Brothers will put up a (8,000 two Story brick building on Shady lane, and Mrs. Moorhead one on Hlland avenue to cost (0,180. It is the custom of The Dispatch to give both sides ot every question upon which it treat. Following np this rule, tbe communi cation which appears below, handed In by Robert H. Douglas. Esq., is given wltbont other comment than that The Dispatch Is opposed to throwing cold water on anything tbat promises to be of public utility. Mr. Douglas Is responsible for the views expressed. "Street railway charters are chea. Any Tom. Dick or Harry with (82 can go to Harris burg and secure a charter for a street railway 100 miles long, or a 2-cent stamp and tS2 will secure the .charter by return mail. The Sylvan railway Is probably intended to make an honest dollar out of the supposed necessities of tbe Fifth avenue cable line and tbe Second avenne electric a squeezer, in fact. Part of the route attempted to be covered by tbe 'Sylvan' Green field avenue. Is already covered, so there will be no squeeze there. It looks queer tbat the President of tbe new road, who controls 400 out of the 480 shares, should know nothing of the details, not having posted himself as to them. -The President's statement that there is plenty of money back of hisScheme leads one to hope tbat it may not be so far back tbat it will take a lifetime to get at it on a rapider road even than tbo "Sylvan' promises to be. I admire tbo grand and lofty tumbling the Sylvan' is going to indulge in wben it leaves Saline avenuo for the north shore of theMon ongahela. A toboggan slide, landing passengers in tbe cool waters of the Monongahela, would he a unique feature in street railways, tending to make them popular during dog days. I'll venture to say tbe "Sylvan will never be built by Its present promoters." Two gentlemen talking in a railroad cart First speaker George has gone to see the Paris Exposition. I understand. Second speaker Yes, he had a streak of good luck, and took a vacation. First speaker -I am glad to hear it He is a good fellow. What dm be dor Second speaker He bought a few acres of ground near Bellvue about a year ago and sold it last week. He made enough by the turn to pay for a comfortable little honse and defray his expenses to Pails. Such straws show which way real estate wind blows. Among tbe buildings tbat will soon spring up in Wilkinsburg will be a handsome and com modious United Brethren's Cburcb.tbe present edifice being too small to accommodate the rapidly growing membership. It will be erected (on a lot 68x234 feet, at tbe corner of Boss and Coal streets. The new building of Jbe Metho dist congregation will probably not bo corn menced before next spring. The new Catholic Church is ready for tbe roof. The United Presbyterians, tbe Episcopalians and the Bap- lists are taming oi uuumng. wuKinsonrg tg entitled to the distinction of the Borough of Churches. Brokers do not all think and act the same way. One of them remarked yesterday even ing: "Generally speaking, Pittsburg brokers are pretty level-beaded, but just now some of them are standing In their own light; They are trying to bear tbe market, and the result Is very little business, not a titbe of what it should be. It is my experience tbat a weak market is nearly always dull. Tbe way to make businesses to boom prices. This makes it interesting to brokers and outsiders alike. Nobody feels like sleeping where things' are on the jump." CLOSING SCENES At the SiockExcbange Suiesttve Rather Tban Eeltin Range of Prices. As usual of late, on Saturday, tbe stock marJ ket yesterday was produotlve of more figures than business. Tbe total sales were S04 sbares, of which Citisens' Traction and Natural Sas of West Virginia contributed 250. Tbe spurt In Philadelphia Gas entirely subsided, and it was lower and neglected. Nobodywanteditat above VH- The otber gas stocks were dull and firm. Tbe tractions were strong and fraction ally higher. Citizens' selling at 70. For Cen tral 81g was bid dnd S3 asked. La Noria was about steady on tbo board, but was baoked by a, las buoyant sentiment. It was rumored that the jng.pronused statement would be delayed until several good-Hied blocks could ,beab9Tbed ar about ! bwltch and Signal ua Ms recent usfreysstest, 23 beuc Mfcea and 21 bid. While It may advance still further, there are no reasons to Justify expectations of a boom. Apparently, as a religious duty, or from the force of habit, or as an unwritten law of the Exchange, the board was pretty well covered with figures, tbe result of bids for bank and bridge stocks, but as tbe buying orders were invariably below the market there were no transactions. To show the perfunctory char acter of these efforts it is only necessary to state that a bid of 128 for any part of 1,000 shares of Fourth National was niado In the full knowledge that there are not over 800 shares of tbat stock on the market, and it was not offered at any price. Pittsburg and Western showed a fractional improvement, butwas dulL, Wby this stock does not keep pace with tbe in creasing traffic and earnings of the road Is one of those things which outsiders can't very well find our. Probably a few on the inside are gathering it in on the sly. Bids, offers and sales are appended: XXC-AHGX STOCK. Bid. Pitts. Pet., 8. and M. Exchange 465 BANK 6T0CX.B. Asked. 430 Bid. ..65 ..62 Asked. Arsenal....... .. , AlUvhMTNmtlonal Bank Commercial National Bank 100 Citizens' National Bank SIX Duqoesne National Bank. 150 . .... Kxehange National Bank 81 .... Farmer' Deposit National Bank 409 .... Fourth National Bank 128 .... Fifth Avenue 41 .... Fidelity Title and Trust Co r23 Iron and Glass Dollar Savings 130 .... Keystone Bank of Pittsburg. eo 61 Masonic Bank 68 .... Mechanics' IsatlonalBank .109 Merchants Mann rscturers Na. Bank. 61 63 Mononirahela National Hank 105 .... Odd Fellows' Bavlnes Bank ,... 67 70 1'lttsburc National Bank Commerce.. J30 .... Pittsburg Bank forSavlngs S20 .... People's National Bank 120 .... Third National Bank 160 Tradesmen's National Bank 225 .... Worklngman's Havings, Allegheny.... 73 .... BiSUBAHC- STOCK. 8. Bid, Asked. 19 Citizens' 36 Manufacturers and Merchants' Monongahela 37 Western , O-S STOCKS. Sid. Asked. AlIeffhenvGas Co. (Illnm.l... Consolidated Gas Co. (Ilium.) 55 .... East End Gas Co. (lllnm.) 65 1'ltteburK oaa Co. (Ilium.) 62 bouthsldeQas Co. (Ilium.) S4tf V-TCS-I, Q-S STOCKS. Bid. Askea. Bridge-water .....- 43 Chartlers Valley Gas Co. , 69 us jnanniacinrersuas uo , .Natural bas Co. of W.Va.... Ohio Valley. 27K 69M .'.'.'."." iiii 15 jrcvjjic iiun4 uu ix,..., People's Nat. Gas and Pipes 60 17K Pipeage Co, Pennsylvania Gas Co, rmiaueipnia IX.. Wheeling Gas Co., OIL CC-T-NT STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Forest Oil Co 1U Tuna Oil Co........... , 69 ashlngton OllCo 89 PASSENGER BAH.W-T BTOCKS. Bid. Asked. Central Traction , 31K 32 Citizens' Traction 70)t 71 Pittsbnrg Traction SO Pleasant Valley S09 Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester. .... 280 BAIIHOAD STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Fittsbarg and Castle Sbanon S3 Pitts., Cin. 4 St. lxmls SO j'ltu. western n. it. m iz( Pitts. & W estern B. K. Co. pref. So 20J41 1USCELLAHEOB8 STOCKS. i Bid. Asked, new York and Cleveland Coal Co l.a Norla Mining Co, Sllverton Mlnlnr Co Westraghouse Electric... S2J Newcastle Water Co ...t 30 Union Switch and Slmal Co 21 l'lttuburK Cyclorama Co 3K .... Pittsburg Plate Glau Company ISO The sales were 4 sbares of Pleasant Valley at 200, 150 Citizens' Traction at 70. 0 Washing ton Oil at SO and 100 Natural Gas. West Vir glnia,at70. STUBBORN FACTS. Manager Chnplln, or tbe Clearing noose. Furnishes feomo Good Reading-. The Clearing House report shows that the business done in Pittsburg last week was about $1,400,000 greater than it was in the same time last year. There could be uo better evidence tban this that the local financial, commercial and industrial interests are on a sound, healthy footing, and remarkably active for tbe dullest season of the year. Th ere was nothing new In the money market. Manager Chaplin's figures for tbe day, week and year are unusually Inter esting, They are as follows : Ex changes. ,..,. .....I 1,773,384 S3 320,144 38 12,007,464 60 2.0.8,119 0. 2,001.244 10 10,672,24; IS 2,201,417 27 13,177,696 59 Balances Exchanges for the week.. .Balances for tbe week. ..., Exchanges dally average, Exchanges week of 18SS... Balances week of IsSS Exchanges last week...... Balances last week Ml, 003 11 Total exchanges. 1889 278,876,792 08 Total exchanges. ISiS 339, lw, 738 16 Gain. 1S89 over 1838, to date 33,6a Oil 02 Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2K3per cent; last loan, 2: closed offered at2& Prime mercantile paper, 4t!. Ster ling exchange quiet but steady at f4 85). for 0 dav bills and 14 874 for demand. Tbe weekly statement of tbe New York banks. Issued yesterday, shows tbe following changes: Reserve, lncrease,81,I27,00O; loans, de crease, S1.73i,700; specie, increase, 1321,000; legal tenders, decrease, $497,100; deposits, de crease, 2.810.400; circulation, decrease, $28,600. Tbe banks now hold $8,123,175 in excess ot the 25 per cent rule. , Closing Bond Quotations. U. B. 4s,reg... 12SHIM. K. T. Gen. U SIM U. B.4S. coup ...12!6 U. 8. 4XS, reg VktU V. & 4S. coop IOCS PacIna6sof'95. lis Loulslanastampcdls 8334 nniuai union os... .iuu N. J. O. Int. Cert.. .113 Northern Pac lsts.,117 Northern Pae. Ids. .118 Northw't'n consols. HOa Northw'n deben'..IHM Oregon 4 Trans. 6s 104X St. L. 41. M. Gen. 5a 8J St. Uftb.r.Gen.M.US Si. Paul consols .... 115)4 St.PL ChlPc.lsts.117 rx.. pc.l-u.tt ki.bv aussoun os mx Tenn. new set- 6s. ...106 1 enn. new set. S....1(U Tenn. new set. 3s 73 Canada So. 2ds S9 Cen.Paclse.UU 113 Den. & K. G , 1SU...120X Den. B.G. 4s 7$ l.AB.G.West,lsts. 101 Erle.2d 102X M. E..7T. Gen.es.. 63 Tx-.Pe.K.GlT.Kcts 6X union, pas. lsts.....U5 West Shore J06X Government and State bonds are strong and featureless. New Yobk Clearings to-day. 5106,334,327; balances. $5,488,787. For the week Clearings, $557,63D,607; balances, $30,164,282. Boston Clearings, $14,832,653; balances, $1,464,668. For tbe week Clearings, $80,315,452; balances, $8,283,238. ' ' Pan. VDixrHiA Clearings, $12,834,871; bal ances. $1,659,110. BALTIMOBB-Clearlngs. $2,188,183; balances, $317,768. London Bar silver, 42 S-16d per ounce. Paws Three per cent rentes, 85f 2Jc for the account. BERI.IN-.The statement of thn Tmnerial Bank ot Germany shows a decrease in specie of 7,160,000 marks. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $11,466, 0WX CLOSED STRONG. Petroleum Lets Go a Trifle. Bat Finishes Rather BaHlsh. The oil market yesterday was ratber weak at tbe opening, but firmed up a little later on under the Influence of a buying spirit in New York and OH City, and closed atthe highest point ot tbe day. Tbe dollar mark was not touched, although at one time, shortly before noon, a rush was made for it and It barely escaped. There were no particularly Interesting features one way or the other, but the strong finish en hanced tbe feeling of confidence in tbo success of the new rules, opposition to which is rapidly disappearing. There was not much trading either way, both sides being apparently satisfied with the out look. Friday's clearings, posted yesterday. pretty well cleared up. cash oil was plenty at Hen iv 71u ueiMvr iuu regular. aue nuciuations were: Opening. 93c: highest, 99Jic: lowest, 99Kc; closing, W&c '""' Features of the Slurket. Corrected dally by John M. Oaxiey A Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opne- WHILowest WK Highest W4J Closed mi Barrels. 41810 . 104,901 . S2.H9 Average runs , Average shipments , Average charters , Kenned, New York, 7.40c Itrnne-', London. ld. Kenned, Antwerp. lSXTr Kenned. Liverpool, 6Xd. A. 15- McOrew A Co. Quote: C9cf call, $ll. Puts, HX Other Oil Markets. On. Crrr. August 8. National transit certifl cates opened at c: highest. 8Wct lowest, WXc; closed. 99Jc. bales, 62,000 barrels; clear, ances, 758,000 barrels; charters. 11,745 barrels! shipments, 70,071 barrels; runs, 69,540 barrels, PiTTSTicno. August 3. Petroleum dull but o'eady. National transit certificates opened at uuacu t ot74i uiguess, vt9ic; lowest, Trrxsy avv, ACTft J,-.Nonal transit cer. ... 35 a i i UX 35 22 WSS,M msm GOING UP. Nearly Half a Hundred Additional Homes for tbe People. Building was active last week, notwithstand ing rumors of labor troubles and the dull sea son. Forty-six permits were Issued a few for large, costly bouses, but the great majority for small and medium size homes for people of moderate circumstances. Tbe estimated cost of the 48 buildings is $319,485. Tbe following is tbe list: John Schmidt, one frame addition, 17x32 feet, on Belle-eld street. Thirteenth ward. William McEnlgbt, one brick two-story, 20x S2 feet, on Mawbinney street, Fourteenth ward. Mrs. J. C. Wilson-, two three-story frames, IB x48 feet, on Mawbinney 'street. Fourteenth ward. las. Kelley, two,story frame. 20x32 feet, on Stanton avenue. Eighteenth ward. Thos. Faherty, brick two-story and mansard. 17x22 feet, on Hamsou street, Eighteenth ward. W. H. McCIean, three frame two-story, 16x32 feet, on Howe street. Eighteenth ward. J. Blank, two-story frame. 20x48 feet, on Larimer avenue. Twenty-first ward. L. Rlcbter. one brick two-story and mansard, 20x45 feet, on Wooster street. Eleventh ward. Robert E. McCafferty. brick two-story, 17x32 feet, on Colnell street. Eleventh ward. J. Eberhart, one brick addition, 20x54 feet, on Dinwiddle street. Eleventh ward. H. Shennan, one frame two-story, 21xS-feet, on Mifflin street. Sixteenth ward. National Bank of Commerce, one stone granite and brick seven-story, 73xb0 feet, comer Sixth avenue and Wood street. Third ward. C. Kirchner, one brick two-story addition, 16 x20 feet 6 inches, on Carbon alley, Eleventh ward. George Taylor, one frame two-story, 15x16 feet on Wadsworth avenue. Thirteenth ward. Robert Madryjewskl, one frame two-story, 16 x32 feet on Wayne street, near Brereton ave nue," Thirteenth tvard. A. Ratknwski, one frame two-story, 18x32 feet, on Wayne street, near Brereton avenue. Thirteenth ward. Emma Able, one frame two-story, 18x43 feet, on Niagara street, near Craft avenue. Fourteenth ward. Kate Kirk, one frame ono story addition. 20 xl4 feet, on Forbes avenue. Fourteenth ward. Peter Lebaney. one frame one-story addi tion, 20x14 feet, on Forbes avenue. Fourteenth ward. James Ferguson, one frame two-story, 11x28 feet, on Syracuse street. Eighteenth ward. Kubn Bros., one brick two-story, 42x54 feet, on Shady lane. Twentieth ward. Mrs. A Moorhead, one brlek, 2SxSB feet, on Eiland avenue. Twentieth ward. Charles Bennlngboff, one frame two-story, 20 xS2 feet, on Lilian street. Thlrtvrst ward. )George Trautman, one brick two-story and mansard, 20x15 feet, on Eighteenth street, Twenty-sixth ward. JacoD Doran. one .frame addition, 18x18 feet, on Dauphin street, Nineteenth ward. C. Kirley, one frame two-story, 18x84 feet, on Wickliffe street, near Fifty-second street, Eighteenth ward. David Hullban, one frame addition, 12x14 feet, on Carnegie avenne. Eighteenth ward. F. Lamberstopen, one frame two-story, 17x43 feet, on Edmond street, Sixteenth ward. John Dietrich, one frame two-story, 17x44 feet, Edmond street. Sixteenth ward. John Kim, two brick two-story and mansard, 18x32 feet, on De Soto street. Fourteenth wan Michael Egan, one brick two-story,21x43 feet, on Vickroy street. Sixth ward. ' H. Herman, one frame two-story, 17x45 feet, on Pearl street, Sixteenth ward. Henry J. Long; brick two-storv, 17x43 feet, on Home street, Seventeenth ward. Shadvslde Academv. hrlck threa-storv. 27x81 feet, on Ellworth avenue. Twentieth ward. Capr. J. J. Vanaegrlff, one brick tbree-story, 64x58 feet, on Shady lane. Twentieth ward. Capr. J. J. Vandegriff, three-story brick, S6x5S feet, on Shady lane. Twentieth ward. J. H. Cassidy, one two-story frame, 22x33f eet, on Atwood avenue. Twenty-first ward. Salley O. Phillips, four brick two-story, 60x46 feet, on BIdney street. Twenty-fifth nard. T. C. Jones, one brick two-story, 19x58 feet, on Sidney street, Twenty-sixth ward. T. D. Jones, one brick two-story. 19x32 feet, on Wright alley. Twenty-sixth ward. Anna Winter, one frame addition, 12x12 feet, on 171 Sixteenth street. Twenty-eighth ward. T. Kearns, one frame addition, 12x16 feet, on rear of 79 Sixteenth streetTwenty-eigbth ward. G. Mark, one frame addition. 12x39 feet, on Sycamore street. Thirty second ward. C. Welsh, one brick two-story and mansard. 21x33 feet, on Forty-second street. Seventeenth ward. Pennsylvania Railroad, one frame two-story, 32x44 feet, on Broadway, Twenty-first ward. Abdrew Young, two brick two-story, 31x53 feet, on Penn avenue, Nineteenth ward. FINISHING TOUCHES. The Week Winds Up With Some Good Deals In Realty. Baltensperger or. Williams, 154 Fourth ave nue, sold to G. W. Cupps, for Mrs. C. Mahey, a brick house ot four rooms and attic, situate in Carlisle alley. Fourth ward. Allegheny, for $1,800. They also sold for Patrick Thornton to John Crowe, lot 20x100, on Brownsville avenue. Thirtieth ward, for $500 cash. John F. Baxter, 512 Smltbfield street, sold lot No. 88, Villa Park plan. Brushton station, situ ate northeast comer Kelly and Park streets, size 40x137 to a 20-foot alley, to L.W. Black burn, for $800. Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenne, sold to Mrs. P. E, .Wilt for John A. Graver, the prop erty No. 201 Bedford avenue, having a lot about 26 feet front with two brick houses thereon, for gvdn. 1 Ewing & Byers, No. 107 Federal street.p!aced a mortgage of S1.C00 on property in the Sixth ward, Allegheny, for three ears, at 6 per cent. W. W. McNeill & Bro., 105 Fourth avenue, sold a half interest in a prominent manufactur ing business in this city for $6,000; also a mort gage of $1,000 on Allegheny City property at 6 per cent. , Samuel W. Black ACo. yesterday sold for the Blair estate in Glenwood, Twenty third ward, lot corner of Lytle and Church streets, being 25x110 feet to a 10-loot alley, for the price of $500. Business Notes. Dispatches from Texas are to the effect that they expect the largest cotton crop this year ever picked, and that tbe crops generally along tbe line of the Texas Pacific are very good. TH'book8 0fvthe Federal Street and Fleas ant Valley Passenger Hallway were closed yes terday until September 1, for surrender of old and the issue of new stock, which will be at the rate of ten new for one old share. Mb. John McKee, the well-known stock operator, is back from New York. He loved Pittsbnre so well that he couldn't stay away. .Mr. McKee is one of the most level-headed and active members of the Exchange. The Seal Estate Record has compiled Pitts burg's building statistics for tbe seven months of 1SS9 to July 8L and finds tbat during tbat time 1,700 permits were Issued for structures of an estimated cost of J3.4S9.978, of which 760 were brick, 924 of frame, 12 of stone and 14 iron clad. These figures indicate tbat the original estimate of 4,000 buildings for tbe year will be reached, if not exceeded. Mt H. O. Wilson has been admitted to membership in the old aud well-known real estate, firm of Samuel W. Black & Co., and from his tboroucb knowledge of tbe business. especially in tbe sales department, will no doubt pi ove a valuable acquisition. Be bas been with the firm for three years, and bystrict attention to business and suavity of deport ment, has won a host of friends, who will be glad to learn ot his good luck. A STBOM FEONT. Wall Street Slakes nn Effort tot Shake off the Dnllnrae In Btoek But Sleets With Indifferent Spccess A Re action Late In the Day. New Yobk, August 8. The stock market to-day was second in point of dullness to that of a week ago, but the added activity was only in Trusts, In which there has lately been renewed Interest. Notwithstanding the lack of disap pointment to trade the market presented a strong front, except Just at the opening, throughout the entire session. There was a marked lack of offerings, and the selling was almost entirely by the traders, while the buy ing was principally tor the account of insiders. The report that Atchison was about to issue a new tariff, which action would be likely to in crease tbe present trouble over the rates from Missouri river points to Chicago, had the effect of opening tbe most active stocks from H to K Eer cent below tbe closing figures of last night, ut there were buying orders in tbe market for tbo Grangers, tor the Chicago people, and the market reacted immediately from the de pression, and an upward movement, which lasted throughout the session was begun. There was renewed bnying of Sugv Trusts, with considerable Inside support, the rumors statlnr that tbe buying was for the purpose of cancelling certificates. The stocks ot the reg ular list followed, and Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and ScLouls rose nearly 1 per cent, with Beading and tbe Grangers close behind, St. Paul was helped by the report ot tbe earn ings for the lourth week in J uly, which showed a gain of over $51,000. Tbe Lead Trust again became prominent in the last hour, but there was no other feature of Interest and tbe mar. ket finally closed ilutl, but strong, at about tbe best prices ot tbe session. The liual changes were almost Invariably In the direction of higher prices, but tbe most Important change was an advance ot 13 of In Sugar trusts. BaUroad bond again (bowed comparatively metro animation tbu tee-stocks, and while the wee- wio ' .was .g wsjj-. mrm, ie 1, final changes are In most cases entirely insig nificant. The sales of all issues reached $515, 000. but no one issue was specially active. Petroleum opened weak at9&c, but became firm after the first sales, moved up slightly and all Interest then died our. Stock Exchange: Opening. 8SJ"c: highest, 99:; lowest, 987c; closing. KBfc- Consolidated xcbange: Open ing, B9Kc; highest, 99Jic; lowest, 99JC closing. Exports of specie for tbe port of New York lat week amounted to SGS9.437, of which 1163, 586 was in gold, consigned to South America, ana $125.a51 in silver, consigned to Europe. The imports of specie for tbe week amounted to $25,285, of which $ll,55a- was In gold and $13,. 710 stiver. The followlne table shows tne prices or active stocks on tbe New York btoek Exchange yester day. Corrected daily for Tra Dispatch by Whithxy & DTZFHENSOV. oldest Pittsburg mem bers of .New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Clos ing Bids. KH Kit S7 MX 110H 33 23 101K 7UH SZ4 14 X v M lCStj H0S4 72 100 2SX 13K 144) 22 M J7 , I" 1 70' S6 12H 10 tsy, 05!4 10'yi IS C3 34 49X 161i "X 60 2814 MX 22 M 32X 33 21 44 KH n wx 26 X SfiX 110S US MH 15X 29 84)4 7X MK 23 U Open ing. Am. Cotton On S3X Atcn.. lop. s. P.... SoV Canadian Pacific I7i Canada Southern....: Central or Hew JerMT CentraiPaclfic... Chesapeake & Ohio.... 23K C, Bur. Qun.ev.,...10lW C. Mil. St. Paul.... TOR a, Kocti. ap se a. dt. . puu C, St. I & Pitts, pt CSt. P.. M. 41).. C. Bt.PM. 0., pr. .... C - .Northwestern.... ICSJ C northwestern, pf. .... Cl..Coi.,Un.1 71K CI., Col., tin. Jt I. preMtWH Col. Coal Iroa UU Col. Hooking Vat .. 14 Del.. L. -W. 144 Del. Hudson Denver filoU.. pi , E.T., Va. AGs .... E.T..Va. ftGa.lst pr. .... E. T-. Va. Ga. 2dpf. .... Illinois Central Lake trie Western. Lake Erie West. pr.. UH Lake Shore - M. 3.. ...102 Louisville-Nashville. 79 Michigan central Mobile. Ohio Mo., Kan. Texas Missouri Pacific VtU Mew rork Central 105J N. Y1E. W 26)2 a. x.. a abu u .. ., c. St. l. pr. N.Y.. abt,.sdnf .... .$-. X.. 49 . Y.. O. W Norfolk Western -Norfolk Western. pf. .... Northern Pacific 28H Nortnern Pacific prer. MH Oblo Mississippi..... .... Oregon Improvement Oregon Transcon 31 K PaciflcMall 34 Peo. Dec. Evans. Phlladel. Heading- 3 Blchmona .ft W. P. T.. 22K Klchmond W.P.T.nf .... Bt. p., Minn. Man St. L. A Ban Fran 2SK St. L. Ban Pran pr.. MM St.. ft San y.lsi pf. Texas Pacific... , .... Union Paclflo UK Wabasn,... Wabash preferred 28l Western Union. 85 Wheeling ft . j t7U Bugar Trust 112 National Lead Trust.. 2354 Chicago Gas Trust 57SJ Hlgb etL 63 36H sin Low est. ipiij MX 23X 101M 70)4 99 icsx tan KH 7114 )tH 100X 234 ZSX 14 14 144H 144 S3 102 7054 Hrf 103 70 7 JSSJ six H 23K 64S 43'X 22 2SH 28K wi MX tan ton an a 08H 29X 841, MX B7X Boston Stocks. A. AT. LandGr't7s.l07!4KutIand preferred., AtCU. IVy. LW A... Jt Wis. Central, com. 22 IWlWUd A1QKOJ...SI Boston ft Maine. ....200 c. a. ftg 102 Unn. San. ft Cleve. 2414 Eastern B. it 100 Mexican Cen. com.. 14V Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. 6 N. r. ft NrwEng... 49X N.Y. -N.E.7S....12SX Old Colony. ITS AllouezMa-Cornew). 75 Calnmet ft Ueda....230 Prantun. 10 Pewable (new) 2 Qaincr v. ...... 43 Bell Telephone 233 Boston Land 6 Water Power en Tamarack 101 San Diego 2SX Philadelphia fttocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. KM. Pennsylvania Batlroad SIM xfceauing.. ......................,,. :- Leblgh Valley 5 Lehigh Navigation , S2! Northern Pacific 28 Northern Paclfio preferred U Chicago Grain Market. CniCAao Tradingxin wjieat was lighter to day than it bas been on any day for a month past. There were no outsiders to speak of and apparently but little local Interest in tbe deal outside tbe scalping crowd. As a result, tbe market was narrow and fluctuations in prices were witbln narrow bounds. o covering all the changes. December opened at 78Hc or Just where it left off yesterday, and after a gradual weakening to TSJc, worked UP to 78 78Xc, closing at 78JaC- Gossip as well as news was conflicting. There was a big batch of bearish reports from the Northwest, one Minneapolis dispatch saying that the crep of the Northwest would be 80,000,000 bushels, and another that prices for wheat at country points have been reduced 6c. Weather conditions everywhere on this side were again magnificent and just what the threshers need. Private cables were firm no public ones on acconnt of a, holiday. The favor able news from abroad was backed up by good buying orders for cash wheat here. Two of the largest California experts now es timate the crop of tbat State at 37,000,000 and 89,000,000 respectively, according to a dispatch shown on 'Change to-day, being a material re duction from former estimates. Tbe market closed tame with prices within a small fraction of yesterday's closing price. LITE STOCK MARKETS. The Condition of Business at the Eastx-bertr Stock Yards. Office orPrrTSBUBo Dispatch,! Satusoat, August 3, 18S9. j CAtte Receipts, 860 head; sbipidenta, 840 head: market1 nothing doing, all through con signments; 8 cars cattle shipped to New York today. Hoos Receipts, 1.700 nead: shipments. 1.600 head; market firm; light Yorkers, $4 70(94 80;. medium and light Philadelphia:). $4 504 65; Jieavy hoes, $4 254 40; 4 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 2,800 head; shipments, 1,600 head; market steady; prices unchanged. 5ECEET SOCIETIES. . C. M. B. A. A meeting will be held nextTWednesday at 7:30 at 296 Lacock street, Allegheny, to hear the object ot tbe C. M. B. A. explained and try to organize a branch in St, Mary's parish. The family of Brother Henry Loxterman, ot Branch No. 34, sustained an irreparable loss last week by the death of his wife, after an ill ness of only one week, caused by typhoid fever. She loaves five small children. The appeal sent out by Branch No. 34, of the East End, to aid one of their members who lost all ot his effects in tbe Johnstown disaster, is meeting with great success. First Grand Vico President J. W. Sullivan is treasurer ot the fund. A meeting was held at St. John's School house, Sixteenth ward, last Sunday evening to organize a branch. Twenty wo persons signed the application for a charter. The Rev. O. V. Neeson presided. They meet to-day at same 'Place at 7.30, at which time the application list for a charter will be closed. A meeting was beldonWasbinctonavenue, Manchester, on Friday evenmc to start another branch. It was addressed by Deputies Keefer and Sullivan. An application list for a charter was opened and several persons signed. Tbey expect to have'1 about 30 charter members. They meet again next Sunday, thellth, to com plete the list. The annual outing which is to take place to-morrow at Rock Point promises to be a gala day In the history of tbe association. The Committee of Arrangements, under tbe guidance or uenerai manager m. j. uarc, have everything completed, some of the prin cipal features of the day will be tbe foot race of tbe local Presidents tor tbe gold-mounted gavel, also tbe baseball game between tbe members of branches S3 and 60. The Grand President of the State of Pennsylvania, Mr. J. B. Fox, of Bradford, will be present, and will deliver an address on tbe association. Golden Cholo. Deputy Supreme Commander Osmond has several charter lists under way. The charter list of one of tbe Philadelphia lodges was composed principally ot Baptist ministers. Lodces are about ready for institution at Knoxville. Tenn., Portsmouth, Va., Clyde, N. Y. and Washington, D. C. , Pittsburg Lodge was instituted in this city Wednesday night with 37 charter mourners. It is the sixth lodge ot the order in 'Allegheny county. Rev. 0. C. Bitting, a Past Supreme Com mander, Is tbe Secretary of the Baptist Board ot Publication of Philadelphia. Rev. Mr. Bitting is the present Supreme Chaplain of therl American I ion ox Honor. , Heplasophs. The conclaves are pretty generally keeping up and are recruiting during tbe warm season. A number of tbe prominent members are absent Vrom tbe city and others getting ready to take a vacation. Pittsburg Conclave has got out a model calendar for its members, giving date of all meetlbsa durior tbe Una and names of it of- flcersJ night and place of meeting. I Asked. 82 M 2 7-18 K S3 i 63 S 29 , AfBnyoety ecm4 coas.j m - - tee held an adjourned meeting last night. It has been decided not to give an open air cele bration, as last August at Silver Lake Grove, but the anniversary occasion will be observed In another manner, not yet fully determined. Nntlonnl Union. Allegheny Council, No. 223, Is In a prosper ous and flourishing condition,. was shown by the officers, reports atthe last meeting. The Council now has a membership of .5, carrying an insurance protection of $182,000 or an aver age of $2,427. Sea ofTeternns. The second annual picnic by the ladles' Aid Society. No. 21. auxiliary to J. F. Slagle Camp. No. 119, a of V is totoe given at Valley Grove, Hulton Button, Saturday. August 10. ilusio by the Mozart orchestra. A. O. K. N. a Star of Liberty Castle No. 102, A. O. K. of M. C. will hold their fifth annual excursion and basket picnic at Bock Point September 12. AST AT I10ME AND A5-0AD. Mb. John Sabgxnt and Mr. Grsi Melchers are tbe two American artists who received medals at the Paris Bxposition. Mb. Charles Walz has a study of a vase of flowers on view at Young's. The treatment is in tbe style of a decorative panel, and shows flowers of several different kinds. Miss Madge Ibvxn is busily engaged in her favorite occupation ot painting flower studies, with an occasional sprig from a blackberry bush, a branch of a cherry tree by way of va riety. She bas three pictures ready to exhibit at the Exposition gallery. Two of these are landscapes, and are works of pretty fair size; the third a small study of a nook in the woods, where a tiny stream tumbles down over the rocks. Two small paintings tbat were shown in the Gillespie gallerv some time ago have reap peared there, and will prove of Interest to those wbo have not yet seen them. One is an autumn landscape of more than ordinary richness of color, painted by Mr. Alfred S. Wall, and tbe other is a scene in midsummer by H. P. Smith, ot New York. This latter picture is about the best expression of afternoon sunlight that has ever been seen in this city. The latest work by Mr. A. F. King is a fruit piece, which may be seen in the Gillespie gal lery. Tbe subject is a very simple one, consist ing merely ot a tin pan of peaches, but tbe pan has been overturned, depositing the major por tion of its contents upon the table. As a com position of tbe simplest description, entirely devoid of any intricacy of form, this work takes the lead of anything tbat bas been shown here for some time, there being virtu ally no other object in it than the circular tin vessel and the practically globular fruit. In consequence of its extreme simplicity the drawing In the work is but slight, though apparently quite accurate. This being the case, the chief interest is centered In the coloring, which, being perfectly true to nature, renders the picture a thoroughly satisfactory one. There is a good effect of metallic lujtr about the tin, and a truo expression of ripeness and bloom about the peaches, with perhaps as much variety ot tone and color as tbe subject admits of. Etchinqs, accompanied bv title cards bear ing the name "JT. Bently, Esq.," may be oc casionally noticed in tbe different art stores. Presumably the "Esq." Is insisted upon as bearing evidence tbat the work is "English, you know," and it is doubtless expected to add considerably to its value, from a monetary standpoint at least, If not in an artistic sense. This etcher's idea of balance seems to be the making of a picture as nearly as possible tbe same on either side of the median line, so tbat one side shall be to all intents and pur poses the counterpart of the other. Tho latest work of this kind has just been published under the title of the "Valley Gate." a companion to the "King's Highway.'' The "valley" islarcely ioil w mo imagination, wttn sucn assistance as may be derived from a contemplation of & slight hollow between some insignificant and barren looking mounds of earth, while the "gate" must be understood as being repre sented by two trs placed as usual, one on each slde-of tbe center. And such trees! They look as if made of cast iron, and are so much the counterpart of each other that they are suggestive of bavine been cast from the same mold with some sligbt alterations. It is a difficult matter to decide whether such pictures possess less of nature or of art, but more difficult still to discover any excuse for their being in existence at all. lN.no way can we be made to more fully realize the wonderful mastery of mind over matter tban when we consider the commonness and simplicity of the materials of art, and the surprising effects that are produced with them. A piece of ordinary paper, a bit of charred wood properly manipulated by the hand of genius, and the result is a picture tbat it will delight us to look upon. In every branch of art tbe materials, as means to an end, appear all but contemptible as compared with tbe effects produced tbrongh their agency. White paper, pen and Ink, pen- uj, uuta uuK, wuahia3jnmucnE tumgs tnoy are to be the mean of furnishing such keen and refined pleasure as is afforded by good pic tures. And In oil painting, the most intricate and complex of all the graphic arts, what are the materials but sneb as we daily trample under foot aud are accustomed to regard as principally refuse and rubbish. The ochres and siennas, highly valued pigments, simply common earths; ivory black, animal charcoal, in other words, burnt bones; blue black, bog earth, and so on throughout tbe list, tbe pigments In most frequent use are all either very common substances in nearly their natural state, or else they are chemical compounds of common minerals, such as chromate of baryta, lemon yellow, or sulphate ot Iron, Venetian red. There is a single color used in oil tbat is very rare and valuable, and tbat Is the genuine ultramarine, made from the lapis lazuli, but its) extreme costliness prevents it coming into ordinary use. The value of alt the materials that enter Into the production of a work of art is a mere nothing beside that of tbe finished product. It is tbe result of human thought, tbe labor of tne mind tbat is highly prized, and a picture is of worth by just so much as it gives evidence of the mental power that produced it. Another Tolantary Testimonial. Mr. Isaao Lane, of Homestead, Pa., de clares that Pe-rn-na, the popular Tonic, and Man-a-lin, the successiul System liegu la tor. bave wrought wonders for him, and that in a short time he expects to feel like a new man altogether. This adds another to the thousands of voluntary testimonials to the efficacy of these two great remedies. Sold by all druggists 51 a bottle; 6 for 55. Send to the Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, O., for a copy (sent free) of Dr. Hart man's "Ills of Liie." It Is full of the most reliable testimony from all parts ot the nnntrv to the value of Pernna and Msnu. iio. , Patbonize Hendricks & Co.. 63 Federal st., Alleghenv, the standard gallery of the two cities, tiabinets only $1 a dozen. Cabinet photos, 89o per doz. Lies' Pop. ular Gallery, 10 and 13 Sixth st. aiWFSrt When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she ciiedfor Castorla, Wben she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children.she gave them Castorla ap9-77-arTrgn IinOItEUS FINANCIAL. TTTH1TNEY & STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured, ap2S-l COMMISSION, J. Railroad I Mining nil lV1? Stoclts. I Stocks. I UIL j Q BOUGHT AND SOLD SS?rrn Ban Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex changes. Loans made at low rates of interest. Established 187a -Weekly Circular FREE. A. R. CHISHOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, K. Y. mhl3-97-8u JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST Pittsburg. BIALTO BUILDING, Chicago. 1 -t. - r Hnft CUPOLA IROtf W0EKS. A Pateflt Process for Making the Pig Metal, s MR. J, S. 0URSLER TALKS, The iron foundry of Steers. -Teal Bros, on Preble avenue. Allegheny, is one. of tho most interesting places ot the kind in tha city to visit, owing to the peculiar mde by which the pig iron is manufactured. It is known as the capela process, and they have a patent of their own ior making it. Mr. J. S. Oarsler, of No. 20 Orchard street, Alle gheny, is the engineer at the works, and to him th3 writer is indebted for the following interesting interview. "I should judge it was between six and seven years ago," he said, "that I first noticed my trouble. At that time it seemed to be nothing more than a severe cold. Gradually it began to grow worse. Ut nostrils became clogged, and I seldom breathed throngh my nose. My head was all stopped up and I had much headache between and directly over the eyes. There was a b-zzing and roaring sound in my ears, whicl) finally became stopped up to such an extent as to interfere with my hearing. Oftentimes when asleep at night I would be awa&ened by a sharp report as of something bunting in my ear. "This condition continued for a long time, and finally I went to a physician for treat ment. He did me no good, and I tried others, but all with the same effect; I grew worse instead oi better. "A dry, hacking cough had been added to my troubles, and I was coughing con tinually. I could feel the mucous dropping back from my head into my throat, and I raised, a great deal of phlegm in the morn ings. At first it was a foam-white sub stance. But of late years it has been very thick and yellow, choking me when X raised it. Mr. J. B. Oursler, to Orchard SL, Allegheny. "ily eyes became very much inflamed and discharged a watery substance. 3Iy throat and the root of my tongue were always sore. My throat was ulcerated and my tongue highly inflamed. "When I would get up from a chair I would be dizzy and weak. Sharp shooting pains would go through my chest and in the left side, extending to the shoulder blade. Frequently the pain would extend into the region of the stomach. "I always slept soundly at night, but was never rested in the morning, teeling more tired than when I went to bed the night be fore. I could eat, but I did not relish, my food. "I found that I was losing flesh and stead ily growing weaker, and it was wben in tha condition described above tbat I first heard of Drs. Copeland and Blair. I bad tried so many pujsiujaua uiat l nau loswaitu, out ueterminea to see them. Tbey did not promise to perform any miracles, but I felt that they could do me food. Their charges were very reasonable, so placed myself under their care. "I soon found a decided improvement In my condition. My head and chest ceased to pain me. My eyes became strong and clear. I have no more trouble with my ears, and can hear well. My throat and tongue are no longer ul cerated or inflamed. The pains in my chest and side have disappeared, and I uo longer bave tbat backing cough to annoy me. I feel rested in the mornings, and can relish my food. 1 hare grown strong and gained in weight. In fact I feel like a new man." Mr. Oursler lives, as stated, at No. 20 Orchard 'street, Allegheny, and bis statement can be readily verified. . THE CHEAHAN CASE. A Remsrksble Statement Made by a Well Known Machinist of Allegheny'. Mr. James Creahan, a well-known ma chinist, residing at 41 Mulberry street, and is engaged at Lindsay & McCutcheon's ma chine shop at the foot of Bidge avenue, Al legheny, in an interview with the writer, said: I was steadily and constantly losing my health and strength. My appetite failed me. I could sleep Well enough, but would arise in the morning tired and unfit for work. I dreaded the slightest exertion. I jnst managed to drag myself through my work. My eyes began to trouble me, then ' my ears would have buzz and roaring sounds. My eyes became dim and watery, and I would have sharp pains in my ears. For three years or more I felt tbat this catarrhal trouble was extending, and it bas been within the last two years Mr. Creahan. tbat I beean toex- ferlence its constitutional effects. What little did eat I had to force down, and it made me feel as thongb there was a heavy load on my stomach. My heart gave me so much trouble, and I had one attack that nearly caused my death. It was then tbat I bad to give up my work, which was a serious thing for me. X had heard of Bra. Copeland and Blair. I went to see them. Their charges were reasonable. I placed myself under their care. 1 Improved steadily. My appetite returned. I got refreshing nights of sleep, and woke up in tue inornin scenu rested aaa strong, ay ears ceased to pain me. My eyes became strong. Tbe pain aoont my heart left me. I was able to return to work. There la not a trace of my trouble left now. 'I am as well as I was four years ago, and It is complete and per. manent. I am grateful to tbe doctors for -sty restoration. DOCTORS PELAIMBMI Are located permanently as 66 SIXTH AYE,, Where thev treat with success all curable eases? Office hours 9 to UA-M.:2to5 T. X.; 7to9S P. it. tSundav included). .1 SuecialUes-CATARRK. and ALL DIS-' EASES ot the EYE. EAR, THROAT sad, ; LUNGS. j CoasaMatlotLSL Address all r8 to- j JJflB. VUCltl M 's V ,v- safe, . ji w rtjiJj,. .-.. ft .-frjfra--TTITf--fwn-r--hf-------rrWT ac .... .- . . . .r.. .., -fc&?.W' w. v --.