Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 02, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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The Home Team Give the
Hoosiers a Game and
Bumor States That Garfield is Shortly
to be Released.
Harry Lyons Wins His Case Ajainst
Ton Der Abe.
Two games 'were played on the local
grounds yesterday between the local clnb
and the Indianapolis team. Eajh won a
game. The playing on both sides was loose.
The Senators won a brilliant game from the
Bostons. Harry Lyons gets a judgment
against Von Der Ahe, of the St. .Louis club.
More stake money has been put up for a
match ball game between local. clubs.
Ordinarily speaking there is not much to
grumble about if one quits evin in any con
test that may be encaged in; bnt there are
occasions when quitting even is just as ex
asperating as a clean defeat. It is not a
stretch of the imagination toay that one of
these exceptional cases wat that of yester
day in the ball games at ICecreation Park.
Those rough and ready and lively Hoosiers
reappeared here and played two games
against the home talent, and although each
team won one, there is so reason to show
why the 'home team shouldn't have had
them both it anything like respectable work
had been done. There are doubtless many
peculiarities in baseoall, and one of them is
the extremes that players can get to in the way
of rood and bad playing. A sample of the un
explalnably loose playing was indulged in yes
terday; indeed the mistakes became so ridicu
lously bad on both sides that roars of laughter
greeted each error.
If only laughter had been the responses to
the errors, it couldn't have been complained of,
but In several instances jrroans and hisses were
loud and long. It is needless to say that these
kinds of demonstrations were not made by gen
tlemen, but by an clement that is undoubtedly
below that degree.
Those uncultured and Tulgar signs of dis
satisfaction have not a good effect in any way.
They show the unfortunate ignorance of those
who participate in them and only make the
players w orse. It is safe to say that no player
yesterday purposely made an error. Several
were caused by over-anxiety, or a desire to do
too much. Hissinc and groaning at players or
any person on the ball field onght to be dis
couraged at every stage.
The fact that Cbere wero two games for one
price of admission attracted about 2,500 people
to the park. Our old friend Getzeln was in the
box for the visitors, and Sowders represented
the home talent, Getz bad a little the best of
Sowders, but it Is only fair to say that, bad the
latter been supported well all round, he would
have pitched a winning game. His colleagues
fooled on until the visitors got four or five
runs, and then they turned loose and hit the
ball for sufficient to win the game. On the
other band, Getzem settled down and the home
players could do little or nothing with him, just
when hits were needed.
The game opehed out very encouragingly for
the home rep resentatlv-s. Banlon knocked a
brisk ground er to Benny, who threw wild to
first, the liafl going to the bleaching boards
fence. Han on, therefore, reached second.
Carroll got
with the ball and went to first. Ilanlon then
made a splendid steal to third. Carroll moTinc
up to second. Eig Jake Beckley then sized up
the "Pret7l." Jako took one great swipe at
the ball and banged it against the top of the
right field fence. The ball bounded into the
field and Beckley only got two bases on the hit.
Ilanlon and Carroll, however, scored. Miller
flew out to Hines and Itowe sent out a fine
single to left, sending Beckley home. A double
play retired the side.
In the fifth inning Sowders led off with a
good single to middle and Ilanlon flew out to
Glasscock. Carroll got a baso ou balls and
Beckley .-tent Sowders home by a lone single to
right, Carroll going to third on the play. Miller
rapped out a two-bagger to left and Carroll
scored, Beckley stopping at third. Howe's
long fly to Seerr enabled Beckley to reach
home. Haul struck out, retiring the side.
The score was now o to 2 in favor of the home
team, but they failed to score again, and were
beaten. There was a rare chance for victory in
the ninth inning. Sowders was on second and
Hanlon. on first with nobody out. The next
two men. however, went out on foul flies, and
Miller struck out.
The visitors made their first run in the third
inning. Bassett led off with a hit. and aided by
Beckley's tumble, Glasscock's single, be
reached home. Errors by Hanlon, Beckley
and Itowe scored McGeachy in the fourth.
Seery opened the fifth and was hit by a pitched
ball. lie got to second on Glasscock's sacri
fice, and scored on Denny's hit to right. Hines
made a longe single to middle and Denny got
to third. The latter tried to score on Sullivan's
short hit to Dunlap, but was thrown out at the
plate, -Hines going to third and Sullivan to
first. Sullivan made a break for second, and
Mitler threw wild to third to catch Hines nap
ping, and Panl scored. In the seventh Glass
cock led off with a double, Dennv and Hines
each making singles. Glasscock and Benny
scored. A tnmb'o by Hanlon, a sacrifice by
Mllivan and a scratch bit by Daily sent Hines
borne with the winning run.
The second game was a little more interest
ing to the crowd than the first, because it was
more onesided from start to finish. Staley
kept the Hoosiers guessing just as hard as they
could guess. He pitched very effectively, so
much so that the game was never in doubt.
Anderson, the young man recently signed from
Detroit by the Hoosiers, was in the box for the
latter, and be was extremely wild. lie hit
three batters and gave eight roenbaseson balls.
He was also touched up quite merrily at times.
Miller particularly making something of a
mark of him. Anderson may make a good
pitcher, but he has considerable to learn yet.
'X he fielding was wretched on tne side of the
visitors and somewhat loose on the local side.
The home team's errors, however, didn't affect
the score much.
Hanlon commenced the game bv going to
first on balls and Carroll followed suit. Beck
ley rapped out a not grounder to Glasscock,
who retired Carroll at second. Beckley -stole
second and Miller was bit by a pitched ball,
filling the bases.
Glasscock fumbled Howe's grounder and
Hanlon scored. A double play, however, re
tired both Maul and Howe. White reached
first on Benny's fumble in the second, and
after Dunlap and Sowders were out Hanlon got
first on balls, and Carroll's long single sent
White home.
Carroll opened the fifth inning and reached
first on balls. Beckley flew out to Sullivan and
Miller got first on balls. Howe then knocked
out a good single and Carroll scored. In the
sixth inning Dunlap made a single, the ball
hitting Andctrson's leg and bounding away.
Dunny then started to steal second and
Myers made a high throw or else
the runner would have been nabbed.
Dunlap went to third on the bad throw,
btaley struck out, and Hanlon's long fly
sent Dunlap home. Carroll again got his base
on balls, and Beckley made a single to left.
Miller cracked out another double and Carroll
f cored. After Maul was out in the seventh in
ning. White and Dunlap each made a single.
Staley's sacrifice advanced them a base, and
Hanlon's single to xnlddlo scored White. Car
roll's two-bagjer to right scored Dunlaa, The
errors lu succession Ty Glasscock, Hines and
Sullivan respectively filled the bases in the
eighth. Anderson then hit Whit with a
pitched ball, forcing in a run. Dunlap's sacri
fice hit sent Rows home. Beckley's single and
Miller's two-bagger scored the last run when
two men were out.
The visitors' two runs in the seventh were
made on a muffed fly by White, a long single by
McGeachy and a three-bagger by Bassett. In
the nhrth inning rtiirll'v M-er a a!fl,
by McGeachy and a single bv Bassett scored
the last run of the game. The following are
lie scores:
rrrrBbCKo n nr a strMM'roLis. n n r a z
Hanlon. m..
Carroll. 1....
Becklev. 1...
MUler. c
Maul, r.
W bite. 3... .
.Dunlap, 2...
Sowders, p..
0 1
1 z
3 12
2 S
1 1
0 0
2'freery. 1 1
0,(iUMCOCfc,S. 1
2 Denny. 3.... 1
1 Hines, 1 .... 2
2 Sullivan, tn. 0
0 Uallr, c... .. 0
0 McCeacuy, r 1
0 llaueit. 2... I
0 2
2 2
2 1
3 m
0 3
S OjGetreln, p.. 0
Totals .
.6 9 21 19 71 Totals 7 10 27 It
I'lttsburrs 3 00030000
Indianapolis 0 0112P30-!
Earned runs I'lttsburirs. 3: Indianapolis. 2.
Two-Daw hits Berkley. MUler. Glasscock.
Total bases on hits I'ltlsbnrgs, 11; Indianap
olis. 11.
Sacrifice hits Rowe. Glasscock-, Sullivan, Dally.
Stolen bases Hanlon, 2; Denny.
Doable flars Glasscock, Bassett and Hines, 2.
lint base on errors i'lttsburgs, 2; Indianap
olis, 3.
lrst on balls Carroll. Hanlon, Seery.
, Hit by pitcher Carroll, Stery.
Strack out Carroll. Miller. Maul, Sowders,
Dennv, Sullivan 2, 51cGeachy, Getzeln.
I.cit on bases l'lttsburcs, 7; Indianapolis, 7.
Tluie of game One hour and 45 minutes.
Umpire McCJuald.
Hanlon, m.. 1
Carroll. I.... 2
Beckley, L. 1
Miller, c. . 1
Koire, 3..... 1
Maul, r 0
White, 3... . 2
Dunlap, 2.... 2
btaley, p. 0
1 1
2 3
2 10
2 S
Seery. L....
Illnes, 1 ....
Myers, c. .
Bassett. 2...
Anderson, p
Totals 10 12 27 IS 6
Touts.... 3 C27 17 6
rittsburjrs 1 10 0 12 2 2 1-10
Indlanapol! 0 0000020 13
Earned runs 1'lttsburz, 3; Indianapolis, 1.
Two-base hits Miller 2.
Three-base hits Seery. Bassett.
Total bases on hits Pittsburg, 14; Indianapo
lis. 13
Sacrifice hits Hanlon, Dunlap, Staley, JIc
Geechy. Stolen bases Carroll. Beckley, Dunlap.
Double plays Bassett, Glasscock and Hines 2.
First bae on errors PItUburK, 8; Indianapo
lis, 4.
llrst base on balls Hanlon 3, Carroll 3, Miller,
Staley, Seery, Sullivan.
Hit by pitched ball-Miller, Maul, White.
Struck out Staley. Hines. Anderson.
Lett on bases Pittsburg, 13: Indianapolis, 8.
lime One hour and 50 minutes.
Umpire McCJuald.
Chicago Got tho Beat of it nnd Asaln
Downed the Cleveland
Chicago. August L The Chicago-Cleveland
game this afternoon was a pitchers' contest
with honors even. Bain stopped the game in
the last h?lf of the first, and when play re
sumed after 20 minutes, the grounds were in
very bad condition. Anson's slow hit to Tebeau
and Burns' home-run drive to left in tho
fourth won the game for the Chicagos. Tebeau
saved the Clevelands a shut out by his scratch
hit over left field wall for four bases in the
ninth. A long-running catch each by Ryan
and McAleerwere the features. Attendance
2,500. Score:
Ryan. n,....
Duffy, r....
Anson. 1...
lTefler, 2.
Darling, c..
Barns, 3....
Gumbert, p
Bastlac, a..
0 1
2 1
1 2
1 4
0 3
2 2
0 2
0 1
Strieker. 2..,
McAleer, m,
McKean. s.
0 2
1 2
0 1
1 0
3 1
Tebeau. 3 ...
laatz, l o oio
KadfOrd. r. 0 1 1
0 sutcllrre. c. 0
1 7
3 olUeatlu, p.
1 0
Totals .... 3 7 27 12 I Totals .... 1 8 24 20 2
Chicagos 0 0021000 3
Cleveland 0 0000000 11
Earned runs Chicagos. 2; Clevelands, 1.
Tvo-base hits Kadlord.
Sacrifice hlts-butcllffe.
Home runsBurns. Tebeau.
Stolen bases McAleer. Daffy.
Double plays Burns. Pfeffer and Anson.
lrt baseon balls By Bcattn. 4; byGnmbert,!.
struck out By Beatln, 6; by Gumbert. 1.
'lime or game One hour and 40 minutes.
Umpire Currv.
They Defeat the Bostons in a Brilliant 10
Inning Contest.
Washington, August L The Boston team
proved themselves very troublesome to tho
Senators to-day, but were finally disposed of in
the tenth inning, when the home club scored
the winning run by Hoy, who took first on
balls, reached third on two sacrifice hits, and
then home when Wise made a two bagger.
The game from beginning to end was replete
with brilliant plays. Haddock's pitching and
Tom Daily's gilt-edged work were the most
conspicuous features. John Irwin, Hoy, Wil
mot and Richardson made brilliant plays the
latter accepting 12 chances without an error.
The Bostons had a clear lead up to the seventh
inning, when after chances had been offered to
retire the side without a run, Nash gave
Beccher first on an error and he went to third
on John Irwin's two bagger. Tho greatest ex
citement of the game prevailed when Dally
lined the ball to right center which enabled the
Senators to tie the game, which they won. as
above described. Score:
Hot, m 1
Kelly, r....
Nash. J,....
Srouth'rs, 1
Rich 'son, 2
Smith, s..
0 3 0
0 1 0
1 S 3
0 17 0
1 2 10
2 10
0 0 2
Wllmot, 1... 0
Wise. 2.
A Irwin, s..
J.lrnln. 3...
Dally, c. ..
Carney, L ..
Haddock, p
0 13
RennetUc .
0 0
Clarkson, u 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 3 8 30 12 J Totals..... 2 5 30 17 1
ashlnctons 0 00000200 13
Bostons 0 0010100002
Two-base hits John Irwin, M'lse.
Sacrifice hit-Hoy.
Stolen bases Beecher, J. Irwin.
First base on balls Off Haddock, 3; off Clark
son, 2.
Hit by pitched ball Rrouthers.
Struck out Uy Haddock, 5; by Clarkson, 0.
Time of game One hour and to minutes.
Umpire Powers.
A Kamor That tho YonutrBInn Will Shortly
, be Itelenaed.
Rumors were current last evening to the
effect that Garfield is to be released. So much
credence was attached to the report that one
centleman was looking for Garfield to engage
him for a certain minor team. The players re
ceive their salaries to-day and it may be that
one or more will be paid off and released.
However, whether or not the report is true,
Garfield is booked to pitch to-day. Morris is
again in fair condition, but ho states that be
won't go into the box before Monday. Itis cer
tain, however, that as soon as either Conway
or Morris get into condition again Garfield will
be released.
To. Day's Homo Games.
There will again bo two more games at Recre
ation Park this afternoon between the local
team and the Hoosiers. The home pitchers
will be Galvin and Garfield, and the visitors
will be represented by Boyle and Krock. Rus
sie is not with the team President Brush is
traveling with tbe players and speaks highly of
Glasscock's management. Mr. Brush expects
his team to finish better than seventh.
Lencne Record.
Perl Per
Won. lxst.Ct.l Won. LosUCt.
BosUnS 49 26 .653 Chicago 41 39 .511
New Yorks...44 29 .003 futsburgs. ..32 48 .410
PlilIa'lelDhlaa4.1 4 .UD.IndlanapnllsX) 49 .273
Clevelands. ..43 38 .S44ashlngtons24 7 .339
Games To-Pay.
National League Indianapolis at Pitts
burg; Clevelands at Chicago; Bostons at Wash
ington; Philadelphias at New York.
American Association Clncinnatls at
Baltimore; Louisvilies at Philadelphia: 8t
Louis at Brooklyn; Kansas Citys at Columbus.
Intfrnational Leaoue Syracuses at
Buffalo: Harailtons at Rochester; Detrolts at
London; Tolcdos at Toronto.
ix TiiE sour.
The Shennndonh (Hob's Uniforms Seized to
Pay Some Debts.
Harrisbubo, August L The baseball uni
forms of the Shenandoah club were confiscated
at York by the hotel proprietor who enter
tained the nine the past two days, because of
tbe non-payment of their board and lodging.
Tbe manager of the club left it yesterday, with
out any money to meet its debts, and the Har
ris Dnrg baseball. management liquidated all
claims to-day to enable the nine to play here
this afternoon.
As the club is without a bead, and tbe Har
risbnrg club would likely get no guarantee if it
Slaved at Shenandoah on Saturday and Mon
ay next, scheduled dates, the games will be
played here, if necessary arrangements can bo
Greensboro- Left tbo Field.
Bcottdale, Pa., August L The game here
this afternoon between the Greensburg and
Scottdale teams was a farce. In the Inst half
of the ninth Inning, with Scottdale at The bat,
with no one out, one man on base and the score
16 to IS In favor of tbe Greensburgs, toe latter
kicked on a decislon'and left tbe grounds. Urn-
lino iiniiuKtuu t.ig mo gAtuo w uiuocow I
dales by 0 to 0. This will probably be the last
V'rni rc-"'T,-l''l T""""! TPC; J
Two Singular Gnme nt Bnltlmore
Sarnie's Tenm and tbe Cowboy Each
Win n Gome by tho Same Score Re
versed Brooklyn Beats Louis
ville Cincinnati Easily Pounds
Baldwin and Colambus.
Baltimore, August L Two games were
played heie to-day, the first being postponed
from the day before. Each club oneispna
game. Scores being identical, but reversed in
each. The first game was won easily by the
visitors being unable to hit Kllroy. In the sec
ond game Cunningham was hit freely.
Baltimore 1 SJSSSiSJ-?
KansasCltvs .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1
Base hlts-Bsltlmores, 8: Kansas Citys, 4.
Errors-Baltlmorcs. 1; Kansas Citys, .
Earned runs-Baltlmores. 2.
Two-base blts-Orlflln, Manning.
Three-base hlt-Shlndle.
Home run-KIlroy.
btruck out By Kllroy. 3.
Wild pltch-Snaruel, 2.
Umpire Holland.
Second game: .- .
Baltlmores.. 1 2?SSSSS1
Kansas Cllys 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 2 -6
Base hits Baltlmores, 4: Kansas Citys, 11.
Errors Baltlmores, 3; Kansas Citys, 2,
Karned runs Kansas Citys, X
Two-base bits Burns. Conway.
Three-base hits Manning, Alrord.
Struck out By Cunningham, 8; by Kllroy, 4;
Conway. 1.
Wild pltches-Kllroy, Conway.
Umpire Holland. '
Brooklyn Captures Two Games From tbe
Poor Lonisvillci.
New York. August L In Bplte of tho rain
and a sea of mud the Brooklyn and Louisville
teams played two games at Washington Park,
Brooklyn, to-day. Tons of sawdust were used,
yet the outfield was a perfect marsh. The first
game xas exciting and well played, Brooklyn
winning by a timely rally at the bat in the last
two innings. The second game was a virtual
walkover for tho borne team. Ewing was
batted all over tbe ponds and dry spots as well.
The Louisville men played poorly In the field
and could do nothing against Lovett's curves.
Brooklyn 3 000000328
.Louisvilies 0 101013008
Base hits-Brooklyns. 14; Louisvilies, 10.
Krrors Brooklyna, 6: Louisvilies, 4.
Karned runs Brooklrns. 7.
Two-base hits Plckney, CorkhlU. Carl, Weaver,
Ihree-base bite Terry. Smith, Fonts.
btruck out By Foutz, 6.
Wild pitch Hecker, 1.
Umpire Ferguson.
R Second game
Louisvilies. 0 001000001
Brooklyns 3 2 2 0 0 14 2 -H
Base hits Louisvilies. 3: Brooklyns. 13.
Krrors Louisvilies, 10; Brooklyns, 1.
Karned runs Brooklyns, 4.
Two-base bits Collins. Smith. Clark.
Three-hasehlts Corkhlll, Lorctl.
Struck out By Lovett, 2; by Ewlng, 4.
Fassed ball Vaughan, 1.
Umpire Ferguson.
The Reds nave n Merry Time With the
Columbm Pitchers.
Coltjmbtjs, August L Baldwin was touched
for two or three hits in the third inning with
the Cmcinnatis to-day and Manager Buchen
berger removed him to give Mays a chance.
The latter was helpless in the box and gave
way to Daily, left fielder, who could do
nothing. Tbe result was the visitors had it all
their own way. If Baldwin had been allowed
to remain, the chances are thtt the result
would have been very different. Score:
Coluraous 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 5
Clncinnatls 0 0 4 2 2 17 0 -18
Base hits -Colnmbus. 10; Clncinnatls, 13.
Krrors Columbus, 4: Cincinnati!, 3.
Karned runs Columbus, 4: Clncinnatls, 8.
Two-base lilts McTammany, Dally, Orr, Bald
win, Cincinnati.
Struck out By Baldwin, S; by Dally, 2; by
Vlan, 5.
Passed balls Kemmler.
Umpire Uaffney.
MADE niai PAT.
Harry Lyons Wins Hla Suit Against Yon
Der 'Ahe.
PniLAur.LrHlA, August L Harry Lyons,
the ball player, to-day won bis suit against
President Von der Ahe, of the St. Louis Base
ball Clnb. and received judgment for 171 40.
The suit was the outgrowth of the champion
ship of the American Association last year. A
prize of 1,000 in addition to the pennant was
offered to the team that should win the cham
pionship. Von der Ahe paid 12 of bis 14 play
ers, but refused to pay Lyons and Shortstop
White. In response to a summons President
Von der Ahe appeared before Magistrate Dur
ham to-day.. He said the prize was offered to
the managers of the various clubs, and not to
the individual players. He thought it was en
tirely optional with him whether he should
divide the money with the players or should
keep it all himself. He thought Lyons and
wniteaid not piay gooa Dau aurmg toe Asso
ciation season.
Ex-Manager Sullivan and plaver McCarty
were called to substantiate Mr. Von der Ahe.
They said they thought the prize was given to
the management of the championship club.
They both thought, however, that Lyons did
play good ball. The magistrate gave judg
ment for Lyons.
Comiskey Wouldn't Play.
Philadelphia, August L Tbe heavy rains
that prevailed at intervals all day rendered the
Athletic ground very soft, but, by dint of hard
work by the ground keepers, it was got in
pretty fair shape by 4.30. Manager Sbarsig
then announced his willingness to play, but
Captain Comiskey refused. Umpire Goldsmith,
when appealed to by Mr. Sbarsig to give the
game to the Athletics, declined to make any
decision. He said that, if the Athletics had
announced their willingness toplayat i o'clock,
the regular hour, he would certainly have called
play, but, after that hour had passed, he
thought it was optional with tbe visiting club.
Association Record.
Won. Lost. ct.
Clncinnatls... 48 33 .Hi
Kansas atys.. 32 49 .338
Colnmbus. ....32 62 .381
St. Louis S7 29 .6R3
Brooklyns.... C2 23 .630
Baltlmores. ...O 35 .S73
Athletics 43 33 .SGS
Louisvilies... .19 84 .229
They Rather Took tbe Conceit Oat of the
McKcesport Fellows.
Braddock. Pa., August L The McKees
port club came down to Braddock to-day. All
the players of the crack team were full of
promise, but they went homo on an evening
train with their expectancies badly shattered,
and fully convinced That the Blues have a team
at present that yet Iiave good prospects of cap
turing tbe County League pennant. The game
was a benefit to Jack Baker, the Bines' pitcher,
who bad his arm broken some time ago. Don
oboe was put in to pitch for the visitors, but
was knocked out of the box in the third inning.
As the clubs are two of tbe strongest in tbe
County League, great interest was taken in the
game, which was exciting throughout. Newes
pitched his first name for the homo nine, and
aiu wen, siriKinf; out 11 men. ana score:
Cooper, 1.... 1
S.Dalzell.3.. 1
B. Bennett, e 3
W. Dalzelk s 1
Anderson, 2. 0
Klllen.m.... 0
W Bennett,l 1
Murray, r. 2
Nerins, p... 2
I'rovlns, 1..
Costello, 2...
Martin, s...
Uonehoe.oS. 1
Totals.... 11 10 27 17 S Totals 9 9 24 11 S
McKeesports 2 6 2 0 0 0 0 1 II
Braddocks 2 10240000-9
Earned runs-McKecsports, 3; Braddocks, 4.
Two-lnsc blt-Klllen.
Three-base hit Hartman.
Bases on balls By McKcesport, 8; by Brad
dock, 7.
btruck out By Nevins, 11; by Donehoe, 1; by
Nightengale, 3.
Stolen bases McKeesporta, 8; Uraddocks, 7.
sacrifice bits Anderson, S Dalzell.
Hit by pitched ball-B. Bennett, W. Dalzell,
Costello, Torreyson. Nevlns.
Left on base McKeesports, 6; Braddocks, 7.
Time of game Two hours.
Umpire Rose.
At Canton
Mansfields S 10 0 0 4 0 0 10
Canton 0 100101003
Base hits Mansfields, 14; Caqtons, 2.
Krrors I wo each.
At Wheeling
Wheelings 1 0000000 12
Bprlngfields 1 0400002' T
Base blta-Wheellngs, 7: Bprlngfields, 9.
Krrors Wheelings, 3; Springfield, 2.
Batteries Shamus, Dunn and Haller; Conover
and Westlake.
International League Game.
At Rochester
Koehesters I 10002000 4
Syracuses 0 vul20lus 7
At Buffalo r
BuffalosV. 1 0214 10000
Hamlltons U 2000"0000 2
At Toronto
Toronto 0 000010001
Detrolts 0 0 10 1.0 0 0 Or- 2
At Loudon
London 0 100100802
T-'tU-i .10 0 0 2 14 108
Tbornless Defeats tbe Game Horse in
Straight Heats.
Jack, the Famous $10,000 Stake Winner,
Gets the 2:20 Kace.
numerous Local ChaWcg-es for Wrestling and Enn
nlnc Contes's.
There was some great racing at Cleveland
yesterday. Axtell, tbe young stallion, beat
his own record for (2.500 and Guy went a
mile in 2:10f. J. B. Richardson, some
what of a Pittsburg horse, was beaten by
Thornless. Jack, another well-known
horse, won the 220 race. There was also
good running races at Monmouth Park and
Cleveland, August 1. With the pros
pect of greater sensations than those of the
first two days, more than 10,000 people were
at the Driving Park this afternoon to see
what the programme of the third day had in
store. The conditions for fast time were
most favorable, with the weather warm and
the track in the very best shape.
There had been a mistake in the announce
ment that Aztell wonld try to beat the
record for aged stallions, as the colt's owner
had only agreed to trot against his own
mark, 2:15 made at St. Paul several weeks
since. Even this was a great task, bnt Axtell
was equal to it, and he has now a record of
2J The attempt was made soon after 3
o'clock, the great 3-year-old having first been
ciren a mile or so to warm him up. He was
greeted with several applauses as Williams
jogged him down to score. John Bplanwas
waiting with a runner In another sulky to help
the pace. After coming down at a 230 gait
on the outside, Axtell went up to the dis
tance and was sent away first. Ashecamepast
the stand for tbe first time he looked the won
der he is. His big, powerful limbs were moving
in perfect harmony, and he covered the ground
with the big, sweeping stride peculiar to the
Wilkes breed of trotters. When he reached
the quarter the official timers noted it in 33
seconds. With the same ease the colt went
along the back stretch, and at the half the time
was 1:0 The third quarter was unchanged
as to rate as tbe time was 1:41 at that point If
be could come from there m 32 seconds the
stallion record would be broken, but that was
not to be expected. Down tbe homestretch
came the wonder with not a falter In his gait.
Williams did not urge bim, for he carried a
watch and knew he could easily do what be had
attempted. Strange to say. Axtell trotted the
last three in at the same rate of 2:15. so that ho
made the mile in 2J4. A creat shout went
up as it was annonnced, while tho colt and his
owner went modestly away to the stable. Ax
tell was not a bit distressed, and could have
done faster.
Immediately after Guy started to beat his
record of 2.12, W. J. Gordan, His owner, had
decided to have him trot without tbe custom
ary toe weights of two ounces each. It was a
bad move, as Guy was unbalanced and be
haved badly in scoring. Sanders at last start
ing him far up the stretch so that be had to go
an eighth of a mile before getting the word.
Even with this handicap be flew to the quarter
in 324 seconds; the half in 1:05: three-quarters
in 13 and tbe mile in 2J0 Had he
beenpropeily weighed Sanders says he would
have beaten 2 JO.
The rezular events were sensational, as the
performance of Jack being most notable; not
only did be beat a good field, but he trotted
three very fast heats, the first in 2.15
Following are the summaries of the other
2 3) class, trottinr, purse p, 000.
Jack 7. 1 1 1
beymour Belle 2 2 s
Geneva S s. 5 3 2
Grey Light 3 4 3
lmcdle'sBaby 4 5 7
(.lone 7 7 4
lennant t i 0 6 fi
Time, 2ll5, 2:17V. 2:17M.
2:24 class, trotting, purse 2,000.
Col vlna Spraene 8 3 111
Mocking Bird 1 7 11 3 12
Blllvllack 4 1 4 510
Geneva 2 2 2 4 2
JlcKireu,.. 8 11 7 2 3
Gold Ring 7 4 3 7 3
Lettie Watterson 3 13 12 13 6
Grernlaudcr 10 10 8 10 4
Frank H 13 S i 12 9
l.eilnpton 12 t 8 11 7
Little Era II 1211 S 8
Brother Wan 9 8 13 9 11
OllIU S 6 9 8dr
lime, 2:20S. 2:19. 2:19X, 2:20, 2:1M.
2.18 class, trotting, purse 82.000.
Thornliss 1 1 1
J. B. ltlchardson 2 2 3
tiusleb. ........ ........ ............,4 3 2
Kit Curry 2 4 5
Junemont 5 8 4
Nobby 7 S 7
Joe Davis 8 8 8
XcwtonB 8 7 6
lime, 2I17K, Z:lH, 2:17.
Jack, the winner of the 220 race is a gray
gelding by I'i'ot Medium, dam by Magna
Charta. His record is well known because of
his big victories in the grand circuit last year.
He is owned by George Middleton, of Chicago,
111., and is in Budd Boble's stable.
Colvina Sorague is a brown mare by Gover
nor Sprague, dam by Richards' Bellfounder,
and is owned by F. J. Avers, of Chicago, 111. '
Thornless is a bay gelding by Dauntless, dam
by Hamlet, and is owned by B. C. Yorks, of
Tacoma, Wash. He is well known to Pitts
burgers because of the way he hustled J. B.
Richardson last year through the circuit.
Richardson's defeat yesterday is a disappoint
ment to tbe talent of this city, but three
straight heats, the slowest being 2.17, is prob
ably a little too fast for the game horse, J. B.
To-day is the closing day of the meeting, and
the following events are on the card: 2.33 class,
trotting, with 12 entries. Free-for-all, trotting,
with the following entries: Rosaline Wilkes,
Harry Wilkes, Wnlte Stockings, Gene Smith,
Clingstone and Oliver K. The last race is tho
2.17 pacing, for which there are 13 entries.
Axtell is a bay colt 3 years old, by William L,
dam by Mambrino Boy. He is owned and
driven by C. W. Williams, Independence, la,
A Heavy Rainfall Mnkcs the Track Sladdy
nnd Time Ktotv.
Sabatooa, N. Y., August L There was
another heavy rainfall this morning and the
track was heavier than yesterday.
First race V alkover for King Crab.
Second race, oue and one-eighth miles - Starters:
l'rlncess Bowline, Kctriere, Cotillion. Princess
Bowling won in 2:03)f, Cotillion second, Uetrleve
Third race, one and onc-elxhth miles Starters:
St. Luke. Glockner. Mew Castle, Banjo. Glockner'
won In 2.03'j. ew Castle second, St. Lnke third.
Fourth race. flve-Ughths of a mile Starters:
Frloce Howard, Little BUI, Llizle Fonso. Gun
wad, Frederick First, Sam Doxcy, Kuperta, Tom
Flnley. Gunwad won In l:06)j, Prince Howard
second, Llnie Fonso third.
Firth race, three-fourths of a mile Starters:
Tramp. Bedstone. Mayo, Itemsen.Blonda, Vivid.
Vermont, Carrie G. May O won in 1:X)X, Carrie
G second. Tramp third.
Sixth race, flvc-elghths of a mile Starters: Lass
O'Gowrie. Light, Warsaw, Tall MalL Miss
Khodle. Light won in 1.09, Miss Bhodle second,
l'all Mall third.
The card for to-morrow is as follows:
First race, one mile Kittle It 101 pounds. Flit
ter 104, Bessie June 119, Bonnie Lad 96, Brookful
Second race, five furlongs Bally Ho 108 pounds.
Little B1U 108, AVatch Me 104. s .
Third race, six rnrlongs Hot Scotch 121 pounds.
Holland 133, Glockner 120, Carnot LB, Melodrama
133. Ulshop 133, Boccaccio 133.
Fourth race, six furlongs Bob Lisle 123 pounds.
Mayelaps 12L t ordham 133, Dilemma 90, Cambrses
133, Harbor Lights 133, Mlddlestone 104, Kaveller
Fifth race, one mile John Jay 8 93 pounds,1
George Corbctt 105, George Abgus 105, Lucy U 113.
GollgutlylK, Boccaccio JlS, SallleO 9S.
Looks Llko Harmony. "
KzttYobk. August L It seems now as if
the two rival athletic associations, the K, A. A.
A. and the A. A. TJ. wonld be peacefully amal
gamated. Tbe Board of Managers of tho
Amateur Athletic Union met to-night in parlor
L. of the Astor House, and elected the Man
hattan Athletic Club, which Is the main factor
in the If. A. A. A. to their membership and
made Waller Storm, the President of the Xf.
A. A. A., ono of the board. They also agreed
f tbe proposal of the Manhattan Athletic
Club to uialco their name the "National Ama
teur Alhletio Union."
Donblrd tbe Slock.
The IfcKeesport Driving Park Association
met to-night and increased its capital stock
from $2,500 to $5,000, and arranged to have three
dav' nc: "arlyvt SrfTiVr.
Sbaner and Richardson's) Event Proves to be
a Huso Success.
, Probably there has not been a more success
ful shooting contest held in Western Pennsyl
vania than that of yesterday, which took place
in a field adjoining the Squirrel Hill Gun
Club's grounds. The shooting was at live
pigeons, and the crowd of spectators was largo
and the contestants numerous. The event was,
promoted and managed by Messrs. E. E. Shaner
and Charles RIchardsdn, and the way in which
it was so satisfactorily carried to a successful
termination reflects great credit, indeed, on
these gentlemen.
Tbe conditions of the contest were 20 live
birds each; entrance f 11 and American Associ
ation rules to govern. The money was divided
into four prizes as follows: 40. 30, 20 and 10 per
cent. The weather was fine, though the atmos
phere a little thick. The birds were good,
which speaks volumes for the quality of the
shooting. Tbe winners were: G. E. Snyder,
James Crow, J. B. Taylor and LlmerSbanrr
divided first money. R. McKnight, J. O'H.
Denny and J. P. Andrews divided second. W.
a Bell. C. M. Hostetter and W. Ycllowley di
vided third. Q.A.McClure was fourth. The
following score shows that after missing his
llrst bird Mr. Shaner killed the next 19. Scores
"W. S. Bell...l 211110212012111021 1-17
W. 8. Klng.,2 121020010201021010 1-12
K.McKnl't.22122 121 12 0 12 0 12 1112-18
a M. Hos'r.l 012101011121121111 1-17
G.K. Snyder.l 021211122111121111 1-19
T.F.Flem'g.O 021010021021012110 1-12
J.McFher'n.l 012222110011121000 0-13
Jas. Crow...l 211110112122111111 1-19
A. King, Jr.l 110021111101110221 0-15
J. Dennv. ...2 111111212210121012 118
J. B. Taylor.l 111211111111201112 119
II. J. Levl..0 111002110121002011 1-13
G. Cochran.. I 210121211100000211 1-14
J. Andrews. .1 012111101211112222 118
J. A.Herron.O 011021010011202111 113
Q. McClure.,1 112101021112021110 2-15
.F.DavlSOn2 002121101102012221 2-15
E.E. Slianer.O 112111222122212111 2-19
C. Temple. ..0 111001001021111001 112
H. Brcck'r'c.0 110221201 101011221 014
S. Dorton....l 1101111011011:1110 118
a. Shaner... .0 221101222100222022 1-15
A.Mountaln.o 101002101121210111 0-13
W. Yellowlv.2 021202221111011212 2-17
J. W.Overh'tO 011212012010112020 0-12
2 denotes killed with second barrel.
At Monmouth Pnrk.
Monmouth Pabk, August L Rain fell here
to-day and tbe track was heavy.
First race, three-quarters of a mile Starters:
St. James, Lord Peyton, Civil Service, Congress,
Adamant. Gregory. Gregory won In 1:18, Ada
mant second. Civil Service third.
Second race, mile Starters :urus,Brose,Tcnny.
Tenny won in i:453f. Earns second.
Third race, three-quarters of a mile Starters:
Drizzle, Onaway, Banquet, Mncllage, Granite
Cornelia, Cvelone colt, Honduras. Balph Bayard,
Ballet colt, Peggy Dawdle colt. Rosette. Onaway
wonlnl:18K. Banquet second. Ballet colt third.
Fourth race, one and one-eighth miles Starters:
Badge, Fltzjamcs, Magara. Fltzjames won In
2:I01. Badge second.
Fifth race, one and one-sixteenth miles Start
ers: Madstone. Sluggard, Limbo. Zephyrus. Din
ley. Miss Cody. Village Maid. Zephyrus won In
1.54j, Sluggard second, Madstone third.
DrUcoII Wants a Match.
Tbe following challenge was received at this
office yesterday:
GREEKBBCnO, PA., July 31.
To the Sporting Editor of The Dlspatcn:
V HI you please put the following In your paper?
Upon hearing so much talk of James Connors, of
Pittsburg, I. Jerry DrUcoII. of Greensburg. do
hereby challenge him to a wrestling match, catch-as-catch-can.
best two In three or three In Ave,
for 1100 a side and gate receipts, the match to take
f'lace either lu Greensburg or Pittsburg from two
o four weeks from signing articles. An answer
to this will be attended to.
Yours respectfully.
Jeekt Duiscoll.
Teemer's Aspirations.
A big regatta is being arranged for at Den
ver, California, and one at Oswego, New York.
Teemer is expected to participate in both. He
talks as though he will put forth every en
deavor tn secure a race with the winner of the
Searlo-O'Connor race. The oarsman is In tne
pink of condition, and can get all the backing
be wants. John talks as thongh he wonld
rather stay at home and row than to go off to
take part in regattas in which very nttle over
expenses is realized by the oarsman.
Sheehnn Pule Up the Cnnli.
Davy Sheehan, tne sprinter, called at this
office last nlgbt and left a forfeit of $25 to run
Martin, of Brownsville. He states that as
Martin and his backer are tbe challenging
party, they ought to come to Pittsburg and
make a match. Sheehan will meet them at
The Dispatch office at any time. Ho further
states that he means business and hopes
Messrs. Ferroll and Martin do the same.
The Scottsi Are Willing.
The J. W. Scotts are willing to tackle tbe
Bcottdales for a stake of S100 a side. In reply
to the challenge of the latter club. Manager
Speer, of the Scotts, left $100 at this office yes
terday, being tbe Scotts share of the stakes
required. Manager Sneer requests that the
Scottdales put up all their share of the stakes
at once, lbe two games are to take place at
Scottdale on August 6 and 7.
Will Meet Enslcdrnm.
'James Ray, tbe pedestrian, states that he
will meet Kogledrum at this office on Monday
evening at 8 o'clock prepared to make a match
for a five or ten-mile heel-and-toe race for H00
a side, open for $200 a side.
Baseball Notes.
Seeut made a great one-handed running
catch yesterday.
The Keystones beat the Maroons, of Wash
ington. Pa., yesterday by 13 to 0.
Morris will probably pitch in one of tbe
Philadelphia games next week.
Deacon White made several brilliant stops
during the two cames yesterday.
Mr. A. G. Ovens, the able baseball editor of
the Indtananolls Journal, and correspondent of
this paper, is traveling with the Indianapolis
team. Mr. Ovens is one of the genial kind.
She Travels on Foot All tho Way From
'Scranton ta Detroit.
Detroit. Mich., August l A deaf, dumb,
blind and insane girl was found near the
market yesterday and taken to police head
quarters, where, from a letter found on her
person, it was learned that her name wasStella
Howard, aged 23 years, and that sbe had
walked from Scranton, Pa., to this city In search
of an aunt. In case nothing is learned of the
whereabouts of the aunt the girt will beacnt
back to Scranton by rail.
For TTesfern Penn
sylvania, thotoers and
tlirihtly warmer; touth
vetterly winds. For
Wett Virginia, fair;
stationary temperature;
southwesterly winds.
PrrrsBTraa, August 1, 1339.
The United States Signal Berrice omcerla
this city furnishes the following
Time. xner.
8 .-00 A. V 88
B:00 U 79
1.-0OP. K
2-OOr. M 82
KrflfiP. SI. .............
Mean temp 75
Maximum temp.... 84
Minimum temp 88
Itange 18
Precipitation. :C0
8:00 r. v 77 I
Hirer at tr. JC, 4.2 feet, a rise of 0.S fset in 24
River Telegrams.
rersciAi. TXLEonAua to tux dispatch. i
Mobqasto-wn River S feet 0 inches and
falling. Weather fair. Thermometer 85 at 4
BuoWNSVUXX River 8 feet and rising.
Weather clear. Thermometer 78 at 0 P. H.
Wabbek River 6-10 of ono foot and rising.
Weather cloudy and warm. Heavy ram last
Imported Brnndenberg Freres.
Medoe, St. Emilion, St. Estepha, St.
Jnlien, Margeaux, Pontet, Canct.St. Pierrie,
Chateau Leoville, Chateau la Bosa, Chateau
Honton, Grand Vin Chateau Margeaux,
Grand Yin Chateau Lafitte, by the case 3r
bottle. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
OAurNErphotos, 89o per dor. Lies' Pop
ulsr Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. irvrti
j pj
ryB9yWjJ' i
f . frtu V 8 .", saBa-vf KT-J -acrl r ?
Tho Delegates Hard at Work Fram
ing Strong Constitutions.
A Suggestion to Change the Same of South
Dakota for That End.
Which the Able Lawyers Finally Succeeded in Doom
ing to Defeat.
A proposition to have tbe Supreme Court
pass upon the constitutionality of the pro
posed laws was defeated after a warm strag
gle in the North Dakota Convention. It is
suggested to change the name of South
Dakota to "Benson," in honor of Mr. Har
rison. Bismaeck, 3$. Dak,, August L At
last evening's cession the convention,
through the efforts of Williams, of Burleigh,
amended the report of the Judiciary Com
mittee by providing that the Supreme
Court shall give its opinion on any bill or
questions pending before the Legislature
when requested by the Legislature or the
Governor. This was adopted in Committee
of the Whole, and there was another lively
tilt to-day when Judge Carl led the opposi
tion. It is looked upon as a handicap on
the Supreme Court and an injury
to the judiciary of the State.
Williams defended the proposition on tbe
ground that it placed the farmers of the
Legislature on an eqnality with the lawyers
in passing upon the constitutionality ot an
act' The amendment was defeated, the ac
tion of last evening being reversed.
A resolution was adopted providing for
the appointment of a committee of three, of
which the President shall be Chairman, to
prepare an address to the people of North
Dakota, giving reasons for the adoption of
the constitution.
At the South Dakota Convention at Sioux
Falls no business of importance was done.
Theregular batch ot communications sug
gesting names for the new State were read.
This time it is "Benson," in honor of the
President, the name being a combination of
the first three and last three letters of his
full name. The South Dakota members of
the joint commission returned from Bis
marck to-day, and the consideration of their
report will begin to-morrow. The arrange
ment reached by the commission meets with
hearty approval.
At the Washington convention there was
a warm discussion on the clause for or
against allowing counties to grant subsi
dies. A section was adopted forbidding all
subsidies. An amendment tbat this should
not be construed to prevent grant of right of
way nnd terminal facilities to railroads, was
also beaten, the vote being ayes 31, to 41
noes. The convention then took up a re
port of corporations, others than municipal,
but adjourned without a vote being taken.
The clause providing for railroad commis
sioners is being bitterly opposed as being
sand lot agitation, and the clause directing
foreign corporations to keep offices here will
undoubtedly be defeated. It is generally
luuucucit wiu. KTcioi piuiuineub ueiegates
have erred in their political chances for the
future by their votes and speeches yesterday
and to-day, and the complexion of political
matters is rapidly changing. The Demo
cratic Territorial Committee meets here this
evening to decide on a plan of campaign.
At Helena, Mont., the convention this
morning in committee of the whole con
sidered a bill on miscellaneous subjects.
Another skirmish was held over the words
"So help me God" in official oaths. Thev
were finally inserted. Section 4, relating
to laws governing fires arising from railway
locomotive, called out an animated discus
sion and was carried by a tie vote.
Section 10, relating to the issuing of free
passes by railroad companies to State officers
or members of the Legislature, was discussed
at length, after which the convention took
up the proposition on the taxation of irri
gating canals and ditches of companies or
individuals. The mining and fanning in
terests were divided on the subject.
Hdvr a Chlcngo Hotel Clerk Anticipates) the
Wanta of Guests.
Chicago Times. 1
Where seems to be a variety of ways by
which the clerk learns to distinguish one
man from another. Of course the general
appearance goes for much. But many men
have full beards and many more dark mus
taches, and so on.
Chief Clerk Wyllie, of the Grand Pacific
was asked what system he had adopted, if
any, by which he succeed in remembering
the faces of his guests and the number of
their rooms.
"I look just at a man's ears," he replied
without a moment's hesitation.
"That's curious?"
"Isn't it? Well yon see there is a good
deal of character in a man's ear. Now, see
that man coming up to register? Well, just
watch me."
. The man registered was given a room and
shown to it There seems to be nothing
peculiar about his ears.
"Catch on?" demanded Wyllie.
"Not in thousand 1"
"Hold onl It's this way. Ears stood
straight out wants a room on the outside
within jumping distance of the ground be
cause he is always afraid something is going
to happen. Don't want to nay much,
either. Give him fourth floor, single room,
42L See?"
"No bath."
"Why not?"
"Well, you see, his ears didn't look like
bath ears."
"I can't, very well. That comes bv in
stinct" "Well, now, guess me oil for a room."
"All right," replied Wyllie. "Ears lie
pretty close to your head. GiVe von fairly
good room, because if I don't ybn'U kick."
"Anybody would do that"
"Will they, though! Nobody but a man
whose ears ho flat along his head like a
mule's when ho is kicking makes a fuss
about the room he cets from a clerk who
knows his business."
No Riot In Braver.
About 11 o'clock last night a report
reached the city that a riot had taken place
at Beaver Falls, on the Lake Erie road.
There was no foundation whatever for tbe
report, as there' had been no trouble at the
place. A crowd of about ISO Italians, who
had been employed on the road, struck yes
terday morning for fl CO per day. A few
of them attempted to work, but the others
prevented them. The men are now camped
near Eallston.
Several West End Houses on Fire.
Between 2 and 3 o'clock this morning an
alarm indicated a fire in the West End.
Inquiry by telephone resulted
in a statement that several houses
near the Stone Tavern in the
Thirty-sixth ward, Temperancevllle, were
on fire, and that water could not be got to
them. Up to the hour ot . going to press
th,ese were the only particulsrsbtalnable.
Sironsj Balldlnsr Material.
St. Louis Vost-Ulspatcb.!
There is said to be a scheme on foot in
Chicago to cut the odor of the river into
MorV' for building purposes.
rr" . w -s t - ".-.
How It Was Observed at Homewood Fork.
McKce'a Grovo and Several Other
Places The Colored Feople All Oat.
Yesterday was a day of days among the
coolred people. Next to the 1st of January
the anniversary of their emancipation in
the United States the 1st of Augnst is hon
ored among them. On the 1st of August
they celebrate the emancipation of the West
Indian slaves the earliest step which the
colored race on this continent made toward
First among the celebrations of yesterday
was tbat at Homewood Park. Early in the
forenoon a parade was held, and a gallant
cavalcade proceeded from Liberty Hall to
Homewood Park. Ajax Jones was chief of
staff, and J.'H. Coates officiated as general
manager. At Homewood a crowd had as
sembled to witness the fun. A pleasant
picnic opened the proceedings, and then
some half dozen cavaliers entered the lists
for the ring piercing contest One after
another the horsemen rode at full gallop
down the course, and tried to carry off the
ring on the points of their lances, but the
only ones who succeeded in accomplishing
this difficult feat were J. D. Field on his
gray chanrer, and Andrew Jackson on Jlr.
Boucherel's bay horse "Cap."
The contest having lasted a long time, it
was decided to settle it by a one mile flat
race, and the result was that Field's horse
beat the bay all to fits, and carried off the
prize. Dnring the day the band of the
Duquesne Greys discoursed sweet music,
and tell it nbt in Gath a free and un
limited supply of lager beer was generously
contributed by the festive judges of the
A grand banquet was held in Liberty
Hall by the same company later, and two
Queens were crowned. Speeches, songs and
dances sped the time merrily.
At McKee's Grove affairs bore a quieter
aspect. The Homewood Band and the
Twelfth Ward Twilight Drum Corps sup
plied the indispensable music. Broadax
Smith and Johnston, who were adver
tised to speak; did not appear, but their
places were taken by Bey. TrN. Morris and
Mr. B. F. Stewart The Bev. Morris rose
at 3 p. ii. and made a very happy speech,
narrating the progress made by the Afro
Americans since tbe war. He was succeeded
by Mr. Stewart, whose oratory was concise,
original and in the highest degree inter
esting. Proceedings closed at McKee's Grove
about 630, when a very exciting baseball
match was brought to a satisfactory conclu
sion. A third celebration came off at Aliquippa
Grove, the holders being tbe members of
B. T. C. Lodge 38.
General J. K. Moorehead Camp 135, S. of
V., held a reception and concert in Lafay
ette Hall, which lasted until midnight
City Directory Slot ainchlnei Introduced
Into Drugstores.
New York Times.
A. gentleman entered a Second avenue
drugstore last evening and asked permission
to consult the city directory, which the
publio has grown to regard as essential a
part of the pharmacopoeia as the blue pill
or pain killer. The grave, gray-bearded
proprietor waved his hand sedately toward
the counter, where a brand new directory
embellished with some un-familiar brass
mountings, awaited the gentleman's search.
He seized the top cover and tried to open
the book. He failed in his attempt, and
proceeded to discover the reason why. It
took him but a moment to find that the
book was fastened to a frame, and that a
slight bnt strong brass arm extelded from
the base of the frame across the top cover
and held it down. He tried to coax the arm
into submission, bnt it refused to yield to
his persuasions.
He looked around the store for assistance,
and the drnggist's pretty daughter ap
proached and wanted to know what the
matter was. "Oh, yes," she said, "it was
a very simple matter to open the book when
you know how," and she glanced to the left
of the directory, where the gentleman's eve,
followed her, caught sight, of the familiar
slot, with the words "oue cent" beside it.
The hint was sufficient, and in a few mo
ments the gentleman learned just where he
should leave his train in order to reach 1,834
Park avenne.
The druggist said that the city directory
slot machine had been in vogue about a
week, and that he regarded it as a blessing,
not on account of the money gained, but
becanse it reduced a business nuisance to a
minimum. The young lady took another
view of it "Ob, no," she said, "it isn't
the profit I care about, but you haven't any
idea what a lot of fun there is in it"
A Maiden With Money and Good Looks
Chrnllna a Conductor.
"She dressed modestly and was the
daughter of miehty good people." said a
street car conductor to a Chicago Times re
porter. Her parents live in a brown stone
front, and are well off in the way of this
world's goods. But this don't surprise me
if the old folks are as sly as the girl.
"How deceiving were her looks. When
the conductor would walk up to her and
call out, with studied emphasis and
" 'Fare!'
What did she do? Well, you can feel"
assured tbat she didn't produce the 'fare.'
She just turned toward thecondnctor and
lisped as she rolled her heavenly blue eyes:
" Why, I've paid you, sir.'
"He conldn't tell her she lied, nor pitch
her off the car, so be bit his lips with vexa
tion, and retired to his perch.
"She was a terror. I have often watched
for her, and once caught sight other a block
ahead. Then I laid lor her, and when she
took her seat I was right there with her.
"That time she paid, and has felt 'out'
ever since X expect But when she opened
her wallet I saw a roll of greenbacks as
thick as my thumb, so she didn't have to
beat the car company, not she, while poorer
and more honest girls were paying their
fares promptly and without an efiort to
hold anything back.
"But that's the way. The poor people
would disdain to rob the company of a
nickel, even while it was a hard struggle to
make both ends meet, yet those who don't
really need the money are overquick to
save it Tbey don't care how they do the
saving, just so the money remains with
them." .
A Dion Who Gel Hart on HI Birthday
St. Lonls Globe-Democrat.
An extraordinary coincidence came under
my notice the other day. A comical-looking
negro from Illinois has a habit of com
ing to St Louis every year to spend bis
birthday anniversary ol the day he supposed
he was born on. The result is that his name
appears on the City Dispensary book exact
ly once a year, and always on the same date.
He seems as unable to take care of himself
in a city as he would be on a battle-field.
Three years ago he fell and broke his left
ankle. Last year he got his left-shoulder
blade broken, and a few days ago he came
shuffling in with a handkerchief tied round
his neck, in which portion of his anatomy
he had a bullet awaiting extraction.
He explained that he was buying a pistol,
which went off while he was looking at it
When he had extracted the bullet he said,
in a very philosophical manner. "Say,
boss, 'pears to me I'd most better quit com
ing here to have a good time on my birth
day," and it is needless to add I told him I
thought his logie unanswerable. Bnt I
look for him with a broken leg or a broken
necr; about Jniy 15 piTf y'T, nil thr ore.
a' hokribHeustow
Cannibalism Practiced Among the
Members of an Indian Tribe.
One of the Sacred Ordinances of tha
Tsiinpsheans' Winter Dances.
A Feast of Berries for Women. Interrupted in a Dit
gustlngUanner. A tribe of Indians has been discovered in
the northern part ot British Colnmbia that
for generations has indulged in cannibalism
as one of its customs of initiation. The do
tails of the practices are horrible.
Ottatva, Ont., August 1. An agent of
the Dominion Government, who has been
exploring in the northern part of British
Colnmbia", reports the discovery of a tribe of
Indians who have for generations indulged in
cannibalism as one of their sacred ordi
nances during what is known as their winter
duces. They are the Tsimpsheans or
Kwagutls, and believe that the Hamadtsi
is a spirit living entirely upon human flesh,
on the mountains.
Many years ago a number of the tribe
went into the mountains, and haying en
countered the mythical Hamadtsi, became
ghouls or Hamadtsis. themselves. Their
families alone possess the right of becoming .
initiated by going away fasting in the woods
to meet the Hamadtsi. The sole purpose is
to show the tribe that they are different
from ordinary men, and do not care what
they eat or what they suffer.
Formerly a captive or a slave was killed
and presented to be initiated, and the older
Hamadtsis would eat the corpse in the pres
ence of a general assembly of the peo
ple. More recently, although slavery is
not wholly extinct, the Indians have be
come afraid to kill, so they are reduced to
the stealing of a corpse. This has usually
been drying a long time, and is described
as quite flavorless, 'the brains being a lux
ury. After eating, the Hamadtsis do not taste
food for some days, bnt drink warm water.
Up to the time of eating a corpse in public,
the initiate, whenever he appears from the
woods, bites indiscriminately, women being,
however, generally exempt Formerly the
faces were bitten, noses and ears especially,
bnt now the initiate merely
lifts the flesh
of a man's arm with his teeth, which is
sliced off with a knife by a bystander, and
probably spat out in secret. The father of
the initiate pays everybody who has been
bitten from two to ten blankets. There aro
few men in Kwagutl tribes unscarred by
this practice.
The Hamadtsi begin these ceremonies of
the winter dance while entirely nude, a
heavy plaited rope of cedar bark, adorned
with tassels, being carried, however, on tho
shoulder. There are from 3 to 20 Hamadtsis
in every village, and one ot them will eat of
perhaps four or five corpses in a lifetime.
One old gentleman was repnted to have
eaten 20.
At Mamatilli-Cullah a white mm was
taken by his Indian woman to the winter
dance, and tnrned out of doors because, a
the woman told him,
He saw a woman's body taken into the
house by three nude men, and went round
to the back, where, through a hole, he saw
the Hamadtsis holding the body in their
arms and biting pieces out By the long
black hair Lanzinz from the head he sup
posed this was the body or a woman.
A. Kanaka, a man of good repute, told
the narrator oi this story that at the head of
Knight Inlet he was admitted to a winter
dance and saw Hamadtsis eat a corpse in the
presence ot the tribe. His wife, the Chief-,
tcss, a member of the Hamadtsis family, after
describing the origin of the rite in her
family, said that on Knight Inlet at the
winter feasts she was invited to a
feast of berries for women. They were
interrupted by the Hamadtsis bringing
in a human corpse. They were six in num
ber, and all nude, and her brother one of
them. Attendants cut off strips of flesh
from the corpse, which were devoured by
the Hamadtsis.
It Was Probably Sincere and Certainly
Quito Original.
Youth's Companion.
An unpremeditated and bashful compli
ment is often the most flattering. A young
lady, who had gone to spend a summer
with some country relatives, found it
difficult to get on with one cousin, a boy of
16, who was so shy thnt any chance remark,
directed to him, served to plunge him into
dire embarrassment.
One morning she proposed driving to
town with him, and on the way the conver
sation waxed quite flourishing at least, on
one side. Presently a pause ensued, and
the young lady became aware that her com
panion had turned, and was regarding her
hair, which was of the closely cnrliug
variety, lying in small, deep waves.
"I like your hairi" he announced sud
denly, as if determined to speak his mind,
let what would come of it
"Why?" she asked.
"Because it's so full of them little jcrksl"
'lomaktr 1b not this the Cth time Iharehallsoled
those boots f
Cutovurr Tea! Since I have need TTOLTTV AC3CS
SLACZmo my boots wear kmzer than before maX
are ahrajs briht and clean.
J the Blacking for Hen, 'Women and
IfoBrusK. A SMna ZasU a Week.
Can be washed with water, same u OH cloth.
The Finest Dressing Jor Harness.
Bold by Shoo Stores, Grocers. Druggists,
and retailers eeneraQr.
iso cups fob it
H H I hn T.lthln fnr.Vi'
t;i Wirn"".. M2-r.-rcrT