& fftTTg 'Hm i. lH.'fft7!ElBWHffWH WaMssssMlsssssssssssssssssi SSSSS '?fW OTES k lite BiMtlj. ESfABLlSHED FEBRUARY 8, 1S48. Vol.44. J 0.176. Entered atl'lttsbttrg l'ostofflcc, oeinuer 14, ItoT. as second-class matter. Business Office-- 07 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern AdvirtUlng Office, ltoom 43, Tribune llulldlng, lewYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition of The WsrATcn for six months ending June 30, 1688, 29,492 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of TrjE ills r Arc u for three months ending Juno S 1SS3. 52,660 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE FREE IN THE HOTTED STATES. PAiLVDisrATcn, One 1 car 8 5 00 Daily Dispatch, i'er Quarter....: SCO Daily Dispatch. One Month "0 Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 DAILY Disi-atch. Including bunday.Sm'ths. S 50 Daily Dispatch, including bunday, 1 month to buDAY DlsrATCH, Onelear 2 SO Weekly DisrATCH, One Year 1 55 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at 35 cents per treek, or including bunday edition, at SOcents per week. PITTSBURG. FRIDAY, AUG. 2, 1833. GETTING ON FASTER. According to Governor Beaver, every thing is all right at Johnstown, and has been all along. Meanwhile Treasurer Thompson took hold yesterday and, with less hired help and less red tape, shoveled out the money to the beneficiaries just twice as rapidly as Judge Cummin had been doing. Governor Beaver is an optimist of the su perlative degree. It would oe unjust not to give him full credit for meaning well in whatever he undertakes. Probably no one means better. But he is largely possessed of the idea that ouce he has settled on a plan, it is the only right plan, and that what he doesn't happen to include in his first view don't exist. In short, he is a man not easy to lead and about imossible to drive; and the mem bers of the I'ittsburg Belief Committee who have been tugging at the halter need not feel surprised that while they were getting His Excellency a few steps nearer speedy distribution, he still seemed by his speeches Wednesday to be heading in the same old direction of delay, impossibility to go faster, etc. THE PENSIONS BOOMERANG. When the partisan opponents of Pensions Commissioner Tanner went gunning for him they thought his well-known sentiments fa vorable to the veteran soldiers might have led him into irregular official generosity. They were so confident and so blatant that they went the length of reporting that Secretary Xoble and the President were averse to Tanner. Now that the special ex aminers appointed by the administration have formally reported in favor of the Com missioner, absolutely and entirely exonerat ing him from the charges, the whole affair is practically a boom for Tanner and a boomerang lor his enemies. Many might differ from Commissioner Tanner as to the proper policy as to pen sions. But there is none so stupid as to deny him the right of advocating openly his opinions. There need be none so dull, either, as not to understand that a man who suffered such terrible wounds as Tanner did in the war should naturally feel a sympathy for the soldier. But when it is shown that no matter how strong his sympathies, the charges about irregularities in his adminis tration are falsehoods, the opposition have greatly obliged the Commissioner. They have demonstrated that however his feelings run, he is still a safe man to keep within the law as he finds it. There wis a particular malignity in the method of assaults on Tanner. The pur pose to rush him out of the office on a wave of frothy imputation was pretty apparent. Thousands who may differ from him in his views on this or that matter will, not less than his friends, feel glad that the bluster ing attempt to stampede both Tanner and the administration faired so utterly. The people like truth' and fair play. In the "rush" on Tanner there was little of the one and nothing of the other. He will now enjoy immunity, while the opposition will look lor another administration man to "turn over." That seems to be about the size of the partisan warfare in these days. A DOUBTFUL S7EXXE, The reports with regard to the strike among the coke workers which was set for yesterday, vary quite widely. Prom one quarter it is stated that but few works have been stopped, and from another it is reported that the strike is assuming general dimen sions. There is a practical agreement, however, that a considerable share of the coke workers not only denv the authority which has ordered the strike, but fail to recognize its justice. Under such circum stances the wisdom of a strike which does not take in over half the works and which seems especially aimed against a firm that has recently led the industry in giving good wages, is more than problematical. The most satisfactory features of the present strike is the apparent strength of the con servative interest. NO NEW THING. It is likely to impress the intelligent ob server with the shallowness of a large num ber of advocates of social theories to observe the readiness with which the growth of trust combinations is accepted as a develop ment ot new ideas and a new era in com mercial organization. The widely quoted ie w of Mr. Ed ward Bellamy, who is re garded as one of the intelligent socialistic writers, is an example in point. His idea is that the rise of the trust marks the be ginning of the end of the competitive sys tem, and he regards it as a forward move ment, declaring: "We cannot go back to Egypt again." Of course it is natural that writers who have preconceived views, should disregard the notorious facts of commercial history. Nevertheless it is worth while to remember that the plan of monopolizing trade is not the result of modern ideas in commerce. It is a relic of feudalism, inspired by the selfishness which has been known to exist ever since the fall of man. Salt monopolies were more plentiful in mediaeval times than they are at present; and monopolies in transportation were au evidence of the im perfect ideas of political economy which prevailed at the time of the Cinque Ports. So far from the trust being a new thing, it Is the fact that the 'history of commerce shows that whenever bad laws, tyrannical government or the neglect of wholesome principles have permitted it, men have al ways been quick to grasp the exorbitant profits and the unjust advantage over the masses of mankind, that are to be obtained from the monopoly of any branch of trade. That monopolies are possible in this couu- try at the end of the nineteenth century is only due to the fact that the neglect of the public has permitted advantages to be ob tained in transportation through the nulli fication of the charter contracts of the rail ways, and have permitted the trusts to exist in violation and defiance'of the common law prohibition of such monopolies. It is no less true that the feature of stock inflation by trusts presents an entire absence of novelty. It is an old story for promoters and manipu lators to seek the profits that can be obtained by passing off upon the gullible publio three or four dollars in paper values for one of actual investment By creating the ex pectation that the monopoly which the rail ways were supposed to possess might yield extraordinary profits, this business of floating watered stock has delugtd.the country with 9,000,000,000 of railway capitalization on about $4,500,000,000 of real investment; and has only recently become so threadbare that the" public can no longer be deceived by it. The same policy of buying manufacturing property worth from threeto five million dol lars.and stocking it at from fifteen to twenty millions, has been permitted by the idea that extraordinary profits were to be gained by the monopoly, which may or may not exist under such organization. The only novelty about the trust business is that it has taken the public about as many months to see through the scheme of floating bogus securities in connection with it, as the number of years which were needed to expose the stock-watering game in copnection with the railroads. THE STATE CHAETEE PACT0EY. A shower of charters for street railways by this time must begin to suggest to the publio mind the cheerful Colonel Sellers and his eye-water. The cable lines have made a bushel of money for the proprietors paying, so far as constructed, dividends, not only in cash, but on the bigger volumes of water but it by no means follows that all is gold which glitters, or that every new charter runs along a high road to fortune, as well as to the suburbs. As a matter of fact, while there are several legitimate enterprises on the carpet in this line, most of the charters contemplate oper ation contingent only upon various things in the womb of futurity. Some are taken out to wait until the city grows np to the projected railroad. Others are gotten to help existing lines, in the vain notion that the fact of a charter being out for a given route will scare off competition in that quarter. The liberality of the State authorities in issuing charters would be astonishing if they possessed of themselves intrinsio value; bnt as, when forrailways,they are of no good until the city grants right of way, it is easy to see that not much is lost or made by the gener osity. They do not even block a grant of city rights of way to an individual or to an entirely different corporation for the same street. The shower of charters, therefore, which Governor Beaver has lately been raining on the heads of this community does not neces sarily mean any very productive addition to the assets of the people in these parts. A STATUTE IS NEEDED. Our bright cotemporary, the New York Evening Sun, thinks that the State Depart ment at Washington is making an unnec essary to-do over the fact that the United States Consul at Tangiers flogged a natu ralized American citizen for beating his wife. The Sun thinks this indignation out of place, because exactly the same penalty was inflicted upon a citizen of Maryland at Hagerstown this week under the statutes of that State. The Sun says "it will be hard for the State Department to arouse much indignation against Consul Lewis for dos ing a brute in Algiers with the same strap oil which Is served to similar brutes in Maryland." It is cogent in this connection to remark that there is a vital difference between the infliction of the whipping post punishment in Maryland and the same infliction by a United States Consul, in the fact that the statutes of Maryland authorize such a punishment, while it is nowhere to be found within the statutes of the United States. There may be an honest difference of opin ion as to whether the revival of the whipping post is anything more than the revival of mediaeval bru tality; but it is certainly a cogent point that the infliction of a penalty authorized by the law is a very different thing from the infliction of the same penalty where it is not authorized. The State Department is entirely right in insisting that the officials under its control shall confine themselves to the class ot punishments which are prescribed 'in the statutes of the United States. OTHERS COULD BE BEACHED. There is a pointed suggestion in connec tion with the editorial reference of the New York Telegram to the effect that Jake Kil rain has dodged into Virginia for the sake of avoiding Detective Norris and his requisition upon the Governor of Maryland, for the arrest of the defeated prize fighter. The Te'egram says that "there are a few more States which Kilrain can move into, but the game is blocked along the range just east of Mississippi." This pursuit of Kilrain looks a little singular in view of the fact that Detective Norris would have had no difficulty in ascertaining the whereabouts of John L. Sullivan, who was also a prom inent participant in the violation of law, previous to his arrest on Wednesday by the New York police. Mr. Sullivan has ap peared prominently and publicly in Chi cago and New York. If Detective Norris hankered to arrest someone he might have been able to lay his hands upon Sullivan without trouble. Is Norris alter Kilrain because he lost the fight, or because he did not pay Norris enough for securing him immunity from arrest, when the detective agreed to protect him in breaking the law? It is asserted, that Mr. C. P. Hunting ton's sale of his Chesapeake and Ohio Bail road indicates that he is going to concen trate his railroad intere'sts in the Sonthwest, where he can control the shortest Southern transcontinental line between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Until Mr. I Huntington has finally made those arrange ments, he will indulge in the usual cor porate outcry against people who now own the most direct line when they try to take away the business which Mr. Huntington wants retained by his own road. It is beginning to dawn upon our esteemed Eastern cotemporaries that the $110,000 sale of Millet's "Angelus," was a mere artistic fake. Wait until the picture is imported and see what proportion of the alleged price is stated' as the actual value of that much; advertised work of art. Among the absurd rumors of the Ameri can interests which British investors are f buying up, that concerning a reported movement of a British syndicate to buy up the 10 and 16 cent theaters of the Eastern cities is objected to on the ground that the British syndicates have heretofore confined their operations to the interest which pro duce necessities, and do not wish luxuries. This reveals the astonishing fact that there are people in this country who regard the 10 and 15 cent theaters as luxuries. Wnn one wife-beater publicly whipped in Maryland, and another in Tangiers, while a third haSTeceived an extra-judicial coat of tor and feathers in Kansas, there are some indications that wife-beating is on the point of going out of fashion. One of the representatives from Delaware county has resigned his seat in order to ac cept a position under Collector Cooper. An exchange says that the Delaware people will have to hunt around to find men who are able to fill the places thus vacated by the Repre sentative and Senator. Perhaps so; but while they are at it, the people ot Delaware county may as well take the extra trouble to hunt around and find representatives who will represent the people and not the cor porations. "With Pittsburg coal quoted at $2 90 a ton at Chicago, and the assertion that it costs ?2 98 to lay it dojrn there, it seems to be about time to suggest an inquiry as to how much a Chicago ton of coal weighs. Mb. A. Bentley Woethington, who has just acquired fame by the discovery that be has deceived eight confiding women into marrying him, is now writing articles in the line of alleged "Christian Science," to prove that society is corrupt. There does not seem to be much doubt that with regard to that portion of society which consists of Mr. A. Bentley Worthington, his opinion of the general corruption is entirely well founded. Canada's wrath over onr seizure of her sealers is probably of about the texture of the uprising of this country over the seizure of our fishing vessels on the Eastern coasts by Canada. It is also stated that friends of Mr. William C. Whitney have confessed that he would not refuse the Democratic nomina tion for President, if was tendered to him. Whitney and Quay as opposing candidates for the Presidency would be equivalent to offering a premium on a third party candi date. Montana's forest fires show a necessity for moving them East in order to secure the necessary treatment for them from Pennsyl vania's superabundant rains. Air electric car, run by storage battery, in New York City has a record of 7,000 miles of travel, and 80,000 passengers carried, without a dollar of expenditure for repairs or alterations. This looks as though the storage battery may yet demonstrate its claim to be regarded as the motor of the futnre. Allegheny's artesian wells bid fair to discount her hydrant water as a liquid ve hicle of wonderfully deleterious elements. Fbom the thickness with which political yarns of more or less veracity generally less crowd the atmosphere, oue would imagine ibat we are approaching the close of a national campaign, instead of laying the pipes, as one story has it, for the future opening ot a Presidental canvass. PEOPLE OP PB0MINENCE. Hon. Lambert Tree is about to donate to the commissioners of Lincoln Fork, Chicago, a fine bronze statue of LaSalle, tho explorer. The fashionable London wedding ring has recently been of dull gold, bnt Princess Louise went back to the old fashion and chose hers bright. , Mrs. Kendall, the famous English actress! is the youngest of 22 children, and comes of an family that has tarnished seven generations to the stage. r It is stated that Senator' Evarts was the author of tho so-called Williams constitution for North Dakota, and that he was paid $5,000 for writing the document. Robert G. Blaine, brother of the Secre tary of State, is said to be an aspirant for ap pointment as Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia. He is now in a position in the Department of Agriculture. A W. Lymaw, who for several years has had charge of the Washington bureau of the New York Sun, has purchased a controlling interest in the Helena Independent, a Democrat paper, and took possession yesterday. Among the lecturers at the Summer School of Christian Philosophy at Key East is Dr. Charles F. Hines, professor of Natural Science at Dickinson College. He has an enviable rank among educators as an original investigator and independent thinker. The affairs of the Chicago Timet underwent a change Wednesday afternoon, when Joseph Dunlop took entire charge of the editorial and news department ot his paper. Mr. Dnnlop has for the last two years represented the interest of Mrs. Eareka E. Storey, widow of the late editor of the limes. John Tyler, son of the dead ex-Presllcnt, is gradually sinking. His entire body has been paralyzed for nearly a year, and he is finally giving way to the consequent Inanition. When in health he was talented, witty, learned and companionable. For several years past he has held a sinecure in the Treasury Department, JDLI OIL OPERATIONS. Summary of Wells Completed nnd Produc tion Daring; the Month. Oil City, August L The DerricWs July oil report contains the following: The summary table of the month's bnsiness shows 33 wells completed with an output of 7,022 barrels pro duction. This is a decrease of 22 wells and 628 barrels from the showing made for June. The drill is being unshed toward the center of the earth in COS wells this morning, and the field of derricks number 252. Here, again, the bull may find consolation, inasmuch as June 30 re vealed 620 wells and 281 rigs along the line of operations. The wildcatter tn his mad career found 92 dry boles in July. June weht 5 better, her credit being 97 dry holes. These numerous dry holes, scattered over many miles of territory, demonstrate in what straights the producer finds himself in his anxiety to discover something new. In Venan go and Clarion there were 171 wells completed, with a production of 008 barrels, and there are 122 wells drilling and 70 rigs up and building. In Boiler and Armstrong, 46 wells completed; production 672 barrels; 10 dry. In the boutb. west territory (Washington, Allegbeny.Oreene and Turkeyfoot), 15S wells completed; produc tion, 4,683 barrels; 39 dry. Where the State' Money ! Kept. ISrrCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCB.l Harrisburg, August 1. Nino banks in the State held the Sl.422,008 17 in the general f nnd at the close of yesterday's business at the State Treasury. The following had the largerNde- Iioslts: Allegheny National, $305,634 77; People's, 'blladelphia, $358,14740; Commonwealth Guar antee Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Harris burg, $351,218 86; Economy SavingaJnstitution, Beaver Falls, $100,000; Farmers and Mechanics' National, Philadelphia, $138,89e 87. Thu money in the Economy Savings Institution has not been disturbed since it was deposited there sev eral years ago, in deference to the wishes of Senator Quay. A Llllpntlnn Reception. Miss Virginia Diehl, the 3-year-old- little daughter of W. J. Diehl, of Hiland avenue. East End, gav6 her first publio reception last evening to numerous Lilliputian friends, in commemoration of ber birthday. The parlors of Mrs. Diehl were crowded with guests the en tire afternoon and evening, and the young peo ple spent a very enjoyable time. Little Miss Virginia was assisted receiving the guests by her mother and several other ladies. Sccond-TIaiid Celebrities, from the Chlcafo New.: The French elections have shown quite con clusively that General Bonlanger is a back number. He will presently grace the shelves devoted to second-hand celebrities, and will be labelled: "This style, 25 cents." A SIOUX SON DAHCrf An Important Event In a Tonne Indian's Life A Hovere Teat of a Warrior! Physical Endurance. A sun dance is a more Importanjevent in the life of a young Sioux buck than the "coming out" ball of a society debutante, for in his case it transforms a boy into a warrior, and gives him a standing in his band that ho must achieve, or be looked upon with contempt as a "coffee-cooler," an expressive term used by the Indians, meaning ono who hangs around a camp to beg for what is left after his betters have been served. No buck can appear in council and talk a function as dear to the In dian's heart as it Is to the before-mentloned society belle unless he has gone through with the physical discomforts of this ceremonial dance. It is also a religious affair, and many old bucks dance, believing by so doing tbey propitiate the Great Spirit and have success in tlieir undertakings. V The dance, which lasts about two days, oc curs about once a year. In July or August. Notice of the date and place of holding is sent by runners to all the different bands of the Sioux tribe. The short timo required to convey thu, or any other information ot importance, to these people by the means they employ, of runners and signals, has long been a matter of wonderment to those who have lived among, tbem. Having been told by a friend of mine. Stand ing Elk, chief of a band of Spotted Tail In dians, who spoke excellent English when ask ing for whisky or tobacco, that old Spot's outfit were going to have a sun dance near their agency, on the Keya-Paha, about 85 miles from the post where I was serving. In Dakota, I got up a party of officers to ride over and see it. Standing Elk, who was to be the Grand Mar shal, agreed to provide us with reserved seats. After some difficulty we found the place and saw before us, on a rising plateau on the other side of the breaks of tho Keya-Paha, hundreds of tepees and several thousands of bucks, squaws and papooses; also a great mass of other animal life. The crowd was so large that right there on the open prairie, a short time before our arrival, a boy had been crushed to death in a stampede that had occurred. There were 14,000 or 15,000 Indians present. This crowd, mounted and on foot, was centering on the big dance house, where the festivities were in fall blast, the dancing having begun with the first rays of the sun, all of the dancers having spent the previous night seated in a .circle in this tepee waiting for the sun to rise. It was no easy matter to get close inough to the entrance of the big tepee to find the Grand M arshal; but by careful riding and a judicious use of "How codal" a polite expression of hello, friend! we succeeded, and caw stand ing close to the orchestra, in all the majesty of his six feet of powerful physique, new rod blanket, freshly painted face and gay war bonnet of eagle's feathers, my f nend Standing Elk, with the baton of office In his hand. The Wa-che-pee tepee (or dance honse) was an immense circle, inclosed on the outside, ex cept a wide entrance by posts set in the ground; the spaces filled in with brush, with a shade of the same built over the top. Tho middle of this lnclosnre occupied by the dancers was open to the foil glare of a powerful sun. AU around this circle, on the posts supporting the shade, were hung banners of different colored calicoes, painted buffalo hides, and gaily dec orated shields of the same material. The gen eral effect was that of a circus. In the center of the circle was planted a tall Cottonwood pole, from which wero hnng ban ners, lariats, buffalo beads, medicine bags, bunches of painted porcupine quills, bundles of bird's feathers, and large figures of men cut out of buffalo hide. This pole was cut, hauled to its place and planted by a number of maidens the evening before. It is the only partot the ceremony women are allowed to participate in. They are even excluded from the lnclosuro, but are kindly allowed to gratify their curiosity by peeping through the outside brush. Great numbers of handsomely dressed ladles availed themselves of this opportunity I use the term "handsomely dressed" advisedly the prevailing costumed consisting of deer skin mantles, beautifully beaded, with as many as 50 pounds of beads on a mantle. The orchestra, located opposite the entrance, consisted of six enormous tom-toms, operated by as choice a body of thieves and cut-throats as ever murdered music The dance. Being continuous from the rising of the sun until Its going down on the second day, requires unceas ing music, so there was a detail of. musical ex perts to relieve each other, at stated intervals. The sound they make on the tom-toms. In con nection with their voices chanting "Hi-ya! Ho ya!" is monotonous; but It Is in perfect tune, and not as disagreeable near bj as at a distance on a dark, still night. The dancers, more than 150 most of them youngsters going through the ordeal for the first time are ranged around the center pole, keeping time with the tom-toms with a peculiar step that requires one foot at a time to be raised, while the weight of the body is brought down on the heel that is touching the ground. The body is crouched and bent forward, with the arms raised, the right arm being extended above the bead when the left foot Is down, and the left arm when the right foot is down. This alternating motion constitutes the dance, and can be kept up without gaining ground. But the fresh jouths occasionally spring both back ward and forward, and thereby elicit applause. All the time the dancers must face the sun and look at it. They are not allowed any head covering, and are stripped naked, except a breech clout, V The dancers hold in their mouths whistles, made out of the bones of turkeys' wings, which they blow as they breathe, the object being to keep the mouth dry. They are not allowed water or food during the whole time of the dance (about 48 hours). To intensify their de sire for water, which is the harder of the two to bear, several philanthropists go among them with water, which they pour from a cup into a bucket In front of the dancers, so they can see and smell it. These philanthropists are accom panied by good Samaritans, who assist the power of the sun by flashing light from a look ing glass Into the dancers' eyes. Only the most tender hearted of these cul tured children of nature are entrusted with these delicate missions, and they must belong to different lodges than the dancers they ap pear before. Their desire Is to break down the dancers, while it is a matter of pride with the members of the lodges to which these young sters belong to succeed,and it is permssible for a buck, not one of the dancers, to go alongside of a tired friend and let him lean his back against him, both keeping up the dance. Although the dance was not more than six or seven hours old when we appeared, there were several dancers being assisted In this manner. The only cessation of the dance allowed the dancer (each one gets his chance) is when the Big Medicine Man, who stands near the center pole, calls him up to be operated upon. But he is only permitted to stand still long enongh to endure that pleasure, which consists In having incisions made in the flesh of his breasts, or on his back below the shoulder blades, through which are run thongs of deer skin, to which aro tied either a buffalo head or a lariat, taken from the pole. While this matter of sight and sound is kept up a warrior will enter the circle and in a loud voice orate to the crowd, telling of his exploits in tho good times gone by, when scalping was not a lost art. This danCe I'm telling of was held the next summer after the Custer mas sacre, and several of the audience present had been actively engaged In it. These orators talk well, and what they say is listened to with great attention. It fires tho young men's hearts with a desire to emulate the deeds described, and keeps the dancers nerved np to go through witn an ordeal which will entitle them to appearand tell what they have done, even If it only con sists in the killing of an old Ponca squaw. Sun dance is a fair trial of a man's ability to endure discomfort. He has got to abstain from sleep, water and food for 48 hours, during SO of them taking violent exercise, besides suf fering the great pain caused by looking at the sun, and some incidental knife work that Is done at night when no white men are present. And when a young back has successfully gone through with it, he Is entitled to be considered qualified for the vicissitudes of a warrior's life. Allex Butch, Captain Fourth Cavalry. Acrreaica of Noted Ancestry. From the Philadelphia Ledger.! A granddaughter of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence is to star theatrically next season. If some descendent of Columbus cannot be discovered and fitted with a play in time for the 1S92 celebration. It will not be the fault of the managerial fraternity. '?&ri Preferred Stock. To the Editor of The DitDatch: Please explain the difference between com mon and preferred stock in railroads, or other corporations. Citizen. Alleqhbxy, August 1. The common stock of a company is eutltled to such dividends out of the net .earnings of the company after expenses of operation and interest on bonds are paid as the directors may vote. Preferred stock takes precedence over the common stoek in its dividend up to a cer tain fixed rate. That Is, a dividend not exceed ing whatever rate may have been fixed must be paid to preferred stockholders first. Then if there is slill a surnlus, dividends may bo paid to the common stockholders up to the rate paid to the preferred stockholders, after which all the stock usually shares alike. There may be several issues of preferred stock, ranking in dividend rights In the order of their number, "first preferred." "second preferred," etc. Preferred stock some times has a greater vot ing power than common stock, but that Is un usual. An Old Penny. To the Editor of The Dispatch: I have a copper coin bearing the date of 172L On the face are the words, "Georglus Rex" and on the reverse "Brittannia." Please tell me what it is and what it is worth. J. M. K. Pittsburg, August 1. I From the description we should judge that it was an English penny of the time of George L Coin collectors quote tbem at from 10 to 40 cents each. Gettysburg Yeterans. To the Editor of The Dispatch: Are all Pennsylvania soldiers to be furnished transportation to Gettysburg, or only those that participated in that battle? MAC. Kf.nnerdell, Pa., August L The published announcements state that those who participated In the battle of Gettys burg are to be given transportation. Other soldiers are not mentioned. Philadelphia. To the Editor of The Dispatch: What city stands next in population to Now YorkT C. B. Beaver Falls, August L lAccordlng to tho census of 1880, Philadel phia. Whether that city or Chicago is to hold second place Is a question to be settled by the census of 189a ATTEHDIfG TO ITS OWN AFFAIRS. The American Sugar Trust Denies Reported Denllngra With the Germans. ISPECIAt. TXXXGKAH TO TUE DISPATCH. 1 New York, Angust L A cablegram from London, published to-day, gives an account of an alleged attempt on the part of the Magde burg sugar syndicate, in collusion with the American Sugar Trust, to defraud the United States Government out of a large sum SL136, 000 In duties by the coloring of sugar stock to bring it down to the grade which Is admitted at the lowest tariff rate. The Magdeburg syndi cate, it was stated, bad obtained control of 80, 000,000 pounds of sugar, and had sold the whole amount to the New York Sugar Trust. The contract with the American purchasers, it was further reported, made necessary the coloring of the sngar, which was of a higher grade, down to 18 Dutch standard, so that It could be im ported at a low duty, making a difference of over $1,000,000 to the United States Treasury. Bnt the failure of this scheme for lack of finan cial backiug, according to the story, caused the price of sugar to decline from 29 shillings to about 20 shillings, while "a great crash" Is soon expected. Treasurer Searles is usually very silent as to the affairs of the Sugar Trust, but he was more' communicative to-day, and pronounced the re- fiort of the Magdeburg ring's doings as abso utely false, so far as it relates to the Sngar Trust here. "It has never had any dealings," he continued, "whatever with the Magdeburg sugar syndicate. It has purchased in the open market in Germany, from time to time, beet sugars, as It has in all the markets of the world, but it has bad no contracts whatever with the German syndicate. The German syndicate was a speculative movement, organized for the purpose of advancing tho prices of raw sugars." A K0TEL INTENTION. The Signal Rocket to be Used to Carry Life Lines to Vessels. from the Philadelphia Inqnlrer.i Robert W. Bartlett, of New Bedford, Mass.. and Patrick Cunningham, the Inventor of the signal rocket, will arrive at the Lafayette Hotel to-day on a mission of a peculiar nature. They are on their way from .Norfolk to Scran ton for the purpose of testing the capacity of the Scranton Steel Works in the production of a high quality of four-Inch tube. The rocket which Mr. Cunningham has invented takes the place ot the gun in carrying life-lines to or from vessels in distress. In preparing it for firing the powder with which it 13 filled is packed so tightly with a 60 ton weight that only the finest steel tubing can be used, and until recently this had to be im ported from England. A recent authoritative decree Insists, however, that all materials used in the naval department must be of American make, and Messrs. Bartlett and Cunningham will go to Scranton with Mr. I P. Ashmead to see whether the Scranton companies can furnish the steel tubes or not. Inventor Cunningham is very sanguine of his invention Thus far he claims to have demon strated the practicability of the rocket, and, be' iug still engaged in improving it In various ways, -he feels certain that it will ultimately become the inevitable accessory of every ship. In several trials he has thrown lines twice the distance which guns could force them, and he hopes to be able to do even better than that. He is the inventor of what is known as the ex ploding harpoon for whaling, and it was his ex periments with that weapon which first turned bis thought to the lifeline rocket He has been at work upon the latter upward of six years. NO EAR FOE MUSIC. A Man. Who Disliked a DIocklngBlrd's Notes Has Him Hashed. From the Louisville Courier-Journal. J Warrants of nearly every character are sworn out in the Ordinance Court, bnt the one issued at the instance of Charles H. Nye, of 701 Seventh street, yesterday, is without precedent. Rube Loving Is the man against whom the warrant was issued, and he lives in the alley between Seventh and Eighth and Walnut and Chestnut streets. Mr. Loving ,1s the owner of a mocking bird, whoso sweet songs are a source of great pleasure to the people living in that neighborhood. The bird's chirps aro strongest and its airs sweetest early In the morning, but Mr. Nye is not -of a musical turn, and consequently he considers the bird a serious nuisance. Mr. Loving is Sassionately fond of his bird, and when Mr. Tye wanted him to extract its "whistles" the owner refused. When everything had failed to rid that peaceful neighborhood of so great a nuisance, Mr. Nye resorted to law. which resulted in the issuing of a wnrrant against Mr. Loving, asking the prompt removal of the mocking bird. Deputy Marshal Connelly served the warrant yesterday, and now the sweet melodies of the mocking bird have been forever hushed. Afraid of the Sonp. from the Detroit Free Press. 1 The Czar will v(slt Germany, but in spite of the cordiality of his invitation he docs not feel safe in going to Berlin. These royal visits are festive affairs especially when the guest does not dare eat his sonp until his host has tasted it. POINTED A2D PECULIAR. Boston Courier: It Is generally all np with a man when he begins to go down hill. Baltimore American: The quickest way of smoothing rough characters is to iron them. Boston Gazette: Does a man cast bis bread upon the waters when ho takes a roll in the surf? Washington Capital: The hangman may not be much of a theoretical musician, but ho is great on execution. Portlani? Argus: We have no hesitation In saying that it is better to swear honestly than to pray hypocritically. Binghamton Republican: The water-lily keeps Its head above water about as well as anything we think ot just now. Philadelphia Press: When the school master whips one of the girls he hits a miss. When the girl dodges she misses a hit. Jamestown (N. Y.) Journal: A boy may have a stone bruise so severe as to prevent his attending school, yet he can run bases like a pony express. Somerville Journal: "That's stuff," said the editor, as he handed tho poem back. "That's tongb." said the poet, as he turned sorrowfully away. . Teres Haute Express: When the cashier girdeth up his loins and fleethin the silence and darkness of the night, then doth the ex checker depart with the exchequer. 0U2MAU,yRJJCfl. ayisittonahkihg; - W?& Interesting Experiences of nn American Consul in the Ancient Capital of tbe Chinese Empire. Washington. Angust 1. A. C. Jones, United States Consul to Chlnklang, China, has written to the State Department an interesting account of a visit he recently made to Nanking, the ancient capital of the Chinese Empire, to confer with Taotla Liu, Foreign Minister, re garding Interests of American citizens within his consulate, the result of which, the Consul says, was most satisfactory. Of the city of Nanking, Its condition and material interests. Consul Jones saTs: "A credelated wall of built brick and stone 60 feet In height, and, it Is said, 36 miles in circumference. Incloses the city. In one or two parts there aro evidences of repair, but generally It is intact, and in an ex cellent state of preservation, considering that it was built over 1,000 years ago. Much of the area enclosed by this wall has lapsed Into a savage state and become tbe resort of wild game. The city, no doubt, was once a very freat one; there are evidences of It everywhere, n the thirteenth century it was the capital of the Empire. It l still of vast extent, and from what I saw of its recent condition and the many rums of ancient palaces and temples and paved roads that onco were populous and busy streets, I could well imagine its former great ness. Ad Emperor's Tomb. "The present population is estimated at 600,000. The capital was removed from Nanking to Peking in the Ming dynasty In 1411. I visited tho tomb of the first Ming Emperor, In a pict uresque valley a mile or two outside tho walls. Leading up to It on the plain are a number of colossal stone figures of warrlojSL elephants, camels, lions, etc., in moro or lew dilapidated condition. Tbe ample grounds which Inclose tho tomb were at ono time ornament ed with stone and marble bridges, kiosks and tablets, the remains of which are scattered about the grounds buried in a rank growth of wild shrubbery and trees. All tbe tombs, temple, palaces and ancient landmarks of China are rums. It seems never to have been the policy of China to rebuild or repair. Near here was tbe great first pagoda, bnilt way back in the cectnries, at a cost of 3.000.000 taels. Its material was porcelain brick, the top overlaid with burnished copper and ornamented with jewels. No vestige of It remains. An Ancient Seat of Learning. "The city is now the capital of the Department of Vangtszee, where resides with a large num ber of officials, the Viceroy Tseng, who governs tbe department, consisting of the provinces of Anohui, Kiangsu and Kiangsi, with a popula tion all told of 100,000,000. It has always been noted as the seat of learning of the Empire, from the presence of scholars and learned men, and a place where colleges, universities and libraries are established. It is the head quarters also of tbe Viceroy's army and navy. In an industrial way there is an arsenal here, where small arms and ammunition are manufactured, and which em ploys 1,000 workmen and machinists, all native talent. There are also here extensive manu factories of ribbons, silk, satin and velvet. 'Kankeen a fabric well known to the youth of America 40 years ago is made here from the yellow cotton plant, which Is extensively cultivated on tho river bottoms. There is a paper manufactory, which makes a beautiful, translucent paper from vegetable pith. This paper is much used for painting water color pictures by native artists. Being the literary center, tbe annual examinations of candidates for all civil and military positions are held here. The Examination Hnll which I went to see, has accommodations for 30,000 students. Under cover of the hall are long rows, or streets of cells, about three and a half feet deep and three feet wide, in which tbe candidates are confined from three to nine days. They are given the subject, pen, ink and paper and closed in.At the last examlnatlonthere were 29,000 candidates for the 143 vacancies. The literary class, a very considerable one, for tbe most part, is poor, and distinguished more than anything else for hostility to the foreigner and swash-buckler, and when in force gave the authorities a great deal of trouble In Keeping oraer. j.ney are generally attnenoc tom of evcrv dlsturbince and outrage, and on account of their conditions it is rare that they can bebrought to account." Of American missionaries, their work and in fluence, Mr. Jones says: "There are 30 Amer icans in Nanking connected with the mission ary societies, inclnding women and children. They live in good brick, double-story houses, with ample grounds and have every comfort. They are the only foreigners living at Nanking. The only annoyances to which they aro subject aro to have foreign devils' shouted at tbem In passing, and occasionally to have their windows broken by the gam ins while engaged at their practice meetings. They are well behaved, law abiding and give little trouble to the authorities. Tbe central mission of the Methodist church has a hospital at Nanking, where the Chinese are received and treated at a nominal expense. This is practical Christianity, which the people understand and appreciate. The different sects of missionaries and their hostility to each and all others bave a confusing effect on tbe mind of the heathen, and induces bim to stick to his original gods." A Visit to tbe Viceroy. The person of tbe Viceroy and some of the customs of the country are thus described: "I arrived at tbe quarters of the Viceroy, and was received by His Excellency in person, who took both my hands in his, and led me Into the andlence chamber and to a seat beside bim. He is a slight, delicate-looking man, 60 years of age, but he looks much younger. He is not gray, and has a strong face, with very kindly eyes. His dress was a long robe of a golden hue almost transparent, held at tho 'waist by a silk girdle with elanorately worked gold clasp. It was he who re-took Nanking from the Taiplng rebels 25 years ago, and be Btill suffers from wounds re ceived in that achievement. His family is a learned and very distinguished one in the civil and military annals of China. The interview was a very interesting and pleasant one to me. The conversation ranged over a wide field, ex hibiting upon his part a thorough acquaintance of affairs at home and abroad. Hospitality of , Itlnndnrins. "I spent fonr days at Nanking, and was practically the guest of the Vlcerdy, who showed me considerate and delicate attention. A civil and a military mandarin, with their fol lowing of orderlies, messengers, etc, were sent to take up quarters at the same mission in order to be near and to be of service to me. All this was cumbrous, if convenient, and bad Its Inconvenience. But it is their idea of cere mony and hospitality, and 1 had to accept it. On my departure, I had to conform to another custom no less obligatory, which was to fee everybody, from the two Mandarins In attend ance to the guides, conductors and coolies who accompanied me everywhere, to the amount of 65 Mexican dollars." A 1Y0NDEEFUL WATCH. It Cost 82,500 nnd is Both a Timepiece and a Calendar. Boston, August L W. T. R, Huntington, of Cleveland, is the owner of a unique watch pre sented to him by bis father, John Huntington, a watch that is one of two, Mr. Huntington, Sr., carrying the duplicate. For both these, it is said, tbe latter paid $5,000 in gold to the makers, Messrs. J. Badollet & Co., of Genevi. Tbe caso of the one described Is of pure gold, four ounce, while the works are of tbemost deli cate and Intricate character, and number fully 400 pieces. On thelargerdial appear four smaller dials. Tbe one at the top shows by a diagram of the sky the changes of the moon, the firma ment being of lapis lazuli, studded with golden stars. The next dial to the right shows the leap vear, the tiny band moving around the circle once in four years, and an auxiliary hand shows each month. On tbe dial at tbe bottom is a hand marking the quarter seconds and one showing the day of the month. At the left oa the fourth min iature dial is a hand pointing out the day of the week, and another the tide as It ebbs and flows. Around tbe large dial, besides tbe usual bour and minute hands, mores a second hand and an extra horse-timer so arranged that the distance between two horses at the finish Is ac curately noted In quarter seconds. By pressing a button, tbe past bour Is struck on a deep toned bell, one of a fairy chime; the quarters are a more silvery note, and a rapidly tinkling companion gives the minutes. The watch is a stem winder and one spring furnishes the motive power. Here's Refreshing Frankness. Prom Mr. Ualstead's own paper.l We nominate M. Halstead for tbe United States Senate, to take the seat misrepresented by Henry B. Payne. It Is a square contest. There is nothing personal about It, but there Is a great deal more than personal Interests in volved. GOOD MORNING. Up In the nursery two bine eyes Opened quickly In glad surprise. Two little red lips linjhlnjt spoke: 'Mamma kissed me and so I woke. Out In the woods a blue-bell rare TVhtspered, soft as the anmmer air, Aa gently opened her fairy cup: "A sun ray kitted me and 1 woke up.' -1'iiuM'i Companion, fTF, TG0SSIP WTGEBAT CITlf Ivea Still Cracks a Bmilr. LKrW TOBX BUBXAV SFECIALS.1 New York; August!. The writs of habeas corpus and'certiorarl issued to-day in the case of HenryS. Ires and George H. Stayner, were dismissed in the Supreme Court chambers to day, without argument. The counsel of Ives and Stayner tried at first to have the writs withdrawn because Ives began the proceedings without consulting his lawyers. The assistant district attorney In charge of the case, how ever, insisted upon the dismissal. Ives was very much averse to giving his counsel privilege to dismiss, but he finally consented, and the papers wero Indorsed accordingly. Ives to-day appeared In a bluo serge suit in place of tbe snuff-colored garments he usually wears, and the colored valet who used to attend upon bis person at his luxurious Fifth avenue apart ments, and whose services be still requires In Ludlow street, was in court with him. Ives smiled and smiled, but his countenance wore traces of some very discernible anxiety. Stay ner looked pale and far from jolly. After tho signing of the papers, both were hurried back to the Ludlow street jaiL Lost Treason Recovered by Divers. George Gould, President of the Pacific Mall Steamship Company, has received a cablegram from the company's agent at Manzanilla, stat ing that the treasure, amounting to about $200,000, on board the Pacific Mall steamer Granada, when that vessel was lost, had been recovered. The Granada went ashore about a month ago on tho rocks along the coast of PuntaTejuhan. Gold ore and English securi ties wero included in her manifest. The vessel, whose value was $200,000, was a total loss. The English owners of tho cargo sent out an expe dition from London to recoTer the valuables. At Nogales. Mexico, Superintendent Richard son, of the expedition, received a telegram from Manzanilla, stating that the native divers had recoved all the treasure on the wrecked vessel, and that it was useless for him to pro ceed further. The valuables were subse quently sent overland to Manzanilla, and from thereto England by one of the Pacific Mall steamers. Doncnn Harrison's Misfortune. Duncan B. Harrison, the actor, Is now coming east from California to have his leg amputated. Mr. Harrison has been starring in his own play, "The Paymaster." and injured himself sometime ago by jumping from the tower In the scene where he escapes from the prison. He continued to act, however, and positively de clined to succumb to his injury. In San Fran cisco he appeared upon the stage on crutches. His constant activity aggravated his injury till amputation of the leg has become necessary to save his life. Lost a Let of Bananas. A steamship load of bananas was dumped in the bay this afternoon. Inspectors of the Board of Health seized 8,000 bunches of over ripe bananas, the entire cargo of the steamship Alps, of the Atlas Line. The Alps is Justin from Costa Rica. The total loss of the cargo falls upon the Atlas Line, to which It was con signed. Grover Cleveland's Cfaalr Stolen. The office chair of ex-President Grover Cleveland has been stolen. A thick-set man in a blue jumper called at Mr. Cleveland's office a few days ago, and said that he had been sent by Mr. Cleveland to take away tbe chair for repairs. Lawyer Stetson let It go. To-day Mr. Stetson discovered that the man in a blue jumper was a common thief, and that the chair of his ex-Presidental partner was gone for good. He told his story to Inspector Byrnes, who Is trying to find the thief. The same man in the same blue jumper has stolen the chairs of several other prominent men in the same way within the last month. Cut His Foot Right 00". The tug boat Johnson was hauling a lighter into her dock this noon. William Craft, a deckhand, IS years old, stood near the rail where a hawser was uncoiling. Inadventently be placed his right foot In the last colL In a second the hawser tightened around his ankle and completely amputated his foot, which fell on the deck. Craft may die. Where His Nest Eggs Went. Ellbu Condon, of Brdgeport,has lost chickens and eggs from his poultry yard every night for the last four weeks. Last night he heard a great commotion in his hennery, and hurrying out found an 11-foot snake just inside of tho door. After killing the nig reptile he noticed a swelling in its body about three feet from its head. He cut the snake open and found in side three china nest eggs. The Schnrz Family Off" for Europe. The big Hamburg steamship Columbia started on her maiden trip eastward this morning. Her Captain expects to have h er at Southampton in about six days. In the Columbia's cabin were Carl Scburz, Carl Scburz, Jr.. Miss Agatha Schurz, Miss Marlanna Scbnrz. Master Herbert P. Schurz, D. B. Hubbard, United States Con sul at Annaberg, Asbbel P. Fitch and Mrs. Fitch. Wants the Rebate for Himself. Robert O. Israel, a Brooklyn wholesale and retail meat dealer, who operates the "Pioneer Chicago Beef Company," has entered suit in the Supremo Court against Armour Sc Co., of Chicago.the beef slaughterers and packers and leading members of the "dressed beef com bine." The other members of the combine are Swift & Co., Hammond A Co., and Nelson Morris. They control the dressed beef trade of the country. Mr. Israel buys his beef by the carload. It comes from Chicago to Brooklyn in refrigerator cars, and Mr. Israel pays the freight He charges in his complaint that the railroad companies allow a rebate to Armour & Co., and that the firm thus receives back a part of the freight which he pays. Mr. Israel claims that be is entitled to that rebate, and that it now amounts to $7,000, for which amount he sues. This morning Cooke & Salmon, counsel for Mr. Israel, moved before Judge Cullen for an open commission to take testimony in Chi cago In tbe suit. The motion was opposed by Mr. John P. Hudson, of Tracy. MacFarland. Boardman S Piatt, but Judge Cullen granted the motion. The lawyers will select the com missioners to take tbe testimony. ( An Honest Injan. From the Troy Times. Big Head Js the name of a young Sioux In dian. He has plenty of white brethren who are not honest enough to go about so plainly labeled. , TEI-STATE TRIFLES. At Junction City, O.. a plucky woman with a Shotgun kept a gang of railroaders at bay and prevented them from tearing down a building located on land belonging to her husband. Among the witnesses examined In the ju dicial contest at Wliliamsport the other day was a maiLfrom Cogan station aged 28 years, who said that he had never until that day been more than one mile away from Cogan station. He was quite astonished at his surroundings. At Erie a couple of nights since a husband and.wife were quietly seated In their nnllghted parlor talking over family matters, when a slight noise was beard outside the open win dow. Tbe husband glided out to tbe woodshed, got a whalebone whip, stole round to tbe front of tbe honse and brought the whip down in such a lively rain on the eavesdropper's shoul ders that be cried for mercy. But he got none till his back was raw and the wife had inter ceded. The latest summer beverage where lemons disagree id "onionade." An aquarium containing gold and silver fish In a Nonistown apothecary's window is lighted up at night by an electric light which floats upon the water. Dr. B.H. Warren, of West Chester, in mounting a blue heron lately shot on the Brandywlne, found in Its stomach a black bass seven inches long. Not far from Water Gap lives a crippled man, with a wife and four children. He and bis wife hare repeatedly walked 11 miles to pick whortleberries, walked home again, and then to Streudsburg with a load of 30 pounds, and home again in all, 4S miles in two days. Apple blossoms and green apples are both to be seen on the same tree in an orchard at Grafton, W.Va. "CDEIODS'CONDMSATIOBS Ireland has 200,000 women lace makers. The human race is Increasing 30,000,000 yearly. The United States imported 436,503,000 pounds of coffeo last year at a cost of $60,500,- There are 1,200 persons of the name of Smith employed in the United States postal service. Statistics just published show that there are 2,272 soldiers six feet or over in height in the British army. A peddler whose stock in trade consists or his own poems is traveling through 'Maine. His business is reported to be dull. They are building a new meeting house In Dover, Me., and the minister is making tho pews himself, he being a skillful wood worker. Lyons, Neb., claims the champion wolf hunter in the person of L. D. Higley, who in the past three weeks has killed 36 of the 'var mints." The bounty on their scalps will net the hunter $216. In a suit brought by a wealthy social organization, a Common Pleas judge ofNew ark, N. J., has decreed that there is no element ot sale in a private club's bar business, and that a license therefor Is not necessary. A man in Athens, 6a., dreamed three successive nights of finding a big pile of money under a large stone. Hewasso impressed that he went to the spot, found the stone and turned it over. He found only black bugs under It, and has lost his faith tn dreams. An amusing story is told of a young preacher In Texas, who astonished his audience by annonncing as a text the seventh verse of the third chapter or St. Charles. The slip of the tongue was understood soon after, when he was married to a young lady In St. Charles, La. Brady, Bon of Conductor Taylor, of the Beech Creek Railroad, living in Wliliamsport, swallowed a cherrystone about six weeks ago. Last Thursday ho was taken 111, and after sev eral days' suffering be died. A post mortem examination revealed a hole which the stone had made in tbe bowel. At tbe conclusion of a church service in Cameron, Mo . on Sunday night, a member of tbe congregation arose and announced that be was agent for a very fine brand of hair oil. Ho theo delivered quite a discourse on Its good qualities, and after he had finished the congre gation was dismissed with tbe benediction. It has been discovered that the old com mon law lately resurrected InNew Jerseyunder which a "common scold" is, or was, liable to be ducked on a ducking-stool, equally applied to such Incorrigible brewers and bakers as might be found guilty of cheating in their malt or meal. "Cucking-stool" was the original name. The latest development of the automatic machine is a Dr. Cureall. in Holland. It is a wooden structnro of a man, with compartments all over it, labeled with tbe names ot various ailments. If you have a ruin find its corre sponding location on the figure, drop a coin into the slot, and the proper pill or powder will come out. Jackson Stevens, aged 45, and Emma Haynes, aged 20, both of Stevenson, Ala., were married at Chattanooga the other evening. The parties had never met nntil two days ago, and the match was a runaway affair. Another singular marriage occurred tbe same night. W. at, Lecrolx. aged 65, was married to Lou Block, aged 14, of Rising Fawn, Ga. James Leonard, a compositor on the Times-Democrat, ot New Orleans, lately, in seven days of seven and one-half hours each, set and distributed 102,800 ems equal to about 203,000 letters. He worked regular copy, and his proof contains comparatively few errors. In accomplishing this feat his arm, it Is esti mated, traveled no less than 123 miles. At The Hague recently General Grant Wilson came across in the public archives a letter addressed to the States General of the United Netherlands by P. Scbagen, dated Am sterdam, November 7. 1626, announcing the Eurchae of the island of Manhattan by the lutch West India Company for tbe sum of $24, or say 5. Two daj slater bo was to fortunate as to find tbe origtnal deedTwhich had lain perdu for 263 years among the papers of an ancient Dutch family. After Mrs. Levi Mathias, of Lane's Valley, near New Philadelphia, had done her Monday's washing, she went into the kitchen to get her clothes line. A vicious looking snake had found its way into the house, and crawled up the log wall, and lay stretched across the clothesline. In reaching for tbe line Mrs. Mathias got hold of the snake and came near being frightened to death. Her screams brought in tbe neighbors, who, after a fight, succeeded in killing tho unwelcome visitor. The industry of wood carving, accord ing to a recent publication, was introduced into Switzerland some 60 or 70 years ago by a native of Bnenz named Christian Fischer, who used to spend bis spare time in making trifling ob jects for sale. He started a night school for the benefit of the neighborhood, and thus laid the foundation of an industry which now gire3 employment to between 5.00U and 6,000 persons. He first conceived tbe Idea of making tiny models of Swiss chalets, which at once found a ready sale. In ancient times the male element in New England either combed its hair back with no parting or parted It in the middle. A glance at the statue of Horace Mann, on the State H ouse lawn, or at any of his pictures, shows that he followed the latter custom. A number of Drominent individuals might be cited whose useful work in the world shows tbem to te any thing but effeminate, are still accustomed to this style of hair dressing, thus indicatinghow mistaken are the ideas of those who think the habit a trifle unmanly. John JI. Callahan, ticket agent of the Northwestern Railway at Neenab, Wis., has a son named Willie, aged 3K years, who is a most precocious boy. He has marvelonsjmental pow ers, and can readily answer all tbe leading questions In regard to American history, geog raphy and social economy. He can tell the names of all the Presidents down from Wash ington and enumerate tbe Cabinet ministers of each. He is well-posted on the Governors, Sen ators and Congressmen of tbe respective States and to sum It up he is a bewildering phenome non of facts and fancies. A couple of young men living at "Wells ville. Mo., were rivals for the hand of or of the fair Wellsville daughters. They were in clined to settle the matter by duel. When she learned of tbe affair she sent for them to meet ber at the hour set for the fight, and, after re minding them that duels were unlawful and the victor would be a fugitive from justice the rest of his days, she suggested that tbey run a foot race, her hand to be the prize. The young men accepted ber proposition, and she umpired tbe race and walked off the field with the victor. THE MERCY MAKERS. Electricity is a might dangerous force, but some people make light of it. Life The stamp window of any postofEce is si sort of Lick observatory. Rochester Express. He All my friends say I'm very funny. She I notice everybody langhs at yon. jr. T. Evening Sun. When a man wants to find fault he will do soeren If he has to be up all night looking for it. Richmond Recorder. Society at a seaside resort is not too par ticular. It is easy to get In the iwlm with any sort of bathing dress. New Orleans Picayune. When a washerwoman changes her place of residence one may aakher "irhere she hangs ont now" without using slang. Boston Courier. The act of swimming furnishes an excep tion to the rnle that kicking operates against a man getting along In the world. Binghamton Republican. Incompatible. Sniggles "Well, my motto Is, "Live and let live." Gazzum-Isltr I thought you Intended to be a doctor. Time. Willing to See It Washington Guide Bare you ever 6een a bird's-eye view of the capi tal?" Mayor of Fodnnk No; hevye got a bird's eye with ye?" Judge. Long Drawn Out "Mr.Thnmperprcaches a very flolihed sermon, don't yon think?" she asked, after service. "Yes," he replied; "bnt I thought to-day he wouldn't finish It until 3 o'clock. Judge. "B'jove, you'd better givb np drink, me deah boy; yonr eyes are all baggy and your now Is crimson." That's all the wage now, old fel. The deah Pwlnce wears his that way, y'know. "(. . A SUMMER -WALLFLOWER. The dude who to the seaside goes Who cannot play lawn tennis, Vltl have his heart fllled foil or woes To Had his name is Dennis. If. X. Evening Sun. A Matter of Valuation. Miss Gladys ncrbcauIt's not for my property you Iotc me. Is it. Ueorge? Yoa lore me for myself alone? Mr. Hermann Yea, darling. Miss Gladys Herbean Kor my real worth? Mr. Herman Yes, dear. Seal and personal. Life. -&. '& t&tf&kZk iiiiU. IgSai gaysnrafg-