'vIKl'KflPsl gLaai vs $2E3. .' i I i - V -r -jwp-15 H1 ptONS WEE EAIETES. "Valley Camp Transformed to a Bower of Life and Beauty , IN HONOR OF TDE CHILDREN'S DAY Elements That Made the Bare Scene Enjoy able to Fully 5,000. ADDRESSES ADDING LIFE'S LESBONS There was a great and jubilant multitude of children at Valley Camp yesterday. It was their anniversary, and no day is more appreciated among the little folk; and that could be clearly seen by the enthusiastic manner in which they participated in all exercises. The air was rent with song and laugnter. No matter what portion of the services the little ones were engaged in, they adapted themselves to it. At the religions meetings the children were reverent and at tentive; but, at the display of their dolls in the alternoon, words would fail to depict the delights of those "little mothers." The morning opened dull and forbidding. At intervals ominous clouds flitted by, and rain fell spasmodically; but before the day (or the real day to the children) opened, Old Sol peeped out from behind a black cloud and beamed and blinked away, mer rily, to the intense delight of the children. The cottagers profusely decorated their cot tages with bunting, and the camp had all the appearance ot a gala day. Before the arrival of the trains appointed to bring in the visitors from points north and south, Will Price and J. H. Nobbs ar ranged the children in line, and, accom panied by Cruikshank's orchestra, they btarted for the depot. A SCENE FOB PASSENGEKS. "When the Buffalo express drew into the station and the visitors began to alight.1,000 sweet little voices burst out into rapturous song; and certainly "Hold the Fort" could not be heard to better advantage. The scene was inspiring. AVfien the service opened in the audito rium, lully 5,000 people were there, and, as tlicv rose en masse to sing a favorite hymn ("Ve Are a Little Pilgrim Band"), it was a sight worthy to be remembered. "When Dr. Davidson called the children to prayer, a solemn and reverential stillness pervaded the whole building; nothing but the prayer of the supplicant could be heard. At 11:30 A. M. "W. L. Davidson, D. D., who is in charge of the Methodist Sunday School wo.k, gave an address. He was lis tened to with rapt attention, for his earnest and forcible manner attracted the children; and, as he drew simple pictures of nature and told how all might be drawn into more intimate relationship with God, every heart was touched with the divine chord. Lewis Miller, of Akron, O., well-known as a great agricultural implement manufac turer, but better and more widely known as the President of the Chautauqua Sunday School Assembly, spoke next. His genial countenance, radiating smiles, made Every body happy. He urged the children to be obedient and watchful in all they did, and then they would grow up strong and in the knowledge of goodness. After this Mrs. J. E. Porter rendered a beautiful solo, and then the children sang a hymn and the morning exercises closed. TIIEIB JOSS CONCENTRATED. The event of the day, to the children, found the great auditorium filled at 2:30 p. M . ith a multitude to listen to the per form .nces of artist drawn from the children's own ranks. The opening piece was "Welcome;' then Miss Blanche Baily "Proclaimed the Mission Cause;" Miss Esie Swca very prettily rendered a solo, "Tiny Hands," alter which Miss Mamie Benck gave one of her excellent perform ances on the violin. Then the Valley Camp Band went through a calistheni'c exercise; 14 little girls aiterward gave a dialogue, and the programme was closed by Miss Myrtle Price singing "Goodbye. Helen Thompson, the soloist, sat on the platform, amid the bevy ot cnildren, with their dolls all tastefully attired. The chorus was composed of 18 little girls. J. II. Nobbs, known by every Pittsburg Methodist, sat among them, with his little grandchild on his kuee. There was, a little later, a hoop drill, and it was exceedingly pretty. The girls tak ing part in this entertainment were the Misses Florence ltunncttc, Carrie Bush Held, Mary Thompson, Emma Hale, Clara Thompson, Pearl Tinker, Ida Flaccus, Lida Bushneld, Annie Stewart, Mary Brobst and Bessie Crock. Dr. O. L. Miller, of Allegheny, gave a very interesting stereoptican entertainment in the evening, when an immense crowd thronged the spacious hall, and all were full of enthusiasm. At the close they gen erally and warmly thanked Dr. Miller for making the end of this memorable day so pleasant. AX0TJIEE LINE TO WILKINSBUKG. The Latest Chartered Electric Kullrrnys in the Snbarbs. A charter was issued at the State Depart ment yesterday to the Swissvale and Wil kinsburg Street Railway Company, with a capital stock of 533,000. The line will run from Sylvan avenue, at Sylvan bridge, to lorward avenue, to Swissvale avenue, thence to Braddock avenue, Trenton ave nue. Alfred street, to Main street in Wil kinsburg. It will be an electric road. The officers are: President, Joseph M. Wilson; Directors, W. W. Murrev, Henry T. Row ley. David Moore and Robert Frazcr. The Sylvan Street Railway Company, with a capital of $24,000, was also chartered, and will run from Fifth avenue at the junc tion with Craft avenue, along Craft to Emily street, to Halket, to Wilmot, to Syl van, thence across Sylvan avenue bridge to Greenfield avenne, to Hazelwood avenne, to Saline avenue, and thence north of the Monongahela river, with officers the same as the above. It is understood that another company previously secured the charter for a part of the route described. MUSIC IN TIIE PAXES. The First Free Concert on the Allegheny Commons. To-night the first free concert of the season will be given at the bandstand in West Park, Allegheny. The expenses are borne by John O'Brien, of the Casino Museum. The programme arranged by the Duqnesne Greys' Band will embrace: March, "Exhi bition," by E. M. Bayley; overture, "Zehus," by Pettie; cornet polka, "Roses and Lilies," by H. Houser; waltz, "Fleur d'Alsace," by Stciner; overture, "Lust picl," by Keler Beer; "Black Brigade," by Beyer; march, "Duquesne Greys," by J. H. Ross. The second concert will be given under, the auspices of the Allegheny Musical Club. . Edgewood Becomes Stylish. The East End Electric Light Company received the contract yesterday to supply the borough of Edgewood with 12 arc lights. This brings the number of arc lights run ning in a continuous line from the Point to Edgewood, a di&iance of eight miles, up to nearly 200. Ncnrly 8800,000 to Date. The following contributions to the Johns town relief fund were received yesterday: Employes Philadelphia Smelting and Refln ing Company, Pueblo, Col., $133 25: Portland, Orfc.. per Oregomaa, $35: Rev. T. J. Asnburn. West Union. V. Va., $3L This makes a grand total of $799,767 84. Beecham's Fills cure bilious and nervous ills PjCAas' Soap secures a beautiful complexion THAT WMSETBIIBIKKAGE. Letter From the Deputy Collector at Mead- , Tllle, Alluding to It. Yesterday afternoon TJ. S. Internal Beve nue Collector 'Warmcastle received a letter from Deputy Collector Williamson, of Meadville, relative to the shrinkage of whisky that had been lying in bond at Meadville. It cannot be clearly ascertained whether there was an excessive loss, because the length of storage is not absolutely known. The following letter is from the deputy collector: Sir Your letter of the 29th Inst Inclosing clipping In regard to "too much" shrinkage of distilled splriu In the warehouse of Crawford & Co. is received. I would state, In reply, that I have examined the books of the Meadville Distiller? Ganging Company, Limited, No. 28, and can find but one druggist in this vicinity who has. made any recent wlthdrawol from the said warehouse.' The druggist; Cyrus Kitchen, residing in this city, but engaged In business in Evansbnrg, Conneaut Lake, withdrew on June 7, 1689, two packages. Nos. L3S8 and LSS9. containing originally 13 and 44 gallons. At the time of withdrawal they contained 39 gallons each, showing a loss on the package of 9 gal lons. The allowance being 6 gallons on each barrel for 27 months, you will observe that this loss Is excessive. As regards the natural excitement and curi osity of the distiller. I can only state that the first intimation he had of it was when I read the same notice to him in The Dispatch on Sunday afternoon, and he, of course, could not understand it. J. Williamson. STILL BAKING THE BUINS Of the Defunct F. fc 31. Dank, and Finding a Little of Valor. The sale of the Independent Glass House and adjacent property by assignees of the F. & M. Bank took place yesterday morn ing. Mr. Wigman, lumber merchant, bought the glass house tor $9,200. and Al derman Snccop, of the Southside, bought the lot the office 6tood upon for $940. With regard to the purchase of an adjoining lot, to build thereon a $60,000 Polish church. The Dispatch has before published par ticulars fully. The remaining property of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank in the hands of the trustees consists of about 14 acres of coal lands, situate on the line of the Chartiers Valley Railroad, a short distance above Mansfield. Assignee Sorg said yesterday that the assignees would sell this tract for $2,000, and that as soon as they received an offer ior it. There are also eight lots on the hillside at the head of Sonth Eighteenth street, above Pius street, and IS lots at the head of South Twenty-sixth street, in the Twenty-seventh ward, yet to be sold. The assignees of the bank have now about $91,000 in cash in their hands, and this will, within a month, he distributed in appor tioned amount among the depositors. THEY TEATPED HIM. A Colored Driver in Limbo on Suspicion of Stealing New Shoes. James Thomas, colored, employed as a driver for A. I. Scott & Co., 110 Market street, was jailed yesterday on a charge preferred by J.. McD. Scott, of the firm, al leging that the colored man had secreted, stolen and sold a quantity of shoes con signed to him by the firm for delivery to customers. Traps were laid for him, and in a measure corroborated the suspicions. The firm also received word that a num ber of colored people had received shoes from Thomas, among them William John son, Albert Green, John Sharper, Mrs. Banks and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Williams. Informations were made against these for re ceiving stolen goods. It was not only stated that several more arrests of Scott's purchasers are contem plated, but that, when he was trapped, he admitted to his employer that he had stolen three pairs of shoes found among the other wise empty boxes he had been led unwit tingly to load up. THEI WON'T DISCUSS IT. Friends Puzzled Abont the Break of Cap tain and Cashier Awl. John Awl, of the Monongahela incline, was seen last night relative to the disap pearance of his son. Captain William F. Awl. He said he did not know where his son went or for what cause he had left the city. John Robinson, Treasurer of the Pitts burg and Lake Erie Railroad, of which Captain Awl had been cashier, positively declined to say anything last night. Southside Journalists Organizing. A new society Qaper is to be started for the benefit of the residents of the Southside. There were to be COO shares allotted at the meeting tor that ourpose last evening. Dr. Thomson was chosen Chairman, with D. Morgan Secretary. The organizing com mittee consist of F. J. Burnardy, Dr. Reinake, Joseph Moll, C. E. Succupand J. E. Hanson. As Bad as If in Mississippi. William Murry was arrested by Officer Messner last evening for fighting on Center avenue, near Thirty-third street. He was locked up in the Eleventh ward station. McKro's Bulletin. 11 lbs granulated sugar $1 00 12 lbs A coffee sugar...., 1 00 12J lbs American "C" sugar 1 00 13 lbs yellow sugar 1 00 Hamell's Ammonia Jquts 10 Extract of vanilla, five 2-oz bottles. ... 25 2 lbs New York goshen cheese 25 3 lbs best Ohio goshen cheese 25 3 lbs best Wisconsin Limberger 25 31-lbcans chipped beef. SO 3 2-lb cans corned beei 50 1 bucket jelly, 30 lbs 1 00 71bsrolled oats 25 7JJ lbs Schumacher's oat meal -. . 25 2 doz parlor matches (200's) 25 11 lbs gilt edge soap 25 1 sack table salt 2 4 lbs Kingsford corn starch 25 1 lb silver gloss starch 7 9 lbs large lump starch 25 Cut this coupon out and send with order, or bring with you. All orders accompanied with cash or P. O. money order will receive prompt atten tion. Freight paid on $10 worth and up ward. Send for circular. JosErn McKee, 36 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa. Fine Whiskies. XXX, 1855, Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts $2 00 1800. McKim's Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts .' 3 00 Monogram, Pure Rye Whisky, full , quarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinett Pure Rye Whisky, lull quarts 1 50 Gibson's, 1879, Pure Rye Whisky, full QUflriA Jt (Ml Gibson's Pure Rye Whisky, full Q u3rb3 x. OK) Guckenheimer Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts . 1 00 Gnckenheimcr Export,Pure Rye Whis ky, full quarts 1 CO Moss Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full 1879 Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Frnuenbelm Si Vilaack's Pittsburg beer deserves your patronage both for its good qualities and because it is a genuine product of home industry. Call for it at ail first-class bars, or order direct. Telephone 1186. Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the worldt "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. Cabinet photos, 89c per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st, xwfsu MOUfFfAMUGTON? Nestling Cloudward, it has Made Great Strides Recently. ITS EXTENSIVE STREET PAYIKQ And Much Rouse Building;, All la a Modest and Quiet Way. ITS TREMENDOUS TOTING CAPACITY Mt Washington, Thirty-second ward, has been quietly looming up oflate years all by itself, and very few people, aside from those who live there, know it. In fact, it is doubtful whether the average resident of the city knows as much of the place as do visitors, who ride up the inclined planes as a novelty, and are astonished to find a little city, so bright and new that it shines like a gem in the tiara of the city. It has been said that a city set on a hill cannot be hid, but ML Washington has managed to be very nearly hidden, illustrating the declara tion in the Book of Mormon, "Blessed is he that bloweth his own horn, for he shall be Mowed." Mt Washington hasn't been blowing it&jown horn very much lately, has not even held an indignation meeting for several years, and while the East End has been the cynosure of most eyes on purchase bent, ML Washington has been iu a measure forgotten. DATING PEOM AWAT BACK. It may not be generally known, but it is nevertheless a fact, that a portion of Mt Washington was laid out in 1784, 105 years ago. It was included in the Manorof Pitts burg, and High street, now Grandview ave nue, was a street over 100 years ago. The lots fronted on the river. They were quite ample lots, four rods wide and running from the river to the top of the hill, some 700 feet, each lot containing over an acre of ground. Over 100 years ago Abraham Kirkpatrlck, grandfather of K. Q. Bigham, Esq., built a log house at the corner of what is now Grandview avenue and Kearsage street He also built another farther back, which is still standing, and a barn on the site now occupied bv Mr. Charles H. Humbert The first named house was torn down within the last three years, and of the second house tne logs are niaucu oy quite moaern weatherboarding. Mr. Klrkpatrick being an officer of the General Government, and consequently antagonistic to the men who fought the Whisky Rebellion, found it rough sledding during that war, and the insurrectionists burned his barn. A VILLAGE IN 1820. The oldest settlement that approached in appearance a village was near where the house of John Wilbert, deceased, stands. Peter Cool, Thomas Jones and some others built log houses there in 1820. The first of the Large family to como to this section had built a distillery on the back part of the hill, but iu 1820 the distillery was regarded as a thing of antiquity, and even its site had been forgotten by most people. Steam and modern science have made Mt Washington. Had it not been for her in clined planes she would to this day have remained a straggling village, but the plane is not so late an idea as some suppose. About 1850 the late T. J. Bigham and a man named Leslie laid out a plan of lots on the heights and Leslie, whose talent lay in the engineering line, began the construction of an inclined plane much similar to the one now in operation The road up the hill originally ran from where Thomas Kcely's stable now stands at a grade so steep that in ascending a line dropped from the lead horse's ears. would strike the tailboard of the wagon, and it was difficult even to net groceries on the Mount Some excavating was done for Mr. Leslie's plane and a car was bought, but it never carried any pass engers. Not long since it was doing duty as a summer house in the yard of the Jlate C. B. M. Smith, Esq. Instead ot an inclined plane Bigham & Leslie and others finally contented them selves by building a line of steps to the brow of the hill. These steps were in use down almost to the time of the building of the Monongahela Incline Plane, and were considered a great labor saving institution. HUMBEET'S IDEA ANCIENT ALSO. It is also stated that Mr. Humbert's idea of a car hung on wires to transport people from the foot of Market street to the top of Mt. Washington, to the place where the Harper mansion stands, was conceived by a Yankee named Daniel Touse in 1850. In 1868 Mr. Peter Soffel was one of the Board of School Directors, and he says the number of children enrolled was about 175. In 1871 the schoolhouse at the corner of Sycamore and Stanwix streets became too small, and a new one was proposed. The proposition caused a bitter fight and the opponents of the project said the building proposed would not be filled during the life of the generation. Since that time an addi tion nearly as large as the building itself has been bnilt, and now it is necessary to erect still another building. Now a princi pal and 21 teachers are kept busy taking care ot an enrollment of nearly 1,500 pupils, and but half the life of a generation has passed since the old frame house became too small. Just here a state of facts crops out which no one on the Mount seems able to explain. There arc about as many voters as children, and yet the ward is not noted for old bachelors. Were the recognized proportions given by statisticians maintained, the adult males and females ought not to equal, leav ing out children too young to go to school, more than one-half of the residue of the population, which would give nearly 3,000 school pupils. XJr. J. Ji. wnsouandJ. J. McConnick are supposed to know about how many children have been born on the Mount during the last 20 years, and they are unable to explain the discrepancy except on the ground that some voters VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN, or a large croportion of the children do not go to school. The population ot the ward is about 7,000. The additional school building now being erected will cost $17,000. Up to a very recent date the conservatives of the Mount have been able to fight ofi street improvements, but the moderns have at last succeeded iu setting the ball rolling. Miles of streets are being graded and paved, and some heavy cuts are being made that will cost a vast amount of money, but when the work is finished it will be of vast use, as by the inclined freight plane wagons carry ing four tons are lifted to the summit in oue minute, whereas a few years ago a half a ton was a large load for two horses to pull up the wagon road. , The character'of the houses built of late years is much superior to those formerly built So far 52 have been erected this year and the ring of the bricklayer's trowel and sound of the carpenter's saw can be heard in every direction. THOBOCOHLY SUBSTANTIAL. Some of these houses cost $5,000 and up ward, among them that of Dr. King. Mr. Joseph Lewis is also building a fine house. All this is the result of the building of in clined planes, by means oi which people can live in an atmosphere equal to that of the open country, and yet reach the busi ness part of the city in 15 minutes. The great bulk pf the population makes its liv ing in the downtown part of the city, and only a few shoe, grocery and drugstore pro prietors make their money on the hill. Lovers of the beautiful regret that there has not been sufficient esthetic taste to pre serve the earthwork known as Fort Me chanic, which was thrown up during the dark days of the Civil War, when John Morgan and aliost of wild-eyed rebels were supposed to be preparing to attack Pitts burg and rob its banks. Ex-Councilman Minsinger has ground the earthwork and had it molded into bricks. Before the bill became thickly settled it was a great re- sort for lovers and people-who wished to get' a ravishing view of one of prettiest sections of country in the State. ' THE LARGEST INTHE C0DNTET. LoenJ lee Men Erecting a Storehouse of Gigantic Dimensions. The Chautaugua Lake Ice Company are erecting, on the corner of Thirteenth and Pike streets, a building the largest of its kind in the United States dimensions 225x 100 feet and it will cost between $7,000 and $100,000. It is to be six stories high, of brick and iron. The ground floor will he paved with brick and three lines of railroad vr ,. I ?J 1 !. . nil Will run lnsiue aiong lue wcsicru .. This floor is to be used for unloading ice and a reserve storage house. There is to be an ice house on this floor holding 20,000 tons. This quantity is always kept ou hand in case of a delay on the railroads. On the second floor the company has ar ranged stabling for over 100 horses and wagons, and on the third floor flour, grain, hay and feed will be stored. The remain ing three stories will be unoccupied unlets the company can let them. The building will be finished in about two months. DIAMOND STEEET ACTION DELAYED. The Board of Viewers Unable to Go Ahead Without Red Tape. - No action was taken on the Diamond street widening by the Board of Viewers yesterday for the reason that the ordinance has not yet been received from the City Clerk's office. The city clerks are so rushed with work. that they have not yet had time to have the ordinance copied or printed. When the'board gets the document it will be required to give ten days' notice before going any further. TO MBS. SCHBNLEI. The Park Commltteo Makes Its Formal Bequest of Her. The formal letter from the Park Commit tee of City Councils to Mrs. Schenley has been mailed to England. It is brief and business-like in its tone. The lady is told of the public desire for a park in Pittsburg, of the committee's visit to her estate iu Oak land and of the Councils' willingness to buy a section ot it if the adjoining part is do nated to the people. An early reply is so licited. To Close Ont a Corporation for S22 SO. L. C. Barton seeks, by equity suit, to dis solve the co-partnership of the Pittsburg Safe and Lock Company, because after get ting judgment and execution for $22 CO against Peter Reiseck, of the company, and purchasing the latter's interest therein, un der levy and sale, for $125, he has still been unable'to effect a settlement. A Pleasing Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease. and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs,' as it acts m Harmony witn nature to encctuauy cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale In 60c and tl 00 bottles by all leading druggists. ALLEGHENY VALLEY B. K. Tuesday, August 0. To Thousand Islands, Alexandria Bay and return, $12. Toronto, Canada, and return, $8. Niagara Falls and return, $7. Lake Chautauqua and return, $5. Tickets good for 15 days returning. Passengers for Thousand Islands, Alex andria Bay and Toronto can stop at Niagara Falls and Lake Chautauqua on the return trip. ' Train of Eastlake coaches and Pullman parlor buffet cars leave Union station at 8:45 a. M., Eastern standard time. D LOWEST KATES EVER OFFERED For Round Trip Tickets To Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and other points in Colorado and other Western States, Tuesday, August 6 and 20. For full information write to or call on H. R. Minor, Passenger Agent Wabash line, corner Sev enth avenue and Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa. . Tvy THE ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. To Valley Camp Sundav, Angust 4. Trains leave Union station, at 8:45 A. MV and 12:40 P. 21. Returning trains leave Valley Camp at 5:15 p. 21., 6:00 P. M. and 6:50 P. ll., and one after evening service. Woken avoid suffering by using Parker's Ginger Tonic as it is adapted to their ills. Parker's Hair Balsam aids the hair growth. niEETlNGis. ATOT1CE FIDELIA LODGE NO. 415 L O. JN O. F. Tne members of Kidolia Lodge No. 415, L O. O. F.. aro requested to meot at the hall. East Diamond street at 1 o'clock P. v. sharp. SATURDAY. AUGU8T 3. 18S8, to attend the funeral of our late brother, P. G. Wm. McAtee. Members of sister lodges are re spectfully invited to attend. J. H. NEELY, N.G. au2-93 Headquarters Allegheny Countt I KEPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 71) Fifth Avsnne. A MEETING OF THE ALLEGHENY County Republican Executive Committee will be held in Common Council chamber, Pitts burg, on SATURDAY, August 3, at 2:30 o'clock p. Ji., for the purpose of fixing the number of county conventions to beheld in June, XS90. and designating the offices for which nominations shall be made by each ennvention. By order of W. 1). PORTER, Chairman. ROBERT BERRY. Secretary. Jt31-68 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. PrrTSBtmG. Pa., Jnlv 27, 1SS9. VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLi reports of viewers on the construction of Atwood and Louisa streets sewer, from Fifth avenue to Meyran street and Meyran and Louisa streets sewer, from Fifth avenue to Cunliffe Run sewer, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) dajs from .late. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. jyZ7-9C BUSINESS CHANGES. qiHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existing between the undersigned under tne firm name of J. II. Richardson & Co., has this day been dissolved. All debts owing to and demand' upon said firm to be paid to and set tled by J. H. Richardson. J. H. RICHARD HON, D. U. STEWART. an2-C9-MWK AMUSEMENTS. T ASEBALL TO-DAY 2:15. RECREATION PARK. Grand Double Games. INDIANAPOLIS Versus ALLEGHENY. First game called at 205 p. M. Second game to follow immediately. ONE TICKET ADMITS TO BOTH. ADMI8SION 50 CENTS. In case of rain double came on Saturday. Trains at 1:45, 2 and 3.-40 for double games only. aul-07 LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF CHARLOTTE FAULKNER, deceased Notice is hereby given that let ters testamentary on the estate of Charlotte Faulkner, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands agaiust the same will make them known with out delay. OLIVE GEYER PATTERSON, Executrix, 66 East Diamond street, Allegheny City. Pa., or S. H. GEYER, Att'y at Law, 118 Diamond st,, Pittsburg, Pa. jyM-SO-i1 Josiah Cohen & Co, Attorneys at Law, 85 Dia mond street. Estate of A. B. BiLlman, deceased. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that letters testa mentary on the estate of A. B. Blblman, de ceased, late of Third ward, city of Pittsburg; Allegheny county, Penns. have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to JOSEPH BIHLMAN, 9 Diamond St., Pittsburg, JOHN J. WAL THER, 159 Lowrio stfAliegheny City, Execu tors. trl2-63-l' e 'MamDUplay-advertuementtom dollar psr $quart for one insertion. Clcutffled advertite menu on thlt page tuch at Wanted, Par Bale, To Zet, etc., ien cents per line or each inter Hon, and none taken for leet than fifty cenU. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following1 places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements -will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Adrertlsements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTnxDlS PATCH. pittsbuko. THOMAS MCCArrBEY. S5u9 Butler street. EMIL O. STUCKEY. Hth street and Penn are. E. G. STUCKEY A CO., WyUeave. and Fulton it. N. BTOK.ELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. eastzxd. J. TV. WALLACE, sia Penn avenue. OAITLAXO. UCALLISTEK & SHE111LER, Sth av. A Atwood it. souTnsmz. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carson strest. ALLEOHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 69 Federal street. U. i. McliKIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FKED H. EGGEltS. 172 Ohio street. F. H, EOOEltS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut U. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin aves. O. W. HUGHES. Pennsvlvanla and Beaver ares. EKltY M. OLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny avei. WANTED. Male Hebk WANTEO-DBUGGIST REFERENCE RE QUIRED. Address DRUGGIST, DUpateh office. au2-4S TTfTANTEU TEN FIRST-CLASS -BRICKLAY-V ERSatonce. Apply to STEEL & HALL, U Seventh are. au2-(9 WANTED A GOOD HARNESSMAKER: steady work. Apply to J OS. SCHILLER & CO.. J02 Fifth are. au2-tt WAN rED-POLISHER AND NICKEL BUF . FER. Applv to WALTER E. HAGUE, virgin alley, near Wood st. au2-84 TTTANTEU-BARBERS AT THE ORIGINAL V T anil old reliable barbers' supply house, 80 DIAMOND ST.. rittsburg. JyJS-21-Mwr TCANTED A GOOD BARBER TO GOTO y work on Monday. Apply to CHAS. LANG, No. 80 Federal street. Allegheny. au2-47 TXANTED-A SHEET IRON WORKER. 1N V QUIRE DE HAVEN A CO.. LIM.. cor. Preble and Stanton ave., Allegheny. au2-6S WANTED LABORERS TO WORK ON water pipe lines. Apply to FOREMAN. Boqnet street, near Oakland power house. au2-6t WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS MECHANICAL draughtsman. Address, with reference, BOX 1503, Philadelphia postofflce. JyM-lS-JtWT T7ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED BOOK V KEEPER to take charee of set books. Ad dress, with references. 8., Dispatch office. aul-75 WANTED-A COMPETENT DRUO CLERK; a man of long experience; must speak Herman; good references required. MORPHIA, Dispatch office. aol-Sl "TITANTED-A FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER; T state salary expected, experience and age; none but the best need apply. Address M. w.. Dispatch office. au2-90 "TIJ-ANTED-EXFKRIENCED SALESMAN ON TV commission to sell gents' woolen half hose thronrhout Pennsylvania. Address SEAMLESS. Herkimer, N. Y. an2-53 "TTJANTED-BOILEKMAKERS CAULKERS, TV $2 SO per day; riveters, t2 25 per day: hold-ers-on, fl TSper day. Apply to W. P. COWAN, Whitings, Indiana. jyil-14 VTTANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS INSTALL YV MENT canvassers; no samples; must be A 1 men: salary. Apply to J. K. CUTTER, room 2, No. 1033 Penn avenne. au2-52 WANTED 10 BRICKLAYERS. IMMEDI ATELY; will pay M 50 per day for good workmen. Apply corner Penn and Conrad sts. KUUN DONNELLY. anl-27 WANTED MACHINIST-ONE WHO HAS worked in country shops; none other need apply: who can hear or a place at the BLA1RS ViLLE (Pa.) FOUNDRY. aul-St WANTED AT ONCE A FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper for a few weeks; must be capa ble in every respect. with satlsractory.credentlals. Address F. N. D., Dispatch office. anl-O WANTED A OENTLEMAN OF GOOD address as solicitor among ths wholesale and Jobbing trade of Plttsbnrg and vlelnitr. Ad dress WHOLESALE, Dispatch office. au2-H TrrATlSD- MEN EXPERIENCED ON V brldga iron work: also riveters, blacksmith and helpers. Callatofflce of PENNSYLVANIA CONSTRUCTION CO.. Unlontown. Pa. lul-70 WANTED-EIGHT OARPENTEKS. APPLY to office FRED SAUER. architect, third story, cor. Sixth and Liberty St.. on Saturday ,eve.. Aug. 3, between 4 and C o'clock. B. F. B1BER; anl-85 WANTED - FIRST-CLASS PBESCRUTION glass blowers immediately: will pay 10 oer cent more than union list: steady lob; fare paid to Chicago. Telegraph CHICAGO GLASS MFO. CO., Chicago. Jy27-33-D TJ-ANTED-GOOD TINNEB OF STEADY VV habits, and who understands general Job lng. roofing and spouting, shop and heater work; steady work for right man. Address, with terms, MCKEAN ft HUttT, Mercer, Pa. au2-51 WANTED-AN HONEST. ACTIVE MAN TO handle Plttsbnrg papers at Mingo Junction; chance to establish a good route there for any party who Is prompt and honest. Address, giving references, BOX 182 Pittsburg P. O. au2-ll7 WANTED-A GOOD CUTTER FOR CUSTOM work; must be a good tailor, steady and sobey; apply In writing: state positions held, where and fur what period. Address O., Dispatch office. Steady place for a good man. Jy31-S -rrjANTED-AGENTS AND MERCHANTS TO YV buy White Enameled Letters, first-class goods at V4 cent an upright inch; samples mailed for 10c: directions for applying to windows free. THE WHITE LETTER CO., P. O. Box 123, New ark, N. J. aul-20 WANTED SALESMEN EVEBYWHEBE for our Adjustable All-metal Door Plates; (can sell and deliver at once) made of nickel, gold or solid brome: new goods just out: profits large; sales rapla: no bouse canvassing; write lor partic ulars. N. Y. DOOR PLATE CO., Newark, N. J. aul-21 WANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF our safes; size 28x18x13 Inches: weight 500 lbs. : retail price t35; other sizes in proportion ; rare chance to create permanent buslmess at home; these safes meet demand never before supplied by othersafe companies, as we are not governed by the Safo Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. Jc20-4-D Female Help. WANTED AT ONCE - EXPERIENCED arasenc and silk embroiderers. 11. HOLTZ M AN & SONS. au2-6S WANTED-GIBL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK: family ot three; work light. Ad dress IRWIN, Dispatch office. au2-91 XITANTED-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB YV WORK: family of four. Apply BOOM 64, Eisner building, city, after 3 r. i. au2-89 XTTANTED-KXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN TV in ladies', misses' and children's famish ing goods. Apply at A. O. CAMPBELL ft SONS', 710 Pens avenue. au2-71 Male and I'cmale flclD. -TTTANTED A LADY ELOCUTIONIST TO TV study a leading part and accompany first class dramatic company West; also a young, am bitious stage manager. Address DRAMA, Dis patch office. au2-48 WANTED-A MAN SERVANT FOR GEN TLEMAN'S family, coachman, man to drive and make himself useful, laborers, farm hands, cooks, chambermaids, house girls, pantry and kitchen girls, 4 dlnlug room girls, nurse girl, seamstress. MEEHAN 'b. 545 Grant st. JyZMJ WANTED - (25 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every community: goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case tree; we mean Jnit what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. JcH-70-D Situations. YTTANTED-TO INVEST M0 IN GOOD BU81 YY NEbS that will rurntsh employment; not afraid to work. Address J. F. O., Dispatch of fice. au2-4S -TTTANTED POSITION BY BOOKKEEPER V and accountant of 25 years' experience: conversant with tobacco, grain and grocenr busi ness: best references. Address BOX 422, A I toon a. Pa. au2-50 JTTJANTED-SITUATION IN A WEALTHY vYV family; no washing or Ironing, or will do Fsiuiug or irvning in a jamii ui -or ; .aiic chpnv or l!tthnr, rftrn,i, If rpfltllred- Ad- dress for 8 days, AtAGGlK WALDBEN, Tyrone, v.. mii.at Ps, Booms. House. Etc WANTED-TO BUY A GOOD HOUSE OF about 10 rooms, with modern Improve ments and largo lot, convenient to cars: for cash: possession wanted soon; stale where situate and owest price. Address CASH, Dispatch office. Jy31-43 Financial. -err ANTED-TO LOAN S500,OPO. IN AMOUNTS YY of 3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on Qi percent, free ortax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 8 per cent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se2l-d25-n TTJANTED-MOBTGAGES-tLOro.rCOTOLOAN V V on city and suburban properties , Sand C per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 0 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT GAGES; tlOO and upward at 8 per cent; KO,000at 4K per cent on residences or business property: also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth arenas? oc31-eS4-D , iFit WANTED. ' 'Financial. tTTANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PEOP W EBTY. over HOW; 4M cer cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. 2 Fourth avenue. jnh2-s2Z-D "TITANTED-WE CAN LOAN S300 TO a,C00 vY on mortgages, 4. S and 8 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. au2-72-D WANTED MORTGAGES ON . CITY OB suburban property: money loaned In largo or small amounts. . D. W1NGENROTH, 100 Fourth ave. Jy3i-a)-si,au2.4,7..ll WANTKI-MOliTQAUES-SL00a,CO0TOLOAN in large and small amounts st 4H.Sandt per cent, free of State tax; no delay. REED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21- BHseennneou. WANTKD-CUSTOMEla FOR DIAMONDS, gold and silver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc, at 1 per week upward, at IS) Fed eral St., Allegheny. J. MITbCH. JelS-Mwrsu w ANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH Keenan renair. refinlah or nDholster old furnltnre promptly ad in the best possible man ner. W AND if WATER BT. 'Phone 1626. my9-82 WANTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one in the club at tl 00 per week. Address V. O. BOX SOI, and I will call and snow you the watch. JyS-40 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 98 Firth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making line cabinets at tl SO per dozen: photos deUvered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhI33 WANTED-BARBERS TO KNOW THAT THE secret ot our success is that we have the most substantial and best upholstered chairs at astonishingly low prices: the fact that our chairs and other goods are found in ninety-nine out of every hundred shops in this city and adjacent towns is sufficient evidence of our claim. ROSS W. BLACK. 80 Diamond St., Pittsburg: the orig lnai Barbers' Supply House. Jt29-21-mwt FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FORSALE-HStt-FORTY-FOURTH STREET, near Butler street, substantial 2-story brick dwelling; 8 rooms and flnUhrd attic; lot 24x100 ft. ; must be sold at oneo: a bargain: easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., s5 Fourth are. au2-7S-D FOR SALE (3,800 LOMBARD STREET, Eleventh ward, Pittsburg, two squares from Firth Avenue Market, a brick dwelling off rooms, bath, range, sliding doors and slate mantels: lot 21x120: liberal terms, by GEOROE SCHMIDT. 157 1 ourtn avenue. J J31-49 East End Residences. FOR BALE-BEN VENUE PLACE, P. B. B.. A new frame dwelling of 8 rooms; range, bath, b. and c water. Inside w. c.: all modern conve niences; (300 cash, balance f 10 per month. Call at office and get fall particulars of this real bargain. BLACK & BA1RD, S3 Fourth ave. 3-A Jy2S-42 FOR SALE A PRETTY. NEW QUEEN ANNE bouse In the East End of 9 rooms, reception hall, range, bath, laundrv, complete In ail re spects: close to P. R. B.; elegant lot 50x100; paved street and well sewered: tutoo down, balance on time. BLACK AiBAlKD, Go Fourth ave. J)28-U-D I TTOR SALE DESIRABLE EAST END RESI JD DENCE: brick, new, late style, nine rooms, well finished, besides laundrv, bathroom, pantry; all latest conveniences; lot 40x121 feet: near steam and cable ears; location very desirable: price low; terms moderate. W. A. IIERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jy23-61-:9-au2,S,9,13 TTIOR SALE IN COLTABT SQUARE, OAK X7 LAND, desirable new houses of latest style of architecture. 9 rooms, elegantly furnished, complete in all its appointments; near cable line; complete sewerage, street Improvements msde. For plans and Information see W. A. HEREON & SONS, or U. K. BEAM, on the premises. au2-e-Tur F)R SALE PARTIES LOOKING FOR houses cannot find a more desirable situation than Oakland square: the greater number of the durably built, handsomely finished new dwellings erected there have been sold within the past sixty days; asphalt pavements natural and artificial gas. a beautiful park planted with shade trees, and convenience to the city, being but 20 minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among the ad vantages. Prices. t6,500andS, 700, on easy Unas. Apply to C. H. CHANCE, on the premises. Jy23-68 Allegheny Residences. F IOR SALE-NORTH AVENUE, ALLEGHE- A iii iumcui,c. tucap . euiu uuivai av iuvuis, corner lot. W. A. HERRON & faONS. 80 Fourth avenue. au2-S0-2,7,10.U,17 F OR SALE-AT fT.OOO IF SOLD QUICK-ON Lacock. near Sanduskr St.. lot 22xlCO with two dwelllnrs: will nav over e ucr centnet: a good Investment and comfortable home. W. A. IIER RON & SONS, 90 Fourth ave. auJ-ei-Tur FOR SALE-MANHATTAN ST.. NEAR RE BECCA St., Allegheny, a good 2-story frame of 4 rooms; Inside w. c., natural gas, city water, etc.: nice yard, front and back, good neighbor hood: only 12, poo; easy terms; this is a bargain. BLACK & BAXRD, 95 Fourth ave. 2-B-122. Jy28-43-D Suburban Residences. FOB SALE-AT CRAFTON, CnEAP. 14 ACRES of well-lying ground, with dwelling of six rooms: terms can be made very easy; will sell In 2 pans li aesirea. n. jl. iijutun a suns. Fourth ave. Jy26-83-wr TpOR SALE AT WILKINSBURG NEW LJD frame dwelling. 7 rooms and 2 attic rooms. Marge reception ball, pantry and bath room, with au moaern lmprovemcuTs; ou rransun street, a minutes from station: a rare bargain ir sold soon. Inquire ou premises of J. B. ANDERSON. au2-S7 FOB PALE AVALON STATION. P., F. W. ft C. By., a good 8-room frame dwelling, ele gantly inrnished turoughout: slate mantels, etc : natural gas; 5f acre of ground covered with fruit and shade trees: most beautiful view on the Ohio river; LOGO down, halanco long time. BLACK ft BAIRD. 05 Fourth ave. aul-98-D FOB SALE-ON BBYANTAVE., BELLEVUE. frame house 6 rooms, halls, pantry, back and front porches, inside shutters on front, cellar cemented, sewered to street; water on first and second floors; lot 67Mxl40 ft.: a good property for &100, one-half cash, balance on easy terms. A. WILSON, 55 Federal SL. Allegheny, aul-96 FOB SALE-A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE AND grounds on Hue of railroad near the cltv, about 2 acres In the plot covered with fruit, shade and ornamental trees and shrnbbery: copious flow of pare, living water, the atmosphere lm- Sregnatcd with ozone and other health-glvlug In uences; an excellent dwelling of 8 rooms, porches front and rear; fine observatory, natural gas, carriage house and outbuildings, etc, etc.: only 3 minutes' walk from R. K. station. Terms, etc., from JAS. W. DBAPE ft CO., 120 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. au2-73-p FOB. SALE LOTS. CitT Lots. FOB SALE PROPERTY ADJOINING THAT of A. O. Harriet to the highest bidder, at pub lic sale. Saturday, August 3, at 2 P.M., on the prem ises, on Webster ave.. Thirteenth ward, lis feet fronting on Webster avenue and running baek about 60 feet to old Coal lane. This property Is handy to the new Wvlle ave. electric cars. Par ticulars from a. j. Pentecost, 413 Gram st. Jy2S-27-25. 27,23, 31-au2 East End Lata. F)RALE-3 WILL BUY A CHOICE LOT In Villa Park plan on terms to suit purchasers; send for colored plan Just Issued. JOHN F. BAX TER, Agent, Ul bmltbfield st, an2-6S FOR SALE-CHEAP-AS A WIIOLE-28 DE SIRABLE building lots fronting Euclid art. and Beatty St., near Hllaud are.. In the midst of the Nineteenth ward. AV. A. HLRRON ft SONS, SO Fourth avenue. au2-H-TuF FOB 8ALE-S60 PER FOOT-SHADYSIDE; Walllnglord, near Neville t.: 90x181 feet: most desirable building site In E. E. ; Walllngford street is now being graded; propertv will enhance rapidly. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth aye. au2-74-Jtwrs T7IOB SALE-A. 2-ACBE LOT IN THE EAST i? END at executor's sale to settle up an estate. situate on MunfoTd avenue: second lot east from Brushton station ;a beautiful piece of ground, quite level and eminently adapted for laying out in lots; will be sold at public sale by order of executor ou Friday, August 9. at 3 o'clock on the premises; Eeremntory sale. Terms, etc, from JAS. W. iK ATE ft CO.. Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. aul-83-D ABcchcnv Lot. FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, in theTenth and Twetfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McNAUUHEB, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-0S-r Suburban Lets. FOB SALE-EAST JEANNETTE SPECIALTY Glass Co. plan a few good lots, 40x100: free f;as; stores needed; 25 bouses building: several arge factories coming In. 314 HAMILTON BUILDING. aul-63 FOB SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING 8ITE at Edgewood, P. R. R., 100x200 feet: level and wlthlu 3 minutes' walk from station; reasonable price and easy terms. BLACK ft BAIRD. 85 Fourth ave. 3-A. JySMI-D Farms. FOBSALE FARM10U ACRES: FINEST DAIRY Pisco in this part of Pennsylvania: advanced age of owner reason forselllng. ED. W1TT1S11, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa, JT31-D FOB SALE-FABMS. FABJIS, FABMS-70 acres with good honse, 6 rooms, barn, etc., 1 mile from Rochester, SI, U)0; will take house in or near Pittsburg in part pay; also 225 acres, 9 room house, large orchard, 6 miles rrom Beaver Falls, for 1 10,000: will exchange or sell ou easypavments. Bend for farm and exchange list, N. F. HURST. Rochester. Pa., lock box 49. Twenty acrrs.5 room house farm and orchard for tl, 600: SOOdown. 8150 a year. an2-56-EOD FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Cnoneea. FOB BALE A FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP very reasonable. Call at the leading barber supply house. A.EDLUft CO., 502, 504, SOS Lib erty St., city. au2-62 FOR BALE-A HALF INTEREST IN A WELL established wholesale grocery firm In the city on one ot the leading thoroughfares and doing a safe and profitable business of abont f 150, 000 an nually: satisfactory reasons for selling; this Is a rare opening; a good man of experience and mod erate capital can make money rapidly. Knll par ticulars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., Agents, 129 Fomth avenue, Pittsburg, aui-va-u FOR SALE BUSINESS. Buslneso Chances. FOR SALE-A FIBST-CLASS BABBEB SHOP In city doing a good business; good reason for selling. Address S. K., Dlspstch office. an2-59 OR SALE-HALF INTEREST1 IN A GOOD drugstore: good location; southside, Pitts burg. Pa. Address B. P. P., Dispatch office, Plttsbnrg. u2-S7 FOB SALE A NICE LARGE GROCERY store, doing good business: will sell In a lump at invoice: reason for aclllng old ae and bad health. Address 411 LARIMER AVE., East End. au2-40 OR SALE-DRUGSTOBE-ONE OF THE largest and best paying drugstores in Alle gheny City: this is a rare opportunity to get into a good paying business: price. 113,000, half cash: only tboso meaning business need apply. Inquire of a. C. ROBERTSON, oflleo. A. Kelly ft Co.. or A. S. BENDER, ofL. H. Harris Drug Company, Plttsbnrg. Pa. Jyil-Os-wrsu TTIOlt SALK-"lRON ON THE JUMP; BKILL X? 1ANT prospects for trade," so every one says: do you heed "the signs of the tltnesr' 100 grocery, drygoods,chlna and notion stores; finest, largest and most profitable bakery. Ice cream and confectionery basinets in the two cities: feed store cigar stores, milk depots: confectioneries, all sizes and prices: fine restaurantand dining rooms, printing office, livery stable, shoe stores bakeries, extensive bottling works. Freepartlcu lars. BIIEPABDftCO..S4Finnave. iy27 FOR SALE-M1SCELLANEO US. norses. Vehicle. Live Stock, etc TTIOB SALE-A FINE FBESH ALDEBNEY, JD with heifer calf, by a party moving away. Address or call at 6928 WALN UT ST., East End. Mu2-42 OR SALE-LIVERY STOCK ANDF1XTURES. in first-class condition and In good place for ltrerv business: owner wants to quit the business. 51. OC113ENH1RT. Bennett, Pa. Jyao-61-TrT FOBSALE-ONETEAM LARGE MULES AND one targe wagon suitable for heavy hauling. or price and particulars Inquire of ARM STRONG, BBO. ft CO., Twenty-fourth and R. li. sts. Jy28-34-D OR SALE-CHEAP HORSE, BUGGY AND harness, all In good shape: the horse would answer for ail purposes, especially for family ue. Address GOVERNMENT STABLES, Dispatch office. an 1-81 machinery nnrt Metals. FOR BALE-2SX48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be 6ccn In operation; price on application; Worthlngton pumps, automatic and plain tilde valve engines, boilers, pipe and fittings. J. A. MCCORMICK, ISO First ave. aul-p32-atW7 OR SALE SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boUers; aU sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. ; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, S to 23 tup. &25Parkway. J. 8. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-92-MWF OR SALE HOISTING ENGINES, NEW and second hand: wire and maulla rope, der rick and fittings, hoisting tubs and cars, clay and ore pans, engines, boilers and machinery. THOMAS CARL1N 'a SONS, Lacock and Sindnsky sts.. Allegheny. Jy23-aiwr Onscellaneousu FOB SALE BAB FIXTUBES NOW IN HOTEL Duqnesne. on account of our replacing same with new outfit. Inquire BBUN8W1CK BALKE COLLENDER CO. MGK., 117 Fifth ave. aa2-67 XTOR SALE RIVER STEAMBOAT STERN X? wheel, 185 feet by 42 beam :4 feet draught; 6U tons: S00 passengers: built in '84; newly refitted and painted: for part cash and timber land. G. DUHYEE, 183 Broadway, New York. aof-77 PERSONAL. ERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS 1 BOOKS I New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,003 vol- umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK bTORE, 900 Liberty st. my3-23 PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the TaUor. cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floorr Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: salts madeto order; spring styles now readr. lelepnone 1558. mhs EBsONAL-SAY, HABBY: THAT NEW suit is Immense, but your shoulders look as though you had gone through a snow storm from that dandruff falling from your head. Why don't you get your barber to give you a shampoo with BOSS . BLACK'S Keystone Snow Flake Egg Shampoo Cream, and I'll guarantee you wUl never be troubled with dandruff any more. Jy29-21-MWT LOST. T OST-ON WEDNESDAY. A DIABY AND JLi pocketbook on Grantst., between Fifth ave. and Fourth and Birmingham. Finder will please addressSO GBANTbT. an2-3S OST-TWO NOTES DATED SIAY 2a 1889, payable to the order of I 11. Silverman have been lost; all persons are warned not to purchase such notes, as payment on same has been stopped. P. 3. an2-s3 LOST-SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NEAR DAL LAS Station, P. It. R., a black and white setter dog: a liberal reward will be paid If re turned to H. 1L WESTINGHOUSE, Edgewood, P.R.B. Jy29-5 T OST-ON WEDNESDAY". JULY 2 ON THE JLj e o'clock r. M. Walls express, an overcoit and umbrella. A reward of tinwlll be given ror the return of same to PITTSBURG CLUB, No. 525 Penn ave. anl-90 OST-ATORNEARTHE STAMP WINDOW in the postonice. a pocketbook containing a sum of money and private papers. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving same at the office of the Monongahela Honse. O. B. 8. an2-82 BANK STATEMENTS OTATEMENT OF CONDITION OF PEO O PLUS SAVINGS BANK OF PITTS BURG on the SCth day of July, 1S89, published by order of the Board of Trustees, in accord ance with section 9 of charter: Cash ........... .........3 13,323 07 Expenses and office furniture 7.721 63 Banking house 80,001) 00 Real estate 108,327 60 Carpprate bonds 25,000 Waverly Coal and Coke Co., 0 nor cent 23,000 00 85,000 City of Pittsuurj; funded debt improvement, S ter cent 5.0U0 00 500 R. R. compromise boro Mc- Kcesport, 6 per cent 500 00 8L50O Elizabeth borough, 4 per cent.. ....... ...... ....... 1.500 00 $25,000 Allegheny county riot, 4 and 5 per cent 25,570 00 Sll.OOO Moorheadsnb-ecbool district, 4K per cent 11,000 00 $15,500 Moorhead sab-school district, 4 per cent 15,600 00 2500 St. Clair sub-school district, 6 per cent 725 00 $500 Springfield sub-school district, 6 nor cent 547 GO 4,000 Mt. Washington sub-school district,! per cent 4,000 00 $6,300 Btowe township school dis trict. 5 and oK per cent 6,600 00 $1,440 58 certificate of indebtedness Derryboro, 6 percent ... 1,410 58 35.200 IndiinaNormal School bonds, 6 per cent 85,200 00 58,000 school district of Parker, 6 per cent 8,300 00 35,946 62 certificates of Indebted ness borough of 'McKeesport, 6 per cent 35,916 62 $23,000 Pittsburg Car and Wheel Works 23,000 00 Mortgages. Judgment bonds and other valid securities 1,857,262 94 Stocks People's Savings Bank of Pittsburg 9,509 60 Safe Deposit Company of Pittsburg 25,000 00 National banks in Pittsburg 38,155 25 J2.289.221 69 Capital stock $ 300,000 00 Contingent account 105,000 00 Premiums and interest 23,574 89 Dividends unpaid 2.492 00 Deposit account ,858,151 80 $2,289,221 69 State of Pennsylvania, county of Allegheny, ss.: Before me. a Notary Public in and for said county, personally came N. G. von Bonnhorst. Secretary and Treasurer of the People's Sav ings Bank of Pittsburg, who, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that the above is a just and trno statement of the con dition of said bank on the 30th day of July, A. D. 1889, as. he verily believes. N. G. VON BONNHORST. Witness my hand and notarial seal, at Pitts burg, this 31st day of July. A, D. 1889. anJ82 W. F. HOWE. Notary Public. DIVIDENDS. -VTOT1CE TO DEPOSITORS OF AaERI LM CAN Bank Tho first dividend due de positors in the American Bank Js now payable unonapplicatlon at the office of Marshalls it Imbrie. No. 117 Diamond St., Pittsburg. jy31-56 THOS. H. GIVEN. Receiver. IVIDEND NO. 2 THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS of the Westinghouse Machine Company have this day declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENTUM on the preferred and common capital stock of the company, pay able on August 20, next, to stockholders of rec ord this date. Transfer nooks will remain closed nntll the day succeeding that fixed for the pay ment of the dividend. Checks will be sent to stockholders through the mails. RALPH BAGALEY, Treasurer. Prr-rSBUBO. Pa.. Jnly 30. 1889. Jv31-20 A. TVH1TELEY. 12SX THIRD AVE., UPSTAIRa Gents' shoes soled and heeled In 15 minutes for 75 cents. Finest work fa the city. myZHl-wr IANOa, ' ORGANS. & HAMILTON, 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, . Plttsbnrg. Pa. ap30-74-n 1 E. L1NKENHELMER, ARCHITECT,. 645 Smithfield street, Pittsburg, Pa, Frelheltt Frennd Building, recond floor, mh21-80-MWF TO LET..- lIlMhniT Ttealdeueea. TO LET-N0.193 FULTON STALLEQnENY briek dwelling, hall and 7 rooms; oak-gralned ., .. -.- - . .m. .... . ITnlnn linn HIIOUSUUUW II3UI IUU nti .K- . "- . ..----""- cars pass the property; po.seslon Immediately. J. M. STON EB. 22 Bakewell buUdlng. Jy31-a oners. Desk Boom. fcc rrib LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NF.WLTT JL painted: elevator, Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Aptily to GER31AN1A SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. e2J-8J fTKJ O LET-FESN BUILDING. PENN AVE.. nMrNT.nthiL. nffim alnrle or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, beat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low; floor plans at our ofilee: we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. Fourth ave. Je25-22-D TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street, two of the roomiest and best-lighted offices to be fonnd in the city; rent, S200and SX0 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between 10 A. M. and 1 r. ., or between 2 and 4 P. X. JV23-67 AUCTION SALES. OCTION 8ALE-OF THE COMPLETE; f urnishment of a home in the East End, removed to our rooms. No. 311 Market street; for convenience of sale, FRIDAY MORNING. Angust 2, at 10 o'clock. Fine French tapestry parlor suit, square grand Chickerlng piano forte, steel engravings, rugs, elegant body brnsscls and ingrain carpets, mirrors, orna ment, cabinets, odd pieces parlor furniture, oak, walnut and cherry chamber suits, ward robes, folding bed. dressers, wasbstands. bed steads, h. c bed lounge, fine bookcase, hatrack, dining chairs, extension table, sideboard buffet, secretary desk, mattresses, bedding, toilet ware, dishes, linoleum, laundry and kitchen goods, etc, etc.; also combination safe, lamps, stores, refrigerators, notions, tables, chairs, rockers, bracket!., screens, etc. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM.. Auctioneers. aul-I ADJOURNED AUCTION SALE ON THE premises, WEDNESDAY. August tho 7th, at 2 o'clock P. M.: lot 200x125 with improve ments, situated between the W. P. R. R. and P. fc W. R. R.. opposite new Thirtieth street bridge, with sidings from both railroads; there is a large and substantially built planing mill on the property, suitable for any kind of light mannfacturine: business: a two-story brick warehouse, office building, stable, etc.; also a full line of shafting, beltingand latest Improved hangers; will be sold with or without ma chinery. JOHN J. HOWLEY, Real Estate Aient. 127 Fourth ave. auL74-D PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL EE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller un til SATURDAY, tho 3d day of August, A. D 18&9, at 2 P. if., for the construction of an iron bridge on Wilmot street, Fourteenth ward. Also, for the construction of a wooden stair way from Fortieth street to Neville street. Plans and specifications can bo seen at this office. Bonds in the sum of $20,000 for bridge and $1,000 for stairway must accompany each Eroposal, probated before tbe.Mayor or City Ierk. The Department of Awards reserves tho right to reject any or aU bids. E.M. BIGELOW. jy29-28 Chief of Dep't of Public Works. TO CONTRACTORS. , Sealed proposals will be received by the bor ongh of Braddock up to SATURDAY, AUGUST 10. 1889, at 12 o'clock, noon, tor tho furnishing and lay ing of about 7,000 leet of 21-inch, and about 3,500 feet of 18-inch sewer pipe, to be laid on Second, Fourth, Fifth. Sixth, Seventh. Elev enth and Thirteenth streets; the bids to be for each street separately. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Town Hall, Braddock, Pa., on and after August 3. The borough of Braddock reserves tne right to reject any and all bids. H. C. SHALLENBERGER, aul-92 Burgess. EDUCATIONAL. MISS MARY MAC DONALD. FORMER principal of Miss Fuller's school, will open a school for girls in Allegheny October 1, lbS9. au2-36-UTur TWO CHOICE SCHOOLS. BKOOKKHALU for girls and young ladies. SHORTLIDGE MEDIA ACADEMY, for boys and young men. St 1THIN C. SHORTLIDGE, A. M. (Harvard Graduate, Media, Pa. (near Philadel phia.) anl-8 T ONG VIEW, BROOKVn.T.K, PA., A Church School for Girls, will roopen SEP TEMBER 11. 1SS9. For catalogue apply to Rev. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. LL.D, au2-78-TuF PrincipaL OLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, .reopens WEDNES DAY. 8EPTEMBER4; new students examined Monday, September 2. Apply to Rev. JOHN T. MURPHY, C. S. Bp President. jyl7-2S CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ, j Pa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. Now school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for collcgo or scientific school. For circular, etc, address JNO. CALVIN RICE, A. M, Principal. Je2S-o3 ' NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study In civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful Duildings, grounds, location. COL. C J. WRIGHT,. B. S A. M., Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd'tof Cadets. JelO-lI KEBLE SCHOOL. 8YRACUSE.N. i. Boarding School for Girls. Under the sn pervisiou of tho Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, 8. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 18S9. References Rt, Rev. H.C. Potter. D.DN.Y. Rev. Wm. B Huntington. D. D., Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potter. D. D.. Geneva. N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. jel4-72-ruF F' OR SALE BUILDING LOTS AT ASPINWALL STATION, West Penn Railroad, only 7 miles from Allen gbeny depot, adjoining SHARPSBURO. The "Aspinwail Land Company" have subdi vlded a part of the beautiful suburban property known as the ROSS ESTATE, Into lots of 25 feet. 50 feet and 100 feet frontage, or by the acre, and are offering them for sale at prices that will snlt the most conservative. Terms very easy, title guaranteed by the "Fidel ity Title and Trust Company," of Plttsburc Special inducements to early purchasers. There) is a representative always on the premises who will show the property. Take a train to Aspin. wall station, which is directly on the premises, or call on the agents, r W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. 80 Fourth ave.. city. Who will give yon plans of the lots, with full information and prices. au2-60-2,rU0.13,170,2427,3I WOOD MANTELS,. CEILINGS AND t WALNSCOTTING, - IHTERIOR" DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complet House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT A CO.. 1219 and 12Z1 Market St. J79-76-TUF Philadelphia, Pa. Notice To Navigators. Dnring the reconstruction of the channel span of the Ohio river bridge at Stenbenville, Ohio, which is now in progress, parties navi gating the Ohio river will be required to pass through the span next west of the channel span, which has been dredged so as to afford a good navigable water. White lights wiU be dis played indicating the obstructed channel span, and red lights will be displayed indicating tho channel to be used. M. J. BECKER, Chief Engineer P., C. fc Si. L. Ry. Co. jy28-70-D " A FTER TWO TRIALS." FRED BEILSTETN, of Spring Garden ave, was relieved of a large tapeworm by Dr. Bur goon on Julys, after having treated with two other physicians for the tame. Mr. Bellstein can be seen at the Allegheny market, where he has a hatcher's stana. DR.BURGOON treats all curable diseases. Over 300 testimonials ot your neighbors cured at his office, 47 Ohio st, Allegheny, Pa. ' Consultation free. jyl2 Dl ,ucan a white; Braiding Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smithfield. J Plttsbnrg. fe!4-7.KwT. SARTMAN BROTHERS, Formerly ot the Hotel Albemarle Barbej p, now at -, , HOTEL HAMILTON, Penn ave., near Sixth st. an2-70 .- fi . .,. .Lxda't' -i,- & 'jeh&vJ ri S.TB..-r.iS J -. k-:M v. wife itoA-a