Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 02, 1889, Image 1

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Hr Edward S. Van Zile, a psychological ro-
mance, will be published complete In Sunday's
Dispatch. It is fall ol interest.
L F.
Granted Russell Harrison by
General Master Workman
Why the Labor Leader's Vigorous
Protest Was Withdrawn.
A Large Number of Trimmers Fired From
tfan Government Printing Office Sir.
Powderly Telia What Induced Him to
Withdraw Ills Opposition to Detective
Furlong Western Pennsylvania Knights
Bepeat Their Protests Against His Ap
pointment Itncll Harrison's Influence
With tho General Illnstcr Workman
District of Columbia Knights Propose to
Dlnke It Hot Vet for the Gould Detective
The President's Interest in tho buccess
of the Applicant.
The manner in which Detective Thomas
Furlong ceased to be opposed by organized
labor as in his candidacy for a Government
position is being looked into by others than
labor leaders. It is now charged that Pow
derly's protest was withdrawn as a personal
favor to Russell Harrison. Public Printer
Palmer has begun a thorough house
cleaning. rsrrciAi. TrxEGBAK to the DtSFATcn.
Washington, August 1. The features
of the movement to appoint Detective Tom
Furlong, of the Gould Bailroad system, to
the chieftaincy of the Secret Service of the
Treasury Department, grow more and more
queer, the nearer the matter approaches a
final conclusion. In answer to the resolu
tion adopted by the Knights of Labor of
Maryland and the Federation of Labor of
that State against the appointment of Fur
long, the President has thought it worth
while to send the following communication
which came into the possession of the
correspondent of The Dispatch this
41. M. Talbott, President Federation of Labor.
The President directs me to acknowledge
the receipt of yonr telegram, which has been
called to his attention, and to say that the ap
pointment is not Presldental, bntismade by
the Secretary of the Treasury, to wbom jour
telegram has been referred. It is but fair to
gay, however, that Furlong's appointment has
been strongly urged by leading Knights of
labor, anion? others Mr. Blake, the Chief
Organizer. Mr. Powderly has withdrawn his
protest, saving that he had been misled and
was mistaken. Very respectfully,
O. L. Pbubex, Assistant Secretary.
tub president's interest.
The last paragraph of this communica
tion shows conclusively tha, though the ap
pointment is not Presidents, the President
is deeply interested, and has kept himself
informed of papers which, if Ihe President
is not interested, should be known only to
tbe Secretary of the Treasury.
In regard to the withdrawal of the Pow
derly protest, the following dispatch from
Philadelphia, under this date, furnishes
some explanation:
Thomas Furlong, of St Louis, is an ap
plicant for the position of Chief of the Se
cret Service Division of the Treasury De
partment. During the last campaign he
was employed by the Republican National
Committee to do secret work in Indiana. He
was chief of the detective service on the
Missouri Pacific during the strike of the
Knights of Labor in 1886, and was then
credited with persecuting many of the mem
bers of the order.
For some reason Russell Harrison takes
an especial interest in having Furlong ap
pointed, as appears from a long communica
tion from T. V. Powderly in this week's
Journal of United Labor, which will be
published to-morrow. Mr. Powderly says
that when in Washington, April 7 last, he
beard that Furlong was a candidate lor the
position oi Chief of the Secret Service, and
entered a protest with Secretary Windom on
behalf of the Knights of Labor against his
appointment. May 17 Mr. Powderly re
ceived a visit from Mortimer D. Shaw, who
was the agent of the United Press in St
Louis, during the strike of 1886. During
the conversation Mr. Shaw said: "I have
seen Russell Harrison, and he wants you to
modify your protest, if you do not withdraw
it Mr. Furlong will be appointed anyway,
and Mr. Russell Harrison thinks it would be
on your part to at least modify the protest
you sent to the Secretary, for Mr. Furlong
performed a service for Mr. Harrison, the
President, during the campaign, and he
wishes to repay him. I then asked Mr.
Shaw if he heard that from Rnssell Har
rison, and he said: "I have told you what
Mr. Harrison said to me, and furthermore,
he said that he controlled a number of
new (papers, and it would be to your (my)
interest to withdraw the protest."
Mr. Powderly next day received a letter
signed" "R. B. Harrison," in which the
latter said: "I have known Mr. Furlong
for rome time, and his friends are anxious
that he should not, owing to your letter, be
left in
to labor organizations. I trust that you
will see your way clear to write a letter to
Secretary Windom, modifying your posi
tion in reference to Mr. Furlong. This, I
think, would be an act of justice as well as
generosity on yonr part, and consistent with
your well-known reputation for fairness.
His many friends, including myself, would
appreciate this act of courtesy."
Mr. Powderly wrote a long letter to Mr.
Harrison, giving his reasons for his opposi
tion to Furlong's appointment. After at
first approving of Mr. Powderly's course,
the officers of the order in St. Louis were
induced to ask him to withdraw his protest,
which the General Master "Workman subse
quently did.
Knights ot Labor here say that the action
of tbe St. Louis Knights, and of Mr. Pow
derly and of Mr. Blake, Is but another in
stance of the manner in which the rank and
file of the order are
who assume to be leaders, and who decide,
without consultation, apon any course
which they may be influenced to pursue by
capitalists or other considerations. It is
possible that Mr. Powderly withdrew his
protest simply on account of the alleged ac
tions of the St Louis Assembly,feeling that
he had no right to oppose their position in
regard to the appointment, but this does not
satisfy the Knights as a mass, who know
how the officials of assemblies are often led
by tbe nose by capitalistic and political in
fluence. The Knights here have established the
fact; that Furlong's appointment is to be a
reward for his services in Indiana during
the campaign, and to Russell Harrison in
the ?4O,O0O libel sait of Schuyler Crosby
against "Prince" Russell's Montana news
paper, and with these weapons in their
hands, with the declaration of Furlong
that his mission in life was to break up
labor organizations, they think they are
strong enongh to make it very hot for the
administration if the former Pittsburger be
A special from Franklin, Pa., to-night
says: The District Assembly of the Knights
of Labor, composed of the assemblies in
Erie, Warren, Venango, Crawford and
Forest counties, closed a three days' session
in this city to-day. The representation was
large. The sessions of the assembly were
secret, but it was learned that a vast amount
of very important business was transacted.
The proposed appointment of Thomas Fur
long as Chief of the United States Secret
Service was discussed, and the members
very emphatically expressed themselves as
opposed to the appointment.
Public Frlnter Palmer Cleaning Ilonie at
a Lively Rate, The Dead Beats
and Trimmer! Packing Their
Grips for a Trip.
"Washington, August 1. PublicPrinter
Palmer has just been giving the Govern
ment Printing Office a lively overturning.
He has discharged about 40 employes, all of
them Democrats, and nearly every one ap
pointed through the influence of Senator
Gorman by the late Benedict. Gorman got
more employes into the printing office than
all other Congressmen combined, and it was
said that he would be able to keep them there
through the Influence with the President of
ex-Senator Davis, of West "Virginia, and
Steve Elkins. But either Gorman has been
indifferent, or the "influence" has not
worked as anticipated.
Among those dismissed is E. W. Oyster,
foreman of the specification room, one of the
most prominent Knights of Labor and mem
bers of the Federation of Labor in the Dis
trict. He is an old employe, and formerly
from Pennsylvania. When Rounds was
appointed Public Printer, Oyster was also
an aspirant His failure soured him and he
became a Democrat When Benedict was
appointed, Oyster was also in the field, and,
believing in Cleveland's re-election, he
talked free trade and stuck to the Demo
crats. After the election he endeavored to
trim his sails for the new trade wind, but it
was concluded he was too smart for his
place. He and two or three of his enthusi
astic supporters were among those who
walked the plank.
Ramsey, who is appointed to this very de
sirable place to succeed Oyster, is a brother
of Edward Ramsey, of the Crateman. which
paper Oyster and others of the Columbia
union endeavored in every way to "down"
during the tenure of Benedict These removals
are the cue to the determination of Mr. Pal
mer to clean tbe trimmers, dead beats, "bar
nacles and demagogues out of the office,
and fill it with respectable and practical
Secretary Noble Appoints a Commission to
See it Dons in France.
Washington, August L O. A. Kenas
ton, of the Geological Survey, has been ap
pointed by the Secretary ot the Interior a
special commissioner of the Department, to
visit France for the purpose of studying the
irrigating systems of that country, with a
view to the improvement of our own.
The reclamation of the arid regions of the
West is regarded by Secretary Noble as of
such vast importance that an effort will be
made to utilize all available knowledge of
the best systems in use throughont Europe.
Mr. Kcnaston has been supplied with let
ters of introduction to the French Ministers
of Public Works and Agriculture, and to
Minister Reid.
Trensnrcr iTnston Gives Ex-Treasnrcr
Hyatt a Receipt for S771.300.000.
Washington, August 1. Treasurer
Huston to-day gave a receipt to ex-Treasurer
Hyatt for 771,500,000 representing the
amount of money and securities in the
United States Treasury turned over by the
latter to the former. Of the above sum,
$237,208,402 is actual cash, the remainder
including United States bonds and the re
serve fund.
Ex-Treasurer Jordan happened in Mr.
Huston's office about the time the receipt
was passed, and remained to witness the
One of the Recommendations That Is Bonnd
to Have Its Influence.
Washington, August X Mr. William
M. Henry, of Kittanning, editor of the
Arm$trong Republican, who was recently
appointed Chief of the Division of Indian
Accounts in the Treasury Department, as
sumed charge of his desk to-day.
Mr. Henry is a particular friend of Sena
ator Quay, and is not only found at the
Senator's elbow in politics, but also in his
fishing excursions, and tells many an excit
ing adventure when with him on sports with
the rod and line.
Another Newspaper Man's Work Rewarded
by the Administration.
Washington, August 1. The following
appointments were to-day made by Superin
tendent Porter, of tbe Census Bureau:
Henry Carroll, D. D., of North Plalnfleld, N.
J., as a special agent to collect church statistics.
Dr. Carroll is the editor of tbe New York
Independent Cbarles Kirschhoff, Jr., of New
xork. as a special agent to assist In the col
lection of statistics of copper, lead, zinc and
other ores throughout the United States. John
Dierkentine, of Philadelphia, as a special agent
to assist in the collection of iron ore statistics.
Only One Bid for Steel Shells.
Washington, August 1. Only one bid
has been received for furnishing 100 7-inch
and 100 11-inch steel shells, that of the
Standard Steel and Casting Company, of
Tuurlow, Pa., as 'follows: Seven-inch
shells, $66 85 each; 11-lnch shells, $135 each.
No award has been made.
Tammy Most Have Money.
London, August L In the- House of
Commons to-night Mr. Samuel Storey, a
Radical, moved an amendment reducing
tho grant to the Prince of Wales to 21,000.
Tbe motion was rejected by a vote of 201
Tho Great Prohibitionist la Senrch of the
Mao Who Said' Ha Was About to
Leave His Partr for
the Republicans.
New York, August 1. There's a man
in New Jersey somewhere whom General
Clinton B. Fisk wants to catch. This man,
whoever he is, has been writing articles
from Trenton to various newspapers, saying
that General Fisk has practically deserted
the Prohibitionist party and is now a free
lance, who will probably take tho first
graceful opportunity he can to get back into
the warm fold of Republicanism. The
latest article of this description appeared in
the Chicago JVi&une, on July 28. General
Fisk says the man wrote a lot of stuff in the
same vein for the Hail and Exprcts, until
Colonel Shepard stopped it The Commer
cial Advertiter, too, has been among the
victims. The articles are based on General
Fisk's advocacy of a restoration of the high
license law to the New Jersey statute books.
He proposes to get it back by advising peo
ple to vote with the party that will put it
"I don't believe in high license," General
Fisk said to-day, "but I believe in letting
the people who do believe in it find out that
with high license drunkenness increases,
and that prohibition is the only true rem
edy. I may vote for a Democrat or a Re
publican next fall, but it will be under the
Prohibition flag. The situation in New
Jersey is this: We will all unite under the
one flag, upon one candidate, for Governor
M. LeMonte. For the Legislature the dif
erent districts will probably adopt as their
nominees such men nominated by another
party who are known temperance men.
In many cases, doubtless, such men
will be Republicans. In my county,
Monmouth, on the other hand, it
will be policy to vote wtyh the Democrats if
they put up a man of temperance princi
ples, because Monmouth is strongly Demo
cratic anyway. It Major Yard, a Demo
cratic leader there, and a .temperance man,
is nominated by the Democrats, as is likely,
I will support him.
'So it will be elsewhere. Our policy is
to put our Legislative votes on temperance
men of any party where they can be elected,
though of course there are many in the
party who would not vote for any but a
Prohibitionist under any circumstances."
The Immense MonsterThat Was Slaughtered
by Menus of Bombs.
Panama, July 24. Captain William F.
Smith, of the bark Nautilus, reports that
when off Cape Berkely, Galapo Islands,
a sea serpent was seen about 30 yards from
the vessel. Captain Smith estimated
the serpent's length at 80 feet,! and
he was twice as large as a
barrel in the thickest part The head was
shaped like a snake, only on the extreme
end of the upper jaw there was a ridge or
bunch. The head was about three feet in
length, and about two feet back of the
head was a mane of hair. No fins were
seen. The tail was long and spreading and
shaped like that of an eel.
All had a good view of him, while he
was slowly coming toward the ship. The
captain and mate loaded two bomb guns
and banged away at him, and for about 15
minutes there was quite a circus, the ser
pent lashing the water with his tail and
running his head out four or five feet At
last he ran out his head, whisked around
and sank, dead. Both bembs hit him.
Wtoen he went down he was not more than
20 feet from the ship, and so, of course, we
had a good look at him.
Comes A Grief, and nis'stack Is Attached
by tho Creditors.
Chicago, August L The Sheriff to day
levied on the jewelry stock of Max Young,
a jobber in jewelry at room 6, 170 State
street The stock was first attached at the
suit of the Dueber Watch Case Company,
on a claim of about $2,600. Later in the
day a judgment for $2,100, in favor of the
Chicago National Bank, was entered up
and a levy made to satisly it. His stock of
goods on which the levy was made is esti
mated at about $10,000.
His liabilities are nearly all in the East,
and it is not known how much they amount
to. It is believed, however, that "they will
considerably exceed the assets. Young dealt
with watch and watch case manufacturers
who are outside the trust.
Tons President Harrison's Letter to Him
Had Been Opoucd.
London, August 1. Mr. Thomas Sex
ton, Lord Mayor of Dublin, has 'written to
the United States Legation with reference
to the letter received by him from President
Harrison. He reasserted that the letter
had been wilfully opened and defaced be
fore it reached his hands.
The seal, be says, had been melted, and
gum was scattered over the outside of the
envelope. The gum used by the person
who opened the letter and the gum or
iginally on the envelope were palpably
He Says His Defeat Was Dae to tho Am
bitions of Local Candidates.
London, August 1. General Boulanger
hasjissued-a manifesto in which he attributes
his defeat in the elections for the councils
general on Sunday last to the ambitions of
local candidates. He declares that he is
confident of the result of the elections In
France for members ot the Chamber of
Political circles in Paris here regard the
manifesto of General Boulanger as weak
and as not likely to improve his position.
Pride of the St. Lawrence
Shivered Upon a Rock.
Watertown, N. Y., August 1. The
palace steamer St Lawrence, which has for
several seasons been the pride of her officers
and the best of the Thousand Island line of
boats, ran on a rock off Hog Island, in the
Canadian channel, to-day, and is going to
pieces. She had on board nearly 900 people,
who were safely conveyed to the adjoining
islands. It is expected that the steamer
will go to pieces during the night
The Worsted 91111s Patronized by Lewis
Bros. & Co. Forced to the Wall.
Philadelphia, August 1. Scheppers
Bros., whose worsted mills at American
and Diamond streets were closed down on
account of the failure of Lewis Bros. &
Co., who handled their entire products,
made a general assignment to-day. Nothing
could be learned to-night as to the amount
of their liabilities.
The firm owes $11,000 in wages. The
firm did a business of from $600,000 to $800,
000 a year.
Summer Snow Storms.
London, August 1. Snow storms and
icy rains "prevail throughout Switzerland.
The mountain passes are partly blocked.
Extensive floods are repoited in Silesia.
Xortb. and South Unite in a Memor
able Dedication Service.
Unveiled at Plymouth Hock With Appro
priate 'Ceremonies.
Hon. W. C V. Brtctlnrldje Elco.nently Describes the
Puritan Virtues.
A handsome monument to the memory of
the Pilgrim Fathers was dedicated at Plym
outh Rock yesterday. Congressman Breck
inridge, of Kentucky, was the orator of the
occasion. The exercises were of a very in
teresting character.
Plymouth, Mass., August 1. Under
skies which ever and anon poured forth a
copious libation in honor of the ceremonv a
vast concourse of people to-day assisted in
the dedication of the monument erected in
memory of the Pilgrim Fathers. The mon
ument is situated on one of the highest hills
in Plymouth, about northwest of the rock
on wliich the Pilgrims landed, and west of
the anchorage of the Mayflower. As it now
stands completed it cost about $200,000. It
is of solid Hallowell granite throughout,
and consists of an octagonal pedestal 45 feet
high, upon the center of which stands the
figure of "Faith."
This figure is 36 feet high, and rests with
one foot on Plymouth Rock,' holding in her
left hand the open Bible, while the right
arm, uplifted, points heavenward to empha
size the meaning. Mr. Hammatt Billings,
a Boston architect, designed the monument,
which was started in 1853, and after his
death in 1871 his brother Jack carried it on.
The following is the inscription on the main
shaft: "National Monument to the Fore
fathers, erected by a grateful people in re
membrance of their labors, sacrifices and
sufferings for the cause of civil and religious
The celebration began at sunrise with a
salute by Battery A and the ringing of
bells. The morning trains brought vast
numbers of strangers and a great throng
surrounded the new monument at 9:30 when
the dedicatory exercises were carried out by
the Masonic Grand Lodge according to the
ritual of their order. At 11 o'clock tbe pro
cession moved over an extensive route in
seven divisions.
At the completion of the parade the offi
cers and members of the Pilgrim Society
with the orator, poet and invited guests,
took their places in the great dining tent,
and the feast provided for the occasion was
discussed for an hour. Governor Long
then introduced Hon. W. C. P. Breckin
ridge, of Kentucky, the orator of the day,
with the following remarks:
Tbe celebration of the completion of tho na
tional monument to tbe Pilgrim Fathers would,
indeed, be dwarfed in the cr ndeurof its pur
pose if every State in tho Union, and every
race and color that is an element of the Ameri
can people, were nofpartlcipant in person or
in interest in Its dedlcation.'for the pilgrim
still lives wherever the American flag floats.
Ho shines in every star of its constellation and
waves in every stripe in its folds. His stock
has spread vide across tbe 'Republic, and his
characteristics and influence,
bavo spread more widely still. The great Fed
eral Union, ruichtiest among the nations of tbe
earth, is Itself substantially tbe expansion of
his compact in tbe cabin of the Mayflower.
What then could be more fitting than that tho
oration of the day should be spoken by a son of
a Bister State? Let us call him from theSouth!
Let us call him from Kentucky, birthplace of
Abraham Lincoln, himself of Plymouth county
descent. And from Kentucky whom else shall
we call than her most 'eloquent orator, who
represents in Congress tbe home of Henry
Clay, and who so recently on the floor of tbe
National Honse spoke words of graceful and
generous tribute to Massachusetts.
Always sustaining tbe high reputation of tho
orators of his native State he will to-day sus
tain tbe reputation of the successive orators of
Plymouth Rock. And yet when you look on
his face, as I have so often looked on it with
tbe eyes of personal friendship and esteem you
will say that it seems liko tbe face, not of a
stranger, bat of a veritable descendant of tbe
Mayflower. I present to you and I bid a hearty
old colony welcome to the Hon. W. C. P.
Breckinridge, of Kentucky.
The appearance of Mr. Breckinridge was
greeted with applause. After this subsided
hedelivered his oration, during which he
said, in part:
No historian has given to those who first
suffered for tbe sublimo truth that human
freedom was impossible except by tbe separa
tion of church and State, that place of em
inence which is by right theirs. This is the
truth to which the Pilgrim Fathers testified.
This truth they first brougbt to America: this
is their true honor; thhv is their fadeless
These immigrants did not believe lna-theo-cratlc
State any more than In a secularized
church. It was necessary to organize a form
of government and out of that necessity sprang
that noble instrument known as the social
compact of the forefathers. That such a com
pact was deemed necessary demonstrates how
scrupulously these men held to separation of
church and State. Already they by their own
convictions of tbe province of its powers and
the limitations of its antbority, felt compelled
to form a civil body politic.
True emigrants do not leave their country
behind them; they carry it with their faith and
custom. Men die. these survive. They enter
into the beliefs, convictions, life and hopes of
composite people who are born, trained and
live nnder their influence. These forefathers
bronght with them their conception of En
glandtheir England. They bronght no titles
or ranks, priestly hierarchy: no ecclesiastical
ranis and orders: no complicated system of
fees. Dnt they did bring with tbem monogamic
marriages, with its individuality and sanctity
of home, the rights of the subject to the pro
tection of. law, the1 saeredness of individual
property, the precedent of consent before tho
The Pilrjrlvys Monument.
ATTG-UST 2, 1889.,'
levying of taxes and tbe right to express in
some legal and prescribed .manner their will
for tboao who were to represent them in legis
lature and church.
It Is not true, except in a narrow sense, pat
they were freed from the institutions of tho
old world and at liberty to choose what
material they would use in this new world. No
men were ever fully committed by tho pre
potency of blood, race, training, life and con
victlons as these grave, earnest, heroic "pil
grims," and the highest praise to be awarded
them it that they were
faithful to those convictions,
steadfast in that faith, unwavering in devotion
to these beliefs. Let us be just to all. These
were not exclusively theirs, nor did they alone
bring thm in. But this immigration was
peculiar that a church, as a church, should
found a settlement and, therefore, peculiar in
the form of organization which this produced,
and in the selection of the persons composing it;
peculiar in that It was the first colony because
of its belief in the freedom of the church from
btate regulation; peculiar in that it landed In
territory not included in the permission grant
ed to lr, and where there was no superior, ex
cept the somewhat uncertain rights of tbe
King, and, therefore, it had to form a govern
ment for itself; peculiar in the instrument
which this exigency produced.
During the first year, nnder tbe compact
made on shipboard, meetings bad been held
and some laws or ordinances enacted. These
meetings were the first "town meetings" which
perhaps Is the peculiar political f eatnre of New
England development. And in tbe congrega
tional form of church government tbe congre
gational meetings are simply religious town
meetings. The influence, educational, political
and religious . of these town and congregational
meetings on the development both individually
and politically of tho citizens of the State can
not be overestimated.
' My countrymen, the chlefest merit of those
to whose memory this monument has been
erected was their loyalty to the truth, as they
saw the truth. This is the noblest attribute of
man that he can love truth supremely the
ktruth as we see it. To be loyal to that truth is
uiu aupceiaesc amy.
Two of the Employes of a Wheeling; Insti
tution Alleged to Have Appropriated
Over 830,000 Both of Tbem Aro
Now Under Arrest It Will
Can so a Social Sensation.
rsrxciAL tklxgbjlu to tiix dispatch l
Wheeling, August 1. There will be
a big sensation in social and financial
circles to-morrow when it becomes known
that Harry Seybold, teller in the Bank of
Wheeling, and George Hennig, also an em
ploye in the institution, have been arrested
charged with embezzling the funds of the
bank. The parties named were takerinto
custody very late to-night and are now in
charge of the sheriff and his deputies.
Tho amount of the shortage is large,
reaching at least $30,000, and perhaps ex
ceeding that sum. It is understood that the
crookedness extended over a period of about
two years, and that a systematic method
was pursued, the books being falsified so as
to conceal the true state of affairs. The dis
covery of a shortage was made sometime
aeo, and the bank officials attempted to un
ravel the mystery themselves. They ran
out two or three clews, and then concluded
to call in outside aid.
This was done, and about ten days ago it
became settled that at least $30,000 was
missing. Then the question of settling upon
the guilty parties came up, and this took
time. Finally it was decided that Seybold
and Hennig were the ones responsible for
the crookedness, and at 10 o'clock to-night
officers started out to make the'arrests. Hen
nig was captured without trouble, but it
was midnight before Seybold was taken into
custody. The latter is the son of the cash
ier, and comes ot a family standing high in
social and business circles.
At 1 o'clock Harry Seybold made a full
confession. He exonerated Hennig frqm
all blame, and said he took the money on
the 10th day of last May. The package
contained $24,000 in cash, and was removed
from the valt to Seybold's home. There
.he kept it until May IK when he de
posited $12,000 in various .banks to the
joint credit of himself and Hennig, and told
all who asked about it that they had won
the money in tbe Louisiana lottery. To
Hennig he said he had borrowed the money,
and intended to buy a gold mine with it.
About $14,000 of the money has been recov
ered, and property to about tbe like amount
has been attached, so the bank will be am
ply protected.
Germany's Emperor Visits Ills Royal
Cousins and Takes Dinner.
London, August 1. The German Impe
rial yacht Hohenzollern, with Emperor
William on board, accompanied by the
German squadron, has arrived at Cover.
Salutes of artillery were fired in honor of
the Emperor.
Emperor William will land at Trinity
Pier at Cowes, where he will be met by the
Prince of Wales. The Emperor and suite
and the Prince of Wales will then enter
carriages and proceed, under a military es
cort, to Osborne, where the Queen will re
ceive the royal visitor on the steps of the
main entrance. Lord Salisbury and the
other Cabinet Ministers and the principal
Court officials will be present. In the even
ing the royalties will have a family dinner.
A BLOCK WORTH 91,000,000
la Wichita Is to be ths Prlzo of a Legal
Wichita, August 1. Suit has been
commenced in the District Court of this
county by alleged heirs of D. W. Gilbert to
recover a block of property here valued at
$1,000,000. D. W. Gilbert was a banker
here in 1871, but before he died he moved
to Ohio. His will provided that his prop
erty should be distributed among his legal
heirs, and in a codicil his sisters' children
were named as such, together with the testa
tor's father and mother.
The property was divided between the
two latter. The nephews and nieces now
sue for possession. The property is now
owned by as many as 200 different people,
and they have combined to fight the suit.
The Dominion Is Angry, bat Will Have to
Do as England Says.
Ottawa, Ont., August 1. Excitement
over the seizure of the sealer Black Dia
mond in Behring Sea still continues. The
Government is in communication with
officials at Victoria, British Columbia. The
report that Canada has advised a bold
policy of reprisal is unfounded. The
Government is cot disposed to recognize
American pretensions in Behring Sea, but
after all will have to acquiesce in the course
of the imperial authorities.
No word has been received from England
on the subject, but it .is believed that Lord
Stanley is in constant communication with
Lord Salisbury.
mitvrankeo Will Dave n. G. A. K. Encamp
ment In Spite of All Opposition.
MrLWAUKEE.August 1. The boycotting
circular of the eight State Department
Commanders was discussed at a meeting of
the local Grand Army Encampment Coun
cil to-night. After a stormy session
resolutions were adopted to go
ahead with the preparations for
the encampment; that the usual parade be
held despite the refusal of those commanders
to take part in it; that the Grand Army
from Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Indiana,
Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska be
organized into provisional battalions and
given a place in the parade.
John L. Sullivan Decides to Go to
Mississippi and Stand Trial.
The Only Way In Which He Could Fight
the Requisition Warrant.
Bat So Thoughts ef Imprisonment Bow Eater the
Champion's Hind-
Much to the surprise of many, John L.
Snlhvan, when arraigned in New York
yesterday, made no oppositiqn to the requi
sition of the Governor of Mississippi, but
said he would go South at once. He doesn't
expect to be imprisoned, but thicks a fine
will settle his case easily.
New York, August L It may have
been tbe effects of a night spent iu police
headquarters, where there is no bar, that
gave Champion John L. Sullivan such a
rusty appearance this morning. His mas
sive, square face was colorless, and there
was a deeper droop to the corner of his
mouth than usual. Being a great fighter,
he was, of course, treated with profound
deference, and so much time was given him
to prepare himself that it was nearly 11
o'clock before he started for the General
Mulberry street was jammed with a wild
assortment of men, women and children.
The coach could scarcely find a passage,
and it took half a dozen big policemen to
keep the crowd from forcing an entrance
into ihe building. When Sullivan ap
peared 'and squared his shoulders at the
lowering day, the crowd cheered hoarsely
and waved their arms like a multitude of
roosters flapping their wings and crowing.
personnel of the party.
The big fellow wore a stiff-brimmed straw
hat, with a broad black band, a woolen
shirt and a cutaway coat. He has started
in to raise a mustache, which has not yet
gone beyond the bristle period. He lum
bered down the stone steps and clambered
into the coach. Closely following him were
Deputy Sheriff Child, the bearer of Gov
ernor Lowry's requisition from Mttussippi,
a slender man, with a reddish mustache and
long chin whiskers, and Detective Sergeants
Adams and Kernan, of the Central office.
The proud coachman cracked his whip
and drove rapidly for a dozen blocks before
he had succeeded in shaking off the yelling
mob of boys that pursued him. News of
the champion's expected arrival at the Gen
eral Sessions had already sptead about, and
Chambers street, in front oi the brown stone
building, held an excited mob.
When the coach drew up before the build
ing there was a rush for it, but the police
men threw themselves into the breach and
kept a passage open
for the champion. He was led into Colonel
Fellows' private office, where be seemed a
little out of place. Assistant District At
torney MacDona said to him: "Sullivan,
the only wayyou can get of this is to deny
your identity and say yon are not John L.
Around Sullivan stood Billy Mnidoon,
tT. Pinna TnnV Tt--nl(t Xfl-A fM .
TJhar!ey Johnston, Jimmy Wakely, Daniel
Murphy nnd Diuy Dennett, ueiancy
Nicoll had been retained shortly after Sul
livan's arrest on Wednesday night, but it
was midday before he appeared. He then
led Sullivan into a private room" and ad
vised him to return to Mississippi without a
legal fight. He assnred Sullivan that this
would be the wisest thing he could do, and
would tend to make his punishment very
"The nicest thing to do is to go right
back," said Nicoll.
"It would be a great deal nicer not to
have to go," growled Sullivan, and then he
added, hastily: "I am your true and per
sonal friend, John L. Sullivan."
Having paid for the advice, the big fellow
concluded to take it, and announced his
readiness to go back to Mississippi. Then
there was a rush for Supreme Court cham
bers. As soon as the champion appeared
the crowd on the street tore wildly after
him, and in a jiffy the court room was
Judge Morgan J. O'Brien gazed in as
tonishment at the crowd. Assistant Dis
trict Attorney MacDona explained that
Governor Lowry was the author of a requi
sition for the apprehension of John L. Sul
livan, Which had been duly sighed by Gov
ernor Hill. He said that a writ ot habeas
corpus could be applied for if the identity of
the prisoner was denied.
"Mr. Sullivan docs not deny that he is
the person named in the warrant," said Mr.
Nicoll. "I have had no opportunity to
examine the papers, but I am satisfied that
the proceedings are Tegular, and that they
can't be successfully attacked. Mr. Sulli
van has already made up his mind to return
to Mississippi and submit himself to the
authorities there."
not a law breaker.
Mr. Nicoll made a speech to the effect that
Sullivan had no idea, when he became
engaged to fight, that he would violate any
law. He had been advised that there was
no law against prize fighting. He supposed
wben he left New Orleans that he was to
fight in the State of Lonisiana, and it was
not until the night before the battle that he
was informed that the fight was to take
place in Mississippi.
The champion had sat right behind Nicoll
during this speech. In obedience to an
order from his counsel he rose, and, leaning
over tbe lawyer's table, carefully adjusted a
pen in his muscular fingers, and, with his
head bent on one side, laboriously wrote his
name on the papers.
When Sullivan left the court he drove to
the Yanderbilt Hotel, where he had lunch
eon with Deputy Sheriff Childs, Detective
Sergeant Adams, Jack Barnitt and Dan
The champion felt verv blue, and was in
clined to be surly. "What's a teller going
to do," he said, "when he can't follow his
business? Eightin' is my business. That's
how I make a livin', and I ain't got any
other way of doin it."
Then he moaned over the loss that the
forced journey to Mississippi would entail.
The Academy of Music, which had been en
gaged for the big fellow's bene
fit to-morrow- night, was to be paid
lor by a percentage of the receipts;
but about $2,000 worth of tickets had been
sold, and this was considered as a dead loss.
Then the Academy of Mnslc iu Brooklyn
had been engaged for a like purpose lor
Saturday niht. A deposit has been paid
to the manager, and this will be lost unless
the date for the show can be set forward.
Deputy Sheriff Childs was anxious to get
back home as soon as possible, and as
nothing ronld be gained by delay, Sullivan
None of his friends cared to go with him
except Muldoon, Murphy and Barnitt, all
of whom were compelled to remain In town
on business, and so Clune, tbe hotel proprie
tor, said he would see the big fcHow through.
Sullivan threw a few necessary articles in a
small handbag, and at 4:15 o'clock. Sulli
van, Childs, Adams and Clone, left the
' i
This will land them in Marion court. 3fe
Miss., on Monday, but too late forcoui a.-
proceedings. . v'er Horace B. Phillips, of the
omuvan, as wen as an uu .r.eiiu ..
the penalty will only be a fine, which, as
Mr. Cluue is with him, can easily be set
tled. Such an idea as a term of imprison
ment has not entered the head ot any of
A Strikingly Lovely Girl Commits Suicide at
a Summer Sesort in a Dramnllo and
Original Kanner Unrequited
Love Drove Her to lr.
Auburn, N. Y August 1. News was
brought from Glenhaven, on Skaneatcles
Lake, last night that a gnest at that resort,
Miss Lillian Dumont, ot Brooklyn, who
came with her mother some time ago, had
committed suicide the night before. The
fact was not discovered until this morning,
when a lady going to the toilet room in the
hotel was startled, on opening the door, to
find a lady dangling from its top. The pull
at the door necessary to open it with the
extra weight almost simultaneously threw
the body to the floor. It was found to be
that of Miss Dumont, and it was quite cold,
showing that death had occurred the night
Miss Dumont had gone to her death in
evening attire, having dressed for the little
hop which is a nightly feature of life at
Glenhaven. She had danced a short time
before, making an excuse to her friends for
leaving the ballroom. Her continued ab
sence did not seem to create any alarm, and,
indeed, she was not missed, it being sup
posed she had retired earlier than usual.
When the body was found it was devoid of
the dress, waist and one or two other gar
ments underneath, Miss Dnmont having re
moved them in order to get at her corset.
From this she had taken the laces, and with
them had made a cord to bang herself. The
clothes she had laid aside were carefully
placed in the toilet room, and her jewelry,
including her diamonds, as studiously dis
posed of.
Miss Dumont was between .20 and 23
yearfof age, a girl of striking loveliness of
person ana cnarming manner, one nau
been a visitor at Glenhaven for the last
three years, and was usually accompanied
by some member of her family. Her father
and mother are alive, and " are people of
prominence in Brooklyn, where Mr. Dumont
at one time was rated a wealthy man. At
present the family occupy one of tbe hand
some residences, although misfortunes of a
financial nature have preceded the great
sorrow now thrust upon them.
Charles Dnmont, a brother of the suicide,
has been a well-known visitor at tbe Glen,
and s leader in its summer festivities. The
motive which prompted the deed cannot be
surmised, but it is whispered that hers is a
case of unrequited affection. On Tuesday
night it was not noticed that she exhibited
any especial sign of melancholy or dis
An Englishman Rewarded for Ills Lines on
President Harrison.
rsrxcMa. Txuaiuu to tux disf ATCn.l
San Ebancisco, August 1. A cam
paign poem in praise of Harrison, which a
forger in San Quinton prison wrote latt fall
and had printed in a local paper here, has
ju;t secured his pardou. This shrewd fel
low wrote a 36-line poem, entitled "The Old
Soldier's Story," giving a stirring descrip
tion othow General Benjamin Harrison led
the troops at Besaca, and drove likexhaS
before the wind the traitors to thisland.
Each verse ended with the significant cam
paign refrain.
And as we followed him that day across the
bloody plain.
We'll rally to our country's aid and follow him
This poem, with an account of the author,
was dispatched to Mrs. Harrison just after
the election of her husband. She sent
to the convict a .reply full of re
ligion and goud advice, and asked him
when his term expired. He lost no
time in returning the facts, in genuine
pathetic style. Mrs. Harrison referred the
matter to Mrs. George W. Stout, of Easton,
Pa., who secured the facts about
the convict's record, verified them
in England, returned the documents to Mrs.
Harrison, who about a month ago mailed
them to Governor Waterman, of California,
asking him to pardon the prisoner.
Waterman lound mitigating circum
stances in the prisoner's conviction, and
that he had only one year to serve, so this
week he granted tbe pardon. The released
convict is an Englishman, and says he is a
reformed man.
Not an Oance of Solid Food Eaten in Fall
50 Days.
Indianapolis, August 1. Robert Mar
vel, ot Pike township, this county, has
reached the fiftieth day of his fast A doc
tor from this city goes out every fifth day.
The doctor said to-night that Marvel
has not eaten an ounce of solid food
in 60 days, and may live on in
this way for 100. He continued: "That
story recently published about his eating a
piece of pie and some otner things is un
true. During all these days he has taken
several pints of milk. He is quite vig
orous and pugilistic This fasting has
entirely changed his nature. Before he was
very genial, now he is ready to fight any
one who comes near his bed. I have great
trouble in feeling his pulse. He strites at
me, and if I tet my hand on his wrist he
twists it until I have to let go."
The disease Mr. Marvel is suffering from,
the doctor thinks, has affected his brain.
It is a disease of the arteries. Bound, bony
accumulatibns can be felt in the arteries at
the wrist, and are probably present through
out the system. These cause naralysis of
the swallowing apparatus, which prevents
the taking in of food. Marvel is 86 years old.
O'Snlllvan Wants a Change of Venae.
Chicago, August L Counsel for Pat
rick O'Sullivan, under indictment for com
plicity in the conspiracy to murder Dr.
Cronin, filed in Judge Horton's court this
morning a new application for a change of
venue. This action was caused on an infor
mality in the motion to the same effect made
yesterday. The new motion will probably
be passed on by the Court to-morrow.
Bendy for the Campaign.
Columbus, August 1. The Republican
State Executive Committee to-day discussed
preliminaries to the opening of the cam
paign and appointed sub-committees for
active work.
Another Discovery of Gold.
Marshall, Mo., August L Indications
of gold in paying quantities have been dis
covered on the farm of W. H. Dickson, near
Arrow Rock. The gold is deposited In a
bed of rock.
The Warrant for Dnrke's Extradition.
Winnd?eo, August 1. The warrant for
Burke's extradition will reach here on
Saturday at noon, and on Sunday morning
Chief Hubbard and other Chicago officers
will leave for home.
Who has a cood article to sell, and who adver
tlses vigorously and liberally. Advertising U
truly the We of trade. All enterprising and
judlfciousadvertisers succeed.
kittsbnrg Baseball Clnb,
Which His Physician Says Is of Eapid
Growth and Incurable.
And Immense Wealth Fill the Hind of the Demented
Horace B. Phillips, better known as
"Hustling Horace," manager of the Pitts
burg Baseball Club, is, according to his
physician's statement, suffering from acute
paresis, and his case is incurable.
Philadelphia, August 1. Horace B.
Phillip, Manager of the Pittsburg Base
ball Club, is confined to his room at
the Girard House, suffering from acuta
paresis. His mind is seriously affected, and
the symptoms are clearly those which were
noticeable in the cases of Actor John Mo
Cullough, Sheriff W. Ellwood Rowan,
Dramatist Bartiey Campbell and hundreds
of others who have succumbed to the dis
ease. In the first stages the patient invari
ably has visions of enormous wealth, coupled
with great generosity, which are followed by
mental and physical depression. All of
these symptoms Mr. Phillips has exhibited,
and it is considered by his friends that hopes
of recovery are slight.
Mr. Phillips arrived at the Girard House
this afternoon, in company with his wife
and brother. As soon as he reached the
office and passed the time of day with Clerk
Camack he bezan to scribble all over the
page of the hotel register. His next vagary
was to write letters to the managers of vast
business projects, which the diseased mind
led him to think were under his control. In
an off hand way Mr. Phillips informed tha
clerkjthat he was worth millions upon mil
lions and was seeking investments.
A baseball monopolist.
As the sole owner of all the baseball clubs
of the country he proposed to make innova
tions in the national game and have it con
ducted upon a more liberal basis. This he
related in a matter-of-fact way, and the
ordinary listener would have supposed that
he was entirely rational, his manner being
so quiet. With a sudden impulse of gener
osity. Clerk Camack was next informed
that he was to take charge of the Girard
House to-morrow morning as a full partner,
Mr. Phillips just having completed the
purchase from Proprietor Moore. And his
generosity did not end there. Mr. Camack
was to be still further rewarded lor past
courtesies and for the sake of old friendship.
Mr. Phillips informed the clerk that he had
bought a number of hotels, including some
in New York and Washington. He pro
posed that Mr. Camack should exercise a
general supervision over this list of invest
ments. In addition Mr. Phillips announced that
he had made extraordinary investments in
theaters, and proposed to inaugurate a cir
cuit which would include most of the lead
ing establishments of the country. At first
he said it was his intention to give Manager
Tompkins, of New York, a half share in the
management, but had finally come to the
conclusion to personally look after his in
terests in that direction.' V
No restraint was put upon the unfortu
nate man, as he was cot at all violent.
When he had been assigned to a room he
asked if it was the best in the house, and
when told it was occupied, exclaimed: "Tell
him I will give him $500 if he will get out. I
want nothing but the best, I must have par
lor, bathroom and the finest bedroom."
With the assurance that he should have all
he asked for, Mr. Phillips was taken to his
room and Dr. Wiuficld S. Wolford was
notified. Strict instructions were given
that no person should be allowed to see the
Dr. Wolford said to-night that Mr. Phil
lips is suffering from acute paresis and that
he Is incurable. He said that tho disease
had developed within the last 48 hours and
that its progress had beeu much more rapid
than often happens. As soon as Dr. Wol
ford was called in Mr. Phillips wanted to
give him a check for Sl,O00,00O.
At Liverpool Brings Ont So DamaglngFaeti
Witnesses Testify That the Pris
oner Did Her Best for
Her Iln-,bnnil.
Liverpool, Augustl. The trial of Mrs.
Maybrick on the charge of poisoning her
husband was resumed to-day. Dr. Fuller
testified that he had prescribed tonics for
Mr. Maybrick. Deceased had never hinted
to him that he had taken arsenic, nor did he
present any indication of having at any
time taken it.
Two chemists doing business in this city
testified that they had compounded prescrip
tions for Mr. Maybrick. The medicines
furnished by them contained no arsenic
.The nurse, Alice Yapp, related the
Brierly letter incident and testified to seeing
the prisoner pouring medicine from one
bottle into another. A former domestic de
posed that on one occasion, the prisoner
finished a preparation of arrow root, which
she (witness) had begun and that she (wit
ness) afterward noticed dark stains en the
jug that had not been there previously.
Witness also deposed that Mr. Maybrick
received London medicine by post.
The cook testified that the prisoner had
directed that the London medicine be
poured into the sink, saying that Mr. May
brick would be a corpse if he took another
dose. On cross-examination the witness
generally considered that Mrs. Maybrick
did her best for her husband, but that she
was set aside by his brothers.
The Senatorial Committee Begins Its Work
of Investigation.
St. Paul, August 1. The United States
Senate Committee on Irrigation of Arid
Lands in the West commenced its labors
this morning. Those present were Senators
Stewart, of Nevada; Regan, of Texas;
Colonel Hinton, of the Geological Survey,
and Major Powell. A delegation from Da
kota was present and was heard touching
the necessity for irrigation in certain lec
tions of that region. Hon. W. A. Burt, of
Huron Dak., stated that the water supply
of Beadle county has steadily decreased,
until this year scarcely enongh dew had
fallen to wet the grass.
Other delegates were heard, and it was
late in the afternoon when the session closed.
It is hoped to have the full committee pres
ent soon, the absentees being Senators
Plumb, of Kansas, Allison, of Iowa, and
Hiscoct, of New York.
Frondo Is Not a Home Baler.
London, August 1. Froude, the histo
rian, has written a letter denying the trujh
of reports that he had become a home ruler.
He said: "Gladstone's policy is only a
spasmodic gush of sentiment suggestedas
always, by some condition of English party
politics. It is the worst and most scandal. .
ous in EngUsh history."
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