Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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CTLOCAL live stock.
?Enn of Cattle at Liberty Yards the
Largest This Season.
' Sheep and Lambs in large Supply Mar
ket Fairly Steady.
Office of Pittsbubo Dispatch, 1
"Wednesday. July 81. 1S89. J
The run of cattle this week was the larg
est of the season, aggregating 135 car loads,
an excess of 30 to 40 cars over receipts of last
In the supplies were 4 or 5 loads of
strictly prime cattle from Southern Ohio,
weighing 1,500 to 1,600 lbs. For this grade
offers were not good enough to meet the de
mands of the shipper. The best offer made was
tl S3, and the holder thought best to ship East
rather than accept this figure. Beyers from
eastern counties of the State were plenty, and
notwithstanding the large receipts markets
lield up fairly w ell with last week on desirable
grades. The cattle most called for by country
butchers are those neighing from 900 to 1,100
baid a 1 cadin g stockman : "Nine out of every
ten of our customers ask for this grade of
cattle." The highest price realized was $4 25.
and only very choice butchering stock brought
this price.
Gooa shipping cattle were a shade stronger
than last week. Butchering stock was steady
at last week's prices, and common grades were
lower, in some instances 25c per cwt. In the
supplies were a larger number of 1,200 to 1,300
ponnd steers than tbe market demanded, and
this grade was bard to sell.
They were not quite up to standard for ex
iwrt purpos, and a little too heavy lor the
country butcher trade. Hence they were slow
and sold at concessions. At noon to-day the
stock was well cleaned up Dry cows, heifers
and bulls were slow, especially common grades.
Fresh cows were in fair suj ply, and demand
was active for anything of good quality.
febecp nnil Lambs.
Tbe supply was much larger than last
week. Monday's receipts being 30 care against
12 the previous Monday. A dozen or more
loads have come in since Monday. Common
grades are off from prices of last week, but
.those of good quality fully held their own.
Lambs were lower yesterday than Monday. A
leading dealer raid: "I sola fair lambs yester
day at 9yL to 4. The same, quality brought
fully Kc more on Monday, and choice lambs
were sold on that day at CKc bo slow were
markets yesterday for both sheep and lambs
that I shipped a carload consigned to me from
br. Louis on to New York on advices of better
markets there than here. The price at St
Louis was 4c for sheep and 5c for lambs, and
I could not gt an offer here that would justify
the shipper, and sent the stock eastward."
Markets this morning are reported better
than yesterday, and some fresh arrivals of
lambs found ready sale at improved prices.
II os.
Supply was somen hat larger than last week,
and demand continues light, as is to be ex
pected in midsummer weather. Consumers
take to mutton more than pork this weather.
Heavy hogs move very slowly. Lard has had
another drop this week, and heavy-weigut bogs
will be dull as long as this downward drift of
hogs lasts. Light packing ho(,s are fairly
steady at prices of last week.
OlcCall & Co.' Weekly Review.
The supply of common to medium cattle Is
In excess of demand, which grades ruled slow
at a decline of 10 to 15c per cwt, while good to
prime were scarce, and sold at a shade higher
prices. We quote the following as ruling
prices, and market closing slow: Prime, 1,300 to
L600 is, f4 154 35; good. LOO to L400 fts.
S3 9vi 10; rou'h fat, 1,100 to 1.300 tts, S3 400
S 60; cood bntcber grades, 900 to 1,100 Its,
$3 253 65; common to fair, 800 to 1,000 Us,
f2 753 25; bulls and fat cows. 82 002 75;
Iresh cows and springers, 20 00335 00 per
Tbe supplvof hogs since Monday has been
light, but fully equal to tbe demand, and offer
ings chiefly common in point of quality. Very
few good cornfed hogs on sale. We quote heavy
and medium wcleutsat 54 254 65; good corn
Yorkers, S4 6504 75: grassers and stublers, Ji 40
4 60: roughs, S3 2ol 00. .
The receipts of sheep this week were heavy,
and the market slow aty bout last week's prices.
We give the following a ruling prices: Primo
Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to
120 fts, 14 6505 CO: good. SO to 100 Iks. M 35
4 50; fair to good mixed. 75 to 80 2, S3 604 IS;
good yearlings. 75 to 80 fcs. H 404 75; com
mon to fair. 50 to CO Is. J3 75 4 25; veaf
calves, 110 to 120 fis. S4 0U5 00.
By TeleeraDh.
New Yobk Beeves Receipts, 1,500 head,
including 61 carloads for tbe market and 26 car
loads for slaughterers direct. Good cattle were
about stead ; ordinary to fair natives dull and
10c per 100 pounds lower; Texas steers verv hard
to sell at any price: native steers sold at it 50
4 CO per 100 pounds; Texas steers at $2 803 00;
nathe bulls and dry cows at tZ 00(x3 V0. Ex
ports, 660 beeves, 500 sheep and 2,260 quarters of
beef. Calves Keceipts. 2,600 head; market act
tive and firm at 51 5U6 50 per 100 pounds for
veals, and at 2 503 50 for buttermilk calves,
fcheep Receipts. 7,700 bead; market firmer for
both sheep and lambs, and all sold, including
common to choice sheep at S3 7f 5 50 per 100
pounds, and common to choice lambs at S57.
Hogs Receipts, 6.900 bead; market dull for
live hoes at ti 505 00 per 100 pounds, with sev
eral lots of State bogs which sold at 1 504 90.
CniCAGO Cattle Receipts. 12,000 head; ship
ments, 4,000 bead; market steady; good (Trades
stronger; beeves, S4 204 55: steers, $3 354 25;
stockers and feeders ! 103 15: cows, bulls
and mixed, $1 60fi3 00; Texas cattle, SI 753 00;
natives and half breeds, 2 25413 50. Hogs
Receipts, 13,000 head; shipments 5.5C0 head;
market steady: mixed, $4 204 45; heavy,
S4 COS! 35: licbt, S4 3004 65; skips 3 SO
4 5a Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head; t-hipnients,
2,000 bead: market eteady: natives S3 SO: w cst
ern, S3 5001 00: lexans, S3 404 25; lambs M 90
65 80.
St. Locis Cattle Receipts, 5.100 head: ship
ments, 900 head; market tor shipping cattle
active and steady at 3 GJfi'l 35; good fat range
cattle In large supply and selling a shade lower;
common to choice 10S515C lower. Hogs Re
ceipts 3,400 head: shipments 600 head: market
about 5c lower: Yorkers, $4 404 45; mixed
hogs 84 304 40; heavy packing, $4 104 25.
Sheep Receipts 4,100 head; shipments, 1,100
head: market active and steady.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts j0 loads
throuph; 8 loads sale: nothing doing. Sheep
and lambs Market unchanged; receipts 19
loads through: 9 loads sale. Hoes Market
dull: receipts, 15 load through; 21 loads sale;
licht Yorkers. 84 70314 75: inferior Yorkers
84 504 75; mediums and heavy, 84 50; mixed
Yorkers and mediums 84 CO; common heavy.
H 2534 45.
Cincinnati Hogs In light demand and low.
er; common and light, 83 651 65: packing and
butchers. 81 351 50; receipts 2,910 head; ship
ments 270 head.
Just Issued to Inventors la Pittsburg and
Surronndlns Terrltorv.
Tbe following is a list of patents issued to
Western Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio and West
Virginia inventors on Tuesday, July 30, as fur
nished by O. D. Levis patent attorney, .No. 131
Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. Pa.:
Edward G. Acheson. l'lttsbcrc. Pa., dielectric
generator, three patent; Wilson Ayer. Blooms
bur. Pa., scouring and decorticating cereals:
John J. Becker, bcranton, fa., c I par machines;
William J. Bods Uayton, O., "hlnjre:" John M.
Case. Columbus, o.. dust collector for middlings
purifiers two patents; Wallace B. Curtis and
m. H. Hantly, assignors of one-third to C. .
Bright, Columbus O., sheet metal roof
ing, celling or siding: feeldcn A. Dav.
Bowling oreen. O., lubricating projectile:
Jacob DornWer, Sandusky, o., filter lor rain
water; James Dunn. Dubol.e. Pa., cofflns: Jacob
JreiS Heading, fa., water heating apparatus:
James C. Harris. Dayton, o.. assignor or one
n.lroA.' ? Iluron. tare lock; John O. HlKbard.
Itartland, O., mustache protector: Peter Kohnz,
A.T Y" H.ln2 '"", force pump; Kdward J
Lledkc. bandusky. o., check punch; Henry Llp
nold. Jr., Corry, !'., corn tlieller: (ieorge .
McOraw deceased, a-slgnor to I. A.. II. 1., (J.
W.. Jr.. and C E. Mcbraw. Allegheny, fa., ma
chine for manufacture of roofing rclsiue): Lewis
Miller. Akron, O., lilting lack: William F. Oils
orwa!k. o., tewing machine treadle: Lnclns H.
l'helps Easlevllle. ) . harrow; George ltclter.
Allegheny, l'a., whlffletree, two patents: Jose nil
E. itoblnson, OU Clfy. l'a . lee Teloclpede- Sy
rnour Kpgert. assignor to H. W. llartuianT Beaver
Falls Fa., wire mat: Edward Howe. Indians Fa..
reTolrlnglall: otto bchimansky, bamlnskr. O..
marhlne for cutting hoops: Johns. Wallace Nel
eonvllle. O. .refuse injector; tv l'llam U hlte.Weat
lield. Fa., washing machine: Louis F. Willing
and C. F. Keirer. Lrle. Fa., cock for id Might if
fss fuelburners: Charles F. Horning. Flttsburc.
a, , trade mark, wheat Hour. fc
The DrjgooiU Market.
NEW Yobk, July 8L The drygoods market
was without new feature, except an increasing
demand for cheap brown and bleached cottons.
Hosiery and underwear were In improved re
quest and there was a better tone. Woolen
fabric were In flr demand.
Nothing Sensaltonnl In Jhe Wheat Plti bat
tbe Trade Rather Choppy Favorable
Neiva From Dnkotn Other Arti
cles Quiet and Featureless.
Chicago To-day's session closed without
sensational features In tbe wheat pit. July did
not sell above the closing figures of yesterday,
and there were no indications of any attempt
at manipulation, tbe price being down to with
In a small fraction of Angust quotations be
fore noon. The general market opened in a
rather nervous and hesltitlng manner, with
some shorts disposed to cover, as initial trades
were at a decline of Jc as compared with yes
terday's closing.
The early weakness however, was but tem
porary, and notwithstanding tbe large receipts
posted here and at other points the market
gradually hardened under the influence
of ostentatious and rather large buy
ing of August wheat by brokers for
a prominent local operator. With
out scarcely a reaction September moved up
5f. from opening figures and December K0
Local sentiment, in fact, -favored the bull side
throughout tbe first half of the session, early
cables being firm.
A dispatch from Northern Dakota said that
tbe spring wheat harvest had commenced and
would be under full headway by August S; also,
grain cutting would practically be over In two
weeks, which puts; all danger from frost out of
the question. Tht market closed quiet with
August a shade sti onger, September and year
unchanged, December Via loner and Jnly lc
Only a moderate business was transacted In
corn, trading being mainly local. Tbe feeling
was comparatively Arm, and higher prices were
the rule, especially so on the near futures
The principal feature was tbe trade in July,
which was wanted, and sold at one time at 1c
premium over September. Tbe market opened
at about yesterdaj's closinc, was firm and ad
vanced JiSKc. reacted, losing tbe advance,
ruled steady and closed about the same as yes
terday. Oats were weaker and a shade lower, with a
fair increase in tbe volume of transactions
In mess pork very little business was trans
acted, and the feeling was firmer. Prices were
advanced 25c but this was lost. Toward
tbe close a little demand from shorts attracted
some attention, and prices were advanced sud
denly 1517c, and the market closed rather
Rather a light business was reported In lard,
and a steady feeling prevailed. Prices were
advanced 2X5c, and the market closed firm.
uniy a fair trade was reported n ribs
ruled comparatively
steady early, but rallied
7K10c near the close, and. ruled rather firm.
l ne leading intures ranged as lonows:
WHEAT No. 2 July, 79K70jf77K77c;
August. 77Vf7jAiJ77K77J2c: September. 77:
TTJaS77"0; December, 78a79i76J6Q
Corn No. 2 August, 36V3GJc: September,
326l236y,&xytc; October. aOKeSo
Oats No. 2. Angust, 222221Ji821Jc: Sep
tember. 21K21212f 21Jc; October. 22c.
MkssPokk. nerbbL August. 110 500)10 96Ufl
10 iofSlO (L'H: September. $lO57J.01O7OlOo2J
10 70; October. 810 40010 45.
Lard, per 100 fts August, 88 O00 07K; Sep
tember, ta 156 17,; October, M Vfyim 20
U AO0 !?.
5 40&o 52H; October, 85 4505 525 40Q5 hlU.
Cash (luotations were as follow; Flour dull
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 7778c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 7879c: No. 2 red, 778c.
No. 2 corn. S6c N o. 2 oats 21c No. 2 rye. 43c
No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. 81 3J.
Prime tlmothv soed, 81 43. Mess pork, per bar
rel, 810 G210 7a Lard, per 100 pounds
So uTKGC 10. Short ribs, sides (loose). 85 40
5 45. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 85 12K
5 25. Short clear sides (boxed), 85 6265 7a.
Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour. 17.000
barrels: wheat. 211.000 bushels; corn. 852.000
bushels: oats. 133,000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels:
barley, 1,000 bushels Shipments Flour, 5,000
barrels; wheat, 14.000 bushels; corn. 315,000
bushels: oats 363,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels;
barley. 2.000 bushels
On the Prodnce Exchange to-day the bntter
market was fairly active and unchanged. Eggs
quiet at lie
New York Flour heavy and quiet Corn
meal dull. Wheat Spot unsettled, JilKo
lower and fairly active, chiefly milling;
options fairly active: July c lower ou com
plete settlements of contracts; other months
Ja?ic lower, with free sellers and weaker
cables. Rye firm Barley nominal. Barley malt
dull; Canada, 90c3l 05 for old and new. Corn
Spot less active, ic lower and heavy;
options active. Oats Spot more active, white
bigner, mixed firm; options more active and
lower. Hay firm and in fair demand. Hops
quiet and easy. Coffee Options opened barely
steady and unchanged to 10 points up, closed
weak: near months, 510 points down, far
months. 5 up; moderate business; firm cables;
sales, 66,500 bags including August, 14.7o
14.80c.- September, ll.8015.05c: October. 14.80
614.90; November. 14.0014.90c; Decem
ber and January, 11.7014JJ5c: -February.
It7014.80c; March, 14.6514.85c: May, 14 70S)
14.90c; spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes 17Hc
Sugar Raw quiet and easy; fair refining.
0 ll-16c; centrifugals 96 test, 7c: refined quiet
and steady. Molasses Foreign dull: New Or
leans quiet Rice weakandquiet. Cottonseed oil
irregular. Rosin quictand steady; strained, 10c
Tallow easier; city (half for packing), 4c: out
of town (packlnc free), common to strictly
choice. 4 9 16c Turpentine firmer and quiet at
S9JJ40Kc. Eirgs in fair demand and firm;
western, 13X14c Pork unchanged; sales 250
barrels; mess inspected, 812 0012 50: do unin
spected. 811 7512 00; extra prime. 811 00. Cut
meats stronc; pickled bellies, 784c: pickled
hams. llKQUJic; pickled shoulders 55c:
middles firm. Lard stronger and qniet:
western steam. 86 42KK6 45. clnslne at 86 45:
city, 86 10; August. 86 40 bid; September. 86 48
66 5L closintr at 86 51 bid: October. 86 4S6 51,
(.losing at 86 51 bid; November. t9 326 35. clos
ing at 86 35 bid. Butter in liberal supply .and
eay; western dairy, 1012 c: do creamery, 11
17c; do factory, 812$c Cheese quiet and
steady; western, 67c
St. Lotus Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
better: receipts were disappointing and there
was a decrease in tbe stock, while cables were
higher; this so alarmed some August shorts
that they hastened to get out. The result was
a rapid advance of Ja with which the balance
if the market sympathized enough to move up
Kc- After the early buyers' wants wero
satisfied the market weakened off, but rallied
late and closed KfSKc above vesterday; No. 2
red, cash. 7374Kc; Jnly, 75K74c, closed at
74c; August. 73(c871c, closed at 73Jcbid; Sep
tember, 74W:74Jc, closed at 74Jc bid: Decem
ber, 77K7SJic closed at 77c bid; year. 73Ji
73Jc closed at 73c; Mar, 73Jic Corn Cash
was again forced up, with sales at 40c, and this
bid for more; the July option was advanced to
40c. at which the longs offered to sell In settle
ment or buy, but no settlement was effected
and the deal will be arbitrated; tbe balance of
the market c'osed weak and lower; No. 2
mixed, cash. 40c: August closi-d at 33c: Sep
tember, 33JIC; December. 32ic asKcd; year.
3lic bid; May. 34c Oats weak; No. 2 rash,
22c asked: September. 20Jc; May,-25c; July,
21c bid in settlement; August, 20c bid. Rye
unchanged. Flaxseed Spot, SI 30; Aueust,
Pnn.ADEi.rniA Flour Choice old winter
flours very firm; new winters offer freely to ar
rive, but met with very little inquirj; springs
sold slowly at former rates Wheat ruled firm
for futures; cash wheat dull and concessions of
y: hid to be made in order to clean up receipts
ot No. 2 and steamer; No. 1 Pennsylvania red.
on traclt. 81 04: new. No. 2 Pennsylvania red
in export eiciator, wc; steamer jmo. i Tea In
do. 83c; No. 2 red. in do. 85)c: No. 2 red
Jul, 85K86c: August, S4VS5Vc; September.
84J484Mc; October. 84SoJic Corn firm: No.
2 yellow, on track, 45Kc: No. 2 mixed, on track,
45c with 4Vs bid and 4oJc asked for do Twen
tieth street elevator and grain depot; No. 2
mixed, Julv. 44V(44Jic; Augnst, 4444Kc;
September, 4IK44Jc; October, 44K45c Oats
quiet and barely steady; No 2 mixed, in grain
depot, 30Kc; No. 2 white, 33S335c: No. 2 white,
34Kc; fntures steady but quiet: No. 1 white.
July. 34Jii31Kc; August. 31a32V(c; Septem
ber. 30K&31Kc; October, 3li31Kc. Butter
dull and irregular; Pennsylvania creamery,
extra, 18c; do prints extra, 25S27c Ecgs firm
and in fair demand; Pennsylvania firsts, 14i
Cincinnati Flour quiet. Wheat scarce'
and firm; No. 2 mixed. 79c; receipts 1L0GO bush
els; shipments 10,000 bushels Corn firm; No. 2
mixed. 3Sc Oats qnlet; No. 2 mixed. 26Kc
Rye quiet; No. 2, 47048c Pork firm at SU S7J.
Lard strongerat 85 87C Bulk meats in fair de
mand: short rib, 85 03. Bacon steady: short
clear, $675. Bntter steady. Sugar firm. Ezgs
stronger at 10llc, loss off. Cheese stronger.
Milwaukee Flour steadv." Wheat steady:
cah, 77Vc; September, 76Jc Corn steady;
No. 3, 37c. Oats firm: No. 2 white. 2S2SUc
Rye quiet; No. L 43c Barley easy; No. 2
SeDtember.600 sellers. Provisions firm. Port
810 62K- Lard, 86 00. Cheese steady; Ched
dars 7Sc
Baltimore Provisions dull. Butter steady;
creamery, 1616c Eggs firm; fresh, 1313ic
Coffee nominal: Rio lair at 18c
Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash, 84 GO: Octo
ber, 84 45.
Jlletnl Market.
New YtfRK Pig Iron steady; 'American,
815 C017 50. Copper firmer; lake, August,
811 75. Lead dull and strong; domestic, S3 P7&
Tin quiet and firm; straits 819 7a
Wool Market.
ST. Louis Wool dull; bright medium, 1925c;
coarse braid, 15022c; low candy, U18c: fine
light, 16023c: fine heavy, ll19c; tub washed,
choice, 86c; Inferior, 8034c
Omahn Breweries Are Bontbt Up
Omaha, JTeb., Jnly 31. Negotiations
were completed to-day for the tale of all
breweries in Omaha to an .European svndi-
cate for 51,500,000. The purchasers are said
to oe ue liotascnuos.
Second Liens on Property Kot Good
Enough for Security.
Mr. Georjre Westinghouje to Perpetuate
His Name at Wilmerdtng.
The Fidelity Title and Trust Company, of
Pittsburg, yesterday purchased the entire
amount of bonds, $375,000, issued by the
Central Traction Company. The price paid
was 103 and interest. The Central is the
only one of the local traction companies that
has succeeded in placing its bonds at a pre
mium. This deal will undoubtedly
strengthen the Central Traction stock.
Tbe sale of a fine East End residence is
hanging fire on account of the insufficiency
of the security lor the purchase money. A
second lien on city property was offered and
refused. The agent who is conducting the
negotiations said: "Second liens, unless the
property Is very valuable, are at a big dis
count. We understand each other now, and I
think the deal will go through ai; right."
Those prophets of disaster who have fore
told tbe speedy giving out of the natural gas
supply have apparently been proven false
seers The great wells in the Pittsburg dis
trict, the Fmdlay (Ohio) district, and the
Kokomo (Ind.) district, show no signs of slack
ing their supplies except when they become
choked by salt water, and that difficulty will
finally be overcome by Yankee ingenuity.
More bountiful wells than any yet bored are
being developed every month or week; millions
on millions of cubic feet of the fluid ga to
waste (daily, and still It continues to gush.
This being tbe case, It seems pertinent to in
quire If gas could not be supplied at a mnch
lower rate than Is demanded and still yield a
handsome profltT It should be in every bouse,
but as it costs more than coal, many nso the
latter on the score of economy.
Viewers will meet next Monday at Woods'
Run to assess damages and benefits growing
out of tbe opening of the Ohio river boulevard,
or California avenue. There is some opposi
tion among property holders butit is so trifling
that it will be easily overcome. Tbe avenue
ba progressed so far as to Insure its comple
tion, m
Several Pittsburg capitalists havo large In
terests in the Hocking Valley Railroad. Judge
Burke has this to say of the report that a re
ceiver is to be asked for: "The bondholders
according to terms of bonds cannot take any
action until after there has been a default ex
tending to six months In other words they
will have to wait until March next before they
obtain redress In the meantime the extension
of six months may prove of incalculable value
to the stockholders and bondholders as busi
ness may pickup to a sufficient extent to re
coup recent losses"
A petition Is out for a station between Mc
Koesport and Cbuts Park, Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, at the intersection of what is known
as the Sterrett and Houghton plans, to be
called Sterrett station. This is made necessary
by the rapid increase of population in that dis
trict. A report comes from Lima, 0 to the effect
that the working of tbe Solar Refinery, which
has always been very mysterious has been at
last discovered. It has been a question whether
they made illuminating oil out of Lima oil or
not." The discovery settles the fact that it is a
fine quality of naphtha that the Solar makes
Tbe naphtha made from Lima oil is very cheap
and is used in the manufacture of artificial gas
A syndicate, composed mostly of Standard
men, has organized to buy up gas plants and
furnish cheaper gas than the old companies
Tbe gas is said to bo of very fine quality, much
superior to the oldLcoal gas and burns brighter.
Wilmerding, on the 'Pennsylvania Railroad,
between Turtle Creek and Walls is building
up very fast. It is pleasantly located, and will
in time be an important indnstrlal center. A
gentleman living in that vicinity said yesterday
that he had beard that It was Mr. Westing
house's intention, when the town gets a cood
start, to change the name to Westinghouso to
perpetuate the name of the founder in this
respect following tbe example set by Mr. Pull
man, near Chicago.
A Liberty street produce merchant returned
yesterday from a trip through New Jersey.
Concerning the prospect for peaches he said
reports of serious injury to tbe crop were en
tirely sensational and unfounded. There has
been some damage from rain, causing some of
the fruit to rot, but. as the trees are much full
er than usual, the loss will scarcely be felt. At
the worst there will be a good average yield,
and the quality will be good. He thinks
peaches will bring about the same prices this
year as last, or possibly a little less
There is nothing more needed than a device
for the suppression of tbe smoke nuisance on
the railroads, and the inventor of it would not
only make a fortune, but secure the thanks of
many suffering communities In parts of the
East End the nuisance is almost unendurable.
Here is an item of interest to Pittsburg coal
dealers and operators: A company of New
York capitalists has recently consummated a
big deal in the coal fields of Illinois Six hun
dred acres have been purchased from theTBnck
eye Coal Company nearPekin and options have
been secured on 5,000 acres in that vicinity.
They have also bought lands of the Mapleton
Coal Company. Negotiations are in progress
for the purchase of other large quantities of
coal lands and it is surmised that blast fur
naces and a rolling mill are to be erected by
the syndicate and operated in connection with
tbe mines
Stocks Mora Consplcuooi for Strength Than
Activity No Weak Spots.
The stock market yesterday was strong, but
not remarkable for activity. Still it did very
well for tbe dog days The total sales were 130
shares The stocks most conspicuous for
strength were Electric and the gassers. Even
the tractions were firm. There were no particu
larly weak spots It was said that Electric owed
its strength to the belief, which seems to be
growing, that tbe forthcoming decision will be
favorable It closed at 51 bid and 55 asked.
Captiin Barbour said: "1 knew soon alter the
market opened that we wouldn't do much.
Buyers and sellers were too far apart." Both
Philadelphia Gas and Electrio were scarce.
There was a report, apparently well founded,
that the Federal Street and Pleasant Valley
Railway Company had purchased tbe Hand
street bridge, the price paid being variously
stated at 8275.000 and 8300,000. By this deal, if It
should turn out to be one, the railway company
will save heavy rental and derive a large in
come from tolls Tbe bridge company was
organized more tban 50 years ago, and its divi
dends have never been less than 8 per cent.
Bids offers and sales are appended:
Hid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
P. P.. S. AM.KX 4o0 800
Allegheny Nat. Ilk 2 ....
Bank or 1'ltUbnrg 74 ....
Citizens at. Banc Oft ....
KxchinpeN. llauk.... 81
15cn Franklin Ins !
Uhartlers.VaL lias Co. Sis 52 Wi S3
Nat,UasCo.or. Va. 70 .... (SU ....
P N.O.&P.Co ., .... 17jJ ...
fennsrlvanlatias Co.. HX .... li ....
Philadelphia Co 3i 38Jt 33 ss
Wheeling Uas Co , SOX 31
Forest Oil Co - 1C0 .... 100 ....
Tuna. Oil Co 63
-Va.htnc-ton OH Co.... 80
Central Traction....... SM S0K 30)i
Ultlrena' fraction.,
,U7l Id'ft
Plttibunr Traction
Pleasant Taller
Pitts.. Alle. & Man....
La Morla Mlnlnr Co...
Westinfrnouse Electric
Sew Castle Water Co.
U. 8. &Stg. Co.
l M
Sales at the morning call were 60 shares of
Chartlers G as at C1K. and Electrio at 52. After
call 10 shares of Electric went at 62, and 20
Philadelphia Gas at ES& In tbe afternoon 20
shares of Keystone Bank sold at 6 and 20
Wheeling Gas at sa
Mlnin Stocks.
New Yobk, July SL-Flg I, 2; Amador,
100: Caledonia B. H., 300; Consolidated Cen
tral, 100; Consolidated California and Virginia,
602; Commonwealth, 330; Deadwood T.. ISO;
El Cristo, 105; Eureka Consolidated 110; Gould
&. Currv. 175; Hale & Nnrcross, 270; Home
stake. 375; Horn Silver, 115: Iron Sliver, 19U;
Mexican. 230: Mutual, 240: North Belle Isle,
120; Ontario. 34.00; Ophlr. 425: Occidental, 190;
Plymouth, 575; Savage, 145: Sierra Nevada, 200;
Union Consolidated. 250; Ward Consolidated,
160; Yellow Jacket, 2G0.
A Bis; Gain Over tbe Corresponding: Month
of Last Yenr.
The local money market yesterday was firm
in rates but without quotable change. Tbe
leading banks reported a fair volume of busi
ness in routine lines and a moderate inquiry
for money. Currency and exchange were about
even, although in some quarters the former
was reported a little scarce. The bank clear
ings for July show a gain over tbe same month
of last year of 0.541,069 15. The following is
the Clearing House report:
Exchanges .-.1 2,015,02 a
Kalances SM.M7M
Exchanges for July S7.M7.838 09
Halancesfor July 10.693,848 31
Exchanges for July. 1833 47,961780 M
Dalancea for Jnly, 1883 S49SS1S M
Money at New York yesterday was easy atz
62 per cent; last loan, 2f, closingoffered at
2K. Prime mercantile paper. 4K6f 8tr
ling exchange qniet and steady at 84 Bo for 60-
day bills and 81 86J for demand.
Closing Bond
M. K. T. Oen.Ss . 57
Mutual Union 6s. ...100k
N.J.C. Ins Cert...ll5
Northern Pac lsts..ll
Northern Pac. 2ds..H5
Northw't'n conjolB.HO.S
Nnrthw'n dehena..114
U. 8. 4srer 'H
U. U. 4s. coup I23K
U. 8. 4"4s rec.' 105
U. M. -LSs. coup 105X
Pacific es of '8S. lis
LoulsianaaUmpedU 88V
Missouri 6s 100)4.
icnn. new set. ss....ius
Tenn. new set. 5S....102W
Tenn. new set. 3s.... T2&
Canada So. 2di 99
On. Pacific, lata 11M
lcm & K. U., lsts...H9H
Den. A U. (J. 4a 78H
D.&lCO.WesLlsU. 101
Oregon Trans. 6S.10H
SUU AI.M. Oen.Ss 84
St. I..&S.r. Oen.il.llS
Bl. Paul consols ....123)4
St. PL Chi It Pp-lltI.lI7
Tx., PcL. O.Tr K. 8X
Tx.,Pctt.a.TT.Kct 5
union rac. nu..... ii'
West Shore U8X
'Kris Ms IMS
u. n.. it. uen. o.. tu
Government and State bonds are firm and
New York Clearings $82,125,024; balances
Bostox Clearings, 812047,812; balances
8L027.033. .-..
Pnn, t Delphi A Clearings 89,587,510; bal
ances 81,419,034.
Bamijiobe Clearings. $1,761,215; balances
Paris Three per cent rentes 84f 30c
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day
is 176,000. India Council bills were allotted to
day at an advance of l-32d per rupee.
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings $8,844,000.
The Oil Market Winds Up the Month With
out much Tim.
Yesterday being the last day of the month, as
was to be expected trading in oil vas very
light, and the market was weak all day, at no
time rising above the dollar line. At the finish,
which was close to the lowest point of the day,
the feeling was decidedly bearish.
Deliveries of the August option amounted to
about 100,000 barrels September will be the
regular stuff to-day. Cash oil will be in de
mand for several days. As high as 40 cents was
paid for carrying it. The fluctuations were:
Opening. 9Sc: highest, 99c; lowest, 934c;
closing, aSa The opinion seemed to be that
the market would bang around present figures
for a day or two and then move up.
The Acbeson well. Washington county, came
in Tuesday night. It is said to be a gusher.
For the first 13 hours It Is said to have done 50
barrels an hour. Field work in that district is
very active and generally satisfactory.
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oaxiey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 98Loweat S8M
Hlgheat MXlClosed 93?,
Barrel a.
Average runs 52.5.S
Average shipments V.VtZ
Average charters 61,153
Keflned, New York, 7.40c
Keflneo, London, iW.
Kenned, Antwerp, ISHf.
Keflned, Liverpool, 64il.
A. B. McQrew Co. quote: Puts 07c;
calls, $1 0
Oil Markets.
TrrcsYTZXE, Julv 3L National transit cer.
tlOcates opened at 09c; highest, 99Kc; lowest,
9Sc; dosed, 9S.
The No. 3 well on the Petty farm was shot
tu-aay with 40 quarts and commenced spraying
Oil at a 25-barrel gait.
Bradford, July 3L National transit cer
tificates opened at 99c: highest. 99Kc; low
est, 9Sc; closed at 9SJc; clearances 808,000
New York, Julv SL Stock Exchange: Open
Ine, 99c: highest. 9Ke; lowest, 98Jc closing.
98c Consolidated Exchange: Opening, 99iic:
hignest. 99Kc; lowest, 98c, closing, 9Sc Total
sales 833.000 barrels
On. Crrx. Julv 3L National transit certifi
cates opened at 99c: highest, 09c; lowest,
96c; closed, BSKc Sales 403.UU0 'barrels;
clearances 1.110,000 barrels; charters, 88,035 bar
rels; shipments 85,974 barrels; runs 87,594 bar
A Brisk Movement In Real Estate Tbe
Latest Transactions.
Samuel W. Black & Co, 99 Fourth avenue,
sold for too Blair estate in Glenwood, Twenty
third ward, two'lots Nos 107 and 108, situate on
Second avenue, between Mansion and Almcda
streets, and being 26x126 feet each, to a 20-foot
alley, and having thereon the old gate lodge,
for 82,300.
Thomas McCaffrey, No. 3509 Butler street,
sold for J. J. Milter to Wm. Lineman, a lot 25x
100 feet, on Mifflin street, for 81,000 cash.
Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Mrs. Mary Arnott, lot No. 6 and one-half of lot
No. 6, in the J. Walter Hay plan of lots, on Re
becca street, East End, having a total frontage
of 30 feet by 100 feet in depth to an alley, for
8600 on the easy pavment plan. They alo
placed a mortgrge of 85,000 on a farm of 250
acres in Somerset county for three years at 6
per cent, free of State tax.
Reed B. Coylo & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for J. E. Glass, to Michael Cullen lot No. 64 in
Marion Place plan for 8350: also for Reed B.,
Coyle to same party lot No. 65 in same plan for
W. E. Hamnett, of 401 Smithfleld street and
Wllkinsburg. sold for C. A. Baldridge a lot in
Edgewood, btxloO. to Elizabeth Anderson for
8550 cash.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a house and lot
at Ingram stition for $2,450; alSo placed a mort
gage of 82,500 on a property In tbe suburbs at 6
per cent: also a mortgage on property in Mc
Keesport of $3,800 at 6 per cent.
John F. Baxter. 512 Smithfleld street, sold to
Harry F.Bigcans lot No. 312 Villa Place plan.
Brush ton station, frontage of 50 feet on Harri
son avenue by 180 feet to Sickles avenue, for
Another Wet Blanket Time In Wall Street
Western Operators Ball the Grnog-
er A Drop la tbe Lend Trust
Rnllroad Bond Bracing Dp.
New York, July 3L The stock market was
again dull to-day, and the business of the fore
noon was the smallest dnrine- that tu fnr
weeks The operations were principally pro
fessional, and the changes in quotations re
fleeted only the scalping for fractions of that
class of operators uutil later in the day, Lon
don after that time was prominent as a buyer,
and the Western operators also came into the
market upon the long side and bulled tbe
Grangers. The unexpectedly favorable report
of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy for
June stimulated buying of tbe Granger stocks
and incidentally the entire market.
The opening prices were in most cases slightly
higher than last evening's closing figures but
thero was demand for stocks and the profes
sionals and traders had the market for the
time being all to themselves, and some of the
late strong stocks such as the Chesa
peake and Ohlos. developed considerable weak
ness upon the realizations of the traders Tbe
selling of Lead Trust was continued, and It
dropped to 21, while it became more active
tban for some time back. New England was
well supported, however, and was in marked
contrast to tbe rest of tbe list, advancing a
fraction. Tbe issub of the Burlington report
toward noon, however, pnt a different face
upon matters and bnytne began about noon,
when tbe whole list moved up with a marked
increase in activity, Burlington crossing 101.
Reading 44 and St. Paul touching 7L
Some of the leading drawers of exchange
made a change in tbetr rates to reduce the
difference betweon tbo demand and 60 day
rates which helped the buying ta some extent.
Tbe new buying continued up to nearly de
livery hour when tbe demand slacked off and
the realizations were renewed, but toward the
close, which was dull though firm, the market
again stiffened up and prices again advanced
slightly. Owing to the renewed iatereK in
lead the nulls ted stocks furnished a larger
proportiorf of the day's business than usual of
late. In tbe final changes only one ofira-
Eortance Is to be noticed, an advance of 1 In
lelaware and Hudson.
. There was a little more animation in railroad
bonds .the sales of all Issues aggrrgatlns
$1,024,000, but there was no specially active bond
on the list. The tone of the market continued
generally firm.
The followme table snows ,tne prices of acttre
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by
WlirTNET Stephinsov. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of New York Stock Excbanget 87 1'ourth ave-
Open- Illtfi- Low- Inr
Inr. eat. eat. Bids
Am. Cotton Oil tax aV S2 M
At en., iop. & a. F.... xx ssH kh xH
Canada Southern, SIS 5 SIX U
Central orMewnraey.HOX 110)4 HO1? 110
CentraiPaeinu M
Cheaaneake A Ohio ... 23H S3Jf 23 a
C, Bar. 4 Oan.tr loOH KM 100K 101
p.. Mil. s St. Paul.... 70 71 TOM TDK
C, MU.ibt. P pr....I09 110 J09 10I4
U.. KocxLftP 3SS4 OiH a KH
C., St. L. A Pitts 14
C., St. 1.. & Pitts, pf. 4)
C.. St. P.. XL. A O...... 33)4 33)f 33)4 3M
C. St. fM.tO pf. 93 95 93 WK
C. A .Nortttireatern.... 103)4; 1084 luS 1081J
U.& Northwestern, pf. NO
Col. Coal a iron tsjf
Col A Hocklua- Yal .. 13V IMi 1SH 13
Uel.. L. AW 143 144 1433 "W
Uel. A Hnitaon 144 144M 141 144H
llenverAKloG.. or 4
E.T..Va.AUa , 9),
5-T..Vfc AUa.lst pr. 70
K.I.. Va. A Ga. 3d pf. 22 23 22 22
Illinois Central 1144
Lake Erin a Western 16
Lake Erie West. pr. 67
Lake Shore AM. a 102 I02!4 102 102
LouliTllle&NajhTllle. e,"4 69H G9J4 69)4
Michigan (entrai 86K
Mobiles Ohio Il
Missouri Pacific 67)4 68)4 67)4 67
New York Central io5H
ft. V.. L. E. A W 3534 254 26i MX
N.".. O. A8tL. pf e!H
N.Y.. C. A8t.lj.2dpf 34
. VAN. E 49 49 49 49'4
J. .. O. AW 16Jf MX 10f 16
Norfolk a Western .. ' .. 14)4
Norfolk Western. of. 60
Northern Pacific tSH tt 23)4 2SK
Nortnern Pacific nrer. 4) 64 64!i 64'4
Ohio JIUilMlppt a 2JX 22 22?
Oregon Improvement 54
Oregon Tranacon MX 314 SIX 31
PacineMall , 33
Peo. lJec. A Kvana 20)4
Phlladel. A Heading.. 3i 44) 43! 44
Pullman palace Car... 182S4 IKS 182! J82
II chmona w. p. T.. 22 22k 2U4 22
Klchmond A W.P.T.pf 7S4
St. P., Minn. A Man.. 98 88 98 97
St. Ij. A San rran 26 2fiJ4 28 26)4
St. L. A San irran pf., 57 57 57 56H
St.L. A Ban r. 1st pf.. 109
Texas Pacific .... 19
Union Pacific 594 SS 594 59H
Wabasn 15 it is 14U
Wabaah preferred 28)4 28V 2SH 23J
Wtatern Onion 844j 84 84H 84S
Whrelmg A L. Jt 683t 69i 68H C8)4
Sugar Trnit 109)4 l(Si
National Lead Trust.. ZK 22S
Chicago Qas Trust 561 564 MM KH
A. AT. Land Grt7s. 107)4
Atch. ATop.K. It... 38
Boston Albany.. 216
Boston A Maine.. ...201
C.. li. AU. 101
Clnn. ban. A Cleve. 22M
Wla.Uentral.com... 21 't
.UoaetMgCo(new). H
Calumet A Hecla....215)j
Kranmin 9
Osceola. 9
Pewablc new) ..... 2
Bell Telephone 231
Boaton Land 6
V ater Power 6
Tamarack 100
San Diego Z7
Santa Fe copper. 54
Mexican Cen. com.. 144
.CA.v.AlblUlg. OUS. DO-J4
N. Y. ANewEng... 49)i
Old colonr. 1754
KuUand preferred.. 40
Philadelphia Htoeks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. JIM. Asked.
Pennsylvania KaUroad SISf 51
Reading 22 ....
Lehigh Valley , 5W4 S3i
Lehigh Navigation tl'i 52
Nortnern Pacific 2SJ4 28S
Northern Pacific preferred 61)4 01)4
A Brewery Deal In Which Carter Harrison
Has n "Hand.
CniCAOO.July 31. A private cablegram
was received from London to-day, stating
that the Peter Schoenhofen Brewing Com
pany Of Chicago had been incorporated and
capitalized to the amount of $3,000,000 balf
ot which would be taken in this city and
half in London. Ex-Mayor Carter Harri
son and Mr. Franklin Gray were mentioned
in tbe dispatch as two of the directors of
the new corporation. They were seen and said
they bad been tendered the position named
and had accepted. Mr. George P. Schoen
hofen, junior member of tbe firm, when
asked concerning the report, said:
"Subscription books were opened in
London to-day for the placing of stock in
the company, which has been capitalized at
$3,000,000. We desire it understood that
the brewery is not, however, to pass into
English hands, for Mr. Peter Schoenhofen
holds 51 per cent of tbe stock and will con
tinue to do so. Moreover, a number of
Chicago gentlemen'cabled to-day subscrip
tions for stock."
Charles Dilger, murderer of two policemen
last August, and Harry Smart, mnrderer of
Meisner Green and wife, were banged at Louis
ville yesterday.
Congressman Lawler and other members of
the Business Men's Relief Committee bave left
Chicago with additional supplies for the half
starved locked-out miners at Btreator, BL
One of the heaviest shocks of earth nnake
felt in San Francisco- for years occurred here
abnnt 4.45 yesterdav morning. People were
awakened by the rattllne of windows and the
shaking of buildlnqn. No damage reported.
Judge Lambert Tree, ex-United States
Minister to Russia, bas tendered to the Com
missioners ot Lincoln Park, Chicago, a bronze
statue of Robert Carelier do La Salle, whoso
explorations of Western and Northwestern
North America form an important part nf the
history of theUcitod States. This statue Jddge
Tree caused to be executed while he wa abroad
as an evidence of his admiration of La Salle
and bis achievements
At Allegan, Mich., during a thunder storm
Saturday night the bam nf Christian Maskey
was struck by lightning. Mr. Maskey had just
driven in with a load of hay. Tbe father, two
horses and a colt were instantly killed. A 12-year-old
son was stunned, but recovered con
sciousness and tried to draw his father out
from the burning barn. One of the horses had
fallen on tbe father's lees. A neighbor came
to his aid. The barn, filled with this year's
crops was entirely consumed.
Much indignation is felt in British Colum
bia over the seizure of the schooner Black Dia
mond in BehrlngSea by tbe United States reve
nue cutter Richard Rush. A public meeting
will probably beheld and resolutions passed
for transmission to the Imperial Parliament,
asking that tbe Imperial Government Interfere
In bcbalf of British vessels In the sealing trad?.
It Is believed here that If hut one roan has been
placed aboard the Black Diamond her Captain
will not obey the Rush orders, and will sail for
Victoria instead of Sitka.
T. H. Tolliver, a negro of Nashville, Tenm,
shot two Indians connected with a circus yes
terday. The wounds of one at least will prove
fatal. Tolliver was the "horse thief of the
cirens being lassoed by tbe cowboys and finally
banged to a tree at each performance. The
Indians were on a big spree the night before
and on the way here abused tbe negro In
various wavs. culminating in his shooting two
of them. His story is that he acted in self-do-f
ense and it is snbstantiated by eye-witnesses
He is in jail while tbe two injured Indians are
Ivlng at the hospital. Their names are Red
Ear and Looks Bad.
The representatives of the roads affected
by the recent cat by the Pennsylvania road to
$0 fare between Chicago. Cincinnati, Louisville
and New AiDany nave determined to meet it.
and bave sent tbe necessary preliminary notice
to the Inter-Stati Commerce Commission. It
will take effect August 2. It includes also a
$3 50 rate between Chicago and Indianapolis
'1 he roads interested are tbe Cleveland, Cin
cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis tbe Cincinnati,
Hamilton and Dayton and tbo Louisville, New
Albany and Chicago. Various motives are as
signed to the Pennsylvania for making this cnt
and refusing to give a reason to the other roads
in the Chicago and Ohio river division. Among
them is that the Pennsylvania will nse this to
aid In making low rates to the Milwaukee G.
A. R. meeting.
I am satisfied tbat Cancer is hereditary in my
family. My father died of it. a sister of my
mother died of it, and my own sister died of It.
My feelings may be imagined, then, when the
horrible disease made its appearance on my
aids It was a malignant Cancer, eating in
wardly in such a way that it could not be cut
out. Numerous remedies were used for it, but
tbo Cancer grew steadily worse, until Itseemed
tbat I was doomed to follow tbe others ot tbe
family. I took Swift's Sfeeclflc, which, .from
tbe first day, forced nut the poison and con
tinnd its nse until I had taken several bottles
when I f onnd myself well. 1 know tbat 8. S. 8.
cured me, Mrs. S. M. Idol.
Winstox, N. C Nov. 28, '83.
Send for Book on Cancer and BIoodDlseases.
Toe swift apxcxrxo Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta,
An Overdose of Tomatoes Potatoes
Moving Out Freely.
Heaviest Bales at tbe Grain Exchange for
Many Months.
Wednesday, July 31, 18S9.
Country.Produce Jobbing Prlcss.
Markets are overstocked with Southern to
matoes and the result is a general weakening of
prices. Chicago shippers who paid SI to SI 10
per crate and 40c expressage and sold here at
$1 25. are not jubilant over the situation. The
movement of potatoes is active, but no advance
in prices is reported. Southern potatoes are
approaching their end for this season, and the
home-grown article is expected at tbe front
next week. Cheese, butterand eggs are quiet.
A leading dealer gives as the reason tbat this is
tbe last day of the month. Customers are hold
ing off till to-morrow, so that they may bave 30
days' grace for payment of bills. Domestic
Sweitzer cheese Is In good demand. The new
stock, which is now coming in freely, is above
the average In quality. Good pastnrage and
cool nights have been helpful to qiality of
cheese this season. It is not the easiest thing
in the world to keep in line with vegetable
markets on account of frequent fluctuations.
The quotations below are given by a Diamond
Market dealer as the prices he has to pay to
gardeners for bis stuff.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, lS19c; Ohio do.
17018c; fresh dairy packed, 12813c; country
rolls, 1012c
BEASS-Nsvf hand-picked beans S3 402 60;
medium. $2 S02 4a
Beeswax 2b30o & for choice; lotegrado,
Cider Sind refined, S6 E07 50; common,
S3 604 00; crab elder, KJ 00&8 50 fl barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ! gallon.
Cheese Ohio. 8c; New York, 10c; Lira
burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 9$12c:
imported Sweitzer, 22$c
California imurrs California peaches
$2 00 V K-busbel box; cherries 3 00; apricots
52 00 a 4-baskct -case; plums SI 752 00 a 4
basket case.
Eggs 1515Kc dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Appfes S2 253 00 barrel: pine
apples, SI 001 23 t1 dozen; whortleber
ries 75cS100 f! pail; blackberries, 68c
jj) quart; wild goose plums S2 60 f) crate;
currants S3 504 ft 2-bushelstand; watermelons
SIS 0025 00 fl hundred; sickel pears S2 00
2 25 V bushel crate; Georgia peaches, 6-basket
cases S3 50.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5O60c: No. L
do, 4015c; mixed lots 5035c V &
Potatoes SI 251 50 1) barrel.
Poultry Live spring chickens 5060c fl
pair; old, 70g75c ? pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, K! &s to bushel. So 60
r busbel; clover, large English, 62 tts S8 00;
clover, Alslke. 58 50; clover, white, 19 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 &s, SI 65: blue grass, extra
clean. 14 lbs 90c: blue grass fancy, 14 &s, SI 00;
orchard grass 14 &s Si 65; red top, 14 &s SI 25;
millet, 50 Its SI CO; German Mlllett, 50 As
SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 &s SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture ot fine grasses $2 50 ) bushel
of 14 Sis
TaElow Country, 4&c; city rendered, 4JJ
Tropica!. Fruits Lemons, fancy. S5 50
6 60 box; Messina oranges $5 005 60 ft box;
rodi. S4 505 00; California oranges S4 504 7a
53 box; bananas S2 25 firsts SI 25 good seconds,
$ bunch; cocoannts S4 00421 50 Jt hundred:
new figs 8X9c t ft; dates, 5K66c ft.
Vegetables 1 omatoes bome-grown. S2
2 25 f) busbel: wax beans SI V busbel; green
beans 6075c fl bushel; cucumbers home
raised, SI 50 bushel: radishes 2540c J)
dozen; home-grown cabbage, 50c V bushel; new
celery, home-grown, 60c y dozen.
Sugars are firm ana dealers look for a speedy
recovery of the Ho lost yesterday. Coffee op
tions advanced 25 points In New York yester
day. Packages are firm but unchanged.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2122c; choice
Rio, 18K20c: prime Rio. 13c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java. 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 272Sc; Santos 1922c: Caracas
2022c: peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands 22c:
high grades 2i26c; old Government Java,
bnlk.WM3Ic:Maracaibo,25X26Xc; Santos
2022c; peaberry, 25c; peaberry, choice Rio.
23c; jprlme" Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20Xc; ordi
nary, 20c.
Spices (whole) Cloves 2125c: allspice, 8c:
cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 7080c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc: headlight, 160, 8c; water
wnite, wc; gioue, ua; eiame, ioc; carnaaine,
llc; royallne. 14c.
bTRUPS Corn syrups 2629c: choice sugar
syrups, S33Sc: prime sugar syrup, S033c;
strictly prime. 3335c: new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed. 4042c
Soda Bl-carb iu kegs 34c; bi-carb in K3.
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs. l?ic; do granulated. 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, 1?
set. 8c; parafflne, ll12c.
Rice Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6V
7c; prime. 5V6Vc; Louisiana, 66Kc
Starcij Pearl, Sc: cornstarch, 5$7c; gloss
starch, 57c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels
SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,
"KfiSc; sultana, Stic; currants 45c;
Turkey prunes, 45c; French prunes
834013c; Salnnlca prunes in 2-ft packages, 8c;
cocoannts $) 100, S6 00; almonds Lan., per ft,
20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap ,
L15c; Sicily filberts 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
16c: new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan.-,
ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per
ft, 13014c; orange peel, 12c.
Dried Fruits Apples sliced, per ft, 6c
apples evaporated, 6W6c; apricots Califor;
nla, evaporated, 1518c; peaches evaporated,
pared. 22323c: peaches California, evanorated.
unpared,,10!2c; cherries pitted, 2122c;
cherries nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2i24Kc; blackberries 7Sc; huckle
berries 1012r
Sugars Cubes 99?c; powdered, 9Kf?
9c; granulated, 9c: confectioners' A. 8y
9c; standard A, 8c; soft whites. 8X8Jf c: yel
low, choice. 8Jjc; yellow, good, 78c; yellow,
fair, 8c: yellow, dark, 7c.
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 4 50; medi
um, balf bbls (600). S2 75.
Salt No. L W bbl. 95c; No. lex, bbl. SI 05;
dairy, )) bbl, SI 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl $1 20:
Higglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks S2 80; Hlggins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 30
1 90: 2ds, SI 301 35; extra peaches SI 501 90;
pie peaches 90c; finest com, Sll 50: Hid. Co.
corn. 7090c; red cherries OOcgii; Lima beans
SI 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75S5c; mar
rowfat peas SI 101 15: soaked peas 7075c;
pineapples SI 401 50: Bahama do, 32 75; dam
son plums 95c: greengages SI 25; egg plums
$2; California pears S2 50; do greengages S2; do
egg plums, S2; extra white cherries, S2 90: red
cuerrles, 2 ft. 90c; raspberries SI 401 50;
strawberries SI 10; gooseberries, SI 3001 40;
tomatoes 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10;
blackberries, 60c; succotash. 2 ft cans snaked.
99c: do green, 2fts, SI 25150: corn beef, 2-ft cans
J2 05: 14-ft cans, S14 CO; baked beans SI 451 K;
lODstcr, l-iu. i toign eu; macserei, i-E cans
broiled, SI 50: sardines domestics lA S4 50
4 60: sardines domestic Us, $8 258 50; sar
dines, imported. K9- SI1 5012 50; Sardines im
ported, Xs S18: sardines mustard. Si 50; sar
dines spiced, S4 GO.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. S36 f
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S56; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Xc ? ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c: do large 7c; boneless bake in strips 6c; do
George's cod in blocks 67Xc Herring
Ronnd shore. So 00 bbl; split. S7 CO: lake,
$2 50 V 100-ft balf bbL White fish. S7 0C 100
fi half bbl. Lake trout, to 50 half bbL
Finnan haddock. 10c W ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft. Pickerel. X barrel, S2 00; i barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, ti 00 W barrel, S2 50 X
Oatmeal S3 S06 60 bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5S60c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Floor nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 24 cars By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, 3 cars of corn, 6 of oats 1 f bran, 2
of wheat, 2 of flour.l of screenings, 1 of hay. By
Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. LojIs 2 cars of
wheat, lot bran. 1 of middlings 1 of flour, 2 of
corn, 1 of hay. Sales on call aggregated 14 cars
all of oats as follows: Two cars of No. 2 white
oats, 29Jic, September delivery, Pennsylvania
lines: 2 cars 29c, September delivery, Penn
sylvania lines; 2 cars 29c, September delivery,
Pennsylvania lines; 2 cars 29c, August delivery,
Pennsylvania linear 8 cars 28c, September
Delivery. Pennavlvania. lines
WHEAT-Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83
Sic: No. 2 red. S8Q9Ccr Wt.8 red, 8381c
CORN No.2.yellowear,45X46Xc:blgh mixed
ear. 45XQ46C; Kn, 2 el!nw, shelled, 42g43c;
bleb mixed, shelled, 4142c; mixed, shelled,
oats No. 2 white, S2X33c; extra. No. &
312JlUc: No. S white, 30&S3ic; No. 2 mixed
oats. 2U27e
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania, and Ohio, 61go2c;
No. 1 Western. 48048c
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, to 7506 26; winter straight,
So 005 25; clear winter, S4 755 00; straight
XXXX bakers', $4 254 5a Rye flour, S3 50
MILLFEED Middlings fine white. S15 00'
15 60 V ton: brown mlddlincs Sll 8001200: win
ter wheat bran. Sll OCgll 25; chop feed, $15 00
616 (XX
Hay Baled timothy, choire. S154D15 50: No. 1
do, S14 00(211 60; No. 2 do. S12 5013 00; loose,
from wagon. 816 00018 00: No. I upland prairin.
S10 6011 00; No. 2, 57 6008 00; packing do, to 50
Straw Oats S7 50; wheat and rye straw
S7 007 5008 00.
Sugar-cured bams large, Uc; sugar-cured
hams medium, 12c; sugar-cured bams small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10Xc; sugar
cured shoulders 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams,
85c; sugar-cured dried beef fiats, 9c; sngar
cured dried beef sets 10c. sugar-cured dried
beef rounds 12c; bacon shoulders 7c: bacon
cleir sides 8Xc: bacon clear bellies, SVc; dry
salt shoulders 6c; dry salt clear sides 7c
Mess pork, heavv, $14 00; mess pork, lamiiy,
S14 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 6c; balf
barrels-: GO-ft tuns, 6c; 20-ft palls, ,c; 60-ft
tin cans 6c; 3-fittln pails, TVXc; 5-ft tin palls
rl..IAKi-n.n. TlA.W. ttn nnll. Tlv'n. lO-lk
tin palls 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c; large.
igw, ivtu .,u .we, ,jti.w til. '.,is, .a v
Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams 10c
Pics feet, half barrel. S3 50: Quarter barrel.
$2 00.
Dressed Bleat.
Armour & Co. furnished tbe following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650
fts,5c;550 to 650 fts6Vc; 650 to 750fts6Kc
Sheep, 8c fl ft. Lambs, lOo "jfl ft. Hogs, 6c
Fresh pork loins, 8Xc
Clear boards, per M t02 00.VJCO
Select common boards per M... 30 00
Common boards peril a) 00
Sheathing 1X00
IMne frame lumber per M 22 0O327 00
bhlngies No. 1, 18 In. peril SCO
bhlngles. No. 2, IS In. per 31 J 75
Lath 100
Clear boards per M. f COCO
Surface boards 3O0O35CO
Clear, X-inch headed ceiling 28 00
Partition boards per Jt 35 03
Flooring, No. 1 30 00
Kloorlns-, No. 2. Z5 0D
Yellow pine flooring.... 30 004O0O
Weather-boarding: moulded. No. 1.... 30 00
Weather-boardlnjr. moulded. No. 2.... 23 00
Weather-boarding, X-lnch 3)00
Ash, i to i in sw orra.'V) oo
lllack walnut, green, log run 3 00(S0 00
111 ck walnut, dry, loir run 60 orrdTS 00
Cherry 40 ooffiao 00
Green white, oak plank, 2 to 4 In 20 00)25 00
Dry white oak plank. 2 to 4 in S CWSC5 00
Dry white oak boards tin 21UOr&00
West Va. yellow pins 1 Inch 00(313 00
WestVa. yellow pine, Inch S5wiS)30 00
West Va. yellow poplar, Htolln 13 00(325 00
Hickory, lto3fn 13 0C15 00
Hemlock bulldlnjc lumber, peril 1300
ISank rails - 14 00
Boat studdinz 14 00
Coal car plank IS 00
Ash (30 00CM5 CO
Malnut lojr run, green 25 0045 00
Walnut log run. dry J 35 O0(5ft0 00
"White oak plank, green iaoorS23oO
White oaK plank, dry 18 OffSlil 00
White oak boards dry is 00023 no
West Va. yellowplne. 1 in M onftis 00
WestVa. yellow pins Vi in 20 09325 on
Yellow poplar..... oaaai 00
Hickory, 1)4 to i In 18 OOfflS on
Hemlock lisognw
Bunk TaUs 14 00
Boat studding . 14 00
Coal car plant IS 00
Presents in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many jlls de
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the
It is themost excellent remedy known to
When one is Bilious or Constipated
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it,
Why toil and slave forever P Life
was meant for living', not eternal
slaving:. Cease this -weary drudg
ery. SOAPONA does your work
Itself, and neither Injures hand nor
faAjric Then -why do It youP lis
nonsense, very nonsense. Awake,
Ladies, Awake t Your health and
life are at stake. TJse SOAPONA
everywhere. It cleans like magic-.
R.W. BELL MF6. GO., Buffalo, N.Y,
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. $125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
czema,v Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortnres.
Sne simple application r MSviTm OnmiisT" witheat
inr lDterail medleise. Tin cvt my cm cf Tttter, Salt
Rbtvm.IlfBsrwonn Plie. itch. Bow, Plmplt, Errriptl. all
li matter bow obttlomte or loag ttaadlAK. Sold b; drnxttou,
i ml tr mill litUcu. 1 Btxet, ilJi. Addnu. Dm,
BwriSo.rMldrijiM,r. Alt xou dractio r R.
A. TinrelT Vegetable
LComponnd that expels
all bad hnmors from the
Isystero. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
Bakes pure, rich blood.
I.A"Erll BQk3IS-iBSS
Bin. i'q
"I would rather die tban undergo another ex
perience such as I have for the past foor years '
The catarrhal poison in my system caused me
to be continually taking cold, and 'with every
cold the pains In ray head becams more in
tense. Although I was able to get rid of some
ot the poisonous matter by hawking and spit
tlnc ont what dropped down Into my throat,
and had some nasal discharge, yet the secre
tion kept piling np In my head mnch faster
than I was able to expel It, until aserere Inflam
mation and ulceration set in. My eyes became'
so inflamed and weak that I was pbliged to
wear spectacles lor one year and a halt. My
nose became greatly swollen and puffed oat and
the disease ulcerated ilner.er and aeeDBT
I until fire bones dropped ont of my cose.
some oi tnem measuring one Inert and a nail
In length. Also, a large bone dropped oat of
the roof of my month. Although my appetite,
was good, vet I gradually lost flesh until I only
weighed 73 pounds. I treated with several
physicians, but found no relief, for I could
neither get any peace by day or rest by night.
I finally became very deaf, and as my condi
tion was continually growing worse Igave up.
all hope, until one day I 'happened to read in.
the papers testimonials from patients who had.
been cured of catarrh at tbe Catarrh and.
Dyspepsia Institute, at S3 Penn avenue, and
as these patients' lull name and residence
was given, 1 thought tbat perhaps there was.
yet some doctor who did really cure. '
catarrh. I called at the Catarrii
and Dyspepsia Institute, and was.
told by tbe physicians that altbongh t bey
could cot restore the lost parts occasioned by
the bones dropoing oat, they could yet remove
every trace of tbe catarrhal poison from my
system, and thus savo me from consumption
for my throat had become very sore and ulcer
ated, and I was afraid I would die with con
sumption, as some of my friends had done. 1
therefore placed myself under their treatment
and tbey have kept their word, for I have been. .
entirely cured by tbelr constitutional blood
medicines, and, strange as it may seem, they
nerer gave me any local treatments at all.
This leads me to think that catarrh has its
origin in tbe blood. My hearing has been re
stored. I have regained my flesh, ana feel well
and strong. I reside on Penn avenue, this
city, just opposite Hi. Mary's Cemetery, and
shall be pleased to tell anyone further of my
terrible suffering anl wonderful cure.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley is always present during
office hours to consult with ladies suffering;
with diseases peculiar to their sex. The medl-
cine used are so prepared as to allow tho
patient to use tbo treatment herself and thus
avoid the unpleasant and humiliating treatment
that most ladies have to undergo. Consulta
tion free to all. Office hours, 10 A. si to 1 p. '
M., and 6 to 8 r. M. bundays 13 to 4 P. ST. '
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weekia
and OHEVlOTa
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
On mortgages on improved real estate in sums
of f LOCO and upward. Appl at
mh4-M-n No. 124 Fourth avenue.
Issue travelers' credits throngh Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan it Co., New York. Passports procured.
614-515 Hamilton Bunding.
mylO-70-D Pittsbaicps.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
As old residents know ana back flies of Pitts
bnrg capers prove, is the oldest established,
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
M C D fl 1 1 0 and mental diseases, physical
I i L 11 V U U O tlecay,nervous debility, lack or
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrustbasbfnlness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im
poverished blood, falling powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.tbroat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
MPIMARV kidney and bladder aerange
U Ml li n Fl I ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier's life-lorg. extensive experi
ence. Insures sclentiflc and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation,
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated,
as if here. Office hours 9 A. Ji. to 8 p. jr. Sun
day, 10 A. M. to 1 p. 3f . only. DR. 'WHITTIER,
11 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake.
,ai. il.j. r.a istne oiaest ana
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
bictly confldentiaL Office.
hours to 4 and 7 to 8 P. Jr.; Sundays. 2 to 4 r!
K.Consult them personally, orwrite. D0CT0B3
Lake. 00B Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
3s:'s Cotton. Boot
imposed of Cotton Boct. Tanrv and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by art
'old Dbvsiclan. It tuccemfitUu used
montnlir-Safe. Effectual. Price $1. by mail,
sealed. Ladies, ask your drusgist for Cook's
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute.
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND XJLY COMPANY. No. 3 Fisher
Block, 131 'Woodward ave., Detroit, Mlch.
a i-osrrivic uuks
For LOST or railing.
aiA..auiru&',.acrTOB- f
Body & Mind, Lack of Strength. Vbror and D-
DCS3. 'f C.U1CH V4
veionmenc e&agea dt terrors, jceitu, atu. doti.
Modi or SXLF-TEiATXixr. and Proof mailed I
(sealed) tree. Address E1UE MEDICAL CO.,
utmaiat J. i.
For men! Checks the worst cases la tferaa '
days, and cures in five days. Price $1 0& att r .
y jis;
KI.I.HIBII'll llltlll..1Lllt - S
. -tLmKAM. - i..
- l iU.