Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, August 01, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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"What He Proposed to Pitts
burgers Yesterday.
And Then Ajrainst John Is'ceb, for5
Allegheny's State Senator.
All These Bijnis of the Times Give Some
People the Idea
"Matthew Stanley Quay is shaping things
so that he can be'a candidate for President
in 1892, and consequently is for peace," said
a prominent politician last night.
The announcement, at first blush, may
seem startling, and Mr. Quay may even deny
that he is a candidate now. Mr. Quay has
made similar denials before, and tbe author
ity for his candidacy for the Presidency is a
politician who has aided in times past to
elect Mr. Quay to other positions for which
he was not a candidate before the nomina
tion was ripe enough to pluck. Continuing
the gentleman said:
"Mr. Quay.'it will be remembered, was
Senator Sherman's ardent supporter for the
Presidency at the Chicago Convention, and
stuck to him until tbe Sherman boom had
gone glimmering into the land of booms
that have been. Senator Sberman has been
a candidate for President many times, and
it is reasonable to suppose that his last fail
ure has convinced him that his ambition in
that direction is to remain ungratified. In
that case, whatever influence John Sherman
retains ought, in the nature ot things, to go
to the man who was faithful to him if that
man desires it. It is stated that Senator
Quay not only desires jnst that thing, but
the Sherman machine in the South is al
ready in his hands and is being repaired for
his own use in 1892. He expects, it is said,
that the first demand for Quay for President
will come trom the Southern protectionists,
and that the Xorth will then re-echo the
"This is why Mr. Quay has been bending
his best efforts so strongly of late in the
direction of harmony. He was inPittsburg
to-day on a mission of peace, hut owing
to the large number of callers, negotiations
did not proceed much further than a gen
eral understanding of what Mr. Quay was
here for. Of course, Mr. Quay wants
enough harmony in the party this fall to
elect Henry K. Boyer State Treasurer, but
Mr. Boyer is merely one item in the gen
eral plan, though no inconsiderable one.
His election will be of great
service to Mr. Quay in next year's Guber
natorial and Legislative campaign, and that
election will have no small influence on Mr.
Quay's hopes for greater things further
along. The olive branch that Quay has
been ostentatiously holding out to Mr. Mc
Manes in Philadelphia just at the time
when everybody thought the Beaver states
man was laying his plans to crush the
Quaker City leader, does not seem so strange
a thing in the light of the former gentle
man's reported ambition. The peace that
was patched up with so much labor between
theMahone and Brady factions in Virginia
also takes on a different appearance in the
same illumination."
On the surface yp&terdav more attention
was paid to the differences of opinion be
tween the friends of Mr. Speer, of Alle
gheny, and those of Senator Rutan as to
which should be the Quay candidate for the
Republican nomination of State Senator
next fall against John Neeb. Really, how
ever, the thirg nearest Mr. Quay's heart
was the general healing of the factional
differences in Allegheny county, and it is
reported that he is willing to go
to great lengths to secure this. Mr.
Quay made a trial of Mr. Magee's
strength here last May and discovered that
it was something not to be too lightly es
teemed. It is true that Quay men predomi
nate tbe delegation to the State Convention,
but the Magee men said they made no fight
for delegates, as the convention's nominee
was bound to be Boyer. But they did fight
for the local organization, with what result
is well known. Since then steps have been
taken to assault theQuay strongholds in the
county. Arrangements are being periested
to give Colonel Buyne the hardest
fight of his life to retain his
seat in Congress. Quay Legislative
districts have been looked on with
belligerent feelings by tbe Magee men and
the last straw was the determination that
John Xeeb shonld contest Rutan's Sena
torial district, which determination was ar
rived at, it is said, at a conference of Magee
leaders that determined at the same time to
place ex-Postmaster and Mayor's Clerk Mc
Clcary in the field for Sheriff. All these
things, coupled with many threats that Mr.
Macee would go into the State next year
determined on Quav gore, indicated some
very lively time: r.head and decided the
Beaver county Napoleon to come here to see
what could be done about' it.
It is reported now he is here that he is
willing to make many concessions to the
Magee people, and so told Mr. Flinn yester
day when that gentleman met him by re
quest. How far Mr. Quay is willing to go
with his concessions cannot be fully told,
but there arc rumors that be is willing the
Magee men shall have all the subordinate
Federal positions provided no objection is
made to his having the principal places
such as the Fostmastership,Surveyorship oi
tbe Port, etc. In other words, Mr. Quay is
willing to retire from all contests for
ascendency vin Allegheny county if
tbe mere semblance of supremacy
is conceded him. He wants this appear
ance of power for use in other parts of the
State and for use outside the State. This,
with tbe fact that the Allegheny county
delegation to the State Convention embraces
a majority of Quay men can be turned to
good account by that gentleman in places
where it can do him much good.
Another storv of yesterday's negotiations
is that the kind of a peace Mr. Quay was
trying to negotiate with Mr. Flinn was of a
nature that might place Mr. Magee "in
the soup." In short, it contemplated the
delivery of Allegheny county to Mr.
Quay bv Mr. Plinn, in return for which the
latter should control the Federal patronage
of the county. Persons close to both Mr.
Plinn and Mr. Magee denied that there was
any probability of any such bargain. They
said the county wonldn't permit itself to be
delivered in that way; that
was too strong for anything of the kind to
he made a success, and that if Mr. "Quay
and Mr. Flinn should make any such a bar
gain the latter would have by far the best of
it, for Mr. Flinn would have every
thing and Mr. Quay would have
nothing. It was noticeable that
Quay men were not taking exactly that view
of it. They cling to tbe hope born during
the May contest that Mr. Flinn is able to
throw Mr., Magee overboard if he will and
that he is quite likely to do it if Senator
Quay will only hold out tbe proper induce
ments. The Quay people have, it is certain,
been coquetting with Mr. Flinn since that
time. Many regard Collector Warmcastle's
vote in Councils against the Mayor's Dia
mond street veto as an indica
tion that something was on foot
toward patching up a peace between the
local factions, and some thought at first that
it was a case of Warmcastle going over to
the enemy, inasmuch as Mayor McCallin is
a good Quav man himself. To-day these
people regard it as one of the efforts to get
the enemy to come over on the Quay side.
Mr. Quay occupied room 123 at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel yesterday. United
States District Attorney Lyon, Collector
Warmcastle, J. S. McKean, who expects to
be postmaster of Pittsburg, and John
Gilliland, who expects to be post
master of Allegheny, were among his
callers. Among those who called on
him in relation to Senatorial matters in Al
legheny were W. W. Speer, one of the can
didates, Emanuel "Wertheimer, Charles and
Marvin Scaife, E. M. Byers, James Hunter,
Arthur Kennedy, James Bradley and Hon.
"Wm. Marshall. Nelson P. Heed, whose
guest Mr. Quay was the night before last,
was with him all day yesterday. Senator
Dclamaterand State Chairman Andrews
will be at the hotel this morning.
Mr. Reed, who is supposed to know what
was in tbe wind, if any one did, stated that
the object of the conference was to settle the
triangular controversy regarding tbe State
Senatorship from tbe Allegheny district be
tween Messrs. J. S. Bntan, W. W. Speer
and John Neeb, and that he knew of no
other object in view. Most of the visitors,
he said, were Speer's friends.
Mr. J. S. McKean refused to tell what
he knew, but his statement was
corroborative of Mr. Heed's, from the fact
that Mr. McKean's refusal was based on tbe
assertion that be had no personal interest
in the matter under consideration.
At 3 o'clock tbe mercury at the Seventh
Avenue Hotel uniiormly reported that room
123 was untenanted, and it was stated
that Senator Quay had folded his
tent and had departed for Beaver.
Mr. McKean accompanied Mr. Quay
to the depot and said later to a iriend that
Mr. Quay had made no decision in the Al
legheny Senatorial district and probably
would not until Senator Bntan returned:.
Mr. Quay, he is reported to have said, is
not tbe kind of person to dump a man in
his absence. This was in reply to an opin
ion that Mr. Quay was going to do that very
thing, and is not to be taken as an indica
tion that Mr. Quay is merely waiting lor
Mr. Rutan's return to do it.
The Allegheny delegation to the State
Convention showed itself to be a Quay dele
gation by electing Arthur Kennedy Chair
man and Harry Armstrong Secretary- The
meeting was held in United States District
Attorney Lyon's office, and on his motion
resolutions were adopted indorsing H. K.
Boyer for State Treasurer and W. H. An
drews for State Chairman.
A very close friend of John Neeb said
last night in reply to an inquiry recarding
the Quay conference and its object: "Quay
is here by request of a former Allegheny
friend of Bntan who now opposes bis can
didacy for Senator in the Forty-second dis
trict. The conference lasted from 1030 to
12 o'clock, and the only subject discussed
was the advisability of the withdrawal of
Rutin. This proposition was enthusiastic
ally received by some of the company pres
ent, but Quay suggested that nothing be
done until the 'old man's' return, as he was
a stubborn fellow and might 'kick over the
traces.' As Quay pooh-poohed the idea of
Neeb standing for a candidate but a short
time ago, and declared that Bntan would
'wipe the ground up with him, the propo
sition to withdraw Butan's name is at least
Movement of Pltfsburgers find Others of
Wide Acquaintance.
Mr. J. G.Hornbarger,ofEmporia,Kan ,
an agent for several large flooring mills in tbe
West and owner of considerable farming land,
is in the city en roate East. His wife accom
panies him. He said that Kansas would have
a lull crop of wheat and corn this year, bat
that the frost and wet weather bad rusted tbe
oats, reducing tbe coming crop probably one
half. He has traveled all throagh the North
west in tbe interests of the Souring mill bo
represents and says that notwithstanding tbe
reports to the contrary tbe wheat crop of Minne
sota. Dakota and Montana will be cnt down
one-half. He fays that speculators aro trying
to give credence to a contrary report, but be
knows it to be a fact. He bas been all through
Illinois and questioned larmers. and finds that
the acreage in that State in wheat is not near
as large as previous years, corn and oats being
tbe chief products. He anticipates that the
light crops in tbe Northwest, and tne failure
of the crops in Europe, will make a good de
mand and bring a good price for all the surplus
oi me coming woeai crop.
Mr. N. U. "Walker, of the N. U.
Walker Clay Manufacturing Company, Boston,
is at tbe Seventh Avenue. He has a large
warehouse in this city. He. sala that he
thought tbe pottery trust would eventually be
formed, bnt it would be a bard thing to bring
the East Liverpool and Trenton firms Into
union, as the former are on a good financial
basis, while tbe latter are many ot them practi
cally bankrupt. He bas no large contract in
view in the city.
Drs. George I. McLeod and Cadwala
der Biddle. of tbe State Board of Charities, are
m tbe city on their annual inspection of tbe
different charitable and penal institutions of
the State.
Mr. George N. McCain, State political
editor of the Philadelphia J'ress, is at tbe Du
quesne, watching the gamo of political check
ers now being played in this part of the State.
The Chicago Baseball Club left for the
"Pork city" last night on the elegant buffet
Pullman car, Vacunia. Tbe car is lighted by
electricity and is trnly a palace on wheels.
-r-Joseph Lamar, ex-Councilman of the
Thirty-sixth ward, received a telegram from
Apollo yesterday stating that bis son, Philip
Lamar, had died there very suddenly.
Attorneys E. T. Knrtz, Charles A.
Reed, S. L. McCracken and Mr. Campbell, of
New Castle, were in tho city last night en route
to the sea shore.
Miss Adelaide Gross and her brother
Herman, from Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs.
Thomas ilcConncll, of Winebiddlo avenue.
East End.
General Manager McCrea, of the Fort
Wayne, and his two sons left for the Thousand
Islands in a private car last night on a vacation
Mr."W. H. Barnes, receiver of the Alle
cbeny Valley Railroad in conjunction with Mr.
David McCargo, Is at the Anderson.
Mr. J. E. Dubois, a millionaire lum
berman at Dubois, Pa., Is at the Seventh
Mr. H. M. Brackcnridge, of Natrona,
was registered at the Seventh Avenne last
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazlett, of
Wheeling, were at the Duquesne last night.
Mrs. J. F. Feather, of Uniontown, was
among the Anderson's guests yesterday.
Mr. J. H. Donnelly and wife, of Free
port, were in the city yesterday.
Mr. Warren McCreary, of Olean, N.
Y., was in the city yesterday.
Alleahenv City's Death List.
The mortuary report of Allegheny for
the month ending July 27 shows a total of
193 deaths. Of these 37 deaths were caused
bv cholera infantum, 17 by old age, 14 by
disease of the nervous system, 12 by typhoid
fever, 3 by scarlet fever, 4 by pneumonia,
11 by convulsions, and there were 14 Coro
ner's cases. Of the total number 130 were
under 1 year of age, 177 were under 5 years
and 14 weresover 80; 181 were white and 12
colored; there were 100 males and 93 females.
In the city there were born 104; Pennsylva
nia, 23; other parts of the United States, 11;
Germany, 30, and Ireland, 19.
Big-Cat In Rales ro Denver
Via Union Pacific Railroad. Commencing
Thursday, August 1, all ticket agents will
sell first and second class tickets over tbe
Union Pacific Railroad, via Council Bluffs
and Omaha or Kansas City, at a reduction of
over $4 to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
and other points in Colorado; Cheyenne,
Bawling and Laramie, "Wyo. T.; Ogden and
Salt Lake City, Utah, and to Hailey,
Idabs. Four daily trains to Denver via
Union Pacific For rates of fare, maps and
full particulars call on or address H. E;
Passavant or Thomas S. Spear, T., F. and P.
Agents, 400 Wood it, Pittsburg, Pa,
Broadax Smith's Sage Advice
Flemon's Friends.
The Local Colored Folks Will Carry tho
War Into Africa.
The Rev. Mr. Flemon, alias Yeldell, was
not sent South yesterday, as was expected,
and the colored preacher about whom so
much has been said must be content with
his present confinement for another 24, or
possibly 48 hours. The delay in the deputy
marshal's departure with their man is due to
the fact that the Sheriff has not received the
necessary papers from theExecutive,aufhor
izing him to turn his prisoner over to the
South Carolina authorities, and until every
formality in this respect has been complied
with the Bev. E. F. Yeldell cannot stir from
the city. During the day Deputy Lyon re
ceived the following telegram from Governor
Take prisoner to Columbia and turn him over
to Sheriff.
The receipt of this message was regarded
as tbe precursor of still further marching in
structions from Governor Beaver, but
though various visits were made by the
deputies to the postoffice and other sources
of information, none had arrived up to a
late hour. There is a probability of the
necessary papers having arrived on last
night's mail, and in the event of their
reaching the hands of Marshal Strom and
his coadjutor this morning
will be made southward. Two things are
clear, however, namely: that Governor
Beaver will not issue the papers for Tel-
dell's extradition until he has received as
surance from tbe South Carolinian Governor
that Yeldell will be sufficiently protected, and
that Sheriff McCandless will insist on every
formality being undergone before handing
over his prisoner.
The more intelligent amongst tbe colored
people, as gathered from conversations held
with some of them yesterday, are now con
vinced that Yeldell 'will receive fair treat
ment and a fair trial at the bands of the
Southerners, for, as they justly reason, so
much and such wide-spread publicity has
been given to the facts in tbe case that it
the Palmetto State does not accord Flemon
every opportunity for a fair trial its reputa
tion for justice will
Consequently there is not so much excite
ment amongst colored people as during the
earlier stages of the case, and only occasion
ally yesterday did sentiment, regarding the
wind up of the fight, find vent in strong ex
pressions. The pair of deputies spent their time very
much as they did the previous weeks, in
strolling from their hotel to Central station,
and from Central station to their hotel, with
occasional short excursions toward the Court
House and City Hall. If the wrathful,
glances shot at them yesterday evening from
tbe blazing orbs of a group of gaily attired
colored misses, who pulled up opposite Cen
tral station to have a look at the two South
eners. could have killed, verily these two
gentlemen would never again look upon the
They cheered up yesterday at the prospect
of soon returning home, and Deputy Strom
whiled away the time spent in the chairs on
the sidewalk by describing some of the pe
culiarities of the people 'mongst whom he
"It is a long and lonely journey we have
before us to-morrow," said the Deputy. "I
hoped to have got home by Snnday, but I
reckon we won't now."
They expect to take their prisoner away
without any noise or trouble, and are confi
dent that he will be giyen every oppor
tunity for defense whec brought to trial.
The colored people were very slow in
gathering at the Franklin street school
house last night, and it was 8:40 o'clock
before President Isaac Washington took his
seat and 8:45 before he called time on the
assemblage. Mr. Massey made a prayer;
and the decks were cleared for action.
Tbe Chairman stated that the object of
the meeting was to take steps to follow the
Flemon case to South Carolina.
Mr. Foster still adhered to his original
proposed plan, to have a lawyer of national
prominence defend Flemon. "He moved the
appointment of a committee to procure legal
Mr. D. M. Washington objected, stating
that Bev. Clinton had been given a draft on
New York to secure a lawyer in South Caro
lina, and thought it best to await the report
of Bev. Clinton before taking action.
Mr. G. W. Massey thought the commit
tee mizht be appointed all tbe Fame and
Mr. Clinton placed on it The suggestion
prevailed, and Kev. G. W.' Clinton, J. M.
F. Foster and M. K. Holland were ap
pointed the committee.
Mr. D. M. Washington stated that he had
called on Rev. Flemon yesterSay and found
that it was far from his mind either to
suicide or attempt the destruction of the
South Carolina officers. He said Flemon
felt grateful to the press and people of
Pittsburg. Mr. Washington said he was
now well satisfied to see Flemon go to
South Carolina, as he believed the agitation
had made it possible for the accused to get
something in the nature of a fair trial, and
with a good lawyer to defend him stood a
fair show of being allowed to come back to
Pennsylvania. Mr. Washington thought the
South Carolina deputy sheriff who was al
leged to have said "a nigger couldn't look a
white man in the face," didn't know the
negroes of Pittsburg, and only judged from
the down-trodden specimens lie met with in
South Carolina. The deputy referred to
was Mr. Strom.
Mr. Boy said he didn't believe Mr. Strom
was a representative of the better class of
South Carolina Deoplc The alleged ob
jectionable utterance was "that the niggers
of South Carolina didn't get justice or more
of them would be killed."
Broadax Smith reported the conference of
the committee and Governor Beaver in Har
risburg. Broadax said that not a dollar
had been wasted, and it would not be
wasted even it Flemon were to be hung.
Broadax didn't take much stock in South
Carolina. Northern Democracy didn't have
mnch place in Mr. Smith's confidence, let
alone Southern Democracy. He doesn't
have much confidence in Flemon's release,
and doesn't want any church work. "It's
all right to pray, but 'put your boodle on top
of it. ,The churches have been praying,
but Flemon goes back to South Carolina all
the same." Mr. Smith said he'd rather
have dollars than all the prayers that can
be put up.
Give us boodle. Save your money: save
what you spend for cigars and booze, and give
IK I'm not drinking much now. Come for
me, too. If I haven't any money I'll borrow It
from the old womtn. You needn't ask turkey
legged dudes, white or black, for it, but ask
oar colored washwomen. I haven't mnch love
for Governor Beaver not enough to sleep
with him but he did all he could. I take no
stock in Democrats. The Republicans are our
friends, though taey are weak-kneed at times.
I don't want to find fault with Judge Ewlng,
tor his grandfather set my grandfather free,
and also gave tbe old man a horse which be
bad stolen from bis master. Judge Ewing
might at onetlmo set Flemon free, but Judge
Ewing, like myself, is not infallible. He makes
mistakes sometimes as well as myself.
Mr. Richard Keys got up a considerable
row at the conclusion of Bioadax's speech,
but was suppressed finally in order to let
Rev. Clinton report the success of his mis
sion to South Carolina. He seemed to .think
it possible that Flemon would be acquitted.
He said that people jn South Carolina spoke
ot ueputy. onenn xiyon as a scoundrel.
I This announcement evoked long continued 1
applause. In Charleston $100 had been
raised tor Flemon. Mr. Benet, the South
Carolina lawyer, charges $750 to take Flem
on's case. Financial sensation.
In conclusion Bev. Clinton advised that
no viqjent effort be made to save Flemon,
and predicted that he would come back un
scathed, for the wickedness of Sonth Caro
lina bus been uncovered and she will be the
sufferer in the eyes of tbe whole civilized
world it Flemon does not get a fair trial.
Bey. Clinton agreed with Broadax that
Judge Ewing had made a mistake atone
time. Rev. Clinton also rather favored the
employment of Colonel Echols to defend
Flemon iu South Carolina, holding that tbe
fact that he had been on the other side here
does not militgate against the proposition, as
lawyers were indifferent which side they had
in a" case." The speaker advocated this as a
matter of policy, but cries of "Let him stay
on the other side!" downed the advocate for
the time being.
Mr. Keys lought his way to the front
again and spoke rather plainly. He said he
would speak the truth, and if it hurt anyone
he could put salve on his wounds. Mr.
Keys' remarks certainly weren't brewed
from milk and water.
D. M. Washington, Treasurer, reported
that the total collection for the Flemon fund
had been $466 44. There had been expended
for counsel fees, expenses oi Mr. Clinton
and the committees that visited Uniontown
and Harrisburg, $413 67, leaving a balance
on hands of $53 77.
B- F. Stewart stated that what is now
wanted is a committee of about five reputa
ble citizens to prepare an appeal to all the
colored organizations, churches, etc, in the
United States for funds for the case. In
pursuance of a motion by Mr. Stewart
a committee for that purpose was
appointed. It consists of T. W. Gails,
John Ray, B. F. Stewart, Joseph Smith
and "Broadax" Smith. A collection real
izing a few dollars was taken up and the
meeting adjourned until Friday evening.
What the Governor of Pennsylvania said
to the Governor of South Carolina is re
vealed in the following dispatch from Har
risburg: This morning Governor Beaver received a
telegram and letter from Governor Richard
son, of South Carolina, in regard to the Flemon
case. In the telegram the Southern Governor
pledged himself to insure Flemon a fair and
impartial trial. Hetbanked Governor Beaver
for what tbe latter has done to secure the
prisoner's extradition and said that there need
be no fear that Judge Lynch would adjudicate
on the case. The Governor was very loath to
say anything about what be intended to do in
regard to releasing tbe prisoner and sending
him back to South Carolina. He admitted
tbat this was the course that would likely be
Pursued, but be had no idea what bo wouldjdo,
t is very likely that the papers will be made
out at Harrisburg to-morrow, as tbe Governor
left for borne this evening. Tbe prisoner will
then be sent back to the Stato from which he
escaped to be tried for his crime.
A special telegram to TnE Dispatch
from Sonth Carolina gives the following
verbatim version of tbe telegraphic corre
spondence between Governors Beaver, of
Pennsylvania, and Richardson, of South
Carolina. True to his promise, Governor
Beaver wired:
Hon. J. P. Richardson, Colombia. S. C :
Colored and other' citizens are fearful of
violence to Yeldell. Will you kindly send
thoroughly Bafe men to meet party at Augusta
and afford safe conduct? Prisoner will leave
Pittsburg Thursday morning if response is
favorable. James a. Beaver.
Governor Richardson disliked this condi
tional acquiescence on the part of Governor
Beaver, and thought that tbe latter was
adding a new version to the laws on extra
dition. He sent the following reply:
Hon. James A. Beaver.
Your telegram received. I prefer that the
prisoner should be brought to Columbia, and
so ordered agents. You can rest assured of
the prisoner's safety. There is as little danger
of violence in South Carolina as in any of her
sister States. North or South, and she asks at
their hands only what she always readily
grants to them a stric t and honest compliance
with the Constitution and laws of tbe Union.
Signed J. P. Richardson.
It is understood that it is Governor Rich
ardson's intention to have Yeldell brought
to Columbia for imprisonment pending
trial. The fear tbat Yeldell will meet with
violence here is groundless. He will be u
safe asif surrounded by a cordon of .Phila
delphia lawyers. Court convenes in Edge
field county next Monday, and Yeldell, will
probably have an early trial. There h no
trace of the 1884 excitement there at present.
. )
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Reading.
A sub-committee appointed by the Com
mittee on Surveys, met yesterday af:eznoon,
and after hearing the claims and objections of
the parties interested, affirmatively recom
mended an ordinance for tne relocation! of a
portion of Frank street. Twenty-third ward.
The ordinance contemplates the vacation of
about 300 feet of Frank street, west 'of Its
junction with Hazelwood avenue, and tbe
location of a shorter connection with the latter
at that point, where the Calvary Cemetery
Company intend erecting a grand entrance to
their grounds. ,
Yesterday afternoon, as Mr. William Mc
Dowell, brother of Dr. J. F. McDowell, mas
driving In a buggy along Penn avenue, his trlip
collided with a buck wagon, and he was thrown
ont on the rjavemenr. He suffered no severe
injuries, but his horse was badly cut about tllo
Mrs. Sherletn, of South Seventh street!
discovered a man in her children's bedroomV
early yesterday morning. Tbe robber attempted 1
down stairs. Officer Guenther mane his- ap
pearance, but the man escaped with $80 In
James Thomas, an Italian, made an infor
mation at the Eleventh ward station house
that W. Coffer and Horace Jackson had robbed
hIraot!15. The men were arrested. Thomas,
who is married to a colored woman, was in
turn arrested for beating his wife.
The Board of Viewers yesterday held a
meeting to receive claims for damages by the
opening of Post street, between Forty-second
and Forty-fourth street, and Garden alley, be
tween Main street and Bowery alley, Seven
teenth ward.
Ephkaim Weimar and George JIcKee had
a fistic disagreement at a picnic at Ross' Grove,
recently, and tbe upshot Is a suitforaggravated
assault and battery on an information made by
Weimar before Alderman C alien, of Allegheny.
John Carpenter, employed at J. Painter
& Sons' mill. West End. fell in a pit yesterday
and had bis leg broken. Dr. McMulIcn at
tended "Carpenter at the tatter's home on
Duquesne Heights.
Conductor Stroud delivered to the officers
at Thirty-sixth ward station last night a man
who refused to pay his fare on Pittsburg, Vir
ginia and Charleston Railroad from Home
stead. Miss abbie Connors entered a complaint
against her father for assault and battery be
fore Alderman Richards. In default of 5300 he
was committed to jail.
John Collier was accused by his wife of
felonious assault and battery before Alderman
Richards last night. He gave $300 bail for a
hearing on Friday.
Miss Mollis C. Harbison, of Robinson
street, Allegheny, left yesterday morning for
Point Chautauqua, where she will spend the
month of Angus t.
Tss Columbus Club have planned a pleasant
excursion down the river. It is to come off to
morrow, and the Mayflower has been engaged
for the occasion.
About 11 o'clock last night Adam Smith was
suddenly attacked by violent cramps in the
Clinton mills. He was removed to his home on
Penn avenue.
Mbs. James McGbud EN.sned her husband,
a contractor, for assault and battery last night
before Alderman Porter. McGrnden gave bail
for a bearing.
Thk Finance Committees of Councils will
meet this afternoon in regular session. Busi
ness of interest is scheduled for attention.
Charles Zeobliskt and Joseph Poskle
wero robbed yesterday of 35 and clothing on
Tustln street. No clew to the robbers.
Constable J. B. Oarwey was arrested at
the Central station last night on a charge of
disorderly conduct by Chief Brown.
Heney Rat was sent to jail yesterday in
default of f 500 ball on a cnarge of larceny, pre
ferred by William Stantler. J e
The Police, Street, Sewer and Gas Commit
tees of Allegheny will hold meetings to-night.
A Boy Who Lost till I'nntiu
A. Moscwisky charged Budolph Wash
ington with stealing a pair of pants from
bis boy on Wylle avenue yesterday. Aider
man Bell committed him to iail In defonlt
of 500 bail.
The' Wilf Not Believe the Cokemen
Mean to Go on a Strike.
Walton's Miners at West Elizabeth Again
Want More Wages.
The coke operators in this city are unani
mous in the opinion that there will not be a
strike among the coalmen in the coke region,
but even if any trouble should happen they
do not think it will amount to much.
Colonel J. M. Schoonmaker not being at
his office, one of his bookkeepers was asked
for the latest from Connellsville. He re
plied that they had paid their men on Tues
day, and everything teemed to be qniet and
harmonious. Their men work on a scale
which they accepted about a year ago, and
they do not anticipate any trouble.
A gentleman connected with TV. H.
Brown & Co., who arrived in this city from
Everson yesterday morning, said in refer
ence to tbe situation:
"Of course we are only small people and em
ploy but 300 men. Our men are all at work
and we do not fear any trouble. So far as I
was able to judge from existing circumstances
at Everson, I think that the Knights ot Labor
The fact of the matter is, that the coke
workers in the region are divided among the
Knights of Labor and the Progressive Union.
The latter are in the majority, and when they
presented a scale last year the manufacturers
accepted it. Tbe Knights of Labor, however,
presented a different scale and it annears to
.mo, and in fact I have learned that much at
everson, mat tne iimgnts or Labor nave
gotten up a new scale and they want that ac
cepted by tho operators. However, when I
was up there to-day, everything seemed to be
Mr. McTighe, of McClure & Co., posi
tively stated that there was no trouble in
tbe region at all, and that all would he as
quiet to-day as anv other day.
H. C. Frick, being away from home,
nothing could be learned at his office.
Mr. J. W. Moore, of the Moore Coke.
Company, in a conversation with a reporter,
I do not believe that there will be a strike
among the coke men. The men will be too
wise to attempt making any trouble now. Tbe
condition of the coke business does not war
rant it, tbe price of tbe product is too low, and
as for their expectation to have the operators
accept the scale they formulated at Scottdale
a few days ago, making the basis a dollar. Is
concerned, such a thing Is simply absurd.
There is not a single operator who will listen
to such a demand. If tronble should break ont
among the men. It will have the result of
prompting the operators to form another syn
dicate, and in that case the men would cot be
able to gain a point no matter what they
would do.
In spite of the assurances from the opera
tors that there would not be a strike among
the coke operators, it was reported from
Scottdale yesterday that the men of Wiley
& Stauffer, at Everson, went out. The la
borers at tbe H. C. Prick Coke Company
also quit work for an advance in wages.
Tbe general committees ot strikers will meet
at New Haven to-day and a mass meeting
of cokemen will be held to-day at Connells
ville. Tbe following telegram from Scottdale
was received last night, clearly indicating
that the men are in earnest about the strike:
This. In all probability, will be the last day's
work for the miners and cokers in the Connells
ville region for some time to come. To-morrow
morning between 12,000 and 13.000 men will lay
down their tools and unite in a demand for
better wages. Tbe reports received here from
all over the region Indicate that this will be the
most general strike tbat has ever occurred
here. The statements ol some of the operators
that the strike only existed in tbe minds of
L the reporters will receive a very decided denial
to-morrow morning, some or tne operators
are having their ovens charged as usual to-day,
under the belief tbat there will be no strike or
that the men will remain at work long enough
to draw their coke. This, the men say. they
will not do, as all the operators have bad suffi
cient notice, and if their coke is destroyed it
will be their own fault.
In regard to the wage difficulty in this re
gion tbe Scottdale Independent, the official
organ of sub-division No. 4, Knights of
Jabor, wiljl say to-morrow:
The die Is cut. Through tbelr representatives
tbemajorlty of themlners and mine laborers in
the Connellsville region, irrespective ofonranlza
tlon, hare Issued an order for the cessation oi
worK to-day. Tbe two last conventions bare dif
fered materially from any that bave been beld in
this re?lon,slnce the bis strike three years ago,
when the men worked together for their common
interests. They have again met on tbe same
level and mutually agreed to make tbelr demand,
not as an organization, but as men who believed
they were entitled to the courtesy of conferring
with, j tbelr employers on the subject of
an advance in wages and the privilege
of ceasing work when such a conference was not
granted. Tbe indifference manifested by the
operators seems to rise from the belief that the
strike has been brought about by the organization
having the majority of members in tbe region,
and that the difference ot opinion whlcb bas pre
sented the men from uniting, as heretofore, still
exists, but the contrary is tbe fact, as tbe unor
ganized men are now the most clamorous for an
advance, and if they throw down their tools to-
dav, as they bave pledged themselves to do, they
will be supported by the
innorted bv the orr:
morally and financially. There 1:
morally and nnanclall v. There no reason whr
lonea dt ine organization, notn
D the nven shonld mot win if they stand united. The
k conditions are favorable to such a result, and it
I remains with them alone to determine.
Tiber Become Tired at Worklns, for 2 1-4
Cents, nnd Tbey Want More Wages. .
The miners of Jos. "Walton & Co. at tbe
est Elizabeth mines laid down their tools
stcrday morning and went on a strike for
advance in wages. They have only been
work a little over a week at 1 cents per
shel. and the fact that thev now struck
again is rather significant.
'All the Monongahcla river miners re
fused to go to work about two months ago
unless the operators would pay them at the
rite of 3 cents per bushel, the price agreed
upon at the convention held last February.
For a long time the miners were idle, but
at last tbe miners in the different pools
sthrted work, some of tbem for i cents,
ouhers for "4 cents, and tbe miners in the
lower pools even for 2)4, and 2 cents per
The employes of Walton & Co. agreed to
come back and work for 2 cents. The
firm accepted the vroposition, and since
then they nave all been at work until yes
terday morning, when tbey quit again and
aiked for an advance. The hrm refused to
aqquiesce in their demand.
(Captain Buntin, of Walton & Co., was
asked yesterday aiternoon whether it was
trbe that the men had left their work again.
Hje said:
Yes, tbe men have gone out again, and to
tell you the truth we do not care whether they
resume again or not. We were Indifferent as to
thedr going to work when tbey came to us
witjh the proposition of working for 2J cents,
buti we gave in to them to please the men. 1
do not think that tbe miners have treated us
fairly by leaving tbe mines again just after
tnev naa Deen stanea, out uiey nave uui priTl
lege and we don't care.
A lother river coal operator remarked
vest srday that there would be a conference
heli - shortly with the miners, for the pur
pose ot settling upon a price that would
give them a chance to compete with opera
tors 101 oiuer coai uisiricia,
Wltmerdlng- Contracts Awarded.
Toere being some misunderstanding about
the specifications on the buildings that the
Westingbouse Air Brake Company intend
erecthng at Wilmington, where their new
workjs are situated, only ten houses were
let yesterday. Messrs. Martsolt &Bro., of
Beaver P'alis, were awarded the contracts.
duikers Go on a Strike.
Thi calkers at the Kisher Coal Works,
near aicB.eesport,strucsr yesterday, oecause
the aim is alleged to have notified them
that their wages Troold be reduced from
Tne Equitable Natural Gna Company Rendy
for BusIbcss Tbelr First Comamersi
Will bo .Supplied To-dny With Fnel.
The Equitable Natnral Gas Company
yesterday finished their large main from
Murraysville to this city, and to-day they
will turn on the gas to supply manufactories
on the Allegheny river. The Equitable
Company is tbe corporation which was
started early last spring by a number of the
manufacturers along the Allegheny river,
who believed that the Philadelphia Com
pany was over-charging them. Theybought
a large tract of gas territory in tbe Korthern
Murraysville field, and "now own 4,000
acres of gas land. They have already five
wells in active operation, and a number of
others are being drilled.
Tbe new pipe line of the company is the
largest castiron pipe line ever laid in this
country. It is 20 miles long, and the ma
terial used for it weighs 18,000 tons. It runs
from the Northern Murraysville field along
the Allegheny river as far as Tenth street.
The pipe is composed of 8 miles of 21-inch
pipe and the rest of 30-inch.
The Wayne Iron and Steel Company and
the Carbon Iron Company will obtain their
first supply ot fuel from the new line this
morning, andother manufacturers will fall
in line as soon as their present contracts
with the Philadelphia and other companies
Whether the company will supply private
consumers has not been definitely decided,
but that question is probably going to he
brought up at the next meeting of tbe
Board of Directors.
Special Examiner Lay ton Asked for Time to
Look Up Campbell' Case.
District Attorney W. M. Lyon's official
report upon the case of James Campbell,
President of L. A. 300, charged with aid
ing and abetting violations of the contract
labor law, is ready for submission to Attor
ney General Miller, but will not be sent to
Washington until next Saturday.
The United States District Attorney re
fused to allow his report to reach the Pitts
burg public on account of its private char
acter, more in the way of confidential than
official information. He stated that tbe de
lay in transmission was to oblige Special
Examiner Lay ton who desired to become
familiar with the aspects of the case by
making inquiries before the report reached
Coal Operators Abandon tbe River and Turn
to tbe Rail.
The river coal operators are now making
preparations to dispose of their coal by
shipping their products over the railroad.
The river men say, that Pittsburg coal has J
now a very keen competitor in southern
coal and for that reason the trade has gone
down considerably. O'Keil & Co., Gum
bert& Huey, J. M. Bisher and James
Jones, have already made arrangements
with the McKeesport and Bellevernon
Railroad for shipments of coal over that
road, and Brown & Co., as well as Walton
& Co., are going to commeuce as railroad
coal operators next month.
Marble Workers Meet
The Marble and Slate Workers and Tile
Layers' Union of the American Federation
of Labor met last night. It was reported
that eight slate roofers, non-union men, had
been organized and chartered in the K. of
L. Considerable feeling was manifested
over the matter, and after the meeting A. B.
Smyth, who is a general organizer for the
American Federation of Labor in Alle
gheny county, said that he would retaliate
by organizing luu -& oi u. men into tne
American Federation for each of the men
taken into the K. of L.
The Window Workers Scale.
The new wage scale of the window glass-
workers, gotten up at the last convention of
the union a few week since, has been pre
sented to the manufacturers, but so far no
body has signed it. Mr. Cake, Secretary of
stated yesterday that he did not expect any
manufacturer would sign the scale until
after the conference of August 17.
Flints to Have a Conference.
It is expected that the flint glass manu
facturers and a Committee from the Flint
Glass Workers' Association will hold a
conference within a few days to discuss the
scale presented by the workers. It was
stated yesterday, that the workers have
made some modifications in the scale, which
makes it more acceptable to the manu
A Natural Gas Fine In Wllklnsbnrz Causes
Two Homes to Barn Down.
About 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon a
two-story irame house and storeroom be
longing to Lease Brothers, and a two-story
frame house th'at was almost completed,
owned by John Davis, were burned to the
ground at Wilkinsburg. The houses were
located just across the track from the Penn
sylvania Railroad station at tbe corner of
Rebecca and Hays streets, and were only
partially insured.
The fire originated from the stovepipe of
a natnral gas stove in Lease Brothers' gro
cery store becoming red hot and setting the
woodwork in the ceiling afire. Tbe flames
were not discovered nntil they had gotten
pretty good headway, and spread very rapid
ly when they reached the combustible stock
in the store.
A large crowd of the neighbors rapidly
collected, and a considerable amount of
household furniture was carried to the
street. The people in tbe adjoining houses
became frightened, and moved their house
hold effects. Then half a dozen bucket
brigades were formed, and water was
pumped out of the wells in the vicinity and
passed to the burning bouses in buckets and
tubs. , These had very little effect on the
fire, which burned until nothing combusti
ble was within reach. Several adjoining
houses were badly scorched.
Preparations tor the Annnal Summer Event
Favorably Procreating.
The Randall Club fete champetre for
1889 is expected to be one of the most
brilliant this club has ever held. There has
been an extraordinary demand for tickets,
which are complimentary and obtainable of
any member of the club." As these Invita
tions are limited to 2,000, intending visitors
to the fete had better make application at
There has never been such interest mani
fested in anv of the club's social events.
Chairman McCrickerty, with his usual en
ergy, has arranged all the details for the
entertainment of the club's guests. The Com
mittees on Arrangements, Reception, Enter
tainment and Floor are looking after their
respective duties, so that all the arrange
ments are perfect. As August 7 draws near
all the club's members are inviting their
friends, and invita'.ionsarein great demand.
Tbe several committees met to finish details
last night and make final reports for the ap
proval of the club,, which will meet this
evening at the clubroom, 73 Sixth avenne.
To be Tried on tbe Plttaburg, Knoxrllle and
Ml. Oliver Mae.
The Pittshurg, Knoxville and Mt. Oliver
Electric Railway Company intends to re
Kunie running its cars after an interval of
three months devoted to experiments with
storage battery systems. Tbe style formerly
in use burnt out in a mysterious manner.
but it is thought a check upon the battery
t has been devised br which the cars can be
operated KteeewfallV?
President Miller, of Uie C. I. S. G,
on a Favorite Theme.
Immense Increasa in the Value of the
Association's Holdings.
Mr. Lewis 'Miller, President of the Lake
Chautauqua Society, was interviewed last
night by a Dispatch reporter. Mr. Miller
is a man of middle stature, broad and well
built, with an expressive but genial coun
tenance. He said:
Chautauqua began about IS years ago as a
campmecting, with special Sunday school
courses, which were
conducted by eminent
Biblical scholars. This
coarse was pursued for
seven or eight years.
Then the idea was
thought of to institute
a course of uniform
study, which gave birth
to the C. L. S. C. So
ciety. When the society
was first formed its
gronnd was worth
about 200 an acre, and
the cottages, together with all build
ings belonging to the association, did not
amount to more than 34,000 or $5,000. The
value of tbe Chautauqua grounds at present
was about SSO0.00O. and there were yet unsold
about 880,000 worth of lots valued at from 1250
to S5C0 each. The management Intends to erect
permanent buildings in the future. It is our in
tention every year to build a structure. Mr.
Kellock, of Troy, X. Y.. bas already donated a
building costing 212.000, which will be
used as a kindergarten, and for
primary teaching, wood cutting and drawing.
This year tbe society will erect a bazaar to be
known as "The Arcade," in which books, no
tions, etc., may be pure nosed. The stores may
be snblet by the management, but they would
still be under control and rules of tbe Asso
ciation. In 1890 there will be grocery and
other stores built, so that the visitors to the
lake mav bave every accommodation.
The first graduating class numbered but 700,
the next year 1,500 and this year 3000. Chau
tauqua is becoming more popular each year.
.Ten days ago there bad been 40 per cent In
crease in tbe attendance over- last year, and it
was the largest attended season tbat Chau
tauqua had yet seen. People are recognizing
tbe moral benefits to be obtained at Chau
tauqua, and as a consequence were sending
and taking their families. It is a great center
for young people. We provide every healthy
recreation, such as baseball, lawn tennis,
racquets and quoits.
No RIotBetween the Inclined Plane Compa
nies Yesterday.
The Pittsburg Incline Plane Company
which la paralleling the Mt. Oliver plane,
succeeded in overcoming the objections of
the owner of the house at the corner of
Washington and Brownsville avenues at
noon yesterday, and work was proceeded
with, while an officer dispersed the crowd of
idlers which had gathered scenting a dis
turbance. The contest between the two
companies developed no new phase yester
day. Stop Off nt Cresson bprings on Fesnsylvnnla
Railroad Ticket.
The Passenger Department of the Penn-'
sylvania Railroad Company announces that
passengers holding first-class limited tickets
ot any description, will be allowed to stop
over at Cresson Springs, during the season,
as long as desired, up to October 31.
'In order to avail themselves of this privi
lege, passengers should notify the train con
ductor of their intention to break the jour
ney at Cresson, and immediately upon ar
rival should deposit their tickets with the
company's agent at Cresson.
This concession is greatly appreciated by
through passengers, as it enables tbem to
become acquainted with one of the most de
lightful mountain resorts of the country.
All through passenger trains, including the
celebrated New York and Chicago Limited
Express, stop at Cresson during the season.
Why Divorces Are Necessary.
Half the domestic quarrels that come to
light in the county courts begin at the din
ner tabl, when the wife's temper is ruffled
by the beat of the bakcoven or cook stove.
People who nse only Marvin's famous bread
and crackers never quarrel. If you want
to live happy order Marvin's rye bread,
Queen's jubilee bread and a pound or two
of extra soda crackers from your grocer at
once. Tuwxhssa
Men's Flannel Shirts at Heduced Prices,
Also finest silk striped flannel shirts and
fine all silk shirts marked down low. Come
in and see them. Jos. Hornk & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
The Best Bummer Drink,
As well as the most wholesome beverage for
the warm weather, is Pilsner beer.
Telephone 1186.
Blnck Brocade Grenadines Cheap,
Also plain mesh and fancv striped grena
dinessee them in black silk department.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
See These The French MUlne Salts
And fine gingham suits that are marked
away down in the suit room.
Jos. Hobite & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
To do so requires closing In August
rather than remove stock during build
ing. Will
All Wash Dress Goods,
All Wool Dress Goods,
All Silk Goods,
All House Furnishing Goods,
Gloves and
Children's Salts and Wraps.
Ladies' and Misses' Suits and Wraps,
Mantles, Jackets, Shawls.
A Penn Avenne Tailor Store Entered and
8900 Worth of Goods Removed Coder
the Officers' Nones, So te Speak.
On Wednesday morning between mid
night and 6 o'clock, an extraordinary rob
bery was committed on Penn avenue. The
clothing store of Adam Paul!, 2082 on the
avenue, was entered and over $900 worth of
goods were removed.
When Mr. Paull came down at 6 A. M. ha
found tbe back window open and the goods
missing. Intormation was conveved to the
police, and a thorough examination ot the
premises was the result. A small yard
common to five honses is at the back, and
it was from this yard that the burglars
effected an entry. On tbe first window
shutter ground floor were several small
marks, as though some instrument had beea
thrust underneath, to raise ud the shutter.
The catch fastening the shutter was broken
Mr. Paull stated that tbe robbers must
have been connoisseurs in clothing, as they
carefully sifted tbe valuable articles from
those of interior work, ana took away
nothing but the really costly clothes. la
one case, where some second rate clothes had
been piled ou top of a few first-rate pants,
the clothes were carefully removed and the.
pants abstracted. The police complain that
Mr. Paull has been very careless in locking
up bis store. About two weeks ago the back'
window was left open all night, and whea
the officer on duty rang up Mr. Paull and
warned him of the danger be got very angry.
Two policemen meet every quarter of an
hour at the very corner on which the rob
bery must have been committed. It seems
singular, under these circumstances, that so
large an amount of clothes could have beea
removed without attracting attention. A
wagon would be necessary to carry away
$900 worth of this class of goods, and how a
wagon could have driven past without being;
seen passes conjecture.
Accused of Stealing; Two males.
W. E. Weaver accused John C. Coruyn
last night, before Alderman Doughty, of
stealing two mules, valued at -$175. Cornyn,
gave bail for a hearing.
Ladies take Angostura Bitters generally
when they feel low spirited. It brightens
them up."
Our prices on summer goodsnow are
the lowest ever known. A look' through
the store will convince you of it his fact.
To-day 100 pieces moro of the extra
fine Scotch Ginghams at 25c,
100 pieces more of the finest Ameri
can Ginghams at 15c
1CO pieces more of the cotton Challis
we are selling bo cheaply.
More of, the Printed Lawns at Beta ""
large lot ot fine French Printed
Batistes at 10c and 12e.
The 50o Woolen Dress Goods whlcb
we are selling at 25c are on a special
table in center of store.
Nearby are the new French Challis,
nearly 200 patterns, dark and light
colorings. Cream White Wool Challis
at 25c.
Stylish Woolen Fabrics for traveling
dresses at very low prices 60c a yard v
and upward.
The fancy Scotch and French Flan- r
nels all reduced. Good goods at 25c, "
60c and 75c
In the way of Muslin Underwear and
Dressing Bacqu es our stock is unusually
complete and large.
In tbe Suit Room our entire stock of
Ladles' and Children's Summer Dresses
at very low prices. Also great bargains
In Coats and Jackets. All sorts ot
Traveling Wraps, Waterproofs, Dust
We have made still further redu a
tions in our large collection of Printed .-
India Silks, both in short lengths and
full dress patterns. Our bargains in ,
funcy plaid and stripe Silks are the best '"
offered. 1&
Full lines of Black Silks for Sumraer
wear at very close prices. .
Oar Notion Department Is filled wlta
odds and ends useful for travelers'
me. Brushes of all kinds. Traveling J
Bags, Chatelaine Bags, etc ;
The completeness of our stock win
surprise you largest in all depart,
." J
mi ,t&jj.- f vti.