BOS EPSES 51S -1SP5- ' ?- VtWHBWWSR r. "COMMERCIAL KQTES. Growing Demand for Cnred Meats Cheap Lard a Blessing, ASIT PLACES THE GEKUIBE ON TOP. Weather is Not Sufficiently Warm to Suit Ice Dealers. ENGLISH 7IEWS OP ADYEETISING office or rrrrsBuro dispatch, I Tdesday. July SO. issa J The demand for cured meats has been im proving the past week. The weather has been adverse to fresh meat trade, and as a consequence there has been increased activ ity in ham and bacon. Lard is the weak factor of the pork pack ing industry. It has, however, been much lower than it is to-dav. In July and Au gust. 1STO. cash lard sold at S5 SO in Chicago, while the price there now Is S6 10. There in a strong drift of late toward unadulterated lard, which may be set down to tha credit of low prices. For a number of years past the bulk of that sold in t)is market was far from being the genuine product of the hog. Cottonseed oil and other ingredients entered moroorless Into the article on the market, and the grocers were few who did not yield to the pressure and sell the adulterated article. The abundance and cheapness or the genuine article the past reason has had the wholesome effect of sending cottonseed lard to the rear. The sentiment of trade is steadily growing in favor or the genu ine stuff, showing that the destinies in the long run are against everything bogus. It is good for the consumer when an article becomes too cheap to adulterate. Ice. A representative of the Chautauqua Ice Com pany gives the situation of bis industry as fol lows: "Our trade this season has been rather below the average, owing to the cold, back ward spring. May and June failed to keep up their usual record for heat, and consumers were ranch slower than usual making demands upon our trade. July has done better, but we could endure much better weather than wo have had thus far for the sake of our industry. The ice business last season was curtailed not a little by the decisions of the License Court cutting off so many saloons. Some of this loss, of course, was made up by the natural increase of tr&de, but not all. This season the weather has been adverse, and unless wo shall have a hot August and September we will be below other ears in volume ot business a second sea son. The ice crop gathered last season was much below the average. Weather was not at all favorable for heavv ice, and if the summer had turned out an average amount of beat there would have been a shortage, so far as our comuanv is concerned. While we did not have the facilities to gather all the ice we would have stored away, owing to the mild weather of last winter, it appears from tbepreaent outlook that we will have enough to meet the wants of trade. Both winter and summer have been too moder ate for our trade this year." Advrrtlstnc In England. An English newspaper, the &ait Suuex JVu, thus descants upon the question of ad vertising, and the good points made will do found as applicable here as over the seas: "The value of an advertisement is in exact proportion to the influence it exercises upon those who are thereby induced to purchase the articles to which it draws attention. For local purposes, newsDapers circulating extensively among a good class nf readers residing within easy distance of the advertiser should always be chosen, if the subject matter is of general interest, then the more widely circulated and more expensive mediums should be selected. The Important thing is to ascertain what papers are read and likely to seenre the object the advertiser has in view. The papers that are bought to be read are those which have some thing fresh in them to read. All papers having a ready sale have no difficulty in getting adver tisements at a fair price, and advertisers should studiously avoid the 'cheap man.' True in this, as in t'very other walk of life, 'cheap and nas ty.' Papers that insert announcements in big tvpe, like small posting bill", or hideous blocks, of which it is frequently difficult toknow the meaning, carry with them their own condemna tion. The proprietors are willing to insert any thing at any price if tbey can only save expense in production by filling up a given space in the sheet Which they send forth as a newspaper. Liook at the leading papers in London and the important towns ot England. Do we find there that one advertiser is allowed to try to 'kill' the other by having the ugliest contrivance to attract attention? Certainly not." Business Notes, Mr. Jotxk D. Bailey will offer at auction next Thursday afternoon 10,000 Junction Terminal 5s. Checks are out for the 3 per cent semi an nual dividend on Wcstinghonse Airbrake, Lon don limited. Tiie Pennsylvania Railroad Company has ordered 5,000 new cars, anticipating a heavy business in the near future. The far Northwestern crops are reported very much better, and likely to show an in crease of fully 50 per cent otfer last year. Grain delivenes at Chicago are reported in creasing. The latest letter from H. J. Harbaugh, Esq., now at the; Sunflower quartz mine in Sierra county, CaL, is to the effect that the farther the recently developed vein of quartz is pene trated, the richer it is in ore. The latest assay showed a yield of 600 per ton. Pittsburg (stockholders are jubilant over the good news. It is announced that the Pioneer W oolen Factory in San Francisco is for sale, there being no longer any money in manufacturing woolen goods in California, tho market for that product being too limited, and high railroad rates acting as a barrier to the profitable ship ment ot the goods to the East. No dividends ha e been paid by the company for five years. LITE STOCK MARKETS. The Condition of Business at the East Liberty Mock Yard. Office ofPittsbubg Dispatch,! Tuesday, July 30, 1SS9. J Cattle Receipts. 5S0 head; shipments, 3C0 bead: market steady at unchanged prices; no cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoos Receipts. 1.S0O head; shipments. 800 head; market slow; light Yorkers, $4 7031 bO; medium and light Philadelphias, H 5501 75; heavy, ft 401 50, 4 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 3.000 head; shipments.1,800 bead; market steady and prices unchanged. By Telegraph. New Yoke Beeves Receipts, 640 bead, all for exportation alive; no trading in beeves; market quiet and unchanged for dressed beef, at 5c per pound for poor to prime native sides, and at 4)Q5$c for Texas do; exports to day 200 beeves and 21,600 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts, 400 head; market steadv at 4;i5ic per pound for veals, and at 2Qic for buttermilk calves. Sheep Receipt. 4.&00 head: market firm and active for good stock. weak and dull for common; sheep sold at $3 50 65 25 per 100 pounds, lambs at Jj 0006 50, with uine of the best up to J8 757 00. Hogs Re ceipts, 4,500 bead, all for slaughterers direct: no trading in live bogs; market nominally steady at 1 505 10 per 100 pounds. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 6,546 head; shipments, 3,355 head; bulk of supply Texas and Indian, and the best at a shade stronger; common steady to weak; native beeves and cows stpady; calves strong at S3 O07 00; good to choice corn-fed steers, S3 854 15; common to mediums, 3 00t3 75; storkers and feeding steers, Jl 6003 00; cows, H 60ffi2 60; grass range steers, tl CU&2 70. Hogs Receipts, 5,378 head: shipments, 0 head: market about steady; good to choice light, $4 204 80: heavy and mixed, f3 904 1'L sheep Receipts, 752 head; ship ments, 500 head; market steady; good to choice muttons, S3 75ffi4 00: common to medium, $2 50 63 5a Chicago Cattle Reeclots. 9,000 head; ship menu. 4,000 brad; market steady and rather slow: beeves, S3 304 60; stackers and feeders, 52 2G3 2o; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 603 00; Texas cattle, $1 603 5a Hogs Receipts, 13, 000 head; shipments, 5,500 bead; market slow and SffilOc lower; mixed, 4 204 45; heavy, 14 0034 35: light, $4 S04 B0; stockers, $3 60 4 6a Sheet) Receipts, 7,000 bead; shipments, 15,600 head; market a shade easier; natives, 53 75S4 80: western, $3 654 80: Texans, 13 603 4 25; lambs, U 9005 Ml St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,300 head: ship ments, 200 head; market strong; choice heavy native steers, S3 904 30; fair to enod do, S3 10 Q3 90; stockers anil feeders, S2 10S3 00; rang ers, corn fed. $2 U03 50; grass fed. 12 00 2 TO. Hogs Receipts. 3.1O0 head: shipment. 200 head: market -Kteadv: choice heavy W 15 i 35; packing. $4 24 40. light grades, fair to best, S4 35ffi4 5a bbeep Receipts. 1,900 head; shipments, 1 500 head; market Arm; fair to Choice. 3 203 CO. Buxfalo Cattle No fresh receipts; noth ing doing. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 60 loads through: no sale; market nominally un changed. Hogs Receipts, 15 loads through; 14 loads sale; market dull and lower; mixed mediums and Yorkers, S4 75: mediums, 81 600 4 65; Yorkers, S4 754 0; pigs, 14 9a r? Bn MABKETS BY WISE. Sensational Foreign News Gives a Firmer Tone to Wheat Tho Russian Crop Said to bo the Worst for ManyTears Hob Prod ucts Moving Freely. Chicago The wheat market to-day has been moderately active, but with the trade largely local. Outside orders were light both ways, and tho feeling is still quite unsettled. Despite the fact that a majority of tho traders were working on the expectation of an advance, speculative values lor the leading futures averaged a shade under yesterday's closing most of tho forenoon. The weakest feature of the day was in the posting of receipts, which showed 147 cars more than expected. Cables were depressing. The opening for futures hero was JiXc under yesterday's latest bids for all f ut res beyond July, and business in tho pit throughout the entire session was of tho scalp ing sort, though toward noon prices firmed up Jlc from the early inside range. Tho reaction was due chiefly to a sensational cable in regard to the excessive dry weather. It said: ''Russian official reports now admit that tho condition of the crops is tho worst in many years, and that unless all signs fail the estimate of the world's product to bo compiled at the Vienna international seed fair August 24, will show a situation considerable worse than that of last year." Undoubtedly local bear operators were somewhat intimidated by this news. Considerable short wheat was said to bare been covered here to-day by St. Louis parties, and there was some selling on the big failure in Boston of a prominent boot and shoe concern. Toward the close the mar ket became quite buoyant,innucnced by strong late cables through private sources and the good local cash demand. Final closing quota tions were around the top, and Kc above yesterday's closings. A moderate degree of activity was manifest in corn, and transactions were at slightly high er prices. The volume of business was not large, being mainly local. The better tone was attributed largely to the strength m the cash market, the shipping demand being good, and July and August were relatively stronger in con sequence, local shorts covering and shippers buying. The July future ruled at a premium of Jc compared with September. The market opened atyesterday's closing prices; was steady for a time, then advanced 4Jc, recoded a little, ruled steady and closed JiS'ic higher than yesterday. Oats were traded in with a little more free dom, and a steady feeling developed, especial ly for July, which was purchased by the shorts, and it developed that there was more out than most operators had an idea of. Longs as a rule were disposed to sell, and met buyers freely, but prices showed little change. The more deferred deliveries were quiet and steady. Early the market for mess pork exhibited considerable activity. Opening transactions were made at 10c decline, and prices ruled irregular within a range of 25c. Later a re duction ot 10c was submitted to with fair sales, but this was quickly followed by an advance of 1012e. Near the close prices settled back again 5;c and the market closed quiet. A little more steadiness was manifested in the lard market early in the day, and prices were slightly improved. During the latter part of the session offerings were slightly increased, and prices receded again and closed quiet. Quite an active trade was reported in tho market for short ribs, mainly in September do livery. Prices opened slightly lower, followed by a further reduction of 2a With a good demand later the feeling was steadier, and prices rallied 25c. Toward the close tho market ruled weaker again, and tho improve ment was lost. The leading natures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2 July, 79b0X7SJi679?ic; Angust, 76577S76K77Kc; September. 76K e77H6?a&c; December, 787978KO 79c Corn No. 2 Angust, 36KS3636KS6Vc; September. 36X6363e3bJc; October, S6V 364636436Kc Oats No. 2, August, 2222c: September. 21 G2121Ji21Kc; October. 2zK822M!c. Mess Pork, per bbL August, S10 52UQ10 52 010 4510 47k; September, $10 5o10 60 10 471U 52; October, J10 4010 4510 35 10 4a Lard, per 100 Bs. August, SO 02K6 02K; September, S6 126 12; October, tS 15Q8 15 6 12K66 12. Shout Rins, per 100 lis. August, to 32J 5 375 325 37; September. 85 42J4o 45 05 4U5 40; October, 85 425 45Q5 40o 40. Cash quotations were as lollows: Flour dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 79c;No. 3 spring wheat nominal: No. 2 red, 79JJ& No. 2 corn. 36Jc 0.2 oats, 22Wc No. 2 rye.4343c. No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 3J. Prime timothy seed, SI 431 45. Mess pork, per barrel. S10 5tt Lard, per 100 pounds, 50 U2Q6 05. Short ribs, sides (loose), S5 3o 5 4a Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 12 Q5 25. Short clear sides (boxed), S5G265 75. bugars unchanged. Receipts Flour. 15 000 barrels: wheat, 120.000 bushels: corn. 421. OCX) bushels; oats, 122,000 bushels; rye, 4.000 bushels; barley, none. Shipments Flour, 12.000 barrels; wheat, 22.000 bushels; com, 268,000 bnshels; oats, 142,000 bushels; rye, none; barley, 1.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was fairly active and unchanged. Eggs quiet at 10llc. New Yoek Flour dull and weak. Corn meal dull. Wheat Spot moderately active, c lower and steady; option moderately active; Julyc lower; other months steady to lie advance; the changes In prices were wholly through local operations. Ryo htgber; west ern, 5.!53a Barley nominal. Barley malt quiet. Com Spot fairly active and firmer: options less active and stronger. Oats Spot quiet and stiady; options firmer and fairly active. Hay active and firm. Hops easy and quiet. Coffee Options opened stead) 1025 points'advance and closed barely steady 2510 points up; better cables; moderate busi ness; sales, 59,570 bags, including July, 14.65c; August, 14 5014.75 September, 14.70014.90c: October. 14.6014b5; November, 14.G0iil4.75c; December. 14.5514.75c: January. 14.6014.75c: JIarch, 14.5014.70c: Maj. 14.55 14.65c; spot Rio stronger; fair cargoes, 17c. Sugar Raw easier and nominal: fair refining, 6 IMOc; centrifugals 96 test. TJf c: refined steady and quiet. Molasses dull. Rice quiet and easy. Cottonseed oil firmer. Tallow dull. Rosin quiet and steady. Turpentine easier. Eggs firm with good demand; western, 1313 14c; receipts, 3,180 packages. Pork lower and dull; mess inspected, S12 00012 60: do unin spected, SU 7512 00; extra prime. Sll 00. Cut meats firm; pickled bellies, 78Jic: pickled ham, lllljc: pickled shoulders, 55c; middies quiet. Lard more active and easy; western steam, chiefly for export, SO 3S6 42. closing at S6 40; city, S6 10; August, S6 16 6 39, closing at SB 36 bid; September. SO 476 60, closing at SO 47 bid: October, S6 466 SO, closing $6 47; November. S6 316 32, closing at SO 31 bid. Butter easy, with fair demand; western dairy, 1012c; do creamery, ll17c; do fac tory. 812c Cheese Colored firm; white, weak; western, 67c St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat higher. The market opened weak on nnfavorabie reports and there was enough sell ing to depress prices Jc early in the day. A recovery of c followed advices or stronger foreign markets, but there was a raid when it was reported that the late strong cables were fictitious and the early lower figures were almost reached again. The weakness did not last, a good upturn following,and the close was firm at &a above yesterday; No. 2 red. cash, 73k7ic; Julv, "!ilZVc, closed at 73c bid: August. 7373c bid. closed at 73i &7ic bid; September, 73JJ74Jc closed at74cbld; December, 77Ji77c closed at 77c bid; year, 73Jc; May, 82c closed at 82 fib-tKc bid. Corn higher, a corner in July was developed, and though-a sale was made early at 34c, a late bid of 37c failed to purchase. The balance or the market was strong and better, especially for nearby options, which improved c; No. 2 mixed, cash, 37c bid; July, 31c, closed at 37c bid; August. 3333ic, closed at 33)c bid: September, 33iic; May, 34c closed at 345gc bid. Oats dull and easy; No. 2 cash, 22c; July, 22c; September, 21c asked; May, 34c Rye dull and lower, to sell; No. 2 offered at 42c Flaxseed quiet; SI 28 for spot and SI 23 tor August. Pnn-ADELPHIA Flour Dull and weak for everything except choice old winters, which ruled firm. Wheat opened Jtc lower, under liberal receipts in West, but, with stronger re- 5orts from other grain centers, the decline in uly folly recovered, while later months re acted Vic from lowest rates of the day and closed firm; old Pennsylvania red, on track, 51 05; new. No. 2 Pennsylvania red in export elevators, 90c; No. 2 red in do. 86c; No. 2 red, July, 8686c: August, 8485c; September. 8484c; October, 8485c Corn firm: No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth street elevator. 45c: No. 2 yellow in Twentieth street elevator and grain depot, 46c; No. 2, mixed, 4444c; Au .mt 4Tfe44Vc: Sentember. iieuvc- hxtn. ber. 41t$41Jc Oats offering more liberal J and market lor car lots aeciinea c under light local trade demand; No. 3 white, 33 B3c; No. 2 white in Twentieth street eleva tor. 3434c; No. 1 white, on track, 88c; futures quiet but steady; No. 2 white, July. S45i34c; August, 31?i32c; September, 30Ji31c; October, 31Ji31c Eggs firm for choice stock: Pennsylvania firsts, 14c Cincisxati Flour weak. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red. 78c; receipts, 22.000 bushels; shipments, 14,000 bushels. Cora quiet; No 2 mixed, 38c Oats steady; No. 2 mixed. 2525Jc Rye quiet: No. 2, new. 46c: old. 47c Pork weak at Sll 25.1 Lard dull at S5 75. Bulkmeats steady; short nb, $5 75. Bacon easy; short clear, $875. Butter steady. Sugar quiet. Eggs firm at 10c, loss off. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Wheat firm; cash, 78c; Sep tember, oc v,um ura; no. a, ifijjc Oats c ons nhAOKA steady; Cheddars. 3$8c Baltimore Provisions dull. Butter West ern oacked, 10012c; creamery, 1616c Eggs firm at 134fHc Coffeo nominal; Rio fair at 18c Toledo Cloversced nominal; October, SI 60 asked. cash SI 50; 'FWPr ' T !PHE-' 'PITTSBiniS WIDER THEfHAMMER. The Lato Tony Newoll's East End Hesort Finds a Purcbaseiv THE LOCAL BAKES WELL HEELED. A Former Citizen Gives Pittsburg Capital ists Some Good Pointers. THE ifOMESTEiD AND LOAN TBDSTS W. A. Herron & Sons sold at Orphans' Court sale yesterday the property corner Forbes street and Shady lane, well known as the Newell Road House, consisting of six acres of land, with a large brick dwell ing, out-buildings, stables, sheds, etc After active competition the bidding closed at $33,000, and was knocked down at that price. 5he new owner, Mr. H. A. Miller, intends renting it for a time. He purchased it as an investment and not for a home. The late Tony Newell came into posses sion of the land by purchase in October, 1SS4, and be erected the buildings and made other extensive improvements. Under his ad ministration it was one of the most popular re sorts in the East End. The work of tearing up Second avenue for the accommodation of the electric road has been stopped, ana track laying and paving will begin on this end of the line as soon as the rails can be obtained. Their delivery on con tract time was prevented by the flood at Johnstown. It is the intention to have the cars running by December 1, or sooner if possible. The assurance of rapid transit is causing a great demand for building sites in the Glen wood district, where the big Blair estate has been subdivided and put on the markets This section promises to become in a few j ears one of the most populous parts of "the city. Its close proximity to the business and manufac turing centers, together with its unsurpassed natural attractions, is commanding the atten tion of a good class of people who desire to es tablish homes at a moderate outlay of money. Loans and discounts of the local national banks amount to 535,971,057. While this is a large sum, it represents only about one-third of the loanable funds of these institutions, snow ing that there is a great abundance of unem ployed money. In addition. State and savings banks hold large amounts the whole consti tuting a reserve which should dispel all thoughts of financial stringency until the con ditions are reversed, of which there is no pres ent likelihood. There is almost a certainty, therefore, that money will be plentiful and rates low for some time to come. Mr. Robert Youne; a native of Pittsburg, and who will be remembered as proprietor of a livery stable in Lawrenceville about 20 years ago, but who is now a resident ot Philadelphia, is in the city visiting old friends. In a brief interview yesterday he said Philadelphia was growing at a rapid rate, both in sizo and busi ness. Sincehewentthere in 1876, houses enough have been built to accommodate a population of over 200,000. Capitalists there are very much interested in real estate, regarding it as the best form of investment. Many large blocks of dwelling houses, some of them covering entire squares, are going up in all parts of the city. These investments yield an average rate of 6 per cent Interest, which is entirely satisfactory to the capitalists. He added that rents are cheaper In Philadelphia than in any other city in the United States, and that a larger propor tion of the inhabitants own the houses they live in than in any other American city. There is one point in this interview which Is of peculiar importance to Pittsburg, where the greatest obstacle to the expansion of popula tion is the scarcity of houses. If local capital-- ists would follow the Philadelphia plan of building largo blocks, tbey would benefit them selves and do the publlo a service of inestima ble importance. If reports be true, homestead loan and trust companies are superseding building and loan associations. A gentleman who is familiar with the subject said yesterday: "Recently quite a number of loan and trnst companies have been organized in Pittsburg and vicinity. They are largely composed of persons who were formerly identified with building and loan societies. "Tho new system possesses several advantages over tho old, but the principal one is of a finan cial nature. Money can bo obtained on better terms, loans being made at the uniform rate of 4 per cent for, any length of time desired, and there are no premiums to pay. It has been in nrocess of development for 12 years, and is be lieved to be as near perfect as anything of human origin can be." STOCKS EATHEE SLUGGISH In Respect to Business, bnt No Break In Price. There were no surprises in the local stock market yesterday, and while trading was light, prices, -with a few exceptions, were well sus tained. Philadelphia Gas was a trifle weaker, but the other gassers were strong, particularly Chartlers, Wheeling and West Virginia, very little of either being offered. Central Traction was fractionally lower, but Citizens' was stronger, 70 being bid for it without accept ance La Noria was neglected In the forenoon, bnt became qaite active later on, 200 shares selling at IK. and the demand at that figure unsatis fied. At the clse 2 was asked. Switch and Signal closed a trifle firmer. Electric was strong at 61 old and 52 asked, with none on the market. There is a report that It is being quietly absorbed and held for an advance, which is reckoned upon as a pretty sure thing. The rest or the list was featureless. Henry M. Ling sold 60 shares of Fourth National Bank at 127, the first movement In this stock for several months. Bids, offers and sales were: AVTxnvoox. Pld. Asked. Kid. Asked. German u at.BK. Airy. BrldcewaterUas Chartlers Vl. Gas Co. at. Co. of . Va. Ohio Valley Oas. 1 N. O. A P. Co Pennsvlvanla Gai;Co.. Philadelphia Co Wheeling Gas Co FomtUll Co Tuna OH Co Central Traction Citizens' Traction rittsburir Traction Pleasant Valley I.a Nor la Sllnlne Co... W estinichouee Electric V. M. tSig. Co Veitlnjjhouse A. 11. Co. "W estlnghonse B. Co. Ex-dlvidend. The morning sales were 100 shares of Central Traction at 3a and 30 Switch and Signal at 20. At the last call 100 shares f Central Traction sold at 30 and 200 La Noria at 1. NOTHING NEW. The Financial Situation In Good Shape, bnt Practically Unchanged. The condition of the local money market yesterday presented nothing new. Discounting was on a limited scale, leaving the flow of capital In favor of the banks. Depositing was Lf air, but checking was rather under the average. Two or three of the banks were said to be pretty well loaned up, but the rest confessed to a troublesome surplus. The exceptions are due to the slight revival In the speculative in terest. The exchanges were 51,977,553 78 and the balances S415.655 02. The outlook con tinues good for a radical Improvement In a few Money at New York yesterday was easy at 2 2 per cent; last loan, 2. closing offered at 2f Prime mercantile paper. 4$6X. Ster ling exchange dull and weak at $4 65 for CO-day bills and SI bGJf for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U.S. 4s.reg I2SHIM. K. T. Gen.Ss .57 U. 8. 4s. coup., U. B. 44s, re., 128 M Mutual Union 6s.... 100 ....1CKM -N. J.C. Int. Cert...llJ Northern Pac lta.. 116)2 Northern Pac. 2ds..is4 Northw't'n consols. 146 Northw'n deben's.JM Oregon & Trans. 6S.1MS IT- H. 4k.ft- roaD. ...UK PacllleSsof'95...... l IOUlslanasUmpeais 8SM Missouri Si 10OM Tenn. new set. 6s. ...108 lenn. new set. ta....YMi Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73 Canada So. Zdt W4 Cen. 1'aciOe.lsU 1HX Den. & K. ., lsta.-IW-S Den. ft K. G-4s 78.S D.&K.O.West,lits. 101 Krle, 2ds 102 M.1L.&T. Gen. 6s.. CX SU J.. &I.M. Uen. S 81 St. I-.&a.r. Oen.Ji.I18 SI. fanl consols ....125t St. PL Chi & PclsU.117 Tx., PcL.O.Tr 1U. 8V Tx.,Pc K.Q.lT.Kcts X union i'ac. 1SU.....11 West chore 106,-i The only bonds received at the Treasury De partment yesterday were $500 coupon 4s at 130. New Yomc Clearings, 1107,681,732: balance, J5,604,633. ISO .... S7"i X tO M 51X US 70 .... 70 .... 35 17 .... MM .... 14 .... 14K .... 3 38H KM iSK 30)4 30H .... , .... 100 .... 1C0 .... ... 63 .... 69 30 K 30 30 70 72 70 .... 49J4 .... - 494 .... 200 1 2 1 2 52 .... HH Kif aH :i 20H 21 114 lli M .- .... -T'-! "r,OTpMpW Bostox Clearings, 813,009,880; balances, $1,379,736. Money, S per cent, Phixadsxphia. Clearings, $9,950,858; bal ances, 1,294,654. Baltimore To-day's clearings, 11,601,174; balances, $275,269. ' London The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank or England on balance to-day ls259,000. Bar silver. 4J6-16d. PAitls Three per cent rentes, 81f 15c. Chicago Money unchanged. Clearings, 59, 616,000. ST. Lours Clearings, 2,350,451; balances, $447,143; A LITTLE T7EAKEE. A Sadden Drop In Oil and a Close Below a Dollar. The oil market was dull and uninteresting yesterday from every point of observation. For the first time since the 23d the close was below a dollar. Trading was light all along the line. The only interesting episode ofthefday occurred shortly after tho noon hour, when there was a quick slump from the highest to the lowest point of the day. A droR of 2 cents in a few minutes caused the "boys" to open their eyes and wonder what it meant. It was in response to a bear raid in New York. The market soon rallied under good buying in Oil The apathy was not due to any changes In conditions, but to the indisposition to operate so near the end of the month, beptemberoll will be In order after to-dav, when some shorts will be let out and a new deal commenced. Tho fluctuations were: Opening, lOOHt. highest, 100K; lowest. 9SH; closing, 9 Monday's clearings were 168,000 barrels. Tlioe,of yester day did not exceed 50,000. The indications at the close were that the market would remain weak for several days, or until tho faeptcmber deal Is well under way. A Mercer dispatch sas; Considerable in terest was occasioned in this place yesterday morning, by the report that a 60-barrel oil well had been struck two miles east of Sandy Lake, this county, on the Raymilton road The terri tory is claimed by oil men to be a good one, and the wells that have already come in will lead to a thorough test of this entire oil field, and the prospects are good for livening up a number of the towns in Mercer and Venangp counties. The Campbell well, on the Campbell lot. In Mill creek bottom, near Beaver, came In small, and will probably do from 5 to 10 barrels. It Is on a direct line east and west, drawn through the Union RaylNo. 1, both good producers. Features of the Market. Corrected dally by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened lOOHILowest 98H Highest...... lOOXlClosed W4 Barrels. Average runs Sl.ftn Average shipments 77,103 Average charters 66,204 Iteflned, New York. 7.40c lteflne London. STsd. Kenned, Antwerp, IsHr. Kenned, Liverpool, 6tfd. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 98c; calls, SI 00. OH Markets. TrrusvrLi.E, July 3a National transit cer tificates opened at SI WA; highest, SI OOJi; low est, 9Sc; closed, 99. Bradford, July 8a National transit cer tificates opened at SI XX4: highest, SI 00J ; low est, 9$c; closed at 99Hc; clearances, 232,000 barrels. New York, July 3a Petroleum dull. Stock Exchange: Opening, SI 00)4:bigbest,Sl OOJi; low est, 9Sc,closing at 99c. Consolidated Exchange: Opening, SI uO; hignent, SI OOK: lowest, 98Jc, closing at ltejc. Total sales, 1,365,000 barrels. On. Citt. July 30. National transit certifi cates opened at SI OOJi: highest. Si 00U; lowest, 93c; closed. DOkc. Sales, 536.000 barrels; clearances, 274,000 barrels; charters, 83,095 bar rels; shipments, 81,393 barrels; runs, 78,169 bar rels. - HOLDS ITS 0W5. Tho Demand for Realty Has Something to Show for It. Graebing Lyon, No. 135 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of $2,500 for two years, at 6 per cent, on property in the Eighth ward, city; a mortgage of 1,000 for three years, at 6 per cent, on property in Millvale borongh; one of SL500 for three years, at 6 per cent, on property in Moon town ship, and one of $1,200 for three years, at 6 per cent, on property at Jeannette, Westmoreland county. J. R. Cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenue.sold for J. J. O'Connor to T. H. Rale th leasehold and buildings. No. 37 Washington streeU-for $750 cash; also, lot 66, McNeil plan, Thirteenth ward, to J. W. Smith for S25a Reed B. Coyle & Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold to Mrs. Belle McNeill lot No. 57. in Marion place plan, tor $300. They also sold for Joseph Loughrey a piece of 'ground on Boquet street, Oakland, size 125x175, for $5,050. Black & Batrd. No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to George A Todd for Brent Good lot No. 733, in the plan of Homestead, 60x110 feet to a 10-foot alley, for SCOa W. E. Hamnett, of 404 Smithfleld street, Piltsburg, and Wilklnsburg. sold a lot, corner of Hill and Mill streets, Wilklnsburg. 56x132, to Matbew H. Hemmig for $800 cash. He also placed a mortgage of $1,200 on Wilklnsburg property for three vears at 6 per cent. Kelly & Rogers, No. 6315 Station street, East End, report the following sales: For J. C. Knlpp to L. R Barbour and L. Wightman a lot 70x187. on Ruial avenue. Nineteenth ward, for 83.800 cash; also to Agnes Graff lot 50x140, on Bond street, for S2.O0O cash; and also for S. D. Mcllwaln to A. M. Wensel, a house of five rooms and lot 30x120. on Bond street, lor $l,60a They also placed a mortgage for $1,400 at 6 per cent on property at Dnnuesne, EwingAByer, No. 107 Fe'deral street, Alle gheny, placed a $1,400 mortgage on Eleventh ward property for five years at 6 per cent." MATERIAL ADVANCES. Wall Street Makes a Spurt A Raid on the Lead Trost That Amounted to Noth ingThe Grangers Consplcnons for Strength Bonda Dpll. New" York, July 3a The stock market was again dull to-day, though there was consider able animation In parts ot the list, which brought the total transactions up to something above thoe of yesterday. There was also a more decided tone to the dealings, and material advances were made among the leading specu latives, with the exception of Reading. There were many rumors in regard to tho last named company, but none of them were corroborated, and after the first demonstration seemed to have little or no effect upon the stock. The re ports of the Nortnwestern and St. Paul were positive bull arguments, and with the higher figures from London this morning there was a generally higher opening here, most of the stocks traded in showing gains of from to per cent, while Northwestern was up as tho result of the statement. Considerable pressure was brought to bear upon Reading and Atchi son, and afterward upon the Lead Trust, the last named being again affected by a report of a still further increase in the outstanding cer tificates, the amonnt now being placed at $100, OOU.000. There was nothing positive about either of the weak stocks, however, and in neither of them did the concession equal 1 per cent, except in Lead. Missouri racinc and the Grangers were con spicuously strong during this time, and in the afternoon there was a renewal of the buying which had been checked bv the reports of a heavy failure in Boston at the opening, when there was also some selling for Eastern account. Reports became current that the earnings of Reading for July would show a handsome in crease, and the market became not only more active in all its departments, but decidedly strong as well, and almost everything traded In moved up with more speed, and Chicago Gas, Chesapeake and Ohio, Missouri Pacific and the Grangers were especially prominent in the up ward movement. Reading also joined the pro cession in the last hour, and the market finally closed dull, but firm, at about the best figures of the day. The active stocks are higher this evening, and Chesapeake -and Ohio first pre ferred rose 2, the secondpref erred North western 1 and Missouri Paciflo 1. Railroad bonds were still anil and featureless, though the tone of the market, if anything. was a little stronger than during the past few days, and most issues traded in show slight gains. The sales reached 5755,000. Chicago and Mil waukee firsts rose 2, to 126; Ohio, Indiana and Western firsts 2f, to 7a Wabash second cer tificates lost 2 at 99. The followlne table snows the prices of active stocks on the Mew York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by Wiiitnit & HTEFHEHSON, oldest Plttsburf? mem bers of Mew York Stock Kxchange, 57 Fourth ave nues Clos ing Bids. eh 09 62X Srt 5174 HOT) 23 1004 7u 1095? S5 14 MH S2 W4 S. Open lnjr. ClColCln. A I., new 69 Cl.,Col.,Un. L, pr.100 Am. Cotton OU. ...... KH Atcn lop. A B. X.... 6H Canada Southern. 6l Central of New Jersey.HOH Centrail'aelflu 34K Chesapeake A Ohio.... S3H C Bur. a Onuy.....u!4 C Mil. A St. faul..., 69X High- low- est. est. 69 63-4 100SJ WM V.H ll 3G14 SV4 UK Sl4 HUH 110M 34M 3iM SV 23H ioo w 10H 69 a, Mii-Ast-P-pr... a, itocxL'AP a, tst. i & Pitt.. ,.. C 8U L. 4 Pitts, pf. CSt. P..M. AO MM U!i 9t)i . tl 2 22 KBJJ 1U71 .... .?... lii), ie'V C St. P.. 11. to., DC C. A .Northwestern. ...lOTJj C .Northwestern, pr. .... Col. Ooal A iron Col. A Hooking Val .. .. . Del.. U AW. GH .143X - - f ffifW - DISPATOWEDNESDX JTUjT '31 Del. A Hudson, ICH 142W Denver ltio O.. pr... iH H K.T.. Va. AUa 9 K. 1.. Va. A Ga. 23 pr. Illinois Central Lake Erie A Western Lake Erie A West. sr.. .... Lake Shore A Jl. S 101K 102 Louisville A Nashville. 8H C9H, Michigan central Mobile Ohio Mo., h.. ATexas 10X J0H Missouri Pacific t7 CTtt New tfork Central 105X 305X . Y.. L. E.AW 26 XSH" M. .. a A St. b IN. I., C A St. L. nr. N.Y.. C. ASt.L,.2dDf N.I4S, E 43W 4SM A. . O. A W 16H W Norfolk a Western -Norfolk Western. pr. Northern Pacific 2T tii Nortnern Pacific oref. Mil W Ohio A Mississippi... . H 21M Oregon Improvement Oregon Uranscon tlH Wi Pacific stall Peo. Dec. A Evans Phlladel. A Heading.. 43 VH Pullman l'alace Oar...l82 1M Richmond A W. P. T 2H 22 Klchmond A St. P., Minn. A Man St. Iw A San Fran 3t?i XH St. L. A San Iran pf.. 50,1, (6 St.L. A San r. 1st pr. Texas Pacific 19 19 Union I'acinc sax 58V Wabasn Wabash preferred 28 28U Western Union 81V? MS Whlin jt A L. E to 6Ss Sup-ar Trust 10SH National Lead Trnst.. ttH Chicago Gas Trust H WH 4& 45 til s 2144 .... H3H 101H 101J4 69 G9'4 12K JUV G7 105H 2C! 16 67 31 VIM 16), 14 WH 23X E4 21V 51 am 20 434 182 213 79 10)4 43 UK 27X 21K ttii 6H ss 69 is5i 8H4 6 23V 56 109 19 59H 14S 28H 81H es 109 23 tax MX Boston Stocks. Atcb.ATop.R. H... 3ii boston Alnany...2i6X Boston A Maine. ....201 C.. U. AU. 100H Clnn. ban. A Cleve. 22)f Eastern C. It 100 FIlntAPereM. nrd. K Mexican Cen. com.. 14)4 Mex.C.lstmtr.bds. 65S N. Y. ANewEna-... 4SH Old Colony 17S Rutland preferred.. 40 21 MlouezMKCo(new). Calumet A Hecla....212 Franklin 9 Huron ff Osceola, 924 Pewable (new) 2 Uulncy 43 ltell Telephone 234 Boston Land 6 Water Power G Tamarack 100 San Diego :c Santa Fe copper. & Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 37 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. lil. Asked. Pennsylvania KaUroad 6IH 82 Keadlnjt 21? 214 Lehleh Valley 53(4 53H Northern faclJo 2SJ4 28H Northern Pacific preferred 64 64)4 mining; Stocks. New Yokk. July 3a Alice, 100: Amador, 100; Belcher, Z30: Best & Belcher, 325; Bodle, 100; Caledonia B. II., 300; Consolidated California and Virginia, 675; Commonwealth, 375; Dead wood T.. 150; Eureka Consolidated, 100; El Cristo. 110; Gould 4 Currv, 180; Hale 4 Nor cross. 280; Homes take, 850; Horn Silver, 105: Mexican. 265: Mutnal, 140; North Belle Isle, 115; Ontario, 34.00; Ophir. 4,50: Plymouth, 675; Savage, 150; Sierra Nevada. 150; Small Hopes, 150; Sullivan, 110; Union Consolidated. 265. LATE NEWS lli BRIEF. McKean & Appleton, shoo manufacturers at Salem, Mass., have assigned to J. Beebe, of Boston. Tbi estimated liabilities are from 565.000 to $75,0oa La I'resse, the Boulanglst organ, accuse? the French Government ot falsifying 3,00(1,000 voting papers at the elections for the Councils on Sunday. Corrected returns show that Gen eral Boulanger was elected in 23 cantons. A dispatch received from Nagasaki, Japan, states that a dreadful earthquake has occurred in the western portion of the Island Kiou Siou. The town Kumamoto was destroyed. A great number ot people perished. A vast amount of property was also destroyed. Advices from Assouan state that the ad vance of the dervishes is continuous, though Mow. A skirmish occurred yesterday bctn een Egyptian patrolmen and dervish outposts, during which 60 dervishes were killed. General Grenfell, the commander of the Egyptians, is moving southward and has reached Johki. One of tho after-effects of the great storm of Saturday night at Chicago has been to put up the price of brick about $1 per thousand. Vast numbers of fresh molded and unburned brick were melted down into heaps of mud by the hood, and the damage, it is said, will run up into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Mrs. Ed Iioomis. who resides on a farm in the town of Osceola, Wis., committed suicide at 6 o'clock Sunday morning by taking strych nine. Her husband was attending to his stock when Mrs. Loomis left her bed and took the poison. Soon afterward she told the house maid. A physician was summoned but the poison bad done its work before he arrived. The woman was a daughter-in-law of George Loomis, of the same town, who cut hia wife's throat and killed himself May 13. Chief of Police Hubbard, of Chicago, ac companied by Lieutenant Alexander Ross, have left for Winnipeg, where they will arrive Wednesday at noon. The chief is determined to have Burko, and as soon as the full bench at Winnipeg renders its decision, it is probable that the prisoner will bo started South. The chiefs object in going to Winnipeg is to per sonally superintend the work of bringing the prisoner and the witnesses, Carlson and Mar ilnsen, back to Chicago. So much has been said about assassinating the men that he deems it good judgment to exerciseeverypossible pre caution to assure their safety. Cattle men in the Indian Territory report that Texas fever is playing havoc among the cattle in the Territory. Over 40 head were seen dead in one pasture alone, and In others num bers varying from 7 to 23. Tbey also stated that hnndreds or cattle were dying in Oklaho ma, and predicted that there would not be a living head of the cattle imported into that country from the States of Kansas and Ne braska in two months. The fatality among cat tle in Oklahoma is not caused so much from Texas fever as from the effect the more south ern climate has on them. Reports from Guth rie, Oklahoma City and other points in the Territory verify this statement. The forest fire which has been raging In Colorado for several days was started over a week ago by some sportsmen in No Name canyon, whereby Mr. J. Brown, his family and a party of ladies narrowly escaped death only escaping by wading through a creek for nearly two miles on their hands and knees. The fire has now spread and covers an area ol over ten square miles. The entire air in the western slope is filled with smoke from the burning mountains. Reports from Red Cliff, Leadville, Aspen and New Castle report the sun com pletely obscured. The sight from Glens ood in the evening is magnificent, as the entire face of No Name and Grizzly Mountains Is one mass of flame. Final arrangements have been made for President Harrison's trip to Bar Harbor next week. He will leave Washington at 9.40 A. M., August 6. in a special car attached to the limi ted express for New York on the Pennsylvania road and take the Fall River boat that night for Boston. The day and night of the 7th be will remain in Boston, leaving on the morning of the 8th for Bar Harbor in a special train over the Boston and Maine and Maine Central roads. He will make no speeches en route. He will be accompanied by Private Secretary Halford, and it is believed by Mrs. Harrison also, although there has been no definite an nouncement yet as to Mrs. Hurrison's inten tions. Wool Markets. Philadelphia Wool quiet and prices un changed. New York Wool firm and in good demand; domestic fleece, 3239c; pulled. 23 10c; Texas, 142Sc Boston There has been a moderate demand for all kinds of wool, and manufacturers are obliged to purchase frequently to keep wants supplied. Prices are unchanged and steady at quotations. In Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces there have been sales of X at S333Kc; XX at 34K35c. and No. 1 at S739c; Michigan X fleeces quiet at 3233c; combing and delaine fleeces slow, with No. 1 combing offered at 40c; choice fine delaine at 36c; Michigan fine delaine, 35c Unwashed combing wool sells at 2932c for one-quarter and three-eighths blood. Territory, Texas and California wool sells In the range of 57gS3c; for scoured principally. Oregon wool meets with some demand at 18022c. In pulled wools something Is doing all the while at 33Q 9c for super, and 2532c ior extras. Foreign wool remains Arm. TbeDrysoods Market. New Yoek, July 8a In drygoods there was a fair trade in clothing woolens, dress goods, flannels, and shawls at firm prices. Cot ton goods continue firm, as a rule; heavy yarn fabrics are in plentiful supply, but generally steady In price. Metal Market. New Yokk Pig Iron firm; American, $1550 17 5a Copper unsettled; lake, August, $11 60. Lead firmer; domestic, $3 9a Tin quiet and firm; straits. $19 65. Cincinnati Hogs easier: common and light. $3 7501 70: packing and butchers, $4 40 i 00; receipts, 670 head; shipments, 300 bead. When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Chlldren,she gave them Castorla apB-TT-jrvnrsu ?3PW ffr, 1889f DOMESTIC MARKETS. All "Vegetables Weak Bnlter Slow Berries Scarce and Firm. DULLNESS EEIGNS IN CEREALS. Prospect lor Incoming Crop Too Good for a Ball Movement. SUGAR OFFCOFFEE HOLDS ITS OWN OrncE ov PiTTSBtmo dispatch, l TtJESDAT, Jnly 30, 18S9. Country Produce Jobbins Prices. Cheese has found a lower levol In Eastern markets, bafit is active hero. Creamery butter is a shade lower at headquarters. Country butter is slow at nominal prices. Berries are scarce and firm. Home-grown blackberries be gin to come- to market, and will ?e at their height by another week. A I ew.mountain ber ries have already put in an appearance at 90c to $1 a pall. Tomatoes are tho weak faotor of vegetable markets, owing to liberal supplies. Low prices having prevailed for a few weeks past, markets are now overstocked. Water melons are firm at quotations. A leading produce commission merchant said to-day: "Wo have found a difficulty of late meeting demands. Much more stuff could have been sold than we have been able to secure, espe cially in fruit lines." Butter Creamery, Elgin, 18Q19c; Ohio do, 1713c; fresh dairy packed, I213c; country rolls, 10012c. Beaus Naw hand-picked beans, $2 402 60; medium. $2 302 4a Beeswax 2S30o tR a for choice; lowgrade, 1820c cider Sand refined, $6 507 50; common, $3 504 00; crab cider, $8 00&8 SO $) barrel; cider vinegar, 10 12c gallon. UHKK3E unio. bc; .new xorz, iuc; urn- burger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer, 9i12Kc: imported oweiizer, 4C California Fruits California peaches, $2 00 V K-busbel box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, $2 00 a 4-basket case; plums, $1 72 00 a 4 basket case. Eaos 150130 V dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $2 2503 00 ?? barrel: pine apples, $1 001 Zi f) dozen; whortleber ries, 75c$l 00 ?1 pall; blackberries, 6Sc 1 quart; wild goose plums, $2 60 crate; currants, $3 501 ft 2-bnshel stand; watermelons. $15 l)025 00 hundred; slckel pears, $2 00 2 25 $ bushel crate; Georgia peaches, 6-basket cases, $3 50. Feathers Extra live geese. 5060c; No. 1, do, 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c V A. Potatoes $1 251 60 g barrel. Poultry Live spring chickens, 6060o ?J pair; old, 7075c $1 pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 6z Its to bushel, $5 60 "f bushel; clover, large English, 62 Bs. $6 00; clover, Alsike. $8 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 As, $1 65: blue .grass, extra clean, 14 tt. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 Sis, $1 00; orchard grass, 14 As. $1 65; red top, 14 Ks. $1 25; millet, 50 &S, $1 00; German Millett, 60 Sis, $1 50; Hungarian grass, 60 fis, 51 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, $260 V bushel of 14 Sis. Taixow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4JJ 5c Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. $5 50 6 60 box; Messina oranges, $5 005 60 ) box: rodi. $4 5005 00; California oranges, ti 5004 75 ff box; bananas, $2 25 firsts, SI 25 good seconds, $1 bnncb; cocoanuts, $4 OOQ4,60 W hnndred; new figs, 8K9c ft S; dates, 56Xc Jl S. Vegetables Tomatoes, $1 Jo, in bushel boxes; wax beans, 50060c )) bushel; green beans, 25 50c 3? bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, ti 2o ft bushel: radishes, 60c 1 dozen; home-grown cabbage, $1 25Q1 SO jfl barrel; new celery, 50 60c ?1 dozen. Groceries. Sugars have declined Kc Coffee Is steady. General groceries are unchanged. Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice Rio, 18K20c: prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 1718c; old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 2728c; Santos, 1922Kc: Caracas 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21 .'c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c: high grades, 2426c; old Government Java, bnlk.3031c: Maracaibo, 25J26Kc: Santos. 2022c; peaberry, 25c; peaberry, choice Rio. 23c; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20c; ordi nary, 20c SncES (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 7080c. Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120, 8Jc; headlight, 160, 8c; water white, 10c; globe. 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, llc; royaline, 14c byr.UFS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar syrups, S33!c: prime- sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup. 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy. 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 40012c. Soda Bi-carb In kegs, 34c; bi-carb in is, 6c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 6JiQ6c; sal soda in kegs, lKc; do granulated. 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ty set, fcc; naraffine, ll12c Rice Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6 7c; prime, S6c; Louisiana, 0GKc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 8JS7c; gloss starch, 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. $2 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers, $2 60; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels, $1 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 7K08c; sultana, 8Kc; currants, 45c; Turkey prunes, 4x; French prunes, 813c; Salonlca prunes. In 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts. Ifl 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., UXQlSc; Sicily Alberts, 12c Smyrna figs, 12 16c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecan, ll15c; citron, oer a. 2122c; lemon peel, per St. 1314c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c apples, evaporated, 6W6Kc; apricots, Califor; nla. evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Xc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1012n , SUGARS Cubes, 1010fc; powdered, 10 10Kc; granulated, 9Xc; confectioners' Al 8 c; standard A, 9Jic; soft whites, 89c: yel low, choice. 8Syc; yellow, good, 7J9c; yellow, fair, SKc; yellow, dark, 7jc PICKLES Medium, bbls (1,200). $4 60; medi um, half bbls (600). $2 75. SALT No. 1, ?? bbl, 95c; No. lex, 9 bbl, $1 05; dairy, p bbl, $1 J0-, coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20; HIgglns' Eureka, 4-bn sacks, $2 80; Higgins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets. $3 (XL Canned Goods Standard peaches, $1 SO 1 90; 2ds, $1 30 1 35; extra peaches $1 50 1 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $11 50; Hid. Co. corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans, $1 10: soaked do, 65c; string do do, 75S5c; mar rowfat peas. $1 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, $1 40$1 50; Bahama do, $2 75; dam son plums, 95c; greengages, $1 25; egg plums, $2; California pears, $2 60: do greengages, $2; do egg plums, $2; extra white cherries. $2 90: red cherries, 2 Bs. 90c; raspberries, $1 40Q1 50; strawberries, $1 10; gooseberries, $1 301 40; tomatoes, 82U92c; salmon, 1-ft, $1 75J 10; blackberries, SOc; succotash. 2 ft cans, soaked. 99c: do green, 2 its, $1 251 60: corn beef, 2-ft cans, $2 00: lffi cans, $14 00; baked beans, $1 451 60: lobster, 1-ft. $1 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans broiled, $1 60; sardines, domestics. , $4 50 4 60; sardines, domestic Hs, S3 25S 50; sar dines, imported, Js, $11 60012 50; sardines, im ported, K, S18: sardines, mustard, $4 60; sar dines, spiced, $4 6U Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $36 W bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess, $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. X do, messed, $36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4Ho fl ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c: do large. 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6K07J4C Herring Ronnd shore. So 00 W bbl; split, $7 00; lake. $2 50 ft 100-ft half bbL White flsb. $7 0C lool ft half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 halt bbl. Finnan haddock. 10c V ft. Iceland halibut, 1.1c fft. Pickerel, K barrel, $2 00; barrel, $110; Potomac herring, $5 00 fl barrel, $2 60 $? it barrel. Oatmeal $6 30Q6 60 bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 5S60c fl gallon. Lard oil. 75c Grain, Flour nnd Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 31 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 7 cars of flour, 5 of oats, 1 of corn, 1 of feed, 1 of bay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 cars of corn, 7 of oats, 1 of bran. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats. By Pitts burg and Lake Erie, 1 car or flour, 2 of hay. There was but one sale on call, viz: a car of No. 2 oats, 29c, September. Everything in grain and hay lines is slow. Prospects for abundant crops are too good for any successful bull move ment. The situation is In burers' favor all along the line. Oats are particularly weak. Demand for hay is light Corn is the strongest factor of cereal markets. Buyers look for con cessions, but have not succeeded, so far, in breaking markets. There is, however, little doubt that a lower level will be reached soon. Generous nature is altogether In favor of bears for this season. WnEAT Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83 84c: No. 2 red, 89390c:. No. 3 red. 83S4c CORN No.2yellowear,45)(H6)c:blgh mixed ear, 4546c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4243c; hlsh mixed, shelled, 4142c; mixed, shelled, 40i8il C Oats No. 2 white, 32X33c: extra. No. 8. 31&SlKc; No. 3 white, 3031e; No. 2 mixed oats, 2oV27c Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 61Sc; No. 1 Western, 4S49c Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, $5 7506 25: winter straight. So 0005 25; clear winter, $4 7585 00; straight XXXX bakers', $4 26g4 5a Rye flour, $8 60 4 oa MiLLTEED-MIddllngs, fine white, $15 000 15 60 9 ton; brown middlings, $11 60 12 00: win ter wheat bran. $11 0011 25; chop- feed, $15 00 isoa Hat Baled timothy, choice. S151550:No. 1 do, $14 00014 50; No. 2 do, $12 50 13 00; loose, from wagon. $16 00018 00; No. 1 upland prairie. $10 50 11 00; No. 2, 87 6008 00; packing do, $5 60 esa Straw Oats, $7 50; wheat and rye straw $7 0007 6008 0a Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large. HKc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 12c; sugar-cured hams, small, 12Hc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon.lOKc; sugar cured shoulders, 7Jfc; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams, 8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9Kc; sugar cured dried beef sets, 10Jc; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c; bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon clear sides, 8Hc: bacon clear bellies, SKc; dry salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, 7c Mess pork, heavy, $14 00: mess pork, family, $14 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 6Jc; halt barrels,6Kc; 00-ft tubs, 6Kc; 20-ft palls. 7fc; 50-ft tin cans. 6c; 3-ft tin pails. 7c; 6-ft tin palls. 7Kc; 10-ft tin pails, 7Kc;5-B tin pails, 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c Figs feet, half barrel, $3 50; quarter barrel, $2 00. Dressed Stent. Armour & Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 650 Bs. 6Kc; 650 to 750 fis. 6c Sheep. 8c ft ft. Lambs, 10c ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins, 8Kc i JDST A LITTLE OF JUSTICE Paragraphs Showliig the Day'a Record in Lesnl Quartera. Judge Collier yesterday decided the case of the appeal of the Pennsylvania Salt Manu facturing Company of Harrison township from the assessment for 1SS9. The company bad been assessed at $233,0M. Judge Collier re duced it to $252, 69a The testimony before Register Conner In the ease of the contested will of William John Miller, of Jefferson township, was concluded yesterday. Arguments of counsel were also made. Judge Bredln appearing in support of the will and R.B.and John O. Petty for the contestants. C. F. Lundxark and Mrs. Eureka Lund mark yesterday sued the Norwich Union In surance Company, the Fireman's Fund Insur ance Company and the Ben Franklin Fire In surance Company for $4.20a The insurance was on a house and contents on Rose street, McKeesport. A dispute as to the value of the property destroyed led to the suits. L. M. Morris, a creditor of the firm of Graff, Bennett -fc Co.. yesterday filed excep tions to the final account of John H. Bailey, assignee of the firm. Mr. Morris objects to the item of $50,000 on the debit side of the account for property and assets sold to a syndicate He claims that the property, when sold, was worth at least five times that amount. Mr. Morris holds the order of court, for sale, does not pro tect the assignee from responsibility for such an enormous sacrifice, inasmuch as he omitted to have tho property and assets appraised. Morris insists that the assignee be surcharged with $200,000. the difference between the amonnt sold for and the real value, $250,00a A Beautiful Charity. In Jury the Fruit and Flower Mission distributed to West Fenn, Homeopathic, St. Francis, Merer, and Allegheny General hospitals and Society for Improvement of the Poor 1,575 .bouquets, 62 quarts black raspberries, 28 quarts red raspber ries, 103 quarts blackberries, 19 wa termelons, 45J4 dozen lemons, 6G fans, 60 alldns ice cream, 3 bushels tomatoes, 4 oxes apricots, 9 pecks apples, 1 peck pears, & scrap books, 10 children's books, toys, and a large quantity of books and papers. The committee consisted of Miss Kate Mc Knight, Miss McKee, Miss Mary Sawyer, Mrs. F. B. Uimick, Mrs. D. G. Stewart and Miss Minnie Sellers. Besides tho Gingham Barsalns and the Saline Uarcnlni, "We will show you to-day some very choice styles in batistes and extra wide chintzes, white grounds, in handsome colored print ing, and one let choice styles American chalhs, at &i cents a yard. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Fenn Avenue Stores. Imported Porr. 1828 Imperial Oporto Fort, full quarts.$3 00 1869 Mackenzie Fort, full quarts 2 60 Fine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Fort, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Fort, full quarts 1 60 Fine Old Spanish Fort, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. "YY. Schmidt, 93 and 97 Fifth ave. Cabinet photos, 89c per doz. Lies' Fop ular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st Mwrsn ARMOUR'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. ARMOUR & CO., CHICAGO, SOLE MANUFACTURERS. This is now conceded to be the best in the market, is witnessed bv the fact that we have just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be ing held In Philadelphia. CLEANLY IN MANUFACTURE, SUPERIOR IN QUALITY, And with tho bright appetizing flavor of fresh ly roasted beef. REMEMBER. A:lott:rs. Iy5-19-irwp PURE Apollinaris. Bedford, Poland Salu taris, Strontia, Saratoga, Sorudel, Clysmic, Bethesda, Vichy, Buffalo, Lithia. Eureka. WATER GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., SIXTH AVENUE. lal2-69-irw STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. -UJNAED LINE. NEW YOBK TO LIVEKPOOI, VIA QTJEENS TOW.N. ?BOM PIEK 40 NORTH RlViJJ. PAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. TJmbrla, Auir.3, 10AM Hothnla,AuK. 13,6:30 AM Hervia, August 10, 3 p M Umbrla, Aug.31.8t30 A K Etrurla,Auf;.17,10:30 AMJServla, Sept. 7, 3 r It Aurnnla. Aug. 24, ir MiOallla, bepC 11. 6.30A M Cabin passage, (SO, (80 and tioo, intermediate. (35. steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. VialNON H. llKOn N A CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, Mew York. 3. 1. 3ICCOKM1CK. Agent. tourth are. and Smithfleld St., Pittsburg. Jy31-D State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 135 to ISO. according to location of stateroom. Excursion SC5 to too. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., General Agent 13 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK, Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE From GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY, and GALWAY To PHILADELPHIA. Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled. Prepaid Intermediate, 930. Steerage. 119. Passengers hy this route are saved the ex- Eense and inconvenience attending transfer to iverpool or from New York. J. J. MCCORMICK, or A.DJ3CORER& SON, Pittsburg. my27-57-stwir ANCHOR LINE. Atlantic Express Servies; LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship "CITY OK KOilE," from New York, WEDNESDAY. Aug. a, Sep 1. 18. Oct. IS. Saloon passage, ko to 1100: lecona-clais, $30. f GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glaigow, Londonderry, Liver pool, JS0 and (CO. Second-clan. (50. Steerage passage, either service. (20. Saloon excursion ticket at reduced rates. Travelers circular letters of credit and drafts for any amount lssned at lowest current rates. For books of tours, tickets or Information, Apply to HENDERSON BRUTIIEKS. N. Y., or 1. j; McCOItMICK. fourth andSmlth&eld: A. D. SCORER A SON, 413 Smithfleld St., Pittsburg; W. HEMPLE, Jr., lit federal si, Allegheny. JJI4-JCWT HEW ADTERTISEMEyTS. j $375,000 r 5' per cent First Mortgage Bonds; Free of All Taxes. . The Central Traction Company, ofj Pittsburg, otters for sale its total Usuej of Three Hundred and Seventy-fiveJ Thousand Dollars, first mortgage firel per cent bonds due 1929. Bonds are fori $500 each, interest payable seml-annuallTVl are free of all taxes and a first lien on all J the property and franchises of the com pany, whose cable road will be com pleted by October r. Proposals for all or any part of theses bonds will be received by the Treasurer! of the company up to and including Julyj 31, and allotments made thereunder.! At 104.46 these bonds pay 41 per cents annually, at 109.24, 4$ per cent, at 114.37, ill per cent andat 110.87, 4 per cent. The Company reserves the right to) Jj reject any or all offers. For further Irj formation, address F. L. STEPHENSON, Treas., The Central Traction Company, Pittsburg, Pa. jylS-85-Dsu WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of. Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLrHSHSS, DKESS GOODS, SATEENS, i SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call ana see us. wholesaleIxclusively feZS-rSt-D 1I1LIU1JU1I XI UU11U LU11111( , 512 AND 514 SMITHFIELD STREET. Transact a General BanMi Business. Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters ' ot Credit, for use of travelers, and Coramer- - ciai wreaits, IN STERLING, Available In all puts of the world. Alsotssoa. vireuiis IN DOLLARS For nse In this country, Canada, Mexico, "West xnuies, aoutn ana central America. au7-81-arwr -jVT ONEY TO LOAIf - On mortgages on Improved Teal estate In sums o xiAUj ana npwpro, Appivat DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-p No. 124 Fonrth avenne. imOKEKS FINANCIAL. -TTTHITNEY & STEPHENSON, 7 FOOTtTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits throngh Jlesrs.DreieLf Morgan A Co New York. Passports procured.! ap-5-1 GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 614-515 Hamilton Building; myl0-70-s Fittsburz. Fa. Fidelity Title and Trust Coy Will remove to its new building; 121 AND 123 FOURTH AVE, Monday, July 29. Safe deposit department will bo open nesson Thursday, August 1. Bozes to rent from $5 per year upward. Se" lecuon 01 coxes may oe maae on ana aicer MONDAY, JULY 29, When the vault and parlors may be seen. Jy26-98 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBCKG, PA As old residents know ana back files of Pitts. burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to ail enrome aiseases. asrSKSNOFttUNTILCURED HirriKfillO and mental diseases, phvslcal liCn V J U O decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, aisoraerea signt. sen aistrust,oasniaine3s, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers,organio weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for bnsiness,society and ma riage. permanently, saieiy ana privately enreo. BLOOD AND SKINSSTWS blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth,throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood! tarrbal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, Tiromnt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-lorg, extensive expert. ence, insures scientinc anu reuaoie treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as lf here. Office hours 9 A. JI. to 8 P. M. Sun day, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIEB, Blii'enn avenue, iriicsourg, ira. Jy9-40isuwfc GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE! CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY, LU51 VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. lfull nartlenlars In pamphlet cat iree. xne rename uraj SpecIOc sold by druirlsu only In vellow wranner. Price, tl oer package, or six for (5, or by malt - isvvT on receipt of price, bv address lie THE GKAY MEDluLvE CO, Buffalo, N. Y Sold In Pittsburg by 8. S. HOLLAND, corner Smithfleld and Liberty sts. spl2-U DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re-J quiring scientific and conflden-J tiai treatment! ur. o. a. uu,i M. R. C. P. 8 is the' oldest and! most experienced specialist tol the city. Consultation free and! tvictlv confidential. Ofieel rinnrs tn 4 anil 7 to 8 P. K.! BundavS. Z to 4 P.I M. Consult them personally, orwrite. CoCTOasl lake, wo fenn ave., ruwDorc ira. 1el2-45-DWk i 1 lie's Cotton. BOOtl COMPOUND .Composed of Cotton Boot, Taasf aad J Pennyroyal a recent discovery bt a 'nM nhTsielan. Im aueeeasfuSu umuIi nrmtnlit Sufe Effectual. Price SL bv nuiL.'l sealed. Ladies, ask your druzgjst for Cook's Cotton Boot Compound and take no sabstkata.-! or iaetoss Z stamps for sealed partSeaters. A4- dress POND ux.x compamk, No.s ti Btock. 131 Woodward ave Detroit. Mtsfc,, JN? If mm I t :-?'.ftjL