Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 31, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The 10,000 Workers in -the
Hegion Prepare for Fight
Secretary Watcliorn Speaks Out, Say
ing They Are in Earnest.
Gigantic Cote Deal, Embracing a Wide
Ranjre of Territory.
Eobert Watchorn, Secretary-Treasurer of
N. D. A. 135. Knights of Labor, coal
miners and cokers, arrived in the city last
evening irom his home in Columbus. This
morning he will leave for the Connellsville
coke region, where about 10,000 men Intend
to strike to-morrow.
Mr. Watchorn was met at the Baltimore
and Ohio station by National Master "Work
man John B. Rae, who will also leave for
the scene of impending trouble this morn
ing. Both gentlemen will attend a mass
meeting of miners this evening at Morgan
station, near Broadford. The meeting will
be held to ratify the action of the delegate
convention to strike.
Mr. Watchorn had just returned home
from Indiana, where 2,400 miners are out
against a reduction of wages. The men
have been out since April 15, and not one of
them has deserted the ranks. They are
being financially helped each week from the
treasury of the National District, which is
apparently in good condition. Speaking of
the coming strike, Mr. "Watchorn said:
"As I have been out in Indiana looking
after the wants of our men there, I have not
had much chance to learn anything in re
gard to the Connellsville men. I under
stand there will be a mass meeting at Con
nellsville Thursday to rally the men, and I
expect to be present. "We have plenty of
money to carry on the strike. If we had
nothing in the treasury we would not have
gone into the fight.
"Despite what the operators here claim,
there will be a lock-out after to-morrow. I
had hoped that the operators would hold a
conference and do something to settle the
trouble which is sure to come. "When the
men lay down their tools to-morrow night
(this evening) they do so with the under
standing that they will not return in the
morniDg. The strike will only end in the
miners getting what they think is a fair price
for their labor. "We were willing to have a
conference and settle the matter without a
strike, but onlv one operator signified his
willingness to be present."
A representative of the Frick Coke Com
pany said yesterday: "I can hardly believe
the reports that there is to be a general
strike in the region. "We have a scale and
agreement with our men which will not ex
pire before January 31, 1890. By this scale
we are paying our men higher wages than
are being paid in other works. Both parties
to the agreement are bound to carry out the
terms agreed to, and it would be an unheard
of proceeding to have our employes back out
of it. If there is to be any conference be
tween the operators at Connellsville to
morrow I have no notice of it, and have not
been invited to attend."
Another extensive operator, who would
riot let his name appear, said: '"We are
now paying 85 cents on $1 25 coke. "When
coke was selling for SI 25 per bushel the
scale price should be 85 cents. If the price
of our product went down 25 cents per
bushel, wages should also decrease 5 cents
in proportion. If coke went up 25 cents we
would pay labor 90 cents.
"The market was forced from $1 25 to SI,
where it now is, but we did not reduce
wages. Consequently our men are running
5 cents more than they should. The letters
sent to us by our superintendents in the
region do not anticipate any strike through
out the coke country. One reason why I
do not think the men are foolish enough to
quit work is the fact that there is so much
coke on the market. None of the works
have been running full time and there are
hundreds of cars loaded awaiting purchas
ers. One-half of our ovens are idle, and on
those in operation we have been working
but four and five days of each week."
Negotiations have just been closed by the
J. AY. Moore Coke Company, of this city,
for the purchase of 879 acres of coal lands
directly south of Uniontown. The prop
erty was formerly owned by about five or
six parties, and now makes Mr. Moore the
second largest individual coke operator in
the Connellsville region.
He now owns over 2,700 acres of the best
coal land in the territory, and about closes
the latter up. On the ground there are 70
ovens with CO more in the course of erec
tion. By July 1 of next year the new
owner expects "to have 500 ovens in opera
tion on the tract. "With what be has now
this will make him the sole owner of 1,079
ovens altogether. "Work on the new ovens
will be commenced at once. The purchase
about settles the rumor for good that Colonel
Moore was trying to sell his coke interests
to thu Frick Company.
In reply to the allegation that the Frick
scale ran to January 31, 1890, National
Master Workman llae said last evening:
"It is true that Mr. Frick has a scale, but
whose scale is it? It was made by less than
half a dozen men, who signed it without
anv authority from Mr. Frick's employes.
They did not authorize the scale to be
signed, and had nothing to do with it.
There are several odious provisions in the
scale, which the majority of the men work
ing tor the Frick company want stricken
out Because a few men got together and
signed the scale, the G.000 or 7,000 men in
terested should not be expected to stand by
it. Coal miners are the last people in the
country to break any agreement, and if they
made one with Mr. Frick they would not
7iolate it."
An Effort to Have L. . 491 Refiue to Rec
ognize Non-Union Men.
Special Agent Schwartz, of the building
trades, is now trying to effect an agreement
withL. A. 491, composed of Knights of
Labor Slate Roofers, and have them refuse
to work with non-union workers. The
trouble between the Knights of Labor and
the Federation has about been settled as far
as the former are concerned. They have
their organization, and will recognize the
cards of tile Slate Hoofers' Union; but the
latter will not recognize them.
The K. P. TJ. Una at Ln.t Secured a Foot
hold In Old Virginia.
The National Progiessive Union of Coal
Miners has at last secured a foothold in'tbe
South. A lew days ago a local union was
organized at Pocahontas, Va. The officials
in this city are gratified and say it is the
first break to organize the miners all through
the Southern country.
Mathew Green, of Banksville, has been
elected Secretary and Treasurer of District
Assembly No. 4.
The Director of the Globe Company Will
Meet To-Dnjr Another Combination Will
Probably be Formed Here.
The members of the Globe Sewer Pipe
Company are all at the Seventh Avenue
Hotel and will hold a meeting to-day. N.
B. Billingsly, Esq., of New Lisbon, attor
ney of the company, speaking of the re
ported collapse of the Sewer Pipe Trust,
last night said: "I think that report is
nothing but talk. As far as I am aware,
the company is in as good financial stand
ing to-day as ever. Of course, prices are
rather low; but that is tb'e result ot keen
competition, and, if any sewer pipe concern
can stand it, we can."
"What is the purpose of this meeting?"
"I do not know that there is anything
special in it The directors meet here once
a month, and this is one of their regular
The Globe Sewer Pipe Company.is com
posed of the largest manufacturers in the
country, and, although Mr. Billingsly did
not say so, it is supposed that to-day's meet
ing is called for the purpose of inviting the
smaller companies not yet in the trust, to
join in the combination and fix prices.
Judge Banner Delights Thousands Br
Fooling the Coroner.
A false report gained very general circu
lation last evening that genial Judge
William Bamsey, editor of the Sunday
Qlobe, had dropped dead in a business house
in the lower part of the city. Coroner Mc
Dowell heard of the rumor and sentacouple
of his assistants down from the Court House
to find the remains.
About 7 o'clock in the evening, however,
a party of searchers came across the genial
Judge, sitting in a down-town restaurant,
enjoying a hearty supper, as much alive as
ever he was. He explained his absence by
saying he had been over to the baseball
game, but couldn't understand how the re
port of his decease had gained currency.
Trains Try to Pass on the Samo Track, and
Hart an Engineer.
A freight wreck occurred on the Pitts
burg and Lake Erie Bailroad at Stoops'
Ferry about 5 o'clock last evening. A
freight west-bound stopped at a water tank
at that point to fill the engine, when an
other freight came along and ran into her.
The engine and several cars of the train that
caused the collision were badly wrecked,
and about a dozen cars of the tratn'that was
standing were piled up on the .track. The
engineer of one of the trains was slightly in
jured, and was taken to his home on ML
Washington. Traffic on the road was de
layed about two hours.
One Man Bits Another With a Cobblestone
and Injures Him.
John MargrofF was arrested yesterday
and lodged in jail in default of $1,000 bail
for a hearing Saturday, on a charge of felo
nious assault and battery. The information
was made before Alderman Lohrman by
Albert Cravener. The two men, it was
claimed, had a fight on Monday night in a
shanty boat at the foot of South First street.
Margroff struck Cravener on the head with a
cobblestone, giving him three severe gashes
in the scalp. The wounds were serious, but
not dangerous.
Movements of Pltubargers and Others af
Wide Acquaintance.
Rev. S. Earp, D. D., whose resignation
at the Episcopal Church in Ann Arbor, Mich.,
is causing so much surprise just now, occupied
the Trinity Church pulpit in this city several
times, and made a very favorable Impression.
After going to Ann Arbor he preached a cele
brated sermon and it was charged a short time
alterward that it was one of Spurgeon's which
he baa stolen almost verbatim. This caused a.
big sensation. The Pittsburg papers published
several columns about it. The Doctor denied
the charge.
William Hoffman, ex-Sheriff of Butler
county, and a Standard Oil man, who is well
known in Pittsburg, arrived in this city last
night He was accompanied by Mr. R. C.
Wlgley and the tatter's two brothers, both En
glishmen. Mr. Hoffman bad taken the party
through the oil region, and the foreigners ex
pressed themselves highly pleased with the
Charles Hoffman was yesterday ap
pointed Chief Building Inspector. Captain
Brown will be his assistant in the office. Air.
Hoffman has flgnred in politics, and is well
known around City Hall. He has been for
some time Captain of Encine No. 11, is in the
prime of life, and thoroughly competent to ful
fill tho duties of bis new office.
C. F. Hoffman, who has been special
officer at the Federal street, Allegheny, depot
of the Pittsbnrg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Rail
road, yesterday took his place as baggage
agent. Mr. John Muckle. formerly a con
ductor on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, suc
ceeds him as special officer.
L N. Pattison, Government Building
Inspector, who has been in the city for two
days to look up some points at the new Post
offico building, went to Washington last night
on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. He said
Mr. Malono was doing right well, and the work
was making rapid progress.
Senator Joseph C. Brown, ex-Governor
of Georgia,passed through the Union depot last
night en route to Washington. The Senator, a
tall, handsome man, who wears glasses, posi
tively refrained from noticing anybody or any
thing except his dinner and the car he trav
eled in.
Chief Elliott, of the Bureau of Chari
ties, was in a most affable humor yesterday
when he looked at his rejuvenated offices. The
old back room is now a thing of beauty. It has
now and handsome paper, new oil cloth, new
furniture; in fact, everything is new.
B, W. McAfee, a Postoffice Inspector
from Greenville, 111., went, through this city
last night going East. "1 do not know anything
about any postoffice appointments," he said,
and I don't want to: that is another thing."
W. J. Beno, head clerk in the open
hearth department of the Black Diamond Steel
Works, intends to spend a long vacation. He
hopes to visit many of the Northwestern cities,
and particularly St. Paul.
Charles P. Miles, the well-known drug
gist of Bewickley, formerly of the County
Treasurer's office. Is lying very low at his
home with brain trouble. But little hope is en
tertained ot his recovery.
Thomas D. Cook, a popular conductor
on the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston
road, left yesterday for New York, whence
be sails for Europe to-morrow on the City
of Berlin.
Mrs. Bobert Batchelor, of New Tork,
well-known and extensively related inPitts
bure, Is now lying helpless and Inarticulate
from a severe stroke of apoplexy.
F. E. Morgan, of Alliance, O., is at the
Hotel Duquesne for the purpose of consulting
with Baron de Soldenhoff about the Copee
coke producing systen.
Second Vice President Thomas M. King
and Superintendent J. V. Patton inspected the
Wheeling Division of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad yesterday.
Mrs. Covert, of Forty-fonrth street, is
going to Lake Chautauqua to-day. and intends
to remain until the cloae of the season.
Judge Atcheson, of the United States
District Court, left yesterday for the seashore,
where he will remain for three weeks.
Josiah Cohen, Esq., left yesterday for
Baltimore. Boston, St. Lawrence river and
Thousand Islands.
Frank Turner, the well-known typo
graphical foreman of this city, left yesterday
for Niagara Falls.
Frank Bacon, the bookseller, proposes
to spend the remainder of this year In New
W. C. Amos, ot Baltimore, and wife
are at the Seventh Avenue Hotel.
George Westinghouse, Jr., went East
last night in his special car.
Joseph D. Weeks left for Washington,
D. C, last night.
X. H, Miller went to New Tork last
Something of the Way a Biverman
Lives Aboard a Steamboat.
Coat of Returning the Empty Barges From
Southern Points.
,INKLE, tinkle,
tinkle; pu-f-f,
pu-f-f; and the tow
b o a t Enterprise
yesterday stopped
her wheel.and, with
a few dextrous
turns of the pilot's
wheel, floated into
wharfage and took
her place beside
three sister boats
to "lay up" until
the next rise, or
until ordered down
the river for more empties. As sooon as she
came alongside the other boats a DISPATCH,
reporter boarded her, accompanied by an
artist, and sought the captain, and told him
be wanted to write something about steam
boating and the unique features of a trip
down the river after empties, from which
the Enterprise and quite a number ot other
boats returned yesterday.
T& r
Returning With the Empties.
"Just make yourself at home around
here," said Captain Menges. "You want
to find the larder, you say? Want a lunch?
Here, Dickl"
it wasn't starvation.
The reporter explained that he wasn't
after anything in the larder but sought a
chance for the artist to make a sketch of it.
"Well, if yon want the larder you'll have
to take a picture of the hull boat. The
steward rules here and strings things
around to suit himself; but just snoop
around all you please. I'm busy; I've got
to pay off all the men and see to things."
The reporter didl"snoop" around and
found a few bags of sugar in one place; a
lot of empty bottles in another room. The
doctors, it will be remembered, have been
talking about the use of river water. Off in
A. Sketch of the Steamer's Kitchen,
still another room was a part of a box of
soap, and in a refrigerator on deck were the
perishable eatables. But the trip had ex
hausted nearly everything in the line of
food. Finally the artist and reporter spied
the kitchen, and decided that it would make
a good subject for sketch, in absence of nny
well-defined larder. The artist made a few
flourishes from a position just through the
door to thd china closet Looking over his
shoulder at the sketch, the other visitor
suggested: "How would it do to take that
partition out meaning out of the sketch
and give a full interior view?"
"Can't take that partition out for you.
young man; it's stationary," said the genial
old Captain, looking up at the artist and
then at the partition. The smile that illu
minated the face of the two pencilists in
turn failed to make the Captain "catch on,"
and he hurried off to attend to paying off
the men.
A moment after the leporter strolled to
the bow of the boat and found the captain
in his state room, arrayed in his boiled
shirt, and fixed up generally in his "shore
clothes." "I'd lii.o -. but I can't spend
time to give you anything," said he; "but
I'll put you in tow of the steward; he
knows all about boating." The steward
came up and took a chair beside the re
porter and had just commenced his song of
the boatman when the captain sent him off
with a f 20-bill to get changed. While he
was gone the reporter strolled down to the
engine room and chatted with the engineer.
Negro deck hands were already at work
cleaning up the engine and wiping away
the dnst and soot and all appearances ot the
trip. "
"Yes, we have to take great care of the
machinery," said the engineer, "to keep it
in good shape and ready for work. You
know the whole thing depends on the en
gine." There is, in all departments of steamboat
ing, thongh often hazardous and calling for
steady nerves and quick action, a vein of
humor and a kind of iree, go-as-you-please
air. The engineer said that they olten got a
green hand at the levers, and then someone
would ring the bell, or the spring bell
would ring itself from a jar. The green
hand would rnsh to the lever, and then they
would call to him and have the smile on
him, when the boat tied up.
The engineer is supposed to be a black
smith, gas and steam fitter, and know all
about machinery and everything else," said
the inlormant, as he pointed to a black
smith forge and tools. "It's no sinecure, I
can tell you."
At this juncture the reporter went up
stairs, and soon returned with the change
and sat down to tell something about the
trip. The Enterprise left for Louisville
July 10 to bring back empties. The follow
ing are her crew, with the wages thev re
ceive: Captain, $100 per month; mate, $75;
second mate, or watchman, $50; two pilots,
each $100 per trip; head engineer, $100 per
month; second engineer, $70; four firemen,
$40 per month; steward, $2 per day; one
cook. $1 per day; chambermaid, $1 per day;
t iHl
33ft t?5-'
r p rs.v s
lamp trimmer, $1 per day. JThese wages in
clude board. Tne lamp trimmer was the
captain's son, a lad of about 13, and he
drew his $1 for very necessary work on a
boat ,
Tt is a busy scene when a boat is getting
ready for a trip and taking in the stores to
last until her return. The boat is the home
of the crew sometime for months, and the
larder and its stores constitute the greatest
preparatory feature. The boatmen always
live well and, if one wishes a good meal, he
should take a short trip on a towboat Here
are the supplies the Enterprise laid in for a
20-day trip:
Forty pounds of coffee, 100 pounds of sucar,
1 barrel of flour, 2 dozen cabbages, one-half
bushel of beans, 1 case of canned tomatoes, 1
case of canned string beans, 1 caso cannod
peas, 250 pounds fresh meat 3 hams, 3 pieces of
bacon, 2 barrels of potatoes and the necessary
spices, etc.; the whole cost being about $14&
The boat also takes on vegetables and other
supplies at different points along the route.
Some of the larger boats have 12 deck
handi and more firemen, and the supplies
arc, of course, increased accordingly.
The Enterprise made the trip to Louis
ville in three days, and waited for empties
seven days. On the way back she had to
lay to at Steubenville four days for water to
get ahead through the channel left by the
railroad company rebuilding the bridge.
The trip to Pittsburg was not further de
layed, and she reached the city with her tow
of ten barges and two coal boats yesterday.
Everything is "she" or "her" on,a steam
boat. The pilot "holds her hard to," the
engineer "gives her all steam," the firemen
"feed her with coal," and at sundry times
the captain and crew, if they be not of a
"religious sort," "cuss her" when she does
not behave, or runs her nose into the mud.
There is a kind ot romance in the femininity
of a boat, evinced in the care and pains that
boatmen take to keep everything tidy and
"dressed up." When she reaches the shore
the decks are scrubbed clean, the ropes all
coiled up and put in place, the painter
touches up the rough and worn spots, and
she lays rocking on the waves though only
a coal towboat a thing of stately beauty.
Another thing: The bells of a steamboat
have a merrv, sweet, silvery tinkle and
ripple of melody like unto that laugh of the
belle of a ball which the society editor
Well may the captain and owners of the
boats look after them. The Enterprise, a
small boat of its kind, cost $36,000, and the
majority of those built now cost 'much
larger sums. The expense of a trip like the
one described is about $700. A stranger
would say: "Why not leave the barges
there and build more?" Well, coal barges
cost about $1,300 each to build, and coal
boats much more, so that the tow
of the Enterprise is valued at fully
$15,600. Add to this the $36,000 the boat
cost and the thousands of dollars' worth of
coal in the barges when they return down
the river, and one unacquainted with Ohio
river navigation and the capital invested in
it can just gain a vague idea of what a
steamboat, lazily puffing down the river
with a ton of coal, represents to its owners,
to the miners and to all engaged or con
nected with the carrying of coal by river.
la Which as Entire Neighborhood Became
Interested Lnst Night.
Mrs. Mary Brush had a hearing before
Alderman McNulty, of Allegheny, last
night on a charge of disorderly conduct, on
oath of Michael Donley. The case was the
result of a simple clothes line fight, but in
some way nearly a dozen of the neighbors
got mixed up in it They were all at the
hearing last night The 'Squire reserved
his decision until to-day.
A Steam Plpo Explosion Injures Men nnd
Lays a Mill Idle.
T. Brown, a roller, and two other work
men were badly, though not fatally, injured
by the explosion of a steam pipe in Jones &
Laughlins works yesterday. The accident
will cause the mill to lie idle a couple of
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Reading.
James A. Dell, concerning whose arrest an
item was published yesterday morning, was
discharged yesterday morning at the hearing.
Dell was arrested by Officer Moore, who had
been told that Dell was shooting at his wife on
Seventh street Dell and his wife said the re
volver went oil accidentally. The officer who
made the arrest gave the report published.
The work of remodeling the Eleventh ward
station was begun yesterday. Another story is
to be attached to the building. It will inclnde
a matron's room, a captain's room, sleeping
apartments and a gymnasium. It is expected
that the work will be completed in a month.
A fast express on tho now McKeesport and
Bellevernon Railroad will only make two stops
between Bellevernon and McKeesport and
from that point will run to Pittsburg on the
Pittsburg, McKeesport and Youghlogheny
Railroad tracks.
M. Hickenbottom. A Davics and several
other coloied men are in chargo of an Emancl-
Eation celebration at McKee's Grove, Wilkins
org, to-morrow. This was omitted from the
list of celebrations published in yesterday's
Lianrawo struck tho Gilmore valve station
of the Philadelphia Company, on Frankstown
avenue, yesterday morning. There was damage
done, but the work on the new steel pipe line
of the company was only delayed fortwo hours.
Monday evening, while 'William Green was
driving on Fifth avenue, Oakland, he tried to
pull off the track to allow a cable car to pass,
and in so doing the wheel of his buggy caught
in the cable slot and was completely wrenched
James McCaffery was arrested yesterday
on a warrant issued by Alderman Porter,
charged by John Schad with beating the latter
over the head with a beer bottle. The defend
ant furnished $1,500 bail for a hearing,
A meeting of the citizens of the Southside
in the interest of a social newspaper, to be pub
lished In their midst and for their benefit, will
take place to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock at
the Palace parlors, 1501 Carson street
The remains of Miss Madge Crawford passed
through the city yesterday on their way to the
lady's late home in KIttanning. Miss Crawford
died at Rome, Italy, of fever while traveling
with her relatives.
While repairing a joint in a water pipe on
South Thirteenth street yesterday, a lump of
molten lead splashed into plumber Gustave
Honck's face and burned him painfully, but
not seriously.
Georqe Bcbqeb. the feed man on East
street Allegheny, had his leg broken yesterday
by being thrown from his buggy, while the
horse was running off. The buggy was slightly
Gobge Houck, a plumber, while at work
in a house on Fourteenth street Southside,
was badly injured by some molten lead flying
np In his face. He will likely lose his eyesight.
Elizabeth Webbe yesterday charged
Henry Stenkel, before Alderman Foley, of
Woods Run. with striking her in the face with
an oar daring a quarrel while boat riding.
THE contract for building St Adlebert's R.
C. Polish Church on South Fifteenth street
was let yesterday to Benz Brothers, whose bid
was $32,000 for the stone and brick work.
Matbew Reillt, a yard conductor on the
P. & E. B. R.. received a severe scalp wound
last evening while coupling cars, by the pin fir-'
lug out andstrlklng him on the head.
The special meeting of the Stone Cotters'
Association last night failed to decide on a day
for holding their picnic. It will probably be at
Rock Point some time in August
District Master Workman Ross stated
yesterday that at the last quarterly meeting 11
local assemblies had been suspended for non
payment of taxes, etc
Edwabd Weldtn and Daniel Quinn were
committed to jail for five days by Alderman
Tatem yesterday for stealing rides on Fort
Wayne trains.
Chief of Police KiRscnxEn, of Alle
gheny, has notified holders of vehicle licenses
that the time for paying for the same expires
Joseph Domfresto was arrested on the
Southside last night because of bis wild ac
tions. He Is thought to be demented,
THE strike at the Vest Superior ore docks
has been ended, and shipments from the lakes
were resumed yesterday.
Cases Reported by Physicians in
Pittsburg as in Allegheny.
A Contaminated Well in the Twentieth
Ward Creates Alarm.
The apparent epidemic of typhoid fever is
not confined to Allegheny, as, upon very
good-authority, Pittsburg has every reason
to fear an outbreak in several localities as
serious as Allegheny.
Dr. Heiber, of Penn avenue, has under
treatment four cases, which he will report
this morning. The cases are in the Twelfth
ward, near Thirtieth street Mrs. Movitz,
a married woman with two children, lives
in one room of a court off Penn avenue near
Thirtieth street, and for the past five days
has been suffering from typhoid fever. Dr.
Heiber was the attendant physician. Yes
terday morning he was summoned, and
found the patient had gone violently insane
from the effects of the fever. It required
two men to hold her down until an anes
thetic could be given her. Her recovery
is very doubtful.- The court in which Mrs.
Movitz lives is a very small one, and has
crowded into it
hardly any of whom have more than one
apartment to live in. Dr. Heiber stated
that the water was good, .but the close con
finement of the families rendered the air ex
ceedingly unhealthy. A spread of the dis
ease is said to be imminent
A far more dangerous locality is found on
Myrapoe avenue, Twentieth ward, near Ben
Venue station, on the Pennsylvania Bail
road, where at least 25 persons are said to
be afflicted with the fever. Mr. Samuel
Bellman, druggist at Forty-eighth and But
ler streets, had the information of .the cases
given him. The fever is said, upon thes'e
medical authorities, to be due to the use of
cool water from a spring, known
as Piper's spring, which flows from
the foot ot the hill upon which Myrapoe
avenue is situated. The locality is quite
select, and many ot the best families have
children who are
suffering fboji the feveb.
One physician has charge of 12 cases
alone, nearly all of whichareof amalignant
nature. Mr. Piper, who is owner of the
'spring, is prominently connected with the
Pittsburg linage Works, but was unaware
of the harm the water was doing. A num
ber of newly-opened streets on the hill gave
an overflow to the refuse of the vaults which
contaminated the drinking water. There is
a great deal of anxiety manifested among
the residents of the locality, and many fear
an epidemic will break out
Many of the residents in the neighbor
hood claim that all the springs should be
closed by the city authorities, and the water
of the wells and" cisterns tested to detect the
nature of the water. ,
Plans and Specification! Awaiting tho In
spection of Brldgo Builders.
Plans and specifications for a new iron
bridge to form a portion of Wilmot street in
the Fourteenth ward were finished by Chief
Bigelow's corps of draughtsmen yesterday,
and will be open to inspection this morning
of contractors who may be interested in
bidding upon its construction. The new
structure will span a deep ravine on Wil
mot street between Halcott and Bates
streets, which has been bridged for several
years by an antediluvian wood structure.
The new bridge will be nearly 250 feet long,
and its style will depend of course upon the
bids made for its erection. The masonry
approaches of the proposed bridge have
been completed, and the Department of
Highways intends to hustle the job to early
Repairs Still In Progress Upon the Davis
Island Dam The Wickets btlll Down.
With the exception of such results as the
recent lively local rains have had upon the
Monongahela and Allegheny rivers, the
river and steamboat men still fear a serious
lowering of the water in the three rivers
above Davis Island dam.
Inquiry was made yesterday by telephone
of the United States engineer at the dam and
in answer to questions it was stated that the
repairs to the dam were still in progress and
would continue for an indefinite period. No
time has as yet been thought of or announced
for the raising of the wickets and the river
men are daily becoming more apprehensive
that low water may come with a rush and
leave the boats in the local trade aground.
The engineer, however, hinted that he had
his weather eye upon the water-line and that
all would be right at the proper time.
Enters a Boalfcslde Lady's Bedroom and
Attacks Its Occnpant.
Shortly after 8 o'clock last night Mrs.
Sterlein, who resides at South Seventh and
Wade streets, found a man in her room. He
was in his stocking feet and his face was
blacked. Mrs. Sterlein grasped the man
and tried to hold him. Tbe'pair wrestled
about the room. Both fell down the stairs.
Officer Guenther was attracted to the
place, but was too late, as the man had
made his escape, taking with him a pocket
book containing $8 19. About a year ago
Mrs. Sterlein, whose husband is a printer
on one of the German papers, was attacked
and stabbed in the same manner.
Tho Breaking of a Hoisting; Machine Badlj
Injures Two Men.
Alonzo Vandolicei and Michael Tombori,
Italians, working at the Negley sewer and
employed by Booth & Flinn, met with a
serious accident yesterday. They were work
ing at the hoisting machine, when the arm
broke, and the timber struck Vandolicei, in
juring him seriously on the back. He was
taken to the West Penn Hospital, and Dr.
Pugh pronounced him in a dangerons con
dition. Tombori was also knocked senseless, but
his injuries were slight, and he as removed
to his home in Bloomfield.
Be Said She Inveigled lUm.
Mis Mollie Simpson was lodged in jail
last night on a charge of larceny, preferred
by William Williams, who alleges that she
inveigled him into her house on Second
avenue, got him intoxicated and then
robbed him of (50 in cash. She will have
have a hearing before Alderman McGeary
on Friday.
Three Revolvers and a Knife.
Peter McGuire was arrested yesterday
morning on a charge of carrying concealed
weapons. When searched at Central sta
tion three big revolvers and an ugly looking
knife were found upon him. He was com
mitted to jail for a hearing before Magis
trate McKenna on August G.
Excursion to the Ocenn.
The B. & O. It. B. will sell excursion
tickets to Atlantic City next Thursday,
August 1; rate. $10 for the round trip,
tickets good for 10 days. Trains will leave
depot at 8 A. M. and 920 P. M. Secnre
Vour parlor and sleeping car accommoda
tions at once.
? 188ft.
They Entor ScTen.Moro Salts Before Alder
man Carlisle Two Agnlnit Qalnn Po
lice Department Exposes a Bottler's
Seven new suits were entered by the Law
and Order Society before Alderman Carlisle
as a result of last Sunday's sales by drug
gists and other merchants. Simon Kaercher,
the Allegheny druggist, was again arrested
yesterday and gave bail for a hearing to
morrow. William Quinn was also arrested
and furnished security tor a hearing on the
same day. Quinn is the lemonade dealer at
the Casino Musee. Just before his arrest
by Carlisle's constable he was fined $25 by
Alderman Nolan on a charge of Sunday
selling preferred by his father. This suit
was to prevent the L. and O. people from
getting half the fine, and to furnish the
basis for a protest against a second suit on
the same charge.
Inspector McAleese yesterday entered an
information before Alderman McKenna
against Joseph Speelman for selling liquor
without license and selling on Sunday in
the Thirteenth ward. He claims that when
Judge Stowe reopened the License Court
Speelman got a bottlers' license, under the
cover of which he has been retailing since.
That Will be the South Fork Line of De
fense In That Salt.
Attorney J. H. Eeed yesterday stated the
line of defense which the South Fork Fish
ing Club intend to pursne in the forthcom
ing Little suit They will plead that the
flood was an extraordinary event, entirely
unforeseen by the club, and that the break
ing of the dam was not the cause of the
flood, but merely an incident to it The
dam was quite strong enough to stand a
great pressure; but the volume of water
which destroyed it was something no one
could have been possibly prepared for.
"Wiseacres are of course. to be found," he
says, "who cry, 'I told you so;' but the fact
is they never told anybody. The dam was
always held to be perfectly safe. I don't
think the other side can prosecute each in
dividual member of the club. The dam
was common property, and if anyone man
was responsible for its bursting, the whole
corporation was equally responsible."
Mr. Keed wound up by saying he could
not imagine how the other side expected
anything but defeat
The Commissioners Appointed for the Pnr
, pose to Begin Their Work To-Day.
The re-survey of the county line between
Allegheny and Washington counties will
begin to-day in charge of the commissioners
appointed by the courts. County Engineer
Davis, of Allegheny; County Engineer
McAdams, of Washington, and Mr. Gilmer,
the three commissioners, will meet this
morning at Murdocksville, on the county
line, and will hold their first consultation as
to the best method of effecting the re
survey. They will have copious extracts from the
records of both counties te guide them in
their work, which is one of some magnitude.
At least 27 or 23 miles of the county line
may have to be materially changed, as
many of the stones or landmarks placed in
years gone-by to mark the line have been
removed or destroyed by interested parties.
Some mooted cases of county taxation,
which have been long in dispute, and arrears
will be finally settled by the re-survey. A
force of four chainmen and two flagmen
will be made use of by the commissioners.
A Chicago Electrician Who Invented a Very
Novel Device.
One of the latest and most novel electrical
devices has been gotten up by a Chicago
electrician, the details of which were told
yesterday by one of the electrical experts of
the Westinghouse Electric Company. It is
a device for catching fish by electricity.
There is af small apparatus attached to the
hook at the end of tne fish line. From this
apparatus one electric wire goes to the hot-
torn ot tne water w line the other leads to the
point of the hook, where the bait is at
tached. As soon as the fish, attracted by the
bait, comes close enough, he receives an elec
tric shock which either kills him immediate
ly or else stuns him, and brings him to the
A Friend of Jntnes S. McKean Indulges In a
Tela of Sarcasm.
James S. McKean, upon whom 'the post
not accessible last evening, and was re
ported to be closeted with several of his
mastershiplightning mayor may not fall, was
ardent adherents, talking the situation
The Americus Club members were en
tirely non-committal upon the reported
efforts of Congressman Bayne in Washing
ton, since that gentleman arrived in the
Capital. One of them vouchsafed the state
ment that the only possible thing that could
effect McKean's chances for the Pittsburg
plum would be "for Senator Quay to fall
out with the administration" a contingency
too t emote for conception.
The Allegheny Mayor in DndNeodofna In
terpreter Last Night.
Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, received a
peculiar letter yesterday. It was from Max
Gnehl, of NurenbergGermany. Mr: Guehl
wanted to know if there were any "round
about owners" in Allegheny, and if "they
are engaged in their trade. The Mayor was
puzzled to know what "roundabout owners"
meant After a considerable portion of the
German population ot Allegheny and Pitts
burg was seen, and several German and
English dictionaries consulted, it was
learned that the singular term means "own-,
ers of fencing schools," and the Mayor will
bo able to reply to Mr. Guehl to-day.
A Little Boy Lost Ills Life at New Brighton
Freddie Armstrong, a lad 9 years of age,
was killed by a street car yesterday at New
Brighton. The child waswith his parents,
from New York, at New Brighton for the
summer. In the afternoon, while the boy
was playing in front of the house, the car
came along and he was caught by it One
of the wheels ran over his head, and he
died soon after. The body of the boy was
taken to New York last night by the par
ents. Were 31 00 to 82 00 Are 30 Cents,
That big lot of fine imported dress goods
on table. Jos. Horne & Co. '3
Penn Avenue Stores.
Excursion to the Ocean.
The B. & O. K. B. will sell excursion
ticket to Atlantic City next Thursday,
August 1; rate, $10 for the round trip,
tickets good for 10 days. Trains will leave
depot at 8 A. 11. and 9:20 r. M. Secure
your parlor and sleeping car accommoda
tions at once. '
California Claret.
Coleman's Flag Brand, G. W. S. Flag
Brand, ZinfandelClaret By thecaseorbottle.
G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
Traveling Bags Clnb and Gladstone Shnpss
In grain and alligator leather all sizes
also "telescope" canvas bags.
Jos. Horne & Co. 'a
Penn Avenue Stores.
Fred. Bbowx's Ginger is a temperance
agent civintr tone to the digestive orirans
and strength to resist temptation to drink.
Two Incline Bailroad Companies
Fightinjj Over Ground,
A Force of Workmen Dig Holes and
Another Throw the Dirt Back.
The right of way dispute of the Mount
Oliver and Pittsburg Incline Plane Com
panies at the head of South Twelfth street
yesterday morning, culminated in a novel
and exciting warfare. The men of each
company encamped on the ground Monday
night, and early yesterday morning 75 men,
of the Mt Oliver company's force, com
menced to"dIg a hole for the foundations un
der the coal shed of Joseph Keeling. About
2 o'clock Superintending Engineer Ken
nedy, of the Pittsburg company, told his
men, numbering 35, to charge on the rival
company. They threw the dirt into the
holes and on top of the other company's
Mr. Schultz, of the Mt. Oliver company,
then tried to concentrate his men about one
hole, but thev; were likewise surrounded
The men were in the best of humor and
thoroughly disappointed the large crowd of
people expecting more serious trouble to
follow. Both sides soon grew tired of the
war and, on. legal advice, Mr. Schultz with
drew his men. The other company took ad
vantage of the situation and by last evening
had nearly completed the excavations for
one pier. ,
Both companies claim the ground by
charter, the Mt Oliver company claiming
a previous charter. A representative of the
latter company said last night that an in
junction would not be filed against the
other company.
It would, in such event, be thrown into
court They will condemn the property
and take it by right of their charter when
they get ready.
The Pittsburg company are working both
night and day to complete their plane.
Filteen of their men were quartered in the
two frame houses the company recently pur
chased on Mary Ann street They quit
work at 6 o'clock in the evening and resume
work at midnight The other 35 men were
held in emergency, but as the Mt Oliver
and Pittsburg companies do not intend con
tinuing the war, their services were not re
Two Little Children Sleep Soundly All
Night Among tho Dend.
Two little children, respectively 6 and 8
years of age, started out Monday afternoon
to explore Allegheny Cemetery. Becoming
sleepy, they lay down on the grass and were
lost in innocent slumber until 8 o'clock in
the evening. Again trying to find the en
trance, they failed, and slept until morning
in the grass enfolded in each other's arms.
A grlpman was attracted by the chil
dren's crying yesterday morning, and a po
liceman found them'near the Penn avenue
entrance and restored them to their parents.
They were both of the Eighteenth ward, one
being Charley Dietz.
Prominent Petroleum Pushers Registered at
Pittsburg Hotels.
The petroleum situation promises to be
come a very interesting subject of quiet dis
cussion in Pittsburg to-day, to judge by the
number of producers who arrived here last
night. Hon. David Kirk, of Bradford; A.
H. Tack, ot Philadelphia, and N. F. Clark,
of Oil City, registered at the Monongahela
House, while J. C. McKinney, of Titus
ville, and W. S. Watson, of Beaver, were
at the Anderson.
Make the Bank of the Ohio Itlyer Over la
Allegheny a Resort.
Some of the citizens of Beaver avenue,
near Spruce street, are complaining of a
gang of young men who congregate on the
bank of the Ohio on Sunday, and make the
dav hilarious with drinkinc and card nlav-
ing. It is said that beer flows freely there,
and that speak-easies flourish on every
Weakness, Indisposition to Work,
Headache, Dullness, Heaviness,
Lack ot Appetite, Constipation,
all Indicate that you need a few doses
ot the genuine
They strengthen the weak and purify
They ire prepared from the purest
materials and put np with the great
est care by
Be sure yon get the genuine. Count
erfeits are made In St Louis.
We have odds and ends of Hosiery,
Ladles' and Gents Underwear, Cor
sets, Kid Gloves, Muslin Underwear
and many other lines we are closing
out The prices marked upon them are
worth your attention. It will not cost
you anything to look our lines over,
besides we will be pleased to see you.
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
B. tt. Urnccthe CoIoredKx-Senator.Passes
Through the City He Says Harrison
Will Treat All Southern People Right.
Ex-Senator B.K. Bruce, of Mississippi,
Begistrar of the Treasury under President
Arthur, was a pasienger on the limited last
night The Senator, who has a warm cor
ner in his heart for all newspaper men,
came from Washington, en route for Iowa,
where he is going on one of his periodical
lecturing tours.
"Politics are just now at a standstill in
Washington," he responded, when asked as
to the latest news from there. "All politi
cal speculations are off until President Har
rison returns. The general topic in Wash
ington is the probability of a special ses
sion of Conzress next October, and as far as
I could learn, I believe there will be one."
Regarding any new appointments the
Senator was noncommittal, but he intimated
that a number of big plums would be given
away when the President returned.
"Do you think Hairison is treating your
colored brethren in the South quite lairly.
Senator?" was asked.
"Yes, I do. Those people are too impa-.
tient. President Harrison means to do"'
what is right, and if he is only left alone,
he will prove that he intends to do the best,
thing for all who are deserving." .
Boroughs at Warfare. ,
The board walk leading to Bellevue sta-
tion was boarded up yesterday morning, and st
the West Bellevue people are exceedingly
wroth, threatening to pnll the boards up.
There has been some disputation on the
matter of the walk lately between the two .
boroughs of Bellevue and West Bellevue.
Our prices on summer goods now are
the lowest ever known. A look through
the store will convince you of this fact ,jrf?
To-day 10O pieces more of the extra " '
fine Scotch Ginghams at 25c.
100 pieces more of the finest Ameri-
can Ginghams at 15c.
100 pieces more of the cotton Challis
we are selling so cheaply.
More of the Printed Lawns at 6c; a
largo lot of fine French Printed
Batistes at 10c and 12X&
The 50c Woolen Dress Goods which
we are selling at 25c are on a special
table in center of store.
Nearby are the new French Challis,
nearly 2C0 patterns, dark and light
colorings. Cream White Wool Challis
at 25c
Stylish Woolen Fabrics for traveling
dresses at very low prices 50c a yard
and upward.
The fancy Scotch and French Flan
nels all reduced. Good goods at 25c,
50c and 75c
In the way of Muslin Underwear and '4
Dressing Sacquea our stock Is unusually -
complete and large.
In the Suit Room our entire stock of
Ladles' and Children's Summer Dresses
at very low prices. Also great bargains
in Coats and Jackets. All sorts of
Traveling Wraps, Waterproofs, Dust
ers. '
We have made still further redue- "
- " t,
tions in our large collection of Printed - 1
India Silks, both in short lengths and T
full dress patterns. Our bargains in T
fancy plaid and stripe Silks are the best
offered. ,
Full lines of Black Silks for Summer
wear at very close prices.
Our Notion Department Is filled with
odds and ends useful for travelers'
use. Brushes ot all kinds. Traveling )
Bags, Chatelaine Bags, etc
The completeness of our stock win
surprise you largest In all depart-
ments. , ,
4. .
PrrrsmrHO. Pa Jnly 27. 1888.
X reports of viewers on the construction of
Atwoodand Louisa streets sewer, from Flftn
avenue to Meyran street and.Mejran and
Louisa streets sewer, from Fifth avenue to
CunllffeRun sewer, have beea approved by
Councils, which action will be final, unless an
appeal Is filed in the Court of Common Pleas
within ten (10) days from date.
.,.,. E.M.BIGELOW.
Chief of Department of PubUo Works.
I .. - Tib.-