MSJBS9cl Kii -?hk wmw ... . - ' ..2rBIP ?? -. , fj)l W$MX& ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY Who has a good article to sell, and who adrer Uses rigorously and liberally. Advertising U truly the life of trade. All enterprising and judicious advertisers succeed. i uniiioa tn s tmmop i nunc to ' , -r-i- OUYIUU LU WUIIIIIIM IUUIIOU! Don't fail to notify The Dispatch office of your change of location, and your paper will be forwarded to you without extra charge. -! VJ FORTY-JTOTJUTH YEAH. PITTSBURG, "WEDNESDAY,. JULY 31, 1889. THREE CENTS r ms i f i YELOELLJUST GO, GovernorBeaverAccordsaHear- ingtothe Friends of the Accused, and' REFUSES TO INTERFERE. The Requisition Hust be Obeyed, Ac cording to Law ? A COLORED PATEOL AT THE JAIL. Streauous Efforts to Prevent the Prisoner' Return to South Carolina Prove of No Avail GoTernor Beaver9 Right In the Cane Not Higher Than Those ol the Su preme Court No Trouble Anticipated bx the Officer Colored People xet Fear Lynching, but n South Cnrollnn Official Makes a Fair Proposition ne I Willing to be Unnced In Pennsylvania If Yeldell i Straus Up In South Carolina Without Due Process of Law A Constant Watch Kept About the County Jnll by Pittsburg Colored People. Governor Beaver decides to stand by his action in the Flemon or Yeldell case. The prisoner must be returned to South Caro lina for trial on the charge of murder. The colored people of Pittsburg are much ex cited, but the officials anticipate no trouble. rsrXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DI8PATCH.3 Harbisbueg, July 30. At 4 o'clock this afternoon, the time set for the hearing oi arguments on the application for the with drawal of the warrant issued by Governor Beaver for the delivery of Key. E. E. Flemon, alias Yeldell, charged with mur der, to the Sooth Carolina authorities, a large number of colored people had congregated in the reception room of the executive de partment. There were present, among others "! Eev. John Holliday, of Allegheny City, Eev. John Pryor, Rev. James McMullin, Eev. James Watson, Eev. Daniel Bentley and Eev. J. H. Eobinson, of Pittsburg; "Broadax" Smith, Henry Brown and W. H. Jones, of Pittsburg; Eev. W. H. Brown, of Beaver; Eev. George "YV. Jenkins and Eev. J. J. Jones, of Allegheny. These gentlemen are all colored. There were also in the room Messrs. Wurtzel and Bald win, counsel for the friends of Eev. E. F. Flemon, and Mr. Echols, who represents the State of South Carolina, and a de tective interested in the case. A DELAY IN THE PROCEEDINGS. A numberof prominent Ha rrisburg colored men were also present to listen to the ex pected arguments. These did not take place, because of the failure of the arrival of Eev. George W. Clinton, on the way from South Carolina with evidence to show' the innocence of the prisoner charged with murder. An hour had elapsed when Attor ney Baldwin received a dispatch from Mr. Clinton, stating that a belated train would prevent him from making his appointment. The news was conveyed to the Governor, who sent word from the executive chamber by his messenger to those in waiting for the hearing, that it would begin at 8 o'clock in the evening. "While waiting for the arrival of Mr. Clinton, the colored ministers and others present discussed the probabilities of the Governor's action, and the belief expressed was generally against a favorable consider ation of the application for the withdrawal of the warrant calling for the delivery of Flemon into the custody of the South Caro lina authorities. ONLY ONE TOSSIBLE WAT. One Harrisburg minister intimated that the meeting would prove a farce, as the Governor had no intention of receding from his action. This same individual expressed the opinion that the fugitive would not be taken from Pittsburg alive, and that his surrender to the South Carolina authorities would culminate in a riot which would teach the Southern people a salutary lesson. The night hearing in the extradition case did not begin until near 9 o'clock. 'The room was then crowded with colored men. Governor Beaver took his seat in an eligible place, and his Attorney General occupied a position close by him during the hearing. Attorney Baldwin, of Pittsburg, opened the ball by stating that the two questions involved were whether the requisition of the Governor of South Carolina was sufficient in law, and whether it had been made in good faith. As to compliance with the law, he had no doubt it filled the bill, but he doubted the good faith of the men who had inspired the indictment against the pris oner. He had NO REFLECTIONS TO MAKE on the Governor of South Carolina. An other question was whether the prisoner should have a safe conduct to South Carolina-Governor Beaver here wanted to know what Mr. Baldwin had to offer in support of the petition for the withdrawal of the war rant, when the latter stated that Eev. J. W. Clinton, who had just returned from the scene of the murder in which the prisoner is alleged to have participated, would give the circumstances of the killing, and show by evidence recently collected by him how dangerous it wonld be to deliver him into the custody of South Carolina officials. J. W. Echols, counsel for the Sheriff of Edgefield county, was asked by the Gov ernor whether he had any objection to hear ing Mr. Clinton, and promptly answering in the negative, the colored minister pro ceeded to submit several statements he had received from a number of people in the vicinity of the murder, the Governor's sten ographer taking down the testimony. A DARE SUBJECT. While he was saying that he had returned from Sonth Carolina to-day, the electric light went out, which some wag suggested was in harmony with the occasion. After the establishment of telephonic communica tion with the electric light works, the room was again illuminated, and the colored man continued his story. He said an ex-member of the Legislature had told him that In his opinion Flemon would be murdered before he could reach the jail at Edgefield. The prejudice was very strong against him in that community. In answer to question of Mr. Echols, Mr. Clinton said his informant was a colored man. A man named Brier, also colored, witness said, corroborated the statement with decided emphasis. Eev. Watkins, colored, .made a similar statement in his hearing, and added that he heard white men say that if Yeldell had remained in Edgefield after the killing of James Blackwell, he would have been lynched. LIFE HELD TRETTY CHEAP. Eev. J. H. White, Eev. J. D. Brown and Eev. J. P. Crawford, colored, made "several similar statements, the first named remarking that he would not give $50 for the prisoner's life. Eev. Brown said that people about Edgefield had expressed the belief that the prisoner jpught to be lynched. Several white men whom he had interviewed stated to him that there was no danger of lynch ing, but one, whose name he could not re call, said that it would not be safe for the prisoner to return to the scene of the crime. Mr. Clinton had nothing to say concern ing the reputation of Mr. Strom, acting deputy sheriff in this case, but people of Edgefield and vicinity had told him that Lyons, another South Carolina officer con nected with the arrest of Plemon, was a persecutor of the negroes. Mr. Baldwin here elicited a rem ark from the witness that the fight which caused Yeldell to flee to Pennsylvania grew out of the political persecution of colored men. ONLY HEARSAY EVIDENCE. After the conclusion of the testimony Mr. Echols remarked that it was simply hear say, and Governor Beaver added that it would not be received in court. Mr. Strom here made a statement under oath, in which he said that the trouble which led to the killing of Blackwell was the crowding of white women from the side walks by negroes, and the firing off of pistols by the latter. Ha said there was no bitter feeling against Yeldell in Edgefield, and guaranteed that he would land him safely. After Mr. Echols had presented to the Governor Judge Ewing'g opinion in the case at is.ue, Mr. Baldwin requested that several colored men present be given an op portunity to be heard. "Broadax" Smith was first introduced. The Governor created a laugh by remarking that if Smith made as good a legal speech as he did a political speech there would be GENERAL SATISFACTION, and added that he once heard him make a speech in which he said there were three great men James G. Blaine, Governor Beaver and "Broadax" Smith. Everybody roared at this effort of the Governor's. Smith made a bitter attack on the South ern white people. If he wanted to go to heaven he would take the short route byway of Edgefield. He did not believe that either Strom or Echols believed that the prisoner would be protected lrom harm if taken back to South Carolina. The prisoner was being pursued because he dared to be for Blaine lor President. As to Eev. Clinton, he got out of South Carolina in time to save him self from dangling from a rope. He hoped the Governor would see that Yeldell was properly protected if the warrant was not withdrawn, or the prisoner would be killed like a demon. Eev. D. S. Bentley. of Pittsburg; Eev. W. H. Brown, of Beaver; Eev. Holliday and Eev. Jones, of Pittsburg, pursued a similar line of argument A SIGNIFICANT CIRCUMSTANCE. Toward the close of the hearing, Gov ernor Beaver remarked that as two of the men accused of the crime were living in the vicinity of the mnrder without being molested, it seemed as if the community were orderly. Mr. Baldwin explained that these men enjoyed immunity from attack because they turned State's evidence against Yel dell. Deputy Sheriff Strom said he would be willing to be kept as a hostage in Pennsyl vania, and if Yeldell were lynched in South Carolina he would not object to being hansed in Pennsylvania. "Broadax" Smith, said that wonld not help Yeldell. The Governor and the Attornev Genera then retired to the executive chamber, and in a few minutes the announcement was made that the Governor had decided not to withdraw the warrant, but to telegraph to Governor Eichardson. ot South Carolina, requesting that the prisoner be afforded necessary protection on his way to Edge field county. NO DOUBT OF SAFE CONDUCT. Governor Beaver made a brief speech to the Pittsburg delegation after he had ren dered a decision in the Yeldell case. He said the only thing he was concerned about was the safe conduct of the prisoner to South Carolina. He had no doubt he would be ably defended and acquitted of the crime with which his name was connected. He and his Attorney Gen eral had concluded to have a telegram sent to Governor Eichardson stating that a fear existed among the people of this Stats that Yeldell might suffer harm while in transit, and asking him for necessary pro tection. Governor Eichardson would no doubt properly guard the jail in which the pris oner will be confined, said General Beaver, if he thought such precaution neces sary. The honor of South Carolina was at stake. Yeldell would not be taken to South Carolina nntil a favorable answer was received from the Governor of that Statejjto the telegram sent. The re marks of the Governor were enthusiastically received. A CONSTANT WATCH Kept on the County Jail by a Patrol of Colored Sympathizer The Officer Anticipate No Trouble Beyond a Little Crotvdiug. At 1 o'clock this morning at least half a dozen colored men were within a stone's throw of the County Jail, keeping a close watch on all passers-by. One of them resisted the interviewing process for some time, but finally owned up that a certain element of the colored people did not want to sec Eev. E. F. Plemon. alias Yeldell, removed surreptitiously from the jail, even on correct authority from Gover nor Beaver. He also said that he fully be lieved that some trick would be resorted to in order to remove the prisoner, If his extra dition was finally allowed. A vigilant watch was kept upon the Bastile up to 3 o'clock this morning. The colored population was on the anxious seat last evening and little knots of people stood around corners on Wylie avenue with eacer expectancy on every countenance. The1 absorbing topic-was preacher "Plemon" and his extradition to the State of palmetto trees and "pore white trash," nnd many chunks of wisdom were broken off. TIME TO GO TO BED. There was another meeting at the Frank lin schooihouse where a number of leading colored citizens waited patiently for news of the hearing before Governor Beaver. But no news came, and the brethren nodded sleepily with exhaustion until the janitor announced that it was time for honest peo ple to be abed, and that he, for one, had a character which would bear no further en croachment upon his legitimate slumbering hours. The brethren took the hint and streamed disconsolately into the outer dark ness. . Most of the colored peosle appeared to have civen up hops of any favorable news. and discussed dark schemes of rescne from the bouth Carolina omcers with bated breath. One man said he would be one of a party to carry "Flemon" and his guard off to Ohio, where, as he expressed it, "Little Breeches" would never surrender the ac cused to South Carolina, no more than he would a rebel flag. THE SILENCE CLAM-LIKE. All sorts of rumors filled the air in re gard to a race riot to-aay wnen a lemon is turned over to the United States Marshals from South Carolina, but when a specific question was asked any colored man as to the probability of an attempted rescue the silence became clam-like and intense. None of the acknowledged leaders of the colored contingent would consent to be quoted on the subject of possible resistance. When Ajar Jones was informed that the hearing had been adjourned in order to allow Eev. Clinton to reach Harrisburg from South Carolina, Mr. Jones, with his eye in a fine frenzy rolling, began a para phrase upon J. Buchanan Eeid's 'great poem of "Sheridan Twenty Miles Away," and made a brilliant and logical argument tending to show that Sheridan's advance upon Winchester and Eev. Clinton's sortie toward Harrisburg were iu every sense analogous. The colored patrol at the jail did not relax its vigilance. It is evident that Lyon and Strom will not get their man out of town without the colored population knowing what is in the wind. OFFICIALS POOH-POOH TROUBLE. Captain Dan Silvus and Detective Coul son leaned back in a couple of chairs planted on the surface of Diamond street and talked about the chances of trouble in case the extradition of Flemon proceeded. Both officers agreed that there would be no trouble, but declined to state whether any police precautions had been or would be taken in view of the threats made that Lyon and Strom would not get away with their prisoner unmolested. Captain Silvus said that he did not believe any real opposition would be made, but of course expected that there would be a crowd of people on hand to witness the termination of the long fight against the extradition of YeidelL United States Marshal Lyon sat in front of Central station for some time, his butter nut suit and Panama hat making him the center of observation. He was verv tired. When asked whether he feared any violence irom .rittsDurg colored people, his answer was, "No, indeed." HTJNDEEDS GOING CBAZY. Startling Result oftke Work of the Georgia Messiah A Crlsl Expected Arrest Betas; Made Disciples Charged' With Intent to Murder. rSFECIAI. TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.) Savannah, July 30. The trouble in Liberty is still on. King Solomon and nine more wilderness worshipers were ar rested this morning. The n egress, Laura Eoberts, who claims to be the blessed Vir gin Mary, is now leading the darkies. She has powerful influence over the negroes and promises to give more trouble than any of her predecessors. She stalks about with a lantern on her head lighted, and claims to be gifted with supernatural power. She is called "Queen Mary" by her followers. Of the crowd arrested this morning only King Solomon was detained in jail. The others under arrest are Ed Jones, who bit off a woman's nose and broke her jaw; Jack Pray, Dick Maxwell, a negro named Doug las, Simon Walthour, John E. Mallard and Sam Jones. A special term of the Superior Court will be asked to try the prisoners now in jail. Mallard and Jones are charged with riot The others are in for assault, with intent to mnrder. Jones still ad dresses those who can get in reach of his voice, his incantations being heard from the jail at all hours pt the day and night. Last night he had a terrible fight with the jailer, in which he was rather badly injured before he could be subdued. Things are coming to a climax. So soon as one pretender" is jailed another springs up. The people, the whites and the best blacks, are terribly tired of the whole affair. The Whitecaps have published notices that they will soon take the matter in hand. Crazy Ellen Eoberts is at present the greatest factor in this peculiar fallacy. Especially is this so now that Orth, James, King. Solomon and many others have been secured. She has left the hut to-day and is roaming and raving about the woods. This daily preaching and catechising was started in May by Bell or Orth, as he was known, who claimed to be the Messiah. Four peo ple have gone raving mad and over 300 have had their minds unbalanced. The worshipers of the wilderness have stopped throwing away their money. FOE LAW AND 0EDEE. A Party of Louisiana Lyncher Arrested by the Authorities With the Aid of the military The Governor De termined to Stop the Pleasant Practice. New Oeleans, July 30. The first really severe blow at the suppression of the lawless regulators has been Btruck at Lafayette, and from the determined stand taken by Governor Nichols and the parish authorities in the is safe to assume that the turbulent element had a check pat upon it that will serve as an example to its emulators in other parts of 1 uic oiuie. x oijowing me regulator out rages early in June by the Lafayette out laws, came the lynching of the negro Felix Key, on the afternoon of Thursday, July, 11. Key brained his wife with an ax on the Tuesday preceding the lynching. Tfic outlaws came in force, broke open the jail, took Key out and lynched him. The Sheriff then set about capturing the parties, most of whom were known to him. The movement was consummated to-day by three militia companies, assisted by the Sheriff. They were arrested at Carensro this morn ing, placed on a special train, brought to this city, and are now in the parish jail. The prisoners are charged with wilful and malicious murder. When seen at the parish prison to-night they declined to make any statement, saying they were taken by surprise, that they knew nothing or the movement to arrest them until to-day and conseauentlv were entirelv unnrenared. They did not even have a chance to change their clothing or make any arrangements whatever for their forced departure from their homes, and they evidently feel that they have been treated outrageously by the authorities. A TENNESSEE MONSTROSITY. The Description of a fietna That 1 Half Human and Hnlf Bear. Nashville, Tenn., July 30. A special to the American from Camden, Tenn., gives the particulars of the birth to a young white woman near there of a monstrosity, half human and half bear, the resemblance to the latter predominating. The eyes are prominent and set far back in the crown of the head. A human nose m faint outline is seen in the center of the head. A prominent snout projects where the face should be, and from this a lone tongue protrudes. The arms and legs are those of a human being, hut the feet and handsfexe those of an animal, except that the fingers and toes are perfectly those ot a man. The creature was still born. TEET UNEASY NATIVES. The Egyptian Scared by the Continued Adrnnce of the Dervishes." Cairo, July 30. The advance of Wad-el-N'Jumis' forces, combined with the con tinual departure of British troops for the front, excites great uneasiness among the natives of the Delta, which region is almost completely denuded of troops. Only two battalions of infantry are Ie.t while all the cavalry and artillery have departed. DOGGED BY HIS DUNS. J. Milton Tamer, a Famous Colored Democrat, Caught in a Corner. HE HAS $15,000 COMING TO HIM, And Doesn't Dare Draw It for Fear He Won't Get Much, of It Himself; 4.' BLUNDER OF" SECRETARY PBOCTOE'S Corrected by the Appointment of as Army Official Secretary Pro Tern. Although awarded a $15,000 fee in an In dian case, J. Milton Turner, a colored Dem ocrat, doesn't dare to draw his greatly needed wealth for fear his creditors will get hold of it. War Department employes are pleased to have once more over them an army official instead of a civilian. rErECTAX. TELEGRAM TO IU DISPATCK.I Washington, July 30. J. Milton Turner, the colored Democrat who organized the Colored Men's Convention in Indian apolis last summer, in the interest of Cleve land and the Democratic ticket, was recently awarded a fee of $15,000 -rfor his services in assisting the passage through Congress of the bill making pay ment to the Indians of the Cherokee Nation for what was due them by the Government, The money has .not yet been drawn from the treasury, and according to the statement of the officials there, it may not be for some time to come. Last week the Secretary of the Treasury informed Mr. Turner that one-half of the amount, $7,500, was ready to be turned over to him, but that the other half was to, he withheld until the equity of another man's claim for a like amount for services ren dered should be ascertained. ' '' The Treasury officials sav that Turner has been somewhat lavish in his expenditures during the six months he has been about Washington waiting for his fee, and that he is lJ so heavily in debt that he dare not draw his money, for fearof his numerous creditors, who are ready o pounce upon it. A watchman at the Treas ury building says that two men. one the servant of a Congressman, who claim that Turner owes them 51,000 each for services, are determined not be shaken off or. eluded. They take turns in watching the Treasury, from the time its doors are opened for business in the morning till they close in the evening, "to see that Turner does not get his money without their knowledge, but to make sure they have paid more than one of the Treasury employes to keep a sharp lookout and to inform them if Turner should call for his money. Beside ihese creditors there is said to be a woman who has a claim for $150 for board, etc She has threatened, if she does not get her money, to use a horsewhip. It is said there are also other boardinc house keepers and money lenders who are swarming after the colored Democrat like sharks. Colored men, friends of Turner, said that if he drew all of the $15,000 and then pays his debts he will have to borrow money with which to go home. A BLUNDER CORRECTED. A dispatch from Deer Park, announcing-! thedeairnatiottbrthe PresideirTOf General McPeeley to be Acting Secretary of War, is a confession of the colossal blunder recent ly made by Secretary Proctor. By desig nating Chief Clerk Tweedale to be Acting Secretary of War dnring his absence in Ver mont, the Secretary has stirred ud the armv eud of the department to a sudden flood of meeting. A certain bureau chief in the War Department was the first to make a stand against the authority or the civilian secre tary pro tern. On receipt of an order from Tweedale he promptly returned it, indorsed: "Eespectfully awaiting the signature of the Secretary of War." Taking their cue from this, a number of bureau officers and chiefs of division have caused the intimation to go lortn tnattney ao not propose to take orders from an up-start civilian. This revolt is not only a protest against the inefficiency and unpopularity of Tweedale, but it is a revival of the old jeal ousy between the army coterie and the civilians that has pestered innumerable secretaries of war. Tweedale is a chap of the sort that STBTJT AND SWAGGER with a little brief authority, and make themselves disgustingly offensive. More over, he is inclined to wreak small personal revenges at the first opportunity, as for in stance, the discharge to-day of Dr. Arm strong, for nearly a quarter of a century a chief of division in the office of the Adjutant General. Though this action was nominally taken by the Adjutant General, Tweedale's hand was in the job, simply because Arm strong once criticised the phraseology of a letter written by the chief clerk. Tweedale is the one who was caught a few years ago venting his spite at certain officers by having printed in the "Eebelllon Eecord" a number of unofficial papers. For thus ex ceeding the limits of his authority he nar rowly escaped discharging at the time, and now that the President has relieved him of the Acting Secretaryship of the War De partment, an authority whbh nobody but a Diunacrer iikc .rrocior wouia nave placed in his hands, there is general rejoicing. 1MPE0TING THE CAPITOL. Another Scheme for the Expenditure of a Lnrse nam of Money. I6PECIAI. TELEGRAM TO Till PISPATCn.l Washington, July 30. The report of the Architect of the Capitol, which appeared to-day, discloses the fact that another scheme is at hand for the expenditure of a large sum in improvements of that costly building. After reciting the progress of the work on the marble ter race and grand stairs of the western front, which will soon be finished, he states that this change in the western front would seem to demand that something be done to improve the western facades of the central portion of the building, or that part on which the dome rests', bv ex tending from it a portico of marble, with Corinthian pillars, in harmony with those on the wings. Plans have already been prepared for this improvement, which will be presented at an early day of the coming session of Con gress. DONNED THE WAR PAINT, Indian In Washington Territory Burn Eight Mile of nay Land. Washington, July 30. General Scho- field has directed the Commanding General, division of the Pacific, to take such action as may be necessary, alter investigating the facts contained in the following telegram received from the Interior Department: Caspell, Stevkss County, WASnESOTON 'jKnETTOBT. July 15. 1S89. To the Commanding General, Fort Spokane, W. T.J The Indians have burnt eieht sqnare miles of hay land, and threaten the lives of the settlers. Jianyot the settlers are guarding their hay stacks and dwellings. The settlers have signed a petition requesting a company of soldiers to be sent them to protect their property and per haps their lives. R. N. A. Habvet. By order of the Commander. Mot Selliiis to Jay Gonld. St. Louis, July 30. Governor Francis has returned from New Zork and vigorous ly denies ttie report that he was there to sell th be Merchants' bridge to Jay Gould., ; FLOODS IN JEESEY. . A Heavy Storm Raise All of the Stream Surrounding Newark Some Dam Bare Already Burst and More ' Are In Like Dancer. Newark, N. J., July 30. The most disastrous storm that has visited this vicin ity occurred this afternoon and evening. In this city cellars were flooded and sewers burst. Work' had to be suspended in the factories in the lower section. A washout occurred on the Morris and Essex Ba&road at South Orange and trains were delayed for many hours. In South Orange several buildings, including the postoffice, were carried away, and 250 barrels of flour were washed out of one store house. In Orange valley the water is up to the second-story windows, and great damage has been done to the stock in the numerousthat factories there. People were compelled to paddle around on planks and swim in order to get to places ot safetv on hiirh erround. Bloom- field and Mont Clair also report great dam age to property. No lives are known to have been lost. The greatest alarm prevailed around Mill burn. Above it is the Orange water reser voir dam, which is not regarded as safe. Should it burst it would overflow Millburn and other small towns 'along the Eahway river, of which it is the source, and the damage would reach as far as Eahway. At 10 o'clock to-night the dam was reported all right, but the inhabitants of the towns were preparing to move to high ground. Nearly every road in ihe country is impassable, as all the bridges have been washed away. A dispatch from Plainfield, N. J., says: The greatest flood ever known here came this afternoon. At 4 o'clock the dam at Stony brook, above the Green Valley mills, gave way, carrying with it Coddington's Icehouses and many barns, and seriously undermining the mills. At 5:40 a dam on Green brook:, in the heart of the town, also gave way and caused much damage. Many wooden buildings were carried away. Shortly after 6 o'clock the immense dam at Westfield," back of Scotch Plains, collapsed, and an additional body of water was thrown into the valley below. Green brook could not contain it and the wattr rushed across to Cedar brook, and thence through the finest residence portion of Plainfield. The damage here is "very great, two or three square miles of thickly settled territory being submerged. There were many gal lant rescues of life. NO HOPE FOB BURKE. It I Finally Decided That He Matt Go Back to Chicago Special Precaution Taken to Prevent Any At tempt to Rescne Him. rPPXCIAI. TELEGBJllt TO TUX DISPATCH.! Winnipeg, July 30. Martin Burke's application for a writ of habeas corpus was dismissed to-day by the decision of the full court and the prisoner was remanded for extradition. This settles the case here and Burke will be taken back to Chicago as soon as the formalities with the federal authorities at Ottawa are completed, which will take about eight or ten days. The decision caused great rejoicing among the Chicago officers. Chief Justice Taylor reviewed the grounds urged in support of the rule, and proceeded to analyze them in detail. He said: The circumstances taken together are. In my opinion, of such a character as fully to warrant the applicant being committed or held for trial, although they may not, without something more, be used as wonld assure bis conviction when put on trial. There is evidence arainst thn annlicAnt which Judge Bain deemed jaffldtoncta Justify gronnd of his being accused .of murder. I would not oe warranted in reversing! is finding and discharging Burke. Whether he so de tained mm on tne grouna oi oemg a principal In the strict sense, or only accessory, seems to me ot no moment, as In either characterhe is liable to he extradited. The rule should, In my judgment, be discharged. The Chicago officers were ready with a warrant to rearrest Burke if he had been discharged. Special precautions will be taken to prevent any effort at rescue. Chief Hubbard with a picked party of guards will arrive to-morrow for the pur pose of accompanying the prisoner back. It is understood that a special car will be secured on the train for the accommoda tion of Burke and the Chicago party, so that no one may be permitted to inter fere, and in order that the Chicago officers may give Burke full opportunity to squeal. It is learned that Chief Hubbard would probably not have come but for the presence of Senator Ken nedy and the great desirability at this stage of inducing Burke to talk. It is not expected that the party will get away from here before Friday or Saturday, and probably not before next week. The ver dict has been wired to Ottawa in order that the extradition papers may be forwarded at once. A BOLD COUNTERFEITER. He Serve Out HI Term and Then Resumes His Former Business. Kansas City, July 30. For some time past the conductors of the Metropolitan Cable Eailway have turned in among their collections large numbers of counterfeit silver dollars, which resemble the genuine so nearly that detection ot them is almost impossible except by experts. Spotters and detectives were put on the cars, but they con Id not detect the person who was passing the counterfeit coins. A reporter, detailed on tne case, discovered that Jack Bellies gang of counterfeiters were responsible for the appearance of the spurious coin. Bellies was arrested some years ago tor issuing bad money. Belore he attempted his escape, having heard that the officers were on his track, he buried all the money he coined. Becently he re-appeared in his old haunt, near Ar gentine, having served his time, and simul taneously appeared the counterfeit coin, the same as he had passed years ago. He sus pected the reporter, who was watching his actions, of being a detective, and when the reporter took an officer to Bellies' haunt to arrest the counterfeiter, he had disappeared. Detectives are following him. HIS ASSAILANT IN JAIL; Colonel John Atkins Will Becover From the Effect of HI Id j arte. Denveb, July 30. The assault made upon Colonel 'John Atkins by Jeff Smith has caused a great deal of excite ment. The injured man's wounds were dressed and after regaining consciousness he was taken to his heme, where he rested easily during the night, and to-day no one is permitted to see him. His physicians to night report him doing well and in a fair way to be out of danger in a few davs. Smith was arrested late last night and at a preliminary trial to-day he waived exami nation and was bound over in the sum of 52,500. They Like to be Taxed. London, July 30. Mr. Balfour address ing an East End delegation to-day, main tained, with reference to the royal grants, that an adequate sppport of the dignity of the throne was the mass of the people. The Cincinnati, Satooa Case. Cincinnati, July 30. In the case of Morris E. Eichler, who is charged with violation of the Sunday closing law, the jury failed to agree to-day, and was dis charged. France and RnssIaNot Allied. St. PETEBSBUEGt Jnly 30. A semi-official denial is given here to the statement that an alliance had been firmed by France mil Snui, " ..- ' 1 WE KEEP OUR GKIP. Pennsylvania Maintains Her Su premacy Oyer the World in the PB0DUCT10N OF IRON AHD STEEL Secretary Swank Presents Some Flattering Figures on THE BAPID GROWTH OF THE INDUSTRY In the South and West and Especially la the Keystone State. Secretary Swank, of the American Iron and Steel Association, has compiled some comforting statistics which show that Penn- Svlvania still mnintaina tier annwm!uv tn " '"' - r- ' J the production of iron and steel, notwith- h,nlnn. th ,-,?. ,.. .: a ,-.. uwtuh ,uv tajitu U!VtI, UCIU AAAaftUC AAA other sections of the country. rSPECIAt. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCU.l Philadelphia, July 30. James M. Swank, Secretary of the American Jron and Steel Association, has compiled some statistics of pig iron production, which dis prove the popular fallacy that Pennsyl vania is losing her lead in this line. Mr. Swank's figures show that Pennsyl vania has increased her production of pig iron from 2,083,221 tons in 1880 to 3,589,186 tons in 1888, a gain of 1,506,065 tons, or 72 per cent. Her production was, in 1887, even larger, says Mr. Swank, than in 1888. The growth of. the pig iron industry of Pennsylvania was of a most aggressive character from 1880 to 1835, and it has since been phe nomenal in its magnitude. Six Western States, according to Mr. Swank, have in creased their production of pig iron from 1,193,081 net tons in 18S0 to 2,119,456 tons in 1888. A gain of 925,372 tons, or 77 per cent. THE "WEST DOING BIG BUSINESS. This is a greater percentage of increase than that of Pennsylvania, which was 72 per cent, but the increase in quantity of pig iron produced was 580,693 tons less than the increase in Pennsylvania. Almost the en tire gain in production in the Western States has been made since 1885 and it has been very great The Southern States, by the same estimate, have increased their pro duction of pig iron from 397,301 net tons in 1880 to 1,132,858 tons in 1888, a gain of 735,557 tons, or 785 per cent This percentage is nearly two and a half times as large as 'hat ot the Western States, and more than two and a half times as large as that of Pennsylvania, but the increase in the quantity of pig iron produced by the Southern States from 1880 to 1888 was 189,815 tons less than that of the Western States, and 17,475 tons less than the increase of Pennsylvania in the same period. PENNSYLVANIA IS SUPBEME. "The comparisons," Mr. Swank said to day, "while'indicating rapid progress in re cent years in the manutacture of pig iron in the West and South, do not show that Pennsylvania losing her leadership as a pig iron producer, and in 1888 her percent age of the total production in the United States was 49.3 per cent within a verv small fraction of one-half the entire output. PennsyivaniajSn.Jose ltttle..oi'.hr-pei centage from yeacto year and still remain for many years to come the dominant leader of all the sections in the manufacture of pig iron." Mr. Swank has also compiled tables show ing that since 1877 Pennsylvania has an nually produced more than one-half of the Bessemer steel that has been made in the United States, and that the competition of no other State has seriously weakened her position as the great leader in the Bessemer steel industry, rapid as has been the progress of Illinois and some other States. Last year Pennsylvania produced 66 6-10 per cent of the total Bessemer steel product of the country. UNDER CONSIDERATION. Argument on the Technical Plea Advanced by the Cronln Suspects. Chicago, July 30. The motion of P. O'Sullivan's attorneys for a change of venue was argued before Judge Horton this morn ing. All the five prisoners were brought into the conrt room, which was packed to suffocation, partly with the friends of the suspects and partly with people who had been drawn thither by mere idle curiosity. Judge Longenecker made a short speech opposing the motion for a change of venue. He said that the two citizens who signed affidavits to the effect that they be lieved O'Sulli van could not get a fair trial before Judge Norton or Judge Hawes were unknown. They had neglected to state who they were and what their business was. For all the Court knew, they might have been imported from Indiana or Wisconsin, for no other purpose than to make these affidavits. The attorneys for O'Sullivan declined to enter upon an extended argnment, but pre sented to the court a few opinions in sup port of their motion. In regard to the mo tion to quash indictments against the other prisoners, the counsel for the defense on- posed the immediate consideration of the matter. The Court took the whole matter under advisement CHURCHILL'S POLICY. He Think That the Conservatives Should be Bold and Aggressive. Bibmingham, July 30. Lord Ean dolph Churchill made a speech here to-night He said that the Conservative party in Bir mingham ought to receive a larger recogni tion than the dissidents appeared will ing to accord. The elections ought not to proceed on the principle of men before measures. The Conserva tives had a right to ask the dissidents to define decisively the platform on which the latterappealed to the electors. Otherwise the dissidents conld not expect the Con servatives tbvote for policies which apart from unionism the Conservative party would strongly and even desperately oppose. If the Conservatives chose to exert them selves they would carry more than half the seats in Birmingham. DEPUTY TUEQUET BLAMED For the Defeat of Bonlangcr, Whose Friend Are Being Ousted From Office. , Pabis, July 30. The Boulangists throw the onus of their defeat on Deputy Turquet, who insisted that General Boulanger con test over 400 cantons. They hold that the General should have become a candidate only in districts where his political strength was sufficient to warrant hope of success. The Government is more active than ever in the work of getting rid of Boulangist office holders. The Mayors of Eennes, An train and Treignac, all Boulangists, have been ousted. A Violent Storm In Missouri. St. Louis, July 30. A very violent storm passed over New Madrid, Mo., and vicinity last evening, doing great damage to the cotton and corn crops. Two little steam boats, the Arkansas City and Carl Schurz, lyiftg a$ New Tdadrid, were totally de stroyed; loss, $14,000. Warehouses at Tip ton viiIeand-LuceileLanding .were blown down. . FAILED FOBitoLLION. it -3rY&. A Big Boot and SBo IKLvVtj7" to the Wall Lobar Trouble oil Labor Troubles; tv -u Speculation the CauJsi'C,. .o&BS- atslde .. ,..,;. Very Probable. JglX boot and shoe firm of F. &TH. A. BSjjaY &Co.. Boston and North Brookfieldiv f I announced this morning, with liabilities-of $1,000,000 and nominal assets of probably about the same amount. An assignment has been made for the benefit of creditors to ThomasE. Proctor and Eohert Bachellor, of North Brookfield, and a meeting of creditors will be called as soon as a definite statement of the firm's aflairs can be pre pared by the expert accountants now en gaged in examining its books. The factory at North Brookfield is one of the largest and best equipped in the country, and gives employment to 1,100 hands, calling for a weekly-pay roll of over S10.000. This is I tuc UUi V AUUUSUJT VI IUG we. will be a heavy blow. Until recently the p the only industry of the town and the fail- tlv the production of the factory was mainly heavy boots and shoes. but lighter styles of goods have largely taken their place. The product has always enjoyed a high reputation for excellence and durability. Thjs was one of the ten firms in Worcester county that had a long contest with the Knights or Labor in 1887, lasting some five months; and this struggle, which resulted in favor of the manufacturers, was very expensive, and has undoubtedly con tributed directly or indirectly to the present embarrassment The immediate cause of the failure is large losses sustained by A. H. Bachellor outside of the business, and the fact that the recent large failures in the leather trade, followed by the Lewis Bros, failure, added to the ill health of the senior member of the firm, have rendered it diffi cult to obtain money on the firm's com mercial paper. It is undoubtedly true that the manu facturing business of the firm has been profitable, and this makes it likely that the business will be established under some ar rangement between the firm and its credit ors. The paper is nearly all held by banks, very little being owed lor merchandise. It is expected that by the last of the week a statement of the firm's affairs will have been prepared, that the liabilities and assets can then be stated with something like exact ness. It is expected that the creditors will allow the contracts for goods for the present season to be completed, as otherwise much unnecessary loss must ensue. THEIR PITTSBURG FRIENDS. Two Large Customer of the Firm Startled by tho Failure. H. Childs & Co. and W. E. Schmertz & Co., of this city, were both large customers of E. & A. H. Batcheller & Co. Both firms were startled yesterday by the intelli gence of the failure. Mr. Childs said: "It was without doubt the whitest and cleanest firm in Massachusetts, and had the largest factory In that State. To the best of my knowledge it was the squarest shoe firm any person could point out I do not know of any disastrous deals that may have com promised the firm, which composes a father and three sons. I was just examining an invoice of July 26 and one of July 27 from them, and was placing it in the books when you came in." OERVAlTn WAS UNSHAKEN. The Pecular Outcome -of a -Sensational rirTCTAX. teleokamto the nisPATcir.i Buffalo, July 30. In the sensational Belmont divorce case Judge Daniels this afternoon decided that the jury's verdict should stand and granted art absolute divorce to Banker Charles S. Whit ney from Sarah E. Whitney. The co-respondent was Ira H. Meyers, a good-looking young lawyer who was the betrothed of Miss Florence Whitney, the petite and pretty daughter of the parents at law. Florence took sides with her mother, and when the verdict wa announced, the girl went with Ira before Justice Washing ton Moses and married the co-respondent with whom her mother had been adjudged guilty. Judge Daniels sustained the verdict, but allows Mrs. Whitney $275 for expenses. Her counsel will appeal the case. The trial revealed a state of affairs which rivaled the Carter divorce suit in Chicago. The Whit neys are wealthy; have been social leaders in Belmont, and their house was luxurious in its appointments. Mr. Whitney is old, white haired and respected. He is presi dent of the Board of Trade. The defendant is his fourth wile, jrounger than he, gay, vivacious and disliking her husband's so ciety. BOTH WERE KILLED. A Shooting Match In Oklahoma Besnlts in Two Death. St. Louis, July 30. A special from Purcell, I. T., says: At the little town of Lexington in the Oklahoma country just across the river from this place, a serious shooting -scrape occurred this afternoon about 2 o'clock, by which Henry Simmons was instantly killed and Francis S. Jones received a fatal wound. The trouble arose over a settle ment between the two about cattle. Jones made some threats, and Simmons, who is City Marshalj attempted to arrest him. Jones shot him with a Winchester, which he had in his hands at the time. Almost simultaneously Simmons fired a 44 Smith & Wesson revolver, shooting Jones through and through, from which wound he cannot possibly recover. After snapping his revolver twice more at his adversary, is fell to the ground a dead man. Both have families living near here. THE LAST OF THE C0ENPLANTERS I Murdered In a Shanty Boat and Hi Body Cast Into the Ohio. rSFECIAI. TELIOBAH TO THE PISPATCH.l Wheeling, July 30. The last Corn planter Indian remaining along the Upper Ohio has met his death at the hands of a murderer. On June 15 the Indian, Jacob Jamison by name, left East Liverpool to go to Hulton, Pa., to visit his wife. He had about $12 with him and was to return the following Monday. Nothing more was seen or heard of him until to-day when his body was found in the Ohio at Steubenville. He had been in duced to visit a house boat called "Annie L.," a resort for thieves, and had there been killed, robbed and his body thrown into the river. Sinn and Money Missing. Kansas City, Jnly 30. An drew C. Drumm, who has full charge of the cattle commission business of A. Drumm & Son, has disappeared, and $15,000 with him. The missing man announced Saturday that he was going away for.a time, but gave no inti mation where. Since then he has not been seen or heard from. The Shah In France. PABIS, July 30. The Shah of Persia ar rived in, this city from England to-day. He was received by President Carnot, and was welcomed heartily by crowds which had 'gathered to witness his arrival. Somewhat Different From Sackvllle. London, July 30. Sir Julian Paunce forte, the British Minister to the United States, visited Lord Salisbury at the For eign -Office to-day. He, was warmly wel comed oy ms oia colleagues. GUNS WERE POINTED. A Show of Force Was Necessary to Capture a British.Sealer. THE BLACK DIAMOND'S CAPTAI5 Would Hara Showed Fight Had There Seek A Any Hope of Success. "; 0THEE TESSELS WERE HOTLY CHASED., The Feeling at Wuhlnjton as to the Oatcome of tha S flares. Serious' trouble may yet arise from tho dispute as to the jurisdiction of the United States over Behring Sea. Nothing definite as to the intentions of the administration can be learned at Washington. The seizure of the Black Diamond was not affected without a show of force. rsrxciAZ. telegbaji to thxdupatch.1 Washington, July 30. The dispatch from British Columbia announcing that tha United States revenue cutter Bush has seized a British sealing vessel, charged with capturing seals in Behring Sea, shows that the instructions which were given last sea son to the Captain of the revenue.cutter have not been revoked or have been repeated. The full instructions given last year have not been published, but the understanding, from what was testified to before the House Committee, which investigated the subject last winter, was that the United States claimed the right to all seals captured in tha Behring Sea. The dispatch announcing this seizure states that it was made because the seals on board were taken in Behring Sea. That is the issue that was raised in the court by the' Canadian Government Great Britain de- ' nies that the jurisdiction of the United States includes the whole of T?ehring Sea. The action of the revenue cutter will un doubtedly make it necessary for the present administration to proceed with this discus sion from the point where the last adminis tration laid it down. a troublesome question. The expectation, both in Canada and is this country, that the question would not be raised this season has not been realized. There is reason to believe that the State Department had hoped to make some dispo sition of this question, or at least to put it in the way of an adjustment, without the intervention of Congress. Intimations of that sort are said to have been pretty sharp ly made to certain Senators by officials of tne State Department But, unless Sir Julian Pauncefote was misunderstood, he said here a few days be fore he sailed lor England, that owing to the preoccupation of the Secretary of State with other matters, no protocol had been agreed upon as. to the fisheries or as to any other pending matter between the United States and Great Britain, and that in fact questions of that sort have not been consid ered by him with Secretary Blaine. A dispatch from San Francisco says: The steamer Dora arrived from Behring Sea last night, and brings the first detailed news of the captare of the British ienJerBUrfc . ..Diamond by ths "United' StateYfCTranesiJRy- ter Kichard Bush. July 11 the Bush over took the Black Diamond, and ordered her to heave to. The captain of the Black Dia mond refused to do this. sho-wed heb guns. Thereupon -the commander of the Bush. ordered a lowering of ports and running out of guns, which caused the schooner to heave to. Captain Sheppard and Lieutenant Tuttle boarded the English craft, and asked for her papers. The officers of the Black Dia mond offered no armed resistance, but re fused to deliver the ship's papers. Captain Sheppard at once broke open the cabin, and forced the hinges of the strong box and that . captain's chest, thereby securing the papers. A search of the vessel disclosed 103 seal skins which had been taken in Behring; Sea. a Captain Sheppard placed a non-commissioned officer from the Eush in charge of the Black Diamond, and ordered the vessel to be taken to Sitka to await further in structions. The captain of the Black Dia mond made the statement that when in Vic toria he had been ordered to pay no atten tion in case he was overtaken by the Eush and requested to heave to. He said he would not have surrendered if the Eush had had an inferior force to that of his own. On July 13 the schooner Triumph was also boarded by Captain Sheppard, but no arrest was made, the skins on board the vessel having been captured in the Pacific; and not in Behring Sea. A passenger who arrived here last night on the steamer Dora, said. "On our way down from St Paul's Island we saw six sealers, and the Eush was closely in pursuit of them. We left St Paul's Island on July 14, and on the following morning saw the Eush in pursuit of her prey. Undoubtedly by this time tha Eush has made additional captures. ONE CAPTAIN'S SCHEME. Ho Outwitted the American Revenue Cutter and Saved HI Seals. Victoria, B. C, July 30. Captain Mc Lean, of the British sealer Triumph, which has arrived here from Behring Sea, is ret icent about affairs in the north. It is re ported by others on the vessel, however, that when the Triumph was sighted by the Eush, there were 30 seals dead, lying on the Triumph's deck. These were hnrriedly skinned and the pelts hidden among a large quantity of salt This salt also formed a heavy coating to about 800 seal skins which lay at the botton of the schooner. Lieuten ant Tuttle made an examination, but seeing; nothing but salt departed. The men on the Triumph say that Captain Dodd,or the Mag gie.had said he would fire on any American officers attempting to board his vessel. Lieutenant Tnttle told Captain McLean be had seen five schooners entering Behr ing Sea. viz: The Maggie, Mac, Triumph, Mary Ellen, Lillie L. and Black Diamond. The latter was captured, but the fate of the others is unknown. The Corona arrived to day. Captain Carroll says when he left Juneau Wednesday the British men-of-war Swiftsure, Icarius, and Amphion were there. They left for Port Symphon on the following aay. xne uorona had heard noth ing of seizures. A number of prominent sealing men waited on the Captain of the British man-of-war Champion, which sailed to-day for the north to join the fleet, and gave him full particulars in writing. He will convey them personally to Admiral Hene age. TWO WAR TESSELS DEMANDED By the Canadian Cabinet, to Blan United State Cutters. . rSPECIAL TELEQUAM TO THE DIJPATCH.t Ottawa, July 30. A meeting of the Cabinet was called to-day to discuss the seizure of the Canadian sealing schooner ia the Behring Sea by the United States reve- , nue cutter Eush. To-night a brief ' aispatcn was received, announcing; v,i thai the vessel had been seized 70 miles from the nearest land. A demand , will at once be made on the British Govern- ' ment for two war vessels to proceed to Beh ring Sea to look after and protect Caaadiaa vessels from United States cutters. The .British Government has been advised . ui uio WI.U1C, nuiuu kiia autuuriiaea aero' contend was illegal, but until fuller details ' are received no definite step can I -J&i&miM t'Ais 'jer . '. ?dfci msmem aaaitucai