Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 30, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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JULY 30; 1889.
Leading Features of Markets at the
Ilerr's Island Yards.
Sheep and Lambs Higher in Spite of Lib
eral Receipts.
Office of Pn-rsBtmo Dipatch, 1
Monday. JalyS. 18S9. J
There was a good run of stocks and prices
were fairly maintained, with a slight im
provement on good, smooth butchering
cattle of light weight. Of strictly prime
heavy cattle there were none on the market.
Sheep and lambs held up well in spite of a
heavy run. Hoes were the weakest article
on the market, showing that consumers take
little to fresh pork in this hot weather.
The rat) was larger than last week, and qual
ity showed some Improvement. The bulk of
those received were light butcher stock, weigh
ins from L2U0 to 1,300. This Is the grade most
in demand, and shippers have evidently caught
on to this fact. There were a few l.GCO-ponnd
cattle on the market, but none strictly prime.
For the latter there are no longer customer in
this market. The ranee of prices for lieavy
Western beeves, weighing 1,500 to 1.G00 pound,
was S4t5S4 70; medium w eighth, 1.200 to 1.400
pounds, which were in coed demand, $4 404 60:
prime lightweights, H00 to 1.100 pounds, $d 75
8 90; common to fair thin ana rough steers,
S3 0003 6a Fresh cows were slow at a range
of S2ug40. Sales reported were at S20, E3 and
St Calves ivere in light supply, but ufliciert
for demand at 4sfl3 per pound. Dulls, stags,
heifers and dry cows were in light supply,
and no sales were reported. Reecints trom
Chicago, Winter fc Delleubach. 24 head: I.
Zeigler, 96; L. Gerson, 91: A. Froiuin. 53; Roths
child fc Co ICE; S. Lowensteln. 16a From
Ohio, s. Lowcnsteio. 22. From Pennsylvania,
Q. Klein, 8: S. Lowenstein, C; various owners,
6. Total, 619; lat week, 007: previous week,
752. A drover jut from Chicago reports mar
kets there very brisk, particularly for export
cattle. Prices were higher all along the line at
Chicago this week, but at Herr's I-land there
was little chance, except for light, smooth
butcher stock. This grade sold more readily at
better prices than a week ago. A few cattle
were unsold at noon to-day and one drover, who
had nine head left, said he would be glad to
sell at SI 6a while tho price at Chicago was
Sheep and Lamb.
Supply was lieavy, but demand was good in
pite of heavy run. Prices were a shade higher
than last week, and though the run was very
heavy more could been sold. Best heavy w est-
ernand native wetheri, $4 75; medium weights,
f4 25 to $4 50: common to fair, S3 60 to Si 75;
culls, S3 00 to S3 25; lambs, 5 to Gc per pound.
Receipts From Chicago. 230 hcadfroui Onio,
A. Williamson, S3; Sanford & Langdon, 116;
from Pennsvlvania, J. Reiber, 83; Pisor fc aic
Neese. 249: G. Klein. 79; J. Beliler. 133: H. Low
onstein. SSI; William Gavin, 68; G. W. Kecsy,
64; F. Cruikshank, 151: II. Hunger. 33. Total,
LGS9: last week, 1,471: previous week, 1.279.
A Lawrence county drover said: "We nave
had a very good sheep market this week, though
supplies have been unusually lieavy. In the
riot months people are more inclined to mutton
than pork and the effect is seen in tho heavy
demand (or sheen and lambs."
A Diamond market butcher said: "The sup
ply of sheep and lambs for a few weeks back
has been soarcely up to demand, and this wenk
there is a rush of stock to market. Hut mar
kets were able to take all that came. As a rule
such a rush as we have had this week should
weaken prices. But sheep held up well and
desirable grades brought better prices than
last week. At East Liberty sheep were strong,
but lambs weak, owing to liberal receipts.
Supplies were very light and demand corre
sponded. The time is here when butchers
want little pork. Sales were reported at $4 75
to $4 90. The outside price at Chicago to-day
was Si to. Receipts from Ohio, Sanford
.Langdon, S3 bead, from Pennsylvania, J.
Jlelber, 11; William Gavin. 8. Total, 5J; last
week, 133; previous week, 138.
Wheat oiid Flour,
if. B. Sheffield, of Fairbault, Minn., who rep
resents large flouring Interests there. Is in the
city looking artcr the interests of his trade.
To the commercial editor of The Dispatch
he said to-day: '"Through the Red river valley
the quantity of wheat this season is up to last
year, and quality far above that of last year.
An unusually 1 rge percentage or this season's
wheat. will grade as No. 1 hard. Last year
tncro was a very small percentage of this
grade. Of last year's crop not more than one
third was what could be called lu the largest
charity good milling wheat. This year's erop
will pan out fully two-thirds of good milling
wheat. The crop iu Minnesota will not be more
than 70 per cent of the average this season, bnt
quality was never better. The stock of old
wheat of good grade is unusually small.
Though export demand lias fallen below gen
eral expectation, there is very little first-class
milling wheat in the graneries of the North
west at this time."
The Condition of liusinesa at the East Liberty
Mock Yards.
Office ofFittsbotiq Dispatch.'!
Monday. July 29, 18B9. j
CATTLE Receipts, 3,200 head; shipments, 1,100
head: market steady on good grides at last
week's prices, but lower on common; 14 cars
of cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 4,400 nead: shipments. 2,900
head; market firm; light Yorkers, $4 804 S5;
medium and light Fliiladelphias, S4 754 SO;
heavy. M 4031 65: 7 cars of hogs shipped to
New Vork to-dav.
Sheep Receipts 7.200 head; shiptuents.C.000
'head; market steady at unchanged prices on
good, but slow on common and medium.
n Telex-rand.
New York Beeves Receipts yesterday and
to-day, 2.700 head, including 69 carloads of sale
cattle, 5S carloads lor city slaughterers di
rect, and 46 carloads for exportation; total
for tho week, 11,3t0 head. Good native steers
were scarce and firm at strong former prices,
while inferior natives and all offerings of
Texas and Colorado cattle had a very dull sale
at very low figures; native steers sold at S3 fcO
4 75 per 100 pounds; Colorado do at S3 15i?3 Co;
Texas do ut 12 )3 20: bulls and cows at S2 10
300. calve Receipts. 1,700 head, making
5,700 head for the week: market active and
arm. with an early clearance ai4CUcper
pound for veals, and 2l4e for buttermilk
and led calves. Sheep Receipts, 12.400 head,
making 31.000 head for the week; market
steadier and firmer, but no higher, with sales
of kheep at 3 WT5 50 per 100 pounds, and of
lambs at S5 00 Wl Hogs Receipts, 7,200
bead, making 29,000 head for the week; the
few tales on tho live weight were at H 5"e5 10
per 100 pounds, and the market is rated steady
at tho range.
Kansas City Cattle-Receipts. 6.475 head
shipments, 8,60 head; bulk of supply Texas
and Indians; market a shade weaker; native
dressed beef and rhipping steers steady; native
cows steady; Texas weak; calves strong; good
to choice corn-fed steers, t3S0f$4 J5; common to
medium, S3 3uU3 70; f toe leers and feeding steers.
fi &i SO; conn SI 602 GO; grass range steers
SI 7')ffi2 65. Hogi Receipts, 3.158 head; ship
ments none; market steady; goo 1 to ihoice
light h. Si 2034 25; heavy and mixed, S4 004 15.
Sheep Receipts. 1,093 bead; shipments, 714
head; market stead) ; good to choice muttons,
S3 751 00: common to medium, 2 603 60.
CniCACO Cattle Receipts. 14,000head;sliip
ments. 4.01)0 brad; market steady to strong;
beeves, S4 lore I at: steers, S3 4(1 20: stinkers
and feeders, $2 W)g,T90;row, bulls and mixed.
Jl oOQSOO; Texas rattle. SI C02 90: natives and
half breeds, 3 ;5Q m Hi.cs Receipts. 18.000
iiiy, ujjunriii u,mi neai; marker stcadv
S3 tfKli N: weMerns S3 654 00: Texans. S3 85
4 25; lambs S4 754 Ml
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 4,700 head: ship
ments. 700 bead; market strong; choice heavy
native Steers. S3 604 30: fair to cood do, S3 00
03 90: stockcrs and feeders, 2 10ffi3 00; rang
ers, corn fed. 82 75S3 SO; grass led. S2 00
?5LL. Hogs-Receipts. 2.100 head: shipments.
1,700 head: market t-low; choice lieavy SI 20
4 35; parking, fair to good. S4 204 40; light
grades, fair to best. S4 3iQ4 5a hheep Re
ceipts 1,,00 head; thippiems, 1,400 head: mar
ket firm: fair to choice. S3 25g4 4a
Cn-CINHATI Hogs in cood demand and
dteady; common and light, S3 7564 70: pack
ng and butchers. 54 4ii4 60; receipts. 2.240
licad: shipments S70 bead. --.-.
lirnzllmn CnOVr.
Rio De Janeiro. June 29. Coifno-RJ.m,i!.r
first. 0.400 rcis per 10 Lib s: good second. 5,800
rein. Receipts during the week S8.IKJ0 bats;
pnrcli.wrK for United Males, 7.UI0; clearances
ordo.7.: stock, 409.O10 bags.
kantos juiie:.uonee wood averageAHX)
reis per 10 kilos; receipts during the week, 32.
000 bags; purchases for the United States? C00;
clearances for do, none: stock, 273,000 bags.
Whitley Market.
-Finished goods are in good demand at $1 62.
closing a: tower on lieavy; mixed, S4 200
. 60s J!c-. 1&24 45: 'llrnt M S"! Ti
Bkips,f4 004 5a Sheen Receipts, 7,600 bead;
shipment. 1.500 hpad: inni-Lpt sio.iiv. n,nv
Bull on Wheat nt t'blcnco Strike n Snag '
Local nnd General Influences All
Favor the Benr Side Hog Pro
duct Unsettled nnd WrnU.
CniCACO There was a.snft and gC lower
opening to'the wheat market to-day, and inside
of an hour prices sagged Hc more. Local In
fluences and pretty much all of the news
favored tho bears. Early cables were weak,
and the weather in England was reported fine.
Rather freo offerings of December, supposed
to be for foreign account (one operator sold
100,000 bushels), helped to depress the market,
and the weaker feeling was intensified by the
bearish cables. The Chicago report on the visible
supply was 60,003 bushels decrease.and although
a great deal more than that was figured on at
the close of last week by the trade generally,
the posting did not perceptibly influence
values, as the effect had already been dis
counted. The movement of wheat out of first
hands Is rapidly increasing.
Outside domestic markets were all slightly
lower in sympathy with the weakness here.
News from the Northwest was generally favor
able, and the feeling seems to be growing
among traders that the crop as a whole is "all
right." Weather in the Southwest was again
midst. Thirteen boat loads were taken at Balti
more for Antwerp direct. New York reported
seven loads, and 100,000 bushels or over were
"worked" nere. Tue volume of speculative
buslne-s transacted was under the average,
and at times trading dragged, the close being
tame at a net decline for the day In the active
futures of JJc. July closed c off.
But very little interest was manifested in
corn, there being no conspicuous trading one
way or the other, transactions being confined
mainly to local operators. Tho feeling on tho
whole was a trifle easier, though prices showed
b t little change compared with Saturday, and
were limited loy,&Mi range.
Oats were steadier, due to the wet weather,
but the volume of business was light and
mainly of a local character.
Quite an active trade was reported in the
market for mess pork and the feeling was un
settled and w eat. Opening sales were made at
57c decline, but the filling of a few orders
caused a rallv again. Later, however, prices
declined 1520c Near the close prices rallied
7KI0e, auu the market closed quiet.
A dull and unsettled feeling prevailed in tho
lard nnrket. On the whole range, prices re
ceded 5g'Kc and the marcet closed quiet at
medium figures.
Considerable interest was manifested in the
market for short rib sides, but the feeling was
easy during the create r portion of the day.
Prices declined 67c and the market closed
quiet at inside figures.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 Julv, 7979J4"SS79e:
August. 77tB77g7777c; September. 77
77JS762i676Jc; December, 7979k7
Coux No. 2 August, 36J36Kc; September.
36e36Ke35&36c; October. 30$36KG3oX
Oats No. 2, August, 22c: September.
621fi2te6i:iKc: October. 22U42214e.
Mess Pork, per bbL August, S10 o610 C2J
10 52J4S1052K: September. S10 6510 7010 CO
10 0u; October. S10 3510 35.
LAr.o.per 100 as. August, SO 056 KM; Sep
tember, S6 17K6o 17K66 106 12; October,
S I7K6 15.
aiioKT miss, per 100 as. August. H wa
5 40Q5 S2K5 $1; September. S5 605 50
a i:x,(io us; uctoDer, so 4jao to.
Casu quotations were as follows: Flour noml-
nally unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 79c; No.
a spring wueat, nominal: jn
2 red. 79c No. 2
corn. 36o. no. 2 oats, 22$c. No. 2 rye. 43Kc.
No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. SI &&.
Prime timothv seed, SI 441 45. Mess pork, per
barrel. SI0 5U10 CO. Lard, per 100 pounds.
So v2iQ6 00. Short ribs, sides (loose). So 3o
5 45. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). S3 12
5 25. Short clear sides (boxed), So755S7&
bugars unchanged. Receipts Flour, 23 000
barrels: wheat, 7S.000 bushels; corn. '242.000
bushel!: oats, 123.000 bushels: rye, 3.000 bushels;
barley, none. Shipment! Flour, 20.000 barrels;
wheat, 115.000 bushels; corn. 410,000 bushels;
oats, 284,000 bushels; rye. 22,000 bushels; barley,
L000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the bntter
market was fairly active; fancy creamery. 16
16c; fine. 1314c; finest dairies, ll12c; fair
to good, 910c. Eggs. lie.
New York Flour moderately active and
heavy. Cornmeal steady and in moderate de
mand. Wheat Spot Market less active, un
settled and heavy; options July advanced ear
ly, on a few foreign xhorts covering.lc; after
ward ruled weak with the advance lost; other
months were moderately active, chicfh on
local account, aud closed steady at a yio
decline. Rye quiet. Barley nominal, liar ley
malt dull. Corn Spot irregular and higher,
closing heavy and fairly active; options fairly
active. J-6Ji,c higher and steady. Oats Spot
higher and moderately active: options dull and
easy. Hay firm and in demand. Hops quiet
and easy. Coffee Options opened steady 10$
15 points down and clo-ed steady 1015 points
ur: moderate trade and Irregular cables; sales,
6.1.250 bags; including Julv. 14.10c; August, 14.10
S 14.25c; September. 14.2O014.4oc: October. 14.20
14.45c; November, 14.20S14.40c: Decem
ber. 14.2014.45c: January, 14.3514.45c:
March. 14.lb14.40c; May, 14.2o14.45c;
spot ivio sieauy: jair cargoes, iJJic
'iwaii "" 'ra v, lyaiiny- yeiiow, ss
7H-: off A. 7 15-16SJc; mold A, 8c; standard
A, 8c; confectioners' A, 8c; cut loaf, c;
crushed, 9Jc; powdered, Bkc: granulated, b-c;
cubes, 9c Molasses Foreign quiet; New Or
leans dull. Rice quiet and steady. Cotton
seed oil unsettled: better sxport demand.
Tallow strong; city (S2 for packages), 4 ll-16c:
out of town (paclcjges free), common to
strictly choice. 49-lG5c Rnsin steady and
quiet. Turpentine steady and quiet. Ezgs
quiet; good stock and stead;; western, 13
lJJJc: receipts, 6,794 packages. Pork steady.
Cut meats strong; pickled bellies, 7Q3!c;
Sickled haras, llllic; pickled shoulders,
-i65Jc: middles quiet. Lard freely offered
and much lower: western steam, S3 408 45,
closing at S6 42K; city, S6 10; August. S6 C7Q
6 43. closing at in 41; September, S6 470 54
closing at SO 60 bid: October, closing S6 50 bid:
uciii.'c-i. v no, i.iusiii; At, iu art uiu; Jjeccm-
ber. S6 27g6 33, closing at 56 27: January. SG 29
closing at SC 2S; February. S6 3I6 38. closing
at SB 34. Butter weak and fairly active; western
dairy. 10l2)c: do creamery, ll17c; do fac
tory, K 12c Cheese quiet and steady; west
ern. 607c.
PniLABELPniA Flour Supplies light
and choice old winters in fair demand at
firm prices. Spring wheats, as well as new
winters, hard to move: Ohio and other west
ern clear, S4 254 Co; do. do. btraight. S4 75
6 00; winter patent, fair to choice, S5 005 50;
Minnesota clear. S3 604 25; do. straight, 14 50
R5 50; do patent, S5 60&6 0a Wheat opened i
QlYi lower under weaker cables, but subse
quently ruled steady up to close; speculation
tame: car lots in good request: choice old un
graded longherry. in grain depot, SI 05: new,
rejected, on track, S0Jc; No. Pennsylvania
red in export elevatorJoe; No. 2 red in do. S6Vc;
No. 2 red, Julv, 8Gb6c: August, 84ib5j2c:
September, 84)S5c; October. S5S53.Jc. Corn
rules firm under light offerings and stroag
er reports from other grain centers; No. 2
mixed, in Twentieth street elevator. 45c: do.
dead storage, in export elevator, 43J.fr; No. 2
mixed, Julv. 4441c; August, 43644c; Sep
tember, 4!0Hi4c; October. 44KP444c Oats
Car lots ruled steady, with fair local tradn
demand; No., 3 white, S3c; No. 2 white In
but steady:
October, 31431)c Provisions in fair de
St. Louis Flour nnchanced. Wheat lower.
Cloudy weather, receipts below estimates and
advices of a higher Chicago market, opened
the markets at other points above expectations
and other markets declining, sttrted seliinir
and the final close was lUdPAc below Satur
day; No. 2 red. cash, 73H73Je; Jnly. 734
vv...'ac, ciosea at uic uiu; Angnst, liywilc,
closed at 734c; September. 7474c, cioed
at 74c bid; December, 77K78Kc. closed at 773-f
77c bid; year. 73c Corn quiet but well
sustained in nrice: No 2 mixed. cash.S3c:
July, 33Jic: August, 32J033c, closed at 83c;
December. 32c; May. 81K31Jc closed at 34Kc
bid. Oats weaker: No. 2, cash. 23c asked; July,
22$c. September, 22Vc; May, 25c bid. Rye
No. 2 salable at 42c Flaxseed SI 23 bid for
spot, SI 23 lor August.
ClNcn.2TATl Flour dull; family, S3 253 60;
fancy. S3 K5l CO. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red. 78c;
receipts, 14.OU0 buBhels; shipments, 17.700 bush
els. Corn easier; No 2 mixed, 873sic Oats
-....Iab. X.. O ...Ibk OKI. TV..A ... llv. .,
CA1CI , A. ,1. it U11AWJ, 4Ul iVJ C 111 IJUt. UB-
mand; No. 2. 46c Pork easier at Sll 37. Lard
lower at 5 K5g5 S7K- Riilkmeats nominal;
short rib. S5 75. Jlacou steady: short clear, SC 75.
Hutter steady; fancy creamery. 1820c; choice
dairy, S10c -Linseed oil steady at 60QC2c
Sugar weaker: hard refined, 9S9Je; New Or.
leans. TgUc Eggs firm at 10c, loss off.
Cheese steady; prime to choice Ohio flat, 7Sc
MILWAUKEE Flour steady. Wheat easy;
cash, Tlc; September, 76J-J e. Corn stcadv:No.
3,!Jc Oattdnll;No.2white.282S4c Rye
firm: No. L 43fc Barley quiet: No. 2 Scp
temlier, COc: October, 69c Provisions easier.
Pork. S10 55. Lard, 85 8a Cheese steady:
Cheddars, TJigSc "
Toledo Clnverseed quiet; cash S4 45; noml
nal; October, 4 40 asked.
Brlllsli Ilrpnilsiiiff ,
"LOHDON. Julj 29. The Hark Lane JJiprwr,
in its weekly review or the British grain trade,
says: The tendency of English wheat is in
favor of sellers, though business Is inactive
The crop Is well matured, and new deliveries in
fair milling character are expected early in
September. Last year there were few deliv
eries before Michaelmas. The sales of English
wheat lo' thf past week were 45,740 quartern at
10s per quarter, arainst 23,209 quarters at 32s 6d
for the coiresioiiding week lat rar. Foreign
wheat is firm, with an advanee at Liverpool of
6d and at London of kl. Russian, California
and American red winter are most in request.
Barley oats and corn are firm, and ronndcorn
is 6d dearer. At to-day's market English and
foreign wheats were inactive, but prices were
maintained. Flour was 6d higher. Oats were
siow. uye was a smiling dearer. Linseed ad-
A Biff Deal in Suburban Eeally and
Other Good Ones on the Strinjj.
The Fidelity Title and' Trust Company Oc
cupies Its Xew Building;.
There was a good inquiry for realty yes
terday, mainly for buildinz lots, and a num
ber of deals were closed up. The most im
portant transaction was the sale of a resi
dence in Oakland for 520.000. There was a
report that 590,000 had been ofiered lor the
Singer property at Wilkinsbnrg. It is held at
sioaooo. ,
Local securities developed a broadening ten
dency yesterday, and were active for "blue
Monday," nnder the Influence of a number ot
god buying orders. The advance In Philadel
phia Oas was attributed in large part to re
ports of a deal which will reduce the expenses
of the company and probably result in larger
dividends. Chartlers Gas was out of the mar-,
ket at 50l A private offer for a large block at
51 was refused. Its friends affect to see good
' returns in the close future. The improvement.
which touches almost everything on the list, is
probably nothing but a natural reaction from
the extreme dullness of the past month or two.
Whether It has come to stay remains to be
seen, but there are good reasons for saying that
it has,
"Inquirer" Is laboring nndor a mistake. The
old postofflce building and grounds belong to
Uncle Sam and cannot be sold without Con
gressional authorization. All rumors of
private negotiations for the property are un
founded. The sale. If at all, will be publie
and to the highest and best bidder.
A lot 40 by 150 feet, on Wood street, Wilkins
burg, was sold to R. C. Snodgrass last week,
for S107 50 per foot of frontage. Eight years
ago it would have been considered dear st 30.
One of the most progressive towns in the
South is Florence, Ala. A year ago the popu
lation was 2.000. It Is now more than 8,000. The
aggregate capital employed in the various en
terprises there ts S15,000,000. Many Northern
ers, among them several Pittsburgers, have
mad large investments in Florence. The fol
lowing are some of the Industrie's projected or
completed: A furnace about ready to go into
blast, and another partly constrncted: a stove
factory: a hardware company, with a capital of
$300,000. to manufacture flnebulldinghardware,
etc; a wagon factory, with capital of 5150,000;
an agricultural implement works; a handle
factory: a woodenware factory; a sash, door
and blind factory: a cedar bncket factory; a
pnmp factory; planing mills; a factory to make
wooden bntter plates such as grocers use; a
flour mill; a cotton mill; a jeans factory; a
gingham factory: a woolen mill; a cotton gin; a
marble company; a roofing and paint company:
a shoe factory: a compress, packet and ferry
company; three bnildlng aud loan companies;
a canning factory; several brick factories, and
a dummy railroad.
The Fidelity Title and Trust Company de
serted their old stand yesterday and occupied
their splendid new building on Fourth avenne.
Everything was as bright as a new dollar, and
everybody connected with the Institution,
from the porter up to President, wore a cheery
smile indicative of pleasure with the change
The mammoth vault contains about 1,000 boxes,
with room for several thousand more. They
rent at from 5 to (60 per year. Tho largest is
reserved for the use of the company.
That part of the ground owned by the Metho
dist Episcopal Church congregation at Wilkins
bnrg. upon which the old brick scboolhonse
stands, has been sold to Prof. A. M. Van Tine,
a prominent and well-known educator, lie
will remodel thebuilding and adapt it to the
purposes of an academy, where young men and
women will be fitted for college. The consid
eration was l,5oa
Twenty-flve mortgages were entered for
record yesterday. The largest, S375.000 was
given by the Fidelity Title and Trust Company.
Fourteen were for 1.000 and up to S3.000.
Several others were placed but not settled.
This form of inVestment is growing in popu
larity. A Pittsburg broker remarked yesterday that
most of the tips that come from Wall street
are given out by broken down speculators. Yet
such is the gullibility of a portion of mankind
that many of these worthless pointers bring
high prices. Queer, isn't ItT
The Gusser Lead tho Market in Activity
nnd Strenetb.
The stock market yesterday was bullish and
active for all the favorites, even the tractions
participating of the improvement. The gassers
were tne particularly strong spots, all of them
"being higher. Philadelphia leading in the up
ward movement. It opened with a small sale
at 37 and closed firm at 3S with large trans
actions. Thero was talk of some kind of a deal
in it, but of what nature could not be ascer
tained." But be this true or false, there were
other good reasons tor the advance. It was
fractionally higher in New York than here,
which alone was snSftcient to strengthen the
home markets Another good reason existed
in the fact that stock was scarce, with a num
ber of good buying orders. Still, another rea
son was given by a well-posted broker. He
said: "The stock has been dull and depressed
for a long time, and. In mv opinion, the spurt Is
but a natural reaction. There may be a deal
going on, but if so, I don't know what it is."
There was a good inquiry for Cbartiers Gas,
both on 'Change and on the street It could
have been sold in large blocks at 5L
La Norla sold at VZ, and was freely offered at
2. Several thousand shares could have been
sold at 1. People's Natural Gas and Pipeage
brought 17, an advance. Manufacturers' Gas
was neglected, but an offer or 25 would prob
ably hate been accepted. Plate Glass was
opened at 190, without success. Switch and
Signal was a weak spot,closingwitb20i asked.
This is remarkably low for a stock that is
known to rest on a substantial basis and to
have large possibilities. There was cnnsiriAr.
able Interest manifested in Electric, but the
difference between bids and offers was too
great to be bridged over. It closed with 65
asked and 51 bid. The market finished with
the bullish feeling uppermost. Total sales
were 450 shares. Bids, offers and sales follow:
Hid. Asked.
Hid. Asked.
COX .. .
Chartlers VaL Gas Co.
Nat. (JasCo. oMV. Va. 64
Uulo Vallev Uas.
V N. O.AP. Co 17
l'enusvlvanlatias Co.. lis
Philadelphia Co 3'M
Wheeling Uas Co SOX
ForestOIICo OS
Washington Oil to
Central Traction. 30!
C'iti7en'Tractlon.... C
Pittsburg Traction 49M
Pleasant Vallev
Pitts. 4 Western It. K. 1H
P. & . K. K. Co. pref 20
La Norla Mining Co... US
Westinghousr Electric 60H
Monongabela Water... 30
U. S. .thlir. f!n. - ID
Westlnghouse A.B.Co. ...
Pitts. Plate Class Co
The forenoon sales were 35 shares of Citizens'
Traction at 69, 10 Philadelphia Gas at 87, 35
People's Pipeage at 17, SO Switch and Signal
at 20. and 10 Central Traction at 30i. In the
afternoon 130 shares or Philadelphia Gas sold
at 3s, 100 at 3 and 100 La Norla at 1.
The Financial Situation Grows Better as
the Fnll Benson Approaches.
There was a good, healthy movement at the
banks yesterday, considerable paper being dis
counted at the usual rates, and depositing and
checking running above the average. The
latter was a feature, as indicated by tbe Clear
ing House report, the exchanges footing np
S2.412.b61 35,-and the balances 8424,837 46. Both
exchange and currency were in sufficient sup
ply, and trading about even. The financial
situation is slowly but surely Improving, and
in a few weeks It is expected there will be em
ployment for most of the Idle funds.
iloney at New York yesterday was easy
at22 per cent, last loan at 2, closing of
fered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 4KQ
6i Sterling exchange dnll and steady at
84 8.5 for 60-day .bills and 84 8 for demand.
Tbe trail Street Daily News remarks: "Con
siderable comment has been aroused in certain
directions becanse of tbe apparent tardiness
of tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury in adding to
the sinking fund by purchases of United State
bonds. The law On the1 subject 'makes it in
cumbent on him to add to the sinking fmltt
within each fiscal year an amount equal to 1
Jier cent of the outstanding public debt and
nteret on bouds previously made a part of the
sinking fund. The sinking fund requirements
which last year were in excess of S47,COU,000 are
somewnat larger for the current year, and Sec
retary WIndoni will therefore be required to
buy an average amount of nearly $1,000,000
bonds each week throughout the entire year.
This is much In excess of that wblcb be has
recently been buying in order to comply with
the law.
It has been customary to complete this fund
long before the close of the fiscal year, and in
deed the Secretary Is allowed to bny the
requisite amount within SO days. It be can get
them. The seeming dilatorlness in these pur
chases thus far. however, is accepted by those
best posted in regard to the Secretary's views
and intentions as certain that he sees bis way
clear for adequate action for the relief of the
money market, and his determination to do
whatever is necessary In tho matter.
The Knowledge of the condition or the situa
tion offers assurance that with proper caution
on the par of the banks, and In the absence of
reckless speculation, the provisions for meet
ing the currency demand tor the fall require
ments is thoroughly sufficient, however large
they may prove to be.
Closing rionri Qaotntlnns.
U.S. 4s,reg ia'jM.K.4T.Ocn.6s . E7Jf
II. s. Ja enun 121U, Mutual Union 63 103
U. 8.4KS. re low X. J. a. Int. Cert...llJ
U. S. 4ss. coup I06H
Pacific 6s or '9o. 118
Louislanastampedls 69 H
Missouri Cs 10OM
lenn. new set. 6s.. ..105
Tenn. new set. 5s....ie.'lj
Tenn. newsct.Ss 73"$
Canada 80. Ms MS
Ceil. 1'acifle.lsU JH
Den. A K. U., lsts.,.119
Den. & It. O. 4s 79
l.K.Q.Weit,lsts. 1
Erie, Ms 1IK'4
11. lU&T.Gen. Cs.. 63
Nnrthpra lAe- latS..H7
fsorthern r ac. 2ds..ll554
Northw't'n cynsols.l46$
Northw'n debeus..lH
Oreeon & Trans. 6S.105
St. U&I.M. Uen.Ss&Oi
fet. U&b.f. Uen.JI.llS
at. I'anl consols ....1M!$
St.PU Chl4fc.lsts.ll6
Tx., fcUU.Tr K.88
Tx.,Pc.K.G.Tr.i:cts 353
Union l"sc. llts...H)
West Shore lotijj
Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated $127,100
as follows: Registered 4Ks, S2.C00 afl07; 125,
000 at 106.
New'-Yobk Clearings, $56,278,553; balances.
Boston Clearings, 843,335,461; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, $7,759,250; bal
ances. 5091,750.
Baltuobe Clearings S1.6SS.353: balances,
37.b66. .
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day
Paris Three per cent rentes, 84f 60c
CHICAGO Clearings, S9,308,0o0.
Of Some Kind Expected In the Local Oil
RinK To-Day.
There were no new features in the oil market
yesterday, and dealings were rather sluggish.
Twice during the day it dropped below the
dollar line, but the bulls rallied every time and
gave it a hoist, restoring the equilibrium.
There was a spiritless opening at 93c, where
the market hung for an hour or so and then,
under the influence of a small raid by the
bears, dropped to 99c Later on. about noon,
stimulated by buying in New York and Oil
City, there was an advance to SI 00-. During
the afternoon the market softened gradually
for lack of business, and closed at SI 00c
The fact of tt-e market having closed at
about the same figure tor three days in suc
cession is taken to indicate a change of tome
Kino. 10-aay, nut wnetner lor Detter or worse is
what the "boys" would like to find out before
tho gong sounds.
The fluctuations were: Opening, 99c;
highest, 81 00; lowest, 99c; closing, $1 00-.
Saturday's clearings were 426.000 barrels.
Those for yesterday were less. The demand
for puts and calls was light.
The Kerr-McCocihle well. Washington
county, which came in Saturday, is doing 350
barrels per day. The Baldwin which was doing
9 barrels per hour on Saturday, was yesterday
doing 20 barrels per hour. The Judge Mc
Kennan well will be a small producer.
Features of tbe Market.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened lOOJfl Lowest...
Highest 100;, I Closed....
Average runs
Average shipments
Average charters
Keflned, Mew York, 7.40c.
Krllnei-, London, 47Sd.
ReOned, Antwerp, lsjir.
Heaned. Liverpool. 8f d.
A. B. McGrew A Co. quote:
calls, II 02.
Pats, 99tc;
Oil markets.
On, Citt. July 29. National transit cer
tificates opened at 81 00: highest, 81 00; lowest.
9ic: closed. 81 00. Sales, 111.000 barrels;
clearances, 414,000 barrels; charters, 61,349 bar
rels; shipments, 139,378 barrels; runs, 73,314 bar
rels. Bradford, July 29. National transit cer
tificates opened at 81 OOJi: highest, 81 00; low
est, 99c; closed at 81 00c; clearances, 414,000
Titosttlle, July 29. National transit cer.
tiflcates opened at $1 00; highest, 81 00: low
est, 99c; closed, 81 00.
Nkw York. July 29. Petroleum opened
steady at 81 00 and after declining slightly in
the first hour, became strong and advanced to
81 00. A reaction followed on which the
market closed steadv at 81 00. Stock Ex
change: Opening, $1 00: highest.! 00; lowest,
99c,closing at SI 00. Consolidated Exchange:
Opening, 81 ot): higuest, 81 00; lowest, 99c,
closing atSl 00. Total sales, 3,000 barrels.
From Good to Better Things In Reftl Estate
Lnteit Dickers.
George S. Martin, 603 Liberty street, sold in
the Maple Wood Park plan, Wilklnsburg, lots
Nos. 28 and 29, having a frontage of 40 feet each
on Coal street by 120 feet to Washington Lane,
for 8900 to J. H. Tepe.
James W. Drape & Co. closed the sale of two
lotsonPenn avenue. East End, near Pearl
street, each 25x100 feet, for S3.10a Thevalso
placed two mortgages on East End property of
82.000 at 6 per cent. The sale of the property of
William jHainsworth, on Penn avenue and
Butler street, was adjourned yesterday on a bid
of$15.00a '
Ewing & Byers. No. 107 Fedpral street, Alle
gheny, sold ror Mrs. Mary Barbour to White &
Delta, five lots in MUlvale borough. West Penn
IUilroad, being lots Nos. 14. 15, 16. 17 and 18, in
the plan or lots laid out by the Allegheny Poor
Board, in size 26x1 13 feet each, for S40a
Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth avenne, sold to
J. F. Donaghy lots Nos. 89 and SO lu tho J.
Walter Hay plan of lots, having a frontage of
20 feet each, for 8460. They also placed a mort
gage of 87.000 for three years at 8 per cent oil
Center avenue property.
W. E. Hamnett, of 404 Smithfleld street,
Pittsburg, and Wilklnsburg, sold for William
C. Heins to R. M. Snodgrass. lot 40x150. Wood
street, Wilklnsburg, at 8107 60 per foot.
George T. McConnell sold for W. A. Herron
& Sons to Robert Nicholson two lots on Mc
Candless avenue, Eighteenth ward, for S650.
Keed B. Coyle &. Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for John D. Scully a piece of ground on Boquet
street, Oakland, size 124x220, lor Sfl,t0UL
Tnomas McCaffrey. 3509 Butler street, sold
for B. McQuillan to Mrs. Stitzei, leasehold and
buildings of property 3220 Penn avenue for SSOO
Thrown Over Wall Street A Dull, Dreary
and Monotonous Day In Stocks Final
Changes Insignificant, bnt Near
ly Everything-Leu Go.
New York, Jnly 29. The dullness of the
stock market was Its principal feature to-day,
and outside or less than half a dozen stocks'
the movements were confined to the smallest
fractions, and the business done was entirely
insignificant. The indisposition to operate was
very marked on both sides of the account, and
as traders are waiting for some decided move
ment by the acknowledged leaders of specula
tion there was almost nothing done in the gen
eral list Tho Chesapeake and Ohio stocks and
the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St.
Louis stocks were the strong features, and
Reading the weak one, though toward tbe close
Chicago Gas developed marked weakness.
The opening prices were generally slightly
nignertnan Saturday's closing prices, bat tho
market was tame and no character was shown
by tbe dealings, and no tendency in either
direction conld be perceived. The Chesapeake
and Ohio stocks became immediately conspic
uous in the dullness lor activitv and strength,
but the attack upon Reading was Boon begun,
and that stock began to sag on a comparatively
large business. In tbe Chesapeake and Ohiis
the highest prices were generally reached be
fore noon, after which they were maintained at
the level or the best figures. The pressure
upon Heading was maintained, and ltconllnued
to yield slowly until toward delivery hour,
when there was a slight rally.
The rest of tho list was intensely dull
throughout, and no feature of any kind re
lieved the monotony, the market finally closing
dnll, but steady to firm, at about opening
figures. The final changes are insignificant,
except that Chesapeake and Ohio firsts rose 2
and the second preferred 1, while Chicago
Gas lost 1. Reading's loss being only J.
Tbe transactions in railroad bonds were on
tbe same limited scale, tbe sales of 'all. issues-
reaching oniy w,,wu, witn no special feature
of any kind. Indianapolis, Decatur and West
ern seconds lost 7 at 32. Tho advances In
cluded East Tennessee firsts, 2 to 123.
The rollowlne table tfnows the prices of active
stocks on -the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dallv for THE DISPATCH by
Whitney A stkpueS-sox oldest Pittsburg mem
bers or New York btock Exchange, 47 Fourth ave-
ing Ulds.
, - lB-
CJ.,Col.,CIn. Af.,new fe
Cl.,Col.,Cln. !., pr. WH
Am. cotton oil &y
Atcn.. Top. & a. V.... 354
Canada Southern tlK
Central of New Jersey
Chesapeake A Ohio.... "H
C, Bar. A Onii.er 100)4
C., Mil. St. Paul... ?
V.. Kockl. P Wi
C, tit. L. & Pitts
U. St. 1.. & Pitts, pf.. 35
U. St. P..M.AU Siii
C.. et. P..M. 4 0., pr. W
C. a. Northwestern.... toeif
V. MorttftrrAtppn. r.
est. tlK
.Col. Coal Jt Iron 27J
yvi. a. jiocKiaK vai .. Jt
Jel., L. & W...1 H3H
1'el. A Hnrteon.l 141
E.T., Va. AOa ....
L.T..VS, & Us. 1st pr. . ..
p. I-.. Va. 4 Oa. zd pf. 21J4
Illinois Central
l-ake Erie 4 Western
Lake Erie West, pr..-....
Louisville & Nashville. 9
allcniiran 1 -entrai 83
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. K. JtTexas
Missouri pacific MJg
New York Central 10i
J". V.. L. E. A v M!4
N.I.. L. E.&W.. pref63jj
N. V.. C. tat. u...
Jj. .. u st. l. pr.
N.Y.. C. st.li. 2d pf ...
N. YAN.. K 415
. Y.. O. A IV
Norfolk Western
Northern Pacific 27j
Nortnern Pacific nrcr. 034
OMoA Mississippi
iirciron Improvement
Pacific Mali: 33W
Pnlladel. ft Heading.. KH
Pullman Palace Car...lSI
Klchmond ft W. P. T.. 22
Richmond ft W.P.T.pf ....
St. P., Minn, ft Man
st,L.San ("ran
St. L. ft San Prau pr.
St.I,. ft San P. 1st p
Texas Paclfio 19H
Wabasn ;
Wabash preferred :s
Western Union SI3,
W heelincr ft L. 2 6SH
Snpar Trust 10S.'
National Lead Trnst.. 24
Chicago Uas Trust KH
21 ZIK
21 H
It J,
26 '
ii. SX
M S3J4
Boston Stocks.
Atch. 4Top. H. K. .. 38;f
Wis. Central nt
Boston 4 Maine.. ...cot
-'.. D. ftg icn'4
Clun. San. ft Cleve. TW
Eastern ft. It....... .. 09
Flint PereM IS
KimtftPereM. pro. 05
Mexican Cen. com.. 14V
Mex.c.lstmtp-bds. 65H
. Y. ftNewCnsr... 4SM
N. Y. &N.E.7S....12S
Old Colony 175
Kntland prererred.. 40
Wls.Ucntral.com... 21)4
AlloneiMKCo(new). H
Calumet 4 iiecia....210!i
llnron w
I'ewable (new)
I tell Telephone,
Boston Land....
Water Power...
,.. SJi
,.. 2
.. 43
.. 6
Tamarack 102
San Diego X7
Santa Fe copper..... X
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closinjt quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex-
. 51 H
. 21 9-13
. 53
. 52
. TW
21 H
53 v,
Pennsylvania ISallroad
Lehlah Valley ,
LehUh Navigation
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific, preferred
Mining- Stocks.
New TOBC July 29. Alice, 100: Amador.
100: Aspen. K0: Best & Belcher, 34U; Bodie, 100;
Caledonia B. H.. S00; Crown Point, 190:
Colorado Central. 100; Consolidated California
and Virginia, 700; Commonwealth, Sso; Dead
wood T.. 150; Eureka Consolidated. 100: El
CrlMo. 115; Gould & Currv, 185; Hale 4 Nor
cross, 290; Homestake. 830; Horn Silver, 115:
Iron Silver, 195; Mexican. 2S0: Mutual, 140;
North Belle Isle. 110: Ontario, 34.00; Ophir. 450:
Plymouth, 600;Savape, 160; Sierra Nevada, 220;
Small Hopes. 100; Union Consolidated. 280;
Ward Consolidated, 160.
Metal ninrkct.
Nkw YoitKPir iron steady; Amer!can,$15 50
17 60. Copper nominal; August. 9c Lead
unchanged; domestic, $3 9a Tin dull and
steady; straits. 519 65.
Wool Mnrket.
St. LOOTS Receipts. 70.029 nonndsr msi-tntl
steady and unchanged.
The Shah is about to depart from England.
He bade farewell to the Queen at Osborne yes
terday. Madame E. L. Diss Do Bar. of New York,
the notorious medium, has temporarily retired
to a convent.
Governor Beaver has issued a requisition
for William Hontz, who is wanted at Lewiston,
Mifflin county, for forgery, and who is now
under arrest at Dubuque, la.
Dr. Tanner, member of Parliament for
Cork, was sentenced yesterday at Tipperary to
One month's imprisonment for assanlting
Police Inspector Stephens in May last. When
judgment was pronounced he cried out in the
docket: "I defy yon. The magistracy are the
real criminals." For this outbreak three
months were added to his sentence.
A tremendous storm of wind, hall and rain
swept over Findlay, O., blowing down fences,
trees, outhou-cs and unfinished buildintrs. and
doing a great deal of damage of a gero-il char
acter. Tho wind was terrific and the ninfall
tremendous, while hail as large as hlclory n its
fell. It was tho most destructive st .im of the
year, and the los to property is great.
President Harrison will leave Deer Park
for Bar Harbor August 6 and leave on his re
turn August 15. Secretary Proctor was ex
pected at the War Department to-dav, bnt
Acting Secretary Tweedal to-day received a
telegram from him saying ho would not ha
able to get here. The Secretary's young son,
who has been an invalid for several weeks, is
wore again.
Reports from Norfolk, respecting tho con
struction of tbe Texas at tho navy yard there,
have occasioned some disturbance In the
equanimity of officials abont the Navy Depart
ment, but in the absence of Secretarv Trry
nothing definite can bo learned. Tie reports
state that instructions have been received at
the yard to investigate the condition of tbe
Texas and the progress of the work, with, tho
result mat a court or inonirv win tin ordered
and probably a court martial for several of the
officers connected with the yard.
Forest fires are reported In the mountains
and along the banks of tbe Missouri for many
miles below Ft. Benton. At Bnwdnin the sec
tion house was burned, and Miss Mattie John
son, a school teacher, so severely burned that
her recovery Is doubtful. The Northern Pacific
track east of Livingston burned out for a short
distance, but has been repaired. Several min
ing camps have been deserted, and ranchers are
plowing around their land to prevent fire in the
grass from innnlng. The air Is filled with a
dense smoke, bnt so far no loss of life Is re
ported. Telegraph lines are somewhat demor
alized from tbe burning of poles.
The storm of Saturday night at Chicago
was even more severe than had been supposed,
great as was the uproar of the elements and
visible the effects. The unprecedented rain
fall, the hifth wind and the lncesant lightning
caused a loss of property that is difficult to es
timate. All kinds of property suffered goods
in cellars and basements, streets, shade trees,
sidewalks, lawns, shrubbery, driveways, unfin
ished houses and dwellings. There were 44
alarms of fire; many from lightning and more
from the destruction of the Insulation of tbe
electric-light wires. ' Fire, water and wind
combined caused a I053 probably ih excess of
1,000.000 and possibly as much again.
The cases of the Cincinnati saloon lrepnern
who were arrested for violating the Owen Sun
day law were called In the Police Court and
bonds wero given for apnearance for trial.
Most of them were not set for any special date.
In the case of Warfllnger and one or two others
who have been specially defiant in their con
duct, early trial will be given. Tbe saloon
keepers' mass meeting which resolved to defy
the law also resolved that those who should be
arrested should meet this morning and march
to the Police Court with music The resolu
tion was not carried our. The men went to tbe
court without procession or music.
Articles ot consolidation have been filed
with the Illinois Secretary of State combining
the Toledo Western Railway Company, the De
troit and State Line Vabih Railway Com
pany, the Wabash Eastern Railway Company
of Indiana, tbe Wabash Eastern Railway Com
pany of Illinois, and tbe Wabash Western Rail
way Company, under the general name of
"The Wabash Railroad Company." The capi
tal stock Is $52,000,000. The first board of di
rectors is constitnted as follows: James F.
Joy, of Detroit. Mich.: Ossian D. Asblev, of
New York; Thomas H. Hubbard.of N ew York;
Edgar T. Welles, of Hartford, Conn.; George
W. Smith, of Chicago; Abram M. Fence, of
Chicago: Charles Henrotin, of Chicago: John
W. Bunn, of BDringfleld, and John Maynard
Harlan, of Chicago.
An Importnnt Brnzillnn Commission.
New York, Jnly 29. Cable advices
rom Bio Janeiro state that" the Imperial
Government ol Brazil has appointed a com
mission to represent that country in the
International Congress to be held at Wash
ington in October next, headed by Senator
Lafayette Pereia, Counselor of Sla'te; Coun
cilor Salvador de Mendonca. Consul Gen
eral of Brazil in the United States, The
commission sailed from Rio de Janeiro on
the 24th iust. The commission -is .also
ncthorized to negotiate a treaty of commerce
bf.tweea Brazil and Ununited Stat
' I 1
Cheese Lower -- Creamery Batter
Steady Potatoes Weak,
.tjq :
Old Wheat in Demand Hay and Oats Weak
Hay 21ove3 Blowly.
Monday, July 29, 18S9.
Country Produce Jobblns Prices.
For Monday trade was fair. Cheese is a shade
lower than last week, but is in good 'demand
and moving out freely. Country brftter drags
and is hard to sell at any price. Creamery is
steady. Vegetables ot all kinds are in full sup
ply, and the present outlook Is for a week of
abundance and a downward drift. Water
melons are firm. The few Derries that showed
up to-day found ready sale. Tbe outlook for
fall is bright for vegetables and dark for fruit.
The crop of fruit will bo below average, but
vegetables will break the record in volume. It
is not often that potatoes are as low at this time
of the year as now. The very bct are slow at
51 50 per barrel.
Botter Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do.
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; conntry
rolls, 10l2c
Bkaus Naw band-plckca beans, 82 402 CO;
medium. 32 30j2 40.
Beeswax 2ts30c fl ft for choice; lowgrade,
Cider Sand refined, Jfl 507 50; common.
J3 Cm 00; crab cider, S8 O0418 60 H barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ?) gallon.
CIIEE3K Ohio. 8c; New York, 10c; Lim
burger, 8Q9c: domestic Sweitzer, 9K12c;
Imported Sweitzer, 22c
Oalifoiinia FnniTS California peaches,
52 W V X-oushel box; cherries, S3 00; apricots,
S2 00 a 4-basket case; plums, SI 75S2 CO a 4
basket case,
Eqgs 15015Kc V dozen for strictly fresh.
FitUITS-Apples, 32 253 00 ffl barrel: pine
apples. SI 001 2. a dozen; red raspberries. 6
&10c fl quart: black raspberries. 58c ft quart;
whortleberries, 75cSl 00 pail; blackberries,
8e?l quart; wild goose plums, $2 50 fl crate:
currants, S3 5m4 yi 2-busbel stand; watermelons.
815 0025 00 & hundred; slckel pears, 82 00
2 25 f) bushel crate; Georgia peaches, 6-basket
cases, SI 50.
Fzathees Extra llvo geese. SOQOOe; No. L
do 4U45; mixed lots, 3035c lb.
Potatoes-81 251 50 p barrel.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 60060c ffl
pair; old, 70j75c pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Bs to bushel, $5 CO
1 bushel; clover, large English, 62 lis, $0 00;
clover, Alslke. 88 50; clover, white, 89 10; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, SI 65: blue grass, extra
clean, 14 lb'. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 ibs, 81 00;
orchard grass, 14 lbs. SI 65; red top, 14 fts. 81 25;
millet, 50 lbs. 81 OU; German Mlllett, 50 lbs.
81 50; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs, 81 00; lawn
cra-s, mixture of fine grasses, 8250 it bushel
of 14 &s.
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, iX
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. 85 500
6 50 fl box; Messina oranges, 85 005 50 W box;
rodi. 84 505 00; California oranges. 84 6ul "0
H box; bananas, 82 25 firsts. (1 25 good seconds,
f bunch; cocoanuts. 84 00Q4 50 W hundred;
new figs, SK9c lb; dates, SK6c m jk.
Vegetables Tomatoes, 81 ol, in bushel
boxes; wax beans,50g60c f) bushel; green beans,
25050c 31 bushel; cucumbers, home-raised, 82 2q
bushel: radishes, 50c ft dozen; home-grown
cabbage, 81 251 50 ft barrel: new celery, 50
COc ft dozen.
Coffee and sugar are easier in Eastern mar
kets, and a drop in both will be due here any
Greex Coffee Fancy Rio. 2122c; choice
Rio, 13H20c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 2728c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas
2022c: peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 22c:
high grades, 2426c: old Government Java,
bnlk.30J$31Kc;Maracalbo, 25K28Jic: Santos,
20Q22c; peaberry, 25c; peaberry, choice Rio.
23Ke: prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20Kc; ordi
nary, 20c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 7080c
Pett.oleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8c; water
white, 10c; globe 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
lljc: royallnc. 14c
bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrups, S3833C: prime sugar syrup,- 8Cg33c;
strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed, 4042c
Soda Ki-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb In Jft,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 6Q6c; sal
soda in kegs, l?ic; do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne.
set, SK;iiarafBne, ll12c
Rice Head. Carolina. 77Kc: choice. 6V
7c; prime o?-j6Vc: Louisiana,
Stakcu Pearl, 3c: cornstarch,
starch. 5SJ7c.
:7c; gloss
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon
don layers, 83 10; California London layers,
82 50; Muscatels, 82 25: California Muscatels,
81 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,
7K6Sc; sultana, 8c: currants, 4X5c;
Turkey prunes, 4?g5c; French prunes,
8G13c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-fi package", 8c;
cocoanuts. ft 100, 86 00; almonds, Lan., per lb,
20e; do Ivlca, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
12$15c; Sicily filberts, 12c: 8myrna tigs, 12
16c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan-,
ll15c; citron, per lb. 2122c; lemon peel, per
lb. 1314c; orange peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per lb, 6c
apples, evaporated, oKgCJic; apricots. Califor;
nia, evaporated, 15lsc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 10!2Jc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Uc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle
berries. 1Ul1o
Sugars Cubes, lOKQlOVfc; powdered, 10a
lOJc; granulated, 9c; confectioners' A, 9?
9c; standard A. 9Jgc; soft whites 99Kc: yel
low, choice, 8&0c; yellow, good, 99kc;
yellow, fair, SJJc; yellow, dark, 7-SJfc
PICKLES Medium, bbls (L200), 84 60; medi
um, half bbls (600). 82 75.
Salt No. 1. ft bbl, 95c;No.lex, ft bbl, 81 05;
dairy, f) bbl, 81 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl, 81 20;
lilggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80; Higgms'
Eureka. 16-11 lb pockets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. 81 SO
I 90: 2ds, 81 301 35; extra peaches 81 501 90;
pie peaches. 90e: finest corn. $101 fiOr-Hiii. Co
corn. 7090c; red cherries. OOcgSI; Lima beans,
SI 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75S5c; mar
rowfat peas. 81 101 15: soaked peas, 7iiia75c;
pineapples, 81 40Q1 50; Bahama do, 82 75: dam
soDjluuis, 95c: greengages, 81 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears, 82 60; do greengages, 82: do
egg plums, 82; ex ra white cherries. SI 90: red
cuerries, 2 ft?. 90c; raspberries, 81 4001 50;
strawberries, 81 10; gooseberries, 81 30fil 40;
tomatoes, 82M92c; salmon, 1-ib, 81 7502 10:
blackberries, bOc; succotash 2-ft cans, soaked
99c: do green, 2 Its. 81 251 50: corn beef, 2-lb cans,
82 00: 14-& cans. 814 00: baked beans, 81 451 fO;
lobster, 1-ft. 81 75QI 80; mackerel, I-ft cans,
broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestics. k. 84 50
4 60: sardines, domestic. Ks. S3 2SQ3 50; sar
dines, imported, Js, 811 5012 50; sardines. Im
ported, Xs. Si8: sardines, mustard, 84 60; sar
dines, spiced, 84 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 836 fl
bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mcs, 840; extra No. I
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock. 4Kc ft ft; do medium, George's cod,
oc: ao large 76; boneless bake, in strips, Cc; do
George's cod In blocks, 67Kc Herring
Ronnd shore. So 00 ft bbl; spl.t, 87 CO: lake.
82 50 ft 100-lb half bbL White fish. 87 Ot ft 10f
ft half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50 ft bait bbL
Finnan haddock. 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft ft. Pickerel. K barrel. S2 00; A barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring, 85 00 ft barrel, '82 50 ft li
Oatjieal-86 306 00 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 58Q60c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grnln, Floor and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 30 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago, 1 car of wheat, 2 ot corn, C of oats, 1
ofbran, lof screenings, 1 of flour, 1 of rye, 3 of
hay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and fet. Louis. 2
cars of corn, 2 of oats, 1 ot flnnr. By Pittsburg
aud Lake Erie. 2 cars of flour, 1 of oats, 1 of
malt. By Pittsburg and Western, 2 cars of
flour, 2 of oats, 1 of malt. There were no sales
on call. Good old wheat Is In good demand.
Corn is steady. Demand for bay is light and
markets are easy. Oats are weak. The bright
outlook for an abundant crop soon to be bar
vested has a depressing influence on old stock.
Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red,8329
84c: No. 2 red. 80491c; No. 3 red. 8385c
CORN No.2yeIlowear,45H40Kc-high mixed
ear. 45)$g46c; No. 2 yellw, sbelled, 42043e;
hizh luned, shelled, 4I12c; mixed, shelled,
oats-No. 2 white. 32K33c; extra. No. 3.
31d?31Ke; No. 3 wbite, 30Xe31c; No. 2 mixed
Rte No.lPcnnsvlvanla and Ohio, 6132j;
No. 1 Western. 4&49c
FtonE Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring p iteut-, J5 750 25: winter straight.
I? W)? 25; clear ulntrr, $4 755 00: straight
XXXX bakers', 54 254 GO. Rye flour, t3 50
MILLFEED-Mlifdlings. fine white. $15 00
IS oO ton: brown middlings, til 60812 00: wln
ter ."heat bran, J1I OOgH 25: chop feed, J15 00
M Hat Baled timothychoice. 15fiU55fl:Uo. 1
ao, tit uwu or, sso. a.ao, sxi OWIB BO; loose,
from wagon. MB Getile 08; No. 1 upland prairie.
810 .W311 00;No.2,S7 608 00; packing do. So 50
60 5ft
Straw Oats, S7 GO; wheat and rye straw
87 0067 603 00
'Breakfast bacon, shoulders and lard are
Sugar-cured hams, large, UKos sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c; sugar-cured hams, small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon,10Kc; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cored boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-enred California bams,
SJ4c; sngar-cured dried beef flat. 9c; sngar
cured dried beef sets, 10Jc; sugar-cured dried"
beef rounds. 12c; bacon shoulders, "0: bacon
clear sides, 8K bacon clear bellies. SKc; dry
salt shoulders. 6c: drvsn.lt clear sides. THe.
! Mess Port. heavy. 814 00: mess pork, lamliy.
n uu. iaru Kcnnru in tierces, V71.1:, maii.
barrels.Gc; G0-& tuos, 6c; 20-ft pall, 7Jc; 50-lb
tin cans. 6;: 8-lb tin pails, 7Vc; 6-lb tin palls.
1-Mc; 10-ft tin pails. 7Kc:5-lb tin pails, 7Jc; 10-jb
tin pails, 7c Smoked sausage, long, 6c: large,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter barrel,
82 00.
Dressed Stent.
Armour Co. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550
lbs, 6c; 550 to 650 lbs. 6r: 650 to 750 lbs, 6c
Sheep, 8c ft lb. Lambs, lOo ft ft. Hogs, 6Jic
Fresh pork loins, 8Kc
A Man Who Didn't Like tho Lockup as
Well am Ills Home.
Alexander P. Adelsberger yesterday sued
the city and Police Officer 1'rank Yeager for
$5,000 damages each because, on Suutlay, July
21, Yeager entered bis room and arrested him,
claiming ho bad been making a noise He was
taken to the Central station, where, after being
refused a bearing, he was locked uji In a damp,
dark cell, without food or water, though be
tendered payment for them, and a bare plank
to lie on, with no bed or covering, and infested
with rats, roaches, bedbugs, lice and other ver
min, for 15 hours. Then, on the testimony ot
the officer who arrested blm.he was discharged.
Line From Leenl Quarters.
Judoe Acbtesok confirms tbe report of the
commissioner appointed to distribute funds
arising f rom.tho sale of the steamboat Seven
J. P. Taylor and wife, heirs of Hugh Alex
ander, sue John Alexander and others In equity,
asking the partition of property on Water
street. McKeesport.
Cloteilde Saettexoy yesterday sued
Katrino Morsalnt (both of Willow Grove) for
slander, in saying that Miss Saintenoy had
eloped with a full-blooded negro.
Judge Collier orders tbe transfer of Ellen
Cox and Catharine Hermen from the City
Homo to the Insane Asylum at Dlxmont, at the
request of Chief Elliot, of the Department of
Charities, tbe women properly being charges of
tbe connty and not tbe city.
The Robert Morris Land and Improvement
Companv, of New York, yesterday filed in the
United States Circuit Court six suits in eject
ment against tbe Philadelphia and Reading
Coal and Iron Company and others to recover
over 8,000 acres in Northumberland conntv.
Suits were also entered to recover the mesne
profits, alleged to amount to 82,000.
Oliver Culp sues the McKeesport and
Bellevernon Railroad Company in equity for
taking possession ot a strip of land. 84 feet 7
Inches wide through tho property of tbe Culps
In Reynoldton borough, when, under act of
Assembly, a railroad company can only take 60
feet in width unless near a ravine or high em
bankment, or where they want to erect a depot
or sidetracks, etc
Frank Smitii, Esq., is appointed to take
testimony in the case of tbe petition of Mrs.
Mary H. Bateman to be declared a femme sole
trader. Mrs. liateman claimed to have been
neglected. Her husband filed a counter state
ment, alleging that his wife' refused to live
with him when be provided a home for her, and
has neglected her family to work in her father's
store in Shonsetown.
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk pails, milk cars, clothes, &c.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus, 4c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
Ra W. BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
fmmfmtr jss m mrm
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers ot
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us,
is now admitted by tbe medical authorities to
be a deficiency or nndue waste of Oxidizable
Phosphorus normally existing in tbe human
economy. The remedv consists in the admin
istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being
at once assimilable and oxidizable. WINCHES
TER'S HYPOPHOSPHJTES is tbe only prep
aration of Phosphcras which combines these
characteristics in the highest degree. For
Consurption, Br nchllls. Coughs, Night
Sweats, and Nervous Diseases, it is uneqnaled.
Recommended by Physicians. Sold by Drug
gists. $1 per bottle. Bend for circular.
WINCHESTER & CO.. Chemists,
my31-24-TTSWk 162 William St.. N. Y.
Core BHiZiXOTTS and
Nervous ILLS.
25ctS. a Box.
. STUFTOlIs-ji..
el Intenta Iteklng
wn tl wor-., (,
cratehlnc. IT. I.
www l continue
S?m?n er Mr 8WAYES UI.NT.
Mfc.NT mop the Itchlns sail blenlla. hral
Olceratf om. and ! mMf vmm tmnv. i htn
mora. feT'OaTWKHii4bydrijM,rmildtt
ot uMresi oo receipt of price, SO cu. a box i J boxes tl 3S
Jfldre tetfr. PR. SWATNS Jnv rn
A nnrely Vegetable
& Compound that expels
Sail bad humors from the
I system. Removes blotch
Fes and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
1 fnfSrSt . fa
On mortgages on improved real estate in snms
of fl,00O and upward. Appl at
mh-S4- ... ,. . No. 134 Fourth avenae.
I am satisfies tnat Cancer u hereditary in ray " i
family. Mv father died of it. a sister of mv M
mother died of It, and my own sister died of lb "3
iieeungs may ne imaginea, men, wnen too
horrible disease made its appearance on my
side It was a malignant Cancer, eating in
wardlv In such a way that it could not be cat
out Numerous remedies were used for it, tat
tho Cancer grew steadily worse, until itseemed
that I was doomed to follow the others of the
family. I took Swift's Specific, which, from
the first day, forced out the poison and con
tinu-d its use until I bad taken several bottles,
when I found myself well. 1 know that s s a.
cured me. Mrs. a. sr. Idol. r4
Winston, N. a. Nov. 26, '88.
Send for Book On Caneer anrt UlnnA Ti1aamAm
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, Z
5 per cent
First Mortgage Bonds.
. Free of All Taxes.
The Central Traction Company, of,;
Pittsburg, oilers for sale its total issue J
of Three Hundred and Seventy-five
Thousand Dollars, first mortgage five
per cent bonds due 1929. Bonds are for
$500 each, interest payable semi-annually,
are free of all taxes and a first lien on all
the property and franchises of the com
pany, whose cable road will be com
pleted by October r.
Proposals for all or any part of these)
bonds will be received by the Treasurer
of the company up to and including July
31, and allotments made thereunder.
At 104.46 these bonds pay 4 per cent
annually, at 109.24, per cent, at 114.37,
4X pe-r cent and at 119,87, 4 per cent,
The Company reserves the right to
reject any or all offers. For further in';
formation, address
The Central Traction Company, ..
Pittsburg, Fa.
JAS. D. CALLEP.Y President
Capital and surplus. J125.000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL
Morgan Co , New York. Passports procured.
514-515 Hamilton Building.
Pittsburg; Pa.
Fidelity Title and Trust Co. J
Will remove to its new building,
121 AND 123 FOURTH AVE.,
Monday,sJuly 29.
Safe deposit department will he open for bust,
ness on
Thursday, August 1.
Boxes to rent from $5 per year upward. Se- .
icvtiuu v& uujl9 may ue maue on ana alter
When the vault and parlors may be seen.
Jy26-08 , ,
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
As old residents know ana back tiles of Pitts
burg napers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, da
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
M C D W fl 1 1 C aal mental diseases, physical
l4L.n V UUOdecay.nervous debility, lack o
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sizbt. self distrnst.basbf nlnesa.
dlzzlnes, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions. Im
poverished blood, falling powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting tbe person for buslness-'oclety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV kidney and bladder aerange
U III 1 1 At II I j inents, weak back. grareL ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painf nl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt rel ef and real cures. '
Dr. Whittier's life-Iorg. extensive experi
ence, insnres scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sensa principles. Consultation .
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours U A.M. to HP. M. San
day. 10 A. 51. to 1 p. ir. only. DR. WHITTIER, '
814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scienllflo and confiden
tial, treatment! Or. s. K. Lake.
M.R. C. P. &, is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation freo and
strictly confidential. Office
hours a to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.; Sundays. Z to 4 P.
M. Consult them personi u v. orwrlte. D0CT0S3
Lake. 90tt Penn ave Pittsburg, Pa.
OOlc'S CottOSi EOOt
imnosed of Cotton Root. Tanrv and
Pennyroyal a recent dlseoverr br aa
'old nhvsiclan. Ii tuuessfuUu used!
montiiu Safe, Effectma. Prico SL by raall.
sealed. Ladies, ask your dnurgist for Cook's
Coim Root Comnound and take no substitute.
or inclose Z stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY. No. 8 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward ave, Detroit, Mich.
a posrriVK cuhej
For LOST or Palltnzl
ness, Weakness oc.
Uody Mind. Lack of Strength. Vlxor and De
veloDment. caused bv Errors. Exeesaes. e IfooE.-
Moua of SKLF-TntiTMlt.NT. and Proofs mailed
(sealedl tree.
Address tlllE MEDICAL CO.,
Uuttalu. N. Y.
For men! Checks tho worst cases In three
uays, ana cores in rive days, price II 09, at
jao-23-TTgsu Hi Market street
errsn oft
TAttll. touAtB.M
weakness, lost vUor, ete wsi restored to bearnl
in sucn a remarkable maanemfter alt. ea na4S
filled that he win send the mode of core nUCCtoJ
u mww reBcrcrv. AanS3 Xj. v. aiITt:J
ash ctaaiwB, voaa ;
i mtn iiiapim i