?wwg5ia9P ' '??;? " i - 'PITTSBITRa DISPATCH, ' TUESDAY, JTTLY 80," 5?1889." rni . K READY FOE A FIGHT Ihe Coko Workers Are Sow Per fecting Their Organization. SUBSTANTIAL AID RECEIVED. Sunday Camp-Meeting Excursion Trains Cause Some Trouble, THE LIST COENEE OF THE STANDAED An Entire Family Seriously Folsonrd By Eatinf Some Caused Sardines. The coke workers are confident of Suc cess in their troubles. Meetings hare been held and committees, appointed. The Standard Oil Company has effected a corner of the wax market tsrECUI. TELXGItAM TO TBI DISFATCn.3 SCOTTDAI.E, July 29. At tne meeting of the Cokeworkers' General Committee this afternoon sub-committees,representing every section in the coke region, were appointed. Mass meetings will be held throughout the recion. Ajiromiuent miner said this even ing that Master "Workman Ilea, of X. T. A. 135, would be assisted by 21 agents of the Miners' National Trades Assembly. A miss meeting, to be held in Conucllsville on "Wednesday, has been called. Prominent officials ol the Knights of Labor and others will be there to address the men. Immediately after the adjournment of the General Committee the Executive Board of sub-division No. 4 went into session. Com munications ere received Irom 20 different works notifying the board that all the as sistance .required would be given. It was also stated to the board that the miners at the Valley "Works of the Frick Coke Com pany would quit work iith the balance of the region on Wednesday. The question of responsibility was taken up and the board decided that" as sufficient notice had been given the operators, they and not the em ployes would be responsible for any loss that may be entailed on account of the coke being left in the ovens. It is reported on the most reliable author ity that the loard had received a check tor several hundred dollars irom national head quarters, with instructions to draw for more Tihen needed. The men leel confident of winning their point, and do not expect the strike to last over two weeks at the farthest. A.NOTHEE STANDARD SCHEME. It Looks Like a Corner on Wax Candle and Chen-Ins Gum. ISrFCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrjLTCH.1 Fkanklis, July 29. From reports cir culated in this city it would seem that the Standard Oil Company is branching out in an entirely new direction, and now has a corner on the wax candle industry of the country. Having bought out or indnced to quit the business all the manufacturers of wax candles the Standard is now practically without opposition, and it is rumored thev will at once advance the prices of candles and other commodities. Wax manufactured from petroleum is used in their production, and it is even inti mated that the price of chewing gun will be advanced. The Standard has stored away in their works in this city from 6,000 tb 10,000 barrels of wax which they are ready to put on the market as soon as the prices reach their figures. DEATH OF MRS. COLLITER, TTbo Wan in thr Johnstown Flood find Never Recovered From ibe hock. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DlSrATCH.l East Beady, July 29. Mrs. Colliver, wife of Rev. Colliver, a local minister of Johnstown, was buried in the cemetery at Brady's Bend to-day. Mrs. Colliver was an invalid, and had a narrow escape from the flood, and the shock received at that time hastened her death. Her age was about 55 years. A young man named Elder, from Parker, had his left arm amputated here to-day by Br. R. S. Wallace. His hand was smashed while coupling on the railroad several months ago, and gangrene ensued, necessi tating amputation. A CAMPMEETIXG QUESTION. Opinions Differ nn lo bnnday Excursion Trains and Ailmlft.lon Fees. fSFfClAL TELEGRAM To THE DISrATOH.! Gbeensbobg, July 29. The National Campmeeting Association, which was to hold its annual meeting this year at Eidge way Park, just west of Johnstown, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, has decided not to meet there. The management claim that the Ridgeway Campmeeting .Association, now holding meetings there, have violated their pledge not to take money at the gate or to run excursion trains on Sunday. The National Association has just noti fied the directors of the park of their conclu sion, and it has created quite 3 sensation among the good Methodists down there. Fatal Result of a Qaarrrl. JSrECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Fbauklin, July 29. During a quarrel in this city on Saturday night George Hunts berger was struck on the head with a beer bottle by a man named "Whitman and so severely injured that the doctors have given up all hopes of his recovery. Huntsberirer resides in Oil City and was removed there Sunday. Whitman has been arrested. Rescued After Eisht Years. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 Oil City, July 29. Eight years ago a lad named James Kennedy, aged 7 years, was abducted from this city. His where abouts were never discovered until to-day. A band of gipsies are encamped on the Southside, where the young man was found. A posse of citizens rescued him, and he is ww with his overjoyed parents. The OH Well nht. rSrXClAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATOH! "Washington, Pa., July 29. Judge Mcllvaine this afternoon filed his opinion in the case of C M. and Mrs. Mary Brown lee against S. I. McGee and others, restrain ing them Irom drilling an oil well on the premises of E. R. Deems and Rachel Finley. Another Project nt Jeannetle. tSrZCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCB.1 Gkeenkbueo, July 29. H. Sellers Me Kee, of Pittsburg, has just purchased twoor three large tracts of land north of Jeanette. About 400 houses will be built on the land, and it is rumored a big iron plant will be erected. Poisoned by Eating Kitrdlne. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATClI.3 Gbeexville, July 29. Elmer Bell, an engineer on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, his two children and a Miss O'Brien were poisoned last evening by eat ing sardines. It is doubtful if they will re cover. EXPOSITION B0XDS GOING FAST. Tory Dronabt the foolery S25.000 More In Caul) Ymierdar. Yesterday aiternoon the German Amer ican Insurance Company, o this city, took J10.0CO of the Exposition bonds. In the morning Henry Buhl, of Boggs & Buhl, placed (15,000 in the Allegheny banks, making (25,000 in cash received during the day. Several other lots are in negotiation, and if is expected that 100,000 will be sold -and delivered bclore Saturday. c jkm I , ' .r .-A.i r.iejvrraa. -;i- - j'.ay . VjatlUlU UCIil UU1 VLW1G U.LU1UDI. " 1 . - !...-. .SW.I... .- -j-' '. . - I. .. i1 IHII I HHiiiI it i'H'i IMIHI lil IQHil I illl m i' fclB1 rtl'I.KI JI'H I i'Iii o.,H.A3&HM9lM3fc; MMMffirii.fi if irfti i n A iMttraffithw TUB SUPERINTENDENT'S STORT. He Sajs Sirs. Dlnrtln Died From Solten xxg of Ihn Drnln. This morning Coroner McDowell will hold an inquest upon the body of Mrs. Anna Martin, who died at the Allegheny Poor Farm early yesterday morning. On July 1 Mrs. Martin got into a dispute with her daughter-in-law about a table cloth and was pushed down a pair of stairs. The latter woman is 68 years of age and quite feeble. In her fall she injured her ankle and was taken from her home. -at No. 49 East Jefferson street, to the Allegheny Poor Farm. Her relatives accompanied her in the car riage to the Farm, where she was admitted on the 12th inst. Her ankle was sprained, and she had to be carried into the institu tion. There the physicians attended to her limb, which became all right in a few days. For over a year Mrs. Martin has been suffering from brain trouble, and the physi cians at the Home say this caused her death. A reporter of TnE Dispatch visited the Farm last night, and interviewed Superin tendent Rolshouse in regard to the matter. Mr. Rolshouse said: "The women was brought here as an in sane patient, and was treated accordingly. Shejias had softening of the brain for over a year and it degenerated into paralysis. This undoubtedlv caused her death. Her relatives claimed that she injured her ankle by failing in the yard. Sha was so insane that she could only mutter incoherent sounds, nnd never got out of her bed while here. I do not think that the trouble with her limb caused her death." AN A0E Of CliDBS. CoraopoIItann Fqnal on an Abandoned Bont With a ItuflVt. Notwithstanding the borough of Cora opolis voted 99 to 16 for the proposed amend ment to the State Constitution to prevent the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, some of the good citizens of the place are greatly scandalized over thealleged orgies held by a social, or at least bibulous, organization which, it is said, drinks beer and supposably "suthin' " stronger, in a boat moored near the rip-rap which confines the Ohio at the "trap." People in the vi cinity complain that Sunday is made hide ous by the desecration. The clubhouse was gotten for nothing. Some months ago an unknown man came floating down the river in a small trading boat, and, not knowing Tf the danger of navigation over the rip-rap, went over and was drowned, and the gang complained of is said to have squatted in the boat and con verted it into a clubhouse. TO BEING THEM BACH. Hovr Fltlsbnrg's Chinese Merchants Oo Identified to Chlnn. The Rev. E. R. Donehoo yesterday pre pared papers of identification for Ye Din, Ye Dock and Ye Sing, Chinese business men on Second avenue, who intend visiting China. The two first are brothers, and wish to see their mother. Ye Sing is their cousin, and accompanies them, with Qung "Wah, who returns to China for good. The papers describing them recite that they are in business here, and are worth over $1,000. The papers are to be presented to the Chi nese Consul at San Francisco to secure a passport; also to be used in returning to this country. They also take with them letters in be half of Lee Johnson's brother, a Pittsburg Chinaman, who visited China before the ex clusion bill was passed. CRIMINAL MALPRACTICE Is Alleged Againut an Allegheny Physician in nil Emit End Cnne. For criminal malpractice in the case of Miss Annie Conley, aged 21, of Dolphin street, East End, Dr. Jacob Callemns, of 13 First avennc, Allegheny, was yesterday held to (2,000 bail by Alderman Porter, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCormack, a newly married pair, of Penn and Euclid avenues, East End, were locked up, in default ot bail, as accessories. The offense, as alleged, was committed at the doctor's office in April, Alonzo Arnett, who had rendered it necessary, as charged, having cone "West to escape the consequences. The criminality of the McCormacks is held to have consisted 'in harboring the young lady to aid and abet the malpractice and with full knowledge thereof. Annie is a daughter of Mrs. Sarah Conley. FOE TEE FIFTH STORT. Business Is Now Quito Brik Abont Ihe New Grnnlte Pontonlce. Yesterday afternoon the iron beams for the fifth story ot the new Government build ing arrived, and will be put up at once. Mr. Malone, Superintendent, has sent let ters to local Government officials requesting them to come to his office and make the choice of room they would like to occupy. He says whenever they have made their selections, there will be a joint session of Government officials and the Bnilding Com mittee of the Chamber of Commerce to make the final decision. Slrlckcn With Cramp nnd Death. Edwin Davis, a married man, 43 years old, died suddenly at his home on Charlotte street, near Thirty-sixth street, yesterday morning. Mr. Davis suffered a severe at tack of cramps about 4 o'clock in the morn ing and died several hours later. The de ceased had been employed at Clark's Solar Iron "Works previous to the strike. The Coroner was notified. Amputation Too Much for 11 1 in. Henry Eastman, employed on the Pitts burg and Lake Erie Railway, had both legs badly crushed at Homewood yesterday while attempting to board a freight train. He was taken to the "West Penn Hospital. and died from loss of blood occasioned by the amputation of his left leg. An inquest will be held this morning. Rheumatism, BEING due to the presence of urio acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. Be sure you get Ayer's and no other, and take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. "We challenge attention to this testimony: "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic pout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete euro. I have since had no re turn of the disease." Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 "West 125th st., New York. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being con fined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debili tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every wnv. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. flr'e ui o uioupaimaj rSZFABZS'SY Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mais. Price $1; six Wiles, 3. wdrth (5 a bottte , A CITY EMPLOYE'S DEATH. One of the Veterans of the Water Depart ment Expire at EUa Post. "Walsh Sproul, of 28 Thirteenth street, aged 61 years, an employe of the City "Water Department, dropped dead of apoplexy while laying water pipe at the corner of Forty-seventh and Howe streets about 1 o'clock P. M. yesterday. He was one of the oldest and best liked employes in the serv ice, having been in the water department for 28 years. Besides his wife, two adult sons survive him. Uso Gentleness. Be gentle in stimulating the kidneys, other wise von will excite and weaken them. The happiest results follow the use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters to overcome renal inactivity. Avoid the unmedicated, fiery stimulants of commerce. The kidneys have a delicate mem brane, easily irritated, and upon this the action of such excitants is pernicious. Malarial com plaints, indigestion rheumatism, neuralgia and biliousness succumb to tho corrective Influence ot the Bitters. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarts., 50c Extra Old Sherry.full quarts 75c Old Port, full quarts 50c Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75c Riesling, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 50c Muscatel, full quarts 50c Tokay, full quarts 60c For sale by G. "W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Excursion to Atlantic City Via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, next Thursday, August 1. Rate, S10 for the round trip; tickets good tor 10 days; good to stop off at Washington City returning. Trains of Eastlake coaches and Pullman palace cars will leave depot at 8 A. 21. and 920 P. si. The Best Summer Drlnti, As well as the most wholesome beverage for the warm weather, is Pilsner beer. FBAUENHEIM & VlLSACK. Telephone 1186. Mnrrlage Licenses Granted Yesterday. Kama. Kesldenes. I John M. ITeln Allegheny iElmenli liuhn Allegheny ( Frank Acht Pittsburg 1 Theresa Machlaroll Pittsburg j Victor Larose .....West Elizabeth 1 Florence Faetre 'West Elizabeth (Joseph Schneider Pittsburg 1 Maria Glgler Pittsburg I Theodore Trlttler Pittsburg I Lena KraR Pittsburg I James W Gardner Pittsburg I Lmtna Saufurd PltUburg (Samuel fetory. Allegheny J Susannah Ilammerschmldt Allegheny I John Murray , Allegheny I Barbara Knox Allegheny ) William Uumbert Allegheny (Katie It. Koculg Allegheny I Frank W. White Plttsbnrg (Alice Hummel Sprtngdile township (Andrew E. Myers Allegheny (Ecora Conrt Allegheny (Kobert Cray Braddock township . btella Lewis Pittsburg J Peter G. liecktenwald. ...L. St. Clair township j Lizzie liowraen Lower St. Clair township MARRIED. ATKINS WOOD In Pittsburg, July 25. by the Rev. William Ward West, Georcje T. At kins and FlobaJ. Woob. DIED. BARR On Sunday. July 28, 1SS9, at 8 A. M., at his residence. No. 153 Meyran avenue, John C. Barb, aged 62 years. Funeral services at St. Agnes Church TrES dat morkixo, July 30, at 920 A. sr. 2 BAS9ETT On Monday, July 29. at 8:15 A. XL, Howard, on of Thomas 8. and Ella & Bassett, aged 6 months and 25 days. Funeral WedsesijaY at 10 A. it. from parents' residence, West End avenue, Alle gheny. Interment private. 2 CHILTON At Mansfield, Pa Sunday, July 28. 18S9. at 11:45 P. M.. MARGARET A, twin daughter of John and Sarah Chilton, aged 1 year 10 months and 12 davs. , Funeral from the residence of her parents, Mansfield, on TUESDAY, July SO, at 2 P.M. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. COLLARD On Monday morning. July 29, 18S9. Frederick IL. eldest son of Gilbert H. and Sarah Jane Collard, aged 22 years. Funeral services at the residence of his parents. West View, Perrysvflle road, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Inter ment at Unlondale Cemetery. DAVIES On Monday, July 8, 18S9. Edwin Da vies. In his 52d year. Funeral from his late residence, Charlotte street, near Thirty-sixth, Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock. DOUUHERTY-On Monday, July 29, 18S9, at 5 a.m., a.j. Dougherty, aged41 years, bet ter known as Tony, and brother-in-law of Annie FrieL Foneral 9 a.m. Wednesday, at 111 Spring alley, next to Fire Engine Company No. 15, to proceed to St. Patrick's Church. FABER On Satnrday, July 27. 1889. at 8 o'clock P. M., Sarah H., wife of William M. Faber, and daughter of the late Dr. Henry Hannan. Funeral Tuesday AFTERNOON at 3.30 o'clock. Interment private. GLOVEB At the residence of her mother, No. 1 Terrace avenue, Allegheny, Satnrdav. July 27, lbS.at7:15p. m., Rebecca L., daugh ter of Mary and the late John Grbver, aged 21 years. Funeral services on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. Interment private at a later hour. GREEN On Monday. July it, John J. Green, aged 30 and 22 days. 29. 18S9. at 4 A. years 3 months A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant In our home. Which never can be filled; God in His wisdom has recalled The boon His love had given; And thounh the body slumbers here, The soul Is safe in heaven. Funeral from his late residence, Edmond street. Twentieth ward, on Wednesday at 8.30 A. M. Services at St. Joseph's R. C. Church, Bloomtleld, at 9 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invlied to attend. HEWITT On Monday, at 8 o'clock A. If., at the residence of Mr. Fred Benculer, Alle gheny, Mrs. A. P., beloved wife of Philip Hewitt, of Rochester, Pa and Bister of Mrs. F. Beachler, of Alleghenv, and Mts. M. L, Hays, of Rochester, Pa., aged 60 j ears. Services at Sbarpsville, Mercer countv. nn Tuesday, July SO.. Interment at Clarksvllle, Mercer county, L1NQAKT Sunday, July 2S.1ES9. at 135 p K.. Sirs. Sarah, wife of Wilkius tlnhart, in her 51st year. The funeral will take place from the residence of her husband, 113 Sheffield street. Allegheny Citv, Tuesday jioenl.no at 10 o'clock. The frlendsif the family are respectfully invited to auena wuuuui lurmer notice. MORTON At the residence of James While, Ingrain station, Marie Anoele, In fant daucbter ot Mrs. Will P. Morton. Services at 8 o'clock P. M. Tuesday. Inter ment private. SPROUL Suddenly, on Monday, July 29 15S9, Welsh Sproul. in the 00th year of his age. Notice of funeral hereafter. JAMES ARCHIBALD BRO.. XJVEBY AND SALE STABLES, 117, 119 nd 1M Third avenue, two doors below bmithneld st next door to Central Hotel. Carnages for f unerals,$3.' Carriages for operas, parties, ic, at the lowest rates. All new car riages. 1 elephone communication. myl-H-na pEPRESENTEU IN PITTSBURO IN 1SC1 ASSETS - . J9JD71.696S3. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 rourth avenue. 1al-s2-D WESTERN JNSUBANCE CO. OF PITf SBURG. Assets $MS,501 87 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIM1CK. President. JOHN B. JACKhON. Vice Resident. fe22-2H-TT3 WM. P. HERBEltT. Secretary. TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from $1 up. AmalgaR, 5Cc; silver, 75c; white alloy, L Gold Crowns a specialty, Ba'j. M. McCLAREN. Corner Smithfleld and Fourth ivease. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHINA MATTINGS. CLOSING SALE. -- 20 Per Cent Average reduction has been made on our en tire stock of Chinese and Japanese Straw Mattings. Fancy Mattings mixed dark colors low as $3 per roll 40 yards, or 7c Per Yard. m as of 0. McCLMTOCK & CO., 3Jfifth AVENUE 33 jy20-TTS SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL OYER THE STORE. This week we have placed on Gents' counter a lot of French Balbriggan striped Shirts and Drawers at 75c each, reduced from 1 25 each. This is a good bargain. THE PARASOL BARGAINS ought most certainly to command your atten tion. Think of ltl Parasols at $1 and S2 each that sold at two to three times the price. Also the Sun and Rain Umbrella barcains will at tract you If you will place yourself in their way. YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S TENNIS SASHES, Ottoman, Silk and Fancy Striped Surah, at reduced prices. WHITE FLANNEL SHIRTS and WAISTS have not been as rapid sellers this season as usual, on account, no donbt, of the many handsome patterns in fancies. We have de cided to close out at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES two lines of White Flannel Waists one line of Men's Wh.te Flannel Shirts, Button On and Blouse Waists, reduced from 2 to (1 50, $2 50 to $2. Men's White Flannel Shirts from t2 50 to $2. This is enough for this time. HORNE & WARD, dl FIFTH AVENUE. jyl.n On a New Tack. Look out what you pay just now. Here's your choice. Clothing of the buyers know-not-what make or qual ity, and, Clothing of our make, that we're responsible for. Inferior clothing shan't hide behind low prices any longer. We'll knock that prop from under it. There'll be low prices for you at Wanamakei's, too. We've said fair prices till now. goods Prices. JNow superior as our are we say, Low We don't propose to hold this season's goods for next. We'll make low prices sell them. Let the cheap look out All sizes and qualities in Thin Goods and Serges. i.ooo styles to make measure. to -o- Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. Jj3fol ' GRATEFUL COM ORTINU. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledgeof the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and pn cately Savored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' Mils. Itis by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be graduallv built ud until Etronz eunuch to resnt every tendency t disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our- selves well rortlned with pure blood and a proi ;ii rortlned with pure blood and a prop- eny nounsnea Irame." Civil Service Oazette. Made simply with boillngwaterormiltc Hold s Oazctte. Utc Isold eled thus: hernials) oniy in nail pound tins by Grocers. labele Beelandi 1 ftftr.ia k.""B"!!2f. NEW ADVERTISE31EXTS. CUT PRICES -ON- REFRIGERATORS, ICE CHESTS, MEAT SAFES and WATER COOLERS. REFRIGERATORS. Ko. 3 Reduced from $13 50 to $10 oa No. 4 Reduced from $15 50 to $1 2 50. No. s)4 Reduced from $15 75 to $13 oa No. 4 (Hardwood) Reduced from $16 30 to $13 50. No. s (Hardwood) Reduced from $18 50 to $15. SIDEBOARD and REFRIGERATOR COMBINED. Reduced from $ 9 70 to $7 5a Reduced from $14 35 to $12. (Hardwood) Reduced from S21 90 to S18 Reduced from $29 75 to $25. Reduced from $35 50 to 3a Reduced from $45 50 to 40. ICE CHESTS. Reduced from'$4 75 to $3 75. Reduced from $5 to $4- SINGLE MEAT SAFES. Reduced from $6 35 to $5. Reduced from $7 39 to $5 75. DOUBLE MEAT SAFES. Reduced from $9 40 to $7. Reduced from $10 90 to $9. WATER COOLERS. Reduced from $2 35 to $3. Reduced from $3 25 to $j 5a Reduced from $4 75 to $3 75. Reduced from $5 to 4. Reduced from $6 50 to $5. WATER COOLERS WITH FILTERS. Reduced from $6 25 to $5. Reduced from $6 75 to $5 5a Reduced from $S 75 to $7. Reduced from $10 to $8 50. Reduced from $ti 50 to $ia Fleishman &Co.'s KEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,505 and 508 Market st. PITTSBURQ, PA. JySO-D EXTRAORDINARY JULY REDUCTION SALE Star Flannel Waists 82 OO. and Blouses, These are all this season's patterns, and the best goods made, silk at W 2a. Percale Waists marked below cost. Corded Silk Mull Hats for children, SI SO and $2. This is less than cost. All very pretty styles. Children's Plain and Embroidered .White Dresses, 81. Ages 4 to 11. The regular price of this lot was t3 to 510. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas Belling at ridiculously low prices. They must go this week at some Drlce. The reduced ones start at 97c Don't delay but come at once. Tennis Goods Marked Way Down. Blazers $2 So. Bashes SI 60, Belts, silk. 25c and 35c. Caps 45c, Shirts Jl 60, were t2; $2 were $2 75; finer ones also. Every Department included in fMg Cut. All our goods we warrant to ce first-class and perfect in every way. A, G, CAMPBELL & 710 PENN AVENUE. 710 PENN BUILDING. Between Seventh and Eighth sts. y21-Tnrsu Pears' Soap SECURES A. BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION OF ALL DRUGGISTS. "W. s. "WM. 165, . HOW MANY A FEW SHINING EXAMPLES: i 25 Body Brussels Carpets now 75c a yard. 60c Tapestry Brussels Carpets now 45c a yard. 65c Extra Supers now 50c a yard. 50c Ingrains, large assortment 35c. Short lengths Carpets j off. 75c Lace Curtains now 60c a pait. $1 50 Lace Curtains now $1 a pair. $3 Lace Curtains now $2 a pair. 1 Black Surah Silks remarkably cheap.' 3720 all-wool Cashmeres now 25c 40c all-wool Serges now 25c. , 75c fancy French Suitings now 50c. " . ' 100 pieces Dress Fabrics 25 and 370 qualities now 15 and 20c a yard. i2c Satines for 6(c a yard. 18c Satines for i2c a yard. 75 pieces new Challis and Challis Beiges 6(c 40c Men's Gauze Merino Shirts now 25c. 50c Men's fine French Balbriggan Shirts now 33c 50c Men's Unlaundried Shirts now 35c. 65c Men's Unlaundried Shirts now 50c. 50c Men's all-bilk bcarfs for 25c. NOTICE Our stores will be closed at's .o'clock p. M. except-Saturdays, from August 1 till th'cir shopping 'accordingly. , - .triisAsrfjigteffiafiitei.l&u '3d3Mjil&g, v Trrfnr rXiWfSnitar if iiiiTF I Mill I tfMWHii i n "n m iiilm li li i i i . NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. & B. Tuesday, Julr 30. If it were only a question of making a personal canvass of these cities and vicinity there is no doubt a thousand ladies 'could be found who would take, and very gladly, a dress pattern of these thousands of yards of elegant goods going now at y2 and i original prices. The "trade," as it is called, has been pretty generally supplied these goods are going to those who can afford to buy extra dresses, if a bargain, when not just in pressing need of them, and by others who know that no better nor more beau tiful goods will be made, and who do not care to wait until next sea son and pay a high price just for the satisfaction of knowing the goods "have jnst come out." Then there Is also a goodly number who need dresses and are fortunate enough to be so situated that they can take advantage nt the bargains we are now offering. So, though several thousand penple are In the store every day, It takes time for the thou sand, who are after these great bargains, to get around but they are coming and the goods are going. We could not want It more satis, factory. We have never made such extraor dinary reductions and we have never seen the people show greater appreciation. "Our summer stuff if UST GO." That is the decree. Ii applies to Silks as well as to Dress Goods and to Suits. Wraps, Jerseys, vVaists, etc, etc. This is the Dargaln week. BOGGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal st, Allegheny jy30-D GOOD INVESTMENTS. Handsome, large, level, shaded lots at Groveland, fronting Ohio river, accessible by three lines of railway. Good building property, affording health ful, cheerful and convenient homes. Large lots on Benton avenue, Allegheny, at low prices and on long time. Choice home locations 12 minutes' ride, S cent fare on Central Traction road, ad joining proposed Hereon Hill Park. Lots 30 to 60 feet front jy20-17-D JAS. MKELL & BRO., BOn,EKS, PLATE AND BHEET-IKON WORK. PATENT SHEET IRON ANNEALING m BOXES. With an increased capacity and hydraulic machinery we are prepared to furnish all work in our line cheaper and better than by the old methods. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-nintb. street and Allegheny Val lev Railroad. ie5-o!rrs REDOUTS. Atlantic Clly. TTN1TED STATES HOTEL- LI Atlantic Cit v. N.J. The largest and leading hoteC H. B. WARDEN. Manaeer. jel5-34-TTS a H. nituwn, iToprletor. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY. N.J MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Bait water baths in the house. Elevator. apl&fel-D E. ROBERTS 4 SONS. THE MANSIOH, ATLANTIC CITY, K. J. Largest and most prominently located hotel with a new and first-class Restaurant attached. 350 chairs. Open all the year. Coaches to and from Beach and Trains. Brophv's Orchestra. Je2j-51 CH ARLES'McGLADE HOTEL LFAYETTE. CAPE MAY CITY. N J., open all the year: strictly first-class; situated directly on the beach, opposite Iron Pier. VICTOR DENIEZOT, Proprietor. Rates 82 60 to Si jel-3-TTS LONGVIEW SCHOOL-FORMERLY HO TEL Longview will be opened for the reception of summer boarders by July 1, 18S9. For circulars and information apply to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. my2-9J-TTSU Longview School, Brookville, Pa. ASBURY PARK-HOTEL BRUNSWICK A leading hotel in every respect. Beauti fully situated near the beach. All rooms com mand an unobstructed view of the ocean. Ap pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani tary arrangements perfect. For information address MORGAN & PARSONS. Jel5-35 mHE WINDSOR, CAPE MAY, N. J. Directly on the beach. Now open pe 1U jel-4-D W. W. GREEN. HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., Henry WALTKB,Prop'r., Jno. B. ScntossER, Manager, late of Hotel Daquesne, Plttsbnrg. jy7-59 CRESSON bPRlNGS, PENNA.. MAIN line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. the mountain: house Now open. All (rains stop it Creston. For circulars, etc, address WM. R. DUNHAM. Supt, mv7-2-D Cresson. Cambria, Co., Pa. MONMOUTH HOUSE, SPRING LAKE BEACH, 'N. J. WILL OPEN JUNE 29. For terms and other information address L. U. MALTBY, Monmouth House, Spring Lake, N. J Or Hotel Lafayette, Philadelphia, Pa. JclS-69-TTS AyoisriDrsrn SBMPLB'S STORES 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. .DOLLARS WILL BE SAVED THIS WEEE NEW ADVERTISEJIEOTS. THE VERY REMARKABLE BARGAINS' GUSKY'S Q&&Q$e$SrteOWWW "0h3.vH HAVE BEEN OFFERING HAVE ATTRACTED OF THOUSANDS OF EAGER BUYERS. In order that there shall be no diminution in the amount of busi ness we have been doing we shall offer for this week, commencing'to- morrow, the following unparalleled attend this great sale, promising time. Choice of Men's elegant Dress colors, all sizes from 33 to 42 inches Not many left, but enough to suit Choice of 800 Men's summer all sizes, at 69c only. Remarkable Choice of i.soo Men's summer of these only to be ascertained by Choice of Men's black summer nificant indeed when value of goods Choice of 1,000 pairs of Men's are not good value at $2 they're not Choice of 120 Blue Flannel Coats, 38 to 44 sizes only, at 08c Ifi you want a right royal bargain here Choice of 125 White Vests at order to close the lot out Choice of 1,500 Children's us oniy at uusKy s tnat sucn Dargams are obtainable. Choice of 225 Wash Kilts at wonderfully low price? No, nor yet Choice of 150 Odd Kilt Skirts bered by the happy purchasers. Choice of 1,000 Children's Knee Pant Suits at o8c only. Here ill an opportunity to get suits worth at Choice of odds and ends in Si 24, 98c and 74c) at 49c only. Choice of some 600 Gossamer only. . Choice of elegant striped Shirts and ?r 25) at 69c only. Choice of genuine English Lisle Thread Shirts at 74c oqly. have sold previously at the bargain price of $1 19.) Choice of Men's Stiff Derbys every cent of double the money. OVER 10,000 OF DESIRABLE ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. :) GUSKY'S HZPrtZD TERM BARGAINS Although business for the time of year is unusually brisk with us, we knowj that to keep up trade in theie dull months tions. Look what our buyers have secured for this week's sales. JTEESETS BELOW HALF FBICE. An importer's and manufacturer's 900 pieces in choice colors, blacks and creams ranging from 75c to $2 85, every one! being worth more than double the price asked. jpB 232 Blouses, consisting of the latest styles and colorings, at nearly half last month's prices. 'fll AH Summer Jackets. Wraps, Newmarkets, will be offered this week regardlest of cost or value. HOSIERY. 120 dozen imported worm 25c. 60 dozen imported fine Silk Vests, 69c, worth $1 35. 25 dozen Black Silk Hose this week 50c, worth 75a SOME MILLINERY BARGAINS. We continue to sell those fine Black Lace Hats, formerly sold at $1 ?o and $1 7, at 44c ami 48c. A lot ot broken sizes $1 25 and $t Corsets this week 59c a pair. AH our Cool Wave Summer Corsets reduced to 50c A beautiful Satine Corset, colors drab and old gold, 50c, worth $1. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS In Parasols, Fans, Muslin Underwear, New Belts, Chatelaine Bag?. Chemisettes, Lace Collars. Ruchings, Traveling! cags, at attractive low prices. Assortments in every department still very large. For bargains in Summer Goods the best place is at Ffoerbeom( 510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. .yorrfsr 29. ONE OR TWO BRIGHT STARS: 37jc Ladies' Chemise and Drawers now 25c 75c Ladies' Cambric Skirts JtoDes ana Dorset covers. n $1 50 colored fringed Table Cloths, two yards square, for ft'. 37jc Turkey Red Tablings for 20c a yard. 65c Cream and Bleached Table Linens for 50c. $1 Kid Gloves, slightly soiled, for 50c a pair. Si 50 Kid Gloves, colored and black, for j5i a pair. 15c fast black Hose for 10c a pair. 40c fast black Hose for 25c a pair. Millinery in all its branches J5 off. 4 Parasols now $2. $2 50 Parasols now $1 25. $2 50 all-Silk Umbrellas. $2 2c Gloria Silk Umbrellas now Si co. Ladies' and Children's Summer tow prices. Full lines of white and colored lickings ana aneetmgs at very low special iive cases new fall styles Prints open to-day. .wiaii. urucrs receive prompt attention. rv. September . the PASTFEW WEEKS 'rll THE ATTENTION bargains and invite everybody.toj ALL the grandest bargains of a life Suits in Cheviots, light and daril breast measure, for $9 99 only.j some 200 buyers. Coats and Vests, in plaids and stripesj bargains, truly. Coats at 14c only. The true worth! inspecting the goods. coats at 25c A price very insig is known. Linen Pants at 98c only, worth a cent it is. 39c only. This low price is made inl Sailor Suits, sizes 4 to io, at 49c onlyS 48c Did you ever hear of such.'al did any one else. at 49c. A bargain to be long remem- least $2 for less than a dollar. Balbriggan Drawers (reduced from Shirts (sold usually at 53c) at 24C1 and Drawers (former price $z 131 at 89c, 9SC, Si 39 and $1 49, OTHER EQUALLY BARGAINS. - ( 300 to 400 3 Market streets jy28-TTS3U it is necessary to offer irresistible attracj stock of sample Jerseys, consisting: of overj full regular made fancy Hose, 16c a paiM Swiss Ribbed Underwear, 12c and un.f4 AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE! jySO-TTSSU.. "W. s. now 50c. A like reduction in Night "V r -, m '-Vill Suits, Jackets and Wrapl .ater Quilts, Towels, NapkinsCrasl prices. - Customers will kindlyregalatSj ;