Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 30, 1889, Image 1

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mfc If 4vv'AV ' O- oc V r J -' ' iMgUINECANMAKE'ilONEY . "fjf
P' Advice to Summer Tourists. VfSl 1 t afl iT I'1ir4AW' A ldk ' S WCMnXOMia'vi ' Ti
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An Authority on Statistics Who
Knows Nothing About the
Subject Has
Accused of Doctoring Figures to Aid
Missouri Prohibitionist, Who I Chief or
the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury
Department, Accused of Issuing BIls
Irmlinc Reports 10 Help the Cnnse ol
Which Ho la nn Advocate Ells Statistics
All Greek to Himself, but Not to Mexican
Experts A BrcuU Uo Made and Tbeu
Fulled to Acknonledce It President
Harrison's Old Law Partner, Attorney
General Sillier, h Tet Tboucht to U
nn Excellent Chnnco to Secure the Vucnnt
Bench la the supreme Court.
The Treasury Department Chief of the
Bureau of Statistics is accused of being so
zealous a Prohibitionist that he attempts to
aid his cause with misleading figures.
Other serious chaiges are made against
him. Attorney General Miller still has
the best chances for the vacancy on the Su
preme Bench.
Washington, July 29. Colonel AW F.
Switzler, of Missouri, is the Chief of the
Bureau of Statistics or the Treasury De
partment. It was stated soon after his ap
pointment that he knew no more about
statistics than he did about Greek. How
ever this may be, the Colonel has a rough
row to hoe during bis administration, as he
Las been accused of making all sorts of
error?, and also of attempting to help the
cause of prohibition, of which he is an ad
vocate, by presenting rather misleading
figures in his reports about the liquor traffic.
The Colonel's temperance friends are en
deavoring now to repay his real for the
cause by urging his retention as Chief of the
Statistical Bureau.
Just at present Mr. Switzler is busily
engaged in a very spirited contest with
Warner P. Sutton, Consul General at
Nuevo Laredo, Mex., on the subject of
Mexican import values. Considerable
interesting correspondence on the subject
has passed between tie parties named.
The latest statement, comes from Mr. Sut"
ton, and is printed by the State Department
in the consular reports lor July. Mr.
Sutton, among other thing, officially says:
"On seeing his (Switzler's) report, I
detected the error into which his un
familiarity with Mexican statistics had led
him, and
nnroBTED it fullt
to the department. I also sent him a note
showing how the error occurred. To the
department's letter transmitting a copy of
my dispatch, he replies, under date of May
17 last, that he had received authentic in
formation that his figures are correct and
mine wrong. He thanks me for calling his
atteution to the matter, as it has enabled
him to verily the figures in his rcuort.
With all due respect, I beg to state that his
figures cannot be verified, because they are
"The highest Mexican authority resident
in the United States, at Mr. Switzler's re
quest, made inquiry of those officials who
are charged with the preparation of this
data in Mexico, and their reply was unani
mous that I was correct and
"This result has been fully stated by the
gentlemen in question to Mr. Switzler, and
I must confess my inability to understand
how he can still declare that he has received
authentic information as to the correctness
of his figures and the incorrectness of mine.
Beside this, I have to hand a personal note
from Mr. Javier Stavoli, the chief of the
Mexican Bureau If Statistics, showing how
the values in question are obtained, and
confirming the correctness of my report.
The error of Mr. Switzler isihis: The Mex
ican table gave, in Spanish invoice valnes,
plaza values and dnties paid. Mr. Switzler
proceeded to reduce these three to United
States cold at the current rate, some 75 cents
on the dollar. As to plaza values and duties
paid, this is all right, but
"Mexico, like the United States, fixes the
equivalents of foreign monevs on account,
and these values are proclaimed Irom time
to time by virtue of article C7 of the gen
eral tariff laws of Mexico. By this table
of equivalents the American dollar is rated
as equal to the Mexican dollar, the pound
sterling at five Mexican dollars, the frane
at 20 cents, etc All import statistics into
Mexico are reckoned at these rates. If the
New York invoice value says $5,000, the
amount is stated at $5,000 in the column of
invoice values; if it says 2,000, it is re
duced to and stated as $10,000. and if 20,000
francs, as $4,000. These being so, of course
the values
as Mr. Switzler has done, withont taking
something like 33 per cent ol the original
invoice values. In his report he also gave
data for the half year ending December 31,
1885, and I have also made a report for the
same time, and in his he has made the same
very serious error. As the chief valneof
statistics is lost if they are not correct, and
as Mr. Switzler refuses to correct his figures
after he has been fully assured by the very
highest authority of their incorrectness, I
respectfully request that this report, or the
substance thereof, be made public in con
sular reports, and that a copy hereof be sent
to the honorable Secretary of the "Treasury
for his information."
Sttll the President's Choice for the Vacant
Scat on the Supreme Conn Bench
How Ills Non-Residence
L'onld be Attended To.
"Washington, July 29. It was inti
mated in administration circles last night
that Attorney General Miller is still most
prominently associated in the Piesident's
mind with the vacant Justiceship. The
viiit of Judge Brown, of Michigan, to Deer
Park has caused a little flurry in political
circles. It is known that Lawrence Max
well, of. Cincinnati, has friends among the
Justices on the bench. During his import
ant practice before that bar he has estab
lished quite a reputation as an able lawyer.
He is about 45 years of age. He is strongly
backed by Ohio influence.
It was said by a member of the adminis
tration to-day that should an extra session
be called for the latter part of October it is
not improbable that among the first nomi
nations will be an Associate Justice of the
the Supreme Court ot the United States.
There is considerable pressure and many
personal reasons in Javor of Attorney
General Miller, of Indiana, for the
vacant seat of the Sixth Judicial circuit,
ol which he is a non-resident. The latter
objection, hs against the precedents, itis
now proposed to meet by assigning the Chief
Justice, Mr. Fuller, of Illinois, now repre
senting the Fourth circuit, or Maryland,
Virginia and the Carolina, to the Seventh
or Illinois circuit, and the assignment of
Justice Harlan, formerly of Louisville, Kv.,
and -now of Chicago, to ihe Sixth, his orig
inal resident circuit, which also includes
Tennessee, Ohio and Michigan.
This would leave the Fourth or Maryland
circnit without a representative on the
bench. The complaint there has been that
this circuit has not had a resident justice
since the days of Chief Justice Taney. The
appointment of Attorney General Miller
might be followed by an assignment to that
circuit. This would provide for General
Miller and would have a resident justice
representing the remaining eight circuits.
The Ohio and Michigan leaders do not pro-
Eose to be left out in the cold if they can
elp it, but the present arrangement draws
the fire of their opposition on the ground of
the non-residence of Attorney General
Miller, of Indiana.
France to DIake Ample Repnrnllon for an
Alleged Indicnity.
Yashington, July 29. Minister Eeed
has informed the State Department, by
message received to-day, that he has taken
in Paris, the statements of Miss Van
Nostrand and Mrs. Doery. These are
the ladies who had trouble at Mentone
with a dressmaker, and at Nice were seized
and thrown into prison until the dress
maker's claim was paid. The case as re
ported was a particularly exasperating one,
and the State Department ordered an in
vestigation by our representatives in
The attitude of the French Government
in the ca.e is said to have been friendly and
conciliatory, and ample reparation for all
damages inflicted is confidently expected.
The Rhode Island I.ccUInllvo Commltteo
Not at All Harmonious.
Pr.oviDENCE. July 29. The Bepublicans
displayed a good deal of nerve to-day when
two of their leaders intruded upon the Com
mittee of Conference, which is trying
to agree npon a compromise liquor
bill, and attempted to dictate terms of
agreement to the Republican members of
the committee. The Democratic members
resented the interference, and there was
naturally a continuous squabble dur
ing the conference. The first agree
ment was to strike out the 2 per cent
clause, which permitted convictions for the
sale of liquors, or fixtures of liquors, form
ing 2 per cent ot alcohol by weight,
although the beverage might not be intoxi
cating. Objectors to licenses within
200 feet ot any location were made
to include owners and occuDants
of buildings. The schoolhouse clause
prohibiting the granting of licenses within
400 feet of a public schoolhouse w as by
unanimous consent stricken from the bill.
The division of the license fees was changed
to read, "Three-quarters to the city or town
and one-quarter to the State," instead of an
equal division, which would give the pro
hibition towns a round share of the license
The fieht now comes on the appointment
of the License Commissioners, the Senate
desiring to give the power to the Aldermen
and the House insisting upon giving it to
the Mayors. The Bepublicans were willing
to make it the Mayors, the terras, of which
offices terminated in 1890. 1891 and 1892.
There will be a fine political fight on this
clause, and the prospects are that there will
be no agreement upon a bill which will bind
the two branches.
Accidental Drowninc of n Popular Yonne
Society Man of Krnck.
Stack, N. Y., July 29 C. Ferdinand
Buys was drowned near Bay Bidge this
morning by being swept from the deck of
the schooner yacht Beatrice. He was forced
into the water by the main boom, while
stooping to escape it. Buvs could not swim,
and, though a boat was instantly lowered,
he had s'unk for the last time before help
reached him. John Moore, a companion,
dived several times In a futile effort to find
the body. The yacht was bound east on a
ten days' cruise with a party of young men.
Bu)S was a handsome and athletic young
man, 22 years old. He was a fine oarsmen,
and was an active member of the liyack
Bowing Association. He moved in the best
society of Nyack, and the entire community
has suflered a severe shock. Though of a
quiet disposition, young Buys was a social
favorite. He had just entered business in
New York City. No blame can attach to
anyone but himxelf, and, had he been a
swimmer, the accident would have been of
slight importance. The Beatrice was sailed
by Captain James Bose, a veteran yachts
Merchants Able to Tell Jost When Japanese
equipments Will Arrive.
New York, July 29. There is considera
ble competition among steamship and rail
road companies in bringing tea and silk to
this city from Japan and other fur-off coun
tries. Nineteen days seems a short time for
nearly 8,000 miles, but a big consignment
over the Canadian Pacific, Borne, "Water
town and Ogdensburg, and Ontario and
Weitern roads, in 16 express cars, has just
made the run from Vancouver in nine days,
and the steamship Parthia crossed the ocean
from Yokohama Vancouver in ten. This
was a good rail trip for such a heavy load.
Another consignment came over by an oppo
sition steamship line.arriving on the Oceanic
two days later, but making the trip by rail
over the Union Pacific a dar quicker, so
that it arrived a day behind the first ship
ment. This is healthy competition, and it pleases
the merchants who receive the shipments
very much that they can tell to a day when
they may expect their goods.
lie Had Drifted Away After the War and
Has Jnst Got Back-Ills Wife Mar
ried but Free Asnln, bnt lie
Doesn't Seem to Care,
New Castle, July 29. Twenty-eight
years ago Alfred Waite enlisted in the
Union Army at Pittsburg. At the close of
the war he did not return home, and was
supposed to be dead until a few days ago,
when he made his appearance before his
astonished relatives in this city and found
himself forgotten, some of his children
dead, others grown to manhood, and his
wife married again.
The story is a strange one. "When the war
broke out Mr. Waite lived with his wile
and four children in Allegheny City. After
a few months' service heobtained a furlough,
during which time he removed his family
to this city and immediately returned to his
regiment. That was the last his wife saw
of him, and during the latter part of the
war, when his letters ceased, he was sup
posed to have been killed. This supposition
was almost verified when the boys of his
regiment came marching home and brought
no word of their comrade.
Mrs. Waite married a man named Harper
Emery, ot this city. Children were born to
the couple, but the relations between hus
band and wile were not pleasant and they
parted 12 years ago. A few days ago a well
preserved man of 9 rears arrived in this
city, and with little difficulty succeeded in
finding his way to the house of Mrs. Martha
Waite. She is the mother of the stranger,
and the relations of mother and son were
soon re-established. From his mother Mr.
Waite learned of the changes in his family
affairs and of the exceedingly unpleasant
situation. His son Henry lives in the
Westside and Alfred resides in Youngs
town. His wife, with the Emery children,
resides on Sciota street, this city.
At the close of the war Waite, in com
pany with a number of comrades, joined the
regular army, in which he served about 13
years. He then went to railroading and has
been engaged in this work ever since. He
gives no satisfactory reason for not writing
home, onlv saying that for a large portion
of the time he was beyond the bounds of
civilization, and as the years passed he con
cluded he was forgotton and that no one
would care to hear from him. He is now
living with his mother on Pine street, this
city. What the outcome of the strange
complication will be is hard to determine.
As it Now Flourishes on the Virginia and
North Carolina Line.
Bichmond, July 29. Governor Lee re
ceived a letter to-day from J. N. Moore',
Commonwealth's Attorney for Patrick
county, notifying him of a murder which
had been committed in Patrick county, near
the North Carolina line. Mr. Moore in his
letter says:
I appeal to you to aid me In punishing the
desperadoes living along the Virginia and
North Carolina line. On last Sunday, while
religious worship was being conducted near the
North Carnllra line, in this county, one John
Smith shot off a pistol near the I pring, remark
ing that if he and bis companions had some
more whisky they would take the preacher
from his pnlplt and have some fun. J. W.
Griggs, an officer who was present, went to the
spring, ana finding John Smith with a pistol
in his band ordered hi arrest. After a severe
struggle Smith was disarmed and given in
charge of an officer. As soon as he was placed
under arrest he he?an calling in a loud voice
for his comrade, William Smith, to come to his
rescue, and shoot the damned rascals loose.
William Smith, who was but a short distance
off. came rnxinine up with a pistol in his hand;
and opened Qre on the persons having John
Smith in custody. The bystanders attempted
to arrest Bill Smith, and during the struggle
Bill Smith shot ayoung man who had hold of inm
three times, twico in the arm and once throngh
tho shoulder. Griggs as shot through the
bowels and died next day. John Smith is now
in JT.ii. Bdl Smith escaped across the Virginia
line to his home, about eight miles distant.
These fellows belong'to a family of moon
s'nners living along the Virginia and North
Carolina line, and have long defied the officers
of both State, and have been guilty of numer
ous crimes in both States.
The Governor will at once take the proper
action in this matter.
Rev. Matthias Brinser, Excommunicated
for Building n Church, Dies.
Haekisbukg, July 29. Eev. Matthias
Brinser died last Saturday morning at his
home near Hillside, Dauphin county, where
he was born on May 10, 1795, and vrhere he
lived all his life. In 1827 he married Miss
Catharine Hisey, who services him. He
embraced religion the same year, and be
came a member of the Biver Brethren
Dunkards, by whom he was excommuni
cated in 1855, because he built a meeting
house, that denomination believing in
worshiping in dwelling houses and barns.
Later he started a denomina ion of his
own, known as the United Zion's Children,
or Brinser denomination, of which organi
zation he became the Senior Bishop, which
post he held at the time of his death. This
denomination has a large membership in
Daunhin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Cumberland
and Franklin counties.
It Starts Out Willi a Cnpltnlof Only Twenty
Two Thousand Dollars.
Baltimore, July 29. A Sweet Potato
Trust is the latest form of combination in
this city. Baltimore is the great market for
the sweet potato, and recently prices, espec
ially in the West, have been so low as
to make dealers here apprehensive. To the
end of regulating the business there has
been incorporated the Sweet Potato Supply
Company, for buying and selling sweet
potatoes, bv John H. Seward, George
M. Bobefts, Edward D. Holbcrt,
John E. Bell and James McDonald.
The capital stock is 522,000, divided into
220 shares of the par value of $100 each.
The firms interested are J. H. Seward &
Co., Shipley. Bentley & Co., J. E. Bell &
Co., F. H. Keeper & Co., and George M.
Boberts & Co. The president is J. H. Sew
ard. This year's crop is said to be a large
The Saltshnrtt Gns Company Baa Fat Down
a linrse New Line.
Hon. E. B. Stone, the President of the
Saltsburg Gas Company, arrived in the city
yesterday to attend a meeting of that com
pauy. There are 23 stockholders of the
company, all Pittsburgers. The company
originally supplied Saltsburg and Saline
with natural gas, but has lately extended
the plant to Indiana and Blairsville. The
line is now 28 miles long and the capital
stock of the company is 5250,000. It gets
its gas supply from Murraysville.
Yesterday the line to Indiana was finished
and to-night a big illumination of natutal
gas is to take place at Indiana to celebrate
the event.
A Chlcns;o Man Takes No Chances When
lie Attempts to Take III Life.
CniCAGO, July 29. An unknown man,
who was well dressed, hired the skifi Clio
at the loot of Harrison street this morning
and then rowed briskly out into the lake.
When he reached the basin he stood up in
the boat, and, leveling a revolver at his
head, blew out his brains.
The body rolled out of the skifi and dis
aopeared in the water. It has not yet been
found. ' , ,.
Will All llave an Equal Chance at
the English Treasury.
Some Rather Pointed Language
the Debate.
Used in
A Letter From Fresldent Harrison Tampered With
la the Mills.
The opponents of the measure appropriat
ing a fortune for Queen Victoria's grand
children were again defeated in the House
of Commons yesterday. The debate on the
question was a very bitter one. Lord Ban
dolph Churchill is endeavoring to arouse
the Conservatives to a senso of their danger.
London, July 29. The Hpuse of Com
mons, sitting in committee of -the whole, re
sumed the debate on the royal grants bill to
day. Mr. John Morley moved an amend
ment declaring that the House is unwilling
to increase the burdens of the people with
out assurance that no further claims will be
made for younger members of the royal
family. He denied that he opposed the
grants because he dared not openly attack
the crown.
He opposed them, he said, because Parlia
ment bad in no degree failed to comply with
any provision of the act of 1837. The Gov
ernment had not made out their case either
in the select committee or in the House.
Parliament had already liberally provided
lor all the children of the Queen. It had
not been shown that retrenchments might
not be made in expenditures upon royalty
without causing the Queen any anxiety.
He especially objected to the assertion of
the claim to grants of the grandchildren of
the Queen. Lord Hartington's speech on
Friday clearly indicated an intention to pre
serve that right for future use. It was oro
poscd not to restrict these claims to the
children of the heir apparent but to open
them to grandchildren of the sovereign gen
erally. He moved the amendment in order
to prevent a reassessment and reaffirmation
of a claim the justice of which he denied.
Mr. Chamberlain said that Mr. Morley
objected to the grants because no finality
was promised, but as regarded the present
reign the proposed grants were absolutely
final. He did not think that after the
Queen's promise any Minister would advise
any sovereign to ask further grants for
other grandchildren of Her Majesty. It
was argued that there was no security
against such grants in the event of a new
reign, but a general declaration against
them would be worthless, as the whole
question must be decided when the civil list
was discussed.
Mr. Chamberlain denied that Mr. Labou
chere and his colleagues represented the
people. They only represented a small
minority. They did their utmost to stimu
late tho popular prejudices, to which they
truckled. It was shameful to fawn upon a
monarchy, but it was still more shameful to
,truckle to. the muititnde. JDhemcmberS'
who1- wire" doing so were nothing less than
the Nihilists of English politics. Loud
Conservative cheers and Badical groans.
Mr. Labouchere said he hailed Mr. Mor
ley's amendment as a practical refusal of
further grants durine the present reign.
With future reigns lie would not trouble
himself. Sufficient for this reign were the
grandchildren thereof. Public opinion
was making strides toward a universal ac
ceptance of the principle that the sovereign,
like any other head of family, ought to pro
Tide for her children.
The Conservatives, who in and out of
season had opposed Mr. Gladstone, were
now ready to tall down and worship him,
because in the question of the grants he
had turned their way. They would worship
the devil himself under similar circum
stances. Cries of "Order." In conclu
sion he said that he and his colleagues
could be beaten on the division, but he in
tended to oppose the grants at every stage
as a moral protest against the Crown's
Mr. Morley's amendment was defeated by
a vote oj 355 to 134. Mr. Gladstone, the
Parnellites and the bulk of the dissidents
again voted with the Government. The
minority included Sir William Vernon
Harcourt, Sir George O. Trevalyn, Bt. Hon.
Hugh C. Childers, Bt. Hon. George Shaw
Lelevre and Bt. Hon. A. J. Mundella.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt said he
would vote against the grants because the
accompanying declarations of principle
were altogether unsound. The Queen, ac
cording to the Government's declarations,
waived further claims lor her grandchildren,
yet the Government persisted in keeping
alive those claims and tried to perpetuate
A Letter of President Harrison Has
dently Been Tampered With.
Dublin, July 29. President Harrison
has sent a letter to Lord Mayor Sexton in
reply to the Dublin corporation's expression
of sympathy for the sufferers by the Johns
town disaster. In it he says: "I highly
appreciate the exceedingly kind spirit that
prompted your action. Please accept the
warmest thanks of the President and the
American people for the touching expres
sions of sympathy and generous gilts of the
citizens of Dublin."
Mr. Sexton states that the official envelope
in which the letter was enclosed bore plain
traces of having been tampered with. The
seal had been melted and the envelope re
fastened with another kind of gum, and the
American crest on the envelope was de
He Wants tho Conservatives to
Themselves a Little More.
London, July 29. Lord Bandolph
Churchill, in a speech at Walsall to-day,
strongly urged Conservatives to develop
their latent energy and not to fall into the
error of underestimating their opponents'
strength, He said that the bye-elections
had shown the opposition had more strength
than he, as a Conservative, liked, while the
Conservatives lacked corresponding energy.
The whole fate of the Empire utpended
upon the result of the next election, and it
was, therefore, necessary that the Unionists
exert themselves.
minister Lincoln DInkea n Speech at a
London Bnnqnet.
London, July 29. The Ancient and
Honorable Artillery Company gave a ban
quet to-night in honor of the Massachusetts
Biflemcn. Major Jonespresided. Mr.Lincoln
the United States Minister, and Sir Bobert
Morier were among the guests. Major
Durrant proposed a toast to the team, to
which Major Frost made a happy response.
Mr. Lincolu, replying to a toast to the
President of the United States, dwelt upon
the absence of the military element in
America. The Americans, he said,
had learned to do without .large
armies. A stranger traveling from
New York to San Francisco and thence to
New Orleans and Montreal would learn to
be more surprised at the presence of a
soldier than at the sight ot that remarkable
bird called "Adjutant."
An Alabnmn OotlnwWho Hna No Fear of
Uctribmlon A Score of Detective
After nim, bnt Troops
Are Needed.
Birmingham, Ala., July 29. Eube
Burrows, the daring murderer and train
robber, for whose capture there are rewards
aggregating 56,000, is just now defying the
whole civil and military power of the State
of Alabama, as well as a score of detectives
employed by express and railroad compa
nies. With four other desperate outlaws he
is hiding in the wilds pf Lamar county, and
has sent word to the Sheriff that he will not
he taken alive. The Sheriff ot Lamar
county this afternoon telegraphed the Gov
ernor asking tor a company of State troops
to help capture Burrows.
Three vears ago Beuben Burrows and his
brother Jim robbed a train in Arkansas and
secured 513,000 from the express car. They
killed a detective who followed them to their
home in Lamar county, Alabama. A few
mouths aiterward they were arrested in
Montgomery. Bube escaped by making a
dash for liberty from the door of the jail,
and shooting down a man who attempted to
stop him. Jim was taken back to Arkansas
and died in prison. Bube disappeared, and
was not heard of again until he robbed a
train on the Illinois Central Bailroad, in
Mississippi, last January. He again disap
peared till two weeks ago, when he killed
Postmaster Graves at Guinn, Ala., because
Graves had recognized him.
The Southern Express Company and the
Illinois Central Bailroad Company started
a score of detectives to Lamar county as
soon as they learned Burrows was there.
Saturday last the officer located him in a
little cabin in a wild ravine. There were
four of the desperadoes with him, and all
were heavily armed. Before they could be
surrounded the outlaws quietly sliuped out
of their hiding place, but to-dav they were
located in a new stronghold, and" the Sheriff
wants troop3 to help capture them.
The father of Burrows is the oldest resi
dent of Lamar county, and he has many
relatives. Nearly all the people in the
county who are rot. friends of the outlaws
are afraid to aid the officers, and the country
where they are hiding.,)? the wildest in the
State. Burrows is known to be a dead shot
with a pistol or rifle, and is a' stranger to
fear. ,.'
Five Persona Accused of the Murder of Dr.
Cronin Are Arrnlcned In Conrt
Technical Fleas Raised ia
Behalf ot Ench of
the Prisoners.
Chicago, July 29. The five men under
arrest here for the murder of Dr. Cronin
were brought into Judge Horton's court
this morning. Save Burke and
Cooney, all the indicted men
were there Beggs, Coughlin, Woodruff,
Kunze and O'Sullivan but their trial was
not begun, the lawyers raising the prelimi
nary motions, which must be argued and
disposed of before progress can be made.
Anyway, until Burke is brought from Win
nipeg, the State's Attorney will insist upon
a continuance. . . , t
- Toward Kcn the culridsltyorthVcrowa
was directed more than to the other defend
ants. It was the first time the public had
been allowed to see him. He is of medium
height, slight build and appears to be about
25 years old. His eyes are treacherously
narrow, blue and shifting. Judge Horton
asked him if he had a lawyer.
"No, I have not," said he, "I don't know
what I am arrested for. State's Attorney
Longenecker says it's for murder. That's
all I know about it."
The Judge gave him a copy of the indict
ment, and all the defendants were then for
mally arraigned. Mr. Foster, Beggs' at
tornev, objected to pleas being xe
quired, as he desired to make a
motion to quash. He was seconded
by A. W. Browne, Woodruffs third attor
ney, and O. N. Carter, who appeared for
Coughlin in the absence of Mr. Forrest.
A motion was entertained to quash in the
case of all except O'Sullivan. Messrs. Davis
and Donahue, attorneys for O'Sullivan,
filed a petition for a change of venue from
Judges Horton and Hawes, alleging their
client could not have a fair and impartial
trial before either of them.
The petition was supported by the affi
davits of J. Emmett Feason and Lawrence
P. Brown, who declared it their belief that
Judges Horton and Hanes "are each
of them so prejudiced against
O'Sullivan that the said defend
ant can not have a fair and impartial trial
Lbefore either of the said Judges." State's
iistorney iiongenecKer wanted to argue tne
motions at once. The time fixed by Judge
Horton was 10 o'clock to-morrow.
Two Men and Thirty Males Perish 300 Feet
Birmingham, July 29. A fire which
started lsst night in shaft No. 2 of the
Pratt coal mines ot the Tennessee Goal,
Iron and railroad company, six miles
from this city, is still raging.
Two miners and 30 mules were caught in
the mine, and died a lingering and horrible
death. They were cut off from air,
and the burning shaft, 300
feet deep, was the only means
of exit- The names of the men have not
been learned. It has been impossible to
extinguish the fire, and it is supposed a seam
ot coal is now burning.
The greatest excitement prevailed when
the fire was discovered until it was learned
that there were only two men in the burn
ing mine. The cause of the fire is un
The Colonel of tho Elsbth Berfment Among
the Democratic Possibilities.
Harrisburg, July 29. The nomination
ot Colonel Frank J. Magee, of the Eighth
Begiment National Guard, for State Treas
urer, is among the possibilities at the Demo
cratic State Convention to be held in early
September. Colonel Magee is in the city,
and although he says be is not a candidate
for the position he would not decline the
nomination if tendered him. Colonel Magee
was State Department Commander of the
Grand Army of the Eepublic lor the year
ended last spring, and is one of the most
popular military men in the State.
Mis Knte Will Kot be Blnfled Off by the
San Francisco, July 29. Miss Kate
Field, who recently resigned her connection
with the California Viticultural Commis
sion as a lecturer, has written a letter to
President Wetmore from Bichfield Springs,
N. Y., withdrawing her resignation, which
she tendered some time since.
She states that she has taken this action
on account of the sympathy and support
given her by the Viticultural Commission
and the press ot California, and also because
the Prohibitionists already boast that they
have forced her to abandon her opposition
to their cause. . ,
For Next Week's Meeting of the Re
" publican State Convention.
And Colonel Qnay Finds Sufficient Harmon y
to Keep Him Away.
Aid W. E. Andrews. Will be Glien a Chance to Show
What is in Him.
Colonel Quay is so confident of harmony
at the State Convention that he will not be
present to see Boyer nominated. Andrews
will be elected Chairman.
PniLADELPHlA,July29. Senator Quay
has made up bis mind that there is going to
be a love feast at the Bepublican State Con
vention, which is to meet at Harrisburg one
week from to-day, and he has concluded his
presence will not be needed there. When
everthere is any harmonizing to be done in
the party organization the Beaver county
statesman is usually on hand, but with Ma
gee in Europe and McManes apparently in
a very peacefnl frame the junior Senator
has no fear that the programme mapped out
for next week's gathering will not be faith
fully carried out in every detail.
Henry Kline Bover, of this city, will, of
course, be nominated for State Treasurer by
acclamation. Some interest has been taken
as to the probable declaration of the con
vention on the liquor question, but none
familiar with the manncV in which Senator
Quay has been meeting this issue look for
any expression that will not be directly in
the line of policy which the Bepublican
party in this State has maintained on this
subject since he has been its recognized
democrats not confident!
Local Democrats have disabused their
minds of the impression that the result of
the special election of June last would give
a counteracting prohibition vote, drawn
largely from the Bepublican ranks, that
would materially increase the chances of
electing their State ticket.
Ex-Senator Wallace, while resting here
for a few hours on his way home from At
lantic City last week, unhesitatingly ex
pressed the opinion that that hope, fondly
cherished in certain Democratic circles,
would fail to bear the fruit so confidently
counted on. This confession, so freely made,
voices but the true sentiment of many who
are loth to make it. The effect ot the recent
meeting between Senator Quay and James
McManes, seen in the general restoration of
good feeling within the local organization
and a more liberal recognition of the veteran
leader in the distribution of Federal patron
age, is also apparent in the discouragement
ot the Democracy in the matter of local fall
nominations. Peace will reign both in the
State and all the Bepublican city conven
With this general atmosphere of tran
quillity, the fact seems to have been lost
sight of that William H. Andrews, of
Titusville. mustbfl - re - elecleilor - somean4
named to succeed him, as Chairman of the
Bepublican State Committee, at next week's
- j. T T- rC ' irir
convention. So thoroughly is Mr. Andrews
in sympathy with the State organization
that there is not a thought anywhere of
suggesting anyone else for the place. He
will undoubtedly be re-elected. When he
was chosen to succeed Collector Cooper as
State Cbairman,;Mr. Andrews was elected
for one year, to date from January 1, last.
Aside from his experience about home
and his work as the leader of
the House of Representatives during the
last session, Chairman Andrews has yet to
make a reputation for ability to run a State
political campaign, and, inasmuch as the
last State Convention reposed sufficient
conhdence in him to allow him to show
what he can do in that direction, the State
organization, as represented in next week's
gathering, would' not be apt to reverse this
decision. It has been customary for the
State Chairman to name his own secretaries,
though when Chairman Cooper's term was
continued so also were those of his secreta
ries. There is no doubt that Frank Will
ing Leach, as Secretary, and Bichard B.
Quay, as Assistant Secretary, will be ap
pointed. 5,000 NEW P. R. R. CARS.
Altoona Shops Being Rushed, the Contract
Is Let Outside.
Philadelphia, July 29. The Penn
sylvania Bailroad Company is receiving
bids for an addition of 5,000 cars to its
rolling stock. It is expected that
the contract will be awarded as soon
as all the firms requested to make a
bid are heard from. This improvement to
the stock will involve on expense ot $3,000,
000. The cars will belong entirely to
the freight equipment. A portion of
them will be gondola or coal cars,
and the rest the ordinarv box
cars of the standard Pennsylvania Bailroad
make. It has not been positively decided
vet what distribution will be made of them,
but it is thought 2,000 of them will be
used on the lines west of Pittsburg
and the rest on the lines east of that point.
The money to pay lor them will be raised
by an issue of a new car trust loan for
An official of the company said to-day
none of the money raised by the recent allot-
I ment of stock to be expended upon improve
ments wouia oe encroacnea upon, xne
additional rolling stock has been made
necessary by the rapid increase in the
company's traffic The shops at Altoona
are very busy with all the work they can
turn out, which made it necessary to place
the contract with outside firms.
An Embryo Stats Which Has a Temper
ance FIcht on Early.
Boise City, Idaho, July 29. The con
vention dodged the temperance question by
adopting the section saying that the first
concern of all good governments is
the virtue of the people and purity
of the home, and that the Legislature should
further all wise and well directed efforts for
the promotion of temperance and
morality. The convention established
a commissioner ot immigration and
statistics of labor; made eight hours a day
on the public works; shut oft convict labor
outside of prison grounds, and decided that
aliens mnst not be employed on State and
municipal public works. "
A Too Exacting- Bnsbnnd Ia Visited by a
Kansna Slob.
Gatlced, Kan., July 29. Saturday
nicht Mrs. John Emmons, against the ad
vice of her husband, went to the depot to
see an excursion train come in. Upon her
return her husband knocked her down
while she had her baby in her arms and
then threatened to shoot their two small
The City Marshal arrested Emmons and
locked him up. Shortly a tesward the jail
was broken into by a mob and Emmons was
given a coat of tar and feathers. Emmons
it a clerk in a grocery store,
A Strnsxlo Over a Religions Plnnk In the
Washington Constitution Montnna
Will Pay Good Salaries Pro
hibition Is Not Pronre slnff.
Oltmpia, Wash., July 29. The con
vention spent the morning here in discuss
ing a proposition to put the name of the
deity in the preamble of the constitu
tion. The preamble as reported by the
committee reads : "We, the people
of the State of Washington, to
preserve our rights do ordain this constitu
tion." Turner moved to amend by insert
ing a few other words, "profnundly grate
ful to Almighty God for His estimable
right, and invoking His favor, and guid
ance do ordain," etc
This was part of the dispute; it was op
posed solely as being unnecessary and pro
posed solely as sentimentality. Every
speaker professed the greatest reverence for
God, but some feared it might be con
strued to mean the union of church
and State. Others said nothing sentimental
should go into the constitution. Finallv a
motion to adjourn prevailed, and after din
ner the preamble was hastily referred back
to its committee to report a new preamble
The Montana Convention went into com
mittee of the whole and took up for consid
eration the bill on executive departments,
the question arose whether salaries should
be fixed in the constitution or it be
made the power of the Legislature
to fix officers' compensation. The
motion was carried, leaving it to the
Legislature for adjustment as the occasion
demands. The silaries, as specified, were:
For Governor, 55,000; Secretary, Auditor,
Attorney General and Treasurer, each f 3,000.
Bickards moved that salaries should be
ample, thus giving poor men an even
chance for filling offices without personal
incumbrance. The efforts for reducing
salaries were defeated.
A dispatch from Bismarck, N. D., says:
Prohibition is making no headway. Female
suffrage is dead. The railroads hope to pre
serve the gross earning system, anti some of
the former members of the convention op
posed it. The fur will fly during the re
mainder of the week.
Terrible Tale of the Capldltv of a Slater
and a Woman's Suflerluir.
Bridgeport, Conn., July 29. There is
much interest here in the case of Miss Annie
McCormick, of this city, who is now in
New York, after having been pronounced
sane by a special committee appointed by
Judge Fenn. An appeal has been made'by
prominent citizens to have an investigation
made at the Middletown Insane Assylum,
to ascertain if there are still patients in that
institution who are unlawfully or inhu
manly confined. Miss McCormick car
ried on a dressmaking establishment in this
city for several years, and as her patrons
were mostly wealthy and fashionable peo
ple, she accumulated what was to her a com
petency. A sister in Falls Village, wishing
to obtain a portion or the whole of the dress
maker's wealth, went before a magistrate
and made application to have Annie incar
cerated. Mis3 McCormick was arrested and
sent to Middletown, and a conservator was
appointed to take charge of her money. In
vain she told the officials of the institution
that she was the victim of a conspiracy.
For a whole year Miss McCormick en
deavored to fiad some way to communicate
with outside friends. At a favorable oppor-
- - r il- . i.jtt i t.i t... ..
4n fr v aha AtfAnAfl n va ins rr n atnnn n 4 n
I irom tne lorn covering oi ner oeu. oue let
herself down from a third-story window, and
to an honest farmer she told her storv and it
was believed. The farmer's wife gave her
clothing. She has now been declared sane,
and the authorities have no further claim
upon her. Governor Bulkeley has referred
the case to the State Board of Charities, and
instructed them to place the respousibility
where it belongs.
An Electric Shock Qlnkes Miss Free Feel as
if That Was Happening to Her.
Cleveland, July 29. Ella Free, a do
mestic working for Mrs. Dr. Merrick, of
this city, had a narrow escape from instan
taneous death from an electric shock this
morning. Dr. Mpffick's house is situated on
the line of an electric motor road and the
heavy rain storm of last night loosened a
telephone wire running over the roof and
brought it into contact with the trolley
wire, which was heavily charged with elec
tricity. Pedestrians saw a ball of fire flash
along the telegraph wire and with the torce
of an explosion hurl achimnev on which it
was fastened to the ground. The falling of
the chimnev broke the wire and it fell to
the ground. The servant girl innocently
picked it up, and the ground being
wet a circuit was formed. The girl received
a terrible shock, and she is now in a dan
gerous condition. Her right arm is para
lyzed, and it is only with the greatest effort
tnat she can move. In describing her sensa
tion when she received the shock the girl
I felt as if I was being shivered to pieces,
and I experienced horrible pains in my head
and body. My tongue seemed to cleave to
the roo of my mouth."
Miss Free was not bnrned, the only visi
ble effect of the shock being a badly swollen
The Substance of Norvln Green's Statement
lo Sir. Wnnamaker.
New York, July 29. The following is
the substance of the protest of the Western
Union Telegraph Company against the
Postmaster General's great cut of the rates
to lie pjid for telegraph service in the trans
mission and delivery of Government mes
sages, giving the history and objects of the
act of 1866, and the actions heretofore
taken under it. The rates in force for the
past five years have not been a uniform rate
of 1 cent per word, as many papers have
assumed, but increasing on a scale of dis
tances above 1,000 miles, with a minimum
of 20 cents per message and a maximum of
iyi cents per word.
The telegraph companies hold and are so
legally advised, that the language of the act
does not give the Postmaster General abso
lute power to fix any rate he may deem fit.
That power is qualified by constitutional re
strictions. In Article 5 is the language:
"Nor shall private property be taken tor
public use without just compensation."
The power depends, therefore, on the ques
tion, J"Is 1 mill per word a just compen
sation?" President Green argues affirmatively at
great length. He deals largely with figures.
A Bridge Company Organized to Fight
Him Wants to Sell Oat.
St. Louis, July 29. About two years
ago a syndicate of local capitalists, led by
Governor D. B. Francis, undertook to
smash Jay Gould's bridge monopoly over the
Mississippi by building another bridge.
Governor Francis has just returned
from New York, where, it is said,
he has been dickering with Gould about
the sale of the new bridge. Gould reorgan
ized the Bridge and Tncnel Company by
letting in all or the lines entering here.
The Merchants' Bridge Companv have ex
pended so far only $150,000. The bridge
will be practically tree, and in order to
compete a rival company would be com
pelled to operate on the same terms.
Umpire Goldsmith Makes a Decision
During a Baltimore Game That ' "
An Extra Detachment of Police Necessary.
to Quell the Disturbance.
Sexen Innlnfs Completed Withont a Score Hade by
Either of the Clubs.
, A decision by Umpire Goldsmith yester
day in a game ot ball at Baltimore, between
the Association team and the champion St.
Louis club, almost precipitated- a row
among the spectators. The police, however,
prevented bloodshed.
Baltimore, July 29. About half-past
1 o'clock to-day a telephone message reached
police headquarters that a riot was immi
nent at the baseball grounds, and asking
that a detachment of police be sent out to
assist the officers already there. The patrol
wagon, filled with special men, hurried to
the grounds, and it was well they did.
So bitter was the feeling against Umpire
Goldsmith, because of a very yellow decis
ion, that, but for the bine coats, he would
have fared badly. As it was, the game was
delayed some time before quiet was restored
and the fields cleared.
The crowd was too big to fool with. It
was undoubtedly the largest that has ever
collected on the ground. Two games with
the Browns had been advertised for one
nricc of admission, and long before 2
o'clock the people began pouring into the
York road. Every sort of vehicle was im
pressed into service, while the cars were
When the gong struck for the first game
the-grand stands and bleaching boards were
packed and the field was covered. Through
out the afternoon the crowd kept on increas
ing, until at 4 o'clock the great field was
filled and spectators encroached on the
players' territory. A ball batted into the
crowd was by mutual agreement made a
Foreman and Quinn officiated for the
Orioles in the first game, with King and
Boyle as the opposition battery. The
former had decidedly the best of it through
out, only four hits being made off him, but
the game was lost through the ragged field
work of Shindle, Griffin and Tucker.
In the third inning of the second game
the big rumpus occurred. Kilroy made a
little hit in front of the plate, and reached
first on Comiskey's muff. He stole second,
and reached home on Comiskey's muif of
Griffin's batted ball. Latham i
and touching third, declared that Kilroy
had not touched the bag. Goldsmith, who
had been watching first, did not see the
play, but took Latham's word, and declared
Kilroy out.
Then the fun began. The crowd poured
into the field, over the ropes, and alL kinds
of threats were made against the luckless
jnmpirewho sought, protection on the play
erV bench. "When the police arrived order
was restored, and the game went on. Neither
side alter this could get a man past second,
and, after seven innings had been played,
the umpire, with the consent of players,
managers and the spectators, all of whom
were pretty well disgusted, called the game
a draw, the score standing 0 to 0.
Goldsmith did some fining during the
game, O'Neill and McCarthy being among
the victims. .
Remarkable Achievement of Prof. Oldrleve
la Darkness. Fog; and Rain.
Boston, Suly 29. Prof. Oldrieve has
added to his novel aquatic conquests by
walking from Hull to Boston over the same
route taken by the steamboats which ply
between the city and the beach. He left
the Hotel Pemberton last evening
and, according to his own story,
when darkuess came on he
found himself midway between Bainsford
and Long Island. He didnot understand the
currents in the harbor, and consequently he
found himself battling hard against strong
tides when he tried to effect a landing. To
add to his misery nobody was about to help
or comfort him, as the boatmen who had
engjged to watch his progress and keep him
out ot harm's way failed to follow instruc
tions, and left him when in sight of Bains
ford Island.
It came up foggy in the harbor about 10
o'clock and rain commenced to fall about
the same hour, so he made for Long Island
Light,under the shades of which he slept in
a haystack till morning. He started for
this city soon after 5 o'clock, and
withont further trouble arrived drenched,
sore and exhausted. He had walked
fully six miles over the water. He intends
to visit Pemberton to-morrow and get the
$1,000 which he says was offered him pro
viding he arrived in the city before noon
to-day. Next week he will wale on the
Manhattan beach surf, and previous to go
ing away he will walk at Crescent beach.
A British Ship Yard to be Secured by
American Capitalists.
SAN Fkancisco,' July 29. Theodore
Cramp, a member of the Philadelphia ship
building firm, left San Francisco this after
noon for Tacoma, where he will take a
steamer for Alaska. On his return trip he
will visit the British naval station at Esqui
mau, on Vancouver's Island. It is reported
that Cramp is forming a company of Ameri
can capitalists for the purpose of purchas
ing this yard from the British Government.
It is stated that the syndicate has already
been formed, starting with a subscribed capi
tal of $1,000,000, and that negotiations are
pending tor the purchase of the yard and
The purchase price is said to be about
$1,500,000. The syndicate is said to have s
number of prominent ship building firms,
Including Cramp & Sons, Philadelphia;
Harlan & Hollingsworth, and Pusev Ss
Jones, Wilmington, and the Union Iron
Works, of this citv, as its principal sup
porters. It is understood that the British,
Government has discovered that the Esqui-4
malt yards are inadequate for their original
Bites Four Persona Before His Career la
Brought to an End.
Hoboken, N. J., July 29. A mongrel
black dog ran into the stable of a street car
company this morning and bit Frederick i
Bruhn, a hostler, on the hand and arm. He ,
then ran to the corner of Washington and''
First streets where he bit Nicholas Grozetti.1
aged 12 years on the arm and a dog belong- T "
ing to Grozetti. The supposed rabid brute il
then ran to the uaniourg steams ip dock,
dashed into the office of the Custom Ronut
officers, bit Charles Basso, a check clerk,'
on the right rore-ana and ran down the dock1
nnd bit Peter .Tann:l- a. fireman nn ih
steamer Gcllert on the left fore-arm. The','
dog was Kii.ea on tne qock Dy rolieeHiaai&
w ests ana a SKveuore, ,
i "i(
&r. ii