M&i M&s&gsa& ?T rzm.r 'vsw1 v VJ"T J"lf A. j. i-i i. j?JSJI , S4 " - '"j - v F I DEPARTS IN DISGUST. A South Carolina Leader Leaves Washington in a Sad State of Mind. SDEE HIS EACE HAS BEEN SNUBBED The Policy of the Administration to Get Eecruits From the Enemy. HIS SOLUTION OP THE EACE PEOBLE1L lie Secretary of the XsvyJIa a Kew War to Get a Few Smill War Ships. A South Carolina delegate to the Chicago Convention conies to the conclusion that the administration intends to male as many converts as possible, even at the expense or antagonizing colored voters in the South. The- Secretary of the Navy has a new plan for assisting the navy. IPrXCIAI. TELXCBAM TO THE DISPi.TCn.3 "Washington, July 27. Henry Ken nedy,.of Newberry, S. C, who was a dele gate to the Chicag j Convention, and a strong Harrison man, has been here several weeks endeavoring to effect a settlement of the Newberry posteffice cae. This is the place to which Charles AVhitmire, colored, was ap pointed In Hay last. The white patrons of the office, it Is alleged, threatened to boycott Wanam&ker's business house if a white man was hot made postmaEter. Whitmire's com mission was thereupon withhe'd, and has not been reissued. Kennedy has gone home disgusted with the administration. He says: I am diuted at the way things are being managed, and so are the majority of my people. I am going to speak my mind when I get home, and tell the folks that they need no loneer look to tlie Republican party for their salvation. We are only to be given the crumbs, except in a few individual cases and white Democrats wbo promi-e to become Republicans are to be given tbe fat I laces. There is absolutely no use In our lighting any lonqcr to keep up a Re publican organization. Tbe colored people are already looking on the pro posed national election law unfavorably. It will be a delusion and a snare for us. It simply means tbat we are to be abandoned in onr local struggles, as we have been since 1876. bat we want is a recognition of our fall po litical rigbt in State affairs, as well as national. In fact, tbis Is worth infinitely more to us. If tbe Republican party wants tbe colored voters to continue to give it their support, it will bare to be a great deal more liberal with us in its policy than it bas been. Tbe colored people are no longer frightened by tbe bugaboo of tbe re-establisbnient of the system of slavery, which kept tbem for a long time ball scared'out of their wits. They Lnow full well, even the most ignorant of tbem, that their freedom is secured for all tbe time, and now their only political concern is for their rights of citizenship. If tbe Republican party only means to secure such legislation as will protect tbem in their support ot its own domina tion, it will be better for tbem to be let alone. 1 here can be nothing more foolish than tbe supposition that tbe colored people will vote for Congressmen, and in other ways keep un the animosity existing between them and the Southern whites, when tbey will receive no en couragement in their efforts to elect State officers. Jam in favor of my people making speedy terms with the white people of the South, for in snch a course there lies the whole solution of the race problem. PLANS FOR A NAYY. ' Vessels in tbe Revenue and Other Depart ments a Splendid Basis If Properly Built Congress Will Be Asked to Act. Washington, July 27. One of tbe recommendations likely to be incorporated An the report of Secretary Tracy to Con gress this fall is that all the vessels built or purchased by the Government be con structed with a view to service in time of war as smaller 'naval vessels. Said a promi nent official oi the Navy Department, speaking of this subject: "If we are going to have a navy let us build it up by all tbe means in our power and make every vessel owned by the Government a part of it, to be used for its primary purpose In time of peace, but effective for offensive and de lensive war. There are probably 100 revenue cutters, light-bouse tenders and vessels ope rated in the service of the Fish Commission. Coast Survey, etc, which could be and should be so constructed as to form a powerful arm of tbe navy in time of need. As it is, tbey are built without regard for tbe protection ot their machinery or facilities for carrying armament. Both of tbose could be provided without materially increasing the cost of tbe vessels. Other nations do not spend their money for ships ot any kind that cannot be converted into war-sblps in case of necessity, and tbe United States should follow their example. The lighthouse tenders, for instance, with tbeir crews familiar with the planting of buoys and handling ground tackle, would prove invaluable as torpedo boats. Onr Government vessel should be built on plans prepared in the Navy Department and fur nlsned, on requisition by tne department, in tbe regular service, of whlrh tbey aro to be placed. In tb is way a powerful and model navy could be built up, and I think tbe powers that be reognizc this fact." Secretary Trecv, in order to carry out this idea of unity in the plan and organiza tion of the navy, has appointed a board which will formulate and report to the Sec retary a general plan to be followed in build ing up the navy of how many and of what classes of vessels it should consist; Low much should be appropriated each year for construction, so that within a reasonable period of time the model or ideal navy should be completed: what will be the prob able deterioration by wear and tear, and how great an expenditure would be neces sary annually for repairs, aud how to over come that deterioration. Heretofore there has been no general plan of constructing and organizing a navy approved or pre pared, and this action of the Secretary is very favorably received by the officials of the department. IT IS KOW OK SOT AT ILL. Tbe Chieftaincy of (be (secret Service Not Subject to Senntorlal Approval, I SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Washington. July 27. An employe of the Treasury Department said to the corre spondent of The Dispatch to-day: "I see by The Dispatch that the K of L. of Western Pennsylvania are adopting resolutions looking toward the defeat nt the confirmation of Detective Furlong, if he be appointed Chief of the Secret Service Corps of the Treasury Department, While I have no interest whatever in tbe strife for the place, it may be well for the friends and opponents of any of tbe candidates to know that the Chief of the Secret Service is not confirmed. His appointment is not a Pres idental one, and the Senate has nothing to do with it. Whatever is done in favor or against anv of the candidates will have to be done before the appointment is made by the Secretary ol the Treasury, with whom is the appointing power, though I hear the President is inclined to interfere in the case." conteact labor questions Queer Fhnses of tbe Law That Come TJp Only ns Hypothetical Cases. Washington, July 27. Acting Secre tary Batchelor bas written a letter to tbe Col lector of Customs at Cape Vincent, N. Y., in regard to the enforcement of the Alien, contract labor law, in which he says: Tbe law does not prohibit aliens or foreigners from volatarilv coming into this country seek ing for employment and contracting for work after tbeir arrival here. One who was an American citizen, but bas become a naturalized citizen of another country, is an alien In the sene of the law. As to the case nf an Amer ican citizen residing In Canada, but without liaving been naturalized tbere, and coming into tbls country under a -previous contract to labor the question as to bis liability under the law will be decided when a case is presented with its facts and circumstances. In view or the many complicated situation and close business relations alongthe Canadian line, which apparently were nut contemplated or provided for by the law, it is preferred th tbey be submitted to tbe consideration of Con cre.s before a needlessly rigorous enforcement of tbe law. possibly causing unnecessary hard ship and financial Injury to American ouissas. HIS' NAME IN' STONE,' Mr. Bell'a Effort After Undying- Fame Not Appreciated at Washington A Plt,ts bars Public Building's Peculiarity.' IFPEC:AL TELIOlUM TO THE DISPATCII.l L Washington, July 27. The citizens of Pittsburg who have noted the fact that in one of the hallways of the new Government, building the name of "M. E. Bell, Super vising Architect," appears chiseled into the wall, may not be aware that this is a pecu liarity which distinguishes the Pfttsburg building from any other in the United States. The edifice may have other extraor dinary features, such as the length of time it has been in process of construction, but in that it has several counterparts in other cities of the country. It is the one Government building which bears the name of the Supervising Architect. Just why Jlr. Bell should have been anxious to im mortalize himself in the walls of tbis par ticular pile is a mystery, for no less than four Supervising Architects have come and gone since it was designed. Supervising Architect Hill drafted the original plans. A new plan, embodying most of the old, was made by Mr. Bell. Modifications were made by Mr. Freret, and Supervising Architect Windrim has also made some slight modifications. When it is finished most of tbe structure will be found to have been erected during the terms of Freret and Windrim. In view of all these circumstances tbe Government au thorities are somewhat surprised that Mr. Bell should have nssurued to inscribe bis name on the walls, especially as such has not been the custom at any time in regard to many sued structures. The existence of this remarkable legend has only recently been made known at the Treasury Depart ment, and it remains to be decided whether it will simply be chiseled off or whether the stone with the inscription will be removed intact and brought here to be placed in the National Museum beside the strange Runic, Assyrian, Aztec and Toltec hieroglyphics which form the attraction of one of the most interesting departments of that vast col lection. As tbere is no appropriation available for tbis latter plan of disposal, it is suggested that possibly the 100 citizens of Pittsburg who presented a medal to Captain Armes, for pulling General Beaver's nose, will, by means of a private subscription, have tbe entire stone removed and transported to the capital as tbeir gift to the museum. TOO MUCH SHRINKAGE. The Surprlslne Manner In Which CrnvrTord County Llqnor Loses Itself. rerrctAL tilxoram to tux dispatcil'i Washington, July 27. Unofficial in formation has been received at the Treasury Department tbat there is a possibility of a small scandal in that portion ol the internal revenue district of the western connties of Pennsylvania which produces whisky held in bond in the storehouse in Crawford county. A well-known druggist made a purchase of whisky which had been in bond and found that during a period when the ljguor should not have shrunk more than three gallons to the barrel it bad really sustained a loss of about seven gallons to the barrel. Natural ly this excited the curiosity of the pur chaser, as well as the distiller from whom the purchases was made, bnt as yet the mys tery is not solved as to how seven gallons could escape from each barrel while the en tire lot bonded was under the eye ot the keeper of the Governoient,storehouse. FATE IXTEEPOSED. Divorce Proceedings Interrupted by an Ab sent Wile's Retnrn. rSrECIAL TXLEOItAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Denver, July 27. A romance in real life is tbe story of the separation and re uniting ot Cyprian Turcott, a retired cap tain in tbe French army, and his wife, Mary, after three years. Three years ago Turcott found himself in Denver a poor man. His wife and two children were sent home on a visit to the wife's mother, near Montreal, and Turcott went to wore. Let ters between the husband and wife were few aud at last ceased altogether. Mrs. Turcott, who is a highly educated and cultured woman, supported her three children by teaching French and music She lived with her husband's parents near Montreal. Turcott, however, fell in love with a lady of this city. She returned his affection with ardor. Through a lawyer early divorce proceedings were begun. Tur cott alleged that his wile deserted him in Boston. The divorce was granted quietly, and It was his intention to marry his new love on the evening of the same day. But fate interposed. A Iriend of the wife wrote to her of the divorce proceedings and engaged Attorney H. B. O'Reilly, who sent for him. The lawyer told him the divorce proceedings would cost him $500 before he got through, and Turcott threw up both hands. Just then there came a knock at the door and Turcott was asked to open it. He did so, and there on the threshold stood his wife aud two little girls,one of whom be had never seen before. Tbe sight melted the faithless husband completely. The wife fell on his neck and thev both wept. The divorce pro ceedings will be dropped and there will be no second wedding. BrnddoeU'. Wire Mill Working-. The barbed wire department of the Brad dock wire mill will resume operations on Monday morning, thus setting the entire plant in motion. The rod mill started up the first of the week, and the wire drawers were put to work to-day. The plant has been idle for a month, during which time all necessary repairs were made and consid erable improved machinery put in. The firm has many orders ahead. A Mother's Foolish Acf. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH! Harrisburg, July 27. Mrs. William H. Schlayer, of this city, gave her 4-months child a dose of morphia and afterward took a large quantity herself. The child died, and Mrs. Schlayer is seriously 111. The woman imagined that she was a burden to her husband and administered the morphia to kill herself and child. Kicked Bis Wife to Death. Wilkesbakee, July 27. Mark King, a burly miner of ungovernable temper, re siding near Hazleton, last night knocked his wife down and kicked berinihestomach and face. His children witnessed the as sault and ran for assistance, and when Mrs. King's mother arrived a few minutes later she found her daughter lying dead on the floor. King was arrested. Killed la a Row Over Cards. Cleveland, July 27. John Dallas and George May quarreled over a game of cards in a saloon at Bethlehem, Crawford county, last night, and finally came to blows. Dur ing tbe melee Dallas suddenly died. May gave himself up, declaring that he had no intention of killing the man. An Intrnder Arrested ThU Morning-. At 1 o'clock this morning Special Officer Denniston arrested Michael O'Donnell, who was found coming out the rear of John Mc Mahon's clothing store on Liberty, near Grant street. No goods were found on his person. Doable Burner on Carson Street. Yesterday tbe electric light lamps on Car son street were changed from sinfle to dou ble carbon burners. The double',, burners give much more satisfaction, as the single ones frequently went out. Kan Down by an Accommodation. Edward Ennis, of Tarentum, was killed, near hit home last evening by an accom&i- dation train on the West Peaa Eailnwd."' l.ZT-. -.-THE A C0EPSE AND A MYSTERY. The Body of a Man Faaad at Hots' Grove Has Strange Missives About It A Colored Carrie nod a Clandestine Meeting. The Coroner was notified yesterday that the body of a man had been found at Boss' Grove, in the Allegheny river. He had the body brought to the morgue. Several let ters were found in the man's clothes, mak ing it a mysterious case. The deceased was evidently Wallace Wheeler, ot Tarentum, the letters were thus addressed. A bill alto showed Wallace Wheeler to be indebted to I. B. Loucks, of Tarentum, to the extent of $2 50. Tbe mystery is largely enveloped in two letters signed "Carrie," and a third writ ten by someone who simply signs "H." The first two are written from ML, Pleasant. The substance of the first, dated June 11, is as follows: Well, Wallance, I am in Mt. Pleasant. I ar rived here at 6 o'clock last evening. Pap did not know me.. He looked at me. I knew him. I think one week will be long enough for me to stay here. Tbere are a lot of hard cases here. I gave pap what money I bad left. He said: "My child, that is more than George or Budd done when they came home. They did not give me a cent," and then he cried. Tbe other, date June 14, also written from Mt. Pleasant, is as follows: I received yours yesterday and was glad to hear from home I call that my borne became I would not live here. They are tbe toughest niggers I ever saw. Tbey say I am the proud, est woman here. I would not do as these coons are "doing for tbe world. I cannot tell you here, but when I come home I will tell you, and that won't be long. pap wants me to tay two months, but I would not do so for $100. Polly is here, just as crazy as ever. Sally's husband is in tbe Greeusburg Jail. If you fend mo money I will come borne, or you can come up. Tell Prince I have not forgotten him. When I speak of him they think there is some little boy there, but 1 ted tbem it is my little dog. 1 miss him very much. Kiss him for me, and tell him to bo good un' 11 1 come home, and he shall oot be tied so much. The other letter is the strangest of the three, aud gives the impression that some plot was laid. Half of the letter is missing, and the other half is so badly soiled from being in tbe water that it can scarcely be read. The pari decipherable reads: I want to meet yon to-night about 10 o'clock. But If you don't meet me, Carrie knows where you are. It Is a great secret, and If anybody knows of this meeting we are done for. My life depends on our meeting to-night. I hare beard that you have been telling about our meeting. If yon tell this, I will kill myself. Destroy this right away, so Carrie does not find it, for then I am lost It is about Clendennen, if you understand it. He has been talking again. Another, letter taken from Wheeler's clothes bears this address: "Miss Carrie Strouden, Tarentum, Pa.;" begins "My dear daughter." and is signed "Lizzie S.," evidently from the girl's mother. The let ter contains a lot of gossip about the neigh bors in Mt. Pleasant, One thing appears certain; that is, while Wheeler was a white man, "Carrie" is evi dently a colored woman. The inquest, which will probably not be held until to morrow, will likely straighten the matter out, y TWO 'MEN RUN MAD. They Almost Kill n 6- Months- Old Baby, Who Wa. Ill With Fever. Mrs. Joseph Malia, of Sobo, complained to Alderman Jones last evening that her brother, James Lanigan, came to the house, and after partaking of considerable beer, got into a quarrel with her husband. While engaged in the scuffle, the cradle containing this 6-months-old child was upset. The child has been lying sick for tbe past few days with a fever and not expected to live. i Mrs. Malia plead for them to stop, but in stead of stopping, her husband struck her in the face, knocking her and the baby down. The fight proceeded. STOLE ALL HIS MONEI. A Thief Captures 8185 Belonging to a Bloomtleld Citizen. A daring robbery of 185 was made from Patrick Shields, or Main ateet, Bloomfield, last Thursday night. Shields was in a store on Penn-avenue, near Thirty-third street, and intended paying a small bill. He was followed into the store by a young man. Upon Shields opening his pocket book the man sprang at him and attempted to throw him to tbe ground. He succeeded in wrenching the monev from Shields' purse and in an instant had disappeared. Found Guilty ot an Awfnl Crime.. St. Louis. July 27. Joseph A. Howell, a school teacher, who has been on trial in Linens, Mo., several days past, charged with murdering his cousin, Mrs. Minnie Hall, and her four young children, near Brookfield, in January last, and then burn ing the house over their heads t conceal the crime, was found guilty this afternoon of murder in the first degree. Sentence was deferred. Two Important Verdict. The Coroner's" juries in the cases of McGregor, who was drowned by the burst ing of tbe bottom of Bed Pond, and Daly, who fought with McNally in May and died Thursday night in hospital nnder an an aesthetic, exonerated all parties concerned in both cases, and McNally was released from arrest. Lavrrcncevllle In Darkness. All the incandescent lights in Lawrence ville were put out at 8 o'clock last night by a belt at the East End Electric Light Com pany's plant breaking. FREE! FREEI! FBEE!3 Grand Excursion to Thompson's New York Grocery Low Prices for Everybody. 5 lbs Carolina rice 25o 5 packages corn starch 25c 4 lbs tapioca 25c 7 lbs rolled oats 25c 7 lbs pearl barley 25c 8 lbs large lump starch 25c 12 boxes bag blue 25c Scans sardines 25c 2 lb can brook trout.. 25c 3 lb can mackerel in tomato sauce.. 25c Chipped beef, 1 lb cans, 3 for 50c Corned beef, 2 lb cans, 3 for 50c 2 dozen parlor matches (200's) 25e 4 bottles home made catsup. 25c 6 lbs good English breakfast tea....$l 00 6 lbs good young byson tea 1 00 6 lbs good Japan tea 1 00 1 sack choice amber flour( warranted) 1 20 Extra sugar-cured hams, per lb.... 11-fc Goods delivered free to all parts of both cities. .To those living out of the citv will prepay freight on all orders of $10, $15, $20 and upward. Send for catalogue. M. E. Thompson, New York Grocery, 301 Market st, corner Third ave., opposite Gusky's. Stop-Offat CreMoa Sprints on Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket. The Passenger Department ot the Penn sylvania Bailroad Company announces that passengers holding first-class limited tickets of any description will be allowed to stop oyer at Cresson Springs, during the season, as long as desired up to October 31. In order to avail themselves of this priv ilege passengers should notify the train con ductor of their intention to break the jour ney at Cresson, and immediately upon ar rival should ueposit their tickets with the company's agent at Cresson. This concession is greatly appreciated by through passengers, as It enables them to become acquainted with one of (he most de lightful mountain resoits in tbe country. All through passenger trains, Including the celebrated New York and Cnicago Limited Express, stop at Cresson during the season. Btlek Pins. The fairest flowers in delieate enamel, hundreds of styles, ti 00 to $5 00. at E. P. Roberts & Sou', cor. fifth ave. aad Var- EHTSBUKa-. DISPATCH, A TRAIL OF. BLOOD Leads Searchers for .the Missing Colonel Jones to a Manhole. HIS DEAD BODY IN A BLANKET, While His Money and Ilis Watch Taken by His Brutal Murderer. BLIGH, A COLORED SEUVAHT, 4.REESTED, With the Greatest Coolness the Hnwerer Tells How the Deed Was Done. A trail of blood led thp searchers for the. remains of Colonel A. E. Jones, of Cincin nati, to a manhole, where the oody was found sewed up in a blanket. His money' and watch were gone. Charles Bligh, his colored servant, acted suspiciously and fled, but was captured at Madisonville. Cincinnati, July 27. The bodr of Colonel A. E. Jones was found this, morn iug in a manhole not far from his residence, murdered and robbed. The murder of Dr. A. E. Jones, familiarly known as Colonel Jones, is 'one of the most shocking things that could have occurred in Cincinnati. The Colonel was in his 77th year, but was as active as a man oi CO. He had always had an inclination for mili tary 'life, and kept it up by holding a connection with the Ohio National Guards, serving for a, long time as surgeon of the First Begiment. Governor Eoraker, who was bis neighbor, appointed him a member of his staff as Surgeou General. He had been active in public affairs, serving often in the Municipal Council, and had besides hold several offices under appointment from the General Government. He -was perhaps more widely known in Cincinnati than any other citizen. Dr. Jones left his house about 3:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, wearing no coat, his feet in slippers, and went in the direction of his stable. He asked what time it was, thousrh wearing his watch. That was the last seen of him alive. The family did not become alarmed until after night and then prosecuted their search quietly until yester day, when notice was given to the police. During the day yesterday a trail of blood was discovered opposite the doctor's stable on Cemetery street, and, being followed, was traced to Park avenue, thence south two or three squares to the junction of Cypress street and Francis lane, where on tbe grass was quite a pool of blood. It was here, in a manhole of the sewer, that the body was found this morning. It was YTBATPED IN A HOItSE BLANKET, or rather sewed up, so that it was drawn out by means of a rope fastened around it by a man wbo had been lowered for that purpose. The body bad been doubled up compactly, as if for convenience in carrying, and it is apparent tbat tbe trail of blood was that which trickled Irom his wounds as his mur derer carried him to the place where he thought to conceal forever the trace cf his crime, for he hoped the water would carry the body into the river. It was found that the doctor's gold watch aad his money were gone. This must have been the motive for tbe murder, as the doctor had not an enemy in the world. There was but a single wound upon the body. It was upon the back part of the head and slightly on the right side, as if tbe blow had been given from behind. The the ory now prevalent is that the murderer was Charles Bligh, the colored servant, and that after committing the crime he hid the body until night and then, putting it into a grain sack, he carried it to its place of -coneeal--ment. Bligh was at the house all day yes terday and told of his last interview with the Colonel. "When he left last night he said h would return at 530 this morning, but he has not yet been found. A hoe in the stable bears murks which are pro nounced to be blood stains. THE SUSPECTED SEETANT. The fact that Charles Bligh, the colored servant of Colonel A. E. Jones, was missing to-day, thus confirming the suspicion against him of murdering his employer, did not prevent the police lrom making other ar rests. Andrew uuuson, colored, who left the Colonel's employment last spring, after being seven yeais with him, was arrested. He denied all knowledge of the crime and told such a straight story that he was discharged by the Chief of Police. Bichard Lee, colored, falso a for mer.employe, was arrested. Lee claims to have seen a man on Thursday night, some where in the neighborhood where the body was found, and to have heard a noise in that directiou. Another arrest is Frank Bu ford, a bricklayer, in whose house Bligh and his wife are boarders. Bulord says that he met Bligh last night and they had a drink together in a saloon and tbat Bligh got a ?3 bill changed. He rsays Bligh left the house early this morning. Tho Chief of Police after a searching examination of fiuford was satisfied of his innocence and ischurged him. The Chief of Police is cer- tain that Bligh is the murderer. Bligh has Been employed about six weeks with Colonel Jones. He came from Madi son county, Ky. He bears a' bullet in his left arm as the result of some trouble there. He is described as a mulatto 30 years old, BJ feet tall, weighing 130 pounds and wear ing a mustache and short side whiskers. BLIOH'S SUSPICIOUS ACTS. His wife says he came home last night late, and alter he was in bed some one called him and told him he was wanted at Colonel Jones'; that they were suspicious of him. He got up and was gone awhile, but came back to bed. He got up early this morning and said he was going to Colonel Jones' and if they did not want him he would go down to the city and buy some furniture. Bligh was with tbe searching party all day yesterday, and when he left the house last night he said he would re turn at 520 tbis morning. He was quite sure Colonel Jones was out of bis mind and tbat he wonld be found wandering in some of the ravines not far from Ills resi dence. A man who was with him says his manner was disagreeable and almost shocking on account of the levitr .with which he talked ot the missing man. Tne ponce nave a tueory that tbe murder was committed as the result of a quarrel, and that when Bligh saw what he had done he put the body over the fence in the woods until after dark, when he got a grain sack and packed the body in it and carried it to the manhole. Bligh was arrested this evening at Madi sonville, O., and brought to the police station here at 825. A COOI. VTLLAIN. Madisonville, wbere Bligh was arrested, is not more than five miles in an air line from the scene of the murder. Bligh was brouehtinto tbecity and taken "betore Super intendent Deitzsb, of tbe police force, where without hesitation or restraint be made a full confession of the crime. His manner was easy, and his story of horror was told with as little feeling as if he had been nar rating the most commonplace events of a dull day's experience. His story was as follows: "My name is Charles A. Bligh. I was. born at Richmond, Ky. Am 29 years old. I am married. In March last I came to tbis city, and on tbe third "Wednesday in March en gaged to work for Dr. A. E. Jones as hojtlor ana for other work at J5 a week. On the afternoon of Thursday last I was working in the garden pulling weeds, when the doctor came out in his shirt sleeves, wearing slippers and a slouch hat and began to scold tno. I bad just come oat of tbe barn where I had gone for a necessary purpose. Tbe doctor told me be wanted the weeds polled out of that celery and be did not want any more excuses about It. The doctor was cross, and took a little stick -and struck me, but it did not hnrt.-me It waa just a little stroke. This waa near the stable door. He talked pretty fierce aad cursed me, and said aealn he did sot 'wast any asar eseaMCv, I.eeeaae aBry,'s,s;ie I STTNBAX, ' JTH.T 28, doctor passed bv me I picked up, a bit of oak stick used InTia'illng hay, and using both hands I struck him a blowfrorn behind on tbe back of tbe.head. He fell and was speechless, bnt not dead. He was net able to move: he only breathed. I went on with my work In tbe garden until about 6.30 o'clock, when I got a sack In the barn that had ueen used tor oats and put bis ooay in k. hb was breathing yjt and drew up his legs so that I conld easily pnsh his body into tno sack. I then tied it up with a hitching strap and went into the house and got my supper as usual. The folks asked if I hadseen tbe doctor and I told them I had not. PUTTING THE BODT AWAY. After supper they sent me to Mr. Thornton's, tbe doctor's son-in-law, to see If he was tbere. I cams back and told tbem tbat tbe doctor had not been there. Then I went to tbe power house of the cable road and talked awhile with a colored man and came back about 10 o'clock. I took tbe sack on my shoulder and carried It down Park avenue to the man hole Two persons were ahead nf me as 1 went, but I kept out of their way. I laid tbe sack down on tbe grass while I took off tbe Iron covering of tbe manhole and threw it in, covered up tbe maribole and went back to Colonel Jones' house, and soon after went to my own borne on Washington avenue, next day I went back and worked as usual till afternoon, when they told me 1 need not work any more, only I should stay around. I answered Questions many times that day, that I had cot seen the doctor. Last night after I got home, Andv Hudson came to me- and said the detectives had been to see him to ask what kind of a man I was. JIndson said he told tbem I was all righfas far as be knew, but he said from tbe way tbe detectives talked be thought they were about to put the doctor's disappear ance on me. Tbls morning I did not get up till after S o'clock. I then packed up my valise and went down to' Fulton to take the train for Madison ville. bnt missed the train and walked out tbe railroad and pike. When I got to Madisonville I tried to find some people I used to know in Kentucky, and wben I cot to Simon Bash's house the detectives got me. I did not take Colonel Jones' watch nor bis money. I did not know he bad his watch or bis money with him. Bligh said he had belonged in Kentucky to an organization known as the Independ ent Order ot Immacniates. EGG CASE PATENTS Make the Strnwbonrd Association Anxious to Control the Lima Mills 31.000,- 000 the Price Fold for Tbem. rBFZCMI. TELIORAM TO TBI UISPATCn.1 Lima, July 27. The deal whereby the Lima paper mills pass into the control of the American Strawboard Association was consummated here this afternoon. The mills were the property oi B. C. Faurot,who organized a stock company 20 years ago with ten members and built them. He afterward bought up the stock of the other members, and for the last 15 years has owned and operated the mills himself, in the meantime spending $400,000 or $500,000 in erecting new buildings, adding latest ma chinery and extending the facilities in every way. He also entered into the manufactur ing of egg cases, buying up all the patents in the United States, until he had absolute control of this important in dustry. The American Strawboard Asso ciation has been endeavoring to secure the mills for several years, and has had repre sentatives here at different times to confer with the management, the object being to buy the mills and close them. This propo sition did not coincide with Mr. Faurot's views. He wasted the mills to continue runnine, as it wss one of the first and most important industries established in the city. Finally Mr. B. F. Newcoznb, of Quincy, 111., Vice President of the association, and Mr. Baird, of Akron, General Attorney, came here about ten days ago to confer, but went away again without fully consum mating the deal. After they went away an injunction was obtained which prevented them from securing the mills in such a way as to shnt them down. The same gentlemen returned this afternoon and it is understood paid $1,000,000 for the property, although the exact figures are not obtaina ble. The mills are the largest and most complete in the country and hare been in operation for 20 years, paying out many hundreds of thousands of dollars for straw. This deal will put all the mills in the coun try in the control of the association. There is a general feeling of regret that Mr. Faurot is to retire from the manage ment, but he has shown his business sagacity and public spirit by having the mills con tinue running. The egg case business has grown to immense proportions in the last tew years, the cases being shipped all over the world, and it was this important fea ture the association could not control with out directly purchasing the mills and whele plant. A SNAKE IN HEE POCKET. A Woman Naturalist Frightens Her Com panlons Half to Death. Levlston Journal.'! One of Portland's bright young ladies has a decided taste for studies in natural his tory, and woe to the bug, beetle or butterfly which comes within her reach. She does not share in the general aversion to the rep tile family, but handles toads, lizards and even snakes familiarly and fearlessly. One day last week s'he was at Peak's Isl and with friends, and in their rambles about the fields and swamps she bagged a number of specimens. Among them was a green snake about two feet long. The sight of the squirming creature evoked screams from, the other feminine members of the party, but the young naturalist caught it up and allowed it to coil about her wrist. This was too much for the feelings of her friends, however, and after a while she slipped the snake into her pocket, for want of better accommodations. Presently the snake was forgotten. The party boarded one of the Cisco Bay Com pany's boats, and when about half way to the city a great commotion was suddenly caused among the passengers by the appear ance of a green snake crawling upon the deck. Ladies screamed and jumped upon the seats or fled incontinently, and some ot the sterner sex were somewhat taken by surprise at the sight of a serpent in that un expected place. The young woman, as soon as she realized the situation, sprang to re cover her property, but too late. A boat band pitched the reptile overboard and science had met with another loss. A DELUGE FROM THE SKI Floods Chlcafco and Does $230,000 Dam use Exciting; 8cenes. Chicago, July 27. One of the fiercest storms of recent years burst over the city at 6 o'clock this evening. The electrical display was appalling. Scores of ob jects were struck by lightning and the roar oi the thunder was deafening. Seven alarms of fire were running within 15 minutes. The water poured into the La Selle street tunnel in such volume that passengers on the cable cars were compelled to stand upon the seats. In the southwestern portion of the city it is estimated that 1,000 persons were driven from their homes. The Wisconsin Central tracks were submerged, the water enter! 8g the fire boxes ot the lo comotives. Some of the big down town gas mains were flooded. The storm ceased at 10 o'clock when 4.12 inches of water had fallen. This is the greatest rainfall for four hours in the his tory of Chicago. The damage to property by lightning and water will reach J250.000. It is reported late to-night that a house on Twenty-third street blew down during the storm and a number of people were killed. Mr. Blaine's Wonderful Memory. Bar Harbor Correspondent Philadelphia Press.! The report that Mr. Blaine shuts himself Up and is only seen by personal friends is altogether false. He does not court seclu sion by any means. He drives out, drives into the' village almost daily, and is a regu lar attendant of the Congregational Cburoh here. He is looking remarkably well, much better than even when abroad, I am told by "a lady who met him in Florence. lncoure of conversation with the lady in 'question, le remarked: "It is just one year aad a day iaee I last saw you," giving eri- OMMtMvawoBMerui faculty or Besory. Ti. A MIDNIGHT ATTACK Is Made Upon the Camps of the Tenth anlEighteenth Regiments. THE SOLDIERS FLI TO ARMS Aud Bravely Repulse the Enemy Without Losing Any Men. OUR BO IS QUIETLI FURL THEIR "TENTS And Start far Home, Learing Behind Them llaay Friends. The camp of the Tenth and Eighteenth Regiments was abandoned last night The boys had a pleasant time, conducted them selves well, and the townspeople nearby were sorry to lose them. JBrXCtlX TXLXORAU TO TUX DISrj.TCH.1 CASirs O. H. Eippet ) AND J. B. HO WELL, Neab TTNiONTOWir, July 27. ) Encampment is over for the Eighteenth and Tenth Begiments, National puard of Pennsylvania. Evans Grove, the scene of the encampment, is to-day a silent woods. Both regiments will be at home to-day. No military duty was performed to-day; it was simply moving day for the regiments. The Tenth Begiment broke camp at 9 o'clock to-day, and the Eighteenth at noon. The closing scenes around the two camps were full of interest, though the bustle and confusion of taking down tents and packing camp property was a less dignified object of contemplation than two well drilled regi ments. A special train of seven cars was in wait ing for the Tenth Begiment at Eyans sta tion from an early hour this morning, but it was 2 o'clock before it pulled out with its gallant freight. Company A, of Mbnon gahela City, being the only company to go on the P., "V. & C. B. B,, was offered transpor tation in a special car attached to the train which leaves town at 320. Colonel Haw kins remained iu town, and left with Com pany A for Monongahela City. It was after 12 o'clock when the Tenth got started. When the tents were being taken down the boys had considerable fun getting some one into the canvas and tossing him high in the air. The Eighteenth broke camp at noon, and the afternoon was consumed in sending in the camp property for shipment. Tbe regi ment marched to town from the camp this evening, and left in a special train of 12 cars. The Eighteenth sent a heavy patrol and guard to town to prevent any straggling or disturbance. A short time before tbe regi ment reached town the patrol began pick ing up the "boys who had put on heavy marching order and come into town early for a good time. The principal reason for their coming was the order closing all saloons when the troops got to town. Those who came without passes thought if the patrol did get them they would be taken to tbe trainjor kept under guard till the train left. They were badly mistaken, as every man was marched back two hot dusty miles to camp and kept there till the regiment started from camp. THE JOKEB 'WAS CAUOHT. Two Company -A boys resisted to the end, and one of tbem was wounded in the hand by a bayonet in the hands of a patrol. The patrol says the private struck at him and hit the bayonet. It created great excitement for a time. .The bayonet passed through the muscle between the thumb and first finger of the right hand. The trouble arose from a very neat little game tbe man was playing. He fixed his bayonet and began walking the beat in front of the Spottsylvania Hotel, aud when he would see runaways go into the bar he would follow and place them under ar rest, but would finally agree to let them off on condition that tbey would "set 'em up." He was thus engaged when the patrol found him usnrping his authority. At H30 the Eighteenth marched to town after giving three rousing cheers for Camp Bippey. The entire regiment marched directly to the Pennsylvania Bailroad depot, where a special train of 12 cars was awaiting them. As soon as they entered the town tbe band struck up the familiar strain of "Goodby, My Lover, Goodbv," which the entire regiment sang until they reached, the depot. Tbe boys had to lie at tbe depot from 5 till 8, and a gay time they had oi it nntil the train pulled out amid the cheers of the men and the waving kerchiefs of the atoresaia "lovers. A SHAM BATTLE. The event of last night was a sham battle at midnight on the drill ground ot the Tenth. A few of the men in the regiment had an inkling of. what was going to hap pen, but no one knew when to expect it. Yet when the long roll was beaten at mid night it took just 21 minutes to get the whole regiment to the field in perfect order. Companies D and K had been quietly taken put a lew minutes in advance of the souud ing of the alarm, the former to act as enemy ana tne latter as scirmisners. .ttach man was supplied with ten rounds of blank cartridges, and rapid firing and quick ax ecu t Ion of field movements lasted about 15 minutes, at the end of which the enemy were declared routed. The darkness and the suddenness with which the men were called out made this sham battle one of the most exciting events of the encampment. The firing roused many of the town people from their sleep to wouder what was go ing on. Over in the camp of the Eighteenth much the same programme was observed. The long roll was beaten about 11 P. M. to indi cate the camp was attacked by the enemy. The men were in their drill field in a ew minutes in line of battle and fired a volley into tbe ranks of the supposed foe, after which they returned quietly to camp. The firing was plainly heard in town and many people went to camp even at tbe late hour. Now that the boys are gone the people gen erally are sorry, especially the businessmen, as the town has done an immense business since the encampment With few excep tions the boys conducted themselves in a manner gratifying to the officers and citi zens. BACK TO TBE CITT. The Tenth and Eighteenth Itealmonts Re tarn From Camp. The camp near TJniontown of the Tenth and Eighteenth Regiments broke up yester day. The Tenth Begiment passed through the city a little after 5 p. M. en route home. At 12 o'clock P. M. the special bearing the Eighteenth Begiment pulled into the Union depot One company had left the train at Braddock, leaving eight destined to Pitts burg. The boys left the tram very quietly, were formed in line and marched up Liberty street as if they were just returning from war instead of camp. Not even a hurrah was sent up. The only thing that would have told a stranger inside the depot tbat the troops had returned from camp was a short tune bv the band on the forward plat form of the depot. At New Grant street ,two companies halted and at a word of command broke ranks and went quietly in different direc tions to tbeir homes. Another detachment went down Liberty avenue and the other company went to their respective armories. One ot the officers said that nothing had happened to mar either the pleasure or the routine of the camp. There bad not been a single case of sickness, several of the boys had the sense to say, and declared that they never had a jollier time or enjoyed them selves more. FLAYING IN GREAT LUCK. Captain Armes -Allawed to Go to Texas on Private Bqio laracux. sa&sosjui.Ta tb surxTCE.ii j-WA8Hixsxoy,Jaly27.-CaptaIn"'AmesJ . 188U f , J the erratic army officer who pulled Gover nor Beaver's nose and was court-martialed, is playing in great luck. He was sentenced to the loss ofvthe privilege of wearing his uniforni for five years and prohibited from going mora than CO miles away from Wash ington. The Adjutant General has commuted the sentence tothe extent of giving the Captain leave to visit Texas on'priyate, business. EXCEEDINGLY LIVELY. The Central Trades Council. and tbe Slater Tlctory for the Conservative Element Some Condemnations. The liveliest meeting held by the mem bers of the Central Trades Council since tbe wake afii burial of the Trades Assem bly, was that of last evening. The publica tion in The Dispatch that the war be tween the Knights of Labor aud the Feder ation would come up, had the effect of drawing out a good attendance, and they were not disappointed in the matter of unlooked-for incidents. The trouble between the two factions who have been running the organization has about been settled, it is stated, by the better element coming out on top. The ball began rolling by a motion to sustain the report of the Executive Board in refusing to admit X. S. Hees. the dele gate from L. A. 491, Knights of Labor,"1 slate roofers. This is the organization that tbe Federation raenjbers claimed was non union, and said they would -not sit in the meeting if the delegate was admitted. It was expected by the Federation men that there would be a hard fight to give the dele gate his seat; but the latter's supporters apparently deserted him. Upon the roll cull it was found that 28 members were opposed to admitting the delegate, while 3 wanted to allow him to come in. The Carpenters' Union presented a griev ance against James Getty, Jr., and J. T. Natcher, a contractor. These men were alleged to have hired non-union men. A committee was appointed to wait on them to secure the employment of union men. The following resolutions were offered and adopted: Resolved, Tbat the Executive Board of the Central Trades Council are instrncted to use their endeavor to secure a list of the deputy sheriffs wbo volunteered to go to Homestead to coerce and intimidate tbe striking employes of tbe Homestead Bteel Works, ana Incase they And the majority of these hirelings to con sist of union men in good standing of tbe vari ous labor organizations, as we have reason to believe tbev were, tbat the attention of the officials of these organizations be called to the fact and requested tbat they be censured and fined as they see nt The above is in reference to about 25 sup posed members of the American Flint Glass Workers' Association who went to Home stead with Sheriff McCandles. Then came the following: Whereas. Some of the labor organizations close down for a certain period in the year be cause they deem it beneficial for them to do so, especially In the heated months, thus securing to themselves steady work during tbe winter montbs: and Whereas, These people are generally re cipients of the lareest wages paid, and are well able to stand the six weeks or two months' stop ordered by their union; therefore be it Resolved, Tbat tbe Central Trades Council do heartily condemn the action of those union men wbo are mean enough to take tbe jobs of the poor laboring classes during tbe summer stop, and especially these who use political influence to get room for them on some ot tbe Govern ment jobs. The latter resolution is in regard to the matter of glassblowers working at the new Government building. 835,919,599 Saved by Band Baying-. "WASHiNGTOir, July 27. The following is a statement of United States bonds pur chased from August 3, 1887, to date: Amonnt purchased: 4s, $61,741,100; 4s,Slli. 797.450. total. J176.538.530. Cost: 4s. 179,123,213: 4s, 8124,218,039, total, S203.34I.252. Costat maturity:4a;lCB,TS8,4S6;4s,S130,475,- 736; total, 1239.264,222. Having: 4s, 29,665,273; 4s, $654,320; total, $35,919,599. A Patent Leather Trnit. Newaek, N. J., July 27. Fourteen out of the 22 patent leather manufacturers of this city have signed options to sell to En glish syndicates on cash terms, but an op tion to take one-third in stock is given. There is a stipulation that no manufacturer who sells shall re-engage in the business within five years, The combination, is formed to maintain prices. The NIsht Wa Stimulating. . There was an unusual amount of drunk enness on the streets last night, and the pa trol wagon Worses earned their feed. The way victim were damped into the station between 10 o'clock and midnight, made the officials think they might need more 'room before morning. He Wanted a Ride. Last night James McGill, aged 17, tried to steal a ride on the merry-go-round, at the corner of Carson and South Twenty fourth streets. Refusing to go away, he was taken to the Twenty-eighth ward sta tion for the night THE WEATHEK. A Prediction That Coven a Great Deal of Ground find Some Variety. For Western Penn tyhania, Wett Vir ginia and Ohio, fair, followed by shoicers along the lales ; warmer, southeaster ly winds, high on the coast. PrrTSBTrso, July 27, 1SS3. The United States Signal Service officer la this city tannines tne xoiiowing: Time. Tncr. liter. Ml. V 63 1200 X 82 lioor. x , 1:00 r. .. 83 5:001 x S-OOP. M 73 Mean temp ,.. 7S Maximum trmp... 87 Minimum temp.... 66 Kanre .. 21 Precipitation. 01 Hirer it r. n, Z. J feet, a rite of 0. 1 feet In 24 hours. The Summer at Roberta Resort -. w ...a mm M-- auu.w.w.w vuv. -hut,... stores on Fifth avenne have been thronged with customers during this month, purchas ing Irom their extensive stock of summer novelties. The great demand has been lor Gypsyrings, stick pins,forget-me-not rings, and oddities in sterling silver, while the sales of diamonds and colored gems bas been something astonishing lor this season of the year. E. P. Boberts & Sons' stores are a pleasant place to shop in, and to be with the swim everyone buys at Boberts'. New Connection fr Bedford Springs via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the benefit of visitors to Bedford Springs, tbe Pennsylvania Bailroad Com pany announces that the mail express, leaving Pittsburg at 1 P. M., will connect through to Bedford on week days, reaching that point at an early hour oi tbe evening. This arrangement greatlr improves the service to this very popular resort, as resi dents of towns along tbe line of the road can leave home after dinner and arrive at Bed ford for supper. $4 75 to Niagara Falls and return on Sat urday, August 3, at 9:30 7. K., city time, via P. & L. E. E. B. and L. 8. & M. 8. R. B., under direction of Smoky City Lodge 382,'K. o! P. VTiaket good to return for "MT,ttliaiSSito...Jh js) ML EpfcB 7 I m 7? V' j v :r AN IMPERIAL MEET Proposed by Bismarck as a Gnaran" tee of European Peace. THE CZAE INCLINED TO BE COT, - Bnt Austria's Baler is Entirely In the Iroa J Prince's Hands. . TJILHELM IS GIVEN A HEART! WELCOJIH Prospects of Change of 1'ront Tswud Seeeatly' - olrikhig Miners. Bismarck is working for a diplomatic triumph in the shape of a meeting between the Emperors of Russia, Austria andA'GerTjj many, with some prospect of success, though the undertaking is a difficult one. Such a meeting would be some guarantee of peace. cOFTEjanT, lS89.jrr mw Tons AssooaTxa FBXSS.1 , Beblut, July 27. The greatest diplo matic triumph of Prince Bismarck's life will be achieved if he succeeds in his latest project, which was to arrange a meeting be tween the Czar, Emperor Francis Joseph and Emperor William in Berlin. News of the Czar's assent to the proposal that he ' should visit the German Court on August 23 was received at the Foreign Office Mon day, causing the greatest satisfaction. Prince Bismarck Immediately communicat ed with Count Kalnoky, calling his atten tion to the opportunity presented by the near ly coincident visits of the Czar and Emperor Francis Joseph, and proposing that at in terview be held between the three monarchs, as well as .conferences between himself, Count Kalnoky and M. de Giers, the ob ject being to dissipate all misunderstand ings. Officials here have been Instructed to maintain absolute silence. They deny all knowledge of the Czar's intentions, and de clare tbat they cannot count even upon a visit from him. The semi-official press have been similarly directed to maintain reserye on the subject, on tbe ground tbat criticism might alter the present favorable disposition oi the Czar. AUSTEIA TK BISSIAKCK'S HA5DS. The official circle in Vienna is less ob servant of secrecy, and discusses the chances of an interview. Count Kalnoky, it Is stated, has placed himself in Bismarck's hands, but retuses to make any overtures to tbe Czar regarding a meeting with Emperor Francis Joseph. If Prince Bismarck per suades the Czar to consent to the interview, the Austrian Emperor will postpone his coming until the 18th. He will rot be present, when Emperor William receives the Czar, but will go to Kiel for the naval review, returning aiterward to Potsdam, where it is intended the Emperors shall meet. The Chancellor will return here on the 12th and remain throughout the visits of the Czar and Emperor Francis Joseph. He is supposed to be aiming, not at a definite treaty ot alliance involving Bussia in the Central European League, but only to re establish better relations between the three empires and balk French negotiations lor an offensive and deiensive alliance with Bussia. He has a foothold for a renewed entente in the Czar's increased intensity of hatred for the Anarchists. Becent com munications with St. Petersburg regarding the plotting ot refugees in Switzerland leading to a common pressure upon the Swiss Government afford a basis lor con certed action by the three Powers against Socialists, Anarchists and Nihilists. A DEFINITE CKDEESTAKDIKO as to this sphere of action would tend to modify existing enmities. Even if only the' semDiance oi amity were ontainea it would eive new guarantees of peace for several years. Prince Bismarck's chances of ar ranging an interview have been strength ened by tbe support of the Russian Embas sador, Count Schoavaloff, but everything depends upon the mood of the Czar. The Kreuz Zeitung has semi-official ad vices from St. Petersburg, saying: '"The Czar, who has frequently altered his in tention regarding the return of the visit of Emperor William, has now assented under the persistent entreaties of M. He Giers and M. Vishnegradski. Since theBorki acci dent, the Czar has had a dread of a railway journey, even with the entire route guarded by select troops. He will be accompanied to Berlin by the Empress and the whole 1m- gerial family. The party will proceed to openhagan after leaving Berlin." Russian papers, however, do not believe tbat the Czar's assent will be obtained by Prince Bismarck even though backed by M. De Giers and Count Schouvaloff. The iV'ote Treyma declares that the Czar goes to Berlin simplv as an act of courtesy and that his visit will have no bearing upon the European situation unless Germany changes her policy by consenting to satlify the legiti mate aspirations of Bussia. welcoming empesoe -wiixiasi. Emperor William arrived at Wilhelm's Haven this morning. As the Imperial yacht was sighted entering the roads, salutes were fired by the war ships in the harbor and by shore batteries. When His Majesty disem barked, tl guard of honor on the quay pre sented an address and the band played the national anthem. An immense crowd, in cluding hosts of visitors, were assembled to greet the Emperor. His Majesty is bronzed and vigorous-looking. Immediately upon landing he sent a telegram to the Empress, who, accompanied by her four sons, left Kissingen at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Wilhelm's Haven. Their Majesties will remain there until Wednesday, wnen the Emperor will leave for England. The severity of the sentence pronounced on the Gortrlgbt miners convicted at Bres lau of rioting during the recent strike there will probably lead to an appeal to the Em peror. The prisoners are ail under 20 years of age, and a number of them are not mora than 16 years old. A CHANGE OF FEONT. An article in the North German Qaxett on strikes shows an ominous change of front on tbe part of the Government toward tbe miners. It argues that the recent strikes were a manifest abuse of the right of coalition. Semi-official newspapers con cur, and predict that the result of the com mission of inquiry into the miners' griev ances will be nil, and that tbe Government will cease to interfere beyond suppressing' breaches of the law. Dr. Peters has sent a letter from East Africa to the Cologne Gazette in which he accuses the English Admiral Freemantle, of seizing the Peters' expedition steamer Neeram, althoueh the vessel had no contra band ot war abroad. Tbe Cologne Gazette declares tbat unless tbe Government speedi ly adopts decisive measures, the English will completely exclude the Germans from Central Africa. Chlcng-o Colored Walter Will Strike. Chicago, July 27. It is reported that on Thursday next all the colored waiters me the city propose to make a demand for higher wages and less penalties, and will J strike unless their demands are granted. The exact number of colored waiteis in Chi- i --... I . 1 . 1 . f. ..- 7 . It...... fT Gaxu la uub jLugwu. uum u uu iu uv wkih- sands. Storekeepers and Gang-era. Washihqton. July 27. The Secretary efS the Treasury has appointed the foHowtef j storekeepers and gangers: James M. Betts, at j Nlchollaville, Ky.; Leslie w. Jones, at Butler,? K.i James P. Sannilers. at Walton. K.s An- tliony Staubley. at Martlnshurg, W. Va.; ICr- u. wainscots, at racumoau, v. A Hew Pablle Balldlaa- Snperlatradent. Washington, July 27. Acting Seeretarr ot tbe Treasury to-day appointed Stephen H.'l Standart to be superintendent of tbe pasUe 3 building at. Denver, Col, vl J.,W. Sobenaji m?.