175B T L f k -I y 2; , IAD TO RECONSIDER, pllncle jSani Countermands a Pittsburg P. 0. D. Increase. SEXTBA MAIL CARRIERS OFE Because That Congressional Eight- Hoar Law Interferes. MORE PAY 11EAKS LESS HELPERS. f , ASoTel Situation, Entirely Unanticipated tj the Officials. WHY DALZELL MAT WIN FOE TOED Pittsburg's 93 letter carriers will have to 0 it alone in the distribution of the United States mail,-or the Postal Department has countermanded the order allowing Pitts burg four more letter carriers. This un welcome news comes from a local postoffice official. An effort was made to see Postmaster Larkin in regard to the reasons which led to the issuance of the countermanding order by Postmaster General Wanamsker. The postmaster was not, however, accessible, and in his stead an official of the local office explained the cause of the recent retrench ment, which is of national scope, affecting every postoffice of sufficient dignity to em ploy carriers. The eight-hour bill passed in the last hours of the last Congress, under the cham pionship of Sunset Cor, is responsible for the state of affairs in which the Postal De partment finds itself. Beyond conformity to the eight-hour law, the various postmas ters gave themselves little trouble. IT TBESEITTED OBSTACLES. The law went into effect on August 1, 1888, and it had the effect of theoretically placing all letter carriers upon an eight hour basis, while practically it was found almost impossible to rearrange routes so as to allow direct application of the law. In come offices over a month was consumed be fore routes could be arranged in such a way as to use the same force of men eight hours instead of ten. In many places carriers are still at work ten hours. The Postal De partment took but little notice of this fact, and really requested postmasters lo take all the time necessary in readjusting routes in order to serve the public quickest and best. An unpleasant awakening came to the Postal Department last week. It was in the shape of the United States Supreme Court decision awarding to a carrier in "Washington, who had worked overtime for afiong period under the precise conditions outlined above, his account for overtime for the whole time of the extra service. The currier in question made the claim that for all the time he worked over eight hours per diem he was entitled to pro rata compensa tion, and the Supreme Court allowed the claim, not even considering the defense put in by the 'Washington postmaster, that the overtime work was rendered necessary in bringing the carrier delivery system dewn to the eight hour basis as prescribed by law. BECOSIDEBATION "WAS ESSENTIAL. Here was a fact, and the Postal Depart ment had run square against it. The condition of the United States mails appropriation for the fiscal year beginning the first of June last was such as to warrant the department in apportioning a number of extra carriers to the various postoffice, the allotment giving four new carriers to Pittsburg among other cities. This action was taken strictly in conformity with the law which set aside a fixed sum annually for the maintenance of the carrier system. The Postal Department recognized that any claim which carriers in every city of the country would put in for overtime would have to be paid, if properly authen ticated, and there did not appear any way in which the gross amount of such claims could be approximated. The only course to take was lo wait until the overtime bills came in. It might prove to be a large sum, or it might turn out to be inconsiderable. Meanwhile the orders for new carriers were promptly countermanded. There was n surplus; but the department could not take any chances on what the overtime claims would aggregate. DECAPITATION MAT COME. It is barely possible that these will be greater than the amount set aside for addi tional carriers. In this juncture the un pleasant necessity of cutting off heads will have to be resorted to; but this is deemed improbable. Should Congress assemble in extra session the matter will be presented and a sufficient increase in appropriations asked for to cover all contingencies and pro vide the much-needed extra carriers. It is interesting to note that very little overtime expense was incurred in Pittsburg in making the change in hours of work, and by a singular anomaly, there is no city in the Union where extra carriers are more urgent ly needed than here. This state of affairs arises from the fact that the Pittsburg post office is run with less friction or lost time than any other mail system in the country. POSTMASTEESniP GOSSIP. A postoffice employe, who has been bet ting right along that Congressman Dalzell would name the local postmaster, gave some unique reasons in favor of his position last night. He said: "The President's declaration that Con gressmen shonld name postmasters only fails of application, in my mindin such cities as Philadelphia, where there" are 5 Congres sional districts interested; Boston, where there are G; Baltimore, where there are 3; New York, where there are 14; Chicago, where there are 4, and so on. Pittsburg is the largest city in the country wholly within a Congressional district, and I fully believe that the President, having allowed the Buffalo, X. Y.; Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn.; Cleveland, O.; Kansas City and other Congressmen to name the post masters, will not have the hardihood to go back upon Congressman Dalzcll's claims. The position of the Pittsburger is all the stronger because he has kept his hands off the five Federal offices which center in Pittsburg. I am almost positive that, de spite the strong fight being made by Sena tor Quay and his adherents, Congressman Dalzell will get the persimmon for his man." THE INSPECTOR HEBE AGAIN. Sir. Patterson, of tbe PostoQlco Department, In tbe City. Joseph IT. Patterson, Superintendent of Repairs on Government Buildings, arrived in the city yesterday morning and will re main until Tuesday. He is on his way to "Washington from the West, and while here will attend to several little matters around tbe new postoffice building. Mr. Patterson is the man who came here under orders from tbe Postoffice Depart ment to inspect the reported detective work of the predecessor of the present superin tendent, Mr. Malone. The latter stated that one ofthe walls of the building was out or plomb, butwhether this was regarded seriously or not has never been discovered. Mr. Patterson made his report to the de partment, and when he received it, Mr. Malone stated e would make it public. This was over six weeks ago, and nothing has yetbeen'heard-fxom it. Notwithstand ing reports to the contrary, however, the work on tbe building Is still going on. A Y0DLDE suicide. A Mill Band Who Could Get No Work,Cnts Ills Throat nil IVIfa Thongbf He Was Shaving; He Will Probably Die. Henry Colgan, a married man, 30 years of age, attempted to commit suicide at his home, at the rear of 1733 Penn avenue, shortly after 9 o'clock last night. The weapon used was a razor, and the man will probably die from his wounds. Colgan was a mill hand, but could get no work, and this, in connection with a few family troubles, led to his attempt to take his life. About 8 o'clock he came home and prepared to shave himself. After retiring to his'room, a slight scream was heard, fol lowed by a noise as if some one had fallen to the floor. Mrs. Colgan broke open the door and discovered her husband lying upon the floor with three terrible cashes about his neck inflicted by the razor, and from which a great deal of blood was flow ing. Mrs. Colgan immediately notified Officer McGovern, who had Colgan removed to tbe West Penn Hospital. The injury was so serious that it was stated by the authorities at the hospital that his recovery is impossible. Colgan has two small chil dren who were dependent upon their father. SPACE ALL TAKEN. Exposition Exhibitor Receive Tbelr Allot menu of Room. Manager Johnston, of the Exposition, felt pretty well last evening over the wind-up of a portion of his business, which had been one of the most troublesome of the various problems of the Exposition management. We just finished to-night," said Mr. Johnston, ''the allotment of space to ex hibitors at the Exposition, and every foot of available space is now taken. There are over 250 exhibitors, and if anyone falls to come to time I have any number of applica tions still on file which we could not ac commodate. "Prom the promises now made, I con sider the class of exhibits well up to tbe mark of other Expositions. There might be a class of exhibits showing more motion; but I think that a great surprise will be given to our citizens when the Exposition opens. "No, Machinery Hall is not as well ad vanced as I conld wish it to be at this time; but I believe that if good weather prevails in August everything will be complete by the opening date." TENNIS STILL PROLONGED. Tbe Dellsbtfnl Seriei of Games at Bewick- Icy to End To-Morrow. The lawn tennis tournament was contin ued yesterday at Sewickley, before an en thusiastic throng of admirers. About COO people were on the pretty grounds belonging to the club. The tennis courts lie in a ravine. At the rear is a precipice, and the immense ledges of rocks abutting give the bit of landscape a truly picturesque appear ance. The series of games will be finished on Monday. The game stood yesterday: Ladies' doable Miss McCleary and Miss Gil more vs. Miss Warden and Miss Belle Carpen ter. Miss McCleary and Miss Gilmore won one set. In the centlemen's double (Woods vs. Brooks and Christy) each won a set. They have yet to finish, and there is yet to be played, besides one ladles' double, one gentlemen s single and a mixed double. BETTEE THAN HOT CAKES. That is How tbe Newly-Printed Exposition Bonds Are Going;. The newly-printed Exposition bonds, fresh from the Pittsburg Photo-Engraving Company, were not only received by Chair man Bindley, of the Pinance Committee, yesterday, but-hcat,"-once placed 510,000 of them with Pittsburg's banks, and expects to place 15,000 more to-morrow. If so, and they go off at this rate all the week, there won't be any left for the tardy invest ors who wait till next week. The Board of Managers let the contract yesterday for the new restaurant to Murphy '& Hamilton. The building will be located between the main building and machinery hall, will be a frame structure and is to cost between $5,000 and (6,000. DEOWNED IN SHALLOW MUD. Tbe Distressing; Fate of n Child at Flay la a Doorjard. Yesterday morning Albert Gettingjs, the 18-months-old son of John Gettings, a well known resident of Woodside avenue, Thirty-fifth ward, was drowned in his parents' dooryard, while at play, by falling into a rain barrel, which had been sunk in the ground and upon which there was no cover. There was about a foot of water in the bar rel, and considerable mud at the bottom. The child went in head first and had its head sunk into the mnd, making escape im possible. The parents discovered their boy in the afternoon; but life was extinct. An inquest was held and a verdict of accidental drowning rendered. HITHER AND THITHER. Movements of Pltttburcers and Others of Wide Acquaintance. The following well-known young people of Allegheny City left on the C. fc P. R. B., yesterday morning, for Catawba Island, to spend tbe remainder of the heated term: Misses Langenheim, Miller. Aiken,.HeIduger, Richards, Ulessenkamp and Webb, and Messrs. Langenheim, Bchwen and F. F. Courtney, Secretary Beisfar, of the Central Board of Education received the resignation of Miss Julia A. Palmer, of tbe Bigh School, yesterday. Miss Palmer was formerly an assistant instruc tor In the commercial department of tbe High School. She was married last Thursday to John W. Wragg, of this city. Miss Margaret A. Crouch will sing to day at the Hiland Avenne Presbyterian Church. This opportunity will be the only one her friends will bare ol hearing her before she returns to New York to resume her studies. Miss Crouch possesses an unusually fine con tralto voice. Fred Toerge has left the city for Scalp Level on the mountains. He expects to be awayaboata month. When asked if he was going to take his violin, be replied no; that tbe only music be would hear was that at the riverside fishings Vice President King, of the Baltimore and Ohio road, arrived in the city yesterday. He still has a "hankering" for tbe city of his first love, and though Baltimore is nice enongh he runs over to Pittsburg every few weeks on a social visit. Mr. Dick, of Campbell & Dick, goes to Massachusetts for six weeks in a few days. Mr. Dick says that Fieeon Cove, where he stops every year, is unexcelled In the grandeur and ruggedness of Its scenery. Louis Koch, contracting agent of the Chicago, Rock Island and PacificRailroad In this city, left last night for Denver, Ool., to spend a month's vacation. Mrs. William Greenwalt, Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Reed, of tbe Fourth ward, Allegheny, loft for Wurtenibnrg, Butler county, yesterday, to fish for a week or two. D. A. McKee, head salesman for Camp bell & Dick, has gone to Europe, where be will remain until tbe end of September. He will visit Ireland first. John Hood is studying the inter-State commerce law at Atlantic City and be has his lamily along with blin for company. Mrs. Tate aod Miss Cora Lake are leav ing next week for an extennlve trip East. They will be away six weeks. W. J. McKnight'agent in this city of the Chalmers Spence Company left last night fur the East. Philip Plinn and George Beilly left last evening for a week's stay at Atlantic City. J. H. Hillman, the iron broker, has re turned from Atlantic City. - ' E r OYJRF0URTHQUSAND At St. Paul's Cathedral Picnic in Sil ver Late Grove, Yesterday. MUSIC AND MIRTH LENT CHARMS. The Crowd Thoroughly Enjoyed Themselves in Diverse Ways, DOING JUSTICE TO FUN, FOOD, FfiOLIC Yesterday Silver lake Grove rang with the merriment of the good people who patronized the St. Paul's Cathedral picnic. Everything that could be done to amuse the visitors was done, and tbe efforts of Fathers Molyneux and McDonald in this direction cannot be too highly commen ded. The ticket seller's office was anything b uta sinecure, as over 4,000 merry makers of both sexes and of every size passed into the grounds dnring the day. In the big central pavilion the orchestra discoursed swe et music, the Timo theus of the occasion being Mr. P. Dann hardt and his "tuneful choir," the members of the Cathedral Band. Before dancing began the band played several delightful selections. But classical music stood no chance when the dancers began to grow impatient. With a sigh, Mr, Dannhardt changed his port folio and signaled a quadrille. From that time forth the quadrille reigned supreme. Scores of fair damsels whirled in the arms of their loyal knights, round and round the slippery floor, buoyed up and carried on ward by the rollicking waves of harmony, where tbe soulless creature who knows not music must have infallibly fractured a limb. IT WAS VEST PLEASANT to watch the mingling colors of the ladies' gowns as they whisked inandoutof the throne; now disappearing behind a gloomy wall of dark-coated cavaliers; now flashing out once more into the sunlight with all the varied hues which woman's ingenuity loves to match and mate. Above the sound of flying feet and the enticing summons of the band Colonel Slicker's stentorian voice rang out, as he called each figure ofthe dance. But not only in the central pavilion was amusement to be fonnd. There was that swarthy son of Canaan, Prof. Wiggins, who voluntanly'submitted his sha ven sconce as a mark for the balls, supplied by his part ner, to ambitious aimers, at 10 cents a shot. The professor's head was thrust through a circular aperture in a screen, and it must be a remarkably hard head, as at least a thou sand marksmen tried their skill in pitching at it. There were instruments for testing the strength and the lung power, as well as nu merous games of skill, all of which were largely patronized. The care of the body' was by no means neglected in solacing the mind, as three refreshment booths were kept going all day. THE VARIOUS BOOTHS. In booth No. 1 Mrs. McAndrew and Mrs. Brodrick presided. Among their assistants were: Miss M. Marks, Miss A. Hook, Miss M. Tabot, Miss K. Donovan, Miss E. Plaheity, Miss L. Gorman, Miss E. Mc Andrew aud Miss A. McAndrew. The booth was daintily arranged and did a rous ing business, uver the lemonade booth, Messrs. McDonald, Tbos. McAndrew, T. Flaherty and Breslin ruled supreme. In Mrs. D. O'Connor's refreshment booth Mrs. Ferris, Miss K. Mulligan, .Miss L. Kennedy, Miss M. Credin, Miss M. Egan and Miss . O'Corinor didyeomin service. Across the wav, in the young ladies' booth, Miss Kate Giblin was first in com mand, while she had as assistants Miss Emma Kerney, Miss A. Wilt, Miss M. Driscoll, Miss A. Sullivan, Miss L. Kei ney, Miss K. Canlfield, Miss G. Sullivan, Miss M. Mulligan, Miss A. Myers, Miss E. Molloy, Miss S. Coffey, Miss E. Coffey and Miss May Powers. The table was tastefully decorated with flowers tbe only ones in tbe booths, by the wav and the array of eata bles was tempting in the extreme. Whether it was for the flowers, the ice cream or the young ladies themselves the writer knows not, out certain 'tis that the male portion of the picnic seemed to be fonder of that particular booth than any other. PEEPAEINO FOB AN EPIDEMIC. For him of phllosophio mind the little apple grove furnished an admirable retreat that is ir said philosopher did not object to the presence of babies. The little cherubs were everywhere, and from the amount of tfnripe apples they devoured, one need not be surprised if a serious epidemio were to speedily break out among them. At 8' o'clock the electric light made the grounds look their best, toning down the garishness of the scene, aud casting a glamor of romance over the very buggies that stood, shafts upward, in the surround ing sheds. At about 930 the drawing of prizes began, and when this event was com pleted everyone felt it was high time to start homeward. Father Molvneux to whom the manage ment ofthe affair is due expressed himself highly satisfied with tbe success he had achieved, and tbe pleased faces of all pres ent testified, without any need of interview ing, that they also were satisfied with their picnic THOMAS II. KIkG IN TOWN. The President of the P. & W. Had an Earn est Talk With Him. Thomas M. King, First "Vice President of the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad, was in the city yesterday nd left last evening for nn.ntntiMn. ftj V w. ava 1. a ...ill ..n.... a few days seeking rest and recreation. He was accompanied to the Union station by IL W. Oliver, President of the Pittsburg and Western, with whom he had a very earnest conversation. When questioned Mr. King said there was nothing new, and the fact of the President of the P. and W. in conversation with the First Vice Presi dent of the B. and O. did not have any sig nificance. He said the B. and O. road was having about as much as it could do in both passenger and freight business. IMPOETANT TO DRUGGISTS. They Blast Register Before August 3, or Take tbo Consequence. The 90 extra days allowed for the regis tration of druggists who failed to register under the law of 1887, will expire on Au gust 2, and the 'State Pharmaceutical Examining Board announce that "no ex tension of time can be granted." All ap plications mnstbe made to H. B. Cochran, Lancaster, Secretary ofthe board. Colorado, Rocky Mountain aad Faclfls Coast Excursion. Tickets over the Union Pacific Bailroad, via Council Bluffs and Omaha or Kansas City, are now on sale by all ticket agents. Excursions to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Trinidad, Col.; Cheyenne, Wyo.; Helena and Butte, Men.; Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah; to tbe resorts of Idaho; San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal.; Port land, Ore.; Tacoma and Spokane Falls, W. T. Excepting to Spokane Falls, first and second class ticketsoneway are on sale to all points named above; also to Salem and Olympia, Ore.; Seattle, Walla Walla and other points in Wellington Ter. Trains of the Union Pacific Bailroad are equipped with Pullman buffet sleeping cars, Pullman tourist cars lor second-class passengers, tree reclining chair cars and through coaches; also dining cars to Denver. For rates of fare, maps or any Information call on or address H. R Passavant, or Thos. S. Spear, T.,F. & P. Agts., 400 .. , --;.. . .....,,,;, wtnrt at., yittinnrcr. i PITTSBTJBQ- .DISPATCH. K0 FEAR OF EPIDEMIC. AI1rgfaeny,CIty Official Deny that Typboldls Rampant An Agitation to Secure a Purer Water Savply. The health officers and City Physician pronounce the story that there is an alarm ing typhoid epidemio in Allegheny as not only "absurd, but false. Considerable in dignation prevails at "headquarters at what the board claim is a most decided pervers ion of tacts. The records at City Hail show a death rate for the week of iS, of which only five are credited to typhoid. This is equaled by the record of last July, and there was no particular alarm felt last year. In regard to the spring at the head of Shield's alley, from which the majority of the residents of that neighborhood obtain their supply of drinking water, and whjch is stated tqbe the source of the disease, the health officer said that, while tbey doubted the statement, yet, considering "prevedtion better than cure," they have stationed an officer at the spring to caution the people not to use the water. Dr. Woodburn, City Physician of Alle gheny, said but 50 cases of typhoid fever were reported to him during tbe present month, and he knows of the existence of no others. As to the possibility of ah epidemic he said: You may positively state that there Is no pos sibility of an epidemic Tbe physicians are efficient, the sewerage good and tne knowledge of the ferer sufficient to control" the cause. Typhoid is not a contagious disease, and the germs are destroyed the moment they leave the body by proper disinfectant. I think the re cent protracted wet weather a principal cause of the fever, as decomposing and evaporating pools of water tend that way. ' I consider that considerable of this flurry is caused by men who want a better supply of water, while I sympathize with their desire, I cannot admire tbe method taken to attain the end. Milk is also a great method of conveying dis ease. A case was reported the other day of a boy from tbe Second n ard whose f attily used no liquids but milk. I recall, some few years ago. when a milkman wbo lived some distance from the eltv caused auite an eDidemle here by supplying milk to his customers obtained from a farm on which there was a case of typhoid fever. j Mr. Patterson, of the Allegheny General Hospital, said last night that all of the fever patients were doing well, except one, who was in a very critical condition. The last patient was brought from a point out the Ferrysville road yesterday morning, and has not been in the hospital long enough to have his case perfectly diagnosed. One death each from typhoid ferer, scar let fever and scarletina were reported to the Pittsburg Board of Health yesterday. A LONG LIST OF SUITS. Poles In a House on Fifty-Second Street Want a Wholesale Dais of Law. Qnite a number of informations were made before Alderman Doughty yesterday, all of which have their origin Irom the attempted arrest of Helena Exitcwtz. Constable Bodgers had a warrant for the woman's ar rest. In attempting to do his duty he was in terfered with, and a general fight ensued at the house of Mrs. Exitcwtz on Fifty second street. The suits are: John aud Lena Bornun, charged with interference with the officer, John Bornun for pointing fire arms, Julian Pick versus John Bornun, Lena Borunn versus John Bodgers, Lena Bornun versus Julian Pick, and John Bornun versus John Bodgers, for assault and battery. The cases will be heard Tues day evening. The parties are Poles, and they all live in the same house. ANOTHER VISITATION. Old Avenue Is a Good Place to Keep Away From Tbeae Days. If this thing goes on much longer "To Lets" will he numerous on Old avenue. Last night Detective Roger O'Mara and a gang of grim sextons gathered in 17 more of Hardscrable's population. They raided Hattie Brewer's place, No. 13, getting Hat tie, four other women and an even dozen of men. It may seem to some that raiding Old avenue is about as effective as catching flies in hope to get rid of them, bnt the officials say the place can be cleared in time. Ex Mayor Lyon swept it once as with the broom of destruction, but the scatter ment was only temporary. BAIDING GROWLEE WORKERS. The Jag Gane la tbe P., V. & C Tunnel Will Give the Dack a Rest. Last night Inspector McKelvy and Cap tain Stewart, of the Southside, raided the tunnel under the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston Bailroad in front of the Knox school house. They captured five men. The police say that since a wholesale liquor dealer near the tunnel on Carson street got his license, quite a number of toughs get beer in jugs and bottles. They take it into the tunnel and drink it. The place has be come impassable for women after dark on Saturday nights. AT THE BISHOP'S BECEPTION. A Pleasant Oletbodl-t Event at the Hotel Anderson. Bishop Joyce held a reception at tbe Hotel Anderson yesterday and manv of the prominent clergy and laity of the M. E. Church were in attendance. Among others was the Bev. Drs. Miles, Presiding Elder of the Pittsburg district; C. N. Eaton, of the Allegheny district; C. W. Smith, D.D.; W. D. Watkins, D. D.; Joseph Horner, D. D.; W. F. Connor, and C. E.Felton, D.D.; also Messrs. H. Samson, President of Val ley Camp; J. H. Nobbs, J. B. Brobst, O. C. Boyle aud others. A PECDLIAE ACCIDENT. James Devlne Will Empty HI Month When Sparring Hereafter. James Devme met with a peculiar acci dent on Carson street last evening. He was holding the nut of the end of a carriage wheel between his teeth, when he and a friend began to spar. Devine was hit in the mouth. The nut was knocked to the back of his mouth, and badly lacerated the palate. MARRIAGE A FAILUBE. John Scholia Is One Citizen Who Believes That It la. John Schultz made information yesterday against his wife charging her with being a common scold. The prosecutor lives at No. 3045 Smallman street, and alleges that his wife is an annoyance to himself and neigh bors. Railroaded to the Baitile. "William O'Mara was arrested at the Bal timore and Ohio depot yesterday and locked in Central station by Officer Fritz. He is said to have stolen a coat, a revolver and a small amount of money belonging to an attache ofthe Baltimore and Ohio depot L0CAC ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Readings A. hovxhext is said to be on foot ti unearth some of the valuables carried down from Johns town In tbe flood; but It Is believed that even if property of that nature co aid be discovered, the proof of ownership wouia be extremely difficult. Tbe general supposition is that "fiuding is having." Hows, Buown it Co. have made a contract with Fark Bros, lo be supplied with gas from. their wells at Murraysvlile. A pipe line is be ing laid, ahd will be ready for use by the time tbe old contract with tbe Philadelphia expires. A SournstD physician, Drt Alex. Busted, confirms the report that cholera morbus of a malignant type Is quite prevalent In Birming ham. Several sudden deaths from this cause are instanced. Thomas EiRittKQHAir, an employe of the Black Diamond Steel Works, had his leg badly bruised yesterday, while taking out a crucible not from the furnace. TttlirMl..1t.nl. il.Dk. . n takiuuviH. aji ttt.i, wwpftay DOS jast closed a number of Urge eaatraets. TTsta will necessitate their esa&leyM to work axM ;toe-. ji-,"""" 'Lt.tOF-. .', 2j JSDyET?w;'JDf28p CLARA BARTON'S TEA. The President of the Red Cros3 Acts as Hostess at the First SOCIAL EVENT IN JOHNSTOWN. The Bed Cross House Will Shelter Thirty Five Families. SOME YIG0R0US TIEWS EXPEESSED The first social event in Johnstown suc ceeding the flood, two months and one day since, was the dedication of the "Bed Cross Hotel," on Locust street, by a "5 o'clock tea" yesterday afternoon, at which Miss Clara Barton was the hostess and about 40 ladies of Johnston were her guests. The in vitations with one of which a DisfcATCH reporter was presented personally by Miss Barton read as follows: A Five O'clock Tea Is to be given at the new Red Cross House, Locust street, Johnstown, Saturday, July 27. 188. Your presence will be esteemed a favor. Ci-aea Barton, i Prest. Hat. Bed Cross of America. J. S. ntTEB EI.L, M. D., Gen'l Field Agt of Bed Cross. The ladies bidden to this "tea" were those who had homes of luxury before the flood, and whose households were obliterated. These ladies have been living with friends in all sections adjacent to the ruined city. Their husbands have been obliged to be at work in Johnstown since the flood, and the whole situation has been troublesome aud In a sense distressing. THE TEA AFFORDS A CONTBAST. They were invited to a "tea," and they found themselves welcomed to a building 120 feet long and GO feet in width. Down the center ofthe hotel upon the ground floor ran a line ol tables spotlessly covered with white damask table linen and well equipped with tableware. At the head sat Miss Bar ton, who welcomed her guests with graceful courtesy, and when all was in readiness in voked a fervent blessing. The invitation to eat needed no repetition, for a repast fur nished by Hagan, of Pittsburg, awaited ap petites cloyed, perhaps, by commissary sub sistence. When the viands had been dis posed of, and when tea was in circulation, Miss Barton arose and made a quiet little address. In it she delicately presented to her guests her idea that the social amenities of Johns town mnst be again taken up, and that she had invited those within sound of her voice for that purpose. But that, as an, effective means of bringing the ladies of the ruined city together, she had planned a little sur prise for them in tbe shape of the "Bed Cross House," built and equipped by tbe society of which she was President. There were, she said, 35 rooms in the house, and the measure of her desire would be filled if she could see 35 families installed as her guests, welcome to such comforts as had been provided, without money or price. AFFECTING AND EFFECTIVE. The good woman then sat down, and there was not a dry eye among her astonished au ditors. The occasion did not appear to call for any expressions of gratitude, although several of those present endeavored to tes tify appreciation. It was an array of women who have suffered and who still suffer. An inspection of the Bed Cross Hcuse followed. The 35 rooms are large and fitted up with comfortable beds with springs, bu reaus, washstands and other furniture. Each room is well lighted and spotlessly clean.' There is a large laundry at tbe rear of the house and handsome bathrooms for both sexes, and the interior of the house is in the care of acompetent corps of attendants furnished by Miss Barton. The second story has as many rooms as the ground floor, all reached from a substantial gallery overlooking the main hall. The appointments are perfect and in marked contrast to anything in tbe city since its demolition. The Bed Cross House was built in a week, and is only an item in the practical and unassuming but wonderfully effective results accomplished by this wonderiul society and its no less wonderful president, whom the Johnstown people are already talking of canonizing. PEN FICTTJEE OF MISS BAETON. Those who have read of the marvels ac complished by Miss Barton 'probably imag ine her to be a youngish woman of restlessly energetic movements and a rapid conversa tionalist, full of bustling importance, and almost aggressive, after the fashion of most women who identify themselves with works of great extent. A Dispatch reporter found her in the main hall of "Bed Cross Hotel," standing quietly by a dining table. She Is of me dium figure and of a puzzling personality. Her bearing is reposeful until something demands the giving of an order or attention to some detail, when she becomes all life. There is a quiet dignity in every action, but oue can readily see that she was born to command. Her whole aspect is a dear, de lightfully old-fashioned flavor that makes one think of a past generation. Her face is purely oval and shows traces of former grett beauty. Around a broad, low fore head cluster ringlets of iron-gray hair dressed in a fashion quite her own. Her mouth is large and kindly, but her chin shows tbe possession of an idomitahle wilL Her com plexion is of an indescribable shade, neither fight nor fair. Her eyes are grayish brown, and her eyelids have an odd trick of raising or lowering with the cadences of her voice. Whatever her mood may be, her eyes, voice and the movement of her hands and arms is in exact concord. Bnt Miss Barton radiates the noble attribute of charity in every movement. Her attire is t IN PEBFECT HAEMONT with herself. Such a woman dressed in a modish way would look terribjy incon gruous. She wore a black silk gown flounced with black velvet ribbons and an old-fashioned beaded waist coming closely to the throat. Over her shoulder was loosely thrown one of those old variegated shawls that remind us of our grandmothers. A black velvet bonnet, trimmed with a few flowers, surmounted her head. Only two ornaments were visible. One was a white enameled disk, as large as a silver dollar, which bore a large red cross, also in enamel. The other was a superb fluer-de-lls of ame thysts, nearly two inches across, a piece of jewelry at once rare and unassuming. Her voice is low, distinct, and her manner of speaking extremely deliberate. Her fingers alone bore witness to the existence of nerves. Being asked to give her views on the situation of affairs, she responded readily. She said: "This is a grand, a noble peo ple here. Courageous, self-reliant, elastic, they are recovering from the severest blow ever struck a community with wonderful, marvelous rapidity. Every house that goes up here has to be placed upon mide ground. The greatest difficulty is that the limits do not admit of expansion. Almost any other town site would furnish room enough to move 'in one direction or another. But things will come all right in time. 1 must say that the saloon element here is now the greatest stumbling block to contend against." SHE caixs rr an otjtbaoe. "I am informed," said the reporter, "that t a week will elapse before as many more loons as are now open will be in opera- lias Barton's eyes snapped. "It is an outrage upon chanty, she remarked with It is a bitter thing to have to tight against sucn a loe. ai ir tne situa tion wis not now deplorable enough without this curse being added. X would say-pay all the hash out to the people If It were not for the (saloons. In at least half of the average cuea ,ot saaerers, the laaiiy seeoBU. - ia - aatoua. , sirs. rlftheQoveraor'sCesaEswsioa.woald pay tne money to the women the families Tfonld be taken care of, bnt it is pitiable to 'reflect that the saloon is getting, in many cases, the bulk of the money paid to the individu al. I am in favor of paying no more money until we can get a few comforts into the homes. I am told that men who have not yet gotten their money from the commis sion are being trusted by saloonists for drink. Such a state of affairs Is a terrible commentary upon the liquor traffic. I can not account for the blinded policy that turned these harpies loose upon such an already afflicted commnnity, and, if we are to have more saloons, God help usl GENEROUS BELIEF COMES. "In the matter of direct relief our head quarters, though large, scarcely suffices to hold the articles that come in daily from all sections of the country. The Johnstown Ladies Committee sends its orders directly to us, and we are able to fill any want. We have just received the last consignment of i 000 fine mattresses sent by Colonel Elliott F. Shepard, of the New York Mail and Express, who has been a sort of a Santa Claus all throagh this period. Oar sup plies come without solicitation. That the Bed Cross is here and at work seems to be enough for our friends." 'Tour assistants; are they honorary or ac tive members of the Bed Cross?" was asked. "No member of this association is honor ary and any membessJeels honored by a call to active auty. Several of our assistants we sent a thousand miles for. No. Their names cannot be given to the public. Suffice it to say that the wealthiest and most so cially promident in the land have consid ered it an honor to work in our headquart ers Oar primary aim is to relieve sickness and destitution and the material wants of 25,000 people or perhaps a year, are cer tainlv grave enough to insure our presence here indefinitely." THE WOEKAIEN'S MITE. Yesterday's Contribntlons for Johnstown All From One Source. Yesterday's contributions to the Johns town Belief fund amounted to $G2 50, and were made by the workmen employed in constructing the Carnegie Free Library of Allegheny. James B. Scott,through whom the contributions were given, desires to have the names' of the men published. They are as follows: W. O. Stelnmetz, McCandless F. KInser, Morrison Brothers, James Brennan, James An derson and David W. Loyd, J5 each; Charles Davis and W. Q. Stelnmetz, Jr., 2 eacb; James McCnrry, James J. Larkln, Simon Gasper, AI. Michaels. .C. F. Reese. William Henry, John J. Kirk, John Liehterd. R. J. McCaughan, John Concoran, James Herd, William Bowers, Will iam Williams, John Folan, A. Qiammartin, Charles Lehman, Thomas A. McCloslcy, A. C Fitze, William Thompson and William Griffith, SI each; Patrick Burke. W. Griffith. William Broddy, Henry Williams, Robert Mclntyre, George Jones, M. McCandless, Thomas Dew burst, Patrick Gribbon, John C. Davis, William Mantland. Richard Dobson, Samuel Neely and Ike Ulophant, 60 cents eacb; William Gil christ, Philip Mlnick, Bobert Lewis, Harry Bowes, William Deringer and James Brooks, 25 cents each. DEMAND TOR LABORERS. Employment Acents Can't Get Enough All Applicants Encased Some of the Improvement- Being- Made. There is an unprecedented demand for laborers in this city at present. Day after day advertisements appear in all the papers for men; not 23 or 30 as usual, but 100, 200 or 300. All applicants are accepted regard less of their nationality or color. Bailroad, bridge and steel work is being pushed in all directions, and the contractors are reaping a golden harvest. Messrs. Jolly & Wenleburg have several large contracts on hand, which will afford work to a considerable number of workmen until far into tbe winter. Among the more important is the new Pittsburg incline from Bradford street, Southside, to Allentown. This will be, when finished, the longest In cline railroad in the country, extending up the hill over 3,000 feet. It is expected that it will be completed by December 1. Two hundred men are at work. The Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bailroad is being double tracked at Beaver falls, and will afford employment to 150 men until after the holidays. A new pipe line for Oliver Brothers, of the Monongahela Natural Gas Company, is being laid, from Cocheran's wells to Pittsburg, and will not be completed until January, requiring the services of 600 laborers. Messrs. Jolly & Weineburg will also send 350 men to the new Government lock in the Muskingum river, nine miles below Zanesville. Contracts were signed to-day lor the construction of a new county bridge at Parkersburg, W. Va., the month of the Little Kanawa river. The bridge will be 78 feet above low wa;er mark and require 200 men. Work will also com mence at once on the new bridge between Kew Brighton and Beaver Falls, which will be 1,200 feet long and have three abutments and five pieces. One hundred and fifty men will be employed on this work. An employment agency in the lower part of town are advertising for 150 colored laborers for T. Wainwright, ot Fourth avenue. It is understood they are to work op a new railroad at South Fort. A TIN-PLATE MEETING. The Manufacturers Interested In tho Exper iment Discuss Tbelr Flans. A meet'ng of all the tin-plate manufac turers in this vicinity was held yesterday afternoon in the office of tbe American Tinned-Plate Association. Mr.. W. O. Cronemyer, President of the United States Tin and Sheet Iron Works, at Demmler, presided. The object was to consider plans for the tin-plate plant at the Exposition. The Pittsburg manufacturers have asked the association to take hold of the matter, and the organization will likely bear the expense of the operation ofthe plant. It is now a fact that the plant will be erected. Miners Resuming Work. Nearly all the coal mines in the Second pool will resume work Monday, at the 1i cent rate. At Stone's, Lysle's, Bisher's aud the Aliquippa worts the men will go in auu crait win oe loauea as soon as received. TBACTI0N EA1LWAI MAGNATES. Pittsburg: Street Car Men Pais Through on Their Way to Cblengo. H. D. Kendall, W. L. Elkins, P. A. B. Wldener, of Philadelphia, stockholders of the Pittsburg Traction Company, passed through the city last night on their way to Chicago. The trio own nearly all the rail way lines in Philadelphia and Chicago, and were going to the latter city on private business. They own altogether 130 miles in the former and 143 miles of road in the Windy City. They were joined at the Union station by E. W. Davis, chief engineer of the Pittsburg company, who ac companied them to Chicago. ONE M0EE UNFORTUNATE. An Aged Scottish I.ady With a Sunstrnck Child Is Penniless. Yesterday Margaret Bogers, a Scotch woman, aged S5 years, applied to the Poor Board for aid. Sbe came here two years ago with a son and an 8-year-old child. On the 4th of July last the son was sun struck and cannot recover; consequently they have been reduced to destitution. She has two other sons here, but tbey are too poor to help her. Chief Elliott sent her aid and will try to have her returned to her native land. He Broke BU Arm. Yesterday afternoon Michael Dillon, aged 10, tell from a platform at the Chautauqua Lake Ice Company's building, on Sydney street, and broke his arm. He was taken to the Southside Hospital. Db. B. M. JBanna. Eye, ear, bom aad throatdisnaies exolmaively. OCee, 718 Peaa ?mt?ZZ 'SL&. & TODOaWAWITHICE A New Invention to Cool Water on Trains bj Condensed Air. THE PROCESS TO BE TESTED SOON. Possibility of Its Use in Storage Houses and Other Buildings. THE PLAN OP A P1TTSBUEG RESIDENT If present indications don't deceive,Pitts bnrg with ber fame for producing inventions promises to give to the world, throagh one of her citizens, an invention, which, if a success, would benefit millions and defy nature when she fails to give us ice enough to counteract in a measure tbe effects of the heat in summer. The inventfon is the doing away with ice entirely, or ice machines, and not only that, but transforming the hottest air that blows into the coldest, and usiug it to cool drinking water, refrigerators and anything requiring the use of ice. Henry J. Moreland, a brother of City At torney Moreland, is the inventor, and yes terday showed a Dispatch reporter his plans. As far as perfected the invention is only designed to cool the drinking water in railroad trains. It consists of an ordinary water cooler, surrounded by a "jacket" or second cooler, with a space between the two, and a larger space at the bottom. HOW IT FAIBLY FREEZES. A pipe leads from the cooler, nnderneath the car, ending in two funnels with screened ends. Another pipe leads from the cooler to the too of the car. When in operation a faucet attachment connects the funnel under the car (which faces in the direction the train is going) with tbe cooler. With the motion of the train the air is forced into the pipe aud compressed. When it reaches the vacuum about the cooler it is condensed and, alter giving its influence to the water, passes off by the pipe at the top. As an illustration of the effect of com pressed air being condensed to decrease the temperature, the inventor cited a fact dis covered in experimenting with compressed air in France as a motive power for engines, a description of which is given as follows: "As the compression of the air produces a high degree of heat, so its expansion when admitted to an engine causes an intense de gree ot cold. Whatever there is Treezable about the engine in the form of oil or water is frozen stiff. A NOTABLE OBSTACLE. "The trouble from this source, however, has been obviated by a simple device of beating tbe air before its admission to the cylinder to such a temperature that when it escapes it shall not be below 32 Fahren heit. This is easily done by the applica tion of a gas jet or flame from a lamp to the pipe through which the air is fed to the cylinder. The whole key to the invention js the simple fact that con densed air cools, the same as the ice in its compressed state melts or is condensed, the principle being merely changed from ice to air, making the effect tbe same. Mr. More land has been studying matters pertaining to ice and cooling processes orsome time,ana hit upon his device before he had learned or the fact being known in France." Mr. Moreland has obtained a caveat hold ing his principle of cooling water lor one year against other inventor, and is now negotiating with a railroad in the city to put his invention to a practical test. The inventor is also working on a plan embracing the same principle to cool the water -in houses for refrigerator purposes. One plan is to create a vacuum above the water by DEAWIKO OFF THE WABSI AIB, or evaporation, from the water, a vacuum pump being used. The other plan is to use a pump to compress the air in the coolers in bnildings, all the coolers in each room in a large building being connected with the pump in the basement. The principle of cooling the water would be the same as that of the railroad cooler. This plan would be limitless in its effect, and could be used on a large scale for storage houses. By having an air pump on railroad en gine's, it would be possible to equip refrig erator cars with the invention, and do away with ice, making it possible to turn the very air that commonly spoils fruit en route into a preserver. Mr. Moreland thinks he has a good thing in his invention, and is anxiously awaiting a trial to prove its success, althoagh he says it cannot tail from the very principles in volved. BOUGH ON THE CAES. A Banner That Turned Oat to be a Great Novelty for Allcghenlaus. Some days ago. a Nortbside organization who intend to hold a picnic swung a ban ner announcing this tact across Federal street at the corner of Ohio street. The rain of Friday night caused it to droop low enough to catch the air pipes that project from the roofs of pass ing street cars. When a pine was caught the banner stretched, but when the pipe gave way the force was strong enough to throw the pipes as though shot from a cata pult. The novelty became somewhat dan gerous to pedestrians, as a lady narrowly escaped being hit. Acting Chief Glenn tried to induce some ofthe front office force to tighten the ropes, but the boys were all afraid to attempt any pole cjlmbing and he had to do It himself. HABI HAD A LITTLE KEG. She Pnt It in tho Cellar to Keep Cool, bat It Disappeared. On Friday last Mary Trek, of the Twenty-eighth ward, placed a keg and a jug of beer in her cellar to cool until to day. Yesterday afternoon she went to the cellar and the little keg was gone, ditto the jug. She entered a charge of larceny' against John and William Pobey, whom she alleged took the beer. Thirty Days for Disorderly Condner. Yesterday alternoonOfficer Schaferordered Peter Gilland to leave the corner of Carson street, where he was loitering in asuspicious manner. Gilland ran up South Thirtieth street, calling the officer bad names, and finally got on tbe railroad bridge, from which he threw stones at Schafer. The offi cer fired three shots at him, and finally ar rested him. He was sent to the workhouse for thirty days. Bapld Transit Come Slowly. The new management of the Birmingham line will wait probably until next .spring before transforming it into a cable road, mainly on account of the limited time be fore cold weather sets in, available for the execution of the work. A bo m in real es tate resultant upon the prospects of rapid transit has already been reported. A Lady Injured by a Collision. Yesterday afternoon a buggy in which was Mrs. Boyd, of Sandusky street, col lided with a butcher's wagon at the corner of North avenue and Arch street, Alle- fheny. The buggy was overturned, and Irs. Boyd received a severe gash on her forehead. Do you intend taking atrip? If so. go with Smoky Oitv Lodge, K. of P., to Niag ara Falls via P. & JL. E. B, B. on Saturday, August 3, at 920 jr. M., city time. Fare, $4 75 for round trip, good to return for four days. Special train will return Ieavinpr the Falls Sunday evesiag, arriving at) Pitts- ourg jaonaay Bjre OMiaess bouts:, KEAI. ENTEBPBIWE. Ability and Money Very Worthily Com- blnrd. Very many persons have noticed the vari ous steps toward completion or tbe hand some rooms below the Hotel Dnquesne dur ing the past few weeks. At the present time the alterations and additions have been ended, and in this commodious place of business is installed the Duquesne Phar macy the handsomest and best equipped drugstore in the city. Everything abont this pharmacy is new, elegant and substan tial. No pains nor expense have been spared to make it all that could be desired. in every particular. There are none bat fresh and pure drugs and chemicals in stock, and it is the intention ot the Dnquesne Pharmacy to keep pace with the times ia securing immediately all new drugs and medicines. No person need ever leave ti Is place because the required drngs are not in stock. A full line ot patent medicines has been placed upon the shelves, and an ex- ( qulsite assortment ot novelties and druggist's sundries provided. The Dnquesne Phar- ' macy is beautiiully finished throughout with hard woods and brilliant plate and cut glass, and is in all respects a metropolitan , drugstore. , .1 . u. - SIAESHELL, THE CASH GUOCSB, r Will Save You Money. " . Let us talk this matter over and see-,if we can find any reason why I should save you money. I have the largest retail grocery trade ill Western Pennsylvania. My trade extends, not only all through Western Pennsylvania, but Ohio and West Virginia. 'My sales amoant to (200,000 per year, or over $4,000 per week. If I mtkel per cent profit on my sales I clear 52,000 per year or $40 per week. Your grocer probably has a nice store on some prominent corner ofthe city or In some thrifty town. But from the nature of his business his trade is limited to his locality or to his town. If very thrifty and energetic he may make bis sales amount to $400 per week or one-tenth (1-10) of my sales. As his sales are but 1-10 o my sales, be must have ten times my profit to realize the same amount of money as I do. In order to clear $40 per week he must have 10 per cent profit. But this is not all; as I sell ten times as many goods I, of course, buy ten times as many and buying in much larger quantities buy much cheaper, lor you know the "longest pole always knocks the persim mon." Then again I do a strictly cash trade, and lose nothing irom bad debt3. From the efforts the Betail Grocers' Association is making to have it possible to collect their accounts, their losses from this source must be very great indeed. I guarantee to save you 20 percent on your groceries. Don't take ry word for it, but send for my weekly price list and com pare myprices with what you are paying. It will only cost you a cent lor a postal card. Orders amounting to $10, without counting sugar,' packed and shipped free ot charge to any point within 200 miles. Mahshell, 79 and 81 Ohio St., cor. Sandusky, Alle gheny. Imported Fort. 1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.$3 00 1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 50 Fine Old White Port, fall quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Port, full quarts 1 CO Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Filth ave. GBEAT Scott I Child's calico and gingham dresses, 7c up; white dresses, 15o up; ladies' calico wrappers. 50c up; bisques, 25c; jer seys, 25c up; blouses, 75c; summer corsets, 50c; ladies' chemise, 19c?-baniburg drawers, 25c; hubbard gowns. 39c. BUST Bee HlYE, corner Sixth and Liberty. Iron City Beer Is pronounced by competent judges to be unexcelled for purity, excellent flavor and wholesomeness. Take no other. To be had at all first-class 'bars, or direct fronV the , makers. Feauexheim & Vilsack. -, Telephone 118G. ST. PETER'3 EPISCOPAL CHTJBCH, Grant nod Diamond Streets. This Church will be open for service on Sunday, July 28, at 10:30 a. M., and every Sunday morning tberealter. Bishop Whitehead will officiate. Be wise, mothers. Bay your infants' cloaks this week. Beduced prices. BT7ST Bee Hive, corner Sixth and Liberty. Cabinet photos, 89a per doz. Lies' Pop ular Gallery, 10 and 13 Sixth st. SttTTStt Afteb a sleepless night, use Angostura Bitters to tone up your system. All drug gists. Forget-Me-Xoi Rings. Pretty as a picture. New designs this week, $1 50 to $2 00, at E. P. Boberts & Sons'. WE INTEND REMODELING ,OUR STORES To dc so requires closing In August rather than remove stock during build- 4 lug. Will SELL AT A SACBIFIOE All Wash Dress Goods, All Wool Dress Goods, AU Silk Goods, All House Furnishing Goods. Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves and UnderweaiiMM Ch!ldran' Hnlts and WnM. .-Ai M Ladles' and Misses' Suits and Wraps," Mantles, Jackets, Shawls, BIBER l EABTDNi 03 AND 07 HABIOST ST. Jy2J-TTSSU PURE WINES and LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL USE. California Wines at 50c per quart. Imported Liquors and Cordials at LOWEST PRICES. . Finest Old Whiskies in Western Pens- sylvani at same prices' others are selUng.v vnulL G. EISENBEIS 1 FBDSRAJU BTJULVT, AXUMJUCXT. -"'"".i'C . ,. .. . ". J. ., afetUj iOVI'". . t'Jsa K . r.i.itSB'. isfM, - ja.-.