Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 28, 1889, Image 1

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The Earl of Fife and Queen
Victoria's Eldest Grand
daughter United
An Impressive Ceremony and a Day
of Pompous Show.
Elegant Costumes of tbe Ladles In Attend
ance at the Roynl Marriage A Large
Number or Tnlaable Present for tbe
Bride Tbe Earl Considered n Fine Fel
low and nil Bride a Sensible Woman
Detail of tbe Day Lord Fife Wean No
Highland Costume He IsGiven a Couple
of New Titles Raring tbe Evening by Ills
Angnst Grandmn-ln-Law Many Tokens
of Affection and Esteem Presented to
Gladstone and Ills Wife John Jnrrett
Excited Over a Birmingham Interview.
According to programme tbe marriage
of the Earl of Fife to Princess Louise took
place in London yesterday. The event was
all that was anticipated. There were 400
presents, valued at $1,000,000. Gladstone's
golden wedding was quite as grand and a
more enjoyable affair.
London, July 27. Copyright The
Earl of Fife was dnly married to-day to the
Princess Louise, eldest daughter of the
Prince of "Wales. The weather did not
favor the royal couple;
the sky was so gloomy
that the diamonds in
the Princess' hair did
not have a fair show
in the crowded little
chapel, and the only
rayof sunsbineseemed
to concentrate upon
bringing the bald spot
. Prince,, Louise. lhereon into startling
relief, and thereby unkindly emphasizing
the fact of his 18 years' seniority over the
bride. m .
The dowdiest looking person in the chapel
was Qneen Victoria. She wore a black silk
brocaded dress, sprinkled with large white
flowers, a costume which
Gn her head was a diamond crown, and
her breast was covered with diamond orna
ments.. ,. w.x-- --.
The chapel is only about 74 feet by 60,
and it was crowded enough to make the
people uncomfortable and cross. The wed
ding was fixed for" noon, but tbe invited
guezts had to be in their places at 11:30.
The interval was profitably spent in criti
cising dresses and looking through the ex
quisite vellum-bound
copy of the marriage
service, with which
each guest was sup
plied. The people
were gratified to find
that the Princess and
Earl were through
out spoken of as
"this man and this
voman," just as
though they were of
The Earl of Fife.
common clay. It had
been expected. an-
parently, that an expurgated and more
courtly edition would be provided.
The only persons not supplied with copies
were the reporters, of whom room had been
graciously found for a dozen. They were
supposed to know all about the marriage
service and such like. They were far and
away the most unhappy lot in the chapel.
They had been compelled to wear evening
dress, a la Francais, lest they should be
mistaken for gentlemen, who, of course, all
wore the usual morning dress, and they
were stowed away right at the back, in the
worst position for seeing and hearing. Owls
In sunshine wonld be calm, dignified beings
compared with these unfortunate reporters
in evening dress at noon, but they bore
themselves with the meekness character
istic of English reporters upon official occa
in the chapel were tbe Duchess of Man
chester, who wore a pale lemon-colored robe
and superb diamond tiara; the dowager
Marchioness of Ailesbury, in purple velvet
slashed with pink, and sprinkled all over
with diamonds; Lady Bandolph Churchill,
in yellow silk, and the Countess Spencer,
in white satin, trimmed with gold fringe.
Three-fourths of the men wore a uniform of
some kind, and the remainder the orthodox
morning suit.
The Grand Old Man was there, of course.
He wore 3 privy councilor's uniform,
knelt down and prayed as soon as hereached
his seat, and talked little.
The Qneen's procession, which entered
the chapel five minutes late, made
a brave snow. '
It was preceded and followed by exalted
court officials, and included, besides Her
Majesty, one king, he of Greece, 20
princesses and princes, and poor Marquis
of Lorne, the Qneen's subject son-in-law,
who looked like the fly in the amber. The
gold stock and silver stick in waiting were
both in the procession, and they looked so
gorgeous and lent such tone to the affair
that one could understand society's indigna
tion against the radical Labouchere,
who the other night proposed, from bis
place in Parliament, the abolition of all
well-paid and sinecure offices. The Princess
of Wales, the most popular member of tbe
royal family, walked between her two
brothers, the King ot Greece and the Crown
Prince of Denmark. She wore a dress of
pearl gray satin, trimmed with silver, with
Y-shaped bodice, and looked as young as
her daughter.
wm shorter but more interesting. The
rsi it v.vvi
t ff
Prince of "Wales supported his daughter
and perspired freely, although the support
was only metaphorical, for the bride was
seen to be a tall, well-knit, upright young
woman. Princess Louise has a fine figure,
but her face is too long and sallow for
beauty. The bride's dress was composed of
the richest white satin duchesse, with a
very long, flowing train. The corsage front
and sides of the skirt were entirely draped
with most magnificent point de gaze, inter
mixed with garlands, of orange flowers.
The bodice, of the Tsame satin, was open
V-shspe, with a high 'Medici collar and
elbow sleeves of old" lace. Behind the trail
of orange flowers was arranged, from the
left shoulder to"be)bw the right side of the
waist, a wreatJi of orange flowers. She
wore an exqnisite point de gaze veil.
were of a lovely shade of blush pink faille,
with demi-trains draped with crepe de
chine, over which were arranged broad
moire sashes. The bodices were cut V
sbaped, with elbow sleeves, and trimmed
with crepe de chine, with bouquets of pink
roses at the throat Each bridemaid also
wore a bouquet of pink roses in the hair.
It had been expected that Lord Fife
would wear a full Highland costume, but to
the sore disappointment of everyone, lie was
dressed in the uniform of the Banffshire
Artillery Voluntcers.with trousers complete.
He bore himself with quiet dignity, which
commanded respect, and when, after tbe
ceremony, be had to salute his royal mother-in-law,
he bowed low, but showed no dis
position to grovel.
Tbe bride conducted herself like any other
young lady, said "I will" with a delightful
little tremor in her voice, squeezed a tiny
tear into one eye, and did not faint
The Queen, bride and bridegroom and all
the royalties lunched together in the state
dining room in Buckingham Palace, eating
and drinking out of golden vessels. The
toast of the bride and bridegroom was pro
posed by the King of Greece, and Lord Fife
made a manly speech, promising to do his
best to make his wife happy.
Then tbe couple drove to Marlborough
House, took tea with the Prince andPrincess
of "Wales and family, and started on their
honeymoon at 4 o'clock, in an open car
riage for Sheen, a pretty village near Lon
don, where the Comte de Paris lives.
To-night a supplement to the official
London Gazette has been issued, containing
the official announcement that Her Majesty
the Queen has been graciously pleased to
direct letters patent to be passed under the
great seal of tbe United Kingdom or Great
Britain and Ireland, granting the dignities
of the said United Kingdom unto the Bight
Hon. Alexander William George, Earl of
Fife, and the heirs male of his body law
fully begotten, by tbe names, styles and
titles of Marquis MacDuff, in the county of
Banff, and Duke of Fife.
There is a concensus of opinion that Fife
is a good fellow, and he has recently proved
it in a variety of ways. He refused to take
presents from his tenants on his Scotch es
tates, on the ground that the times were bad,
but he bas given money for their lavish en
tertainment, and to-night the clerks in the
London bank of which he is President are
enjoying a sumptuous banquet at his ex
pense. That Princess Louise is s sensible
and kind-hearted young woman is shown
by the fact that most of her lingerie was
made, by her desire, by poor Irish women,
for whom work is found by the Donegal In
dustrial Society. Every garment is made
of tbe finest cambric, trimmed with Valen
ciennes lace.
The bride's presents numbered nearly 400,
and their aggregate value has been placed
as high as $1,000,000.
Consnl John Jnrrett Says lie Wasn't Re
ported Exactly In Birmingham.
London, July 27. President Harrison's
Consnl at Birmingham has been occupied
this week with regretting that he permitted
himself the luxury of th"e interview in the
Times, of that city, concerning tbe Sackville
West episode, that I cabled to The Dis
patch a week ago, and has come all the
way to London to explain matters for the
readers of this paper. As usual, in instances
where public men find that their views in
print look queer, the blame is laid upon
the reporter, bnt Consul Jarrett is a
patient man, and does not wish to
be too harsh. He says it is far from
him to say anything that would reflect upon
the young man who reported the Birming
ham Times interview, although It is wrong
in every particular. He says that the re
porter did not take notes during the inter
view, and theorizes that in writing from
memory afterward he mixed up the children
of his lancy with the offspring of the Con
sul's judgment.
Jarrett says he does not believe Cleveland
was defeated because the American people
rose at the polls to resent the affront to
Great Britain implied in the demand for
the recall of Sackville "West, and thaCwhat
he told the reporter was that the British
Minister had acted indiscreetly in writing
a letter bearing upon political affairs which
President Cleveland and-the Democratic
party could use for their advantage.
I violate no confidence in stating that
Consul Jarrett will explain no more inter
national politics to Biimingham reporters.
Such ns Were Never Seen Before, to
Astound the Germans.
London, July 27. There will be such
an array of ironclads next week at Spitbead
as has never been known before. IfWil
helm is not sufficiently impressed with -England's
naval might, it will not be for want
of trying on the part of the English Gov
ernment Already the waters of the Solent
are packed with war ships, and many more
cruisers and liue-of-battie ships have yet to
The comical part of the business is that, al
though tbe Admiralty has placed ships at
the disposal of certain visitors, they have
warned all of them that they will have to
provide their own refreshments. Luncheon
baskets-and sherry flasks will therefore be
de rigeur next week, except on board the
royal yachts and the Admiralty, where
something sumptuous will be provided.
Grace Hawtborue Thinks He Caused Her
to Lose That Much.
London, July 27. Grace Hawthorne, of
the Princess Theater, brings suit against A.
M. Palmer to-day for .10,000 damages for
breach of contract, arising out of the non
production of Sardou's "Theodora," or
which Miss Hawthorne secured tbe English
rights two years ago.
Palmer, according to Miss Hawthorne's
specifications, had contracted to produce
the play here in October, 1887, and tne non
production, she claims, has damaged her
reputation m an artist and injured -her
Sent to Mr. and Kirs. Gladstone on the Occa
sion of Their Golden Wedding; The
Grand ON Man Slakes a
Neat Speech.
London, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. Glad
stone's golden wedding has quite over
shadowed in popular interest the royal mar
riage celebrated in the queer little chapel at
Buckingham Palace. Even in the number,
if not in tbe intrinsic value, of the presents
the Grand Old Man and his wife have had
the best of it The flow of gifts set in early
in the week in two streams, one to 'Ha war
den Castle and the other to the modest town
bouse in James street, and they are still
pouring in in great variety. Gladstone's
presents beat those of tbe Princess Louise,
the balance of the latter was spoiled
by an undue ( proportion of silver
candlesticks, fans, and other orthodox
trifles considered salable for a young
Gladstone received specimens of various
British handicrafts sent by artisan admirers
in all parts of the country, and often
anonymously pictures, china, breakfast
and dinner services, pillow cases, chair
covers-, vases, inkstands and clocks. There
diamond bracelets for Mrs. Gladstone by
the dozen, and gold cups and rings for the
Grand Old Man, the auriferous list being
crowned by an exquisite gold inkstand sent
by the Prince of Wales.
But what touched the great statesman's
heart most was the modest tribute of love
and veneration sent by -the humble basket
workers of Connemara. It took the form of
a basket of the givers' own manufacture,
filled with the beautiful asphodel flower,
which, in the language of flowers in Ireland,
signifies "Eternal Life." The basket was
placed in a prominent position in the draw
ing room, and is still there.
The golden wedding festivities culminated
last night at the National Liberal Club in a
grand reception, attended by over 2,000
representative Liberals. Gladstone disap
pointed his enthusiastic friends by speaking
in reply to the address of congratulation for
only 13 minutes, but the little speech amply
compensated in quality for what it lacked
in quantity. Here are the eloquent words
in which the aged statesman bid the Lib
erals not despair of the future:
Not only at a time when yon are in possession
of political power, but also, and sometimes
even more conspicuously, when you are exclud
ed from it, yonr principles advance. They are
principles not of destruction, but of improve
ment and the important admission, which be
long to it are, I do not say enforced, I do not
say extracted from the mouths and recorded in
the action of our adversaries, but without the
use of any invidious phrase from the Inevitable
incidents of the exercise of power in this coun
try, and much as there may be that we have op
posed and much to which we have objected In
tbe action of tbe last three years on the part
of tbe dominant party in Parliament
wo thankfully record that important princi
ples have been enshrined in our legislation,
and serious measures of practical Importance
projected and adopted, which show that what
ever your position be, even within the favored
precincts or beyond its limits, your work never
ceases, but is always advancing from stage to
stage, and, humanly speaking, you are inde
pendent of leadership or of the assistance of
this man or of that man. An internal and an
undying energy belongs to the cause itself, and
you may rest assured that nnder the favor of
Providence, as it has advanced so It will ad
vance, and generation after generation will be
its rejoicing witnesses.
Philadelphia Lanndnrmen Join the Sabbath
Keeping Procession.
Philadelphia, July 27. The laundry
men are the latest recruits in Philadelphia's
grand army of Sunday closers. The Phila
delphia Laundrymen's Association bas
taken the matter in hand, and intends to
follow the example of the Barbers' Sunday
Association, and see that all the laundry
men close their doors 'hereafter on the Sab
bath day. The association numbers among
its member nearly every American laundry
man in the city, but Chinese are ineligible
for membership. At the present time very
few American laundries are kept open on
Snnday. The steam lanndries have long
made it a practice not to receive goods later
than Friday morning, and insure delivery
on the following day.
At tbe next meeting of the association no
tices will be sent out to every laundry in
the city requesting the proprietors o close
their places and stop all Sunday work.
Spotters will also be appointed to secure
evidence against tbe offenders, who will be
piosecuted under thelaw of 1794. Their ob
ject is not only to do away with washing
and ironing on the Sabbvth, but also pro
hibit the reception or delivery of goods.
Made Beady for a Host of Faithful New
York Republicans.
New York, July 27.' Collector Erhardt
received to-day a significant document
signed by General Batcheller, Acting Secre
tary of tbe Treasury. It was loaded, and
will go off on Thursday next, August 1.
General Batcheller disallows the emnioy
raent of 250 weighers' laborers, at
$2 CO per day and substitutes.
There are as many weighers'
laborers at 30 cents an hour, when employed,
as the service demands. General Batcheller
also disallows tbe employment of gangers'
skilled laborers, two at 40 cents and 12 at 30
cents an hour, and for a wind up General
Batcheller dismembers thesystem of employ
ing temporary assistant weighers. There
are 84 oi them.
Thus, at one fell swoop, 348 places are
provided for the Republicans. Tbe claw
ing for them will begin to-morrow, and by
Thursday, when tbe order takes effect, the
battle will be red hot General Batcheller's
decision was received with joy by the Be
publicans and by the Democrats who will
not be affected by the change.
Masked Indiana Regulators Flog a Mother
and Her Daughter.
Marion, Ind., July 27. About mid
night last night a brutal outrage was per
petrated by a dozen men upon Mrs. Aseneth
Street and her daughter Clara. The two
women live alone 10 miles east of
this city in a secluded neighborhood. They
were aroused, taken out and, being stripped
to the waist, were whipped with beech
switches until the blood ran. They were
then released and warned that severer treat
ment was in store for them if they did not
cease talking about the neighbors. The
regulators were all masked and their iden
tity is a mystery.
It is alleged that the women were given
to gossip, but the brutal manner of their
punishment is denounced on all sides. The
officers will make determined -efforts to dis
cover the authors of the- outrages, and deal
with them as they deserve.
He Hung His Children Up Br Their Thumbs
to Whip Tbem.
Cleveland, July 27. John Strieker,
aged 75 years, has been arrested near Steu
benville. O., for brutally beating his chil
dren. It is alleged that he has been In the
habit of hanging his sons and daughters up
by the thumbs and whipping them with ar
hickory ramrod until their flesh was re
duced to a jelly. There it great indignation
against the old-man among the neighbors,
w wuuui us u (ecu wfuc ur rears.
No Employers Meet Knights of Labor,
and Augnst 1 is fixed As
A Weak Spot on the Side of the Work
ingmen In the Shape of
Both Mlntrs and Employers Feel Confident of Coming
Ont on Top.
No employers met with the K. of L". coke
employes yesterday to consider the scale,
and a strike has been ordered to take place
August 1. Both sides are confident of
rsrxciAx. telegram to tux disfatch.i
Scottdale, July 27. The much talked
of strike has at last been ordered by one of
the largest labor conventions ever held in
the Connellsville coke region. JTearlySO
delegates were present, representing almost
eyery works in the region. Master "Work
man Kerfoot, of sub-division 4, Knights
of Labor, was chosen as Chairman,
and Cloyd M. Parker, of the same organi
zation, Secretary. As was predicted in
these dispatches, not a single coke operator
was present to meet the conference commit
tee. J. M. Dayton. F. F. Montgomeryand
John Speight were appointed a Committee
on Resolutions, and reported the following,
which were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, After repeated efforts to obtain
a conference with the operators they still con
tinue to ignore our committees, and retnse to
consider any proposition in the Interest of har
mony; and.
Whereas, The condition of the workers in tbe
Connellsville coke region is such as to demand
the greatest urgency in obtaining redress:
tberef ore be it
Resolved, That the decision of the former
convention be approved and work cease
tbronebnut the region on tbe first day of An
gnst, 1SS3. and that no work be done until our
demands be granted.
Resolved. That committees be appointed to
visit the various works and explain to tbe men
the condition of affairs, and urge the workmen
to unite In order to obtain their demands.
Resolved, That the sympathy and co-operation
of all competing regions, and tbe officers
of organizations and the craft at large, be
solicited in this struggle for existence.
Resolved. That a committee of seven be
appointed to carry out the above and to take
charge of tbe region and district and have
complete control of all action during the im
pending strike.
Resolved, Tbat the above be immediately
printed and circulated throughout the region
One of the leading members of the
Knights of Labor stated this evening that
the only obstacle in, the way of a success
ful strike was tbe seeming indifference on
tbe part of the old members oi the National
Progressive Union and that if their co
operation could not be secured several of
the largest works in the region could be
kept running in spite of the Knights. In
an interview witn Master "Workman Ker
foot this afternoon he said:
"We have time after time sent communi
cations to the operators of this region to
meet us and agree on a wage scale, but they
totally ignored us and we are determined to
fight it out on this line. I am opposed to
strikes and have on every occasion dona
everything in my power to keep'them down,
but it nothing else will satisfy the operators
we will strike."
He also stated tbat the Hungarians and
other non-English-speaking workingmen
have reported that they will stand by the
action of the convention. The men are
for the scale proposed by them and approved
by the convention of April 13. Master
"Workman John B. Bae, of National Trades
Assembly 135, K. of L., was present at tbe
meeting and expressed himself as highly
satisfied with the decision of the convention.
The fact that the men at Valley
Works, who struck on Thursday,
had returned to work did sot seem
to discourage the delegates, and they feel
positive they will all be out on August 1.
Thomas L. Lynch, General Superintend
ent of the Prick Coke Company, states this
evening that tbe six men who were dis
charged at the Valley works would not be
reinstated. Mr. Lynch would not venture
an expression as to what his company would
do in case the men.at their works would
come out on strike.
Master "Workman Bae addressed a large
meeting of the men of the" Valley "Works at
Everson to-night He characterized the
late scale of the Prick Company as a trap
for the men and one of the most severe iron
clads be had ever seen. He stated that
the present strike was not a question
of organization, bnt one of bread and butter
to the men, and advised them not to allow
any question to come up that would in any
way prejudice their interests. Addresses
were also made by Peter "Wise, James Kee
gan and others.
A Lot of Money to be Put Into Two of Them
and Work to Be Begun nt Once.
rfrxciAL txlegbau to the dispatch.!
McKeesport, July 27. The two large
bridges projected at McKeesport will be
built across the Monongahela river at
once. McDonald & Co., of Pittsburg, who
have the contract for building the piers,
etc., for, the Dravosburg and Beynoldton
bridge, put the dredgeboat "Western to work
to-day at dredging to secure solid bottom
for the masonry. This work will be com
pleted within a week(when the cribs will be
sunk and the piers will be commenced. The
firm propose to have them and the ap
proaches completed by fall, when the Key
stone Bridge Company, of Pittsburg, will
put up the iron work.
The McKeesport and Duquesne Bridge
Company to-day filed a bond and will at
once condemn the ground for the Mifflin
township approach for that bridge and will
do likewise with that on which the Mc
Keesport approach is to be located, if the
objections are not overruled. The bridge
will cost over $200,000, and the company
mean to build it at once. Fifteen firms are
bidding on the work.
Pleasures of Living In tbe Mining Regions
About WHIcesbnrre.
Wilkesbarre, July 27. The residents
of Swoyer's Hill, a few miles above this
city, were greatly alarmed this morning by
tbe settling of a large area over the work
ings of the Enterprise Colliery. A. consid
erable number of dwellings are located
on the tract, but so far only three dwellings
are injured.
These sudden mine cavings frequently
give rise to startling incidents. A few
days ago, near Pine Bidge, a young lady
was talking with ber mother, who sat out
doors shelling peas. Continuing tbe con
versation, her remarks received no answer!
Going to the door to ascertain the cause, the
daughter discovered a hole 25 feet deep, at
tbe bottom of which ' lay her mother ina
dead faint, with the pan of peas in. her lap.
The ground had settled noiselessly, carry
ing her 'down with it Ropes and ladders
were required to uriug ner to tne suriace.
Terr Mnch of a Candidate.
Paris, July 27. General Boulanier will
contest 135 cantons in' the elections, for the
Councils General, .
Caatured by c Sherlfl's Posse and Placed In
Jail To Be Taken to an Insane
Asylum His Followers
Greatly Excited.
Savannah, Ga., July 27. Edward
James, the colored magistrate in Liberty
county who announced himself as the Mes
siah, after Dupont Bell had been sent to the
insane asylum, is in jail to-night, and will
be sent to Milledgeville to-morrow. Daring
bis short reign as Christ two human
beings had been offered as a sacrifice
to appease his wrath. The whites were in
danger of massacre and incendiarism. The
Sheriff ot Liberty county organized a posse
of 40 citizens, who, for the past two days,
have been scouring the county. One of the
first to be run in was James himself, who
was found stark naked, surrounded by a
large number of worshipers. They would
have defended him, but with a wave of the
hand James called on bis followers to be
quiet, as he would soon rejoin them.
Twenty-nine of his most noisy followers
were arrested, and the whole crowd were
put upon trial before the Judge for lunacy.
James was ordered to the State asvlum at
Milledgeville. A? to-morrow is Sunday,
when the negroes will all be at their orgies,
it is feared that they may try to get James
out of jail.
Congressman Norwood has just returned
to the city from Liberty county. A more
complete'demoralizatSon among the negroes
of the county could hardly be brought
about by any disaster, he said. Since Bell,
the white man, bas been out of the county,
James claimed to be the Christ He. pro
claims it everywhere, and the negroes fall
down at. his feet and worship him as they
did Bell. He holds meetings every day at
a-pUce near the homestead of Mr. George
"W Waltbour before the war, but now un
occupied except by a few negroes. At these
meetings they go through their ridiculous
practices, which Mr. Norwood says are
shocking to civilization and to common de
cency. "The religious craze among them is un
abated," said Mr. Norwood. "They .are as
wild and unreasonable as they were under
the teachings of Dupont Bell. The extent
of the craze," he said, "may be imagined
when they readily accept the declaration of
a negro, who bas been reared among them
and whom they have known all their lives,
that he is God."
The Western Union Comes to Bat and
Makes a Base Hit.
New York, July 27. On June 29 the
telegraph companies received word from
Postmaster General "Wanamaker that all
Government dispatches for the ensuing year
must,bc taken at the rate of a mill a word
This has provoked some lively correspond
ence since then, and the "Western Union
especially has been protesting vigor
ously against such action. "When
Mr. "Wanamaker finally gave
out in his circular of July 13, that his rea
son for fixing the rate so low was that vari
ous corporations were receiving as good
terms, the Western Union people were mad.
They denied tbat any corporation was re
ceiving such favorable terms under the same
conditions, and a letter was written to the
Pottoffice Department to that effect, but no
answer was received. President Green
waited until to-day, when he sent a sharp
letter to Mr. "Wanamaker, closing as fol
lows: Except tbe arrangements with railroad and
transportation oompanies, and rates for press
ltd commercial news service, we make no re
duced rates to any corporations, or other
patrons, large or small. For messages trans
mitted and delivered to a single address the
Government is our only customer that enjoys
reduced rates. As to the great privileges and
benefits derived by this company from
tbe act ot I860, they are pnrely
imaginary. I am not aware that
we bave ever taken a stone or stick of timber
or appropriated a foot of land belonging to the
Government under that act; and where we
have needed to build a line across lands belong
ing to the Government, as in a late instance
across the lands along tbe canal around tbe
falls of the Ohio, we bave had more trouble
and delay in procuring the right to set out
poles than if the lands had belonged to private
We Send Lots of Gold Abroad, but Less
Merchandise Than We Buy.
Washington, July 27. The value of
imports of merchandise during the last fiscal
year amounted to (745,127,476, and of ex
ports to $742,401,799, an excess of imports
over exports of $2,725,677. Of our exports
the value of domestic merchandise wa3
$730,282,606, and the value of foreign mer
chandise, $12,119,193.
' The exports and imports of gold and silver
during the last fiscal year were as follows:
Exports, $96,641,633; imports, $28,963,073
an excess ot exports over imports ol $67,678,
460. The excess of imports over exports of
specie during the fiscal year 1888 was
$12,923,802, and during the fiscal year
1887, $24,173,101. The exports of
gold during the last fiscal year
were the largest since 1864, and amounted
to $59,952,285. The imports of gold
amounted to only $10,284,858; an excess of
exports over imports of $49,667,427. This
excess of exports over imports of gold oc
curred mainly in May and June last,
amounting daring these months to $30,000,
000. There has been a considerable decline in
the volnme of immigration into the United
States during the last fiscal year, the num
ber arriving being 438,614 as against 539,
815 during the fiscal year 1888, a decrease
of 101,201.
Baltimore May Try the Higher Rates a
While to See How She Likes Them.
Baltimore, July 27. The following
letter in reference to the advance in rates for
east-bound wheat has been received by "Wm.
F. Wheatley, Secretary of the Baltimore
Corn and Flour Exchange, from Vice Presi
dent Prank Thomson, of tbe Pennsylvania
"Our road very carefully considered the
question before agreeing to the advance in
the rate, and in view of the advanced lake
and rail rates, the conclusion was that
the higher rate would not necessarily pre
vent or curtail shipments to Baltimore. We
believe that it is too early in the season to
anticipate the course ot trade in this article,
but if it should be found, after the advance
is established, that the business of your
port bad been stopped or limited in its
operations, we could then take some other
A moderate trade in wheat is being done
by Baltimore merchants now, but shipments
are already beginning to go elsewhere in
anticipation of the expected advance. Presi
dent Louis Miller, of the Corn and Plour
Exchange, says tbat unless the rate is kept
at 20 cents tbe wheat traffic will be prac
tically killed alter August 1, when the
change goes into effect
Testified to Before the Court of Inquiry by
His Successor.
Paris, July 27. The Cocdrde, the Bou
langist organ, publishes what it calls the
first installment of the documents submitted
to end the depositions made before the high
courtof the Senate which is to try General
Boulanger. The publication has caused a
sensation. According to the publication of
the Cocarde, General Perron, who succeeded.
General Boulanger as Minister of "War, has
jnade a deposition in which be states tbat
tho secret service funds are intact and that
General Boulager efteted economy la many
lHttMeei is tfia war oaaee. .
Ho Appears as Father Francis Yan
derbourg, a Catholic, and
His Deception is Discovered and He Joins
I the Holy Rollers.
Bat He Spoils ill by Eloping With the Wife of Els
Bev. Father Francis Vanderbourg was
the name of a man who went to Geneva,
Crawford county, proclaimed himself a
Catholic priest and renounced Catholicism.
He became a preacher, was discovered to be
a fraud and expelled. Then he joined a
sect known as "the Holy Boilers," preached
and attracted large crowds by his eloquence,
but now is reported to have eloped with
Mrs. Smock, the wife of his benefactor.
Meadytlle, July 27. About five
months ago there appeared in Geneva, a
small town about six miles west of this city,
a sanctimonious-appearing man clad in the
garb of a Catholic priest, who gave his
name as Bev. Father Francis Vanderbourg.
About April 1 he met Bev. F. W. Beeder,
pastor of the Free "Will Baptist Church, of
that place, to whom he stated that he desired
to renounce Catholicism and become a
preacher of the Protestant faith. He
claimed to have letters of introduction from
Archbishop Corrigan, of New York, to
Bishop Mnller, of Erie, and to have offici
ated as Supercanon of the Erie Diocese. He.
spoke Latin, French, German andJEnglish
fluently, and without doubt was highly
educated. He at once made friends with
everybody. He was baptised April 21 and
ordained to preach, proving himself a pul
pit orator of no ordinary degree.
discovered to be a fraud.
.During his first sermon he made some
statements which excited the suspicion of
the worthy Baptist preacher, which led to
investigations that terminated in his expul
sion from his newly chosen churcb. He
was immediately tnken up bv the Salva
tionists or "Holy Boilers" of which pecu
liar sect there are a goodly number in and
about Geneva, and he became a powerful
drawing card, filling their meeting places to
overflowing upon every occasion he was
announced to preach.
During the past three months he made
his home with Jacob Smock, a young
farmer, whose pretty wite soon became in
fatuated with Father Francis to such a de
gree that she neglected other duties to con
tribute to bis comfort a task in which the
whole neighborhood appeared to vie.
Father Francis reciprocated the delicate at
tentions of the Smock family by presenting
them with numerous city and country prop
erties on paper. Last Sunday evening
Vanderbourg preached an eloquent sermon
in the Advent church at Geneva, knowing
that while he was pointing out to his bear
ers the wickedness of certain crimes and the
true way to glory Mrs. Smock,
was on her way across the fields' to meet
him, which sbe did shortly after the close
of the services. TKeywere traced to 'this
city together, but their present whereabouts
are unknown. Father Francis, as he calls
himself, is about 40 years old, with dark
hair, and bald on tbe top of his head; a
black mustache; gray blue eyes, dark com
plexion, strong chin and thick neck, and
possesses a powerful and deep voice. He is
about 5 feet 8 inches in height, weighs
about 165 pounds, and has lost his front
upper teeth.
"He is without exception the most clever
impostor this section has known, and nearly
100 families in southwestern Crawford are
aghast over the way he has taken them in.
Officer Llebenlhal Convicted of Assaultina;
the Famous Jockey.
Freehold, K. J., July 27. Officer Her
man Liebenthal, who is a member of the
New Jersey State Detective Association,and
one of tbe constables of Monmouth county,
was convicted last night upon a charge of
shooting George Anderson, the famous
colored jockey, who is generally known as
"The Spider," on the night of August 2
last year.
Officer Liebenthal and a posse of men at
tempted to arrest a lot of the jockeys from
the Monmouth Park stables, who were
"shooting crap" in the public roadway near
the main entrance of the park. A row, in
which several pistol shots were bred and
Liebenthal was knocked down by a stable
lantern, followed tbe rush 'made by the offi
cers upon the gamblers. The jockeys all
ran down the road with the excention of
"Spider" Anderson, who began picking up
the money which lay on the ground. He
was struck by a bullet,which passed through
the side of his right hip.
Officer Liebenthal claimed that the wound
was made by a pistol shot fired by one of
the "Spider's" companions. Anderson
swore positively that Liebenthal shot him.
The jury recommended him to the mercy
of the Court. He is now employed by the
Monmouth Park Association, and he and
"Spider" are on friendly terms with each
Two Drunken Men Tell the Story of aBrutal
Charleston, "W. Va., July 27. One of
the most brutal and deliberate murders for
purposes of gain ever committed in
Kanawha Valley was unearthed to-day at
Burnsville, Fayette county. Last Tuesday
some Government workmen found the nude
body of a man about 21 years ot age. The
body was identified as that of Joseph
Alkire. of Fayette county.
Last night at a little place called Ire
land, along tbe river, two workmen, Henry
Smith and ,Uerskell Ioe, while partially
under the influence of liquor, confessed that
they had committed the murder, and told
how they1 had waylaid bim, smashed his
skull with a stone, taken his money and
then stripped the body and consigned it to
the river.
Such Is the Opinion of Cmntn'a Friend of
Qlan-nn-Gnel Men's Gathering.
Chicago. July 27. John F. Bcanlan. a
friend of the late Dr. Cronin, was asked by
a reporter for the Journal this morning
what his opinion was in regard to the rumor
that Clan-na-gael men were gathering in
Winnipeg forthepurpose of rescuing Burke
from the custody of tbe authorities in case
he is delivered up by the Winnipeg police
to the Chicago officials. He replied that he
was convinced that such was not their in
tention. He believed they were not there
as Burkes friends but as bis enemies and
they were prepared in the event of his ex
tradition to assassinate him in order to pre
vent his return to Chicago in the belief
tbat he wooldaiake a"confession of.the.plot
to murder Dr. Cronin it be should fall into
the hands of the Chleaga oaworitlef.
The Voice of West Virginia Appeals for Her
Homeless and Starring- Another
Disastrous Flood and Moro
Lives Lost.
Parkersburo, July 27. The following
appeal for aid speak3 eloquently for itself:
To the Readers of The DisrATCU :
The recent disastrous floods in the valleys of
BlgTygart, Tucker. Sandy, Lee, West Fork and
other tributaries of the Little Kanawha river
bave destroyed the homes, carried oft the houses
and crop, and caused great loss of life, and
thousands of people are now without the
means of subsistence. An appeal for
assistance In this hour of need has
been made by the Mayor of this city and the
officials of tbe counties of Wood, Wirt and
AU contributions for the relief of this suffer
ing people can be forwarded to Theodore
Boyd, Parkersburg, W. Va. The relief fund
will be placed in the hands of the Commission
ers, who will personally apply the funds where
the need is greatest. Immediate action and
assistance is badly needed.
This appeal is made to all tbe readers of The
Dispatch who are able to contribute some
thing to the relief of suffering humanity.
Assistance is sadly needed by those poor
people, and I am requested by the County
Commissioners to make this appeal, as tbe
counties afflicted are so terribly injured thae
they will be unable to relieve one-tenth of the
suffering. Respectfully, Theo. Botd,
Mayor of Parkersburg.
Telephone messages report another disas
trous flood on the upper waters. In Cal
hoon county, at Grantville, the river rose 15
feet during the night, carrying away crops,
fences, bouses and sweeping everything.
Several lives were reported lost, but com
munication is difficult and particulars can
not be gotten to-night.
Arduous and Dangerous Exploit Per-
formed by FroC Oldrieve.
Boston, July 27. Prof. Oldrieve had
one of the toughest walks over the ocean to
day tbat he ever expects to undertake, and
when he bad completed the conditions of
the wager mentioned in to-day s Dispatch
he declared that he would rather walk down
the Hudson a dozen times than take an
other trip like to-day's. A fierce
easterly gale had raised a big,
choppy sea, and waves five feet
high were scudding along when the plucky
adnatic pedestrian stepped off the tugboat.
The condition of the waser called for a dis
tance of 20 miles from Boston, which would
make a stretch of 10 or 12 miles of open sea.
But to-day it was -so rough that the party
accompanying the Professor refused to go
more than five miles from land. They were
afraid to venture further, and told Prof.
Oldrieve they would be satisfied if he
reached shore from that distance.
The intrepid navigator stepped into his
largest shoes, which are about four feet long,
and struck out for the shore at a lively gait,
considering the great disadvantages under
which he was laboring. The first mile was
walked against a strong tide, which running
against the wind kicked up a heavy sea. It
was so rough that nearly all the politicians
who had putup the $250 wager were seasick.
Prof. Oldrieve had a hard struggle with the
waves and many times narrowlv escaped
being capsized. He had hard work to keep
his feet together, and in spite of his effort he
was badly wrenched. He covered the five
miles in a little less than two hours.
A New Mexican Smallpox Nurse Killed for
a Brutal Murder.
Santa Fe, K. M., July 27. At "Wallace,
N. M., Deputy Sheriff Warren Moore was
shot and killed by Joseph Chacha, who in
turn was afterward killed by a posse of citi
zens. For some days past Chacha bas been
serving as nurse and attendant upon a
smallpox patient confined in a house on the
outskirts of the town. This morning Chacha
left tbe room and went out upon the street,
visiting several stores and circulating
among the people. Many knew of
bis occupation as a smallpox nurse, and
fearing that his presence would serve
to spread the disease, undertook to remon
strate with Chacha, and advised him to go
to his quarters and stay there. A row
ensued upon bis refusal to qnit the street,
and angry threats followed. Chacha went
to his room and secured a repeating rifle,
and returning to the street, he fired three
shots into a crowd of citizens, with the re
sult that one man was wounded.
Chacha then fled to the foothills, firing at
the posse of citizens who pursued him.
Deputy Sheriff Moore mounted a horse and
undertook to ride around and cut off his
retreat, when Chacha fired at him, inflict
ing a mortal wound. This intensified the
anger of the pursuing crowd, and Concha
was finally run downand shot dead. Moore
lived about one hour.
The Gas Works of Brooklyn Being Bought
by the Britishers.
New York, July 27. A syndicate of
English capitalists known as the Interna
tional Gas Company is trying, it is said,
to secure Control of Brooklyn's gas fran
chises. The company claims to own a pro
cess of gas manufacture which makes it pos
sible to produce the article 'at a cost much
less than that of any of the methods
at present in use. Tbe company bas
already purchased the plant of the Citizens'
Gaslight Company, of Brooklyn, and the
Union Gaslight Company in the Twenty
first ward, and is negotiating for the plant
of tbe Brooklyn Gaslight Company.
The syndicate is represented by Mr.
Charles G. Francklyn. The corporation
will establish its plant in Flatbush. Yes
terday articles incorporating the Flatbush
Lighjt and Fuel Company, which is said to
be an offshoot of the International, were
filed in Albany. George W. Goddard and
"William E. C. Mayer are associated with
Mr. Francklyn as incorporators.
A Young Man Terribly Mutilates His
Father's Colt.
Clarion, July 27. About two weeks
ago A. T. McKissick, a farmer living near
Fryburg. one morning found his valuable
colt standing in the barn with its tongue
cut out. The next night its ears were cut off
and later it was ionnd dead with its throat
cut. Yesterday bis son, James McKissick,
at a hearing charged with the offense, was
held under $1,000 bail to appear at court.
The farmer had employed a detective to
work up the matter, and when the evidence
pointed to his son as the criminal he dis
charged him from lurther duty in the case.
The citizens of the place, learning of the
facts, subscribed about $400, which was
offered as a reward for the apprehension and
conviction of the criminal. The son offers
as an excuse that the horse kicked him.
Vatican and Qnlrlnal D6nbly Guarded
Watching lor the Pope's Departure.
Eome, July 27. The Vatican and
Quirlnal are doubly guarded owing to the
receipt of information of a plot to blow up
both with dynamite". It is rumored that the
departure of the Pope will be forcibly re
sitted, and that. Government searet police
waica tne exiMonae vaiiiu.; tjK. ;
o. .
', Yk
Many Vf,
3vTo. 'epuDiicans accush s
Him oV?ACuteIy Keepm?
His Ambition and Love of Self Outweigh.
His Better Qualities.
Accused of Drirtuff More Hen From His Party Tbaa j
Be Can Coax In.
A Virginia Bepublican lawver, appointed
Assistant District United States Attorney, J
indiirnantlv refuses to accept the office be '
VIX. Va - .. W
!L .- t.! At.--! --I.AnA wlin -J4
cause it comes iu uiiu uiivuuwivu mwv -wm
he declares, is the caue of the State remain
ing in the Democratic column.
"Washington, July 27. "Virginis'
Fuit" is the sentiment attributed to John S .
"Wise, of Virginia, when referring to the)
present political movements in tbat State.
And "Virginia Fuit" is undoubtedly tho -
expression that best characterizes the leel- i
ings of ex-Congressman Yost, of that State,
who made a special journey to Deer Park
to inform the President that there are nec
essarily two parties to every compromise,
and that Mahone is only one of the elements
in Virginia; but he could not even get an
audience with the President.
The compromse of which so much was
said a few days ago seems to have been of
the "jug-handle" order. Atill events, tha
anti-Mahone men say that Mahons is se
curing all of the patronage, and that tho
only opponent of Mahone who has an office)
as a result of this new movement is Brady
himself, and that he actually represents all
that there is ot the compromise on the anti- .
Mahone side.
The minor postmasters who have been ap
pointed since the compromise are said to be
all Mahone men. It is even reported that
Brady has been deceived as to the 50 ap
pointments of deputies in the internal' '
revenue district of which he has been mads
collector, and tbat as a matter of fact tha
list of these 60 deputies has been made out
bv Mahone. and thev will be appointed.
"The amonnt of unity in Vireinia among;
the Bepublicans is perbaps best illus
trated by an extract from a letter recently"
written by C. A. Heermans, who was teni
dered and declined an important office. It
was addressed to P. H. McCauJl, Washing
ton, and is as follows:
"Yonr telegram announcing my appoint
ment as Assistant United States District
Attorney for the "Western district of Virgi
nia, with congratulations, was duly re
ceived. To-day the commission came to
hand. I regret that circumstances are such
"From the public prints and from private
sources, I learn that this appointment and
its confirmation was and is at the suffer
ance of "William Mahone. There is an ir
repressible conflict in the Bepnblican party
of Virginia tbat must be settled before I ac
cept office under such conditions, nor should
any patriotic Bepublican accept such at tha
expense ol bis manhood. Home rule vs..
centralized power, the people vs. bosslsm,
liberty vs. tyranny these are questions not
only of vital importance to the Bepublican.
party of Virginia, but to the whole jeople.
"Whenever a party so far forgets itself
as to sacrifice its principles for a mess of
pottage whenever it sacrifices the will of
the people to a personal tyrant whenever
it surrenders the rights of the people to one
man, then it becomes the duty ot the masses
to rebuke the men who forget they are ser
ants and assume the role of masters.
"William Mahone, who has driven from
the party or tried to humiliate such men as
Massey, Fulkerson, Cameron, Newberry,
Groner, Wise, Sims. Scott, Pendleton,
Frazier, Mayo, Biddleberger, Lewis, Yost
and a host of others; Mahone, who kicks
men from the party faster than we can re
cruit them; Mabo'ne, whom the National
Bepublican party rebuked at Chicago for
packing our State convention; Ma
hone, who cruelly slandered the great
Bepnblican leader, James G. Blaine;
Mahone, who, to vent his personal spleen,
threw away the Fourth district, thus giving
the State to Cleveland and endangering the
House of Eepresentatives he (William,
Mahone) bas assumed a dictatorship over
the Bepublican party of Virginia, and by
his energy, will and power, lorced an ap
parent recognition that disgraces Virginia
and brings the blush ot shame to the cheek
of every honest free man who loves his
party and its principles, and who hates
bossism and tyranny.
"We all recognize in General Mahone a
man of indomitable will, enerey and cour
age, which if directed in the proper channel
would result in untold blessings to the peo
ple ot Virginia. But look at tbe spectacle t
Apparently with but one ambition, and that
to crush Bepublicans who have the man
hood to assert their independence and self
respect, he engages a suite of rooms under
tbe shadow of the White House, surrounds
himself with a few satellites whose duty it
is to daily pay homage to iall down and
worship, crying: 'Great is Mahone, and
Harrison is his prophet.'
"Feeble as I am, small as my influence
may be, so help me God I will never sur-'(
render my manhood by accepting office ten
dered by such power."
Gentlemen Manipulating the Attempt at si
Salt Combine Won't Allot Shares Vet.
New York", July 27. The directors of
the North American Salt Company author
ize the publication of the following this
"While the subscriptions have been very
numerous and in the aggregate large, the
trustees feel that they are not justified in
proceeding to an allotment of shares on the
present basis without further conference
with subscribers and vendors. This, on ac
count of subscribers being on both sides of
the Atlantic and the vendors widely sepa
rated, will take time, and It has been de
cided to return subscriptions and postpone
further action until these negotiations cam '
be completed."
There was therefore no meeting of the J
Bait Trust this morning.
- " r
A Negro Lashed for Stealing and Ills Sma
ployer Beaten for Harboring niat. '
Lodisville, July 27. Wednesday.'
night a party of 15 men visited the farm of ,
Milt Barclay, ten miles east of Somerset,.
Ky., on the Mt, Vernon road, and called
out a negro tenant who was accused of'' ,
stealing from the surrounding neighbor-
hood. Upon one occasion the negro took a
horse, in order to transfer otherthings which
he had stolen. Tbe crowd gave the negro a.
sound whipping and ordered him to-leave .
the State, which he did without further
ceremony. They taea called oat Mr. ,
Barclay and gave bim a sand tbrnihiag
tor Keeping seea tenants upon bmhobu
. dk ....r..J.
P.. i..i- A & ft-.MAK..' .. - --.