Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 27, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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And Expressions of Confidence in the
Integrity of tho Firm
A Message From Wanamater and au Offer
From a Fittstnrger.
Bnt Unless StlUemtit In I-flected Quickly Hurt G to
the Wall
Among those who offered sympathy to
Lewis Bros. & Co. yesterday was the Post
master General; among those who ofiered
financial aid was a leading Pittsburg manu
facturer. The firm think the assets will pay
the creditors. Others say unless the firm
can settle in time to catch the fall trade it
must go under.
Phii.adei.phia, July 26. AU the mem
bers of the firm of Lewis Bros. & Co., ex
cept Joseph W. Lewir , who is ill, were at
the Chestnut street store to-day, busily en
gaged in going oxer their accounts. The
force of clerks that were put upon the books
yesterday morning were still at their labors
to-day, and hope to have a statement ready
for Mr. Bliss early next week. A stream
of friendly visitors continued to pour in
upon the embarrassed firm, and letters full
of sympathy came from all parts ot the
country. Henry Lewis received a telegram
this morning from Postmaster General
"Wanamaker, expressing his unbroken con
fidence in the integrity of the house, and
similar word was also sent by D. Holliday
&Co.,ofBaltimore,oneofthe firm's best cus
tomers. A leading Pittsburg manufacturer,
who was among the callers, informed the
members of the firm that he was prepared
at once to fill any order that the house may
send to him. Speaking of the failure.
President Cummins, of the Girard Bask,
said this evening:
"I have every hope that Lewis Bros. &
Co. will be able to pull through and get in
shape again. There is every indication that
they will come through all right They
were fortunate in getting Cornelius N. Bliss
for the assignee. He is a man of means and
brains, and this is a favorable thing lor
"William H. Newbolds, Son & Co. denied
having any of the Lewis paper, and said
that, while they knew in what banks it was
held, they could not give the names. None
of the bank, however, held very much and
would not be affected by the failure. It
was stated this morning that Assignee Bliss
had directed Lewis Bros. & Co. to discon
tinue business for the present, but Henry
Lewis, of the firm, pronounced this
absurd when asked about it He
said that the bouse was open for business as
usual, and that it was the duty of the
assignee to continue it Mr. Lewis had no
statement to make beyond the fact that they
would have nothing to give the public ex
cept through the assignee, and that Mr.
Bliss would publish a full statement as soon
as he could prepare it Another commis
sion firm said that the Lewis house could
riot be shut up without great loss. Con
signments were still being received each
day. and orders were coming in. These
must be filled and the usual collections
must be made. An assignee would be
very neglectful of his duty if he would
order a business like this discontinued.
A New York dispatch says: The clerks,
of the suspended firm of Lewis Bros. & Co.
were busy to-day, makinp an entry of the
assets. The partners of the firm refused to
talk until a statement had been prepared.
Assignee Bliss spent some time with the
firm. The firm think the assets will be
sufficient to pay the creditors, bnt business
men. think that unless a speedy settlement
is obtained the assets will not be more than
half the liabilities. Litigation is apt to
follow, despite the high reputation of the
firm. Some creditors will grab everything
while those who are inclined to be friendly
will fare badly. If, however, the creditors,
by a concerted action, can
again, by a speedy settlement, good re
sults may follow. If a settlement was made
some time next month the fall trade might
revive the firm again, but if made any later
the outlook is poor. It is not known where
the administration will be made. The main
house being in Philadelphia the admin
istration of the estate and the payments of
the dividends may take place there, but the
bulk of the litigation, if there will be any,
will be in New York. The stock of goods
are in five different jurisdictions New
York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Mary
land and Illinois. The open accounts,
amounting to $1,875,000, are scattered all
over the country.
The banks who hold the firm's paper be
lieve thev will not suffer much, as it is
mainlv drafts, accepted by Lewis Bros. &
Co. The owners of some of the mills which
the firm represented have telegraphed that
they are all right Someoftheweakmillsmay
be affected, however. The amount of the
firm's paper held here is upward of $1,000
000. The largest amount held by one bank
is $100,000.
A dispatch from Providence. R. I., says:
It is now believed that the indebtedness ot
Lewis Bros. & Co. to concerns in this city
will amount to fully $1,000,000, but all the
firms deny that they will be compelled to
A Xlnndsome Woman Realizes That
Transcressor's Way U Ilard.
Lawrence, Mass., July 26. A hand
some young woman, who claims Philadel
phia as her home, is dying at the hospital
in this city, from the effects of opium and
morphine, self-administered. She says that
her name is Mattie Joyce, but for five weeks
she has been living with a man who goes by
the name of Harris. Harris is a drummer
for some Philadelphia firm, and is a mar
ried man. He iuduced Miss Jovce to elope
with him, and they settled down in this
city. After awhile he left her, and she
tried to take her own life. Several times
she swallowed large doses of morphine, but
as she had been an inveterate opium eater,
the poison did not take effect.
She refused to tell anything about her
history or family connections until to-day,
and then she made a confidant of Dr.
Bowker. The latter says her story is a most
interesting and mysterious one, and" hints at
a fensationif the girl dies. He says her
confession implicates some of the most
prominent people in Philadelphia, but he
refuses to give any suggestion as to the na
ture of the crime, it such it is. He has
written to the authorities in Philadelphia in
regard to the rase.
A Private Succeed a General.
Washington, July 26. "W. C. Elam,
ol Louisa county, Va,, has been appointed
Chief of the Division of Bailroads in the
General Land Office, vice General C. M.
Wilcox, relieved. Both Mr. Elam and
General Wilcox served in the Confederate
army, the former as a private, the latter as
a Major General. Mr. Elam is a prominent
Bepubliean in Virginia and a writer of
acknowledged ability.
Strawberry Alley Warfare,
Ai a result of a children's quarrel in
Strawberry alley, yesterday, Mrs. Lynch
-.hit Mrs. Dany with a tin cup, cutting sev
eral gashes in her face. A warrant was Is
sued for Mrs. Lynch,
Rhode Island's Lwcr Ilonse Refuses to
Concur With tbe Senntr. '
Providence, July 26. The Democrats
had a majority of eight in the house to'-day
and there was accordingly no necessity for
playing "hook jack" as they did yesterday.
The records of yesterday's unusual proceed
ings were listened to with intense interest
by the big crowd present All of the Demo
cratic leaders looked elated. Their coun
tenances clearly bespoke their rejoicing
The Republicans saw that they were beaten
and some of them tried to break a quorum
in the same manner as did the Democrats
yesterday, but the Democratic majority
made a quorum without the help -of the Be
Among those to go out of town was ex
Speaker "Wilson, who succeeded so admira
bly in getting all the Republican members
locked up in the chamber to-day with him
self. He had gone to New York, but his
amendment giving three-quarters of the
license income to the towns and one-quarter
to the State was soon disposed of. The Dem
ocrats defeated it bv a vote of 30 to 22. An
effort was made by several members to se-J
cure action on tne enure dim, uk uuuuaiia
to substitute the"ir original bill for the Re
publican Senate measure, Jn order to get at
the committee of conference as soon as pos
sible. This failed.
Representative Hayes, of Bristol, the Re
publican leader, made another speech, and
then moved to concur with the Senate on the
whole bill. The House voted to non-concur
with the Senate, three Republicans, includ
ing Hayes, voting with the Democrats. It
was then voted that a committee of confer
ence be appointed. This was carried, and
the House adjourned until Tuesday next
A Saloon Shooting; In the Capital Which May
Ilans; the Shootlst.
Washington, July 26. It is now ap
parent that Maurice Adler, the young man
shot a month'' since by Frank Ward, one of
the best-known citizens of the capital, can
only live a few hours longer. His case is
one of the. most remarkable in the history
of wounds. Ward and Adler had a diffi
culty in a saloon, after which Ward claimed
that Adler had stolen from him a valuable
diamond. A few nights later they met in a
poolroom, and Ward, claiming that he
thought Adler was going to draw a weapon,
pulled his own revolver, a very small
one, of 22-caliber, and fired. The ball
struck Adler in the neck, but apparently
touched no vital part A tetr hours later
the wounded man became paralyzed in
every part of his body except his head, and
has lingered in that condition ever since,
much of the time very cheerful, and con
versing freely.
Ward, while in jail, has done everything
possible to save Adler's lite, even to procur
ing a visit from an eminent sureeon from
Philadelphia, to save him, if possible, from
being a murderer, but to no avail. Ward,
who has a fine family and who has been a
very active but always erratic business man,
has the sympathy of nearly everyone,
though there was not the least excuse for the
shooting, except the fact that he was not
sober when he fired the fatal shot A tre
mendous effort will be made to acquit Ward,
as he is qnite popular and a prominent
An Area of Sunken Land In Virginia Worth
23 Cents to See.
Petersburg, "Va., July 26. Six miles
from Petersburg, in Prince George county,
is Mr. George W. Gatling's farm, where a
remarkable phenomenon, which is exciting
widespread interest, is to be seen.
It is the sinking of a portion
of the farm. The sunken area lies
within a crescent-shaped margin, and its
width at the upper end is from 500 to 600
feet The sunken territory contains six or
more acres. The declivity iegins at a
point about 200 feet in a straight
line from Mr. Gatling's dwelling. The
land had sunk from 40 to CO feet, and to
day it sunk four, more feet The tops of
trees which stood on the level with others
are now standing intact, and come a few
feet only above the level of the bluff where
the upheaval has occurred. The shaken
area is seamed with fissures of varying
lengths and depths.
The most noteworthy feature of the phe
nomenon is the formation of a- bar in the
river. This bar is 70 feet long,
and in it, too, are many fissures.
The phenomenon was preceded, some
weeks ago, by something like an explosion,
the noise of which was heard for miles.
The interest in the curiosity is so
great that crowds of people go to
view it every day, for the privilege
for which they pay a fee of 25 cents. Mr.
Gatling has leased the privilege of landing
excursionists on his farm to a party in Rich
mond for $1,000. There are several theories
as to the cause of the phenomenon.
A Young Coaple Go to Unnecessary Tronblo
In Order to Get married.
Lockport, N. Y., July 26. William R.
Scott, a dashing young man of the town,
and cashier of the New York Central freight
office, eloped to-day with Miss Lillie Water
field, a handsome English girl, who is con
sidered quite a flirt, and is very popular
with the young men. She is 19 years of
age, a brunette, with slight figure, and is
an expert on the banjo. Miss Waterfield is
a ward of Dr. George W. Powell, the Uni
versalist minister here, and was made a pet
of at home. Dr. Powell ia the clergymen
who interested himself in Jtrs. Druse, the
Herkimer murderess, and tried to obtain a
pardon for her daughter.
Scott and Miss Waterfield quietly went
on different trains to Lewiaton, on the Ni
agara river, 34 mjles away, where they
were married by the Rev. Mr. Marsh, a
Presbyterian minister. They returned to
gether in the evening. Dr. Powell said
that while he deplored the matter, he should
make no trouble. The only thing he re
gretted was that his niece allowed a Pres
byterian clergyman to marry them, as he
would have been only too happy to have
performed the ceremony.
Adjutant General Uastlnsi Issues Some Im
portant Orders.
Habbisbusg, July 26. Adjutant Gen
Hastings issued an order to-day, in
which he states that the camp at
Mt Gretna will lie designated
as Camp Sheridan. Colonel Thomas
J. Hudson, Chief of Artillery, is assigned
to the commmand of the same.
The following named officers will report
to Colonel Hudson on August 10 for duty
at Camp Sheridan: Major R. S. Huidekoper,
Surgeon First Brigade. Major H. P. Moyer,
Quartermaster, Third Brigade. Requisi
tions for forage will be made upon Major
Moyer and will be sent to him direct to
Lebanon. Pa. The Adjnt'tnt General will
inspect the troops at Catnp Sheridan on
August 12, at 9 A. M. t
. .t
Indiana Miners May Strike.
Brazil, Ind., July 26. The miners near
Clay City, and at Lancaster, Machine and
Pick mines respectively, have called a mass
meeting for to-morrow. They are mining
semi-block on a yearly scale, but the strik
ing block miners object to them working
and are using every argument to get them to
strike. The meeting to-moiTOw, it is thought,
will result in ft strike- About 100 miners
are involved.
to-morrow's Dispatch in q bright and chatty
manner by XB, Ironic
The Pennsylvania Cuts Bates to Get
Even With a Competitor.
And Offers to Stand a Material Redaction
In Differentials."
And a Steamship Line Promises to Aid In the Qtn
' end Sate Wars.
The Pennsylvania lines announced a cnt
in passenger rates yesterday to get even
with a rival that had been doing under
hand cutting. Southern Pacific is not yet
mollified by the Canada Pacific offer to ac
cept a greatly decreased differential rate.
Chicago, July'26. The Pennsylvania
lines Will to-morrow inaugurate a 40 per
cent reduction in passenger rates between
Chicago and Indianapolis, New Albany,
Louisville and Cincinnati. The new rates
will be $3 60 between Chicago and Indian
apolis and fS between Chicago and Louis
ville and Cincinnati. The officials of the
Pennsylvania road claim this slash in rates
is made to meet the alleged secret manipu
lation of rates by the Louisville, New Al
bany and Chicago. It is claimed that for
some time past the latter road has been op
erating through scalpers, and while pro
fessing to maintain the tariff, scalpers were
allowed to sell tickets of its issue
at from $1 to $4 under regu
lar rates. General Passenger Agent
Ford finally concluded that something must
be done, and therefore issued orders that
rates be reduced to the lowest fignres made
by the New Albany. Neither the Eastern
Illinois nor the New Albany has yet given
notice of a reduction to meet that of the
Pennsylvania, but they probably will come
down immediately.
The Executive Committee of the Trans
continental Association wrangled to no pur
pose over Canadian Pacific all this morn
ing. In the afternoon meeting the Canadian
Pacific representative, who has been dis
posed all along to make concessions, made
what he termed a liberal proposition. The
Canadian Pacific would, he said, submit to
of present differential rates on all articles
on which it has been running ahead of its
due proportion. Other points also were
conceded in the interest of harmony.
Traffic Manager Stubbs, of the Southern
Pacific, .was the only one to ob
ject to the proposition, but he was
apparently more than a match for the
representatives of the other roads. He held
that the Southern Pacific was not entitled
to any of the business ot this country and
should give up its differentials altogether.
General Freight Agent -Kerr "suggested
that the compromise measures which
he had offered, be tried for
three months, leaving everything else
as at present. This was not
agreed to, and at the time of adjournment
the roads were no nearer settlement than
when they started. The-fight will probably
last a while longer, as the Southern Pacific
will try to drive the Canadian road as far as
A New York dispatch says: The officials
of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company
have notified the Transcontinental Associa
tion that unless the subsidy from railroads
is increased they will cut rates, and take all
the freight they'can eet It is thought that
this is the preliminary step to a war against
the Canadian Pacific road, and the fact that
the Southern Pacific has refused to allow
to the Canadian Pacific is considered con
firmation ot this belief. The transconti
nental roads intimate that they are willing
to divide through business, giving the
Canadian Pacific 6 per cent, and dispatches
from Chicago received to-day said that the
Canadian Pacific was willing to agree to it
If the Canadian Pacific insists upon a dif
ferential, however, a war of rates will cer
tainly follow.
A Denver dispatch says: An evening
paper says: "The seaboard rate of $2 52
per hundred first class freight, which went
into effect to-day on .the Fort Worth road,
via Galveston and the Gulf, will be met to
morrow by a similar rate upon all other
trunk lines centering in Denver. This lat
ter rate is authorized bv the Transcontinen
tal Association, and will apply to all roads
affected by the Fort Worth's action.
Shipments may be made by either
lake and canal route by the gulf from
Savannah or by Galveston and the gulf as
deemed expedient The reduction, however,
does not apply to all rail routes. So far no
tariff has been issued affecting the grain
shipments, which so far as the agricultural
States of the West are concerned are by tar
the most important of all. Whether they
will be is purely a matter of conjecture.
An Exeeutloa Where the Victim Didn't Pro
claim Bis Innocence and Salvation.
Baton Rouge, La., July 26. Tom
Bowling, colored, was executed in the jail
yard in this city to-day for the murder of
Philip Walsh, white. The murderer and
his victim were about the same age 19
years. Bowling was visited last evening by
Fathers De Lacroix and Healy, the Sisters
of Mercy and members of the Society ot St
Vincent De Paul. They visited him again
this morning, and the rite of baptism was
administered to the prisoner and mass held
by Rev. Father Healy. After this the pris
oner seemed to be less concerned about the
awful fate awaiting him than those about
At noon final religions services were held.
At 12:30 the prisoner was led to the scaffold,
where his hands and feet were bound. The
Sheriff read the death warrant and asked
him if he had anything to say. Bowling re
sponded by sayiug:
"Gentlemen I nope you will all forgive
me and pray for me that God may forgive
me. I forgive everybody."
The black cap was then drawn over his
face, the signal given and the trapdoor fell.
The drop was about 7 feetstnd the prisoner's
neck was broken. He was pronounced dead
in 8U minutes and his body delivered to his
A Frontier Shooting.
SANTA Fe, N. M., July 26. Deputy
Sheriff Warren Moore was shot and killed
at Wallace, N.I., by Joseph Chacha. The
latter was a smallpox attendant and was
ordered to leave the town, whereupon he
fired three shots in a crowd of citizens,
wounding one man. He then fled to the
hills, pursued by Moore, whereupon 'Chacha
turned and killed the officer and was him
self overtaken by an angry crowd and
riddled with bullets.
Here's Yonr Chance,
For one week only cabinet photos 89c per
dozen; bring the lainily at once. Lies'
popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st
Pittsburg Beer.
In using this excellent brew of Frauen
heim & Vilsack you will be encouraging a
home industry. Call for it.
Flannel dress shirts for hot weather.
James M. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave.
thorne's bat vein, in which a love affair and a
family viystery are pleasantly interwoven,
will be published complete in to-morrourt DIS
i- .-St V
Tbe,De.eedent In a Peculiar Case Forced to
Maintain Her Clalm'to a. Valuable
Ettnte Bequeathed bv a Friend
Relatives of the Testa
tor Msklns a Fight.
Philadelphia, July 26. Mrs. tJrace
Burger will have to make a long and bitter
struggle if she expects to hold on to the val
uable estate bequeathed to her by her friend,
Solomon M.- Heilbrun, manager of the
Chestnut Street Theater, who died recently
at Atlantic City. This morning Lawyer
Mayer Sulzberger, as counsel for ''Mrs.
Rachel Heilbrun, mother of the decedent,
obtained a $500 bond from a Chestnut street
trust company and filed it, at the office of
Register of Wills Gratz. The filing of the
bond insures Mrs. Heilbrun a full hearing
before the Register in regard to her allega
tion that undue influence was exercised in
having her (Mrs. Heilbrun) ignored in the
will of her son, which leaves all his posses
sions to a married woman.
On learning that the bond had been filed,
E. Cooper Shapley, counsel for Mrs. Burger,
endeavored to have a hearing fixed for next
month. This the Register declined to do,
saying that it would be impossible to obtain
the desired testimony, and, beside, he had
announced his intention of refusing to hear
any will cases before September. The con
test promises to be a long and bitter one. In
speaking about the matter to-dav, a friend
of the Heilbrun family said efforts would
be made to show that undne influence was
brought to bear upon the 'decedent at the
time the instrument was executed, two years
ago. Heilbrnn had the Strongest affection
both for his mother and adopted son, and for
years past has been sending (100 a month
regularly to the former, upon which she
maintained hersel f. He also provided liberal
ly for the support and education of the
adopted son, the child of a deceased brother.
It is now learned that the West Philadel
phia house, valued at about $9,500, is mort
gaged tor $7,000. Beside that property and
the Atlantic City house, the estate includes
stocks and bonds valued at nearly $12,000.
It was learned that in February, 1885,
judgment was entered in Common Pleas
No. i in favor of S. M. Heilbrun against
Grace C. Burger for $8,000 on three promis
sory notes given by her to Heilbrun. Each
note was indorsed by her husband, Horace
Burger. Execution was never intended to
be issued on the notes, it is said.
Edgar T. Brown Recovers Consciousness,
but Refuses to Talk.
Kansas City, July 26. Edgar T.
Brown, the man whose mysterious disap
pearance and as mysterious reappearance
set Wichita wild, has recovered consciousness
at last, but refuses to answer any questions
concerning his absence. It has been
learned, however, that Brown spent Sunday
in Arkansas City, and although quite sick
then, started to walk to Wichita, butwhether
he did walk the entire distance
is not known. Brown was also seen about a
month ago, in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, and a
detective was about to arrest him to secure
the rewards offered, when he disappeared
from sight
It is surmised now that Brown left
Wichita to escape the consequence ot an in
discretion committed in Kentucky some years
ago, and was robbed and received a blow
which caused brain fever, while a fugitive in
the Indian Territory. His friends, how
ever, still contend tnat he was slugged and
carried off by the ruffians who struck him
A Kabbl Rues Members of Ills Flock Who
Grievously Assaulted Him.
Chicago, July 26. Rev. S. Baur, rabbi
of the First Hungarian congregation, to
day began suit for $10,000 damages against
David Stern, Moritz Schwartz and Louis
Weber, members of his flock. Rabbi Baur
belonged te one faction and Stern, Schwartz
and Weber to another faction in the congre
gation. A contention .of long standing
culminated with the faction led by Stern,
Schwartz and Weber on top. They gave
Rev. Baur notice to quit He paid "no at
tention to it, and July 19, while he was
officiating at the altar of the synagogue, the
three defendants fell upon him, pulled
large handsful of hair from his head and
threw him out in the street He sues for
trespass on his person.
Brave Conduct.
Wm. F." McCnrry, a police .sergeant,
kicked in the door of John McCormick's
burning house on Wabash avenue, West
End, early yesterday morning, and carried
Mrs. McCormick out of the bouse. He then
returned with help for the two children.
The honse was completely gutted.
A Candle Upset.
An alarm from box 246, about 1 o'clock
this morning, was a slight fire in the office
of D. C. Hedges at the East Liberty stock
yards. A candle upset, setting fire to some
waste paper, which was extinguished before
the Are department arrived. No damage.
Third Dentil at the Hospital.
John Mahoney, aged 45, a puddler, died
at the Sonthside Hospital yesterday of
typhoid pneumonia. He leaves a wife in
England and two daughters at Amsterdam,
N. Y. The remains will be shipped to the
latter place to-day.
A Queer Accidental Alarm.
As tne workmen engaged in grading Al
len avenue and Washington street yester
day afternoon were moving a telegraph pole
it tell against the fire alarm wires, causing
an alarm to be sent in from box 163.
Fine Whiskies.
XXX, 1855, Pure Rye Whisky, full
quarts $2 00
1860 McKim's Pure Rye Whisky,
full quarts 3 00
Monogram, Pure Rye Whisky, full
quarts 1 75
Extra Old Cabinet, TureRye Whisky,
lull quarts 1 50
Gibson's, 1879, Pure JRye Whisky, full
quarts 2 00
Gibson's Pure Rye Whisky, full
quarts 1 50
Guckenheimer Pure Rye Whisky, full
quarts 1 00
Guckenheimer Export.Pure Rye Whis
ky, full quarts 1 50
Moss Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full
quarts- 1 25
1879 Export, Pure Rye Whisky, full
quarts 1 25
1880 Export, Pure Rye "Whisky, full
quarts 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
97 Fifth ave.
Eater Organs.
Boudoir style, new model for 1889, with
patent automatic attachments.
This new model is provided with all the
latest improvements.
Automatic music desk.
Automatic key slip.
Automatic case front
Automatic case back.
Automatic figure head.
Call at Hamilton's Mnsie House, 91 and
93 Filth avenue.
For Seaside and Mountain.
Men's outing shirts in flannel;
in silk;
in Madras;
in cheviot
Largest assortment here.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Summer neckwear, great variety.
James H. Aiken Ss Co., 100 Filth ave.
described in to-morrow Dispatch by JPrank
Kemptler. .
, JULY ' 27, 1889.
A New Clew Discovered to the Mys
terious Death of James Haybrick.
For Twelve Tears the Old Man Was Ad
dicted to the Poison Habit.
slick: W0EK OP NEW YORK LAW iees.
A Compromising etterriia.t Hay Possibly Injure, the
Wife's Cause.
Mrs. Maybrick's New York lawyers have
made a discovery that they think will save
their client's life. They have witnesses to
prove that old Maybrick was addicted to
the arsenic habit, and have sent their evi
dence to London.
New Tobk, July 26. "Evidence of a
startling character, that promises to alter
the whole aspect of the famous Maybrick
poisonicg cose at Liverpool, and which will
probably eventuate in the acquittal of Mrs.
Maybrick as the poisoner of her husband,
has just been discovered by a firm of New
York lawyers.
About,two months ago the startling news
was wired across the water that an Ameri
can woman belonging to an aristocratic
Southern family and married to a well-to-do
Englishman had poisoned her husband for
the purpose of furthering an attachment
with one of the latter's business friends.
Mr. Maybrick died under suspicious cir
cumstances on the 11th of May last Evi
dence was produced showing that his wife
had treated his food with arsenic The
Coroner's jury found an indictment of mur
der in the first degree against her, and sub
sequently at the trial before a Board of Po
lice Justices the same decision was reached.
A few days ago it was almost a foregone
conclusion that at her trial, which will
shortly come off before the Grand Assizes,
Mrs. Maybrick would be found guilty of
murder, but through the efforts of Lawyers
Roe & Macklin, of No. 156 Broadway, the
the tenor of the case has been changed.
It has been proved beyond doubt that
Maybrick's death was due to arsenic poison.
Mr. Macklin has secured abundant evi
dence that Maybrick was an arsenic eater
as well as a morphine and strychnine fiend.
For 12 years he had been addicted to the
habit, and on last Saturday's outgoing
steamer, Thomas Stansel, a former valet in
the employ of Maybrick, sailed for Liver
pool to testify to the arsenic-eating habits
of the dead man.
The firm of Roe & Macklin has been con
nected with Mrs. Maybrick's family for
many years. Mrs. Maybrick's grandfather
was Darius B. Hollbrook, who died in 1858,
leaving an estate of $1,000,000. At his
death, the estate was divided between his
widow and their only daughter, Mrs. W.
D. Chandler. The latter was made a
widow just before the war. She was left
with two little children, one of whom is the
accused Mrs. Maybrick.
In 18G4 she met a Confederate army officer
named De Barry, whom she shortly after
married. At the siege of Charleston he
with his wife and children tried to escape to
England in a blockade runner. On the
voyage De Barry died. Not long after
Mrs. De Barry's mother joined her abroad.
Among the property left to his widow by
Hollbrook senior was the family home in
West Fourteenth street, between Fifth and
Sixth avenues.
In 1872 Mrs. De Barry ventured into a
matrimonial alliance with a Baron von
Roques. Five years later her mother died,
leaving the Fourteenth street home in trust
to her two grandchildren. The Baron was
not well fixed financially, and in 1879 his
creditors came to this country to levy on
the Fourteenth street house. A tedious
lswsuit resulted which was eventually won
by Roe & Macklin for the two Chandler
children, Florence and Hollbrook.
Iu 1881, when 18 years old, Florence was
married to James Maybrick. He was
wealthy, but considerably on the wrong
side of 40.
Maybrick was a dealer in cotton, with
offices in Norfolk, Baltimore and Liverpool.
Previous to his marriage he lived in Nor
folk. It was while here that he emploved
Stansel as a body servant Staniel, when
found by Lawyer Macklin, made the follow
ing affidavit:
"I am now a waiter in the St James
Hotel, Norfolk, Va. In 1877 I was engaged
as body servant by James Maybrick. He
was then living in York street, and I re
mained with him until 1880, when he went
away to get married. About three weeks
after I had been engaged Mr. Maybrick
came to me and said: 'I will not go to the
office to-day, as I feel seedy. Here is some
money. Buy me half a dollar's worth of
arsenic If the druggists refnse to sell it to
you come back and I will give yon an or
der.' I secured the arsenic and when I re
turned home Mr. Maybrick told me to make
him some beef tea. .1 did so, and before
drinking it he stirrea some of the powder in
it 1 frequently bought arsenic for him.
Whenever he-felt unwell he took arsenic,
and qnite often he mixed the drug in his
soup. In addition, he took all kinds of
medicines, patented and prescribed, and his
room looked like a drugstore"
Mr. Cleaver, who is one of Mrs. May
brick's lawyers abroad, arrived here abont
three weeks ago. While here he secured
evidence which will be used in corrobora
tion of the body-serva'nt Stansel. Lalt Sat
urday he sailed in company with Stansel.
Mr. Macklin intends sailing shortly to
assist in the defense. He has known Mrs.
Maybrick since she was a child. Her mar
ried life, he said to-day to a reporter, had
been unpleasant almost from the start Mrs.
Maybrick he described as being a small,
elegantly-formed woman with small features
and au aristocratic face. She is now 27
years of age, while her husband was over 50.
The one feature of the case which Mr.
Macklin is afraid of is her reported rela
tions with a merchant named A. Brierly.
Witnesses have sworn that she stopped at a
private hotel in Henrietta street, Cavendish
square, London, from March 21 to the 21th
with Brierly.
' The following letter, written to him by
her, was accidentally discovered:
Dearest Yonr letter under cover to Kay
came to hand Inst after I had written to you on
Mundar. I did not expect to hear from you so
soon, and a deity occurred in giving in tbe
necessary instructions. Since my return I have
been nursing. M. all day and night He is sict
unto death, Tbe doctors held a consultation
yesterday, and now all depends upon how long
his strength will hold ont Both my brothers-in-law
are here, and wo are terribly anxious. I
cannot answer your letter fully to-day, my
darling; bnt relieve your mind ot all fear of
discovery now and In the future.
M. has been delirious since Sunday, and I
know now that he is perfectly ignorant of
everything, even of the name of tbe street, and
also that be has not been making any inquiries
whatever. The tale he told me was a pure
fabrication and only intended to frighten the
truth ont of me. In fact be believes my state,
ment, although he will not admit it
You need, not go abroad on these grounds,
dearest; bat in any case please don't leave En
gland until I hare seen you once again. You
must feel that those two letters of mine were
written under circumstances which must ever
excuse tbe injustice in yonr eyes. Do you aup-
?ose that I could act as I am doing if I merely
elt what I inferred! If you wish to write to
me abont anything do so now, as all the letters
pass through my hands at present. Excuse
this-scrawl, my darling, but I dare not leave
the room for a moment and I do not know
when I shall be able to write again. In haste,
yours ever, Florrie.
Mr. Macklin says that Mrs. Maybrick
will explain this letter at the proper time.
He" also said that her mother, the Baroness
von Roques, will shortly institute libel pro
ceedings against several of the New York
dailies for the stories printed abont her, in
connectlonwith her daughter's trial.
A Snrprlse In the Ladles' Singles, and a
Beginning- for Gentlemen.
Yesterday witnessed the continuation of
the Sewickley lawn tennis, tournament
Contrary to arrangement, the conclusion of
the mixed doubles did not come off, but
stands postponed to Monday next
The ladies' singles were, however, played
ont yesterday, with the somewhat unex
pected result that Miss Bessie Carpenter
carried off the prize quite an appropriate
thing to carry off, bv the way namely, an
umbrella. The following named ladies
Miss C. McCleary, Miss H. Carpenter, Miss
B. Carpenter, Miss C.Whiting, Miss Blair, Miss
A. Warden, Miss Gilmore and Miss B. Warden.
Miss B. Carpenter and Miss C. McCleary
proved themselves to be the fittest by their
survival, and it was on the final match be
tween these two young ladies i that interest
chiefly centered. After a hard battle Miss
Carpenter beat Miss McCleary by scores of
6 2 and 61.
The two first rounds of the gentlemen's
singles were also played. There had been
very many entries for this event, but
by the time the second round concluded few
were left to keep the fight alive. The sur
vivorswho are to fight among themselves
for the prize to-dav are Messrs. Lawrence
Woods, J. J. Brooks, R. P."Nevin, Jr., and
M. A. Christy. The grounds were in good
order and the day was favorable. It is
feared, however, that last night's heavy
rain may spoil the courts for to-day's play.
Dakota Will Ask the General Government
to Provide a System of Irrigation
Washington Limits the
Bismarck, July 26. A memorial to
Congress -has been adopted, praying for
experiments by the General Govern
ment with a view to ascertaining
whether or not irrigation for North
Dakota is practicable. The memorial
sets forth that although North Da
kota has become famed throughout the
civilized world by reason of superiority,
and yield of its wheat there are seasons
when lack of rains works great hardship to
the people. The memorial was referred to a
committee, ot which President Fancher is
chairman, and will be forwarded to Congress
as soon as it has been considered and revised
by tbe convention.
For State taxation the committee reports
that the levy is not to exceed 3 mills on the
dollar, and railroads are to be assessed at
not less than $3,000 per mile.
In the Washington Territory convention
the Committee on Corporations reports:
Common carriers are subjected to legislative
control. They can cross each other's lines and
must interchange passengers and freight
Tbey shall not discriminate in rates be
tween places or persons. No greater
charges shall be maae for transportation
of persons and property from any
station than is asked for transportation
of the same to any more distant sta
tions. No railroad corporation shall
consolidate, its stocks, property or franchises
with any other company. Corporations can
only transact the business specified in the
A railroad commission of three members
to see that the law is properly carried out is
provided for. Monopolies are roundly de
nounced and strictly forbidden and any
combination to raise the price of commodi
ties"or transportation is punishable by law.
A Boise City, Idaho, dispatch says: The
convention finally passed an article on elec
tion and suffrage, which is intended as the
death blow to Mormon political power in
IiOtr Prices Won't Tempt Sonthslders, In
View of Rapid Transit.
An offer of 518,000 made by Daniel Wenke,
of the Board of Viewers, acting on behalf of
the new management of the Birmingham
street car line, for the lower property at the
corner of Carson and South Seventh streets,
was refused yesterday by the owners.
The property consists of three lots
having a frontage on Carson street of 60 feet,
on one of which is a substantial three-story
brick house. The object of the company in
bidding for this property is to obtain a site
for the power house for the new traction
An idea has gone abroad among prop
erty owners that the cable cars will be run
ning on the south side of the river within a
year, and a boom in the value of estate
in the vicinity is the result It is said that
property which was offered six weeks ago at
$3,000 is now being held at $4,000, and in
another instance $7,300 was refused for a
lot which lately had been on offer at $6,500.
Lincoln and Depew Dined.
London, July 26. Sir John Heury Puy
leston, member of Parliament for Devon
port, gave a dinner In the House of. Com
mons this evening to Mr. RobertT. Lincoln,
the United States Minister: Mr. Chauncey
M. Depew, Attorney General Webster, Sir
James Ferguson, Under Secretary of the
Foreign Office; Mr. C. T. Ritchie, President
of the Local Government Board, Sir Lyon
Playfair, Mr. Labouchere and others.
A Military Enthusiast Qllsslag.
Cincinnati, Jnly 26. Dr. A. E. Jones,
an old resident of the city, well known as a
historian and an enthusiast in military mat
ters, is mysteriously missing from his home
on Walnut Hills. He left tbe house yes
terday afternoon without a coat, and his
family thought he was only going to a
neighbor's, but not" the slightest clew has
yet been found as to his whereabouts.
There are fears that lie has become suddenly
Yonna; Birds Slake Fair Time.
W. J. Leonard yesterday made a trial of
8 young carrier pigeons from D. Barchfield's
brood. The birds were taken in a close
basket to MonongahelaCity, 31 miles from
Pittsburg by rail, and about 18 by air line
Thev were released at 2 o'clock, and reached
tbe lofts on South Eighteenth street a few
minutes before 4.- This was the birds' first
They Did Not Appear.
The, General Councilor the Federation of
Labor, who were to'meet last night with the
delegates from L. A. 491, Slaters' Union, at
tho Commoner office, were present, but the
delegates of L. A. 49r did not show up. The
meeting was to have been held to settle
somedifferences between the parties.
For Cruelly Killing a Dog.
For kicking the pet dog of a broken
legged little child named Harper and
breaking the animal's back, at 1243 Penn
avenue, Patrick Delaney was fined $10 and
costs before Alderman Burns yesterday.
Humane Agent O'Brien, prosecuted.
Locking His Wife la tbe Woodshed.
For locking his wife in the woodshed and
beating her and her children, Jacob Heirsh
was yesterday sent to the workhouse to stay
90 days, from Alderman Porter's office, Anti
Cruelty Officer Dean prosecuting him.
The County Will Fight.
The cults of the 25 Homestead deputies
have been appealed to court The defense
claim the men were fullv paid. The Count;
Commissioners are satisfied they will win.
Table Linen" Bargains Manufac
turers' ends, from" IK to 3 yards inlengtfif
very much under value to close.
tts Hugtjs & Hacks.
nm imcv i f
All 111 Ul AH rdlsralflOD scribed
in. tOJtnnrmvfm TlntPATCTr bv Red Bird, who
alto tells how the Fourth of July wot celebrated
at an Indian agency -
which Mr. Murray Yerner Received .
From His Grateful Employes.
Oyer 350 White Caps Take Possession of
Things to Honor Their Chlet
He is loo Much Surprised to espond, Eiapt ay.
Means of a Proxy.
The rarest, most picturesque presentation
of a splendid silver service, chronicled ia
Pittsburg recently, occurred attheEast End
house of Murray Verner, after 1 o'clock thi
morning. Hundreds of Citizens' Traction
employes were the donors. They took the
place by storm or rather between storms
and there was plenty of noise, good feeling
and red fire.
A White Cap raid of unique character
was perpetrated in the East End this morn
ing about 1 o'clock, when 350 to 400 em
ployesofthe Citizens' Traction Company,
under uniform summer caps, swooped down
from all directions on the house of
Superintendent Murray Verner, fiUed the
air with rockets, cannon cracker peals, red
fire and the music from a full brass band.
The house was entered and the retiring su
perintendent brought forth, so the White
Caps might acknowledge their regrets at
parting with their superintendent They
were the employes of the whole system.
The ovation was a complete surprise to
Murray Yerner, and for once words failed
Twelve o'clock was the hour set for the
gathering of the White Caps at the ren
dezvous in the old car stables just this
side of Mr. Venter's house on Penn
avenue. At the hour named about 150
were gathered in the shed, buzzing together
of their projects. Several headlights threw
a weird light on the scene. The details had
been planned carefully and
Shortly after 12o'clock the employes front
the Butler street car house, who went up on
the last cars, came down to the old car
stable on horse cars, and, soon after, muffled
cars from the East End brought
all to the rendezvous. At 12:45
the word was given, and the men moved
cautiously up the walk and gathered in the
house and on the porch. When all was
ready a cannon cracker was fired,
and the band commenced to play.
Red lights were lit on every
hand, illuminating the whole ground's
with a red glare. Thesmoke curled up like
that from a burning building in the dark
ness, and with the uniforms of the employes,
little else was visible from the porch but a
sea of white caps. Cracker after cracker
was fired, and the red lights began to wans
before a sleepy employe of the household
came to the door and looked out with a
half-scared air. Assistant Engineer Wilson
then went in, and soon brought word that
Murray Verner would be down as soon aa
he could dress.
Jnst before the hour of 1, the genial Sn
perintendent was seen coming down the
hall stairs. The band was hushed and a
hurrah went up that sent the smoke from
the red fire flying, and " shook the
building. Mr. Verner could not say a
word, but stood looking on in pleased
amazement At this juncture Chief Engi
neer Rice stepped forward and said:
Mr. Verner: It gives me pleasure to havo
been delegated by the employes of the Citizens'
Traction Company to express to you their re
grets at your retiring as Superintendent of the
company. If you could to-night have heard
the gripman. the conductor, tbe power-bouso
employe and all express their regrets "at your
leaving, and give evidence of their regard for
you, I know you could not but have been moved
more then by words of mine. In the: name of
the employes, I present you with a material ap
preciation or yonr services with the company
as its superintendent for over 17 years.
As he finished speaking Mr. Rice lifted
a large parcel and handed it for
ward. Mr. Verner whispered to
Mr. Wilson to answer for him,
which he did, stating in a few words Mr.
Verner's appreciation of the ovation and
gift, and saying he would state for Mr.
Verner that he would still be connected'
with the company, though superintendent
of another line.
While the speech was in progress the
floor of the porch broke down from the
weight; but no one was hurt The first
thing Mr. Verner asked, before he looked at
the presents, was: "Did anyone get hurt?"
The present was a beautiful solid silver
dinner set of 250 pieces. The handles of
the knives, forks, spoons, etc., being of
ivory. It was pnt in a beantifnl light wood
case, with a silver tablet inscribed:
: To Murray Verner, :
; From the Employes :
: of the :
; Citizens' Traction Company. :
It cost $350, and was purchased at Biggs
just a few moments after Mr. Verner had
been in the store and admired the set greatly,
and thus unconsciously guided the commit
'tee in their choice.
The whole affair was arranged by a com-,
mittee composed of Chief Engineer George)
Rice, Assistant Engineer John Wil
son, Assistant Superintendents Miller,
Elliott and W. C. Smith, Supervisor
M. E. McCaskey, Conductors Andrew Mo
Bride and William L. Haviland, and Grip
men Harrr Walton and William Ward.
Messrs. Elliott Smith, McCaskey and Rice
formed the purchasing committee.
After the short speeches the men filed
through the back door, passed through to
theparlor, looked at the dinner set andheld
an informal reception.
"Did von know anything of this, Mr.
Verner?" asked a Dispatch reporter.
"Not the least thing," said tbe surprised
man. I was sound asleep, and surprised
completely; I hardly know what to say to
any ot you."
Two Plttsbnrg Railroad Brakemrn Sleet
With Horrible Deaths.
N. C. McNeil, an employe of, the Fort
Wayne Railroad, was run over yesterday
and killed in the lower yards in Allegheny.
The body was removed to Lowry's under
taking rooms. An inquest will be held this
Edward Mocheney, a brakeman on the
Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, was
caught between the cars at Lawrence junc
tion yesterday morning and horribly
crushed. He was taken to the. West Penn
Hospital, where he died at 2 o'clock yester
day afternoon. After the inquest, to bo
held this morning, the body will be sent to
his home at New Brighton.
The Green Glass Bottle Workers Are to
Form m National Assembly.
The green bottle blowers of the entire
country are once more making great efforts
to form one National Assembly of Green
Glass Workers. Tber are now divided into
two district assemblies and a number of
locals, and, for the purpose of effecting a
General consolidation, a meeting will bs
eld In Buffalo, November 19. The object
has now advanced so far that the committee
is authorized to make the constitutions and
bylaws of the new organization.
CURRArT At her residence. S9 Resaea.
street, Allegheny, on Friday, July 26, 1888, at A
p. il, Ellen Cvbrax, aged M years.
Notice ot funeral hereafter. ...
- 4
r .