I 3T " I - 5 -. . .,....... iicui invranirunm ' 1 TAST DAYS IN CAMP. The Eighteenth and Tenth Kegiments Are Ready to Come Homec TflEIE AKKUAL OUTING IS OVER, And Many of Them Are Hot a Whit Sorry It is Throngh With, Either. THE LAST DAI IN CAMP A QUIET ONE. X Battalion Drill and Soma Rifle EiocUuj Amoif the Last feat nres. Yesterday was an uneventfnl one in the is. G. P. camp near TJnionto'sni. The soldiers all come home to-day. rSrECIAI. TXLECKAM TO THE DISfATCH.! Camps O. H. Birr-EY and J. B. Howell. Ueab TJnioktown, July 26.) Soon the sound of bugle and trnmpet will cease to echo and re-echo through the val leys and the mountains, calling sleepy sol dier boys from their slumbers. The ma jority are just beginning to realize what a pleasant place they have struck, and would like to stay the 14 days allowed by law. A few are homesick, though, and others are beginning to feel the pressnre of business. About 20 in all broke camp u-day and left for their respective homes. Captain A. J. Logan, of .the Eighteenth Regiment, was about the only officer of the party. To-day will certainly go on record as the quietest day of the encampment Visitors were eTy scarce, with the exception of a small crowd at dress parade of the Eight eenth, the last drill of the encampment LAST BATTALION DEIIX. The Tenth had battalion drill in the afternoon, as their final work ot the encamp ment All the moraine was devoted to rifle pract.ee in the Tenth. Lieutenant Critchfield, Inspector of Eifle Practice, se lected ten of the best marksmen from each company, and each of the companies did good shooting except Company C, ot Union town, the wind getting so high as to make accuracy impossible. The Eighteenth bad no rifle practice during the emcampment In the Tenth shoot, Compnny B, ot New Brighton, made the highest average grades, with Company E, of It Pleasant, as a close second. Lieutenant Critchfield expects to select hi; regimental team from those se lected to-day to compete in the shooting at Mt. Gretna next year. Several elections were held in the Tenth last night and to-day. Company C elected Lieutenant Augendoulcr i irst Lieutenant, and First Sergeant Gustav Schaaf Second Lieutenant Company I elected Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Thomas Donohue, Jr., First Lieutenant In Company E, Private James Harkins was elected Second Lieutenant Company B elects a first lieutenant to-night THE rnOTOGKAPn rEATUBE. A feature of to-day's work among officers and privates was that of examining the almost hundreds of photographs taken dur ing the encampment. Nearly everybody of importance has been pbotographed except Imogene, the huge mastiff owned by Major Kay. Everybody in camp had their quar ters preserved on a dry plate and olten as many times as the group in front of the tent changed. The guardhouses of each regiment con tained a very small aggregate of prisoners last night The same guard that is on to day remains all night The Eighteenth Begiment Band furnished considerable amusement by mock serenad ing. They got themselves up as a German street band, and did there best to wring out inharmonious sounds. The Clinton House, Uniontown, was the scene of a gay assembly last night The officers of the Eighteenth gave an assembly for some of their Uniontown friends, and it is safe to say it was THE BRIGHTEST GATHEBING of ladies and gentlemen ever seen in Union town. The whole upper floor, parlors and dining room was thrown open for their re ception and beautifully decorated. A guard of enlisted men from the Eighteenth Regi ment stood at the doorways, giving the affair a military appearance. The gentle men from Uniontown, withont exception. were in full evening dress and the officers of the regiment In full uniform. The ladies were all in elezant evening dress. Mrs. Chambers' McKibbeu and Colonel Smith and Mrs. Speer received the guests in the ladies' parlor. Toe following officers of the Eighteenth Begiment were present: Col. Smith, Colonel Butledge, Colonel McKib ben, Adjutant Reese, Lieutenant A. L. Pearson, Lieutenant Charles Brown, Lieu tenant H. F. Davis, Captain "W. H. Davis, Captain A. J. Logan, Captain J. P. Penny, Captain William Awl, Lieutenant Horace Lowrey, Dr. C. C. "Wylie, Dr. W. T. En glish, Dr. Oscar Brumbach, Major J. C. Kay. The music was given by ten pieces of the Eighteenth Begiment Orchestra, and was said to be the best ever beard at a Uniontown assembly. AN EIiEGANT SUPPEE was served at 12 o'clock. The affair broke up at 2:30 A. v., when the officers took car riages to camp. The Eighteenth Begiment gave the fare well dress parade this evening and had out all their Uniontown friends. The band gave its last concert to-night The Tenth will break camp first in the morning, and will probably be on their way home by 10 A. M. The Eighteenth will leave a little later in the dav and will ar rive in the city in time to give a parade along Liberty and Finn avenues. CHICAGO'S GREEN FIELDS Held Sacred From the BravrslnfC at Herds of Cattle. Chicago, July 26. Morris Byan, Dan iel Beckham, Edward Billstein and Daniel Byan were until a month ago wealthy dairy farmers, whose fat milch cows pastured on the extent ive prairie lands of Jefferson. TBey are still dairy farmers, but their past ures and their cows have been annexed to the city of Chicago and have come under the provisions ot its municipal code, one section of which ordains that no one shall keep a herd of more than three cows within the city limits. The farmers failed to appreciate the majesty of the municipal code and each one continues pasturing his 40 or SO cows on valuable Chicago building lots. City Pros ecutor May got after them for their viola tions ot the ordinance and they were fined this morning by a magistrate. -'!TrE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS "People cannot hearken too earnestly to the WARNINGS already sounded by medical men against the indiscriminate use of the ALLEGHENY WATER at this time." , , "Dr. W. T. English said; 'It cannot be told how long the water will be impure; it may be for months'. " Pittsburg Dispatch, June 4th, 1889. 1 "The purity of APOLZNA RIS offers the best security against tlie dangers wu'eh are common to most of the ordinary drinking waters." London Medical Record. OaUGtwrt, DrvgtuU, &tlin. Whl. Claim. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 1 15-24-MS Apolhnaris A New Entfae Home. The fire department heads have decided, upon the 'erection of a new engine house in the Thirteenth ward, near the intersection of Webster avenue and Thirty-third street Superintendent Evans and the architect were out yesterday arranging for the pre liminaries. VVEAKstoaiacu.Beecnam'iFillsactlllceroagic Tsars' Soap secures a beautiful complexion. HAREMS OF EGYPT y3F&. Carpenter" letter in to-morrovft Dispatch, in which he describe the life of the fair prUoners. Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday. Kan. ' Beftdsnea. I Frank Jtetllnjter Shaler town.blp I Andssetta Braun Pittsburg (William Betiford Etna borough Margaret Pas tie Etna borough 5 Henry A. Walker Pittaburg JLucyJenkln Flttibnrg Jbamuel M. Wllllami Martin's Feny, O. JLUaS.Jljer HanabeU O. j George Postormlak McKeesport I Anna Cnolp . McKeesport 1 Archibald P. Thompson....Sprlnrdale township (TUUe Danver bprlngdale township MARRIED. BUCHANAN-PATTERSON On Thurs day, July 25. 1SS9, at the residence of the bride's parents on Wylie avenue, J. KKM.Y Buch anan and Ida M. Patterson, by Bev. J. B. Koehne. DIED. ATJIiti At the family residence. No. 151 Belter street. East End. on Friday.Jnly 26,1889, at 8 a. m., Piiebe Ferris, wife of James Anil, aged 63 years. Funeral service on Sunday, 2Sth inst., at 3 p. M. Interment private. BROWN-On Thursday, July 25, 1889, at 7.30, John P. Brown, aged 61 years. Funeral from the residence of bis son-in-law, A L. Brnnn, Bellevne, on SATURDAY, at i p. K. Friends of the family are respectfully In vited to attend. Train leaves Pittsburg. Ft Wayne and Chicago depot, Allegheny, at 3p. m. CURRAN On Friday. July 36, 18S9. at 8.S0 P. jr., Maurice James Curran, son-in-law of Patrick and Ellen Walsh, of Soho, aged 86 years and 6 months. , May the Lord hare mercy on his soul. Funeral from his late residence, Albert street Soho, on SUNDAY,-8tb inst, at 2 p. It. Friends of the family and all members of the order A. O. H., B. of E. are respectfully Invited to at tend. FORSTER On Thursday, July 25, 18S9, at 7 p. it, Elizabeth Forster, aged 84 years. Funeral from the residence of her son, John Forster, No. 32 Locust street Allegheny, on 8UNDAY, July 28, at 130 P. M. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. 3 GLASER Mary Angela, daughter of Jacob H. and Kath. Glaser, aged 10 months 18 days. Funeral will take place SundAT. 3 o'clock P. M., from the residence of her parents, 81 Locust street near Magee. GERWIG At the family residence, 115 Perry street Allegheny, on Thursday, July 25, 1SSD, at 3.15 p. sr., Benjamin F.. son of Henry and Mary Gerwlg, aged 28 years. Funeral servides on Saturday ajternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. 2 GTJNNING-On Friday, July 26, 1885. at 10 o'clock A. m., John W., infant son of John W. and Magpe G. Gunning, aged 3 months. Funeral Saturday from parents' residence. 207 Rebecca street, Allegheny, Pa., at S o'clock p. M. HITTNEK On Frldav morning. Mrs, Mar. caret Hittner. wife of lato JohuHitCner aged 60 years 1 month and 9 days. Fnneral from residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Drynan, Sewickley, on Sunday, July 28, at 2 o'clock. Interment private. 2 KRAMER On Friday. July 26, 1889, at i 45 a. m.. Freddie L.. younzest son of Louis A. and Emilia Kramer, aged 3 years, 8 months and 15 days. Fnneral services on Sunday, July 28, at 2 o'clock P. II., at the house of the parents, CO Avery street Allegheny City. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Inter ment private. 2 LANE At her residence, Cheswick station. West Penn Railroad, on Thursday, July 25, 1889. at 3 15 P. M MARGARET W. Lane, wife of Jefferson Line, in her SOth year. Funeral services will be held at the Spring dale Presbyterian Cbnrcb, on Sunday after noon, at 2.S0 o'clock. Friends ot the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 LOXTERMAN At the family residence. Walnut street, near O'Hara, on Thursday, July 23,1889, at 10.15 p. jr., Frances J-wifobf Henry Loxterman, aged 29 years and 20 days. Fnneral services a.t Sacred Heart R.C. Church, Center avenue, East End.on Sunday, July 28, at 2 p.m. Friends of the family re spectfully invited to attend. MILLER On Friday.Jnly 26.1889,at 420 P.M., Henry Christ, son of Christopher and Mary Miller, aged 7 months and 3 days. Funeral services at the parents' residence, 136 Forty-fourth street on Sunday, at 2 p. it. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. 2 MILLER On Friday morning, July 20, 1889, at 8.30. at his residence, 22 Chartlers street Al legheny. Pa., Albert, son of Georce and Re becca Miller, deceased, in the 30th year of his age. Funeral services on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend. Interment private at a later hour. Beaver papers please copy. 2 McCRACKEN On Thursday, July 25, at the family residence, Arlington avenue, near Cologne street. Twenty-seventh ward. W. M. Mccracken, native of Belfast Ireland, aged 68 years. Funeral Saturday at 2 p. sr. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. PARKER On Ihnrsday. at 130 p.-m., Sam uel Parker, in the 60th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 197 Jack son street on Saturday morning at 1030 o'clock. 2 8TENGER On Friday evening, July 26,1889, at 825 o'clock, Linda B. Cunningham, wife of J. W. Stenger, of Mt. Oliver. Notice of funeral hereafter. WADE At the residence of Dr. H. M. Bishop. Brooklyn, N. Y., on Wednesday, July 24, 16S9, Elizabeth Lois (Bessik). beloved daughter of Cbas. L and Elizabeth A. Wade, aged 17. Services at family residence, Edgewood, Sat urday, July 27, at 4 p.m. Interment private at a later honr. 3 WILLHIDE-On Friday. July 2a 1889, at 4-40 A. m Morris Ellsworth. Infant son ot William B. and Annie il. WUlhide, aged 5 months and 10 days. Fnneral from the family residence, 751 Fifth avenue, on Saturday at 2 p. m. Friends ot the family are respectfully Invited to attend. WILEY On Friday morning, July 28, at 8 o'clocK, Samuel Wiley, in the 22d year of hs age. Funeral from late residence corner Mon terey and Dawson streets, Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock. Interment private. WHEELER On Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at his late residence. 41 South Thir teenth 6treetPittshurg,GORGEW.WHEELEB. in his 62d year. Funeral from St Mark's Episcopal Church, South Eighteenth street on Saturday AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. JAMES ARCHIBALD 4 BRO LIVERY AND BALE STABLES, U7, 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below Smithtield St, next door to Central Hotel. Carriagesforfunerals,S3. Carriages for operas, parties, c at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. myl-U-ns E EPBESENTEU IN PITXSBimu IN lSd ASSETS . I9P7LC9633. Insurance Co. of Xorth America, Losses adjusted and paid W WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. 1a20-s2-D WESTERN IXSVBANCE CO. OF PITTSBUBG. Assets $448,50187 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDERJIMICK. President JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President fe22-28-Trs WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. UELLMUTH I I LONDON, ONT., CANADA One of the lost Complete Institutions in America. - I NEXT TERM BEGINS I I SEPTEMBER 41 &? EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES. AdRN. P0LLEGE ' English, M. A. If PRINCIPAL, w London, Ontario, Can. my3l-25 N NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 11V BYKKTiaKnmJixa. aavr juiimmtaMia . , CHINA MATTINGS. -- CLOSING SALE. -- 20 Per Cent Average reduction has been made on our en tire slock of Chinese and Japanese Straw Mattings. Fancy Mattings in mixed dark colors as low as $3 per roll of 40 yards, or X . 7c Per Yard.- 0. McCLMTOCK &c CO., 33 FSFTH AVENUE 33 jy20-TTB SPECIAL BARGAINS AIL OYER v THE STORE. This week -we have placed on Gents' counter a lot of French Balbncean striped Shirts and Drawers at 75c each, reduced from SI 25 each. This is a good bargain. THE PARASOL BARGAINS oncht most certainly to command your atten tion. Think of ltt Parasols at SI and 2 each that sold at two to three times the price. Also the Sun and Rain Umbrella bargains will at tract you if you will place yourself in their way. YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S TENNIS SASHES, Ottoman, Silk and Fancy Striped 'Surab, at reaucea prices. WHITE FLANNEL SHIRTS and WAISTS baTe not been as rapid sellers this season as usual, on account, no doubt, of the many handsome patterns in fancies. We hare de cided to close out at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES two lines of White Flannel Waists one line of Men's White Flannel Shirts, Button On and Blouse Waists, reduced from $2 to f 1 CO, S2 50 to32. , Men's White Flannel Shirts from S3 CO to 82. This is enough for this time. H0RNE& WARD, dl FIFTH AVENUE Jyis-n Five Dollars. It gets you a Silk Pongee Coat and Vest that give you equal comfort in clothes with a millionaire. Thin, light, strong; a zephyr penetrates it; strong fingers can't tear it; a drug gist's scales will weigh it. Dressy, silk, washable. It's a luxury and a paying investment. . We have too many to carry over and too little time now to sell them without an extra lift We make'the pricealmost half. Coat and Vest for $5. Coat and Vest for $5. 0 -Wanamaker. & Brown, Sixth street and Penn avenue. JyST.B DR. ORR And Associate. Physicians. No. 720 Penn ayenue, Pittsburg, Pa, submit a brief report of a few cases selected from their many patients for the ' encouragement Kof peroons simi larly affected: ij,' Mr. W. stated she had been cronoanced In curable by some trarellng doctors. Her disease is one of which many ladles complain. She Is very much improved in three weeks' treat ment. Another case ot club-foot, Tery great deform ity, now being treated without pain said im proving rapidly. Young lady with catarrh, bronchi tisandkidney disease; treated by a. num ber of doctors, but grew worse; gained five pounds during first month's treatment. Old centleman with varicose veins and nicer on right leg cured withont an operation. consultation tree, unci noun iv v ixau A.M., 2to6and7to8r. x. jy' m PEARS' isfto PUREST, IEST "" Ctesnest SOAP Of an DruHbtt, bet beware of ImMatiens. ' Tt imi ef n- - y m. k' KZr srt StfT- J feAS GENTLEMEN'S DAY. WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, IiAUNDRIED. The celebrated "Star" Dress Shirts at 1, $1 SO and $2. The famous "Pearl" Dress Shirts at SI 25. White P. K. Dress Shirts, for evening wear, J1E0. UNLAUNDBIED WHITE SHIRTS. White Anchor Cotton, linen band and bosom, SOc each, or $2 83 per half dozen. New York Milts Muslin, linen band and bosom, reinforced front and back, 75c each, or 3 for $2. The "Pearl" Unlaundried Shirts good as ever, $1 each, or 3 for $2 S3. xaOHT SHIRTS. Plain White Night Shirts at 60c, Oc, 79c and Fancy Night Shirts at 0c, 69c, 75c. 51, SI 25 and ISO. UNDERWEAR. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 39c. SOc, 62Ke. 75c, SI, SI 25, 50.' - Gauze and Merino Shirts and Drawers at 25c, COc, 76c, 88c, SI and SI SO. v JEAN DRAWERS. Pepperel Jean Drawers, buttons and strings, at 60c. Pepperel Jean Drawers, with elastic anklets, at 75c Scriven's Jean Drawers, with patent elastic seam, at SI. Nainsook Jean Drawers, feather-weight, atSL FLANNEL SHIRTS. The largest stock and bcs styles in the two cities, at 60c, 73c, SI, SI 60, S2, t3 5j, S3 25, S3 60, and75. GENTLEMEN'S NECKWEAR. Special 600 dozen Summer Scarfs, Tecks, Puffs and Four-ln-Hands, at only fie each, or 6 for 25c ALSO FULL LINES OF Gentlemen's Linen Collars and Cuffs. Gentlemen's Gloves and Hosiery. Gentlemen's Suspenders. Gentlemen's Jewelry. Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs, etc SHAVING MATERIALS. ' The Torrey Razors at COc, 75c, 95c, SI and tl 25 each. Joseph Rogers & Sons' Sheffield. Razors at 65c, 85c, 00c and $1 20 each. The famous Star Safety Razors at SI 60. Torrey's Razor Strops at 20c, 40c, 60c and SI 75 each. Lather Brushes at 25c, 35c SOc and 68c each. Fine Badger Hair Lather Brushes at $1 25. China Shaving Mugs at 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75o and SI each. ' Traveling Shaving Mugs at 23c each. Shaving Soaps and Toilet Articles. Fleishman & Co., PITTSBTJBQ, PA. Jy27-D URATEFUL-COJIFORTINU. EPPSS COCOA. "BREAKFAST. By a thorough knowledge ottbe natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,and and by a careful application of the fine propertier of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps hasproridedour breakfast tables with a deli, cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by tbe judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around uj ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Madesimplywithboillngwaterormilk, Sold only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co. g$,g33: no3h-90rus P .A. O? IE IDT T S . O. T. LEVTH. Solicitor nf Patents. 131 Fifth avenue. abOTe ttmithflelitnextLeider ee29-hltl Still' a few lots left in Maplowood Park, WilMriSburg. Come quick, b efore'they aroallgono. George S. Martin & Co., 503 Liberty street. Branch office, WilMnsburg, opposite station. w. s. WM. 165, . A GREAT SUCCESS, THE MID THE MID-SUMMER A GREAT You would hardly think it mid-summer trade, judging from the rush of buyers at our stores. The prices alone will convince you of the fact In WASH FABRICS we show the most beautiful Ohallis offered this season at 6c, and large lines of them. Satines, 6c. French Satines, 18c and 20c. India Linons, 10c and i2jc. Summer Flannels and White Goods, in large variety and new styles. SILKS .and WOOL DRESS GOODS. Lots of them, unapproach able in values. The India' Silks all reduced. The Surah and fancy weaves all reduced. The Gros Grains are 50c, 65c, 75c and24-hich fast sellers 95c, $i and $1 25. Imported fancy plaids and stripes at half their value. HOUSE FURNISHINGS New Scotch, Irish and German Table Linens, beautiful qualities, z8d soc and 356 up. The best 50c Cream J and Bleached Damask eve Aold in Red Tablings, 18c. soc aadpsc, half B. & B. Saturday, July 27. OENTS' FURNISHINGS TO-DAY. t BEW SILK NECKWEAR, 25c, 60c acd 75c The largest assortment. - The lowest prices. FLANNEL SHIRTS, 60c, SL SI 25, SI 60 and 82, and up. You can't match either grade elsewhere by paying 50c to 75c more, ' UNDERWEAB. Extraordinary qualities in our Balbrlggans, from the 25o ones up. ODD LOTS UNDERWEAR, BROKEN LINES Going at a great bargain. New lines NIGHT SHIRTS, Plain and fancy, 60c, 75c, SI and SI 25. HOSIERY BABGATWS TO-DAY. B0GGS & BUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 Federal St., Allegheny jy27-D GOOD INVESTMENTS. Handsome, large, level, shaded lots at Groveland, fronting Ohio river, accessible by three lines of railway. Good building property, affording health ful, cheerful and convenient homes. Large lots on Benton avenue, Allegheny, at low prices and on long time. Choice home locations 13 minutes' ride, 6 cent fare on Central Traction road, ad joining proposed Herron Hill Park. Lots 30 to 60 feet front. jt20-17-d DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Hibit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Hslnes' . Golden Specific. It can be riven in a cup of coffee or tea wlthoat the knowledge of the person taking it; Is abao lntelr harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who hare taken Uolden Speclflcln their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe they quit drinking from their own free win. IT .NEVER KALLS. The system once Impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an otter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J. Bankln, Hlxth ana f enn ave.. Pittsburg; E. Holdea & Co., S3 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Irado supplied by eo. A. Kellv & Co . FltUbnrg. !. ae&-M-TTS STEA91EU8 AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT & SONS, General agents, 807 Walnut st, Philadelphia. Full Information can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfleld street. LOUIS MOESEB, 616 Smithfleld street. mhlt-66-TTS flUNABD LINE. . MEW YORK TO LIYERTOOI. VIA QUEENS' TO WW, 1'BOM l'lEK 49 2IOBTU ElVEli TAST EXTBESSMAU, BEKVICE. Auranla, JnlyZ7, SAX IEtruru.Ang.17, 10:30 am Umbrla, Aug. J, 10 AM (Auranla. Aug. Ulta Serrla, August 10. 3 r Ml Gallia, Aug. 8.30 A x Bothnia, Aug. 14, 7:XAxUmbrla. Aug.Jl,8i30 am Cabin passage. SG0, SO and tlOO; intermediate, S35. -(Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates.. VEU&O.N II. llKOW hi A CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, h!ew York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent. Fourth ave. and SmlthSeld rU, llttsburg. State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW TORE EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage 135 to sso, according to location of stateroom. Excursion S6S to 130. Bteerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates, AUbTIN BALDWIM A CO.. General Agents, 5J Broadway, New York. J. J. MeCORMICK. AgSnt, Pittsburg, Pa. mh!2-D Jy25-S6-TT3 j&ojsnDjrsr, SBMPLE'S STORES, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLJEGHENX PA. ' CLEARANCE SALE SUCCESS. . any market' Fast , colors Turkey their actual value. U 99. v THIS a IS THE PRICE AT WHICH 4GO&M446 I GUSKY'SE- ! WILL FOR ONE WEEK OFFER 1,200 MEN'S SUITS -ET- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CHEVIOTS. Sack and frock styles, light and dark colors and all sizes from 33 to 42 inches breast measure. In the early part of this season" Suits in every way identical with these were sold at $12, $14, $15, $16 and even 18. You can come in our store and TAKE TOUR CHOICE FOR $9 99 ONLY Not "a single suit will be reserved! All, every one of them will go. Mark you this well: These Suits cannot be .equaled in QUAEITY, ONLY ON PAPER, for less than $16 anywhere in this city. We were specially fortunate in obtaining these suits just at the time we did and equally as fortunate in being able to put them on sale at p. time when our stock was sc badly broken up. $9 99 is a Mere Song for Such Grand Quality Suits -AND TOTJ- SHOULD AT MAST COME AND SEE THEM. There'll be no harm done if you don't "buy and whether you come as a purchaser or as one bent on finding out the truth or otherwise of such a startling and sensational announcement, you'll be equally wel come. Now mind you this well: We don't lose a cent on the sale of these goods, and you can well imagine that we don't make on any one suit more than would pay for a good breakfast for a hungry tramp. The truth is we got 'em cheap and are content to sell 'em cheap, being satis fied to reap whatever value, there is in the advertisement, in being able to sell at such a wonderfully low price, as our reward. We must refuse to send any of these suits on approval, as they can't be spared from the store not even for a few minutes. This destined-to-be memorable sale is now on and ends Saturday next, but the earlier you come the better. iTIRMLY PLANT TH FACT IN YOUR MEMORY THAT IT IS AT GUSKY'S ONLY YOU CAN $9 99. AND THE PRICE WE NEVER STOP! The success of our July Clearing Sale has been phenomenal. "We shall keep on offering bargains in order to maintain the rush, and we only hope that customers will visit us without delay, as most of the bargains go off very quickly. MORE HAT BARGAINS. Finest quality "White Leghorn Hats, the best shapes for children that have been out this season, at 64 cents sold illl during the season at 81 50. Finest quality Black Milan Hats, the 'most stylish and becoming shapes, at 50 cents, sold always at 81 50. More of those well-known Russian Hair Hats, at 62 cents, al waysp sold at 81 50. And to cap the climax, Ladies' very finest quality of iilack: Milan Hats, and best shapes only, sold all the way from 81 75 to 92 25, now at 75c, Two Hosiery Bargains. Ladies' full regular made Balbriggan Hose. 'afclOc a pair, and Ladies' fine Black Silk Hose at 58o a pair. Block Silk Lace Mitts ldo a pair, reduced from 25o. Black Silk Lace Aifitts at 20o, reduced from 38c. Black Silk Lace Mitts at 25o reduce! from 45c. Come quickly for Parasols Our bargain prices are moving -them very fast Muslin and Cambrio Underwear for Ladies and Children. A fresh stock for this week's sales and inducements to all ladies to oease making them at home. pgeriljamn 510, 512. 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. P. S. Early dosing at 5 o'clock every evening except Saturdays. jj23-TTB3a jjrursr 22. - SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. LACE CURTAINS. Always a specialty with us now very tempt ing values. Good Curtains, three yards long, at 50c; extra 'wide, three and one-half yards long, at $t, regular price $1 50. Large lines of patterns, Si 25, gi 50, $2 and up to 5 are specially attractive. Better grades equally cheap. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Fine French Flannel "Shirts, 90c, $1 $1 25, $1 50 and $2, are unsurpassed in value. Flannel Shirts for Men and Boys, 409 and 50c, in good styles. Neckwear, all Silk, 25c, worth 50c. All the latest style Collars. Fine French Balbriggan Underwear 66c a suit Good Merino Vests, 15c, 20c and 25c. Dress Shirts and Night Robes remarkably cheap. Unlaundried Shirts, 37c and 50c, worthy your attention. REMEMBER, the Jerseys, 50c and 75c; the, fast black Hose, 15c, 2bc and 25c; the Millinery, half 'price; the Muslin ' Underwear for Ladies and Misses astonishingly low; the bargains in Fans, Parasols and Umbrellas. ' Big drive in Gloves. ' Mailorders receive prompt attention."' $9 99. TVVTWVVVYV 300 to 400 Market street. GET THESE GOODS $9 99. JJ-21-TTSSU "w. s, - -- - ' f . ( ' M A teJ