ihe Wonderful Adventures -OF- citizen smith. The Lightning TrovEter. A Story of Peculiar Interest to the People of Pennaylvnnln, Ohio and Wtit Virginia. Citizen Smith returned to bis office after a short absence ana regaled his friends with his stories of adventures and travel, which in sub stance were as follows: "Since I saw you last, boys, 1 have had a thrilling time. I went from Pittsburg to the Adirondack, where I camped out, bunted deer and fished for trout. I did not stay lone, but made a dash for tho Indian Territory, wit nessed a Fourth of July celebration, and then sped to Mexico, where I saw1 many strange sights. New York was the next city visited, where I watched the Broadway masher and talked with the Kirigof the Dudes on dress and kindred subjects. It occurred to me that an ocean trip was the proper thing, and I sailed for England and engaged In anarch for a mysterious document on which the hopes of many people rested; attended a royal wedding and obtained some pointers on English politics and society gossip. The spirit of adventure being strong within my bosom, I dasned hastily through Europe, stopping at the more important points and reached tho banks of the .Nile, where I inter viewed some of the fairest inmates of the harem. Fearing that I had aroused thejeal ousy of a particularly ferocious old Bey, lief t Egypt and went to Australia, where I hunted tho kangaroo in company with tho natives. 'I can't begin to tell you all I have been through and all I tavo learnt on this trip, both at home and abroad, but it you want to know anything at all just ask me and I can give you all the information J ou want." "Well," replied one of the boys, "you must be lightning to have gone through all you say between baturday and Monday. You have been rcadinz THE SUNDAY DISPATCH and now try to palm off its contents as your own experiences. You forget that it has 250,000 readers. The cigars are ou you, old boy." iM To-morrow's MamioOi Issue OP Tine Pittetiurg Diapetcli, And Yon Will Dppllcato Citizen Smith's Worderfol Adventures. lERftf lyjlAf .MtPJlAJJJELaifiyJV A ESrAELISUED FEBRUARY S, 1816. Vol.44. To.l7n.-rntered at Pittsburg 1'ostofflcc, 2sorcinbcM4, 1SS7, as second-class matter. Business Offlco97 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Koom , Tribune Building, :ewYork. Average net circulation of the dally edition of TIIE DIsrATCII for six months ending June 30, 1839, . 29,492 Copies per issue. A crape net circulation of the Sunday edition of Tiie DisrATCii for three months ending June GO, isaa, 52,660 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSTAGE FREE IN TIIE UKTTED STATES. Daily Dispatch, One Year t 8 CO Daili Dispatch, Per Qnarter 5 00 Daily DISPATCU, OneSIontb 70 Daili Dispatch, including Sunday, lyear. 10 00 daily Dispatch. Including Sunday,3m'ths. S SO Daili Dispatcii, Including Sunday. 1 month 90 bCM)AY DISPATCH, One lear 2 M W eekly Dispatch, One Year 15 The Dailt Dispatch is delivered by carriers at 15 cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at SO cents per week. PITTSBURG, BATRDAY. JULY 27.1888. n PAYING FOE ITS WHISTLE Parliament wrestled with the subject of royal allowances yesterday, with a decided disposition on the part of all but the Rad icals o yield up the necessary funds- lor the support oT the ramifications of the ruling family. The argument of moderate Liberals and Conservatives alike is that the original agreement between Parliament and the Queen having involved the surrender of large Crown estates, it was the duty of Par liament to grant the allowances necessary to support the Queen's family in comfort down to the third, if not the fourth, generation. It is perhaps no more than just to say that, -with the premise conceded that a royal fam ily is necessary, the logic of the supporters of this allowance has a degree of consist ency. So long as England considers it requisite to own the figurehead and parade of royalty it is no more than fair that En gland should pay for it If this nation should adopt the idea that it is necessary for its national happiness and welfare to maintain an exaggerated and peculiarly expensive tin whistle, it would be no more than a fair deduction that it must pay for the whistle. Or, to make the comparison more cogent, if we should agree that it is necessary to maintain a favored class, to absorb all the profits of business by trusts and railway manipulations, then it would " be naturally expected to pay the profits of those devices for enriching the favored class as we are doing now before the premise-is conceded. If the English Radicals wish to be wholly logical they should urge the abolition of useless royalty in order to get rid of the royal grants. Their abandonment of con sistency in order to make the appeal solely to the British pocketbook is an apparent failure; but the time will come when En gland will emancipate itself from the neces sity of paying for its whistle by refusing to -have anywhistle at all. CAKN0T COME TOO SOON. There is not a bit of doubt that Treasurer Thompson, of the Belie! Commission, per fectly expresses the requirement of the situ ation as well as public opinion of the right course in urging at once a distribution of the whole money on hand for Johnstown. No good reason can now stand in the way. Governor Beaver and the Eastern members of the commission will do well to take the judgment of the Western members, if indeed they do not already fully concur. Distribu tion cannot be ordered too soon. Nothing will help the Johnstown people more than. to realize whatever measure of temporary independence and freedom of action the dis tribution will give them. It will furnish a stimulus, at least, to new effort. 1I0SQ0ITO HAWKS. Some time ago The Dispatch pointed out the innumerable benefits to be derived from training some bird or insect to prey unceasingly npon the pestiferous mosquito. 'It was a mosquito hawk of which we sug gested the employment in places where the bloodthirsty insect contrives to make life a burden. Now, Dr. Robert H. Lamborn, a philanthropic scientist of New York City, is prepared to give practical effect to our suggestion. , It has occurred to Dr. Lamborn that the dragon fly is the hawk of the Insect world, and that it must naturally have a prefer ence for mosquitoes fattened on human blood. Then.'says he, tho thing -to do is to raise dragon flies in the mosquito infested neighborhoods. If only enough of the ,3ragon flies can be let loose in New Jersey, for instance, that State will be entitled to IBf&ftfYTrTr retain her place in the Union in summer, during which period she has hitherto bees forced to remain outside. More than this, Dr. Lamborn has gener ously offered 5200 in prizes for essays on dragon flies and practical plans for using them effectively as hawks among the ac cursed mosquitoes. It might also" be well to include plans for preventing the dragon flies from becoming a greater nuisance than the mosquitoes. 50 CHANCE FOE A COMBINE. .The report which comes in our specials from New York, that English capitalists are trying to buy up the drygoods stores in New York, reveals an extraordinary appe tite on the part of the English for anything in the line of American property, or else indicates that someone is playing a confi dence game. One is about as t credible a hypothesis as the other. The statement is that the retail merchants of New York refused to sell their establish ments; but that need not deter the English men from going into the drygoods business if they hanker after that trade. It the New York merchants will not sell out their estab lishments they will sell out their stocks of goods, and the New York real estate men will kindly contract to lease the Britishers all the stores they need. And after our English brethren have started their dry goods stores they will find that their pos sessions will do them little good unless they can furnish the same keen business manage ment and personal supervision that the present stores have. Anyone can go Into the drygoods business who wishes. That is the reason why suc cess is won on the principle of giving the best bargains for the least money, and why prices are kept steadily on the basis of a narrow margin of profit This is the radical distinction between legitimate competition and the trust tactics. If English money is to be obtained on the hope that a trust or combination can rule the drygoods trade, it is only necessary to remark that an extraordinary lot of fools in England are seeking the opportunity to be parted from their money in the promptest manner. AN OBJECT LESSON FOB TBTJSTS. The statements -which have been made with regard to the failure of the sewer-pipe combination are not made by authority; but they correspond so closely with the natural sequence of events that they are entitled to considerable credence. When the trust was formed, some time ago, it was not considered necessary to include some of the smaller plants. The consequence was that as soon as prices were put up, the outside establish ments took the cream of the business. This, of course, evoked the usual trust tactics of cutting prices, in order to drive the outsiders either out of business or into the trust The result is that prices are lower this year than last; and instead of the trust improving trade it has made it less profitable than ever. Of course the hope is that these throat cutting tactics will mutually enable the combination to swallow up the competing concerns; and the recent meeting in this city is supposed to have some connec tion with that project But the facts illustrate the rules which The Dis patch has always held to be cardi nal in connection with the combina tion policy. The cutting of prices far below the cost of production is apart of the com bination campaign, and not a result of com petition. Beyond this it is a fact that the combination which has no method of chok ing off new competition is destined to event ual failure. Supposing that the sewer pipe combination does gobble up its present competitors, are there any means of prevent ing new factories from springing up as soon as the profits are big enough to attract capital there? If not, it is plain that the combina tion has got to give up or buy up the new concerns and their successors in turn, until it finally fall to pieces of its own weight. This is the fate that must overtake all the big trusts unless they are sustained by some advantage which enables them to freeze their competitors ont of business as most of them have been by railroad prefer ences or the monopoly secured from patents. COMPETITION THAT BUILDS UP. There is no item oi news that will give wider satisfaction than those which, lrom day to day, tell of the prosperous growth of the Pittsburg and Western road. The quicker and bigger the growth the better the facilities for shippers; the larger also the trade area brought into relation to this town. When a young enterprise like this and like the Lake Erin reach profitable and imposing proportions, the lesson is also taught that there is room for other judicious ly planned roads without hurting the old ones. The Pennsylvania, Fort Wayne and Baltimore and Ohio probably never carried so much freight or so many. passengers in and out of Pittsburg as at this time and during the development of the younger lines. So if the South Penn had been built it might have proved that while of immense benefit to Pittsburg, it wonld take nothing at all in the long run from the companies whose apprehensions prompted its strangula tion. The competition which builds up cities and makes new territory tributary to the common source of sustenance is not the kind that hurts the railroads as much as some of them feared. HOW TO KEEP HIK SOBER. A peculiar feature of our social order is brought out somewhat prominently by the comments of a colemporary in connection with the payment of the $20,000 stake for the prize fight to John L. Sullivan that "Colonel Sullivan can now rest in peace! oret drunk in public places, for $20,000 will bay a great many drinks and payalargenumberof ordin ary fines." The fact that the possession of a sufficient amount of ready money will enable its holder Jo violate good order and indulge in all sorts of sprees, is referred to as a mat ter of course. People of a much higher social standing than the champion bruiser of the country have found that the ability to pay fines upon demand enables them to incarna dine their especial locality with perfect im punity. The fact-that police fines present no obstacle to disorderly characters of the wealthy class, ought to suggest that punish ment should be provided for that class which would be some' restraint It is certainly worthy of consideration that if Mr. Sullivan was obliged to work at street paving for thirty days as the result of a disorderly spree, he would, at least, keep sober during the thirty days. THE LARGE LEON PRODUCTION. -The statistics of. pig iron production for the past half of 1889 show that the out 'put was greater than for any preceding six months in the history of the country. This is accompanied by the fact that the increase in demand did not keep pace with the in crease in the production, for the returns of stock on band's have increased 0,000 net tons more than the entire increase In product These facts point to a conclusion exactly the reverse of what has been repre sented by trade reports, namely, that the J profit lrflhe production of pfg iron, narrow though it is, has been sufficient to induce private.owncrs to keep their plants in blast, even although stocks have continued to ac cumulate. v It is apparent on the face of it, however, that margins in the pig iron business are very slight, and if the result of the increase oi stock should be to cause a decline In prices, it is equally clear. that a very slight decline will turn the balance between loss and profit Much of the increase in stocks may be due to the expectation on the part of the trade that there will soon be an in creased demand for iron products. Unless that expectation prove to be well founded within the next few months, the conclusion is very strongly indicated that the -accumulated stocks rill cause a decline in the mar ket, and a corresponding decrease in the production until the excess of supply over demand is fully rectified. The loss to the Pennsylvania Railroad by reason of the flood is shown by its state ments to have been $1,149,000 in gross earn ings, and $804,000 in net earnings. The sur plus earnings of the company for the year, so far, balance this loss, so that it is only $282,000 in net earnings behind the same period for last year. The loss to the com pany in the expenditures necessary to repair its tracks and bridges will increase this sum very much. But the company is fortunate in having a large surplus on hands, by which this contingency can be met The presence of the surplus which enables the company to meet the demands of this juncture without any probability ot passing its next dividend, is one of the most convincing demonstrations of the wisdom of the policy which accumulated that fund. The Governor will now wrestle with the Flemon case. Whether he can tackle it with a different result than the local Su preme Court, is not apparent; but the con viction is rather strong that South Carolina must try her own criminal cases and stand the disgrace if she does not try them fairly. It is asserted by good authority that sugar can be refined in the United States at as small a cost as anywhere else in the world. This being the case, the fact that the people of the United States are paying about twice as -much for having their sugar refined ts any other country in the world, should make it the business of our law makers to ensure that things are put npon a basis so that sugar will have to be refined as cheap'ly here as elsewhere, or else to let the people buy their sugar of other countries. The news that William T. Coleman, of San Francisco, has sold his California min ing Interests for $2,000,000 in cash is calcu lated to create an apprehension that Mr. Coleman is about to indulge in the expen sive luxury of another Presidental boom. The State of New York has now spent about $2,000 in a discussion by electric ex perts of the question whether electric light currents will kill or not Yet a free de monstration of the fact has been furnished by unwary travelers on the streets of New York City who have come in contact with loose electric light wires; and it is probable that any of the committee who have doubts upon the subject would have been permitted to make full tests in their own persons without any charge. Laboe numbers of office holders are ready to appear before that electricity com mittee in New York, and testify that while it may kill murderers to be struck by light ning, the'politieians are willing to take the chances every time. The decision of a Clneinnati Judge that ice cream can no longer be regarded as a luxury, but has become a necessity, creates a good deal of comment Coming from any other city it might be regarded as surpris ing; but Cincinnati has always been famous for entertaining unique ideas on the subject of necessities and luxuries. It has been a long-standing rule in Cincinnati that beer is a necessity of life, while pure water Is one of the wildest and most extravagant luxuries. TnE dervishes are reported to be still pouring down on Egypt, undeterred by previous defeats from their determination to slaughter and be slaughtered. It is rather interesting to learn, from the Indianapolis Journal, that while that or gan of the administration does not wish "to raise false expectations" there is a hope that President Harrison will visit Indian apolis this fall. The expectation is cer tainly founded upon justice. As Indian apolis has visited the President at Wash ington it is no more than right that General Harrison should pay off the social debt Allegheny's typhoid scare will not be. without its instruction itmakes the North side city recognize the necessity of a pure water supply. Pittsbubqebs who are disposed to grumble over municipal taxation should ponder over the paragraph which comes from New York City, to the effect that the New Yorkers are rejoicine over a tax rate of only $1 95 on the $100 of valuation, which, it is asserted, is the lowest rate for thirty years. The comparison should cause Pittsburg's 12-mill rate to be regarded with a good deal of philosophic; toleration. TnE boom in Exposition affairs is a fore runner of the boom which the Exposition will bring to the business of the'eity. Julian Hawthoene's information to the country by carrier pigeon line, that the Scripps League expedition has got safely half-way over the ocean, is more novel than important The pigeons are to be congrat ulated for their success in bringing the news; but tho country could have restrained its impatience long enough to receive the intelligence by the cable route. LIZZIE. I wonder cf all wimmln air Like Lizzie Is when we go out To theaters an' concerts where Is things the papers talk about. Do other wimmln tret an' stew Like they wus beln crnclaed . Frettra' a show or concert through. With wonderin' erthe baby cried? Now Lizzie knows that gran'ma's there To tee that everything Is right, Yet Lizzie thinks that gran'ma's care Ain't good enuff fr baby, quite; Yet what am I to answer -when She kind uv fidgets at my side. An' asks me every now and then: ' 'I wonder If the baby cried?" Beems like the seen two little eyes A-pinln' fr their mother's smile Seems like the heern the pleadln' cries Uv one the thinks nv all the while; An' so the's sorry that she come. An though the alius tries to hide The truth tbe'd rather stay to bum Than wonder ef the baby cried. v Yes, wimmln folks is all alike Ily Lizzie yon kin Jedge the rest; There never wus a little tyke. Dot that hit mother loTed him best, And nex to beln what I be The huiband st my gentle bride I'd wltbt Iwnz.tnat croodlln' wee. With Lizzie wtaderin' ef I cried. Chicago XtKi. IHE TOPICAL TALKER, The Danger of Anaettbj ties In Sareery Say A Wenderfnl Appetite. "TnERB Is always ia chance of death result ing from the use of anaesthetics in surgical operations," said one of the most eminent sur geons In the city to me yesterday. "What the proportion of risk In such cases Is I cannot say with certainty It is small though. There is no way of foreseeing the effect chloroform or other anaesthetic combinations will have upon a patient It is pretty delicate ground when you get between the life of volition and Invol untary life. I very much prefer to dispense with an aesthetics in surgery, and I do so when ever I can. Chloroform, in particular, I am very averse to rue. The usual anaesthetic used in surgical operations is composed of one part alcohol, one part chloroform and three parts ether. It was und?r the influence of this anaesthetic thatuohn Daly died on, the opera ting table at the Homeopathic Hospital. I can see no reason why anyone should be blamed for the fatality. The house surgeon of. the hospital Is no more to blame than the operating surgeon, who, by the way,-is always considered to have the operation in his charge." . SAT! A stunning name for the stranger man. Whose steps you desire to itay, And-one that Is built on a winning plan. Is the good American "Sayl" -" Some fish may rite to the tlmple "Sir!" Andothertto "Hll" or "Heyl" But the sleepiest wight it tare to stir At the sharp salute of "Say!" Say what? you say It may be naught, Or may be the time of day; But a foreigner, tramp or prince li caught Never fear, by the shout of "Say!" "You remind me," said an elderly man to a young college boy yesterday in a city restau rant, "you remind me of your uncle Henry. You told me you were not hungry, and since you sat down at this table 45 minutes ago, you have eaten some soup, a half a Spanish mack erel, a beefsteak of no mean proportions, inci dental vegetables five or six, and you are pre paring for pie and ice cream. Yomr uncle Henry could not have beaten you in his best days." " "Was Uncle Henry's appetite healthy I" in quired the youth. "Healthy? As robust as an ostrich's. He was always complaining of sickness, and his face always cave him the He. Rosy-faced and stalwart a heartier man than your Uncle Henry never settled In Allegheny county when the forest stretched to the river's rim and Indians still stirred the Ohio's waters with their canoes. But he never worked when be could help it His grown-up sons and his wife kept up-the house, farmed tho land, and fed the indolent head ot the house year In and year out They tell the story of him that he sat down to dinner one day when they bad apple dumplings. There were 13 large dumplings on a dish and your pious Uncle Henry ate 12 of them," and when it was proposed to give the one remaining to his little daughter, he said: "You wonldn't deprive your poor sick father of a dumpling, wonld your' and then to save his child from such a crime be ate thelast dumpling. "I have known him to go tramping over the country with an unloaded gun on his arm. He was too lazy to load it Every now and then he would raise his gun to his shoulder and ex claim as ho took imaginary aim at a gray squlr rel: 'You'd flirt your saucy tail, I'll warrant you, it I bad a cartridge handy.' And then he would stop at some neighbor's house and ask for a drink of milk and a bite of bread. Where ho was known the good housewife wonld bring out a crock of sweet milk and a loaf the size of a small house, and she would not have to wait lone before Uncle Henry made away with them. "You may take after your uncle in the mat ter of appetite, if you please, but remember you will have to satisfy it yourself PEOPLE OP PROMINENCE. Kino Kalakatta, of the Sandwich Islands, will be in the United States within a few weeks. He is now flyinc about the sngar islands round ing np all the money he can borrow and gather ing in all debts. While at Oakland on Wednesday President Harrison's family were weighed, Mrs. Harrison tipping the beam at 157, Mrs. McKee at 125, Little Ben at SO, Baby McKee at 19 and the nurse at 105 pounds, t Mbs. C. B. Thomas, who is spending the summer at Old Orchard, was the first woman to enter the Baptist mission work among the Karens In Lower Bunnah, and has served more years than any missionary in that denomina tion. She went to India in 1851. Sib Arthur Hodgson-, who has just ar rived in this country from Australia, is known at home as tbe "King of Queensland." He was knighted in 1S8S on account of bis valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the In dian and Colonial Exhibition's Reception Com mittee. Senator Kbnna, of West Virginia, has purchased a lot on Capitol Hill, Washington, on which he is going to erect a 12-room house for the accommodation of his family for the next six years. It adjoins a house which is owned and occupied 'by Senator Barbour, ot Virginia. Lord Tennyson is busy over bis new batches of proofs. His new volume of poems will appear in about four months. It is 60 years slnco tho Poet Laureate won his first laurels. That was in 1S29, when he carried off the Chancellor's medal foe bis "Timbuctoo," a poem In blank verse. Governor Oliver Ames, of Massacbu setts. Is seriously ill again at his North Easton residence, and Lieutenant Governor Braokett has been summoned from New Hampshire to perform State executive duties. Heart disease is the trouble, and the Governor's physicians say that the utmost care will be necessary on his part to prevent serious results. AMONG the Pittsburg excursionists broncht to town yesterday by Thomas E. Watt of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on their way to Cape May, tho most notable figure is ex-Mayor Jared M. Brush, who, served two terms as chief ex ecutive of the Smoky City. Mr. Brush bears his years well and takes as active an interest in politics as he did a score of years ago, when he was the leading man in Pittsburg municipal affairs. Philadelphia Times. HANI SCOLDING WHEN. Four Philadelphia Fcmnlee Under Bonds to Hold Their Tongue. , Philadelphia, July 29. Despite its name and Quaker peace proclivities, Philadelphia teems to have a bountiful supply of common scolds among its inhabitants. To-day there were arraigned before Magistrate Baird Julia Snyder, of Ho. 2138 Wallace street, and Wini fred Brnlevy, of No. 2133 Callowhill street, each of whom was charged with being- a com mon scold. They were placed under JoOO bonds to hold their tongues. Magistrate Llyod also had two common scolds before him. They were Charles and Caroline Hollander, of Thirty-fourth and Huntingdon streets. They, too, were required to give 500 bonds each to assure the keeping of the peace. In each case neighbors of the accused made the complaint A SALMON SH0ETAGE, It Will Amount to 80,000 Cases. In tho Colombia Catch Alone. SAN FbAS Cisco, July 28. The July salmon circular, issued by the Johnson-Locke Mercan tile Company, estimates the total Columbia river salmon pack to the end of the season at 2SS.000 cases, which includes 30,000 cases of steel head, reducing the regular spring pack to 253.000 cases. This indicates a shortage of 86.000 as compared with the season of '83. Alaska advices to July 13 Indicate a shortage in the season's catch there, but no definite figures of the total catch yet have been pub lished, r A 83.000,000 Estate Disposed Of. SAN Fbakcisco, July 28. The will of Hiram Pearsons, who was drowned in the lake near Chicago recently, was filed for probate to-day. The estate Is estimated to be worth over $3,000, 000. Elliott J. Moore Is appointed executor. The bulk of his property.whlch is In this State, IS willed to his relatives here. That portion of his property In Cook county. 111., is bequeathed to T. C. Hill, of Western Springs, I1L, to be used for charitable purposes. Brower" Bis; Job. x From the Chicago Inter Occan.l Congressman Brower, ,of North Carolina, should change his name to Haines. The Sage of Waukeean was the only man who succeeded In holding up a party by the tall until It acknowledged him to be the head, Brower has a big contract onhls hands. FOTDEE OP THE ANGELUS. Its Owner Cannot Stand the Expense of Bringing It to America to Stay. rSrZC3.il. TZLXQRAU TO THE DISPATCB.1 New Yobs, July 28. James F. Sutton, of the American Art Association, who bought Mlllet'S-great picture, "The Angelas," after the French Government failed to seenre it at the price at which it was knocked down at the Secretan sale in Paris, on July 1, arrived in town to-day from France, on the steamship Lahn. Mr. Sutton was enthusiastic in praise of the picture, but said any patriotic American who could appreciate patriotism in a French man, would be sorry that France was not to have the picture. "The French made a great mistake' in not keeping the picture," said Mr. Sutton, "and they are aware of it now. It's a very sad (thing for art in France, that it is to be taken from the country, for 1 believe the pic ture is the greatest picture ever painted by any artist It is my intention now, however, to place it on exhibition in Paris, for the benefit of Mine. Millet, who lives with her daughter in Paris, and is quite poor. As soon as Lean be sure that no speculation will be connected with the benefit" "When will the 'Angelus' be brought to AmericaT" "AhthatIdon'tknowabout"saldMr.Sutton. "The duty of 39 percent on imported paintings stops me. Otherwise I would bave it here soon. In the first place, to the knock-down pries ot 53,000 francs ((110,600), the Goverment adds a fee of 5 per cent, as is customary, which brings the amount to 580,650 francs, or $116,130. The duty wonid bo 31,838. making the price, deliv ered in Now York, 1150.969. As tho picture, ex clusive of frame, is 22 inches wide and 23K inches in length, it seems that the "Angelus would cost $3,500 a square inch, delivered In New York. However, 1 propose to bring it over in bond, to exhibit it if necessary this fall, as the Vesretchagin pictures were cxhibted in New York last winter. Then I could take it back to France. The picture si notfor sale,and will not be for sale. If it goes ont of our hands it will probably be presented to a museum. The Corcoran Gallery worked hard enough to get it Even if Mr. Proust had bought the Elcture for the Government, I would have rought it over this fall to exhibit with the Bayer collection, to be shown in the American art galleries. That is now entirely uncertain, owing to the loss of a small fortune In duties it it is brought hereto remain permanently. I hope Congress will pass it through the Custom House free, by a special act" THE EXPOSITION OP 1892. What is Betas; Done la the Interest of the World's Fair at Washington. r special txlxobak to ths nisrATca.3 Washington, July 28. Secretary Ander son, of the National Board of Promotion, is working diligently in the Interests of the pro posed Three Americas' Exposition to be held here in 1892. Standing committees have been appointed by the Boards of Trade in 50 or more cities, and it is expected as many more will be appointed before the 23d of next October, the date fixed for the meeting of the Governors, Mayors, officers and committees of Boards of Trade and others composing the Exposition National Board ot Promotion. That date was chosen for the reason that the Three Americas' Commercial Congress, com posed of delegates from the 19 American sister nations, will then be in session in this city, and therefore gives a favorable opportunity to the official representatives of the states, cities, and commercial bodies of the United States to meet with tbe official representatives of the other American nations and formulate a con cert ot action for the creator event which is to follow the Three Americas' Exposition in 1892. Tbe movement for tbe Exposition has, for the three years it has been under way, been earnestly indorsed by tbe Governors ef 40 States and Territories, the Mayors of 59 leading cities, 176 presidents and secretaries of boards of trade throughout tbe United States, and the masters and secretaries of most of the State and Territorial granges, all of whom have, by formal letters, accepted membership in the National Board of Promotion, which has charge of the movement. The standing committee appointed on the Exposition by the Pittsbure Chamber of Com merce Is composed of William E. Schmertz, President; S. L. McHenry, Secretary: George H. Anderson, Reuben Millcr,Charles Y. Bach- MAEY ANDERSON NEAELI WELL. Her Confessor Refute All Rumors as to Her Blind Trouble. IBT CABLE TO TBI DISPATCH. J' LONloK,July26. iCopyrlghtl Mary Ander son is not in a private niadhouse.as a New Y ork rumor went, but on the contrary, has nearly recovered from tbe extreme nervous prostra tion from which the suffered on her return from America. This Is on tbe authority of Canon Purcell, her confessor. When the reverend gentleman heard of tbe rumor he said tho authors of it deserved severe punish ment Miss Anderson was at high mass last Sunday, and tbe Canon has seen her since then, and she Is well. He said the fatigue of lone journeys In America hadbrought her t?a state ot extreme nervousness, which had troubled her friends very much, but her mind could never bave been said to be deranzed. She is better now, but much thinner than she nsed to be. Miss Anderson will not pay another visit to the States for at least a very long time. She is living now with her recently married brother in ono of a number of quaint old houses on a hill near Hampstead Heath, and near the Catholic Church. Miss Anderson gives a birth day party next Sunday. July 28, which in Itself Is a complete refutation of the rumor. Beyond the Size of Their Pile. From the Chicago Tlmet.l Pittsburg steel manufacturers deny that they have any Intention of selling out to English capitalists. It would cost tba British investors $100,000,000 to buy them out and it is just possi. ble that this is a trifle beyond their pile at present ' Setting a Good Example. From the Akron Telegram,! Mayor Cregler, of Chicago, says: "lay Instruc tions to the police from the start have been to stop gambling." That's a first-class Idea. Their moral example may also Influence others to ceasa the pernicious habit One War of Attracting Visitors. From the Philadelphia Herald.! A Chicago Judge has decided that a residence in that city is not necessary to secure a dlroroe there. This announcement coming just before the taking of the census of 1S90, has a very sus picious look. DIG STOKIES AND BIG SNAKES. Ax immense snake, "with a head as large as an ordinary sized bulldog," is frightening tbe natives on the ridgo near Millwpod, Pa. It is said to have been seen by quite a number of persons, all of whom drink the same brand. A 12-foot blacksnake was killed by David Amalong. near Harvey's Five Points, Paw, a few days ago. The snake pursued Mr. Ama long for quite a distance, and In his flight he succeeded In securing a stout club, when he turned and slew the reptile. Feed Lobentz, a Marshal county, W. Va., farmer, was mowinc a field of clover the other day, with a machine mower, and when he finished he found that the mower had slaugh tered 11 copperhead snakes and 2 black snakes. Several of the poisonous coppers were over J feet In length. Mbs. J. M. Woblet, a widow of Senison, Tex., lost her eye in a very singular manner. She visited tbe chicken coop for the purpose of removing a large Plymouth Rock rooster to a box. When the rooster was taken from the perch it struggled violently and thrust a spur into tbe left eye of Mrs. Worley.dcstroylng the, sight forever. A man named O. Feme, at Bellaire, MicbM and be is a little hatchet sort of a man, says that his turkey gobbler strayed off among the byways of bis farm and was missed for several days. "When found he was contentedly sitting astride some hen's eggs, from the nest of which he had driven the ben. The old gobbler has. been given full swing, and tbe world awaits the result of his nursing. A rattlesnake 4 feet long was killed on James Hardy's farm at lnshtown, near Bun bar. Pa., by three men recently. Tho snake had 'charmed' a ground squirrel which it was about to seize when Keffer's famous dog Tray discovered It, and Interfered with its sport Tbe dog would have made short work of the snake, but was prevented by tbe men. The rattler was three Inches in diameter and had six rattles. . A MAjmpTH rattlesnake, measuring 11 feet in length, was killed near Little Rock, Ark., by a fisherman named J. &, Van Horton. When discovered the snake was coiled around a small sycamore tree, and the fisherman killed It by a bullet through the head. The thickness of the reptile was between four and five Inches, and there were 82 rattles ouits tail. When cut open three young rabbits and 68 guinea eggs wore found Inside. A'DAYINNEW I0BK. Shattered the Side of Hit Head. Stnr toss bubxau srxciAi.s.1 New Yobk; July 28. Dr. Isaac Lea, the old est and best known physician on 8taten Island, shot himself dead with a revolver last .night He gave up his practice to his assistant Dr. Steenson, on account of his increasing years some time ago. Of late he has been weak and despondent: Two days ago his favorite daughter fell ill. -His anxiety unbalanced his mind. Last night he dfove Dr. Steenson from bis 111 daughter's chamber with a revolver. Then he went to his room, sat down in an easy chair be fore tbe mirror and sent a bullet through his head. His wife, who heard tho shot, f onnd him dead, with tbe whole side of his head shattered. Died Rntber Than Suffer Unjaitly. An inquest was held to-day on the body ot Charles G. Talcott, assistant engineer on the cruiser Atlanta, who killed himself In the ship's bathroom, last evening. For some time Talcott suffered from hernia. His work in the engine room was severe. He requested a sur vey by the medical board, in the hope of being relieved of duty till he could regain bis strength. A board of officers decided against bis request, and notified him of their decision to-day. He said he was discouraged by this unjust treat ment Six hours later he shot himself. Mr. Talcott was appointed a cadet engineer from the District of Columbia In 1875, and was grad uated in 1879. He served with distinction in tie European and Pacific squadrons, and was commissioned an assistant engineer in Jnne, 1881. He was ordered to the cruiser Atlanta, "November 2, 1883. A Queer Phase of Law. The Queen's connty surrogate this morning denied a motion to open the will of John Sow den, who died In HlckvlUe, L.I., in lS7i The motion was made by the children of Sowden's first wife. He deserted her In England, where she died of a broken heart At that time he was known as John Ruttlnger, but he eloped with Cbarlote Sowden, whose name he took. Under his will, she and ber children became the benefleiarles. His estate was valued at $50,000, and by the decision of the surrogate tbe children of bis first wife are disinherited, while the woman to whom 'be was not married, and her children, become the heirs. Bit Wife's Evidence the Beat. ' William Johnson, of 407 Seventh avenue, had his wife arrested.last night for assaulting and beating him. In court to-day, "Jedge," he said, "dat air woman's a terror. She cum after me wld a big razor, an' she'd a' killed me suab, Jedge. ef I hadn't a' run like a streak. 8ho said tor me, she says, 'look ont, l'se a comln' fur yer,' den she plucked dat razor outer her stoekin', an' jes' enm fur me like sixty." Mrs. Johnson broke in:" He's a lyin' like 2.40, Jedge. I never carried no razor in my stoekin', cos I don't wear no stoekin'. SeeT" she said, at the same time raising one ankle, so the Judge might look. She told the truth. "Well, she bit me, any way." broke In the husband. "Cat's another lie, Jedge." said tho wife. "How could I bite him when I ain't no teeff Jest look heah." She opened her mouth wide, showing that she had only a couple of molars in the tear of her mouth. "Well, that's indisputable evidence," remarked tbe Judge. "You're dis charged. Before you bring her here again, William, you want to buy ber some stockings and a set of teeth." Not n Paying Excursion. Judge Benedict baa filed a-decision In tbe United States Court in Brooklyn, Imposing a fine of $7,103 on the owners of the steamboat Columbia, of tbe Rockaway Line, for carrying 677 passengers in excess of the legal comple ment, which Is 3.000, on July 17, 18S3. Tbe com plainants were W. H. Ripley and W. M. Rip ley. A fine of $10 60 is Imposed for each extra passenger. A f 01 AMONG THE TENTS. Washington Militiamen SarprUcd by the Ap pearance of Reynard In Their Camp. rsrxciAi. telxgkax to thk DisrxTcn.i Washington, .July 28. A rather curious incident occurred at Fort Washington, op posite Mt Vernon, where 900 District militia men are now encamped. Those who wero awake a little before reveille heard a peculiar sound from over the hills, and on Its coming nearer found It to bo the baying of hounds. A fine pack was in close pursuit of a red fox. Dogs and quarry dasbed In f nil chase Into tbe camp, neither paying tbe least attention to the shout and clieers ot the men. They ton between and around the tents in great frenzy, the fox doubling and attempting by many tricks to lose tbe scent to its pursuers, but at last it desisted and airaln broke for the -woods, every dog close on Its heels. Tbe pack belonged to a gentleman llvlngabout two miles from the oamp, and Reynard himself had provoked tbe pursuit by intruding too closely to (he kennels. His Popolnrlty Established. From the Chicago Mews. A Cincinnati Judge has decided that ice cream is not a luxury, but a necessity. There is a man whom the female seminaries of this nation wonld like to see elected President The Fighter's Reward. From tbe Chicago Heraid.l Sullivan got $20,000 for his fight In Mississippi. For a less disgraceful fight on tbe street or In a barroom the ordinary citizen would got $10 and 80 days, Feasibly Overlooked. From the Wtynetburg Democrat. What was It that was said some months ago about the Mormon question? Does the admin istration remember! TKI-STATE TE1FLES. An interesting and ingenious piece of mechanism bas been on exhibition for some time in"Kittanning. It is the handiwork of Mr. F, Stark, and consists of a mill, which, when set in motion, also starts a woman to ironing, anotherSo spinning, one to grinding coffee, another to churning, two men grinding on a grindstone, one sawing wood, another chopping wood, a clown turning on a pole, processions go by, doves on the roof pecking at the shingles, chickens and turkeys eating their morning meal and other Interesting things, Mbs. Elmer Neal. of South Chester, dreamed that her little boy was falling down stairs, got up In her sleep and fell down stairs herself. Chester shoemakers complain that so many residents of the town go barefooted that it makes business dulL Mb. W. A Cresstvzll, of Gettysburg, felleda wild cherry tree to make mstlc chairs of it and In sawing up the log he struck sev eral musket balls. The live-saving crew at Erie, complain of an invasion ot Canada mosquitoes. They arc described as being "smaller than sparrows," and as "beginning to feather out" A bbesst young man went to a secluded por tion of the Rutter Grove shore, at Scranton, for a moonlight bath in the river a few nights ago. His ecstatic splashings caught the atton tlnn of a tramp, who sottly divested himself of his seedy attire, robed himself in the swimmer's garments, whjch chanced to fit hlra admirably, and then vanished from the moonlit scene. When the swimmercame out he was speechless for a minute; apd having no other recourse, he pnt on the tatters, and stole homeward through cornfields and across barb-wire fences. AT a teachers' examination in an Ohio county one of the candidates stated in answer to a qnestion that Chicago was situated in Wiscon sin. He didn't know the size of, it "but reck oned 'twas about as big as Columbus." A clebk In Wheeling discovered the other day that he had been dating bis bocks and let ters 1833 ever since January 1 of that year. DEATHS OP A DAI. Prof. A. H. Welch. COLUMBUS, July 28. A private ttlegram from rort Huron, Mich., announces tbe death thlt evening ot A.JL Welch, Associate Profestor6r English Language In Ohio State University. He was widely known in educational circles-as the author or trveral tand.trd workt on .English lit erature. He was XI ycart of age. W. T, Graves. AUBuen, JT.Tr., July . W. T. Graves, one ef the oldett and bett known bankers la the Bute, 'died todd'ealy this morning. "CDBIOUS COBDENSATIOKB, The new French army law extends the age of liability to service from 4S years to 60. "Lost A dark leather lady's pocket book," Is an advertisement In a Buffalo paper. The return of land grants made In "West ern Australia shows that one man owns and controls nearly 4,000,000 acres. J. Backus, of Ingham county, HicM gan, bas a swarm of fighting bees. They re cently attacked a flock of 25 turkeys and killed every bird in the flock. Peter Waddle, a milkman living near Atlanta, will soon lead his ninth wife to the altar, eight having died. The dead are all buried in his yard, and each has" a tombstone. Waddle has the wedding dress of each bung In his closet A woman at Carbon Hill, Ala., wanted to hang herself, but had no rope. She went into tbe woods, peeled the bark from a hickory tree, tied one end of tbe bark around a limb and tbe otber around her neck and succeeded in ber purpose. A newsboy 14 years of age, who has) lost both legs below the knees, saved a young man from drowning at Council Bluffs last Sun day. In spite ot his misfortune he Is a good swimmer. The citizens have started a fund to show their admiration for his bravery. Providence, E. L, had a curious visita tion after the severe storm Saturday. Myriads of gnats and mosquitoes came, and the electrio light were made dim by their presence.. At several stores they were so thick that gun powder, it Is stated, was exploded to drive them off. There is a cunning froe in a pool near Glen Brook Cottage, Williamsport. He pre tends to be dead, and when his body Is covered all over with flies down he plumps and makes a meal of them. When he feels hungry again, he sets himself and goes through the same per formance. In Gardiner, Me., ever since the gen eral adoption of standard time there has been a fight over this question, and in it ordinary politics is entirely lost sight of. In all munici pal elections tbe candidates are either "stand ard" or "local." and the friends of tbe two grades of tiroe fight out their differences at the polls. At one factory in the United States there are manufactured between two and three tons of postal cards a day all the year round. The largest order ever filed for one city was 4.009, 000 card, or about 12 tons of paper, for New York. There are 450,000,000 postal cards manu factured annually, and their use is increasing; daily. Samuel L. Farmer, of Henderson, Jef ferson county, N. Y., has invented a boat which he claims can be rowed faster than any now In use. Only one oar is used, which is thrust through the middle of the boat some what after the fashion of a center boardV The boat Is propelled by working the oar backward and forward. The leverage obtained is enorm ous, and the Inventor says that a small .boy in his boat can beat a prof essional oarsman in a shelt Charles Bartlett, a lad of Burlington, K. J., saw a bald eagle and fired at it He only succeeded in slightly wounding it and as soon as" it dropped to the ground it arose and went boldly toward the boy and began an attack upon him. Tbe bird foucht viciously with talons and beak, flying at him and endeavoring to gouge ont his eyes. In the struggle, that lasted several minutes. Bartlett could with difficulty free his clothing from the long, sharp talons of tbe bird. Finally ho released himself and ran sufficiently far away to shoot another charge at It This time he killed the aerial monster, which measured six feet from tip to tip of the wings. , The otber day the people who attended the weekly market in a certain French town were surprised to see a peasant woman who was offering for sale a horse, which was tariffed at 4s. The same woman was selling a dog for which she demanded 20. They thought she must be mad, and told her so. "Be tbat as it may," she said, "the man who wants to have a horse for 4s, must first take the dog at 20." A purchaser eventually secured the two, and afterward would have the explanation. It transpired tbat fbe deceased husband of the artful peasant woman had charged ber in his will to sell his doz and bis horse. The price of the dog was to be hers, and that of the horse she was to pay over to his family. The absorbing question for discussion among the employes at tbe Short Line depot la. Louisville Is whether or not a bobtail dog can swim. Mondav night several of the employes went In batbinz In the river, and, on coming out fonnd a bobtail dog sitting ou the bank watchlne their antics, evidently with great in terest The idea occurred to some of them to throw the animal into the water and see him swim out, as It Is generally understood that any dog can swim. Bat this particular dog could not, for be sank like a stone aeaoon as he hit tbe water. Now, this nnfortnnateroup " bad only one eye, and It is still a mooted ques tion among tbe men whether its inability to swim was due to the want ot an eye or the want of a tall. Dr. S. P. Richardson, of Athens, Ga., comes to the front with a cat story. He tells of three or four kittens being found in a certain house one morning, and there was a little differ, ence among the children of the family as to how the stock could be divided. While the discussion was going on the old Maltese cat came in, and this ended tbe discussion, for each member ot the family could now bave a cat ot their own. In the course of afew hours a gentleman living seven or eight miles distant came in, and in a little wnue tno om cat came in and bopped on the stranger's knee. The gentleman stroked tbe cat, and discovered that she belonged at his home. The old car bad be-1 come offended at tbe mistress of the home and! had removed herself and her whole family the I distance ot seven miles. A weeping peach tree is one Of the curiosities of Denlson, Tex. It is visited by many- persons daily. At times a perfect mist or tpray surrounds it A number of super stitious persons think that spirits operate upon the tree. A leading Spiritualist visited the tree last Sunday, and thought that a seance would explain tbe mj itery. The negroes attach con siderable significance to tbe name- of the variety ot the peach, which Is known as the Robert E. Lee. The most Ignorant declare that the spirit ot the dead Confederate chieftain is operating upon tbe tree. After dark they irlve the neighborhood a wide berth. James Wal lace, a negro wbo bas been afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism for tbe past two years and bed-ridden most of tbe time, was Impressed that the fluid from the tree would effect a cure. He was sponged with the fluid, and said he felt much relieved. IN JEST AND EARNEST. A Seasonable Hint Last summer's flannel shirt It now worn thin enough to beliearly as cool at linen. Puet. Truth is mighty, but she is ignominl onsly worsted when the encounters a fishing ei cnnloq. Merchant Traveler. If you want to find out all about women ana their ways ask tomeyoung man who has never been married. Tern Haute Exprets. Two such blind men as Hilton and Homer rather "down" the venerable proverb tbat "out of tight It out of mind." Puck. Preacher How did you like my sermon to-day. Mrs. Smith? Mrs. Smlth-Charmlng. O, tell me, who was that odlout-looklng woman In the first pew with the plam-eolored hat? Time. There are no politicians in heaven. If there had been tbe streets wonld never have, been paved with gold. They would have run In brats blockt on the contract and fixed It with the sur veyor at gold pricet. Sew Orleans Plcaymt. Not a Great Bargain. "I got that dirt cheap," tald Mrs. Jones to Mrs. Smith, pointing to a pile of tecond-hand bedding. . "And I don't think inch dirt's cheap at any price, " snapped Mrs. Smith, Tbe ladle are flot tpeaUng now. Detroit Journal. :George Furnished the Arms. Emma So you're engaged to young (leorge Halby? Baale iet: Oeorge and I came to an under standing tome weeks ago. You remember the wheat corner in Chicago? Knot-To be tare I do. Badle Well, that's the time I got caught Is the squeeze. Judge. , There Are Such Cases. Cousin Jane And doesn't Peter itay athome any night or the week? Why. he followed you over half the conti nent before you gave your content. Young wife-I know it my dear. Haven't you beard before of a woman marrying a man to get rid of himt-Judge. A Convenient Tailor. Yabsley I've struck a great snap now. I bave found a prohibi tionist tailor. I think I can stand htm off for a suit! Wlckwlt-Well? Yabtley Don't you tee? Whenever I see him coming I'll Just step Into tbe nearest 'saloon and be safe. Terre Haute Exprttt. Always Got the Best Mistress Where arc. the nails, Jobn? John I didn't know what kind yon wanted, ma'am. Ulttrets What kinds did the dealer hare? John- Six-penny, eight-penny, and ten-penny, ma'am. Mlitrest You should hav.e brought the latter, John. You kaow we always get the bttt. Judge,