Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 27, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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" IM
xthe market Basket.
1 Fish and FJowers Give Evidence of
Midsummer's Dullness.
Kew Potatoes Plenty, Tomatoes, Cucumbers
Scarce, Firm.
OFFicipr Pittbbuho Dispatch, J
Friday. July O. 1889. J
Midsummer's dullness is here in thelines
of fish and flowers. Home gardens are now
at their best, and florists report a qaiet time.
At the fish stalls little is doing:, as is the
case always at this season of the year. The
best customers are away to tlio mountains or
keasbore seeking recreation and rest. In fruit
and vegetable lines a scarcity of home-grown
stuff is reported by dealers. Said one or our
leading Diamond market dealers: "For some
unaccountable reason there bas been a great
shortage of borne grown vegetables the past
week. Rains bave been plenty in this section,
but gardens bare not come up to expectations.
Tomitoes, cucumbers, peas and beans from
near by gardens Lave been very scarce for a
few days back, and e would bave a sorry time
supplying our customers if we had to depend
on Lome-grown stuff. A week or two ago cu
cumbers were 75c to 51 for a bushel basket.
Now they are $2 to $2 25. A shipper upon whom
I depend for tomatoes w?s able to send me 4 to
6 bushels at a time a week or two ago. This
morning be could only send me three quarts,
lucre seems to be a blight on the gardens of
this vicinity of late." On the other hand new
potatoes aie coming in freely and ought to sell
cheaper than any time thU season. A farmer
from near Clinton says be never remembers
potatoes as low in his neighborhood as now. A
choice article is to bo bl for 60c a bushel.
Country butter is in better demand than a
week ago. Poultry is scarce and firm.
Following are latest prices of market basket
supplies, as furnished by leading retail dealers:
1 be prices called for at tbo Diamond Markets
remain unchanged. The best cuts of tender
loin steak range from 20 to 25c, with last figure
for ery fancy, which are very often no better
than the SOc article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18
to 20c; standing rib roast, from 15 to 20c; chuck
l oast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, I5o: boiling
beef, 5 to 8c; sweet breads, 20 to 50c per pair;
beef kidneys. 10c apioce; beef liver. 5c a pound;
calf livers, 2oc apiece; corned beef from 5 to 10c
per pound. Veal for steuing commands 10c:
roast. 12K to 15c: cutlets. 2 per pound: spring
lamD-s, fore quarter, 15 to 20c; bind quarters, 20
to 23c A leg of mutton, bind quarter, of
prime quality, brings 12c: fore quarter, 8c;
loin of mutton, 15c; giblets, 6c per pound.
Vegetables- nnd Frnlr.
2Jew white potatoes. 15 to 20c per half peck;
egg plants, 10 to 25c; hothouse grapes, SI 00 per
pound; tomatoes, 20c, home-grown, 30c per
quart box; new cabbage, 5 to 15c; bananas, 20 to
Sic a dozen: new home-grown carrots, 5c a
bunch; California peache", 50c per dozen;
lemons, 25to30c per dozen; oranges, 50c; lettuce,
5c per bunch, 6 for 25c: radishes, 5c per bunch;
cucumbers. 5c apiece: new beets, oca bunch:
cauliflowers, 15 to 25c a head; home-grown
string beans, 20c a half peck; home-grown golden
vax beans, 20c a half peck: new Southern
onions, r5c a h-ll peck: home-grown
squashes. 5 to S5c; home-grown potatoes, 15c a
half peck; home-grown peas, 20c per half peck;
black currants, 15c per quart J'cnrrants, 10c per
quart; watermelons, 55 to 50c; cantaloups. 15 to
50c; red raspberries, 10 to 15c a quart; black
raspberries, 10c; huckleberries, 15c a quart.
Butter, Eccs nnd Poultry.
Choice creamery butter, 25c Good country
butter. 20c Fancy pound roll, SOc
Tbe ruling retail price for eggs Is 20a
The range for dressed chickens Is SOc to
1 25 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound. Spring
chickens, 50 to 75c per pair; ducks, SI to SI 25
per pair; geese, 50 to 75c each.
Fish (n Season.
Following are the articles in this line on
the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon. 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her
ring. 4 pounds for 2dc; fepanish mackerel, 30c
to .35c a pound; sea salmon, 40c a pound;
bine fish, 25 to SOc; perch. 10c; halibut, Sac;
rock bas, 30c: black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c:
lobsters. 25c: green sea turtle, 2Sc; mckerel,
'50c small, 40c large. Oysters: N. Y. counts,
SI 75 per gallon; clams, SI 25 per gallon; scol
lops, 60c a quart: frogs, $2 00 to 2 00 per dozen;
soft shell crabs, 75c per dozen; devil crabs, b5o
per dozen.
la Fiance roses, SI 0001 50 per dozen; Bride
roses, SI 00 per dozen; Perles, $1 00 per dozen;
Nlphetos, SI 00 per dozen; Dennetts, SI 00
per dozen; American Beauty, 25c apiece; Mcr
mets. i 00 per aozen; carnations, 35c a dozen;
M aiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda
Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen: Jacqueminot
roses. 75c to SI GO a dozen; peonies, SI 00a oozec;
moss roses, SI 00 a dozen; June roses, SI 00 a
dozen; forgetmenots. 25c a dozen; water lilies,
60c a dozen.
The Condition of Business at tbe East Liberty
Stock Yards.
FlIIDAY, July 26, 18S9. J
CATCT.E Receipts, 500 head; shipments, 480
head: market, nothing doing; all through con
signments; no cattle shipped to New York to
day. Hogs Receipts. 900 nead: shipments, 1,400
head; market brisk; light Yorkers, $4 85: me
dium and light Philadelphia:. S4 704 80,
heavy, S4 50: 4 cars of hogs shipped to New
York to-dar.
Sheep Receipts. 1.000 head; shipments, 000
bead; market firm; prices unchanged.
Br Telegraph.
New York Beeves Receipts, 3,000 head, in
cluding 67 car loads for the market, 52 car
loads for city slaughterers direct, and 61 car
loads for exportation; good cattle were in de
mand and steady: common extremely dull, and
17 car loads of Texas and Colorado steers were
to sell at a late hour; native steers ranged from
S3 004 75 per 100 pounds; Texas and Colorado
do. S2 303)3 85; exports from this port to-day
and to-morrow, 3,000 beeves and 1.300 quarters
of beer. Calves Receipts, 4C0 bead; market
firm at 46c per pound for veals, and at 2
3c for buttermilk calves. Sheep Receipts,
4.200 bead; market dull and lower, with a limited
business at S3 C05 00 per 100 pounds for sheep,
and at S4 7566 75 for lambs. Hogs Receipts,
1,000 bead; no trading in live hogs; market
nominally unchanged at SI GO05 10 per 100
Kansas Crrr Cattle Receipts. 6,041 head;
shipments, 1,480 head; native beef steers steady
to firm: choice Texas and Indian steers a shade
stronger, closing weak; native rows fteadv to
6c higher: mixed to choice corn-fed steers, S3 90
4 15; common to medium, S2 90U3 70; storkers
and feeding steers, SI 603 00; cows. 31 502 GO;
grass range steers, SI 702 85. Hogs Receipts,
7,602 head: shipments, 2,US4head; market weak;
light SQlOc lower; heavy and mixed fully 10c
lower: good to choice lights, $4 1"K4 22:
heavy and mixed, S3 854 15. Sheep Receipts,
2,351 head; shipments, 237 head; market steady;
good to cbolce muttons, S3 754 00: common to
medium, S2 503 60.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 8,500 head; ship
ments. 3.600 head; market steady: beeves. 4 20
04 35: steers, S3 504 16; stockers and feeders,
VI 003 00; cows, bulls and mixed. SI 4003 00;
Texas cattle. SI 402 85; natives and half
breeds. S2 WQ3 60. Hogs Receipts, 15.000
bead; shipments. 8.000 head: market heavy at
10c lower: mixed, S4 204 60, heavy, S4 00
4 15, lieht, S4 354 W; skips. S3 504 60.
Sheen Receipts, 6,v00 head: shipments, 1,000
bead: market steady; natives, S3 754 85:
western, S3 604 20; Texans, S2 704 10; lambs,
J4 750 b 00.
ST. Lonis Cattle Receipts. 700 head: shln-
ments, 1,100 bead; market steady; choice heavv
native steers, S3 S04 SO; fair to good do, S3 00
3 90: stockers and feeders, fair to good, S3 15
&3 00; rangers, corn fed, 82 70fi3 30; grass fed.
SI 903 00. Hogs Receipts. 2,100 head: ship
ments, 1,600 bead: market weak; choice heavy,
$4 2004 35; packing, S4 204 40; light grades,
fair to best, Si 40214 55. bheep Receipts, 1,600
head; shipments, 2.000 bead; market steady:
fair to choice, S3 2034 60.
, Rdjtalo Cattle Receipts,651oads through.
1 load sale: nothing doing. Sheep and lambs
Receipts. 16 loads through: S loads sale; steady
and unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 23 loads
through; 18 loads sale; fairly active; mediums
and heavv, S4 004 05; Yorkers, 84 90: mixed
packing, S4 654 7a.
CrsciNJfATi Hogs easier; common and
light, S3 754 75: packing and butchers, S4 40
4 CO; receipts, 1,300 bead: shipments, 430 head.
v( Boston Wool Marttet.
Boston There has been a quiet market for
all kinds of wool and the sales for the week
amounted to only 2,440,000 pounds. Prices re
main the same and are quoted steady, but any
pressure to sell would result in lower prices.
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces have been In
moderate demand, with sales nf X at 33331c,;
- XX at 3IS56G, and No. 1 at 3839c Michigan
fleeces bat e been quiet and slow to move at 32
33c Tombing and delaine fleeces bave been
rfelling principally In small lots at 4042c for
To,l combings, 36c for Ohio fine delaine and 35c
for Michigan fine delaine. Territory, Texas
and California wools bave been selling quite
well and principally at 0063c scouted, for fine
and fine medium. Oregon wool has been in
good demand, and the sales of tbe week bave
been at 18322c Pnl'ed wools are steady bnt
qiiiet at previous prices. Foreign wools of all
kinds are very firm ana In small stock.
A Sharp Break In Wheat, tbe July Option
Leading the Downward Movement
Large Receipts nnd Better
Weather Too Much
for tbe Bnlls.
Chicago The wheat market to-day has
been rather nervous and spasmodic, with the
feeling decidedly weaker. Opening figures
were c below yesterday's closing. The
break really started yesterday af ter" the close of
'Change. Trade was dull all forenoon, and
fluctuations In futures beyond July were nar
row. This was owing largely to the fact that
the market was dominated by a prominent
operator, who was a persistent buyer at 792c
for December, the object evidently being to
bold the market at the "put" price of last
night The market rallied a little from the
early depression, and shortly after noon broke
sharply a full cent on larger estimated receipts
lor to-morrow and prospects of better weather
and Increased arrivals next week. A stamp in
July over 2c helped to depress the more de
ferred futures. A large amount of long wheat
was unloaded, and the volume of trade was
very heavy during the last half of the session.
A steadier and firmer feeling was develbped
toward tbe close, and prices rallied fractionally
from inside figures.
A moderate trade was reported in corn early
in the session, after which the market ruled
rather quiet. Tbe feeling early vas rather
firmer, and trading was at slightly higher
prices. Transactions were in the main local,
and confined largely to near futures. The better
feeling was due to shipping demand.whicb con
tinues good, and added strength to July and
August. As the session advanced offerings be
came quite liberal, and pnees declined to the
inside price of tbe day, due considerably to
warm and clearing weather. The market opened
at about the closing prices of yesterday, was
steady for a time, then advanced c, reacted
c, ruled steady and closed about the same as
veste ldft V
In oats' the market was quiet and steady,
without new features of any kind.
Ibero was considerable pressure to sell mess
pork, while tbe demand was only fair. The
feeling was unsettled, accompanied with con
siderable irregularity in prices. Early in the
day prices declined 7X10c.but this was quick
ly recovered. Later a weaker feeling was de
veloped, and prices receded 2022Kc Near the
close the market was steadier, and prices
rallied 57Jc and closed quiet.
Only a lair trade was reported In the lard
market, and the feeling was easy. Prices de
clined2J65c and the market closed quiet at
medium figures.
Quite a good business was dona in ribs. At
the opening the feeling was easy.and sales were
made at 6Q7c decline. With a good demand
from local shorts the reduction was gradually
recovcred.with active trading at the advancing
scale. Later the market weakened and prices
receded again and closed rather tame.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 July, 82B380Jia81e:
August. 78Xgi78JiS7878c; September. 77
mtM6l7i36&nhc: December. 79!'aS0a78a
Corn No. 2 August, 3636K35g35Kc;
September, 3G364635K35c; October. 3oV
Oats No. 2, August,21Kc; September. ZlKc:
October, 22liZ2y.c
Mess Pork, per bbl. August, S10 82UQ10 S2K
10 6510 70: September, S10 90610 92k
10 701U SO; October, ?10 6710 6710 &5
10 65.
Lard, per 100 Ew August, $6 12& Septem
ber. S6 2266 22X68 20g6 20; October, to 22
6 20.
Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. August. S5 42;
September, S5 47H5 525 475 60; Octo
ber. S5 475 47.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour quiet
and unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat. 81c: No.
3 do, nominal; No. 2 red, 81c No. 2 corn. 36V
36Xc Ma 2 oats. 2ZVc No. 2 rye. 42K
No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 33.
Prime timothv seed, SI 43gl 45. Mess pork, per
barrel, S10 7510 80. Lard, per 100 pounds. $0 15
66 17. Short ribs, sides (loose), S5 405 50.
Dry salted shoulders (boxed), to 12&5 25.
Short clear sides (boxed), S5755 87. Sugars
unchanged. Receipts Flour, 11000 barrels;
wheat, 96,000 bushels: corn. 196.000 bushels: oats,
175.000 bushels: rye, 10.000 bushels; barley,
1,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 11,000 barrels;
wheat, 17,000 bushels; com. 257,000 bushels; oats,
347,000 bushels: rye, 21,000 bushels; barley, none.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was fairly active; fancy creamery. 16
16jc: fine. 1314c: finest dairies, ll12c;
lair to good J10c Eggs quiet at llllc
New York Flour quiet; spring grades firm;
winters weak. Cornmeal steady. Wheat
Spot steady; demand moderate for export and
milling; options dull; July c higher; other
months lc lower, closing steady; crop re
ports favorable and Western reports depress
ing. Rye quiet and easy. Barley nom
inal and quiet. Corn Spot fairly active and
firmer; light offerings; options qaiet; July and
August steady; September and October, c
lower. Oats Spot steady and quiet; options
quiet and firm. Hay In fair demand and
stead v. Hops quiet and easy. Coffee Options
opened steady at 610 points up, and closed
barely steady at610 points up; cables steady
and quiet; sales, 46,250 bags, including August
14.15014.25c: September. 14.3014.45c: October.
14.3014.40c; November. 14.30814 15c;December,
14.2514.40c: January. 14.3014.S5c: February,
14.2514.30c; March. 14.2514.S0c: May, 14.250
14.40c; spot Rio quiet; fair cargoes, 17 a Sugar
Raw inactive and nominal; refined quiet and
steady. Molasses Foreign quiet: New Orleans
dull. Rice quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil
steadv. Tallow strong; city (52 for packages),
4 ll-16c Rosin quiet and steady. Turpentine
quiet and steady at S95i40c Eggsqulet and
easy; western, 1318c; receipts, 8,588 pack
ages. Fork steady and quiet. Cutmeats strong;
pickled bellies, 12 pounds, loose, 7e bid:
pickled hams, lllc; pickled shoulders,
555c; middles weak and dull. Lard easier
and quiet; spot western steam, S6 62; city,
$6 15. options. August. S6 60; September, S6 57
6 61, closing at S6 53; October. S6 57, closing
at 16 68; November. S6 42. Butter Choice
steady; other grades weak: western dalrv.lO
12c: creamery, ll17c; do factory, 812r,
Cheese fairly active and easy; western, 0
Philadelphia Flour ruled firm for choice
winter flours, supplies of which were cleaned
up promptly on arrival; new winters scarce:
supplies Of sprints moderate. Wheat dull and
prices of cash No. 2 red declined 1c under freer
offerings and light Inquiry for export; futures
beyond this month ruled steady; steamer No. 2
red in export elevator, 84c: No. 4 red In do..
86c;No.2red.July, 8686c; August. 85i
85Jic; do September. 8484c; August, 85
86c Corn ruled firm under light offerings; No.
2 mixed, In Twentieth street elevator. 45c; No.
2 bigh mixed, on track. 45c; No. 2 mixed, J ul v.
44441c; August, 43J44c; September,: 44
44ic; October. 4441&c Oats Market for
car lots auiet and steadv: No. 2 mixed. Sic- N n
3 white, 3334c; No. 2 white, short storage
in x wenueui
35c: do
in tures quiet dui steaay; mo. 4 will te, July,
24K31c; August, 31V12Kc; September, 30
(84iic; uctooer, sjti5zc provisions steady
and in fair demand. Lard Western steam, 6
6c Eggs steadv for choice goods; Pennsyl
vania firsts, 1414c Receipts Flour, 1,800
barrels; wheat, 1,1500 bushels; corn, 15,000 bush
els; oats, 16,600 bushels. Shipments Wheat,
L&OO bushels; corn, 8,700 bushels; oats, 17,800
St. Louis Flour weak and lower to sell, but
quotably unchanged. Wheat The whole line
of futures opened c lower, cables coming
In weak and all markets reported easier. Fluc
tuations were notviolent during tbe session,
and while trading was fair It was below the
average. Favorable advices later bad no effect
and the markets closed with declines of lo for
July and August, and lc for September and
December; No. 2 red. casb-,763i76o; Jnly;
754i76c. closing at 75Kc asked; August, 74
(275c closing at 74Q74c asked; September,
75J75c, closing at 75c; December, 78
70c closing at Wyic bid. Com lower: No 2
mixed, cash, 8333c; August, 32U33c,
closing at 33c asked; September, 33SJc,
closing at S3c; December, 3232c closing at
32c asked; year, 31c, closing at 31?cbid.
Oats steadv: No. 2, cash, 22c bid; Jul), 23c;
August, 21c; September. 2lo bid; May, 25c
hid. Rye No. 2, 42c Barley The first car
new crop received this season sold for SOc; it
was shipped from Clyde, Kansas- Flaxseed.
SI 22.
CINCINNATI Flour autet. Wheat In mnrter.
ate demand: No. 2 red. 7VS0c; receipts, 13,400
bushels: shipments, 9,600 'bushels. Corn
firm; No. 2 mixed, 88c Oats steady; No. 2
mixed, 2b27c Rye quiet; No. 2, 47c Pork
weaker at SU 60. Lard quiet at 5 95. Bulk
meats easy; short rib, $5 75. Bacon Short
clear, S6 75. Batter steady. Sugar easy. Eggs
quiet at le loss off. Cheese firm.
Milwaukee Flour steady. Wheat dull;
cash, 78c; September, 76c Corn dnll; No. 3,
36c Oats quiet; No. 2 white, 2828c Rye
firm; No. 1, 43c Barley easy: No. 2 Sep
tember, 60c sellers. Provisions easy. Pork,
S10 67. Lard. S6 12. Cheese unchanged;
Cheddars, 7K8c.
Baltimore Provisions dull; mess pork,
$13 0013 50. Butter steady; Western packed,
1012c: creamery, 1616c Eggs unsettled;
fresh, 12c Coffee nominal; Rio fair at 18c
Isdiakapolis Wheat weaker; No. 2 red,
77c bid. Com steady; No, 2 mixed, 35c bid.
Oat dull; No. 2 mixed. 24c n
Toledo Cloverseed dull and firm: cash.
SI 60; October, $4 4
Sletnl Market.
New York Pig iron quiet and steady:
Scotch, S19 7521 60; American, $15 50 17 60.
Copper dull and heavy: lake, August, SU 50.
Lead quiet and Tinner; domestic, S3 87. Tin
quiet: straits, S19 CO.
Wool Market.
St. Louis Receipts, 29,115 pounds. Market
steady and unchanged.
New YoflK Wool Is firm and qaiet; domes
tic fleece," S239c; pulled, 2340c; Texas, 14,
The Bayne Property Sold to a Syndi
cate Headed by a Lawyer.
Boom in and Around Pittsburg for a Popu
lation of Two Millions.
Yesterday the name of the "party of the
second part," that is, the purchaser, in the
$100,000 Bayne sale, down the Fort Wayne
Railroad, which had been kept in the back
ground for private reasons, accidentally
leaked out, and is now given to the public
for the first time. Arthnr Kennedy, the
well-known lawyer, made the purchase, it is
stated, as one of a syndicate organized for
that purpose. The deal was made in antici
pation of an advance in the price of real
estate in that section to result from the new
boulevard, or California avenne, which is
hastening tq completion, and rapid transit,
which is assured at an early day. A year
a?o the price would have been considered
almost exorbitant, but under the changed con
ditions it is conceded by all who know any
thing about the property and its possibilities
that it was bonght at a bargain.
Tbe rapid rate at which land is being bought
up and built on in the suburCs is the cause of
apprehension In some quarters that tbe supply
will soon be exhausted, or that prices will
reach such an altitude as to be beyond the
reach of persons of ordinary means. "These
fears are entirely groundless," remarked a real
estate dealer yesterday. "There is room in
and adjacent to Pittsburg for a population of
at least 2,000,000. We have now less than one
quarter of that number. There are thousands
of unocenpied acres, comprising beautiful
building and manufacturing sites, within 15 or
20 minutes' tide of the heart, of
the city. Many large districts are just
being opened. Tbere is plenty of room
in the Twenty-third ward, which is
very sparsely settled, for a population of 10,000.
The Southslde has scarcely commenced to fill
up, and the same maybe said of the country
down the Fort Wayne Railroad. This is a
good time to bay, as values are certain to move
up as tbe demand increases, but there is plenty
of land for all, and will be for years to come.
Fifty years from now will be time enough to
talk of overcrowding."
Plans for a park at Wildwood, tbe pumping
station of the Wilkinsburg Water Company.on
the Allegheny, are being discussed, and some
thing tangible is expected to result in a short
time. The grounds comprise about two acres.
They will be handsomely improved and made
attractive as a summer resort. A hotel and a
number of cottages are also talked of, bat they
will not be built before next summer.
The American Consul at Amoy, in a commu
nication to the State Department at Washing
ton, in regard to the adulteration of tea, says:
"A large percentage of the Amoy oolong is
poorly cultivated, 'poorly picked and cured,
dirty, and adulterated. 'Stuff,' it was called
by tbe Amoy Commissioner of Customs in his
last year's annual report, and be added that
the stuff 'was alone wanted In America.' This
is, unfortunately, true, for neatly the whole
crop of Amoy oolongs bad and often unfit for
use as they are are annually marketed in the
United States. The American people are bet
ter able to use and pay for a good article of
tea than the poople of any other nation. I am
certain it is not the tea-drinking public in the
United States that causes this inferior stuff to
find a market only in America. It is the greed
of importers and exporters that alone makes
it possible to impose this vile stuff, by excess
ive courtesy called tea, upon the American
The big drygoods failure in the East will
scarcely be felt here. One of the oldest bank
ers In the city said yesterday: "The talk of
such a failure precipitating a financial or any
other kind of a crisis is all bosh. It will be for
gotten In a week. The liabilities are so widely
, distributed that tbe effect will scarcely be felt
in the business world, It's a mere bagatelle as
compared with the Conemaugh disaster, and
that didn't bring on.a panic The business of
the country is on too sonnd a basis to be shakei
by anything less than a universal collapse
Abundance of money and an assurance of good
crops enable us to snap our fingers at such
trifles as the Lewis failure."
John Blythe, of the Ashtabula and Pittsburg
Gas Coal Company, has secured a controlling
Interest in the Shaner Oas Coal Company. He
bas purchased the Interests of President Will
iam A. Clements and Treasurer John Craven.
The colliery is located at Ouffy's, on the Balti
more and Ohio road. It is a property of 203
acres, and is the key to a large tract of laud in
that vicinity. The company has 100 miners at
The building of steel barges capable of carry
ing 100,000 bushels of grain at a load has be
come an important business on the lakes. At
DulutD, recently, the second vessel of this de
scription for the American Steel Barge Com
pany was launched and still another is far ad
vanced toward completion. In the construction
of the completed vessel about 800 tons of mild
steel from tbe worts of Carnegie, Pbipps &
Co. were used. The Illinois Steel Company, of
Chicago, contemplates engaging extensively in
the business of building steel vessels for em
ployment in lake commerce.
The condition of the floor market, according
to a Minneapolis miller. Is about as follows:
Prices seem to be higher than the East wants
to pay, and there is a general abstention wbere
possible to put off purchases. Some parties are
shading quotations made a week ago. Rather
th e m ost favorable f eatnre of tb e situation Is th e
growing interest shown from abroad. Bakers'
is easily disposed of for export, the bids of
foreigners showing an upward tendency as to
prices. Inquiries are also being made as to
prices of patents for September and October
delivery, and local millers think that if wheat
values are kept on a reasonable basis on the
new crop there will be no trouble about ex
porting our usual quota of flours of all grades.
The larger holdings of stored flour here have
been pretty much exhausted, though there are
still 130,000 barrels at Suluth, against 167,000
barrels a year ago.
In regard to the story that he bad been try
ing to buy the Alton Railroad, Jay Gould said
the other day: "I have all tbe railroad I need
at present All my interests are in railroads,
and I am satisfied to look after them. I am not
a speculator, and I have not had a speculative
Interest in the market for five years. I occa
sionally have money to Invest and I place it In
railroad securities. I have made no offer for
the Alton." Mr. Gould smiled when it was
suggested that he had recently been borrowing
large sums of money. He remarked, after a
brief pause: "I am lending much more than I
am borrowing."
Stocks Show a Stronger Front Special
Fcntnre of tbe Market.
Local stocks are evidently on the point of a
general rally. Some of them have been quite
active aU week, but yesterday the upward
movement affected almost everything on tbe
board, directly or indirectly. If not better In
tbe bidding1 they were backed by a more hope
ful feeling, which always counts for a good
deal There was a fair demand for nearly all
of tbe favorites, and purchasers had to pay fall
prices for everything they got
Tbe Philadelphia Oas Trust demonstrated
its popularity by selling at the same price as
the regular, 87Ji, and the offerings were not
enough to satisfy the demand. Electric was
stronger, opening with a sale at 60, with 60 bid
at the close. No attempt was made to revive
the boom In La Nona, but tbere was a good
demand for It at 1 and 1. A large amount
of It could bavo been sold at the former figure.
Chartlers Valley Gas was wanted at 4 but
there was none for sale at that figure. 3 here
was a sale of Citizens' Traction at 60. Central
was about steady, and Pittsburg neglected.
Tbere were indications of a revival In Pitts
burg and Western, owing to the Improved con
dition of the road, and a small lot of the pre
ferred stock brought 20. an advance over
recent prices. Switch and Signal was offered
at 2 bat nobody took the bait There were
a large enmber of bids for bank and insurance
stocks, but without transaction. Bids, offer
and sales are appended:
Hid. Asked. Bit. Asked.
Allegheny Nat Bk.. Sl
Commercial H. Banc.. .... 100 .... ....
Citizens Mat. Hani.... KH
JJuquesne .Nat Hank.. 150 .... ,
Fourth Nat. Hank 127 130
Fifth Avenue Bank.. . 40
Keystone Bank, fltts COX
Pitts. N. V. ofCom'ce 230
Pitts. B'k for Savings. 220
Second 1 at. Bank 240
Tradesmen's Nat B'k. 22$
W'klwrman'sSvs , A. 72
Allegheny Ins. Co M
Artisans' Insurance... 29
City Insurance 30
Citizens' In So 37X
Mfrs. & Mer. Ins. 0 .... ....
Western Insurance M .... ....
Chartlers Val. (las Co. 43
Klttannlng V. N. G 63
Mat lias Co. of W. Va. MX
Ohio Valley Gas. 60
People's .Nat Uas SO
P.N. O. 41'. Co 17K
Pennsylvania Gas Co.. 14
Philadelphia Co 37)4 SIX 04
Wheellnr Uas Co 29 31 29 31
CentralTractlon. - 30A SOX XH
Cltlzens'Tractlon...... tSH C9 SSH 69
Pleasant Valler 200
Pitts., Alle. Man 2
Pitts. & Western it. K. ....' IS
P. A W. K. It Co. prcr 20K 2J
-LaNoriaMlnlncCo... ljf Vi 1
1estinghousp Electric SO .... K ....
New Castle Water Co. SO 33 ,
U. 8. &Slg. Co 21 .... 20X
Sales at the morning call were 125 shares of
LaNoriaatl,60at60 Electric at 60,24
Philadelphia Gas at 37, 100 at 37 and 10 Pitts
burg and Western preferred at 20.
At tb afternoon call 100 shares La Noria
sold at 1. 100 Philadelphia Trust at 37, 20 at
37 and 20 Philadelpaia regular at 3
After the call 35 shares of Citizens' Traction
went at 69
The toui sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 178,132 shares, including: Atchison,
20,b$0; Louisville and Nashville, 7,705; Missouri
Pacific, 6,600; New England, 9.950; Reading, 3L
40: St Paul, 32,560; Union Pacific, 8,000.
Monetary Affairs In Good Shape for Mid
summer Clearing: Home Flgnres.
Business In tbe local money market yesterday
was of good proportions and entirely satisfac
tory for the season. There was a fair borrow
ing demand, depositing was good and checking
liberal. Rates of interest were steady at 66
percent Small notes were rather scarce, and
there was a moderate demand for Eastern ex
change. Tbere was a good supply of funds all
round. The Clearing House report was satis
factory, the exchanges being 2,263,632 12 and
tbe balances $513,807 XL A banker remarked:
"I think I can see an improvement in the bor
rowing demand In tbe last few days. This Is
the life of oar business."
Money at New York yesterday was easy
at 13 per cent; last loan, lper cent clos
ing offered at 1. Prime mercantile paper,
46W. Sterling exchange quiet and steady
at 24 85 for 60-day bills and 14 S7 for de
mand. Closing Bond Qnotntlons.
TJ. 8. 4s,reg I28SV
U. a. 4s. coup I2SS'
U. 8. 4Xs, re; 10XH
D. & 4iS, coup 1065,'
1I.K.4T. Oen.Ss . E7!4
Mutual Union 6s. ...100
N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .112
Northern Pac lsts. .117
Northern Pac. Ids. 1154
Northw't'n consols. HCH
Northw'n deben's.JM
Oregon & Trans. 6s 106
tit. 1-. &I.M. Oen.Ss lOK
St. U& b. F. Gen. M. 1 18
Hi. Paul consols .'...127
raciucMor'95 113
Louisiana stamped is SSi(
Missouri s 100
'lenn. new set. As. ...105
Tcnn. new set 5s... .102
Tenn. newset.3s.... 73
Canada bo. 2d 9314
Cen. 1'aclflc, lsts IMS
Den. AitO ,lsts.iaH
Den. & It. . 4s 78)4
D.AU.a.Wt,ltu. 101
StPh Chi A Pe.lsts.I17
Tx., PcL. O.Tr Rs. S8JS
Tx., Pc. ItG.Tr.hcts 3V,
union rat. isu.....ii
West Shore .loy
trie, 2us us
K. K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 621
Government and State bonds are firm and
New Yobk Clearings, 33,392,795; balances,
Boston Clearing!, 14,267,247; balances, 11,
096.723. Philadelphia Clearings, !10,975,W9; bal
ances, 11,259,695.
Baltimoee Clearings, JL531.SG1; balances,
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day
is 26,000. Bar silver, 42 3-16.
Pabis Three percent rentes, 83f 92a
Berlin The statement of tbe Imperial
Bank of Germany shows an increase In Specie
of 6,600.000 marks.
Chicago Money firm; on call. 666 per cent;
time loans, 67. Bank clearings, 9,983,000.
Oil Weaker, bnt No Sign of a Material
The bullish feeling on tbe Oil Exchange was
more pronounced yesterday than on previous
days of the week, and prices assumed a slight
ly lower level, but there was nothing that could
be called a break, and, except for a few min
utes in the forenoon, the market ranged above
a dollar all day. Tbere were no special influ
ences at work, so far as known, and the weaker
feeling was due entirely to the longs, who are
maneuvering for a slump to enable tbem to
buy at lower figures. Trading was brisk most
of the day, but confined to small lots.
August deliveries will begin next week, and
it Is expected they will be very prompt This
will make oil more plentiful, and may have a
bearish effect upon the market particularly if
prices should be as high or higher than at pres
ent The July business has all been cleared
up. .The fluctuations were: Opening, 100:
highest, 101: lowest 99 closing, 100.
Thursday's clearings Were 1,289,000 barrels.
The Acheson well, on tbe Mark Acheson
farm, Washington county, touched the pay
streak Thursday night and shows for a good
welt It was shutdown and the work of con
necting the well with the tank commenced.
When this is finished it Will be drilled in. If
this well proves good. It will bean important
one, as it will materially extend tbe territory
south. Twelve wells are now ready for drilling
near this one and one waiting for tbe result
from the Acheson.
Tbe Clark well is nearly threugh tbe Gantz
sand with no increase in production. It will be
light Conkle's Mason lot well is through the
sand and good for 16 barrels per hour. The
Lustlck and Mitchell Linton gushers are still
holding up good. Harding No. 2 is in tbe top
of tho 60-foot sand and good for 60 barrels per
day. The Smith lot well of ihe Mobawk Od
Company was in the sand Thursday with no
show of oiL It looks like a failure. Five wells
were due yesterday. The Harding No. 1 is get
ting some very peculiar oil in tbo "Big Injun"
sand. It resembles the product found in But
ler county. The strike has occasioned much
Features of the Market
Corrected dally by John M. Oaiciey A Co , 45
Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened lOOHILowest 93
Highest UllCloscd 100.
Average runs k 61,377
Average shipments. 78,109
Average charters M.110
Refined, New York, 7.40c
Ueflne, London, 5Md.
Kenned, Antwerp, Wit.
Beflned, Liverpool, 6 7-16d.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Pats, 9Sc;
calls, (1 02. -
Oil Markets.
Bbadfobb, Jnly 26. National transit cer
tificates opened at SI 00;closedat ?1 01K: high
est 1 01&; lowest, 99c; clearances, 960,000
Nktv Yoke. July 26. StockExchange: Open
ing, SI 01: bigbestSl 01; lowest, 99c, Closing
at SI 00V. Consolidated Exchange: Opening,
SI 00X; highest SI G; lowest, P9c, closing at
SlOOji Total sales, GOLOOO barrels.
On. City. July 2a National transit cer
tificates opened at SI 01: highest SI 01; low
est OOc; closed, SI 00. Sales, 616.000 barrols;
clearances, UOoO.OOO barrels; charters, 254,126 bar
rels; shipments, 74,139 barrels; runs, 61,418
'Real Estate Almost n Active aaEver Gen
eral Big Deals.
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold six lots, Nos, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28 and 27, in
Swissdale place plan at Swissvale to a
well known business man for 4,600. The
property fronts 310 feet on Columbia
avenue, and extends from Union street
to Westmoreland avenue. The purchaser
intends erecting a fine residence in the
near future. Although the lots were but re
cently placod on the market they bave attracted
much Interest and judging by present indica
tions will meet with ready sale. The same firm
sold for the Blair estate lot No. 160. on Almeda
street Twenty-third ward, being 24x120 feet to
a 20-foot alley, for $400.
James W. Drape & Co. sold two Iot on South
street Wilkinsburg, Orchard plan, 30x124 feet
each, for 11,050 each; also, 23 lots near Home
wood station. East End, for S6.S00. They also
placed a mortgage of S3.800 on a property in tbe
suburbs at 6 per cent; alio, three mortgages of
14,000 on property in McKeesport at 6 per cent;
also, a mortgage of S5,00Q on property in a man
facturing city in Ohio at 6 per cent: also sold
a house and two lots In tbo East End, near
Fenn and Amelia streets, at SiOCO.
Ewing A Byers, 107 Federal street, Allegheny,
sold for Mercer A Mcllvaine, attorneys, to
Thompson A Tburbron. lots ftos. 2 and 3, In
Black A Robrkaste plan of lots, Tenth ward,
Allegheny, on tbe line of the Perrysvillo elec
tric road, fronting on Perrysrille avenue, in
size 20x230 feet each running through from
street to street for SM50.
Black A Bainl, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
William J. Mercer lot No. 4 and one-half of
No. 8, In the J. Walter Hay plan of lots, on Re
becca street East End, having a total frontage
of 30x100 feet In depth, to an alley, for SG00, on
easy payments. They also placed a mortgage of
$1,000 for three years, at 6 per cent on a proper
ty on Penn avenue. They also sold to Charles
DalzelL for the estate of JohnL. Rhodes, the
property No. 17 Townsend street being a threo
storv brick dwelling, with lot 23.6x100 feet for
Geo. S. Martin, 603 Liberty street, sold in tbe
Maplewood Park plan. Wilkinsburg, lots Nos.
46 and 48, having a frontage of 40 feet each on
Coal street, by 120 feet to Washington lane, for
$300 to F. 8. Jelley.
Atles A Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for J.
A. Kllfham a lot 25x137 feet 6n Buena Vista
street running through to Perrysville avenue,
to Hugh McCune. for $375 cash.
J. R. Cooper A Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold to
James Bucber, for Julius Pichel, a house aud
lot, being No. 41 Wyoming avenne, for $3,000.
John D. Bailey sold at auction a brick house
and lot 25xl25lon Fulton street belonging to
the estate of Henry S. McGeary, deceased, to
George M. Haslett for $5,250.
The Big City Shavre Confidence in American
Securities A Raid on Reading
Which Affects the Entire List
Everything Weak at
tbe Close.
New Yobk, July 26. This was another dull
and almost featureless day upon the Stock Ex
change, though the aggregate of the business
done was somewhat larger than that of yester
day. The dealings, however, were on tbe samo
limited scale except income stock, and tbe
fluctuations were confined to the same narrow
range, while tbe result or the day's operations
is to leave the list with fractional changes
about equally divided between gains and losses.
The news of the day was of no special import
ance, tbe only rate catting being by tbe Den
ver, Texas and Fort Worth, while the general
drift of the rumors circulated was bullish.
London again showed its confldedce in the
values of American stocks by sending higher
quotations than our last night's figures, and
both London and Chicago were buyers of their
favorites during most of tbe day. The com
mission houses reported rather more orders
from the outside, and the temper of tbe room
this morning was bullish for a turn, which bad
the effect of opening the market at generally
from K per cent-higher than last evening's
prices, wnile Missouri Pacific was exceptional
ly higher, with a gain of Jo and Northwestern
and Jersey Central were both lower. The
early dealings were extremely featureless,
though tbe Cleveland, Columbus. Cincinnati
and St Louis stocks moved up sharply and soon
scored a handsome advance
Later the movement extended to the rest of
the list and St Paul, Union Pacific and New
England took the lead In the upward move
ment followed later by Missouri Pacific and
Atcheson, though in none of these was the ad.
vance for more than a fraction. After noon
there was tbe usual marked decrease in the
amount of business done, but tbe advance met
with no check, and toward delivery hour most
of the list were at tbe best prices of the day.
News came from Philadelphia, however, that
Reading was disposing of its surplus gains to
obtain money to complete its contemplated
terminals, and a raid was made upon that stock,
which carried it down 1 per cent, Lackawanna
following. Tbe movement spread to the re
mainder of the list after delivery hour, and the
whole market then declined, and in many cases
the gains of the forenoon were completely
wiped out The market finally closed doll, but
weak at close to the opening prices. There
were no important final changes.
Dullness still continues to increase in rail
road bonds, the total sales of all issues to-day
being only 693,000, but there was special anima
tion in the Reading fours, owing to tbe before
mentioned rumor, and they contributed $121,000
to the total. There was the same lack of
character to the dealings In the rest of the list
and important changes In quotations are fewin
The followlne table snows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Mock Exchange vester
dsy. Corrected daily for Tin Dispatch by
W 111TVKT & STEMiKEO". oldest Pittsburg mem
bers of .New York stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave
ing Bids.
CI., Col., On. & I,, new 67
Cl.,Col.,C1n. AL, pr. VSft
Am. Cotton Oil U
Atcn.. lop. & a. v.... 3014
Canada Southern. II
Central of New Jersey.llOj
Chesaceake A UI110 ... 22
O.. Bar. A Oab.cr 10014
C. Mil. a St Paul.... 70
C. Mil. A bt. p.. pr....l0SX
C, KockL &P 94
C at L. 4 flits
C, St. L. A Pitts. p. 33k
C St. P.. M. & O Zl
C. St. P..M. A o.. pr.
C A .Northwestern.. ..107
C A Northwestern, pr. ....
Col. Coal A Iron
Col. A Hocking Val .. 14!4
Del.. L. A W H354
Del. A Hudson
Denver A Bio U pt... 4S
E. T.. Va, AUa 10
E. T Va, A Ua. 1st pr. 70
K.I.. Va. A Oa. 2d pf. ....
Illinois Central
Lake Erin A Western.. UK
Lake Erie A West pr.. o7
Lake Shore AM. S 101J,
Louisville A Nashville. 3'A
Michigan central 87
Mobiles Ohio
Mo., a, ATexas 10H
Missouri faclflc b7!
New fork Central lft.)i
N. Y.. L.E.A W 28
N. Y C A St U 16
N. X., ti A St L. pr.
N.Y.. C. Abt.L..2d pf ....
N. i, O. A V 17
Norfolk A Western.... IS
NorfoikA Western, cf
Northern Pacific 27)i
Nortnern Pacific Dref. (aU
UbloA Mississippi 22a
Oregon Improvement
Oregon Transcon 3114
PacincMall 2314
l'eo. Dec. A Evans..... 20V
Fhlladel. A Heading.. HX
Pullman Palace Car. ....
Richmond A W. P. T.. 21ft
KlchmondAW.P.T.nl ....
St. P., Minn. A Man
SCL. A San Fran 27
St L. A San Jrran pt. 67
St.L. A Han P. 1st pt.. ...
Texas Paclflo 19!4
Utftonfacltlc W
Wabash preferred 2sH
Wheeling A L. &M
Sugar Trust 109
National Lead Trust. 23
Chicago tias Trait 26K
est 684
est. 67
101 u
22)4 2U
S9 S6J4
Boston Stocks.
A. AT. Land Gr't7s. 107
Wis. central, com.
ltostouA Aitjnv.!':i6
uuuinei a necia
1'ewablo (new) .
Hell Telephone..
Boston Land
lloston A Maine.. ...200
C, B. AU 100
.. 8
... 2
.. 48
.. 97
.. Z4
... a
r-mstern ic. it iw
Eastern It. It. 6s ,...IJ6
fllnlAPcreM. tfil. 95
Mexican Cen. coin.. 15
Mex.C.lstmtg. bds. 05
Water Power....
N. V. New Ens-... 4S1, (Tamarack
N. Y. A N.E.7S....123M
Old Colony. 175)4
San Ulego
Santa 1 e copper.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York StockEx
change. Hid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad 51 51
Reading 11 21 15-H
Lehigh Valley 53 53)4
Lehigh Navigation 52
Nortnern Pacific 27 21
Northern Pacific preferred 63 63)4
Whisky market
Prices are steady at tl 02 for finished goods.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. 1123,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Issue travelers' credits througbrMeosrs. DrexeL
Morgan i Co , New York. Passports procured.
614-515 Hamilton Building.
mvlO-70-D PittsburcPa.
Fidelity Title and Trust Co.
AIVUI remove to it new building,
Monday, July 29.
Safe deposit department will be open for, busi
ness on t.
Thursday. August 1,
Boxes to rent from $o per year upward. Se
lection ot ooxeamay b0 made on anavaiier
When the vault and parlors may be Men.
Coffee Weak Berries in Demand
Eggs Held Firmly at Top Figures.
Many Potatoes on the Market and Pi-ices
Sagging Slowlj.
Office of PirrsBtmo Dispatch, 1
Friday, July 20, issa. J
Cobntry Produce Jobbing Price.
Good berries were scarce to-day, and eggs
were also firmly held. Potatoes are dropping
in price. Trade was active, but supplies were
excessive and buyers bad tbe advantage.
Bcttee Creamery; Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do.
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country
rolls. 1012c
Beas SI 751 90.
Bekswax 2s30c $) B for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, ?0 507 60; common,
13 5004 00; crab cider, SS 00&S 50 V barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c $1 gallon.
CHEESE Ohio. 8K.; New York, 1010Kc;
Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweltzer, 9&
12Kc: imported Sweltzer, 22Kc
California Fruits California peaches,
12 00 ft Ji bushel box; cherries. S3 00: apricots,
S2 00 a 4 basket easel plums, SI 752 00 a 1
baiLet case,
EGOS 1515Xc 9 dozen for strictlv fresh.
Fruits Apples, S2 003 00 ?t barrel; pine
apples. SI 00 1 25 dozen; red raspberries. 6
&10o $1 quart: black raspberries, 58c $1 quart;
whortleberries, 75cSl 00 f) pail; blackberries,
58c$l quart; wild goose plums, $2 60 1 crate;
currants, S3 504 fl 2-bushet stand; watermelons.
S15 0025 00 ff buudred; sickel pean. S2 00
2 25 1 Uushel crate; Alabama peaches, 6-basket
cases, S3 00.
Peathers Extra live geese. S0S0c; No. 1,
do, 4045l; mixed lots, 3035c E.
Potatoes SI 251 50 ? barrel.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 5060c $1
pair; old, 7075c pair.
Seeds Clover, choice. 82 Sis to bushel, S5 60
$1 bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. SS GO;
clover, Alsike. S8 60; clover, white. S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, SI 65: blue grass extra
clean, 14 fis. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 &', SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 Bs, SI 65; red top, 14 B. 31 25;
millet, 50 lis. SI 00; German Millett, 50 fti.
SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 ft". SI 00; lawn
gras3, mixture of fine grasses, $2 60 ?1 bushel
of 14 lbs.
Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered, 5
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. S3 00
5 60 fl box; Messina oranges, S5 0005 50 fl box;
rodi. S4 5005 00; California oranges, 54 6o4 7o
if box: bananas. S2 25 firsts. SI 25 (rood seconds.
1 bunch; cocoanuts, 4 00Q1 50 hundred;
new figs, 8K9c M ft; dates, 5(Kc J-
Vegetables Tomatoes, Mls.issippis, four
basket cases, $1 752 00; beans, round wax
fancy, 52 50 t? crate; beans, round wax medium,
S2 00 fl crate; beans, round green, S2 252 50;
new beet", 202oc $1 dozen; cucumbers, 75c
Jl 00 1 bushel box: radishes, large white and
grav, J035c fl dozen; home-grown cabbage,
31250150 fl barrel; new celery, &060c $1
Coffee Is rather weak, but the general list
showed no appreciable change.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice
Rio, 1820c: prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 2723c; Santos, 1922c: Caracas
2022c: peaberry, Rio. 2123c; La Guayra, 21
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 22c:
nign graues ZiQKuc; om Government Java,
Spices (whole) Cloves, 212Sc: allspice, 8c:
cassia, be; pepper, 10c: nutmeg, 70SOc.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test,7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150. 8Jc; water
white, 10c; globe. J2c; elaine, 15c; tarnadine,
llc: royaline, 14c
SYRUPS CornSyrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrups, 33(3330 prime sugar syrup, S033c;
Strictly prime, 3335e: new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. M.'bLASSES Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 48cs me
dium; 4&c: mixed, 4042c
Soda Bl carb in kegs,3K4c; bl-carb in Ks,
5JJc; bl-carb, assorted packages. 5Ji6c; sal
soda In kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c.
Candles atar, full weight, 9c; stearine. 9
set, SKc; parafflne. ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Ke: choice. 6V
7c: prime. 5K6Vc; Louisiana, b6Mc
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 6J7c; gloss
starch, 5Q7c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. S2 65; Lon
don lajers, S3 10; California London layers.
S2 50; Muscatel. S2 25: California Muscatels,
SI 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,
7K8c; sultana, 8Jic; currants, 4K5c;
Turkey prunes, 45c; French prunes,
8KKlc; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages 8c:
cocoanuts. 100, Jtt 00; almonds, LanM per ft,
20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40e; walnuts, nap .
LK15c; Sicily filberts. 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
10c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nnts, 10c: pecan-.
ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per
Dried Fruits Apples sliced, per ft, 6c
apples evaporated, 6X66Kc; apricots Califor;
nia. evaporated. 15S13c: Deaches. ev.ir.nrti
pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 10!2c; cherries pitted, 2122c;
cherries unpitted, 66c; raspberries evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7J8Sc; huckle
berries ICQ lie
Sugars Cubes lOJaiOKc; Powdered. 10i
16Mc; granulated, 9c; confectioners' A. OJilS
9Hc; standard A. ?.; soft whites 9c: yel
low, choice. SJiS9c; yellow, good, 99J4c:
yellow, fair, St.: yellow, dark. T&c.
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,2001, S4 60; medi
um, half bbls (600). J2 75.
Salt No. L hbl, 95c: No. lex. W bbl, SI 05;
dairy, ?1 bbl, 51 JO: coarse crystal. p bbl, SI 20;
HIgglns Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 SO; Hlegins"
Eureka, 16-14 lb porkets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches SI SO
1 90: 2ds, SI 30Q1 35; extra peaches. SI 6001 SO;
pie peaches 90c; finest corn, S11 60; Hid. Co.
corn. 70090c: red cherries 90cSI; Lima beans,
51 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas. SI 101 15: soaked peas. 70ffl75c;
pineapples, SI 401 50: Bahama do, S2 75; dam
son plums 95c: greengages SI 25; egg plums
.'; California pears S2 60; do greengages S2: do
egg plums, S2; extra whito cherries, S2 90: red
cherries, 2 fts. 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 50;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries SI 30Q1 40;
tomatoes 82KG92c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 7502 10;
blackberries, 80c; succotash 2 ft cans soaked
99c: do green, 2 Its SI 25Q1 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans
52 00: 14-ft cans, S14 00; baked beans SL 451 fO;
lobster, 1-ft. SI 75Q1 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans
broiled. SI 60; sardines domestics. i-, S4 50
4 60: sardines domestic K. SS 25ij 50; sar
dines. Imported, s, SU 6012 50; sardines Im
ported, Xs, $18: sardines, mustard, $4 60; sar
dines, splced.'Sl 50.
FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $38 H
bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess 110; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed.
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Jc fl ft; do medium, George's cod,
be: do large. 7c; boneless hake, in strips 6c; do
Ge9rge's cod in blocks 6K7c Herring
Round shore. So 00 M bbl; split, $7 CO: lake.
53 50 p 100-fi h alf bbL White fish. $7 OC 100
& half bbl. Lake front, f 5 50 half bbL
Finnan haddock. 10c ft ft. Iceland: halibut, 13c
M T&. Pickerel, K barrel, S2 00; barrel, SI 10;
Potomac herring. So 00 barrel, S2 50 J
barrel. ,
OATMEAL $6 S026 60 V bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. SSafiOo
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Floor nnd Feed.
At tbe Grain and Flour Exchange to-day one
car of No. 2 yellow shelled corn, 10 days' deliv
ery,soidat43cthe only transaction. Tbe market
was quoted dull, with oats and hay easier under
rather free arrivals Tbe receipts bulletined
at the Exchange aggregated 26 can, as follows:
By tbe Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 3 cars ot rye;
by tbe Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis 3
cars of wheat 6 of oats, 3 of corn: by the Pitts
burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago. 6 cars of hay, 2
of mm, 1 of malt, 3 ot floor, 1 of bran, 1 ol oats
Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83ffl
84c: No. 2 red, 9091c: No. 3 red. 83685c
Corn No 2yellow ear,454Gc-blga mixed
ear. 45KS46c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 4243l;
hlzh mixed, shelled, 4142c; Bixed, shelled,
40011c ,Jf
Oats No. 2 white. 32K33c: extra. No. 3.
31?31Ko; No. 3 white, 30X631c; No. 2 mixed
oats. 2ti2S:c
RYE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5152c
No. 1 Western. 4i49c
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring pitenw, 85 75Q0 25: winter straight,
t, 005 23; clear winter, $4 755 00: straight
XXXX bakers', $4 254 50. Rye flour, S3 60
4 00.
MILLFEED Middlings fine white. $15 00
15 60 V ton: brown middlings $11 50 12 00: win
ter wheat bran, SU 0011 25; chop Iced, $15 00
616 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice (1501550: No. 1
do. $14 00Q14 60; No. 2 do. $12 6013 00; loose,
from wagon, S1& 00W1S 00: No. 1 upland prairie.
$10 S011 00; No. 2, 17 608 00: packing do, $5 60
Straw Oats $7 60; wheat and rye straw
$7 00Q7 508 00.
Sugar-cured hams large, llc; sugar-cured
hams medium, 12c; sugar-cured hams small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured ihoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders 9c; sugar-cured California hams
8Xc; sugar-cured dried beef flatr, 9c; sugar
cured dried beet sets 10Kc; sugar-cured dried
beet rounds 12c; bacon shooJilers,.7c: bacon
clear sides, 8Kc: bacon clear bellies, SVc; dry
salt shoulders, c; dry salt clear sides, 7a
Hess pork, heavy. $14 00: mess pork, lamlly,
Shi 60. Lard Refined in tierces 6c; bait
barrels 6c; 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20-ft palls. 7jc; 60-ft
tin cans. 6Jic: 3-ft tin palls 1c, 6-ft tin. palls
TKc; 10-ft tin pails, 7c:6-ft tin pails c: 10-&
tin palls ?Kc Smoked sausage, long, 5c: large,
6c Fresh pork links 9c Boneless basis 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel. S3 60; quarter barrel,
$3 00.
Dressed Sleat.
Armour A Co. furnished the following prices'
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 659
fts,5We;650 to 650 fts6Vc: 650to 750fts6Kc
Sheep, 8c 7 ft. Lambs 10c fl ft. Hogs, 6c
Fresh pork loins, 8c
are re
lated in
Umorrcmft Dispatch tn o bright ana chatty
manner by L. B. France.
Our little girl when but three weeks old
broke outwitb eczema. We tried the prescrip
tion from several good doctors, but without
any special benefit. We tried S. 8. 8., and by
the time one bottle was gone, her bead began
to heal, and by tbe time she had taken six bot
tles she was completely cured. Now she has a
full and heavy bead of hair a robust, healthy
child. I feel it but my duty to make this state
ment. H. T. SHOBE, Rich Hill, Mo.
3Send for our Books on Blood and Skin Dis
eases and Advice to Sufferers, mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co.,
f el-7-TTS Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga.
Cczcina,. Itebr, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
Tb timplc application ef "Swath OlWTMtirr" vithoat
any internal medidDe. wifl enra any caae ef Titter, Salt.
Kbeum Rlncwonn.PUM.ltcb. Sores Pimptei, Eryrtptlaa, wXL
bo matter now obttlnst or lose tafldlug MoMbrdniuittaV
or icnt by mall for 30 eta. 3 Boxes JA. AddrtM Dfc
8wat 4 Sow, PMladelpMa, Pm. Aik your dnui tW
On mortgages on impmved real estate in sums
of $1,000 and upward. Applvat
mh4-34-i No. 124 Fourth avenue
5 per cent
First Mortgage Bonds.
Free of All Taxes.
The Central Traction Company, of
Pittsburg, oilers for sale its total issue
of Three Hundred and Seventy-five
Thousand Dollars, first mortgage five
per cent bonds due 1929 Bonds are for
$500 each, interest payable semi-annually,
are free of all taxes and a first lien on ail
the property and franchises of the com
pany, -whosd cable road will be com
pleted by October 1.
Proposals for all or any part of these
bonds will be received by the Treasurer
of the company up to and including July
31, and allotments made thereunder.
At 104.46 these bonds pay 4 J per cent
annually, at 109.24, 4 per cent, at 114.37,
4 per cent and at 119 87, 4 per cent.
The Company reserves the right to
reject any or all offers. For further in
formation, address
Tho Central Traction Company,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weekin
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
AS old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
METDni IQand mental diseases, physical
L. fl V U U O decay.nervons debility. lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,bashfnlness,
dizziness sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, falling powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting tbe person for buslness,soc!ety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
BLOOD AND SKINftrgererutionl1
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swelling", ulcerations of tongue, moutn.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMnRV kidney and bladder aerange
U 11 1 1 1 A il I 1 menu, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Br. Wblttier's life-locg, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as If here. Office hours 9A. M. to 8 P. M. Bun
day. 10 A. M. to 1 p. M. only. DR. WHITTIEB,
814Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
, jy9-40,-D3uwk
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. S Is the oldest and
most experienced specialist In
tbecitr. Consultation free and
strictlv confidential. Office
hours to 4 and 7 to 8 P. If.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
M.Cousult them personally, orwrite. D0CT0E3
Lake, 906 Penn ave Pittsburg; Pa.
:'s Ootrtoax Itooti
lposed of Cotton Boot. Tansv and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
'old Dhvslclan. It meeeMfuBu uted
montUy Safe. Effectual. Price $L by malL
sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's
CoUon Boot Compound and take so substitute,
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY. No. 3 Filter
Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich.
For LOST or Killing
MANHOOD, Merrou-
ness. Weakness oc
iiealed) free. Address ilUK MEDIOAL, CO.,
laaalo. N. Y. deZS-CT-TTS&wk
For men! Checks the worst cases in three
days, and cure In five days. Price tl (XX at
ja5-29-TTSSu 412 Market street.
weakness, lott vigor, etc. wasreuored to health
ui tacit a remarkable manneratter all else had'
failed that he will send the mode or cure r KEK to
all rellow sutferen. Address li O. MITCHELL,
EattHaddam, Conn. mytl-a-DSttWsi