Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 25, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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lllie Old Sport Braces
and Turns a Trick.
Cleveland's Outplayed at All Points
in a Good Game.
' A Kew Local Baseball League Organized
With Six Clnbs.
Once more victory fell to the share of the
1 unfortunate ball team known as the Pitts
burps yesterday. Cleveland was beaten 5
to 4. Gaivin pitched. Manager Phillips
is skirmishing for more players. A new
local baseball league, taking in six suburban
clubs, was organized in the city yesterday.
Philadelphia defeated New York for the
third successive time.
Cleveland, July 24. Cleveland bad
the came won from Pittsburg up to the
ninth inning this afternoon.when the "tough
luck" that has existed for miserable Pitts
burg for many weeks past suddenly trans
ferred itself to the erstwhile Babies and
dragged them down to unexpected defeat.
It was a hard game to lose, and when the
end came neither audience nor the players
could realize for a moment that vic
tor had been snatched from their hands at
the very goal. Bakely has himself to thank
in a large measure for the outcome of the
game. At several critical periods he was
extremely careless.and this very carelessness
cost not less than four runs, as will be seen
further on. "Wes Curiy gave satisfaction to
everyone, and hi blunder in the ninth of
miscalling a ball drew down upon him the ana
themas of the crow d, which numbered about
l.SOO. Outside of Tebeau, who had an off day,
the Clevelands put up a fine fielding frame.
Their batting was also above the average, but
the nits did not always come at the right time.
Deacon White appeared at third base for the
visitors and put up a first-class article of ball.
He was vlgorouslj applinded upon his first
appearance at the bat, but Bakely kept the ball
down too low for him to size it up to any ex
tent. Cleveland started off quite briskly in the
first inning. Jimmy Gaivin couldn't get the
first four balls over the plate and Strieker
ambled to first base. A wild pitch advanced him
to second and a sacrifice by McAleer and a hit
by Gilks brought him home. Twitchell fol
lowed with a single, and it looked as though
the Babies were going to make things lively
lor the aged "Jeems. Fortunately fo'r him
the next ball hit was whero White could lay
lits hands on it and a neat double play ensued,
Gtlks being forced out at third and Faatz
retired at first. In the thin" inning Strieker
led off with a base hit, which Kuehne stopped,
but threw wildly to first, allowing Cub to reach
second base. McAleer drove him home with a
cracking single to left. Gilks sent the ball
between second and first, but unfortunately
as be dashed down the line, and be was de
clared out. Gilks was given a safe hit, but it
availed bim little, for he was speedily thrown
out at second. In the fourth, Faatz started
the ball rolling with a sing e, but he and Rad
ford fell victims to another double play, this
time executed by Kuehne, Smith and Beckley.
Simmer distinguished himself in the fifth by
lining the ball nearly to the left field fence a
bit that was easily good for three bases.
Strieker's baser to left scored him, the former
going to second on White's wild throw Al
though McAleer sacrificed again, Strieker
couldn't get home, for Miller, by quick foot
work and good judgment, nailed Gilks' high
foul fly, and thus retired the side. Twitchell
smashed the ball far into left field for two
bases, and Faatz followed with a sacrifice, but
no additional hits were forthcoming and Larry
tarried on third. The seventh and eighth in
nings were uneventful so far s Cleveland was
concerned. One, two, three crder was on the
prograiume,but in the ninth the Babies started
in to clinch what they supposel was already a
sure thing.
Faatz hit a liner directly at Smith, and fat
tened up that player's fielding average. Rad
ford's ugly bounding grounder got away from
Smith, Tebeau hit into deep short, and al
though Kuehne got the balk he went into a
trance and allowed Radford to make second.
Ziminer flew out to Fields, but Bakely, who has
been batting in good form of late, found the
ball for a single, scoring Radford. With two
men on bases there was an excellent opening
for a two-bagger, home run or something on
that order, but Strieker couldn't fix -it that
way, and a bard-bit ball to Smith forced Bakely
out at second, and settled Cleveland's chances
fpr adding to her score. Subsequent proceed
ings showed that an extra run or two would not
bare come In amiss The proverbial Pittsburg
luck hovered over the visitors for two or tbreo
innings. In the third, with but one band out,
Hanlon and Beckly hit safely, while Tebeau
resented Miller with a life at first bv passing
is grounder. It looked ominous for Cleveland,
but at this juncture Maul batted the ball di
rectly at Bakely, who threw Ilanlnu out at the
plate. Zimmer completed a lightning doublo
play by passing the ball to Faatz in time to
catch MauL
In the fourth Fields made a two-base hit,
Kuehne sacrificed and Smith was civen a base
on balls, but still Pittsburg conldn't score.
The next inning, however, broke the ice. Han
Ion made a lucky single to left, was advanced a
base by Miller's safe bit, aud scored on sacri
fices by Beckley and MauL The next two
innings netted them nothing. In the eighth
Colonel Bakely donated one large run to tlio
visitors. It did not look very big at the time,
bnt a few minutes later it got in its work on
the home team with fatal effect. It was too
bad for Manl and White had just ben doubled
up, after the former had hit safely pastTcbcau.
Fields, found a ball to his liking and bit it clean
to tbe fence. While he lingered on third
Bakely pitched the ball abont a foot over Zim
mcr's bead and permitted him to complete tbo
circuit. Kuehne struck out a moment later so
the run was a pure gift. When Pittsbnrg came
to the bat in the ninth Inning the sore was
four to two against them, and few expected
that they would even tie It, let alone make
enough to win. But baseball is
as was evidenced bv the course of events.
Gaivin had two strikes called on him, bnt hit
tbe third one somewhere out in the field. He
didn't know where it went, but kept on run
ning and was very much surprised to find when
be arrived there that he bad made a two-base
bit. Hanlon bit over the pltcber's.bead, and,
although Gilks made a fine stop of it, be did
not have time to throw the runner out at first
base. It was a. close decision, however, and
many thought the man out. Miller then came
to the bat. After several balls had been called
and one or two funis batted around tbe grounds,
the little catcher swung at the ball and missed.
"One striker called Curry. A towl arose from
the audience, "Three strikes." Faatz came in
to argue the point. Curry showed blm his in
dicator and declared that lie was right, and as
Bakely'did not dispute the point, it was yielded.
Miller immediately thereafter sacrificed, scor
ing Gaivin. Beckley ilrore the ball into left
field, and tblngsjookcd squally for Clereland.
Maul was the next man at bat, and as be hit
down toward Gilks the audience breathed more
freely, for it looked liko a sure out. Gilks
thongbt so himself, and had his bands all ready
for tl-e ball, when It took sudden bound and
went orer bis bead far Into center field. Before
It could be returned both Hanlon and Beckley
bad scored, and the g-imo was lost. Tbe audi
ence could hardly realise it, and Zimmer stood
on the plate as if la a dream. There was a cry
of "robber" as Curry walked toward the dress
Ht room. 'The crowd, who old not understand
the situation, bettered that Cleveland
hit n rnhtoori nf till tr.mt ThetfUthwa
that Curry had called the first ball pitched a
I ball, and on the second ball, a high and wide
one, be ca'lod "two strikes" Dy mistake insicaa
of two balls. 1 ben caino the Interim, and when
Miller struct at a good ball and Curry declared
It one strike there was a kick, the crowd simply
remembeilng having beard two strikes called
before. Carry was mixed up, but Clereland
lost nothing by It. Score:
Strieker, 2..
4lcAlecr, in
OllkS s....
Twitchell, 1.
Faatz. 1 ...
Tebeau. 1...
Iradford, r.
Zimmer, c
Bakely, p..
I 1
1 4
5 0
2 3
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 0
0 Hanlon. m..
0 Miller. c..,
e llecklev, 1..
a 1
1 2
2 0
0 Maul. I.
White, S... . 0
Fields, r 1
Kuehne. .. 0
Smith. 2..... 0
UalTln.p.... 1
Totals .
111'IU 3
Totals... . 5 12 58 IS 2
Winning run made when two men were out.
McAleer out for being hit by batted ball.
Clerelands 1 0101000 14
rittsbur-n 0 0010001 5
Earned runs-Clevelands. 8: 1'lttsburgs. 4.
Two-bue hits Twitchell. fields, Gaivin.
Three-base hits Zimmer. Fields.
Sacrifice hits McAleer, 2; Faatz, Miller, Beck
lej. Maul, Kuehne. -.
btolen bases Miller, bmllb.
Double plays Bakely. Zimmer. Faatz; Gilks,
Mrlcker, Faatz; White, Beckley: Kuehne, Smith,
First base on balls Clerelands. 2: Pittsburgs, 1.
M-nek out-Clerelands. 1: Pittsburgs, 2.
W Id pltchcs-Uakely. 2: Ualrln, 1.
Time of -came One hour and 30 minutes.
Umpire Curry
The Boosters nnd Chlcn cos Play Two Gnraes
and Quit Even.
Chicago, July 21 A new feature was intro
duced to the public to-day by tbe baseball man
agement, by giving two games for one price of
admission. Attendance 1,800. The Chicago
and Indianapolis clubs played two games this
afternoon, both being hotly contested from
start to finish
In the first game it was a pitchers' battle,
Tcncr getting a trifle the best of it. although
Duffy won the game in tbe eighth by bis daring
base running. Tbe second game was anyone's
game up to the eighth, when tbe Hooslers fell
to Gumberf s delirery, batting out three runs,
which won the game. Bassett's work at second
was tbo feature of both games. Scores:
chicaoos. it b r a. eiisdi'folis. r b r a e
JtrAn. n.. .
V llaltren.l
Duffy, r....
Anson, l.
1'iefler, 2..
Farrell. c...
Hums, 3....
Tener, p...
llastlan, s..
2 2
2 1
1 1
0 15
1 5
0 1
0 0
0 0
1 2
beery. 1 1
Ulasscock.s. 0
Denny. 3.... 0
Hlnes. 1.... 0
holltvan. m. 0
Mycr, c 0
MctJeacuj", r 0
Kaweit, 2... 0
Bassle, p... 1
1 1
1 2
1 2
1 10
0 0
0 4
0 2
0 3
1 0
Totals .... 3 7 27 18 3 Totals 2 5 24 16 4
chtcaros 2 ooooooi';
Indianapolis 1 00001000-2
Famed runs-Indlanapolls, 2.
Two-base bit Hlnes.
Hojie run Seery.
Stolen bases-tilesscock, VanHaltren, Duffy, 2.
Double plays llastlan and Anson, 2; Basett,
Hlnes and Mvers, 2.
Irst base on balls Tener. 3: Rustle, 3.
Mrock out Knsslc, 2; Tener, 3.
Passed ball Myer.
Time or jrame One hour and 35 minutes.
Umpire McQuaid
cmcAGos. b n r a eiixdian'p's u n p a x
icran. m
Duff J. r
Anson, 1....
Plefler. 2....
Darllnjr. c...
Hums. 3.. ..
Gumbert, p.
Uastlan, s...
1 1
1 4
1 2
0 12
1 4
0 1
1 3
1 0
0 0
beery. I.....
2 1 0
1 2i5
0 2 4
Denny. 3....
Hlnes. I ....
012 1
12 0
Buckley, c
7 0
0 0
0 7
1 4
lioyle. p....
Totals 3 6 27 14 31 Totals
6 10 27 21 1
Chleagos 0 200000103
Indianapolis 0 000012306
Earned runs Chleagos, 2; Indianapolis, 4.
Two-base hit Seery.
Three-base hit Seery.
Home run Bassett.
Stolen bases Glasscock. Hlnes, Duffy.
Mrt base on balls Boyle, 2; Gumbert, 1.
lilt by pitched baU-Dufly.
Struck out Boyle. 4: Gumbert, 1.
Time One hour and 50 minutes.
Umpire McQuaid.
Tbo Phillies In Bmtlnsr Humor and Defeat
Ibo Giants Ag-nln.
Philadelphia, July 24. The Phillies won
their third straight game from New York this
afternoon by better all-round play. Keefe
pitched the first two innings for New York, and
In the second be was hit rather freely. He was
relieved by Crane in tbe third. Crane retired
the Phillies without a hit in the fourth and
fifth, but in the sixth and seventh they hit
bim bafcly eight times. Including two home
runs. Tbe giine was called at the end of the
seventh inning on account of darkness. Score:
Wood. 1 1
Hallman, s.. 2
Mrers. 2..... 1
Thompson, r 2
Clements, c. 2
Mulvey. 3... 1
Fojtarty, m. 2
arrar, 1... 2
Buffinton, p. 2
2 0
2 1
0 1
3 1
2 4
1 2
1 1
1 10
3 1
Gore, r 1
Tiernan,m.. 2
Ewlng. c. a
lonnor. L.. 0
Klchrd'n,2. 0
Ward, s..... 0
O'U'rke, 1.. 0
Whitney. 3. 0
Keefe, p 0
Crane, p.... 0
.15 15 21 7 1
Totals 8 7 21 7 6
rhlladelphlas 0 3 3 0 0 3 6-15
Mewiorks 2 0 0 1 0 -3 0 6
Earned runs-Fhllauclphlas, C; New forks, 5.
Two-base hits Kwlnir.
Sacriace hits-Myers, Farrar, Blchardson,
W ard.
Home run Ewinjj. Wood. Thompson.
stolen bases Foirartv. 2: Farrar.
First base on balls By Keefe, 1; by Crane, 7; by
Uufflnton. 1.
btruck out By Keefe, 2; by Crane, 3; by Buffin
ton. 2.
l'ased balls Ewlnjr. 2.
A Ud pitches Hamilton. Crane.
Time offrame Two hours.
Umpire Lynch.
The Senators Awfully Walloped by the Bos
ton Slnsrcrr.
Bostox, July 24. The Washingtons were not
in to-day's game, figuratively speaking. They
fielded wretchedly, failed to bunch their hits,
and were overwhelmingly defeated. Score:
ttrown,l.... 2
Kelly, c... 2
Is ash. X.... 2
Urnuth'rs,! 1
Klch'son, 2 1
Johnst'n, m 1
Ray. s 2
GanzeU r.. 1
Madden, p. 0
Hoy, m 1 0 1
Hair. 1 1 12
Clarke, c. 1 3 3
Wise. 2. 0 18
lrwln, a 0 0 1
Mack. r. .... 0 0 0
Carnev. L .. 0 1 11
Sweeney, 3.( 0 1 3 0 4
U'Day. p.... 0 10 6 0
suiuvan. p. o o o o o
Totals 3 8 27 17 "i
Totals .
12 14 2714 31
Bostons.. 0 0 3 0 3 2 10 312
ashlnrtons 1 010000103
Earned runs Bostons, 4: Washingtons, I.
Two-base hits Nash, Blchardson, Sweeney,
"W lse.
Ihree-bisehlts Uanzcl, Clarke.
Home run Nash.
Stolen bases Brown, Kelly. 4; Hoy, Dally,
Clarke. 2.
Double plays W lse and Carney, 2.
First base on balls Brown, Kelly, Bay, Mad
den. Hoy. O'Day.
Hit by pitched ball llrouthers, 2.
Struck out Brown. Kelly, Blchardson, Daly,
Wise, Irwin. Sweeney.
l'assed balls Kelly, 2; Clarke. 1.
Sacrifice hits Brown. Kay, Clarke, Irwin.
Time of frame Twohours.
Umpire Bowers.
manager Phillips After More Toons' Blood
Speer May Sljrn To-Morrow.
Manager Phillips will start out on another
hunt for players to-day, bis territory being
Ohio. He will not be home until to-morrow,
when he and President Nimlck will have a con
ference with Speer, tbe promising local
catcher. Speer met Mr. Nimlck yesterday
afternoon, and after an exchange of opinions
it was agreed to make no definite arrangements
until to-morrow morning, when Manager
Phillips will bo home.
As stated in yesterday's DISPATCH, the club
officials are still on the lookout for more new
players, and it is surmised that Manager Phil
lips' mission to-day is to try and secure a
pitcher. Every effort is to be made to get one
or two good plthers, and tbe club is prepared
to keep on making experiments until a good
man is signed. Speaking on the subject last
evening. President Nimlck said:
"W-are not downhearted by any means,
although luck has been against us. We are
prepared to put up the cash for good men, but
as to who we are after I'm not prepared to say.
I would have liked to have signed Glllilaud,
but Philadelphia has secured him. However, I
am confident that we have gotten a good
Sltcber In Sowders. Boston did not sell bim
ccause ho was no cood. He was dissatisfied,
and the club took a big price for blm. I can
assure tbe public that I paid a big sum for
"Are you going to release any pitcbersT"
"Well. I would rather not make a statement
on that question. At any rate. I may say that
the directors will settle that matter."
It is'definltely understood that one or two
pitchers or the team, and one of them an old
one, will be dispensed with at the end of the
season. When Interrogated definitely on the
matter, Mr. Nimlck merely said that tbe di
rectors would settle tbe question.
Sowders will pitch to-day and Manager
Phillips writes ttfat he is in first-class condition.
The true cause or his dissatisfaction with Bos
ton was learned yesterday. When Boston got
Sowaers from Si Paul they gave him a salary
of $2,000 and a bonus of $800. For this season.
however, they would only give blm $2,000;
claiming that that was his salary last year and
that the $800 was a present. He objected and
was classified. He then became highly dissat
isfied and has incessantly been wanting bis
release. After Mr. Nimlck offered something
over $2,000 for his release Boston parted with
To-Day's Home flame.
The local club will return home to-day and
tackle the Clevelands at Recreation Park.
Sowders and Miller will be the home battery
and probably Gruber and Snyder will represent
the visitors. Rowe will likely be absent on ac
count of his wife's illness, and White will be at
third with Kuehne short and Smith second.
Lengue Record.
Perl Per
Won. J.oit.Ct.1 Won. Loit.Ct.
Bostons. 45 24 .852 ChlcSROS 35 39 .473
New Vorks... 17 .60S 1'lttabures. ..2S 41 .44
Cleveland!. ..43 30 .&, Indianapolis 17 45 .375
l'hlladelphlasti 30 .5S3iVasMnjEtons2l 45 .318
Gnmes To-Dny. .
National League Clevelands at Pitts
burg: Chleagos at Indianapolis; Bostons at
Philadelphia: Washingtons at New York.
Ameuicak Association Clncinnatls at
Philadelphia; Loulsvilles at Baltimore; Kan
sas Citys at Brooklyn.
Syracuse; Londons at Rochester; Detrolts at
Buffalo; Toledos at Hamilton.
The Athletics Try Young; McMahon He
Does Well, bnt Gets Poor Support and
Ibo Reds Win Brooklyn Wins An
other Game From tbe Cowboys.
Philadelphia, July 21 Young McMahon
pitched winning ball this afternoon, but the
men behind him fielded wretchedly, and the
Cincinnatis won on their misplays. MuIIane
retired at tne end of the third and was suc
ceeded by Viau, tbo Athletics being unable to
do anvtblng with either. Score:
Athletics o lioinoil s
Cincinnatis 2 010001118
Base hits Athletics, 6; Cincinnatis. 5.
Errors-Athletics, 11: Cincinnatis, t.
Two-base bits Lyons, Halliday.
Base on balls By McMahon, 2; by Mnllane, 2;
by Vlan. 3.
Struck out-ByMullane, 3; by Vlau, 4: McMa
hon, .
Time Twohours.
Umpire McLean.
Brooklyn Wins n Brilliantly Flared Game
From the Cowboys.
New Yore, July 24. The Kansas City and
Brooklyn teams had "another lively battle to
day. Th'o game was replete with brilliant
plays. Manning making two running catches
which for brilliancy hare never been surpassed
on the home grounds. Both Terry and Sowders
were wild in tnrir delirery. and their erratic
pitching was unusually costly. Score:
Kansas Citys 2 0 102000-8
Brooklyns.. 1 0103102' 7
Base hits Kansas Citys. 7: Brooklyns. 7.
Errors Kansas Citys, 4: Brooklyns, 8.
Earned runs Kansas Citys, 1; Brooklyns, 3.
Twtrbase hits Foutz, Terry.
Three-base hit-Clark.
Bases on balls By Sowders, 7: by Terry, 7.
Struck out By bowders, 2: by Terry, o.
Time Two hours and 15 minutes.
Umpires tiaffney and Kirlns.
Colnmbni Letn Loose nnd G.vcs tbe
Champions nJSnrprlse.
Columbus, July 21 Columbus shut out St.
Louis to-day in a well played game. The vis
itors were unable to do anything with Widner's
delivery at times when hits were needed to se
cure runs. Widner received good support, and
the contrast with yesterday's work by the team
was a pleasing surprise. Stivitts pltcheda part
of the game, and was relieved by Chamberlain
on account of wlldness. Score:
ColumDus 0 1 110 0 2 0 0-5
St. Louis 0 00000000 0
Base hits Columbus, 7: St. Louis, 6.
Errors Columbus, 1. St. Louis. 1.
Earned runs Columbus, 1.
Two-base bits Johnson, Orr, Bobinson.
Tbree-base hits Greenwood.
Bases on balls By ldner, 2; by Etivitts, 1; by
Chamberlain, 2.
Struck out By Widner, 2r by Stivitts, 6; by
Chamberlain, 3.
Time of frame One hour and 55 minutes.
Umpire Holland.
Tbe Poor Colonels Happy Tarcets for Bar
nlo'a Asjsrreeatlon.
Baltimork, July 24. The Loulsvilles were
ontbatted and outflelded to-day and were easily
beaten. During the game Shannon was spiked
in the arm and forced to retire. Score:
Balttmores 1 0 0 4 0 2 2 5 4-17
Loulsvilles 0 010001103
Base hits Balttmores, 19; Loulsvilles, 11.
Frrors Balttmores, 6: Loulsvilles. 12, .
Earned runs Baltimore?, 9: Loulsvilles, 1.
Three-base lilts Wolf.
Bases on balls By Ewlntr. 4.
Struck out By Kilroy, 2, by Ewlng, 2.
Time of game Two hours and 15 minutes.
Umpire boldsmlth.
Association Record.
l'erf per
Won.Lost.Ct. Won.Losf.CU
St- Louis 54 26 .675' Athletics 40 31 .558
Brooklyns.... 4! 27 .6, Kansas Citys. .31 44 .413
llaltlmoria....44 32 .579,Colnmbus 27 50 .351
Cincinnatis.. .44 33 .57l! Loulsvilles... .17 61 .218
International Leagae Game.
At Buffalo
Buffalos 1 000001103
Detroit 12011502 0-12
At Hamilton
Hamlltous 240024000 0-12
'lolcdos 2 01232200 113
At Rochester
Bocbesters 2 2 2 15 4 0 0 0 IS
Londons 2 0000000 13
At Syracuse
Syracuses 0 0 0 110 4 3 514
Torontos 1 0000230 28
Tbe Suburban Amateurs Organize Six Teams
and Frame a Schedule.
Another local basebaU league has been or
ganized to play a schedule of games during the
balance of the season. Yesterday afternoon a
meeting was held, and a league organized under
the name of the Pittsburg Suburban Baseball
League. It is composed of the following six
clubs: Mt. Washington Athletics, Shadysldcs,
Craf tons. Superiors, Sewickley Juniors and the
Electrics. The intention Is to play ten games
each, chiefly on Saturdays. Tbe teams are con
sidered to be pretty well matched, and if that
is so they are good ones, because the Mt. Wash
ingtons are good players. The complete
schedule was not made out yesterday, but it
will be finished during this week. Following Is
the schedule for three games each:
July 27 Shadysides vs Electrics at Shady
side; Superiors vs Sewicklcys at Sewickley; Mr,
Washingtons vs Craftons. postponed.
August 3 Shadysides vs Suporiors at Supe
rior; Mt. Washingtons vs Electrics at Idlewood;
Sewicklcys vs Craftons at Craf ton.
August 10 Mt. Washingtons vs Shadysldcs
at Shadyside; Craftons vs Superiors, at Supe
rior; Sewickleys vs Electrics, at Sewickley.
Homestead's Victory.
The Homesteads defeated 'the Latrobes on
Tuesday at Homestead by tbe following score;
Homesteads 1 0011230 1-9
Latrobes 1 20001000- 4
Karntd runs Homesteads, 5: Latrobes, 2.
Two-base hits Armour, Youngmac, Cargo,
Lehman, Williams, Denny, Dletz.
Home run Cargo.
Sacrifice hits Yonngman, 2; Hess,
Stolen bases Marburger, 1; Keenan,l; Armour.
2; Colgan. 1.
First base on balls-Dletz. 1; O'Nett, 4.
Struckout O'Nell, 7: Dletz. 2.
Passed ball Hess. 1; Casey, 1.
W lid pltrtes Delta, 3.
Umpire Zacharlah.
Jmnncer Henlncton's Statement.
The following letter explains itself:
I'lTTSBURO, Pa., July 24, 1889.
To the Sporting Editor of tbe Dispatch:
I notice in your paper this morning that we
(the Scottdale Baseball Club) refused to make a
match with McKecsport as per agreement. Mana-
for Quinn offered to plar our club three games for
100 per game, but we refused becase he would not
100 per game, but we refused becase he would not
lame his men. as we would name 11 min nri
name uis men, as wb wpuia name u men and
allow him to do the same. Now, if we wlsn to
fnav tne munty league ciuos we win cnailenge
hem. but we don't propose to play McKeesport
and allow them the choice of the league. Now,
whenever they are prepared to name 11 men we
will meet them at The DisrATcit office and sign
articles. Walter He.visqtos, Manager"
Hopeful of Sunday Game.
Ex-President Howell, of the "Wheeling ball
clnb, wasin the city yesterday. Speaking of
tbe prospects of1 the club, he said: "I think
we'll get the Sunday games all right. We play
Canton next Sunday, and I'm confident that
no true bill will be found against the players.
At any rate, we are confident of playing Sun
day games during the balance of the season.
If the Sunday law Is enforced almost every
thing will be stopped in Wheeling."
THE McDonalds would like to arrange a
Same with some amateur club for Saturday,
0127, at McDonald, Pa-, for expenses. 'Wire
C R. Buchhelt at bis expense.
The Facers and Trotters Make Good
Races at Detroit.
Chapman Wins the 2:24 Face In Fast Time
in Nine Heats.
Results cf the Twin City Meeting The Bootmaker'
Harked Protest.
Tbe second day's racing at Detroit was
good. Chapman wou thn 2:24 pace, nine
heats being required to settle it. His best
time was 2X1. Dr. M won the 2:17 pace
in three straight heats, his best time being
2:16. There was some suspicion of crook
edness in the free-for-all and it was post
poned. The Twin City races were again
successful. The" American cricketers were
badly beaten in England.
Detroit, Mich., July 24. To-day was
the second day'of the summer trotting meet
ing of the Detroit Club. The attendance
was over 6,000. The weather was unusually
cool, spring overcoats being comfortable.
The program opened with the unfinished
races of yesterday, beginning with the 224
pace, which was hotly contested.
2:24 pace, purse f 1,500.
Chapman..... ...JO 11 11 9 10 1 S 1 1
KclfyC 7 SSS231I2
Jesse H 11 48811436
Bawby 414786S84
Attorney 1 10 84588 4, 1
American Girl 8S72S4873
DIckC.....r: 7 1034 11588
Kanny B 5 8 10 11 8 10 S 9 8
Cousin Joe 5 6 5 8 11 9 9 dr.
Maryland : 873 10 77 7 7
William Slngerly.... J 9 1 1 9 5 dlst.
Tlrae-2:1 230X, 221. 2.21X. 2t23, 2.21, ZillU,
2:22, ZiltX.
The second event was the unfinished 2:21 trot.
Seymour Belle 1 1
Almont 4 5 2
Williams 5 8 7
BynnW 10 2 2
Delraont .. 2 2s
bensatlon 9 t 3
Bawnee. ....... .......... ............. 646
tit. Elmo.: 8 ds
I.ucllle's Baby 4 ds
Lady Bullion 3 (Is
Mocking Bird 11 ds
Ionia 1- ds ,
Cleou, Jr dr
Time-2.21, 2:22)4'. 2:18!(.
After these races tbe regular programme was
commenced, the principal feature of the day
being tbe 2.27 class, which was won by tbe
great Canadian horse Gold Ring In three
straight beats.
The next race was the 2:17 pace. This, like
the preceding race, was won in three straight
heats by Dr. M. Tbe concluding event of the
day was the free-for-all. But two horses started
in this race, viz: Bosaline Wilkes and Gene
Summary, 227 class, purse (2,000.
Gold King - 1 1 1
bprague Uolddust 3 2 2
Jessie Fuller 2 3 4
Sulsuu 4 4 3
Alarlo dltt.
Brlnce dlst.
Magnet dlst.
Time, 2:20.x, 2H8. 2:19X-
Second race-2:l7 pace, purse (1,500.
Doctor M 1 1 1
Daisy a 3 2 5
Mambrlno Hannls 7 5 2
IMIcox 4 3 4
-lime. ::isj. 2:19, zueft.
Third race Free for all, purse RO00.
Kosallne V likes 2 1 1
Gene Smith 1 2 2
Time, 2:I8, 2.20Ji, 2.2J.
The spectators raised such a protest at the
slow time made in the third heat of the free-for-all
that the judges declared the pools on
the heat were off, saying that the rules covered
the matter. There was a strong suspicion of
crooked wore
Tbe fourth heat was begun in the dark, and
It was decided to postpone it till to-morrow.
Tbe Bookmakers Make a. Protest at tbe
Twin City Knees. -
St. Paul, Mink., July 21. The continuation
of the bright and cool weather is one of the
prime factors which figures in the success of
the first meeting of the Twin City Jockey Club
that is now assured. Attendance about 7,000:
track in fairly good condition.
First race, selling, purso $400, for S-ycar-olds
and upward, six furlongs St. Leger got away
in tho lead; at tbe quarter Bonair was in the
lead, Charlotte J second; at the half Argenta
assumed the lead, and won by two length,
Charlotte J second, Bonair third. Time, 1:15.
Second rare, selling, purse S100, for 3-year-oldi,
seven-eighths ofa mile They were set off promptly
to a good start, with Lotion In the lead, Bounle
King second and Alphonse third These posi
tions were retained throughout. Lotion winning
easily by a length, Bonnlo King second and Al
phose third. Time, :!4.
Third race, purse SSOO, fcr 2-year olds, five
eighths of a mile Miss Belle was given three
lcuirths the best ofthe start and maintained the
lead throughout, winning In a gallop by two open
lengths. Alarm Bell and Abilene were lapped In
second and third place at tbe finish. Time.
The bookmakers Immediately after the third
race made a protest against tbe miserable efforts
or Mr. lirown as a starter, claiming that his
abominable work will do more to kill the betting
and tbe success or the meeting than anything
Fourth race, sweepstakes, fWeach, half forfeit,
9600 added, for 3-year-olds and upwards, one mile
Somerset got off lntheleaa, wlthCatalpasecond.
Catalpa took tbe lead at tbe half and was nerer
headed, winning the nee, with Somerset second
and Winning Ways third. Time, 1:42.
Fifth race. Ladles' stakes, for 2-year-old fillies,
100 each, half forfeit, fl.Oto added, five-eighths of
a mile Can Can got the best of the start, but was
replaced at the quarter by Sis O'Quee. Lulle B
second, who led In the stretch, with Spring Danre
second and Lindsay third. Lillian Lindsay won.
Spring Dance second and bis O'Quee third.
Time, 1:02,. x
l'ho'entries for to-morrow's races are as fol
lows: First race, three-quarters of a miles Kidnap
100 pounds: Uetlelhelm 105, School Ulrl 103, 1'ark
hlll 92, Yalta 103, Thankful 100, Tactucs 114, Viv
ian 107. Kodcrlck Dhu 111.
becond race, llrteen-slxteenths of a mile Erv
try 97 pounds. Cora I lsher S9, tiraec D 102, Mad&
laide 102, Lizzie B 104, Angclus 105. Dudley UaVs
107. Jou Jou 111. Oarsman lis.
Third race, flve-elghtLs of a mile Lucille 8S.
WestannaS3, KeisemerDS, Jennie bonnod 96, Bob
Blcketts 97. Jim Ogleshle 101. Mayor ftoouan H12
Venango 103, Willie M 105, Henry Mack 1C5, Vale
dictory 101.
Fourth race, mile and 70 yards Nevada 103
Sounds. Woodcrart 112, Brldgellght 112, Stoney
lontgoraery 107. Castaway 11L 107, Kate Malone
i Iftli race. The Oaks, one and one-eighth ofa
mile bailie Bagan 111 pounds. Brown Princess
117, Uarlllah lll.Davldon 111, Angeluslll, Mtmle
Funso 11L
A Bnd Beating;.
LONDOX, July 2i The game between the
Marleybone club and the Philadelphia
cricketers was concluded to-day. Owing to
the heaw rain of yesterday the wicket was in
poor condition. Tim Americans made a weak
display against the bowling of Grace and
Kepean. They finished their first inning with
a score of 235 against SS3. In the second Inning
they were only able to make W, and were
beaten by an inning and 84 runs.
English Racine
London, July 24. The race for the Gerard
plate for 2 year-olds, 5 furlongs, was won by
Mr. Rose's Bcldcmonlo, Brydger William's
Miser Davis second and Lord Calthorpe'sHer
ery third. The race for the Crozteth plate, for
3-j ear-olds and upward, 5 furlongs, was won by
Humphrey Rausford's Master Charlie, Brydger
William's Saucy Lass seconil and J. II.
Hnuldesworth's Ixla third. There were eight
Grant White's Challenge.
Grant White, the pedestrian, called at this
offices yesterday and left the following definite
challenge: "I will give McNally, of Franks
town, Syf yards start in 100; fciourbrine, two
yards; Malarky, one yard: or IwlU run Sheehan
or Herman Smith on even terms. Either of
tbe above matches can be made for 1250 a side.
An answer through THE DisrATCU will re
ceive attention."
Blnnsfleld Races To-Morrow
There will bo a good day's sport at the Mans
field Driving Park to-morrow. Three purse
races, two trotting matches and a three-mile
foot race against time by E. C. McClelland are
on the can!. The classes lor tbe horse racing
are: 2 40 trot, 2:40 paco, 3.-00 trot. About a
dozen Pittsburg horses are entered.
860,080 for an Athletic Clubhouse.
Washington, July 21 The corner stone
of tho Columbia Athletic Clubhouse on
G street, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth
streets, was laid tbis afternoon. The new club
boose will be finished about January 1. and
The Horses That Look Like Geod Ones la
the FJrst Day's Race.
Sakatooa, July 24. With the stables at
Horse Haven overflowing with high class
horses and a fine card of six races, the Saratoga
association begins its twenty-seventh meeting
to-morrow. Six races will be decided, tbe
last having been split, and it is all
but decided here to split all purse
races henceforth having 15 or more
probable starters. Interest centers to-morrow
in the California and Travers stakes. Tbe
Dwyers look to hold a first mortgage on both
races with Hanover and Longstreet. The
other races may be won by Geraldinn or Blue
Rock. Pearl Set or Longdance, Dalesman or
Vivid and Dilemma or Bralt-
Tbe probable starters for to-morrow, the
opening day of tbe Saratoga meeting, are:
First race, five furlongs Ballston 122 pounds.
Kevcllerl.2, Shamrock 119. Geraldlne 117, Maori
117, Harbor Lights 115. Fordbam 115. Blue Bock
113, Beck 113, Uoldflsh 1(6, Minnie Palmer 101.
Second race, one mile Hanorer 124 pounds.
King Crab 122, Vandegrlft 114. First Attempt 111.
Molfle Mccarty's Last 111, LeontlneltX), Gladiator
1C4. Calleate 101.
Third rsce,nve furlongs Tom Flnley 112 pounds.
Onward 103, Little Belt 103. Lena 105, Pearl Set
105, Successor 103, Tom Dlxey 103, Fox Meale 103.
Tennessean 103, Sunderland lttl Kyrle Daly
(Oypsv filly) 100.
Fourth race, one and three-ouarter miles
Longstreet, Lnngdaice, Flood Tide 118 pounds
each. (Latter doubtful.)
Firth race, six furlongs Gardey US pounds.
Dalesman 113. Volatile IK, Bedstone 100, Cupid
109. Koulette (formerly Bat Begcnt) 109, Barry
Brown 107, VlTld 102.
Sixth race, six furlongs Bralt 124 pounds.
Clamor 110. Carrie G. 108, Vandegrlft 107, The
Lion 105, BemsenlOI, Story Teller 98, Dilemma 81.
Schnefer and Ives In Town They Issno Big
Jacob Scbacfcr, the champion billiard player
of America, and Frank Ives, another famous
player, arrived in the city last evening from
the West en route to the East The "Wizard"
was looking well, and talked freely about bil
liard affairs. He said:
"We are traveling East to fill a few engage
ments at Boston, Saratoga, Philadelphia and
other places. However, my principal object is
to try and get on a match with Slosson for
5,000 a side. I am anxious to play Mr. Slosson,
and I wish bim to come to time and not talk so
Mr. Ives, during a conversation, said: "The
stories to the effect that Schaefer is drinking
are all false. He Is drinking no more now than
he ever did. but I can assure you that he Is a
better billiard player now than ever. When
we arrive in New York Schaefer will challenge
Slosson and I will challenge Carter or any other
man in the world, bar Schaefer and Slosson. I
will force Carter to play me or give up the
medal he holds."
Speaking of Carter's defeat of VIgnaux, Ives
said: "I attach little importance to it. A game
of 100 points at billiards 13 worth nothing.
Carter cannot beat Vignaux and he knows It.
Why, tbe Frenchman is conceding him 20 per
cent start in tbeir long games and' beating blm
at that. I presume Carter cabled the news of
his alleged victory to this country himself. If
Schaefer and myself cannot get single matches
we will play any two men in the world for a big
Monmouth Park Entries.
Monmouth Park, July 24. The card for
to-morrow Is as follows:
First race, seven-elgaths of a mile Grenadier
112 pounds. VaulterllJ, Zephyrusll3, Dyer 103.
Second race, Scabrlght stakes, three-quarters of
a mne Leignton, ltaipn Barnard, Cyclone colt.
Fan Fan colt. Clarendon. Elkton 108 pounds each,
Kosette 105, I'aullne F105, Mucilage 118, Burling
ton 113.
Third race, Newark stakes, one mile Mad stone.
My Fellow, favordale colt 122 pounds each. Jay
F. Dee 115. Fhono 107, Kern 107, Joe Courtney 129;
Courtney doubtful.
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth Mow-or-Bever
115 pounds. Jndge Murray 113, Ben Harri
son 106, Verdeur 90, Belinda 114.
Fifth race, fire-elchths of a mile Ventura 93
Sounds, sunshine 93, Bob Furey 103, Servla 104.
owlandiot, NsllorlO! Fanst 104, Bol d'Or 112,
1 reedom 108, Wanderer II 108, Germanic 101. Har
ambouse 101. Little Minnie 107, Martha 107, Vevay
95, Tourmaline 95.
sixth race, one ml e Telele Doe 113 pound?.
Borchltz, StrldeawayllO. Niagara. Ben Harri
son. Barrister. Fitzjames, Syntax 100 each. Theo
doslns 103, Bavenne 98, Sefton 98, Lonely 93.
Brlchton Bench Winners.
New York, Julv 21. Brighton Beach race
results to-day were:
First race, three-fourths of a mile Gregory
won in 1:17; King William, second; Mamie B,
Second race, sevan-clgliths of a mile Newburg
won In 1:3I: Fomery, second: Blanche, third.
Third race, seven-eighths of a mile Spectator
won in l:3i;; Macauley. second: Khaftan. third.
Fourth race, seven-eighths of a mile Theora
won In 1:31; Bonnie, second: Salada, third.
Fifth race, one and one-sixteenth miles Key
note won In l:S0Hl Bordelalse, second; Specialty,
Two Locnl Races To-Dny.
There are two events underlined at Expo
sition Park to-day for bne price of admission.
Beside the five-mile foot race between Peter
Priddy and McGarney there will be a trotting
match for $100 a side. Mr! George Day's Ma
zeppa will trot against G. Kimberly's lady
Ives, best three In five heats. The race will
start at 2 p. M.
Jesso H Sold.
Jesse H, the sorrel pacer that so often has
been a winner at Exposition Park, has been
sold to a Philadelphia party for 2,600. Last
week Jesse went the mile at Philadelphia in
2:17K. and ho was at once sold. Ho was owned
by Mr. Moyer, of Beaver, and driven by Mr.
Evans, of this city.
Lntrobo Defeats the Homestead Champions
by 11 to 5.
Latkobk, Pa., July 24. The home Jeam
turned tbe tables on the Homestead club this
afternoon, defeating them by a score of 11 to 5.
La Dew and Hess, who were released by the
home team a short time ago, occupied the
points for tbe visitors. La Dew was hit hard,
but bis support was ragged at critical moments.
Keyser pitched a fine game for the home club,
and was well supported. The features of the
game were the battery work of Keyser and
Scboyer, the baUIng of Schoyer and tho fine
fielding of Showaltcr. Ho made a fine running
catch of La Dew's Itne hit. The umpiring of
Zacharlah was the finest exhibition given on
tbe home grounds this season. Score:
Armour, r.. 2
Sullivan. 1.. 0
K. Colgan, 3. 1
Hess, c 0
Youngman.s 0
Bulmer. 1... 0
Cargo, m.... 1
Kowe, 2 1
La Dew, p... 0
Marbue'r. s. 0
Showaltcr, 2 3
Williams, I.. 3
Denny, I.... 1
Schoyer, c. 0
Lehman, r.. 0
Casey.S 1
Kalr, in 1
Keyser, p.... 2
3 1
1 3
Totals 5 7 24 15 7 Total II 9 27 13 3
Latrobes 2 0 3 5 10 0 0 '-11
Homesteads ......2 200100005
Earned runs Latrobes, 3: Homesteads. 3.
Two-base hltsSehoyer, 3; Balr, Colgan, Cargo.
Sacrifice hits Keyser.
Stolen bases Kerser. Armour, Bess, Marbur
ger, 2: showalter, Williams. Cascy,2,
First base on balls Keyser. 2; I .a Dew. 3.
Double play Keyser. Showalter and Denny.
Struck out Kcynr, 8; La Dew, 8.
Passed balls Schoyer, 2; Hess. 3.
Wild pitches Keyser, 1; La Dew, 1.
Hit by pltcbed balls-Showalter, Balr.
Umpire Zacharlah.
They Defeat lbs Latrobo Team In a Very
Close Contest.
GEEENSBURO.July 24. To-days gameagalnst
Latrobe was a pitchers' battle, in which Smith
had the best of it. Tbe Latrobe pitcher held
Greensburg down to one hit up till the fourth
inning, when they settled down and pounded 15
base bits, winning a hard battle. Attendance
600. Score as follows:
Dodds s 1
Ackerman.c 2
Hendera'n.p 0
Kevnolds.2.. 0
Smith, m.... 1
Feathers, 1.. 1
Kobb. 1 0
Anderson, r. 1
Palmer, 3. .. 3
1 0
1 5
0 0
1 2
1 0
0 14
0 1
2 2
1 1
oitluslck. r.... 0
1 A.Smith. 1.. 1
0 1 0
3 11 1
12 0
0 015
2 0 1
2 2 2
3 10 4
4 10
0 0 0
0'Falk, 1 0
F. smtth.p.. 1
Barclay, s... 2
Bllty. 2. 0
CopeLand, c.2
Raler. m.... 4
Jainlnson, 3. 0
Totals 9 7 25 10 S
Totals.... 10 15 27 23 6
Latrobes 1 02320010-9
Urecnsburgs 00001223 210
Earned runs Greentbnrgs, 5; Latrobes, 3.
Two-base hits Barclay, Falk Baker.
Double play Smith and Copcland.
Sacrifice hits Greensburgs, 4.
btolen bases Grcenibnrgs, 11.
Struck oat By Smith, 20: by Henderson, 12.
Time of game Two hours.
Umpire C. Walton.
At Mansfield
Manifieids 0 1 .0 0 2 1 0 i V
Wheelings I 12 0 2 0 10 29
batteries Morrison and Fltishnmons; Dunn,
Shamus and Bowman.;
Ilaso hlta-Msnsflelds, 9: wheelings, 4.
Krrors MansSelds, 6; Wheelings, 4.
At Springfield
8nrlngflelds,,.......0 0 a 2 0 0 0 1 0Z0 03
Hamilton 0 001002000 1 4
ns o 001002000 1-
1 runs Sprlngllelds, I: Bamlltons, 2..
its Sprlngnelds, 8; Hamlltons, 14.
-Springfield. 3; Bamlltons, 8.
Earned runs
Vssehlts Si
errors spi
Western Pennsylvania
to bo Treated lo Cool
ness and Showers.
For TTe(ern Penn
sylvania, local thpwert
Thursday afternoon or
evening; no decided
change in temperature
Thursday, warmer Friday; variable winds.
For West Virginia and Ohio, light local
showers, except fair in Northern Ohio; ris
ing temperature Thursday and Friday;
easterly winds.
PrrrsBURO, July 24. 1SS3.
The United States Signal Service officer la
this city furnishes the following:
s .-oo a. r....
Meintemn .,. 70
12:00 K 78
Maximum temp.... 79
Minimum temp.... 81
Kanae - .... 18
1:00 F. M
2 .-OOP. M 78
5:00 P. X
8-00 P. M 71
Precipitation 00
Hirer at 5r. x., 3.1 feet, a fallofL2feet InM
River Telegrams.
BrtoWNSVicxz River 5 feet 1 inch and
falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 71" at
6 p.m.
Warren River 6-10 foot and stationary.
Weather clear and pleasant.
Moroantown River 4 feet- 6 inches and
stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 85
at iF.x.
Tho People of Manchester, Kan., la Danger
Floods Dolntr Damage.
Topeka, July 24. The people of Man
chester, Kan., are fearful of a repetition
there, on a small scale, of the Johnstown
disaster Above the city the waters of Mud
creek are confined by a dam. The water in
the creek rose so rapidly that it overflowed
the dam and flooded a portion of the town.
If the dam should break and the water be
released the damage would be severe and
loss of life might result. Many people there
have taken the safest course and have sought
reiuge where the waters could not reach
During the 48 hours ending at 7 o'clock
this morning 5 inches of water had fallen
at Manhattan. The Kaw river there rose
6 feet in 24 hours, but kept within its banks.
The lower portions oi Fredonia, Kan., are
under 3 feet of water. 'Washouts have oc
curred and all trains are delayed.
In Topeka. that part of the city known as
the Walnut Grove and Parkdale additions,
were flooded by the overflowing of the creek.
Many families were compelled to abandon
tho lower stories of their houses and seek
safety above. Many families who occupied
one-story houses nere able to wade through
the waist-deep water to places of safety,
while others could only be taken out in
He Is Captured With Difficulty In Soatb
America and Was nnrd to Hold.
New York, July 24. This dispatch
reached police headquarters to-night :
Lima, July 24,
Inspector Byrnes, Kew York:
Prisoner escaped at Iquique Friday. Re
arrest impossible. Instruct U. S. Minister at
Lima. Reillt.
The prisoner is Wm. A- Buohneli, alias
Gerald F. Hansom, the absconding book
keeper 6r Butler, Stillman & Hubbard, who
was arrested at Santiago, Chili, last Sep
tember, by Detective Eeilly, of this city,
nnd who was on his way back here in Beilly's
custody.- Ten years ago he hypothecated
securities valued at $35,000 belonging to the
above-named law firm and fled. Then
under the name of Hansom he was ap
pointed agent of the United States West
Coast Telephone Company in Santiago,
where he moved in the best society. In 1887
he embezzled $18,000, but he was so popular
there that no jury would convict him. It
was then found that Bushnell and Hansom
were the same person, and Inspector Byrnes
had him arrested on the first charge. It was
with great difficulty he was extradited.
rho Commission Discovers That at Least
the Law's Spirit Una Suffered.
Washington', July 24 Civil Service
Commissioner Boosevelt said to-day that
charges have been brought against both the
Pension Office and the Second Auditor's
Office that men have been discharged be
cause they were Democrats. He was not
prepared to say that this was a violation of
the law, but individually he was firmly of
the opinion that it was in violation of the
spirit of the law. He thought that no one,
unless he happened to be an active partisan
should be dismissed from the public service.
He said that tbe commission was going to
look the matter up, not only as relating to
the present but to the past.
In speaking of the matter further, Mr.
Boosevelt said that in the Baltimore post
office it was charged that there had been a
clean sweep nnd out of the 350 men em
ployed there were nowonly 11 Bepublicans.
He thought that this was wrong and ought
to be stopped.
Copt. BIcLnnghlln'n Rich Tinn! In Chasing;
Green Goods Swindlers.
New York, July 24. Complaints have
been coming in from all parts of the coun
try to the New York postoffice of a green
goods gang which appeared to be doing a
rushing trade. Comstock and an agent
foxed an old man to 17 Moore street, but
by the time the Captain and Detective
Oatcs arrived on the spot the man
had escaped. Captain McLaughlin searched
the room" for proof against the men. A
small safe stood in one corner which he
easily forced open from the top. He found
in it $4,644 in good money, done up in
packages, from $10 bills down. Captain
McLaughlin sent the money up to the
property clerk at police headquarters. If
the men haven't the nerve to claim it, it
will help swell the police pension fund.
But they will probably claim it tHrough a
To Complete an African Railway.
London, July 24. The Portuguese
Government has contracted with an English
engineer named Sawyer for the completion
of the Delagoa Railway.
To build up the system when run down
from general debility, young or old should
use Dr. Jayne's " Tonic Vermifuge, a
pleasant and effective tonic, a prompt cor
rective for a disordered stomachand a suro
destroyer of worms. The large-sized bottles
are cheapest when a tonic is wanted.
California Wines.
Old Sherry, fulj quarts 60c
Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c
Old Port, full quarts 0c
Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75c
Riesling, full quarts 40c
Angelica, full quarts 50c
Muscatel, full quarts. 50c
Tokay, full quarts 60c
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Uos. 95 and
97 Filth ave.
On Sale Friday.
French satines at 16c, worth 25c The
high class satines in India silk patterns
down to 25c. THORKTON BEOS.,
128 Federal St., Allegheny.
Black, silk Special bargain prices
during our clearance sale, all tbe newest
and staple weaves.
Ti3 Huqtjs & Hacks.
fvik WaV I'
I "skV cSLtQ. (
nif dt
We call attention to our immense line, all style and sizes tn a great variety otcy ;
and YACHTING SHIRTS, from 45c to Sa. - ,5
Of every description. Four-in-hand Ties In White Pique, Mull and Lawn; sP4yf
and stripes all descriptions; price from 20c a dozen to 50c a piece. ' f jJT
In Gossamer, Gauze, Balbriggan and very
Special line at 35c.
White, Pique and Percales, at all prices
NIGHT DRESSES, nicely trimmed,
in all the popular makes including E. & W.
A big lot oi slightly soiled Collars, sold
In all shades 'Lisle. Silk and Kid, from 25c
Largest line of GiSNTS FOOTINGS
Silk, Lisle and Balbriggan, in all colors
a pair.
Minneapolis Insist That It Is BiscerThan
- Sr. PnnT.
That the jealousy between St. Paul and
Minneapolis, so often humorously alluded
to by the press of this country, is based on
actual fact, is evidenced by the following
telegram, which explains itself:
Minneapolis, July 21, 18S9.
To The Pittsbnrg Dispatch:
As sensational telegrams have been sent to
the leading papers of the country by an ir
responsible St. Paul correspondent concerning
the directories for 1889 for Minneapolis and St.
Paul, I desire to ask these same papers which
have published the falsehood from St. Paul to
publish tbe truth from Minneapolis, which 1
send prepaid.
Tbe directory of St. Pan! was issned on the
I5:h inst. It contained 71.000 names, an in
crease of over 4,000 over 1SS3- Tho Minneapo
lis directory was Issued to-night and contains
80,000 names, an increase of nearly 5,600 over
1888. According to the multiple used during
tbe State census of 1885, St. Paul has 185.000
population, ily the same multiple Minneapolis
contains 232,000 people, showing Minne
apolis to be in tbe lead by 45,000
peop.e. This directory estimate is confirmed
by other statistics. Minneapolis cast 38.U00
votes for President in November, 18SS, while
St. Paul cast but 26,000. Minneapolis has 19,000
school children enrolled upon her bonks,
while St Paul has but 15.000
enrolled. The taxible valuation of Minne
apolis exceeds S13i000,000. while St- Paul's
scarcely reaches 105,000.000. The twin cities
of the Northwest undoubtedly have 430.000
population, bnt Minneapolis leads St. Paul by
more than 40,000. ALDEX J. Kleteen,
Editor and Proprietor Minneapolis Tribune.
A Beport That tbo Railroads Will Caplare
. the Interstate Commission.
Chicago, July 24. A local paper says:
A report is current that the trnnk lines are
making strong efforts to secure the services
of Chairman Cooley.of the Inter-State Com
mission, as Commissioner of Trunk Lines'
Association in place of Albert Fink, whose
resignation was accepted about a
month ago. It is believed that he is consid
ering the advisability of accepting the
$25,000 position. Be is at present on a trip
to the Pacific const. .Should Judge Cooley
decide to acfcept.'some people will be curious
to know how he will harmonize such action
with his previously expressed opinion that
it was the height of impropriety tor a man
holding a place on the Inter-State Com
merce Commission to accept any position
from the railroads. Should they succeed in
inducing him to fake the position, however,
they will have succeeded in capturing two
of the brightest and ablest men on the Inter
State Commission the Judge himself and
A. F. Walker, now at the head of the
famous "Gentlemen's" Association.
It is Capitalized at $6,000,000, to Give
PrcOtK to BInnnfnctnrers.
Chicago, July 24. The atrawhoard
makers of the country have united in one
mammoth company or trust. Mr. E. E.
Newcomb, of Quincy, 111., acknowledges
its existence, and states that its corporative
name is "The American Strawboard Com
pany." The mills embraced in the com
bination are loctted from Delaware, in the
East, to Illinois and Wisconsin, in the
West- It also takes in the largest dealers
In strawboard in New York, Boston, Phila
delphia, Cincinnati and Chicago, who prac
tically control the trade.
The capital stock of tho company is
$6,000,000. Its purchases include the plants
of 26 mills, and all personal property
appertaining thereto. "We intend,"" Mr.
Kewcomb said, "to so conduct the business
that the production shall not exceed the
demand, and we shall be satisfied with a
fair profit."
Tho Stolen Property Dears Ibe Name of B.
F. Bailor as n Jolte.
Hingham, Mass., July 24. Part of the
silver which was stolen from the house of
ex-Governor Long during" the recent rob
bery in this town has been returned. Sat
urday a package arrived by mail containing
three spoons one large one and two small
ones. The package was postmarked "Bos
ton," and the address was in print instead
of writing. In one corner and on the out
side of the package was the name "B. F.
Mr. Long regards the returning of the
spoons partly as a joke anil partly as a
kindness, as'it was stated in the Boston
papers at the time the theft was committed
that the spoons were valued by Mr. Long,
as the two small ones belonged to his
mother and the large one to his wife. The
name of "B. F. Butler" on the package is
also regarded as a joke.
An Oil Snlt Ended.
rsriciAi. TKLxnnAM to the Dtsr-ATcn.t
Clarion, July 24. A suit involving
n.. Ahk innn!.,.l!l(ll. til, In.f VlOATl ? A
DUU1C UUC VCUUillkUllkla lia juji wvvm -v.
cided here in the case of the owners ot the
Johnson land against Kifcr, Denison & Co.,
that is or interest to parties leasing oil
lands. A. X. Ivory, attorney, conducted
the case for defendants. A petition lor a
writ of estripment pending a suit in eject
ment was to-day granted as far as prevent
ing waste of gas or its removal from the
property was. concerned, but denied as to
the removal of apparatus or machinery.
This suit virtually settles the suit in eject
ment in favor of the defendants.
Teenier and Gnadnnr.
It is whispered quietly la aquatic circles that
Teemer and Gandaur will arrange for a race to
take place in tbe early future, and that forfeits
will be posted tho Litter part of this or tbe
early part of next week.
X Stephen's K. C. Chnrcb, Hazelwood, on
bA.TUP.DAxVIdly"Z7;i589,at CoUege Grounds,
uienwooa station, .Baltimore ana uaio itau
Trains leave Baltimore and Ohio station,
Smitbfleld and Water streets, evelw hour.
AH kinds of- amusement. Bifreshments
served on tut grounds. y2o-70
fine all-wool, just the thing for hot days.
from 75c upward. Also a full Line of
the finest quality at $1.
50c to Si 5a Gjnts Collars and CuflsJS
only by half dozen, for 25c
to be found In the two cities, Including
and fancy stripes, ranging from 10c to 50c
Queer Gronnd on Which nn Indiana Blam
Asked a Part ol the Surplus.
Washington, Julr24. Assistant Sec-
retary Bussey has rendered a decision in the
oase of John Seifert, late of Company A,
Forty-ninth Indiana Volunteers, who
moved for a reconsideration of a former de
cision rejecting his claim to an invalid pen
sion. The testimony upon which the As
sistant Secretary appears to rely, concern
iogHbe cause and circumstances attending
the incurrence of the disability are substan-
tially as follows:
The captain of claimant's company and three
others had rented for The night the back room
of a saloon, and were engaged in playing cards
when three citizens of the town entered and
be;an playing on a banjo and one or two other
Instruments. This disturbed the play and the
cintain.speaking to his comrades,arnong whom
was the claimant, who had just entered, said:
"Boys, let's put them out." At that all arose
and the intruuers moved toward the door, all
except one man named Bishop, who lingered.
The claimant put his hand on Bishop's shoul
der and then Bishop mored out. As he passed,
claimant turned his back, and as he did so
Blshopshot In in inflicting two wounds, on ac
count of which he claims a pension. The claim
ant in his testimony avers that he was in tho
room in obedience to his captain's orders, and
that the part he took in ejecting the intruders
was also in obedience to his commands.
The Assistant Secretary decides that the
captain's order was not within the line of
duty, was an order to commit a breach cf
peace, and the claimant was not justified in
obeying it any more than he would have
been justified in doing any other unlawful
act. His being in the saloon was a viola
tion of rules of discipline. The application
is denied.
Ho Was Appointed to Havre, bnt His Health
Is Too Feeble.
WASHrNGTOjr, July 24. Emmons
Clark. ex-Colonel of the Seventh Regiment.
New York National Guard, has declined
tbe appointment as Consul to Havre, re
cently made. In his letter to Acting Sec
retary Wharton, Colonel Clark says that ha
had lully intended to accept but that since
the appointment was made his friends, and
especially "his physician, had made such
representations lo'him that he felt constrain
ed to decline.
An Anil-Slavery Convention Postponed..
Los DOjr, July 24. Cardinal Lavigere's '
International Anti-Slave Convention which
was to have met at Lucerne on August 4, has
been postponed uutil after the French elec
tions.so as to enable prominent Frenchmen
who are interested in the movement to at
tend. Tutt's Pills
Begulate the Bowels. "
Costivcness deranges the whole system and
begets diseases, such as
Sick Headache,
Dyspepsia, Fevers, Kidney Dis
eases, Bilious Colic, Malaria, eta
Tutt's Pills produce regular habit of body and
good digestion, without which no one can en
joy good health.
Sold Everywhere.
We make a specialty of Pure Wines and
Liquors, embracing fall lines of both foreign
and domeitlc, at prices for the age and quality
of tbe goods that are not and cannot be met,
somo of which wn quote: The Pure Eight-year-old
Export Guckenhclmer. full quarts, SI.
or six for 5. There is no whLsVy that has ever
been sold that has grown in favor with tbe pub
lic so rapidly as oar old export, and tbe simple
reason is that it is utterly impossible to dupli
cate it.
OverboItPure Rye, five years oId,full quarts;
tL or 10 per dozen.
Finch's Uoldon Wedding, ten years old, full
quarts, tl 25. or $12 per dozen.
Gin, Pare Holland, our own importatiou,fuIl
qnarts, tl 25, or S12 per dozen.
Dunville's Old Irish Whisky, quarts, Jl 50, or
S15 per dozen.
Ramsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery at
Islay. SI 50 ner bottle, full quart.
Wise Old Irish Whisky.North Mall distillery,
Cork, SI 50 per full quart.
Kentucky Bourbon, ten years old.fnll quarts,
Cork Distilleries Co. Old Irish Whisky, SI 50
per bottle, nr $15 per dozen.
James Watson A Co.'s Dundee Fine Glenllro
Scotch Whisky, SI 50 per bottle, or 115 per
Jamaica Rum, SI 25 per quart.
Old Tom Gin. $1 per quart.
Gold Seal Lhampacne, pints 75c. quarts, SI SO.
North Mall, Cork, SI 50 per bottle, full quart.
There will never be any let up in the purity
and fine flavor in any particular of the Pure
California Winos we aro now selling at 50 cents
per bottle, full quarts, or to per dozen.
In making up your orders please inclose P. O.
Money Order or Draft, or Register your orden
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
iyll 412 Market street. Pittsbnrg. Pa.
je24-MTTF 1
JAS. im & BRO
With an Increased capacity and hydraulic
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper and better than by the old,
methods. Repairing and general machine?
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
lev Railroad. teo-oo-rrs
wa- si i n w dCsA,GrZO
2Sot. ck, Box