is V The Waifs of the Two Cities GiTen Their Annual Excursion ON THE MAYFLOWER BY GUSKY'S. AJeast of Peanuts, Provisions, Water melons, Fireworks, Etc. X0TII1XG TO MAS THE DAI'S PLEASURE It was a privilege yesterday to be an orphan, at least during the time of Gusky's fifth annual picnic excursion up the Monon gahela river, given to the orphan children of Pittsburg and Allegheny. Not only did the thousand children think so and they wore badges of different orphan asylums but countless other little waifs wished they could be orphans for a day as they watched first the pies, cakes, melons, etc., carried on board the gayly-dccked steamer Mayflower yesterday morning as she lay at her wharf; and later saw the parentless picnickers chaperoned by motherly-faced ladies and bright misses follow in the wake of the goodies and receive the password to the en joyment of a whole day "chuck full" of steamboat rides, sweetmeats, swings, fire works, and, above all, a few hours away from the dust and soot of the city. "I wish I was an orphan," said one of three little river rats longingly casting glances at the boat and the badges on the orphans. Suddenly his companion's face brightened and he disappeared, but reap peared soon, and then all three marched np the gangplank along with the scholars of St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum. One of the managers saw the badges on the waists of the dirtv-faced youngsters, and asked: "What school do you belong to?" "I've forgot," said one. The others looked bewildered, but were sot deprived of the pleasure they sought, and they nearly killed themselves with all the watermelon and peanuts they wanted, "for nothing, too." 1 SS All Aboard; At 9 o'clock all the children were on board, the band was playing, the flags fly ing, but the boat did not move. The min utes crew into half hours until 10:40; but the children didn't care a cent as long as the band continued playing, and they were sure the "goodies" were in the cabin. The cylinder of the engine had gotten out of order on a trip down the Ohio the night be fore, and was not ready for service until the hour named above. At last the probability of a wharf picnic, as it seemed, was cone. and amid huzzas, a wave of flags and a quick, lively tune by the band, the May flower slowly cleared her docks and started on her trin up the Ohio to "Wild Eose Park, above McKeesport. The children were placed in groups rep resenting those from each asylum. Those in each group of children were dressed nearly alike and wore different colored badges. The little girls Irom St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum wore hats trimmed with red ribbon. There were 125 children from this institution. They were in charge of Itev. Father John B. Duffner, President of the board, and the following gentlemen: Mr. O. A. Eedline, Eev. M. Stecger, Uick Kunzmann, Jacob Katzler, Andrew Mocs lein, Antcn Koathlein, Jr.. and M. Staub. Fifty-eight bright little faces wore the yellow badges of the Episcopal Church Home. They were in charge of Miss Emma Loo mi j, matron of the home. The follow ing Indies and gentlemen were also along to see that none ol the little happy souls fell overboard or ate too much of the goodies: Mrs. Carrie Haines, Mrs. Mary Gorman, Mrs. G. V. Kimberlein, Mrs. Helen Arm strong. Mrs. Baursmith. Mr. De Wayne Xioomis, Rev. "W. If. and Mrs. Webbe, of bt.. John's (Jburcn. and l'rot.'iist: mattery, principal of the Riverside Schools. ME OTHER INSTITUTIONS. Miss Bailey, assistant matron of the Home for the Friendless, and Miss Ham bright, a teacher, had charge of the 86 chil dren from that iustitution. Mrs. E. D. McKnigbt, President of the Board of Di rectors; Mrs. Dewhurst, Mrs. John Johns ton, Rev. E..IL Donehoo and Mrs. Alice Ewing, M. D., the Chicago representative at Johnstown, were also assistants in look ing alter the charges of the home. Fifty-four neatly dressed colored chil dren, of the Colored Orphan Asylum, of Greenwood avenue, Allegheny, were accom panied by the following ladies: Mrs. Mon roe, Mrs. Wyles, Mrs, L-eckey, Mrs. Gross, Mrs. Onusby Phillips, Mrs. O'Donnell.rep resenting the managers. The children were under the direct charge ot Miss Kemp, a teacher, the matron being absent The Protestant Orphan Asylum, Bidge avenue, Allegheny, was represented by 100 children, accompanied by Mrs. Northrop, Mrs. Emma Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Logan and Miss S. C. Cameron. The Allegheny Day Nursery had in charge 10 little ones. The ladies accom panying them were Mrs. Dr. S. F. Stewart, Mrs. Addison Lysle, Mrs. Sloan and others. A lew representatives from the Boys' Protestant Home were on hpard, but the majority of the boys could not enjoy the benefit of the excursion on account of their work. At Twenty-second street, Soatbside, 22 children from St. Michael's Orphan Asylum were put aboard. They were in charge of uev. eudlein, Andrew Stock, Jacob Launer, Jacob Eckert, George Bohans, Joseph Keller, Christopher Bitz and Frantz Meis. A FULL LABDEB. So much for children; now for the trip up the river. AVho ever saw a child that was not hungry, especially on a picnic day? Mr. W. De Wolfe, who was in charge of the commisary department, said he had not, and set out to satisfy the failing of the little picnickres with the following list of provisions and goodies: Three hundred pairs pringchickens, 75 tongues, CO pounds corned beef, CO pounds roast beef, 100 loaves, 25 pounds cheese, 250 deviled crabs, 300 ice cakes, 125 gallons ice cream, 400 pies, 125 watermelons, 6 boxes oranges, 5 boxes Jiartlett pears, 12 bunches bananas, 125 gallons milk, 12 hags peanuts. "Johnny" Stroup, of Stroup's Bandbox, had charge of the lemonade stand and made bar rel atter-barrel of that drink. No limit was placed to anything, and none were told, "You've had enough; move on." The tables were set soon after the boat started, and it was not deserted until the picnickers n eared Wild Rose Park. For dinner the children were given sandwiches, cake, icecream, bananas, etc., and an excellent Innch was set for the older guests, when the little ones had their fill. A stop was made at Wild Rose Park at a little after 2 r. m., but the landing had been washed out since the picnic last year and the banks were too steep to"clTmb; 'The managers concluded to go farther up the river about a mile and a half to Union Grove. The whistle was blown, but many of the little boys had been too quick for the managers and ran up the bank and off up the hill. The bell continued ringing, and soon a stream of little black boys came running and rolling down the sieep embankment LIKE SO MANY CRICKETS and causing endless laughter. At last all were on board again, and the steamer soon dropped the plank at Union Grove, where the William Walls Fishing Club, of the Twenty-seventh ward, are in camp. The children scrambled ashore and rolled on the grass, or rather weeds, until tbey were tired. There was little else but weeds on the grounds and no place to play ball or other games, but the children did not seem to mind it and there was not an unhappy countenance among them. The following Verses, selected trnm a poem written for the occasion by Mr. Nichols, of Gusky's, and printed on a neat gilt card, which was given to each child, describes as well as wprds could probably portray something of the pleasure indulged in by the little or phans: Ob. those sweetly smiling faces. Chubby hands and sparkling eyes Oh. what mischief In your chirpings, Shonts of glee and laughter, sighs. Oh. what running, skipping, jumping. Games and cranks in harmless plays; What a heap of fun's exploded During childhood's snnny days. Bless your merry, happy facesl Bless yonr nimble footsteps, gay Laugh aud chatter sing and frolic! To yonr heart's delight, all day. flnge enjoy the spread of good things Show tne world what 'tis to be Fnll of youthful animation Young America set free ! Bat. when through yonr fan and laughter, And you come to disembark. Once mora to out studies buckle. Firm resolved to make your mark. Nor forget, before retiring. This small tribnte lay away 'Twill excite a fond remembrance Of Gusky's orphans' picnic day, SOME BEPOKTOBIAL FUN. No little excitement was caused at one time by the announcement that it was feared Walter Cooper, a son of one of Gusky's em ployes, had been left at Wild Bose Park, and lost or drowned. A reporter started out in a rowboat to find the boy, but soon after he turned up all right with a smile on his face. About 4:30 the bell was rung, the children all again put on board and the re turn trip commenced. At Wild Bose Park the reporter was in waiting to get on board. The steamer could not get near enough to throw the plank to shore, and the reporter waved frantically at his friends of the quill on the steamer and rushed into the water over his ankles as the steamer backed off. It went n little farther up the river, and the stranded re porter rushed about with a wild stare, and fallinc into the arms of his friends cried frantically, "Give me a cigarette, for heaven's sake." The steamer backed off, the cigarette was forthcoming and all was again serene. The children now turned the tables for awhile and became the entertainers. The boys of St. Joseph's Schools give an exhibition in calisthenics with canes. The girls then went through another drill of the same kind. Songs were then sung and recitations given by different children for some time. At last a little darky appeared from the lower deck with a hunk of watermelon and all else was forgotten until the large pile was gone. When the last melon had been cut, the peanuts were brought forth and dealt out in hatsful. The wake of the steamer all the way to the city was filled with melon rinds, peanut shucks, wooden plates and remains of the feast. BEGINNING OP THE END. At Thirteenth street, Southside, the St Michael's children-were put ashore and the boat proceeded past its own landing to Lo cust street, Allegheny, where the children irom the Home tor Colored Children were placed once again on dryland. The boat once more cleared the shore and made for its own wharf. All the way from Locust street fire works were shot off, making a trail of sparks in the steamer's wake, and at 8:30 the plank was thrown ashore at the foot of Water street and the day was done! The picnic was a complete suc cess in every particular.. -Not the least thing went wrong to mar the pleasure of any or all, and -at the con clusion of the day old as well as young had nothing but pleasant remembrances of the day. All declared that they never had a better time. Mr. K. Solomon and Mr. K. De Wolf had entire charge of the excursion and with their assistants had arranged every detail so that nothing went amiss. Mr. Abb Veatch, in charge of the Mayflower for the owners, gave the boat up entirely to the children and the management of the picnic. The Monongahela Navigation Company gave the lockage free. Mr. Solo mon said that the trip cost about $1,500, but it was worth it to see the pleasure of the children. The provisions were plenty and of the best The children bud all they wanted of everything, and if some of them are not sick from eating so much it will be a wonder. A box of candy was given to each child as it left the boat, and as each party landed it gave three cheers for Gusky's orphan's picnic excursion. Fine Whiskies. XXX, 1855, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts $2 00 1800. McKim's Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts '. 3 00 Monogram, Pure Eye Whisky, full Q u ELrlS ((I ittitttti X i O Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Eye Whisky, lull quarts , 1 CO Gibson' 1879, Pare Eye "Whisky, full Gibson's Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 50 Guckenheimer Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 Guckenheimer Export.Pure Eye Whis ky, full quarts 1 CO Moss Expert, Pure Eye Whisky, lull tjimris X i 1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full QuurlS A X xu 1880 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, fnll quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 9Sand 97 Fifth aye. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIBL, 401 Pmtthfleld Street, cor. Fsnrth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, J45.000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent tts Kut. Bishop I. W. Joyce Will 'preach at Valley Camp grounds at 10:30 A. M., Sunday, July 28. Train leaves Union station (via Allegheny Valley E. E.) at 8:45 a. si., arriving at camp grounds in time for morning service. Train leaving at 12:40 P. M. arrives at camp grounds in time for afternoon service. Eeturning trains leave camp ground at 0:50 p. m. and one alter evening service. 3 Wash Goods The largest and hand somest lines of French novelty ginghams shown this season; styles that earlier were 50c and 60c, now 30c a yard; Anderson ginghams 25c. ITS HUGUS & HACKE. fpeclnl s For Friday, a lot oi blk. dress goods, rem nants in silk warps and all wool hennettas, nil lengths, Irom 2 to 8 yds.; blk. surah COc and up; blk. henriettas 69c and up. Thornton Bros.. Ally., Pa. Use "Una" flour finest spring patent in the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Horning's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. Another Disaster. Cabinet photos 69c per dozen for .one week only; bring the family at once. Lies' popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth rt TTSStt F. fc V.'a Pilsner Beer. Call for this celebrated beer. It is to be found on draught at all first-class bars. ' "- , GOT THEIR CHARTER. The Trouble Between the K. of L. and Federation More Complicated. ROW AT NEXT TRADES COUNCIL Glassware Agents and Buyers Are Now Flocking Into the City. THE LINDEN STEEL COMPANY SIGNS A few week ago The Dispatch an nounced that tronble was brewing between the Knights of Labor and the Federation of Labor. The dissatisfaction has been smol dering since that time, and between now and Saturday night, when the Central Trades Council will meet, it will be fanned into a blaze. The cause of the trouble now is the grant ing, by the General Executive Board of the K. ot L., of a charter to the slateroofers of this city. The charter is dated June 17, and since that time the men have been holding meetings in the name of the Knights of Labor. Few people except themselves knew that the charter had been granted, thinking that the General Executive Board would not take the action until the matter had been investigated. Notwithstanding the protests that have been made, the board issued the charter and had, a report sent out from Chicago Tuesday that they had re fused to issue it. The latter was supposed to be true, and those who opposed the slaters' organization coming into the order construed it to mean that it was a dieect slap at District Assembly No. 3, However, the officials of the District Assembly got in their work first, and upon their recom mendation the charter was granted. When the other side heard that the charter had been granted they declared that things would be made lively at the Trades Council Saturday night. Some time about May 15 Special Ageut Beck, of the Building Trades League, in augurated a strike in the Irwin and White shops in this city because some of the men in the shops relused to join the Slate, Marble and Tile Cutters' Union, which was attached to the Federation of Labor. The men claimed that the members of the union were "floaters," and would not belong to the same organizatioa that the others were in. The non-union men continued at work, and afterward made an application to be organized into the Knights of Labor. Or ganizer Joseph L. Evans lormed tbem into a local assembly, which was given the num ber of 491. , When the members of the slaters' union heard that the Knights of Labor was about to organize the non-union men they natur ally objected and filed a protest. When Delegate X. S. Bees, from L. A. 491, pre sented his credentials to the Trades Council, and asked that he be admitted, the delegates from the unions in the federation objected. They said he represented non-union men, and pending the seating of the delegate a committee was appointed to investigate the matter. This committee is composed of iai w yatt. representing tne slaters union; Homer L. McGaw, from the Trades Coun cil, and Daniel McWilliams, representing L. A. 491. They will meet in Commoner Hall Friday evening to settlft the trouble. The fact that a charter has been granted the men who would not go into the federation has further complicated matters, and it is further probable that the General Executive Board will be requested to withdraw it from the local assembly. The members of 491 will then have to go into the slate roofers' union if they want recognition from the federation men. This, the former claim, they will not do. They say they are all residents of the city and will not mix with the "floaters." The officials of D. A. 3, pt this city, justify their action In the matter by saying that the lederation men would not recog nize a K. of L. card, and on this account a bitter feeling sprang up between the two factions. If a slate rooter came here from another city and showed a K. of L. card, he either had to join the federation or leave town. Most of them did the latter. A regular meeting of L. A. 491 was held last night. Tne above was freely discussed. TO MEET THE JOBBERS. Sales Agents of Glass Houses Are Beady for the Fnll Tradr. Yesterday there were 29 sales agents of different glass manufacturing firms of this city and vicinity at the Monongahela House. It was the opening of the regular fall trade, aud the men are gathering to meet jobbers and show them their stocks. Eepresentatives of jobbing houses from all over the country are flocking into town to make their purchases. They buy so much that they cannot afford to wait until the regular drummers come round and show them their stocks. It is estimated that the amount of glassware purchased in this man ner each fall and spring aggregates nearly 51,000,000. THEY. WILL NOT SIGN IT. A Window Glass Manpfactnrer Explain Wfant the Worker Want. John O'Leary, of O'Leary Bros., window glass manufacturers, stated yesterday that his firm for one would not sign the- workers' scale. He does not think there is one firm in the city who will sign the scale in its present shape, notwithstanding the fact that Chambers & McKee will start their Jean nette factory September 1. In explanation of the demands made by the men Mr. O'Leary stated they want as much money lor making quality "B" glnss as they are receiving for making "A." This is asking the employers to pay first class prices for the poorest glass, Mr. O'Leary says. ONLY ONE LEFT. The Linden Steel Company la the Latest to Slan the Senle. The Linden Steel Company has signed the Amalgamated scale. Tbis firm heretofore refused to do so until they got the same re duction that Carnegie, Phipps & Co. did. Secretary William Martin stated yesterday that the firm had signed a straight scale, without any reduction. Shoenbcrger & Co. is now the only firm left in the city who have not yet signed the scale. Enterprise of Grent ritb nnd Moment Have. ere. now, had tbelr currents "tnmed awry," as Hamlet says, by an an attack of dys pepsia. Napoleon failed to improve his ad vantage at Austerlltz in conseqnence, it Is said, of indigestion brought on by some Indiscretion in eating. In order to avoid dyspepsia abstain from overindulgence, aod precede the meal by awineglasaful of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, more effective than any dietetic in improving the tone of the stomach. Liver complaint, chills and fever and rheumatism areannihi lated liy the Bitters. . NOTICE'S. mAKE NOTICE CASHIER'S CHECK. M0. ,X on First National Bank of Pittsburg, urannuiueuiucr u& iud ruuumjuecir Supply Company,bas been misappropriated ancV payment oi same Jia ucen sioppea. JylB-23 W. M. GRANGER. PROPOSAL U. 8. Enoinekr Office, T CnABLKSTON-KANAWHA.W.VAJune 23,1889 PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING LOCK NO. 8 of the Great Kanawha River Improve ment will be received at this office until 4 P. w. of JulrSU, 18S9. and then opeued. The atten tion of bidders is called to the acts ot Congress, approved February 38, 1885, and February St, 1887. vol." 23, page 333 and voL 24, page4M, Statutes at Large. Information can be ob tained by application to ADDISON M. 8COTT, Resident Engineer. THOS. TURTLE je23A6,7,8,,a,a0fEnK,neer'U-B-A" 83" Display a&vcrttstmcnt one dollar par tquare for one insertion. Ctiusijted advertite ments on thit page inch aa Wanted, For Bale, To Let, ele ten cent per line Jar each inter tton, and none taken or lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For- Sale, ToLet, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tub D1S IM.TCII. rrrrsBuiia. TITOB1AS MCCAFKKKY, SSifl Batter street. KMIL O. BTUCKET. Stth street and l'enn are. . G. HTUCKEY A CO., Wylle aye. and Fulton St. N. STOKE1.Y. Firth Avenue Market House. east ESD. J. TV. 'WAIiliAC'E, tin Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCAL.LISTEU & SHEIBbEI,Sth ay. & Atwood St. SOUTHSIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. ! Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON". 1707 Carson ttrett. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK, S9 Federal street. H. J. McliKIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FRED H. EGGKKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EOOEK3 ft HON, Ohio and Chestnut ft. J. 1 STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKYWesUrnand Irwlnaves. G.W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. I'EKRTM. GLEIM, Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Horn. W ANTED-GOOD TINNER-MUST BE SO BER ana reiiaDie-ai in w 1 lik avc Yia-5T WANTED-CARPENTERS. APPLY TO H. C. OAKLEY. Contractor, Jeannette, Pa. JrK-M WANTED-A YOUNG MAN AS WEIGH clerk. Address LOCK BOX 379, Pittsburg, Pa. . Jj25-ef -rTTANTED-DBUGGIST; REFERENCE RE W QUIRED. Address Box K L, Dlipateh office. JTS5-67 WANTED CARKIAGE PAINTERS AT 64 and 66 TWELFTH ST., Central Carriage Works. JT-W TTrANTED-STONECUTTERSAND MASONS: V rail at Fourth and Carson sts., Southside. J. FRIDAY. JJ25-30 WANTED-TWO GOOD BUTCHERS. APPLY at once to JOS. L. EBN KB, 850 Main street, Braddock, Pa. JyM-49 TUT N T E D-DRIVEK FOR ONE-HORSE W waeon In hardware line. Apply 195 OHIO ST., Allegheny. Jy25-70 WANTEU A GOOD BARBER. IMMEDIATE LY, at GEORGE FLAN'S. 612Martet St., McKeesport, Pa. Jy25-lS WANTED-CANVASSEKS AND COLLECT ORS. Apply at 4iSPENN AVENUE. Ref erences required. Jjr2i-C8 WANTED-ATONCE-10PRACTICALSTONE otters. Address JOHN MEINHART, Box II, UasslllonAO. Jy21-H w, ANTED- OR 8 FIRbT-CLASS MOLDERS: V 7 steady work; good wages. Address or apply SHARON STEEL CASTING CO., Sharon. Pa. jj-.-iz-MTns -fT7"ANTED-A WATCHMAKER; MUST HAVE VV tools, and come well recommended. Ad dress CHARLES WISEMAN, East Brady, Pa. JrSM XTJANTED-PRINCIPAL FOR LEECHBURG VV schools; term. 9 months, commencing Sept. 2. Address DR. J. A. ARMSTRONG, Sec., Leech burg, Pa. lT--1 WANTED-A REGISTERED DRUG CLEKK: must speak and write German: will pay 115 per week for a temperate man. Address MOXIE, Dispatch office. Jj2i-1 WANTED-HELP-JOHNSTOWN BOOK IN lots of SO: 60 per cent off; retails SI 2S. JOHNSTOWN PUB. CO., 19 S. Ninth street, Philadelphia. Jt25-1 WANTED DRIVER FOR ONE-HORSE delivery; must be well acquainted In both cities and come welt recommended. Address DE LIVERY, Dispatch office. JyS5- XVTANTEI - BRONZE AND NICKEL VV plater. Apply at works at Stockton station, P.. C. St. L. ft. R. PKITTON, GRAHAM & MATHES, 411 Wood St., city. J f 24-19 TTANTED-AN ASSISTANT ROLLING MILL VV managerto take charge of night turn in a city mill. Address "IRON, " Dispatch office, giv ing experience and references. Jy23-38 WANTED STENOGRAPHER GENTLE MAN preferred, to exchange readlnars with stenographer; object, rapid writing. Address CHARLES K.. Dispatch office. JT2S-S4 -TT7-ANTED-SHIFFIN& CLERK: ONE HAV VV ING had exoerlence at srlassworks pre ferred: goo.1 position for flrst-lass mu. Address. jASS Diiii'i-tii, uispatcn omce. JJ4-IJ -TTT.NTE1!-AN HONEST YOUNG MAN TO VV drive a delivery wagon i one who lives with his parents preferred; reference required; state wages. Address WAGON, Dispatch office. jTtt-M WANTED FOREMAN FOKMACH1NESHOP at the Gloncestcr Iron Works. Gloucester City, N. J.: thoroughly competent men only need apply. Address SUPERINTENDENT, at works. Jyl-1-D VTTANTED-BOOKKEEPERTOKEEPSALES-VY BOOK nnd Individual ledger for a whole sale mercantile firm; must give srood references as to character and capacity. Address A. B. C, Dispatch office. Jy23-1 VTTANTED-SALESMAN-ONE WHO UN VV DERSTA!DS the shoe business and can speak German preferred. Address LOCK BOX 184, city, giving reference and name of place where last employed. ly2V8 -TTT-ANTED-AN ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN. VV living outside Pittsburg, to represent our house lu this State: salary about SluO monthly; references given and exacted. SUPT. MFG. HOUSE, Lock Box 1S10, N. Y. oc7-4S-Th WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners ornlllmen can make money In their spare time. YAMA3HIKO TEA CO.. M Jackson St., Allegheny. Pa. Ja26-SS-TTS WANTED SALESMAN -TO INTRODUCE onr new Paragon school apparatus Into schools; teachers especially adapted; position per manent and profitable. WESTERNPUBLISH ING HOUSE, 10 East Sixteenth St., New York. JyZ0- -rTTANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S V V Eclectic Shorthand and Business College, 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Good penmanship taught In a few lessons, instruction thorough and pri vate ror both sexes. College open day and eveu lng through summer. Jyll-ss-TTSSu WAN TED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School: Crllng's actual measure ment taught In all Its branches; the only true system fitting any and all shapes: no trying on: Instructions. 10 A. . to 4 P. Ji.; evening. 7 to 9 r. M.; call or write for circular. U4 WOOD ST., Pittsburg, Pa. Jy9-49 WANTED-SALESMEN-WF. WISH A FEW men 'to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; on salary: largest manufacturers In our line: Inclose 2c stamp: wages IJ per day: permanent position; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'G. CO.. Cincinnati. O. Jc28-i-ttssu VTTANTED-EXPEEIENCED BOOK CAN V V VAbSERS: the fascinating works or Outda are now ready; for the first time these works will be sold on Installments as well as for cash: ten volumes, forty talcs: the best Inducements offered to experienced canrajeers for years. Apply to P. F. COLLIER. 1C38 Penn avenue. JrB-U YTTA-N MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF VV our safes; slie 28x18x18 Incbes; weight GOO lbs. : retail price 35; othersizesin proportion: rare chance to create -permanent business at home: these safes meet demand never before supplied by other safe companies, aa we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. Je20-4-D WANTED-AGENTS TO HANDLETHE NEW patent chemical ink erasing pencil; great est novelty ever produced: erases Ink In two sec onds, no abrasion or paper: 200 to 600 per cent Sroflt: one agent's sales amounted to SS20 in six ays: another S3Z In two hours; territory abso lutely free; salary to good men: no ladles need answer; sample Si cents. For terms and full par ticulars address the manufacturers, J. W. SKIN N ERA CO., Onalasfca, Wis. Jy23-42- Female Help. WANTED-A WOMAN TO MCLEAN DOC TORS' office's on Penn ave.. below Tenth st. Address A. Y Dispatch office. JySW WANTED GOOD COOK TO GO TO Scwlckley: musthave reference from former employer. Call at 30 WEST DIAMOND ST.. Alle gheny Jy2f-68 WANTED-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK: must have reference; good wages and nice place. Apply for three days at 17 ANDERSON STREET, Allegheny City, Pa. JI25-4S WANTED-2 SALESLADIES OUT OF EM PLOYMENT for the summer, who hare large acquaintance among their customers: posi tion good for two months: salary 110. Call 9 fo 12. E. E. PATT ERSON, SS Ninth St. Jy2t-U Slala and Female flrln. WANTED COOK AND CHAMBERMAID forsmall family, laundresses, cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls, nurses, bouse girls, German and colored girls, waiters, drivers, farm hands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, CC8 Grant sZ JyU-M-XTbS WANTED-A COACHMAN. 13 PER MONTH: man to work about grounds, attend to a horse and cow: vegetable gardeners and farm hands. coL -waiters, eol. man, 100 house- girls, cooks, rhamberinalds. children's nurse, dlnlng room girls. MEEHAN'S, 845 Grant St. Jy!4-D WANTEU - Vi WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female, in every community: goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free; we mean Jnil what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. jeu-iu-p WANTKD. Situations. TX7-ANTED-POS1TION BY YOUNG MAN OF t", experience as foreman on dairy farm or, coachman or teamster. Addiess J. M. E., Dis patch office. JvH-14 TTANTED-P03ITION IN A GROCERY ,H store by a young man of five years' exper ience; Is also a practical bookkeeper; good refer ences. Address BOX 145, Verona, Pa. JrSS-17 WANTED-A GENTLEMAN MANAGER OF a flint glass works desires an engagement; good salesman with good connection In Europe. Address JOHN HORROCKS, 3313 Uowley ave., Pittsburg. Jy25-9 WANTED-POS1TION-BY YOUNG MAN as assistant bookkeeper or office work In gen eral; a good penman and accurate in figures: best ofreference as to character, trustworthiness. etc. Address BOOKS, 404 Smlthfleld st. Jy3-S4 Partner. WANTED-FOR UNUSUAL BUSINESS OP PORTUNITY.rigbt party, with taw or more, to whom Is offered chance to make 32,000 to 8S,Ouo annually managing branch office. DUN LAP ELECTRlo CO." Philadelphia. Jy21-30-TTSSn WANTED AN ENERGETIC. PUSHING young man who will In vest from 3, coo to J4.0O0 may hear of a fine opportunity where he can be assured or a steady income of not less than f ',500 per annum by calllngon or addressing T. O. BROWN. 90 Fourth ave., Boom . Jy25-18 Rooms. Hons en Etc WANTED- A FURNISHED HO USE FORfj OR 4 months, of 6 to 10 rooms. In Shadyslde or East End. Apply to W. A. HERRON 4 SDNS. 80 Fonrth avenue. JyaM2-rrs Financial. TTT-aNTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTOLOAN VV In sums to suit at , 5 andJI per cent. ALLES &. BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 157. api9-l4-TTSsn TTTANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PEOP VV ERTY, over $4,000: H ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVERiCO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED -MORTGAG O-fL 000, COO TO LOAN in large and- small amounts at 4H. SandS per cent, lree or State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE& CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-eo xtjanteh-to loan ssneco on mort- V V GAGES In amounts to suit. In city or coun try, at 4K to 8 per cent, aa to security: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyl4-18-MThs T7" ANTED TO LOAN t000,000. IN AMOUNTS V V of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburhan property, on H percent, free oftax; also smaller amounts at i and per cent. BLACK & B AIRD, 93 Fourth avenue. se21-d2S-D WANTED MOKTG AGES-SI, C00, C00TO LOAN on city and subnrban proiiertles ai 4M, Sand f per cent, and on lanns In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 8 per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK & bON, 103 Fonrth avenue. ap7-fU w ANTED TO LOAN f200.000 ON MORT- uaiL3;iiw and upwara at s per cent; rsrei.OOOat 4H per cent on residences or husli property: also in adjoining counties. S. FREN Oil. 123 Fonrth avenue. oc31-eS4 UUMUC3I H. oc31-eS4-D miscellaneous. WANTED YOU TO GET A BAKER'S dozen (13) of Stewart 4 Co. 's fine cabinet photos for 11, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. my28-S0-TTsa "fTTANTEO-AN ENGINE-NOT LESS THAN VV 200 horse power: adapted to driving elec trical machinery. Addre.s G. H. AVALDI.N, 218 Jefferson street, Burlington, Iowa. Jy23-81 WANTED TO SELLHOTEL WITH LICENSE In Pittsburg doing bar business or over S10U per day; .10,000 cash necessary. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. S04 and COS Smlthfleld st. Jy25-73 WANTED LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH 4 Keenan repair, reflnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1625. my9-82 w ANTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a one eold watch for each onein tneciUDatsi uuperweex. Aaaress v. u. BOX SOL and I will call and snow you the watch. J73-40 WANTED PHYSICIANS. ATTENTION The most complete manikin, or physicians' aid, ever offered to the profession. Just ready for the market: an active, upright salesman wanted. . u. ubaioixLu, iu .ejus sixieenm St.. new York. Jy20-32 "TTTANTED-LAND FIT FOR A "GARDEN" VV farm, not farther than 25 miles from Pitts burg; write toX. Y. Z., Dispatch office, telling area, slope, kind of soil, how near to what rail way station, water supply, whatbulldlngs,lfany; price. Jj-24-17 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making line cabinets at SI 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised; instan taneous process. mhl3-63 FOR SALE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-LOGAN ST., NEAR FIFTH AVE., 2-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, in good con dition; price, 2, SCO. J. (X RE1LLY. 77 Diamond street. Jy21-8HTS8u FOR SALE A NEAT LITTLE HOME ON MT. Washington for I1.0OO: 4 nice rooms and good cellsri lotsof fruit and shade trees: lot 50x138. J. C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. Jy21-84-TT6Sn FOR SALE WYL1E AVE.. MEAR DAVIS street. 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 7 rooms, bath, lanndry, etc.! a very desirable home; lot 23x100. J. C. RE1LLY, 77 Diamond St. Jy21-S4-TTSSn FOR SALE 9 PER CENT INVESTMENT ON Chatham st.: 2-story brick dwelling; 6 rooms on rear; fronting on fctate alley: 2 frame dwell ings ot 3 rooms each; lot20xtS. J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond St. Jy21-84-TTSSn FOR SALE BLUFF ST.. NEAR COLLEGE, new brick house 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, finished basement: all late Improvements: lot 23 ft. 9 In. by 133 ft.: terms to suit. ROBT. COW ARD, No. 20 Bluff st. Jy21-63-TTS8U FOR SALE NO. 45S FORBES ST.. TWO STORY and mansard brick house containing eight rooms and lanndry: lot 22x120 ft. to Ann st.: rood carpenter shop on premises. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Jy23-69 FOR bALE-FIITII AVE.. NEAR GIST ST.. a substantial 2-story pressed brick dwelling of 7 rooms and finished attic, hall, vestibule, bath room. Inside w. c, electric bells, laundry, good vault, speaking tubes, house newly papered and Ealnted; frontand rear porches, natural gas; also, ouseofS rooms on rear of lot; call at the offlea and see photos. BLACK 4 BA1RD, No. 95 Fourth ave. E.R7. Jy21-64 Enat End Residences. TTTOR 8ALE-ON A GOOD STREET IN EAST X- Liberty, a new frame house, Just completed, of 11 rooms and reception half, front and back porches: lot Suxrfl to an alley: only t7,500; terms easy. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave. Jy25-26-rrssn FOR SALE ONLY (3,650 FOR A GOOD EAST End home near cable cars and P. R. R.: new frame dwelling of7 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, slate mantels piped for artificial gas; range; nat ural gas: lot 24x100 to an alley: call at office and get particulars of this bargain. BLACK 4 BAIRD, Ho. 95 Fourth ave. J.a.Ul. Jy7I-6S FOR SALE MEYKAN AVE.. 2-STORY AND mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, in side w. c, a. and n. gas, front and back porches, marble mantels lnevery room, bay windows; good spring water on lot: this property Is first class, and can be bought several hundred dollars below Its real valne; lot 22x141 to Ward st. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. Jy2l-84-TTSSU FOR 8ALE-5,5O0FGR BELLEFIELD HOME, convenient to Fifth ave. cable cars, a two story and mansard frame dwelling of 8 rooms, bath, vr. c. range, artificial gas, furnace, etc; stable good walks, etc: hall, parlor, library, dining room and kitchen on first floor, four bed rooms on second: lot 4Sxl20 feet. For a good suburban home don't neglect to get full particu lars at office or BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3.S.143 Jy21-3 FOR SALE THE EXCELLENT RESIDENCE and large lot. No. 3147 Penn avenue with lot about lOOxlW feet, extending through to Butler street, property of Mr. Wm.llalnsworth, who Is going West, and has authorized us to sell this property at public sale on next Monday after noon, Julys, at 3 o'clock, on the premises; terms at sale: title perfect: Immediate possession. Send for descriptive circular to J AS. W. DRAPE 4 Co.. Agents and Auctioneers, 123 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. JJ-25-32-D FIR SALE PARTIES LOOKING, FOR bousM cannot find a more desirable sltnatlun than Oakland square: the greater number or the durably built, handsomely finished new dwellings erected there have been sold within the past sixty davs; asphalt pavements, natural and artificial gas. a beautiful park planted with shade trees, and convenience to the city, being but a) minutes by Pittsburg Traction road, are among the ad vantages. Prices. W,5O0and (8,700, on easy Unas. Apply to C. II. CHANCE, on the premises. jy-GO TTIOE SALE-FINE RESIDENCE AND 1 ACRE X of ground on P. R. R., East End. two min utes' walk from railroad station: 12 rooms In res idence, with bath, lavatory, natural gas, marble mantels, furnace, and replete throughout with all modern Improvements and everything In prime order: beautlfnl lot of 1 acre, with fnll grown shade trees, fruit trees' and shrubbery: abundance ot pure water, very good stable, carriage house and all needed outbuildings: this Is a very pretty Sroperty In every particular: price only (13,000. AS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents, 13 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jj25-35-itThs- Hnzcltvood Residence. FOR BALE-ONLY (6.0C0-HAZELWOOD ave., close to station, a lovely house of 8 rooms; hall. bath, range; all modern conve niences. In eplendld order, large lot, with shade and fruit trees: don't fall to call and get full par ticulars or this desirable place. BLACK 4 BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. 2-D-SO. JV21-64 gnbnrbnn Residences. 'l?OH SALE-A NICE 6-EOOM HOUSE ALMOST X? new; gas, water, etc.: lot 50x130 feet: near Ingram station; price only (2,430. only (350 down and (20 monthly payments: a rare bargain. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 Co., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jv23-34 ' FOR HALE LOTS. nnzelw'ood Lots. TTIOR SALE-CHEAP LOTS AT HAZELWOOD, JL1 close to station, nice and level and on line of new electric road: some good bargains; sure en hancement In a short time. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Jyl4-5-lS,17,l?,23,25.27 Suburban liots. TTiOB BALE H ACRES OF NICE LAND; JD right at Wlldwood station, P. 4 W. R. tut big bargain; price, (ft, 150. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond st. - gyll-At-rrwu f FOR-SALE-XOTS. Cltr Lata. FOR SALE-LOTS ON BLUFF AND VICKROY sts., near college; terms to snlt. ROBT. COWARD, 20 Bluff st. Jy21-6S-TT8SU T7IOK SALE-eSTS ON SMALL PAYMENTS AND X? easy terms will secure a good level lot. 24x105 feet, on Butler at.. East End. We have only a limited number of these lots left and they should sell at once to any one who wants a home. MEL LON BROTHERS, 6349 Station St., E. E. JyM-97-TTSa FOR SALE TO THE" HIGHEST BIDDER, AT public sale. Saturday, August 3, at 2 P. X., on tlupremiscs, on Webster ave.. Thirteenth ward, adjoining property of A. G. Barnet. 118 feet rronttng on Webster avenue and running back about 60 feet to old Coal lane. This property Is handy to the new Wylle ave. electric car. Par ticulars from A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. Jy23.27-2S.27.29,3I-au2 East End Lots. P OR SALE-(t,400 WILL BUY TWO VERY lln lnt nn l-in.F mtrt n nrf 93-rlCO rppt to 2u-ft. alley: sewer paid. Apply to F. O. VAN GORDER, OPHPenn avcnncEastEnd.Jc27-7-TT8 FOR SALE-E0O WILL BUY A CHOICE LOT in Villa Park nlan nn tprma to suit nus- chasers: send for colored plan just Issued. JOHN F. BAXTER. Axcnt. 512 Smlthfleld st. Jy21-4S-TTSU FOR SALE-2 LARGE HITS ON WALLLNG KOKI) street, near Neville: choicest location andontluoklu the East End; price only$12per front foot. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Jy21-67 FOR SALE ONE OF THOSE DESIRABLE lots In Mellon's Homewood plan left, which we offer, nn easy terms, at (53). TO Is lot Is 25x100 feet to P. R. R., and Is a bargain. MELLON BROTHERS, 6319 Station St., E. E. Jy21-101-ThSu FOR SALE-LARGE EAST END BUILDING sites, commanding a magnlllcent view of the beautirnl Liberty Valley: this handsome residence place Is situated on Linden ave. above Penn ave., convenient to P. R. R. and cable roads: Terr low prices and good location. BLACK 4 BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. JylO-00-10,12,15,17.13,23,25.27,29,31 AUegbcov Lotar FOR SALE -(2.000-LOT 30x135. MCCLINTOCK avennc bill district. Second ward. AUe henv; a choice lot for a good residence. A. EUGATE4S0N, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AN U LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH McNAUGHEB, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-9S-D FOR SALE MARSHALL AVE., TENTH ward, Allegheny, good lot 50x200: fine view, healthy location: price reasonable; near electric and Pleasant Valley street cars. SAMUEL'W. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Jy-47-TTS Vanm. po; R SALE-FIVE ACRES OF GARDEN land.wltn xrnlt. rreenhonses and rood llvlnr house. Inquire atLUDWlG 4 RICHTKR'S. 14 Federal St., Allegheny. Iy25-10 FOR SALE-FARM 101 ACRES GOOD HOUSE, barn and other outbuildings, large orchard, abundance of water, well suited for stock, grain or gardening: best farm In Allegheny countv for 84.500 cash. "xZU. W1TTISH. 410 Grant st- Pitts burg, Pa. , Jy25-D FOR SALE AT CORAOPOLIS-A GOOD farm of 75 acres, within ten mlnntes of the station: good soil, well watered, and very desira ble lu every respect; this Is positively the cheap est property on the market. THOS. LIGGETr, 114 Fourth ave. Jy25-26-TTSSa a miscellaneous. FOR SALE-RARE CHANCE-PUBLIC SALE, on the premises on Benton ave.. Eleventh ward, Allegheny, Thursday, August 1, at 2 o'clock, F.K., 9 acres; handy to Brighton road. Particulars from A.J.PENTECOST, 413 Grant St., every day nntll sale. Jy25-28-MWTh8 FOR. SALE BUSINESS. Business Cbnnces. F OR SALE HOTEL. WITH LICENSE, IN Pittsburg; doing bar business of over (100 per da; ar: 810.000 cash necessary. AMERICAN AMERICA trust CO., 504 and 508 smlthfleld st. JV25-7.! FOR SALE-CIGAR AND TOY STORE, DOING splendldbutlneas: line location: owner de sires to go Into other business: will sell on Invoice. 36 GRANT AVE., Mlllvale bOro., Bennett sta., W. P. R.K. - Jy25-ll-ThSn FOR SALE BAKERY AND CONFECTION ERY, with good trade. In rapidly growing neighborhood; rare opening for yonng baker; horse and wagon: price only (500. BALTENS PERGER 4 WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. Jy25-29 FOR SALE-BY THE ADMINISTRATORS The one-half Interest of Louis Braun, do ceased. In the firm of Franz 4 Braun, at No. 69 South Twentieth street. For further particulars address at the establishment. No. 69 TWENTI ETH ST., or at the residence of MRS. LOUIS BRAUN. No. 1821 Carson St., S. S. Jy23-S2-rrs FOR SALE A HALF INTEREST IN A WELL established wholesale grocery firm In the city on one of the leading thoroughfares and doing a safe and profitable business of about (150, OOOan nually; satisfactory reasons for selling: thlSis a rare opening; a good man of experience and mod erate capital can make money rapidly. Full par ticulars confidentially rroni JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO.. Agents, 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. Jy25-33 F lOK SALK-iOO GROCERY. DRYGOODS, drnr. rhlna and nntlnn stArpti. ltvht mann- factnrfng business, paying well; feed store, ex tensive ana proutaoie nacery, ice cream ana con fectionery business;, cigar stores and confection err stores, all sizes and prices; fine restaurant and dining rooms, printing office, butcher shop, milk depots, upholstery business, shoe stores, etc. Free particulars. SHEPARD 4 CO., 54 Fifth ave. Jv7 FOR 8 ALE-INTEREST IN A VALUABLE railroad appliance The undersigned wishes to dispose of-a portion of his Interest In a valu able appliance for railroads, which, from Its merits, wUl In a short time come into general use: it has been tried and gives full satlstactlon, and Is covered by letters patent in all the prin cipal railroad countries; will sell reasonable for frood reasons: a stock company will be fonned for ts manufacture, and the owners of the patent will derive the advantages incident thereto; only those having capital to Invest and meaning busi ness need apply, as 1 will positively take no notice of Idle Inquiries: full name and address must be given, and satisfactory assurances given that business Is meant. Address BONA FIDE. Dis patch office. Jyl9-59 Business Stands. T7IOR SALE-ON FIFTH AVE., NEAR THE JD market house: corner lot 60x120 to Ann st. : 3 large brick dwellings and large wareroom: rents (2,2; price (27,500. THOS. LIGGETT. 114 Fourth ave. Jy2S-26-TT68u F OK SALE-OR EXCHANGE-HOTEL PARK, AVest Brids-ewater: brick nnlldlnr. 30 rnnms? only licensed house: location, town connects Rochester, Beaver. H. P. D1LWORTH. Penn Building. Jyl9-38-D FOR SALE-4 LICENSED HOTELS DOING A good business and located on line of railroads; two In Ohio, one In Lawrence Co. and one In Beaver Co., ranging In price from (2, COO to 83,500. THOS. LIGGETT. il4 Fourth ave. Jyil-20 F OR SALE-INVESTMENT MARKET ST., near First ave.. 4-story brick dwelling-. 10 rooms ami large storeroom: can be easily rented lur fi.vw per Jtw yiibc, fa,iHA, uutscuina 11DIUC- dtately If desired; lot 20x60. 1. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St.. Jy21-84-TTSsn FOR SALE SPECULATION OR INVEST MENT In business property on Third ave.. between Wood and Smlthfleld streets, lot 30x160 to becond ave. well adapted for general business, warehouse or light manufacturing; certain to en hance In value in the near future, SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyl9-83-la.23.23.25.z7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc EOK SALE LlVERT AND BOARDING stable: In good location: with nice stock; will Invoice about (1.500: rent of building very low. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. Jy2l-S4-TTSSU fllochlnerr nna Metals. FOR SALE NOW ONE SECOND-HAND tenoning machine, 2 surface planers and 1 shaper.and new and second-hand engines, boilers, lard kettles, tar tanks, bl.'men valves, castings, etc VELTE 4 MCDONALD, Thirty-second tU and Penn ave. JV21-91-TTS Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-FOUR NEW SKIFFS OF RACINE model with oars and swivels attached. Jan be seen at 708 SARAH ST., S. S. If sold linmcdl ately cash price will be (55. Jy25-6 PERSONAL. TJERSONAI'-NOTicE IS HEREBY GIVEN JL tnatmywircv Ilannan, nan lert my bed and board without any cause or provocation; all per sons are warned not to trust hcr on my account, Jy25-24 PHILIP LAUTENbCHLAGEU. Personal-books: booksi books) New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,'XOvol umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK bTORK, SCO Liberty st. my3-2S PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daushtera In renalrlng aud clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the TaUor. eor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready, lelenhoae lia. mhs LOST. LOST--JULT 17. FROM'N. Y., L. E 4 W. train No. 12, between Youngstown. I'.. and Greenville, Pa., fox terrier dog, white, with black and tan head, black spot on left side and root or tall; answers to 'Boxer." Finder will nlcjic communicate with WM. F. BONNELL, Glrard, O., and receive liberal reward. Jy25-42 T OST-AT OR NEAR THE ANDERSON ST. JUi station, on the Western K. R., apocketbook containing between (60 and (70 and an incline ticket and several other small articles. The Under will receive a handsome reward by returning the same to the owner, MHS. L. C. COMP, or Grace St.. Mt. Washington, or HENRY C. MENDEL, Allegheny Postomce. Jy25-Q DIVIDENDS. Thk Ben Franklin Insuhakce Co., Of the Cttt or Autiraiinr. Pa.. 4 ran AT.T.T.nttEK-r. Jnlv IQ. 1RS8- DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day doclared a divl dend of THREE TEB. CENT (f 1 60 per share), payable on demand. WM. A. FORD, iyU-lO-a Secretary. TO 1ET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-FORTY-FIFTH BT.. ONE SQUARE from cable line, brick dwelling: 5 rooms; attic, etc. tin first-class order: (18 per mo. L. O. FRAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Jy23-59 TO LET FORTY-FIFTH ST.. ONE-HALF square from cable line good brick dwelling: 6 rooms: attic hall and natural gas: In good re pair: (25 per mo. L. O, FRAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Jy23-59 TO LET-BRICK HOUSE. NO. 142 CRAW FORD St.. containing eight rooras,lneludlng two In mansard: -possession given Immediately. F. R.STONER,415GrantsU,RoomNo, JyZJ-39 Hnzelwood Residences. TO LET -HAZELWOOD. B. 4 O. R. R.. NEAR station, y story brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, h. and c. water, nat. and art. gas. laundry, library, frontand rear porches, nice lawn and shade trees: rent cheap. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jy25-3I-Th3 Apartments. T 10 LET-ONE FURNISHED ROOM. No. 500 FORBES St. jy-0 TO LET-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING: Includes kitchen, tableware sewing machine folding bed. separate Icebox and Ice lree dailv: the laundry work ofroomsdouo by our own laundry: price for all, S3 75 to (5; come and sec; nothing like It in the city at any price. 41 LOGAN ST., near Wylle ave. yis-71 OfUccs. Desk Room. Ore. mo LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE, NEWLY JL painted: elevator. Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMAN1A SAVINGS RANK, 423 Wood street. e23-68-D TO LET-IN THE NEW DISPATCH BUILD ING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street, twoorthe roomiest and best-lighted offices to be found In the city; rent, S200and (300 per annum. Including elec tric lights. Janitor service and steam beating. Apply between; 10 A. M. and IP. v., or between 2 and 4 p. M. Jy23-87 Business Stands. TO LET-PENN BUILDING. PENN AVE., near Seventh St., offices single or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low; floor plans at our office: we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAM UEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fonrth ave. Je23-32-D LEGAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF ALBERT i ORK SMITH. ESTATE OF OETER U. SHIDLE DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Geter C Sliidle, deceased, late of Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned, to -whom all per sons indebted to said estate are reqeestea to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them Known witnont delay. ANNIE R, SHIDLE, 403 Smithtleld St. le20-78.Th OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. SALE OF HORSES THE DEPARTMENT ot Public Safety will sell 15 horses at pnblic auction on MONDAY. July 29. 1SS9, at 10 A. M., at the department storehouse, 161 Wylle avenue. Terms ca3b- J: O. BROWN, j J24-4I Chief Department Pnblic Safety. AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE grading, paving and curbing of Rural street, from Hiland avenue to Negley avenue, In the Nineteenth ward of Pittsbnrg. Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi davit on file in the office of the Clerk of Coun cils that one-third in interest of the owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street have petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and cnrblng of the same; therefore. Section I Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg. In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the grading, paving and curbing of Rural street, from Hiland avenue to Negley avenue, the contract therefor to be let In the manner directed by said acta of Assembly and or dinances. The cost and expense of the same to be as sessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 10th day of May, A.D. 18S. Jy24-8 A 18 ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE XX paving and curbing of Basin alley, from Washington street to Elm street,ln the Seventh ward of Plttsbnrg. Whereas, It appears by the petition and affi davit on Hie in the office of the Clerk of Coun cils that one-third in interest of the owners of property frunting and abutting npon the said' street have petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the paving and curb ing of the same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city ot Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is bereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Eubllc Works be and Is bereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of the said city ot Pittsburg relat ing thereto and regulating tho same, lor pro posals for the paving and curbing of Basin al ley from Washington street to Elm street. Tho contract therefor to be let in the manner di rected by the said acts of Assembly and or dinances. The cost and expense ot tbe same to be as sessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tbe Com monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tbe second class," approved the 16th day of May.A. D. 1889. jy2 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE gradlntr. paving and curbing of Melwood street from the bridge near Thirty-third street to tbo west line of Denny property in tho Thirteenth ward of Pittsburg. Whereas, It appears bv tbe petition and affidavit on file in the office of the Clerk of Conncils that one-third in interest of tho owners of property fronting and abutting npon the said street have petitioned tbe Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of the same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works bo and is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in accordance with tbe acts ot As sembly of the Commonwealth of .Pennsylvania and tbe ordinances of the said city of Pitts burg relating thereto and regulating tbe same, for proposals for the grading, paving and curbing of Melwood street from tho bridge near Thirty-third street to the west line of property of tbe Denny heirs. The contract therefor tb be let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act ot Assembly of tbe Com monwealth ot Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D.18S9. jy28 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE grading, paving and enrbing of Franks town avenue from Fifth avenue to Homewood avenue. In the Twenty-first ward of Fit tsburcr. Wherea, It appears by the petition and affi davit on flic in the office of tbe Clerk of Coun cils that one-third in interest of tbe owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street have petitioned tbe Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the gradlntr, paving ana curbing ot tbe same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbo city of Pittsburg. In Select and Common Coun cils assoiubled,and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That tbo Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to ad vertise In accordance with tbo acts of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the ordinances of tho snid city of Pittsburg re lating thereto and regulating tbe same, for pro posals for the grading, paving and curbing nf Frankstown avenue from Fifth avenue to Homewood avenue. The contract therefor to bo let in the manner directed by the said acts of Assembly and ordinance-. The cost and expense of the same to be as sessed and collected in accordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of tho second class." approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1ES9. jy21 8 AN ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE grading and paving of Garden alley from Main street to Bowery (formerly Brown) alley in the Seventeenth ward of Pittsburg. Whereas, It appears by 'the petition and affidavit on file in tbo office of the Clerk of Councils that one-third in Interest of the owner of property fronting and abutting npon tbe said street have petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for the grading and paving of tbe same; therefore. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tho city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cil assembled, and It la bereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That tbe Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is bereby authorized and directed to ad vertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania and the ordinances ot the said city of Plttsbnrg re lating thereto and regulating the same, for pro posals for the grading and paving of Garden alley from Main street to Bowery alleys Tbe contract therofor to be let In tbe manner directed by tbe said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to bo assessed and collected in accordance with the provisions ot an act ot Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act relating to streets' and sowers In cities ot the second class," approved the 16th day of May, AUCTION SALES. A UCTION SALE OF FINE FURNITURE.', ' j JJl. nouselumishlnggoousana carpcia as iuoc -rooms. No. 311 Market street. FRIDAY MORN ING. July 26, at 10 o'clock sharp. Walnut, ma- . hogany, oak and cherry chamber suits, ward robes, dressers, bookcases, bedsteads, side boards, ball racks, desks, folding beds, chairs, wasbstands. cupboards, rockers, tables, lounges, extension tables, hall stands, dec orated toilet ware, dinner and tea sets,rus, pictures, linoleum, clocks, lamps, shades, cur tains, bedding, matting, bru'sels and ingrain carpets, fine line of handsome parlor suits, re frigerators, combination safe, very largo French plate mirrors, handsome shield, fen ders, stoves, mattresses and springs, ere. eta, eta Goods now on exhibition. HENRY' AUCTION CO., UM., Auctioneers. Jy35-47 E. P. A. C. W. Jones, attorneys. -CK Grant St. MASTER'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF AN' rrAT nf tlrt inrl ftf frr,xrTi floats "Nn 2. of Allegheny county, at No. 31, January --j term, icy, in partition, j. win oiter as puDiia sale, on tbo premises, on AUGUST 10.1&S9. at 2 o'clock, P. JL, tbo following property, vlx: ' All those certain lots situate in the Eleventh: ward of the city of Pittsburg, conntyot Alle gheny and State nf Feijsnylvania, bounded and described as followsfBeglnnlng on Center avenue at a line dividing lots Nos. U and 15 in William Arthur's third plan of' lots; thence along Center avenue, eastwardly, 80 feet to Roberts street: thence along Roberts street 100 feet to Short alley; thence along Short alley, westward!, 80 feet to line of lot No. 11; thence along the line of lot No. 11100 feet to Center avenue at the place of beginning. Being lota Nos. 15, 16, 17 and 18 in William Arthur's third plan of lots, as recorded in Deed Book, vol. 51, Jiage 2SL The above property will be sold sub ectto mortgage of Robert W. Franklin to Annie R. Speer. recorded In Mortgace Book, vol. 188. page 436. Terms of sale cash. $100 upon day of sale and balance on confirmation of salo by court and delivery of deed. A. F. BYRNES. Master. D. P. THOMAS & CO- Auctioneers. jyl8-53-Tl ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE M -OF Martia Newell Estate, On the premises. TUESDAY, JULY 30. 18S9, AT 10 O'CLOCK" A. M., . A We will ofler that desirable property known as the "Newell Road House," consisting of largo brick building, finely finished, with every modern convenience, including large stable, sheds, etc.. with over six acres of ground beau tifully laid out, and planted with abundance of fruit and shade trees. Tbe situation is une qualedfora dwelling. Tbe new electric road will pass within 00 feet of the property. It mast be sold to settle the estate. Information from the agents, W. A. HERRON fe SONS. 80 Fourth Ave. )j2?--lTg W. A. Herron. Adm'r. EDUCATIONAL. SODMRN HOME SCHOOL M GIRLS, 915 and 917 N. Charleo street, Baltimore. ' MRS.W.M.CARY. Established 1842. French MISS CARY. ( the language ot tbe schooL. jylSl-TTS mHE MUSICAL INSTITUTE OF BEAVER JL College. Prof. Oborn, graduate of Berlin, director, offers unsurpassed advantages for musical study. Also literary, art ana elocu tion. Board, popular rates. Send for circular to REV. R. T. TAYLOR, Beaver, Pa. JV25-33-TTS HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY. SEPTEMBER4; new students examined Monday. September 2. Apply to Rev. Joux T. Mtrapnr, C. 8. Hp., President jyI7-2S HELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ, Pa. Unexcelled location and surround itigs. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. Fur circular, etix, address JNO. CALVIN RICE. A. M., Principal. Je2o53 NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwali-on-Hndson. Course of study In civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful Dnildings, grounds, location. COL. C J. WRIGHT, a S..A. MSupt.; BELDKN F. HYATT. Comd'tof Cadets. jelO-11 PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal, Academic. Commercial. Stndents prepared for advanced classes in the best col leges, for teaching; for business. Young La dies' Seminary Department. Fall term opens September 9. 1889. Hon. Thos. M. Marshall, President Board of Trustees. Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal, No. 7 Fourth avenue. jyl81-TTS CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. 1,477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Classical, Scientific, Ladles' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence with young persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. JL. Pres't. Jyl8-82-TTS. AMUSEMENTS. J1VERYBODY GO TO THE RACES AT ANSFIELD VALLEY DRIVING PARK. FRIDAY, July 28. 2:40 class, trotting. Purse. H50. 2:40 class, pacing. Purse, 100. 3 minute class, trotting and pacing. PursctlOO. Two Match Races Between Pittsbnrtr Horses. HORSES ALREADY ENTERED: Henry Hagmyre enters Still Alarm and Dandv. Joe Hydecker enters Louie C and Six Points. Joseph Tipton enters Belle Wilkes, Shaker Boy and Walter B. Moore Floyd enters Roddy Wilkes. E. W. Cole entera Jessie M. Irish Lord and Lottie A. Charles Morrison enters Handy Boy. William Long enters Good Brass Band will be In Attendance. Come, bring your families, and enjoy an aft ernnon's rare snort. ADMISSION Adults, 25 cents; children , free. jyi-ss RECREATION PARK. .. BASEBALL. THTJRSDAY,Jnly2i FRIDAY. July 28. SATURDAY. July 27. CLEVELAND VS. ALLEGHENY. Train at 3:40. Game at 4 P. 21. First appearance Thursday of SOWDER3 and ROWE. jy25 65 UTTUCEAMm Of all kinds ot wearing apparel, snch as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and porticr curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at the " SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 56 SIXTH AVE., Goods called for and delivered. jell-Tra ' " A FTER TWO TRIALS." FRED BEILSTEIN. of Spring Garden ave, was relieved of a large tapeworm by Dr. Dor." goon on July 9. after having treated with two other physicians for the same. Mr. Bellsteln can be seen at the Allegheny marker, whero he bas a butcher's stano. DR.BURGOON treats all curable diseases.' Over 300 testimonials of your neighbors cured at hlaotfice. 47 Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. Consultation free. Jyl2 IANOb, ORGANS. & HAMILTON. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-D MAPS. TTevdrlck's man of Murdockvtlle oil field: "F prico to; pose paia oy 7, - .. ' T A nivnoTpir m. anv Jy2340 Barnbarts Mills, Butler Co, Pa. J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT. 90 Fourth avenue, iyll-22-TTS Pittsburg; Pa. f A. BALPH, V, ' BUILDING CONTRACTOR, , 41 Seventh avenue. rl Telephone 1344. se5-n60-TT3 J.tS TTTATCHES Clocks. Jewelry, silverware. Fine -watch and ciock repairing a specialty. WILSON. 61 FOURTH AVENUE. ' -Jyll-TlV' WALTUKLOSBOlTRNr. KICIIARD BAKEOWV rARtOWS & OSBOURNE D JOB PRINTERS, Vi OH Tali ! . s " - . eS-kSe-TTBsJst-: 5J fi a 1 1.- j i r J$t' ., ' i ' in'' i ''NlfiiTiiyii'itif 'lTIsti jBTTiTSilrgiili .