W" I fc Si fr THEY WILL ACT. f Clearfield County Authorities to Inyestigato THATmjf.GABUNMUBDEB. ' More Correspondence) in the Notable International Case. THERE IS A TITTSBUEG PRECEDENT Involving Soraethins of a Eomance Up on lit. Washington. IMPOBTAKT RESULTS AEE LOOKED FOR Yesterday morning Consul Max Scham berg received the letter which was sent him by the District Attorney of Clearfield coun ty. It acknowledges the receipt of the corre spondence from the Austrian authorities, translations of which were published ex clusively in The DisrATCn yesterday. The District Attorney stated in reply to Mr. Echamberg's request that he would take the testimony of the witnesses named by the Itpyal Court or Hungary if that Government would bear all the expenses. For Consul Schamberg's information the District Attorney states that John and Mike Ivan and George Murin were arrested for the murder of Joseph Loksa. Mike Ivan was tried for the killing and acquit ted, while John Ivan and George Murin were discharged. rOSSIBLY inE GUILTT TARTIES. There was not sufficient evidence to hold them. The District Attorney adds that he should not be surprised if the two men now in prison in Austria, Andrew Ivan and Stephen Toma, are the guilty parties. Mr. Scamberg at once wrote a reply to the Clearfield county attorney, telling him to go ahead and his country would pay all ex penses incurred in taking the testimony. The Consul then mailed the District Attor ney's letter to the Austrian Legation at "Washington City. Mr. Schamberg realizes that if the murderers of Joseph Loksa have been ca"ptured in Hungary, they must not be allowed to escape, though the question of money should arise. He hopes that the American people will appreciate the promptness with which the Hungarian Gov ernment calls its citizens to strict account for misdeeds even in a foreign land. It is so usual to charge Hungarians with out laws' deeds in the coke regions, or heinous depredations' at Johnstown, that Mr. Schamberg thinks it no more than just for Americans to aid in the present case. It vindicates Hungarian law. ' THEI5E IS A PKECEDEJTT. This proceeding of trying criminal in one country for a crime committed in an other, strange as it may seem, is.not without a precedent A few years ago a young Aus trian, alter di-covering many private points in connection with a certain family on Mount Washington, in this city, waited upon the head of the family ana declared himself as his nephew from abroad. As he was a good-looking, well-drpssed young fel lowthe old man congratulated himselt upon the possession of so styiish a relative and acceptei him without investigation a pro ceeding which he had good cause to regret afterward. The young man soon became one of the family, and made himself so agreeable to the lady of the house that one morning they departed together, taking with them $1,800 of the old man's good, hard cash. They were traced to Austria, where they were' arrested, a charge of robbery brought a rain st them, and on the evidence taken in Pittsburg and forwarded to the au thorities there, they were convicted. AIT EXAMPLE FOB M.E3IOIT. Theyoungman receivedasentence of three years in prison; the woman being an Ameri can citizen and not -amenable nnder the cir cumstances, was placed upon a steamer and returned to America. The greater portion oi the money was recovered and returned to the owner. The plea given by the Austrian Govern ment in explanation of their attitude on the extradition system is that the prisoners will receive a more dispassionate trial in that country than would be possible in America; that here the popular leeling would be liable to militate to the prisoners' disadvantage. This latter view of the matter gives weight to the request ot the Pittsburg colored peo ple in the Fleinon extradition case, and the desire ot many Pittsburg people that the prisoner should not be delivered to the South Carolina authorities, but that the trial should take place in Allegheny county. They think he can get a fairer trial here. A LIVELY OUTLNG. Borne Disturbances nt ilic Allegheny Gro cers' 1'Icnie Yesterday. The annual picnic of the Allegheny re tail grocers took place at Boss' Grove, on the West Pcnn Bailroad, yesterday. It was a most enjoyable affair, the only disturbance reported being a fight on the last train home last night, in which a man named David McGrew, residing on Fourth avenue, was tcverely beaten about the head. He was able to walk to his home, where a physician dressed his wounds. No arrests are reported in connection with the affair. William J. Wolf; residing at 2616 Sarah street, was robbed of a gold watch valued at $75 at the picnic. Wolf says he was assisting two ladies on the train when three roughs surrounded him. One of them took his watch. Wolf felt the chain being pulled, and caught hold of the fellow, but his Iriends helped him to get away. A man who refused to give his name was arrested by Special Officers Denniston and Bobinson, on Market street last midnight, and lodged in Central station, charged as a suspicious person. M. J. Wolf, of No. 2616 Carson street, Southside. notified the police that he had been robbed at the grocers' pic nic, held at Boss Grove yesterday, oi a gold watch valued at 575. THE USUAL PENSION. Veteran Firo Department Ilorsra Turned Out to the llislicut Bidder. The Department of Public Safety will al low no flics on itself nor on its fire depart ment horses. They must be able to keep out of the way of the flies. There are 15 horses in the department that will be offered ' at auction on Monday next Chief Evans says there is nothing particular about them. They "have neither pride by ancestry nor hope of posterity;" have neither illustrious pedicree nor have they done or suffered any thing specially notable, never had burning houses lall on them, though they are good horses and have so tar served their day and feneration faithfully and well. They have Dst a portion of their vim, however, and cannot get the engines to fires as quickly as they onco could. A Fnluce for n Cntercr. The Executive and Building Committees of the Exposition Society met on the grounds yesterday and decided to erect a restaurant between the main building and machinery ball. The restaurant will be CO xlOO feet, and will extend out over the boulevard to the water's edge. It will be in the shape of an "L" and will contain 6,000 feet of space. The building will cost from 95,000 to $6,000. ANOTHER RED P0xD. Bis; Break In n. Bloomfleld Sewer Enormous Difficulties In tbe Way of Repair Workmen Only Made Six Inches Progress Yesterday. Street Commissioner Hunter has a job ou hand bigger than that of Hercules, who was too lazy to clean the stable for his boss, and to save work turned a river as large as Saw mill run through it Mr. Hunter's work is the repair of the sewer ou Main street at Stranb's brewery. Sixteenth ward. There are on each side of the street deep de pressions which remind one of volcanic craters, or at least ot descriptions given of them by travelers. Originally they constituted a part of a ravine 80 or 90 feet in depth and were divided by the fill requisite to make Main street's connection. The upper pit, where the break is, has been filled up to within 30 feet of the surface of the street It contains an acre or more ter ritory, and as at Bed pond, on Center ave nue, a chimney has been built, connecting with the upper part of the sewer to accom modate an overflow. The break in the sewer is probably 20 feet from the curb of the, street At first the break was visible from the top of the bank, but the earth began sliding and filled it up. Three men were at work all day yester day removing the base of the slide, which is about 15 feet above the sewer, but at 5 o'clock last evening a spectator calculated tljat they had made about six inches pro gress, the moraine pushing down almost as fast as it could be removed. Should aheavy rain set in, it is supposed the slip will be come much greater, and may carry down the street at that point In the event of the upper basin filling with water above ihe top of the chimncv, there might be a more ex tensive sewer burst, though it might choke. Should the earth give way gradually, the sewer might carry awav the detritus. The expense of repair will be very great The. sewer was built about three years ago. RE-FLOORING SHAEPSBCEG BRIDGE. A Double Oak Floor, Costing $10,000, Be places Ihe Old Planking;. The Sharpsburg bridge has been solidly re-floored with three-inch oak planking. The job has been very slowly done, as it was necessary to accommodate daily traffic of iron wagons and street cars. The total expense of the job will shade 10,000 verv closely. The bridge is 3,000 feet in length and tbe old bridge floor has been subjected to very heavy work for upward of seven years. As fast as the old flooring was torn away a course of three-inch planks was laid upon the iron girders. A chair tie of oak was laid on top of this for the rails of the street railway. The top floor was then laid at leisure. The job has taken ten men nearly two months of continuous work and the fin ishing touches are now being put on. WEIGHED 292 POUNDS. Something About Win. Tnylor, Who Died on Bit. Washington. William Taylor, an old resident of Mt Washington, died at his home at No. 19 McClnre avenue on Tuesday at the age ol 89 years. Mr. Taylor has been unable to walk with anything like ease for some time on account of his size. He weighed at the time ot bis death SJ.1 pounds. A short time ago Alderman Heinrich was taking Mr Taylor in his buggy from Mr. Streilly's to Mr. Beech's house. While they were ascending Maple street the traces broke and both gentlemen were thrown out of the bnggy. Mr. Taylor was badly in jured and death resulted on Tuesday, partly trom these injuries. NOT HALF ENOUGH MONEY. Father Wall Belarus Home, but Did Not Decide Upon Any Designs. Very Bev. Stephen Wall, D. D.. rector of St. Paul's Cathedral, returned home yes terday from New York, where he went to consult with artists in regard to decorating the inside of the Cathedral. When seen last evening the reverend gentleman stated he had not decided upon any designs yet, for the reason that he had not half enough money to do the work required. COMING, GOING AND GONE. Folnts About FIttsburgers and Others or Wide Acquaintance. Hugh Laughlin, of East Palestine, O., Is in the city. William B. Kuhn, or the East End, has gone to Detroit. J. H. King, of Painesville, O., was at the Anderson yesterday. C. J. McConnell, of Steubenville, is at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. Charles W. Mackey, of Franklin, Pa., is at the Monongahela House. David Kirk, the oil operator of Brad ford, is at the Monongahela House. H. S. Shairon, of Harrisburg, is a guest at the Seventh Avenue Hotel. George Campbell, the Smithfield tailor; wife and family, will leave for Cape May to day. Mr. A. M. .Fox, a prominent glass manufacturer of Chicago, Is registered at the Duquesne. Miss Mary Schwartz, the bookkeeper of John R.AA. Murdoch, has cone on a vacation to Meadville. Dr. Bobert Sands and Captain Richard Brophy left yesterday for a short trip to Gettysburg. Mrs. Young and her daughter have re turned from Mexico and they are staying at the Duquesne Hotel.. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kerwin. of East Liberty, have departed for a trip to Oakland, Cal., for the summer. Hon. G. L. Cochran, of St. Louis, passed throuzh the Union depot last night on his way to Washington. Mr. D. S. Pearson, the Assistant Treas urer of the Philadelphia Company, has cone to Cape May for two weeks. Mrs. Carrie Duncan and her daughter, Miss Nellie, of Osborne station, have gone to Asbnry Park for tbe summer. Misses Maggie Lemon and Sallie Powell have been chosen by the Directors of tbo Franklin schools to fill vacancies. Miss Lcnora Hunter tendered a re ception and dance to her youne friends at her residence at Turtle Creek Tuesday ovening. Miss Bertha Lowenthal, of Locust street, has left the city to sojourn with a sister Mrs. Lewlns, at Uniontown, tor a few weeks. ' The employes of the Birmingham street car line presented W. W. Patrick, the retiring President of the line, with a handsome cold watcb last night , Thomas H. Davis, Esq., and family have gone to their farm, in Butler county, to spend the heated term. Mr. Davis will remain there until his legal duties call him back to the city. Mrs. P. Jonas and Mrs. E. Klee, of New York City, arrived in the city last night They are icl.it Ives of Miss Nannie Oppon helmer, the young lady who was killed by a lreicht train near Harmony on Tuesday, and the ladies have come to attend the Xnnerai. Mr. Edward Young, until lately cashier for Messrs. Seaman, Bleeth & Black, of this city, left last night for Washington, D. O, where he will assume tbe duties of chief of a division in the Treasury Department to which position he was appointed by President Harri son. , Prof. Z. X. Snyder, lately principal of the Beading schools, of Beading, Pa and Tormerly of Greensburg. Pa., has been elected principal of tbe State Normal School at Indi ana. Fa. He takes tbe place of Prof. Darling, formerly of Pittsburg, who has resigned to enter the insurance business. W. B. Errett, son of Hon. Bussell. Errett who sailed for Europe upon the receipt of tbe Intelligence that his father bad been stricken by paralysis, arrived yesterday at Frankfort-on-tbe-Malrt. He Immediately sent a telegram to Mr. James S. McKean, of this city, announcing his father was much Improved. ' - --THE-s A GOVERNOR'S HAND Holds Back tbo Southern Deputies From Rev. E. F. Flemom HE WITHDRAWS ALL EXTRADITION And Orders Both Bides to Appear Before 11 im on Next Tuesday. SAFETI GUARANTEED THE PRISONER Governor Beaver yesterday afternoon signed an order restraining his warrant for the extradition of Bev. E. F. Flemon, and commanding the parties concerned in the case to appear before him by counsel next Tuesday, the 30th iust, at 4 r. M. The Gov ernor had juststeppedintohisprivate carriage after the review of the Eighteenth Bcgtment at Uniontown, when he was waited on by Attorneys G. W. Wurzell and J. H. Bald win, of Pittsburg, attorneys for Flemon, with a deputation of colored preachers. The deputation requested permission to read a petition relating to the Flemon case; and the Governor expressed his willingness to hear any requests they might have to make. Attorney Wurzell then read the petition which prayed that the Governor should issue an order recalling his warrant lor Flemon's extradition, until he could have an opportunity of fully sifting the case. The Governor listened attentively during the reading of the petition, and expressing himself satisfied with the arguments used, immediately signed the order to the Sheriff as above stated, and summoned Flemon before him ou Tueaday.next at Harrisburg, "to make good the facts set forth in the pe tition." SAFETY GUARANTEED FLEMOH. Meanwhile Flemon is to remain in the custody of the Sheriff of Allegheny county. Before bidding the deputation good-by the Governor expressed a desire to see justice done in the matter, anil promised, if it should be necessary, that -he would give Flemon a safe condnct through South Caro lina. Messrs. Wuraell and J. H.Baldwin, Esqs., were accompanied on their trip by Kevs. Holliday, Jones, Jfryer, JdcAluilen, Clinton and Broadax Smith. Judge Ewing yesterday again postponed final action in the case until Saturday next Colonel Echols argued that the prisoner had received all the gracs he could expect, and ought to be at once turned over. Judge Ewing replied that he had expected to terminate the case yesterday, bnt at the re quest of Justice Sterrett would allow it to rest until' Saturday, as Justice Sterrett wanted Chief Justice Paxson to pass on it Judge Ewing's request for the papers in the case developed the fact that Mr. -Mc-Kenna, in his haste to get to Philadelphia, had carried them away with him. His Honor rather severely remarked had proper diligence been exercised tbe matter might have been disposed of much sooner. It is said that Flemon's lawyers are not pleased with his having himself inter viewed, because in it is a tacit admission that he is Yeldell, and that the admission puts him in a bad light, he having sworn before Judge Ewing that he was not Yeldell. ACTIONS IN PHILADELPHIA. Information from Philadelphia is that Colonel Paxson, whom Mr. McKenna, when he left for Europe, putin charge of the case, had gotten Chief Justice Paxson and Justice Sterrett together, and that they would ex amine the papers carefully and consult as to the wisdom of issuing a'special allocatur to Judge Ewing, but it was also stated there was but little prospect of interference by the Supreme Court. It is regarded as a rather ticklish business for one Governor to refuse to honor the re quisition ot another, though it has been done more than once. It is regarded as liable to stir up bad blood and lead to retal iatory measures subsequently. A report was current yesterdav that Flemon had made arrangements with his colored friends to have him shot while go ing to the station, if he is taken South, be lieving this an easier fate than death at the end ot a rope in South Carolina; but there seems to be little foundation for the story. Mr. D. M. Washington, treasurer of the body that meets in the Franklin street school house, stated last night that he knew nothing of it and did not believe it. He said SOME EXCITABLE TEOPLE might have suggested suicide, but he was confident such a movement had neither length nor breadth. Mr. Washington said he bad now no hope of their being able to prevent Flemon's extradition, but he did hope that ths agitation was now so wide spread that the eyes' of the na tion would be on South Caro lina, and that Flemon might be shown more favor than he would had his captors been allowed to take him away without protest. There was the usual gathering of colored folks at the Court House yesterday, and their interest seemed unabated. Some colored people who, yesterday forenoon, viewed from afar the crowd that 3n ways gathers around the Black Maria ere she departs with her freight of workhouse prisoners, became greatly excited, thinking the South Carolina officials had gotten their prey. Theywere much relieved when told that Judge Ewing had granted another respite. THIS LOOKS OFFICIAL. Postmaster Larkln Dlay bo Retired Within a Week. Late last night a special telegram was re ceived from Washington. Tlje hour was so late when the dispatch was received that it was impossible to see any of the interested parties. It is very likely that' Postmaster Lark in will be released from the duties of the office within a few weeks. The dispatch is as follows: It was stated to-day by an official of the Post office Department that the papers for the ap pointment of James S. McKean as postmaster of Pittsburg would be made out this week, and that tbe change would probably soon be mado. Postmaster General Wanamaker has in view a visit to Pittsburg within a week or two, and it is possible the appointment may not be made until after his return. TO BE BURIED TO-DAY. Miss Kannlo Oppenuclmer's Funeral to Tako Flaeo This Afternoon. Mr. Benjamin Oppenheimer and his two sons arrived in" the city yesterday morning irom Atlantic City, having been called home from a pleasure trip by the terrible death of Miss Nannie Oppenheimer, who was killed at Harmony on Tuesday by a Pittsburg and Western freight train." The remains of the young lady were taken to thelhome of her parents, on Locust street, Allegheny, yesterdav. and the funeral will take place to-day at the new 'Hebrew Cem- etery on tne ierrysvine roan. There were sad scenes in the home yesterday. Dissatisfied With Delays. The business people living between De haven and Pittsburg, along tho P. W. Bail way line, have decided to start a 'bus line to connect Dehaven with the West Penn Bailway line at Etna, unless a radical chauge is made in the morning train service of tbe P. W. There is great dissatisfaction among the business men at delays. A Freight Wreck. A freight wreck, resulting in the ruin of an engine and a number of cars, took place last evening on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bailroad. Two freight trains ran on the same track about tour miles east of Bock Point, and before the engineers no ticed this fact tbe trains ran againtt each other. Several of the cars were' smashed, bnt nobody was hart. PITTSBUEG ' DIBPATOHrl. THUHSDA-TDLY 25, . 1889?- ---;: ' ' SS.wJ-''$r . 'iV r- ? K A MWWLBLB LAID. The Wire Rope Banning Between Wash Ington Street and tho Loop Fat Is In-(cresting- Details of tho Job Mew Methods. That portion of the Tittsburg public which patronizes the Fifth avenue cable road was pulled to and from the Washing ton street power honse yesterday by a brand new cable. It is slightly over 10,000 feet in length, an inch and a quarter thick, and cost a neat snm. It worked admirably all of yesterday, but the tremendously heavy oil ing it had received made a very machinery like smell all along the road. It was laid by a new method. The late car which started from Market street at 20 minutes after midnight yesterday morning was 'followed by another car which stopped at tbe Washington street power house. The old cable was cut, unwound and coiled up at the rear of the cellar. The new cable, wound on a huge spool, was trained through the cable apertures and carried around the wheel at the pit in front of the power house. The method used on the Citizens' line in its recent relaying was not used. It consisted of splicing the new to the old and slowly revolving the machinery, thus making the old cable lay the new. This was not deemed a safe way on account of the heavy gradient in the slope down from the Court House and also the loon at the foot of Fifth ave nue. The end of the new cable was securely fastened to the grip of the car,and the latter was slowly propelled backward along the line, the cable being thus kept at an even altitude all the way. This trip was finished about 4:30 o'clock, and the splice making the cable continuous was hastily but care fully made, the machinery was started up, and everything found to be all right, POSTOFFICE PLANS. Bow tbo Departments on tho First Floor Will be Arranged. The meeting of Superintends nt Malone, of tbe new Government building, and the Building Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, which had been arranged for yesterday afternoon, did not take place, but it will probably beheld to-day. Mr. Malone gave a Dispatch reporter an opportunity to examine the plans, which have just been sent him trom the department at Washing ton, dividing the different floors into rooms for the proposed occupancy. The first floor will be taken up by the postoffice entirely, and the arrangements appear to be as nearly perfect as possible. The general postoffice department, such as stamp windows, registered letter office, money order office, etc., will be around the center of the floor, the dimensions of the room being 123x87 feet All around the corridor will be the private offices of the officials, and each place i within easy reach of the entrance. In each corner" of the building will be an elevator, while the mail wagons will have theit entrance on Cherry alley. The arrangement of tbe building presents, on the whole, more facilities than the New York Postoffice. On tbe third floor will be the two court rooms, and on the fifth floor the Signal Ser vice Bureau is to be located. A BOW AFTER THE FUNERAL. The Dead Man's Widow aad Oae of the Pall Bearers Quarrel. John O'Brien, a colored man of No. 102 Water street, died day before yesterday, and his widow, Maggie O'Brien, a white woman, invited the neighbors to hold a wake that night. It is alleged the be havior of the guests was anything but decorous, and when the funeral was held yesterday morning all of them were lively in the extreme. After the man had been buried, and Mrs. O'Brien returned to her home, a row took place, and in a few min utes all went to the 'Squire's office, making tbe following informations: Mike Byan sued Mrs. O'Brien for disorderly condnct, John Hanlau for assault and battery and Jenny McKee for keeping a disorderly honse. Mike Byan was one of the pall-bearers ot the late O'Brien. Then Mrs. O'Brien, the widow of the colored man, sued Byan for assault and battery. Warrants were issued for the parties and the cases will come up for a hearing to-morrow evening. A LANDMARK GONE. Iiawreneevllle Loses a Relic of Many Years' Existence. One of the oldest landmarks in Lawrence- ville was torn down yesterday. It was a log cabin on Calvin street, near Forty-fifth street, and for many years was occupied by Peter Keller, who is now dead. The old homestead was built nearly 80 years ago, when Lawrenceville was a farm ing settlement At Mr. Keller's death the property was sold to a citizen who will erect a handsome brick house. The log cabin had become so dilapidated as to be no longer habitable. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day la Two Cities Coadensed for Ready Reading. BAErnniDQE Council 128, Jr. O. U. A. M.. will bold a private picnic at Silver Lake Grove on August 21. A. Falca, a shoemaker at 1105 Penn avenue, reported to the police last night that a boy bad stolen a pair of shoes from his store. A boy named Devine,living on Thirty-second street, bad his leg crushed at the Black Diamond Steel Works yesterday by an Ingot falling upon it The yonng girl who became a mother at the Central statlou Friday has confessed that her name is not Kate Murphy, as she previously stated, bnt Maria Conly. . The Randall Club will meet this evening. All members are earnestly requested to attend and receive tickets for the fete champetre, to be given at Silver Lake Grove. The members of the Fifth Avenue Congre gational Church held their annual picnic yes terday at Rock Point There were about 400 people present at the picnic grove. AIPrrrSBUEO tobacco firm has jnst made an offer of $11,000 for a new cigar making machine which will turn out about 100.UOO cigars per day. An effort is being made to form a stock company to operate the machine. Robert Munit, one of the men who was in jured by tho breaking of the sewer at Red Pond on the roornine of Jnly If, has recovered from his injuries and was discharged from the Hotneopatnic Hospital yesterday. Me. Cooper, of the firm of Edebum'd: Cooper, surveyors, denies the report thai they were 'surveying ground for a proposed now railroad to Rcllevue for Colonel Bayne) with the Intention ol cutting off the Pleasant Valley. John Hedple, employed on the steamboat Nellie Hudson, was engaged tying njpttwo barges yesterday, when In some way ho god be tween them, and was badlv squeezed about his hips and back. He was taken to the JIotct Hospital. t' It is stated by railroad officials that unless tbe strike of tbe coal handlers at tbe West Superior docks is ended within a fow days It will have the effect of stopping shipments' to that point and some of the railroad mines will have to close down. At the meeting of the School Directors of tne tJevcntn anu .cignin wards, Miss Powell, lato of tbe Fourteenth ward school, and Ms a Lemmon, wbo has been teaching in one of tbe oomusiue bcuuuis, aim lives ju tne oi ward, were elected teachers. Ex-Policeman Thompson, of Allegheny, has been' arrested on a complaint of bis wife) wbo claims that he threatened her with bodily Injury. Thompson resisted arrest and it re quired tbe services of four of the best men of the force to bring him to subjection. AN attache of the Highway Department As sistant Superintendent Hunter, spoke in very favorable terms'yesterday of the work done by tho revolvine sweepers on the preceding night and expressed the opinion that the principal streets in tho heart of the city wonld be swept every night by means of the machines. Health Of-ticee Bradley, or Allegheny has started a crusade against the doctors who have not reported their cases of typhoid fever and threatens to fine them 150 for their neglect There Is both an act of the Assembly and acity ordinance requiring these reports, and blanks have been test to all the city physicians. A (Jjmjjl GYMNASIUM Desired as an Addition to tbe Penn sylvania Female College. SCHEME TO GKTKECESSARY FUNDS An Instractress Chats Brightly Upon a H oscular-Topic A BALTIMORE COLLEGE EQUIPMENT Persons interested in the future of the Pennsylvania Female College will be af forded an opportunity shortly to subscribe for a gymnasium. Such a building is pro jected as a much-needed addition to the col lege. It is estimated that the gymnasium, including its appointments, can be hand somely constructed for (5,000. Miss H. E. Pelletro, Principal of the college, leit yes terday morning for the Fast to enjoy a four wreks' vacation in Long Island, and was not accessible to inquiry as to details of the plan. A well-known merchant who is a patron of the college states, however, that a subscription paper is to be quietly circu lated, with individual subscriptions limited to $25, and it is believed that $5,000 will be easily raised tor the desired end. It was learned that a gymnasium used to exist upon tbe third floor of the old college building, but tbe increase in pupils ren dered an encroachment upon the space im perative. The gymnasium was transformed into classrooms, and the only nnusual physi cal exercise available for the pupils has been the ascent and descent of the long steps leading op from Fifth avenue. Calisthen ics that old-fashioned arm-swinging exer cise although a portion of the daily pro gramme, is not considered an effective sub stitute for genuine gymnastics, and Miss Pelletro has expressed the opinion that a gymnasium hall is all that is needed to com plete the college buildings. GOOD FOR GIRLS. "Educational institutions for women," said a well-known instructress last evening, "are not considered complete nowadays unless equipped with appli ances for the physical development of the pupils. I have just returned from Baltimore, where I inspected with great in terest the gymnasium annex of the new M. E. Woman's College, near Boundary ave nue, North Baltimore. The building and equipments will cost $10,000, and it is cer tainly a handsome affair. Oh, yes. Gym nastics are of tha greatest value for girls, because physical exercise gives them a greater zest for studies, keeps them from getting round-shouldered and furnishes a healthy stimulus to a complete education. Many noted instructresses in this country take very advanced ground upon this matter, and hail either manual training or gymnastics as the salvation of a fast de generating race. There is really no room for argument upon tbe subject, for no one disputes the value of physical education for our young women." "What sort ot gymnastics are en regie for young ladies?" diffidently inquired the re porter. The instructress laughed. "Well, there are a few things which the sterner sex do that the girls would feel some natural tim idity about attempting. For instance they would not care to hammer each other with boxing gloves, nor would they want to get their IIAIE FULI, OP TANBABK, nor would they want to junfp from a spring board. But I presume that horizontal bar exercise, fencing now quite populai in the Fast and many other of the more sedate exercises wonld be all right In tbe Balti !mor" gymnasium I noticed a very fine bowling alley, a' large swimming pool. 'the usual rings along the length of the nail, jumping bars and two or three traprze bars." Noticing the look of surprise upon the re porter's face at the mention of trapeze bars the lady laughed merrily. "Oh, yesl" she said, "young ladies can manage semi-aerial exercises very easily. It must be understood that girls who in dulge in gymnastics mnst wear a suitable costume. No, I don't think I could give much of an idea oi the customary costume, but I suppose it would be something on the Bloomer idea. Free action of the muscles could not be secured unless bifurcated gar ments were worn. In my experience girls always extract more amusement from gymnastics than an equal number of boys, and many girls are far more daring than the average boy. In botanizing expeditions I have seen girls attempt climbing leats that many boys would shrink from. Oh, yes, there are a great many girls iu Pittsburg who have enjoyed progressive muscular education, and who seem to be much better grounded in health than their more seden tary sisters." THROUGH A HATCUWAI. A 2-Tenr-OId Child and Ills Uncle Fall IS Feet to the Floor. An accident occurred in Allegheny yes terday afternoon which may result in the death of a little 2-year-old nephew of Lewis Branson, of Sandusky street The latter lives in the second story of the building. Yesterday a hatchway was cut in the floor ior the purpose of taking hay to the upper story. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the child was playing near the hatchway. Bronson, seeing the child, started to go to him. The little fellow made a leap just as he was being caught, pulling himself and his uncle to the floor below, a distance of 18 feet Mr. Bronson was not hurt much. When the child was picked up, it was bleeding at the nose and one ear, and was suffering from in ternal injuries. Dr. 'W. D. Bankin was called and stated last night that it was im possible to say what the result of the acci dent to the child would be. CINOEE EXPLOSION. Eng'-jecr David BlnrtlD, of the Carbon Iron ( Works, Fatally Injured. An explosion of a "mold" or "cinder" oc curred last evening at the Carbon Iron Works, corner of Thirty-second and Small man streets. Sensational reports of a whole sale fatality were immediately circulated, causing the West Penn ambulance and No. 3 patrol wagon to repair to the scene of the accident Engineer Martin was the only person injured. Both of his legs were nearly severed irom his body, and the ribs of his right side broken. He was taken to the hos pital, where his recovery is deemed im probable. There was no other damage done. Water coming in contact with the molten metal was the probable cause of the ex plosion. Thomas Cratz. a puddler employed at the Keystone Mill, bad his face badly burned ast evening by a flash of natural gas from his furnace. I A Honse Falls lo Pieces. ne side of the two-story brick dwelling of 'Peter Schott, the trunk manufacturer, on Butler street, near Thirty-fifth street, fell ont'yestorJay morning. The building was old and stood back from Butler street, in the rear of Mr. Schott's factory. The fam ily were living in the house nt the time, bnt no onevwas injureu. ice uamages win oniy amount.. to about tiuu. An Italian Killed. Tony Blchia, an Italian, residing at Bur- gettsiownlwas struck by a train at that place yesterday afternoon. He was broughlr to the WesVPcnn Hospital, where he died two hoars wter his arrival. He was 26 yen.of agesna married. - THE G0YEEN0E AND HIS STAFF. The Heroes of Johnstown Were In tbo City, bnt the Former Was Asleep. Governor Beaver and his staff officers, who are on their annual State encampment inspection tour, arrived in the city at 10:39 last night While at the Union station waiting to be transferred to the West Penn Bailroad the majority of the party got out of the train end stretched themselves, prom enading up and down the station platform. The most prominent among the party were Adjutant General D. H. Hastings, for whom nearly every residen t of Johnstown would lay down his life; Generals John A. Wylie and Snowden, of the Second and First Brigades; with their staff officers, Quartermaster Gen eral S. W. Hill.of this city.Colonel Spangler, Assistant Commissary General, Colonel Louis W. Beed, Colonel John L Bodgers, Juuge Advocate General, uoionet x. j. Hudson, of this city; Major Walter Green land, Quartermaster of the Second Brigade, and Major Cal iff, who fired the first cannon at Gettysburg. The latter was detailed by the War Department to accompany the party on its tour. The special train was switched on to the West Penn tracks, and about 1125 it left for Grove City via the West Penn roid. When the train arrived at the Union sta tion an effort was made by The Dispatch representative to see the Governor. The latter had-withdrawn from the glare of the electric lights to his stateroom, and all efforts to gain admittance were frnitless. Even Adjutant General Hastings, who is never so busy that he cannot do a favor, tried to rouse the sleeping Governor, but could not do so. The reporter rode to Alle gheny with the party, put the Governor's stateroom was as quiet as its occupant's ex planation of the relief fund mix. THE FIEST AEEEST Br the New Mounted Policemen Oat Along; Forbes Street. Officer Wachter, of the new mounted po lice, made his first arrest last evening. He noticed two young men racing on Forbes avenue, after whom he immediately gave chase and ran down, greatly to their sur prise. The patrol wagon was called and they were taken to the Fourteenth ward station. They gave the names of F. Flcm ming and C. Shilling. Yesterday brought a surprise to police annals, when that long contemplated ad junct to our police force, mounted officers, went into effect Chief Brown is trying to make giant improvement in the police sys tem. The new officers, only two in number, will patrol Forbes and Hiland avenues, where there is considerable fast driving, The horses of the patrol will be of the best, aud it is proposed to stop racing, if possible. ONLY A SCARE. Tho TT. 8. Trensnry Officials Explode Pitts barg's Wool Story. That free trade scare in this city about wool the other day will not be followed by serious results, according to the following telegram which reached this office last night from Washington: Treasury officials say that the statement con tained in a dispatch with regard to a reduction of dnty on English wool at Pittsburg are erroneous. In tbe first place the surveyor at Philadelphia has no jurisdiction over the port of Pittsburg, which is in, the New Orleans Customs district and in the next place tbo rate of dnty on English wool is specifically provided by law and can be changed only by act of Con cress. Under tbe tariff act English or second class wool is liable to dnty at the rate of 10 cents a pound if unsconred, and at the rate of SO cents per ponnd if scoured. WAGES EEDUCED. The Miners In the Third Fool Followed la the Procession. The mines of Foster Clark and Wood at Coal Valley, in the third pool of the Monon gahela river, were started up yesterday, the miners receiving 2 cents per bushel. The Arm bad a meeting with a committee from the miners last Tuesday, and tbe men de cided to accept 'the reduction of a half cent. All the mines in the fourth pool have been at work for the same price during the last week, and it was stated that on this account the men in the third pool would not hold out against the firms any longer. Wash Tour Bedclothes. To have this properly done has always been a source of anxiety to the busy house wife. It affords us great pleasure to be able to announce that Demmler Bros., 526 and 523 Smithfield st, have added to their im mense variety of useful house-furnishing goods a wonderful little contrivance called the New Era Washer, which will not only wash bedclothes, but lace curtains and any article of wearing apparel in one-quarter oi the time ordinarily required, and do it, too, withont the least risk of wear and tear. Don't fail to see it before next washday. If you want to go to the seashore, now is your chance. Excursion tickets will be sold for this evening's trains leaving at 430, 7:15 and 8 JO P. 21., giving you ample time for breakfast in Philadelphia, and can either spend the day in Philadelphia or continue on to Cape May, Atlantic City, Sea Isle City or Ocean City. Fare for the round trip $10, tickets good ten days. New Train Arransemenfs. The Bedford Springs Hotel Company beg to notily the public that commencing to-day, and during tne season, the train on the Penn sylvania Bailroad leaving Union station at 1 o'clock makes direct connection via Hunt ingdon for' Bedford Springs on any day ex cept Sundays. Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, July 27, at 10 A." jr., there will be disposed of at public sale 200 bags of rice. Sale will take place at West Penn ireight station, corner of Sandusky street and Church ave nue, Allegheny City. , CLAUET WINES. Imported Brandenberar Frerrs. Medoc, St Emilion, St Estepha, St Julien, Margeaux, Pontet Canet, St Pierrie, Chateau Leoville, Chateau la Bosa, Chateau Mouton, Grand Yin Chateau Margeaux, Grand Yin Chateau Lafitte, by the case or bottle. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city, On Sale Frldny, 200 pes. silk plush at 34c, 16 inches; 150 pes. silk plush at 59c, 24 inches; 2 cases 10c wide chintzes at GJc; the wide indigo blues at 9, down from 12; 50 pes. fine bleached table linen at 39c, worth 00c; gold tip um brellas at 89; 10 per cent disct allowed on all rugs bonght Friday. Thornton Bbos., 128 Federal st, Ally., Pa. At $6 25 each Combination dress pat terns, choice colorings and late designs; $15 was the price formerly. TT3 , HXTGUS & HACKJ. Imported Port. 1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.53 00 18C9 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 50 Fine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Port, full quarts 1 50 Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts 1 00 For sale by G. Y. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Here's Your Chance. For one week only cabinet photos 89c per dozen) bring the lamily at dbce. Lies' popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st ' TTSSU Tabxe Linen Bargains Manufac tnrers'fends, from M to Zi yards in length; very much under value to close. TT3 HtJGTJS & HACKK. Alii danger of drinking impure water is avoided by adding 20 drops of Angostura bitten. AN EEECTEIG -IDEA Which Was Probably Conceived by Two Men at the Same Time BEINGS ABOUT ANOTHER SDIT. An Electric Consolidation of Westingnoase dnd Edison PEEDICTED BY AN EXPERT LAWYER Judge Taylor, cf Fort Wayne, Ind., is now in this city takin; testimony in an in terference case, pending in the Patent office at Washington, D. C, between the Westinghonse Electric Company and the Fort Wayne and Jenney Company, of Fort Wayne. The suit in question refers to a multiple arc system of converters, iuvol vfng certain conditions of construction for the purpose of securing good regulation. This patent has been applied for by Mr. Slattery, of the Fort Wayne and Jenney Company, but Mr. Stanley, of the Westing house Company, claims a priority of the patent by several months. Messrs. Bailey and Terry, the counsel for the Westinghonse r ' -!-! t 1 . i vAjmpaay, are uuliuk icuuiuu ic&uuiuiiy. Yesterday Messrs. F. L. Pope and L. B. Still well, both experts of the Westinghonse Company, were examined. BOTH GENIUSES AT ONCE. Judge B. S. Taylor, the legal representa tive of the Fort Wayne and Jenney Com pany, was seen last night at the Hotel An derson, and when he was asked as to what he thought o'f the possible verdict in the case, he replied that he could not make a statement on that subject, because the mat ter rested entirely with the Patent Office. "The case presents a very fair contest," he continued, "and I believe that both the inventors were working on the invention at the same time, but who deserves the recognition of priority I cannot decide." . "What is your opinion of the great electric suit between Fdison and Westing house, which was tried here some time agoV" "Well, that is very hard to tell, and if you want to know what the decision will be in the case, I am positive that nobody is able to jay anything about it to-day. I have studied, that case thoroughly and I must acknowledge that both parties seem to have some very strong points in their favor, but as far as I am able to judge I think that Fdison will be the victor in that contest The chances are slightly against Westing honse." "As a disinterested party, Judge, would you like to express an opinion as to the con solidation of the Fdison and Westinghouse companies. "I believe that consolidation "will be brought about, although I do not think that there are any immediate prospects. These men have to fight each other very thor oughly at first, and when they get tired of that, then THET WILI, SHAKE BANDS and work in harmony. But it will have to come, and my belie; is that the entire elec tric interests of this country will eventually form a combination. They have to do it, and here is a good reason: The amount of money which is. spent annually by these companies in litigation is an enormous item of expense, and the mere saving of that wonld make a consolidation advisable. On the other hand, the wrangling and fighting which now exists between all these concerns is disastrous to all of them, aud the compe tition decreases profit very considerably." "But would such a consolidation not be disadvantageous to the public?" "No, not in this case. The elements of the electric business are common property, ana a combination of all the electric com panies in the world would not be able to monopolize them. Then, again, the con struction of electric machines is now known by almost every .ordinary machinist For these reasons wisdom would prompt the large concerns to keep the price of their manufactures low in order to prevent a number of little fellows from getting into the market" What is there more pleasing, healthful or exhilarating than a glass ot sparkling amber-colored beer, with the genuine flavor ot pure malt and hops? Such an ar ticle is brewed by the Bauerlein Brewing Company, of Bennett's, Pa., and sold by them in the wood, or by the bottle, quarts or pints, and delivered to all parts of both cities. Tour order will receive prompt at tention. Telephone, 1018. txssu Iron City Bear. This delicious summer beverage, brewed by Frauenheim & Vilsack, is undoubtedly the best in the market. It is pure, whole some and nutritions. WE INTEND REMODELING OUR STORES. To do so requires closing in August rather than remove stock during build tag. Will SELL AT A SACBIFICE AU Wash Dress Goods, AU Wool Dress Goods, All Silk Goods, t All House Furnishing Goods, Trimmings. Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. Children's Suits and Wraps. Ladies' and Misses' Bolts and Wraps, Mantles, Jackets, Shawls. BIBER k EASTDN, B05AND507 MABKET ST. Jy23-TTSSU PURE WINES and LIQUORS FOB MEDICINAL USE. California Wines at 50c per quart Imported Liquors aud Cordials at LOWEST PRICES. Finest Old Whiskies in Western Penn sylvania at same prices others are selling. G. EISENBEIS, US FEDERAL STREET, ALLEQHKNT. jeSO-SS-TXM WOODS WEEE FULL OP THEmT'I'S i The HI FIcnIc of tho Allegheny Odd Fellows Yesterday. A i The sixth annual outing aad basket pic nic of the Allegheny lodge of the L O. O. F. took place yesterday at Forest Groye, ou the P. & W. B. B. The day was passed ja dancing and various cames, and the entire affair was a success. The Committee of Ar rangements consisted of the following -delegates from the various lodges: K. W. Elton. H. W. Scott and W. B. Conp land, of No. 30: J. L. Clark. A. N. Mercer and Wm. Fletcher, of No. 403; Harry Williams. W. A. Lindsay and John Brinttman, of No. 415: E. Z. Sullivan, J. 8. Hendricks and W.H.Scott, or No. OX): J.W.Conkel. W. W.Conway, W. H. Phelps, of No. 211; A.F.Snvder, H. Sut meyerand C. H. Brouchman, of No. 414; J. H. Crawford, G. W. Maggl and Jos. HamiJton.4)f No. 30; C C. Cricks. James A. Robinson and J. B. Newell, of No. 752; Henry C Mendel, James Steel and W. B. Urling. of No. 973. The special committee were Chr. Bluera stein, A. Miller and Chr. Miller. Members of the following lodges were present with their families:' McFarlane, Twin City, Manchester, Bobert Blum, Fidelia, B. Bid die Boberts, James H. Graham and Park. The only accident ot the day happened to Fdward Butler, Electric Light Inspector, who had his foot badly injured during a game of baseball. " " Y A XEW GAS COMPANY. River Towns Along ihe Sloooagabela to be) Supplied From Bellevernao AMcKeesport company, whose name is yet secret, is laying a new pipe line from Bell vernon. Tbe line has already been sur veved across the Monongahela river 'at Draggs' Ferry, between Monongahela City and Belleveruon, and rnns from there to Boston, passing abont two a ilea south, of Elizabeth. The new company will supply the natural gas to Elizabeth, Bucna Vista, Greenock. Boston, Elrods. Bissell, Christy Park, and then enter McKeesport. Yoane Bred In IdeatlSed. The body of the young man found at tho Davis Island dam was yesterday identified by ex-Jndge Bredin as that of his son John, who was drowned in the Allegheny river near the Ninth street bridge Tuesday morn ing. HE' HDRNE 1 ED.'B! - PENN AVENUE STORES." MID-SUMMER SALE. Our prices on summer goods now ars the lowest ever known. A look through tbe store will convince yon of this fact To day 100 pieces more of tne extra fine Scotch Ginghams at 25c 100 pieces more of the finest Ameri can Ginghams at 15c. 1C0 pieces more of the cotton OdalMs we are selling so cheaply. More of tbe Printed Lawns at 6c; a large lot of fine French Printed ' Batistes at 10c and 12o. The 50c Woolen Dress Goods which we are selling at 25c are on a special table In center of store. . Nearby are the new French Chain, nearly 200 patterns, dark and light colorings. Cream White Wool Cballis -; at25c Stylish Woolen Fabrics for traveling dresses at very low prices 0c a yard ' and upward. j The fancy Scotch and French Flan nels all reduced. Good goods at 26e 0c and 75c , , - In tbe way of Muslin Underwear and -" Dressing Sacques our stock is unusually ., complete and large. In tbe Suit Room our entire stock of Ladles' and Children's Summer Dresses ' at very low prices. Also great bargains in Coats and Jackets. All sorts ot -Traveling Wraps, Waterproofs, Dust- .., ers. We have made still further reduc i tions in our large collection of Printed India Silks, both in short lengths and full dress patterns. Our bargains m i uncy plaid and stripe Silks are the best' offered. , Full lines of Black Silks for Summer wear at very close prices. Our Notion Department is filled with odds and ends useful for travelers' use. Brushes of all kinds. Traveling Bags, Chatelaine Bags, etc The completeness of our stock will surprise you largest In all depart, ments. . JOB. HDRNE -a errs PENN AVENUE STORES. t 1 &1