Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 24, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    l "V-'1 jWPfpTSPPsW
M$ Bigptdj.
Tot 44, 0.167. Entered at I'lttsbnrg l"ot office,
November 11, ;37, u second-class matter.
Business Offlce--G7ond99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 78 Diamond Street,
Eastern Advertising Office, lloom 43, Tribune
Building, JSewYork.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
TuxDisrxicil for six months ending June SO, ISS8,
Copies per issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
XnE Disrxtcu for three monthi ending June 30,
Copies per Issue.
roSTACE THEE as tiieumted states.
, DATLT DisrATCii, Unclear v 1 s CD
Dailt Dispatch. 1'er Quarter 2 00
DaILT DUPATClt, One Month 70
DAILY DisrATCii. Including hundsy. lyear. 10 CO
DAILT DlfTATCILlnCludtng Sundav.Sm'ths. 5 SO
DAILT DISPATCH, including Sunday. 1 month 90
WMtiT Dispatiii. One 1 tar - 50
Weekly DisrATCii, One Year 13
The DAILT Dispatch Is delivered bj carrlersat
15 cents per nee S, or Including Sunday edition, at
SO cents per week.
The indications of the size and character
of the exhibits which are to make up the
Exposition next fall, afford a most gratify
ing evidence of the importance which this
institution will assume. Instead of the
buildings proving larger than necessary, it
is already apparent that the entire space
will be occupied, and two annex buildings
for exhibits ot special Pittsburg industries
are decided upon.
This demonstrates the value of the Expo
sition to Pittsburg, and indicates in addi
tion that its attractions will not be of the
popcorn stand and balloon ascension order,
but will be a valuable display of Pittsburg's
industrial capabilities. The tin plate and
Class exhibits for which the annex buildings
will be constructed will give all visitors
new ideas on what Pittsburg contains in
thot-e special industries; and the example
thus set will be followed out by other man
ufacturing interests.
The Exposition is going to be a great in
stitution and decidedly characteristic of
Pittsburg. This fact should make Pitts
burg determined that the enterprise shall
not be hampered by the lack of any fnnds
that may be necessary to expand its scope
or ensure the best results.
"With the iron and steel scales settled and
the coal strike ended by a defeat, there was
a basis for the hope that v ages disputes in
the important Pittsburg industries were at
an end for 1889. But now the cloud rises
from the quarter of the ' window-glass
factories. The workmen call for an advance
in wages, and the employers propose a re
duction. It is evident that if this exceed
ingly wide separation continues, trouble
will commence about the 1st of September,
when the lactories arc to resume operations.
But there are five weeks yet in which both
parties will have time to perceive the un
doubted superiority of a compromise over a
conflict. It is to be hoped that the wide
difference between the two sides will prove
to be due to the anxiety of both to give
themseUes lee-way Xor concessions which
will permit a satisfactory agreement.
The arc lights, so far as put up in Pitts
burg, are such an immense improvement on
the old plan of gas that they should be ex
tended forthwith to all parts of the city. It
is a'mTstake to use the incandescent lamp
for street-lighting. That gives no more illu
mination than a gas-jet, and has nothing to
recommend it,
Chief Bigelow, who, more than any other
official Pittsburg has for many years had,
comprehends the requirements of the times,
should set aside the notion of using the
incandescent lamp, particularly in the
thickly settled parts of the town, and go in
altogether for the arc lights, which give
thorough satisfaction.
"With good pavements, good side
walks, effective lighting, and a suggestion
of parks in the near future, to be had by
donation or at moderate cost, the passing
era in the city's history will mark, a com
mendable new departure.
A somewhat loosely informed subscriber
writes to the Chicago JCeiet to ask the date
at which Mr. Spurgeon preached a sermon
on the text "It's D d Hot." The -lYetrs
states that Mr. Spurgeon did not use the
term referred to, but that Mr. Beecher did,
which, it says, is the origin of the wide
spread use of that phrase in "Brooklyn and
other overheated localities." The JVeiM
omits to state that Mr. Beecher frequently
denied having used the expression referred
to; but as Mr. Beecher found it necessary to
denv several other things very strenuously,
in the course of his career, perhaps the Xcws
is justified in overlooking his disavowal of
this minor peccadillo. Vc cannot assent to
the idea that before this reported sermon by
Mr. 'Beecher, the human race was unable to
express feelings during warm weather by
that phrase. There is good reason to believe
that the expression was employed by the in
habitants of Sodom and Gomorrah during
the heated term which made those cities
The jail at Somerset seems to be managed
in a rather eccentric way. Unfortunately
the names of the county officials having
charge of the jail are unknown to us, or we
might extend to them by name our congrat
ulations on the fine brand ot discipline and
order which appear to exist in that institu
tion. It must be hard work for the jailers
to keep the good citizens of Somerset from
attending the jail as they would a circus.
On Monday evening a correspondent cf
The Dispatch was rash enough to enter
the jail to seek an interview with James
Lehr, of Allegheny City, who shot and
kilted a youth named Scott at Confluence
on Sunday last The correspondent was at
tacked by a number of the prisoners who
disliked the publicity given to their evil
deeds by THE DISPATCH in the past. These
aggrieved gentry, among whom was a
reverend jjentleniah appropriately named
Sell, were preventedyrom killing the news
paper reporter by Sheriff McMillan. It is
not explained how the Sheriff came to be in
the jail. His presence surely is calculated
to interfere with the prisoners' enjoynientol
jolly life. We rejnice that he was there on
this occasion, became the correspondent of
THE Dispatch might not have been able
to call our attention to the picturesque,
features of the Somerset lock-up.
James Lehr has evidently inhaled a fin
spirit of bravado from his surroundings jb
Somerset Perhaps if he stays there long
enough he may succeed in "doing somebody
up," as he terms it Prisoners ire given
every privilege of this sort, we feel sure, by
the benevolent authorities at Somerset
The French Government has at last pushed
Its trial of Boulanger and bis associates to
the extent of a condemnation which takes
away their political rights and forfeits their
property. This is the response to Boulan
ger 's manifesto sent to Prance from London
the other day. The condemnation of a po
litical refugee in his absence is about as ef
fective as ths manilesto which he sends to
his country from the safe refuge of aforeigu
Of course, no admirer of Boulanger will
be convinced of his guilt by such a sen
tence. Xor will the sentence afford "the
slightest protection against the doughty
General's possible rise to future "power. If
he Is ever able to come back to France it
will be to establish a government that will
annul the sentence as a partial and prear
ranged conviction. If he is not, it will be
the fact of hisliaving run away and not the
condemnation of the Government that ends
his public career.
At present the political deliverances
which the French Ministry "and Boulanger
are, firing at each other across the channel,
have about the effectiveness and good sense
of that fabled bull against the comet
The discussion over the repeal of duties
on sugar, on account of the Sugar Trust,
goes on with a vigor that promises healthy
results. No paper seems disposed to fight
the repeal; but one, the Chicago Jetcs,
asks if "in thus demanding that which ex
President Cleveland so luminously set
forth in his celebrated Congressional trust
document, the Republican papers are not
giving away their whole case on which
they fought the late Presidental elec
tion." Supposing the reference to the "celebrated
Congressional trust document" to mean
President Cleveland's tariff message, it is
only necessary to remark that if the Bcpub
licans arc giving their case away now, the
Democratic Congressmen gave theirs away
when they refused to vote for the radical
reductions on sugar which the Republicans
proposed a year ago last winter. The Dem
ocrats could, if they chose, have secured
the passage of a bill repealing the duties on
sugar; but the vote o! Louisiana and the
influence of the Sugar Trust were too im
portant far the Democrats to do it
It is to be hoped that both parties are
wiser now. At all events until the Repub
licans have refused to make a sharp reduc
tion in the sugar duties, it is not in good
taste for the pot to call the kettle black.
A novelty in the line of criminal sen
tences is preseuted by the report which
stales that W. E, Howard, the electric
sugar refiner who furnished one of the sen
sations ot last year, has been sentenced to a
term of ten years in the New York peniten
tiary at Sing Sing, as a "swindler, perjurer
and hypocrite." That hypocrisy can form a
definite item in a sentence to State prison is
a new idea in criminal jurisprudence, but
upon consideration it is not an wholly un
pleasant one.
There would certainly be some satisfac
tion in believing that other swindlers and
hypocrites beside Howard were destined to
reach their appropriate residence in the
penitentiary. If a' man can be sent to
prison for ten years for swindling a few people
out of some odd hundreds of thousands by
a bogus sugar refining scheme, it certainly
seems as if permanent residence in prison
ought to be afforded for those who swindle
the public out of millions by very similar
methods. Beside the electric sugar refining
fraud, the achievements of those who pass
off bogus values on the investors of the
wo'rld and then seek to give them some
earning power by extortions from the con
sumer, exhibit a surpassing and unap
proachable climax ot hypocrisy and swind
ling. But if all the hypocrites are to be sent to
prison, it will necessitate an indefinite en
largement of the penitentiaries. This con
sideration will, perhaps, make it necessary
to adhere to the present policy of sending
only the unsuccessful and detected hypo
crites to prison.
In view of the Hon. Boswell G. Horr's
declaration that he regarded the offer of the
Valparaiso Consulship as an insult, the
country is obliged to come to the conclusion
that Mr. Horr's trouble is very much the
same as Pooh-Bah's. If the insult had been
twice as large a one, Mr. Horr might have
accepted it
Ik connection with a notice of the fact
that an act to keep dressed beef from being
brought from one State to another is clearly
unconstitutional, and is being declared so by
the courts, the Philadelphia Press remarks
that for that reason such a bill found little
support iu the Pennsylvania legislature,
"though sympathy for our farmers would
probably have carried it through if it had
been defensible on constitutional grounds."
As the avowed purpose of the bill in
the Pennsylvania Legislature was to in
crease the price of meat to the consumers,
this statement of the way that the legislators
regarded such a project should make the
people of Pennsylvania thankful that we
have a Constitution of the United States.
Colonel- Fellows declares that the
failure to convict McQuade was due to the
evident fact that some of the witnesses were
"fixed." Perhaps so; bnt another sufficient
cause might be found in the fact that the
District Attorney's office was also "fixed"
by the election of 1887.
The last suggestion in regard to the
"World's Fair of 1892 is that it be located at
Princeton, N. J., which site is recommended
on the grounds that it is half way between
Philadelphia and New York, the two largest
cities of the country. This brilliant idea
comes from Philadelphia, and appears to be
an expression of the Quaker City's notion
that it might ns well be tried whether the
proverb with regard to the disastrous results
of sitting down between two stools will
work in the case of an international exposition.
The chivalrous cowboys simultaneously
made the discoveries that female cattle
queens, whose royalty consists in appropri
ating stray cattle, require suppression, and
that the New York idea that women must
not be hung is a barren ideality.
The people who have been holding up
their hands in horror on account of the
pretty words which John Jarrett has ad
dressed to the English people have as yet
failed to grasp the uwmlness of the fact that
Itussell Harrison lias been dining with the
Queen, has taken supper with the Prince of
Wales and has gone to visitLord Salisbury.
When the Democratic organs have allowed
this fact to penetrate their brain, wemay
expect to hear the welkin ring over thisf out
rage on. the sensibilities of the tailtwfster.
I When pur shining colemporary.JheiTew; j p
- tii i'-a-rm f'MtfMhim M,in,
" THE .
York Sun, perceives the fart that the Inter
national exposition of 1892 is to be the
World's Fair, will it not be about time for
it to commence whetting its knife on the
sole of the editorial boot?
THE bonds for the new Congo Railroad
have all been subscribed for in Europe and
this country. The promptness oPcapltalists
in taking hold of this enterprise, which fol
lows the usual corporate rule of building
the road entirely on bonds, and leaving the
stock as undiluted water, is probably based
on the conviction that it will be a long time
before the savages of the Congo States get to
the point of passing an inter-State commerce
act or establishing a Railroad Commission
to regulate rates.
The principal expression with regard to
the proposed trust in Philadelphia Com
pany's stock is an expression of the desire
to know what its object is.
The plan for making farm life pleasant
for the boys by supplying the farm with
race tracks, billiard rooms, bowling alleys,
bar-rooms and so forth has never been tried,
according to the experience of an esteemed
cotemporary. The statement might have
been enlarged to the effect that it never will
be tried as long as present conditions make
it necessary to sustain life on the farm by
making the boys hustle for the greater part
of their waking hours, in order to secure the
means of sustaining life. ,
THAT coal miners' strike proves to have
done more execution at the breech than at
the muzzle.
The rather novel feature in our criminal
practice of "letters rogatory," by which the
Hungarian Government proposed to try two
of its citizens in that country for complicity
in a murder committed in the United States,
will be outside of the precedents of our
courts. But it shows a decided disposition
on the part of the Austro-Hungarian Gov
ernment to make its citizens amenable to
the laws.
H. D. Greco, who was General Sheridan's
private secretary from 1875 to 1880, Is under ar
rest in Kansas City on a charge ot horse
Askak and Irwin Garfield, sons of the dead
President have entered the freshman class at
Williams College, their father's alma mater.
They will graduate in 1833.
Qexeral Sherman has returned from his
Western trip as happy as a boy after his first
successful hunting expedition. "Just think,"
he says, "of snowballing in midsummer. That's
what we did on July 11 on our way up Pike's
William Walter Phelps will be SO years
old on the 24th of Augnst. Mr. Phelps is said
to be noted for his democratic manners and
unconventional ways. lie live plainly, though
ho has a fortune, and walks, though he has a
dozen carriages.
attoiiney General Miller will leave
Washington to-day for Deer Park, Md., for the
purpose of conferring with the President in re
gard to matters pending in the .Department of
Justice. It is understood that the visit is made
at the request of the President
William T. Coleman, of California, for
merly a candidate for the Democratic nomina
tion for the Presidency, last week sold his large
mining interests in Shasta county, Cal., to an
English syndicate for $2,000,000. The property
includes 60 mines, among them the valuable
The monument to Miles SUndish at Dux
bury, Mass., is nearly completed. It is to be
116 feet high and stands on an emlnence300 feet
above the level of the sea. Navigators wil
note It as the first prominent object as they
enter Massachusetts Bay. It can be distinctly
seen IS miles outside of Cape Cod.
Secretary Wisdom has gone to New York
on business connected with the selection of a
site for the appraisers warehouse, authorized
by the last Congress. Assistant Secretary
Tichenor, who is also in New York, will assist
the Secretary in the consideration of that ques
tion. It is expected.that both gentlemen will
return to Washington this evening.
Senator and Mrs. Hale entertained at their
home in Ellsworth, Me., yesterday, Secretary,
Mrs. and Miss Blaine, M. Roustan. French
Minister; Navroyeni Bey, the Turkish Minister;
Colonel and Mrs. McMlcbael, Mr. and Mrs,
Wildon Brown, Major and Mrs. Palmer, of
Washington; Mr. Charles How, Mr. and Mrs.
Governor Gordon Cummins, Mrs. Vail, Mrs.
Patterson, Walter Damrosch and others.
According to oustom. Premier Bismarck
always remains standing when talking about
affairs of state to the Kaiser. As the old
Chancellor suffers from rheumatism, this is not
an easy sacrifice to ceremony, but he has such
a deep-rooted respect for royalty that he re
fuses to give in to the infirmities of age in this
matter. The Kaiser, however, never remains
seated when Bismarck is making his reports.
Sir. Ileron, a Tennessee Beauty, Wins a
Mnrtyr's Crown In Far-Oil Cores.
Nashville, July 23. Information has just
been received here that Mrs. Hattle Gibson
Heron, wile of David Heron, late of Jones
boro, this State, is under sentence of death in
Corea for teaching the doctrines of Christianity.
Rev. David Heron is well-known as a Presby
terian minister. He went to Corea about three
years ago, the wife Joining her husband a few
weeks later. Mrs. Heron preached the gopel
as well as her husband and was the means, of
converting a nobleman in Corea, who began
preaching Christianity. The Emperor bad
Mrs. Heron arrested and thrown Into prison.
Her case was investigated and finally the
sentence of death was passed. Mrs. Heron
was known as the most beautiful lady in upper
East Tennessee.
A dispatch from Washington says: Acting
Secretary of State Wharton, upon telegraphic
representations from Congressman Taylor, of
Tennessee, that Mrs. Heron was to be hanged
for preaching the doctrines of Chistianity,
cabled Minister Dinsmore, at Seoul, to investi
gate? the case, and If necessary, or not too late,
to use his good offices In securing Mrs. Heron's
release. The State Department has no other
advices upon the subject
In Two nod One-Half Hours Two Boys
Kill That Many Reptiles.
RocxTCLLE, M July 23. This morning as
Thomas Edwards and William Merrott, aged
respectively M and 16 years, were picking
blackberries, and had gathered nearly two
bnckets full, and were returning from the
field, they walked into a nest ofidlfferent kinds
of snakes, which nearly frightened them to
deatb. In the excitement they dropped their
buckets and fled, but after about an hour had
elapsed and they bad cotten over their fright
each secured a large stick and returned to the
snake nest
To their surprise they found several snakes
coiled up In their bnckets on top of the berries,
and several others of the reptiles bad wrapped
themselves around the palls. Among tbzm
were three rattlesnakes, which gave thlr
slcnals, but the boys stood tbelrgroundbravely,
drove off the snakes, secured their buckets and
then attarked the reptiles vigorously, succeed
ing In killing 81 snakes, including U black
snakes, nine garter snakes, eight copper heads,
and three rattlers. The boys fought for two
hours and a half.
Ho Attempts to Ran ca Elevator, but It
Casts Him His Life.
Washington, July 23. The House elevator
at the Capitol cut up a queer caper to-day, and
for a time the elevator man's hair stood on end,
with visions of shosta and witchcraft As be
entered the elevator it started without his aid.
He attempted to stop it, but it kept on Its way
to the top of the building, and then refused to
come down. He manaced to get out, and made
bis way to tne engine room. There he found
that a muscular tomcat had got Into one of the
pulley wheels and started tho elevator.
Bat like Samson's destruction of the temple,
in performing the wonderful teat the cat sacri
ficed its own life. From a cat of ordinary
length It was stretched uDtll it was nearly a
yard long, and the last une of its nine lives was
puuca one vj mo roots.
..'. .-. j"3
Studying- tho Characteristics of Cons The
Improvement In tho Press Club A Re
vlval Experience.
If you live in the city of course it would
never occur to you to make a study of cons.
Indeed, the opportunities for such study are
not plentiful in city streets. Cows, also, amid
urban noise and traffic are prone to take on
eccentric characteristics of a violent kind. So
the study of the con in the city Is not only
likely to be unpleasant and unprofitable, but
even downright dangerous.
But in a country village, or even in a small
town, I can easily understand that the observa
tion of cows would be fruitful of some enter
tainment -lam the more persuaded ot the
feasibility of turning other people's cows to ac
count in this fashion because a friend of mine,
who for-20 years or so has been cooped, up in a
small interior of Pennsylvania, assures me that
he has tried it with very gratifying results.
"You see," said be, "in our town there really
is not much excitement Very little trade be
yond that originating in the country about us
farmers altogether. The town is pretty and
the people are amiable and hospitable, but de
void of luminosity. But the worst of it all Is
that every man, woman and child in the town
seems to have been built on the same general
plan. Such sameness I never saw anywhere
else. Perhaps their souls are not allko but their
minds are in every point When you've made
the acquaintance of one family you can siy to
yourself that you know all the population of
the place.
That's how I come to study cows. 1 have
kept a cow the last six years, and of course I
hare mastered all her Idiosyncracles. She is
an agreeable, well-spoken cow, as ono might
say but wanting in individuality. The only
trait in her that I have discovered which no
other cow I know possesses, is an inordinate
appetite for roses. Last year a gate was left
open and she got into my flower garden. It
was in June, and my roses were all out Not
another flower did she eat although there were
plenty of geraniums and other plants in
"But I found in my neighbor's cows all sorts
of odd points of character. My pastor lived
across the street from me, and owned two sol
emn and.stately Alderneys of a beautiful mouse
color. They behaved themselves excellently on
week days, but for some reason or other took to
kicking on the Sabbath always kicked the
milk pails over if they could on that day when
the vesper bells were ringing. And so I found
in every cow 1 encountered some odd feature to
study. Some day or other I mean to publish
my observations In book form. 'Cow-lore'
wonld be a nice title for the book."
AT the Press Club these days is to be seen
the somewhat unusual spectacle of rooms
crowded with newspaper men and associate
members. The reason for this change is the
employment of a really competent steward
and the radical improvement of the cuisine.
Mr. Charles A. Latscha Is a first-class caterer,
whose experience has been obtained In hotels
of national reputation.
The futility of trying to attract members to
the clnb by any other means than making It at
tractive In all iu features has been thoroughly
demonstrated. I understand that the credit
for this sensible more is due principally to Mr.
Charles A. Dawson. It will not be long, I ven
ture to predict before the Press Club will find
Itself In a position to build a bouse of lu own.
There is a solid movement in that direction
'1 have never liked revival meetings since I
was a small child," said the mother of several
grown-up children to me the other day.
"WtiyT" I asked.
"A very peculiar accident happened to me at
the first revival meeting IJever attended," sbe
replied. "In the first place my brother and I
went to the little chapel where the revival was
to be held without either our father or mother's
knowledge. The chapel was crowded, but we
were there early and I got standing room up
front, which, after the service bad begun, I ex
changed for a seat on the edge of what we
called Amen corner. My brother went off to
the other sido of the church with some boys.
"Another girl sat close to me. .We were sit
ting. Jf 1 can mako It clear to you, on the btck
of the seat A very stout woman sat on the
seat Itself below us. She became very excited
during the early part of the service, and when
the rest of the congregation began to catch the
enthusiasm sbe lost her wits entirely. She
jumped up, and waving out her two arms as far
as they would go, hit me and the girl next me
under our respective ch'ns, and we turned a
complete somersault Into the little pen behind
us, wherein were stored , many men's hats and
piles of umbrellas.
"In the excitement our extraordinary disap
pearance passed unnoticed except by a few.
We were scared to deatb, and we lay still
among the bats and umbrellas for fire minutes
before we dared to move. When we did crawl
out 1 ws conscious of having put my foot
through a half dozen silk hats."
Pledses Itself to Prohibition nnd Calls It
Treason Not to Let Women Vote.
Mountain Lake Pare, Ms., July 23. Tho
W. C. T. U. inter-State conference closed its
five days' session last evening. The day was
given to reports, election of officers and other
conference business. The resolutions are
very stalwart They declare for abstinence
and prohibition, denonnce all license as crim
inal and thoso who favor license as parties or
partakers of the crimes that flow out of the
saloon; demand one standard of morals for
men and women; declare It worse than treason
to withhold the power of the ballot from the
virtuous and Intelligent women of the home
and lodge It with the vice and Ignorance of the
saloon for home's destruction; Lid God-speed
to the pirty that stinds wlfh" them against the
sMoon and bears tllrbanner: "For God and
Homo and Native Lsjnd:" and finally recognize
in recent apparent reverses sure omens of vic
tory for prohibition. The following officers
were elected for the coining year:
President Mrs. C. BBncl. of Chicago.
Vice Pre&ldentt Mi. T. W. ludor, Balti
more; Mrs. Jane A. Jolnson, Parkersburg, W.
Va.: Miss MattieMcCotneILMcKeesport;Mrs.
M. It Pinkhnuser, Harrisonburg, Va.
Secretary Mrs. Jennie. McClurkin, Honey's
Point W. Va. 1
Treasurer Mrs. L. J. Clcil, Baltimore.
The Executive Committee will continue in
session over to-morrow, planning and devising
larger imngs lor toe next annual comerence.
A Philadelphia Animal Sihrvlne to Death
for Want of Thf m.
Philadelphia, July 23. JJlarge sloth from
the West Indies, which was recently added to
the Zoological Garden's collection. Is in danger
of sui-ving to deatb for lack 'of its natural
food. In its native wilds It lives on insects,
which it collects by rolling aboutUn the under
growth and then llcklne them but of lu stiff
coat The Zoo people have be$n unable to
supply, artificially, enough bugs! tor the lazy
but hungry animal and have tried (to cultivate
IU taste for food more easily obtained, butjhe
beast does not take kindly to It )
But one of the keepers got ah idea to save
the sloth. He suggested that hotel 'and lodging
honse keepers be asked to collect sotne barrels
of live roaches. They have got sdme small
quantities in this way. but It Ukek a good
many bugs to keep the sloth on gqod terms
with blmseii ana me management oiitne car
dens will try to enlist more people In She work
of collecting nousenoiu vermin.
Hrmen's Torch at TIflln.
Tiffin, 0 July 23. At Carey this evening
occurred a pleasant double wedding. I Miss
Mary H. Webber was united to ReviJ. F.
Kaghoe, pastor of the Lutheran Churoh at
Upper Sandusky, and Miss Amelia C. Webber
and Mr. Louis Kinsley were also joined In wed
lock, Rev. A. Sbafer, of leipsic, D., officiating.
A Clew to mis luentity.
From the Washington Post:
There Js a man in Kansas City who has bee:
sound asleep for more than three weeks. We
suspect be Is one of the detectives who are out
looking for the Cronln murderers.
Grorae J. Korrlsb.
Georre J. Morrtsb, a former well-known resi
dent of Allegheny City, died at Grand Crossing,
lit, on Monday, of paraly!s.
Mr. X orrish had been for zf years or more one of
the best residents of lower Allegheny. He wis
for a Ions; time a clerk at the old Superior Kill
Mill, at buperior station, and was afterward In
the employ of Fred. Gwlnner, the railroad coni
tractor, lie was In his Md year and leaves three
sons and two daughters, all grown. Mr. ftorriih
wasaKnlcntTesipUrand one of the best mem
hen In Allt.rhenT. The-funeral will tifc nln
from the residence of his son, JohhC if orrish, of I
AllfrhHT, to-morrow afternoon; ; j
v j f i sa Ja ss
- a
J . " . ' . V. -'. w t - ' acasssw-"
A 14-Foot Serpent Loose in the Hold ef
It Steamship.
New York, July 23. When tho National
Line steamship Denmark arrived from London
to day Captain RIgby made tho statement that
a venomous python, measuring 11 feet, was
loose in the hold of bis ship. The captain said
that, to tho best of bis knowledge and belief,
the python was ensconced in a little room off
of the engine room, and that with the excep
tion of a wriggle, had been quietly sleeping
since the vessel left London on July 4.
Among the general merchandise placed on
board while the Denmark lay at anchor in Lon
don were 42 long-eared docile donkeys, several
bloodhound and foxhounds; 42 boxes of cnrlos
and several large cages of snakes consigned to
Frank J. Thompson for tho Central Park men
agerie. The enakes were sent by Charles Jaui
roch. a dealer in animals in London, and the
cases In which they were placed appeared to bo
strong. They were placed In the starboard sido
of the steerage. Just forward of the engine
room and so arranged that food could be thrown
Into them easily.
Food enough to last the reptiles a day or two
was thrown into their cages. On the day after
the Denmark sailed one of the crew happened
to go to the place where the snakes' cages
were. An instant later his cries of alarm
aroused the ship. The long cago that had con
tained the big python was emptr. The snake
was looso somewhere on the ship. AH hands
scurried about armed with every conceivable
weapon, ready to defend themselves against
the python should he jump at them from a
dark comer. Then a ruse to capture him was
arranged. The warmth of a little room in the
bold attracted the python, and he wriggled laz
ily Into the room and was promptly locked In
to spend the voyage as he chose
At 10.30 o'clock tbe'Denmark came up to her
dock at pier No. 30, North river. A number of
professional snake catchers were on tho p'er
waiting to go Into the hold to capture the huge
reptile, and an hour alter the ship was tied up
they had bagged bis snakeshlp.
Boston Landlords Dltcustrd With tho Work
Ings of tho New Law.
Boston. July 23. The new high-license law
has now been in operatIoubearly three months,
and far from decreasing the amount of drink
ing, it seems to navo increased it The fortu
nate holders of licenses are doing an unprece
dented business, and they, of course, vote the
law a success. Nearly all the places which were
closed have remained untenanted, and in the
windows are displayed placards of 'To be Let"
Whole rows of places on Harrison arenne and
North and Cambridge streets present a dreary
sight with shutters up and curtains down.
Some of the old saloons have not yet been dis
robed of the paraphernalia, bnt these are cases
where a lease has not yet transpired, and the
owner prefers to keep his stock in storage for a
convenient opportunity to dispose of It.
It is estimated that property owners hive lost
many thousands of dollars by. the enforced
closing of the saloons and their failure to relet
them for any other kind ot business. Where a
property owner was formerly getting J100 per
month from his saloon tenant, he cinnot In
some cases now obtain an offer of $23 from peo
ple In other trades. A talk with a number of
these owners showed them to be Intensely
angry at the present situation, which deprived
them of a large portion of their income. They
denounced the new law, and one of them said:
"Something will drop before long. Saloon
keepers who failed to obtain licenses are get
ting up a strong organization. 'Lay low' is
their motto now, and when the proper time for
action comes you will hear from them in an en
ergetic manner."
Those Who Were Too Eager to Getlnto Ok
Inboma Are In a Bad Way.
Kansas Cut, July 23. A snecial from
Guthrie, Oklahoma, says: The decision of the
Land Office ousting the "sooners," as those
who entered Oklahoma before noon of April 22
are called, is causing excitement throughout
Oklahoma as fast as the news spreads.
Two hundred men were in line yesterday
morning waiting for the Land Office to open, a
large majority waiting to file on claims already
entered by men supposed to have been in the
territory before noon of April 22, and which tbe
decision declares are not entitled to bold
claims. The effect of the decision will be felt
everywhere throughout the territory, and end
less trouble seems in store. It is thought by
many that In equity the same ruling must ap
ply to town lots, when 600 or TOO persons fn
Qnthrie alone will be affected. If It does not
then, when other parts of the Indian Territory
are opened, whole cities may be expected to
spring up before the opening day.
A Fine of 83,000 and Costs Most bo Paid
by an American Fisher.
Ottawa, July 23. The Government has had
under consideration a petition of the solicitors
of the owner of the United SUtes fishing ves
sel Mattie Wlnshlp, recently seized off Sydney,
C. B, for Illegal fishing, praying for a settle
ment of the case, and the Governor General
has approved of the recommendation of the
Minister of Fisheries thatupon tbe payment of
2,000 to the Crown,and a further sum sufficient
to cover all legal and other expenses Incurred
in connection with the seizure and custody of
the Mattie WiDshlp up to the date of her being
handed over to the owner or his agent that the
vessel be released and all proceedings in the
court of the vice admiralty be discontinued.
Wnstmorelnnd Democrats.
GitEENSBtmo, July 23. The Democrats met
here In convention this afternoon, and Silas A.
Kline was unanimously chosen Chairman of
the County Committee. B. F. Voelo was
elected a member of the State Central Commit
tee and the following gentlemen were chosen
delegates to tbe Stato Convention: M. C. Gor
don, of Irwin; John W. Allsbouse. of Adams
bnrg: W. S. Robinson, of North Huntington:
W. S. Wertzell, of Jeannette; Oliver Porter, of
Rostrover; E. W. Keenan, of Latrohe: John P.
Brennen, of Bcottdalc. and James L. Foner, of
Derry. O. R. Snyder was elected Secretary of
tbe Committee.
Mrs. Samuel, Crossland, who lives just
across the river from Broadford, Pa., had her
arm broken on Saturday in a rather peculiar
manner. She was engaged about her usual
duties when a largo toad, which has a fashion
of making himself familiar about the premises,
crossed tho doorsill and came hopping toward
ber. She paid no attention to it and it was not
till it was quite near her that she noticed a
huge blacksnake which was pursuing it Mnch
frightened she turned to run into another
room and falling sustained the accident men
tioned. The snake was killed by the male in
mates of tbe house.
A Carlisle young lady with not very good
sight picked up a lire bee in mistake for a
blackberry, and has consented to wear eye
glasses. ' At Knoxville, Tioga county, several days
ago, a couple of pugilists engaged in an en
counter with the sister of one of them as
referee. An inoffensive citizen endeavored to
Lstop the fight and was severely cuffed by the
A GENTLEMAN who has lately visited the
Indian graves near Romney, W. Va., says: At
the bottom of one of these graves we found a
pot made of clay, about 22 Inches in diameter
by 9 inches deep, tbe sides of which were of
elaborate ornamentation, the principal being a
carved face abont every six inches around tbe
top. In tbe pot was the upper shell of a turtle,
jaw bono of a squirrel and several clam shells
evidences oC food placed In the grave for use
in the journey to "the happy hunting grounds."
The craves were scattered over a space of
about 10 acres, and are on what is called the
Islandfarm, which consisu of about 90 acres.
The owner thinks the entire island was a bury
ing ground.
Miss Flora Hard, of Medina county, Ohio,
Is actively boomed for County Treasurer.
At Shlcksbinny a couple of nights ago .a
small ' "electric bug" entered the house of
Charles Miller. Mr. and Mis. Miller and a Mr.
ri..ttflr- who was nresent tried to onst It.
'.(Thereupon it "paralyzed them," as they de
scribed the sensation. A little whitish powder
Was all that daylight revealed of the identity
61 tbe magnetic visitor.
"THERE was a. pet coon in Philadelphia on
Saturday, perched on the shoulder of a young
latly. evidently a stranger, who stood at Eighth
and Chestnut streeM for some minutes, waiting
foia car, quite heedless of the crowd that
gathered round ber, while the pet, held captive
by 1 chain and golden padlock, frisked all
.a ner corsage.
POCKETBOOK made Of rattlesnake hide.
la so repulsive to ladies that they won't
It, It bavlsg quite a sale among married
f 'VISBV.tiBS '
A Strango Superstition of Very Ancient
' Origin Human Glances That Aro Be
lleved to bo Fatal Supposed Sorcerers
Cruelly Paalslird.
Strange beliefs grow one out of tho other by
a sort of evolution. We are too incredulous In
this ago to be, deceived by any of the wild
notions which ware prevalent in our forefathers
times. After all, however, we aro not much less
credulous than were they. The numerous hal
lucinations that lead us astray by falsely al
leging a foundation in science are davelopmenU
of former credulities. The prevalent craze con
cerning various phases of hypnotism and mes
merism had their predecessors in the wide
spread notions, far from extinct, concerning
the "evil eye." These have had an existence
everywhere," and a name for such a manifesta
tion of ocular power exists in every tongue.
We derive some of our harmless words from
these names. Tno Greek "baskalns" give? us
tbe verb "to bask," as well as tbo noun "basi
lisk," the name or the famous animal whose
glance would destroy. No HI meaning at
taches to the modern verb "to fascinate." al
though iu root, the Latin "fascinare," meant
"to bewitch." Wb are not wont to associate
any especial evil, as do tne Russians, with a
"black' eye," and our most ominous word to
denote tbls dangerous power is that used in
Ireland, "to oye bite."
A Carloui Superstition.
Our forefathers believed firmly enough in the
thing Itself, however. As far backj as we are
able to pierce through the obscurity of an
tiquity we flud abundant evidences of this
strange belief. Chaldean conjurations against
the power of tho evil eye are still in existence.
An Assyrian incantation ot the seventh cen
tury H. C. against a sorcerer represcrts the
glance of tbe evil eye as most dangerous to
man. Various Egyptian papyri refer to this
fatal power, and formufm aro given to preserve
one from its effects. Vedaic hymns recito
prayers to Aqula against the sorcerer, with his
baleful glance, and there was a formula In an
old Hindoo marriage ceremony recited by the
groom against tbo possible evil effect from the
glances of the bride. Among the curious laws
f;overnlng the Brahmin is one tbat in satisfy
ng the wants of nature he must not look at
tbe sun. moon, stars or planets, nor at a temple.
a statue, a sacred tree or cow, for his glance
would then be harmful to any of these. The
Persian sacred books are full of tbe subject
A man of evil Ufa is here deemed able to ar
rest the growth of plants and the current of
living water, or to deaden the ripening fruits.
mentioned in tho Bible. ;
An allusion to this deadly power is found in
Ecclesiastes xlv. Various ancient writers give
accounts of people who possessed this power to
a wonderful extent The cases of Medea and
of the Gorgons will recur to every one. Pliny
speaks especially of the Scythian and Blyrtan
women. Ovid, Plutarch, Horace, Herodotus,
and other classical writers frequently allude to
It St Mark puts an allusion to the evil eye
in the mouth of Christ and St Paul alludes to
it in the epistle to the Galatians. The early
fathers of the church reason much about it
with the result of leaving the matter in great
confusion, but none of tbem question tbis
power. They usually ascribe to tbe Deity the
source of this great influence, but later writers
assign It to the malevolence of Satan. Chil
dren, handsome people, and the aged were de
clared particularly subject to harm from this
source. "For there are some." says one of
these writers, "wbo Have eyes so brilliant and
full of fire that with asinglo glance they infect
others, and particularly children, the venom or
fascination acting upon them by reason of tho
Eerverse or malign quality and dangerous
umor of the infecting eye of the sorcerer
wuich enters the sympathetic pupil of the
child's eye."
A Sorcerer Stoned to Den)u
In France this wild superstition existed from
the earliest times. Tbe inhabitants of certain
districts, as Beam and Landes, were par
ticularly regarded askance as possessing the
fatal evil glance. A Bearnese sorcerer was
stoned to death In 161S because he made two
young girls ill by his malign looks. Soma
suppose It a compact with Satan, while others
regard the possession of this power as a
natural result of evil and; corrupt tendencies
in the heart of tbe sorcerer. Few of the
writers of the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries
were bold enough to deny the thing altogether.
Some attribute lu effects entirely to the
imagination, others think there is present an
actual fluid passing from eye to eye. Some
times it Is declared tbat tbe will of the
operator was not concerned at all. and tbat
these evil emanations even proceed from tbe
body of the unfortunate sorcerer without bis
consent Old women, as usual In these matters
during the dark- ages, bad to bear the prin
cipal burden of accusation. Whenever anyone
died suddenly or was taken seriously ill of a
malady unknown to the physician sorcery
was at once inferred, and many innocent
persons suffered from the imputation as to the
supposed effects of their evil glances.
Horrible Cruellies Practiced.
Some noted cases are Interesting and may be
cited as occurring during the present enlight
ened century. In 1S23, near a town called Dax,
in the department of Landes, a young wife fell
ill of some unknown malady, and a "wise man"
on being called attributed her illness to the ef
fects of tbe evil glances of a certain young
woman, ber most intimate friend. The husband
and brother of the invalid concluded to test tho
matter, and, decoying the suspected wotnan
into the bouse under the pretense of wanting a
nurse, they charged ber with having caused her
friend's illness and demanded tbat sbe at once
undo her work. In spite of her denials tbey
kindled a fire and roasted her over it in a hor
rible manner until she finally acknowledged
her agency in causing the disease.and promised
to remedy it She was then, at 2 o'clock in tbo
morning, led Into a dense forest and turned
adrift. Some peasants found her. and her in
human persecutors were afterward broucht to
trial, but the witnesses called all declared their
belief .in the guilt of the accused, and swore
that the invalid becan to mend from the mo
ment of tbe exacted confession.
Tho Belief Still Prevalent.
Afte? tbe experience uf Mesmer this belief
In the fatal power of certain persons increased,
and a scene similar to that just related oc
curred in the upper Pyrenees, wbero a couple
tormented an old woman by burning to force
her to confess to having "bewitched" the wife.
This time tbo victim died of her injuries, bnt
the court inflicted a light punishment finding
"extenuating circumsunces." In Italy the be
lief in tho "jettatura" at tho present day Is
almost universal. A charm isfrequentlyworn,
conisting of a coral band, having the two
middle Angers and tbe thumb closed. Tbe last
King of Naples was in great terror of the evil
ee, and habitually carried his hind with only
the Index and list finger open. There is a very
common proverb in use in Tuscany: "For pity's
sake, don't harm him with the evil eye." In
Naples a blue eye and a paloskiu indicate tbe
A Quiet Little Wedding Celebrated In Alle
ghrny Yesterday.
A qniet bnt elegant w 'ding, the occasion
being the marriage of Miss Dena Israel, of
Allegheny, to Mr. .Levi Katten, of Portland,
Ore- was celebrated at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, at the residence or tbe bride's
father, Jlr. Levi Israel, Washington avenue.
Tho ceremony was performed in tho parlor,
nhlch was resplendent with its array of beauti
ful gift. Banks of flowers and flowing smilax
lent their beauty to the scene. The bride was
dressed m a becoming traveling suit of gray,
with hat to match. She left on tbe evening
train for her future homa in the West
Fnnnter Tbnn a Circus.
From the Philadelphia Bulletin. J
It would be amusing to see RIddleberger
start a prphibition movement in Virginia for
the purpose of embarrassing his former friends.
But RIddleberger always bad a penchant for
the incongruous.
No Means l'erfrct.
From tbe Baltimore American.
A self-made man isn't always a well-made
0 Motber-My-Lov e, if you'll give me your hand
And go where I ask yon to wander,
1 will lead you away to a beautiful land
Tbe dreamland that's waiting out yonder.
We'll walk In a sweet-posle garden out there
Vt here moonlight and surllght are streaming,
And the flowers and the birds are filling tbe sir
With tbe fragrance and music of dreaming.
There'll be no little, tired-out boy to undress,
No questions or cares to perplex yoa;
There'll be no little brnlseaor bumps to caress,
Nor patching or stockings to vex yott.
For I'll rock you away on a sirret-aew stream.
And sing you asleep when you're weary.
And no one shall know of our beautiful dream
But you and your own Utile dearie.
And when I am tired I'll nettle my bead
In the bosom that's soothed me so often.
And the wide-awake stars shall sing In my stead
A song wbleh our dreaming shall soften.
So, Mother-My-ove, let me Uko your dear hand,
And away through the surllght we'll wander
Away through tli5filit tolhd beautiful land
The Dreamland tilt's waiting out yonder!
v--& A'ufcn U14 to Chicago Jicwt.
i A
nnntlDgton ftlahloc Great Sales.
New York, July 23. Mr. C. P. Huntington
made the following statement to-day: "I have
sold 100,000 shared of Chesapeake and Ohio
comhon stock to Speyer & Co. for $2,500,000.
Other parties are now trying to buy lOOtOOO
shares more from me. I expect in time to sell
all my lnteresU on. the east side of tbe Missis
sippi, because my interests west of tbe river
are so large that they will take up all my time.
I do not however, Intend to sell my interesu
at Newport News, at present I am building
there tbe largest shipyards in America."
Wedded to nn Illinois Bishop.
Old Trinity Church was the scene of a quiet
wedding at 10 o'clock this morning. The prin
cipals were Mrs. Harriet Atwood Aymar, of
Jersey City, and Bishop George Franklin Sey
mour, of Springfield, III. Right Rev. Bishop
Potter, assisted by Dr. Dix, performed tbe
ceremony. While before the altar, the bride
stood beside her white-haired spouse attired in
traveling costume.
A Bnd Gang Overhauled.
The police have justcaught six members of a
gang of young flat robbers who have stolen
thousands of dollars' worth of property from
uptown flats in the last ten months. Charles
Ferguson, 18 years old, and Edward Ryan, 20
years old, were captured by detectives last
night in a pawnshop where tbey were selling
the jewelry, clothes and pictures- they had
stolen. Early this morning Edward Herriman,
16 years old, tbe pal of "Red" Hickey, leader of
the gang, was caught in tbe act of climbing out
of a cellar window. The police tied a clothes
line around Herrlman's waist so that he
couldn't run away from them, and at the
muzzle of a revolver compelled him to show
them the dive where "Red" Hickey lived and
laid bis plans for bis gang. The leader was
surprised in bed, and was handcuffed before he
could get his revolver. Two of his pals were
caught at the same time. The modus operandi
of Hickey was to visit a flat as a bdok agent
If the flat was occupied he tried to sell his
book. If unoccupied he went through It by
means of skeleton keys.
Miss Caldwell and Her Prince
Messrs. Eugene Kelly and C. M. Fry have re
ceived open letters from Mrs. M. L. Donelly
and her niece, Miss Mary G. Caldwell, who are
now in Paris, giving the circumstances con
nected with Miss Caldwell's enga'gement to
Prince Murat The young lady assures her
guardians that they would admire the Prince if
tbey could only see him. Prince Murat ac
cording to Mrs. Donelly's, Inventory, was born
in America, his mother being a MissFazer, of
Charleston, S. C. He Is 51 years old, a widower,
and so far as could be learned, had no debts.
Prince Murat Is a General In tbe French army.
Miss Caldwell says she Is very happy, and Is
"rejoicing at tho prospect of having someone
to take care of her." Miss Caldwell, in her
letter, asks ber guardians to be present at the
wedding, which will take place In Paris.
A Vet Commits Suicide.
HughCullum, a vet of the lata war, S3 years
old, hanged himself at daybreak to-day. Last
May, when Tammany got control of the De
partment of Public Works, Cullum, who was a
Tammany Democrat was appointed assistant
laborer, at $2 per day. On bis first pay day,
the timekeeper ot his gang demanded 50 cents
each from the men. Cullum refused to pay tbe
assessment hut was persuaded, after some
argument to yield. He paid the next time,
too, but on the third pay day refused to submit
to tbe extortion. On July 1 he was discharged.
He refused to demand an investigation, as his
G. A. R. comrades wl3hed him to do. He was
nnable to find work, and became discouraged.
An official investigation of Cullum's case has
been begun at City Halt
War on the Little German Bands.
Mayor Grant has listened to tbe many recent
protests against the little German bands. To
day he transmitted to tbe Board of Aldermen
an ordinance prohibiting all playing of musical
instruments in tbe streeU by persons wbo so
licit money. Tbe motion to adopt the ordinance
was lost by a vote of 13 to 13. Eventually the
whole matter was referred to the Law Commit
tee. Five Men to Hang on the Snme Day.
Charles Giblln and Ferdinand Carolinl were
to-day sentenced to bo hanged on next
August 23. Giblln shot down Madeline Goetz,
because sbe interfered In a row between him
and her husband over a counterfeit to bill.
CaroIIni murdered his wife. Both men were
convicted in tbe lower courts of murder In tbe
first degree, but both appealed and both were
aeain convicted. When Carolinl was brought
to tbe bar to-day, he said in broken English:
"I am a poor man and I am innocent I tell
yon now, it is a shame. A poor man does not
get any justice In tbis country." Giblln also
incoherently asserted his innocence. Alto
gether, five men who murdered will be hanged
on August 23. Beside CaroIIni and Giblln, they
are John Lewis, James Nolan and Patrick
Civil fiervlco In a Chlneso Drama.
At the Windsor Theater this evening the
Seventeen Lok Chinese actors played "A Mys
terious Document" in which was a regular
civil service examination, held by the Em
peror's most trusted officer, the Premier, and
participated in by tbe talented sons of the em
pire. Si Tai Pob, a young rural student hap
pened to be tbe most talented youth of the
assembly, but being too honest to use bribery,
did not get tbe much-coveted degree. After
several years, when the Government got Into
trouble, the only man that wis able to save It
was tbis same SI Tal Pob. His ability was
made known to the Emperor, and SI Tal Poh
was brought to court Tbe Emperor asked tbe
Premier why such talent had gone unnoticed,
and SI Tai Poh told His Majesty the reasons.
The Emperor ordered the Premier to become
Si Tal Poh's valet while the latter was made
He Tries to Demolish Ills New Son-In-Law,
.-but Doesn't Do If.
Charlotte. N. C, July 23. News of a very
romantic marriage In Washington county is re
ceived hero to-night. Last night about 12
o'clock a young man by tha name of Benjamin
Hill stole the daughter of John Roberts and
made quick to a magistrate, who arose from
bi bed and made tbe two man and wire. Tbe
two started on their way home joyfully, but
after going only half a mile, they were con
fronted by the girl's raving father, who was on
the limit for his runaway daughter. Tho old
man flew into a towering passion when In
formed tbat his daughter was then Mrs. H1IL
A bard fight between father, daughter and
son-in-law followed.
The flcbt however, soon came to a sudden
end by the younc son-in law poking his pistol
in the. face of his mad father-in-law. Tha old
man swore out a warrant against bis new son-in-law,
and he has been bound over to tbe
Criminal Conrt
The Committee's Headquarters Philadel
phia and Two Years Work on Hand.
Cape Mat, N. J.. July 23. The Committee
on Correction and Charities held a two hours'
session at the Stockton Hotel to-day. and then
adjourned to meet at the call of tbe Chairman.
Tbey will open an offico in Philadelphia Imme
diately. Only plans were talked over and laid
out for future business. Tbe business cannot
be completed within two years.
A Child Expounding the Scriptures.
From the New York Tribune.
A popular physician, of Brooklyn, has a little
girl who expounded tbe Scriptures to him in
tbe followingremarkablemanncrwblle reciting
ber Sunday school lesson' on Friday night:
"The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want
He makcth me to He (hesitatingly). Ha maketh
me to He and do loU of other things."
Charleston's Troublesome Residents.
From the Chicago Tlmes.1
The decent people of Charleston. S. C,
haven't quite made up tbeir minds as to which
they wish to get rid of most the symptoms of
another earthquake or the murderer of Cap
tain Dawson. At last accounts both were still
In town.
Couldn't Blasae Tbem If Tbey Did.
From the Louisville Courler-JonrnaLI
The Czar's cousin writes original poetry. The,
oppressed RusstaM will certainly rad before
kf I .. ' - I -J , J BAfbM Amfltf.i
rt ,. I t - Ji. j- '--- T-" - .-. v '
i i
At Cambridge, Mass., three theological
stndents captured a burglar who was attempt
ing to rob a preacher's houfe.
The jokes about the-wilderness in tha
enlarged city of Chicago aro not without
foundation in fact, if an article in a recent
Issue of a paper of that citv tells tbe t truth.
Tbese are the headlines: "Huntins in Chicago.
Universal Sporting Facilities. Right within
the city limiu and a few hours' nde beyond are
some of tbe finest opportunities for rod ana
The other day a Belfast, Me., man was -going
about the city with a tarantula in his
vest pocket asking people what it was. Tho '
tarantnla was found In a bunch of bananas,
and bad been chloroformed, else the result
might have been different. It is said that there
are native tarantulas In Beirast nearly as
largo as tbe Western spider, and closely re
sembling it
The only bouse ever built by George
Washington at the capital city of tha nation is
still standing in Washington City. It was
originally a three-story brick, but when ths
street on which it stands was graded, two mors
stories were added, making it a flve-tory build
ing, vhlch Is now used for a rote!. Some of
rooms are pretty much In tbe same condition
as they were when occupied by Washington In .
1792. A few old pieces of furniture are said to
be still secreted about the house.
Miss Jennie Slack, aged 16 years, re
siding in tbe blue grass region of Iowa.near VU
lisca, has this season planted and cultivated 93
acres of corn, besides milking six cows night and
morning and helping in other work about tha
farm and household. The corn 13 in splendid
condition for n big crop, and tbe young ladr '
who raised it is said to be fine looking, intelli
gent, and none the worso for tho bard work hS
has dona for her Invalid father, who was unable
to pay a hired hand or do it himself.
A decidedly unique affair occurred at
tbe Avon Beach Hotel, Bath Beach, L. I on
Saturday night a blazer hop, which means
tbat the gay cavaliers stopping here donned
their tennis clothes and sailed boldly into tha
ball-room without fear of being politely re
minded that gentlemen without dress suits will
please retire from tbe floor. The sight of tbe
spacious ball-room full of animated dancers
clad in all the prime colors of the rainbow and
a few others was at once pretty and odd.
The town of Newcastle, Eng., has re
cently been in a stato of great excitement
through the visit of "Dr. Sequab," a "prairie
flower" medicine man. He was there for three
weeks, and it is estimated tbat ba sold $10,0CU
worth of medicine. At his farewelUn the largest
ball In tho city, the attendance was enormous
and when be went out a crowd or men seized I
the vehicle containing bis band and bis Indians, i
and led It through the streets, headed by a 1
workman wbo bad regained the use of his (.
limbs by Dr. Sequah's treatment
The highest bird's nest in Atlanta is in
thedomeof the new capltol. It was built by
two enterprising English sparrows, wbo bare
batched a brood of five small birds. The nest
is built where several Iron rafters cross, and is
near to one of the open windows. Wben this
Is closed they search all over the dome for a
place of egress, and sometimes are compelled
to find their way to the bottom of the dome
and fly through the open transom. Tbe nest Is
built where no one can molest It and tbe lira
little birds bare been raised in perfect se
curity. Two Santa Cruz (Cal.) fishermen re
cently caught a basking shark between 30 and
35 feet long in their net. Fighting furiously to
get free, the flsh only wrapped btmself tighter
in the folds of the net The fishermen let him
alone until he drowned himself, and, with the
assistance of seven boats, polled him Into tbe
bay. Tbe baskingsharks are not man-eaters,
and are not at all dangerous. This one weighed
about two tons. The liver of this species 13
about one-third of the whole fish, and tbe
amount of oil fried out of iu liver was between
100 4nd 150 gallons.
It has, perhaps, never been known until
Friday last tbat tbe fish is liable to at least one
of the ills which have been generally thought
that human flesh alone is heir to and tbat is
the tapeworm. Tbls rather slgularinfurmation
is vouched tor by Mr. II. A. Selm. or Baltimore,
who states that while his servant was cleaning
some mullets, she noticed something tbat
wricgled in one or them Use a worm- Ine at
tention ot Mrs. Seim was called to the wriggler;
she took it out and sent to Dr. William B.
Rider, tor investigation. The latter examined,
tbe worm, and pronounced it a genuine tape
worm. He has tha worm now in alcohol.
The largest muscaionge ever taken
there was caught at 8 wanton. Mass., last week
by Carl Roberts, Clauoa Sowles and Lewis
Suter while trolling above the dam. It took
Roberts' spoon near the core above tha Iron
railroad bridge, and it took all three to haul
him in. Just as he was landed on shore ,hs
broke the gang ot hooks and wonld bare es
caped, but Louis Suter couldn't think ot losing ,
such a prize, and quick as an athlete he leaped
upon tbe buck or the 24-pound flsh (Tor such It
proved to be) and alter a terrible tussle, in
which ho was badly batten and a new suit of
clothes ruined, he succeeded in overpowering
the fish, which is four feet long and as hand
some as any trout
Prof. Sayce, who spent last winter in
Egypt Investigating some newly discovered
archives, says that from these records we learn
tbat more than 1.400 years before Christ and a
century before tbe exodus of the Jews from
Egypt there was active literary intercourse be
tween Babylon. Egypt Palestine, Syria, Meso
potamia and Eastern Cappadocia. This Inter
course was carried on through the Babylonian
language and the complicated Babylonian
script showing that all over tha civilized Ease
there must have been libraries and schools
where this language and literature were
taught Babylonian at tbat time must have
been as much tbe language of diplomacy and
cultivated society as French in our day.
The citizens of "Warrick county, Ind.,
have been in a state of excitement for three
weeks over the appearance of a monster snake
in the fields and woods of Madison township.
All efforts lo kill It or drive it away from the
neighborhood proved ineffectual until Montlav.
wben Jacob Jones espied it leisurely crawling;
under his barn. He at once seized a heavy
crowbar and gave it battle. At tho opportune
moment wben the snake could not present its
bead to him in its own defense, be struck it
across the back with the iron crowbar and
paralyzed it It was but the work of a few
momenu to finish It It measured 22 feet 10J.f
Inches long and was IS inches in cirenmfereuce
four feet from tbe head. It is supposed to be
an anaconda tbat escaped from a menagerie.
The Bev. Primrose Your mother doesn't
seem as fond of you as she might be. Llttla
Johnnie No, sir. blie says If it hadn't been lor
raesbe'dbave had sister marrwd years ago.
Harper's Bazar.
Bessie "I met Miss Shapelv out shop
ping to-day, and I never before realized what a
loud voice she has." Jennie "But you most
remember, mv dear, thit sho was asking for a
pair or Ho. t shoes." Harper t Bazar.
Undertaker What kind of trimmings
will you have on the casket?
Widow None whatever. A plain casket It
was trlmmlns that killed him,
U.-Vt hat?
W. Yes. Delirium trlmmlns. .Boston CourUr.
No foolisher man in the world e'er was bom
Than be who'd drown trouble by taking a horn.
If when be Is sober he has too much trouble
Be surely can't lessen It when ho sees double.
Uoiton Courier.
Not All Wrong. Aspiring Author
Wasn't there anything ln'the letters 1 sent yoa
that you could user
Practical Editor Yes: tbe s'amps you Inclosed
for their return we used, but there was nothing
else available. Omaha World-Herald.
A little knot of gentlemen seated in 'ront
orthe Arlington last evening were dbcisilng'
literary matters.
"By the way. Senator," said one, "what book
do you think has helped you most?"
"Um-so well, 1 guess maybe the pocket
book." Washington Pott.
"Pa," said the sweet girl graduate to her
s.Irc "didn't I understand you to say that yon bad
a new electric plant In your business block?"
ra-"Yes, dear." Hweet O. O. "Wuat do yon.
rals on such a plant?" !" Tha elevator."
VMladilphla Press.
College Student "Professor, can I go
borne to-day? My poor, kind-hearted grand
mother has Just died."
rroftssor "Cerulnly, sir; only remember that
your pool, kind-hearted grandmother has died no
less than four times this year, and your repuU
tlon for veracity will suffer unless yoa see ber put
nndcr the ground this time." Kearney (A.)
I saw her strolliug bv the sea,
A sweet a shy and winsome mlts.
And ss sbe slyly glanced at me,
1 threw her stealthily a kiss.
She looked around tbe winsome miss
No prying eyes were there to see;
Responding to my waned kiss,
' Hue waved ber handkerchief to me.
We're married. She's no more amiss
, AndortlUkmyieiringrSof!
Why did 1 Hirow that f:ai kiss? .
Why did sbe wave bee handkerchief? .
- ., i JSit9 dntrttr, i