Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 24, 1889, Image 1

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    'W ' . s;." ,j ,. v -;j."- '
K'asa cood article to sell, and who adver-
JjjVSgironsly and liberally. Advertising i3
ry-"JHfe of trade. All enterprising and
tisers succeed.
. . . .fcr ,w - j.-- jw ' "
m-L, Advice to Summer Tourists. h VHl ra Klt Jw 1''' '
I Don't fall to notify The Dispatch office '.."" ' . K I ff 111 H I I I I I II
m- of your chance of location, and your paper g'v M ! WW'fvr ''xlv-
W will be forwarded to yon without extra charge. V -J' W W P
t A
St - . . . -
sis What Congressman Brower
I Calls His Contest for
the Speakership.
But a Fair Sample of That of All
Southern republicans.
Tue North Carolina Independent to be Snp
portcd by Ills Seventeen Southern lo
lillcal Brethren Colonel Dndler Sizes
TJp the Situntlon as a Bluff for Fntronnse
Treasury Officials Don't Believe In
btorles of Stolen Banknote Plates None
of the Vaults of the Department Ever
Fonnd Mobbed The Republican National
Committee to Furnish speaker for the
New felutes A Cadet Who Heslgns Can
not Recall IIIi Act nippolyte Again
Adranclnc on Legitime.
i Congressman Brower will stand as an In
dependent candidate for Speaker unless he
Is granted some Federal patronage in his
Ktate. Colonel Dudley intimates that this
,ls merely a new way to bulldoze. Treasury
officials do not believe many conterfeiters'
Washington', July 23. "I was aTJnion
man when it cost something to be a Union
man in the South," said Congressman
Brower to The Dispatch correspondent
to-day, and have been a Republican when
it was very unpopular to be a Republican.
I was elected to Congress in a district which
is hard to hold, and I think that I, as well as
other Republican Congressmen in the South,
have not been treated fairly. I have not
been given a single appointment I have
asked for in my district I asked particu
larly for the appointment of "White as post
master at Greensboro. White is one of the
influential Republicans of the district, and
was postmaster for 17 years. A few rela
tives and friends of Mrs. Settle, widow of
the late Judge Settle, want the place for
her, while White is indorsed by neatly
One Appointment Secured.
I "So appointment has yet been made, bat
I can't get "White. I can't get anybody.
Yes, I havi secured one appointment. I
got a constituent ol mine appointed a la
borer in the Agricultural Department A
lew of the Southern Congressmen have se
cured some minor positions for constituents,
but all the important appointments have
been influenced by others than Congress
men. "I don't understand it. It looks as
though the administration wished to crush
out the last vestige of white Republicanism
in the South. Yet, with all this, I don't
want to be misrepresented as I have been by
the assertion that I will
Go Orcrto the Democrats.
That I shall not do, nor wiil any of the
17 Southern Republicans. If things go on
as they are, we shall be independent Repub
licans in the next House. I or some other
Southern Republican will be an independ
r ent candidate for Speaker, and we will
block the organization of the House until
we get our full share of the employes and
officers, and we will after that stick together
on all questions of immediate interest to the
administration, for the purpose of securing
just recognition. "We don't demand any
thing except the same respect that is ac
corded to Northern Republicans.
Not Much of a Parliamentarian.
Mr. Brower is a little man, with very
dark complexion, black hair and full beard,
slightly grayed. He is interested particu
larly in the abolition of internal taxation,
and he explains his vote on the Mills bill
on that ground. He is a pleasing gentle
man to meet, but is not an orator, nor a
parliamentarian. If he expected to be
elected Speaker he would not be a candi
date, for he could not fill the position for
ten minutes duringa parliamentary wrangle,
and that he well knows.
- The kick is simply to secure recognition.
It will probably have that effect, and that
will be the end of it. The prime mover in
the matter is Tom Kehoe, the well-known
Korth Carolina boss, who is now in the city
l'nltlnc the Wires
which move Brower and other Southern Re
publicans. His presence is denied, but he
is stopping quietly at a downtown hotel,
and keeping out of sight.
The sentiment of Northern Republicans
in the city is generally with Brower, Kehoe,
Honk & Co. They say that the Southern
Republican Congressmen should dictate the
appointments in their districts, and that
Harrison has made a fearful botch of the
whole Southern business. On the other
hand, the President's immediate friends
assert that he found the Congressmen
simply bent on putting in creatures of their
own to insnre their re-election, and that he
is determined to put good men in office,
regardless of the consequences to himself or
the party.
These are the various sides to this row,
which has been distorted into every con
ceivable shape to get the administration
into hot water and keep it there. ,
Colonel Dudley was asked to-day what he
thought of the Brower scheme, and inti
mated that this was a new way of intimi
dating an administration into greater gen
erosity with the patronage.
Once Accepted There is No Power That Can
i Recall it.
f "Washington, July 23. Attorney Gen
feral Miller has just given an important
opinion in the case of a naval cadet who
tendered his resignation which was duly e
, cepted. The resignation was subsequently
regarded as withdrawn and the cadet was.
tent1 back to the academy. The Attorney
General isof opinion that the consent of the
Secretary of the Navy to the withdrawal
had no legal effect whatever. On the accep
tance of the resignation the cadet ceased to
be in the service.
Ex-Pennrlvnnians Consult With Quay nnd
Are Referred to Dudley.
"Washington, July 23. Some interest
ing details of the relation of the Republi
can National Committee to the coming
campaign In the new States has come to the
surface to-day. "W. H. Mendenhall, now
of Dakota, but originally of Pennsylvania,
came Bast recently on business and to visit
some friends in Pittsburg. Before he
started Mr. Mendenhall was requested by
General Harrison Allen, another old Penn
sylvanian and Chairman of the Republican
Committee of North Dakota, to consult
Senator Quay about the conduct of the
election there. Accordingly Mr. Menden
hall rode over to Philadelphia in the train
with Senator Quay on Saturday.returning to
Washington to-day. Mr. Mendenhall was
referred by Chairman Quay to Colonel
Dudley, of the National Executive Com
mittee, who has been given general charge
of the work of looking after the needs of
the Republicans in the new States until
after the elections.
Mr. Mendenhall has seen Colonel Dndley,
who says that the National Committee will
furnish all the speakers asked for in the
new States. The National Executive Com
mittee has sent one of its members, Henry
Payne, of Wisconsin, out to Montana, the
only one of the new States that can be con
sidered doubtful, to investigate the needs of
the party there. Mr. Payne is already at
work and will soon come East to report to
Chairman Quay and Colonel Dudley.
It Is Appointed by Noble to Look Into the
Re'Rntlncs of 12 Months.
Washington, July 23. Secretary No
ble has issued an order directing Dr.
George Ewing and H. L. Bruce, of the
Board of Pension Appeals and Judge
frank L. Campbell, of the Assistant Attor
ney General's office, Interior Department,
as a committee to forthwith enter upon an
investigation of all re-ratings of pensions,as
made by the Pension Bureau during the
last 12 months, and especially those of pen
sioners in the Government service, with a
view to ascertaining whether any such re
ratings have been made in violation of law.
The committee entered upon its duties this
The members of the commission have no
idea when tbey will finish their work. They
have instructions to make a thorough in
vestigation and report the facts to the Secre
tary without regard to who is hurt It is
understood that the scope ot their work will
be enlarged so as to include the matter of
making cases special. Commissioner Tan
ner has given instructions that the record of
each made special, with the names of the
attorneys in the cases, be prepared. It will
be submitted to the commission and they
can include that in their report if desired.
It is said that the Civil Service Commis
sioner is not satisfied with the present ad
ministration of the civil service law in the
pension office. Commissioner Roosevelt, it
is understood, will make a remonstrance
against the course that has been pursued.
nippolyte . When Last Hcnrd From Was
Advancing on Legitime.
Washington, July 23. The Navy
Department to-day received a report from
Admiral Gherardi, stationed at Port-au-Prince,
dated July 10, of the condition of
affairs on the island up to that t lme, which
was referred to the State Department for
its information. There was no mention of
any fighting. Admiral Gherardi states that
Hippolyte was (reported to be advancing
upon Port-au-Prince, and that upon the be
ginning of an attack a force of marines
would be landed from the United States
ship in the harbor to protect the American
representatives in the interest of the Amer
icans. The Admiral said Legitime had
appealed to the American minister to meet
Hippolyte and endeavor to arrange some
basis upon which the conflict between their
forces might be stopped. But whether or
not Mr. Thompson, the minister, had taken
any steps to carry out Legitime's wishes was
not stated.
Mr. Wharton, Acting Secretary of State,
said that if Mr. Thompson did any act in
the capacity of peacemaker, it would be as
an individual entirely and not as a repre
sentative of the United States, acting under
any authority of this Government, which
has all along declined to recognize either of
the factions in Hayti.
Treasury Odlctals Don't Believe All the
Counterfeiters Verns That Are Told.
Washington, July 23. Treasury of
ficials scout the idea that the counterfeit
bills with which the Nels-Driggs gang was
operating were printed from the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing. It is many years
now since a plate disappeared from the
vaults, and none has been lost since the
Issue of silver certificates began. As the
money with which the Driggs gang has
been flooding Ohio is $10 silver certificates,
it is quite cetain the bills were not printed
from stolen plates.
All the plates in the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing are kept in vaults, under
charge of three commissioners appointed by
Secretary of the Treasury, and when the
engravers or printers want'a plate they must
present a requisition therefor, signed by the
proper officers, and give a receipt All
plates are returned to the vaults in the even
ing. At the last examination of the vaults
held a few weeks ago all the plates were
found on hand.
Chief of the Secret H-rvIce Despite Few--drrlr's
Washington, July 23. It seems to be
pretty well settled that Thomas Furlong, of
St Louis, will be appointed Chief of the
Secret Service. Furlong is the Chief De
tective of the Missouri Pacific Rail
road system, and he has done
much in the organization of rail
road detective systems throughout
the West He was at the head of the
Missouri Pacific detectives during the great
strike on the Southwestern system, and he
was accused by the Knights of Labor of
being a party to a conspiracy to implicate
some of the leaders of the strike in a scheme
for tapping the Missouri Pacific telegraph
Powderly has made determined opposition
to Furlong, although strong influence has
been brought to bear on him in Furlong's
favor. His opposition seems now to have
been unavailing, for Congressman Frank,
of Missouri, who saw Secretary Windom
to-dav, came from the interview convinced
that Furlong would be appointed.
Distlncnlshed Chinamen Arrive.
San eancisco, July 23. The steamer
Belgic arrived from Hong Kong and Yoko
hama this morning. Among the passengers
were Li Ching Fong, son of Si Hung
Chanz. Chinese Premier, and Chew Shu
Yiu, Chinese Consul General at Cuba.
The Panhandle People Ready to Resist
Farther Coal Fleets It Will Take a
Los Raft to Knock Down
Tbclr Piles Now.
Steltbenville, July 23. The excite
ment still continues over yesterday's colli
sion between the coal fleet and the Panhan
dle's piles beneath the central span of the
Steubenville bridge. A steamboat captain
and pilot who witnessed the scene say that
it was sheer nonsense to say that it
was accidental on the part of the Ad
vance, as is claimed by them, as her inten
tions were plainly manifest to any riverman
from the way she was handled, and, further
more, that she is so powerful that with the
half tow she had sue could have held them
stationary in midstream or even backed
them, and that is true of both the Advance
nnd Pacific, between whom the tow was di
vided and the attack made..
To-day the railroad company are busily
engaged in driving piles in clusters, which
are to be firmly braced and fastened, the
large cluster ot 25 piles to be directly in the
channel, some distance above the bridge.
This will form the point of apex of an
arrow, along the lateral lines of which
other clusters, one of 16 and another of
seven, will extend on both sides. It is ex
pected that these will eSectually withstand
any attack by coal boats, but it is admitted
that rafts of logs might very probably
break them down. The reason that the
other piles were so easily demolished was
that tbey bad not been capped orfastened
It is interesting to recall what is very
likely not known or remembered by many,
viz.: That at the time of the original erec
tion of this bridge in 1863 a similar contest
and experience was had between the river
men and the bridge authorities,and log rafts
were used by the former with pronounced
-effect, notwithstanding which, however, the
bridge was built.
A telegram sent by the Associated Press
from Washington says such troubles are
frequent and the War Department takes no
notice of them unless tbey become too big
for the State authorities. The railroad
company's plans have been regularly and
legally approved. "The railroad people,"
says the dispatch, "will have to provide a
channel for the boats, or make terms with
the mermen which will permit work to be
done on the bridge until the piles can be
Large Districts of Philadelphia Wbere
Typhoid is Prevalent.
Philadelphia, July 23. At the meet
ing of the Board of Health to-day Port
Physician William H. Randle submitted a
report upon the excess of typhoid fever in
the Nineteenth and neighboring wards of
the city. "The sewerage of the Kensington
district," he says, "is, to draw it mildly, in
a bad condition. There are a very large
number of cesspools situated, of necessity,
in close proximity to the dwellings' and
wells, the germs of disease percolating the
earth and reaching the water. Many of
these cesspools have not been cleansed with
in the memory of some of the oldest in
habitants. "The drainage of the Kensington district is
accomplished in part by large sewers.
These sewers are the depository of filth,
offal of every description, contaminated
rags, saturated with pus from hospitals, etc.
This decomposed and noxious material is
carried through the sewers into the Dela
ware river at the water's edge facing the
city, there to remain in the eddy of docks
exposed to the rays of the sun, an'd its foul
odors carried in all directions, until the
flowing to and fro of the tide washes it up to
the water works.
"Skeptics might visit Hughes & Patter
son's, Neafie & Tray's, and other large estab
lishments along the river front, and they
would find that about 20 per cent of their
employes constantly suffer with typhoid
fever, diarrahea and dysentery, caused by
foul drinking water. They freely admit
that so long as they abstain from drinking
the water they have no such troubles."
The Death of Lancaster Jim Relieves the
Oil Country of Robbers.
Fkanklin, July 23. The serious wound
ing of James McCuen, alias "Lancaster
Jim," while engaged with three pals in
robbing the store of Mr. Rodle at Townville
Sunday night, and the arrest of John Win
ters and Edward Hays at Titusville for rob
bery, breaks up a gang of all-round thieves
that has infested the oil country for several
months, committing a long series of crimes,
including highway robbery and attempted
murder. "Lancaster Jim" came here from
Pittsburg several months ago with a gang
of tramps, one of whom was shot and killed
by Officer Hasson while attempting to ar
rest the gang for a robbery in Scrub Grass.
The dead man was never identified. A few
weeks ago Officer Babcock, of Meadville,
shot another of the gang, but he is recover
ing. Three of the gang are still at large.
Probably a more desperate set of tramps
never came together, and there is no crime
they were not capable of committing.
Drowned Fireman Had a Gold Ring
marked With the Initials T. M. G.
Maetin's Feeby, O., July 23. The
body of David Teese, the fireman on the
towboat J. W. Gould, drowned at New
Cumberland, W. Va., last Sunday, was re
covered here to-day. The Gould passed
shortly after the body was found, and was
hailed by Mayor Mitchell. Captain John
C. Wolf was rowed ashore and identified
the body, which was badly decomposed.
Teese was about 35 years old. Little is
known concerning him. On his person was
a purse containing a tax receipt paid in the
First ward, Pittsburg, August 29, 1888, and
a plain band gold ring, worth abont $8, on
the inside of which was engraved "T. M.
G.. December 25, 1885." The body was
buried here.
1,200 Persons Consumed. 400 Killed and
170,000 Shelterless and Starring.
San Feancisco. July 23. A recent fire
at Lu Chow burned 23 hours, destroying
87,000 dwellings, over 1,200 persons perish
ing in the flames, and 400 others were
killed. Nearly 170,000 people were obliged
to camp out without shelter, and were dying
at the rate of 100 a day from want and ex
posure. The authorities are providing for
their necessities.
Work on the Wheeling nnd Harrlabnrg. .
Wheeling, July 23. Seven hundred
and fifty men are now employed upon the
Wheeling and Harrisbnrg Railroad inside
the city limits, and about $40,000 per month
is being paid in wages. The contractors
say the bridge piers will be up to grade by
October 1.
Big Appropriations Asked.
Washington, July 23. Captain Young,
in charge of improvements in Oregon, rec
ommends 250,000 for the entrance to Coos
bay. For Mississippi improvements between
Des Moines and the Illinois river,. Captain
Raflner recommends $500,000.
Edison the Inventor Testifies in the
Electrical Appeal-Case.
A Man Who Would Ask for More Certain
Means of Shuffling Off Would be
The Wizard cf Henlo Park Thinks WestlnshoaSe Is a
Very Able Man.
Thomas A. Edison testified yesterday as
an expert on electricity as a means of exe
cution. He thinks Westinghouse a very
able man, but is certain an electric death is
New Yoek, July 23. Thomas A. Edison
told to-day, in the Kemmeler appeal case,
what he thinks of electricity as a means of
inflicting the death punishment Be
fore he appeared in the witness chair,
Harold P. Brown announced that Mr. Edi
son did not believe these stories about
men taking thousand-volt shocks, and that
the wizard stumped T. Carpenter Smith, the
Philadelphia electrician, who told the tall
est story, io come over to Orange and take a
small dose of alternating current.
"We will let him begin easy; let him
take one volt and then run gradually up to
100 volts. If Mr. Smith or any other man
will take 100 volts, Mr. Edison will give
him ?100. I will add 5100, too. We will
let him arrange that the money may be paid
to his heirs or assigns, if necessary."
Mr. Edison appeared for the State, and
Assistant Attorney General Poste put the
questions. There was a jam in the room,
but everybody kept still and looked at the
great electrician.
Question You are familiar with dynamos
and currents. Now will you explain tbe differ
ence between continuous and alternating cur
rents? Answer The continuous current is like tbe
continuous flowing of water through a pipe in
one direction. Tbe intermittent current is liVe
tbe flowing of water through a similar pipe for
a given time in one direction, then reversing
and flowing in the opp osita direction for a
given time, and so on. I believe that In the
Westinghouse dynamo system there are about
150 alterations of reversals of the current a
Q, What Is your opinion of the accuracy of
tbe Wbeatstone bridge in measuring the re
sistance of the human body?
A. It is accurate more so than the foot
role for measurements of length.
Mr. Edison described experiments made
"day before yesterday," which Mr. Cockran
noted, with an ejaculation of surprise, was
Sunday at the laboratory at Orange, upon
250 men, employes in the works and neigh
bors. The average resistance, Mr. Edison
said, was 1,000 ohms, the extremes being
1,800 aud 600.
Q. Has Harold P. Brown any connection
with yourself or the Edison Company T
A. Not that I know of.
Q. Can an electrical current be generated by
artificial means so as to cause death in every
instance T
-Theanswer-was"a nod of the head and a
movement of the lips to say "Yes," but no
utterance of the sound. Mr. Edison is deaf,
and has a habit of answering in this fashion
many questions which require only yes or no
for a reply.
O. Instant death?
A. A nod.
Q. Painless?
A. Acain a nod.
Q. "What method would yoa suggest for the
execution of criminals?
A. Put their hands In Leyden jars filled with
caustic potash, the jars, of course, having wires
attached from the dynamo. ,
Q. How much current would you use?
A. One thousand volts.
Q. Any Kind of a current?
A. No.
What kind?
A. With an alternating, or one that is very
much interrupted. The interruption of the
continnous current could be obtained by
mechanical means.
Q. Why use an alternating current?
A. Because it seems that you can take more
of a continuous current and not feel it You
could take eight volts ot the continuous, but
three wonld be as much of the alternating as
you could stand.
Mr. Edison told of experiments with a
galvanoscopic frog, a frog with the sciatic
nerve laid bare and attached to a wire that
ran from here to Washington. He subjected
the sciatic nerve to one 500,000th
part of an ampere, and the man
at the other end of the wire in
Washington telegraphed to him through
the frog's leg, that piece of muscnlar tissue
making contortions that Mr. Edison could
read as dots and dashes. He made the ex
periment to discover the effect of electricity
upon the muscular tissues.
The contortions were so violent that he
thought he was getting a good deal of work
out of the frog for so little current-cy.
Q. In electrical executions, would burning
happen in case death happened instantly?
A. No.
Mr. Cockran took tbe wizard in hand for
cross examination. Mr. Cockran asked
about tbe measurements of the 250 men
made at the laboratory, and then said:
"How did you come to make those measure
ments?" A. Read so mncb about varying resistance
that I wanted to settle the matter for myself.
Q, You were preparing yourself for to-day,
I suppose?
A. i'es; so as to be ready to answer ques
tions from knowledge based on facts.
Q. Do you know anything about pathology?
A. No.
Q. About anatomy?
A. No. sir.
Q. You don't consider a knowledge of these
thlncs a part of your electrical education? I
ask because Mr. Gerry said It was.
A. No, sir.
The lawyer and the electrician had a long
talk about blood, during which Mr. Edison
said he did not know much about blood, but
when pressed for answers told more than has
been given by other witnesses wpo have
said they knew a good deal about it,
Mr. Cockran asked Mr. Edison if he could
measure the resistance of a piecejof clay
filled with a heterogeneous collection of
metals. Mr. Edison said that if Mr. Cock
ran gave him the job of measuring a plate
of zinc one inch square in the center of a
mile of iron he couldn't do it because he
couldn't get at it
Mr. Cockran insisted upon his question.
Mr. Edison said that the question was non
sense and he couldn't answer it the. way Mr.
Cockran wanted it answered, but lie could
obtain' a measure of the) whole
conglomerate, not of the) clay
alone, nor of any of the metajls alone.
Mr. Cockran made the point that in the
measurements of the 250 men just made at
Orange to determine resistances no man
had been measured twice to see if he varied.
"Are you sure," asked Mr. Cocki an, "that
the Wheatstone bridge would r :cord the
same resistance to-day and to-m arrow on
the same body
"I think it will be the sameJ' was Mr.
Edison answer.
"But don't you know?" persisted the
"No. but I will try to-morow." renlied
Mr. Edison with earnestness. Then
there was a laugh, the echo it which had
hardly died 'when Mr. Cockrah asked what
would happen in case KemnAer should be
kept on the chair several minutes with the
current working at him all the while.
"He would be mummified," answered Mr.
"Well." said Mr. Cockran, "that is a new
thing. The others testified that he wonld
be carbonized. What do yon mean by
'mummified?' "
"Tnat the fluids in his body would all be
dried out"
Mr. Cockran got Mr. Edison to say that
an ampere would be sufficient to kill. ''And
you think that a man who would take more
to be killed would be mean and rapacious?"
inquired Mr. Cockran.
"Yes," said Mr. Edison; "mean and
Finally Mr. Cockran alluded to the ri
valry between the Edison and Westinghouse
Companies, and asked Mr. Edison if there
was much affection between him and Mr.
Westinghouse; it he loved Mr. Westing
house as a brother. There was more than
usual stillness, followed by Mr. Edison's
answer: "I think Mr. Westinghouse is a
very able man."
Annie Donouih Shot, Drusecd nnd Then
Laid on a Knilrond Track Rescued
Just In Time She Has No '
Explanations to Offer.
Boston, July 23. Not far from the spot
ialVynn where the trunk containing Jennie
Clark's mutilated body was found, a dozen
years ago, there is a house in which many
lawless "acts have been committed, and one
of recent occurrence may make something
of a sensation before it is forgotten. At 10
o'clock last night a woman who had been
seen near that house, and who, to all appear
ances, had been struck by the bunter beam of
the locomotive, was found lying on the road
bed of the Revere Beach and Lynn Railroad,
just at the outset of the rail. Tbe appar
ently injured woman was taken up tenderly
and carried into a neighboring cottage, a
surgeon was sent for, but the severe injuries
expected to be found did not materalize.
The woman was perfectly conscious,
bnt apparently under the influence
of narcotics. On her right arm
near the shoulder was a wound,
clotted with blood, but one by no means
possible to have been inflicted by a loco
motive. It was a bullet wound, clear and
simple and a dangerous one, too, but in
what manner it was received the woman
will not divulge. The wound was clean
cut and made by a 22-caliber revolver. The
doctor was not allowed to probe for the
bullet bv the victim and the inmates of the
house. The bullet had not perforated the
woman's clothing and must have been re
ceived when her shoulder and arm were un
covered. Thr woman's reticence as' to the manner in
which the wound was inflicted, and the un
usual method employed to get rid of her
after the shot was fired, makes the case of
more than ordinary interest. The circum
stances indicate that she desired to make it
appear that she was struck by the engine.
Whether she attempted suicide or was really
the victim of a murderous assault is not
known. There is no doubt that the railroad
accident scheme was concocted to conceal the
true facts of the case.
The girl's name is Annie Donough, whose
borne is in East Boston, but who is doing
table work at the Beach this summer. She
has always borne an excellent reputation,
and on that account the cause ot the mys
terious shooting seems inexplicable.
It Is tbo Furthest South and Will Make tbe
J- B-ifc O. Behave.
Nw Yoek, July 23. The sale of 100,000
shares of Chesapeake and Ohio stock to
Drexel, Morgan & Co. by C. B. Huntington
is said to be in the interest of the Vander
bilts, who will thereby be given a direct
line to Louisville. It is understood the
Chesapeake and Ohio will be consolidated
with the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago
and St Louis road, which will make a Van
derbilt trunk line from Newport News to
Chicago. The purchase inspires "a very
well informed railroad man" to say:
"In making this deal the "Vanderbilts
have shown traditional shrewdness and fore
sight They already possess the most north
ern trunk line in the United States. Now
they have put a girdle around all their com
petitors on the southern side. Hitherto the
Baltimore and Ohio held this position, and
was a standing menace to staple rates on
the Pennsylvania and New York Central
systems. Now the Vanderbilt interest can
coerce the Baltimore and Ohio into adopting
a more reasonable and profitable policy."
A dispatch from Toronto says: "The
New York Central has, it is said, secured
the right to run over tbe Toronto, Buffalo
and Hamilton Railway, which will shortly
be bnilt between Niagara Falls and To
ronto." A dispatch from Shamokin, Pa., says:
A representative of the Vanderbilts to-day
purchased the interests of a number ot heavy
local stockholders in the Beech Creek Coal
Company. Over $3,000,000 were involved
in the transaction. The Vanderbilts are
now sole owners of the Beech Creek Rail
He Thinks It Will Shorten Satan's Tislt
Habbisbueo, July 23. Senator Quay
returned from Donegal to this city this
evening, accompanied by Senator Cameron.
The trip gave the .junior Senator muqh sat
isfaction, judging from the description he
gave of the loveliness of the summer home
of tbe late General Cameron. The Senator
said it was not only beautiful in its sur
roundings, but charmingly quiet, just such
a place as he desired uuder the circum
stances of the meeting between Senator
Cameron and himself. It having been re
ported that he intended remaining at Done
gal for a week for rest, he stated that he had
gone there for the purpose of having a talk
with his colleague. This was all the Sena
tor would .pay as to the conference.
The Senator had read none of the daily
papers since his departure for Donegal, yes
terday morning, until this evening, and
seemed amused when told that John W.
Neeb had determined to make a fight for
the Republican nomination for Senator in
the district now represented by Senator
Rutan. "This move," said the Senator,
laughingly, "will likely bring Rutan
If a Lighter Nail Is Decided on a. Demand
Slay be Itlnde.
Wheeling, W. Va., July 23. A great
deal of interest is being manifested in to
morrow's session of the Cut Nail Associa
tion by manufacturers and stockholders
alike. Should the new gauge discussed
at the meeting two weeks ago be favorably
adopted and there is no doubt but that it
will be this may be a movement on the
part of the nailers to ask for an increase in
the cutting price to compensate them for
the extra labor a lighter nail will put upon
Bains Delay Railroad Travel.
Denvee, July 23. Since last night -no
trains left Denver or arrived until late this
afternoon, because of rains and floods. The
Santa Fe and Rio Grande are washed out
between here and Pneblo, so that trains on
the former line are forced to come in over
the Denver, Texas and Ft Worth, which
did not suffer. The Union Pacific and Bur
lington were delayed about eight hours, as
were also the midland and mountain trains.
Mr. Lewis, of the Executive Board,
Says the Papers Were Wrong.
Did Sot Mean the End of the District, hat
Its Strengthening.
And Others Gone to Stronger National Trade Organi
zations. It is denied by Mr. Lewis, member of
the Executive Board, that the sale of
Pythagoras Hall meant the death of D. A.
49, of New York. On the contrary, the dis
trict has been strengthened by the loss of
disaffected members and the gain in funds.
Other members who seem to have been lost
to the labor cause, are in other trades
Chicago, July 23. The members of the
Executive Board of the Knights of Labor
deny the truth of a telegram from New
York stating that the sale yesterday of cer
tain property of District 49 was indicative
of the almost complete dissolution of that
district assembly. "The truth is," said A.
W. Wright, "it is the attainment of a most
satisfactory end. The property in question
was the assembly meeting room, Pythagoras
Hall. A long time since the district sup
ported rival factions. One of these was the
district proper, the other was a lot of kick
ers. The latter have since been wholly
eliminated, but before they were disposed
of a dispute arose to the property. The
district proper asked for a sale of the hall.
The other faction thereupon incorporated
itself as District 49 and tbe property was or
dered sold by the courts. It was sold, but
District 49 suspected collusion and made a
snecessful appeal. The sale reported yes
terday is the final disposition of the matter,
and it resulted in a $12,000 increase in the
selling price.
"As to the diminishing numbers of this
district the statement is true, but it does
not go far enough. The number of men is
smaller, but the members have not been lost
to the order. The decrease grew out of the
tendency to organize trade unions. What
ever else District 49 may be, it has always
had the interests of the order first, and
when we showed that it was better n organ
ize trade assemblies they have always con
sented. From this district we formed the
whole of District 253 and most of 220. All
the members of Jersey City, once members,
are now organized separately, and trade
unions in New York City without end, all
sprang from District 49.' Among these are
the shoemakers, printers, bookbinders,
cigarmakers, tanners, painters, street car
men and others. The loss of men in Dis
trict 49 does not indicate a decrease in our
total membership."
The board determined to interest itself in
a present trouble pending in the Oswego, N.
Y., courts between tbe Seamen's Union, of
that place, and the non-union men. The
vessels, say the board members, leaving Os
wego, are generally manned by union men,
the members of the Seamen's Union.
ait attempt to kill a. union.
Some months ago a schooner entered that
port with some non-union men aboard and
some difficulty between the union men and
scabs resulted. The scabs were taken on
shore and a union crew inrnisbed the cap
tain. The men were drinking, and a fight
resulted. The matter got into the courts,
and the Vesselmen's Association of Cleve
land took the case up with, as we believe,
the intention of squeezing out our union,
and killing the organization at Oswego. The
master workman of the assembly, who knew
nothing of the matter, was arrested and
thrown into jail as a conspirator. In the
evidence presented tbere is ground for the
belief that men have been bribed bv pres
ents, snch as watches, etc., to swear falsely.
The board is going to help the men, and if
bribery is discovered they say they will
make it warm for somebody.
The Executive Board of the Knights of
AJUUvr niuiiUiQU lucir acoaiuu iu buis Ulhy
to-morrow, and adjourn. Master Workman
Powderly and Treasurer-Secretary John W.
Hayes left the city this morning, Mr. Hayes
going directly East. . Mr. Powderly.said he
did not know whether he would go directly
to Scranton, Pa , his home, or to Spring
field, this State. So far as -can be learned
the work of the board during the week it
has been in session has resulted in few sur
prises and little besides the issuing of new
charters and other routine business. It has
been determined, however, to attempt a
revival of the old Knights of Labor enthusi
asm next fall. Some ot the local leaders
wanted the revival inaugurated at once, but
Mr. Powderly's judgment was against it
"You can't get up meetings during July
and August," he insisted. He consented to
return during the first week in October
with A. W. Wright of the board, and one
of the editors of the Knights of Labor's
Journal. At that time a big meeting will
be held in Central Music Hall, at which
both these gentlemen will deliver addresses.
Const Congressmen nnd Senators Pointed to
Commerce nnd Defense BIntters.
San Feancisco, July 23, At the regu
lar meeting of the Chamber of Commerce
to-day it was formally decided to call a
special session at as early a day as conveni
ent; invite Pacific coast Senators, Repre
sentatives of Congress and commercial or
ganizations in California and Oregon to at
tend and consider the following subjects:
Permanent establishment of ocean mall
steamship lines on Pacific Ocean routes; the
steamships to be available for war and trans
port pursoses, and the lines to be liberally
compensated by tbe Government for transpor
tation of malls. '
Tbe application of the interstate commerce
law to the American carrying trade ot the
Canadian Pacific Railroad.
The abolition of tbe bonding system of rail
way carriage through foreign territory.
The maritime defense of Pacific coast
Tbe laying of a cable to Australia via the Pa
cific Islands.
The energetic construction of the Nicaragua
Canal as a means of national defense and com
mercial development and the encouragement
of maritime commerce and increased energy
In the construction of the navy.
Wicked ludlanlaas Warned Because of the
Error of Their Ways.
Brazil, Ind., July 23. Word is just
received that a band of White Caps has
called on Jasper Montgomery, who lived
near Clay City, 20 miles south of Brazil, and
ordered him and his family to leave tbe
community at once. He was charged with
keeping a disorderly house. Numerous
thefts and fires have occurred in that locality
recently, and several parties have been ar
rested and others have been warned.
A Prominent Missionary Dead.
San Feancisco, July 23. Rev. J.
Crosslet, prominent in missionary and benev
olent work in China, died, June 21, on
ship board between 'Shanghai and Tienati.
Captnin Knhn Asserts Thntlt Cost 35 Per
Cent to Run tbe Commissary 832,-
000 Paid Out Yesterday The
vFirst Arrest far 9Iurdcr.
Johnstown, July 23. The attention of
Captain Kuhn was called this afternoon to
the statement ot Mr. James B. Scott, in
which that gentleman says that he doubted
if Mr. Kuhn ever said that it cost 25 per
cent of the commissary goods in the dis
tribution of the same. Mr. Knhn repeated
the statement, and was very emphatic in
saying that it cost fully that proportion.
Further he said that he informed the com
mission to that effect at the meeting at
Cresson on July 9. Governor Beaver asked
the question directly as to what the distribu
tion of tbe goods had cost and he told him
that it would average fully 25 per cent of
the whole amount of the value of the goods
Treasurer Thompson to-day cashed 250
checkes and $32,000 in cash was paid out.
This was the biggest day's work vet, and his
force of clerks as well as JudgeCummins'
force was kept busy all day. The First
ward, of Johnstown, which was paid off to
day, was flooded throughout, and nearly
every building swept awav. The back
water, however, carried most of them up
stream, and a large majority of the people
escaped. The sum required to pay persons
who have received orders in this dis
trict is quite large, and several days will be
taken to complete the work.
In the five districts in which the Board of
Inquiry have completed giving out orders
1,293 orders were given, ca41ing"forl$141,150.
Since the flood a list of 3,500 hundred let
ters has been advertised, and not 20 per cent
of them have been called for. The majority
of them are addressed to those who have
been drowned in the flood. On the 15th of
July John McBnde was injured by a stone
said to have been thrown by Annie Frank
honser, of Prospect To-day McBride died,
and Miss Frankhouser was arrested for
Mrs. Mary E. Andrew's Tale of Travel and
Chicago, July 23. Mrs. Mary E. An
drews, who gave her address as 334 Fifth
avenue, New York, and appeared in Jndge
Waterman's court to-day and asked for a
divorce, is the wife of Frank Andrews, who
is the son of President Andrews, of Kenyon
College. The woman's name was May Agnes
Munson. Tbe greater part of her life since
girlhood had been spent in Europe,
mostly in Milan and Florence, Italy.
About six years ago, while traveling in
Italy, she met the Marquis Tugissa Spino
lio Milan. "I was engaged to the Marquis,"
said she, "when I met Mr. Andrews, who
had been traveling abroad for seven rears
with his mother." She and young Andrews
loved at sight. She returned to England
with the young American, and was married
at St. George's Church, Hanover square,
London. Fortune she had of her own. Her
father was none other than the celebrated
author, W. D. Munson, of Boston, who went
to California when gold was discovered, be
came wealthy and then wrote books the rest
of his lite. "Her mother was the daughter
of Commodore Evans.
The story she related of the conduct of the
college President's son was shocking in the
extreme. He offered no opposition to tbe
divorce case. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews came
to Chicago in 18S4. Andrews has since con
ducted a patent medicine business, and his
wife claims.that since 18SG he has been a
confirmed drunkard. The Court granted
her $1,000 cash and $100 per month alimony,
and she left to-night for Italy.
IS Lives Known to Hnvo Been I.ot Prop
erty Literally Wiped Oat.
Pabkxbsbueg, July 23. In the flooded
district the waters have subsided and far
mers can see how they stand. Many have
lost their all and will be compelled to ask
charity. It is now known that 18 lives
were lost by the flood, although there may
have been other drownings in Jackson
county, but the death list so far is as fol
lows: Mrs. Isaiah Tucker, Parkersburg;
Mrs. Isaac Roberts, Stephen's Branch, Big
Tygart; Edward Boss, Pond Creek; Austin
Kiger, wife and three children, Columbus,
Bailey; Mrs. Orrville, West Tucker's
Creek; Robert Black, Mrs. Robert Black;
Mrs. Thomas Hughes and four children,
Kessleroad Creek, Jackson county; Thomas
Alkire, left fork of Kanawha. All of the
bodies were found but two.
Six good iron bridges went out besides
many wooden ones in this county. At
Morristown 13 houses were swept away, be
side many others in that neighborhood, and
much suffering is the result In Braxton
county the soil was washed on low lands to
a depth of six feet. The County Commis-"
sioners have returned from a tour ot in
spection of the condition ot the county and
find loss in bridges about $25,000. Many
farmers are unable to pay taxes this year.
The total loss in this county will reach
Bis Idle Had Been Threatened and There
Was a Woman in the Case.
Asheville, N. C, July 23. Colonel
Roger J. Page, a prominent lawyer and edi
tor of the Times-Regitter at Marion, N. C,
was shot and instantly killed at that place
last night, just after alighting from the
midnight train, which brought him from
Round Knob, He had gone 100 yards from
the station and was leaning on the arm of
Judge Haywood, while on his leit was an
other friend. Some one came up behind
him and shot him through the neck, which
was broken by the ball. His assailant ran,
mounted a horse and fled the town. A
Coroner's inquest was hurriedly held, ren
dering a verdict of death by a person un
known. A yonng man had threatened to kill
Colonel Page, and was seen following
him at the station last night A great
crowd gathered, expecting trouble, and in
deed the rumor that someone intended in
jury to Colonel Page so spredd through the
town that when the pistol shot was fired at
midnight many persons remarked that
Colonel Page was iu trouble. It is said
that a woman is at the bottom of the
Evan S. Warren Murdered While Trying: to
Defend nimsein
Louisville, July 23. At Danville,
Ky., Evan S. Warren, a young married
man of good family, died to-day from being
shot late last night by Beattie Wickliffe,
colored, who is now under arrest Just be
fore his death he said:
Wickliffe threatened me as we stood on the
platform at tbe depot and began drawing bis
pistol. I fired at him and he ran. Jnst as I
fireo. Bob liayho and Flera Murphy, both col
ored, seized me, one by each arm and wrist,
and while they were still holding me Wickliffe,
who bad run away out ot sight, came back and
coming close to me, shot me several times.
Married for 63 Years.
Fbanklin, July 23. Mr. and Mrs.
John Allen, of Pine Grove, Venango
county, on Monday evening celebrated the
sixty-third anniversary of their marriage.
They came from Ireland to this county 45,
years ago. The aged couple are enjoying
comparatively good health. -..
Unprecedented and Honorable'
International Proceeding
on a Crime.
Committed by Hungarians, is Fol
lowed Up by the Empire,
Extradition Not Deemed an Immediate
Necessity tustrla-Unnjrnry Wants the
Testimony Taken Here What Consul
SInx Sehnmbers", of This City, Says of
the Exceptional Casfr Hcnaarian Honor
Very Dear to tbo Emperor's Officials
Documents From the Department at
A remarkable proceeding on the part of
foreign nation looking toward the peaceablo
delivery to the United States of two of her
own citizens, suspected of a crime here, la
set forth in detail below. It is a case origin
ating in a Clearfield county murder, in this
State. How the men were tracked and final
ly placed in prison by their own Govern
ment is almost romantic in its phases. Con
sul Max Schamberg, of Pittsburg, is hand
ling the. case, although the Clearfield county
officials have been asked to co-operate.
On the 14th of last February there was
wedding in the mountain fastness of Clear
field county, Pa. John Lezeny, of Morris
dale, was the groom. He is a Hungarian
coal miner, and all the guests were of that
nationality. The hilarity was great, and,
before the night waned, disorder could no
longer be mistaken for joy. A fight was
commenced which ended in a general riot
Joseph Loksa received such terrible in
juries that he died on the following day.
Although the guests had scattered very hur
riedly, and but few of them were to be seen
the next day, the Clearfield county
officers arrested John Ivan and Georga
Murin for the assault upon Loksa.
Some of the Hungarians who were guests
have never been seen in the Clearfield coal
regions since tbe affray. In the meantime
relatives of the murdered man atMorrisdale
have been telling their relatives in Hun
gary, by their usual social letters,
It so happened that very soon after the
fatal wedding, two of the Clearfield county
miners who had witnessed both the marriage
and the assauU, turned up in a little com
munity in Austria-Hungary called Szilvas
TJjfalu. Their names are Andrew Ivan and
Stefen Toma. Relatives of the murdered
Joseph Loksa live in the same village, and
the letters they received from time to time
from Morrisdale, Clearfield county, finally
led them to cause the arrest of Andrew
Ivan and Toma by the Hungarian Govern
ment These events developed slowly. They
took months to reach sucha status that Max
Schamberg, the Austria-Hungarian Consul
at Pittsburg, could be called into service by
his nation. But the whole case was then
placed before him in completeness.
Yesterday afternoon the District Attorney
of Clearfield county mailed an important
letter to Consul Schamberg. It is in reply
to the Consul's official message to that
county's courts. Mr. Schamberg will re
ceive this letter this morning.
With this much of the story in his posses
sion, a reporter of Tub Dispatch went to
Consul Schamberg's office on Smithfield
street yesterday afternoon for all the details.
The Consnl at first declined to make pnblio
the particulars of a matter involving not
only international courtesy, but the danger
of losing many valuable witnesses as well.
But the writer persisted until Mr. Scham
berg hesitatingly explained the case. He
only did this when it was demonstrated that
the details wonld be made nnbiic by the
Clearfield county people to-day. Here is
the result of the interview:
On Saturday last the following letter was
sent to the District Attorney of Clearfield
AtrsTRiA-HUNGAEiAN Consulate, I
Pittsburg, Pa. July 20, ISO.
To the District Attorney of Clearneld county. Pa.t
Snt Referring to the inclosed extracts from
the treaty ot tbe United States of America and
Anstria-Hnncary of July 11. 1ST0, I beg to send
you herewith letters rogatory of the royal
district court at Galszecs Kingdom of Hun
gary of May 18, 18S9, and respectfully request
that you will present the same to your honor
able court for action: tbat you will assist the
same in entertaining and acting upon this re
quest of the Hungarian authorities.
I'm aware that letters rogatory aro foreign to
the criminal law and its practice of Pennsylva
nia, and tbat this procedure will appear as
strange as the contents of these judicial papers
sound peculiar and novel. Yet in the inteiests
of administration of justice I invoke your good
offices that the letters may be received, and the
request entertained and acted upon. And I
do hope that tbe endeavors on the part of tha
Hungarian Government to call its citizens to
accountability for misdoings in foreign coun
tries, though contrary to Pennsylvania law,
may receive encouragement at your bands.
Assuring yo J of reciprocity on the part of tbe
fovcrnment of the courts of Austria-Hungary,
am, sir. Very respectfully,
Austria-Hungarian Consul.
which Consul Schamberg refers to wera
received by him from Austro-Hungarr
through the legation of that nation in
Washington City last Saturday. He made
official translations of them for transmission
to Clearfield. Here is the most important:
Galszecs. May IS. 1889. Letters rogatory
to the competent honorable Court of the
United States of America. The Royal Dis
trict Court in the community of Galszecs,
Kingdom of Hnngaria. to the Court ot Morris
dale, Clearfield, or any other Court having
jurisdiction in the State of Pennsylvania.
In a penal cause pending in this R oral District
Court, Andrew Ivan and Stefen Toma, Hun
garian citizens in Szilvas TJiralu. are cbargod
(being imprisoned) that in Morrisdale, Clear
field county. Pa., tbey caused tbe loss of tha
life ot one Joseph. Loksa in unison with John
Ivan. George Murin, John Linko, Michael
Ruszuak. also belonging to Hungary, but still
residing at the aforesaid place. According to
the statement made by the accused partie
now here, tbey. tbe deceased Joseph
Loksa, his sons, Andrew and John
Loksa, together with Andrew Lehman,
bad been attending, on tbo 11th ot February,
1SS9, the wedding ot John Lezeny. In Morris
dale, Clearfield county. Pa. Lcging also be
longs tc Szilvas Ujfalu. On this occasion, it la
said. Andrew Loksa got into a dispute and
scuffle with Andrew Leman. In this tight there
participated later on John Loksa and Joseph
Loksa (taking the part of Andrew Loksa) and
John Ivan, George Murin, John Lloko, Andrew
Iran and Stefen Toma. taklmr the nart at
Andrew Lehman. The last named five parses t
uck wsiu ww w vuuu nu vAtxmti utat'ii
. ... .