Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 23, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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18&19. ' - -
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Leading Features of Markets at
Ilerr's Island Slock Yards.
' Heary Bun of Sliecp and Lamls Pricea
Tending Downward.
Office of Pittsburg Disp at'-ii, I
Monday. July 22, is.
The market at these yards mm reported
satisfactory to both buyers -jnd sellers.
There was seme complaint from country
drovers that the P. & W. 1 tail rear", was slow in
transportation of stock.
It will be seen that receipts wore 145 head
less than last week. With tue falling off of
receipts there came no ix icreascd activity of
markets. Supply was arjply efficient for
demand, but market was. firm at last week's
prices for all desirab'.e grades. Best heavy
Western cattle, weighi nf: 1,500 to 1,000 pounds,
were bold at S4.G5 to 54.70; medium weights, 1,300
to 1.400 pounds, St 40 to 51.50; prime light
weights. 900 to 1.100 ounds, SAToto $3.90; com
inou to lair thin re uf ;h steers, J3.00 to $3.50.
The cattle in roost de inand were good smooth
steers weighing from 1,200 to 1,300 pounds. This
grade lound ready t xie at 51.25 to 54.40. Fresh
cows were slow at ',,25.00 to $40.00 and no sales
Calves were e iSier. with 4c to Ce per pound
as the range .a. few 140 pound calves, four
weeks old, br jught Cc Some common light
stock were reported below 4c Bulls, heifers,
stags and drjr cows were in light supply and
dull, at 3c ' 350 per pound. Receipts from
Chicago: ' jTrnter & Dellenhach, 161 head; L.
Gerson. '; I. Zeigler. 101; A. Kromn., SO;
Rothschi i.l Jt Co.. 1J0: S. Lowenstein. 39; E.
Wolf.18. From Pennsylvania: McJJeese dcPisor,
12 held j. Ackerman, 8; various owners, 10;
total, '17; last week. 752; previous week. (J2L
A cor, pie of loails of Indian cattle, weighing
S50 t M JXX) pounds, were among the offerings.
The holders did not realize expectations of
pro fits, hut came out ahead, at prices ranging
lr au S3 to S3 50. A leading drover who was in
Chicago last week repurts that prices there
VA?re low enough up to Friday to furnish a fair
Aiargin of profit. Those who bought their
(stock before Friday are all right on this week's
operations. Droiers at Ilerr's Island seem
"tatter satisfied oter the situation this week
-tran Cor a month or two past.
, nberp and Lnmb.
Offerings were unusually heavy. Demand
was good, bnt not good enough to absorb the
extra supplies. Reports from Eastern markets
were not very faorable. The result of this
combination of depressing influences was that
prices dropped from 25 to 50c per cwt. The
best heavy Western wethers sold at $4 50 to
51 75; medium to good, S4 (0 to S4 25; common
to lair, S3 50 to $3 75: lambs, 5c to 6c per
l-ound, with a few extra line commanding 6Kc
Receipts, from Chic-urn. Winter A. Delleubaib,
110 bead; 1. Zeigler, 197. From Ohio, Sanlord
4. Langdon. 1G0. From Pennsylvania, J. Behler,
117: G. Hinner. 74; F. Craikshank, 182; McXecse
a IVor. 209: Bnignaui JL Co.. 167; J. Reiber, 80;
J. Ackerman, Hi): A. Langhursr. 5a Total,
0.171; last week, 1,279: pre vious w eek, 1,156.
Suppl) was light, as it always is at this season.
.Trices were a shad's higher, with a range of
S4 50 tn 54 9a Receipts, from Ohio. Needy 4
tomiih. 127:banford A Langdon, 4. From Penn
sylvania. Bingham L Co., 8. Total, 139; last
iweek, 13s; previous w eek, 95.
Whom Id Europe.
The current number of a Minneapolis jour
nal gives the following facts from its London
correspondent concerning the whea t situation
in Europe- In France, England, and in fact all
western Europe, weather has been most pro
pitious ot late, and the wheat cror. will be gath
ercdat least two weeks ahead of its average
time. The crop is not only ahead of time, but
is unusually large In eastern Europe reports
are much less favorable. Tje winter wheat
crop of Russia will be little nyjre than half the
average neld. The estimate ,s 54,000,000 bushels
against 94 000.000 bushels la jt year. In ISM and
lbi7 the annual yield of wi nter wheat in Russia
wis in rouml numbers 175.000,000, an amount
alrao-.t quadruple the Jiinouut estimated for
this year. The spring wheat crop of Russia
Jl'IJ&.'5.5ear,scstilua,i at 125.000,000 against
152,000.000 last J ear. As an offset to the short
JJFSi." ,ms ye' yfed j, the fact that there is
Gj.OUO.IXO bushels o'- wheat lett over, and the
total number of "auphels exported by Russia
last year was 100,f x,000 bushels.
Tbe Conditio, of Business nt the East Liberty
tock Yards.
Moxda. July 22, 18s9. J
CAT"Enecelpts, 2.740 head; shipments,
1.720 ead; market steady at unchanged prices;
2 c jrs of cattle shipped to New York to-day.
TJoos Receipts. 3.500 head: shipments, 3,600
1'ad; market firm; light Yorkers, $4 754 80;
f-ght tops and mixed, S4 G04 63; heavy hogs,
M 254 50: 12 cars of hogs shiprcd to New
York to-dav.
Sheep Receipts. 3.000 head: shipments, 1,400
lead; market firm and Jc higher.
Br Tclcsraph.
New York. Beeves Receipts yesterday
and to-day, 6,000. making 12,000 for the
week. Arrivals included 72 car loads to be
sold, 115 car loads for exportation and 137 car
loads for home trade slaughterers direct.
Good cattle were in demand at full former
prices, .but common natives and grassy Texans
were dull; native steers ranged from
3 70 to SI 55 per 100 pounds, with a few
lops at SI 05 to Si 75; native bulls and drj cows
at S2 O01 30; Texas steers at S3 001 95, mainly
S3 303 50. Sheep Receipts 12,500, making
43,700 for the w eek: extremely dull at a further
decline from Friday last equal to c per
-pound; one-fourth of the offerings remain un
.raid: poor to prime sheep sold at S3 505 15
per 100 pounds; poor to prime lambs at S4 50
Jl 75. Hogs Receipts 9,000, making 30,800 for
the week; no trading in live hogs; dressed hogs
are reported steady at S6 008 75 per lOOpounds.
CniCAOO The Dmer? Journal reports:
Cattle Kccelnts, 17,000 head; shipments. 6.000
liead; market strong for good, others 510c
lower: beeves S3 30(21 39: stockers and feeders,
S-' 00422 90; cows, bulls and1; mixed. 51 00
2 80: Texas cattle, SI 504J3 50. Hogs Receipts.
16,500 bead; shipments, 5.500 head: market
steady; mixed, S4 204 50: heavy, S4 154 40;
licht, 54 30S4 70; pigs. $4 00(?4 50. 8heen Re
ceipts, 4 000 head: shipments, 800 head; mar
Lot steadv; natives, S3 75fe4 75: estern, S3 75
CI 10; Texans, S3 004 00; lambs, $4 505 55.
Kansas Citt Cattle Receipts, 5.421 head;
shipments. 4.01; supply mostly Texas and In
dian Territory: best steady; natives steady to
strong; cows steady, stockers and fcedingsteers,
dub; good to choice corn fed steers, S3 75CJ4 U);
common to medium. J SOUS 25; stockers and
f eeuing steers, SI CC)3 00: common. SI 602 W;
grass range stcers.Sl 60J 7a Hogs Receipts.
1,75) liead: shipments, none; narket steady to
f tron;, under light supply: good to choice light,
Jl 2-.'K24 27K; liearv and mixed. S4 104 2a
hheep Receipts. 761 head; shipments. 219
head; rujrlcet steady; good to choice muttons,
Jl 5054 00! common to medium. S2 6u3 50.7;
ST.LOUIS Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head: ship
ments. 400 head: market lower; choice heavv
native steers, S3 754 15; fair to good do, S3
(T.; S3: stockers and feeders, fatr to good, VI 10
HZ OT: rangers, corn fed, S2 6W3 40; grass fed.
ttiCGQSSa. Hogs Receipts. 1,400 head: ship
ments 9i0 head: market stronger; choice heavy
and butchers' selections, S4 304 40; prime
medium to prime, $4 25f?4 40; light grades,
ordinary to best, 84 40g'4 45. Kheep Receipts
2.500 head; shipme-its. I0 head; market steady;
lair to choice. S3 104 60.
CisciMfATi Moss scarce andstronger;com
mou and light, E5 75?E4 65; packing and butch
ers Si S04 50; receipts, 1,910 bead: shipments
p BAI.TIMORE. Swine Fair trade for bogs:
'rices unchanged. Quotations 6Ji6Kc
Receipts, 7.331 head.
British BrendstnlTa.
LONDOX. July 22. The Jfar Lane Express.
lnitswcekh review of the British grain trade,
sajs: English wheat is firm. White is 6d
higher. The sales of English wheat during the
past week were 38.319 quarters at 29s 4d, against
il,975 quarters at 32s during the corresponding
week last year. The prices of foreign wheats
favor sellers owing to diminished deliveries of
spring. Corn is strong at 3d advance. Grind
ing barley is 3d cheaper. Oats are 8d dearer.
At to-day's market English wheat advanced 61.
Foreign whiles were a fraction better. The
prices of fiour and corn were in sellers' favor.
Rye was G1 dearer.
Drjeoods Market.
New York, July 22. There was more In
quiry for dr j goods to-day, and a better feeling
prevailed in the market. Operations con
tinued conservative, but extended over a
greater variety of goods There was no special
feature. The cotton goods market was very
Metnl Marker.
New York Pig iron quiet and unchanged.
Copper nominal; lake. July. Sll 9a Lead dull:
domestic, S3 87. Tin quiet and firm: straits.
t is a '
Wheat Nervous nnd Unsettled- More Bear
ish News A ltnlly Toward the Close
SmW Price Up a Trifle Corn
Ulchrr Hny Prodncts
Chicago. Trading in wheat was only
riioderate to-day, and at times business lapsed
Into a positively dull state. The feeling through
out was nervous and unsettled. Local flatting
was narrow, with scalpers generally working
the bull side for a turn. The decrease in the
risible supply proved about as expected, though
some traders looked for a larger decrease.
Shipments of Indian wheat last week were a
little larger than for the week before, though
they are not heavy as compared with the ship
ments for the corresponding period a year.
Advices from the Northwest were quite bear
ish, though they emanated mostly from rail
road sources They show the wheat crop of
Minnesota and Dakota to be generally in ex
cellent condition, estimates on the yield being
from an average crop to considerable better
than an average. Small grains in Nebraska
were said to be mostly cut. In the winterwheat
districts the weather continues rainy, enough
so, at least, to seriously retard a free move
ment of the new crop.
All futures bevond July opened fractionally
nnder Saturday's latest bids, fluctuated nar
rowly for a time, declined slightly, and during
the last hour, under an active demand from the
shorts advanced sharply 1c. closing
Jc higher for tlje day.
A firmer feeling was developed in corn. The
volume of business was not heavy and trading
was somewhat restricted, owing to the moder
ate offerings The market opened a shade
higher than the closing prices of Saturday, was
firm and gradually advanced c became quiet,
receded a trifle and closed &io higher than
Oats were quiet and steady with no new
features to note.
Trading was moderately active in mess pork,
especially early in the day. Opening sales
were made at 5c advance, which was followed
by a further appreciation of 57c Later
prices receded 1012c Toward the close the
market was steadier, but closed quiet.
Lard was stronger and ruled about 2c
Earlier the feeling in short ribs was firmer
and prices rallied 2K5cvith moderate trad
ing. Later the market was not quite so strong,
and outside figures were not supported.
The leading rutures ranged as iollows:
Wheat No. 2 Julv, 79-XtSO78S0c:
August, 7Tifi,7S1i87678J4c; beptember. 7V-A
?7876Kfe"8c; December. 79H80478
Corn No. 2 August, 3536Ji35Vg36Kc;
September, 35J63635Jf 63t&c; October, SGJi
Oats No. 2, August, 21Jfc: September, 21
)Oooi Trisaoo-. iM.n.-. mts..
Mess Pork, per bhL August, Sll 25U 20;
September. 811 30U 37KU 2511 30; Oc
tober. 810 50U 0010 50S10 85.
Lard, per 100 Bs August, $5 256 27U;
September. S6 37K6 S7J4&8 '3566 306 37;
October, S6 SS1C
Short Ribs, per" 100 Bis August, $5 65
5 G2)i; beptember. $5 67K5 705 67J45 67k;
October, $5C7X5 67K.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour un
changed; No. 2 spring wheat. 8080tc; No. 2
red.7K81Kc No. 2 corn. 36K6368c o.2
oats 2222Vc No. 2 rye, 41K4&. No. 2
barley nominal. N. 1 flaxseed. 81 33. Mess
pork, per barrel. Sll 20U 25. Lard, per 100
pounds S6 25. Short ribs sides (loose), $5 60
5 6i bugars unchanged. Receipts Flour,
14 000 barrels: wheat, 43.000 bushels: corn. 228,
OUu bushels; oats. 116,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bush
els: barley, 4,000 bushels Shipments Flour,
13.000 barrels; wheat, 101.000 bnsbels; corn. 631.
000 bushels: oats, 180,000 bushels; rye, 49,000
bushels; barley. 6,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was fairly active but unchanged. Eggs
at ll12c
New York Flour moderately active and
weak. Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Scot dull,
weak and Kc lower; options model ately
active; July ic lower: other months iie
higher, closing firm. Rye More demand for
export; Western, &052c Barley nominal. H
mrley malt dull. Lorn Spot higher and in
good demand, chiefly export: options moder
ately active and stronger. Oats Spot firmer
and quiet; options neglected. Uay in fair
demand. Hops quiet. Coffee Options opened
easv at 2030 points down, closing weak at
40015 points down; lower cables; sales, 69.000
bags; Julv, 14.35c: August, 14.3514.40c; Sep
tember, ll.3b14.55c: October, 14.45c: Novem
ber, 14.5014.55c! December. 113o14.55c: Jan
uary, 14.4514.55c: February. 14.5014.65c;
March. 14.4014 45c: April. 14. 4501150c: May,
1145(214 50c; spot Rio easy and dull; fair car
goes 17c Sugar Raw inactive and nominal;
refined c lower; better demand at the decline:
C, 7K7ic; extra C. 77?c; white extra C.
7Kc; yellow, 7iw7c; confectioners'
A, 8Jc: cut loar, 9&c; off A, 8 3-168?ic; mold
A, 9c; standard A.S3c; crushed. !c: pow
dered. 9c: granulated, 9c; cubes 9c Molas
ses Foielgn dull; New Orleans quiet. Rice
quiet and steady. Cottonseed oil qniet and
nominal. Tallow firm. Rosm quiet and steady.
Tnrpentlne steady and quiet. Ergs easier and
in moderate demand; western, 13K14c: re
ceipts, S,lts9 packages Pork quiet and steady.
Cutmcats firm; pickled bellies 12 pounds, 7C
closing at 7W7c; pickled hams, llc; pickled
shoulders, 5c; middles quiet. Lard firmer
and better export demand; western steam,
S6 626 65; city. $0 20; August. S6 64 bid; Sep
tember. SO 716 72, closing attfl 73 asked; Octo
ber. S6 706 72, closing at $3 73 asked; Novem
ber. $6 55; December, S6 40; January, 86 40;
February, 86 45. Butter Choice steady; others
weak; western dairy. 1013c: do creamery, 12
16Kc:do factory, 813c Cheese quiet; white
steadier: western, 67c
Philadelphia F lour .Supplies light;
prices of springs favored buyers, choice old
winters in good demand and firm; Ohio and
other w estern clear, 84 251 CO; do do straight,
S4 b55 00: winter patent, fair to choice, 85 10
5 50: Minnesota cler, S3 754 25; do straight,
84 505 50; do patent, 85 75625. Wheat opened
firm, subsequently declined c, but
on the announcement of a decrease
of over 500,000 bushels m the visible
supply, market reacted on Saturday's closing
rates and left off firm; choice ungraded new
western red. 9Uc; new No. 2 red, in elevator,
86c; No. 2 red, July. 85386c: August, 8ie84c;
September, 8134fc; October. 84Kfe84Jic
Corn Prices ruled firm nnder light offerings;
No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth street elevator.
44Uc: No. 2 mixed, J ulv. 43U44c; August, 43
43Jc; September, 43Xhc; October, 43Jtj
44c Oats Receipts moderate and market
for car lots ruled firm: No. 2 mixed, on track,
31c: No. 3 white, 33ic; No. 2 white, 34c
f;35c: futures quiet but firm: No. 2 white,
uly. 34K3iXc: August. 31ilJc: Septem
ber, 30Jj(g31c; Octuber, 31K631KC Provisions
in f ilr demand and steady. Pork Mess new,
814 00; do prime mess,S13 50; do family, 814 50
15 5a Hams Smoked, 1214c. Lard West
ern steam, 6Jc Butter firm; Pennsylvania
creamery extra, 17(317Jc: do prints, extra, 23
27c Eggs dull and weak; Pennsylvania firsts
I414c Cheese steady; part skim, 67c; full
skims. 7llKc Receipts Flour, 11.100 bar
rels: wheat, 7.000 bushels; corn, 8.500 bushels;
oats 7.300 bushels Shipments Wheat, 4,200
bushels; corn, 17,200 bushels; oats, 5,500 bush
els St. Louis Flour quiet and dull but un
changed. Wheat higher: there was a dull
opening, but report that the Ohio agricultural
report made the crop 3,000.000 bushel- lower
than last year, started a rally, the demaud be
came active and the market closed firm at l'Q
l?c above baturdat : No. 2 red, cash. 75c and
nominal; Julv. 7475Je, closing at 75-Vc asked;
August, 735i75c closing at 74K75c bid; Sep
tember, 74ffi76c closing at 76Jc asked;
December, 7779Jc closing at79c; May,
83ic closing at 83Jic bid. Corn firm, but still
quiet; No. 2 mixed, cash, 32Jo bid; September,
33c closing at 33c bid: year. 31&C, closing at
3131c bid. Oats quiet and unchanged; No.
2. cash. 23c bid; Autust, 21e bid; September,
21Uc bid: year, 25J25Kc bid. Rye-No. 2, 42c
hid. Flaxseed, 81 22 bid for August and Sep
tember; worth more; September nominal at
81 2a Provisions quiet.
CINCINNATI Flour heavy; family, 83 25Q
3 60; fancy, 83 854 25. Wheat firmer;
No. 2 red. 80c; receipts. 70,600 bushels; ship
ments 7.800 bushels Corn active, firmer; No. 2
mixed. 36K37c Oats firmer; No.2 mixed, 26c
Rjednll; No 2.47c Pork firm at $11 75. Lard
firmer at 86 02f. Bulkmeats firmer; short ribs
S575Q5 80. Bacon In fair demand: short clear,
85 8a Butter steady; fancy creamerv, 1820c;
choice dairy, 9010c. Linseed oil steady at 60
62c Sugar in light demand and lower; lard, re
fined. 99Jic; New Orleans "JiSc Eggs
heavy. Cheese firmer.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat firm
cash, 79c; September, 77c Corn firm: No. 3
3636J$c Oats steadv: No. 2 white, 2828HcI
Rse dull: No. L 4242Kc Barley steadv: nSf.
tember, 61c Provisions firm. Pork. $11 20
Lard. $625. -..
Baltimore Provisions dull: Butter dull
western packed, 12c; creamery. 1616c Eggs
easy at lie Cqffee nominal; Rio fair at ISc
Indiaicapolis Wheat strong; No. 2 red,
SOc bid. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed, 35Kc bid.
Oats weak; mixed. 24c bid.
Toledo Cloverseed dull; October, SI 35.
The Grnln la Sljht.
New York, July 22. The visible supply of
grain on Saturday, July 20, as compiled by the
New York Produce Exchange, was as follows:
Wheat 12,191,470 bushels decrease 516,695: corn
7.95aSS7 bushels decrease 969,019; oats 4,673,333
bushels decrease 395,330; rye 821,034 bushels, in
crease 11,483; barley 377,605 bushels, decrease
346. -
Grain In Slchl.
Chicago July 21 The visible supply of
grain, according to tbo Board of Trade report,
is as follows: Wheat, 12,185.000 bushels; de
crease, 616,000 bushels Com, 7,991,000 bush
els: decrease, 95.1,000 bushels Oats 4,668,000
bushels; decrease, 401,000 bushels Rye 621.000
bushels; Increase, 14,000 bushels. Barley. 377.
000 bushels; no change.
A Block of Houses in Allegheny Ex
changed for East End Land.
Pittsburg Suburbs Boomed bj a Prominent
Physician of Cincinnati.
A tip was given yesterday of a deal in
real estate involving nine acrcs.situated not
far from the corner of Franks town avenue
and Fifth avenue. The purchaser did not
pay cash for the ground, but traded a block
of houses in Allegheny City for it. It is val
ued at 850,000, and will be subdivided and put
on the market.
Petroleum made a spurt and touched the dol
lar line yesterday, closing at 93c, the best for
nearly four years This is encouraging to the
brokers, but they should not shout ugtil they
are out of the woods. The Standard wants
cheap oil for its refineries, and while the mar
ket under the pressure of bullish statistics
and scarcity of certificates may have tempora
rily slipped from its grasp, it will no doubt take
prompt action to Keep the price within the pre
scribed limits
This would be in strict keeping with the pre
vious policy of the octopus A departure from
its ancient custom would show a liberality
which would be as surprising as unexpected.
We shall see what we shall see.
It is stated as a significant fact that within
the last few days a good many orders for steel
rails have been placed in a quiet way. Agents
of Eastern mills have closed for 15,000 tons and
are In treaty on at least 30,000 tons more. The
present allotments are on a basis of 1,212,000
tons for the year. Up to July 1 963,553 tons had
been sold, and the subsequent business makes
a total to date of nearly if not quite 1,000,000
tons This places the market in an exceed
ingly strong position.
Forty-one mortgages were .filed for record
yesterday, indicating that this will be a good
week in that line of business The largest was
for 825.000. Seventeen were for 81,000 and up
to 86,40a A fair proportion of the nnmber was
for purchase money. All was home capital.
George Wilson, a prominent physician of
Cincinnati, was visiting friends m the East End
yesterday. In the afternoon he made a tour of
the city, after which he said: "I saw nothing
to cause apprehensions of an unusual amount
of sickness Your streets and alleys are in
good condition cleaner than ours. Your sew
erage is very good. I discovered nothing on
the surface to breed disease. I tested the water
and f onnd it reasonably pure. Still I think it
would be advisable to boil it before using for
drinking purposes This would lessen the lia
bility of children and old people to attacks of
dysentery and cholera morbus
"This is the first time I have been in Pitts
burg in ten years You have made wonderful
progress in that time. Your suburbs possess
greater natural beauty than ours, and are better
Holders of first-class bonds or dividend-paying
stocks can always find a good market for
them, but as a general thing it is more difficult
to buy than to sell. Thus on Saturday, the
blackboard at the Exchange was covered with
figures representing bids for bank stocks but
not a single transaction resulted.
Rapid transit schemes are springing up in all
directions Among the latest is one out Center
avenue, opening up another route to tho East
End. A few streets should be reserved: but,
as a general proposition, there cannot be too
much rapid transit for the public Thero may
be too much for the Investors but that is their
Hot weather is not a good time in which to
push great enterprises Hence, probably, the
comatose condition of the Real Estate Ex
change scheme. A few of its friends however,
are still doing good missionary work for it, and
are confident of ultimate success It would be
the making ol the real estate business of
From the action of the governors of the
Bank of England on Friday, in refusing to ad
vance the rate of discount, it is plainly not
their intention to permit any drainage of
British bullion for French or South American
account; hence it is reasonable to suppose that
the foreigners who are in need of gold bars
will continue to seek tbem here. The cables
from the other side indicate that there Is a
little more life in the various departments, par
ticukuly so in that for American securities
Local Stocks Quiet bnt Firmer Bayers
Larselv Outnumber Sellers.
The stock market yesterday was dull in re
spect of actual business, hut blddingwas lively,
buyers more numerous than sellers and prices
with one or two exceptions, a shade better than
Saturday's closing.
John D. Bailey bought 20 shares of Merchants
and Manufacturers' National Bank at 61, and
sold a few minutes later at 6 These were
the only transactions Brokers expect no ma
terial Improvement until the many absentees
It is supposed that the next whirl of impor
tance will be In La Noria. A gentleman on the
inside said yesterday that the forthcoming
statement would be a good one. If so, of course,
the stock will go up. It was very strong yester
day. Something new is expected in Electric this
week, but just what it will be is not clearly
understood, and whether it will be for better or
worse Is a matter npon which there is consider
able difference of opinion. Bids and offers
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
ntts. ret. s. fiii. ei
Keystone Bank, fltti.
Pitts. IS'k for Savings.
Third atlona! Bank..
Enterprise savings, A.
i lrst Nat. Bank. Ay...
Ueruan Nat.Bk. A ll'y.
Allegheny Ins. Co
Allemannla Ins. Co....
Artisans Insurance....
Citizens Ins
Mononirahela Ins
Western Insurance....
Brldcewater Gas
Chartlers Val. Gas Co.
Hat, Gas Co. of W. Va.
1'ennsvlvanlaUas Co..
Philadelphia Co
Wheeling Gas Co
luiia oil Co
nashlnrtou Oil Co....
Central Traction.
CltUens' fraction
Plttsbnrjr fraction
P.. Ctbl.L. 1C. It...
Pitts. 4 Western 11. K.
P. A t . K. U. Co. prcf
La f.or!a Mlnlnz Co...
M cstineliouse Electric
V. b. & sir. Co.
Wettlugbouse A.B.Co.
Pittsburg Cyclorama..
fius. I'late Glass Co..
The total sales of stocks at New York Tester.
day were 151,530 shares including: Atchison,
21.760; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western,
6,750; Missouri Pacific 8,599; Northern Pacific
preferred, 9,025; Nfcw England. 10,500: Reading.
25,420; St. Paul. 12,300: Union Pacific 6.770,
The Financial Situation Viewed From Two
Points of Ynntner.
The Clearing House report yesterday showed
the following totals: Exchanges 82,474,389 93;
balances $491,390 IS. As indicated above,
checking was good. In the loan department
there was a moderate movement at the usual
rates Depositing was good. Currency was
rather scarce, but it was not down to the fam
ine point. Money was reported in good sup
ply. Harvey Fisk fe Sons New York, say: "With
the small amount of excess reserve in the
banks how are we going to tide over the great
demand for currency now almost on us to
move the fall crop of wheat, cotton, corn and
other products as well as the increased needs
for Industrial purposes? It is our opinion, as
large dealers in Government bonds that 850,
000.000 to 8100.000,009 4s could be bought without
adancing the market price over 3 or 4 per
cent. We have always held that as long as the
Gorernmentcould purchase its 4s to save 2 per
cent for each and every year they had to rnn.
It was the best thing conld be done with its
surplus The 4s now have jut 13 years to run
to maturity: If outstanding until that time the
Government will have paid. In principal ana in
terest, 172, or 81,720 for each f 1,000 bond. A sav
ing of 2 per cent for each of the 15 years would
amount to 8360 on each 81,000 bond; thus if the
Government was compelled to pay by the
scarcity of bonds 186, or SLS60, for each 81,000
bond, there would be a saving to the people of
8360,000 in each 81,000,000 purchased; while the
scattering of the money into the channels of
trade and commerce would result in untold
good to the country. Nov, unless ve are very
much mistaken 111 our opinion, the Secretary
will bavo no trouble in supplylngall his present
wants at considerably less than 136. The Secre
tary of the Treasury is now offering to buy 4;s
at a price which nets the Government a saving
of less than IK per cent for each year 2V
years they still have to run and gets no bonds
worth talking about."
As an offset to this Secretary Windom was
recently quoted as saying that, there were no
apprehensions of a money stringency, and in
proof he pointed to the fact that; while the
Government stood ready to buy in its bonds,
holders refused to sell them. As they pay less
than 2 per cent, premium counted, this would
not be the case if money were really or pros
pectively stringent.
Money at New York yesterday was easy at
203, last loan 2. closing offered 'at 2.
Prime mercantile paper, 46X- Sterling ex
change quiet and steady at 84 86 for 60-day
bills and U S!fi for demand.
Closing nond Quotations.
U. S. 4srejr 1285
U. s. 4s roup 128)4
U. 8. 4s reg 10S
U. S. 4s coup 10M
M.K.&T. Gen.Ss .57
Mutual Union 6s... .102
N.J.C. Int. Ce.rt...H3
Northern Pac lsts.,116
Northern Pac. Ms. .US
Northw't'n consois.l41t
Northw'n deben's..U4H
Oregon & Trans. 68.104
St. 1.. il.M. Oen. Ss 85
i-acincesoi -w ua
Louisiana jumped Is 89
Missouri 69 100
lenu. new net. 6s. ...106
Ipnn. new set. SB 107
Tenn. new set. 3s..,. 73
M. 1..&. b. V. Gen. Jl. 118
Canada so. zus w)$
Cen. Pacificists IIS
Den. A K. G., UU...1M
Den. A K. G. 4s 79
D.ftK.Q.West.lsts. 101
Si. Paul consols ....rat
St. PL CM Pe.lsts.119
Tx., PcUG.Tr Its. 88
lx..PcK.O.Tr.Kcts 35
Union Pac. law...-no
West Shore 1&X
Krle, Ms 102
11. K. JtT. Gen. 6s.. 61
Government and State bonds dull and un
changed. New Yobk Clearings, 865,870,387; balances
Boston Clearings 813,961,574; balances 8V
682,261. Money 2i per cent
PHH.ADFi.rHlA Clearings 812,288,720; bal
ances 82,070,694.
BAiiTlMOEE Clearings. 82,178,483; balances,
London Bar silver, 42 3-16.
Paeis Three per cent rentes 83f 60c
St. Louis Clearings 83.178,175; balances
Chicago Money firm and unchanged.
Bank clearings 810,637,000.
The Dollar Line Touched Best Cloalnn for
Nearly Four Years.
The oil market yesterday was bullish and ex
cited. For the first time In just four weeks it
touched the dollar line. Trading was quite
lively both East and West, Pittsburg giving
the cue. The market opened strong at 95,
where it hung for a few minutes and then
weakened to 9 the lowest price of the day.
Then an advance set in, which was not inter
rupted until it sold up to $1, at which price sev
eral small lots were unloaded. The market
then declined slowly the rest of the day, clos
ing at 93 with one exception the best for near
ly four years The highest in New York was
The short interest is very light, less than at
.any previous time since the Exchange was
opened five years ago. This is a strong factor
in sustaining the market. The best reasons
that can be given for the advance are bullish
statistics and scarcity of certificates
A New York telegram says: Petroleum was
stronger and prices moved higher than ever be
fore this year, August option selling up to 81
per barrel and spot oil reaching 98c The ad
vance was caused mainly by an attempt of
Wall street and Pittsburg operators to cover
their short accounts, but they had to climb
high to get any certificates and it is under
stood that the outstanding short interest re
mains as large as ever. Spot oil opened steady
at 94c, and started upward immediately after
the first sales, and before noon advanced to
98. The mirket then reacted and became
S met, closing steady at 97c Stock Exchange:
penmg. 94Jc; highest, 9SJ; lowest, 94Jc;
closing. 97c Consolidated Exchange: August
opening. 95c: highest. 81: lowest, 94c; clos
ing. 9Sc; July opened at 95c; highest, 9SVc;
lowest. 95c; closing, 97c Total sales, 1,948,
000 barrels .
Features of the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaxjey ft Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange
Opened , 95 I Lowest S4V
Hlfchest ; 100 Closed 93
Average runs (2,239
Averaie shipments 79,277
Average (.barters t9,S32
Kenned, New York. 7.2SC
HeflDe, London, SXd.
Refined, Antwerp, 17r.
Keflned. Liverpool, 6d.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts, 96c:
calls, 81 OL .
Other OH Markets.
OH. Crrr. July 122. National transit cer
tificates opened at 95c: highest, 99Kc: low
est, 91c: doed. 98Jc Sales 1.215,000 barrels;
clearances 254.000 barrels; tfiarters, 68,651 bar
rels: shipments 86,609 barrels; runs 67,870
Bradford, July 22. National transit cer
tificates opened at 94c: closed at 98c: high
est, 99c; lowest, 9lc; clearances 490,000.
Trrusvn.LE, July 22. National transit cer
tificates opened at 95c; highest, 99kTc; lowest,
95c; closed, 98c
A Lull In the Real Estate Market Latest
Yesterday was a quiet day In the real estate
market. There were more inquiries than sales
V. A. Herron & Sons sold lot No. 12 in the
Annie R. Aspinwall plan. Hazelwood, Twen.
ty-thlrd ward. 25x115, for 8600 cash.
Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for the
People's Savings Bank to Edward Schulz lots
Nos 183 and 184 in the John Brown plan, on
Glencoe street, each 20x140 feet, for 3500.
Their Weakness Throws a Wet Blanket
Over the Stock Market Bis Drop In
Buffar HocklncjValley Leads
the Dowoward Proces
sion la the Bond
New York, July 22. The week on the Stock
Exchange opened with a dull and declining
market, though considerable irregularity and
f everishness marked the trading, and the final
changes for the day are generally fractional
and very irregular. The same influences
which made the market so weak on Saturday
prevailed at the opening, and first prices were
from to per cent lower than Saturday's
closing figures The traders and professionals
were still inclined to hammer the list, while
commission people were doing nothing, and
there were few London selling orders in the
market. Thero was some buying for Western
account, however, and it was noticed that
there was more inquiry in the loan crowd for
the Western stocks while in all the leading
stocks there was evidence of better support.
After the weak opening the market became
quite strong, though the movement was of
slight Importance -The improving tendency
was hampered by the weakness in the trusts,
in which several stop orders were uncovered,
the special cause ot the declino being tho de
cline in beet sugar in Europe. Sugar scored a
decline of 2 per cent in the first hour, and the
others lost fractional amounts The official
denial of Saturday's story of the sweeping
reduction in Missouri rates was received, and
turned over some of the traders to the long
side and brought in some outside buying or
ders, which lifted the general list to something
above first prices, Missouri Pacific leading.
The highest prices were generally reached
shortly after noon, when it was announced
that the Missouri Commissioners had ordered
a reduction in some rates and Missouri Pacific
quickly lost all the improvement ot the fore
noon, and the rest of the list, while subsiding
Into intense dullness, showed a sagging tend
ency. The traders aeain attaefcad th list
later, and toward delivery hour the downward I
movement uecame more pronounced. The
C C, C. ft St. L. stocks however, showed
marked strength, and advanced 2 per cent from
its lowest price In the last hour there was
less business, but prices rallied a little and the
close was dull but fairly steady at Irregular
changes of small fractions from the opening
prices Sugar Trust is down IJf, and Northern
Pacific which suffered from a rumored issue of
315,000,000 debenture bonds Vt per cent, while
Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and St. Louis
rose VA.
Railroad bonds showed no change from the
conditions which prevailed last week, though
there was some little more animation thju at
that time. The tone of the market was weak,
however, and tbo Hocking Valley Gs took the
lead in the decline. The 6s were most active,
and furnished 3104,000 out of the total day's
trading of 8966,100. and were very well held.
St. Paul, Iowa and Mississippi lost 3 at 115
Hocking VaUe 6s lost 0 at 50. Erie funded is
lbe follewlne table snows the prices of active
stocks on the hew York Stock Kxchanvu yester
day. Corrected dally ror His Dispatch by
WnrnJET & bTEPiixssoN. oldest Pltubnrtr mem
bers of Mew York Stock Exchange, S7 Jb'ourth ave
nue: v
High- Low- lng
ml nt- nidi.
ing. , Cotton OH.. 1
AH, wtwa VU.MHHI e w H" oih i
H - 54 J
Aten.. Top. A a. P.... 35 36K ss S3
Canadian pacific SSU S3 "N "A
Canada southern. 51 51 Sl!4 SI
Central orNew Jersey.109 110 109S 110
CentralPaelfio 34 24 34 34
Cbesaneakeft Ohio ... 20 2t 20 20
O.. Bar. t Qati.er..... i 09 98 9
C, Mil. 8t. Paul..- 67 6R 07
C, Jlll.ASt.P.,pr....lli 105 .105 105
C.. Kockl. 4P 93 93 92 J
U, St. L. A i'lttl H,
C., St. L. 4 PIUS. pf. ,- .. 4
C.. St. P..M.4U...... 31 31 '30 3B
C.. St.P,ll. AC. Pf.
C. A -Northwestern.... 106 106 lu5 106
Col. Coal A iron 27
Cpl. 4 Hocklnx Val .. 11 11 11 H
Del.. L. AW. 143 113 142 142
Denver KloU is
Denver Klo U.. nt - 45
E.T., Va. Jtui 10 10 9 10
E. T.,Va. Ua. 1st pf. 68
IJ. 1.. Va. 4 Ga. 2d pf. 21
Illinois Central 114
Lake Krle Western.. 16 16V J6 16
fake Erie West. nr.. T 57 57 S7
Lake Shore M.S 100 J01 100 100
Mobile Ohio .... .... IJ
Missouri Paclfie........ b6 67 6J 64
ew Jfork Central 105
A. J.. IT. K. W 2, 25 25 25
J. J.. C. 1SUI, Jtt 18 16 15
.Y.,Ust.L. pr. 67
2-Y.. C. St.li.2dpf 84
-N.YW. E 47 47 47
. Y..o, v 162
Jiorrolk Western H
Norfolk Western.pl. 50 50 50 50
Northern Pacific 265. 2S .25 26
Nortnern Pacific met. 61 62 61 61
Oregon Improvement 21
Orceon Transcon S3
Pacincsiali 29 30 29 29
eo. Dec. a Kvans A 21
Phlladel. Ucadlnc. 44 44 43 . 433
lullman Palace Car. ..182 182 ISO '180
Ktchraond W.P.T.pI 78 78 78 78
bt. P., Minn. Man.. 97 97 97 08
gt. L. gan Fran i
St. L. San Iran pr.. SS 53 55 54
Bt.t,. San f. 1st pf. 112
Texas Pacific 18 18 18 18
Union Pacific 57 57 56 57H
Wabaao II 14 H 14
Wabaah preferred 2s 28 27 2S
Western Onion 83 S3 83 83
Wbvelmjr ft L. j 67 67
burar Trust 107 105
National Lead Trust.. 23 23
Chicago Gas Trust 57 57 57 57
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks fur
nished by Whitney Stephenson, brokers No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. BM. Asked.
Pennsylvania KaUroad 51 51
Keadlnir 21 21 15-15
Lehigh Valley 52 S3
Lehigh Navigation S3
Northern Pacific T. 28 26
Northern Pacific preferred 61 61
Atch. ft Ton.. 1st 7s. lis
A.T. LandGr't7s. 10
Atch. ft Top. U. K... 35
Boston Albany.. .217
Boston Alalne.....2
V.. B. IHI. 99
Clnn. San. Cleve. 22
Laetern R. K 100
FUntftPereM. pfd. 05
Little K. Ft. H. 7s. 106
Mexican Cen. com.. 14
Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 65H
N. T. tAeKn... 47
N. Y. 4N.E.7a....l2M
Old Colony. 171
Kutland preferred.. 40
Wls.UentraI.com... 22
Calumet a ilecla....208
franklin. 8
Osceola. S
Pewablc (new) 2
Uulner 48
Hell Telephone 226
Boston Land 6
VV aier rower 6
Tamarack 96
San Diego 25
Santa Fe copper.....
The American ship Bosle Welt, Capt. Welt,
from New Castle, N. S. W.. for Singapore, has
been wrecked in Bramble Bay straits.
Members of the Crouin. faction of the Clan-na-Uael
held a secret meeting In New York
vesterday morning in one of the parlors of the
Vandetbilt Hotel, where LukeDUlon, of Phila
delphia, Is at present stopping.
The British steamer Altna Craig from
iloilo tor America, struck a rock near the
island of Palawan and filled with water. She
will probably be a total loss. The crew bare
arrived at Manila. The Altna Craig is an Iron
screw steamer of 1,872 tons.
Representatives of six of the roads con
cerned in the Transcontinental Railway Asso
ciation, to further consider the notice of with
drawal by the Northern Pacific and Southern
Pacific roads, met in Chicago yesterday, but
nothing was accomplished.
Bands of Cretan insurgents have seized the
towns of Vamos and Cidonia. They -expelled
the authorities of the towns and burned the
archives. A number of Turkish peasants who
fled from the district occupied by the Insurgents
have taken refuge in Retymo.
Lord George Hamilton, first Lord of the
Admiralty, announced yesterday in the House
of Commons that the construction of 62 war
ships had been begun during the current year.
Twenty of these vessels were being built in the
government dock yards and 32 in private yards.
Counsel for Mr. William O'Brien have de
cided to move for a new trial in the action for
damages brought by Mr. O'Brien against Lord
Salisbury for slander. Their ground for asking
for a new trial is that the jury who returned a
verdict for Lord Salisbury on Saturday were
r-MrsHoganhasheard no news from tho Pro
fessor. She has given np all hope, and believes
he has met with death. She left Jackson,
Mich., Sunday night, for New York. She states
that her husband had with him 81,000 In cash
and a balloon and outfit which he must have left
with friends
Tommy and Agnes Williams, aged 5 and 3,
were burned to death by the explosion of a
coal-oil can Sunday night. The mother had left
the house a few minutes on an errand, during
which the boy secured the oil can, placed it in
tho middle of the floor, and then secured some
matches and set the oil on fire.
The Captain ot the Atlas line steamship,
Alene. brings the news that on July 11 Hip
polyte attempted to take Port Au Prince. On
the 12th Instant be also made several assaults
but was repulsed each time with loss Subse
quently he retreated to Croix des Bouquets a
point above nine miles from Port Au Prince,
where he Is now encamped.
Millionaire John Allen, the New York hotel
man, and Prof. E. F. Piatt, of ridine school
fame, rode into Denver at noon Sunday on
jaded bronchos and leading mustang ponies
They left New York May 14, bound for the
Golden Gate, and have made the journey so
far without the slightest mishap. They hope
to reach their destination by October.
The judges to whom Mr.Slmms,a journalist,
appealed when a magistrate declined to Issue
a summons against the Duke of Cambridge to
answer a charge of assaulting Mr. Simmshave
upheld the decision of the magistrate and re
fused to grant a summons The alleged assault
of which Mr. Simms complains took place some
time ago In Whitehall during a review of the
fire brigade.
Wm. Hall, of the secret service bureau, ar
rived In Chicago from Dayton, O., yesterday
morning, where be helped capture the noto
rious counterfeiter. Nelson Drlggs He sajs
the counterfeit 810 Sliver certificates were so
perfect that It is believed they were printed
from genuine plates which the counterfeiters
had succeeded in getting possession of in some
unknown manner.
Right Hon. W. H. Smith, the Government
leader, laid on the table of the House of Com
mons yesterday the report of the Committee on
Royal Grants. The report recommends that
the sum of 9,000 be added to the quarterly
allowance of the Prince of Wales The report
maintains the right of the Queen to ask parlia
ment to make further provision for her grand
children. The debate on the report was post
poned until Thursday.
Three boys playing In a shed Sunday night
at Stonebam, Mass, started a fire which com
municated with the building. Two ot the boys
ran out, leaving a little fellow named Murphy,
10 years of age, a deaf mute, in the shed. The
door had a spring lock on It, and closed, lock
ing the boy inside. His father ascertained
after a time that the boy was in the shed and
tried to save him but could not. and he was
himself burned severely. The shed wasdtm
pletely destroyed and the boy burned to death.
From dispatches from Indian Territory it
is learned that the proposed sale of the Cbero
keo strip to the United States is likely to fall.
The United States Commissioners. Wilson,
Hartranf t and Fairchlld, will reach Tahlequah
the 25tb, and Chief Mayes will donhtles call a
special session of the Cherokee Legislature to
consider their proposition, and also the offer of
the live stock company, which now holds the
strip under a lease, which they want extended
for 10 years The Cberokees claim to hold a
government patent for the strip and say they
must have a big price if they sell.
During the Dast two years people have at
various times claimed to have seen a sea ser
pent in Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin. Others
who saw the monster said it was a whale.
In one or two instances affidavits to the
truth of the claim were made. It is
now found that there was some ground tor the
stories told. Saturday afternoon whiht two
boys were spearing for frogs near the lake they
saw the monster in a shallow pool. Assistance
was summoned and a sea Hon 11 feet long was
captured. It escaped from a circus here four
years ago, and the fact had been forgotten.
Secretary Windom has Instructed the Col
lector of Customs at Cape Vincent, N. Y., to
extend ail courtesies and facilities consistent
with the interests of the revenue to the mem
bers of the American Canoe Association on the
occasion of their annual camp ana meeting,
from August 10 to 23 next, on Stave Island, jnst
across the northern boundary line. This action
is based upon representations by the associa
tion that the only object of the meeting is to
pass a pleasant vacation season among the
Thousand Islands The association is com-
gosed of about 1.800 residents nf the United
tates and Canada.
Weak stomacb.Beecham'sPills actllko magic
Peaks' Soap secures a beautiful complexion.
1 Baal you want tn know what you ought to
gas know, send for special elrenlar relative
a prompt and permanent cure for Nervous
Debility, Weakness etc Price 81 per box.
unwnwpaTBn a pn Ph.miet.
iT80-2i-TTSWt 18BWllllaml3treet,N.Y
Supply of Berries Lignt-Potatoes
Are Coming in Freely.
Yery Heavy Cereal Eeceipts Tone of Mar
kets Weakening;.
Monday. July 22, 1888.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Monday rarely brings any new features to
.trade, and is usually as blue td produce men as
to preachers. Vegetables of all kinds were
well cleaned up Saturday, and stuff is not yet
coming in freely enough to fill up the gap. An
abundance of potatoes are on the way from
Tennessee. One dealer reports from 15 to 20
carloads in transit, and has little doubt that
they will all be wanted at our quotation. Sup
ply of berries is light, giving evidence that the
country districts which supply Pittsburg mar
kets keep the Sabbath. A week of abundance
in all reasonable fruit and vegetable lines is as
sured. The raspberry crop will wind up its
career for the season this week, and home
grown blackberries will be to the front.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do.
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country
rolls 1012c
Beans 81 7S1 90.
Beeswax 2&30c $ ft for choice; low grade,
CIDER Sand refined, 88 S07 60: common,
83 504(X; crab cider, 88 00&8 50 f barrel;
cider vinegar, 10012c $ gallon.
Cheese Ohio. 8Kc; New York, 1010Kc;
Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweltzer, 9)
12Kc: imported Sweltzer, 22K-
California Fruits California peaches,
82 00 V K-bushel box; cherries 83 00; apricots
82 00 a 4-basket case; plums 81 752 00 a 4
basket case. i
Eggs I516c ft dozen for strictly fresh;
goose, SOc V dozen.
Fruits Apples, 82 003 00 1 barrel: pine
apples 81 0001 2.5 f. dozen; red raspberries. 6
&10c p quart: black raspberries 68c $1 quart;
hortleberries 75c81 00 $1 pail; blackberries,
68cfl quart; wild goose plums S2 &u crate:
currants 85 2-busheI stand; watermelons
815 0025 00 $ hundred; sickel pears 82 0042
2 25 -jfl bushel crate; Alabama peaches, 6-basket
cases S3 00.
Feathers Extra live geese. 50Q60c; No. 1,
do, 404oc; mixed lots 3035c V ft-
Potatoes 81 251 75 barrel.
Poultry Live spring chickens, 5060c 1
pain old, 7075c V Pair.
Sheds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, 85 60
P bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts 56 00:
cloyer, Alslke. 88 0; clover, white, 89 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts 81 65: blue grass extra
clean, 14 fts. 90c: blue grass fancy, 14 fts, 81 00;
orchard grass 14 fts 81 65; red top, 14 fts 81 25;
millet, 60 fts 81 00; German Millett, 50 fts
81 50; Hungarian grass, 60 fts 81 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, $250 fl bushel
of 14 fts
Tallow Country, 4K5c: city rendered, 5
Tropical Fruits Lemons fancy. 85 00
5 50 V box: Messina oranges 85 005 50 box;
rodu 84 505 00; California oranges 84 504 75
fl box; bananas 82 00 firsts SI 00 cood seconds,
fl bunch; cocoanuts 84 00Q4 50 hundred;
new figs 8K9c fl ft; dates. d!Kc fl ft.
Vegetables Tomatoes, Misissippis four
basket cases, 81 752 00; beans round wax
fancy, 82 601 crate; beans round waxmedium,
82 00 fl crate; beans, round green, 82 252 50;
new beets, 2025c fl dozen; cucumbers 75c
81 00 ft bushel box; radishes, Urge white and
gray, 3035c ft dozen; cabbage, two-barrel
crates Louisville and St, Louis, 81 251 50;
Eastern, single barrel crates 81 001 25; new
celery, 60060c fl dozen.
Sugars are a shade easier in Eastern markets
and there are signs that the top has been
reached. A year ago nrices were little above
halt present rates Verily the Sugar Trust has
been a power at the expense of consumers.
Wholesale grocers report that profits on sugar
have been their best card of late.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2122c; choice
Rio, 1820c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 272Sc; Santos, 1922c: Caracas
2022c: peaberry, Rio. 2123c; La Guayra, 21
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands 22c:
high grades 2426c; old Government Java,
bulk. 30K31ic:Maracaibo, 25;26c: Santos.
202322c: -peaberry. 26c; peaberry, choice Rio.
23K prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20c; ordi
nary, 20c
Spices (whole) Cloves, Hffi25c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleuh (jobbers' prices) 110 test,7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8fc; water
whiter 10c; Elobe. 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
llc: royaline. 14c
syrups Corn syrups 2629c; choice sugar
syrups, S3g33c: prime sugar syrup, S033c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy. 43c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c; mixed,4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs 3K4c; bi-carb inK8.
5c; bl-carb, .assorted packages 6c; sal
soda in kegs. lc; do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, fl
set, 8Kc; parafflne, ll12c
RICE Head. Carolina, 77Jc: choice, 6K
7c; prime. 56(Wc; Louisiana, b6Jc
' Starch Pearl, 3c: cornstarch, 5j$7c; gloss
starch, &7c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon
don layers, 83 10; California London layers,
82 50; Muscatels, 82 25: California Muscatels,
81 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,
?K08c; sultana, 8Kc: currants, 45c;
Turkey prunes, 45c; French prunes
8K13c; Salonlca prune", in 2-ft packages, 8c;
cocoanuts. ft 100, 86 00; almonds, Lan., per ft,
20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
16c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecan?,
ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per
ft. 1314c; orange peel, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples evaporated, 66c; apricots Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated,
nnpared, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Wc; blackberries 78c; huckle
berries, 1012c
Sugars Cubes 10K10Jbc; powdered. 10U
10c; granulated, 9c: contectioners' A. 9"
9Jc; standard A. 9Kc;soft whites 9K9c: yel
low, choice, 8sje9kc; yellow, good, 88sc;
yellow, fair, 8?&c; yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 84 60; medi
um, half bbls (600). 32 75.
Salt-No. L ft bbl. 95c; No. lex. fl bbl, 81 05;
dairy, f! bbl, Jl 20: coarse crystal, fl bbl, 81 20:
Hlggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80; Hlggius'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, 83 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, 81 30
1 90: 2ds, J1'S01 35; extra peaches 81 6001 90;
pie peaches 90c; finest corn. 811 50; Hid. Co.
corn. 7090c: red cherries 90c Jl; Lima beans
81 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas. 81 1001 15: soaked peas, 70g)75c;
pineapples 81 4031 50: Bahama do, 82 75: dam
son plums 95c: greengages 81 25; egg plums,
82; California pears S2 50; do greengages 82: do
egg plums, 82; exira white cherries, 82 90: red
cherries 2 ft-. 90c; raspberries, 81 40i?l 50:
strawberries 81 10; gooseberries, 81 3061 40;
tomatoes 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, 81 75J 10:
blackberries 80c; snccota3h. 2-ft cans soaked.
99c: do green, 2 Its, 81 251 50; com beef, 2-ft cans,
82 00: 14-ft cans, 814 00; baked beans, 81 45I K;
lobster, 1-ft. 81 751 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans,
broiled. 81 50; sardines domestics 4s 84 50
4 60: sardines domestic Ms. 88 258 50; sar
dines, imported, Js, 811 6012 50; sardines im
ported, s, 818: sardines, mustard, 84 50; sar
dines, spiced, 84 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 833 fl
bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess 840; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, messed.
836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4Kc fl ft; do medium, George's cod,
6c: do large. 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks 6J7Jc Herring
Round shore. 85 00 fl bbl: split. 87 00: lake,
82 60 100-ft half bbL Wblte fish. 87 0C fl 100
& half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50 ft bait bbL
Finnan haddock. 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft ft. Pickerel. barrel. 82 00; K barrel. 81 10;
Potomac herring. 85 00 fl barrel. 82 50 ft K
Oatmeal 86 306 60 ft bbL
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5S60o
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
t Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 59 cars the'heavlest for months past
in ono day. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago, 1 ca of rye, 4 of feed. 8 of oats 3
of wheat, 4 of flour, 1 ot middlings 1 ot corn, 6
of bay. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis
1 car of bran, 1 ot wheat. 1 of corn. 12 of oats.
By Baltimore and Ohio, 4 cars of oats 1 of
bran. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 4 cars of
oats, 2 of rye. By Pittsburg and Western, 1
car of mlllfeed, 2 of flour, 1 of hay, 1 of oats
There was one sale on call, viz: 1 car chop,
815 60, spot, regular. Cereal markets evidently
feel the effect ot large receipts, and tone of
trade has weakened.
Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83
84c: No. 2 red. 92398c: No. 3 red, 8788c
Corn No.2yellowear.45KlGKc:blgh mixed
ear. 4oJ-Jg46c; No. 2 jell.w, shelled, 4243c;
bleb mixed, shelled, 4142c: mixed, shelled,
OATS No. 2 white, 32U33o: extra. No. 8.
31?31Xr; No. 3 wblte, SOKSSlc; No. 2 mixed
oats, 2828c
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 61652c;
No. 1 Western. 4H!48c
be JoDDing price uancy winter ana.
spring patents ?5 7506 25: winter straight.
$5 005 25; clear winter, 84 7535 00: straight
XXXX bakers', 84 254 50. Rye flour, 83 60
4 CO.
MILLFEED Middlings fine white. -$lo 00
15 50 f ton: brown middling. Sll 601260: win
ter wheat bran, 812 25012 60; chop feed, 815 00
16 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. 81515 60: No. I
do, 814 0014 60; No. 2 do, 812 50 13 50; loose,
from wagon, 816 00 IS 00; No. 1 npland prairie,
810 50Q U 00; No.2, 87 608 00: packing do, 85 60
6 50. .
Straw Oats 87 50; wheat and rye straw
17 0007 60S 00.
Sugar-cured bams large, 11HC: sugar-cured
hams medium, 12c; sugar-cured hams small.
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders 7Kc; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders 9c; sugar-cured California bams,
8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats 9Kc; sugar
cured dried beef sets 10KC; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds 12c; bacon shoulders 7c: bacon
clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, Se; dry
salt shoulders &Kc: dry salt clear sides, 7Jic
Uac. nfl.l- t,a-w T t ftA. ms.o tui.lr 4miltf
intra ui, ... u....... .x w, uiira u. . . w..... j .
814 60. Lard Refined in tierces (c; half
barrels 6c; 60-ft tubs 7c; 20-ft palls. c; 50-ft
tin cans. 6c; 3-ft tin palls, TJgc; 5-ft tin pails
7Vc; 10-ft tin pails, 7Kc:5-ft tin palls 75 10"a
tin pails IVic Smoked sausage, long, 6c: large,
5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams 10c.
Pigs feet, half barrel, 83 50; quarter barrel.
$2 00.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Oo. furnished the following prices
on dressed meats: Beef carcasses 450 to 650
fts.5Kc;550 to 650 ftsoVc: 650 to 750BS.CKC
Sheep, 8c ft ft. Limbs, 10c ft ft. Hogs ?
Fresh pork loins, 8c.
A pure dry Soap In powdered font. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury to
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, window,
houses, dishes, milk pails, milk cars, clothes, jic.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus. &c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
R. W.BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, H.Y.
Mr. James Brown, a well-known citizen ot
Allegheny county, formerly residing in Glen
wood, but who has for the past 11 years lived
in Hampton township, has passed through an
eventful experience. His disease, although
not unlike that of many others assumed cer
tain conditions that gave him great alarm. He
had a continuous dropping of offensive matter
from his head into the throat, where it as
sumed a dry, tenacious condition, rendering it
almost impossible for him to raise it out.
There was a tickling sensation in his
throat, and, as the poisonous matter
extended down into the bronchial
tubes of his lungs, he coughed badly
both dav and night. He felt great tightness and
a stufTed-up condition in his throat and lungs
His breath became very short, and, as the dis
ease further preyed upon his system, he lost
flesh and became very weak. He had pain over
the eyes poor appetite, coated tongue and
belching of gas after eating. Although 61 years
of age, he received treatment from the physi
cians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, at
323 Penn avenue, and he became entirely cured
of these diseases.
Ho adds: "I am glad to give my testimony
for publication, as I have been cured as above
stated, by the physicians of the Catarrh and
Dyspepsia Institute. "James Bbown."
Mr. Brown's postoffice address Is Talley
Cavey, Allegheny county, where this statement
can be easily proven by himself and many
Mrs. Dr. Crossley is always present during
office hours to consult with ladies Consulta
tion free to all. Office hours 10 a. m., to 4 p.
M., and 6 to 8 P. If. Sundays 12 to 4 P. IT.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
and CHEVlOTa
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us
ISf THH W03E.X,I3.
Of all Druggists, but heicareof imitations.
Blood Purifier,
A purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
system. Bemoves blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
Issue travelers' credits through Mexsrs Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
514-515 Hamilton Building.
mvlO-70-D Pittsburg; Pa.
bankers and brokers.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
fittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
( 45 SIXTH ST Pittsburg.
i A
Our little girl when but three weeks old
broke out with eczema. We tried the prescrip
tion from several good doctors but without
any special benefit. We tried S. S. 8., and by
the time one bottle was gone, ber bead began
to heal, and by the time she had taken six bot
tles she was completely cured. Now she has
full and heavy head of hair a robust, healthy
child. I feel It hut my dnty to make this state
ment. H. T. SHOBE. Rich Hill. Mo.
X9Send for our Books on Blood and Skin Dis
eases and Advice to Sufferers, mailed free.
Tue Swift Specific Col,
f el-7-TTS Drawer 3. Atlanta, Oa.
5 per cent
First Mortgage Bonds.
Free of All Taxes.
The Central Traction. Company, of
Pittsburg, offers for sale its total issue
of Three Hundred and Seventy-five
Thousand Dollars, first mortgage five
per cent bonds due 1929. Bonds are for
$500 each, interest payable semi-annually,
are free of all taxes and a first lien on all
the property and franchises of the com
pany, whose cable road -will be com
pleted by October 1.
Proposals for all or any part of these
bonds -will be received by the Treasurer
of the company up to and Including July
31, and allotments made thereunder.
At 104.46 these bonds pay 4 if per cent
annually, at 109.24,4 per cent, at 114.37,
4 pff cent and at 119 87, 4 per cent.
The Company reserves the right to
reject any or all offers. For further in
formation, address
The Central Traction Company,
Pittsburg, Pa.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus $123,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
jyS-TTS 1
On mortgages on improved real estate In sum
of 51,000 and upward. Applv at .
mh43l-r No. 124 Fonrth avenue.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg capers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCQni Cand mental diseases physical
Cn V UUo dccay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,bashf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness pimples ernntlons im
poverished blood, falling powersorganic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for businesssoclety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotcbes, falling hair, bones pains glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb,tbroat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV kidney anu bladder derange
U M 1 1 1 rt II I 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittler's life-lore, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. X. to 8 r. m. San
day. 10 A. 31. to 1 p. si. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
I"5-t 1.1 Rf !Vh!TffGT?l T
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa
the Errors of Youth, iremamroiiecnne, nervous
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resultmgtrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim
for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation.
Avoid unskilful pretenders Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.00 hy
mall, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Th
distinguished author, Wm. II. Parker. IT. D, re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
FHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mail or In person, at the office of
No.4 llnlilnch St., Boston. Mass., to whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should be
directed as above.
SPECIALISTS In all cases re
quiring scientific and confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation tiei and
frirtlv rrtnflftentlat ftffi
hours a to 4 and 7 to S P. it.; Sundays. 2 to 4 p.
M.Cousnlt them personally, orwrite. DOCTOBS)
Lake. 90tl Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
a posrrrvK cuks
For LOST or falling
MAM HOO l, N ervous
ness. Weakness of
Body & Mind. Lack of Strength. Vigor and De
velopment, caused by Errors, Excesses, Ac. Uoofc.
SIODK or biU-TBSAXMIXT. and Proofs malted
(scaled) free. Address KK1E J1KDICAL CO
Buffalo. K. Y. de25-S7-TTS&wk
For men! Checks the worst cases In thre
days and cures in five days Price J t 00. at
ja5-23-rrssu 412 Market street
'a Cotton. Eocrt
COMPOUND imnosed of Cotton Root. Tansv sad
Petmvroval a recent discovery by an.
'old Dhvslclan. It tuuessfvUu used
monttdu Safe. Effectual. Price $1. by mall,
sealed. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's
fVitmn Root Comnonnd and take no substitute.
or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
Block, 131 Woodward avew Detroit, Mlch.
weakness, lost visor, etc.. wssrestored to health,.
In such a remarkable mannerafter all else h ad
failed that he will send the mode of cure-FKEE to'
all rellow sufferers Address L. O. MITCHELL.
ZutHaddam, Conn. mT-3-Diawk
l&t:ia2kia .
hV.- .Jj.. it.