P THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH,' JIONDAT, JOLT 22, 1889. t IKOW riKST JTHE Pennycomequicks Written for THE DISPATCH by S. BARING GOULD, AuUlOrof 'MEHAXAn,""CODKTlOYAl,,""JOHN Herring," "The Gateeocks,"Eto ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ' CHAPTER XLIX. Tete-a-tete. riillip passed a night of pain anil fever. Hfi -was bruised and shaken. His hands liad been scarified in the slide down the rubble, and when circulation returned In them they bled. The exposure to cold had affected bim, and he ached in every joint; his skin was as tliouch red-hot plates had been passed over it. He could not sleep, for if he dropped out of con sciousness it was Into mental fear that he was filling down a precipice Into the vortex of an unseen torrent, and he woke with a start that sent a thrill of torture through his strained nerves. He could not get the roar of the -water out of his cars; he had carried it away with bim in is head. Salome, ac his request, to dispel it plajcd the jingling piano in the sallc underneath his room, but that was power less to dissipate it. Then he sent bis request to Miss Durham to side. Perhaps, her splen did voice might drive away the delusion. Her answer was that she had no voice. No voice! He know that she had; she had boasted to him of it. He sent another message Then came bark the reply that she could not. and would not, sing to such a detestable little instrument as that in the salle. Next day Philip was obliged to keep bis bed. lie was n discomfort and pain, and not the best of temners. "Salome," said he, when his wife came to him with her fresh bright face full of sym pathy and cheering, "thankjyou lor going on playing on the piano yesterday evening. While you played 1 could forget the roar, but it re turned directly that your ringers left the keys. I take it most unkind of Miss Durham that she would not sing." "Oh, Philip! don't you know that she has come to the high mountains to husband her woicc, and it i possible that to sing at this .great altitude we are nearly 7.000 feet above the sea might do it serious injury?" "Why did she laugh when I was drawn out of the chasm?" "Philip, dear, I cannot tell; but neither she nor I had any idea of the danger you bad been in. The ravine was completely blocked up and er.ccted over with snow, and we did not know anything of the horrible chasm down which She nver plunged and through which it strug gled. We only knew that you had gone -through a crust of snow, and that you had to be drawn out." "Hut did you not hear the thunder of the torrent?" "We did not particularly notice it the roof of snow muffled it. You who were beneath heard it, but Me we may have heard some thing, but had no more idea of what there was beneath than you can have had when you slipped through." "It was very unfeeling of her to laugh." "Look here, Philp," said Salome. "In turn ing the sleeves of your coat inside out I have found these flowers. Edelweiss, and fresh." "Yes, I found th.m" He considered for a moment, and then said: They arc for j ou. Wear them, and let our pirty know that I did not encounter the risks 1 passed through without bringing back with me a prize.- Thank ou, dear Philip:" she stooped over bim and kissed bis lips. "Dear, dear Philip, I shall never part with them. It was most kind of yon, and brave, too, to go in search of them .for me." "Salome," said be, "don't let Lambert, and -above all Mrs. Sidebottom, come and worry me to-day. I am in horrible pain, I cannot move and 4 cannot bear to be bothered. You go down and take a little stroll; do not mind about ,nic I will try to doze. 1 bad no sleep last night. I am turnirg all the colors of the ra'n bow, I was so bruised. I shall be right in a day or two. No bones are broken, but I cannot FEATUfiES 0E TBADE. The General Hardware Trade Holds Up Well, and Outlook FOR FALL BUSINESS PROMISING. Aa Active Flour Market, With Spring Patents Tery Firm. A SCANT SDFPLY OF GAKDEN STUFF Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, ) Saturday. July 20, 18S9. J One of our leading hardware merchants, in an interview to-day, said: "Our volume of trade for the first half of 1889 showed an increase of not less than 20 per cent over the corresponding period of last year. Ono marked feature of tbe Pittsburg general hardware trade this season has been that it has kept up so well so long into the summer. Trade usually slacks up in June, but June this year was good with us all through. Tbe demand for agricultu ral hardware has been unprecedented a fact easily explained by extra crop prospects. There has been an excellent demand for fly screens, never better, showing that this article is coming to be regarded as a household neces sity. Refrigerators have scarcely maintained their average volume, owing, no doubt, to the cool and backward spring. Nails and in fact all iron materials are hard ening of late, and if this hardening prospect holds for the next 30 days, we are bound to have an extra fall business in all hardware lines. "When goods are consumed as freely as they are this late in the summer, and prices continue firm as they are, there is little doubt that values will be enhanced in the fall. The outlook for a first class fall trade in hardware lines has not for many years been as good at this season of thenar as it is now. We do not look lor tho big profits or former years. The day of vide margins has passed away, and It has csme to pass that tbe winner in hardware lines must -slace lafge quantities ot goods. We have landled more goods tbe past six months than f vcr before In the same time and have tbe best Jirospccts to keep up this record for the bal ance of 1SS9." I Cereals. f Dealers report an active trade for the first half of the week. Tbe activity, however, has subsided for the past few days, owing to liberal receipts, tbe largest for months past. It will be seen by reference to our domestic market column that receipts this week were 08 car loads greater than last week. Oats have been coming to market in supply much beyond demand and markets are droop ing. Corn and hay are scarce and prices for both are firm. A full supply of corn from Illinois is expected early next week. New wheat has pnt in an appearanoc, but no new flour. Tbe demand for old wheat flour is active. Dealers are evidently laying in supplies to carry them over to tbe time when tbe new wheat is ready for grinding. One of our leading flour jobbers reports an improved trade this week over last. Spring patents are firm, while winter patents are easy. Said this jobber: "One thing I cannot under-standr-uamely, when spring wheat turned up ward a short time ago spring patent flour fol lowed, but when winter wheat went up winter patent flour dropped in this market." An unprecedented wheat crop has been safely garnered through this section, and all over tbe land accounts are coming in that we are to have abundance of breadstuns this season. Country Produce. The marked feature of trade for tbe week has been lack of vegetables, which were over abundant last week. Potatoes were cheaper hero last week, probably, than at any great trade center of the land. Large quantities came from Tennessee which did not bring much more than irelgbt and commission. Shippers have neglected us this w eek, and de mand is greater than supply. The week closes with great scarcity of tomatoes, and prices ad vanced. Produce commission merchants report a fair week's trade, with the chief difficulty that they could not get all tbe stuff wanted. Pros poets for next week are good for abundance of everythiug. In tbe lines of cheese, butter and eggs, one of our leading jobbers reports an active week's trade, with prices steady and unchanged. . -isrAwir i - --a--' - AaAtBT'.dflfcMfcissA.fwWsfl ggggggjym rDBLlSHED.l stir, and cannot endure to be worried; let me bo quiet and a good deal to myselt. I will sleep when I can." "Mayl sit by you a littler' she asked timidly. "1 will not speak only hold your hand." Sbe took his silence for consent. And be found comfort in her presence: a soothing feeling crept up his arm from her hands that clasped his, and spread over his heart. He was somewhat ashamed of himself. , He bad not made bis expedition among the rocks, ana met with his fall in searching for Edelweiss tor her, but for Artemisia. Salome had ac cepted the flower and cherished it, as if he had sought it lor her, and he allowed her to remain in this delusion. Was this honorable? Was It in accordance with that strict rectitude on which he plumed himself? Yet be could not tell her tho truth, it would wound her too deeply, and bumble himself too consider ably. Two days ago Artemisia Durham had taken his band on the Oberalp, beside the lake, when he extended it to her in pledge that he would do great things for her; and now, in redemption of his pledge, he had tried to get her a bit of Edelweiss, and had tumbled through the snow In his efforts. And what could be do for her? Sbe bad not asked for legal advice or for figuredjtable linen, the two things that he could furnish berwith without offense. Itwasaswell that his hand was hurt, it served him right; he bad no right to offer what he was unable to perioral. How differently be bad felt as Artemisia held his hand! Then an intoxicating current bad set boiling through his veins, turn ing his head, maddening bim. Now the cool band of Salome conveyed balm to bis aching joints, and what was a better medicine, though a bitter one, self-reproach to bis conscience. Now, also, for the first time since his walk with Miss Durham, some of his old suspicion oozed up tbrongh the joints of his thoughts. What was the reason of her laughter? Thrice it had occurred; first she bad said something laughingly about him to Beaple Yeo at table, and provoked that odious creature to an ex plosion of laughter. Then, on the Oberalp Pass she had laughed for no particular reason that Philip could see, and had mado Philip laugh with her. And, lastly, she had laughed mockingly, alone, when he was rescued from the very verge of a dreadful death. He shut his eyes and lay still. Salome-sat by bim for an hour, and then, thinking he was asleep, released bis hand, kissed him quietly, and stole from the room. Mrs. Sidebottom wanted to take a short walk; it was tedious in the inn, with only a few old and odd volumes of Taucbnitz novels about; and cold or inactiv ity was rendering the Labarte girls torpid, and they were clinging about Aunt Janet, or drop ping upon bcr, at embarrassing times. Mrs. Sidebottom did not feel equal to managing all three unaided, and as Miss Durham declined to accompany ber, she Insisted on Salome lending ber aid. Salome consented. Her husband bad wished that she should go out, and be was asleep and could be left without anxiety. The girls bad been shown at Andermatt beads and seals made of a sparkling stone which was said to be found on the St. Gotthard road, half way down the Val Tremola, and when Mrs. Sidebottom proposed a walk they entreated to be allow ed to search for this precious stone, of which they resolved to compose necklaces for themselves, or at least bracelets. It would create quite a sensation at Elboeufjnot ono of the girls there bad seen this beautiful stone not one probably had beard the name of Tre moine, by which it was called. There was another reason why Mrs. Side bottom, on this occasion, particularly desii ed the companionship of Salome. She was com missioned to break to ber the news that Janet and Lambert were engaged, and to use her en K0B0DY IS KICKING. Business in Good Sbopc tor the Dull Reason and Rapidly GrowltiK Better The Proposed Ohio Valley Boulo- vard Stock nnd Bonds. Business last week was very large for the dull season of the year. Iron was active and stronger. Stocks were dull, with a dis position to weaken. The total sales on 'Change were 901 shares, Philadelphia Gas, Electric and La Koria leading. Petroleum opened dull, hut closed firm.and fairly ac tive. There was a good demand for real es tate, and a satisfactory number of sales were made. The number of deeds recorded was 189, involving $131,065. The number of mortgages of which official cognizance was taken was 180, representing 243.591. The largest was for $10,000. Trade in nearly all branches was larger than a year ago, with a steadily improving tendency. The work of laying out a boulevard down the Ohio river is being pnsbed as fast as possible. Surveyors are at wori, and report good prog ress. When completed it will be one of the finest drives in or near either city, equaling anything that the East End can boast of pres ent or prospective. It will be wide and almost level from Allegheny City to Dixmont, and will open up some of tbe finest residence prop erties to be found in any of tbe suburbs. It will afford fine views of tho Ohio river, and of the beautiful scenery of hill and dale on the opposite side. The connecting point will be California ave nue. It will be 69 feet wide, and will pass through the James L Bennett property, along West Market street, crossing Wood's Run on a high bridge, and continuing on through a fine section of country, where there are already many flue residences, such as those of John Phillips, the McKecs, Samuel R. Harbison and others, to Jack's run, which will be spanned by a high iron bridge, to Bellevue. where the surveyors are now working. Continuing on through Bellevue, between the Ohio river and the New Brighton road, it will cross the latter at the lower end of West Bellevue. It will then continue on to a point on Spruce run, above Laurel station, where a short bridge will be needed to reach the opposite side at the upper end of Emswortb, passing Jn front or near the handsome residence of -J. C. Lewis, Judge Veach and others, where it will strike Church avenue.tf) feet wlde.already laid outand partly improved. It will then continue on high ground through Emswortb, one of tbe finest locations along the toute, and down toward Dixmont. At tbe close of the session a broker remarked: "It's impossible to make business where there is none. There are verf few orders in hand, and the placing of them is conditioned npon lower prices. Whether this expectation will be realized is more than I know. The principal factor that is sustaining the market Is generally overlooked. Nearly all tbe stock that Is out was bougbtathlgberpncesthan arenow ruling, and holders don't want to sell at a loss. With investors waiting for a slump and holders for an advance, tbe deadlock is not strange. To revive things there must be concessions, but who will make tbem? I look for a good selling movement pretty soon, but this need not neces sarily cause much of a break, as everything is very cheap. A very slight shading of values Is all that is necessary to start tbe ball rolling. After that the market can take care of itself." The followlne table snows the prices of active stocks on tbe New York Stock Kxehsnre yester day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by WHITNEY A STiriiENSOif. oldest Pittsburg mem bers or Mew York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave nue: Open luir. Cl.,Uol.,Cln. ft I., new 61 Cl.,Col.,Cln. A I., pr. .... Am. Cotton Oil UH Canada Southern Central of .Sew Jersey Central fsclnc High- Low est, est. 61 l M NX Chesapeake & Ohio... C, .Mil. a. St. raul.. C. aiil.jr,st.r.pr.., C. St. L. A Pitts....... c, t. i.. a ruts. pr. C. St. F..M. IU zoi . cs MX. 7J 03 93 ma lue i" n" iJH ii" 1K 1W 1'K C. St. fM. A U.. rjf. S3 U. A -Norm wes tern.. ..1C6X CA Northwestern, pr. .... C C O. A I Jl Col. Coat A Iron Col. A Hocking Val .. JIM Del.. L. A W .14J Denver A KloG - .... Denver A Bio U., pr deavors to overcome any prejudice Salome might entertain against the marriage being sol emnized shortly, at Berne, at the embassy. And Mrs. Sidebottom was about to attack ber on this point by representing that sbe, Salome, was not the person to make objections when she herself had married Philip within a very short time of the supposed death of Uncle Jere miah, who. though he was not her father, had stood to her much iu the light of a parent. Salome bad observed that Janet and the Cap tain took much delight in each other's society, but she bad not given their association a seri ous thought; she knew that her sister liked lively society, and the Captain bad exhibited, while at Andermatt, an amount of vivacity and humor which she had not given him the.credit of possessing. They were both interested in things of which sbe knew nothing, and natur ally, therefore, sought each other's society. Through Philip, Lambert became ber cousin, and as Janet was ber sister, he must be some sort of cousin to Janet. Quite near enough relation to remove starchness of inter course, and place them on easy terms of cousinly association, that excused a good deal which would be inadmissible were they unre lated. Philip heard the voices of the party outside the house, the crisp laughter of the girls, and the sawing tones of Mrs. Sidebottom, and then the sounds became distant, and ceased. His meditations were Interrupted about a quarter of an hour later by three raps against the wall by his head. Tho several rooms in the inn were small, and divided from each other and from the passage by wood not very thick deal boarding, papered over, but which In places had warped and split the paper. Slgnora Lom bard!, every spring, with a pot of paste and some strips of paper, went about the rooms pasting over the rifts, disguising them, and preventing the partitions from being as dia phanous as they were dlaphonous. German, Swiss and Italian beds are wooden boxes, nar row and short; and in such a bed against such a wall lay Philip unable to move without tor ture. Again three loud raps. "Who is that?" he called. , "You are awake, Mr. Pennycomequlckt" asked the voice of Miss Durham, almost in his ear. "We are in adjoining stalls. I want a word with you, because I leave this insuffer able place to-morrow, I can endure the cold and tedium no longer; and before you return to the nether world, I may be away unless you descend in a glissade, and shoot through the roof of the Hotel Imperial upon us into the midst of the table at dinner." Philip felt the partition between them shake. She was laughing. She had her chair against it, and leaned against it. To speak to bim and to laugh at htm. "I must ask your pardon," she said presently with a twitter in her tones from suppressed merriment; "1 did not realize your danger, or rather the danger you had escaped, when pulled out of the snow. But my laughter was excusa ble; yon can have no conception how infinitely comic an object you presented; and the whole affair was so ridiculous. You going aloft after Edelweiss without the smallest acquaintance with its habitat, and with no experience to teach you bow to keep your footing In Alpine altitudes, .and shooting down, pop! through a hole in the nether world. And then to see tho men about the whole extracting you it was like Esquimaux fishing." Philip was not only vastly offended, but he was also greatly shocked, at the conduct of the young Chicago lady, holding a conversation with him through tho wall when he was in bed. To show bis sense of the indelicacy of her course, he said nothing in return. She tapped agalD. "Well, Mr. Pennycomequlck! have I scandal ised you? We are in the land of freedom; and I am a daughter of the Stars and Stripes, and we American girls are not so particular about trifles as are your English misses. Are you very much bruised and crumpled?" "Very," groaned Philip. "Do you good; take some of the starch out of you. You had the temerity to browbeat and insult me, when first you came to Andermatt. Now I have served you out, and I may tell you this to your consolation, that it is a lucky thing for you that you had your fall and contusions. But for that I would have turned you inside out, and twisted your silly head off your shoulders. I Intended to do it, for no man offends me and escapes stings. I am content to leave you as you are black and blue, and disjointed, like a E.T., VsuAUa .... E.T.,Va, AUa.lst pf. .... K. T.. Vs. AGs. tdpf. .... Illinois Central Lake Erl A Western Lake Erie A West. nr. Lake Shore AM. S lOOfe" Louisville A Nashville. (S3 Michigan (Central Mobile Ohio Mo., K. iTeras .... Missouri faclflc fc7W New York Central m . Y L..K.& W MK . I.. C. ASt, Li . 1.. c. a st, I., cr. N.Y.. a A Bt.l. 2d nf S4K 10 70 22 114 16 Slit 100V 67)4 85 12 10 66 IC53J 25 15 C8K S4H 475, 16 14 SO 28V C2 ' 54 23H lH 44 21 78 97 26 So 112 is'4 57K 14 27 H 834 67 107K 231, S7M jot 63 100 67X 67X 105 25X C6H 105 25H SIX 4SH N. Tt&N. E H Alii JM. Y., O. A W Norfolk Western -Norfolk A Western. Df northern Pacifle 27 .Nortnern faclflc orer. 62K Oregon Improvement .... Oregon Transcon PacincMall ieo. Dec. A Evans I'Mladel. A Heading.. U Klchmona A W. V. T.. 21& KIchmond A W.l'.T.of 8 St. P., Minn. A Man. .... St.L.ASan Fran St. L. A San rran pr.. &s St. L. a San ". 1st pi.. ... Texas i'aclnc 1SS Union 1'aclflc 67s Wabasn Wabash preferred ZiH Western Union tx Writ-cling A L. 64 Sugar Trust 109 National Lead Trust.. 24)j Chicago Gas Trust 57 Ex-dlvldend. 27 62 .27 62H 22 78 21 78 I8S ah 27H 84 68 18 SIX 275 S3 68X 53 Closing Bond Quotations. TJ. 8. 4s,reg 12SM V. S. 4s. coup 128!4 U. S. 48, reg 1MU U. S. 4s. coup lOSlf Pacific 6s or '95 118 Loulslanastamped (s S3H Missouri 6s 100 Tenn. new set. 6s. ...106 Tenn. new set. ts....vnff Tenn. new set. 3s.... 73 Canada So. 2Us BtH Cen. Pacific, Ists 115 Den. A K. G., Ists.. .120 Den. AR. O. 4s 7i 1). A It. G. West, Ists. 101 Srle, 2ds 102 .M.. AT. Gen. 6s.. 62H M. K. A T. Gen. Ss . S7X Mutual Union 6a. ...100 N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .113 Northern Pac lsts..H65( Northern Pac. 2ds..ll5 North w't'n consols. 146H Northw'n deben's.JHH Oregon A TranB. Cs.lOtH St. L. AI.M. Uen.Ss 83 St. 1..& b.r'. Gen.M.llS Su Paul consols ....12S St.Pl. CblAPc.lsts.117 TX., PcL.O.Tr KS.80W Tx.,Pc.K.G.lT.Kcts 5H Union Pac. Ists 115 Ves.t Shore VX)i Minlnc Stock Quotations. New Yobk. July 20. Mining quotations: Alice, 100: Best & Belcher, 365; Bodie, 130; Caledonia B. H., 315; Crown Point, 20.r; Consolidated California and Virginia, boT; Commonwealth, 400; Donkin. 1U0: Dead wood T.. 150; Eureka Consolidated, 125: El Crlsto, 125; Gould t Curry, 200; Hale & Nnr cross, 23; Homestake, 85: Horn Silver, 105: Iron Silver, 175; Mexican. 150: Monnt Diablo, 150: Mutual, 140: Nevada Queen. 125; Ontario, 3400; Savage, 160; Sierra Nevada. 200; Union Consolidated. 235: Ward Consolidated, 135: Yellow Jacket, 2S0. Boston Atcn. ATOD..Ut7. 116 A. AT. LandGr't?s.l07 Atctl. A Top. K. K... 3SJs Boston A Albany.. .117 ISoston A Maine.. ...200 a. u. a a 9iX Eastern R. It 100X .KUntAPereM. era. 96 Mexican Cen. com.. 14H Mex.C.Ist mtg. bds. 65 S . y. AAewEng... 47)4 Old Colony 174H Slocks. Kutland preferred, Wis. Central, com., Wis. Central pf... Calumet A llecla.., franklin. Osceola. Pewablc (new)...., Bell Telephone... , Boston Land Water Power , Tamarack , Santa Ee copper... . 40 .22 .60.50 .208 . 9.62 :! .227 . 6 . S . 85 Philadelphia Stacks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. . DM. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad 51 K SIK Heading 71 1-18 22H Lehigh Vancy S3), .... liCnign navigation szh i .lonneni racinc M Northern l'acinc preferred el 27 62 r5ntnrdny' Oil Kaose. Corrected daily by John M. Oaxiey A Co., -45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 94 (Lowest gjK Highest MXIClosed s4jJ Barrels. Average runs. ....i..... ....... ..... ...... 1,767 Average shipments 7p,136 Average charters M.7C3 Kenned, New York. 7.20c Kefine", London, tVd. Refined, Antwerp, l'Wr. Kenned. Liverpool, 6-15d. A. B. McGrew A Co. quotei Puts,S4Aic: calls, 95e96c. -" Wool Markets. 8t, Lotjis Receipts, 184,622 pounds; market a fraction lower; bright medium, ltkg25c; coarse braid, 1522c; low sandy, ll18c; flue light, 188 23c; fine heavy, 11 19c; tub washed chclce. 86ic; inferior, Ste&c. wirace. wretch on the rack." She was stretching his mind on the rack and disjointing that as well, sitting, leaning against the wall, and working the mechanism. 'Mr. Pennycomequlck, I heard about you from your wife before you arrived; how differ entyou proved to the idealhad formed youhave too much conceit to imagine. I fonnd a wooden man, with his limbs affixed to his trunk by pegs, with awooden face, wooden ideas, wooden manners and when this wooden figurehead bad the audacity to Insult me" Philip exclaimed. "What I said was true. You yourself admitted its truth when you told me your story." "My dear dolt!" said Miss Durham, "I admit it. But who likes to have the truth skewered on a bayonet and rammed down his throat? And now what I say would splutter about like Japanese fireworks and do no one any harm, were it not that it is true, true in every word, and this it Is that turns every word into duck shot, with which I pepper you through the wall." It was a wonder that next day Slgnora Lorn bardi did not find the sheets of No. 18 singed, so hot did Philip become between them with offended modesty, with anger, anguish and shame. "The game is up; so I do not mind showing you my hand," cried Artemisia. She had folded ber arms over her breast, and leased back, with her head against the wall, and talked hastily, passionately. "That little wife of yours, who is a thousand times too good for you, and whom I pity, yoked to such a fellow as yourself she told me that it was not possible for you to come to love me, because she was your wife. Not, sbe hastened to explain, that sbe esteemed herself irresistible and very su perior, but because she had such a towering opinion of your rectitude, equal to your own of yourself. That was as much as daring me to attempt the conquest; and your own absurd self-esteem was another provocation. When you threw down the glove I accepted the chal lenge, and you know how in an hour or two I had spun you round like a teetotum." Sbe stayed talking to laugh. As sbe laughed she shook the wall, and the wall rattled Philip's bed, and the rattling bed rattled his aching joints; but he felt these pains no more in the intensity of the agony of shame that he en dured in his racked mind. "You were quite fetching!" she continued. "When you held out your hand and offered to be my stay, I was obliged to jump up. With all my powers of self-control I could hardly keep from boxing your ears and sending you into the lake for your Impudence. However, I had no wish that the transformation scene should come off too soon. I intended to lead you on through other follies till I had ruined your reputation and your self-respect. But the fates have been against me; I cannot wait longer here. I aban don you to yourself and to your good little wife. I cannot waste time over you. Ibave other matters to attend to; Detter game to pursue than such a wooden leaping frog as yon." She stood up from her chair, and went to the win dow; it commanded a bleak prospect. Sbe could not see the returning party on it. The girls Labarte had perhaps found the desired minerals and would not desist from collecting till they bad each enough to form a parure of Tremoline. Artemisia returned to her seat against the wall, and said, "As for that romance I told you about myself, believe of it as much or as little as you please. Wben you tell your own story, with your autobiography, the little episode of Artemisia Durham will not be found in it We only remember and write of ourselves as we would like others to know us, not as we are. la it not sol" Then suddenly she broke into a song, a popu lar Viennese opera air. which she had turned into rough English verse to enable ber to sing it at concerts elsewhere than In Germany. She had a beautiful, a naturally flexible voice, and every note was like an articulate crystal drop. "A little grata of falsehood Is found In all that's said. It penetrates as leaven Wbatever's uttered. No man is what be seemeth, No woman what appears. There's falsehood oft In laughter, And fasehood e'en In tears. Both factand fib together go In everything we say or do. To a peck of truth a pinch of He, As the spice In the pudding, to qualify." CHAPTER L. In the Hospice. There is a toy, the delight of children, that DOMESTIC MARKETS. i Short Supplies of Vegetables End in Stronger Markets. TOMATOES SCARCE AND HIGHER. Corn and Hay Firm at Quotations, Oats Weak, Wheat Steadj. SUGAR STB0NGC0mE UNSETTLED OFFICE Of PlTTSBUEO DlSPATCn,l Saturday, July 20, 18S& J Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Supplies in most vegetables and fruit lines were below demand, and stuff was unusually well cleaned up along Liberty street at noon to-aay. Tomatoes were very scarce and higher. Potatoes and apples were also in light supply. Markets were overdone last week, and we are now having the famine that follows the feast. Many more tomatoes and potatoes would have found ready sale than appeared in markets. The general complaint among produce commis sion men to-day was lack of stuff. Demand was active for everything on hand. Eutteh Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do, 17018c; fresh dairy packed, 12013c: country rolls, 1012c Beans 81 7591 9a Bkeswax-2s30c 1 ft for choice; lowgrade, le20c Cideb Sand refined, $6 50Q7 50: common, J3 5004 00; crab cider, S8 00&8 60 M barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c gallon. CHEESE Ohio. 8c; New York, lOQlOKc; Limburger, 89c; uomestlc Sweltzer, 9k 12Kc; imported Sweltzer, 22)$c. California Fruits California peaches, K 00 V K-bushel box; cherries, JS 00; apricots. J2 00 a 4-batket case; plums, SI 752 00 a 4 basket case. Eggs l5K16c -p dozen for strictly fresh; goose, SOc V dozen. F"1TS-Apples, S2 003 00 barrel: pine Melei 0Q1 25 dozen; red raspberries, 6 10c W quart: black raspberries, 5Sc W quart; whortleberries, 75cJl 00 pail; blackberries, &8c$) quart; wild goose plums, t2 50 crate: currants, J5 M 2-busbel stand; watermelons. ?15 0C25 00 hundred; sickel pears, J2 00 2 2o fl uushel crate; Alabama peaches, 6-basket cases, $3 00. FEATiiERS-Extra live geese. 5060c; No. 1, do, 4015c; mixed lots. 3035c aft. Potatoes-H 251 75 t) barrel. Poultry Live spring chickens, 5060c W pain old, 7075c W pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, f5 60 bushel; clover, large English. 62 fts. $6 00: plover, Alslke. tS 60; clover, white, J9 00: timo thy, choice, 45 fts, JI 65: blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00; orchard grass 14 fts. (if 85; red top, 14 fts. Jl 25; "J1'1"- , fts- 00; German Mlllett, 60 fts, tl 50; Hungarian grass, CO fts, $1 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, 2 50 1 bushel of 14 fts. TALLOW-Country, 4X5c; city rendered, 5 Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $5 00 6 ji ,.7,1xi,IJfslna "fanges, 85 005 50 W box; rodi, 84 5065 00; California oranges, 84 501 75 U box; bananas, 82 00 firsts, SI 00 good seconds, W bunch; cocoannts. 84 O0Q4 50 hundred; vegetables Tomatoes, Mississippi, four-1 basket cases. SI 7.2)2 DO htni .4 .- I fancy, $2 oO ft crate; beans, round wax medium, 52 00 W crate; beans, round green, $2 252 60; new beet. 2025o ? dozen; cucumbers, 75c 81 00 bushel box; radishes, large white and gray, 30635c dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates, Louisville and 8u Louis, 81 2501 60; Eastern jstngle-barrel crates, 81 001 25; new celery, 6060c V dozen. Groceries. The week closes with very strong sugar mar kets, and, from present appearances, a rise will come soon. Tbe coffee movement is down one day and up tbe next. Options advanced a few points yesterday, and a fall should come to-day to keep up the record. Green Coffee Fancy Bio. 2122ej choice Rio, 18X20c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 174318c; old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 272Sc; 8antos, liQSHc; Caracas 2022c: peaberry, Rio; 2123c; La Guayra, 21 Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 22c: high grades. 2426e: old Government Java uuiK.oo4iajijic: maracaibo, 25X26Kc:Santoy --"-i p:ii;i i peauerry, cnoice xr 23Kc: irime Rio, aieigood Rio, 30,cj tf , f consists in a manikin with his legs curled under him, weighted with laad in bis globular nether parts. Thin manikin, however persistently held down, or violently knocked over, always rights himself. And there are human beings similarly consti tuted. With them self-conceit supplies the place of lead. There Is no disturbing their equilibrium for more than a moment. Lay their heads In the dust, and the instant the fin ger that depressed them Is removed up go the heads again, nose in air. Nstrike them with horsewhip or poker, andtbey shiver in mute anger, unconscious of humiliation, and thev are steady again, nose in air. Bore boles in them, and you cannot let out their ponderosity and disturb their equilibrium; set them on the fire, and you cannot melt the self-conceit out of them. It oozes out of their pores, It distils from their finger tips, it streams out of their eyes, it pours from their lips, and yet never ex hausts itself, any more than the oil in the cruse of the Widow of Sarepta. Kick, them, and they travel upright, nose In air, along the car Pet; pitch them out of the window, and they go down bead uppermost; sink them in the deep est well, and they sit, slowly disintegrating at the bottom, bead up. Philip was not one of these. It was true that in him was a large amount of self-esteem or what religious people would call self-righteousness, but It was not an organic inbred quality; it bad beon developed by his education, by the circumstances of his early Ufe,and could there fore be expelled from bis system by sharp med icine. By one of those exquisitely pitiful pro visions of nature, which compensates to the nightingale for bis plainness by giving him a tuneful voice, and to the peacock for his harsh notes by surrounding him with a gory of gold and green, men of little acquirements, little minds, little presence, are furnished with the blessed gift of bumptiousnoss, which makes them unconsciousness of their insignificance, which induces those who can by no probability be heroes to others to be heroes to themselves. Just as the most ignorant men are the most positive, so are the most empty men the most self-contained. They can blow themselves out with the breath of their own nostrils. Success in life is not necessary to make a man conceited, nor beauty to superinduce van ity in a woman. The extravagances of conceit are found In those men who have made a botch of life, and of vanity in those women who have least personal charms. Every disappointment, every rebuff, throws them in on themselves, and they seek in themselves that approval and appreciation which is denied them without. Like Narcissus, but lacking his excuse, they fail in love with themselves, because no one else will love them. Is it not possible that ap preciation may be an element as necessary to the psychical as oxygen, is necessary to the physical life, that when it is not freely given or wrested from the world without we may set to work to engender it for ourselves within, just as in Jules Verne's romance those who voy aged 10,000 leagues under the sea, being out of the element that naturally fed the lungs,manu f actured It for themselves under water? Had Philip been constitutionally conceited, had bumptiousness been congenital, like scrof ula in the blood, or tubercle in the brain, the overthrow he bad met with at the hands of Miss Durham would not have seriously affected him, would have had no educative effect on him. He would have sighed and resigned him self to the conviction that Miss Durham was to be pitied, not he, because an inscrutable Provi dence, which denies to some eyes the faculty of seeing color, and to some ears the power to distinguish and enjoy melodies, and to some noses the capacity to delight in odors, bad de nied to Miss Durham the ability to admire and adore bim. In the classic tale, Achilles was plunged by his mother, Thetis, In the waters of Styx, which mado him invulnerable, save in the heel by which she held him. So our good mother na ture takes some of her children, not the robust of brain and the Achillean in vigor and beauty, and renders them callous, so that they can pass through life unhurt by shaft of ridicule, scourge of rebuke, and flout of fortune. Every arrow glances off their skin, every blade used on them has its edge turned, every cudgel breaks without bruising. What happiness is theirs! They are whole and unhurt, whereas their richer endowed brothers are backed and pierced and heart-broken. The author bad once to do with a worthy, pious man, put in a situation under him, who was triple-panoplied in the hide of self-esteem. Sfices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test,7c; Ohio, 120, 8Xc; headlight, 160, 8Jc; water white, 10c; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; caruadine, like; royaltne, 14c bykups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 33g3Sc: prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime, 833135c: new maple syrup, 9oc N. O. Molasses Fancy, 43c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c:mlxed. 40&12C Soda Bicarb In kegs, SK4c; bl-carb in K. 6fc; bl-carb, assorted packages. 5JJ6c; sal soda In kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c Candles Star, foil weight, 9c; stearine, $ set, 8c;parafflne, ll12c RICE Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6W 7c; prime, 5K66Kc: Louisiana, t6Kc Starch Pearl, Sc: cornstarch, SJ$7c; gloss starch, 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon don layers, 83 10; California London layers, 82 60; Muscatels, 82 25: California Muscatels, Jl 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 7Ug8c; sultana, 8Kc; currants, 4$5c; Turkey prunes, 4i5c; French prunes, 8X13c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8c; cocoanuts. ft 100, 86 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12415c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12 16c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan-, ll15c; citron, ner ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, 1314c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c: apples evaporated, 6l6c; apricot j. Califor nia, evaporated. 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unparcd, 10!2c; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 566c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7KSc; huckle berries, 10Q12C Sugars Cubes, 10V10c; powdered, lOU 10gC; granulated, 94c: confectioners' A. 9H 9JjJc; standard A. 9Kc; soft whites, 9K9Jic: yel low, choice. 8Vg9c; yellow, good, SJiS$c; yellow, fair, 8c: yellow, dark, 7c Pickles Medium, bbls (1,2001, 84 60; medi um, half bbls (600), 82 75. Salt Ho. L fl bbL 95c; No. lex, W bbl, Jl 05; dairy. $ bbl, 81 20; coarse crystal, f) bbl, 81 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 0; Higgins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, $3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, 81 30 1 90; 2ds. Jl 30Q1 35; extra peacbeo, Jl 6031 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest com, 811 60: Hid. Co. corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90c81; Lima beans, 81 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75685c; mar rowfat peas. Jl 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, Jl 401 60; Bahama do, 82 75; dam son plums, 95c: greengages, Jl 25; egg plnms, 82; California pears, St 60; do greengages, 82: do egg plums, 82; extra white cherries, 82 90: red cherries, 2 fts 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 50; strawberries, 81 10; gooseberries, 81 3001 40; tomatoes, 8292c; salmon, 1-ft, 81 7502 10: blackberries, 60c; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked. 99c: do green, 2 fts, 81 251 0: corn beef, 2-ft cans, 82 00: if ft cans, 814 00; baked beans, 81 4501 60; lobster, 1-ft. Si 7501 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled. 81 60; sardines, domestics, 84 500 4 60: sardines, domestic. Hi. 88 258 60; sar dines, imported, , $11 6012 50; sardines, im ported, s, 818: sardines, mustard, 84 50; sar dines, spiced, J4 50. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 836 V bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess, 840; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 832: extra No. 1 do, messed. S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c Jt ft; do medium, George's cod. Be: do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 67Kc Herring Round shore, Jo 00 W bbl; split, 87 00: lake, $2 60 fl 100-ft balf bbL White fish. $7 OC W 100 ft balf bbl. Lake trout, 85 50 balf bbL Finnan haddock. 10c ?1 ft. Iceland halibut. 13c ft. Pickerel, K barrel, S3 CO; y. barrel, 81 10; Potomac herring. 85 00 & barrel, 82 60 fl K barrel. Oatmeal $8 S06 60 fl bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 6860c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c GrnIn,jFlour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 16 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago,5 cars of oats. 2 of flour, 1 of husks. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St, Louis, 5 cars of oats, 3 of corn. Sales on call, 3 cars No. Xwhite oats. 29c September. Corn and hay are firm at quotations. Wheat is steady. Oats show weakening tendencies by reason of liberal re ceipts. Fancy spring wheat flour is firm, but winter Is easy. Flour jobbers report an active trade for the week, and volume larger than last week. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Exchange for tbe week, 192 cars, against 151 last week, and 124 the previous week. Wheat Jobbing prices New Nc 2 red, 830 84c: No. 2 red. 924 foe: No. 3 red. 878Sc Corn No.2yellowear,45K40Kc:htgh mixed ear. 45K46c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 42013c; hieh mixed, shelled, 41042c; mixed, shelled, 40011c Oats-No. 2 white, 32KS33c: extra. No. 3. SIifeL No- S wWte' XQSlc; No. 2 mixed Rye No. 1 Pennsvlvanla and Ohio, 61052c; No. 1 Western. 48049c: Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, $5 75fl 25: winter straight, '005 25; clear winter, $4 7505 00: straight .XXX bakers', M 2504 5a Rye flour, S3 60 100. ( Mtllfeed-Mlddltafi, fine white, 115 000 As Is usual with such persons, he was not much short of a fool, and did vary foolish,-, inconsid erate things. When called to task for some egregious act he bore the reprimand with meekness, then retired to bis closet where he prayed for bim who had rebuked bim. as for a persecutor. Never for one particle of a mo ment did it occur to him that he himself de served blame. And the author knows full well that the callous-skinned who read these pages will feel no cut from his words, but draw up their heels under them, out of the way of his scythe. It has been proved by experiment that the tortoise can live though deprived of its brains, but the tortoise is the animal with the hardest epidermis known. Perhaps, the converse may be true that those animals with the largest pro portion of brain may have the most sensitive skins. Now Philip was no fool. He had plenty of sound sense, but bis moral faculties bad been warped by the circumstances of his early career, and he had grown up with great sus picion of others, but sure confidence in him self. Now, suddenly, his eyes bad been opened by a rude shock; his moral nature had been subjected to a glissade and a jolt almost as se vere as that which his body had undergone, and as he was not tough and horny-hided in mind, he felt tho results as acutely. If he ached with bruises and sprains in flesh and slcew, so did he ache with bruise and sprain in all the tissues and fibres of his inner spiritual self. When Salome returned to Philip's room she found him disinclined to talk; he was still twitching and quivering from the lashes he had received, conscious only of his present pain, covered with humiliation. He had not been given time to think of his future conduct, even to reconsider the retrospect; the pres ent torture occupied and made to tingle every nerve of his souL With the innate tact which Salome pos sessed, she saw at once that he did not wish to be disturbed; though she could not divine that be had other cause for suffering than his fall, or that other injuries had been done bini than those which made his body black and blue. She knew that be was in pain, and that he sought to disguise the fact from her, and though full of solicitude for bim, she did not harass him with attentions. She drew a little stool beside his bed. and seated herself on it, with needlework for the baby, and did not look at him. He lay on hl3 back, but turned bis head, and saw her beautiful auburn hair, with the evening sun tinging it with orange fire. For some time be looked at it without thought of ber, only of himself, his shame, his jarred self-respect; That jest of Artemisia about the Esquimaux watching about a hole in the Ice, to pull out of it a fish, was present to him; be saw the fish come up flapping its tall and tossing to escape the barb: and then thought of himself being bauled out of the hole in the snow through which he had plunged. Then he consid ered how that sbe this malicious woman had held him with a hook in bis jaws and had played with him. and, then how be had been suddenly plunged out of a world of light and smoothness into an abyss where all was darknevj and horror. Where was be? Into what had he fallen? Had he not almost shot over the precipice, and gone down into the uttermost depths of degradation? What if this accident had not befallen him? What if that woman had gone on playing with him, and had lured him further, as in the Folk Tales the Nixes of the waterfalls lure shep herds to throw themselves overwith the vain belief that by so doing they will fall into the arms and be received into the realm of the water sprites? His ideas became confused. At one moment he was a fish caught by a barb, "then he was clinging to a rock, withdrawing from the en ticements of a siren. The sun had set, or no longer crowned Salome with fire, she continued her needlework till dusk closed in rapidly and prevented ber seeing her stitches. But she sat on, upon her little stool, resting her cheek against the bedclothes. Philip, half dreaming, had caught a lock of her hair and twisted it round his finger, and held It as if it were some thing that was so firm, so sure that if be clung to it, if he would retain it about his finger as a golden hoop, be could not continue bis slide and fall, and so thinking, or fancying, in a con fused condition of mind, bred of, or fostered by pain and shame, be bad fallen asleep, Salome sat on, did not venture to move her 15 60? ton: brown middlings, 811 601250: win ter wheat bran, 812 25012 50; chop feed, 815 00 616 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice 815015 50: No. 1 do, 814 0014 CO; No. 2 do, 812 50 13 50; loose, from wagon, $16 00018 00: No. I upland prairie 810 50611 00; No.2. J7 608 00; packing do, 85 M 6 50. Stra-w Oats. 87 60; wheat and rye straw 87 0007 5068 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured bams, large, HHc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 12c: sugar-cured hams, small, 12Sc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams', 8Kc; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c; bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, S&c; dry salt shoulders, 6c; dry salt clear sides, TJic Mess pork, heavy, 14 00: mess pork, lamliy, 814 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 6Jc; half barrels. Cc; 00-ft tubs, 7c; 20-ft pails, T&c; 60-fi tin cans, (file; 3-ft tin palls, c; 5-ft tin palls. 7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7Kc;Sft tin pails, T&c; 10-fi tin pails, iytc Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, 83 50; quarter barrel, 82 00. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. f nmlshed tbe following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses. 450 to 550 fts, 6c; 650 to 650 fts, 6Vc; 650 to 750 fts. 6c Sheep, 8c rl ft. Lambs, 10c ft. Hogs, 6c Fresh pork loins, 8e MAEKETS BY WIBE. Wheat Lapses Into Dullness and Prices Fall Away All Alone the Line Corn and Oats In the Rat Hoc Prod acta Featureless. But little interest centered in corn and fluc tuations were narrow. There were no new features to the market, which was governed exclusively by local influences, tbe chief of which was the active cash demand which nar rowed the difference between July and Sep tember to Kc The market opened at yester day's closing price, was Arm, changed but llitle, tbe pit being lifeless at times, and final 3 notations were a shade higher than yester ay. Oats were slow and rather easier, but price changes were of no consequence The market for mess pork attracted consider able attention during tbe early part of the day. The feeling was stronger, and prices ad vanced 2025c Later market ruled quiet, and prices settled back 7l0c and closed steady. Lard opened easy, but later in the day ruled steadier, and prices were advanced 2X05c Toward tbe close the feeling was quiet and easy, and tbe market closed at about medium figures. Trading moderately active in the market for short rib sides. Prices were advanced 1012jj;e Later the market ruled quiet and easy, and prices declined 507KC closing steady. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2 Jul v. soueniienvvevmic: nst, 78J478a77K677c; September, 7J 7777Xc; December, 8OKe8OK07 c CORN No. 2 Antmsr. R5fc- Rentombnr. SUti 635c; October, 36K36g636H36Hc Oats No. 2, August, 21?ic: September. 22 2221J21c; May. 2502oJ,025k25Kc Mess Pore; per bbL August, til luU 25 011 10011 17W; September. $11 12K6U37X0 11 12XJ11 25; October, $10 75010 75. Lakd, per 100 fts. August, 86 25; Septem ber, 86 306 356 S0tf 35; October, fti 350 6 37K06 358 35 Short Ribs, per 100 fts. August, 85 BOm 5 57K: September, 85 6005 72K05 6005 fe; October, 85 5205 6505 6205 C2K. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull but steady. No. 2 spring wheat, 79Jj 79c: No. 3 spring wheat nominal; No. 2 red, 7081ic No.2corn.85Ke Nc 2oats,225c No.2rye.41Xe No.2 barley nominal. No.l flaxseed, tl 3201 32- Prime timothy seed, Jl 60. Mess pork, per barrel. 811 15U 25. Lard, per 100 pounds, 83 25. Short ribs, sides (loose), S3 60 08 00. Receipts Flour, 9.000 barrels: wheat, 53,000 bushels: corn, 276,000 bushels: oats, 144, 000 bushels: rye, 6.000 bushels; barley, 1,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 12,000 barrels; wheat, 90,000 bushels; corn. 493,000 bushels; oats, 211,000 bushels; rye, 35,000 bushels; barley, 1,000 bushels.- " On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was steady and unchanged. Eggs quiet at 11012c New York Flour dull and generally easy. Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Spot dull. H?io lower and weak; options dull; July He lower: other months Kkio higher and weak. Kyo steady. Barley nominal. Corn Spot quiet and weak; options firmer and dull. Oats Spot dnll and ie higher: options quiet and firmer. Hay arm and in seod demand. Hops quiet and east. Coffee Options opened barely steady at 10020 points down, closing barely steady and unchanged to" 6 points down and. head lest she should disturb his sleep by with drawing her hair from bis fingers. Next morning Mrs. Sidebottom, Miss Dur ham, Mrs. Baynes, and the Labarte girls, to gether with the Captain, departed for Ander matt, leaving Salome with her husband in the Hospice. They did not leave without an alter cation and a controversy between Mrs. Side bottom and tbe hostess relative to tho bill, in which both engaged with unmatched weapons, as Mrs. Sidebottom could'speakno Italian, and Slgnora Lombardt no English. The former could not be brought to admit that the hostess was Justified in charging somewhat higher for provisions, 6,800 feet above tbe sea, than in the valleys where wine is produced and calves are reared. Mrs. Sidebottom effected no greater reduction than a franc and a half, which sbe Insisted on having expunged, as a charge f r a meal she protested she bad not eaten. She then attempted to shift a couple of bottles of smirk ling asti from her account to that of Miss Dur ham, and to transfer sundry eggs for breakfast to the Dill of Mrs. Baynes, who, sbe was sure had ordered them, though she admitted having eaten them on the urgency of Janet. Eggs 6,600 feet above the sea well, eggs. Fowls at that elevation are sluggish layers, and eggs if brought up from the valleys run risks of being broken on tbe road. Mrs. Sidebottom, who re sisted paying a penny apiece tor them wben charged to her, saw that there was reason for setting that value on tbem when they were in Mrs. Baynes' account. She fought desperately over the fish. There were lakes bard by tbe Hosplcs doors, and fish in tbe lakes, easily pro curable, therefore it was unreasonable that they should be charged fancy prices. Mrs. SIbebottom achieved a great success in negotiating a bargain with a driver from An dermatt, whereby sbe and the Captain were taken back by a returned carriage that had discharged its load at tbe Hospice she suc ceeded in securing the conveyance for balf tho ordinary price. Thongh she engaged tbe car riage for herself and ber son, the Captain did not return in it, but tbe three demoiselles Labarte. Janet and the Captain, who had be come inseparable, and who reacted on each other, he reviving her health, and sbe evoking life and wit out of his torpid nature, returned in a smaller trap behind, the carriage of Mrs. Sidebottom. Miss Durham bad made her own arrangements, and went off in a cabriolet by herself. She took an almost affectionate fare well of Salome, whom she really liked, though she despised her. Miss Durham was sure she had done Salome a good turn in the way in which she bad brought Philip to his senses, and she accordingly patronized and petted his simple wife. She was pleased with herself for having contributed to tbe happiness of the young wife by making a fool of ber husband, and then telling him what a fool he had been made Salome in ber guilelessness reproached her self for having a little while felt a suspicion of her husband and her friend, for having given way to a feeling of Jealousy, for having been unhappy because Philip was so good and obliging as to make an effort to do what she had herself urged him to make friends with the lonely American girl. And Philip? In him self-reproach grew. It could grow now. for the soil was ready for it. Hitherto it was choked with tbe roots of pride and self-esteem. These had been torn up, and be was able now to appreciate himself justly and realize the preciousness of Salome For merly he had looked on himself as having done a grand and gracious act in taking her to him. An injustice had been committed how he did not know in some mysterious way, and be had stooped in the integrity of his soul to take up Salome, make her his wife, so as to indemnify ber for her loss. The suspicion he had entertained against his aunt'relative to the will before the return ot his uncle had been deepened since he had talked the matter over with Jeremiah. He had now very little doubt that Mrs. Sidebottom had succeeded in getting at the document unguard edly kept by Salome, and tearing away the sig nature. But thongh he was tolerably con vinced that this fraudulent act had been com mitted by her, he had not till now considered that by this act his family was dishonored, as washers by the existence of Schofield. In what were the Pennycomequicks so much more virtuous than the Schofleldsf Earle Schofield, her father, was a swindler, and Louisa Sidebottom had committed an act that was felony. And what was he, himself 7 He had wounded, driven from bim with reproach Irregular: cables quiet: sales, 22.600 bags; July. 14.50014.60c; August, 14.55014.6ic; September. 14.6014.75c: October, 14.6u014.7Oc: November, 14.75c: December, 14.6514.b0c: January. 14.70c: February, 14.75c; March, 14.7014.80c: spot Rio steady and quiet; fair cargoes. 17?e Sugar Raw nominal; refined quiet. Molasses For eign quiet; New Orleans dull. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow strong. Rosin quiet. Turpentine quiet and steady. Eggs quiet and easy; western, 13X14Kc: re ceipts, 2,490 packages. Pork quiet, Cutmeats strong. Lard stronger and quiet; western steam. 88 65; city, 86 20: options August, 86 63 bid; September, 6C96.0 bid, closing at J8 70; October. 86 70: November.' 86 60 bid. Butter Choice steady and in moderate demand; western. 1013c: do creamery, 1216Xc: do fac tory, 813c Cheese. quiet; western, BX7Xc Philadelphia Flour quiet and prices firmly maintained under light offerings. Wheat Option opened 3ilc higher, but later re acted JiKc on futures beyond this month, closing weak. July, however, maintained the advaace under light offerings. Export business was impracticable, as foreign orders were l2c under current prices here Car lots of new steamer and No. 2 W?lc higher, with fair de mand; new steamer No. 2 red. In export ele vator, 82c: new No. 2 Pennsylvania red, in grain depot. 92c; do choice. 91c; old No. 2 Penn sylvania red. In grain depot, 81 04: old So. 2 red, in export elevator. 81; No. 2 red July, 86 8Sc; August, 84084i;c; September. 8481Kc; October, 84S5c Corn Options ruled steady, but speculation quiet and export demand light. Car lots for local trade scarce and Kc higher, but the advance checked business: So. 2 yel low, in grain depot, 45Kc: No. 2 mixed Julv, 43K043Kc; August, 4343Kc: September. 43 044c; October, 43?44e Oats Car lots for local trade in fair demand and firm under light offerings: No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. 3 white, 33 33Xc; No. 2 white, 34Jc. and 4 cars sold at 35c: futures firm but quiet; No. 2 white, July, 34634Kc; August, 31 031c; September, S030Kc; October, 31 81e Butter For fancy goods demand fair; Pennsylvania creamery extra. 17017c; do prints, extra, 23027c Kggs dnll and unsettled; Pennsylvania firsts, 14014KC Receipts Flour, 1,400 barrels; wheat, 3.200 bushels; corn, 32,600 bnsbels; oats, 3,10Ubushpls. Shipments Wheat, 3,500 bushels; corn, 2,300 bushels; oats. 12,300 bushels. St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat Cash easier; options lower; there was great nressnre to sell, and tbe close was about Jc below yesterday; No. 2 red. cash, 7475V,c; July. 7174Jc, closing at 'Hie bid; August, 73J$74Ke clobing at 73&C; September, 74 76c. closing at 74c: December. 78078e closing at 78c bid. Corn quiet; No..2 mixed, casb, 32:; August, 32Lj32c closing at 32c bid; Sep tember. 333JJ,c, closing at 33c bid: year. 31Jj 31c, closing at 31Jfc; Mav, 34Jc closing at 34c asked. Oats nominal; No. 2. cash. 22c; August, 21c; September, 2121ic bid; May. 25Wc bid. Rye No. 2 steady at 42c Flaxseed 31 15. Provisions firmer in tone but quiet. Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat firm; No. 2 red. 78c; receipts. 10,300 bushels; ship ments. 8.800 bushels. Corn firm: No. 2 mixed, 88X037C Oats steady; No. 2 mixed, 47c Pork firm at $11 75. Lard firm and quiet at 86 0006 05. Bulkmeats and bacan steady. Butter easy. Sugar dull. Eggs steady. Cheese unchanged. Milwaukee Flour quiet. Wheat easier Corn dull: No. 3, S5Kc Oats steady: No. 2 white 2S02SKC Rye easier: No. 1, 42c Bar ley steady; No. 2, 62c Provisions firm. Fork, 811 2a Lard, 1823. Cheese unchanged; Ched dars, 8c Baltimore Provisions dnll: demand purely jobbing. Butter quiet and steady: western packed. 1012c; creamery, 16KC517C. Eggs steady at 1212c Petroleum steady. Indianapolis Wheat strong: No. 2 red, 77c Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, 35Xo bid. Oats weak; No. 2 mixed. 24c bid. Toledo Cloversced dull; casb, 84 Su. Other Oil Markets. On. Crrr. July 2a National transit cer tificates opened at 94Jc: highest, 95c; low. est, 94c; closed, 94JJc Sales, 178,000 barrels; clearances, 852,000 barrels; charters, 74,444 bar rels; shipments. 90,822 barrels; runs, 61,676 barrels. Bradford, July 20. National transit cer tificates opened at 94c; closed at 94c: high est, 94Jc; lowest, 94c; clearances, 932,000. TrrusviLLE, July 20. National transit cer tificates opened at 94c; highest, 95c; lowest, 93c: closed, 94Jic New York. July 2a Petroleum opened steady at 9c, and. after a slight decline in tbe early trading, became strong, and ad vanced to 94Jc The market then became dnll, and closed flrra at 94Je StockExchanic: Opening, 94fc; highest, 94Jic: lowest, 94c; closing, 94Jfc Consolidated Exchange: August opened at 9ic; highest. 95c; lowest, 93Jsc; closing, 95c Total sales, 167,000 barrels. The Drycooda Market. New York, July 2a The scarcity of low medium grades of bleached cottons was more pronounced, ana an advance In prices is not im probable la the neu future and harshness tbe most innocent, single-hearted of women, who was faithful to him and. to her duties In every fiber of mind, and body, and .., soul: whereas he. in a few hours, subjected to a slight temptation, had swerved from the path fj ot right, had yielded to the rascinannns ot ine temptress, which he bad not the moral strength to resist, and had been carried by ber almost to the verge of committing a serious wrong. The unwortblness of Schofield could Do can celed by the nnwortbiness of Mrs. Sidebottom. There was not much choice between them. But what was there to set in tbe account to balance his deviation In heart from his duty to Salome the injustice and cruelty with which he had treated her at Mergatroyd; Philip saw all this now clearly, and felt keen mortification and repentance Salome was constantly with bim now; and he now, from bis bed, and wben be rose and walked leaning on her, had his eyes opened to see ber many mer its, to love the perfect nurity and integrity of her soul. She was a child at heart, with the mind ot a woman. She was not very clever.but she hid common sense She was well but not highly educated, she had seen verv little nf the world, and this had necessarily given a narrow sweep to her powers, but ber faculties were good, and with a widened range, her mind would rise to take an interest In all that was presented to ber view. Hitherto be had liked Salome, appreciated her chiefly because shs was a comfort to himself; now he loved her for her own sake Moreover, that little flare-up of jealousy in Salome's heart, a flare-up for which she ac c used herself before God on her knees had transformed ber regard for Philip into real love Tbe calm, lukewarm affection, sprung out of a sense of duty, had been changed by this spasm into ardent, passionate love That was a cold and colorless world aloft on the summit of the St. Gotthard pass, and yet there the beautiful flowers of mutual love and trust between husband and wife came into blossom. "Philip." exclaimed Salome, coming into his room with a letter in her band, "is it not kind ofdcarJanetr Here is another sweet nots from her, telling me how darling baby is." "My dear, I know what a trial it is to you to be parted from bim." "Oh. Philip I am with you." Then opening tbe letter and showing it to bim. "Only fancy! my father and Miss Durham have left tbe Imperial." "What left AndermattT" "Yes." "Togetherf "I do not know; Janet does not say. And, Philip, sbe says you are to mlndand get quickly well, for positively next week sbe and Lambert are to be married at the Embassy at Berne" (To be Concluded Next Monday.) L1YE STOCK 3TABKETS. The Condition of Business at tho EostUbercr Stock Yards. Cattle Receipts, 840 head: shipments, 840 head: market Arm at unchanged prices; 12 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts. 1,800 nead: shipments, 2,100 head; market firm; Yorkers, 84 7504 80; me dium and light Phlladelnhias, 84 654 70; heavies, 84 2504 40; 5 cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts. 1,000 head; shipments, 1,000 head; market slow at unchanged prices. By Telegraph. KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts. 3,034 bead; shipments, none; native dressed beef and ship ping steers in light supply and 10c higher; Texas and Indian steers slow and weak, but not quotably lower; cows weac and lowest of the season, but not selling below 2c; good to choice corn fed steers, 83 8504 10; common to medi um. 82 75360:stockers and feeding steers,Sl 60 3 00; common. Jl 502 6C; grass range steers, $1 7002 6X Hogs Receipts, 2,116 head; ship ments, none; market steady to strong; good r choice light, 84 2Xii 27K; heavy and mixed, 84 0504 2a Sheep Receipts, 417 head; ship ments. 301 head; market steady; good to choics muttons, $3 6004 00; common to medium, 82 60 63 25. Chicago The Drover? Journal reports: Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head: shipments, none; market steady: beeves, 83 4004 2a; stockersand feeder", 82 0003 00: cows, bulls and mixed. SI 4003 00; bulk, 82 0002 25; slop fed steers. S3 6503 90; Texas cattle, 81 5003 10. Hogs Receipts. 8,000 head: shipments, 2,000 head; market opened strong and closed quiet; mixed. 84 20 4 60: heavy, $4 154 40; light, $4 3004 70; skips. $3 6004 60. Sheen Receipts, 3,000 head; shipments, 800 head: market steady; natives, $3 5004 75: estern, S3 6004 15: Texans, 83 25 4 10; lambs, 84 0005 &a St.Louis Cattle Receipts, 200 head; ship ment?. 2,100 head: market steady; choice heavy native steers, 83 7004 20; fair to god do, S3 10 03 90: stackers and feeders, fair to good. 82 10 63 10; rangers, corn fed, 82 7003 GO; grass fed, $2 002 9a Hogs Receipts. 400 head: ship ments, 1,100 bead: market steady; choice heavy and butchers' selections, $4 204 40; packing, medium to prime 84 2004 35; light grades, ordinary to best, $4 4004 65. Sheep Receipts, 300 bead: shipments. 600 head; market steady; fair to choice, 83 1003 7a Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 117 carloads through; 16 carloads on sale: market slow bnt not quotable lower. Sheep and lambs Re ceipts. 40 carloads through; 10 carloads on sale; market fairly active and unchanged. Hos Receipts, 37 carloads through; 16 carloads on sale; market slow; mediums. 84 5004 60: Yorkers, 84 8004 85; pigs, 84 8504 90; mostly at 84 85; mixed packing, 84 6004 65. Cincinnati Hoes scarce and stronger; com mon and light, 83 654 65; packing and butch ers, 84 3004 4o; receipts, 600 bead: shipments, 600 head. Wben baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When sbe became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When sbohadChildren,she gave them Castoria ap9-77-irwTSu $375,00.0 5 per cent First Mortgage Bonds. Free of All Taxes. The Central Traction Company, of Pittsburg, offers for sale its total issue o Three Hundred- and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars, first mortgage fire per cent bonds due 1929. Bonds are" for -y $500 each, interest payable semi-annually, are free of all taxes and a first lien on all the property and franchises of the cqrn-. pany, whose cable road will be com pleted by October 1. Proposals for all or any part of these bonds will be received by the Treasurer of the company up to and including July, 31, and allotments made thereunder. At 104.46 these bonds pay 4 per cent annually, at 109.34, 4 percent, at 114.37, 44 per cent and at 119.87, 4 per cent. The Company reserves the right to reject any or all offers. For further in formation, address F. L STEPHENSON, Treas., The Central Traction Company, Pitrtsburg, Pa. JylESS-Dsn liUUKEKM FINANCIAL. TTTH1TNEY & 8TEPHENS0N, 7 FOURTH AVENDE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL Morgan fc Co., New York. Passports procured. ap28-l GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 514-515 Hamilton Building. mvlO-70.D Pittsburg. Pa. COMMISSION, T Railroad I Mining I nil 11 Stocks. I Stocks. IUII-1 Q BOUGHT AND SOLD en01 San rranclseo, Philadelphia or Boston Ex changes. Loans made at- low rates of interest. " -Established 1870. .Kir-Weekly Circular FREE, . a. R. CHISHOLM 4 CO., Si Broadway, N. Y. mhl3-87-Sa " . m