Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 22, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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tolie Ex-Hoosier Manager Very .
Forcibly Criticised.
Gloomy Cranks at the Dome of the
Cleveland Babies.
It is Claimed That He is Playing for His
Indianapolis, July 21. The resigna
tion of Frank Bancroft as manager of the
local ball team, and the appointment of Jack
Glasscock to take his place, has been the
chief baseball topic of the week. By many
the retirement of Bancroft is considered a
.jjood thing for the Hoosiers, while others re
gret to see him go. There is also much
speculation as to the wisdom of placing
Glasscock in charge, but, in view of the fact
that Bancroft has shown no special ability,
and has bad poor success with the team, the
majority seems to be in favor of a change,
and tbo new manager will be given every en
conragement by both the press and public
The manner in which Mr. Bancroft left the
service of the rlub placed him In rather
am unfavorable light, and lost him some of
Us warmest supporters. The first indication
that the local people knew that he intended to
resign was when they read it In the papers, he
having given it out in Washington, from where
it was telegraphed all over the country.
Thonch these dpatcbes were sent on Friday
i night of last week. President Brush did not
hear a word from Bancrort until Monday even
ing, when his letter was received. Brush was
very much disgusted with Bancroft's peculiar
wiy of doing business, and was not slow about
accepting bis resignation. He felt that tho
proper thing for Bancroft to have done was to
aiotify the directory and not the Associated
3ress agents. He, however, says that he has
Implicit faith in the late manager's hon
esty of purpose, and thinks be did the
best be could. Bancroft's chief fault
Is his desire to talk, and since the Hoosiers
have been doing so poorly he did a great deal
in that line, much of it being foolish and harm
ltd to the interests of the club.
He was very much opposed to the classifica
tion system and talked of it freely among bis
' players. He is a'hard loser and would often do
things while broken up on account of defeat
that he would not have done under other cir
cumstances. With a winning team Bancroft
would be a success, but with a poor one ho
could not be called a good manager. It Is his
intention to quit baseball. He remained with
the team until the close of the New York
series, when Glasscock took cbarce.
President Brush will go to Chicago to meet
tho club and gUe the new manager
a good start. The arrangement with
Glasscock is for the season, ana it Is thought
that he will make an extra effort to pull the
team out of its present rut. It is more than
likely that Glasscock will get better wcrk out
of the team than Bancroft did. for the reason
that the players have frequently expressed a
lcsire to have him placed in charge, and said
ehey would do all they could for their captain.
The only thing tn be feared is that he will not
tie able to keep the men straight off the nId.
Zt he succeeds in doing this be will, no doubt,
be a success in other respects. The manage
ment will give him all possible support and will
Jrobably leave tbe team entirely in his charge,
t will be remembered that the 'place was of
fered Glasscock last spring, and he wanted it,
buta question of salary interfered and Bancroft
was secured.
The absurd report that tbe Indianapolis
players were raising a row In Boston because
they were not paid off was greatly magnified.
This report led to another to tho effect that tbe
clnb was not in good financial condition. This
'was also absurd and calls tor no extended con
tradiction. Tbe men were not paid off in Bos
ton simply because the club was to be home on
tbe 25tb and the management thought the men
could get along until that time. Manager Ban
croft was instructed tn advance the players all
the money they needed and did o. That was
all there was in it. Tbe club is not required to
"pay while the team is awav from home and the
management has been doing so simplvtoac
commodate the men. President Brush has not
jet expressed an opinion of the Spalding
scheme and will not until ho looks the matter
over thoroughly. I think, however, that it will
cot inert the approval of the Hoosier Presi
dent. He is for classification first, last and all
the time, and as Spalding's plan interferes
with his pet scheme it will probably not be fa
vorably considered. A. Q. OVEXS.
Gloom at Their Home McKean Mny Play
(SPECIAL COnRESrOXDEXCX or the dispatch, i
Cleveland. July 20. Gloom has settled
like a dark, thick cloud over the Forest City.
"Yoo can cut it with a knife. No need to ask
"wbyT" The record of tbe Cleveland ball club
for the past two weeks speaks for itself. Tbey
liad climbed so high in the League race, and
aroucdrnch fond hopes and aspirations that
the sudden decline was heartrending in tho ex
treme. And. as usual, those who talked loud
est, and had figured them out tare pennant
winners, were the first to cry "I told you so"
when disaster came. Local patron can take
defeat neither gracefnllv nor philosophically.
They are, not stoical. And this, after
their ft years' experience in the Asso
ciation. They do not take into consideration
tbe act that the boys have been playing the
Bt'ongest club in tbe country, and away from
jiome at that, nor do they make allowance for
some very "jellow" umpiring, which has mate
rially assisted in the downfall, but instead they
throw np their bands like a tenderfoot and cry.
"They have struck the tobog." If said tobog
gan 11 anywhere near as long as the faces in
this section the club has got about a mile
further to go. 9
But wait until the boys return home and win
a few games. Then all will be changeiL Tbe
erstwhile ghoulish slide will be transformed
into a magnificent roller coaster on which the
boys will be going up, up. up, and the loud ho
nannas from League Park will float out o'er
Lake Erie's plarid bosom as before.
Shortstop JIcKean did not complete the
Eastern trip with tbe club. He appeared upon
our streets early in the week. Suspended with
out pay for insubordination tells the storr.
McKean is a great player, and his services are
needed at the present time, but discipline must
be maintained at whatever cost. Better a nine
of "misfits" under perfect discipline than an
aggregation nt stars with insubordination in
tbe ranks. McKean will probably resume his
position with the club Monday.
Everybody was glad to hear abontTebeau's
great hit in New York. Not merely because It
was a home run. but because be got S10O for
knocking the ball over a fence which the vain
Gothamites imagined no one but Roger
Conner could do. Then "Patsy," to show
it was not an accident, a sort of "Gentle
Jeems" episode, occurring but once in a de
cade or so of years, rapped out another in
Philadelphia, and was presented by Manager
Loltus, a la Davidson, with a 100 check on a
gravel bank. There is a difference in the way
tou do these things. Loftus appreciated the
hit and presented the check In a manner that
was not an insult. Davidson's ways are dif
ferent. Gilks Is playing at short in McKean's ab
sence.'and is putting np a great game of ball.
"Bob" is a strong favorite In this city, and
everybody Is glad to see him on the field aga.in
after his protracted siege at warming benches.
John B. Foster.
The Giant Will Protest.
New York, July 21. Tbe New York club will
protest tbe first Boston-Indianapolis game
played at Boston on Wednesday, which Boston
won, on tbe ground that the shortening of tbe
game to six innings bv agreement was illegal.
It is contended that tbe game cannot be short
enc 1 In view of tbe rules, and under President
Young's ruling some years ago that when two
games arc played in one afternoon the first one
must consist of nine innings. If this is sus
tained Boston will lose a victory, a very Impor
tant matter in this close race.
Cannot flet Olnsscock.
BpsTOif, July 3L The Boston Baseball Club
has sold the release of Pitcher Sowden to tbe
Pittsburg club, and bas offered the Indlanap-
gjis dull a money consideration, or two of'lfs
players, or the release of Glasscock. The re
ply received was that Glasscock would not be
I released tinder any consideration.
Opinions of the League Presidents on the
Proposed Scheme.
Now that there bas been time for the officials
of the various League clubs to think over the
plan of Mr. Spalding almost all have expressed
an opinion regarding it Tbe general opinion
is favorable toward It.
President Beach, of Philadelphia, thinks the
plan a good one, and one that will work well.
Mr. Reach says, however, that the plan will
need considerable pruning to put it into prac
tical shape.
President Robinson, of Cleveland, Is in favor
of the plan, with one or two modifications.
President Hewitt, of Washington, thinks the
plan impracticable. Mr. Hewitt believes that
tbe only solution of the difficulty Is the equal
division of receipts.
President Nimick. of Pittsburg, said: "There
arc many good features in Mr. Spalding's
project. 1 am in favor of doing away entirely
with the buying and selling of players. If we
cannot do this, however, I think the next best
thing would be to give the player a fixed per
cent of tbe purchase money, say aoout one
quarter, letting the other quarter to the asso
ciation and the half to the club. About tbe
requisition for players from the minor leagues
I am not so sure. It might be a good thing for
the big organizations, but I would rather not
express an opinion on that at present. Thero
Is one thing in Its tavor: It would be an in
centive to the players to do tbelr best, in order
to be drafted in tbe bigger leagues, and the
clubs and associations would receive a cash
equivalent. The suggestion for a Board of Ap
peals, a Supreme court, as it were, is a good
idea, and I would strongly favor it."
President Brush, of Indianapolis, bas no
definite opinion to offer. Nor has President
Soden, of Boston. New York, however, is in
favor of tbe plan. Altogether, it seems as If
a big change-in the League constitution will be
made before next season opens.
A Statement Tbnt Jimmy Gnlvlo Is Playloff
for His Release.
The following letter was received at this
office last evening. It makes charges against
Galvin, White aud Rowe which will be read
with interest at tbe present time:
Pittsbcko, July 20.
Sporting Editor or The Dispatch:
I wish to make a statement which I know will
Interest the management of tbe Pittsburc Baseball
Club, and also the public. 1 heard from good au
thority that Galvin la playing for his release. lie
told a friend of mine that every frame he pitched
he was backed very poorly bythe club, and there
fore he wished his release. Rowe and hlte are
also playing for their releases. They only Joined
the club so as to receive the oortlon of their pur
chase money.
It Is now their intention to play for their re
leases, so that tbev can play where rer they wish to.
1 have known Galvin. White and Rowe for ten
years, and lam their warmest friend. 1 do not
make these statements to ruin their reputations
as ball players, but when I see such players as
these trying to deceive the management and pub
lic it is about time to put a stop to such proceed
ings. Yon can publish this letter If you wish. I re
main respectfully yours, A Citizen.
Games To-Day.
National League Pittsburgs at Cleve
land; Indianapolis at Chicago; New Yorks at
Philadelphia; Wasbingtons at Boston.
American Association St. Louis at
International League Rochesters at
Syracuse; Detrolts at Hamilton; Toledos at
The Cincinnati Team Dcfents tbo Browns
Quito Easily Before an Immense
Crowd Brooklyn Wins nn Exciting-
Game From the Athletic
Other Contests.
Cincinnati, July 2L The Cincinnatls found
no difficulty in defeating the champion Browns
to-day before one of the largest crowds of the
season. Chamberlain was batted very hard at
times, and he gave a number of men their base
on balls. Duryea pitched the five opening
innings, and but one scratch bit was made off
his delivery. Chamberlain's two-bagger and a
couple of sacrifice hits gave the visitors their
only run in the closing inning of the game.
Attendance, 9,300. Score:
Cincinnatls 7 10 10 0 10 '-10
St. Louis 0 0000000 11
Uasehlts-Clnclnnatls, 10: lit. Louis, U.
Krrors St. Louis. 3.
Earned runs Cincinnati, S: St. Louis, 1.
Two-base hit Rclllr, McCarthy.
First base on balls Br Chamberlain, 6; by
Mnllaue, L
struck out By Chamberlain, 4; by Mullane, z;
by Duryea, 2.
Time of game One hour and 40 minutes.
Umpire Ferguson.
The Colonels Win a Good Game From tbe
Louisville, Kr., July 2L Louisville de
feated the Kansas Citys at ball to-day. Tbe
weather was fine, and tbe crowd numbered
nearly 5,000. Ewing, in the box for Louisville,
beld the visitors down to fivo hits. His sup
port was good at Important points, though five
errors are noted. Swartzel pitched a good
game, and Kansas Citys' fielding was equal to
Louisville, but the home team bunched nits in
the seventh and on. The game was close aud
held the croud throughout. Score:
Kansas Cltvs 0 010000001
LoulMllles 0 01000200-3
Hae hits-Kansas Citys, a: Louisville, 9.
Errors Kansas Citys, S; Louisville, 5.
Earned runs Louisville, z.
Two-base hits Shannon, Browning.
btolcn bases Hamilton, Manning, Shannon,
Wolf, Browning.
Double plays Davis. Long and Stearns.
Base on balls Off swartzel, 3; off Ewing, 2.
lilt by pitched ball Tomney. Ewing.
btruck out Bv Swartzel. 4: by Ewing, s.
l'assed balls Cook. 1: Donobue, I.
Time One hour and 50 minutes.
Umpire Holland.
HI Erratic Work Gives tbe Brooklyn a
New York; July 2L The Brooklyns de
feated the Athletics to-day. Tbe Athletics
outbatted the home players, and also made
fewer errors. The Brooklyns made their bits
when hits were needed, and also profited
largely through Weybing's wild pitching. Of
tbe nine men sent to first base on called balls
by Weyhing five scored. Collins played a phe
nomenal game in tbe field, as also did Lyons,
Smith and Brennan. Tbe Athletics at first re
fused to play with Paasch as umpire. Paasch
did good work, and gave no cause for com
plaint. Attendance, 7,991. Score:
Athletics 2 00200020
Brooklyns .3 I 020101 s
Base hits Brooklyns. ; Athletics, U.
Errors Brooklyns, 4; Athletics, 1.
Earned rnns Ilrooklyns, 3; Athletics, V
Two-base hit Movey.i
Three-bae hit-O'Brien.
Hume run Burns.
Bases on balls Off Weyhing, : off Caruthers, 6.
btruck out By Weyhing, 5: by Caruthers, 2.
Time One hour and 17 minutes.
Umpire Paasch.
Tbe Baltimore Defeat Colnmbas br Better
All-Ronnd PInylng.
COLUMBUS, O., July 21. Abont 3,000 people
witnessed the game to-day between Baltimore
and Columbus. The visitors outplayed the
home team at every point and came nearly
shutting them out. Baldwin pitched a good
game, but the snppnrt was bad, and Baltimore
won on the errors of their opponents at critical
points, which counted for runs In each in
stance. Score:
Columous 0 000001001
Baltimore. 2 00100011 S
Base hits Columbus, 11: Baltimore, 8,
Errors Coluinbus, 3; Baltimore, 0.
Earned runs-Columbus, 1; Baltimores, S.
Two-base hits Orr, KappeL 2.
Three-base hit bhlndle.
Bases on balls-By Kllroy, 1; by Baldwin, 3.
Struck oot-By Baldwin. S: by Kllroy7.
Time or game One hour and 43 minutes.
Uinplre-Uoldsmlth and Kerlns.
The Lonisville Directors Appoint n Nsw
Captain nnd Manager,
israelii, txxxoraii TO THE DISrATCH.J
Louisville, July 2L A very important
change in tbe club, which was decided jipon at
tbe stockholders' meeting Friday night, was
announced to the players this afternoon. Jnst
before the game wolf called tbe men into the
dressing room and there told them that ho had
been relieved of tbe captaincy, and that Dan
Shannon had been appointed bis successor.
It was somewhat of a surprise
to all the players, and to none
more, so than to Shannon himself.
That the change Is an exceedingly wise more
on tbe part nf the minagement is Indisput
able. Shannon is an experienced man for the
place, baring acted as captain of every club in
which be ever played; he Is popular with tbe
players, is a cool, tricky player, well up on all
points of tbe game, and is. m every way quail
tied to fill the position successfully. The mere
fact of Wolfs playing in the outfield was a
great drawback to bli effectiveness as a cap
tain. Like the sensible ball player that he is,
be understands the wisdom of the change, and
no man In the team will work harder for Shan
non than bis predecessor. Shannon will re
ceive his instructions to-night and will make
bis debut as captain of tbe club in Tuesday's
game at Baltimore.
It is understood on good authority that the
new manager whom President Parsons bas en
gaged for the Louisville club is Jack Chapman.
Nearly all the directors wanted him and a
proposition was made him. which he eagerly
accepted, saving ne always wanted to come
back here. He cannot quit the Syracuse club
before tbe end of the season and will not come
here until next fall. He wdl have exclusive
control of tbe clnb and receive $2,500 a year. In
tbe meantime a temporary management will
continue. Mr. Robert Brown, city editor of
the Courier Journal, will take charge of the
club on tbe present Eastern trip.
A Scheme Formed by Mannger Hart at Mr.
Spalding's Rrqnest,
Boston. July 2L Manager James Hart, of
the Boston club, has, at the request of A. G.
Spalding, formed a plan to make baseball a
self-supporting pastime, not only in the large
but in the. smaller towns. The plan is this:
A board of control should be created,
with full and supreme power. It should
have three members under salary. The board
should keep records of all games and players,
to be furnished monthly to tbe clubs. It should
name the limits of salary for each league and
approve all contracts between players and
clubs, leagues and umpires. It should decide
all disputes finally. The expenses of the board
and stenographer are estimated at 13,200 per
annum. All clubs under tbe control of the
board should be allowed to reserve players
under contract on a certain date, say
October I, at a price not less than
that received by the playsr under the existing
contract. All players who do not receive the
full amount of salary called for in their con
tract should be granted a release of their claim
to that effect if sustained by the board. Any
club under control should be compelled to
release to any other club under control when
paid a certain price (as shown later,) as a
bonus, provided said player desires to
change his place of service. The bonus
should be uniform in each league, but may be
changed from year to year by the board. The
matter of releasing aud signing of players
should be done wholly by the board. Eigbt
groups of clubs are then given. The National
League, at the bead. Includes Boston, New
York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Cleveland,
Chicago, Pittsburg and Cincinnati. The
National League should be granted
the right of reservation, but a
player upon being In one club's employ three
years should, if he desires, be granted his un
conditional release. This league should have
no salary limit law. The other leagues should
be graded according to tbe drawing power of
the league, but in no instance should a league
be regraded during a playing season. National
League guarantee to visiting clubs, 200; per
centage, 40: number of games, 146; admission,
SO cents. Hart claims his plan would make the
duns pay, reward worthy players and prevent
Association Record.
Won. Lost. OU
st. rinu 52 ?s .fi?.vr
.s;s' Cincinnatls.. .42 33 .500
Brooklyns... ..45 17 .S30KansasUltys..31 42 .427
Athletics 40 33 .571 Columbus 17 47 ,3M
Baltimores... ,42 32 .S8s!Loalsvllles....l7 W .234
A Rnmor That Tbey Will Leave the Connty
It is likely that more clubs will follow the ex
ample of Emswortb, and withdraw from the
County League. Last evening a player in one
of the clubs stated that the officials of tbe
Scwickleys expressed themselves yesterday to
the effect that they are tired of tho business.
The club is losingmoney, and it is probable that
it will not finish tbe season. The Oakland are
also about exhausted.
If the clubs named withdraw from the
League, the balance will continue through the
season. The dates will be filled up with exhi
bition games.
Prospect of nn Extraordinary Opening Day
To-Morrow Big Entries.
Detroit, July 21. Tbe great trotting and
pacing meeting of tbe Detroit Driving Club
commences Tnesday, the 23d Inst. There aro 129
entries in tbe various classes, and as fine a lot
as ever were brought together at a trotting
meeting. Every State in the Union Is repre
sented by one or more flyers. Tbe track Is In
magnificent condition. Electric bells have
been placed in the judges' stand, communicat
ing with the various stables, for the purpose of
calling up the horses, instead of tbe old way of
ringing the bell or tapping tbe drum.
All tbe horses that are entered are here and
more, and everything is in readiness for the
opening dar, which will be railed Blue Ribbon
Day when the gates will be thrown open to the
public free. President Campau will ring up
tbe horses Tuesday at 2 o'clock P. x. for the
first grand event, the 223 trot. There are
three events for the opening day two trots
and a pacing race. Theie aro 13 entries in the
first, 14 in the second, and 14 in tbe third. If
good weather, it will be by long odds the great
est event ever given under the auspices of tbe
Johnston, the great pacer, will give exhibi
tions during the meeting. The great $10,000
stake race, with 15 nominations, takes place
Thursday. Prominent horsemen from all parts
of the country are here. A big attendance at
the meeting is assured. Guy, the great won
der, will give an exhibition ono day during the
Don't Fancy the Mutants.
Hon. James White, tbe great Australian
sportsman, doesn't believe in tbe pari-mutuel
machines. He says: "1 generally bet 500 on
a race, or say 3,000 a day. Take a low compu
tation of 60 days' racing in tbe year, and you
will see that my transactions would be 160,000
per annum. Ten per cent on that business
would bring me 18,000 a year, without any risk
whatever. Pd be glad to bet three per cent.
The machine plays to a dead certainty, whereas
a bookmaker takes heavy risks. He may win
to-day and lose to-morrow. Very few. indeed,
of tbe Australian ring make more than a liv
ing, as a proof of which I need only ask you to
tell mo how many of them are rich men. The
fortunes made by bookmaklng in these colonies
are few and far between."
Will Fight for a Stake.
Young Corcoran, tbe local lightweight pugil
ist, is in receipt of a letter from Dayton, O. The
letter is from some sports of that place, who
state that Bezena, of Cincinnati, will fight Cor
coran at Dayton for a 5150 purse. Tbe Pitts
burger, how ever, declines to fight for anything
less than the purse mentioned and a stake of
200 a side. If these terms are agreed to Corco
ran will light the Cincinnati man to a finish.
Burgess and Connelly for Glory nnd 81,000.
Detroit, July 21. Jack Burgess, the well
known prize fighter of New York, who re
cently defeated Ed Smith, of England, at Den
ver, arrived here this evening for the pnrposo
of training for a fight with Johnny Connelly, of
Ohio, for 51,000 a side. The articles were signed
last week, and tbe fight is to take place August
2. The ring will probably be pitched near the
Ohio border.
Wise Mnnsfleldcri Not Arrested.
Wheeling, July 2L Mansflsld refusing to
play with the home team to-day, a picked nine
was made np, who were defeated by a score of
16 to 7. After the first ball was pitched the
teams were arrested by Justice Phillips as on
last Sunday, and bond was given for the ap
pearance of tbe mend to-morrow. ,
Will Come to Pittsburg.
H. O. Messier, the pedestrian, arrived in the
city yesterday. He baa won two or three good
races in Maryland, and is on his way to manage
a big six-day race at Detroit. Messier states
that all tbe leading pedestrians In the country
intend to start in tbe fall race in this city.
Canton Laid Low.
At Hamilton
Hamlltons 3 0000010004
Cantons 4 00000000 1 S
Hits Hamlltons. 6; Canton i, 12.
Errors Hamlltons, 1; Cantons, 3.
Baseball Note.
Bowsers may face the Babies to-day.
Tbe local clnb paid $1,000 for Sowders' re
lease. Mr. Nimick thinks that Galvin will soon be
all right again.
We have six games with the Babies this week
and may not win one.
Tbe Traction Stars beat the Bbadyside Stars
,on Saturday by 14 to 7.
The George S. Flemings beat the Keystones
on Saturday, by 11 to 6.
Tbe Second Ward Greys. Allegheny, de
feated a picked nine on Saturday by 10 to 8.
From now until the team begins to play win.
ning ball look out for startling rumors about
The Oakland Blues failed to show up and
play tbe Second Ward Greys on Saturday and
the empire awarded the game to the former.
It was stated that President Nimick returned
home last night. He (till has hopes of tbe club
f letting a good place at the finish. "Hard
uck" is the present cause oX defeat; .
By Drunken Loafers That Trouble
Johnstown, and No Lockups
A Fear That Governor Beaver May Give
TFilliamsport Too Much.
Main Hundreds Homeless and Causes Intense Suf.
ferine to Prevail.
From Johnstown goes up a wall that the
town is defenseless against persons inflamed
with liquor, having no lockups. Fear is
expressed that the Governor may give
Johnstown's money to Williamsport. The
people of the flooded regions of West Vir
ginia are in need of immediate assistance,
hundreds being without food or shelter.
Johnstown, July 21. The question of
getting rid of the drunken loafers around
Johnstown is every day becoming more
troublesome. Saturday was payday and
the workmen nearly all had some money,
and having no homes to go, they spent their
time in the saloons treating the loafers that
crowded in and getting drunk themselves.
Various plans have been suggested to get
rid of the nuisance of drunken men, but
they have all failed. There is no place of
any account to confine prisoners; hence it is
useless for the police to attempt to lock
them up for simple drunkenness. The ef
fort to" make them work on streets has
failed because there is no authority
for it, and hence they aro
allowed to go unmolested unless they com
mit some serious crime. As has been stated,
a strong effort is being made by Captain
Hamilton and some of the burgesses to
have Judge Johnston revoke the licenses for
the time being, but the saloon keepers ob
ject, as they say they have paid their
license fees and claim the right to sell
liquor so long as they keep within the
bounds of the law. A strong temperance
sentiment is being created among the better
classes, but it does not have much effect
The people here look with suspicion on
the statements made by Secretary J. B.
Kremer while in the town on Saturday.
They fear that Beaver intended to make a
pro-rata distribution of the balance of the
money between the Conemaugh Valley and
Williamsport people.
The high water of Saturday has been very
beneficial in washing away the debris
lodged in and along the beds of the creeks.
Hundreds Rfnde Homeless by a Cloudburst
and Dependent on Charity.
Wheelino, July 21. Specials irom the
flood district near Parkersburg to-night
give the following complete list of the
drowned, so far as known. It is thought
that the death list will be much larger
when the districts now cut off from the
outside world are heard from.
Bobert Black, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Thomas
Hughes and four children, JEd Boso, Mrs.
Isaac Boberts, Mrs. Orrville West and two
children, John Bailey, Boy Kiger.Mrs. Koy
Kiger, Mrs. Isaiah Tucker and a man whose
name cannot be ascertained. The damage
to property cannot be estimated at present.
Hundreds of people lost all they possessed
and many families are homeless. A. late
dispatch says the village of Mornstown,
Wert county, was swept entirely jaway.
Great suffering exists among those who lost
all they possessed, and the County Commis
sioners of Wood connty will issue an ap
peal for aid. The clondbnrst occurred on
Limestone Mountain, Wood county, where
the five creeks that were flooded have a
common source and from where they take
their course in as many different directions.
The damage to crops was inestimated and
the farmers will be dependent upon charity
nntil next season.
When Mrs. BlcVane Left JIojaJs'StioDeicrtcd
Three Children, One n Infant.
Youngstotvn, July 21. No information
has been received by Hugh McVane regard
ing his missing wife, who left the city sud
denly last week with her sister, Miss Lof
tus, and John Robertson, beyond the fact
that Bobertson and the girl were mar
ried in Cleveland. McVane informed the
officers that his wife spoke some time ago
of visiting George Robinson, a relative, re
siding at 92 Superior street. Fort Wayne,
Ind. A message received to-day by Mar
shal Williams stated that ho person of the
name lived in the street indicated. Mrs.
McVane left three children, the youngest a
babe of 12 months.
Making tbe People of Mononeahela Connty,
W. Vb., Look for Something Big.
Clarksburg, "W. Va., July 21. The
Monongahela county, oil field is being ex
tended with great rapidity, and there is a
hope that it will soon stretch clear across
the county to Marion. A 600-barrel well
has just been brought in with others near
the sand, and about SO rigs are going np.
Prof. J. C. White, the oil expert, is going
over the ground in the interest of investors.
The Frlck Company Lose 81,300.
Scottdale, July 21. Early this morn
ing a fire broke out in the engine house at
the Tip Top Coke Works of the H. C. Frick
Coke Company, and before the flames were
got, under control the engine house and
boiler house adjoining were totally de
stroyed. The loss will not be over $1,500,
which is covered fully by insurance. The
origin of the fire is unknown.
Lancaster Jim Will Die.
Meadville, July 21. Sheriff McDowel
and Chief" of Police Hanaway, of this city,
have fully identified the burglar shot at
Townville Saturday morning, while en
gaged in a' burglary, as Lancaster Jim, a
notorious character named McCune. The
wounded burglar "will probably die. There
were four engaged in the robbery and all
escaped except McCune, although it is
thought one of the fugitives was wounded.
Charred With Embezzlement.
rsrxciAt. telegram to tub Disr-ATcn.j
Youngsi-OWU", Jnly 21. Edward Fried
man, a newsboy in the employ of Miss
Clara McBurney, newsdealer, was arrested
and placed in jail to-day, charged by her
with embezzlement, the lad having, accord
ing to her story, collected considerable
money from selling papers and failed to
turn it over.
A Brakeman Killed.
rsrsciAL tzlxqbam to tux DisrATcn.i
Meadville, July -21. Amos O. Mo
Adoo, brakeman on train 82, N. Y., P.' &
O. El B., fell from the train to the track
while switching in the lower yard, this city,
this morning, and was instantly killed. He
was 27 years old and unmarried.
Drowned at a Sunday Swim.
rsrECiAi. tsleokam to th sisfatcb.j
Woosteb, Jnly 21. Samuel Eeed, aged
27 years, son of Andrew Beed, janitor of tbe
Wooster University, was drowned irhile
bathing in an ice pond early this morning.
His body was recovered several honrs later.
Bow He Will Decide the DUpnted Owner
ship of n Carrier Plceon.
tsrrciAL telegram to tre dispatch. i
YorraosTOWN, Jnly 21. A novel de
cision was rendered'by Justice Miller last
evening in a snit brought before him by
John P. Kirby and John Scott regarding
the ownership of a carrier pigeon. The
men reside in different wards in the city,
and each claimed he had purchased a car
rier pigeon and identified the one brought
into court as their property. Kirby as
serted he had bought it from a party in
Niles, and Scott detailed how he had bougnt
it from another partv.
In order to establish the ownership Jus
tice Miller appointed two disinterested per
sons, who are to take tbe pigeon four miles
from here to-morrow and then let it loose.
If it flics to the residence of Kirby, it is to
be conclusive evidence that it belongs to
him, and should it go to the house of Scott
he is to retain it.
The PIttsbars;, Pnlnravllle and Fnlrport.So
Called by'lndlgnant Obloan.
rfPEClAL telegram to the dispatch..
Youngs-town, July 21. Citizens of Ge
auga county are circulating petitions which
will-be presented to tbe Attorney General
of the State, asking him to bring action in
the courts to amend the charter of the Pitts
burg, Painesville and Fairpoft Bailroad, on
the ground that its managers have need
lessly and maliciously failed to carry on the
business for which the charter was granted.
One Young East Ender Bald to Have Been
Shot nnd Killed by Another Near
Continence Particulars Dlca-
gcr bv Telegraph.
About 2 o'clock this morning The Dis
patch received word, indirectly, but on
seemingly trustworthy authority, that a
homicide had been committed yesterday at
or near Confluence, about 85 miles
up the Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad,
just abpve Ohio Pyle; that both the victim
and his slayer were young men from the
East End in this city, and that they went a
few days ago to Confluence as members of a
hunting or fishing club.
At the hour named there was no means of
direct telegraphic communication with Con
fluence, nor was there the possibility of a
train arriving until long after daylight
with all the particulars of the
reported tragic affair. A reporter for this
paper, therefore, hastened to the train
dispatcher's office of the Baltimore and
Ohio Bailroad in this city to see if the
operators there would kindly try to either
confirm or disprove the report.
The train dispatcher, getting a moment's
"let-up" on his regular duties, obligingly
called the Confluence operator, asked
him what he knew of a
Pittsburg murder ont there, and
got word back that there reallT was one, and
that the body of the young man, Scott by
nnme, would reach this city onXhe passen
ger train at G20 o'clock this morning.
Asking for particulars, this was all the
dispatcher conld get from the man at tho
key in Confluence: There was a quarrel in
the camp of the Pittsburgers, a mile and a
half from Confluence, last night. A
young fellow named Laird, whose parents
reside in the East End, this city, got very
drunk, it is alleged, and then became ex
ceedingly angry at the. rest of the boys for
insisting that he should have no more
beer. Becoming desperate, it is said,
he took a revolver from his pocket
and uttered thefurious threat that he would
sboot some of his tormentors for refusing
him more beer. A panic naturally ensued
among the young campers, and they fled in
all directions.
Laird, however, only became the more
excited when he saw the startling effect of
bis threats. Bevolver still in band, and
ottering various expressions of vengeance,
he closely pursued the group, in
which a young neighbor named
Scott was a central figure, and one of the
very last to run. Approaching close to
Scott. Laird showed such a dosrrcd deter
mination as to force Scott, in self-defense, to
exchange shots with him. This, however, did
not check the infnriated yonng gunner.
He fired three shots at Scott, it is alleged,
and killed him outright with the third bul
let, which took effect in tbe back and
lodged in a vital part of the lung.
What was done, it anything, with Laird,
or how soon after tbe shooting Scott
breathed his last, could not be stated by
the operator at Confluence. He only
knew that the terrified party of young
Pittsburgers had broken camp at once and
announced that they desired to ship a mur
dered comrade back home on the
first train. The Christian name of
neither yonng man could be learned,
at so late an hour, nor the particular family
of Lairds or Seotts in the East End to which
either of them belonged.
Me Tell the Dear Peoplo and Outraged
Taxpayer Abont Tbelr Balers.
London, July 21. General Boulanger,
Count Dillon and M. Bochefort have issued
the following manifesto:
To the French Electors:
We hare disdained to reply to the absurd
calumnies 'concocted by Ministers who have
been convicted of peculations. Our abstention
from this odious comedy is now justified by the
indignant repulsion of attempts to distort from
officers of the army lying denuncia.'ons of
their former chief. These suborners of wit
nesses hare not hesitated to employ the tax
pavers' money to obtain falso depositions from
jailbirds in their very cells at Mazas. These
are the miserable prevaricators who acense
their former Minister ot War of corruption.
Public disgust has already condemned and tho
Justice of the country will speedily overtake
these malefactors. They appealed to the penal
code, bnt the outcome of their infamous mach
inations was that they could bring absolutely
nothing against us. If they could have ob
tained the most trivial proof they would not
thus have risked the Assize Court by negotiat
ing with forgers. It Is for you, dear fellow
countrymen, to judge between us and these
thieves. We await with confidence yonr sen
tencefrom which these bandits, who feel its
approach, vainly endeavor to escape.
Long live regenerated France! Long lire the
honest republic!
Homicidal John 8ylvn, However, Only Kills
Himself and Wound HI Wife.
Kibksville, Mo, July 21. About two
years ago James Sylva and Miss Buckalew,
daughter of a well-known citizen of Kirks
ville, were married, and removed to Keokuk,
Iowa'. Abont six months ago Mrs. Sylva
returned to the parental roof, stating that
her husband would not support her. Yes
terday she received a telegram from Sylva
saying he would be there to-day to kill the
family. He kept his word, arriving this
morning, and going to his wife's father's
house asked his wife:
"Allie, will you return to me?"
The young woman replied in the negative,
whereupon Sylva fired at hei and she fell.
Thinking he had killed his wife, Sylva
turned the weapon on himself and sent a
bullet into his brain. He will die. Mrs.
Sylva was not hurt.
California Wine.
Old Sherry, full quarts 60c
Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c
OldPort, full quarts, 60c
Extra OldPort, lull quarts 75c
Biesling, full quarts 40c
Angelica, full quart i ...60c
Muscatel, full Quarts. ....60c
Tokay,. full quarts......!.' 60c
rnr ai Dy u. .W.Dcnmiat, -nos. ana
England and Ireland Have Hoarded
Millions of Bright Gold
Why Foreign Capital is Flooding tha
United States.
How the Brewery Stock is Purchased by Small
Mr. Isaac tTntermeyer, the gentleman
who has persuaded English capitalists to
invest so heavily in this country, tells why
he did, and speaks of his success in this
direction. He says England and Ireland
are full of wealth which is seeking paying
Hew York, Jnly 21. Where does all
the monsycome from and. who are the peo
ple investing so many millions of dollars In
various industrial enterprises in the United
States recently consolidated under exten
sive corporations?
This question was asked of Mr. Isaac TTn
termeyer, the counselor in the Stewart
building. He was the pioneer in getting
English capitalists to acquire large proper
ties in America, and, his experience has
been of much interest So many stories
have been told within- the past year of
British gold being sent over here to buy np
breweries, manufacturing institutions and
what not that people have become mystified
nnd somewhat incredulous. When Mr.
TTntermeyer was asked if it was true that
large English investments had been made in
the United States he replied that he knew
where $17,000,000 in cold cash had been
placed within a twelvemonth, and that the
work of organizing new companies was still
progressing. .
"I wish to correct one false impression
however," said he, "and that is in the form
ation of trusts. The English investors are
not going into trusts atoll. They are simply
organizing corporations which purchase
profitable enterprises. There is a large
amount of capital seeking investment in
England. Its aggregate would seem enor
mous to us, and my attention was first
directed to the fact about a year ago, when I
learned that the English Government had
decided upon refunding British consols at
m per cent.
"It struck me that the volume of capital
seeking investment would be likely to be
largely augmented by the reduction in the
rate on consols, and my associates and my
self determined to float a joint stock com
nanv for the rjnruose of buvintr and running
a few American breweries. Thus the forma
tion of the New York Brewery Company
followed, and has almost become a matter of
history. This enterprise was well placed in
London, and was a great go from the start,
but the most astonishing fact about it was
that stock to the amount of $33,000,000 was
subscribed for when the capitalization was
only a mere matter of $4,500,000. Nearly
eight times the amonnt asked for was
offered, and the shares were allotted pro
rata to the bidders.
"Talk about the wealth of India; why,
the amount oi money accumnlated in En
eland is something fabulous. The people
there did not wish to accept the rate of 24
per cent on consols, and were eager to in
vest savings in enterprises reasonably safe
and profitable. Yes, it opened my eyes to
the financial situation across the water
when I saw the rush for shares in the first
English brewing company formed for
America. The phenomenal success of this
enterprise started the story that British gold
was being rapidly exchanged for American
breweries to be formed into a gigantic trust.
Of course there was nothing of the kind on
foot, althongh a number of separate com
panies have been formed and others are
nnder way. These corporations, however,
are entirely distinct aud have no connec
tion with each otber. The same may be
said of companies formed for tbe purpose of
engaging in manufacturing.
"Since that first success we have launched
the Frank Jones Brewing Company, which
took in the Portsmouth and Boston ale
breweries of ex-Congressman Jones, ot New
Hampshire. This has a capital of about
S6.SC0.000. but double the amount was bid.
such was the universal desire to secure the
shares. The United States Brewing Com
pany, with a capital of about $5,500,000,
included breweries in Newark, New York
and Albany, and all the stock was taken in
a day or two, which shows the confidence
felt in England in safe and profitable joint
stock concerns. Besides, the system of
floating a new company in London is more
complete and satisfactory all around for the
legitimate enterprises which have merit.
In tbe first place, nnder the companies' acts
and the limited liabilities acts, we must se
cure a firm . or bank or reputable and
wealthy person to engage in the underwrit
ing of tbe proposed scheme and to enter into
a guarantee that alter a certain fixed date
all the stock left unsubscribed for will be
taken by this guarantor. This is to insure
the speedy organization of the company. In
most of the corporations formed there are
issued ordinary shares, preferred stock and
mortgage debentures, and after the .pros
pectuses are distributed a certain day is
fixed to receive applications for the stock,
etc., and the whole amount is sometimes
taken in 24 hours. Of course all these com
panies must have directors in England and
also in America, nnd a committee of man
agement in the United States, besides the
regularly authorized bankers, solicitors,
auditors, brokers and debenture trustees.
"Who are the heavy .English capitalists
who invest all this money? There are none!
The shareholders are mostly from the middle
class of tradesmen, and the holdings are in
small amounts. The stock is usually issued
in shares of 10 each, so that the artisan
and wage-earner can invest. In one of the
companies I have mentioned there are2,000
shareholders, and an individual holding a
large block of stock is rare indeed. The
principle, of small and large investors alike
in England is pretty much the same as the
world over. They distribute their savings
and spare cash among a number of enter
prises, so that a failure of one company
would not be seriously felt.
"Tbe lamest single stocKhoiacrs in these
Anglo-American enterprises are tbe ven
ders, the original owners, who are allotted
in most instances one-thirdof the number of
shares. We found that subscriptions lor
stock in our companies came from people In
London. Liverpool. Manchester, Glasgow,
and in fact every part of the island. The
prospectus ot each enterprisewas advertised
in the newspapers in the ordinary way, and
the freedom with which applications for
shares came in by mail showed that mill
ions of pounds sterling must be actually
hoarded by tbe great middle classes of En
gland. For years railway shares have been
popular for investment, but of late manu
facturing enterprises, breweries, telephone
and electric lichtine companies have gained
in favor, and if any scheme can be shown to
be safe and to pay a profit of not less than 6
percent yearly, it can be floated without
difficulty in London.
"My brother Samuel is now in Ireland in
the interest of a new enterprise' which 'will
be another succesj. The stories of the pov
erty in the Green Isle he does not believe as
he once did. The capitalization of the
Great Bass and Guinness breweries and the
formation of companies to conduct the bus
iness have proved so completely successful
and profitable that the Irish people, have
confidence in well conducted enterprises or
that kind, Therefore when my brother
looked about in Dublin and Belfast he soon
found that there were millions of money
ready for investment at auy fair rate, or to
take the 6rdiuary risks of joint stock com
panies. Thousands of Irishmen who have
saved np various sums stand ready to go
into indnstriaienterprise with cash in hand.
"The English nation appears to be made
up largely of money savers, and thev ex
hibit both enterprise and thrift in seeking
opportunities to place their money where it
will earn something. I am inclined to the
belief that the United States is only just
beginning to feel the exhilarating effects ol
the influx of British capital, and it seems
to be clear that within the next decade a
conple of hundred of millions of English
and Irish money will move this way to
assist in the development of industrial en
terprises in which there will be a large
profit for the investors and enormous benefit
to the country."
A Vessel That Sailed 3,300 SHU With a
Fire Smouldering Among Combusti
blesSaved From Cremation
and Drowning on
iho Lnkr.
New York, July 21. The steamer
Hawkhnrst, which sailed 2,300 miles on her
last voyage to Brazil with a fire smoulder
ing in her hold, arrived here to-day. The
cargo at the time of the fire was oil and coal
tar, and the captain compelled the crew to
stick to the boat, although they wished to
desert. The Emperor of Brazil presented
the captain with tokens in honor of his
A dispatch from South Haven, Mich.,
savs: The steam barge J. P. Farnuin. Cap
tain L. G. Vosburg, owned by L. P. & J. A.
Smith, of Cleveland, from St. Joseph to
Escanaba, light, caught fire aft at about 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon. The flames
spread so rapidly that all efforts to get ont
the boats were unavailing. The mate was
seriously burned about the hands and arms
in the effort. Bafts were hurriedly impro
vised from the hatches and a few planks
that fortunately were on board, upon which
the crew of 11 men and the captain's wife
placed themselves as best they could. For
tunately the lake was unusually calm at
that hour, to which fact the crew largely
owe their lives.
The beach patrolman of the life-saving
station, 20 miles away, discovered the smoke
about 4 o'clock, and he hurried to the sta
tion to give the alarm. The steamer Glenn,
of the Williams Transportation line, hap
pened to be in port, and she got up steam as
quickly as possible, and taking the life
saving crew and lifeboat and a few volun
teers, made all possible haste to the work of
The Glenn arrived alongside the burning
wreck about 7 o'clock. Quite a sea was
running at this 'time, although there was no
wind, and it swept completely over the
frail craft, thoroughly drenching its occu
pants. All, however, were safely got on
board the Glenn, and arrived inside this
harbor about 10:15 sale and sound, express
ing the highest praise of Captain Boyne, of
the Glenn, and the crew of the liie-saving
station for their timely work.
Pittsburg- Take Rank Above Baltimore In
tbe Clearing llonso Report.
Boston, July 21. The following table,
compiled from dispatches from the
Clearing Houses in the cities named, shows
the gross exchanges for the week ended
July 20, 1889, with rates per cent of increase
or decrease, as compared with the amounts
for the corresponding wees in loss
New York tCSl,lM,066
Boston - S4.SSI.753
Philadelphia 70, MO, 677
Chicago 61.S9J.000
St. Louis 17.899.S62
Sun Francisco 17,587.101
Pltubnre 15.477,09
Baltimore 13.4J0.479
Cincinnati.... 10,136,250
Kansas CUT. 8.294.418
New Orleans 6,024,373
Lonisville G,i4,343
Providence 5,301,800
.Milwaukee 3.1(17,000
MlnneaDOU..;......i.-.. -3,683,643
St. Paul 4,409,210
Omaha 3,866.247
Detroit 4.650,850
Denver '3,181,5:1
Cleveland.. 4.163.126
Commons 2.102.500
Hartford t 2.554041
Richmond , , 2,424.003
Mrraphl 1,709.953
IndlanaDOlls. ...-, ....... l.'OI.KJ
Peoria 1,344.5(9
bt. Joseph 1,206,013
Portland 1,02.49
Wallas 1,567,14?
lluluth '. 1,355,262
New Haven..., 1.499.197
Spnnjrfleld.V 1,213,743
Worcester j,io,o.
Fort wonn.,
Grand Rapids
I.os Angeles.,
"62. all
Buffalo 3,Cfl9,lSs
Birmingham ...
Monx City
Des Motncs
Portland. ure.T.
Total tl,0W,881,529 12.3
Outilde New 5forr 333.435,463 10.4
Not included In totals; no Clearing House at
this time last rear.
Solicited by the Executive Donrd K- of L.
An Experience aieellncr.
CniCAGO, Jnly 21. At its meeting to
day the K. of L. Executive Board decided
to issue a call to the assembliesor money
to aid the striking miners of the Braidwood,
111., district, and the Brazil, Ind., region.
Mr. Powderly and the other members of
the board were at a mass meeting of the
local assemblies held atBricklayers Hall to
night. Powdrly , addressed the meet
ing and then answered all questions
put to "him concerning the alleged
disruption of the board, and tbe manage
ment of the order by himself and his asso
ciates. The meeting was strictly private.
It continued untiL midnight, and it is re
ported that sharp and bitter things were
TS a blood disease. Until tno poison la
1 expelled from the system, there can
be no enre for this loathsome and,
dangerous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough course
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla theTie3t of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous.
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number of physi
cians, but received no benefit until I
began to takoA.yers Sarsaporilla. A
few bottles of this medicine cured me of
tnls troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health." Jesse JI.
Boggs, Holman's Mills, N. C.
"When Aver's Sarsaparilla was rec
ommended to me for datarrh, I was in
clined, to doubt Jts efficacy. Having
tried bo many remedies, with little ben
efit, I had no faith that anything would
cure me I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
had nearly lost the sense of smell, and
my system was badly deranged. I was
about discouraged, when a friend urged
me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and re
ferred me to persons whom it had cured
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bcttles of this medicine, I am convinced
that the only sure way of treating this
obstinate disease is through the blood."
Charles H.,Maloney, 113 Elver St.,
Lowell, il ass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rarasxD BT
Dr. J. C; Ay,& Co.r Lowell, Mas.
Price l; atx bottles,. Worth 5 a bottl.
Fnlr Until Nlsbt,
When Showers Aro
on Iho Programme.'
For Western Penn
sylvania and We$t
Virginia, fair, fol
lowed by shower
Monday night; warm- ,
er. variable winds.
PrTTSBtmo, July 2L im
The United States 81gnal SerWce officer la
this city furnishes the louowing:
lime. Tne:
8:00.1. V .........63
CSJO It... ...... ...a.
1:00 P. x
F Jtf ""
5:00 r. x
80 P. M 74
Meantemo 70
Maxtmum temp.. 81
Minimum temp..- 60
Kanjre 21
Precipitation. .00
Hirer at sr. X.. S.0 feet, a rise of 4.2 feet In 24
River Telegram.
MoBQASTOWif River 10 feet 10 inches and (
falling. Weather clear. Thermometer83 at 4
Wakren fllvor 6-10 foot and stationary.
Weather clear and warm.
BBOWXSVII.I.E River 11 feet and falling.
Weather clear. Thermometer 80 at 4 F. x.
Abont Female Gnmbler.
In betting on the race tracks, women, as a
rule, are moro superstitious than men, and re
sort to all sorts of queer tricks that they think
will bring them good luck. One young woman
was recently seen to press her money to her lips
just before parting with it, another would not
pass her money over the sbonlder of the woman
in front of her because she said it would bring
her bad luck, one woman would not place her
own money, but got a friend to do it for her be
cause she lost on the first race and that
presaged losing on every race if she did the
betting herself. One big fat woman pulled ont
a dirty little cotton bag of something abont tha
size and shape of a chicken's heart and rubbed
it on her money just before she bet it, and a
young cirl, with a dissipated look, wearing a
stylish striped sown, would touch her money
with ber left hand because that was her money
hand andmademore come. 'N.Y.Sportima?
I feel like saying
tomething BAD I
Abrars look neat. Equally good for Men's.Women'
or Chili's Shoes. No blackleg brush required, and
tha poiiabing is dona in three minutes without labor.
WATEIZPROOFind warranted to preserve
leather, and keeps it soft and durable.
Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Druggists, to.
Try it on your Harnett.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, phiuidfipkijl
On mortgages on Improved real estate In sums
of 11,000 and upward. AppW at
mh(t-r No. 124 Fourth avenue.
Is the PUREST, BEST "nd Cleanest
I all Druggists, but beware of Imitations.
As old residents know ana back tiles of Pitt,
burg papers prove, is the oldest- established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic dlwasea.
airnwrtiioand mental diseases, physical
IN L.II V UUo decay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbf ulhess,
dizziness, sleeplessness pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person fog business, tociety and mar
riage, permanently, safely aqd privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, hones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder aerange
U I) 1 1 1 M it 1 1 ments,' weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and otber
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's Iife-Iorg, extensive expert,
ence. Insures scientific and reliablo treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office honrs 9 A. M. to 8 p. M. " Son
da v, 10 A. M. to 1 p. if. only. UR. WHITTIEB,
Sll'Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. .
Full particulars In pamphlet
sent free. The genuine Urays
bpeclflc told by dru gists only lu
yellow wrapper. Frlce, fl per
nackaze. or lx for 15. or br mall
IrvC on receipt of price, bv aadres
ng THF. GHAT MK 1)1 CINE CO;, Uutlalo, N. r
Sold In Flttsburir brS. 3. HOLLAND, comer
BmitlifleM and Liberty at. aplZ-SS
SPECIALISTS In all cases re-
aniring scientific and connden
al treatment! Dr. 8. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. tL, is the oldest and
most experienced sneciallat in
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Offica
hours to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 2 to 4 P.
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lied Cross Diamond Brandy
The aalf rellabla tin for . RK. &nif
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mand lirand. In red tt.lHa boxc. wnk4
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ralmmpi) nr parooajari ao4 "Keller for
" f ijuneV- f n 14Ur, by malL .Vm Paper.
lalcheattr Chemical Cek, Sladlaaa 04.. Pallida, Fn-
loole's Cotton. Hoot
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'old Dhvsician. Is tueceetfuUu urf.
monthly-Safe, Effectual. Price $L by mail,
sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's .
CoUoa Boot Compound and take no substitute,
or lnoloee 2 stamps for sealed particulars Ad
dress FOND LILT CO SIP ANY, No. 3 ElshW
Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mien.
weakness, lost vigor, etc.. wasret tortd to health
In inch a remarkable mannerarter allelte had
failed that he will send the mode of care Vi'.T.K to
all rellow sufferers. Address L. O. MITCHELL,
Ka Hadrian, Conn. jnyJl-3-DSuwk
Vl n -v if
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lTmTlanTT Ii T 1 TJi. -Ja '. l -..
IRaaP4BnlR3BWnnnnnKaPaa3 M1lnnt Js3t' V SOSmSSSkmBtsW k t f f H nn fTal ' CdjKuaV t ll W -l. F lltllltaaf