Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 22, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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ii igi lni
lite Btfpwij.
Vol.44. 1 o. 165. -Entered at Pittsburg l'ostofilee,
Jiorember 14, 1987, as second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and 99 Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
Eastern Advertising Office, Iloom.4S, Tribune
Building, lew York.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
The Disratcn for six months ending June 30, liiS,
Copies per issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
The Dispatch for three months ending June 30,
Copies per Issue
DAILY DisrjLTCH, One Year 8 00
Daily DisrATCH, I'er Quarter 2 00
'Dailt Dispatch. One Month 70
Dailt Dispatch, including Snnday, 1 year. 10 00
DAILY DisrATCH. including 6unday,m'ths. 2 SO
Daily Disi-atch, Including Bunday.l month SO
bUNDAY Dispatch, Onelear 2 SO
Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 25
The Daily Dispatch is delivered br carriers at
13 cents per recL, cr Including bunday edition, at
S3) cents per week.
The reports that Turkey has finally
signed a treaty casting her lot with the
triple alliance of Austria, Germany and
Italy; that the Servian reserves are being
armed en mase with rifles and munitions
furnished by lVance and Russia, and that
the Austrian Cabinet has under considera
tion the question whether the time has come
for military intervention in Serria, looks as
if the long-impending European war cloud
might be on the point ot bursting.
The report of impending war in Europe
has been raised so frequently during the
past few years, that people are disposed to
treat it like the cry of "wolf!" in the fable.
Nevertheless the constant and impending
jealousy cf the great powers over the dis
posal of the Danubian territory, cannot go
on forever without a collision; and the pres
ent troubles look as if the whole continent
has reached the conclusion that it might as
well fight now as at any other time.
No one can wish to see Europe plunged
in war; but as the European Governments
have been making faces at each other for
about four years, the New "World can offer
the suggestion that if they must fight, they
might as well pitch in and have done with
The New York papers of Saturday con
tain glowing prospectuses of the North
American Salt Company, which is the form
taken by the big salt combination. It is
stated that the concern is "not a trust." It
holds out the usual inducements to investors
of "economies in production," in the regu
lar trust style of paying earnings on capital
invested in idle establishments, and of "har
mony" with the English salt union, the
shares of which, the public is informed,
have continuously commanded a large
premium. "With the hook thus baited,
bonds, stock and preferred stock are offered
to investors to the amount of $15,000,000,
which is asserted to be the cost of the "130
works and properties under option and to
be owned and controlled" by the company.
While this prospectus occupies a textually
correct position in asserting that it doeswot
take the trust form of organization, it ob
viously holds out the trust expectation of re
striction of production and suppression of
competition, and on this it bases the usual
effort to float an inflated capital. The first
purpose is so palpable that it needs no ar
gument. The second justifies the introduc
tion of a few figures. The representation of
the trust is that 15,000,000 is the cost of
the 130 works it is to own and control, a
part of which, it is worth remembering, it
does not invest any money in, but simply
controls by an agreement to take, all the
product at a fixed price per barrel.
The census of 18S0 showed that in the five
leading salt producing States there were 211
salt works, and their total capital, which
certainly was not understated by the census,
was 50,400,000, or an average of 30,000 for
each establishment. Allowing the 130
works controlled by the combination to bo
worth twice as' much on the average as the
81 it does not control, and then making a
deduction for the considerable number that
it controls but does not purchase, $4,000,000
is a fair estimate of the bona fide values
owned by the trust.
This makes the purpose a tolerably clear
one. The profits of floating 515,000,000 of
securities on $4,000,000 worth of property
are enough to warrant a considerable colli
sion with the legitimate laws of trade.
After the securities are floated il will then
be interesting to learn whether the public
can be made to pay lor dividends on the
fictitious capitalization.
True to its impetuous free trade charac
teristics, our lively but unreliable cotem
porary, the Chicago Herald, holds up the
case of the importation of Millet's "An
gel us" as an example of the evil results of
the protective tariff. The importers of that
000 duty, and the Chicago Herald regards
this as a demonstration of the unmixed
evils of protection. It fails to perceive
the fact that the dnty on art is not a protect
ive duty, but is solely a revenue one. It is
only 30 per cent ad valorem; it is levied
upon an article of luxury; and as in the case
of this most expensive picture, together
with that of Munkacsy's and a large num
ber of other imported works of art serve to
demonstrate, it does not have the effect of
keeping out foreign paintings. It is a reve
nue duty solely because the production of
works of art cannot be stimulated by duties.
If the picture pays $30,000 worth of duty it
will be because its purchasers can well
afford to do so; but we wonld recommend
the esteemed Herald to get a private view
of the invoices before arriving definitely
and finally at the conclusion that the owners
of the picture will pay that amount of
What will strike most Americans as a
rather curious commentary upon our polit
ical methods is the remark attributed to M.
"Waddington, the French Minister at Lon
don, that "there is no parallel between Bon
langism and the election of an American
President, because the American President
is not elected by the popular vote, but by
delegates from the various States." The
definition of our Presidental electors as del
egates from the various States being a toler
ably fair statement of the fact, it will be
seen that M. "Waddington has a very
correct idea of the letter of our Constitution,
but remains wholly ignorant of its practical
There is some food for cogitation in the
well-known fact that, while the Constitution
clearly intended that the President of the
United States should not be elected by the
popular vote, a force in our politics, as irre
sistible as that of gravitation, has reduced
the selection of delegates, having the single
function of voting for President, to a prac
tically direct vote ior President by the
people. That this was an inevitable result
is now proved beyond question by the light
of experience; but when experience has
taught thatlesson, it is certainly worth while
to consider whether there is any use in
keeping up the empty formality of electing
men to go through the mere motions of elect
ing a President
This question becomes especially perti
nent when, after experience has made it nec
essary that the people shall vote for Presi
dent, the adherence to the old forms some
times results in electing the President who
is the choice of the minority.
The ground on which the application of
the civil service law to the railway postal
service is declared to be a failure, in the
special dispatch which attacks it elsewhere,,
appears to be that the political classes op
posed to it say so. On that method of
argument there is nothing that cannot be
declared a failure. Everything, from the
institution of marriage down to electric
railways and the Harrison administration,
has been asserted to be a failure by its oppo
nents, but that proof has never before been
asserted to be convincing.
"Whatever evils are alleged against the
new method, none of them are so clearly
established or so demoralizing as the old
practice of 'turning out trained clerks in
order to make room for party proteges.
The fact that both the last administrations
have done this proves at once the utter irre
concilability of the spoils system to high
training, and the absurdity of the assertion
made in the dispatch referred to that under
the old system "the service got just the
kind of men that it wanted."
The present, examinations may not form
the best system for selecting railway postal
clerks, but it is certainly a long step in ad
vance of the old plan of using it to reward
political workers.
The President of the Musical Mutual
Union, in New York, is making war on the
little German bands that prowl around the
streets and make the day hideous. He wants
the police to suppress them.
In Pittsburg we do not suffer from the
peripatetic and discordant brass band as do
our fellow citizens of New York. The ter
rible band that plays aged airs out of tune,
disgracing the name of Germany, which they
so glibly use, is practically unknown here.
To be sure there are local musicians who
murder time, and outrage the very- air they
blow through the brazen tubes in the at
tempt to make music, but they do not their
ill deeds nninvited as the true German band
of the street docs. The people who hire
them to play are not particular about the
quality of the noise the brazen blowers make;
they want quantity, and, if they get it, are
There is danger in Mr. Bremer's move
ment on behalf of the Musical Mutual Pro
tective Association a very plain danger.
He wants the unmusical marauders marched
to jail because he and a great many others
do not like the noise they make with instru
ments of music If his request is granted,
may not a goodly number of the orchestras
in New York be liable to similar treatment?
Many of them in theaters and concert halls
play execrably. The noise they produce is
torture to many sensitive ears. The owners
of these ears will be justified in asking for
the arrest of these murderous musicians.
Because they are under cover of a roof
should not save them. They are really
more serious offenders than their brethren
in the open air. There is some way to escape
from a street band; none from a theater or
chestra under most circumstances.
If suppressive measures are taken, we
hope all bad players will be included. But
should such a censorship be established we.
tremble for the fate ot the "Wagner move
ment in this country. "Wagner himself
could not tell when the musicians followed
copy, as it were.
The New York Commercial Advertiser
thinks that the North Dakota Constitu
tional Convention is disregarding Judge
Cooley's advice, because it bos an article
pending providing that railroads shall re
ceive for their services only just and reason
able compensation. As this was declared
by the United States Supreme Court in the
Camden and Amboy case, nearly fifty years
ago, to be a primary and essential condition
of their charters, it is tolerably clear that
the innovators are those who object to its
incorporation into modern constitutions.
The sickly green postage stamp is to be
replaced by another color. The Postmaster
General's reported preference for a brilliant
carmine indicates an hitherto unsuspected
disposition on Mr. "Wanamaker's part to
give the whole country a touch of red color
ing. .
TnE difference between the 12 cents which
consumers are now paying per pound for re
fined sugar and the 6 cents that they paid
before the Sugar Trust was organized is
divided.betwecn 2 cents of an advance in
raw sugar and 4 cents increase in the charges
of the middlemen. The latter item amounts
to $120,000,000 per year; which is what the
United States pay on a single article of con
sumption for permitting combinations of
capital to ignore the laws of trade and the
common law alike.
The expulsion of Dr. McDow from the
State Medical Society ot South Carolina for
"unprofessional conduct' among other of
fenses, indicates the conviction of the South
Carolina medical fraerity that it is unpro
fessional to kill a man- -with a pistol.
Ix is an interesting indication of the tree
trade logic of our an.using cotemporary, the
Chicago Herald, to find in one part of its
editorial columns a statement of the fact
that "the head i oiler in a Pittsburg iron
mill gets $50 per day," and elsewhere in the
same issue an editorial pitching into the
administration because one Pittsburg firm
has established. new wages scale, reducing
the highest wages, and advancing the
lowest '
Mb. PovvDEBir thinks that a secret
ballot is necessary to protect Pennsylvania
workmen in their right to vote for the refor
mation of abuses. If there are any work
men in Pennsylvania who do not dare to
vote as thy think best they are located
elsewhere titan in Pittsburg.
A bathed novel test of American pow
ers of endhrance is referred to editori-
Louisville Courier-Journal
in the abiDtv to "wear a crdUr lhrnmh.
out the zrXnth of July." It may be that
soine of Ant cotemporarjes' clientage in
I0ulsvill6 can undergo that test of endur
ance; but if any one has done so we earnestly
suggest ht take a vacation during Augnst
and get the collar washed.
Massachusetts has just placed a loan
at 2 per cent interest "When Pittsburg's
seven per cent bonds become payable, and
we refund what are not paid oft at that rate
of interest, the rate of taxation ought to
come down a little.
Mb. Moldoon denies the interview in
which he was reported as calling Sullivan
"a thorough-paced loafer" and as saying
that he (Muldoon) "is a gentleman." The
public being well acquainted with Mr. Sul
livan's characteristics, the main -value of
the denial will be to correct the erroneous
impression which might result from Mr.
Muldoon's reported remarks concerning
The announcement of Nad-eT-Jumi, the
leader of the dervishes in Egypt, that he is
going "to conquer the world," indicates
that the dervish campaign is after the same
ultimate object as the trust organizers.
The surprising fact is learned through an
editorial statement of an esteemed cotempo
rary that there is "a scarcity of flies in some
localities." Cf Pittsburg can obtain exact
information of the localities that are suffer
ing from this scarcity, it can spare a con
siderable surplus for the relief of this unique
need. .
J. G. Blaine. Jul., lias changed from his
work in the Watorrille (Me.) car shops and
is no w engaged in firing a locomotive.
Robebt Gabbett finds the air of Bar
Harbor beneficial and now eats well, sleeps
well and manages to do a little connected think
ing. Oabdinat. Newman, who ranks next to
Gladstone as a grand old man of England, Is
now In his S9th year, and is haunted by a dread
of losing his sight. In a recent letter from Ger
many, where he is now sojourning, he alludes
In pathetic terms to this Tear.
Governor Medeeo, of th 6 Mexican State
of Chihuahua, Is now traveling through this
country with his family. Bis special tratiVwill
cost him S3,000 for the trip. Tho Governor has
18 children, a wife, three maid servants and a
man servant. Governor Medero Is the richest
man in his Btate.
Governor Fitzhuqh Lee has been pro
posed for the Presidency of the Virginia Mili
tary Institute when his term as Governor ex
pires, the Slst of December next Several
prominent Democrats oppose bis appointment
to this place on account of the low graduation
by which he passed West Point examinations.
John Kean, Jr., of Elizabeth, N. J., is a
candidate for the .Republican nomination for
Governor of New Jersey. Kean is a young mil
lionaire of ability and culture. He has twice
represented the Third district of New Jersey
in Congress. This district is generally Demo
cratic, but Mr. Kean's popularity enabled him
to carry it.
Maine seems to prefer young men for col
lege Presidents. PresidentHyde, of Bowdoin,
is only 33 years of age, and Dr. Albion W.
Small, who has just been elected President of
Colby University, is 88. Dr. Small is an alumnus
of Colby. Be was also educated at Newton,
and at Leipeie and Berlin. He received his
degree of Ph. D. from Johns Hopkins Uni
versity. Trxx widow of Admiral Dahlgren is ono of
the bnslest women in Washington. Her longest
novel was written in two months, which is evi
dence of her industry rather than of loose
writing. She wrote also 16 short stories in six
months. Her hobby is to bo known as Mrs.
Madeline Vinton Dahlgren, rather than Mrs.
Admiral Dahlgren; that is, to make a name for
Bat 6 UIl the Financial Onllook U Not of a
Roseate Character.
New Yore; July 2L Henry Clews & Co.
will say to-day: It is difficult to find anything
very roseate In the present situation in Wall
street The outside outlook maybe satisfac
tory in certain rcsnects. but these influences, it
should be remembered, have been liberally dis
counted in advance, and a new set of conditions
or Influences must bo developed before any fur
ther advance in stocks can be well established.
The bulls have had an exceptionally good in
ning, and the more sagacious ones, satisfied
with recent profits, have sold out
or are prepared to do tp until a more
favorable opportunity invites tbeir return.
Summer vacations and summer dullness have
fairly set in. Many of the big operators are
giving more attention to recreation than to
business; and if not actually aggressive on the
bear side, are at leastgiving the latter their
moral support Hence"the bears daily grow In
strength, both numerically and financially; and
the probabilities are that they in turn will se
cure a fair inning before the upward movement
is renewed. The necessity for liquidation not
only favors a reaction, bat the absence of sup
port, the unsettled state of railroad affairs and
the uncertainty of the future of the money
market are all against further improvement at
this time.
With our surplus reserves down to $7,252,3S5,
and the bulk of this held by a very few banks :
with cold again going to Europe in liberal
quantities, and the usual autumn crop and
business requirements still to be met, there Is
ample reason for prudence respecting the
money market Fortunately the Secretary will
be able toglve considerable relief in case of
stringency, and there Is a well founded feel
ing that be will, in case of necessity,
exercise bis fall power. These considerations
tend to allay any serious apprehensions of
tight money; and still the surplus available for
tbb purpose is not as liberal as it might be.
According to Mr. Windom's own words It now
amounts to about $59,000,000. of which $45,000,
000 is already in the banks, leaving about $14,
000,000 available for distribution. Whether
this will meet requirements or not re
mains to be seen, and in any case the
indications point to a closer money marker.
with the chances of artificial manipulation in
creased by these circumstances. What the
effect of a pinch in money or a sharp contrac
tion in loans would be upon the stock market
in its present condition it is very easy to deter
mine. The banks would discriminate against
or throw out not a few of tho securities on
which they have been lending, and the cheaper,
more speculative stocks would be the first and
chief sufferers.
Men With Golden HalrNot Considered Good
Insurance Subjects.
From the Philadelphia Eecord.l
"I should like to insure my life, but I would
be considered a bad risk. 1 doubt if any of the
first-class companies would accept me."
These were the words of a big freckle-faced,
red haired individual whoso usually merry coun
tenance and abundant avoirdupois made him
the very picture of health.
"What in the world should make you a bad
risk?" chorused a group of bystanders.
The first speaker blushed till his cheeks were
as fiery a red as his matted locks, and then he
answered softly: "My scarlet topknot is my
bane. It is quite bad enough to Invite the
sobriquets ot 'brlcktop,' 'pinky,' and the like,
but w hen the insurance companies take a hand
in the persecution it is enough to make a strong
man weep.'"
The aggrieved Individual resembled a con
sumptive as littleas waspossible,but his suppo
sititious tendency to pulmonary affections was
the only ground for the insurance men's boy
cott The medical examiner of a leading life
insurance company, who was questioned as to
the alleged disparagement or red heads, re
plied that it was largely Imaginary
and exagerated. "It is a fact,
however," be continued, "that red
headed persons have generally very thin skins
and are, as a rule, ot a delicate constitution. A
pale, thin face and a cowering consumptive
form are often allied to a reddish complexion.
Light hair, and especially red hair, often seems
to betoken scrofulous disorders, and fs pres
ence may prejudice superficial examiners
against the subject It is a fact that ledeeaded
persons who snow not the smallest
pulmonary trouble will sometime devel
sumption In an almost Incredible time.
p con-
Give Him a Town Lob
From the Chicago Tlmea.1
Queen Victoria Is going to present
Henry of Battenberg with a dukedom.'
ing from the present feeling In JSnzlani
lation to members of tho royal family ihe had
better present htm with a house and lot In some
progressive American town., lie may fifad such
a present mors valuable thaaa dukAgoA hi the
eariy luture. t
iEslhellc People Who Dislike a Glaring;
Green Effect of Their Protests Upon
Ihe Postmaster General Something
About Old Coins nnd Stamps.
Washington, July 20. "The sickly green"
postage stamp is to go at last; that is, the green
is to go, not tho postage stamps. Tho Postofflce
Department never issued a stamp which was
so unpopular as the 2-cent stamp has been.
It seems odd that the public should take an in
terest of so strong a.character in a matter of so
tittle moment, but there is probably nothing in
the record of Mr. Cleveland's administration,
that created such universal disgust as tho
greenness of his 2-cent stamp. .Tress and peo
ple alike condemned it The Postofflce Depart
ment was flooded with letters from indignant
citizens of aesthetic taste protesting against its
glaring vulgarity. Theso protests have had
their effect with Mr. Wanamaker, and this
week proposals were received at the depart
ment for stamps of another color to be sup
plied to the Government after October L The
color preferred by the Postmaster General is a
brilliant carmine, the only objection to which is
its cost.
In the office of Third Assistant Postmaster
General Hazen stands a triple glass case or
frame in which are arranged on card board the
different Issues of postage stamps authorized
by the Government from the time that stamps
were first used to pay postago on letters and
"The issue of postage stamps was authorized
by Congress in 1845," said General Hazen, as I
was curiously examining the case and its con
tents a few days ago. "Before that time the
postage was paid in cash, sometimes by tho
sender and sometimes by the receiver of the
letter, and the schedule of rates varied with
the distances. The charge for transmitting a
letter 3(1 miles was 6 cents, and the tariff in
creased in gradual ratio until a maximum
charge of 25 cents for S00 miles or more was
reached. This method was in vogue for two
years after the issue of stamps was authorized
by Congress.
Tho Tirst American Postneo Stamps.
In 1847 the first stamps were issued. They
were of the denominations of 5 and 10 cents.
The 5-cont stamp had a picture of Ben Frank
lin and tho 10-cent the head of "Washington as
the principal figure In the design. Those heads
havoTontlnned to adorn the postage stamps of
our country from that day to this. The stamps
first Issued were a little larger than those now
in use. In 1831 the carrier system was Intro
duced in all large cities, and stamps of a pecu
liar design', costing 1 cent each, and known as
carriers' stamps, were Issued for the purpose of
providing prepaid delivery. In that year the
letter postago was reduced to 3 cCnts, and tho
old brick-dust red 3-cent stamp came in. At
the same time the issue was enlarged to eight
stamps, the largest denomination being 90
cents. The portrait of Jefferson was intro
duced on the 5-crat stamp, but the other seven
bore the beads of Washington and Franklin in
different designs. These stamps were the most
popular ever issued by the department. They
remained in use for ten years, and bnc for tho
war might have retained their popularity with
the depaitment and with the people. Bat
when the war broke out a great many South
ern postmasters had on hand large quantities
of these stamps. There was no war of com
pelling them to make returns, and there was
no desire on the part of the Government to
honor the stamps that they might sell. So these
stamps were declared obsolete, and all that
were In the bands of Northern postmasters
were called in and destroyed.
"The new 3-cent stamp issued in 1S61 was of a
light red. It was almost as popular as its pred
ecessor. You most remember that at that time
the 3-cent stamp was the popular stamp or the
one most In use, and not the 2-cent stamp as
now. The light red 3-cent stamp remained in
use until 1809, when there was a decided inno
vation in the designs of the entire issue. The
new stamps were square instead of oblong, and
many of them were printed in two colors, the
central design being in one tone and tbe border
in another. The principal figure in each de
sign was in almost every instance a representa
tion of some mode of carrying the mails in
stead of tbe head of some departed statesman.
Tbe 3-cent stamp was printed in blue, and the
principal figure In the design was a locomo
tive. That Issue of stamps lasted about ten
months. The people clamored so against them
that in 1670 a return was made to the old de
Signs, which were printed, however, in differ
ent colors. Tbe 3-cent stamp was then made
green with a bead of Washington in the center
of tbe design. That stamp is of snch recent
date that its design is familiar to everyone. A
great many of them wero stored away in old
cash boxes and stamp boxesfand occasionally
now we find them on 'letters received at this
Stamp Collectors.
The way that people have of boarding stamps
and money when a new issue is made by tho
Government is illustrated in this use of stamps
now obsolete. Whenever a new design is
adopted by the Post Office Department thou
sands of people In different parts of the country
begin to board up the old stamps, believing
that they will some day have more than tbeir
face value. They are undoubtedly prompted to
this by tho stories frequently published of
enormous prices paid for old stamps and coins.
If they could live a hundred years or so they
might expect to realize something for their
trouble. Tbe people who hoarded up the new
5-cent nickles which did not have the word
"cents" upon them will never realize moro than
5 cents each for them. Yet many of them wero
sold at tho timo the Government ordered the
coinage of them to ceaso for prices ranging
from 10 cents to $1. The people who bought
them believed that they wonld at some time be
very rare -and ot great value. They did not
know, or else they did not stop to consider, that
thousands of these coins had been issued, and
that they could never be of such rarity as to
command a premium from collectors. The 1
cent piece ot 1799 is worth from f!5 to $25
among collectors, vine silver aoiiaroi ism is
valued by collectors at $1,000. But these coins
are extremely rare and extremely old as well.
At a London sale of rare coins less than a year
ago a silver crown of 1653 as sold for nearly
$2,500. but it was of great rarity. There is no
United Statos coin of modern issue which is
worth any appreciable premium on its face
value to collectors
I called General Hazen's attention to tbe 5
cent stamp which was issued with a 2-cont
stamp of new design in 1875. "That stamp,"
said General Hazeu, "was brought into use
when the International Union was formed and
the price of foreign postage was made 5 cents.
There Is a little story connected with that
stamp. It came very near being the first
stamp issued by tbe Government to bear tho
head of allying statesman as tbe principal
part of its design. Postmaster General Jewell
was very anxious to use tbe bead of Grant as
tbe central figure in the design of this stamp.
He got together a nnmber of photographs of
Grant and had about settled the question of
using inai design, as ne inougnr, wncn it oc
curred to blm to submit tbe matter to Grant
himself. Grant promptly vetoed it He said
that while the law prohibiting the reproduc
tion of the faces ot living persons on national
currency did not apply to postage stamps, it
would be a violation of tbe spirit of that law
to use the design proposed."
"Do you know the origin of that law?" said
Judge Noah, tho well-known correspondent
who was listening to General Hazen's explana
tion. "It is the application of tbe old Hebraic
law which torbade the naming of a child after
any living person. The Hebrews thought that
it was not safe to name a child after a living
peison Decause you could never tell what he
might do to ruin the record of his life. They
were always safe, however, in using the name
of a person who bad died."
tjomo Very Rare Stamps.
Tho green 8-cent stamp which was adopted in
1870 continued In use longer than any one of its
predecessors. It was used until October 1, 1SS3,
and it might have continued in vogue much
longer had not Congress reduced the .rate of
letter postage to 2 cents. Under the new law a
brown 2-cent stamp was Issued. It continued
in use until 1887, when its cplor was changed to
the objectionable green.
Among the rarest American stamps are some
which were not Issued by tbe Government
"When Congress, In 1845, authorized the use of
stamps, It neglected to make such provision as
warranted tbe postal authorities in their esti
mation in the issue of stamps. During tho pe
riod of two years preceding the issue of Gov
ernment stamps the principal cities of the
United States fssucd what were known as post
masters' stamps. They were intended for the
convenience of business men who desired to
mail letters after the closing of the postofflce,
for the postofflce did not remain in operation
all night in the primitive days ot the postal serv
ice. Tbeso stamps wero issued by postmasters
at New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Bal
timore, St. Louis. Provfdence, Alexandria and
a great many other places. Some of these
stamps were merely slips of paper bearing the
signatures of the postmasters. Collectors value
the Baltimore stamp which is of this character
at $200. A stamp which was issued by the post
master ot New Haven is worth on an original
used envelope $300 or more. A postage stamp is
sued by tbe Millbury postmaste-whtch was of
elaborate design for these days, and bore the
head of Washington, brings easily 1300 to $500.
England Has Trusts, Too.
From the Baltimore American.l
English paper manufacturers have com
bined with a capital of $60,000,000, and an ad.
vanceof 6 per cent in the price of paper is
looked for. This is in free trade England, and
yet some people will keep- on saying th'at with,
out protective tariff trusts could not exist.
ouHh hail concur
Tho Oldest American City.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Some of the newer school books give Santa
Fe as the oldest town in the United States, in
stead of St. Augustine, as- heretofore. Give
history of the city, that wo may understand if
this Is correct. Beaoeb.
PiTTSBUito, July 2a
There Is no doubt that St Augustine' is the
oldest settlement of white men in this country,
but Santa Fe is oalled the oldest city because
it was a city before the coming of. tho white
men. When the Spaniards first made their
way to the heart of this' country, about 1512,
the site of the present city of Santa. Fe was oc
cupied by a prosperous and populous pueblo
(town) of the Indians. The expedition
of Alvar Nunez penetrated New Mex
ico In 1537, that of Marco de Niza followed In
1539, but Coronado is believed to have been the
first to push his journey as far as the Santa Fei
town. Several other expeditions, more or less
unsuccessful, entered the country, endeavor
ing to establish missions among the natives.
These explorers uniformly reported that theso
people were considerably advanced in civiliza
tion, that tbey manufactured clothing and
weapons, built bouses of stone several stories
high, and cultivated the soil with diligence:
and worked mines of eold and silver. Ifcwas
not until about 1590 that any perma
nent Spanish settlements were made.
Tbe Spaniards then literally took posses
sion of the country, built towns, laid out
roads. Increased the commerce of the country,
and especially increased the vleld ot the mines
by extensive workings. They literally en
slaved tbe natives, compelling them to serve
them in every way. in 164S the Spaniards
made Sante Fe the capital of tbeir new do
minions, which they called New Mexico. But
the Indians rebelled against their new masters,
especially because of tbe toilsome labor in the
mines, and In 1680 tbey rose in numbers,
massacred nearly all of their oppressors, and
drove the remainder from the country as far
south as El Paso del Norte. After several at
tempts the Spaniards regained possession of
tbe country in 1608. Santa Fe was a .Mexican
city until it was taken by the United States)
under General Kearney in 1810. A Confederate
army from Texas captured the city March 10,
1862, but were forced to evacuate it on April 8
Tbe Freedom or a City.
To tbn Editor of The Dispatch:
What is meant by giving a man tho "freedom
of a city?" L.
Bbaddoce, J nly 20.
In the old days no ono but freemen of a city,
who bad served their apprenticeships, and
taken up the livery." or been accepted as free
citizens, were allowed to carry on business in
the city. Tbe apprenticeship lasted a long
time, and it took years for a person coming
into a city to acquire in the usnal way the free
dom of the place. To honor a person it be
came customary to make him free of the city
without compelling him to pass the usual time
of preparation. Nowadays tho act of con
ferring tbe freedom of a place on a person is
purely honorary, beciuse anyone can carry on
his lawful business anywhere; but the custom
of so distinguishing distinguished persons still
remains. In this country New York used to
confer the freedom of the city on distinguished
naval and military men, and occasionally other
cities did so.
The Invention of the Balloon.
To the Editor of The Dispatcn:
Who invented, the balloon T C D.
Kittanning, July 20.
Uontgolfier, in the year 1783. J
Experiences That a. Philadelphia Party Had
Not Quite Expected.
Scbanton, July 2L Four Philadelphia
youths came ud to the Spring Brook woods last
Monday and pitched tbeir tent tor a week's
outing. They stayed two nights, and then
packed up their duds and went home, declar
ing that the region was a little too wild for com.
fort. It was very sultry on Tuesday night; not
a breath of air stirred the leaves over their
camp, and their tent was a sweltering spot to
stay in. They couldn't get any sleep there, and
so they strung hammocks outside of the tent
and lay down in them. One of the dudes kept
his boots on and was wakeful. The others took
off their boots and were soon sleeping.
Tbe sleepless Philadelphian occupied one of
the end hammocks, and it was long after mid
night before he fell into a doze. Ho was soon
aroused by the movements of a dark object
close to his hammock, and he reached out his
right foot and cave it a kick. The object
snorted and dashed under the other ham
mocks. They hung so low that the object's
back struck against them, and tho three sleep
ers were violently thrown to the ground. Then
tho whole camp was in an uproar. Revolvers
were fired into the blackness of the woods in
the direction taken by the dark object, and aft
er that torches were lighted and a search was
made for the nocturnal prowler. Big tracks
irere found in the sqf t earth several rods away,
and the campers came to the conclusion that a
large bear had disturbed them In their sylvan
bower. They didn't sleep any more that night,
and on Wednesday morning they found blood
on the bushes where tba tracks were. They
didn't search any farther for tbe bear, but got
Rlnaldo Scott to cart their effects over to the
railroad station, telling him that they didn't
propose to be devoured by bears this year.
That afternoon Scott looked for the bear. He
found it near tbe edge of 'Swcetflag swamp. It
was dead, and bad three bullet holes in its
head and shoulders.
Dr. Brown-Soqaard's Eccentric Discovery
Said to Work After All.
From the London Telegrapn.1
Despite the sarcasm, general and profes
sional, with which the recent experiments made
by M. Brown-Sequard were greeted, there
seems to be, after all. Some efficacy in the ugly
Elixir vitao invented by the aged and respected
A young physician. Dr. Variot, who has al
ready been successful In removing tattoo
marks from the skins of several civilized sav
ages, has been induced to test tbe efficacy of
M. Brown-Soquard's "Life Mixture." He
pestled together portions of the flesh tissues of
rabbits and guinea pigs; diluted them with
water, and iniected the comDound thus ob
tained into the bodies of' three paupers, aged
respectively 54, 66 and 53. Tbe men had never
heard of M. Brown-Scquard'tsolutlon, and were
merely told that they were to be injected with
strengthening fluid. We have Dr. Variot's
word for it that his three patients, who. be'ore
being subjected to tbe wonderful remedy, were
weak, worn, emaciated, and melancholy, sud
denly became strong, fresh, and cheerful; took
new views of life, and altogether felt as if tbey
had received a new lease of existence.
The experiments failed, however, on two
other subjects; but the Indefatigable M. Variot
is not to be defeated, and he Intends to con
tlnue his trials, which, in time, will be commu
nicated in all their precision of technical detail
to the Biological Society.
Words Passed Between Them.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
A member of the fair sex "across the water"
has obtained a decree of divorce because her
husband threw a dictionary at her bead.
Words passed between them, and they parted.
Will They be Arrested f
From the Philadelphia Times.
Tie barbers will close on Sunday, but tbe
beards won't
A TBAVEIJNO electriclight has proved quite
successful in Germany. The whole outfit com
plete for service is carried in one vehicle.
Centeal Asia will soon boast of having tho
electric light, Russian engineers being busy
with installations at Bokhavva, by order of the
In consequence of a fatal accident where a
laborer was killed a memorandum of instruc
tions is issued to all users of the Thomson elec
trostatic voltmeters.
Wubat8Tone concluded that electricity
traveled at the rate of 238,000 miles per second,
and Maxwell considered it to travel at or about
the same speed as that of light
It Is thought that the introduction of exten
sive electric-lighting plants throughout the
United Kingdom will in many ways lead to a
still greater development of gas consumption.
Fourteen small ells succeeded recently In
driving a boat 25 feet long at a satisfactory rata
for a distance of 15 miles, and the cells, without
being recharged, were used for lighting their
complement of incandescent lamps.
Feoh Norway we hear of a curious tele
phonic experiment where a physician, being
a distance of 100 miles from home, talked to bis
dog, an English setter, through the telephone,
tbe dog showing his understanding by a series
of barks.
Pbof. Lodge says If anyone were touching a
conductor at tho time a lightning discbarge oc
curred through it to the earth, he would prob
ably receive a severe shock. Prof. Preece
holds to the contrary, and says he is prepared
in the cause of science, to try the experiment
in his own person or to. sit on a barrel of gun
powder with a conductor passing through It
A Pen Portrait of Matthew Stanley Qaor
How Ho Intervletra tho Interviewer
His Polite War of Dismissing Bore.
MacFarUnd's Letter in Philadelphia Kecord.
"Quay is in town!" It flashes like lightning
from tho East to the West, startling all Wash
ington ont at m Tnlrtmimnier dullness. The
f "Boss of Pennsylvania," as ho has come to be
known in tno departments, was supposed to be
playing at Brigantino or working at Beaver.
HIS satellites in and out of office have been
quietly circling the rounds of their duties or of
the departments. Tney have not been expect
ing his retunu. Ask one of them In the morn
ing, and he will say: "Oh, the Senator" (always
said as though there was no other); "Oh, the
Senator will not be here before next week."
That very afternoon ""the Senator" comes qul-
l etly in, for there Is no thunder to his lightning.
and, attended by his dark shadow, be quietly
goes to a hotel. Quay is a man of expensive
tastes, and he always gets the best attainable
set of rooms, and makes nlmseii ana nis
shadow thoroughly comfortable,flrst taking off
his coat No horny-banded granger ever hated
his coat mora cordially than Quay does. Light
ing a good clear and nutting on tho spectacles.
which are the only thing about him reminding
you that be is no longer young. Quay settles
down to tho pile of letters, telegrams and ap
plications which is never entirely cleared away.
Quay, as Chairman of the Republican National
Committee, as boss of Pennsylvania, as Sen
ator from Pennsylvania- and as a citizen of
Beaver, receives more letters than any other
roan except the President of tbe United States.
This explains why Quay Is always trying to
steal a march, on his friends whenj he comes to
Never Mokes a Noise.
Whatever time he can snatch before tbey
find ont that he is here is just so much
clear gain to him. But he seldom gets much.
Quay is a quiet man a very quiet man. He
was never known to make a noise in Washing
ton. He has no desire whatever to be conspicu-
i- ous or to attract attention. He drives f rpm tho
station to the hotel in a closed carriage. But
be cannot bo hid. Ho might just as well an
nonnca in thn mnrnlni. newsDaDerS that he
I would arrive in the afternoon, for tne news of
nis coming seems to simultaneously spreao.
All Quay's friends, whether of high or low de
gree, seem peculiarly sensitive to him, so that
he cannot come- within tenmlles square of them
without ringing a novel burglar alarm. Natty
Second Controller Gilkeson drops bis pen.
Farmer Holllday drops his paper, and so all
over the aty Quay men break off just where
they are and throng to sea Quay.
His Theory of tho Interview.
Quay is very hospitable. Ho keeps himself
to himself as long as he can, but when he is
"treed" he cornea down or asks tba other fel
low to come up. When they get into his parlor
and shake bauds and take their coats off (if
they want to), for there is nothing else to take,
at least In sight, tbey sit- down and Quay pro
ceeds to interview them. He takes especial de
light In domg this If there are any newspaper
men In the party. Quay's theory of the inter
view is like Cleveland's theory of a handshako
"Always get the first grip." So he hoods hl3
eyes with his long eyelids, looking askance at
his visitors, puffs his cigar, and says quietly:
"Well, what's the news!" When Keim, author
or a Washington guide book, or some equally
appropriate person, has satisfied his thirst for
Information; the question is politely returned
to the Senator, who languidly respouds: "Noth
ing at all." or else tells you how many fish he
caught last time, or what luck he lfas bad hunt
ing a house. He- never volunteers any in
formation that would be tortured into ne
unless he has some very definite purpose to ac
complish by letting it out. And to cross-examine
him when ha is unwilling to give out
"anythingls like grinding a diamond. Negatives
are at plenty with. him. as with a popular belle.
Nothing bat Negative.
"Did you see the President to-day. Senator?"
"No-."' he responds, yawning a little, "I
"Will you this evening?"
"No, rthinkriot." t
"How about to-morrow?"
"I don't know yet; I may see him to-morrow."
"Will you talk about Pennsylvania appoint
ments?" "I don't know, I'm sure."
"Where did you go to-day?"
"I went around the departments."
"Did you go to the State Department?"
"Treasury Department?"
"See WTndom?"
"Did yon go to the Postofflce Department?"
"See Wanamaker?"
"No; be bad just gone to a Cabinet meet
ing." "See Clarkson?"'
"Anything about Philadelphia Postofflce?"
Bores Treated Politely.
By this time you feel that you havo been
talking a long time, and that you must be
getting to be a bore. "The Colonel," as his
shadow calls him, does not tell you so. He is
always polite. Bnthe sometimes intimates it
by lying down on tbe lounge. Then you feel
that yon must cease such cruelty, especially as
all tbe others, in the room are waiting so pa
tiently and unsmilingly for their chance at
yonr prey. So you ask a question or two for a
windup. getting just such courteous, non-committal
answers as before, and then go off won
dering what you really know about him. "Tba
Snhinx." a Republican Representative from
(Pennsylvania called him in speaking to me last
winter. Of course, the interview I have out
lined was avowedly tor puDiication, ana, or.
course, in private conversation when ho is
talking to you "as a gentleman and not as a
newspaper man." to use Judgo Kelley's de
licious distinction Quay can be and is as frank
as Cameron. If he trusts you be will tell you
Always Genial, Yet Qnlet.
But the agreeable tblngabout Quay is that
be never turns you away with a short answer,
except as "no" is a small word. Everybody
who troes to sec him when he is in. and not
f. Indisposed or in conference, can sea him and
can talk as long as ho has anything really to
say, and so on to the end of the roomful, often
till Quay is really tired and' hungry. By this
time bis red cheeks and bis sunburnt nose are
glowing, and his, wild balr stands up all over
his head. Finally, after they aro all gone, he
takes a substantial meal and a drive, and then
tackles the next lot of letters and talkers. And
lo it goes until he goes as quietly, as sud
denly as ha came. Perhaps, as in several in
stances, it is only to other qaarters to take a
fresh hold on things; perhaps it is to Philadel
phia or iieaver. isut swiiuy ana siienuy no
goes and leaves no word not eves his shadow
behind. -
A Foeman Worthy of His Sleet
From the Chicago Mews.
"I have been sent to conquer the world," an
nounces Colonel Nad-el-Juml, who commands
narmy of howling dervishes on the frontier
if Egypt. Wait; till this misguided fanatic
una up against Colonel Elliott F. Shcpard. He
then become very humble.
ometlme, when all life's lesions have been
, And sun and stars forevermore have set,
llie things which onr west Judgments here have
i spurned
The things o'er which we grieved with lashes
Will flash before us oat of life's dark night.
As stirs shine most In deeper tints of bine;
And we shall see how all God's plans were right.
And how what seemed reproof was love most
And we. shall see how, while we frown and sigh,
God's plans go on as best for yon and me;
How, when we called, lie heeded not onr cry,
llecanse His wisdom to the end conld see.
And even as prudent parents disallow
Too mnch of sweet to craving babyhood,
So God, perhaps, is keeping from as now
Life's sweetest things becauseit seemeth good.
Andif, sometimes, commingled wlthllfe's wine,
V And tbe wormwood, and rebel and shrink,
Be sure at wiser hand than yours or mine
Poors ont this potion for out. lips to drink.
And if some friend we lore Is lying low,
Wbtre hnmau kisses cannot reach his face,
Ob. d not blame his loving Father so.
But wear your sorrow with obedient grace 1
' And yin shall shortly know that lengthened
Ji not the sweetest gift Godsends Ms friends.
And thit, sometimes, the sable pall of death
Conceals the fairest boon Ills lore can send.
If we coild push ajar the gates or life.
And stind within, and all Ood'aworklngs see,
We could Interpret all this doubt and strife,
And for each mystery conld Had a key.
Bat not to-day. Then bo content poor heart!
Hod's .plans, like lilies,: pars and white un
fold, r
We most not tear the close-shut leaves apart;
. Time will Vovcal tbe calyxes of gold.
And If, through patient toll, we reach the land
Where tired feet, with sandals loose, may
When we shau clearly know and understand,
I think that we will say 'Ood knew the best P
Brief Summary of Leading Featsresof Yes
terday's 10-Pnge Dispatch.
In its 16 broad pages TBE DISPATCH pre
sented to its readers yesterday not only a
complete compendium of the world's news, but
also a great number of literary articles of the
highest merit from authors of established repu
tation. There was good, wholesome reading,
for old and young, male and female, covering a
wide range of subjects, and equal in quantity
and quality to the first-class magazines. Such
a complete newspaper must bo read to be ap
preciated, andthe Sunday edition of the
Dispatch is 'read and appreciated by tens of
thousands ot regular patrons, and the list is
steadily growing.
Russell Harrison has dined with tho Queen,
and is therefore a big man in tbe eyes ot our
English cousins. John Jarrett has been talk
ing, and says that President Harrison In
structed him to seize every opportunity to as
sure tbe English of America's earnest desire to
keep on the best of terms with them. The
Shah of Persia is tired of London, and London
has tired of him. The real "Jack the Ripper"
Is believed to be still at large. Another war
cloud is rising on the European horizon.
France and Russia, it seems, have an "under
standing in regard to Serria which tho other
powers are likely to resent. English home
rulers are happy, and politics are running
The political situation In Pennsylvania is
quiet, and little interest is manifested in the
coming State campaign. It is thought that
Humes and Boyer will bo the rival candidates
tor tbe State Treasuryship. A Chicago firm
has patented a process for rolling molten met
al, and it is claimed that it will cause a revolu
tion in the manufacture of iron and steel. The
workingmen in the coke region are taking a
firm stand. Leaders expect a compromise and
a sliding scale. Campbell, the inventor of the
airship, thinks Hogan, the aeronaut Is not lost,
though nobody has heard from him. A Union
town dispatch gave an Interesting account of
the cainplif e of the Pittsburg soldiers.
A decision of Jndge Slagle In the oleomarga
rine suits entered against restaurant keepers
holds that the salo of the bogus butter to
guests is illegal. A peculiar case of alleged ab
duction and conspiracy has come to light In Al
legheny. The colored preacher Flemon still
remains in town, and Governor Beaver has
been appealed to revoke tho requisition for his
transfer to South Carolina, An electric road
through Bloomfleld Is projected. The force In
the Pittsburg Postofflce is likely to bo In
creased. Henry Schoor, of Mlllvale, was shot
during a quarrel and received wounds that may
prove fatal.
As usual, the Pittsburg club was defeated on
Saturday. The Philadelphias were the victors
in two games. The story that Eilrain was
drugged before the fight is revived by a New
York paper. The Chicago race meeting was
brought to a successful close. The sporting
page contained the usual amount of news and
views of interest to turfmen, athletes and base
ballists. m.
"A Journey Off the Track," by Jules Verne
and an American writer, was given complete in
the second part. It Is a well-written story, with
a most interesting plot. Henry Norman gave
a graphic account of a tiger hunt in tho East.
Kamera sketched scenes and incidents at Bar
Harbor. Other correspondents at Chautauqua,
Atlantic City, Cape May and elsewhere,
furnished full accounts of what is going on at
tbe favonto summer resorts of Pittsburgers.
Ouida's paper on the manners and customs of
India was written In a happy vein. Rev.
George Hodges told how to read tho Bible un
derstanding. Morton contributed pleasing
reminiscences of the great comedians. Flor
ence and Jefferson. Shirley Daro talked of
perfumes and etiquette. The column of
"Everyday Science" was even more interesting
than usual. Frank Carpenter's letter treated
of the Suez Canal. Ernest H. Heinrlch's story,
"The Witch's Wand." was one of the best he
has written. "Yellow Fever in Florida," by
C. D. H.; "Female Physicians," by Ethel M.
Mackenzie; Blakely Hall's letter from Pans,
Clara Belle's chat, "MonaCaird at Home," by
Rev. B. G. Johns; "Sunday Thoughts," M. M.'s
letter from tbe South, and Berry Wall's paper
on "Men's Dress" were other excellent articles
in a number of The Dispatch that was
bright and Interesting in every page and
Under His Influence an Ignorant Woman
Becomes a Good Scholar.
From the Kwsng Pao, Chloa.l
A certain Mrs. Pan, resident at Canton, was
last year suddenly taken possession of by a
demon. Her speech was most strange and in
coherent and tho mention of devils and
spirits was constantly on her lips. Left to
herself, however, her strange behavior began
after a while to amend, and, finally, she seemed
to return to her Bound mind again. This year
the demon has returned to her, and she is
practicing all manners of queer antics; though
illiterate, she reads with the greatest facility,
and though ignorant of tbe first rudiments of
music, she bandies the lute with precision
and sings with perfect harmony. Aside
from her miraculous behavior, however,
she did not appear to bo much the
worse for being inhabited by a demon.
though her features present a pallid and
emaciated appearance. With tbe yiow of re
storing her to her sanity, her people engaged
the services of an aged and famous priest, who
possessed the art of exorcising spirits.
When tbe demoniacal woman saw the priest
she exclaimed. "What have I to do with thee?
Art thou come to destroy ma with thy art?"
Tbe priest then wrote three charms, and hav
ing reduced them to ashes put them in a bowl
ot water, and gave it to tbe woman to drink.
Having drank this draught, tho woman soon
began to exclaim Incessantly, "I am now
in the power of tbe priest! What am I to do?"
Seeing her pitiful condition, her people again
sought the services of the priest to liberate her
from the power: bat be, with a mean avaricious
heart, demanded an exorbitant sum, which
being beyond tho means of her kindred, her
malady is still unremoved.
A Ridiculously Small Number.
From Texas Slftlngs.I
Montreal theater, but it was a failure. The in
significant number of thieves was only jeered
at by the American colony of defaulters and
Mas. Andrew Kejfee, who lives near
Woodside station, Lykens ValleyPa., found a
blacksnake 11 feet long lying on her bed one
night recently. The intruder was killed by
Mr. Keif er. It had entered the house through
an open window.
A CURIOUS sight was witnessed at the Balti
more and Ohio ticket office in Philadelphia. A
woman was in the office with, three pet squir
rels, each having a ribbon around Its neck.
One nestled on her shoulder, another was run
ning down her breast while the last took a nap
on her neck.
A catfish with a silver spoon in its stomach
was caught near Parkersburg recently.
Fabjieb Hawkins, of Monroe county. O.,
thought he "had 'em sure," when he went to
take a drink from bis cider jug and a garter
snaka popped out its head right nits face.
The boys, who had put the snake in the jug for
a joke, got a licking, as they deserved.
Mrs. Jones, of Erie, lost her baby tbe other
day, and hunted all over the house and all over
the neighborhood for blm. Along toward
evening a smothered cry from the kitchen at
tracted her attention. She couldn't seethe
baby, but could hear its cries. At last, turning
over a woshtub that was bottom up, she found
tbe infant, which had just awakened from a
CABBia Mills, of Scranton, tried to break
her lover of thebabitof chewing tobacco by
putting a big red pepper in a piece of "plug."
He bit the pepper right in two, and was so
mad that he stayed away for a whole weak.
There has been a reconciliation, but the young
man still chews. ,
A HA v In Canton, O., claims that his board
costs blm only 35 cents a week. His food con
sists chiefly ot oatmeal and bread.
While digging grave a sexton in a Tusca
rawas county (O.) hamlet unearthed a box
containing" $15 In silver money as4 Jewelry
valued at $75.
San Francisco had 21 murders and C6
suicides during tho year ending July L
Aden of skunks was discovered re
cently in the heart ot Reed City, Mich.
There is a widespread belief among the
people of Maine that pickerel oil Is a certain
cure for deafness.
The South Carolina Railroad sent
North four trains heavily loaded with water
melons in one day recently.
Richard Casey, an Irishman 104 years
old, died at Ravenswood. L. L. tho other day.
He remembered tbe Irish revolution of 1708.
The growing scarcity of whalebone is
tempting many an old whaling skipper to leavo
his fireside to again try bis iuck in the Arctic '
There is a man living in Newfield, N.
Y., who is over 70 years old and has nearly
always lived in slgbt ot a railroad, but has
never ridden on tho cars in his life.
A blacksnake, skinned by the taxider
mist of Haines City, Fla., had a king snake in
side that only lacked a foot of being as long
as the blacksnake, which measured seven feet.
A quick-thinking lad in Florida, who
could not swim, on seeing a baby fall into tho
river, grabbed up a casting net and, throwing
it over the child, hauled him safely out of tho
Phineas T. Barton, tbe oldest citizen of
Granby, Mass., baa fallen in love at tbe age of
90, and only the watchful eyes of his sons and
daughters prevent him from taMng a second
wife. It Is said that he has been courting
widows in three different towns.
Alfred Osgood, of Madison, Fla.. set a
trap for rats in his store a few nights since.
Imagine his surprise the next morning upon
discovering a snake of 18 inches in length com
placently coiled therein. Evidently his snake
ship bad been lured there by tbe tempting bait
of rats previously caught.
A Florida grocer ha3 discovered that
ants will mako lemonade. He left a slice of
lemon on his counter, and there chanced to be
some sngar nearby. Directly ha saw the ants
carrying tbe sugar to the lemon. Ha mada
several tests afterward, and noted that tbe lit
tle creatures never failed to bring the lemon
and sngar together when both were placed
soma distance apart.
Near a place occupied by a colored
woman named Joshua, in tho vicinity of Hog
Town creek, Alachua county. Florida, a piece
of land about 35 feet square caved in and sank
down a few days ago a distance of 95 feet The
rushing of the water is still heard, and It still
continues to care in and extend the yawning
chasm. The dwelling house is only about 50 1
yards off, and tho old woman is getting ready
to move.
A correspondent writes: In an inn, r
decline to say which. In an -Italian town, I de
cline to say where, every room, including the
tank in which I tried to sleep, contains a card
with this fine specimen of "English as she is
wrote" in those parts: "In order to evitate all
tbe disagreements of the travellers, gentlemen,
the foresters are incessantly prayed to address
themselves their reclamations instantly to tbe
The packing in the ice machine at a
brewery In Lancaster, Pa., blew out and 300
pounos of ammonia escaped. A large field of
tobacco was ruined by the ammonia, all tho
flowers and"cbolce plants in Mr. Iteiker's gar
den were withered, and it was with great diffi
culty that ten horses were eared. All the resi
dents within oOO feet of the machine were af
fected by the odor of tbe ammonia, and a num
ber were made very sick.
One of the oddest typographical errors
ever made in Boston was in a book published
by the firm of Crocker fc Brewster, which has
just been brought to public attention by tho
death of Mr. Brewster, it was in one of tho
sermons of Dr. Nathaniel Emmons, tbe great
orthodox divine. The Doctor quoted tbe Scrip
ture text, "Cut him down. Why enmbereth bo
the ground?" The intelligent compositor put
it in type, "Cut him down, like a cucumber, to
the ground."
At Circleville, O., two men engaged in
clearing away the undergrowth in Mrs. Cath
erine Bobbins' yard unexpectedly came upon a
den ot blacksnakes. Before tbe men could re
cover from their fright tbe snakes escaped
under a pile ot rnbbish. There weraeight of
the reptiles, tbe largest of which appeared to
be about seven feet in length. The owner cf
tbe property, Mrs. Robbins, is in her hundredth
year, and on account of her advanced age tbe
prenises have been neglected and everything
alio ed to grow wild.
Mr. Theodore Bent has just re
turned from an expedition, partly for tba
British Association and partly for the British
Museum. His first object was tbe exploration
of tbe Island of Bahrein, in the Persian Gulf,
and the resultof his explorations there, though
continued but for a fortnight, have been most
Important. Tbe island, which is only about
50 miles long, is covered with sepulchral
mounds to tho number of some 20,000. Two of
these were opened from the top, and in each a
two-storied tomb was discovered, in the upper
chamber the remains seemed to belong to a
horse or some other sacrificed animal, and in
the lower and principal chamber the remains
were human.
Captain Travers, of the schooner Hester
A. Seward, from the Bahamas, told a Balti
more reporter that just before he left tho
islands on July 4, the natives captured a shark
18 feet long. When it was cut open a half
barrel of salt pork was found intact in Its
stomach, besides a number of other articles
which the monster bad swallowed. Mr. Miller
also bad a shark story. Two months ago the
body of a monster shark was washed up on tho
beach at Abaco. Inside the huge mouth was
found a small barrel. It was wedged so tightly
that it would neither go up nor down. In the
barret, the head of which was off, was fonnd
all tho food the fish had managed to get inside
its tee h. Tbe barrel caught all the food and
the shark starved to death.
A school of mossbunkers fleeing for
their lives from a half-dozen big sharks was
the sight that interested a boatload of return
ing excursionists on board of a Coney Island
steamboat tba other evening. Tbe novel and
highly exciting race was first discovered by tba
watcbfnl pilot when the boat turned Norton's
Point, who was puzzled by the queer actions of
the mossbunkers. Thy were darting here and
there, and leaping out of tbe water, lashing
the sea into foam with their tails. As the boat
drew nearer tba fish tbe cause of the commo
tion was easily seen. Six big shovel-nosed
sharks were in hot pursuit of the terrified
mossbunkers, now and then catching unlucky
ones, and devouring them without stopping.
Tbe splash of the boat's paddle wheels put a
finish to the race, and frightened the sharks
It is a great deal easier to write a vivid
love letter of 16 pages than it Is to hear it read
two years afterward in court. SomervtUe Jour
nal. A Genius. "Who is the author of fiction
whose skill you most admire, Mrs. Alarrleda
year?" Mrs. Marriedayear (promptly) My husband.
EomtrciUe Journal.
Bright Prospects. Visiting Friend How
are you and your hatband coming on? '
Mrs. Hopeful O, be Is a model bnsbandl There!
Is no species of vice from which he has not sworni
off several times. I feel very mnch encoaraeedj
Texa Slftingt.
I wonder no more you retain yonr bloom,
And grow so sleek; and fat.
When you ask as much for my hall bedroom
As your landlord asks for tbe flat.
IT. JT, Evening Sun.
Bme Kind. First Benedict So you've
been married five years, too, Blobbs? Weill well!
well! And what kind of a wife have you got?
Second Benedict (without enthusiasm) Ob,
she'll answer.
First Benedict Of course, dear boy. Did you
ever know a wife who wouldn't? Somrtifl
More Effective. Bj'ones (reading tho
paper) That's queer a Jforth Dakota clergy
man caught stealing a horse from one of his
BJenklns llanguldly) Ah I Did they suspend
him from his pastorate?
lljones No, they suspended him from a tree.
SomerviUe Journal.
Breaking Off Gradually. Father
Eleanor, now that yon haTO glvea np younz
Jloptlns, I wish ho would stoo coming to the
Daughter He's been here only seven times tMi
week, pa.
Father Only seven times? How many times it
you want htm to come?
Daughter Don't be harsh, father. George U
trying to break off gradually. Epoch.
A Hen-Fecked Man. Mrs. Manly (to
visitor) It is an outrage the way people talk.
Everybody says that I bulldoze my husband so
that he Is afraid to say that his soul Is his own.
It's an Infamoss He Just ask my husband him
self. Charles, my dear, come here!
Charles (la the next room) I haven't got time
right now, my dear.
Are you coming, Charles, or are you not?
I'm omlns;, Matilda, as fast as Ican.-XBM
Sifting, k