IU ,.. r-MW MMMlMBiMaSSSSSSSSSSsM s IfTOA FAMOUS SCHOOL A Corner Stone is Dedicated -Under Pleasant Auspices. FATHER SHEEDI'S RISING EDIFICE Gets a f nulic Bendoff AVithont Allusion to Church Wars. THE PAEADE AND THE CHIEF ADDRESS .The ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new parochial school of St. Mary of Mercy's Church (Eev. Father Sheedy's) took place yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Previous to the ceremony an extensive pa rade of religious societies took place, start ing from the corner of Grant street and Fifth avenue promptly at 3 o'clock. The promptness with which the grand marshal started the parade was the cause of consid erable disappointment to a number of soci eties intending to appear in line, but who arrived too late to receive places and were consequently obliged to return home. One of the most attractive, features of the parade was the marching and drill of the St. Andrews Light Infantry, of Allegheny, under command of Captain Buckley. The company executed a series of fancy move ments that gained considerable applause from the spectators along the line cf march. The parade was made up as follows: OIIDER Or PROCESSION. Ciller Marshal, George Knnkle: Adjutant Gen eral, P. V. Joyce: Clileror fctiff, frank Klein: 33 mounted aids. Monlooth Hand, 33 pieces. Hibernian Utiles, Major John Coynecommandlng, 100 men. Two carriages and three horsemen. Germania Band. 25 pieces. St. Michael's feoclety, Captain Louis llocrr. 250 men. St. Alovslns Society, or Allegheny. S3 men. Three carriages containing prominent members of the A. 0.11. S. b. 1). Thompson Band. 24 pieces, father Lambing Society, 1'. Orlffln, commander, 200 men. L'a T .mlln. rSi1fX SO hnVS Brotherhood of bt. Jtarj's. 1". Ballister, com mander, 50 men. rhll Sheridan Branch, E. B. A., Thomas Dona hue, commander, GE men. f'atlifHlral Hand. 36 Pieces. Divisions o. 1 and 9. A. o. II., J. Donnelly Commanding, 450 men. Division No. 4, A. O. II., 1'. Ward Commander, IOC men. Division N 0.8, A. O. II.. Arthur Creegan Com mander, 30 men Division Ho. 7, A. O. II.. Thomas Curley Com mander. 45 men Division No. 13. H Lynch Commander, 00 men. A. HuU Bnd, 14 Pieces. Division No. 19, A. II. Patrick Foley Com mand!.', 75 men. Division No. 12, A. 'J. II., James Coen Comman der, 5'j men. Woirtone Drum Corps. 24 Pieces. St. Andrew's Light Infantry, . E. Buckley Commander. 75 men. . St. Bridget's T. A. B. Society, P. Devlin Com mander, SO men. The procession passed down Fifth avenue to Market street, to Sixth street, thence to the school location on Penn avenue. The lit. Rev. Bishop Phelan was to have offici ated at the ceremonies, but at the last mo ment Father Sheedy received a message that it would be impossible for him to be present. In his absence, Ker. Father Gal lasher, of St John's Church, Southside, conducted the services incident to the LAYING OF THE CORNERSTONE. He was assisted by Father Sheedy, Father Bernard, of St. Michael's; Father Cos grove, of S'. James', "West End; Father Mc Derraoit, of the Holy Ghost College; Father McManers, of St. Mary's, ML "Washington, and Father Canavin. The priests formed a procession and marched around the foundation of the new structure, chanting the "Miserere," audcon cecrating the walls by sprinkling them with holy water. A tin box; containing copies of Saturday's Pittsburg papers, the Catholic Jtericto, .New York iun, tne "Ave .Maria, a statement of the ceremonies and the usual announcement, containing the name of the President of the United States, Governor of the State, Mayor of the city, ruling Pope and the Bishop of the diocese, was then placed in a space in the foundation and the stone laid in accordance with the church rites. The clergy then proceeded to the corner of Third street and Penn avenue, where a stand for the speakers had been erected. Father Sheedy made a few remarks, thanking the people for their interest in the cause of education, and predicted that the course ol study to be pursued in the new school would convince people that parochial schools impart the knowledge that not only fits the young for this life, but also for citi zenship in the kingdom ot God. Father Sheedy then introduced Father J. F. Kegis Canavin, who, owing to the ab sence of the Bishop, was the principal speaker. He is a man of marked intelli gence and handled his subject with rare skill. He kept himself well within the beaten lines, however, and resisted the temptation to touch upon the many popular subjects possible to the situation. His text was on the necessity of combining EDUCATION WITH RELIGION. The speaker claimed that while education was useful, relieion was a necessity, as it brought out all the better nature of man. If education developed ajnan, then religion perfected him. Education taught a man how to best use the gifts bestowed upon him by God. Religion teaches him how to control the wild passions of his nature, to do good and shun evil, so that he may have a sound mind in a sound body. "Education," said Father Canavin, "blended with a firm, sound knowledge of practical religion, should commence with the earliest birth of reason, and mature with the growth of man. It is a necessity, and therefore God must provide some way to gratify the demand. Education is a guide for all people and for all time. It is a solemn duty to educate the children up to the creed of the Church. Education without religion is one ot the most potent factors in the propagation of error. "Without religion, education is a breeder of all the moral diseases that bring death to the system. ONE ESSENTIAIi TO THE OTHER. "Education and religion must go hand in band. Secular religion is well enough as far as it goes; but it does not go far enough. "Without religion there is no morality, and morality is an absolute essential of good government. Do not let us forget the words of that illustrious patriot, George "Washington, on that subject: 'Let us view (with caution the theory that morality can be preserved without religion.' In order I that education may be pernicious, it is only necessary to neglect relieion." In conclusion the speaker urged the Catholic people to place their children un der the charge of preceptors who had for saken the world to devote their lives to the Church. The reverend gentleman was fre quently applauded dunng his address, and also at its close. The audience was then dismissed by Father Sheedy. A Flensing Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts In harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale In 50c and il 00 bottles by all leading druggists. Imported Port. 1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.$3 00 1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 60 Fine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, lull quarts 2 00 Burgundy Port, full quarts 1 50 Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. "v. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Untll September Cabinets !1 per dozen of anvbody at An frecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Bring baby. Lndlea' Suit Parlor. Gingham and satine suits at half price, jjwa Pabcels & Jones, ?9 Fifth aye. EJtisU A V - 111 "I at a.aiil ait SSSSSSyJSSr'JJ TURNER'S CORNER STONE. Imposing Turnout and Ceremonlesln Found. In Allegheny's New Turner Hall Many Societies Participate. The corner stone of the new Allegheny Turner Hall on South Canal street was laid at G o'clock last evening in the presence of about 2,000 people. This fs the building erected on the site of the old ball, which burned down about two years ago, and the cost of the new structure will amount to $30,000. Half of this amount has been raised among the members of the Allegheny Turnverein themselves, and the balance of the cash was loaned them. The new hall, when finished, promises to be one of the finest in the State of Pennsyl vania. Mr. Joseph Stillburg, the architect, furnished a drawing to The Dispatch some time ago and a cut as well as a de scription appeared at that time in the columns of this paper. The building has 46 feet front on South Canal street and extends back along Cherry street, a distance of 103 feet. The lower part is of stone and the upper part is to be of brick with a pressed brick front. It will be two stories high in front and three stories in the rear. In the basement are to be placed the gymnasium, bowling alley and baths. On the first floor will be the meeting room, dining room and clubroom, and on the second floor will be two toilet rooms and the large hall, which will have one gallery and will be fittedwith a stage at one end. The Building Committee, under whose directions the,' all is being built, is comrjosed of the following named gentle men: Henry Bloedel, Ihsen, JWaldsmit, Hollender, Marshall, "Wilhelm, Staeeer, Schimberger. Albert, Ehlers, Kochendoe- ier, Holderman, NeicLhard and uaum. In preparation for the ceremony of the laving the corner stone the members of the Allegheny Turnverein and delegations from Lawrenceville, Pittsburg, Allentown, Bir mingham, Southside, Steubenville and Bel laire in all about 400 men assembled at Beilstein's Hall, No. 2C3ast Ohio street At 5 o'clock they formed in line and marched to Bohemian Hall, Venial street. Here they were joined by 50 prettily attired boys and girls, who are members of the gymnasium, which, under the charge of Oscar Sheer, was removed to Bohemian Hall when the Turner Hall burned down. From Bohemian Hall the parade, headed by the Allegheny City Band, marched about the streets of upper Allegheny and to the new building. Here the corner stone was laid by Henry Bloedel, while the class of 45 singers in the Turnverein, under the direction of Prof. B. Kellers, and, accom panied by the band, furnished the music In his dedicatory address Mr. Bloedel cave a concise history of the Allegheny Turn verein. It was founded in 1850 by the Eev.. Charles "Weitershausen, and from a mem bership of 70 it has grown until there are now 361 members. Mr. Gotfried Ihsen con cluded the exercises and recited some origi nal poetry he had prepared for the occasion. MORE RAPID TRANSIT AT ONCE. Mr. Yerner Introduces a Faster Schedule on the Birmingham. Mr. Murray Verner will take charge of the Birmingham street car line to-day, and. will immediately inauguratccomparatively rapid transit on the road. The rjanning schedule on the road is at present 41 min--utes from the long line stables to the Union depot, and a new schedule will be immedi ately put in force covering the same distance in 35 minutes, or six minutes less in time. The live stock of the road is in such ex cellent condition that the above or even a further increase in time is deemed feasible. This action is taken pending the securing ol tne rapid transit charter. Mr. Yerner's advent as Superintendent is hailed with great satisfaction by the em ployes of the road, and he will receive an ovation when he assnmes formal charge. There seems to be an impression that' electricity will be the motive power under the rapid transit charter, but Mr- H. Sel lers McKee stated yesterday that . the cable system would be positively .introduced and that contracts would be let and pushed with all speed as soon as legal, requirements can be met. DR. WOOD STILTi VERY ILL. The Well-Known Physician Is Passing a Critical Point. Dr. E. A. "Wood, the eminent phvsician and literateur of the Southside, is not yet considered out of danger by his attending physician, Dr. Thomas. A consultation was held by Drs. McCann, Murdoch and Thomas on Saturday evening, and while the medical gentlemen concurred in the opinion that Dr. "Wood was not in serious danger, it was admitted that he was a very sick man. No one is allowed to see him, although scores of his friends call daily at his residence making anxious in quiries. His ultimate recovery is confi dently expected. TWICE INJURED SINGULARLY. The Peculiar Mishap That Made Adam Apel Bleed Profaselr. Adam Apel, of 1719 Wharton street, so cut his ankle by falling in his store on South Nineteenth street yesterday morning that two physicians had to be summoned to stop the bleeding. On removal to his home the gentleman again fell while attempting to walk upstairs unassisted, and bruised himself rather severely. Only a Single Misstep Did It. Yesterday afternoon Officer P. J. Young, who is stationed at the corner of Fifth ave nue and Smitbfield street, madea misstep as he was crossing the street, which caused a rupture of a vein in one ot bis legs. He had to be taken to his home in the patiol wagon. FIRST POPULAR EXCURSION', Tin Allegheny Taller R- R, TUESDAY, JULY 23. . Toronto, Canada, and return, $8. Niagara Falls and return, $7. Lake Chautauqua and return, $5. Tickets good for 15 days, returning. Train of Eastlake and Pullman parlor buf fet cars leave Union station at 8:45 a. si. Tickets now on sale at Union station and 110 Fifth ave. d New Train Arrangements. The Bedford Springs Hotel Company beg to notify the public that commencing to-day, and during the season, the train on the Penn sylvania Railroad leaving Union station at 1 o'clock makes direct connection via Hunt ingdon for Bedford Springs on any day ex cept Sundays. $3. Cleveland and Ketnra. S3. Excursions via the P., F. "W. & C. By. and C. & P. B. K. Thursday, July 25. Trains will leave Union station at 6:30 a. m. and 12:45 P. M., central time. Tickets good returning until July 28. 1 Pittsburg-Beer. ' In using this excellent brew of Frauen heim & Viliack you will be encouraging a home industry. Call for it, f Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, July 27, at 10 a. m., there will be disposed of at public sale 200 bags of rice. Sale will take place at West Penn Ireight station, corner of Sandusky street and Church ave nue, Allegheny City. , T. Pickering has just returned from New York via Atlantic City, having pur chased a splendid. IijVJtJrpets, curtains, baby buggies, etc., 'wnlcn' will be disposed of at unprecedented low prices. Corrt University office open 'from 9 till 5 daily through July and August Tel ephone 938, KWS THE CLERGY IN EETREAT. Many Pittsburg Priests Spend a Special Lenten Season. BDT ONE LEFT AT THE CATHEDRAL Catholic Charitable Affairs in the Bishop's Circular. HOW 25 JOHNSTOWN WAITS FLOURISH The regular annual retreat of the Catholic priests of the Pittsburg diocese will be be gun to-day at St Francis Monastery, Lorctto. The retreat will last for two weeks. One-half of the priests will attend this week, and the remainder will go next week. About 130 priests altogether will go into the retreat To many non-Catholic readers of The Dispatch it may be instructive to state what a retreat is. It is a period of prayer, instruction and devout meditation for the priests. A sort of lenten season exclusively for the clergy. During the time the priests are on retreat they are not allowed to speak to one another only when absolutely neces sary. A priest from one of the many orders is generally assigned to conduct the retreat and all communication must be done through him. This year the bishop has as signed Bev. Father Dunn, of New Xork, a member of the Jesuit order, to conduct the retreat HOW THE TTME IS SPENT. The following is the programme for the retreat: Rise at 5 A. sl; prayer, 5.30; meditation until, B-J30; mass, 6.30; breakfast, 7; recreation for half nour. 730: spiritual read ing, 7:45; conlerence, 830; free tim'o., 10; meditation, 11; particular examination, ll:i5: dinner, 12; recreation and free time untM 8; conference, 3; beads, 4-20; free time, 5; med ! tation, 6:30; free time and supper, 7; benedic tion. 8; meuitatlon and night prayers, 8.30. The conferences mentioned in the pio cramme are lectures given by theconduotr. The latter is a venerable priest, and gives instruction in regard to the duties and life of the clergy. In consequence of this ob servance of a season of retreat, Father Moly neaux will be the only priest at St Paul's. Cathedral tins wees. In all the Catholic churches throughout l fllnnacB vnsdiwlnr v nlrMllnr lttr WAS. ,1 Vm m Ttpv Tti.Tmr, PhMnn renriest- ing that a collection be taken up in ail the churches next Sundav for the benefit of the ....... .... .... .. .-..' - , 1- -- St Paul's Orphan Asylum. .The institution is in a very straitened financial condition, and the help is needed. There are at present, over 400 children in the asylum, who have to be led, clothed and educated by the Sisters of Mercy. 'WAIFS FROM THE FLOOD. About 25 of these children came from Johnstown, and while the Pittsburg Itelief Committee are getting rid of their soveral hundred thousand dollars, it is suggested that they might drop some of it right here. The Sisters have taken care of the ch ildren since they were turned over to them, and have not received one cent of pay. This is a similar case to that of Mercy Hospital, which applied to the committee for aid, but was refused. In his letter, the Bishop ap peals to. charitable people to contribute what little they can to the institution. Thursday and Friday will be celebrated in the Catholic Church as feast days. The former is the feastof St James the Apostle, and the latter the feast of St. Ann. Eev. Father Wall, rector of the Cathe dral, will return home from New York Wednesday. He will have with him the designs for the decoration of the inside of J the churcb. The second week of the retreat ofthe Sisters of Mercy, at St. Xavier's, will be-s gin to-day. OFF TO PHILADELPHIA. Fleinon'a Counsel, Messrs Itlnrshnllmnd Sic-' Kennn, Will Try tlie Supreme Court i SermouH Acalnst Extradition. Messrs. Marshall and McKenna, counsel for Bev. E. F. Flemon, the colored minister wanted iu South Carolina lor murder, left. last evening tor Philadelphia, where they expect to argue for a stay of 10 days upon a habeas corpus in. order to settle the disputed' legal points of the prisoner's extradition. There was nothing new devoloped in thhu interesting case yesterday, except that the attempt to take Flemon to South Carolina formed the themes of indignant sermons de livered by the entire colored clergy of Pitts burg and Allegheny. At Zion'ii M. E. Church Eev. Jehu Holliday, senior pastor, preached a strong sermon, in which he ridiculed South Carolina justice as applied to those of his race, and. alluded to Bev. Mr. Flemon as a possible martyr. He also hinted that the present case afforded an excellent opportunity for certain prominent politicians and public men who were always talking about the suppression of the colored race in the South, to bestir themselves and do something prac-f tical to aid Flemon in the present critical juncture. Mr. Holliday depicted his per--sonal experiences in South Carolina, ani'l got nis hearers very entnusiastlc. No response had been received to the tele gram sent by the committee of colored mini isters to Governor Beaver, and a prominen t colored man said last night that tie thoughit Governor Beaver would show both political and moral wisdom in returning a speedy and affirmative answer. FOE THE CATHEDRAL PICNIC. The Sale of Tickets Not Large, Bat a. Good Crowd is Expected. All arrangements have been completed for the picnic of St. Paul's Cathedral con- gregation, to be held at Silver Lake Grovii Saturday next. It was stated to the memJ bers of the parish yesterday that the sale f tickets was not quite so large as had bet.'n expected, but the indications are that there will be a large attendance. Messrs. Jojlhn B. Larkin, postmaster, and James Flun nery have been appointed gatekeepers, Aai it is verv likely they will have all they can do to take the tickets. I The tables will be in charge of Mrs. Thomas McAndrews, Mrs. Broderick, Mrs James O'Connor and Miss Katie Giblin. If in every he use a little of Piatt's Chlorides were.used mnet sickness would be prevented. LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF FRANK MAZZA, DECD Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of Frank: "'", late of Allegheny, Pa., dee'd, bave been issued to the undersigned. Persons indebted will make mayment, and persons having claims will present same to me. URSULA MAZZA, lel6-3-M No. 623 East Ohio St., Allegheny. J. M. STONER, Bakewell Law BnlltTiing. ESTATE OP ROBERT SHANKEi XD CEASED Administrator's notice No tice is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of Robert Bhanke;;, late of the Fourth ward, city of Allegheny, in tlie county of Allegheny and the State of Pennsyl vania, deceased, have been granted to the tin dersigned. to whom all persons indebted to sttld estate are requested to .make Immediate pay ment, and those bavins claims or demands against the same will make them known, with out delay, to JOHN FRAHCIH. Administra tor, 10 Grantham street, Allegheny, l?a. :el6-80-M TnSTATE OF JOHN T. MoKENNAN, yi deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters ot administration upon tjbe estate of Jobn T. McKennan, late ot the dty of Pitts burg, in the county of Allegheny, Pennsyl vania, deceased, have been granbed to the un dersigned, to whom) all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to majce immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay to WILLIAM Mc'atENNAN, Jr., room 19, Bakewell LiwBuUdlng.PUWburc, Fa. JJJ-8. 15,22.29,05,1. n-Ji Jajsrikteri PITTSBUIIG- DISPATCH, B3-Dixpla.y advertisements one dollar per square or one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, Tor-Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents -per line or'eatA inser tion, and none taken Jor less than fifty, cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICJES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 0 P..M. for inser tion next morning: Adrertisemcnti are to be prepaid except where advertisers Already have accounts with Tms Dls rjLTCii. pittsburg. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35u9 Butler street. EMILG. STUCKEY. 24th street and i'enn ave. E. G. STUCKEY 00., Wylle ave. and Fultonst. N. 8TOKULY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 61Z1 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. UcALL ISTEB & SF.E1BLER, 5 th a v. ft At wood st SOCTHSIDZ. JACO'S SPOnN, So. 2 Carson street. H. A-DUNAXiDSON, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. XAE1FCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. a. McBIUDE. Federal and Ohio streetK FKED H. "JSGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. ECHJEla & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMA 3 MCHENRY, Western and Irwin ave. G. "W. HUGHES. Penntvlvanla and Beaver aves. I'EHHT.'M.QLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny ave. WANTED. Mule TJeln. WANTED-FtRST-CLASS BAHBEB. LEININGEB, Fifth ave. PETEB J V22-19 WANTED-A GOOD BAKUKIt; GOOD WAGES paid. Apply at 253 FIFTH AVE. Jj2;-17 TVT7-ANTEU-A HOS1K-MADK BAKER AT 73 VY Marlon street at once. MBS. SOGERS. jvr-9 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS HOKSESHOER. Inquire at SAMUEL, MOORE'S, No. 5S13 Penn ave.. East End. Jv21-ei XirANTE"-A GOOD BARBER. APPLY AT VV M. LEININGER'S, 83 Irwin ave.,near Jack son St., Allegheny. Pa. Jy22-3 TTTANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS TAILORS TO V work by the week. Immediately. Applyat G. MULLEK'S, Clarion, Pa. Jyii-lS WANTED STONEMASONS. INQUIRE OF Mess. CAMPBELL & ON, at the works, 311 River avenue, Allegheny City. JySMl WANTED-SALESMAN TO REPRESENT, on commission, a patent circulating boiler. Address M., P. O. BOX KOI, Philadelphia, Pa. Jy22-12 -TTrANTKD-BOILERMAKERS AND CAULK TV ERS immediately; apply at works. First P'CONLEY. 1y20-5 XTTANTED SALESMAN- FOB THE WRAP- I JLIM ?' " F9. l P??iUn '0I Jhe pi-iguim&n. Aaai dress, with stamp. MCBEE & Co., Uanafield, O JTii-U -rrr anted IMMEDIATELY -A. FIRST-CLASS vV barber: no other need single man preferred: good ob in aiirat-class 4-chal Llr shoo. ji.ii.Bni un,a. isrooxvuie, -a box 79 Jy21-3S WANTED-FOREMAN FORMACHINESHOP at the Gloucester Iron Works, Gloucester City. K. J.: thoroughly competent men only need apply. Address bUPERINTENDENT, at works. JylS-61-D WANTED-LOAM MOLDEB THE ADDY8-, TON PIPE AND STEEL CO.. of Cincinnati, desire to engage a good loam motder: stvarir em ployment to responsible man who will come and live near the works. Jy21-33 -TT7-ANTED A MAN OF MORAL. HABITS, YV located outside principal cities, to repre sent an old bouse in his section; salary to begin. fiv uer uiuuui: references. jiuuiuEAUlunui, A.UCa. -. Box 1610, N. Y. OC7-48-M WANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School; Urllng's actnal measure ment taugbt in all its branches; the only true system fitting any and all shapes; no trying on: Instructions. 10 a. m. to 4 r. it.; evening. 7 to 9 p. u. ; call or write for circular. 614 WOOD ST., Pittsburg, Pa. Jv9-49 -TfT ANTED .MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF TT onr safes; site 28x19x13 Inches: weight 00 lbs. : retall.prlce S35; other sliesln proportion: rare chance to create permanent bUAlBess at home; these safe&meet demand never hpfnre. snTinlled hy Umothersafe companies, as we are not governed by toe saie irooi. Ai.rmi.OAf jutjv., Cincinnati, v. Je20-4-D Femnle Help. TTJANTED-A LADY BOOKKEEPER FOR v mnoiesaie nouse in tne city; nrst-ciass ref- erences ' required office. Address uauvik, Dispatch jy.u-59. TTASTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL VT Lousework: must have references: good jumcu f.uu koto wages. Appiy u A.niJS.lt3Ul oi., a uegm tlegheny City. Jy23-18 WANTED-COOKS AND HOUSE GIRLS, 5 for Bellevue and Sewlckly; 10 Germans. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Scdgewick street, corner of Locust St., Allegheny. Jy21-l(J9 Itlalo nnd Pemnle Heir. -TTrANTED-IstiIEUIATELY-WOMAN COOK TT for small hotel: second cook, 4 dinlngroom girls, 6 chambermaids. 100 house girls. 2 colored girls, farm hands, gardeners and laborers. MEE ilA.N'S. 515 Grant St. Jy22 -VTTAJITEU COOK AND CHAMBERMAID TT for small family, laundresses, cooks, cham bermaids, dinlngroom girls, nurses, bouse girls, German and colored girls, waiters, drivers, farm, bands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, COS Grant St. Jyl4--MThs WANTED -53 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female, in every community: goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Jnit what we say. Addressat once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston. -Mass. JeH-70-D Situations. -TTJANTED-A POSITION IN A GROCERY V store by a young man with seven years' ex perience: can give best of reference. Address O. I'.j Dispatch office. Jy22-18 -TTT-ANTED-BY A FIRST-CLASS GARDENER, TT understanding the business in nil Its branches, a position; married man: no children. Address LUDWIO 4 RICHTER, 14 Federal tC Allegheny, Pa. f , a. m ' Jy20-62-jiwrs WANTED-BY A GOOD COACH PAINTER and first-class woodworker of all kinds, a Situation On OUt&klrtS Of CltV? ran 1lA Can whara employed for all particulars from my 4ast em ployer. Address J. F. SARCZT, East Liberty P. Q-. fa. Ji2l-78 " Financial. XlTA-NTED-MORTGAGES-GEO.JOnNSTOK T T C2 Fourth ave. Jy20-5u -TIT-ANTED-$900,000 TO LOAN ON BOND AND u laorijcage: o per cent interest; no state tax. MX. JOHhbl uui , C2 Fourth ave. Jy20-50 -TTTANTF.D-MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP- VV ERTY. over 84.000; AH per cent: no tax. HENRY A. WEAVi w; 14 per cent; no tai &CO., K Fourth avenue. innz-azz-D -TTTANTED-TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES, MX ,j. oi."! m.S ! 5 ,nd 6 Per cent- JAS- DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Telc phone75. JJ-I9-57-D XrANTED-MORTGAOES-1.000.OXTOLOAN TT In large and small amounts at 4H. 5and6 per cent, free of State tax; no to YLE4 CO., 131 Fourth ave. delay. RUED B. my21-60 -T7-ANTED - MORTGAGES-IN LARGE OR F f .uaunuiuuiua, on m utsourg, Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER 4 LEE, 313 Wood St. Jy20-3S-MWS W A J TED-TO LOAN 8850,000 ON MORT GAGES in amounts to suit. In city or coun try, at 4H to 6 per cent, as to security; no delay. SAMUEL W.llLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ve. Jyl4-16-MIhS WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of f3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4X per cent.- free or tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent, BLACK 4 BAIRD, S5 1 ourth avenue. leH-daj-D T7"A NTED-MOBTG AGES-JL 000. 0C0TO LO AN TV on city and suburban properties at 4(4. Sand I C per cent, and on tarms in Allegheny and aula- . . M. PENNOCK 4 SON, 10J Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 TTTANTKD-TO LOAN 8200.000 ON MORT- TT UAUEStfloo and upward at 8 per cent; 5C0,0D0at 4J4 per cent on residences or business ?mf.At . I."1 aojoining counties. 8. H. K .. KEMTH. 125 Fourth avenue. OC31-CS4-D miscellaneous. WANTED-TO BUY LARGE1ABLE GLASS- AK5.f!tel0JT;... Addres GLASSWARE, P. O. Box 672, N. Y. City. Jy21-53 WANTEDCUSTOMERS FOR DIAMONDS, gold and sliver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc., at fl per week upward, ntlSoFed eral St., Allegheny. J. MITbCH. telS-MWTSu WANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH 4 Kecnan repair, refinish or upholster old luiuuuie :nre promptly and In the best possible man 33 AND 31 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. my9-82 ner, WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a line gold watch for each one In the club at SI 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX SOL and I will call and snow you the watch.' jy-40 WANTED - PHYSICIANS, ATTENTION The most complete manikin, or physicians aid, ever offered to the profession, lust ready for the market: an active, upright salriman. wanted. F. B. OLMSTEAD, 10 East Sixteenth St. Nev? York. ly!0-S2 -T7-ANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO W TOGR&PHEB. W Fifth avenue. PltUbow" and 48 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at il 50 ner dozen; photos delivered when promised: lr Un. taneous process. mrjijs MONDAY, .JULY FOB SALE I0IPKOTED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residence. T70R SALE-FIFTH AVE., NEAR GIST ST.. X a substantial 2-tory pressed brick dwelling or 7 rooms and finished attic, ball, vestibule, bath room, inside w. c. electric bells, laundry, rood vault, speaking tubes, house newly papered and painted; frontandrear porches, natural gas; also, house of S rooms on rear of lot; call at theofficn nd see photos. BLACK 4 BAIRD, No. 95 Fourth aye. Jv21-4 East End Residences. TOR BALE-ONLY S3.K0 FOR A GOOD EAST JU End home near cable cars and P. R. R. ; new rrarae dwelling of 7 rooms, ball, vestibule, bath, slate mantels, nlned for artificial a-as: ransre: nat ural gas: lot 24x100 to an alley: call at office and E ci, particulars or tuis oargain. in.A;a a aikd, mo. 93 Fourth ave. jy3i-o FOR SALE A CZY HOME CHEAP AND easy terms; on Vera street, n. Morgac. Thir teenth ward: lot so ft. by 100 ft. to an alley: a 2 story frame bouse of S rooms; dnlshed basement and cellar in excellent repair; nice lot, fruits, etc.; price 11,750; tsoo cash, balance to suit. I. M. PEN NOCK & SON. No. 105 Fourth ave. Jyl88-MThS TTOH SALK-HOUSE AMI) LAKOE LOT, -1.' 123x2)0 feet. In the suburbs, convenient to filllmiri if itlnn. Q Mtnini Inhrtnt. tnil all In nla J order: natural g'u, chandeliers, etc.etc.: abund- ucu oi waier: great variety oi ansae ana iruii trees and shrubbery: a beautiful place, cool and pleasant: will be sold at an Immense bargain; title perfect. JA8. W. UKAPEA CO..K9 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. Jv20-tl-D FOR SALE-ftSOO FOR BELLEFIELD HOME, convenient to Fifth ave. cable cars, a two story and mansard frame dwelling of 8 rooms, bath, w. c. range, artificial gas, furnace, etc ; table, good walks, etc: hall, parlor, library, dining room and kitchen on flrtt floor, four bed rooms on second: lot 43x120 feet. For a good suburban home don't neglect to get full particu lars at office or BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. JyM-63 FOR SALE ONLY A FEW NOW RLMA1N unsold of the very desirable eight-room dwellings on Oakland square: the rapidity with which sales have been made shows the estimation in which they are held: durably built and hand somely finished, supplied with every modern con venience: standing on large lots and facing a handsome park planted with beautiful shade trees: these dwellings bave the notable advantage of being but 15 to 20 minutes from the postofilce by the Pittsburg Traction road; a cable loop, for which an ordinance is now in Councils, will pass within 100 feet of the square; prices , too and $0, 750; terms, moderate cash paymentind long time on balance.-- Apnly to C. A. CHANCE on the premises. " JyI3-W Hnzelwood Residences. FOR SALE-ONLY 3,0CC HAZELWOOD ave., close to station, a lovely house of S rooms: ball, bath, range; all modern conve niences, in splendid order, large lot, with shade and fruit trees: don't fall to call and get full par ticulars or this desirable place. BLACKJtBAIRD. ft Fourth ave. Jy21-t Snbnrban Residences. FOR SALE-NICE SMALL HOUSE AND large lot at Crafton, closo to railroad station, 6 rooms, attic, porches, natural gas. good water: fine large lot 50x145 feet: price only P.CC0; S20D cash, balance in monthly payments; a rare bar gain; Immediate possession. J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., Agents, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. ' JyaMl-o BOH SALE-LOTS. Cltr Lots. TTOR SALE-LOTS ON WYLIE, WEBSTER AND X? Bedford ave. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth ave. Jy20-W TTOR SALE-SEVERAL HUNDRED LOTS IN C Thirteenth ward. GEO. JOHNSTON. (2 Fourth ave. Jy29-50 F lOR SALE FINE LOT ON FORTY-SECOND and Calvin streets, nur Ipnn ... Haven- 'v.uu na.u, avuuk roxiw j.,unce reasouaoie; terms easy. L M. PfcNNOCK SON. 105 Fourth ave. JylS-68-JIThB East End Lots. TTIOR SALE-NICE LOT AT HOMEWOOD ON J3 First street; on P. H. R. : 25x100 ft. to a 20 ft. alley. I. M. PENNOCK 4 SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jyl8-8-MThs FOR SALE-LARGE LOTS FINELY LO CATED, close to station and easy-tenrs. are to be had In Villa Park: new plan now ready. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smithneld St. JJ21-47-MWF FOR 8ALE-2 LARGE LOTS ON WALLING FORD street, near Neville; choicest location and outlook In the East Kurt; price only SCI per front foot. BLACK 4 BAIRD, fc Fourth ave. Jy:i-7 TTiOR 8ALE-1N NORTH HOMESTEAD, WIL JL KIMS township, near B. 4 O. and P. R. R., piot of lnd. contains four lots; nearly one acre: erieap if taken soon. Apply to J. E. DICKSON, Ml Fourth ave. - Jy21-4J TiUIR BALE AT DALLAS, FRONTING P. R. J,' B.: a bargain; triangular lot 53 ft. on R. R.. near Westinghouse. an excellent location for small buslnpH.q: will sail fnr fti.vt siiri.r.fiic 'BROTHERS. 6349 Station St.. E. E. Jy2M-MW FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LEVEL LOTS IN one of the most desirable locations in the .East End: conYenlent to both cable roads. P. R. R. and other city conveniences; reasonably low prices and terms to suit. BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Jyl3-20-U,ie,l8,20,22,24,28, "TTIOH SALE BAU.M GROVE LOTS: MOST DE JP SIRABLE location In the East End: wide flagstone sidewalks through the whole plan. Se cure colored plans from MELLON BROS., East End. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 612 Smlth fleld street. Jy2l-43-MW FOR SAL E-8850-MCCLINTOCK PLACE (Point Breeze), within 5 minutes of P. R. R. and cable line, on Elyslan ave. ; fine lot 24x110 ft. ; this property is beautifully located. In an excel lent neighborhood, afd to anyone desiring to make for themselves a borne where surroundings are an object this Is a chance. MKLLUN BROTHERS, 6349 station St., E. E. Jy22-2-MW8 TJazelwood Lots. "irOR SALE-LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND X1 Glenwood. near the station: only 15 minutes from new B. 4 O. station. Smithneld st.: graded streets, sidewalks, city water, gas: 300 to f 1,000; bouses for sale, small payment down, balance In monthly payments If desired: railroad fare, monthly tickets, 5j cents per trip. GEORGE C. BURGWlN, 150 Fourth ave. fel8-71-MWPSSu FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS IN THE BLAIB estate, within 3 to 5 minutes' walk of Hasel wood and Glenwood stations; fine level lots re quiring no grading or filling: wide street, city water, gas, natural gas. sidewalks, pavements, schools, stores, etc.: online of the electric street car line now building; 10 minutes by the B. 4 O. B. R. from the new depot: all express trains stop monthly tickets, fare 5.S cents; prices $115 to J1.000; 10 per cent cash, balance long time; monthly pay ments If desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 90 Fourth aye. JyH-15-itWB Allegheny Lot. RWB BALK-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN X? avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth nnd Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUUILEB, 43 M. Diamonds;. mh7-96-D FOB SALE FINE. LARGE LOT. 37X177 FEET, on Perrysvllle avenue. Allegheny, one sq Jie from new schoolhouse; prettiest lot ontheavenue; on line of electric cars. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jy20-4I-D Snbnrban Lots. F lOR SALE AT INGRAM BEAUTIFUL building lots. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 62 Fourth ave. jr--5o FOR SALE-LOT IN NORTH BRADDOCK; large lot, triangular shape, cor. Swlssvale and South streets, sear City Farm station, Hsu. It. R.: price, 8300. 1. M. PENNOCK 4 SON. 105 Fourth ave. lyl8-63-MThs FOR SALE-AT WILKINSBURG. LOTS6X132 corner Hill and Mill streets, 2 minutes from school house and 10 minutes rroin station. Will be sold cheap for cash. W. E. HAMNETT, 404 Smlthflcld street, Wllklnsburg, Pa. Jyl87 FOR SALE-AT INGRAM-A FEW OF THE old Fleeced lie lots; all purchasing those lots will be required to guarantee the class of building to be erected, and at a distance, of 70 feet from street. GEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth ave. Jy20-50 FOR SALE-LOTSI LOTS! LOTS! IN OR CHARD plan, Wllklnsburg; only 3 lots un sold on South street purchasers will erect fine houses at once; property rapidly Improving: will sell the remaining 3 lots on long, easy payments and furnish money to build, 'lorms, etc.. from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Agents, 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. Jy20-42-D TTOR SALE-5 ACRES. 10 ACRES AND 20 X? acres for subntbau residence sites on Una of Allegheny Vallty Railroad, between Parnassus and Valley Camp J, over a half mile or railroad front, line groves, forest trees, full supply of pure water, natural gas; one of the prettiest sec tions for suburban homes on any railroad enter ing either city. Particulars from J AS.W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jy20-4J-MWS "Varm FOR SALE-FARM 125 ACRES, FR. HOUSE 7 rooms, hank barn, 5 springs, good orchard, near Elizabeth, river and railroad station: f03 per acre. ED. W1TTISH. 410 Grant St., Pltts bnrg. Pa. Jyis-D TTIOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FARM V ol 10 acres, one mile north of baleiu, O.tgood bouse, barn, etc. : elegant well or vater, and fruit: a lovely country home. Address M. C. PEN NOCK, Executor, Alliance, O. JyW-39-nwr TTOR SALE-A GOOD FARM OF 50 ACRES X" near Perrysvllle, fronting on the main road, dwelling, barn and other outbuildings, orchard, water, etc: pi Ice only 83,500. JAS.W. DRAPE4 CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. JygMl-p FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Stands. TTIOB SALE-SEVERAL VERY FINE BCSI X? NES properties. GEO. JOHNSTON. 62 Fourth aye. Jy20-51 T7OH SALE-THAT VALUABLE BUSINESS X' property cor. Cherry alley and Seventh ave.; lot Slxrtf ftTGEO. JOHNSTON, 62 Fourth ave. JytO-60 TCWB 8ALE-OR EXCHANGE-HOTEL PARK, X West Bridgewaler: brick building. 30 rooms: only licensed nouse: location, town connects Rochester, Beaver. H. P. D1LWORTH. Penn Building. Jyl9-3S-0 FOBSALE-STOBKAND DWELLING-BUTLER street. Eighteenth ward, an excellent S-storv, mansard finish, brick store and dwelling with store and 12 dwelling room it ball: excellent cellar; tin roof; water, gas, etc.; good location; lotatx'Ml ft.: cheap and on easy terms. Lit. PENNOCK 4 SON, MS Fourth avenae. JjrJWB-MThS FOR SALE-BUSINESS.' Business Cnnncrs. F OR SALE-BESTAUBANT DOING GOOD business in Plttsburr Diamond: will sell cheap; party going Into other business: come soon. iMKH, 07 ast Diamond, Allegnenv. Jyg -I4-MWT - TTIOR SALE A HARDWARE, STOVE, X bousefurnlshlng and tinware store. In a neighboring mtnnfacturlng city, doing a good paying business: to a live man this Is a good open Inr. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. JT20-42-D OK bALE-iOO GROCERY. DRlGOODS, drug, china and notion stores; light manu facturing business, paying well; feed store, ex tensive and profitable bakery.. Ice cream and con fectionery business; cigar stores and confection ery stores, all sizes and prices; fine restaurantand dlulng rooms, printing office, butcher shop, milk depots, upholstery business, shoe stores, etc. Free particulars. SHEPARD 4 CO., 54 Finn ave. 177 T7OB SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY X' property, a general country store business, with storeroom, dwelling, warehouse, etc.. at a good point on line of railroad, with postolhce. ex press and railroad agency, the revenue from which alone runs up to f-w per mo.; excellent trade In grain, produre, etc; this is a good opening: no opposition. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Mortgages negotiated. jyIs-S9-D FOR SALE-INTEREST IN A VALUABLE railroad appliance The undersigned wishes to dispose or a portion of his interest In a valu able appliance for railroads, which, from Its merits, will in a short time come into general use: It has been tried and gives full satisfaction, and Is covered by letters patent In all tho prin cipal railroad countries; will sell reasonable for food reasons: a stock company will be formed for ts manufacture, and the owners of the patent will derive the advantages Incident thereto; only those having capital to investftnd meaning busi ness need apply, as I will positively take no notice of Idle Inquiries: full name and address must be given, and satisfactory assurances given that business Is meant. Address BONA FIDE. Dls patch ogee. jy 19-59 FOR SALE-IUISCELLANEOCs. Financial. FOR SALE-FEW 1100 SHARES AT ITS OF trust company organizing; business estab lished and paying 14 per cent. TRUSTS. Box 1306, rnuaaeipnia. jyis-oa-Mwjrsu Hones. Vehicles. Live Stock, etc FOR SALE-LIVERY STOCK AND FIXTURES, doing a good business: good stand for livery business; good reason for selling. GEO. BEET, htna. Pa. Iy21-41-MWTS Machinery and metals. FOB SALE 23x49 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation; price on application; WorthlngtOn putnps, automatle and plain slide valve engines, boilers, pipe and fittings. J. A. MCCORMICK, 159 First ave. aul-p.'C-llWK T7OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND JD boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 so 100 b. p. tall refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, S to 25 b. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-K-Mwr FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7)jxl2-lnch double engine, double drum: others Urge and small, with single or docble friction drams; wire and manlla rope centrifugal pumps, etc.: two 26x4S-Inch horizontal .engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts.t Allegheny. Ial7-uwr ailscennneous. FOR SALE FURNITURE 99 SANDUSKY st., Allegheny, at auction, Monday. July 22, at 2 o'clock; there are .bureaus, wardrobes, bed steads, desks, tables, batrack, wasbstands and other articles ef old furniture. A. LEGGATE4 SONS. Auctioneers. Jvi9-8i PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! New and old, ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,300 vol umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, 900 Liberty st, my3-2S fJEKSONAL WHY TROUBLE YUUR WIFE, X mother or daughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed! suits madeto order: spring styles now ready, "telephone 155s. mhs LOST, LOST-PADLOCK BKACELET-ON WEDNES day evening, between Marlon and Gist sts. A suitable reward will be paid If left at DRUG STORE, No, 528 Fifth avenue. Jy22-6 LOST-SUNDAY MORNING ON FIFTH AVE., near Logan street, pocketbook containing money and papers. Finder can have liberal re ward lr the same Is returned to REGINA SCH AM BERG, 373 Fifth sve, second floor. jy22-15 T OST-PICKKD UP SUNDAY EVENING BE JU TWEEN 4 and 6 e. It., at end or Perrysvllle Slank road, black-and-tan bitch; name on collar, . C. Mahler. Please return to 31 TAGGERT ST., Allegheny, or address J. C. MAHLER, at J. Kanfmann 4 Uro.'s Jy22-25 c STRAYED. S' TRAYED-JERSEY COW CAME TO THE nremlses of the underslerned: owner nrov- Ing property and paving charges must remove the same or will be sold according to law. MRS. S. A. DONLEY. 5707 Rlppey St. jy- AUCTION SALES. ORPHANS' COURT 8ALE-ESTATE OF John Wagner, deceased By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Co rt of Allegheny county, tho undersigned will offer at public sale on the premises, on TUESDAY, August 6, 1889, at 2 P. M., the following real estate, viz: All that certain lot of ground situated lormcr ly in the borough of Mt. Washington, now in the Thirty-second ward, of the city of Pitts burg, county of Allecbeny, and State of Penn sylvania, being lot No. 33, In A. P. Norton's plan of lots, recorded in the Recorder's office of said county, in Flan Book, vol. 4, page 43, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on the westerly line of the new Washington road at the corner of lot No. 35, in said plan, thence along the line of said road northwardly 27 6-100 feet to the corner of lot No. 37, thence by the lino of lot No. 37 west wardly 100 feet to the line of lot No. 48, thence southwardly 23 feet to the corner of lot No. 35, and thence by the line of said lot "S a 35 east wardly 92 feet, more or less, to the place of be ginning, having thereon erected one two stnry frame dwelling bouse with out bniidings. Terms of sale Ten per cent down, 40 ner cent on confirmation of sale, and the remainder in one year, with interest from confirmation, secured by bond and mortgace on the premises containing; scl fa. and insurance clauses. FLORENTINE WAGNER, Administrator, LAZEAR & ORR. Attorneys, 400 Grant st, Fittsburg. jyU-ttH AT AUCTION-THE LARGEST CON SIGNMENT of linoleum ever received at onetime; for sale by. the quantity or as much as you like; the chanco of your lifetime to buy A No. 1 linoleum at your own price and in such quantities as you may need, TUESDAY, July 23; sale commences at 10 o'clock in the mornlnz at tho rooms. No. 311 Market street. Also at samo time and place, the whole con tents of tbe first floor, embracing handsome Carlor and chamber suits, hall racks, folding eds, library, office and dinlnc room furniture, pictures, shades, curtains, Brussels and inftraln carpets, rugs, lamps, stands, chairs bedding, stoves, refrigerators, rockers, laundry and kitchen goods, dinner and toilet sets, glass ware, groceries, notions, clock, etc.. etc. HENRY AUCTION CO., LXM'T., Auctioneers. jy21-76 -VRPHAN8' COURT SALE Estate of Martha Newell, deceased, on the premises, TUESDAY, JULY 21 1889. at 10 o'clock A. X., COR. FORBES ST. AND SHADY LANE; . Twenty-second ward. The property consists of elegant Road House buildings, with 6 acres of ground: also, ON BEDFORD AVEHUE, Eleventh ward. LOT 52x93 FEET, Information from W. A. HERRON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. jyl9-31-MF AUCTION SALE" MANUFACTURING site. On the premises, Rlrer ave., Alle gheny, opposite new Thirtieth street bridge, between P. fc W. and W. P. R. R.. TUESDAY, July 23, at 2 o'clock p. SC, lot 200x125, with lm- Erovements. viz.: A large and substantially uilt planing mill, with first-class jnacblnery. 2-story brick office building, stable, etc Terms One-half cash;' balance in 1,2 and 3 years. JOHN J. HOWIiEY, 127 Fourth ave. JyI7-24 EDUCATIONAL. HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial nnd collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY. SEPTEMBER4;new students examined Monday. September 2. Apply to Rev. John T. ilUKPUT, C S.'Sp., President. jyl7-28 CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ, Pa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, eta, addrSsJNO. CALVIN RICE. A. M., Principal. JEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, J.1 Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in civib engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful OKJIdlng-, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. S., A. M, SupL: BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jeiu-n AMUSEMENTS. TTy RRIS THEATER1 Kv ry afternoon and, night, the pleating come lr drama. HIDDEN HAND. Neit week-ma NATUiiAL LIFE: jeae-xwr . TO LET. Citv Residences. TO LET-97 CENTER AVE.-CONTAINS TEN rooms: all modern Improvements; low rent to good tenant. GEO. JOHNSTO,Agt.,62Fourth ave. Jyawo TO LET NEW SEVEN ROOMED BRICK house: good location, line view: 20mlnntes from postoface. J. W. LOW HY. Ridge St., near Thlrty-thlrdjclty; Jy20-29 TO LET-NO. 177THIRD AVE THREE-STORY brick, containing 11 rooms and bath room: range In kitchen: natural and artificial gas. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. Jy20-50 TO LET-COMPLETELY FURNISHED 8 room house, all modern conveniences. Fifth ave.; 10 minutes from P. O.: moderate rent. SAM UEL W. BLACK 4 CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jr20-4S-D TO LET-BRICK HOUSE NO. 112 CRAW FORD St.. containing eight rooms including two In mansard: possession given Immediately. F. R. STONER, 415 Grant St., Room No. n, JylS-49 TO LET-TnATVERY DESIRABLE 3-STORY building situate No. 955 Penn sve.: contain ing 11 rooms and hath room, natural and Ulnml natlng gas: good location for table boarders and rurnlshed rooms. GEO. J0H3bT0N, Agent, IS Fourth ave. Jy20-50 Snbnrban Residences. TO LET-AT INGRAM-IIOUSE OF SEVEN rooms, with ten acres of ground: fruit In abundance; rent 117 50 permonth. GEO. JOHNS TON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Jy20-50 TO LET-SEW ICKLEY-P., Ft. W. 4 C. RY., a furnished house of 9 rooms. bath, and 3 min utes' walk from station: rent, (50 per month. W. A. HERRON 4S0NS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jyl7-20-MIhS Apnrtmenis. TO LET-FURNISHED BOOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; price. S3 75 to S3, Includes everything for housekeeping, kitchen, tableware, sewing machine, folding bed. Icebox, etc: come and see: nothing like it lu the city at any price. 41 LOGAN sr near Wylle ave. Jt35 Offices. Devil Room. dee. mo LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY JL painted; elevator. Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMANIA SA VI Jl GS BAN K, 423 Wood street. U3-68-D T IO LET-OFFICE ROOMS OK SUITES FOR general business purposes In the new D1S- l-ATUH BU1LD1.M.. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond St.; situation most central In the city: ejectilc light included in rents, which are moderate. Apply between lli. 31. and 3 r. M. Je27-S) Business Stands. TO LE?T-WAREHOU3E. 20x160, 10D WATER St., with large complete offices; power ele vator. 8-horse power gas engine. Inquire on PREMISES. JY19-46 TO LET-PENN BUILDING. PENN AVE., near Seventh St.. offices single or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low: floor plans at our office: we bave also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO . 99 Fourth ave. Je23-32-D OFFICIAL- PITTSBURG. No. 27.1 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE Oliver Iron and Steel Company the right to lay a side track on South Tenth street, from the tracks of the Pittsburg and White Hall and the Fittsburg and Lake Erie Railroads to Mnrice street. Section I Be It ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Oliver Iron and Steel Company is hereby granted the right to lay a sidetrack of standard gauge from the tracks of tbe Pittsburg and White Hall and the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad', and on a level with tbe same, on that portion of South Tenth street lying be tween their factory and the stone wall of tbe abutment of the approach of the Tenth street, or Birmingham bridge, as per plan attached, tbe work to be under the direction and subject to the approval of the Chief of the Department of Public Works. In consideration of tbe foregoing privilege, right and license, the said Oliverlron and Steel Company, their successors and assigns, shall annually pay the city nf Fittsburg the sum of seventy-five dollars (Vol, which said payment shall be made immediately after the approval by the Mayor of this ordinance, and shall be made each and every year thereafter dating tbe continuance of the privilege and license hereinbefore named and described. Section 2 The city of Pittsburg hereby ex pressly reserves and retains the right of modi fying, amending or repealing any and all rights, privileges and .licenses hereinbefore granted upon 60 days' notice thereof being given in meeting or by joint resolution or ordi nance of Councils by said citv to the said Oliver Iron and Steel Co., their successors and assigns. Section 3 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and the same Is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 24th day of June. A. D. 18S9. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH. Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Ofllre. June 28, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 99, 17th day of July. A. D. 1889. jyl8-17 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING OLI VER Iron and Steel Company to construct aside track on Sonth Twelfth street from tracks of P. A L. E. R. R. Co. and White Hall R. R. Co. to their warehouse on South Twelfth street and authorizing the lnclosure of the same. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled,and it is hereby ordained and en acted by the authority of tbe same. That Oliver Iron and Steel Company is hereby zranted the right to lay a side track of standard gauge on South Twelfth street from tho tracks of the Pittsburg and White Hall and tbe Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroads to their warehouse on South Twelfth street, as per plan attached,and also to erect a shed Inclosing the track, the whole work to be under the direction andsdb- iect to the approval of the Commissioner of Iighways. In consideration of the foregoing privilege, right and license, the said Oliver Iron and Steel Comnanv. their successors and assiens. shall anually pay to the city of Pittsburg the sum of seventy-five dollars ($75), which said payment shall be made immediately after the approval by the Mayor of this ordinance, and shall oe made each and every year thereafter during tbe continuance of the privilege and license hereinbefore named and described. Section 2 Tbe city of Pittsburg hereby ex pressly reserves and retains the right ot modi fying, amcnding'or repealing anyand all rights, privileges and licenses hereinbefore granted upon GO days' notlco thereof being given in writing or by Joint resolution or ordinance of Councils ol said city to the said Oliver Iron and Steel Company, their successors and assigns. Section 3 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the tame is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this L'lth day of June, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. cleric of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. Jane 26, 1889. Approved: WM. MCCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 03, 17th day of July, A. D. lcSI. Jyl8-17 AN ORDINANCE-GRANTING CERTAIN rights to the Pittsburg Incline Plane Company. Section! Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same that tbe consent of the city of Pittsburg is hereby given to tbe Pittsburg Incline Plane Company, a cor poration under tbe laws of tne Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to build and erect an Incline plane with tho necessary stations, engines,cars, tracks and machinery from a point on the southerly side of Bradford street between South .Eleventh street and South Twelfth street to a point at the Junction of Brownsville avenue. Washington avenne and Birmingham avonue over and across Frederick street, Mary Ann street. Manor street, and over, across and under Bedford street, and across and under Fritz street so and in such manner as not to prevent the use of such streets for pub lic use and travel under and upon the follow. ftrr renditions? First That tbe grade ot such Incline shall not exceed 20 degrees. Second That tbe cables used by said com pany iu operating its road shall be constructed of the best steel wire and the same shall be ap proved by the Chief of tbe Department of Pnblic W irks before being placed in position. Third That tbo construction of the works of said company shall be commenced witbin 90 days from the passage or approval of this ordinance and finished in-one year thereafter. Section 2 This ordinance shall not be valid unless the Pittsburg Incline Plane Company shall witbin GO days from tbe passage or ap proval of tbe same by a writing under the seal of tbe corporation filed with the City Controller accept all tbe provisions of this ordinance. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils this 24th day of June, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council, GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. June 27. 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk, Recorded In Ordinance Book; vol. 7, page 96, 17th day of July. A. D. 1889. Jyla-17 INo. 17.1 " A N ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE XV opening oi Kitkwood street IromHIland avnna rt ("Titllm atranna -V Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by the I BamSSmfSSiBS OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. city of Pittsburg. In Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works bo and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed and opened within 60 days from the date ot tbe passage of this ordinance. Kirk wood street, from Hiland avenue to Collins avenue, at a width of 40 feet, in accordance with an ordinance locating tbe same, approved June 28. 18. The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with tho provis ions of an act of Assembly of tbe Common wealth of Pennsylvxnia entitled "An act relat ing to streets and sewers In cities of the second class." approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1SS9. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 24th day of June, A. D. 1889. II. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office. Jnne 26, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7. pace SSL 3rd day of July, A. D. 1889. Jyl8-17 No. 22.1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Department of Public Safety, of the city of Pittsburg, to erect a police station in the Thirty sixth ward of said city. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe antborlty nt the same. That the Department of Public Safety be, and it is here by authorized and empowered to erect or cause to be erected, according to plans and specifica tions prepared, a police station house upon all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In said Thirty-sixth ward, bounded and described as follows, to wit: All those two certain lots marked and numbered nine and ten (No?. 9 and 10) in a plan of lots laid out by Woods & Brown and recorded in Plan Book, voL 5, page 120. and together described as follows: Beginnlns at Main 'street at the corner of lot No. 8 in said plan, tbencc south C5. west alonjr said street forty (40) feet to tbe corner of lot No. 11 in said plant thence north 24J, west along the line of said lot No. 11 one hundred and twenty (120) feet to Virgin alley; thence north 6. east alone said alley forty (40) feet to lot No. 8 aforesaid: thence sonth 24, east along the line of the last named lot one hundred and twenty (120) feet to Main street at the place of beginning. Section 2 That said Department of Pnblic Safety shall prepare or cause to be prepared suitable plans and specifications for said police station, and advertise for tbe construction and erection thereof, as provided by law and tbe ordinances of said city. Provided, however, that the cost of said police station shall not exceed the sum of eleven thousand (511,000) dollars. Section 3 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conllictinj with the provisions of this ordinance be. and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 2itb day ot June. A. D. 1880. H.P.FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select CounclL GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President ot Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's OlHce. June 27, 1889. Approved, WM. McCALLIN. .Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 93, 15th day of July. A. D. 1SS9. JylS-17 Continued on Fifth Pade. DIVIDENDS. TrtE Ben Franxxjn Insurance Co., l Of the City of Allegheny, Pa Allegheny; July 10. 1880. ) DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day declared a dlvl dend of THREE PER CENT (SI 50 oer share), payable on demand. WM. A. FORD, Jyll-10-D Secretary. PROPOSALM. XTOTICETO CONTRACTORS-BIDS WILL JM be received up to July 24. 1889. at 12 it, tor paving eleven thousand (11.000) square yards of streets with ve trifled firebrick. Plans and specifications for same can be seen at tho office of the Borongh Engineer, in Greens burg, Pa. C. T. LONG, Engineer. Jyl7-4o-D VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED iM proposals will be received up to JULY 24, 1SS9, 3 P. M.. for removing and rebuildinr; brick partition walls, etc, in the Ralston public school building. Flans and specifications to be seen at tbe office of C. M. Bartberger, architect, room 614, Lewis block. Bids to be left with Frank Lutz. 1335 Penn avenue. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. J. A. DONAVANl Sect'y. jy21-71 PROPOSALS FOR WOODBRIDGE 10 INCH steel wire gun forgings Ordnance Office. War Department, Washington, July 1 1889. Sealed proposals in duplicate will be re ceived at this office until 3 o'clock P. 31., on THURSDAY, August 1. 1SS9. for supplying the Ordnance Department, U. S. Army, with forgings, of American manufacture, for three (3) hoops and parts of breech mechanism for a 10-inch steel wire gun. to conform in quality and dimensions to the specifications and draw ings to be bad at this oflice. Bidders will state the price per ponnd for the forgings, and how soon the whole can be delivered. Tbe depart ment reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject all or any bids or parts thereof. Blank forms on which proposals must be made can be bad upon application. Copies of this advertisement, of the specifications and of the drawings must accompany and form part of tbe proposals. Proposals should be marked "Proposals for Woodbridge 10-inch steel wire gun forcings," and be addressed to Captain C 8. SMITH. Acting Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army. Waahingson. P. C. Jvl7-26 BANK STATEMENTS. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Third National Bank, at Pittsburg, in the btate of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, July 12, 1889. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts tl.754.703 60 6.233 IS Overdrafts............... ...... U. S. bonds to secure circulation... Other stocks, bonds and mortgages. Due from approved re serve agents -S 233,317 13 Due from other Nation al banks 33,399 13 Due from State banks and bankers 3,150 93 Real estate, furniture and fixtures. Current oxpenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid......... Checks and other cash Items. S 23,934 21 Exchanges for Clearing House 73,509 05 Bdls of other banks 13,410 00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and pen nies L459 24 Specie 285,363 20 Legal tender notes 75,300 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).... 50,000 00 88,012 63 274,Sc7M 64.11137 8.078 07 9.62J0O 477,973 70 2,250 00 82,733910 07 IJABIIJTIES. Capital stock paid in S 600,000 00 Surplus fund 250,000 00 Undivided profits 29,199 M National bank notes outstanding.. 45,000 00 Dividends unpaid 3,322 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check $1,617,870 83 Demand certificates of ' deposit 70,795 03 I Cashier's checks out standing. 12,345 61 Due to other National banks 108.06195 Due to State banks and bankers 97,314 81 1,906,3S8 23 J2.733.910 07 State of Pennsylvania, County of Allegheny, ss: I. W. E. Schmertz, President of the Third National Bank of Pittsburg, Pa., do solemnly swear that the above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. E. SCHMERTZ, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 19th day of July, 1889. JAMES A. McKEAN, Notary Public Correct Attest: ' JOHN DAUB. H. DALLMEYER, A. C. DRAVO. Jv20-23-D Directors. f-TFTER'TWO TRIALST FRED BEIXSTEIN, of Spring Garden aveu, was relieved of a large tapeworm by Dr. Bur goon on July 9. after rrtxlng treated with two other physicians for the same. ' Mr. Bellsteln can be seen at the Allegheny market, where he has a butcher's stand. DR.BURGUON treats all curable diseases. Over 300 testimonials of your neighbors cured at his office. 47 Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. Consultation free. yl2 A. E. LINKENHELMER, ARCHITECT, 545 Smithneld street. Pittsburg, Pa. Frefhelt Freund Building, second floor. mh24-80otWF JIAN03, ORGANS. a HAMILTON, 81 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7H "TjUNOAIi C WHITE, BuBdlng Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smithfleld, - , . Pittsburc. - fell-7-irww ,.., -, ' ' ., !. v' - ' ftwinMwPn US I i