Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 22, 1889, Image 1

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Who has a good article to sell, and who adver
tises Timorously and liberally. Advertising is
tray the life of trade. All enterprising and
judicious advertisers succeed.
Advice to Summer Tourists.
Don't fail to notify The Dispatch office
of your change of location, and your paper
will be forwarded to you without extra charge.
THE OF. ft
May Prove the Winning Hand
in the Organization of
the Next House.
Held by a Trio of Disgruntled Korth
A Combination Willed Threaten Tronble far
the Republican Caucus Rebellion
Work for Quay to Undo Before Conor
Meets Representative B'owcr, of North
Carolina, Announce Himself a Candidate
for Speaker If III Tarty Doesn't Show
Illm Some Consideration, lie and HI
Two Colleagues Will Throw Their Totes
With the Democrats Mahomet Cameron
Calls on mountain Quay Commissioner
of Deeds Trotter in Dancer oi Decapi
tation. A vigorous canvass for the Speakership of
the next House of Representatives is being
made by Congressman Brower, of North
Carolina, who thinks the Republicans
oueht to honor the South, his State, and
himself with the office. But his chief object
is to combat the administration, between
whom and himself there is little love lost
Senator Cameron finds it wise to call on
Senator Quay while tLe latter is under the
weather at Harrisburg. District of Colum
bia colored men are after Trotter's scalp.
WAsnracTOx, July 21. The late
Elijah M. Haines, of Waukegan, who de
clared himself the Independent party of the
Illinois Legislature, in caucus assembled
nominated himself Speaker of the House,
and then elected himself to the chair, has
an imita'or in the person of Congressman
Brower, of North Carolina. Broweraspire3
to be Speaker of the National House of
Representatives, and though elected as a
Bcpublican, has announced himself as
an independent candidate.
By himself, Brower has-aeitherthebrains
to form a successlul combination to make
himself Speaker, nor the nerve to carry
through such a stupendous undertaking,
but he is backed in his candidacy by one of
the boldest and the brightest politicians In
"the country none other than Tom Kehoe,
of North Carolina, formerly Secretary of the
National Republican Committee.
Mot a Bis a Man a lie Was.
Kehoe was and is still John Sherman's
right hand man in Carolina. He used to
be boss of the State, but since Uncle John
Sherman lost his grip on the Treasury he
has been supplanted by Dr. J. J. Mott.
This Dr. Mott is now Republican Dictator
in North Carolina and is carrying things
with a high hand. That he is a man after
Harrison's own heart is shown by the fact
that he has at this blessed moment not
fewer than seven of his sons and sons-in-law
in public office.
Kehoe and Mott are bitter rivals, but the
latter is in favor at the White House. In
the rotton borough Republican politics of
North Carolina, the internal revenue col
lectors are supreme, and of course Kehoe
wanted the collectors. He backed J. R.
Young for collector in one district and Tom
Cooper in the other. But Mott's men,
Elihu "White and John B. Eaves, were ap
pointed by the President.
DIott Folly Supplants Kehoe.
Nothing that Kehoe has asked for has
been done, and Mott has had everything his
own way. At the same time Congressman
Brower has been having similarly bad luck.
Everybody that he has indorsed has failed
of appointment, and he has had hard work
to protect his local postoffices from the rav
ages of the hungry Dr. Mott.
Rufus Amis, a Republican member of
the North Carolina Legislature, was in
dorsed by the Republican members of the
body and all the Republican Congressmen
of the State for a consulate. He didn't get
it. d. C. L. Hams, editor of the leading
Republican paper in North Carolina, wanted
to be postmaster at Raleigh. He was in
dorsed by Brower and other Congressmen,
but Mott's man got the place.
Dockery Get the Damps.
I There was, too, ex-Congressman O. H.
Dockery, a very prominent man in North
Carolina. He wanted to be Consul General
to Liverpool. For weeks Dockery cooled
his heels in the ante-room of the Secretary
I of State, vainly awaiting an audience with
Uo Private Secretary Sherman, Mr Blaine
jwas always too busy to see Dockery.
Finally, Piivate Secretary Sherman himself
was appointed Consul General to Liverpool,
and then Dockery lost his temper.
Dockery was not alone in his wrath.
Brower was angry; Ewart, another Repub
lican Congressman from North Carolina,
was angry; Cheatham, the colored Congress
man, was angry; Kehoe was angry in fact,
1 nil the Republicans.
Iloldlnc the Balance of Tower.
"I'll tell you what we'll do," said
Dockery. "We'll makeBrower a candidate
for Speaker. Cheatham and Ewart will
support him. You three will hold the
balance of power, and if these Infernal
scoundrels don't come to time and treat us
decently, we'll throw the Speakership to the
Democrats and fix ourselves and friends in
the organization of the House."
Soon afterward Dockery was appointed
Consul General to Brazil, and of course his
interest in the brilliant scheme disappeared.
But here Kehoe took it up and had Brower
announced as a candidate.
Kehoe realizes that he has nothing to
hope for from this administration, and, as
he puts it, he is in politics for something
'beside glory, and proposes to have this
something if there is anything in a balance
of power, well handled. Kehoe would like
to be Clerk of the House, and he doesn't
much care whether he is elected by Repub
lican or Democratic votes.
The Senior Senator Finds It Expedient to
Call on Ills Follower Colonel Quay
Still Voder the Weather His
Da real n With MeManes.
Hakbisbubc, July 21. Senator Quay
had intended leaving for the West this
morning, but being slightly indisposed
when he awoke, he decided not to leave this
city for his home until to-morrow. The
Senator was not disposed to give audiences
to his friends, hut Senator Cameron managed
to get a 10-minute interview with him, the
nature of which is only known to the two
Pennsylvania Senators. The conference
was had this afternoon, in Colonel Quay's
roam at the Lochiel Hotel.
Senator Cameron was wont to have Quay
call on him before the statesman irom Bea
ver had risen to the distinction he now oc
cupies in national politics, but as the senior
Senator appreciates the fact that the junior
Scnitor is a fellow whose close acquaintance
it is well to cultivate irom a political stand
point, he did not wait for history to repeat
itself, and gave his faithful follower a call,
which is said to have been remarkable for
its warmth.
Cameron lias to be Cordial.
This change in the custom that has so
long prevailed between these two prominent
men has confirmed the opinion that Senator
Cameron is not averse to being a candidate
for re-election to the United States Senate,
and that he depends largely on Quay's fine
work as a politician to put him there for
six years more after the expiration of his
present term.
Colonel Quay remained in his room all
day, and as the appearance of its number on
the hotel register led a number of people to
indicate a desire to see the Senator, who
bad evidently requested that he be not dis
turbed in his effort to secure temporary im
munity from the intrusion ot political
friends, the figures were obliterated by one
ot the hotel elerksTIn the hope that it would
make the Senator's position more com
fortable. Quay Bargains With Mcltlnnes.
A Philadelphia dispatch says: It is re
ported here that Quay, before leaving the
cjty, hunted up MeManes and had a talk
with him. The junior Senator found Me
Manes at the tatter's home on Spring Garden
street. The interview between the two was
a most interesting one. It was the first
square talk that MeManes had had with the
National Chairman since the distribution
of Federal patronage was begun in this city.
MeManes very quickly told Senator Quay
that the latter had treated him verv badly
in view of all that MeManes had done for
him in the way of keeping the Philadelphia
delegates .straight for Quay's candidate,
Sherman, in the last National Convention.
There was a rnnning fire of criticism and
complaint between both men which lasted
during1 the entire interview.
The Inducements Ilcld Oat.
Quay tried to assure MeManes that he
stood ready to serve him and his friends,
and that he vould see to it that MeManes
obtained his share of the Federal patron
age. He did not mean that MeManes
would be allowed to name any heads of de
partments, but that his faction would be
given its share of the minor places.
It is further stated that Quay agreed to
turn in for MeManes' candidate for the Re
ceiver of Taxes nomination next January,
upon condition that MeManes will offer no
objection to the election of delegates to the
coming State Convention in the interest of
Speaker Boyer for State Treasurer. Mr.
MeManes would naturally be for Boyer be
cause the letter is such a close friend of
Messrs. Durham 'and Houseman, the Me
Manes lieutenants in the Seventh" ward.
Not a Ilard Thing; to Do.
To comply with Quay's request would be
an easy thing, especially since the whole
State has been set up in the interest of
Boyer, and MeManes' consent was obtained.
"The truth is," said a disinterested ob
server yesterday, "Quay realizes that nearlv
all the western part of the State is in revolt
against him. He is looking to next year's
convention, when a Governor and other
State officers are to be elected. Magee is
getting ready to give Quay all the trouble
he can in the western part of the State, and
MeManes is awaiting for a favorable oppor
tunity to jrive it to Quov in Philadelnhia.
Quay knows that MeManes is -against him,
and so he has volunteered to help MeManes
retain the tax office, and MeManes has con
sented to accept Qnay's aid. However.
MeManes will not forget how Quay treated
him in this deal, and he will yet worry him
for the part he has played in freezing him
out of the most desirable Federal offices."
It Remain to Be Seen.
Now, that MeManes has been assured of
Quay's support in the Receiver of Taxes
fight, it remains to be seen whether he will
shoulder Henry Clay for a second term. No
doubt but what MeManes would like to
have Clay succeed himself, as Clay has
been absolutely loyal to him from the mo
ment he stepped into the office; but there are
plenty of MeManes' old and stanch friends
who object to Clay for various reasons.
Before MeManes and Quay came together
yesterday the former was asked if ne in
tended to call upon tb: Senator. He re
plied that he would not, and that if Quay
wanted to see him he would have to hunt
him up. "I have been treated very shab
bily by Senator Quay," said Mr. MeManes
yesterday, "and he knows it as well as I
do, and in consequence of that I do not feel
as though I should hunt up Senator Quay.
If he wants to see me he will have to come
to me."
Qnor In Keed of a Rest.
It was learned from one of the Senator's
friends that he had had a hard tussle with
the President to induce him to recognize the
Mahone wing of the party in Virginia. The
President was disposed to set the leaders of
both factions aside and to do something that
would restore harmony in the party in that
State. Qnay would not assent to this, and
after a long and laborious discussion he se
cured a promise from the President to assist
the Mahone side.
The Senator told a friend, privately, that
he was in great need of rest, and he trusted
that he would be able to get a few weeks'
rest undisturbed by the visits of politicians.
He Keeps a Picture of Grovcr Cleveland
on the Wail of His Office.
Washington, July 2L There appears
to be no end of trouble in store tor the
administration, with the colored brother.
Encouraged by the President's appointment
of Cuney to be collector at Galveston, the
trio of negro candidates for the fat Recorder
ship of Deeds in the District of Columbia
are preparing to make a dead set during the
next ten days. The aspirants. are Perry
Carson, Prof. Gregory, of Howard Uni
versity, and Calvin Chase, editor of the
Washington organ of the colored race.
Recorder Trotter is an eyesore to local
Republicans, as he still keeps in his office,
conspicuously displayed, a portrait of
Grover Cleveland. If Trotter and this
picture are not soon banished, there will be
a small insurrection in the District of
A Treasury Clerk Who Could Change HI
I'olltlc Whenever Necessary.
I rsrzciAi. tzliobam to iq dispatch.!
Washington, July 21. Shortly after,
the inauguration of Grover Cleveland,
a Treasury clerk named Baxter produced
letters signed by prominent Democrats to
Congressmen, showing tfiat he was and
always had been a good Democrat, though of
course compelled to dissemble while holding
office under the Republicans. These letters
were strong enough to hold his place for
him. When Harrison came in Baxter
again essayed the letter business. Bobbing
up serenely from below, he filed papers
in the office of Assistant Secretary Batch
eller, showing how true a Republican he
had always been and how deserving of re
ward at the hands of the party.
Assistant Secretary Batcheller was im
pressed with the man's papers until a
gentle hint was given him to hunt up the
ones filed four years ago. This was done,
and Baxter's duplicity laid bare. Con
fronted with' two sets of papers, tha poor
clerk did not know what to say, and now
mourns because bis salary has been cut
down a thousand a year.
A Chinese Capitalist in New Tork Buried
With Celestial Rites Scattering;
Counterfeit Money Along the
Route The Funeral Pyre.
New Yobk, July 21. Yueng Yen was 23
years old when he came to this country from
Canton, China, 20 years ago. He became a
laundryman, .and sometime since, after he
had saved considerable money, he gave up
pushing the hot iron himself, and employed
other Chinamen to do it. He had two shops
in this city. Both did a good business, and
he had a sort of little laundry trust all by
himself. Among the Chinamen in town he
was respected, not the least of the causes of
reverence being the fact that he was a capi
talist. Yueng Yen died Friday night at his Pitt
street shop of heart disease. The Chinese
population gave him high funeral honors
in Mott street and buried him in Evergreen
Cemetery. The body lay in Undertaker
Naugton's shop, and beside the burning
joss sticks and the incantations about the
body, there were services at the Joss house,
and a funeral feast at the restaurant near by,
To-dav Mott street was jammed with the
Celestials who sang the praises of Yueng
Yen as he lay in the undertaker's shop, who
ate at the funeral feast, followed the body to
the grave and scattered paper money along
the way to the cemetery. It was counterfeit
money, but it cheated the devil all the same,
and hindered him in his chase after the
dead laundry capitalist A dozen carriages
followed the hearse. At the grave in the
cemetery, the dead man's trunks, filled with
all his clothing and personal effects, were
piled up and lighted. The burning of this
pyre, the placing of cooked chickens and a
pot of tea upon the grave, were the final
ceremonies, and when Yueng Yen's friends
had performed them this afternoon, with all
due solemnity, they felt they had given him
the same kind of a send-off that he wonld
have had if he had died on the other side of
the world, and so they were content.
Being; Found in a Preacher's House
Makes r Futile Effort to Escape.
Boston, July 21. Some of the young
men who are studying for the ministry at
the Episcopal Theological School, in Cam
bridge, began their warfare against sin, to
day, in a novel but praiseworthy manner.
A professor of the school and three students
were playing tennis near the house of Rev.
Alex Allen, in the middle of the afternoon,
and their attention was drawn to a man
within the house. Rev. Mr. Allen is a pro
fessor of Ecclesiastical History at the school
and the students knew that his family was
away for the summer. They surmised that
the intruder was a burglar, and surrounded
the house.
The burglar, for such he proved to oe,
made a break for a window and nearly fell
into the arms of one of the young men. He
broke away and tore down the street. He
was a good" runner, but the students, in their
tight-fitting tennis suits, were too much for
htm. Before he had run a quarter ot a mile
they were upon him, and finding discretion
the better part of valor, he readily sur
rendered. The prisoner gave the name of John
Lanmgan, and claimed Richmond, Va., as
his home. Valuable foreign and ancient
coins, which had been taken from the house,
were found upon him. Anumber of skeleton
keys were found in his pockets, and he was
evidently well equipped for the work in
hand. The appearance of the rooms indi
cated that he had been at work in the house
a good portion of the day.
An Ocean Grove Preacher Who I4Ves ta See
Womea ns They Are.
Ocean Gepve, N. J., July 21. The Rev.
Dr. Hanlon, the President of the Seminary
of the New Jersey annual conference, con
ducts each summer an afternoon Bible class,
which is one of the big things of Ocean
Grove. It meets in thi young people's
temple in Pilgrim pathway. There were
upward of 1.200 persons at the Bible
class this afternoon. When the question
box, which is a prominent feature of the
meeting, was opened, a titter greeted the
reading of the following question: "Is it
auy worse for women to attire themselves in
full dress and attend a ball, than to wear
such bathing costumes as are worn by many
of the women at Ocean Grove ?"
"I like to see women make themselves
beautiful," said Dr. Hanlon, alter a short
pause. "We all know that women cannot
bundle themselves up in feather beds when
they go bathing. I do not know what full
dress is. All questions relating to bathing
suits should be left to the officers of the
campmeeting association, which regulates
such matters."
A Man and a Boy Mangled by an Exploding
Phoenixv'IIiI.e, July 2L Arnold Fran
cis and a boy named Kimes were killed this
morning by the bursting of a separator
at the Kimberton Creamery. Francis was
disemboweled and the boy was struck on the
head and body, his ribs being torn from his
backbone by the flying fragments of the
casting. John Heim, owner of the property,
had his arm badly fractured.
Twenty-Eight Registered tetters Missing.
Milwaukee, July 21. Officers are in
vestigating the disappearance from the
postoffice of 28 registered letters. Owing to
the reticence of the detectives and post
master no details can be learned beyond the
fact that the letters are missing. Postmas
ter Paul says he thinks they are mislaid,
but the general impression is that there was
a theft.
Butler Call on Blaine.
Bas Habboe, July 21. General B. F.
Butler, who is here on his yacht America,
called on Mr. Blaine this morning. Mr.
Blaine was in the midst of his preparations
for church. General Butler left his card
and drove back to the wharf, where his
launch awaited him, without seeing Mr.
Hukband and WIfo Burned to Death.
Pottsvtxm:, July 2L At Frackville
last night a dwelling house occupied by an
aged couple, Michael McGrath and wife,
was destroyed by fire. This morning the
charred remains of the husband and wife
were found in the ruins. The house occu
pied an isolated situation and the origin of
the fire is unknown.
A Nnmber of Them Who Ioyo lib
erty Not Wisely but Too Well
Big Crowds Attracted to Camp by Blue.
Coats and Brass Buttons.
lis Principal Items of the Sabbath Day Anna
.Military Tests.
The countryside turned out yesterday and
joined the people from town and city in
wandering in and around the camps of the
Eighteenth and Tenth Regiments. Some of
the soldier boys were disciplined for being
out after hours and resisting arrest. The
plains conducted divine services and thai
regiments united in brigade drill in the
Camps O. H. Rippey
and J. B. Howell.
'r' Near TJniontown, July
This, the first and only Sunday the boys
will spend in camp, is, so far as people are
concerned, undoubtedly the biggest day of
the encampment. Town, camp and sur
rounding country are overflowing with vis
itors from every section that the encamping
regiments hail from. A special excursion
over the Baltimore and Ohio from Pitts
burg and all intermediate points brought
between 800 and 1,000 visitors to the camp,
while the church train from Greensburg
brought several hundred more. Beside
these, country people for 15 and 20 miles
around are in attendance in full force "to
see the soldiers.''
The visitors in camp for the entire day are
estimated most generally to be from 3,000
to 4,000.
The road leading from town to camp has
been a continuous jam of carriages, busses,
buggies and vehicles of every description
the entire day. With these are intermingled
crowds of people on foot, giving the
usually quiet country road the appearance
ot a Fifth avenue jam. The boys recognize
the importance of the day and are out in
their best, some to meet their lady loves
who are up from the city or relatives or
friends who are paying them a short visit
Others strut about the company streets and
are the unconscious objects of admiration,
attention and remark of hnndreds of gaping
rustics who have never before seen so many
"real soldiers" together.
The largest crowd in camp at any onetime
to-day was at 620 this evening, at brigade
dress parade. Colonel Hawkins command
ing. The evening was fine, and both regi
ments made an excellent showing. Com
pany H, of the Eighteenth, is the only com
pany without its full quota of men, but
some of the tardy ones arrived to-day, and
the remainder will be on hand Monday.
Last night the first patrol was pnt on, a
detail ot ten men and a lieutenant, and it
was kept busy the entire night hunting
stragglers, andthereveilhcgjoujdetioUhat a clean bill of health had been
before the last ofthe 23 erring hoys wereTglvcn at quarantine a few hour before. Dr.
landed in the guardhouse. Seventeen of
the prisoners belonged to the Eighteenth
and tne remaining s'x to the Tenth. And
what a time they had gathering the boys
up. Two of them snowed fight, one
of whom, a Company C boy, Tenth
Regiment, struck the Lieutenant in
charge of the squad, and as a consequence
he carries a 75 pound log two hours, sand
wiched with two hours rest in the guard
house, until he has perspired 24 hours under
his punishing burden. One ot the Eigh
teenth boys who fought hardest was a com
pany E gallant, who was captured while
eating ice cream with his girl. He fought
desperately until landed i n't he town lockup,
where he languished until to-day. The
boys are determined to enjoy themselves, no
matter what the consequences may be.
The Tenth boys call those of the Eigh
teenth dudes on account of the board floors
in their tents and rather more stylish manner
of dressing. All Is good feeling between the
regiments, however, but it is nothing un
usual lor citizen and soldier to come to
blows, generally because the "soldier" per
sists in, carrying off a watermelon or some
eatable article which he docs not pay for.
The Tenth boys have it more like veterans,
as they are prevented by an order by Colonel
Hawkins fromhaviug either loose straw or
boards in their tents. Religious services
were held in both camps this morning at 10
o'clock. In the Eighteenth Chaplain J. L.
Milligan, of Pittsburg, preached to almost
the entire regiment, drawn up in line, and
then allowed to sit or stand in that place.
The regimental band furnished music, aided
by a picked quartet. The text was: "He
that rnleth his own spirit is better than he
that taketh a city." In the Tenth Chaplain
Hunter conducted the services. Company
K, of that regiment, made a record by every
man in the company attending in line and
marching away in order. Company I made
a record in the opposite direction, as not a
man attended.
A little draw poker could be seen going on
to-day in the edges of the camp, with an oc
casional bluecoat present, presumably to
keep the peace. Inspection dav is the next
biggest day of the camp, and the boys ex
pect to make a fine appearance. The Eigh
teenth Regiment Band gives daily concerts,
which are much appreciated by men and
visitors. Adjutant General Hastings will
be here to-morrow.
No Liquor In the Town, but Soft Kefreih
q meat Aro la Plenty.
Geove City, July 21. Regular camp
duty is on now. The day has been very
warm. Services were held In the beautiful
grove in the rear of the Colonel's head
quarters. Chaplain Kenchays, of Mead
ville, took for his text: "There was no
room there in the Inn."
The camp is thronged with visitors, many
coming in special trains. The usual lemon
ade, peanut, ice cream and eating stands
are here with a flying horse, tintype gallery,
etc Grove City is without license, which
puts any lovers of the ardent to consider
able trouble to obtain it.
Johnstowners Look Libs Veterans After a
Uord Campaign.
Bedfobd, July 2L The Fifth Regiment
encamped at Camp William Watson, near
here, yesterday. It is Adjutant General
Hasting'sold regiment, and Company H,
of Johnstown, also belongs to it. They lost
all their equipments, but only one "". a
corporal. They looked like veterans march
ing into camp, blankets crossed over their
shoulders, old uniforms, no knapsacks, and
some even without caps. The camp is
located within half a mile of Bedford
Springs Hotel, which is crowded at present.
Governor Beaver and wife, General Hast
ings and, wife, and the Governor's staff are
there. The regiment will be inspected 'to
morrow Boning. ;
Qne mobe failube.
Carlisle Graham Has Another of HI Bar
rel Boats Wrecked nt Niagara
Fall Ho Want b'nlcldo Be- .
cause It "Won't Work.
Niaoaba Falls, July 21. Carlisle D.
Graham, whose experimentthree weeks ago,
of sending his torpedo life boat over Niag
ara Falls resulted disastrously, built a new
barrel boat and launched it this afternoon,
with similar success. Graham having
braved all the peril of the whirlpool and
Devil's Rapids, was not satisfied to aban
don his trip over the great cataract because
one boat went to pieces, so he built a new
one, which he tested this afternoon in
the presence of several thousand excursion
ists. ,
This barrel was more like the one in which
he navigated the Whirlpool, and was
smaller and lighter than the one wrecked on
June SO. It was 6 feet long by about 3
feet in- diameter, and was heavily hooped
with iron. A consumptive Newfoundland
dog was placed in the barrel, the manhole
cover was locked securely, ana at omu
f J aftr SJSX
engineer, cast the craft adrift in the current
opposite Chippewa.
At precisely 3:50 the barrel headed up to
ward the brink of the Horseshoe falls, and
rode nicely over. In the rapids it was not
so severely used by the waves as the heavier
craft, but it met the same fate at the foot of
the falls. In two minutes pieces of the bar
rel came to the surface. It had been crushed
into fragments by the tons of water which
had poured over the cataract with it.
People on the steamer Maid of the Mist,
who saw the barrel slide lightly over the
center of the horseshoe, were surprised that
it was wrecked. Graham had gone -up
along the gorge with friends to rescue the
boat, but he felt less certain of success than
on the last occasion. Then he said if he
failed he would like to die in the boat. He
was raiher despondent early in the day, and
said that he staked everything on going
over the falls. He was willing to go in the
boat without a trial trip, but yielded to the
advice of his wife and friends.
When the disaster became known, Con
stable Andrew Horn, of Niagara Falls,
went after Graham, whom he found up at
Bass' Rocks, near the falls, contemplating
some oi tne wreckage ot his Doat. Mr.nors
induced the melancholy navigator to crawl
back to the Maid of the Mist landing. Here
it was agreed that nothing should be said
about Graham's suicidal intentions, but the
story leaked out.
William De Vere, a theatrical man who
is summering at the falls, offered to help
Graham build another boat if he wanted to
try it again. Graham, after his melancholy
had disappeared, said that he had always
been afraid of the Horseshoe, and if the
barrel had gone nearer the Canadian shore
it would have come out all right. He says
he can build a boat strong enough to go
over. Next time he will take no chances
about knowing it if he is disappointed.
The dog's body was not recovered.
No Ono Allowed to Leave Till Suspected
Smallpox FroTed to bo Measles.
New Yoek, July 21. The Inman steam
ship City of Chester, from Liverpool,
reached her pier at the foot of Christopher
street about 8 o'cloek this morning. There
were 474 immigrants assembled amidships,
awaiting transfer to Castle Garden. During
the transfer a rumor went around to the ef
fect that one of the steerage passengers was
down with the smallpox. Dr. Lloyd Par-
Vinton, the Castle Garden phvsiclan. found
that Anna Rasmussen, a Swedish girl, 18
years old, was suffering from a vicious look
ing rash. The girl was put on board the
tug and taken to Swinburne Island. Then
all the other steerage passengers' were hur
riedly taken to Castle Garden.
Commissioner Stephenson decided to lock
the garden np close and tieht until it could
be learned positively whether there was any
danger of infection. "Everybody in the
Garden mnst remain here," ordered the
commissioner, "and nobody who is outside
will be allowed to come in." It was 3:30
o'clock in the afternoon before Dr. Smith
sent the information that the Rasmussen
girl was suffering from measles. "Now you
can open the doors," said the commissioner.
Health Officer Smith said: "Measles de
velop rapidly. The disease only made its
appearance after the steamer had passed
quarantine and was on its way to the city."
A Deputy marshal, a Railroader and
Another Man Balked lu Oklahoma.
Guthrie, July 2L Register Lille and
Receiver Barnes, of the land office here,
have tendered a decision in the first claim
contest case in Oklahoma. The evidence in
the case showed that there were three claim
ants in the quarter section adjacent to the
Santa Fe Raslroad right of way opposite
Oklahoma City. The first was Deputy
United States Marshal White. He was on
on the ground at noon the day Okla
homa was opened, in his official
capacity, and he staked his claim at 12.-01
p. 21. C. J. Blanchard was on the Santa
Fe Railroad right of way as an employe of
the company. At noon he stepped on the
quarter and drove his stake. Vestal Cook
was in the Chickasaw Nation at noon, but
with four confederates who supplied him
with relays of horses, he reached the quar
ter section at 1 o'clock and asserted his
Messrs. Lille and Barnes hold that all of
the persons named violated the laws govern
ing the occupation of the lands by home
steaders, that none of them are entitled to
the quarter in question, and that they have
forfeited all rights to take and hold home
steads, in the Indian Territory.
Standard Oil Magaates Consolidating Ohio
and Indiana Companies.
tsncui. nxiGBAx to thx dispatci1
Lima, July 21. There is a movement on
foot looking to the consolidation of all the
natural gas companies in the Ohio and In
diana fields and put them into a trnst. Dr.
S. A. Baxter, of this city, is quietly en
gineering the matter with the aid of J. B.
Townsend, H. M. Ernst and others.
It is understood that the arrangement has
the sanction of Calvin S. Brice, Oliver H.
Payne and other Standard magnates. They
now own the majority of the stock of the
companies in Ohio and Indiana and will
buy up the stock of the remaining inde
pendent companies. It is a gigantic scheme
which will likely mature in a few wees..
32,000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT.
Tfcttt I an Expert Estimate on tho Crop
Tributary to the Manitoba Railroad.
St. Paul, July 21. A. L. Mohler, As
sistant General Manager of the Manitoba
Railroad, has just completed a thorough
personal examination of tho wheat crop
along the lines of the Manitoba system, and
has prepared a concise summary of the re
sults of his investigations.
During the past week he has examined
all the country on the Northern and Dakota
divisions, conversed with many farmers and
elevator experts, and as the result predicts
that tho country, tributary to the Manitoba
lines will lurnun tor shipment at let
32,000,000 bushels of wheat Thiaestima
he sava. U confined bv Chieaa-o
who hAve bees covering the same temti
waepeacuauy oi jumseir.
Comes a Bran New and Keady-Made
Constitntion for Dakota.
That is to be Found in Uie Tried Organic
Laws of Older States.
Prouitlttrr Laws Birred Jostles Dona Wires, out
They Can't Tote.
A constitution has been prepared for
submission to the South' Dakota Conven
tion, which embraces the best features of
tried constitutions. It is against female
suffrage and prohibition, gives the Legisla
ture power to regulate the liqucr trade,
makes ample provisions for schools, gives
wi ves the control of their own property,
places checks on corporations, and restricts
the right of suffrage to those who can read
the Declaration of Independence.
Bissiabck, Dak., July 21. The. Consti
tutional convention has been given a gen
uine surprise by the presentation of a com
plete Constitution, which will be considered
daring the present week. This Constitn
tion is said to have been prepared with great
care, and after consultation with some of
the ablest constitutional lawyers in tho
Union. In many respects it is identical
with articles already introduced in the con
vention. It is a compilation of the best pro
visions of the Constitutions of the different
States and United States, fitted to North
Dakota. With regard to taxation it has no
specific provisions, embodying in it the
Wisconsin Constitutional provisions on this
subject, which provides that the rule oi
taxation shall be uniform upon property
made subject to taxation by the Legislature,
leaving the power of regnlating the method
of taxation with the Legislature. It also
provides that the property of non-residents
shall not be taxed at a, higher rate than that
of residents; gives
to fix the passenger and freight rates on
railroads and transportation companies, the
rates to be reasonable and the- courts to de
cide what are reasonable rates, prohibits the
loaning of the credit of State to any associa
tion or corporation; vests the judicial power
in a court of impeachment consisting of the
Senate, a Supreme Court, District Court,
Connty Courts and Justices of the Peace
(thus providing for the establishment of
county courts); limits the number of Judges
of the Supreme Court to three, which may
be increased after five years. It provides
against female suffrage.
The House of Representatives sballcon
sistofnot less than 75 nor more than 120
members, and the Senate not less than one
third nor more than one-half of the size of
the House. Each organized county shall be
entitled to at least one member of the House.
The Senators are divided into two classes,
for the initial election, one to be
elected for ttro years and the other
for four. It 'provides for biennial sessions
of the Legislature, not exceeding 90 days,
to convene ori the first Tuesday in January
after the election. Two-thirds of the mem
bers elect may override the veto power: the
Governor shall either approve or return the
bill within five days from the time of de
livery to him and shall have ten days after;
adjournment within which to' approve or re
ject. In case of objection he shall file the
same with the Secretary of State within the
time specified. It is against minority rep
resentation providing for elections by a
plurality vote. It gives the Legislature full
power to regulate liquor licenses. Any
coal lands which the State may acquire in
tho Congressional grant shall never be sold
or be leased. The school fund shall be in
vested in United States bonds, bonds of the
State or first mortgage securities of the
State at not more than one-half the value of
the land. The school fund shall be consid
ered a trust fund, the interest to be nsed for
the schools, and in case of loss of any part
of the principal the State must make it
good. It prohibits the passage oi spe
cialty laws. x
before marriage and what she may acquire
during marriage shall be exempt from exe
cution on claims against the husband. It
directs the Legislature to pass liberal home
stead laws; prohibits foreicn corporations
from transacting business in the State until
they appoint an agent in the State who shall
be subject to process by law; provides that
no foreigner shall vote until two years after
he has declared his intention to become a
citizen, and that the reading of the Declara
tion of Independence with facility shall be
considered a test of the qualification of a
voter. No act of the-LegisIature shall take
eficct within 60 days after adjournment un
less specially provided in the preamble or
body ot tne act.
This constitution will furnish an abun -
dance of material for discussion, and those
who have read it predict that it will be
adopted with very few changes.
HI Wife and Her Father Hi Victims Two
Other Escape and He Suicide.
Cleveland, July 21. A special from
Bryan, Williams connty, O., brings news
of a terrible tragedy near Edgerton.
Hiram Hoadley, Jr., and his wife separated
for a second time, after having made np last
September. The wife sued for a divorce
and went to live with her lather.
Farmer Newman. This morning Hoadley
secreted nimseii near tne nouse. ms wite
came out to milk the cows, and he seized
her with his left hand and with his right he
bred three snots into her breast and left
her for dead. Mr. Newman heard the report
of the shots and started in the direction of
the barn, when he met Hoadley, who at
once shot the old man three times in the
breast, one ball passing through the heart.
Hoadley then pursued his mother and
younger sister of Mrs. Hoadley, and
but for the timely aid would have
killed them also. Hoadley then returned
to the place where the wife fell. He found
her still living and locking his arm in hers,
emptied two more chambers of his
revolver one in her forehead and
the other in her month, and then
shot himself, inflicting a wound from
which he died at 11 o'clock to-day. Hoad
ley had three revolvers on his person, end
it is thought he intended to kill the el
tire Newman family. He leaves four
children by a former wife. He was once a
prominent politician of Williams county,
and a very prosperous and respected citizen.
Murderer Caught In Louisiana.
Vicksbitbo, July 21. A dispatch re
ceived here front Clinton, La., states that
three of the five negroes who murdered
Prothorin a few- months ago were captured
at Red River Junction, brought to Clinton
to-day, and will be lynched to-nieht at the
scene of tne murder. Pursuit of the Pitts
murderers at Pantheburn still continues,
bat persons arriving from the vicinity to
day say that no more captures have been
The Straggle f 125
Watched by a Crowd.
. 'd.
log' Effort to Escap
plo Saved From a Fa!
, log Wall.
IsrsctAz. txxxgkjjc to rax pup.
New Yobk, July 21. The bigr
boarding and storage stables of MosesWeil
at 304, 306 and 303 East Eleventh street
were burned to the ground early this morn
ing, 123 horses perishing. The stamping
and snorting of the caged brutes were heard
a block away, and many brave, but ineffect
ual, attempts were made to rescue them.
The fire started shortly beiore 4 o'clock, and
twenty minutes later the bnildings were a
blazing furnace. When the struggles of
the doomed horses were the greatest,
and it was perfectly clear that not
one of them could be rescued, a
big iron gray .gelding on the second.
floor of the building was seen darting to
and fro in front of the flame-lighted win
dows. The fire was burning fiercoly in the
rear and the staircase was seething. The
crowds In the street stood gazing at the wild
struggles of the poor boast and all were as
silent as death when the horse suddenly
stopped before one of the windows, and
ana, rearing on his hind legs, thrust the
fore part of his body through the window.
His fore feet bung over the sidewalk, bis
nostrils were distended and his eyes seemed
to be bursting from his head. He remained
there for several minutes looking implor
ingly at the crowd, and then when the
flames began touching him he dragged his
body back' into the building. Shortly after
this the front wall of the building fell out,
and the dead body of the poor brute tum
bled into the street
The fire broke out in the cellar. A delay
in notifying the firemen caused by tbe
watchman rnnning some blocks to inform
his employer that his place was on fire,
instead of sending out an alarm, gave the
fire tremendous headway, and though the
firemen worked heroically the place was
completely gutted. The neighborhood being
a tenement district, great excitement was
created, and it was necessary for the police
to clear the street, which was filled with
half clad people. This was hardly accom;
plished when the front wall of the building
fell into the street. Several firemen and
policemen were caught by the flying bricks
and slightly injured.
In the burned buildings were stabled 123
horses, of which only three were rescued.
Of 120 vehiolesof all descriptions, CO were
entirely destroyed. The loss on stock is
$10,000. The horses were, valued at $13,000
and tha bmlding $20,000. It will probably
take a week to remove the carcases of the
horses, and in the meantime energetic
measures will have to he adopted by the
health board to make the neighborhood fit
to live in. Dr. Lenahau, acting chief of
the disinfecting corps, has issued orders to
send a large quantity of disinfectants to the
Officers After Escaped Prisoners Exchange
Shots With Suspicious Characters
An Unknown Man Killed and
a Deputy SberifTFa-
tallr Hurt.
Cleveland, July 21. Two prisoners,
W. A. Smith and Richard N. Mansfield,
broke from the county jail last night, going
through the slate roof. Deputy Sheriff
Joseph Goldsoll went to the western part of
the city, where one of the men lived, and
with a policeman lay in wait for the fel
lows. About midnizht a carriace contain-
L ipg two men passed along the street. The
omcers called to the occupants of the vehicle
to stop, and after some talk one of the men
fired a revolver at the policeman. He and
Goldsoll opened fire in return, a hall dozen
shots being exchanged. Goldsoll fell at the
first volley, shot through the abdomen, and
tbe rig was driven rapidly away.
Tho wounded officer was taken to a hos
pital, where he now lies in a dying condi
tion, and an hour later the rig driven by
the two men was found a mile from the
place of the shooting. In the buggy was
the dead body of one of the men. He had
bten shot through the body. It was at first
thought the dead man was Smith, the
younger of the 'prisoners, but those who
knew Smith utterly tailed to identify the
corpse, and to-night the police are still In
the dark. They think, however, that the
dead man was up to mischief, for in the
buggy were found two revolvers, a clnb,
screw driver and a piece of rope. The
horse, which had been stolen in the western
part of the city, was wounded in the hip,
and the buggy was riddled with bullets. It
is believed that the other man was also
Preliminary Instruction Issued for tho
Forthcoming Steam Tests.
isrnciAL teleoram to tux dispatch. 1
New York, July 2L Commodore Ram
say has received from tbe Navy Department
the preliminary instructions regarding the
steam trials which the cruisers Boston, Chi
cago, Atlanta and Torktown are ordered to
make. The official board who will conduct
these trials to be made at Newport are Com
modore C. F. Goodrich, Passed Assistant
Engineer John H. Perry and Naval
Constraetor Richard Gatewood. The
trials are to oe extensive, and are
- ,ooked ,upon M highly important
step, anu promise io oe auenueu wiin valu
able results. The Boston will be the first
vessel to make the trial, but Commodore
Ramsay has been instructed to order a. pre
liminary trial at the dock, to insure a satis
factory performance of her machinery.
After this dock trial, which will take place
in two or three days, the vessel will be sup
plied with the necessary equipment for the
special trials. A sufficient amount of coal
of the best steaming quality for the full
power measured-mile trials will be pnt on
board; the boilers and tanks will be filled
with fresh water, and three. Aguimeth com
passes will be pnt on board.
A former general order of tha department
governing the speed, maneuvering and turn
ing trials is repeated in the new regulations.
No less than six sets of turning trials are
required, and careful rules are set forth
governing the obtaining of tactical diameter
and final curve. The Yorktown will first
make a 43 hours' sea trial, to determine
whether the ship is sufficiently strong to
stand the shock caused by the firing of her
broadside guns. This will be made the lat
ter part of this weeU.
And la Given Some Political Advice by aa
Episcopalian Minister.
Dseb Pabk, Mr, July 21. President
Harrison heard a sermon to-day by the Rev.
E. D. Meade, Episcopalian, on the duties of
business men as Christians. A passing ref
erence to politics by the preacher was to the
effect that the employment of improper
agencies in public affairs to counteract
similar agencies was never justifiable. The
President and his father-in-law, Dr. Scott,
remained after services and partook of com
munion. Private Secretary HalfoTd says tha story
about Mrs Harrison inviting a physician
with Kilrain'g party, on the occasion of her
first trip to Deer Park, to have a glass of
wine was a pure invention. The President
to-morrow will take np public business, but
no appointments are likely to be made.
$3S,0e Flrela Connecticut.
Rtjtlasd, Vx., Jtily 2L A large 12
gangmilloftheValido Marble Company,
Fair Haves, was bnrned this morning.
Lees, $30,000; insurance, $20,009,
ye1 '
vr ex "w
One of Cleveland's Society Belles
Deserts Her Betrothed Hnsband
She Had Given Him Her Hand, bat Her
Heart Wasn't Included With It
And the One Sna So Cruelly Jilted Sails for Europe and
CUJy France.
Cleveland society belles and beaux are
talking of a failure of one of their number,
pretty Miss Ida Riddle, to marry the man
to whom she had given her hand, hut not
her heart. The man she really loved has
also temporarily lost her on account of not
getting a marriage license and a preacher
just when she expected he wonld. But all
will come right, for love has triumphed.
Cleveland, July 21. Frank C Mc
Millan, the young lawyer of this city whose
marriage to Miss Ida Riddle was deferred
at the edge of the altar, left here to-night
for New York, where he will take passage
for Europe, to be gone several months.
The unfortunate pffair in which these two
young society people have figured is gener
ally talked of, but not looked upon as a
scandal. The strangest of circumstances
surround it. Three hearts got into a place
where there was room for but two, and Mr.
McMillan's heart was pinched.
Two or three years ago tho two young
people, both of whom live on Euclid aver
nue, in the fashionable Fast End, entered
into a marriage engagement They were
not to be married for a few months hence,
but Mr. McMillan suggested, a short time
ago, that they get married at once. His
reasons for hurrying matters were that dur
ing the summer he conld arrange to get
away for atrip to the Paris Exposition.
Miss Riddle consented to the plan, and
made all preparations for the wedding and
trip. The wedding was set for "'high
noon," but it was to be a quiet affair, with
only immediate friends present. The Rev.
S. A. Dorsie, of the Franklin Circle Church,
of Christ, met with the friends of the con
tracting parties, but the wedding did not
take place, the bride refusing to perform her
part at the last moment.
It was given out that the illness of Miss
Riddle was the cause of tbe failure, but to
everybody acquainted with the young peo
ple the excuse is insufficient, and it is set
tled that they will never be married. The
man in the case is Charles H. Pennington,
a son of Ida's father's business partner, and
a handsome young fellow; younger by a
few months than the girl. They live next
door to each other on Euclid avenue.
In their.school days Pennington and Miss
Riddle were lovers, and ever since then,
they have secretly met and loved. Between
tne lamuy wishes and her love for Penning
ton Miss Riddle wavered, until,
she decided in favor of love. Several
times the engagement with McMillan had
been partially broken off on Pennington's
account, but the girl's mentality was not
strong enongh to resist parental influence.
But meanwhile she continued to meet Pen
nington, and on Tuesday last decided to
marry him and thus fortify herself by one
decided step.
Only Pennington's tardiness in reaching
the Probate Clerk's Office prevented tbe
wedding, as Miss'Riddle was at one of the
leading hotels waiting for her lover and a
minister. But he could not get the license,
and in pique she returned home and refused
to meet Pennington on Wednesday. But
with McMillan out of the way, and the
final rejection of his hand, Pennington and
Ida Riddle will get together again, and a
marriage between them is expected.
McMillan is nearing 33 years of age, while.
Miss Riddle is 23, but does not looK more
than 20. Both have spent a great deal of
time in society here, and both have been
abroad. McMillan is a member of the law
firm of Ong & McMillan, well to do, a
scholar, and handsome. Although not a
pronounced belle, the lady was the life of
society in the East End, always compan
ionable and level-headed. She is a daugh
ter of J. Q. Riddle, member of the hard
ware firm of Lockwood, Taylor & Co.
The Missouri Railroad Commissioners Saw
Their Cut and Went Them Some
thing; Better Bankruptcy far
Railroad Predicted.-
rrrxciAi. hucsaii to tux diktatch. J
New Yobk, July 21. A Chicago dis
patch says that the order from tha Missouri
Railroad Commissioners extending the re
ductions in rates over the State of Missouri
is rather mora severe, and Includes mors
articles than the Alton was . dis
posed to cut rates on. The order
of the Missouri commission reduces rates on
grain, live stock and coal. The reduction
on the first two articles is in harmony with,
suggestions made by the Alton officials la
the recent conference with their competit
ors. The drop of 23 per cent ordered on
coal rates, however, is not altogether to tha
Alton's liking, as at has large coal interests
in Missouri which will be seriously af
fected. Railroad officials of lines
running through the State of Missouri
were generally feeling very despondent over
the outlook, and were disposed to lay tho
blame on the Alton, for an order which must
cost the Southwestern roads millions of dol
lars in the long run and possibly pnt some
of them into bankruptcy. It was argued
that the Railroad Commissioners were cer
tainly justified in reducing rates when tho
officials of the strongest roads in the coun
try were clamoring for lower tariffs. ,
""If the railroads of tha West cannot
stand together for paying rates," said one
railroad President, "there is no reason to
expect anything but continued reductions.
This sort of thing will eventually land all
of the Western roads in bankruptcy, and
strong as the Alton appears to be, it cannot
fail to go down in tbe common ruin."
The roads which will be most seriously
affected by the reduction of rates in Missouri
will be the Missouri Pacific, Kansas City,
Ft. Scott and Memphis, Wabash, Missouri,
Kansas and Texas, Burlington and Alton.
A Southern Girl Brines Salt Against tho
Rascal Who Duped Her.
nriciAi. nixoBAM to tit sisrATcrr.3
Charlotte, N. C, July 2L A rather
novel suit was entered in tha Criminal
Court at Durham yesterday. About a
month ago a young man by the name of
Joe Fraley married Miss Bettla Hall near
Durham, or at least Fraley made Miss Hall
believe she was his legal wife. Thev lived
together until Friday, when the fact became
known that the marriage was bogus.
Young Fraley drove Miss Hall some few
miles into the country, where a bogus mar
rjage ceremony was performed by some one
whom the girl believed to be a minister.
Bv thorough investigation, Fraley's das
tardly deed has been exposed, and he has
left for parts unknown Miss Hall insti
tuted legal proceedings agaiaai his, and it
caught he will be prosecnted.