Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 21, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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There is Plenty of it in Certain Sec
tions of the Kortkside.
Boiled or Distilled Water and Upper Bed
rooms Advised.
That there is always more or less typhoid
feTer in a large city daring or just after a
season of excessive heat, goes without saying.
That there is a greater proportion of this
malady in certain sections of Allegheny this
month than can be accounted for on any
ordinary basis, has been noted in these
columns heretofore. Attention being called
to the fact, it was merely "pooh-poohed,"
howerer, by the health authorities and
others of Allegheny. Xow this condi
tion of things still confronts the officials
and people of Allegheny. There are 25
cases of typhoid fercr in its General Hos
pital alone, and 22 or 23 cases of what the
attending physicians call typhoid in "West
Jefferson street, which runs along the base
of Observatory Hill, where the people,
after the Johnstown norror, took to drink
ing "pure spring water," running down
from the surface of the populous hill dis
trict. Health officers deny that there are so
many cases there, but admit that they have
not had time to investigate as to the fact.
To attribute this sickness all to that Ob
servatory Hill spring water, however, wonld
probably be a mistake, as some citizens who
have taken to drinking the water from even
the deep new wells in the park have been
sickened thereby, even as the people ot
Kansas City and St. Louis invariably suc
cumb to clearwater after turning from their
own tnmbler with its half inch of river sedi
ment to a clear, crystalline, sparkling bev
erage. It is the radical change of drinking
water rather than the direction of the
change, from good to bad, or vice versa,
that raises the mischief.
But, speaking of typhoid fever, water or
no water, a -well-posted physician in Jlead
ville has some interesting suggestions as to
its cause and ellect and the proper prevent
ive measures to observe. "Writing to this
journal, he says:
To the Editor or The Dispatch:
I understand that the citizens of Alle
gheny City are apprehensive that typhoid
lever will prevail among them in the near
future as an epidemic Permit me to say to
them through your popular journal that
they need not be in fear of such a calamity
if they will use the preventive means of
cause and effect, namely: That the preva
lence of typhoid fever as an epidemic is
caused by the general use of impure water,
and not from the atmosphere, as some sup
pose. I have had the deepest inter
est in this matter since 1818,
when I advanced the theory that
the prevalence of yellow fever was" caused
by the general use of water from cisterns
and wells. I urged the necessity of the use
of pure water as preventive of yellow and
typhoid fever as epidemics. At that time
there were so many that believed they were
victims or subjects of the special visitations
of Providence that what I said, and the
articles I had published in newspapers as
well as medical journals, had but little in
fluence with the people. I have continued
since that time to call attention to this sub
ject at times when I thought it might do
some good.
I know the people will have their preju
dices in common with some men who are
cultured, and who frown upon any new de
parture not found written in the books.
The means, however, of preventing
typhoid fever as an epidemic is, for each
family in city or country where it is likely
to prevail, to provide itself with pure water.
It is not only possible, but is easy for them
to do so, namely, boil the water one day for
use the next; boil for at least an hour and a
half; put into suitable vessels tightly corked
or covered, and set them in a cool place for
use the next day, or earlier if they wish it
If the water is colored with chaotic matter
it should be strained through fine cloth or
filtered before boiling.
Distilled water is the purest, and when
this can be had it will not be necessary to
use boiled water. The distilleries could, if
they would at such times, do an immense
amount of good by furnishing the people
With pure water instead of whisky.
There is also in the hot seasons impure
atmosphere, the breathing of which will
cause to some extent remittent and inter
mittent levers, particularly in those very
susceptible They will occur in cities and
places where the people are using pure
water; but in such cares are comparatively
The lower strata of atmosphere at night
are more highly charged with causes of
disease than the upper; consequently sleep
ing rooms in the second or third stories of
buildings tend to prevention of diseases
from atmospheric causes, and should always
be adopted by those who can do so.
Cause and effect therefore prove in spite of
the disbelief of the learned as well as un
lettered, that pure water prevents the spread
of typhoid and yellow fever as epidemics.
It is right that people should have confi
dence in the medical skill ot physicians. It
is the "vis" or nature however that cures
disease, and not medicines. They help
nature in the cure, but how can they be as
helpful when the feverish and thirsty bodies
are given the same impure water which
caused their illness? If there are
those who are so skeptical on this
subject that they will not supply
themselves with pnre water for gen
eral use before disease overtakes them, by
all means, when they are stricken down thev
should have pure water to drink. It wifl
.-o far toward lessening degradations of the
body which might otherwise poison the blood
in a manner that would cause premature
death. B. Beows "Williams, M. D.
Meadville, July 19, 188U.
Is the Rule Applied by the President to
Republican Who Wish to Re
torn to Office The Discovery
Prove DUconraclne.
"Washington, July 20. Some of the
office seekers are discouraged by a recent
discovery that it is not the policy of the ad
ministration to restore to office the Repub
licans that held office for many years and
weie removed by Cleveland.
A conspicuous instance has just occurred
that seems to illustrate the decision of the
administration in this respect. A Sir.
Johnson, a Federal soldier, who has a good
army record, was for many years Superin
tendent of Hails in the Treasury Depart
ment. He was removed early in the ad
ministration of Cleveland, and his removal
was generally reported to have been because
of his politics. At all events, he was suc
ceeded by an aggressive Democratic poli
3fr. Johnson was connected with the Ee
publican National headquarters during the
campaign, and was stationed at New York.
He expected to be restored to his old place,
for which he was an applicant, bnt to-day
ex-Congressman Nichoils, of North Caro
lina, who was one of the defeated aspirants
for Public Printer, was appointed Superin
tendent of Mails in piace ot the Democratic
incumbent who resigned.
Mr. Johnson is very much surprised and
disappointed that he did not receive his old
position. The cx-Congrcssman is, ofcourse,
very much pleased to get even this minor
place, having failed to secure the much
more important one to which he aspired.
A similar instance has just occurred in
the case of Major Clark, who for many years
was a Chief of Division in the Land Bureau,
but who was removed by Cleveland. He
made a personal application to the Presi
dent for restoration pa the ground that he
was a good soldier, a good Republican, and
an .experienced official. He attached special
importance to the fact that no complaints of .
any kind were made against him, and that
he was simply removed under the Cleveland
administration in order to make room lor a
Democrat. It is reported that Mr. Clark
was asked how long he had been in office,
and that the answer which he was compelled
to give was "23 years." The answer that
Major Clark is said to have received was
that it was not necessarily the policy of the
administration that men who had been so
long in office should be restored to their
former places, and that it would be better
politics to appoint those who had been more
active recently, in connection with political
affairs, and who had rendered the party
more emcient service.
lie Wm Locked Up by the United States
Express nnd Aska Fay for It.
Chicago, July 20. H. B. Chapman
commenced suit to-day in the Circuit Court
against the United States Express Company,
Thomas C. Piatt, George E, Blanchard, C.
H. Crowley, Daniel P. Eels' and C. S.
Brice, as directors of the company, and in
dividually, Joseph Sheppard, Deo E. Long,
Alfred F. Jones and Frederick Marsh.
The suit is for $50,000 on one action in tres
pass. Charles S. Miller, the plaintiff's at
torney, could not be found, but the case is
supposed to be the outgrowth of a matter
settled abontfouryearsago. Some years prior
to thatChpmanwasanemployeoftheTJnited
States Express Company, and was accused
of embezzlement. He was convicted and
and sent to the penitentiary, though always
protesting his innocence. After his release
from the penitentiary he was arrested on an
action for debt on the amount stolen, and
was locked up in jail, wnere, lor a long
time, the express company paid his board.
He was released from jail about four years
And the Retail Liquor Cases Must be
Decided by the Other Two.
For Declining: to Grant Any Sehearings in
the License Applications,
The Total Still Short of Three- Quarters of
a Minion for Johnstown.
Yesterday's contributions to the Johns
town relief fund amounted to 324 45. The
total amonnt now is $765,317 43. The several
amounts received yesterday were as follows:
Union Sabbath school, of Bossville. Kan.,
S10; Alexander Patterson, Toronto, Ont., SI;
citizens ot Btrite City, Mont., additional,
S145 50: citizens of Mercer, Pa., S29; citizens of
New Orleans, La., per City Item, S134 25; em
ployes of WcsUngbouse Air Brake Company,
W. B. Thompson. Treasurer of the fund.
who is now at Johnstown, is expected home
Judge Ewing called the attorneys, who
had petitioned him to reconsider the retail
liquor license decisions, into Common Pleas
No. 2, yesterday, to hear his decision. He
prefaced it with these words:
"This is my opinion and I do not know
what the other two Judges who sat in Quar
ter Sessions, in March last, may think of
the matter. I feel, however, that the case
demands a speedy determination, and there
fore hand down this opinion."
The act of Assembly requiring the Court of
Quarter Sessions to hear and pass upon appli.
cations for license to sell liquor at retail im
poses on the Judge or Judges sitting the exer
cise of a discretion which cannot be judiciously
exercised without hearing the cases, unless in
the exceptional cases where the Judge has
f nil personal knowledge of the locality of the
house and the applicant.
First Not having sat in Quaxtor Sessions
durinc the March term, I do not feel qualified
to pass upon the cases and grant licenses with
out a rehearing. This would be impracticable
unless the civil business of our court should
lor the time being be abandoned.
Second Eren if the first objection were out
of the way, I gravely doubt the power of tbe
Court to reopen the cases at this late day.
These case were all heard in March and April,
and after hearing and consideration the orders
refusing tbe licenses wero Issued April 22, lSS'J,
at tbe March term.
The June term of court began on Monday,
June 3. This petition was filed July 13. It has
been decided and is settled law that the Court
of Common Pleas has no power to entertain
proceedings to open or reviso the judgments
entered on full hearing after the term of court
at wnicn tne juagment nas been entered. Tlie
same rule applies to sentences andjadgments
in tbe Court of Quarter Sessions. There is no
good reason why a decision entered granting
or ret nsing a license should not be governed by
the same rule. To grant the petition and re
open tbe cases would be a bad precedent.
Third After full consideration I am satis
fied that, looking to the future, neither the
public interest nor the ultimate interests of the
petitioners would be promoted by a further
consideration of the cases. By March, 18!X, we
will be better able than now to estimate the
effect oft the recent decision of the Supreme
Court. For these and otber reasons Idechneto
interfere in the decisions heretofore rendered.
Josiah Cohen, one of -the counsel of the
liquor men on the license question, when
asked his opinion of Judge Ewing's refusal
to grant a rehearing yesterday, said:
"I have not as yet seen the associate coun
sel and consequently cannot say what we
shall do in the matter. I have read the
reason given by Judge-Ewing in defense of
nis opinion with considerable interest, and
must say that I am surprised. I was in
hopes that the Court would construe a li
cense hearing asa quasi judicial proceeding,
in which case the rule that a final judg
ment entered at one term cannot be changed
or altered at another term of the same court,
would not govern. I do not think that an
appeal will be made to the Supreme Court.
I consider that it would be futile to attempt
it. However, the article published this
afternoon is merely the personal opinion of
one man. "We do not know yet what his
associates will do, and until then it would
be absurd to talk on the matter."
A number of ex-retail liquor dealers-were,
interviewed. They still have a hope that
by September Judges White andMagee
may do something for them. All were dis
appointed by yesterday's result.
Judge Collier yesterday transferred the
liquor license of James Borlin, of Jerome
street,McKcesport, to Augnst McKay. This
is the first transfer of a retail license that
has been made in Allegheny county under
the Brooks law, except in cases of death
where the license was transferred to an heir.
The wholesale license of Leonard Bauwolf,
of the Eleventh ward, was transferred to
George Gotthart.
ness. was to be increased 3 per centum,
amounting to 5(53,579, for thepurpose of con
structing a system of sewers throughout the
borough. The rote on the question stood
334 in favor ot increasing the indebtedness
and 89 against it, deciding the matter in
favor of haying the sewers.
, Legal New.
A CHAETEE was granted yesterday to. the
General Association of the County Democracy.
Achabter was granted yesterday to the
Junior Assembly of the Iron Ring of America.
Messes. Joixt Bbos., grocers, yesterday
entered suit against the Pittsburg Incline
Company for 10,000 damages for injury ta their
Jomr Swageb has been charged in the
United States District Court with illicit dis
tilling and selling liquor without license near
Sandy Lake, Mercer county. He has been ar
Chief B. C. Elliott, of the Department
of Public Charity petitioned the Quarter Ses
sions Court yesterday to order the removal of
Catherine Herman and Ellen Fox, two Insane
patients, from the. City Home to Dixmont.
Charles Abbott yesterday entered suit
against the "Western Pennsylvania Writing
Telegraph and Telephone Company, and the
city of Pittsburg. Abbott is a farmer, and
claims that while driving down Birmingham
hill bis horse stepped on a loose wire belonging
to the company and was Killed. The city, is is
claimed, was negligent in allowing tbe wire to
remain on the street. A boy who was in the
wagon with Mx. Abbott, it is claimed, was
severely shocked, and is still semi-paralyzed.
Jbdoe Slaole yesterday granted a new
trial in the case of James W. Fnond against
the city of Pittsburg. The suit was on a bond
for 2,137, given for tbe grading and paving
of Main street in the old borough of Temper
anceville. Interest was claimed on the bond
for the time after it had matured, bnt the
Controller rof nsed to pay the interest holding
that tho bond had been called in. at maturity.
At the trial a verdict was given for Frlendfor
tho principal and interest. Tho city asked for
a new-trial.
Clergymen Until at Work.
The Episcopal clergymen are it Johns
town doing good work among the members
of their church. They are Eevs. Charles
Bragdon, Field and E. E. Edson. Charles
Snavely, a student of the General Theolog
ical Seminary, is assisting them. Many of
the members of the Episcopal Church have
been aided.
Two Persons' Disappearance.
John Cook, aged 20 years, who has been
living at Mrs. Lowry's house on the South
side, has been missing for several days.
George McLeod is missing from his home,
in "Washington, Ta. He is supposed to be
n this city and the police are looking for
Bnrke Has Until the 25th.
Ottawa, July 20. The Department of
Justice hag not yet signed the warrant for
the extradition of Bnrke, who is wanted in
Chicago for the murder of Dr. Cronin.
Two weeks are allowed by law to the prisoner
after his commitment. This time expires in
Burke's case on the 23th instant.
If Yon Wnnr
'Longshoremen and Colored Walters Havo
a Lively Time In a Saloon.
Syeacuse, K. Y., July 20. A dispatch
from Alexandria Bay sayi that at an early
hour this morning a feud broke out between
a lot of 'longshoremen and the col
ored waiters of the Thousand Islands
House. Several nights ago one Gladd,
known as "Cross-Eved John," created a
disturbance in Flack's saloon, and
was put out by the proprietor, 'who called
several of the hotel waiters to his assistance.
Last night Gladd organized a gang of 40
men, went to the saloon where the waiters
were holding a "sacred concert," and pro
ceeded to forcibly eject them.
A fracas ensued, in which knives, strips
of gaspipe, billiard cnes and fence pickets
were conspicuously used. Several of the
belligerents were tcriouslv injured. "Dea
con" Blackman, head waiter, was severely
cut about the face. After a fight with the
police tne moo was dispersed.
Carpet for Kelt Fall
Will Tny to Bny It Now.
Providing you do your buying at the right
place. Bead this small list:
50 nieces of velvet urmt- IK nHrlos vrifli
borders to match all styles, at 87 cents per
yara. xnese patterns won't De duplicated
in the fall goods, and the regular retail
price of them has been $1 25 a yard.
40 pieees best makes moquette carpets,
with borders to match, at SI 25 a yard.
Lot of body brussels. Hartford and Low
ell makes, with borders, at $1 a yard. These
sell at SI 25 a yard all the time.
Edward Gexjetzistobk,
C27 and C29 Penn avenue.
Grand Hotel.
This pleasant hotel, located at Point
Chautauqua, K. X., opposite May ville, near
the head ot Lake Chautauqua, has now 400
rooms and every modern equipment for the
comfort of its guests. Its beautiful croquet
lawns, play grounds, charming views, are
unequaled elsewhere. It has read ingrooins,
bowling alley, skating rink and good music
Table service unexcelled. The kitchen is
supplied with pure spring water. Eor
terms address Horace Pox, who is 'well
known as manager of the Hotel Cooper,
Dayton, O., at Grand Hotel, Point Chau
tauqua, N. Y. . su
Snddeo Death In an Old Avenue Hoasc.
A woman named Kate Conway, about 40
years of age, walked into Mrs. Dorant's
house, 20 Old avenue, yesterday evening, l
ana, alter requesting to oe Kept, dropped
dead, probably from heart trouble.
Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Ally.,
in order-to advertise their fine crayon work,
will distribute 10O crayons, 25x30, life size,
nmnnff f hi hnAint of ftioi f.mjl. tS.l-at.
' Fifty will be given each month, beginning
august -i. ji.r. persons noiuing a tictet or
Hendricks & Co. have a, chance for a free
crayon, life size.
Sound Reaiion for Approvnl.
There are several cogent reasons why tho
medical profession recommend and the public
prefer Ilosletter's Stomach Bitters above the
ordinary cathartics. It docs not drench and
weaken the bowels, but assists rather than
forces natnre to act; it is botanic and safe: its
action is never preceded by an internal earth
quake like that produced by a drastic purga-
Mo. vi oj j cam past it nas Deen a nousenoia
remedy f or liver, stomach and kldner f rnnhl.
sna.Io.ria. and rhAtimatt.m f
t "
Being the little folks to Hendricks &
Co.'s new photo parlors, 68 Federal street,
Allegheny, this week. Cabinets only $1 a
Bring the little folks to Hendricks &
Co.'s new photo parlors, C8 Federal street,
Allegheny, this week. Cabinets only $1 a
Being the little folks to Hendricks &
.Co.'s new photo parlors, 68 Federal street,
.fl.uegn.eay, wis wees, aoineta omy l a
Now Suits Also Commenced Before Judge
Judge Slagle, yesterday, handed down, an
opinion in the divorce case of Robert CI Mc
Adams against Margaret Earley McAdams.
In a Saturday, night raid on the hotel the
officers captured, among others, McAdams
and Miss Maggie Earley, who were in a
room together. They were locked up in
Central station, and on Monday the two
were united in marriage in the office of
Chief Brown. McAdams left his wife in
front of City Hall and immediately sued for
a divorce. He claimed that he- had been co
erced into the marriage by Detective Coul
son and others, who threatened it be did not
marry Miss Earley to send him to prison:.
Mrs. McAdams held that there had been
no compulsion at ali in the case, and that
McAdams married her of his own free will.
Pending a decision in the- case Mrs. Mc
Adams applied to court for an allowance
from her husband. He was ordered to pay
her 54 a week and her counsel fees. Mean
while McAdams left the city, but through.
nis attorney petitioned the court to reduce
the amonnt of the allowance. Mrs. Mc
Adams filed a counter petition to hare these
proceedings stayed until the arrears of the
allowance had been paid.
Judge Slagle, in his opinion on the two
petitions, said that it was rather unseemly
lor McAdams to petition the Court, at the
same time placing himself out of. Us juris
diction and speaking through an agent. For
this reason he refused to reduce the allowance
and granted a stay ot proceedings until the
arrears of the allowance had been paid.
A divorce was refused by Judge Slagle
yesterday in the case of Elizabeth Mason
against John Mason. The divorce had been
asked for on the ground of indignities to her
person. In his opinion Judge Slagle said
that the proof snowed no actual violence.
That there had been threats on one or two
occasions, and that Mason frequently got
drunk and then made serious charges
against his wife, but there was nothing to
show that her lile had been made burden
some and her condition unbearable, which
wa.s required in order-to obtain a divorce.
A suit for a, divorce was entered by John
Griffiths against Sarah Griffiths. Indigni
ties to his person and intemperance were
Mrs. Fannie Shirk sued for a divorce from
Harrison C. Shirk, alleging indignities to
her person.
An .Appeal From tho Decision of Arbitrators
in a Law Case.
There was an unusual proceeding in
Common Pleas No. 1, yesterday, Judge
Slagle handed down an opinion setting
aside the award of arbitrators for $13,500 in.
the suit of Huckestein & Co. vs the Col
umbia Iron and Steel Company of Union
town, Pa. The arbitrators were A. Alston,
J. B. Ingram.nnd George A. Cochran.
The two first named made tbe award, and
when it was filed .Messrs. O'Brien & Yager,
attorneys for the Columbia Iron-tind SteeL
Company, made application to have it set
aside on the ground that arbitrators Alston
and Ingram had misbehaved in hearing
evidence privately and without notice to
defendant. The motion to set aside was
sustained, although it had been agreed that
it was to be submitted without exception or
appeal, and the case will now go to a jury
for trial. Major Brown and A. IC 'Steven
son represented the plaintiff
C. in. B. A. Notes.
The Advisory Council meet this evening at
730 o'clock at Imperial HalL.
The charter for a new branch at the Pomt
will be closed next Wednesday evening.
Assessment No. 8 was called for last week.
This make one less than was levied this time
last year.
Tbe Grand Deputy paid a visit to Branch
64, of Braddock. lust Monday evening. He will
visit Branch 60 at Mansfield next Friday,
F. J. Brady spent last Sunday- in Altoona
working up a branch of the C SI. B. A. He
says the outlook Is encouraging for a good
Branch No. SS at their meeting last Thurs
day evening elected six members and. had
eight applications. Brothers McMahon and
Tobin, of Elmira, Z. Y., paid them a visit.
Branch Jo. 43, of Allegheny, at their meet
ing last Monday evening, elected five members
and had eight new applications. This boom is
the result of their recent successful, open
Tbe Supreme Trustees at the quarterly
meeting held in Detroit last month promul
gated tho law that all applicants for. member
ship must fill up Form B on the back of tbe
application and forward the same to the State
Secretary, W. C. Shields, at Corry, Pa.
The committee on the reunion to be held
August 5 at Hock Point are making- great
preparations. All the State officers have been
invited. One of the grand features of the day
will be aloot race between the presidents of
all the branches In Allegheny county, the prizo
to be a handsome gold-mounted gavel. The
last man in the raco Is to pay for the supper.
The Hrptneophs.
Tho Supreme Secretary is ready to pay the
beneficiaries of the memberslost in the Johns
town disaster.
Thai. O. H. Belief Committee paid, their
brethren of Johnstown. Conclave the balance in
its hands in cash during the past week.
The Supreme Archon has commissioned
ten organizers who will begia work a soon as
the new constitutions are printed, which will
be in a few days.
John W. Crnett, Chairman of the Board of
Supreme Trustees, is in Camp Jackson, Fred
crick county. Md., Captain of Company D,. Bal
timore Light Infantry.
The inspection reports made by the new
deputies are coming in rapidly, and so far only
one has been received that does not show a
gain during tho last term.
Pittsburg Conclave If o. 89 made a net- gain
of 102 members during the last term, and pro
poses to double its present number before the
next Supreme Conclave meeting:
Stephen Collins. Supreme Trustee, was
elected State Vice Counsellor of the Jr. O. V.
A. M. at Harrlsburg last week. 8. TJ. Trent.
Esq., Chairman on Committee on Laws, placed
him iu nomination.
The District Supreme Representatives and
iwiuaH ta jiiiecieny county aiscricts are
John J. Shaw, Charles E. Cornelius, Esq..
Frank P. Blythe, John K Berlin. Sheldon B.
Hays, C. A. ivnox. Homer L. McGaw and
David Deakin. Tho Fifth district-will elect in
Knlebts of the Golden Encio.
Tho following are the officers of Avalon
Castle. No. 212, ot Pittsburg, tor the ensuing
six months termr Past Chief, T. E. Morgan;
Noble Chief, H. J. Bombaugh: Vice Chief, J.
E. Stromberg; High Priest, Peter Hanson:
Venerable Hermit, J. H. Stromberg: Master of
Records, Louis Smith, Jr.: Clerk of Exchequer,
G. F. Cramer: Keeper of Exchequer, W. E.
Macfarlane: Sir Herald, C S. Hermann;
Worthy Bard, T. A Evans; Worthy Chamber
Iain, Ed Chnstlanson; Ensien, W. H. Bateman;
Esquire. J. A. Johnson; First Guardsman, B.
H. Carlisle; Second Guardsman. Emit
Schlingert Trustees, W. T. Powell. J. E. Strom
berg, w. H. Kllngensmlth; Representative to
the Grand Castle, Louis Smith, Jr.
A. O.K.M.C
Three companies of the First Regiment
Uniform Rank, of tbe A. O. K. of the M. C,
under command of Colonel Lowe, paid a fra
ternal visit to Union Castle No. 10.A.O.K. ot
the M. C. In Etna, Pa. Threo companies. J. J.
Davis Commandery No. 12, with 50 men, under
command of Captain George Manchester;
Keystone Commandery Nol, with 35 men,
under command of Richard Muse; S. J. Holmes
Commandery No. 10, with 35 men, participated
in the parade at Sharpsburg and Etna, after
which they were banqueted by the members ot
UUIUU uuuo J o. XiU,
O. C. A. III.
At a regular meeting of Daniel Boone
Lodge No. 396, Chartlers, D. D. 8. C.J. B. El
liott, assisted by R. L. Kirkwood, installed
officers as follows: C, J. A. Blazier: V. C. Ed
E. Duff; A. R, S., John Harkins; F. a, J. H.
Johnson: Treasurer, D. K. West; R, S., A. H.
Sproul: Ind., W. H. Colleze: Ex., John Scbnllert
O. P.. D. K- West; L P:, Robert Kalley. Quite
a large crowd of visiting members were present.
An excellent lunch was served.
r. o. o. f.
The Committee of Superintendence of tho
L O. O. F. for Allegheny county, will meet at
Odd Fellows' Hail, corner .Eighteenth and
Sarah streets, Southside, to-morrow ovening.
Struck by a Cnblo Car.
A Troy Hill car, while crossing Penn
avenue at Sixth street, was struck by a
cable car and knocked off the track. The
car was badly wrecked, and the passengers
were shaken up, but none were injured.
xne arrangement oeiween tne two com-,
panies is that tne Jtrlttsburg.ailegbeny and
Manchester cars stop at Penn avenue and
the cable cars at Liberty street, bat in this
case the rule was broken.
Brnildock'it Ssevrrr Syitrm.
A return was made to the Quarter Ses
sions Court yesterday of tho special election
held on Tuesday, July Vo, in the borough of
Braddock, on the question of increasing the
MriobtedaeM of w hewagn,. ThwdMM-
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies. A marvel cf put
lty, strength and wholcsonieness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin ds. and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow est. short weight; alam or phosphate now
den. Sold only in cam. ROYAL. 1J AKING
Old Honesty
Will 1,. . j .... ... .. "
"mwj iuuuu -a comoinauon uo&
always to be had.
A Fine Quality of PLTJO TOBAC
CO at a Reasonable Price.
Zookfor the red IT tin tag on
, each plug.
It you are looking for a
Ask your dealerfor it. Don't take any other.
Chipped beef...... .12a and 23c per can
Corned beef. I2c and 18c per can
Potted meats 1 comprising chicken, turkey.
Deviled meats duck. ham. lobster, tongue
Sandwich ineats Jat20e,25c,30cand35cpercan
Roast turkey and chicken 33c per can
ISonetess tnrkey and chicken 50c per can
Lunch tongue .30c and Sooner can
Pickled lambs tongue 15c per jar
Pickled lobster ...j 45operjar
Boneless pigsfeet......... .30c per can
Trumid liver sausaea... ,. 65c per can
Chicken saasage 35cprean
Vienna sausage.... ...15c and 25c per can
Imported Frankfort sausages 7ocpercan
Fresh clams 12c and 18c per can
Imported sardines ..12. inri 90r ner n
(.Imported boneless sardines.. ...25c. 33c. 5c can
r resn salmon...... .lie, 20c, 25c and 45c per can
StHteil salmon 30a per can
Pickled oysters.. 40c and Too per jar
Lemon juice EQc per bottle
Fruit syrups (all kinds).. .25c and 50e per bottle
Raspberry vinegar 15c and 75o per bottle
GIncerale, imported..... $1 25 per dozen
Ginger ate. domestic DOcperdozen
Silurian mineral spring ginger ale. qts.
....$2 7j per dozen
Root beer, extract 25o per bottle
Birch beer.... Jl 0 per dozen
Grape sherbet.. 50c per bottle
Send for the Housekeepers' Guide. Hailed
HonOtlno arm WHlsky Habit pab
leoslr cored. Treatment seat an trial
ftoee. Ccmflflnntially address II. L.
p, f f. tT ... f-., jy4iu M-mm ajctw, UO.
18 DIAMOND, Market Square,
A line, large crayon portrait 3 CO; see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, XX and
2 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY.
Supported by a first-class Dramatic Company. Grand Planta
tion Scene, introducing a mammoth troupe of Superior Jubilee
Singers. TIte Coiners' Cave, The Death Trap Chamber and the
Realistic Plunge to Death.
Kext week: "HIS NATURAL LIFE."
Oil Cloth,
Have you used1
rLARS Soap?
Baby Carriages,
Parlor Suites,
"Wood S-buree-b.
Store Open Saturday Evening
Until 10 o'clock.
Fancy Rockers,
Ice Chests,
Red Lounges,
Reed Rockers,
Folding Beds,
Sail Racks,
Cliina Ware, ,
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
23 Slctlx.Stxoot, inttebtxrnr.
Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted
to every defect of sight. Field and Opera
Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers,
Thermometers, eta
ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order
and warranted. Alwavs on hand a
large and complete stock jaS-rrssu
.a.t:e IN" T S -
O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor of Patsnts.
131 Fifth avenue, above SmithfieId.nextLeadar
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
Barometers, Thermometers and Hydrometers;
Medical Batteries, Photographic Cameras. Th
largest-stock of Artificial Eyes. Every style ot
American and European Patented Ere-Gliss
and Spectacle Frames. Lenses of superior.
Snalitv perfectly adjusted to the sight atKORN
Fifth ave., near Wood St. Telephone No. lfflfc
the leading lines, secure berths and pass,
ports. Issue drafts, letters of credit and money
orders, and sell foreign com at N. Y. rates.
MAX SCHAMBERG & CO., 527 Smithneld st,
Pittsburg. Jyl-wsa
! M
You majrprobabIy have noticed that within the past three weeks we almost centered our efforts in the mighty
task of reducing our then entirely too large a stock of fine Dress Suits, and it now pleases us to state that our
undertaking has been pre-eminently successful. Where but one month ago we were wont to see piles of fine
garments apmost ceiling high they have now melted down, under the pressure of big reductions, like snow before
the Marchsun. Of course, it was a game in which we held the losing hand and the people "raked in every pot,"
but we have to-day the satisfaction of being spared from a fate far worse in the eyes of the live, enterprising1
merchant that of being compelled to pack goods away and carry them over to next year.
But, while we will not have any fine Dress Suits left on our hands, we may .get "stuck" on our large assort
ment of Business Suits, the sale of which was greatly retarded by the run we've been having on Dress Suits.
By the ferm "Business Suits" we mean garments made from stylish, nobby, non-dirt showing, strictly reliable
materials, usually retailed at $12, $13, $14 and $15. They are suitable not only for business men, but also for
the large army of professional men, clerks, bookkeepers and hundreds of others whose calling requires neat and
stylish dress.' Now,' then, in order to immediately and considerably reduce our stock of these Suits, it is plain that
we must pursue the same tactics as in our sale of fine Dress Suits, and, with this object in view, we will commence
to-molrrow morning to ,
LET 'EM GO FOR $7 50.
(Thisj offer should cause you to think and reflect, for it is unparalleled in the annals of the clothing trade.
Remember, this sale includes over 4,000 stylish and desirable Suits, made according: to the latest prevailing; styles.
and( intrinsically worth from $12 to $15, while we offer you choice from the entire assortment for only Seven Dol
lars and fifty cents. At this price we are confident it won't take us long to dispose of these Suits. The business
men of Pittsburg are shrewd; they know a good thing when they see it; and they will not be long in arriving at
the conclusion that these Suits are the best bargains ever offered them. '
t, if you're wise, you'll provide for your comfort before you leave. It makes no difference where you go to
the seashore, the mountains, the lake sides or the country Old Sol will be there and 11 make it hot for you. It
s necessary then that you supply yourself with a thin Coat and Vest, some Flannel Shirts, some Gauze Under
vear, a pair of low-cut Shoes, a Straw Hat, or one of our feather-weight Derbys or, what's still better, one of our
light Crush or Traveling Hats. Another thing: Speaking of travels, trips and excursions reminds us of our vast
Trunk and Satchel department, where we keep a complete assortment of tourists' requisites, including Hammocks
and Hammock Chairs. You will consult your own' interest by visiting this place before buying elsewhere.
there are now many interesting things for the Ladies of Pittsburg. We have too many Jerseys, too many Flannel
Blouses, too many Children s Dresses, but if prices can be made low enough to induce people to buy them, we
,vill sell most of them this week. Here is an example: 600 Ladies neat Flannel Blouses, in stripes, plaids andu
hecks, atonly 74c for your choice. This is less than the cost of the bare flannel in them. y
If you haven't, don't postpone it any longer. Consternation is the triief of time, the. thief of opportunities, the
thief of bargains. Remember, this sale includes our entire stock of Men's, Ladies and Children's Low-Cut
.Shoes, tan and russet shoes. Here is an indicator: Ladies' good tan 'Oxfords for 75c We need say no more.
h jc
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