mi&mrrrtEmun w -w-ii-v-j IJf K "TZs I FH?Sl r?rwf ,3t "- V V "iW gaA-j?? v s IT LOOKS LIKE WAR With Kussia and Franco Against Other Great Powers. TDEEEY IS KOT YET PLACED, Eat Considerable Pressure is Brought to Bear on the Saltan. SWISS AND GHRJIA3S KISS AND 3IAKE UP The Enropean rress Ccnlemplatliij the rrospect of ffjr. The news from If Jurope tbis morning is of a warlike charact:r. France and Russia f eem to have an ui iderstanding in regard to Servia, which the other powers rerent Tur key is asked to state which side she will train with, but is .a little backward in re plying. tcorriiiGiiT, lsst, st mw tobk associated ritBss.J Bvnx.xx, July 20. The long pending ne gotiations with the Porte, aiming at the ad hesion of Turkey to the Triple Alliance, have finally resulted in an entente, under which the Drcibund guar antces to maintain the integrity of Tuikisdi territory in accord ance with the trc2ty of Berlin. The ques tion concerning Crete is reserved, Prince Bismarck promising to influence Greece not to interfere provided further autonomy is conceded the Cretians. It is stipulated that Turkih troops shall co-operate with Austria in Servia and Bulgaria in the event ol a war ith Ku sia. The Sultan rccened Count Radowitz, the German Ami iassa lor, on "Wednesday and .arraiiced for the reception of Emperor "William, whose visit to Constantinople de pended upon the Porte's conclusion of an entente. The negotiatio ns were accelerated hy the gravity of iju situation in Servia. A. Cabinet conr.o 1 held in Vienna Thursday debated whe trier the time had come lor mil itary iuterv cation by Austria. '.OOKS LIKE TROUBLE. The Wa r Minister reported the arming of the Servi. jri reserves en masse, and the dis tribution of 350,000 rifles and abundant ruunitio jj furnished by Russia and Prance, the;- d Siting the Servian treasury under easy eruditions of deferred payments. Russi An officers, he said, were engaged in insr jetins fortresses, barracks and depots in Scr ia. The Minister advocated immediate act ion. Everything was ready to march t o army corps into Servia. The council decided to wait until Count 'vilnoky influenced the reappearance of .King Milan in Belgrade. The partisans of ICing Milan are eager for a civil war to crush the Russians. If it occurs King Milan will invoke Austrian assistance, and thus give Kalnoky ground to interfere. The Kruccse Zefui!j7,referring to the argu ment with the Porte as to adhesion to the Triple Alliance, says: "The Sultan must above all be fully convinced that the league "will not violate the integrity TTurkev, but recognize her as a State entirely indepen dent within her own borders." The Father Lloyd doubts the value of Turkey's adhesion, but predicts that when the decisive hour strikes, the Porte finding the question of its very existence involved, will co-operate with the powers desiring to preserve Turkey. A LITTLE DIPLOMACY. The interview at the Foreign Office be tween Count Herbert Bismarck and M. ZRoth, the Swiss Minister, was amiable. Count Herbert intimated that the German reply to the Swiss note, though denouncing the existing treaty settlement, would invite early negotiations fo a new treatv. The tenor of the reply woubd be so friendly that Count Herbert was coniident that the Swiss Government would consider the hostile ylase ot the dispute closed. Beferring to aliged frontier reprii.als. Count Herbert explained that the measures were noi Liken in a spirit of rancor, but purely as a pre ventive against the entry of Socialist docu ments into Germany. The zeal oi the officials had misapplied their instructions. If the measures hampered the business of the Communes they would be corrected. CM. Roth sent a note of the interview to Berne, which seems to have incited a stricter surveillance of refugees. The Sec retary of Justice and Police went to Zurich Thursday and submitted a number ot Ger man Socialists to interrogation and ob tained pledges that while residents of Switzerland they M-ould renounce all prop aganda compromising the country. The same pledge will be demanded of every refugee sheltered in Switzerland. A CHECK TO BISMAltCK. The Turner Verein of Munich will give a heartv welcome to the Swiss gymnasts to mark their good will. South German opinion is strong against Bismarck's hos tility to Switzerland. The check to his diplomacy is rejrdcea over. It is a year this week since the Emperor's reception in St Petersburg. Semi-official journals seize the occasion of the anniver sary to criticise the conduct of the Czar in his discourteous delay in returning the visit TJie Cologne Gazette deplores in the name of peace the Czar's obstinacy in re fusing to explain, even by a single word of diplomatic excuse, why he has not responded to the approaches of the Emperor who hon ored him by his first visit beyond the Em pire, although n ot as an all v. The Gvzette declares that the Russo French arrangements of mutual action in war are not com patible. Colonel Brio is, the French military at tache at St Petersburg, has received the cross ot a commander of the Legion of Honor in recognition of his services asso ciated with the Russian war office. ALL AGAINST FKAXCE. The statement of the semi-official Courier, of "Warsaw, is reproduced here without comment, to the effect that in the event of a Franco-Oernian war an Italian army marching via Brenner, will join the Ger mans at Metz. Austria will provide trans portation for the Italian troops through the Tyrol. The Socialists have taken heart over -the Halbcrstadt election for a member of the Reichstag. The seat was held by the Na tionals and Conservatives against the pro tests of the National Liberals. A feature of the contest uas the large Socialist gains, the candidate of that party receiving 3,000 votes. The Conseivative candidate re ceived 5,300, the National Liberal 4,000 and the l'rogress.ist 1,000. The experience at Halberstadt will lead to a cessation of the quarrels ot the Government groups. The Cartel party already view with disquiet the coming elections. The Government is cer tain to prolong the session to the extreme limit, obtaining before dissolving stringent repressive measures against the Socialists. Labor Tro able In Germany. Ilr.ui.ix, July 20. The strike of the bakers in Berlin continues. The Govern ment has placed at the service ot the mas ters soldiers who are able to bake bread in order to prevent a stoppage involving a famine. The miners are quietly awaiting a final report of the Commission of Inquiry. They Stnnd hy Peters. Beruk. July 20. The Colonial party will organize a series of meetings in the leading cities to protest against the violence done Dr. 1'cters by Admiral Fremautte. The Cologne Gazette renews the clamor lor indemnity or reprisals on British vessels. Prince Blsmnrrk Sick. Berlin, July 20. Prince Bismarck, who is ailing, has telegraphed for Dr. Schwen inger, who went to Varzin Thursday, and to-night he telegraphed for Count Her bert His sickness was sudden, bat it is reported that it is not serious. 100 POLITICAL POLICE. New VIotc of the French Minister of the In tertoi Boulanccr Must Go. Paris, July 20. M. Constants, Minister or the Interior, has decided to form a body of police, consisting ot 100 men. apart from the regular force, whose special duties it shall be to suppress seditious assemblies. The Tempt says: "The dismissal of offi cials who sympathize with the Boulangist movement continues. Thirty clerks em ployed in the Finance Department and a large number of others employed in the offices ot the Minister of "War and the Min ister of the Interior, will be discharged." The National says: "The Government proposes to warn the'electors that General Boulanger is ineligible as a candidate for the Councils General." EDINBURGH HONORS PARNELL. He is Glvea the Freedom ot Ihn City nod Ilrflrcts on the Judicial Inquiry. Edinburgh, July 20. The freedom ot the city was conferred upon Mr. Parnell to day. In reply to the address accompanying the presentation, Mr. Parnell said that the Irish people would accept the tribute as another proof of the near triumph of their legitimate aspirations for freedom. Refer ring to the special commission appointed to investigate the, Times' charges against the Parnellites, Mr. Parnell said that it he had known it would block any inquiry into the Pigott conspiracy he would never have en tered the court William In n Poor Bailor. Berlin, July 20. Emperor William's yacht rounded North Cape at noon yester day. The weather was fine and mild, but a heavy sea was running. The yacht im mediately turned homeward. MS. PILLOW MAD. . The Widow or the I!x-Confetlernte TelU of Her Relation With Col. Kln It Was Business an Her fide, bnt Folly on Ills Some Deeds In Dlspnte. Memphis, July 20. Some time ago Colonel H. Clay King filed a bill in the Chancery Court against Mrs. Mary E. Pil low, widow or the well-known Confederate General, in which he alleged that Mrs. Pillow had exercised an undue influence over him, and had induced him to deed a large amount of his property to her, but that he did so with the expressed under standing between them that she would not present the deeds for registration until after his death, which obligation and agreement she had violated. The object of his bill was to get a decree vesting the title to the property again in himself. "Within the past week that lady has brought a damage suit agiinst him in the Circuit Court lor 8100,000. Supplemented to this she filed, through "her attorneys, in the Chancery Court this morning her answer and cross bill to the bill filed hy Colonel King. The bill is a very sensational one, and contains wholesale denials of all of Colonel King's allegations and severe strictures upon him. Among other things, she charges that com plainant, upon a hollow pretense, had in duced her housemaid, during her absence, to get him the deeds in question, and that once in his possession he threw them in the tire, where they were consumed, and that "every allegation of his bill putting any other construction upon this transaction is an ingenious falsehood." The bill further says: "Notwithstanding the complainant wishes to destroy the re spondent's reputation, he has repeatedly in conversation with bis friends in Memphis solemnly declared her purity. In the first years of their business connection he told her Tie wished to get a divorce from his wife in order to marry her. Respondent dis suaded him. Afterward he drew li n a hill of divorce and sent it to Judge R. J. Mor gan, of this city, to be filed, and sent a conv to defendant's son-in-law, J. S. Shield, of jjirmingnam. ctiiielU'at once replied that the disgrace attached to his actions could only be wiped out with blood, and asked for a meeting at Memphis to -arrange hostili ties. Respondent came to Memphis and in duced Judge Morgan to suppress the bill. The complainant demanded that respondent marry him, saying he was a ruined man if she did not Complainant has always averred that respondent was a chaste woman and acknowledged an obligation to marrv her on the death of Mrs. King or on the se curing of absolute divorce." DEATH OF WILLIAM A. ILES. ne Passes Array la Philadelphia While Going lo the Sea for Health. McKeesport was startled yesterday after noon when the intelligence of the death of "Wm. A. lies, one of the prominent citizens of the city, and General Auditor of the Na tional Tube "Works Company, reached there by wire. The aged gen tleman died at Philadelphia about noon while en route for his summer residence at Beach Haven, N. J., where he was going in hopes of benefiting his health, which failed rapidly in the last, three months. "While en route there a -reek since, accompanied by his younger daugh ters, he was compelled to stop at Philadel phia, having taken ill suddenly. His trouble was Irom the throat and heart. Besides being a prominent official of the tube company, at the head of all clerical de partments for many years, and being gener ally beloved by the employes of the great plant he was one of the leadiner memWn of St Stephen's Episcopal Church and President of the McKeesport Library Association, in both ol which he has labored earnestly for many years. He was a man of high morals, cultured- and vert intelligent, and his chief object was to aid (he youth and assist the poor. Many in need will miss his kind, helping hand, and the community will universally regret his demise. FOUGHT WITH THE OFFICES. Sonthslde Toueus Trrd to Down a Police man, but They Failed. Officer William McCormack had quite a lively fight with a prisoner at the corner of Carson and South Twenty-fourth Btreets last night A man named Andy Amen wanted to ride free on one of the horses on the "merry-go-round" and was refused. Then he wanted to fight He was ordered away several times, but only became more furious. Officer McCormack then arrested him and took him to the box at the corner. Whilewaitingon the wagon Amen began to fight the officer, and tried to getaway. The crowd tried to force itself between the officer and his prisoner, and it is 6aid that some toughs picked up bricks and wanted to hit McCormack. During the scuffle Officer McCorm.tck's badge was torn off and his coat was badly ripped. He pluck ily held on to his prisoner, who was placed in the wagon andiockeAup in the.Twenty-eighth ward olice station. WAITED LONG FOE HIS EEWARD. A Texan Who Uas Been In Washington Since March 4 Catches On. tSriLUI. TELZaSAK TO Till DISl'ATCU.l Washington. July 20. Among the ap pointments to-day is that of N. Wright Cuney to be Collector or Customs at the port of Galveston, Tex. Mr. Cuney is a colored man, and the white men of his State are accustomed to speak of him as "the smartest darkey in Texas." He is a good-looking, gentlemanly young man, a fine speaker and talker, and has made friends on every side since his coming here which was about the time of the inaugura tion of Harrison. He received most of his education in Pittsburg in the last years of the war, and soon after the close of the war went to Texas, where for years he has been the lead-- ing mma in un ttave among the people of uia iwn THE POSSIBLY A HOMICIDE. A Millralr Qnarrel, Near Mldolshr, Result In n Scemlusly Fntal Wound Ileer, Bad Blood and Ballets All Mixed Up. Henry Schoor, a resident of River ave nue, Millvale borough, was probably fatally shot by Charles Hildehoff, a neighbor, about 11 o'clock last night The two men met at the Willow Grove brewery at Mill vale last night, Schoor. it is alleged, being visibly under the influence of liquor. He bantered Hildehoff to fight, it is said, and annoyed him in many ways, but the latter refused to have anything to do with him. Hildehoff nurchased a keg of beer, which he had gone after, and started home with it. The particulars of what followed, as now al leged, are, that Schoor followed him and kept up his quarrelsome manner all the way to his home, a distance of about a quar ter of a mile; that on the way there Schoor accused Hildehoff of calling the former's wife ugly names, which Hildehoff denied, when Schoor struck him in the face; that, on reaching home1 Hildehoff went into the house while Schoor stood outside and black guarded him. Both men are married and have children, and one of the latter, belonging to Hilde hoff, told her father that Schoor had a re volver. Hildehoff then secured a pistol also, and a few minutes later Schoor came into HildehofTs house. The two houses are connected by a door on the inside, through which Schoor entered. He again begun his abuse ot his neighbor, and finally struck HildehofTs wife in the face and knocked her down. AVithout any parley, Hildehoff drew his revolver, and, as Schoor came to ward him to attack him also, he fired, the ball striking Schoor in the lower abdomen, near the left groin. The trouble had attracted the attention of the neighbors, who, on hearing the report, ran in and fonnd Schoor lying on the floor. They carried him into his own house, and Physicians Ferguson and Fife were sent for. They probed for the ball, but did not find it, and pronounced the wound a fatal one. Hildehoff, realizing what he had done, immediately came into the city and gave himself up to Police Captain Dick Brophy, of the Seventeenth ward station. Shortly afterward Mrs. Schoor went be fore 'Squire Young, of Millvale borough, and made an information against Hildehoff for felonious shooting. The case was in vestigated by Police Lieutenant Orth, who reported it substantially as described. BOMB GOOD BEADING Which la to be Issued From the Government Printing Office. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 20. A num ber of interesting works will be issued from the Government Printing Office very shortly. Of especial value to metal workers, ship buiIders,constructors of ordnance and scien tists will be the reports of tests of metals and other materials for industrial purposes. It is in two volumes, with a total ot 1,770 pages and 40 fine illustrations. The "Cruise of the Corwin in Alaskan Waters" is a publication which will be popular everywhere. The text is by Cap tain A. M. Healy, of the United i States Revenue Marine Service. Thirty-eight wood cuts and six lithographs assist mate rially in making the book pleasant Naval Constructor Philip Hiehborn's work on European dockyards is another of the books almost ready. In this the various naval workshops and the vessels being con structed therein are sketched. There are 40 lithographs and 9 wood cuts. Fart 1 of volume 21 of the Rebellion Records and the annual publication on the foreign relations of the "United States are stitched and ready for the bindery, but a somewhat interesting collection, "The State Papers of Grover Cleveland," edited by Daniel Lamont, will precede them by several days. PITTSBURG CONSIDERED. Some of Her Affairs Discussed at Chicago A Session on Sunday. Chicago, July 20. The Executive Com mittee of the Knights of Labor spent the entire session this morning considering routine work connected with the local as semblies at Taconia, Wash.; Hamilton, Ontario; -Toronto, Canada; Pottsville and Pittsburg, Pa., and several minor points. Master Workman T. V. Powderly re turned this afternoon from his visit to the meeting of the Iowa Execntive Board, ana resumed his sitting with the Knights of Labor Executive Board at the Sherman House. Nothing bur routine business was transacted to-day. Early in the'afternoon the board adjourned and the members separated into several small committees to visit different points about the city where Knights of Labor members have made complaints. The board will not adjonrn over Sunday, but continue In session during the morning. "We have a number of cases to pass upon that we term 'court cases.' about 25 in nil." said Secretary John Hayes, "that do not re quire the presence of the Master Workman nor myself. These may be taken up in the morning." A PROBABLE STREET CAR STRIKE. The Employes of a Brooklyn Callrond Be coming: Discontented. rSFECIAI. TW.IORA1I TO THE DISrATCH.1 New York, July 20. More trouble is brewing for President William Richardson, of the Atlantic Avenue Surface Railroad, in Brooklyn, and it is predicted that there will be another strike on the road before the close of the summer. The last strike re sulted in a decisive victory for the com pany. The old employes, however, continued their connection with the Knights of Labor and most of the new men have been induced to join the organization, so that at present three-fourths of the employes are under the control of District Assembly No. 75, and at a meeting of the body on Friday night a circular letter was prepared for distribution among the employes, which urged them to nsert their rights as free men and termed the condition of Mr. Richardson's workmen "chattel slavery." Considering Oklnhomn. Kansas Citt, Mo., July 20 A special from Guthrie, Oklahoma, says: The Terri torial Convention adjourned to-day at noon until August 20. The proceedings to-day were harmonious. Committees, on organic law, the judiciary, the legislature, etc., were appointed. It was decided to parti tion the Territory into 12 counties. The names recommended for two of the counties were Harrison and Cleveland. Between the present time and August 20 the com mittee will meet and prepare their reports. Chicago's Relief for Striking; Miners. Wilmington, July 20. Congressman Lawler and the Chicago Relief Committee to-day distributed 52 tons of provisions from their special train to the striking miners at Braidwood, Coal City, Bracevillc and other points in the mining district This will al leviate a great deal of suffering. Wx Plxnres Cremated. Cincinnati. July 20. Fire at midnight at a house, No. 361 West Ninth street, de stroyed a lot of wax figures, the property of L. M. Lorillard, a showman. He values them at $30,000, and had tbem insured for $10,000. He was here fitting them up to start out on the road in a fortnight TneHnrrlsas TiatkntDeer Park. DeeuFaxx, Ms., July 20. President Harrison aad his D&rtv arrived hers m. few I minute before jo o'clock to-nJght.,l. PITTSBURG DISPATCH, A SLIDING SCALE Is the Way Leading Jurights of Labor Expect to Compromise. THE COKE- REGION DIFFICULTY. Consideratle Disposition to Stand and to Harmonizo Firm WITH MEMBERS OP THE X. P. UNION. Kelg-uboriii Kews Briefly Told by Dispatch Corre 8 pendents. The workingmen in the coke region seem determined to stand firm. Leaders expect a compromise and a sliding scale. The National Progressive "Union's members are expected to unite with the K. of L. rsrZCIAL TKLECRAM TO THI DISPATCH. 1 Scottdale, July 20. The reports re ceived at Knights of Labor headquarters here from almost every portion of the coke region indicate that the workingmen are determined to stand by the action of the convention held here last Wednesday. Leading members ot the order who are in a position to know what they are talking about are of the opinion that the operators will grant them a conference, at which a sliding scale will be adopted and a strike avoided. They base their opinions on the fact that the larger operators are securing new territory and building new ovens as rapidly as possible, which is taken as an indication that coke will take an upward turn in the near future. They also claim that the operators cannot afford to lose their present trade by allowing the men to remain outany length of time, as in that event their business would go to outside operators. One of the officials of the Knights of Labor stated that if no conference was granted or advance given the men would certainly strike. He also said that the men were never so well prepared, financially, to make a successful stand against the operators as at present It is stated here this evening on the best authority that the former members of the National Progressive Union will join with the Knights ot Labor in the present labor agitation in this region. The members of that order at the Valley works of the U. C. Frick Coke Company have signified their willingness to loin the movement, and many others are expected to follow. Master Workman Kerrfout, of Sub-division No. 4, K. of L., stated that the men belonging to the N. P. U. in this region would be in vited to send representatives to the meeting to be held here on the 27th inst,and that he was reasonably certaiu the invitation would be accepted, as the N. P. U. is practically dissolved. This means the uniting of all the workingmen in the region under one head. A SMALL RAILROAD WAR. Stenbenville People Agitated by the Widen lng of an Alley for a Enllroad. ISrXCIAI. TELXOHAM TO TOE DISrATCH.1 STEUBENYH.T.E, O., July 20. The Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad is having some difficulty in securing its right of way through Stenbenville. The city first under took to widen Alley A from 20 to 40 feet, avowedly for the access and use of the rail road. This coarse, however, was aban doned. It then gave the railroad right of way through the 20-foot Alley A as it stood. Some of the property owners along the alloy then petitioned the city council that Alley A be widened from 20 to 40 feet tor alley and street purposes, as otherwise It would be sot effectually occupied by the railroad as to deprive them of their accus tomed usage thereof. Those thus petition ing, and they Were not a majority, were willing that th city should condemn 20 feet off their lots ih order to get the railroad. Certain other property owners, how-, ever, were satisfied with the alley and its existing usages and objected to the improvemenftot the same by the rail road, or to the cityrs condemning and de priving them of 20 Additional feet in order to accommodate the (railroad, and thus pre serve to tnem tne privileges they were al ready entitled to. Consequently the latter have employed counsel in the persons of Captain W. A. Walden, of Columbus, and John A. Cook, of Steubenville, who, among other things, are preparing to prevent by injunction the city's action in respect to the alley, which they claim, is after all pri marily and solely done fbr the railroad. The city's solicitor, WilJiam McD. -Miller, has just filed a petition, application and notice to the effect that onJJuly 29 they will apply for the impaneling of a'jury to assess compensation for the property condemned. Active preparations are being made on both sides. WELLS MUST BE PLUGGED. Two men Who TJndrrstandMlae Lnw Grow ing Rich OfT Oil FnHlueers. rSFECIAI. TXLXOBAM TO Tfgtt DISPATCTI-l Franklin, Pa., July 2 Seven years ago a law was passed by thifLegisIature of this State requiring the pipgging of all abandoned oil wells and sKinp a Density for non-compliance with thulaw, o'ne-half oi tne one going to ine persoi Informing on violators, mis jaw has pr: cally been a dead letter in many parts of s oil country until within the past few wei Recently two men have gone into a schl e to enncn themselves without much lal by causing the arrest of violators of above law. Already a number of operat have been arrested and fined, and sine- lis fact has become known owners of ah koned wells have become very active in see: are properly plugged, and then that they i a general nustnng throughout oildom The informers, who claim to working, in the interests of the oil men i all salt water is shut off.inre at eral hundred dollars ahead, have an all summer's job. elng tbat sent sev- seem to ELOPED f ROM HIS L01 Ethan Allen Leaves Ollss Leahy a Bill A Farmer's Death. I a Board rSPXCIAt. TELEGRAM TO THE DIS Canton, July 20. Miss Adelaide Leahy, an engraver at the Due r Watch rly em- Works, and Ethan Allen, fori ployed at the same establishme raced to be married and the w were en ing day fixed, but Allen has broken the el gagement by basely deserting his intended ride, ana leaving the latter's mother to mo: n the loss of an 80 board bill, he havin been a boarder in the family. Allen is young man and also left a large dashing umber of creditors in the lurch. Miss Le: hy vows vengeance on her recreant lorer, an) .l.n nnl In. n. 1.1 4 rttr 1 lhasput; t. JV..b Wll 1110 1...1..V. 1 John Hockensmitb, a farm'cr near Sparta, a few miles1 south of here, while) driving home, was thrown irom a buggy directly op posite his residence and in plain vilew of bis wife, receiving such injuries that hje died in a short time. 7 $6,000 ASKED OP THE B. 0. By a ninnsfleld Sinn Wbo Feels inmnaed A 827,000 Asslxnmeu (SPECIAL TELXOHAIt TO THE DISffATCH.l Mansfield, O., July 20j William Elz, who owns property on East Bloom street, has sued the B. & O. Ccjmpany for tiwv uiuucj icr laying a swit ;n tracK oi me pavement oi Jiioom street ' rithout nis consent This is a track the laying of which on a Sunday mornintr tv. a vp'ars aeo caused a small riot and which afterward formed an Issue in local politic: Charles S. Harrison," lsdiev furnisher and dry goods dealer, assigned this evening to F. K. Tracy. The liabilities wlllamount' to about CT,000 and the assets to little more than $20,000. The .assignment was sot ua- rTtrr-t: -i --. TMivirsit SUNDAY, JULY 21, A GANG OP THIEYES SQUELCHED. They Have Been Operating In TUusvIIIe for Two Years A Tramp Hhol. ISrXCIAL TZLEORAK TO TUE DISPATCH.! Titusvihe, July 20. For two years the police of this city have been puzzled by the operations of a gang of thieves, with head quarters in this city. Few places of impor tance in the city have been overlooked by the gang and goods aggregating several thousand dollars in value have been stolen. The arrests of John Winters and "Colonel" Ed Hayes early tbis morning, however, is expected to lead to the breaking up of the nefarious organization. Winters and Hayes bad been suspected for several months, but no direct evidence could be gotten against them. At 2 o'clock this morning they broke in McNamara's liquor store and stole 75 worth of whisky and were drinkin? it shortly after when arrested. They are said to have confessed complicity in other robberies and divulged the names of he balance ol the gang. At Townville, a suburb, between mid night and 1 o'clock in the morning, four tramps effected an entrance into Marsh & Radle's general store. They were discovered by a man named Delamater, passing, who informed the proprietors. The latter came ont with shotguns just as the tramps were running out of the store. Radle shot at the the last one, 30 feet distant. The charge entered his back between the shoulders, in flicting a mortal wound. He is not ex pected to live till morning. He says his name is James McKeown and that he lived in Lancaster, Fa. He told another person his name is Williams. Radle gave himself up. The dying man had stolen goods in his possession when shot The an thor ities at Mead vi He, from the description of the robber, believe him to be the notorious "Lancaster Jimj" a desperado and fugitive from justice. Fatally Burned In a Blazing Derrick. rSFECIAI. TELEOBAX TO TUK DISPATCH.! Findlat, O., July 20. Escaping gas from newly-drilled No. 2 well, on Clayton farm, near Van Bnren, ignited from a pass ing train on the Toledo, Columbus and Southern Railroad last evening. The der rick took fire and was entirely consumed. G. E. Munford, driller, and E. C. Bailey, tool dresser, were in the derrick were and badly burned. The former's injuries may prove fatal. The well is still burning. Loss on tools, derrick, etc., (1,800. Died Suddenly in Her Cnrrioee. ISPICIAI. TZLEOKAM TO TUX DISFATCB.1 Newark, July 20. Mrs. Edward Sweeney, living two miles east of Alexan dria, while on her way to town, died very suddenly in her buggy. Reports were rile that ber death was due to accidental poison ing, but a post mortem examination made by Dr. Lockwood, of Johnstown, and Dr. Miller, of Alexandria, showed that her death was directly due to asthmatic trouble. Seneca County, O., Democrats. rErEClAI. TELEORAK TO THE OISrATCR.l Tiffin, O., July 20. Seneca county Democrats held a large and enthusiastic' convention to-day and nominated the fol lowing ticket: Representative, A. B. Brant; Commissioner, Henry F. Hedden; Treas urer. Charles A. Goetz; Infirmary Director, John Roller; Coroner, Edward Lepper; Surveyor, George McGormley. MR. EEELI'S MOTOR. It's Not Runnlut: Yet, Bnt the Inventor Says He'll Soon' Talk Now. Philadelphia, July 20. With dirt and smoked-begrimed face, unkempt hair and shirt sleeves rolled up above the el bows, a man stood at the second story win dow of 1122 North Twentieth street this afternoon gazing thoughtfully out into the drizzling rain. He was John Keely, the great motor inventor. During the afternoon a number of visitors called on Mr. Keely, but were unable to gain admittance. One young man rapped about five minutes without receiving an answer. Becoming enraged at this lack of attention, he gave the door a vigorous kicking and succeeded in shaking down the large transom, which fell with a crash. This brought the inventor to the street in a hurry. He grasped the youth by both shoulders and demanded the meaning of such conduct The reply only served to anger him more. The visitor simply came to inspect the new motor. He was from some engineering school up the country and had come to the oity expressly to see the much-talked-of invention. Of course he was disappointed. "I am much troubled with this sort of vis itors," Mr. Keely said to a reporter; "they have an idea that we can allow them access to our shop, when in reality I am positively forbidden to talk concerning the motor." When asked how soon the motor would be put into practical operation, Mr. Keely said he could not state, but ventured to say that he is working day and night, and would an nounce something definite at an early date. WILBELM MADE HIS OWN MONET Bnt the Cfllccrs Interfered and Arrested Him for Counterfeiting. 1SFECIA1. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Fkankfoet, Xnd., July 20. Much sur prise was occasioned here by the arrest of Johnny Wilhelm, a prominent young merchant of Forest, this county, on a charge of counterfeiting. For several weeks com plaint has been made ot the circulation of the "queer" in that locality, and re cently officers of this city began an investigation. The developments pointed to Wilhelm and this morning a search of the premises was made. Con cealed in the smokehouse were found a half dozen sets of molds and numerous coins, in quarters, halves and dollars. When arrested a few hours later Wilhelm denied all knowledge of them, but when asked to explan his possession of the molds he weakened. Ten dollars of the bogus article was found in his pockets. Wilhelm is about 30 years old and well connected, his father being one of the richest men in Clinton county. Killed by a Falling Brick. New Orleans, July 20. George H. Flacher, well known in tbis city in connec tion with sanitary flooring and patent roof ing, while standing near the elevator of the Louisiana Sugar Refinery, now in course of construction, was, struck on the head by a brick, which fell from the sixth story, and so badly hurt that he died, in a few hours. He leaves a wife and two small children. Kansas Swept by Wind. Kansas Citt, July 20. A heavy rain storm accompanied by high winds prevailed in Northwestern Kansas to-day. At Stock ton the wind blew down several light frame buildings and blew in the glass fronts of several stores. No lives were lost. Several washouts are reported to have occurred on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail road. Abused and Then Killed His Wife. Philadelphia, July 20. Max Lee has brutally treated his wife, much younger than himself, and to-night with their child the woman fled. Lee saw her on the street later, and, having overtaken her, he shot pistol balls into her breast until she was dead, she meanwhile crouching in a door way where she sought to hide. Dnmase by Rising Rivers. Chaeleston, W. Va., July 20. There was another sudden rise in the Elk and Poca rivers last night A great quantity of lop, ties, lumber, hay, wheat and oats was destroyed. The loss will at least reach tlOO.000. Bis Paper Mills Burned. Pakib, 'July 20. The Vaudel paper mills near Pontarlier were burned to-day. TkelMakeaeTBOU. W ' ' 1889. AFFAIRS pF STATE Hake Many Big Officials Go to See President Harrison. WAR VESSELS TO BE TESTED. Pat Offices Given the Faithful offices Change. Local Post- SECRETAET NOBLE ON TIMBER LANDS Finds Something Good in a Dismissed Democratic Olflclil's Work. Many of the Cabinet and other officials called on Harrison yesterday before his departure, and a number of appointments were made. The postal appointments at Greenville and Bethlehem, Pa., were given out Secretary Noble makes, a liberal con struction regarding land entries. Washington, July 20. Prominent offi cials occupied most ot the President's time to-day in the consideration of matters re quiring action before his departure for Deer Park. Secretary Proctor was the first caller, and was followed by Secretary Noble, with Assistant Secretary Chandler, Mr. Walker Blaine, First Assistant Post master General Clarkson, and Governor Millette, Delegate Matthews and Mr. Lyons, of Dakota. Later in the day Secre tary Windom, Attorney General Miller and Postmaster General Wanamaker called and had a conference with the President on offi cial business. Attorney General Miller will accompany Secretary Proctor on the occasion of his next visit to Vermont. There is quite a colony of Indianapolis people who spend their summers in that State, near Sec retary Proctor's home, and Mr. Miller will divide his time between him and the Secre tary while there. They will probably leave next week. A board consisting of Commander W. R. Bridgeman, Chief Engineer G. W. Stivers and Naval Constructor R. W. Steele has been appointed and directed to meet at New York for the purpose of makingan examina tion of the Yorktown and reporting on the final trial of that vessel. After an examina tion of the vessel in the harbor she will pro ceed to sea for a 48-hour trial, during which her battery will be fired sufficiently to test its efficiency and the strength of tne vessel under the shock. Extreme speed will not be tested. A second official trial of the gunboat Petrel is to be made to-day at Baltimore, to be witnessed and reported on by the board, of which Commodore SKerrett is President prizes given OCT. The President to-day made the following appointments: M. M. Hurley, of Indiana, to be Third Auditor of the Treasury; J. H. Franklin, to be Deputy Sec ond Auditor of the Treasury; John Fehrenbatcb, of Ohio, to be Supervising In spector ot Steam Vessels for the Seventh district (Cincinnati); Charles M. Leavy, of California, to be Appraiser of Merchandise in the district of San Francisco. To be collectors of customs: Franklin B. Goss, of Massachusetts, for the district of Barnstable, Mass.; William Gaston Hender son, of Mississippi, for the district of Pearl river, Miss.; N. Wright Cuner, of Texas, for the district of Galveston, Tex.; Henry DeB. Clay, of Virginia, for the district of Newport News, Va. To be collectors of in ternal revenue; James D. Brady, of Vir ginia, for the Second district of Virginia; P. H. McCaull, of Virginia, for the Sixth dis trict of Virginia; Joseph W. Burke, of Texas, for the Third district of Texas. James. J. Dickerson, of Texas, to be Mar shal of the United States for the Eastern district of Texaf. Milton C. Fllstner, of Louisiana, to be At torney of the United States for the Western district of Louisiana. To be Consuls of the United States: Evans Blake, of Illinois, at Crefeld; Henry C.Fisk, of Vermont, at St Johns, Quebec; Jasper P. Bradley, ot West Virginia, at South ampton; Eugene O. Fechet, of Michigan, at Piedras Negras; Archibald J. Sampson, of Colorado, at Paso Del Norte; Horace E. Pugh, of Indiana, at Newcastle, England. PENNSYLVANIA POSTMASTERS. The President to-day appointed the fol lowing named postmasters: Charles F. Whittemore, at Lyndon, Kan.; Oscar F. Temple, at Mauston, Wis.; Thomas Carlin, at Pierce City, Mo.; W. H. Slaon, at Jack son, O.; Mrs. Louisa Keck, at Greenville; Pa., vice H. K. Reiss, resigned; Owen A. Luckenbacb, at Bethlehem, Pa., vice G. F. Herman, removed. Beginning to-day and until September 15 the clerks employed in the Postoffice De partment will be relieved from duty on Sat urdays at 3 o'clock r. m. by order of Post master General Wanamaker. John-P. Nicholson, of Philadelphia, who was tendered a position as civilian expert member of the board to publish the Rebel lion records, has notified Secretary Proctor that he cannot accept the place. Kenton W. Kibbie has declined an ap pointment as naval cadet from the Sixteenth Congressional district of Illinois. Captain Arthur McArthur, Jr., recently promoted to be Major and Assistant Adju tant General, reported oi duty at the War Department this morning and took the oath made necessary by his advancement in rank. TIMBERLANDS. Secretary Noble Din ken an Important modi fication of the Rule Relating- to the Time of Tbelr Cultivation-Ex-Commissioner Sparks Indorsed. Washington, July 20 Secretary No ble to-day in a letter to the Commissioner of the General Land Office modified in a veay important particular the application of the rule as to time to cultivation in timber cult ure cases. The timber culture act of June 14, 1878, provides that "Any person who shall plant, protect aud keep in healthy growing condition for eight years ten acres of timber on any quarter section of any. of the public lands ot the United States shall be entitled to a patent at the expiration of said eight years, on making proof, etc." Section 2 of this act provides that "No final certificate shall be given or patent issued until the expiration ot eight years Irom the date of entry." Land Commissioner Macfarland, in circu lar of instructions to registers and receivers. 'dated February 1,1882. held that one-half oi the trees must have actually been grow ing for five years andhe remaining half for four years to conform to the terms of the act. This interpretation of the law was sus tained in a subsequent decision, which held that the preparation-of land and planting of trees are acts of cultivation, and the time actually so employed should be computed as part of the eight years required in the timber culture jases, and as the act provided for three years' cultivation of the land before the trees could be planted, the effect of the ruling was to compute the period of cultiva tion from the date ot entry. On Juue 27, 1887, Commissioner Sparks, in a circular to registers and receivers, di rected that "in computing the period of cultivation the time runs from the date when the total number of trees, seeds or cuttings required by the act are planted," and the final proofs of entry not having complied with this rule were rejected. Secretary Noble, in his letter to-day to the commissioner, sustains the ruling made by Commissioner Sparks, but savs: "Inas much as the department from the time of the passage of the bill up to thedate of June 27, 1887, erroneously construed the true spirit and Intent of the- act, and in pursuance thereof numerous estries have been made under the law u tins promulgated, amount-. lag to some 2,500 or more, such entries should be protected under' the construction thus given, the act giving such. construction all force and effect of law. Were it not so great wrong and inconvenience would re sult." The Secretary therefore directs that the rule in the case of Henry Hooper in point be so modified as to hold that all entries made under the act as construed from Feb ruary 1, 18S2, up to June 27, 1887, should pass to patents, and that all entries made after the annonncement of tbat doctrine should be governed and controlled by the principles therein enunciated. M0NEI FOE WATER WATS. Some Big Appropriations Asked for Texan Harbors Funds for Rivers. Washington, Jniy 20. In their re ports to the Chief ot Engineers of opera tions under the river and harbor bill, various officers in charge make the following recom mendations ot appropriations for continuing the work next year: By Major Oswald Hernest Entrance to Galveston harbor, Texas, $2,350,000; ship channel in the bay, $200,000; Arkansas Pass and Bay, 7500,000; harbor at Brazos Santiago, jew.ow. 'ine wort on the mouth of Brazos river and Pass Cavillo inlet to Matagorda Bay has been abandoned. By Major Daniel W. Lockwood Ken tucky river, $500,000; Licking river. $10,000; Big Sandy river, $131,145; Cuyandote river. west Virginia, jj.ooo; .Little Ji.an.twha river, $40,000; Buckhannon river, $10,000. By Major Ames Stickney Falls of the Ohio, at Louisville, $300,000; Indiana chute, $100,000, Wabash river, below Vincennes, $150,000; above Vincennes, $10,000; White river, Indiana, $10,000. By Major L. Cooper Overman: Harbor at Monroe, Mich.. $20,000; Toledo harbor, straight channel, $500,000; old channel, $45, 000; Port Clinton harbor, Ohio, $20,000; Sandusky harbor, $66,712; Sandusky river, $10,000; Huron harbor, Ohio, $11,000; Ver million harbor, $10,000; Black river harbor, $30,000; Cleveland harbor, $300,000; Fair port harbor, $21,240; Ashtabula harbor, $25,250. By General Orlando M. Poe: St Mary's river, Michigan, $1,235,875; St Mary'sFalls canal, $43,200; dry dock at St. Mary's Falls canal. $150,000; Bay Lake channels, St. Mary'sFalls. $500,000; Thunder Bay harbor. $30,000; Saginaw river, $138,000; harbor of" reiuge at Sand Beach, Lake Huron, $230, 000; month of Black river, Michigan, $20,000; St Clair Flats canal, $200,530; Clinton river, $18,564; Rouge river, $21,600. THE CRAMERS RICH. A Large Entailed Property That Will Make a Braddock Family -Wealthy His tory of on Estate 9Ioro Than 100 Years Old. There live in Braddock three of a family named Cramer, who, by the law of entail ment, become the possessors of a vast estate on the borders of Cape May that will make them immensely wealthy. It is more than a century ago since the May and Steelman families emigrated to this country from En gland and settled in New Jersey. The May family cleared off the heavy growth of for est from the timber lands and built the old May homestead, at May's Landing, Cape May. The Steelmans settled near the estatei of the Mays, from whom Cape May, May's Landing and Cape May county derived their names. As almost everyone is aware, the Indians at this time were in complete possession of almost all the land in the country. The Mays therefore held a conference with the chiefs of the Dela wares, who owned the land in that part of tne country, and purchased irom tbem some 6,000 -or 7,000 acres of land lying back from the seacoast in the counties of Cumberland, Salem and Cape May. The price paid did not reach 25 cents per acre. Other smaller tracts lying in the latter county, and aggregating some 4,000 or 5,000 acres, came to them as a grant from King George III., of England. Thus the estate of the Mays comprised about 11,000 acres of land. Some parts of the tracts are very fertile. Others are covered with walnut and pine forests, and cranberry meadows. Joseph Steelman, a son of the first settler of that name, married the only daughter of the Mays, thus bringing the estate into the possession of the Steelmans,her father dying before she was married. Joseph Steelman, the second, had one son and two daughters. The son's name was also Joseph. On the death of his father he received a portion of the land as his share amounting to 6,565 acres. An equal share of the remaining 5,000 acres went to his two maiden sisters, for they never married. At their death all ot their inheritance reverted oacK to tneir Drotner Joseph, as the prop erty was entailed by Joseph's grandfather that is, the Steelman of the second generation. Being an Englishman and;be lieving in the law of entail, he decided to keep it in the family. The sons at different periods of their lives leased or sold portions of their estates, but it all came back again to their heirs after tneir death by the said law of entailment The last Joseph Steelman had ten child ren, five of whom are dead and five living. The five who are dead all had heirs, who are living at the present time. The five children of the former who are living are Mrs. Naomi Updike, living in Cumberland county, K. J.; Margaret Estlow, Millville, Cumberland county, N. J.; Reuben Steel man, Ocean City, K. J.; Elizabeth Smith, May's Landing, 17. J., and the other whose name is not recalled. The five that are dead are Hannah, Joseph, David and Alice Steelman and Mrs. Roxanna Cramer, mother of all the Cramer boys living here of that name. Tbey were all born on the old homestead at May's Landing, that is, all the children ot the Steelman's. The tracts that are estimated at the lowest figure to comprise no less than 10,000 acres, were then the property of the ten children, that of those who are dead, reverting to their heirs, or each one of them being en titled to 1,000 acres of the grant. Mrs. Roxanna Cramer left ten children, all of whom are living. The youngest of these is Mr. Reuben Cramer, of this place. The others, with the order of their ages and places of residence, are Joseph Cramer, Baker's Furnace, Cambria county; Mary Ann Black, WeJ Middlesex; Elizabeth Owens,Turtle.Creek;IsaacCramer,Braddock ; Rer. Wilson Cramer, Huntington; David Cramer, Armagh, Indiana couuty; George Cramer, Monroeville, Armstrong county; Ellen Dean, Braddock, and Frank Cramer, uraaaocK. .cacti one ot these children is thus entitled to one-tenth of the share of their mothers, or 100 acres. All the land yet lies in its original, undivided state. In Cumberland county, on the Delaware river, lies the 6,565 acres. A 2,000-acre tract and a 1,100-acre piece lie between Salem and Cape May counties. A tract of 10 acres lies directly near the beach of Cape May. Since the estate was first entailed, the three generations that are necessary to make the law of entailment void, have sprung up, the last-named ten children of Mrs.Roxanna Cramer composingxpart of the third gener ation. If they so desire, they may now di vide the estate into ten equal shares or its value, and these into minor shares. But until the death of one of the surviving chil dren of the. last Joseph Steelman, the estate cannot be sold, as it yet requires the death of a majority of tbem to thus free it from all the bonds of entailment. Uat Poison and a ScoldingKIII. Chicago, July 20. The Coroner's jury to-day ascertained that Mary J. Hendricks, the 17-year-old daughter of Attorney Daniel P. Hendricks, or this city, died Thursday night Irom the effects of rat poison, admin istered by her own hand while she was in a fit of despondency over a scolding received from her parents for childish misdemeanor. For False Pretenses. H." William Schauer and August Red man weie each committed to jail yesterday in default of $500 bail for a hearing before Mayor Pearson, of Allegheny, next Thurs day, on a charge of false pretense, on oath of Acting Chief of Polls Jobs Glean. - T" CAMPBELL'S AIRSHIP: . V.M Is All Bight, Being Stored in Tag- gart's Warehouse in New Tork. HOGAN USED HIS 0W3 MACHI5E, And Inventor Campbell Says it Was Too Flimsy an Affair to be Good. nE WOULDN'T HAVE DARED TO-TRT-ff.,; However, He Won't Belize Hocan is Lwt Till It fe Snrtly rroTed. Inventor Campbell's airship was not lost. It turns out that the car part of the aerial ;j navigator used by Prof. Hogan was one of J the Professor s own inventions. Mr. Camp bell still thinks Hogan is not dead.-tbougb. tj there is yet no evidence to the contrary. rSFECIAI. TXLXGXAM TO TDK DtSrjLTCK.l New York. July 20. It turns out,' through investigations pursued to-day by a reporter for TnE DispATfH, that it was not Inventor Peter Campbell's air ship at least, not the car part of it, containing his own contrivances that Prof. E. D. Hogan sailed away in on Tuesday last This fact Inventor Campbell has for some unex plained reason failed to divulge, when ques tioned by representatives of an anxious pnblic. Inventor Campbell's machine is stored at R. Taggart's storage warehouse, at 593 Hudson street The balloon was used in the ascension by Prof. Hogan. Prof. Campbell was seen by the re porter an hour afterward, at his jewelry store in South Brooklyn., "x"es," he said, when the reporter had described what he had seen in Taggart's warehouse, "that is the Campbell air ship, and it is stored there because it costs less than to exhibit it They wanted to charge me $50 a week to keep it on Fourteenth street, where it wai formerly exhibited, and Taggart stores it for $20 a week. When Prof. Hogan wanted to go up I brought the balloon part over to Brooklyn." THE CAB HOGAN USED. "What kind of a car was it Prof. Hogan went up in?" the reporter asked. "It was a flimsy affair, of his own inven tion," said Mr. Campbell, "and I had noth ing whatever to do with it" Hogan proposed to Campbell, in let ters which the latter showed, to con struct a new air ship and use coal gas. Hydrogen was necessary to raise the Campbell ship. Hogan says: "The new one will do as much in the air as the old one, and cannot get hnrt by landing jt It will weigh 75 pounds. I can mate it after July 4, and sail it at New York and get a big boom. There is no use in getting ground, as it will not pay, as that has been tried. I can nake the start from some back street and have no expense of grounds to pay. Then we can get some one to take hold of it, and then we can get money out of it" "As a matter of" fact," continued Mr. Campbell, "Prof. Hogan's car, when com pleted, weighed 60 pounds. It was made in a wheelwright's shop, near the Nassau Gas Company's yards, from which the ascent was made. It was StJCH A IXIMST AFFAIB that I wouldn't have trnsted myself in it to go as high as the housetop. "He had a light framework made, to which the roDea of the balloon were attached,and from which, the car was suspended. The fn-mework was a rectangular structure of four pieces of pine, three inches in width and an inch thick. It was about 20 feet long and two feet wide, and was suspended edgewise under the balloon. The whole was covered with canvas, like a mosquito screen in a doorway. "Prof. Hogan had had constructed two pro pellers, embodying the principles I had ap plied to the other air ship. There was a propeller underneath the car, the one that dropped off; That ProC Hogan himself had made. Another, which projected breast high over the side of the car aft, was taken from the old air ship. This was intended to propel the ship back ward or forward. Both propellers were, of course, to be worked by hand. All that Prof. Hogan had in the car was some sand bags, a life preserver and a drag rope, and he would not have had these if I had not put them in. Until some definite information is received concerning him I shall continue to think him alive." HOGAN'S BROTHER HURT. He Takes ttie Lost Aeronaut's Place and Ills Parachute Doesn't Work. St. Thomas, Ont, July 20. William Hogan, of Jackson, Mich., brother of E. D. Hogan, the missing aeronaut, made a balloon ascension Jiere at 6:30 1 ast evening, going 4,000 feet high, and had a narrow escape from death. The top guy rope of the bal loon became fastened to the parachute, and it was not until the balloon had reached within 900 feet of the ground in its descent that the aeronaut was able to shake the rope off. Had he jumped before making the discovery the balloon wonld have turned over upon the parachute, driving it to the ground, and instant death would have been the result. Hogan alighted upon a stone, breaking two ribs, and was dragged 50 feet, brnisine his side and shoulder. He left this morning, for Jackson. PRIME JIURArS JUMPER, With Wblcb lie Used lo Coast on the Hills of New Jersey. Boedentown, N. J., July 20. Mr. Henry Bellemere, son of the late Philip Bellemere, an old Frenchman in the cm- v3 ploy of Joseph Bonaparte as a bar-' ber while living in Bordentown, has in his possession a jumper for merly owned by Prince Murat, who is soon to be married to Miss Gwendo line Caldwell, the foundress of the Wash ington University. Murat used the jumper to coast on the different hills in Borden town during the winter months. ' The jumper was made a present to the late Joseph Bellemere when a boy by the Murat family, since which time it has" been in the possession of his brother. Fair and Slightly Warmer, Wills Northerly Winds. For Western Penn-. syhania and Ohio fair,slightly warmer. northerly vcinds, &-". coming tariaile. For. West Virginia, fairA no decided change tnT temperature; variable winds. PrrrsBCBO, July 20, 1839.' , The United States Signal Service oatoerl Wll. kikj MU.MW .UV .....W ..., . Tims. Tner.l 8:00a. .... ....ri tMetntemn, ?DBr,' n, 12:00 ,..7 '"a Maximum temp., u at 10 lMr.it .., S.-0OF. X l.-oor.u jaiaiumni issip., ..... 4. 11 a-.... .00 M Precipitation.-. Klrerat lr. It, 2.S foeVartseor o.sieH OK soar. ! fun 1 TnE WBATflEK- IK &xj.&&M lmMMMi A, - J ... irXsL .k. iJ Vi . S t v m