Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 20, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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Choice California Peaches, Apricots,
Plums in Market.
Lake Fish in Supply Up to Demand, in
Spite of Ohio Laws.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1
FRiDAjJtilyW. 1839. t
At the fruit and vegetable stalls reports
were that the week's trade was good, with
prices a shade lower than last Saturday.
California frnits of the best quality are
coming in freely, and are offered at reason
Lie prices. California peaches, pears, apri
cots and plums are in good supply. Georgia,
Alabama, Southern Illinois and Southern
Ohio are famishing contributions to our mar
kets in fruit and vegetable lines, and another
week will doubtless bring contributions from
points nearer home.
Raspberries are close to the end of their
career for the year 1SS9. Blackberries and
whortleberries are still in abundant supply.
New potatoes are scarcely as plenty as last
week, but prices are unchanged.
Prospects were never better tor the vegeta
able crop. Another week will brine an abund
ance of home grown stuff, and for the next two
or three months we will, no doubt, have plenty
ot everything in the fruit ana vegetable line
from near-by gardens. The outlook for crops
of garden ana farm products through this sec
tion was never better than now. The cold. wet
spring was adverse to the tint crop of chickens
and turkeys, and the fall uropects are not up
to the average in poultry lines. The apple crop
will, also, fall below that of last year, but in all
other lines of farmers' and gardners' products
the present outlook points to anabundant yield.
At the fish stalls the report given was that
trade Is on the ouiet order, as it always is at
this season of tile jear.
Ohio laws forbid the use" of seine and net
from June IS to September 15,but there aresuf
flclnt points of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Kew
York and Canada touching the lakes to fur
nish all needed lake nsh for this market.
Buckeye fishermen are not altogether above
sujpicion.slnce receipts from Sandusky are not
altogether suspended.
Mackerel are unusually scarce. The same is
true of soft crabs. The reason for this scarcity
is that demand from watering places is strong
of late. Seaside resorts are now taking ocean
products, which a few weeks ago would have
found markets in the interior. In the lines of
poultry, butter and ezca there are no chances
r from last Saturday's rates. Prospects are for
a short poultry crop, and turkeys will be at a
pieroium next Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Florists report a quiet trade. Home gardens
are now at their best, and the demand for
flowers is slack. An Allegheny florist reports
strong demand on account of the convention
of Elks. Other florists report a quiet week's
Follow ing are retail prices of market basket
materials, as furnished by leading dealers:
1 he prices called for at the Diamond Markets
remain unchanged. The best cuts of tender
loin steak range from 20 to 25c, with last figure
for very fancy, which are very often no better
than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from IS
to 20c; sstandlng nb roast, from 15 to 20c; chuck
l oast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling
beef, 5 to 8c; sweet breads, 20 to 60c per pair:
beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver. 5c a pound;
calf livers, 25c apiece; corned beef from 5 to 10c
per pound. Veal for stewinc commands 10c;
roast, 12 to 15c; cutlets, 20c per pound; spring
lamos, fore quarter, 15 to 20c; hind quarters, 20
to 25c. A leg of mutton, hind quarter, of
prime quality, brines 12c; fore quarter, Sc;
loin of mutton, 15c; giblets, 5c per pound.
Vegetables and Frnit.
New white potatoes, 15 to 20c per half peck;
egg plants, 10 to 25c; hothouse grapes, $1 00 per
pound; tomatoes, 20c, home-grown, 30c per
quart box; new cabbage, 5 to 15c; bananas, 20 to
35c a dozen: new home-grown carrots, 5c a
'bunch; California peaches, 50c per dozen;
lemons, 25to 30c per dozen; oranges, 50c; lettuce,
5c per bunch, 6 for 25c: radishes, 5c per bunch;
cucumbers, 5c apiece: new beets, oca bunch:
cauliflowers, 15 to 25c a head; home-grown
string beans, 20c a half peck; home-grown golden
wax beans, 20c a half peck: new Southern
onions, 25c a halt peck: home-grown
squashes. 5 to 35c; honie-grown potatoes, 15c a
half peck; home-grown peas, 20c per half peck;
black currants, 15c per quart; currants, 10c per
quart; watermelons. 35 to 50c;-cantaloups. 15 to
50c; red raspberries, 10 to 15c a quart; black
raspberries, 10c; huckleberries, 15c a quart.
Holler, Eea and Poultry.
Choice creamery butter, 25c Good country
butter, 20c Fancy pound rolls, 30c
The ruling retail price for eggs Is 20c
The range for dressed chickens is SOc to
$125 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound. Spring
chickens, 50 to 75c per pair; ducks, 51 to 21 25
per pair; geese, 50 to 75c each.
Fish in Season,
Following are the articles in this line on
the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her
ring, 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel, 30c
to 35c a pound: sea salmon, 40c a pound;
blue fish, 25 to 30c; perch. 10c: halibut, 2oc;
rock bass, 30c: black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c:
lobsters. 25c; green sea turtle, Sc; mackerel,
20c small, 40e large. Oystorej.N. Y. counts,
SI 75 per gallon; clams. SI 25 per gallon; scol
lops, 50c a quart: frogs, $2 00 to 82 00 per dozen;
soft shell crabs, 75c per dozen; devil crabs, 83b
per dozen.
Flo wets.
La France roses, $1 001 50 per dozen; Bride
roACS, $1 CO per dozen; Perles, SI 00 per dozen;
NIpbetos, SI 00 per dozen; Bennetts, Si 00
per dozen: American Beauty, 25c apiece; Mer
rnets, U 00 per aozen; carnations, 35c a dozen;
Maid'n Hair fern, 50c per doz. frond?. Bermuda
Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen: Jacqueminot
roses, 75c to SI 50 a dozen; peonies, SI 00a dozen;
moss roses, SI 00 a dozen; June roses, SI 00 a
dozen, f orgetmenots. 25c a dozen; water lilies,
SOc a dozen.
The Condition of Business at the East Liberty
Stock Yarda.
Cattle Receipts, 450 head; shipments, 500
head; market unchanged; no cattle shipped to
New York to-day.
HOGS Receipts. 2,500 Bead: shipments. 2,300
bead; market slew; Yorkers, $4 704 SO: me
dium and light Philadelphia, H 504 60;
heavies, S4 304 40; 4 cars of hogs shipped to
New York to-day.
SnEEf Receipts. 1.409 head; shipments, L200
bead; market dull at yesterday's prices.
By Telesraph.
New York Beeves Receipts, 2.200 head,
including 55 carloads to be sold and 17 carloads
for slaughterers and exporters direct; fairly
firm and steady at Wednesday's prices, with a
good clearance;-extremes for steers, $3 504 69
1 100 fcs; for bulls, S2 70S3 20. A bunch of 10
carloads of distilatry-f ed steers sold to average
H SO V 100 fis; a bunch of 15 carloads to aver
age S4 2: 6 carloads ot choice corn-fed half
bred Colorado steers at $4 50, and 3 carloads 'of
choice distillery-fed bulls at $3 20. Calves
Receipts, 200 head: firm at 14 506 00 W 100 lbs
lo- veals and Si 503 25 for buttermilks. Sheep
Receipts, o,S00 heaa; extremely dull and
quiet, Uc V B lower, with scarcely more than
one-halt of the offerings sold. Sheep went at
$3 255 20 100 2s; lambs at S5 25b 25. Hogs
Receipts, 2.600 head; none offered alive: nom
inally firmer at $4 805 20 100 lbs.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 4,332 head;
shipments. 773 head; native dressed beef and
shipping steers active and 10c higher; cows
weac to 5c Iower;Texas andlndian steers more
active; stockers and feedlne steers dull and
lower: cood to choice corn fed steers, t3 70
4 20; common to medium. 2 703 60: stockers
and feedine steers, S2 003 10; cows. Jl 60
2 70; grass range steers, SI 7o2 7a Hogs Re
ceipts, 4.500 head; shipments, 1,477 head;
opened 25c higher on light, steady for heavy
and mixed, closing weak and 6c lower; good to
choice lisht, $1 204 25; heavy and mixed,
$4 0384 15. Sheep Receipts. SS8 head; ship
ments, none; active and 1015c higher on mut
tons; lambs steady; good to choice muttons,
S3 u(l4 00; common to medium, U 2o3 25.
CHICAGO The Drovers Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts, 8,500 head; shipments, 3,000
bead; market stead); good crades stronger;
beeves, $3 354 25: stockers and feeders, 12 00
3 00; cows, bulls and mixed, tl 2o3 DO:
1 exas cattle, Jl 25Q3 15. Hogs Receipts. 8,600
head: shipments, aOOO head: market strong and
6J10e higher on all but light boss; mixed, $4 20
4 60: heavy. $4 104 40: fieht, $4 354 70; skips.
S3 504 60. Sheep Receipts, 5,000 head: ship
nients. 1.000 head: market steady; natives, $3 60
64 80: western, St 654 50: Texans, 13 004 00;
lambs, H 5065 60.
fcT.Loms-Cattle Receipts, 1L300 head: ship,
tnents. 2,300 head; market steady; choice heavy
native steers. J3 754 20; fair to cood do, $3 00
2 291 'tockers and feeders, fair to good. !2 10
S?iIaSe"- cora fed. 2 70S3 50; grass fed.
S 002 9a Hogs Receipts. 1,700 head: ship
ments, l.KO head: market higher; choice selec
tions. $4 251 40; packing, medium to prime.
. J4 204 40; light grades, ordinary to best, H 44
&i Sa Sheen Rpi-PlntB 1nV1hM1.chlnmant.
2.600 head; market strong; fair to choice, J3 l6
- 6-4 on.
CINCINNATI Hogssteady; common and light,
13 654 65; packing and butchers. U 20T 40;
i receipts, 1,100 head; shipments, 600 head.
A Batch of Bearish Nevnt From tho Wheat
Districts Strenctheii Price Corn
and Oats Fealm-eleis Hog
Products Irretiulnr at
Medium FIearc.
CmcAao There was a, very fair trade to
wheat early to-day, but aftlir that rather dull.
Prices most of the day ruled slightly higher
than yesterday's closing, an d the market was
rather steadier within small fluctuations. The
opening was about Kc Higher than yester
day's closing, and prices were further advanced
KJ then recovered c, i mproved some, and
closed about Xc higher t -ban closing yester
day. The strength at the .-start was due, no
doubt, to the severe rain ntormjof last night,
which induced some buying, but the offerings
became larger at the advance, ana it was
claimed that an effort was m ade to depress the
market on prospects of large receipts. The
effort was partially successf uL but the off cr
ingswere taken, and the market recovered
Rains were reported throughout the winter
wheat sections. Which will tend to retard the
movement to some extent, though late advices
note clearing weather. Rust was reported In
spring wheat in Wisconsin, caused by rains and
severe hot weather. The market closed strong
on reports from winter wheat markets that
buyers find It difficult to purchase wheat in the
Quietude was the prevailing feature in corn,
but little interest being manifested and a light
business transacted. The feeling was un
changed, the near futures ruling firm, while
the more distant months showed slight de-l
clines. Fluctuations were limited to J range.
Oats were quictand steady.
In mess pork trading was moderate at an ir
regular range ot prices. Prices ruled about 5c.
higher at the opening, bnt after the orders w ere
provided for a better feeling prevailed and
prices receded 12z5c Near the close the
leellng was steadier, and prices ruled, rallied
1012Xc and closed quiet.
Lard opened stronger and prices ruled about
2c higher. Later the market weakened and
prices rcceueu ogtyc xuwaru uie ciose ido
demand Improved slightly and prices rallied
2Kc, and closed steady.
A fairly active trade was reported in short
rib sides, and prices ruled irregular. At the
openine the feeling was stronger and prices
ruled 25c higher. Later a weaker feeling
was developed. Prices receded l10c and
closed quiet at medium figures.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 July, 818180SS0-Kc:
aepiemoer, vi;i
August. 35e35JieS5V0353ic:
September, 35&c; October, 36i&36j
Oats-No. 2, August, 222ic: September.
22222222c; May. 252o256;25Xc
Miss Pore, per bbl. August, 111 2011 20
611 00011 07: beptercber.SU 27U30U02K
($11 15; October, S10 6010 50.
Lard, per 100 lbs. August, S6 256 20; Sep
tember. 85 37K68 S7K&6 S06 30; October,
70 O0 0 M.
Short Ribs, per 100 Bs. August, $5 6042
5 G05 50S 52k; September. $5 605 60;
October, $5 52J5 555 525 65.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour
nominally unchanged; new winter sold at $4 00.
No. 2 spring wheat, 88K689C; No. 3 -spring
wheat,77S0c;No.2red.b0c. No. 2 corn. S5Ji
31c. No. 2 oats, 22lic No. 2 rye. 41c. No. 2
barley nominal; No. 1 flaxseed, fl 13. Prime timo
thy seed, SI 33 1 35. Mess pork, per barrel, 11 10
61115. Lard, per 100 pounds, S8 20. Short ribs,
sides (loose). So 505 55. Short clear sides
(boxed), S5 S78 0U, Sugars unchanged. Re
ceipts Flour, a.OOO barrels: wheat, 45,000 bush
els: corn, 222.000 bushels: oats, 141.000 bushels;
rye, 6,000 bushels; barley, none. Shipments
Flour, 7,000 barrels; wheat, 45,000 bushels; corn.
284,000 bushels; oats, 111,000 bushels; rye. 3,000
bushels; barley, none.
On tho Produce .Exchange to-day the butter
market was quiet and unchanged. Eggs, quiet
atll12c H
New York Flour irregular and quiet; cen
erally SglOc lower. Cornmeal dull. Wheat
Spot quiet, strong and Jc higher; options drill
and irregular; July Jc higher; other months
lio up and steady. Rye quiet. Barloy
nominal. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot drill
and easy; options dull, lower and steadv. Oats
Spot dull and unchanged; options dull and
steady. Hay steady. Hops easy and quiet
Coffee Options opened quiet and unchanged
to 6 points up, closing dull 510 points
up; light bnsmess; August, 14.4514.50c;
spot, 14.7014.65c: October, 14.6514.70c: Novem
ber, 117014.C4c: December, 14.6014 SOc: spot
Rio quiet and steady; fair cargoes. 17c Sugar
Raw nominal; refined very quiet and un
changed. Molasses Foreign dull. Kice quiet
and steady. Tallow stronger; city, ic; out of
town common to strictly choice, 4tl 13-l(c
Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine barely
steady at 39039c Eggs .weak and quiet;
western, 13Ji14J.jC: receipts. 6.113 packages.
Pork quiet and easy: mess, S12Q13, Cutmeats
tinner: pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7Ji7Ji
pickled haras, llc; pickled shoulders, 5H.C:
middles quiet. Lard closed weak and dull;
western steam, 6 60; city, 6 60; options no
sales; Angust. $4 59 asked; September, fS 61
bid; October. $6 65; November. $6 47 asked; De
cember, S6 3S6 43; January, $6 33 4a Butier
Fancy steady and others weak: western, 10
13c: do creamery. 1216c; do factory, b13a
Cheese.Iower; colored firm and in fair demand;
western, 66Xc
Philadelphia Flour quiet; prices well
maintained. Wheat ruled steady for options,
but very little disposition to trade on specnl a
tive account and export orders too low for
business. Car lots quiet at former rates. No. 2
red. In export elevator; 82c; No. 2 red, Jnlv,
84KS5c: August, 83?Slic: September, S3ii
MJic: October, 84s5c. Corn Option mar
ket quiet but steady; carlots for local trade
scarce and firm: No. 2 mixed in Twentieth
street elevator, 44c: No. 2 mixed July. 43Q
43Kc; August, 43441c; September, 43K
44c: October, 43J(fflJ4. Oats Carlots ruled
firm, with good local trade demand; choice
No. 3 white, in grain depot, 34c: No. 2 white,
in Twentieth ttreetelevator, 34c; do, in grain
depot, 35c; futures dull and barely steadv; No.
2 white, July, 3334e: August, 3131Jic;
September, 30K31c; October. 31Q31HC. But
ter firm for fancy goods; Pennsylvania cream
ery extra, 1217Kc; do prints extra, 2ia20c.
Eggs Choice stock firm; inferior lots dull;
Pennsvlvanla firsts, 14c. Petroleum quiet
but firm; 70 Abel test, in barrels, 7 l-5c.
St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat
higher; the market was unsettled most of the
session, but gradually gathered strength, and
the close was HHc above yesterday; No. 2
red, cash. 74g75ic; Julv. 71&74c, closing
at 74Jc bid; August, 744J74KC. closing at 74?i
74Jc bid; September, 75J4C, closing at75Jic
asked; December, 78?679ic, closing at 78c
Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, cash, S3c: August,
32!c, closing at 32c bid; September. 33c
closing at 33c bid; May. 34Kc Oats dull; No. 2,
cash. 2223c bid: July, 22c bid; August, 21c
bid; September. 21e bid: Mav. 25Kc Rye
No. 2. 42c; better inquiry. Flaxseed SI 15.
Provisions firm and quiet.
Cincinnati Flour firm. Wheat steady;
No. 2 red. 78c; receipts, 13,200 bushels; ship
ments. 4.000 bushels. Corn firm: No. 2 mixed,
36ffi37c Oats steady; No. 2 mixed, 25K26c
RjeduII;No. 2, 47a Pork steady at 111 75.
Lard in fair demand at JSO0. Bulkmeatsfirm;,
short rib. $5 75; bacon steady and un
changed. Butter steady. Sugar easy. Eggs
dull. Cheese unchanged.
Milwaukee Flourunchanged. Wheatfirm:
cash. 79Vb": September, 78c Corn steadv;
No. 3, 35K3Cc Oats firm; No. 2 white. 2J
28Kc Rye dull; No. 2. 12c Barley firm; No. 2,
60c bid, tic asked. Provisions firmer. Pork,
11 10. Lard, $6 25. Cheese unchanged; Ched
dars, 7?c.
Baltimore Provisions -slow; mess pork,
$13 00; new, 13 6a Butter steady: wwtera
packed, 1012c; creamery, 1617c. Eggs firm.
Coffee nominal; Rio, 17018c
Indian AroLisWh eat strong: No.2 new red,
78c bid. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, 35c. Oats
weak; No. 2 mixed. 24c
Toledo Clovcrseed dull; cash, SI SO; Octo
ber. $1 4a
Boston Prices for Wool.
Boston, July 19. The salesof wool for the
week have been 2.942,000 pounds of all kinds,
lncluding2.473,000 pounds for domestic grades.
The market was very firm, but the demand
from manufacturers was not very cood. and
the business of the week was mostly done by
two or three bouses. Other dealers have been
selling; only in small lots. Small sales of Ohio
and Pennsylvania fleeces have been noticed at
3335c fur X and 'XX, and of Mich
Igau X fleeces at 8233c Washed,
combing and delaine fleeces have sold
at 2930c for No. 1 combing; 3637c for Ohio
fine delaine, and 30o for Michigan fine delaine.
Unwashed combine wools are 3032c In Ter
ritory wool the sales have been 694,000 pounds
in the range of 1827c for fine, fine medium
and medium. Texas wool sells readily at 20
Bn. as tn nnalttv. Tisfprn n,.iran wn.,1 .-it..
at 1023c and California spring has moved at
1624c Pnlled wools are in. good demand, and
sales of snper are reported at 3238c, and of
extra at 2631c Australian wool has sold at
37gl2c English and Irish wool is firm at 36
37c Carpet wools are quiet, but firm. Camels
hair noils sold at 21Kc wmBU
Wool Mnrkeu.
St. Lotus Receipts; 166,524 pounds; market
qniet and offerings light.
New Yohk Wool firm and quiet; domestic
fleece, 3239c; pulled. 2340c; Texas, 1428c
Metal ntarkot.
NEW York Pig iron quie and unchanged.
Copper nominal; lake, Jnlv, ill 9a Lead
slngelsh: domestic, S3 90. Tin Arm; straits.
J19 76.
, Whisky' Market.
There Is no change la price. The market Is
firm at SI 02 for finished jropds.
i2k.rH.imtL!m, i- 1 if 1 hi- iiYli iBn 1 1 sJrMJfiiim'aM MwtBmmSMrBmw T7if"WTi 1 ' sirrTTTiiTisI iWfrniTpniwr ' "iiwi.MBitfWMllii' i imimmmMW&fmUMwFMtP
Agents Surprised by the Staying
Qualities of Ileal Estate.
A Chapter on Luck, Containing Consider
able Advice Worth Heeding.
The activity that real estate has displayed
this summer is surprising to even the oldest
agents in the business, one of whom re
marked yesterday: "The growth of the real
estate interest is wonderful. I do nearly as
much business in a month as I used to do iu a
year. Then we had nothing to do in the sum
mer; now it is almost as busy a season as any
other. Another thing worth noticiug is the
fact that values hare not kept pace with
the increase in business. Some properties
are almost as cheap now as they were 10 or
lSvears ago."
This shows that there Is no boom, but a slow,
bealtby movement, which should give con
fidence to investors, whether for homes or
. . '
I have always had doubts as to the existence
of what Is generally termed "luck." Men who,
cither by favorable circumstances or an unex
plained freak of fortune, are always seeming to
be favored, are termed "lucky," and many are
Inclined to covet them its possession. But here
Is a little excellent advice from an exchange,
which bears out my theory that "luck" is only
a myth, and in reality It Is only by our own
personal exertions and efforts tbat we are ever
really lucky:
"If the boy who exclaims, 'Just my luckr was
truthful, he would say, 'Just my laziness! or
Must my inattentionl' Mr. Cobden wrote
proverbs about 'Luck and Labor.' It would be '
woil for boys to memorize them. Lnck.is wait
ing for something to turn up. Labor, with
keen eyes and strong will, will turn up some
thing. Luck lies in bed and wishes the post
man would bring him news of a legacy. Labor
turns out at 6 o'clock, and with busy pen or
ringing hammer lays the foundation for a com
petency. Luck whines, labor whistles. Luck
relies on chance, labor on character. Luck
strides down to indigence. Labor strides up
ward to Independence."
Don't covet anyone their good fortune; go to
wxrk and deserve it. The world must be con
quered by Intelligent, persistent effort.
Spanish moss is used by Pittsburg upholster
ors for mattresses, pillows, bolsters, chairs,
t-ofas, etc, but where and how it grows and
Itow it is gathered and cured are very imper
fectly understood. As an article of commerce
ft is of no mean importance. It abounds
t hronghout the Gulf coast region,and Is called
fjipanish moss simply because the Government
of Spain held that section of country until
(ieneral Jackson with a "hickory" backbone
"assumed the responsibility" and' captured.
The woods in Louisiana are full of it. The
gathering of moss gives employment to a great
number of persons throughout the State, par
ticularly to negroes. The gatherers of green
moss heap it into piles, wet it and weight it
down with earth or logs, and the heat generated
by the decaying bark surrounding the fiber hast
ens the process of curing, and in two or three
months, according to the varying seasons, the
decomposition is complete. The moss is then
turned oat and dried, cleaned by band of sticks
and dirt, and then shipped to New Orleans.
Live oak moss so cured is said to be the best,
and when moss is well cured and picked by
natural means it is said to be preferred to moss
cured by means of chemicals. The demand
for moss is increasing every year.
The moss is turned out from the gins In neat
lookine bales, branded according to quality,
and shipped to all parts of the United States,
and even to Europe, Gray moss commands
about 1 to 1 cents per pound; mixed, lji to 2Ji
cents, and pure black, 2 to Z cents. A good
article will, however, frequently bring outside
figures, as it has the preference at to Ji
cent more. Machine-cleaned moss brings from
4 to 7 cents, and is used for making the best
grades of mattresses, upholstering furniture,
and for carriage cushions, etc
Its weird appearance as it hangs In heavy
festoons from every tree impresses the be
holder as few other things do. It gives to the
rich woodland scenery a funereal aspect in strik
ing contrast to the bright colors of Northern
The signs are all favorable for a revival of in
terest in local securities. A number of invest
ors who tried their luck in the trusts and other
high-flyers without the success that they an
ticipated, express a determination to stick to
the home market, where they will know just
what they are doing. That everything Is in
cood shape is evident from the way prices have
been sustained through along siege of dullness.
Values are conceded on all sides to have reached
low water mark.
There is plenty of business which could easily
be developed into activity. Altogether, the
situation Is one of fair prospects and hopeful
ness. .
Circumstances point to a continued export of
gpld next week. This movement is unusual
and exceptional, and a continuance under pres
ent conditions unwarrantable. Although it
may cause a further decrease in the bank re
servo, homo bankers still regard the monetary
situation with satisfaction, and have no appre
hension of stringency tn the money market.
Treasury disbursements continue small, and
receipts of currency from the interior are run
ning light, considering the immense circulation
outstanding, and comparative dullness of busi
ness at this season of the year.
The conditions differ materially from those
prevailing a month ago, but with large dis
bursements, easy money at the financial cen
ters of Europe and conditions unusually favor
able to large purchases of American securities
abroad, it is certain that the outflow of tho
yellow metal will soon be checked if not turned
in this direction.
Crop reports coming from all sections of the
country are almost uniformly of a favorable
tenor, and are having a good effect upon busi
ness. Financial Interests anticipate no strin
cency. The large exportation of gold will soon
be followed by reactionary effects. The com
mercial reports show a heavy production and
easy payments. A. large fall trade is assured,
and the leaders in commercial and manufac
turing interests are full of faith and hope in
good trade conditions.
In 1879 the world's gold, silver and unebvered
paper money in circulation was to the amount
of $8,991,041,817, giving 87 75 per capita; while
in 18S9 the world's gold, silver and uncovered
money in circulation is 410,476,653,620, giving
S8 47J4 per capita. Increase in 1889 over 1879,
9.32 per cent. Increase in population, 6.67.
Stocks Show Siena of Improvement Better
Demand for the Favorites
While there was a notable improvemept in
the inquiry for local securities yesterday, tho
business transacted was far below the mark.
Still any change for tho better is noteworthy
and encouraging as an Indication that the mar
ket is gradually getting out of the rut. The
leaders in activity were Pittsburg and Western
preferred, which sold at 2; Electric, with two
small sales, at 49K and 49; La' Noria, which
bronght 1JX. and Natural Gas of West Virginia,
which went at 68. All of these stocks were a
shade stronger. Switch and Signal was offered
at 22, but nobody wanted it. The same apa
thetic feeling pervaded the tractions. The rest
of the list was featureless.
A broker said: "A number of buying orders
. have been booked within a few days, bnt those
having them are waiting for lower prices. In
this I think they are making a mistake The
way that values have been sustained through
weeks of distressing dullness should convince
them tbat bed-rock has been reached. All at
.tempts to break the market have failed. The
next movement will be upward." Bids, offers
'and sales are appended.
Kid. Asked.
111(1. Asked.
Pitta. l'et.S. AM. Kx
Arsenal Bank
Allegheny -Nat. lit....
CItltens fiat, lianc...
KxelianteN. Kank....
Marine Nat. Uank....
Masonic Hank.
Klrst iMit. Bank. Ay...
Pennsylvania Ins
Chartlers ViL, Gas Co.
Mat. Uas Co. of W? Va,
People's Nat Gas
Pennsylvania Gas Co..
Philadelphia Co .,
Wbeellnr Gas O
Washington Oil Co...,
Central Traction.
Citizens' Traction
Pleasant Vallev
Pitta., Alle. ft Man....
P.. C. ASt. 1,. K. It...
Pitts. Western K. X.
P. & W. B. K. Co. pref
li Horla Alining- Co...
Weitmghouse Electric
U.S. A SI. Co.
"Weitlnxuoute A. B. Co.
Pitts. Plate Glass Co..
eH 70
X HX Ktf S3
80 ....
30K St XK t
m .... estf o
aw -
- HSi,
21K .
i: UM
20 20)4
itf i 13a" i
49 499 49 49).
20 2 .... S
Sales at the 'morning call were: GO shares of
Pittsburg and Western preferred, at 20 15
Electric at 49K; CO La Noria at 110 Natural
Gas of West Virginia at 68 and 1 membership
at 450. In the afternoon 10 shares of Electric
brought 4W.
The total sales of stocks at New York yester
day were 160,209 shares. Including: Atchison,
13,160; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western,
10,600; Missonri Pacific 6,200; Northern Pacific
preferred, 5,500; New Eugland, 12,600: Reading,
19,800; Richmond 'and -West Point, 7,700; St.
Paul. 24,650; Union Pacific 6,000.
The Local Financial Situation Illustrated by
a Snort story.
A Fourth street banker, who isl quite a "lit
erary fellen" as an Illustration of the financial
situation, told me the following story yester
day: "Charles O'Malley, the hero of Lever's ereat
novel, while attending the Dublin University,
received a letter from an intimate friend ask
ing him how be was getting along. Charles, in
reply, attempted to quote a Latin phrase to the
effect that be was "about the same,' but
bungled it so tbat, when translated, it read:
Worse and worse'
"This does not correctly represent the mone
tary condition, however," the banker added,
"for, while it is no better, it is certainly no
worse. We have considerable Idle capital, but
not too much to begin the fall trade with. In
a month or six weeks, unless I am greatly mis
taken, money will be in good demand at better
rates than we are offered now. I look for a
large expansion of business next fall and
winter. The improvement in the iron trade,
and the large increase in the earnincs of the
principal railroads, including the Pennsylvania,
have already caused a change for the better.
I am perfectly satisfied with the situation.
While business is a little slow. It is much better
than at the same time last year. I think the
year will wind up with a record that will leave
all previous ones out ot sight."
Checking was good yesterday and depositing
fair. Considerable paper for small amounts
was discounted at tho usual rates. Most of the
loans were on call or very short time. The
Clearing House report was encouraging, ex
changes beisff (2,133,450 77, and balances J42o,
65068. Money at New York yesterday was easy at
2K3 per cent; last loan 3 per cent: closing
offered at 3 percent. Prime mercantile paper,
X6K. Sterling exchange dull and steady
at 483 for 60-day bills and 457 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations,
U. 8. 4s,re(r 1MM!
ilf. K.&T. Gen.Ss
U. S. . COUp 13'
Mutual Union 6s.. ..100
u. . 4X. rez lOfi
N. J.C. Int. Cert...ll3W
Nortuern Pac lsts..H6M
Northern Pac. 2ds..HSlJ
Northw't'n consols. H6H
Northwn deben's.JHH
Ureson A Trans. 6S.104U
St. U &I.M. Gen. Is a
V. S. 4)s. coup 106
jracincasor'93...... lis
Loulllini tamped 4s 89)4
juissoun OI...........1UU
Tenn. new set. 8s. ...108
Tenn. new set. it... AH!'
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 733
St. L. AS. F. Gen. ALUS
Hi. Panl consols ....128
St. PL ChlftPc.lsU.117
Tx.. PcL. G.TT E. 89M
Canada So. zdi Wti
uen. r-acino,u lid
Den. A 1C G., lsts.lM
Den. A K. O. 4 7814
D.4K.G.Wet,lju. 101
Erie. 2ds 102
11. K. AT. Gen. 6j.. 63
Tx.,PcK.G.lT.KctS iiH
union trac. uu ua
West Shore 106Jj
Yesterdays bond offerings ageregated $34,100,
as follows: Coupon 4s, JlOU at 128W; Tegular
4s, JiaiOO at 1SSK; regular 4 Ws, $23,500 at 106;
coupon 4Ks, SLOW at 106.
New Yoek Bank clearings to-day, $106,491,
330; balances. $5,614,585.
BOSTON-Bank clearings to-day, $16,017,289;
balances, $2,934,52a x
Baltimore Bank clearings to-day.$L877.926;
balances. 8373.153.
Philadelphia Bank clearings to-day, J10,.
170.4C9; balances. $1,530,588.
ST-Louis-Clearings, $2,800,900; balances,
$518, 39a
Chicago Money on call, 505 per cent;
time loans, 67 per cent. Bank clearings,
New York Selling; Knocks Visions of Dollar
Oil on the Bead.
When the oil market opened yesterday, there
was a disposition to reach the dollar line and
for a little while it looked as if this might be
done, but New York started in to sell and ex
tinguished those bright anticipations in a
Jiffy. When things looked the bluest Pitts
burg buying rallied and sustained the marker:
Trading was of good proportions, but lighter
than on Thursday, when the clearings were
1,248,000 barrels.
The fluctuations were: Opening, 95; high
est, 95J; lowest and close, 94. At the latter fig
ure fears of a further slump made the longs
anxious to dump, but the other side thought
tbey could do better by waiting. A broker re
marked that the conduct of New York hi un
loading just when the market was getting on
its feet convinced him that there was a power
behind the throne against which the Ex
changes were powerless. The "outside interest
seems to have the same opinion.
Features of the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. Oaxiey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange
Opened. 5!Lowert S4
Blithest 85fC!oed 94
Averajrernns 51,888
Average shipments
Average charters
Refined. New York. 7.2e
78, :
Kenuerf, London, SJid.
itennea, Antwerp, ijj,i
KeflneJ. Liverpool. S3-16d.
A. B. McGrew ,6 Co.
calls, 9491Jic
quote: Putg,93Jc;
Other Oil Markets.
On. Cur, July 19. National transit cer
tlflcates opened at 95c; highest, 95c: low
est, 91c; closed, 94c Sales, 370,000 barrels;
clearances, L416.O0O birrelsibbarters. 4LS65 bar
rels; shipments. 95,324 barrels; runs, 50,092
Bradford, July 19. National transit cer
tificates opened at 95c; closed at Wc: high
est, 95Jc; lowest, 93c; clearances, L444,00a
TrrusviLLE, July 19. National transit cer
tlflcates opened at 5c; highest; 95c: lowest,
New York, July 19. Stock Exchange:
Opening, 95c; highest, 95c: lowest, 94c;
closing, 94Kc Consolidated Exchange: Ansust
opened at 95c; highest, 95c; lowest, 93c;
closing, 94c Total sales, 612,000 barrels.
Realty Still In Demand La test Deals In City
nnd Country.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a small house and
lot on Ridge avenue. Allegheny, for $2,150
cash: also a lot with blacksmith shop thereon
on Oakland avenue, for $1,830 cash; also sold
three of the lots In Orchard plan, Wilkinsburg,
size of each 80x124, feet, for $3,000. They also
placed a mortgaee on bouse and lot in the Sec
ond ward. Allegheny, of $1,500 at 6 per cent;
also a mortgage on city property of $5,500 at 5
per cent, and three mortgages of $2,200 at 6 per
cent on property In McKeesporr.
I. M. Pennock A Son sold and settled a mort
gage for 10,000 for five years at 5 3-10 per cent
on property in Reynold ton; also on property In
Marshall township, Allegheny county, of $1,700
for three years at 6 per cent.
Samuel W. Black A Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold a lot. 90x239, on the northwest corner of
Bank and Little streets. Sewiekis v. for X1.S5Q.
The purchaser (a prominent attorney) will
erect a fine residence.
John F. Baxter, 612 Smltbfield street, sold
Jots 430 "and 431, Villa Place plan, Brushton
station, frontage ot 80 feet on Celsus street bv
151 to a 20-foot allev. to James Clark for $30(5.
He also suld lot No. 3S8 In the same plan to R.
H. Fulton for $300. This is a new plan just
placed on the market, and adjoins the Bank of
Commerce addition. ,
Black A Balrd, No. 95 Fonrth avenue, sold to
John A Gravel a lot situate on the east side of
Banm street. Twentieth ward, adjoining lot of
McKalllp's, and having a frontage of 100 feet
by 120 feet in depth, for $4,000.
Fears of a monetary Stringency Made the
Pretext for an Asxault Upon the
Stock List Final Quotations
Almost I variably Show
Small Losses.
New York, July 19. The stock market was
extremely dull again to-day, and at times
possessed no character whatever, but" in gen
eral it was weak, and the day's operations re
sulted in lower prices over 'the entire list. The
London prices again came materially higher
this morning, that market being influenced by
the report circulated here yesterday tbat
the Chicago, Burllnjton and Northern
had been finally absorbed by the Chicago, Bar-
llngton and Quincy. The foreigners also sent
liberal buying orders in some of their special
ties, and the result was that our opening prices
were from yt to per cent above last night's
fl cures in most of the list, though Missouri
Pacific and New England were notable excep
tions, being down fi and per cent respect
ively; Tho engagement of Sl.000,000 gold tor
export last night was followed by further with
drawals, and the amount bad been made up be
fore noon to $3,09a000.
The traders began to talk again about mone
tary stringency upon the strength of this, and
attacked the list, Missouri Pacific and Rock
Island receiving special attention in the early
trading, and the net loss on those stocks was
about 1 per cent. Dullness became the only
feature, however, and as the selling pressure
was removed prices rose again, and Sugar
Trust, which had opened down 1 per cent, ral
lied to 110. bnt the losses in the remilar list
were not made up. In the afternoon the at
tack was resumed, and New England, Atchi
son, Sugar, St. Paul, Missouri Pacific and
Reading were all conspicuous m the decline.
Lackawanna followed in the last hour, but
there was a partial recovery In mist stocks at
tbat time, and the market closed qniet and
fairly steady at better than the lowest prices.
The nous of the day was not of special Im
portance, thongh the reports of earnings were
generally favorable, and the crop news was of
a similar tenor. The repo-t of the absorption
of the Burlington and Northern was denied,
which had considerable Influence upon the
course of prices. The list is almost invariably
lower, though the changes are for fractional
amounts except in Lackawanna and New En
gland, each of which is down 1 per cent.
The dullness and apathy in tho bond market
was again remarkable, the sales of all only ag
gregating $581,000. while the only feature of the
dealings was the further decline in the Hocking
Valley Issnes upon the report that the August
interest would not be met. There is no inter
est to be met until September, and the officers
of the company say that will In all probability
be paid as usual. The 6s were the most ac
tive issues, and the trading in them reached
$31,00a The general market showed no fea
ture or character, and the changes in quota
tions were confined to the smallest limits ex
cept in a few issues. Hocking Valley 6s lost 5,
Mobile and Ohio lost 4 at 63.
The followlne table shows the prices of active
stocks on the Mew York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for Till DISPATCH by
Whitney A STErniNSON. oldest Plttsburg-mem-bers
of Mew York Stock Kxchange, 57 Fourth ave
nue: mot-
ioi a
Am. Cotton Oil 34
Atch.. Top. Jt s. F.... 37K
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern JIM
Central or Mew Jersey.UOX
CentraU'aclnu S4
ChesarjeakeA Ohio.... ICK
C. Bur. A Ouli.T..... S
C. alii. A at. Paul.... C9
c, iin.A St. P.. pr....icM
C. KocKl. A P. UH
C St. L. A Pitts
C. at. L. A Pitts, pr.. 35
C St. P.. M. A o...
C. St. PM. A O., pr. ....
C A Morthweitern....l07M
C&Morthwrstern, pr. ....
Col. Coal A Iron !8
Col. A Hoekinjr Val .. UU
Del.. L. A W KIS
Del. A Uunson MS
Denver ltloC- ....
IJeuver A Rio U.. pr... 1SU
E.T., Va. 4Ua ....
E.T.,Va. 01. lit pr. ....
E. T.. Va. A Oa. 2d pf. ....
Illinois Central
Lake Erie A Western
Lake Krle West, pr.. 57
Lake Shore & M. S 101 H
LoulivllUA Nashville. SSH
Michigan central
Mobiles Ohio
Mo.. X. ftTexai 10i
Mew York Central
M. Y.. L. E. A W
M. Y.. a ASt. L, IS
M. X., O. A St. L. of.
M.Y.. C. Abt.L..ii nf ....
eL 54
est. 54
107)4 KK
144 1,
4SX 45
ioi a!
10 10
M. Y.. O. A V S4f
Morfolfcs Western
MorfotkA Western, of. ....
Northern Pacific 27H
Mortnern Pacific nref. S3J&
Ohio & Mississippi..... &x
Oregon Improvement. ....
Oregon Transeon 29V
PacrficMall I2X
Peo. Dee. A Kvan
Phlladel. A Heading-.. 65f
Pullman Palace Cr...!W
Ktchmona A W. P. T.. 21M
Richmond A W.P.T.pf 78
St. P., Minn. A Man.. S3
Texas Pacific 1SH
UnlonPaclno S554
Wabasn 15
Wabash preferred 28)t
Western Union ti2
Wheeling A L. OTU
Sugar Trust 109!
National Lead Trust.. 24
Chicago Gas Trust 57
34 UM
57K XX
Boston Stocks.
Atch. .1 Toe. 1st 7s. 116
A.&T. Land Gr't7s. 103
Kntland nreferred.. 40
Wis. central, com... 22K
Atch. Slop. It. B... 37
wis. central pr....
Calumet A Hecla!..,
Osceola. .,
1'ewablc (new) ,
Qnlney ..
Bell Telephone....,
Boston Land ,
Water Power
ouiwa a jiiuBuy...zw
Boston A Maine. ....too
C. B. Ad 99K
6 l
vaon. oan. s laeve. z
Eastern R. R 101
PUntAPereM. pro. 96
Mexican Cen. com.. 15
MexX'.lst mtg. bds. 65V
M. Y. ftMewJCng... 48
H.Y. N. E. 7S....128
Santa Fe copper....
viu voionr........,..jj
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers, 2fo. 57
ronrth avenue. Members .New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsvlvanla Railroad silf
Beading 22 5-16
huflalo. Plttsbnrg and Western 87
Lehigh Valley 53
Lehigh Mavigatlon 32
Xorthern Pacific... 27s
Northern Pacific preferred 62V
Joint Committee of the Trunk' Lines
Issues an Order'to That Effect.
New York, July 19. The following circular
was to-day issued from the office of the joint
committee of the trunk lines and Central
Traffic Association, signed fcy H. J. Hayden
and G. R. Blauchard:
"In accordance with the vote of ttiB joint
committee, and taking effect at all points
within Its territory on August 1, proximo, it has
been agreed that, except npon the single
article of corn, the rates npon all grains and
the products of all grains which are classified
as sixth class shall be restored to the basis of
25 cents per 100 pounds, Chicago to New York,
as shown in the east-bound tariffs effective De
cember 17. 1S88. The rates on unground corn
only may be continued after Angust 1. on the
basis of 20 cents per 100 pounds, Chicago to
New York, nntil otherwise agreed.
The foregoing rates will be this dav filed by
the undersigned with the Inter-State Com
merce Commission at Washington, on behalf
of the united railroads and their cast-bound
connections, but you are requested to Individ
ually file your printed tarlfis."
Special Excursion to the Encampment of
the Elffliteentb and Tenth Regiments at
Via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to-morrow.
Train leaves at 8 A. m., city time.
TfllUC VPUXI? writes or to-morrovj't
tl IJ L JdO DIMS ti Despatch an American
no' el, entitled" "A Journey Off the Track."
Thit ttoru U published complete, and is full of
life and interest.
- Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.(
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices all
and see us.
A. purely Vegetable
Compound that expels
all bad humors from the
system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
JAB. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. S125,000.
Transacts a General Ranking Business.
Blood Poriffer.
California Fruits in Abundant Sup
ply and Pine Quality.'
Corn and Hay Firmer, Oats Weaker, Yheat
and Plonr Steady.
Office ot Pittsbuiig Dispatch, 1
Friday, July 19, 1S89.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
California peaches, apricots and plnms are in
good supply and, splendid shape at Liberty
street commission bouses. The first frnits of
the Alabama peach crop put in their appear
ance the past day or two. Slckel pears from
Marietta, O., are also on the market. Raspber
ries are close to the end of their career for this
season. Blackberries are in f nil supply from
the Eastern shore. The home-grown article
should be to tho front next week. Potatoes
and apples are not as abundant as they hare
been for a week or two past, and holders are
firmer in their views. Watermelons and canta
loupes are plenty and steadily drifting toward
a lower level.- Cheese, bntter and eggs are
fairly active at old prices. Tropical fruits
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do.
1718c; fresh dairy packed. 12Q13c; country
rolls, 1012c
Beams 31 7S1 90.
Beeswax 2S30c fl B for choice; low grade,
CIDER Sand refined, 6 507 GO; common.
S3 504 (10; crab cider, 8 0O&8 SO ft barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c fl gallon.
CHEESE Ohio. 8o; New York. 10l&Kc;
Limburger, 8Q9c; domestic bweitzer, 9J
12Xc: lmporteu Bweitzer, 22c
California Fruits California peaches,
S2 00 V X-bushel box; cherries, 3 00; apricots,
12 00 a 4-basket case; plums, SI 752 00 a 4
brisket C9IA
Egos 15Jf16c f dozen for strictly fresh:
goose, 30c f dozen.
Fruits Apples, $2 0003 00 fl barrel: pine
apples. Jl 0OQ1 2 f) dozen; red raspberries. B
&10c fl quart: black raspberries, 5tjc fl quart;
whortleberries, 75cSl 00 fl pail; blackberries,
58cfl quart; wild goose plums, S2 50 f) crate;
currants, $5 ft 2-bnsbel staud; watermelons,
IIS 0023 00 f) hundred; sickel pears, ,2 U0
2 25 fl bushel crate; Alabams peaches, 6-baskec
cases. S3 00.
Feathers Extra live geese. 50Q60c; No. J,,
UU, ?VybA., U1ULCU IUW, OUgOOU ff 10.
POTATOES 81 2501 75 ft barrel.
POULTRY Live spring chickens, 5060c f
pair; old, 7075c f) pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, Ks lbs to bushel. So 60
fl bushel; clover, large Englisb, 62 As. 30 00;
clover, Alslke. J8 50; clover, white. 9 CO; timo
thy, choice, 45 Sis, SI Co: blue gras, extra
clean. 14 ft'. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 &, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 As, SI 63; red top, 14 Ks, 81 25;
millet, 50 lbs. SI 00; German Alillett, 50 Ha.
SI 50; Hungarian grass, 60 lbs, SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, 82 60 fl bushel
OI 11 IDS.
Tallow Country, 4X3c: city rendered, 5
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. S5 00
5 50 fl box; Messina oranges, S3 00o 50 fl box;
rodu $4 5005 00; California oranges, $4 504 75
fl bpx; Dananas, 82 00 firsts, SI 00 good seconds,
fl bunch; cocoanuts, $4 00Q1 50 ft hundred;
new figs, 8X9o ft lb; dates, 5X6Xo ft .
Vegetables Tomatoes, Mississippis, four
basket cases SI 001 25; beans, round wax
fancy, $2 60 ft crate; beans, round wax medium.
$2 00 ft crate; beans, round green, 82 252 50;
new beets, 20Q25c ft dozen; cucumbers. 75c
SI 00 ft bushel box; radishes, large white and
gray, S035c, ft dozen; cabbage, two-barrel
crates, Louisville and St. Louis, SI 251 50;
Eastern, single-barrel crates, SI 001 25; new
celery, OC0c ft dozen.
There Is no let-up to tha. firmness of sugar,
and a rise is dally looked for by jobbers. Green
coffee options had a fall of 35 points in Kew
York yesterday, bnt packages are. unchanged.
There is little doubt that the coffee crop this
season will be below the average, and any
prominent bear movement is improbable.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2122c; choice
Rio, 1820c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 272Sc; Santos. 1922c: Caracas
2022ct peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands. 22c:
high grades, 2426c; old Government Java,
bulk.30Q31J4c; Maracaibo, 25X2ttc; Santos.
2922c; peaberry, 25c; peaberry, choice Rio.
23)c; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20c; ordi
nary, 20c
Spices (whole) Cloves, 21025c: allspice, 8c:
cassia, 6c; pepper, 16c: nutmeg, 70S0c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8c; water
wane, iuc; giooe, 12c; eiaine, 10c; carnauine,
HKc;royallne. 14c
SYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c: choice sugar
syrups, S33jc: prime sugar syrup, S0S3c;
strictly prime. 3335c: new maple syrup, SOc
N. O. Molasses Fancy. 4Sc; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed. 4042c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs,34c; bi-carb in Ks,
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages. 566c; sal
soda in kegs, c; do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ft
set, bc; naraffine. ll12c
kice ueau. uaroiina, iwiKc; choice, 651
7c: prime, 5566Vc: Louisiana, 0S6KC
Starch Pearl, 3c: cornstarch, 5x7c; gloss
starch, 507c
Foreign FRUITS Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, i 10; California London layers,
82 50; Mnscatels, 82 25: California Mnscatels,
$1 85; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia,
7K68c; sultana, SWc; currants, 4)5c;
Turkey prunes, 4jSc; French prunes,
8K13c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, Sc;
cocoanuts. ft 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan., per lb,
20e; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.,
1213c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12
16c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan-,
ll15c: citron, per lb. 2122c; lemon peel, per
&, 1314c; orange pee, 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per B, 6c;
apples, evaporated, CVj6Kc; apneots. Califor
nia, evaporated, 15lsc; peaches, evaporated,
pared, 22023c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpared, 10!2c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7KSc; huckle
berries, 1ULC
SUGARS Cubes, lOiieiOJc; powdered. 10V
10c; granulated. 9Jc: confectioners' A. 9k
9c; standard A. 9:;softwhite 9J9K": yel
low, choice. 8K6c; yellow, good, i&QSJsc;
yellow, fair, 8c: yellow, dark,7jgc
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), SI 50; medi
um, half bbls (600), 82 75.
Salt No. 1. w bbl. 95c: No. 1 ex. W bbl. f 1 05:
dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, 81 20;
Hlgglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 tsO; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. SI 300
1 SO: 2ds, 81 301 a; extra peaches, 81 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest com. 81l 50; Hid. Co.
corn. 70090c: red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans,
SI 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas. SI 1001 15: soaked peas. 7tj75c;
pineapples, 81 40&1 50: Bahama do, 82 75: dam
son plums, 95c: greengages, SI 25; egg plpms,
82; Call Torn la pears, 82 50; do greengages, 82: do
egg plums, 82; extra white cherries, 82 "JO: red
cherries, 2 lb?. 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 50:
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries SI 3001 40;
tomatoes, 82)92c; salmon, 1-fc, SI 7502 10:
blackberries, SOc; succotash 2 lb cans, soaked.
99c: do irreen,2ft, SI 250150: corn.bcef.2 lb cans,
82 00: U-1 cans, 814 00: baked beans, 81 4501 f-0;
lobster, 1-ft. 81 7501 80; mackerel, 1-ft cans,
broiled, SI 50; sardines, domestics. y. 81 500
4 60: sardines, domestic. 3. S3 2508 50; sar
dines, imported. K'. Sll 50012 60; sardines. Im
ported, 818: sardines, mustard, 84 50; sar
dines, spiced. 84 5a
Fisn Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 836 ft
bbl.: extra No. 1 do. mess. 840: extra No. 1
l mackerel, shore, 83z; extra No. 1 do, messed.
900; to. z snore macKcrei, rci. uoansn w note
gollock, 4Kc ft lb; do medium, Geerge's cod,
:: do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 67c Herring
Round shore. 85 00 ft bbl; split. 87 00: lake,
2 50 fl 100-ft half bbL White fisb. 87 OC ft 100
ft half bbl. Lake tront, 85 50 ft half bbL
Finnan haddock. 10c ft Jb. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft ft. Pickerel. H barrel, 82 00; K barrel, $1 10;
Potomac herring. So 00 ft barrjj, 82 60 ft K
Oatmeal S3 3006 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Gralff, Flonr and Feed.
Total receipts, as bn(etined at the Grain Ex
change.. 38 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago, Scars of flour, 6 of oats. 1 of hay, 1
of malt. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis.
6 cars of wheat, 4 of corn, 9 of oats, 1 of hay.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of bran, 1 of
rye, 1 of maizone. Sales on call, I car No, 1
timothy hav, S15, spot; 2 cars No. 2 white oats.
29c Eepte'niber: 2 cars No. 2 white oats, 30c,
August: 2 cars No. 2 white oats, 33c, May. 1S90.
Corn and hay are firm, with an npward ten
dency. Oats are in full supply and weaker.
Wheat bulls are on top to-day. Northwestern
millers are very firm fn their views of flour
values. Jobbers cannot lay down the best
spring patents in wood under SO.
Wheat Jobbing prices New No. 2 red, 83
84c: No. 2 red. 929Jc: No. 3 red. 878Sc.
Cors No.2 yellow ear,454GKc: high mixed
ear. 454Gc; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 42043c;
high mixed, shelled, 4142c; mixed, shelled,
Oats No. a white. 32K33c: extra. No. 3.
31J31Kr; No. S white. 80X31c; No. 2 mixed
oats, 2s2Sc.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 6152c;
No. 1 Western, 48Q49C.
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy winter and
spring patents, 85 753 25: winter, straight,
$.10035 25; clear -.winter, S4 755 00; straight
XXXa bakers', 84 254 SO. Bye flour, S3 609
MILLFEID Middlings, fine white. 815 009
15 60 y1 ton: brown middlings, 811 5012 50: win
ter wheat bran. 812 2512 50; chop feed, 815 CO
616 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. fl51550:No. 1
do. 814 0011 CO; No. 2 do, S12 50 13 50; loose,
from wagon, SIS 0OW18 00; Ho. I npland prairie,
810 50011 00; No.2. 87 608 00: packing do, $5 50
6 50.
Straw Oats. S7 60; wheat and rye straw
17 O07 603 00.
Sugar-cured hams, large, UXc; sugar-cured
hams, mtdiUm,.12c; sugar-cured hams, small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7Xc; sugar-cured , boneless
shoulders, 9c; sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9Xc; sugar
cured dried beef sets, 10Xc; sugar-cured dried
beefrounds. 12Xc; bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon
clear sides. SKe: bacon clear bellies. SHc: drv
salt shoulders, 6Vc; dry salt clear sides, Te.
jues porK. nearv. sis uu; mess porit, iamiiy,
SI4 50V Lard Refined in tierces. 6c; halt
barrels. 6c; 00-ft tuDs, 7c; 20-ft palls. 7c; 60-&
tin cans. 6c: 3-lb tin palls, 7c; 5- tin pails.
TVc; 10-lb tin paiU,7Kc;5-fi tin pails, Kc; 10-
tin pails, 7Xc Smoked sausage, long, 5c; large,
6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless hams, 10c
Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter barrel.
82 00.
Dressed Meat.
Armour A Co. furnished the following price
on dressed meats: Beet carcasses. 450 to 550
ft-", 5Xc;530 to 650 ft. 6Vc; 650 to 750fis.6Xc
Sheep, Sc ft ft. Lambs, 10c ft ft. Hogs, 6c
Fresh pork loins, 8Xc
Swift's Specific cured me of malignant
Blood Poison after I had been treated In vain
with old so-called remedies of Mercury and
Potash. S. S. a not only cured the Blood
Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which,
was caused by the poisonous minerals.
GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third are.. N. Y.
Scrofula developed on my dangbter swell
ing and lumps on her neck. We gave her
Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder
ful and the cure prompt.
S. A. DeArmoxd, Cleveland. Tenn.
Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable
remedy, and is the only medicine which per
manently cures Scrofula, Blood Humors, Can
cer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for
ooks on Blood and Bkin rjiseases.mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta.
Ga. fel-7TT8
5 per cent
First Mortgage Bonds.
Free of All Taxes.
The Central Traction Company, of
Pittsburg-, offers for sale its total issue
of Three Hundred and Seventy-five
Thousand Dollars, first mortgage fire
per cent bonds due 1929. iJonds are for
$500 each, interest payable semi-annually,
are free of all taxes and a first lien on all
the property and franchises of the com
pany, whose cable road will be com
pleted by October x.
Proposals for all or any part of these
bonds -will be received by the Treasurer
of the company up to and including July
31, and allotments made thereunder.
At 104.46 these bonds pay aJ per cent
annually, at 109.24, 4 percent, at 114.37,
4 per cent and at 119 87, 4 per cent.
The Company reserves the right to
reject any or all offers. For further irl
formation, address
The Central Traotion Company,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Iwue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan A Co., New York. Passports procured.
514-515 Hamilton Building.
Pittsbnre: Pa.
On mortgages on improved real estate In sums
of 81,000 and upward. AppW at
mh4-34-n No. 124 Fourth avenue.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
MCDni IC anJ mental diseases, physical
INCn V UUOdecay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope. Impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrnst,basbf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, falling powers,organlc weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un-
nwng toe person lor uusiness,society ana mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
smelling?, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system:
1 1 RIM A RV Sidney ana bladder aerange
U fl I IN f fl I 1 nients. weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and other
painfnl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Wiiluier's life-long, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as If here. Office hours 9A. M. to 8 P. m. Sun
day, 10 A. M. to 1 P. H. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
ole's Oofctoaa. Boot
imposed of Cotton Root. Tanrr and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an
old physician. Is successf vXLu used
monthly-Sate, Effectual. Price L by mail,
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook!
w;am itoot uompouna ana tare no suosntuts,
or inolose 2 stamp for sealed particulars. Ad
dress FOND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, Mich.
SPECIALISTS in all eases ra-
S Hiring scientific and confident
al treatment! Dr. & K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. a, is the oldest and
most experienced specialist In
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Offlca
hours to 4 and 7 to 8p.1t; Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
m. Consult them personally, orwrlte. Doctors
Lake, 90S Fenn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
For LOST or falling
Weakness of
Body A Mind. Lack of Strength. Vlror and De
velopment, earned bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book,
JlODB of BtLV-TEKATMXST. and Proofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address E1UE MEDICAL CO,
llairato, N. Y. dea-S7-TT&twk
For nient Checks the worst cases in threa
days, and cares In five days. Price SI 00. at
jaS-29-TTSsa 412 Market street
errors of
vonth- w&stlnr
weakness, lost vlxor. etc, wairettored to health
in inch a remarkable mannersfter alt else had
railed that he will send the mode of rare PKEK to
all fellow sufferers. Address L. G. MITCHELL,
East Haddam, Conn. mrU-S-psairk