MEAT' ON THE HOOF. "- Live Slock at Liberty Yards-Cattle in Larger Supply, BUT QUALITY BELOW LAST WEEK. Prices of Beeves, Sheep and Iambs Lower, and Market Slow. LIGHT 'WEIGHT HOGS SCAECE. HEM Office of Pittsburg Disr atcii, 1 Wednesday, July 17. 1!S9. J Monday's receipts of cattle were 85 loads, against G5 the previous Monday. Since that some fire loads hare been received, making a total of 90 loads. The supplies were in the main common to medium grades. Prime cattle were very scarce and some stockmen report that there were really no strictly prime on tbe market. Qual ity was far below that of last week, when there were a balf-dnzen loads of prime heavy cattle averaging 1.T3S pounds, from Licking county, U. There were no cattle in this week's sup plies above 1,400 pounds. The bulk was from Indiana and Ohio. Chicago furnished about ID loads, which were mostly of medium grades. Markets ere far from satisfactory to drov ers, but stock w as all cleaned up at noon to-day. Prices were 10 to 15 cents lower than last week on all grades excepting nice, tidy, light butcher stock, weighing about 1,200 pounds. The sup ply of this class of cattle has not been up to de mand for some weeks past, and on this grade prices were fairly maintained, because there w ere not enough to go around. Light fat cattle are wanted in this market, and it appears impossible to overstock markets in this kind. Heavy cattle go slow, no matter how good the quality. Butchers and country people want the nice light grades, and as ae lnand for these grades is alove supply, they find ready sale at outside quotations. Better grades of cattle ranged in price from $3 bO to 4 10. Nothing could be traced that brought more than the last figure. ' One of the best bunches on the market was held at Si 2. and according to one well posted would have eallv commanded this figure last week. Jt is believed that tbe holder bad to come down to 1 10 before a sale was made. Said an old time Libertv stockman: "Our trade of late calls for lightweights that are tat and smooth. Ar.jthing above 1.400 goes slow, and the heavier the slower. Steers that go above 1,400, which all good judges would say were better than those weighing 1,200 pounds, will not bring as good prices or find as ready sale as tbe lightweights." The time has parsed when pnme heavy steers weighing from 1,700 to Lb00 pounds found ready sale at East Liberty stockjards. lhls grade is, oniy oougnt lor export purposes. Sheep and Lambs, Supplies were much larger than last week, and markets are weaker at lower prices. Early Monday morning choice wethers held up almost to prices of last week, and holders who un loaded at once did the wise thing, as events have proved. At noon Monday prices were off 10 to 15c, and tbe decline has been steady since that tiine.until prices to-day are f ally25c below last w eek's rates. Hori. Supplies are light, but sufficient for all de mands of trade. Heavy weights are slow on ac:ountof depreciation in lard. Light hogs are in fair demand at last week's prices. Re ceipts at Chicago to-day!were 23,000. and prices 10 to 15c higher than j esterday. The porker that is wanted m this market at tbe present time must not go much above 150 pounds in weight. Above 200-pound hogs are too heavy for our trade, andean only be sold by conces sions to buyers. A second season of abundant corn is pure to keep hog products down, and prospects for bulls on provisions are at this date very sickly. illcCall fc Co.'s Itcparr. The supply of cattle was fair market slow and 10615c lower on all grades except neat 1,000 to 1.100 ft j, which sold at last week's prices. "We give the following as ruling prices, no prime cattle on sale- Good, 1,200 to 1,400 fis, $1 8u4 00; rouh fat, 1,100 to 1.300 Us. $3 50 3 C3; good butcher grades, WOO to L100 Us. S3 403 o; common to fair, 800 to 1,000 Iks, S3 003 40: bulls and fat cows, $2 0032 75; fresh cows and springers, S20 00S40 00 per head. ' The receipts of hogs were light and the mar ket active on good light Yorkers, while the heavier grades ruled easy, bales as follows: Good light Yorkers. Jl S04 90; mediums. J4 70 04 75; grassers, 4 -5C4 OJjS The supply or shep. Monday and Tuesday was heavy and the market slow at a decline of 1520c from our last report The supply to-dav was light, but market dull and 10l5c lower than Mondav. Wo quote as follows: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers. 110 to 120 B 604 SO: good, 90 to 100 lis. J4 254 40; fair ti good mixed. S3 504 00; good yearlings. 75to&0 lbs. H 401 CO; common to fair, 60 to 60 as. S3 754 00: veal calves, 110 to 120 as. J5 506 00. Br Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts, 2,000 head. Including 62 carloads for tbe market, 57 car loads for exportation, and 35 carloads for city slaughterers direct. Prices were much the same as reported yesterday with a fairly firm feeling and a good clearance: najlve steers sold at S3 70 Qi 53 per 100 as; bulls and dry cons at 2 25 3 15. and a carload of common Colorado steers at S3 30; exports to-dav. 3,000;qiiartcrs of beef. Calves Receipt". 1.6W) head: firmer and 4Kc per a higher, at $4 506 per 100 as for veil-, with a lew selected sold at SO 25 and at 2 Slic for buttermilk calves. Sheep Receipts, 7,4U0 head, and 12 carloads wrro carried over jesterdai: sheep were barely steadv at 53 504? 5 50 per 100 a-; lambs firmer and 4c per a higher, at $5 507 per 100 fl. Hogs Receipts, 7,600 head; no sales alive; nominally steady at $4 705 15 per 103 Is. Chicago Cattle The Drover's Journal re ports: Receipts, 18,000 head; shipments. 5,000 head: best 5c lower, others 19c low er; beeves, S3 40ffl4 30: stackers and feeders, S2 20(82 90; cows, bolls and mixed. SI 233 00; Texas cattle 15c loner, at SI 75Q3 00. Hogs Re ceipts. 20,000 head: shipments. 6.000 head; market slow and 10c lowen mixed. S4 104 40; hc-u v. S4 004 30. light, $4 204 75; skips S3 504 60. Sheen Receipts. 7,000 head; ship ments, 1.000 head: market dull and 10c lower; nativeN S3 50fe4 70: western, S3 504 OO.Texans, C3 304 20; Iambs 25c low er, at M 404 5a St. Lociv-Cattle Receipts, 4,700 head: ship ments. 3,1110; tmrket lower; choice ucavvnative steers. S2 70?4 10; fair to good do, S3 001 fcO: stockers and feeders, fair to good ) 2 00to3 10; rangers, corn fed, S2 60S3 30; grass fed. S2"10 2 90. Hogs Receipts. 3,000 held: shipments. 500 head: market lower, chnico heavy and butchers' selections. St 2n4 35; packing, me dium to prime, SI 15(4 30; light grades, ordi nary to best, S4 334 55. bheep Receipts, 3,400 bead; shipments. 2.900 head; market slow; lair to choice, S3 20g3 7a Kansas city Cattle Receipts. 6,950 head; shipments, 5,075 bead; market badly demoral ized, fully 10c lower, aud in some cases 15c lower: values too unsettled to give reliable quotations. Hog Receipts. 9.269 head; ship ments. 1,850 head: generally 10c lower; good to choice light, $4 1764 22K; heavy and mixed, JS 904 15. bheep Receipts, 275 head; ship ments. 891 hei'l: market steady: good to choice muttons $3 5063 90: lambs. S2 G04 5a Cincinnati Hogs easier: common and light, S3 f-5jjl 65; packing and butchers. 14 204 40; receipts, 3,230 bead; shipments, 400 head. TIES OF GENIUS. A List of Patent! Granted to Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. Thp following patents were granted to West ern Pennsylvania and Kastern Ohio inventors for the week ending July 16. 1SS9, as furnished by O. D Levis, Patent Attorney, 131 Fifth ave nue, Pittslmrg, Pa.: bainuel lllnw.l. PcrryinnrR. O., hinge: T. S. lilslr, l'ittsburir, l'a.. manufacture or steel: John Jiovrnnun Aliomii l'a.. pressure rmupe: Krank llrscken, l'ltubure, l'a.. metal colling apparatus; Oliver torley. cstneid. l'a.. (2), heating tan Hiuor:JesseA. Dulibs. Allegheny, Fa., refining, oil: Koocrt s. ran. Olenshaw, l'a eras furnace; . rrl-hee. Oases Mills, Pa., horse detacher: J E. Ilartrr, Mttt Nantlcoke, Pa., dressing .M!.er.- -HoRlies.Cookpoit. l'a . fence machine: J II. Hunter. 1'ltuliurg. fa., lighting system: ferand Johnston. New London, l'a., water motor: David Krnnetit. hrlc. l'a.. clay grinding ini eliluc, It-inUn Kennedy, assignor to'Westlng 1'0.U6? Jc.,r,r Cnnipanv. l'Jttspnrg. Pa., elec trical distribution: John M. King, Heading, Pa., cigar cutter. Joseph Klatz, Plttston, l'a.. carriage pole coupling: John L. Krauser. Lee per. Pa,, bucket or tub; Ldgar A. I-clnard. Karle. v.. branding chute: Charles II. Mallory, bprlng borough. Pa., tool for grinding reaper cutters: Moses A. Mlchales. Allegheny l'a., traction grip; beorge Miller, lork. Pa., washing machine: W. ?; liyVrt o:'oria, O., gas mixer; Henry Kempe, lloutzdale, l'a., atemwlndlng watch: Philip Kohan, Curahoga talis, O., steam boiler; D. If. Jtoyer, Mlllraonb Pa., shutter worker; P.J. bey 5!0irill,,,UTSo' cf axle: James A. Simpson, i irp2rt,,Ka-.5 "PParatus for skelplng or tube welding; O. V. Strattan, Alloona, Pi., traveling bag: A. S. Vogt Altoona. Pa., exhaust mnfflrr for locomotives: John ellenbrlnk. Keir Klch JT.SV V .i;.fce?. 7"ater. ''eater; Frederick Wood hull. Lincoln University, l'a.. wall paper pro- Crops In Hungary. PrflTH, Jnly 17,. The wheat crop In Hungary Is below the average and is In poor condition,' owing to the shrinking of the grain In the ear. The rye crop is poor and the barley crop is very bad. Corn is in good condition. The vineyards make an excellent showing. MARKETS BY WIRE. The Bulla on Wheat Boom Prices on tbe Strength of Wet Weather In tbe West and South Pork Active bnt Unsettled. Chicago There was a fair speculative trade in w heat to-day. Tbe feeling was stronger and prices again advanced for all futures. July was advanced 2c, declined lc and closed Hie higher than yesterday. Tbe deferred futures were advanced lc, ruled very strong, closing J'sO higher than yesterday. The strength was attributed mainly to the cloudy antt wet weather in the South and Southwest, which, it is claimed, will further delay threshing and retard the movement in new wheat It was claimed Kentucky and Indiana parties were buying July to-day against sales made some time ago. The July future was bid up rather sharply, and this, too, had some effect upon tbo market for futures, and the shorts manifested some inclination to cover, but not finding much wneat for sale the advance was steady with only occasional slight reactions. A moderato trade was reported in com, and the teelmg prevailing was firm, but prices showed but little change from yesterday. The market opened iic higher than tbe closing 'yesterday; was firm, influenced to a consider able extent by prospects of wet weather and the strength in wheat, advanced c, closing K ?6j higher than j esterday. Oats were moderately active and steadier for September and May deliveries in which the bulk of tbe trading centered. Prices advanced slightly, but outside figures 'were not main tained at the close Mess park was falrlr active, but unsettled. Opening sales were at 250 decline. A fur ther recession of 12Kel7K w recorded. Later a firmer feeling developed, and prices re acted 1012c the market closing steady. Lard was offered with Increased freedom, several large operators selling. Prices declined 7c, reacted slightly, and closed steady. in shoit rib sides trading was active, but the market was weaker and prices declined sharp ly. Opening sales 2c lower, receded 1517c on heavy selling by a number of packers aud traders. A stronger feeling developed, and prices rallied I'A&ic, tbe market closing steady. The leading tutures ranged as follows Whkat No. 2 Julv, 79Ji81K79Ji81c: August, 777SK8777SKc: Mepteniber. 77K 7877K78c; December, 79.K8079?e t okn No. 2 August 3535c; September 35J&363563sc; October. 36H36K3G VSyic Oats No. 2, August 21J213c: September. 22ff22c; May. 2oK25M2o5i625c. Mess Pork, per bbl August Sll 1011 10 10 97X11 Oo; September, IU 20U 20U 02 011 U. Lard, per 100 as. August, S6 200 22; September. S6 37f6 376 S06 32; Octo ber, S6 32Ktt 32. Short Ribs, per 100 as. July, S5 40; August to 62U5 62V5 47M5 50: September. J5 67 5 675 52)5 57; October. Jo 605 50. Cash, quotations were as follow: Flour eas ier; winters, l&ffi20c and patents 10c lower. No. 2 spring wheat 818Hc: No. 3 spring wheat. nominal: no. a rea, enj3c. ro. zcorn. &;c. INo.2oats.22Kc No. 2 rye. 42c No. 2 barley nominal. Nn. I flaxseed. SI 3L Prime timothy seed, SI 40 1 4L Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 20X U 07. Lard, per 100 pounds S6 20. Short ribs, sides (loose). So 405 50. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), So 255 37. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 0u6 12. Sugars unchanged. Re ceipts Flour, 16 000 barrels: wheat 62.000 bush els: corn. 452.000 bushels: oats, 1SO.O0O bushels; re, 3.000 bushels; barley, none. Shipments Flonr. 9.000 barrels; wheat 24.000 bushels; com. 214,000 bushels; oats, 149,000 bushels; rye, none; barley. 5,000 bushels. On the Produce-Exchange to-day tbe butter market was quiet and unchanged. Eggs quiet atll12c New Yore Flour stronger on moderate offerings and quiet Cornmeal quiet Wheat Spot dull, lQ2c higher, light offerings and strong; options much excited on attempts to cover contracts, while offerings are light: sellers are very indifferent; prices are up 2c the latter rise on July, closing strong, live firm. Barley nominal; sales recently ot California at a shade under 70c Barley malt dull; Canada, POcgSl 05 for old and now. Com Spot active, c higher and firm; options stronger and quiet Oats Spot moderately active and firm; options firm and quiet Hay quiet and steady. Hops quiet, and steady. Coffee Options opened barely steady, 5 points up to 5 points down, closed barely steady, 10 20 points down: lower cables, light business; July. 14.S014.95c: August, 14.95 15.10c; September. 1195015.15c: October. 15.U5 15.20c: November.iai5lfi.20c: December.15.00 615.25c; January. 15.1515.25c: February, 15.25c; March, 15.20150c; May. I5.2015.25c; spot Rio firm: tair cargoes 17?ic Sugar Raw nominal and dull; fair refining. 7c; refined steady and quiet Molasses Foreign quiet; New Orleans auiet Rice auiet and steadv. Cottonseed oil quiet Tallow higher; city 4Vc bid. Rosin steady and quiet Turpentine firm at SSWc Ecgs quiet; less firm for western at 1414c: receipts.15.42S packages. Pork dulL Cutmeatsflrm: pickled bellies, 11 pounds. 7c; 12 pounds, 7c: pickled shoulders, 5K5c: middles quiet Lard weak: moderate demand; western steam, S 60: city, J6 15: options Au gust S6 596 62, closing at 56 59 asked: Sep tember. S6 66 71, closing at S6 66; October. S6 656 71. closing at $6 66; "November. $6 49 6 57, closing at S6 47 January, S6 35 asked. Butter in moderate demand and easy: western dairy. 1013c; do. creamery, 1216c; do fac tory. 819c Cheese fairly active and teady ; western, 6Ji72c Philadelphia Flour Receipts liberal but offerings moderate; prices steady; the de mand, however, was confined to moderate lots, chiefly of choice old 'winter wheats, to meet current local trade wants. AVFeat opened strong; prices of options advanced c, but sub sequently lost Jc of the Improvement in sym pathy with the reaction in other grain centers the closing was steady: there was someexp.c inquiry .for August shipment but offers were impracticable: other wheat scarce and firm. No. 2 red showing an advance of lc: new No. 2 and steamer c higher: new, steamer. No. 2 red, on dock, 81c; old No. 2 Pennsylvania red. in grain depot. SI 04: old No. 2 red. In export elevator, 98c; No. 2 red, July, 84S5ic; August, 83li83c: September. 83gb3c: Octobe-. 84&b4c Com strong and prices of both spot lots and options -advanced J.c under light offerings and fair export inquiry: No. 2 mixed, on track and In Twentieth street elevator. 44c; No. 2 high mixed, on track. 41c: No. 2 mixed, Jul) , 42j43x:; August. 42Jf 43c; September. 43K4J.Jic: October, 43Ji44i4c Oats Good local trade: a demand for car lots and firmer sales: Nn. 3 white, 33c; No. 2 white, 34c; do, on track, 35c; do choice. 36c; futures a shade firmer but quiet: No: 2 white, July, S331c; Augu't 3131c; September. 30 SJOJic; October, 3131?ic Lard steady. Eggs firm; Pennsylvania firsts. 1415c Sugar Refined steady bnt quiet; powdered, 9c; gran ulated, 9Jc St. Louis Flcnr quiet and dull; XXX. S2 20 2 30: family. S2 50ft 2 70; choice. $2 403 00; ex tra fancy. S3 753 85: patents. $4 204 35. Wheat opened strong on bullish advices; choice offerings were small; the demand, though not active, was urgent enough to ad vance July lc, August and September c, and December ?gC; subsequently there was a decline of c- nut another rally, and the close was stiff at llc above yesterday; No. 2 red, cash, 7474c: July,7474c closing at 74c; Au gust 73Jl74c closing at 74Je bid; Septrm lier, 74'75j-.cioingat75c bid; December, 79c closing at 79c Corn firm but slow; rinsing c above yesterday; No. 2 mixed, cash. fic: August. 32:2c closing at 32c: Sep tember closed at 33c Oats August 23c: May. 25Vc Rje dull at 41c bid. Barley Asmall lot of Missouri fall sold at 45c Flaxseed nominal at SI 2a Cincinnati Flour barely steady. Wheat firm; No. 2 red.7S79c; receipts, 0,510 bushels; shipments 10 6(10 bushels Corn lower; No. 2 mixed. 3737c Oats firm:No. 2 mixed, 25 26c Rye dull; No. 2, 47c Pork weaker at Sll 75. Lardcisierat SO 07. Bulkmeats and bacon quiet Butter easier. Sugar easy. Kggs slow. Cheese steady. Milwaukee Flour quiet 'Wheat firm; cash, TOVSc: September, TTJc Com quiet; No. 3, 35jec Oats steadv; Nn. 2 white, 27 28c Rye quiet; No. L 42&42?c Barley firm; September, 59Ji00c Provisions easy. Pork, Sll 00. Lard. $6 25. Cheese unchanged. Baltimore Provisions slow. Butter quiet and steadv; western packed, 1012c; creamery, 10 17c. Eggs steady at 12c Other quotations unchanged. Indianapolis Wheat steady; No. 2 red, 78c bid. Cora weak; No 2 mixed, 35c bid, Oats weak; No. 2 mixed. 24c Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash, SI 0: Octo ber, S4 4a 'The Drygoods Market. . New York, July 17. There was some Im provement in tbe demand for dry goods though conservativlstn prevails buyers show ing little disposition to anticipate wants More goods, however, are selling than at the same time last year, while the market is better sold up. Agents advanced the price of Otis checks 14c a yard, and some flat cold cambrics were advanced c a yard. Metal Mnrkot. New York Pig iron quiet and unchanged. Conner nominal; lake, Julv, til TO, Lead dull and' heavy; domestic S3 87. Tin quiet and steady; straits, (19 8U Whisky Market. 1 Finished goods are In good demand at 11 02. 8100,000 Wanted for Overcharge. Kansas Cnrr, July 17. Salt has been instituted by the Cherokee Brilliant Coal Company against the Kansas City, ft Scott and Memphis Railroad tor 1100,000 damages. The coal company alleges that the railroad company charged such exorbi tant rates for carrying its product that it was rendered insolvent by omenargw. HE QUOTED MR, QUAT. Failure to Obtain Light on the South side Street Car Deal. A TALK ON COUNTERFEIT COIN, Iron Manufacturers Looking for Sites in the Vicinity of Glenwood.' CHEAP MONET FOE THE EXPOSITION One of the leading spirits of the mnch-talked-of Southside street car deal was rjutton-holed yesterday for information for the public; but be quoted Qnay's historic note to Beaver "Don't talk" with so much emphasis as to discourage the inter viewer at the very beginning. He managed, however, to say: "I have nothing for publication, except that everything is all right and promises to pan out. A good many guesses are being made as to what we are up to, and some of them are not far from the mark. "We be lieve that rapid transit is necessary to build np the city and open new territory, and we propose to furnish it to a district where it is badly needed. Our movements will soon be explained to the public." There is said to be considerable counterfeit coin in circulation In Butler, FayetterWest moreland and several other counties in the western part of the State. The attention of a Fourth avenue bank cashier was called to this statement yesterday He said: "This is the first 1 have heard of it. It is probably true, for the counties named afford good hiding places for counterfeiters as well as for moonshiners. So I am not surprised to learn that the 'queer' Is being pushed in those parts. There is very little of it floating around here, however. Once in a while we find a quarter or half dollar, but very seldom. Indeed, I do not remember when it was scarcer than now. There is more coun terfeit currency than coin In Pittsburg, but there is not enough of either to do any particu lar barm. "From 1857 down to about the first year of tbe war counterfeiters were in clover, in that year silver was alloyed 7 per cent to prevent Its exportation to China and Japan. This gave tbe counterfeiters a good handle to work and they Improved the opportunity to the utmost. Tbe country was full of base coin. In every 1100 we counted we could calculate with almost unerr ing exactness on finding S3 or S6 of counterfeits. This compelled the Government to adopt rigid measures for the suppression of the evil, and many of the leading counterfeiters were ar rested or run out of the country. They bavo not yet recovered from the demoralization they experienced at that time. Such of them as are actively engaged in the business are working very cautiously and patting out the stun in limited quantities, tbe most of which goes to the West and South." a ' Glenwood, in the Twenty-third ward. Is fast becoming a center of attraction to people In terested in real estate, either for homes or speculation. A number of sales have been made there recently, and some good houses have been put up. A prominent feature of this movement, and one of more than usual Im portance, is tbe interest manifested in it oy manufacturers, several of whom were ou the ground yesterday looking for sites whereon to establish plants. Should there be no hitch as to prices, tbe probability is that before long Glenwood will be able to boast of several largo iron works Apropos of the Twenty-third ward, which the assurance of rapid transit is bringing to the front at a 2 40 rate of speed, a gentleman who resides near Squirrel Hill remarked yesterday evening: "I think Schenley Park is a go. The price at which the tract Is offered to the city 11,000 an acre is certainly very reasonable. If we gettbe park we will have the boss ward in the city." Speaking of the Exposition, a prominent busi ness man said yesterday: "There is a chance for public spirited capitalists to step In and supply all the money wanted at a nominal rate of in terest. I know of three or four men who have enough idle capital to do this. By lending it to the Exposition at the same rate they are paid by tbe banks or even a little less they would help forward an enterprise of great utility to the community one that will be of lasting as well as of temporary benefit; for the Exposi tion, besides drawing multitudes to the city to soend their money, will prove valuable as an educator. It will give a direction to many minds that will lead to Important results "Besides it will be a splendid advertisement for the city. Capitalists once here, face to face with our unequal ed advantages for the transac tion of every kind of business, would easily be induced to remain many of them, at least. This would be advantageous to all. Under all the circumstances, I think tbe money should be promptly forthcoming without much regard to interest. At the lowest possible rate it would turn out a good investment in the end." There was quite a boom in mortgages yester day. Thirty-nine were filed for record. Tbe largest was for 6,000. Eighteen were for Sl.000 and upward. Besides these several were placed and not settled, one of which was for 10,000 on a farm near Sewlckley. Money so placed is always at tbe command of the owner, and there is less risk than in any other form of investment. WAITING POR A CHANGE. Stock Broker Looklna Beyond the Present Dullness to Better Times. Tbe stock market yesterday was one of the dullest of tbe season, the sale of ten shares of Central Traction comprising all the business transacted at both, calls Most of tbe time was spent in chaffing and bluffing, but as this sort of play goes for nothing nowadays its only effect was to give the small crowd larger scope for the exercise of their superabundant humor. Although head-over-beels In the soup, a mer rier party seldom faces a moribund Interest than surrounded Captain Barbour yesterday afternoon. A broker endeavored to throw some light on the situation, thus: "There artfa good many buying orders, but I and others think one can bny at lower figures after a little, and so we are holding them. In tbe meantime we are ready for a bargain in anything that may turn up." Weakness was the characteristic of everything on the list. For Philadelphia Gas the best bid was 81 This set tbe pace for all tbe other gas stocks Electric opened at 49 bid and closed at 49. Pittsburg Traction was down a trifle; the others about held their own in the bidding, bnt tbe manifest lack of sup- 5ort was far trom encouraging to their friends be cost attending the frequent replacing of old cables by new ones Is a great drawback to these stocks The rest of the list was neg lected. There was considerable gossip on 'Change and on tbe street, and It was generally of an assuring character. .Business it was repre sented, was very little worse than usual in tbe summer, wben many brokers and investors are away on their vacations These men will soon be on deck again. There was nothing, it was held, in tbe conditions of local stocks to keep them in tbe rut. They were as good as ever, and some of them better. Tho disposition of the people to speculate had suffered no relapse. Money was abundant. Indeed, the bulk of opinion was of a hopeful nature, and nearly every broker approached seemed satisfied that business would soon pickup. There is room for improvement. MOBViyo. Aratnifooir. Kid. Asked. Hid. Asked. Pitta. Pet. S.AM. EX.. 430 490 Allegheny Nat. Uk., (3 Bank, or rnnunrn iter. tMfrs. Nat. BUt OerinanNat.Hk.AU'r. ork'man'a bavines.. Pennsylvania Ins ...... Consolidated U. Co., Ill E.1U End Oaj Co. ....... Pitts. Gas Co Southside Gas Co Urlda-ewater Gat....... HtX. Gas Co. or W. Va. PennsvlvanlaGas Co.. Philadelphia Co Wheeling Gas Co Tuna Oil Oo mhlnrton Oil Oo.... Central Traction. ....... CI tlzena' Traction.. . ... l'ltubur 1 Taction P. . K. H. Co. prcf LaNortaHtntnrCo... Weitmchonte lectrie 71 M SIX 3Wf 69 UK 4J 43 i iS 49 49 u.a. A Bl(. CO.. S The total sales cf stock! at New York vester- dav were 140,305 shares, including:1 Atchison, 10.880; Delaware. Lackawinna and Western, 8,260: Missouri Pacific 9.550; Northern Pacific preferred, 5,700; New England, 7,010; Reading, 14.080: Richmond and West Point. 6J86;Sfe Paul. 1,680: Western Union, llZ70t EASY AND QUIET. The Monetary Situation Unchanged, bat In Good Shape for tbe summer. Business at tbe banks yesterday was of tbe easy, quiet order, which has been the rule for some time. Checking was f good proportions while other routine lines were up to or above the average. Discounting was moderate, but better than on any previous day of the week. A Fourth avenue bank loaned SIO.OOO at J per cent. A curbstone capitalist took a small amount of gilt-edged paper at 5. Money continues in good, but not excessive supply. Currency was reported rather tight, commanding a premium, bnt a Sufficient sup ply has been ordered to restore it to Its normal condition. The Clearing House report was in dicative of a continued free movement in gen eral trade circles The exchanges were $2,361,259 31. and the balances 5353,60040. Money at New York yesterday was easy at 2KQS per cent; last loan 2 per cent: closing offered at 2 per cent. ' Prime mercantile paper, 46K. Sterling exchange qniet and steady at 488 for OMay bills and 4S7J for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U. 8. 4,reg... U. U. 4s. coun. H8WIM.K. ftT.Gen.5s . 57 125k I Mutual Union 6s.. ..102 U. 8. 4Xs rea- VHbA V. J.C. Int. Cert...H3H Northern Pac ISU..117W U. S. 4XS coup iW Pactflcsaof'93. lis Loulslanastamned Is. 89 Northern Pac. Ms. .115 Northw't'n consols. 145 Inorthw'n deben'..114H Orejton & Trans. 6a 104 Missouri et 100 7enn. new set. 6a. ...106 lenn. new set. Ss.. Teon. new set. 3s.. lO-.-St. 1.. AI.M. Uen. Ss 85 74 .SI. lh0.r.ui:iujiti. Canada So. 2di 90 8i. Paul consols ....123) 4t PI f !h! M Pc.lita-116 Cen. Pacificists 115 Den. AK.G., lits..,120 Den. &R. G. 4i 7VH D.&B.a.Weit.lsts. 10O' Krie,2Ua llC U.K. AT. Gen. 6s., 63 Tx., PC.L.O.TT Ht.WW rx.,irci.u..iT.i.ciB 7 union rac. ish.....i0 West bhore 106M . Government and State bonds are dull and firm. New York Clearings 5122,023,580; balances S8.42S19S2. Boston Clearings 515,843,536; balances 52,112,963. Money, 12 per cent. Phix VDKLPHlA Clearings 2,760,3SO; bal ances 51,874,921. Baltimoks Clearings. 62,741.310; balances 5521.2S7. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings 510,720,000. St. Louis Clearings, 53,225,789; balances, 51,009,700. BECIDEDLI BETTER. The Oil Market Picks Itself Out of tbe Ent Dealers Encoorneed. Dealers in petroleum were in high glee yes terday over tbe prospect of an improvement in the trade; and they bad good cause, too, for the feeling was better and business more active than on any previous day since the new rates went into effect. A broker remarked: "I think we have crossed tbe Rubicon, and that from now on the market will display at least some of its old-time ani mation. I may be mistaken, but that's the way it looks to me. Stocks are so small and con sumption increasing so rapidly, that. In my opinion, the Standard is losing Its control of the market. It can't keep prices down much longer. Judging from the business and feeling to-day, dollar oil is not far off." Tbe opening was firm at 92. This was the lowest figure of the dav. Liberal buying soon raised the price to 93, the highest point reached, from which tbe bears hammered It to 92. Just before the close there was a spurt which senf the quotation up to 93 a cent higher than the opening where it stood at the finish, with a buoyant .feeling and high expecta tions of a still better market to-day. Features of the lllarket. Corrected daily by John M. Oaxiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened .... 92HLowest KH Highest MS Closed 93i Barrels. Average rum ............ &C.3C7 Averase shipments 76,219 Average charters 45, 07 J Kenned, New York, .2c Keflne.', London, SVd. Kenned, Antwerp, l,?fcr. Kenned, Liverpool, 63-i6d. A. B. McGrew & Co. quote: Puts 93c: calls, 94Jg91c. Other Oil Markets. On. Crr?. July 17. National transit cer tificates opened at 92Jc; highest, 93c; low est, 92c; closed, 93c Bradford, July 17. National transit cer tificates opened. 92Kc; highest, 93Kc; lowest, 82c; closed, 3Jc Trrcsvn.LB, July 17. National transit cer tiorates opened, 92c; highest, 93c; lowest, 92Kc: closed, 93.c. ""'' New Yobk. July 17. Stock Exchange: Sales. 353.000 barrels Openlne. 92Vc! highest. 93c; lowest, 92c; closing. 93c. Consolidated 1?VAkanfVA fi1s aO iaOA iiABSAla aHAlM J-Jtt.Jaif,C U1C, AAO,WV U41IC1&S VJ LICU III g( 92Kc; highest, 93c; lowest, 92c; closing, 93JsC M0YEMENTS IN REALTY. A Number of Trnnaactton In City and Cona try Mo j lenses Placed. W. C. Stewart, 114 Fourth avenue, sold tor Levi De Wolf lots 1 and 2 in the McCombs Grove plan, located in Shadyside (Squirrel Hill district), being 100x150 feet, for 53.000. C Berlnger fc Son, 103 Fourth avenue, sold for William Wier to W. H. Hunter a farm ot 350 acres in Fayette county. Pa., for 53,600. They also placed a mortgage of 52,000 on a dwelling at Bellevue- I. M. Pennock & Son closed the sale of a lot in the Patterson plan, Mt. Washington, 20x77. corner of Natchez and Carey streets, to Mrs H. Vogel, for $300 cisb; also sold and settled a mortgage for 52.300, three years on property in Homestead, and one of SI, 000, three years, on a farm in Marshall township, Allegheny coun ty, both at 6 per cent. James W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of $1500 on two houses and lots on Forty-fourth street, city, at 6 per cent. Black & Bairtl, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to A. J. Bonnett, Esq., for Mrs M. Armor, a two story brick dwelling bouse. No. 40 Pride street, with lot 24x103 feet, for 53,800 cash. L. O. Frazler yesterday sold for Thomas May bury No. 2S9 Forty-fourth street. Seventeenth ward, a brick dwelling, six rooms, lot 22x109 feet to alley, to John J. McKenna, for 53,600 cash. Business Notes. It Is again the talk that Wheeling Gas will soon be on a dividend paying basis Holders of La Noria stock think 52 will be cheap for it before tbe summer is over. of real estate from day to day show that the market is holding uo remarkably well. Transactions are at least SO per cent larger than at the same time last year. One of the greatest wants hereabouts is apartment bouses Two are on the string, but they will by no means supply the demand. Money could not be better invested than in such buildings. The Central Traction Company has just placed bonds to the amount of 5375,000 on the market. This is one of the best and mot promising traction roads and tbe stock is bound to go up as the territory through which it passes improves The attention of Investors is called to tbe advertisement, whlcft appears elsewhere in this issne of The Dispatch. THE TRUSTS ON TOP. They Acnln Come to the Front ns Lending Features of tbe Stock Market Sugar and Lead Score Terr Heavy Losses. NetvYork, July 17. The stock market was a little more active to-day, but there was no more interest in the trading, and as a rule the results were equally insignificant as those of yesterday, though the heavy to weak tone which prevailed throughout tbedayleft almost everything traded In fractionally lower than last evening. There was no life In the market at any time, and the indisposition to trade left the market In the hands of the local traders, as none of the outside sentries were doing any thing except Chicago, which confined its oper ations almost exclusively to the selling of tbe trusts Among the railroad shares the Gould stocks were more prominent than for a long time back, but their activity was at tho expense of values and Manhattan was sold down about 6 per rent on the stories that the company would abandon all Its plant for the extension of the suburbaniystem, and that no defense would be made In the suits against tbe company. Mis souri Pacific nd Western Union were both active and led tbe decline in the general list. The Grangers as usual are the leading group of slocks in point or activity, but there was little of a positive nature in tbe news from tbe West and those stocks only reflected the general dls- Eositlon to close np accounts Union Pacific, otwltbstanding the favorable nature ot its May statement, was dull and steady. The renewed selling of tho trusts again made those shares the leading features of the market, and heavy selling of lead for Chicago account broko Its price 24 per cent, while sugar reached its lowest for a week past, showing a loss of nearly 4 per cent at Its lowest figure. Cotton oil. was comparatively well supported, bnt Chi cago gas dropped with tbe others. Thu market at tbe opening was somewhat more active than yesterday ana responded to the lower figures in London with an Irregular opening, and the drift of prices was immediately seen to be downward, with Lead and Missouri Pacific tn tbe lead, . ' ftf- Theweakneea la tb&rwta;?(tiaBed to the only feature during the forenoon, and the regular list sympathized to a limited extent in tbe decline. There was a sharp rally in the trusts toward delirerv hour; and Manhattan then made Its drop. Tbe entire market, how ever, showed an improved tone in the last hour, and the close was dull but firm at some thing better than the lowest prices There are a few advances to-night, but tbey are for insig nificant fractions only, while Manhattan is down 4, Sugar Lead Hi. ana Chicago Gas ana Oregon Transcontinental 1 per cent each. Railroad bonds reflected the same conditions which prevailed In the share list, and were dull and heavy to weak throughout tbe day. Fort Worth and Denver firsts were tbe only feature, ana scored a material decline on sales of $118, 000. Theales of all issues aggregated S920,tOU. The final changes are quite irregular, bnt de clines are the more numerous The followlne table shows the prices of active stocks on the Mew York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dailv for THE DISPATCH by wirrriKYSTjrHKS0T. oldest l'ittsburir mem bers of Mew York btock Exchange, 57 Fourth ave rnoi- IIlKh- Low- lnc esu est. Dirts. 61X 1 SIX 100 99 99K 33J, S7 3! S3K UH U 5-k 51 52 110 20M 6Si MS JKH 99tt loaii VI 6SM KJ. 107 94V S4K 1M 14 K I07K lu7 1071, 1S93 29 27JJ 27W 13! It It 143 UVi UiH 145 . 145 145 ISM iU m -K 10 '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. 23 113 J6V M 58 l&H 102 101 101 684( C81 68 ' 13 iok , 691 681 69 28 23i 25 IS 69 69 63 35 501 491 49 17 17 17- IS 501 Ml 301 281 28 28 651 644 65 XX 22 22 44 1214 33 321 ZZ'i 32 32 211 511 21 1 45 4S1 183 23 22 22 79 99" 9S" 99 26 M 68 55 110 19 19 18a 681 68 5S1 29 29 28 84 84 84)4 68 67 67 10OU 24 57X M! 54 Open- ,no' .,Col.,Cin. ft I., new eiH Cl.,Col.,Cln. AL, pr.100 Am. Cotton Oil "AM Atch.. Top. A . r.... 3SH Canadian PaciSe UH Canada Southern 3U Central of Mew Jersey CentraiPaeuU. .T. Chesapeake & Ohio ... 20K C Bur. ft .10034 C., Mil. Jt St. Paul.... GSJa C.. 1111.4 St. P., pr V., Kockl. ftP 943f C.. St. L. ft Pitts u, at. L. ft pitta, pr. C. ft .North western.. ..107 K CftMortb western, pr. .... Col. Coal ft Iron 19 Col. ft Hocking Val .. UK JM.. L. W. 143), Del. ft Hndson 145 Denver ft Wo U 16K DfuverftBloU.. or E.T.. Va.Oa E.T..Ya;ftUa.lstpr. .... T.. Va. ft Ga. 2df. .... Illinois Central Lake Erie ft Western Lake Erie ft Wert. nr 58 Lake Shore ft M. S 1011? Louisville ft Naibvllle. esK Mobile Ohio 410., b.. ftTexas Missouri pacific b9K J. V.. L.E.4 W.' M J. .. a ft st. ii . Y., C, ft St. L. pr.. 69 N.Y.. c. ftbt.ij.zd pf .... M.YAN. E 60 . Y.. O. ft W r Morfolk ft Western -Norfolk Western, pf. 501 Northern Pacific Z8)J Mortnern Pacific nret 65?J Onloft Mississippi SH Oret-on Improvement. Oreron Transcon 33 Pacific Mall J2 ' Peo. Dee. ft Kvan S1H Phtladel. ft Heading.. 46? Pullman Palace Car Richmond A W. P. T.. t3K Mlchmond ft .... St. P., Minn. A Man.. 88 H St. L. ft San Fran St, L. ft San rran pr.. S3 St. L,. ft San if. 1st pf.. ... Texas Pacific 19 Union Pacific 58 K Wabash preferred 23 western Union 84H Whrelina- ft L. it ss bnaar Trust 111X Matlonal Lead Trust.. 23V Chicago Gas Trust Sli( Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, broken. No. 87 Fourth avenue. Members Hew York Stock Ex changes BM. Asked. Pennsylvania Ballroad 51 51 Readme 23 1-18 23 Lehlg-h Valley.,. 631 HX Lehigh .Navigation 52V 63 Northern PaclSc J8 2S1 Northern Pacific preferred 65 65 ltoatoo Atch. ft Too., lit 7s. 116 Atch. ft Top. U. R. .. 3SS Boston ft Aldanv.,.217 Boston ft Milne.... .2)0 C B. ftU. 100 Kastern R. 100 Flint Per M. pw. 96 K.CSt.J.ftC.B.7s.!22 Mexican Cen. com .. 15 Mex.C.lst mtg. ods 63"s -V. LaJiivKnt... 50 A. Y. ft N.E.7S....I2S1 Old Colony 174 Kntland prererred.. 40 22 Stocks. Wis. Central pt... 60 AllonezMgCofnew). Calumet ft Hecla Cataloa "ranaiin. Unron Osceola. Pewabls mew) . OulncT , Bell Telephone.. Boston Land , W aier Power... . ..ON .. 12 .. 9 :: 9 .. 2 .. 49 ..ta Tamarack 95 Santa Fe copper..... 55 Bflnlnar Stocks In New Tork. New Yobk. July 17. Mining quotations: Alice, 100; Amador, 100; Belcher, 250: Best fc Belcher, 370; Bodie, 120; Caledonian H..S00; Chollar, 145; Crown Point. 320; Consolidated California and Virginia, 712; Deadwood Ter ritory. 150; Eureka Consolidated, 125: El Cristo. 125; Gould & Curry, 145; Hale 4 Norcross. 295; Homestake. 825: Horn Silver, 105: Iron "Silver, 175; Mexican. 300: Mutual, 140; North Belle Isle, 100; Ontario, 34.00: Ophlr, 450: Plymouth. 635: Savage.'loof Sierra Nevada,-230; Union Con solidated. 2EW. WHEAT AND FLOOR TEADB. Tbe General Outlook na Viewed by tbcEx- perts of thef Northwestern Miller. Minneapolis, July 17. The Northwestern Miller to-day says: Of the 16 mills which produced flour last week 11 got In full time, and the average dally output was again raised to nearly 19,000 barrels. The aggre gate output for the week (ending July 13) was 112, 940 barrelsaveraging- 18.823 barrels dally against 93,465 barrels the previous 'week, and 181,600 barrels for the corresponding time In 1888. About tbe same mills and same number are running now as a week ago. 16 being In operation to-day, and producing not rar from 18,500 barrels per 24 hours. There Is however, a tendency on the part of some to run a little more regularly. At Its best tlie wheat of this crop Is not very easily milled, and the not weather lately prevailing has not Improved It In this respect but on the contrary has cur tailed nearly every mill's product to a certain extent. The water power remains quite good, though there are a few mills that could use more If It were available. The irregularity of wheat has taken away some of the demand for Hour existing a week ago. and the market Is rather quiet, bales have fallen off a good deal and millers are accepting orders they would not consider a week back. Prices are about 10 cents lower. Wheat Is in demand lor lmmprii. shipment, Jobbers crowding millers to have mica in a rusn an oraers tnat are booked. Although the sales reported of bakers and low grades for export the past week have been quite large, tne demand at pres ent Is less active, and lower prices are being ac cepted. One or two sales of bakers are reported! to have been made at 25s, London, last week, more at 24s 94, but these figures are not heard of now. lhe direct export- of flour last week were 31,300 barrels against 21. 600 barrels for the pre ceding week. Quotations London, 280 lbs, are: Patents 3Ss nominal; bakers 24S4s 6d; low grades 12s 3d15s 6d. The spring wheat outlook has improved, and with aiew days more of such weather as we bare had for the last week the quality will be good. The field will be moderate, but with full, heavy grain, such as It Is reasonable now to expect, there will probably be more bushels than most people have believed In. Tbe quality Of the crop being good, there ought to be a good demand for It for export, if prices are not worked up too high at the start. At the rate of local milling and shipments now the old crop will be worked down to a lower point In Mlnneapglls than for many years. Local mills consume less than last year, bnt In the race of relatively high prices there Is more wheat going out than ever before at this season. Ibe large shipments go far toward making up for the smaller consumption by the home mills. If the present relative outmovement and shipments should contlnne to the end of the old crop, wltb receipts the same as last year, there would be left over a snr-y plus of nearly 1,000,000 bushels, but there Is less wheat to come In from tbe country than In any late year, and If prices are not kept too high there will be very little old stock carried over. Besides the new wheat promises a better quality than the old. which will naturally make It a reason for dis posing of the old while there is no competition from a crop of greater merit. Tbcre were 724. 350 bushels or wheat received for the week ending July 16. The shipments werei Wheat, 287.100 bnsbels; flour, 100,521 barrels; mill stun; 3 757 tons. BTEABIKUS AND 5 W CCB.SIONS. AMERICAN,' LINE, Bailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger-accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc. . PETER WRIGHT & BONS, General agents. 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia. Full Information can be bad of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenne and Smithfield street. LOUIS MOESER, US Bmithneld street mbIs66-TTS TtUNARD LINE, NEW YOBK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENS TOWN, FROM P1EK 40 NORTU RIVER. PAST.ESPKESS MAIL SERVICE. Etrcrla. Jnly 20, noon. I Bothnia, Aug. 14. 7:30AM Auranla, Jury 27, 5am lEtrurli.Aug.17. 10:30 am Umbrla, Aug. 3, 10 a H Auranla. Aug. 24, 3P M Berrla, August 10. 3 p M Cabin passage, (60, (80 and flOO: Intermediate, 135. steerage tickets to and from all parts ox turope at very low rates. VERNON H. BttOU N ft CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent, Fourth are. and smithfield St., -Pittsburg. Jyn-p State Line To. Glasgow. Belfast. Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW TfORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passage (63 to tsa according to location cf stateroom. Excursion U to 990, bteerag e to and from Europe at Lowest Bates, AUSTIN BALDWIN ft CO.. General Agents, 53 BroadwayKNew Yor- J.J. MeCORMrCK, .Bt, Pittsburg. Pt. . j - :., -A- y bl2-D Choice Creamery Firm, Country Bat ter Prices Nominal. VEGETABLES STEAD Y-FED1T EAST Corn rind Wheat Tending UpTrard HayFirra. , Choice GREEN C0FFB LOOKIKG UPWAED OrriCE or pittsbueo dispatch, Wednesday, July 17, 1888. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Elgin creamery was advanced a at bead quarters on Monday, but markets here stand unchanged. Country butter is slow at nominal prices. Cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes are firmer. Berries in season are in fnll supply, with tendencies to lower prices. In the line of trocal fruits, oranges and lemons show an upward drift for anything choice. Bananas are plenty and 'lower. Produce commission men report active trade In tho early morning hours. The Grocers' Picnic at Ross' Grove had a quieting influence on trade after 10 o'clock, and Liberty street presented a Sabbatic sir from noon to sunset. Butteb Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country rolls. 1012c Beans $1 75I 90. Beeswax 2sJ0c $ & for choice; low grade, 182c Cider Sand refined, $6 5037 50; common, 13&0i24(X); crab cider. Si O0Q8 50 V barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c $1 gallon. CHEESE Ohio. Xc; New York, 1010Kc; Limburger, E9c; domestic Sweitzer, 9 12c: imported Sweitzer, 22c California Fruits California peaches. $4 004 50 V box; cherries, 3 00; apricots, Jl 00 4 50; plums, $4 004 50. Eogs 1516c ft dozen for strictly fresh; goose, SOc dozen. Fruits Apples, $2 003 00 $1 barrel: pine apples. !1 001 25 ft dozen; red raspberries. 6 10c Tfi quart: black raspberries, 68c $4 quart; whortleberries, 75cSl U0$lpall; blackberries, 6880 quart; wild goose plums, S2 50 ft crate; enrrants, S3 t 2-busbeI stand; watermelons, SIS 0025 00 $ hundred. Feathers Extra live eeese. 5060c; No. 1, do, 404oc; mixed lots, 3035c V 2. New Potatoes $1 251 75 barrel. Poultry Live spring chickens, 50iS60c p pair; old, 7075c $1 pair. Seeds Clover, choice, 6Z fts to bushel, $5 GO jS bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. Sti 00; clover. Alsike. 13 50; clover, white, 9 CO; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs, SI 63: blue grajSs, extra clean, 14 ftJ. 90c: blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00; orchard grass, 11 Sis. SI 65; red top, 14 Its. SI 25; millet, 50 Its. SI 00; German Millett, 50 fcs. 51 50; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, II 00; lawn gras, mlxturo of fine grasses, S2 50 1 bushel of 14 fits. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 5 5c. 1 kopical Fruits Lemons, fancy. S3 00 6 50 V box; Messina -oranges. S5 005 SO $1 box; rodi, S4 505 00; California oranges. 4 oU4 75 fl box; bananas, S2 00 firsts. SI 00 good seconds, $4 bunch; cocoanuts. S4 004 50 hundred; new figs. 8X9c ?1 ft; dates, 5K6Kc p A. Vegetables 'i omatoes, Mississippi, four basket cases. SI 631 75; beans, round wax fancy, $2 50 ft crate; beans, round waxmedium, 52 00 1 crate; beans, round green, J2 232 50: new beet", 20l3c 1 dozen; cucumbers, 75c SI 00 bushel box: radishes, large white and gray, 3035c 13 dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates. Louisville and St. Louis, SI 251 50; Eastern, single barrel crates, SI 001 25; new celery, 5060c ) dozen. Groceries. Coffee options advanced 23 points in New York yesterday, and packages are firm at tbe late advance. It is claimed that green coffee is as cheap bere as in Eastern markets. Jobbers, however, are still ready to accept orders at our quotations. Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 2I22c; choice Rio, 18K20c: prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 1718c; old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 272$c; Santos, 1922c: Caracas 2022c: peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La Guayra, 21 22c Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 22c: high grades, 2l20c; old Government Java, bnlk. 30K31c; Maracaibo, 2526Kc; Santos, 2022c; peaberry, 23c; peaberry, choice Rio. 2SXc; Jprime Rio, 21c; good Bio, 2Xc; ordi nary, 20c Bfices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 8c; cassia, 6c; pepper. 16c: nutmeg, 70S0c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test,7c; Ohio, 120, 8Xc; headlight, 160, 8c; water white, 10c; globe. 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, llKc; royaline. 14c. syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrups, 333Sc: prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup, 9uc K. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c; mixed. 4042c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs,34c; bi-carb in Ks, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages. 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated. 2c Caxdles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, $ setSKc; paraffine, 116112c Rice Head. Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6"4 7c; prime, 5&Vc; Louisiana, b6Xc. Starch Pearl, '3c: cornstarch, 57c; gloss starch, 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. 12 65: Lon don layers S3 10; California London layers, S3 50; Muscatels, S2 25: California Muscatels, SI 83; Valencia, 7c; Ondara Valencia, 7J8c; sultana, 8Kcj currants, 4J45c; Turkey prunes, 4oc; French prunes, 8K13c; Saloclca prunes, in 2-& package, 8c; cocoanuts. fl 100, SS 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1215c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12 16c; new dates, 56c; Brazil nuts, 10c: pecan., ll15c; citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel, per Si, 1314c; orange peel, 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per Bt, 6c: apples, evaporated, 6QXc; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 214322c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, lt12c. bugars cunes, iu43iuc; powdered, iVAfS V3i 9c; standard A. 9c;softwhites, 9H9Kc: yel low, choice. 8Ji69c; yellow, good, Sfa&SiiCi yenow. rair, sc; yenow, uarK, iysc Pickles Medium, bbls (1.200). Si 50: medi um, half bbls (COO). S2 75. Salt No. 1. $ bbl. 95c; No. lex, V bbl, SI 05; dairy, ft bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20; Hlgglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Hlggins' Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 300 1 90; 2tls, SI W&l 33; extra peaches, SI 501 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest com, Sll 50; Hid. Co. corn. 70090c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans, SI 10: soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7585c: mar rowfat peas. SI 101 15: soaked peas, 70073c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75: dam son plums, 05c: greengages, SI 25; egg plums, 12; California pears, S2 50; do greengages, S2; do egg plums, $2; exira white cherries, S2 90: red cherries, 2 ft-. 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 60: strawberries. Si 10; gooseberries. Si 30011 40; tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, SOc; succotash 2 Si cans, soaked. 99c: do green, 2 Ss, SI 251 50: corn beef, 2-ft cans, $2 00: if ft cans S14 00; baked beans, SI 4ol W; lobster, 1-ft. SI 751 80; mackerel, J-ft cans broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestics. lA $4 60 4 60: sardines, domestic. s S8 25&8 50; sar dines, imported. i$, Sll 50 12 60; sardines, im Sorted, s. S18: sardines, mustard, S4 60; sar ines, spiced, S4 50. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. S33 f? bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32: extra No. 1 do, messed, S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, 524. Codfish Whole pollock.4Kc f) ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c: do large, 7c: boneless hake, in; strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 607ic Herring Round shore. S3 00 fl bbl; split, S7 00: lake, $2 50 V 100-ft half bbL White fish. S7 00 1C0 fi half bbl. Lake trout, SS 60 1 hall bbL Finnan haddock. 10c V ft. Iceland halibut, 13c $3 ft. Pickerel. X barrel, S2 00; i barrel. SI 10; Potomac herring, J5 00 p barrel, S3 50 Tfi K barrel. Oatmeal 56 30Q8 60 )1 bbl. Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flonr nnd Feed. Total receipts, as bulletined at the Grain Ex change. 29 cars. By Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, 2 cars of oats. 1 of hay, 1 of rye, 1 ot bran. 1 of flour, 1 of feed. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis. 2 cars of hay, 3 of corn, 2 of wheat, 7 of oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of corn. 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of oats, X of flour, 1 of rye. There was but one sale on call, namely, a car of 2 y. e. corn at 47q, S da vs. Oats are at a standstill, owing to liberal receipts. Corn Is scarce and firm. Loose tlmotby bay has ad vanced sharply. Tbe reason given is that farmers are in tbe midst of harvest and bave not the time to bring enough tft market to meet demands of trade. Wheat is higher and firm. Tbere was a fluctuation of about 4c from lowest to highest point yesterday. WHEAT-Jobblne prices New No. 2 red, 83 84c: No. 2 red. 92393c: No. 3 red. 8788c Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 4748c: hi;h mixed ear. 4546c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 42K43c; blch mixed, shelled, 4143c; mixed, shelled, 40041c OATS No. 2 white, 83Kc: extra. No. 8. 82M2Kc; No. 8 white, 8131Kc; No. 2 mixed oats. 2&2SHc. Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 61g52c; No. l Western. 48S40C Flour Jabbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, S3 75fl 23: winter straight, So005.25; clear winter. S4 755 00; straight XXXX bakers', H264 69. Eye 4ou, . 1 -J . . - . 1' i M . Millfeed Middlings, fine white. S15 00 15 oO V ton: brown middling, Sll 60012 50: win ter wheat bran. S12 2312 50; chop feed, S15 00 18 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice 115015 50: No. 1 dd.fli 00014 50; No. 2 do. $12 50013 50; loose, from wagon, $16 00018 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $10 SO0U 00; No, 2, S7 5008 00: packing do, $5 60 06 5a Straw Oats. $7 60; wheat and rye straw J7 0007 5008 0a Provisions. Sugar-cured bams, large, llKc; sugar-cured bams, medium, 12c; sugar-cured bams, small. 12Kc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c: sugar cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c; 'sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9Kc; sugar cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c; bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon clear sides, 8c: bacon clear bellies, Sc; dry salt shoulders, &c; dry salt clear sides, TJic Mess pork, beavv. $14 00; mess pork. laraily, $14 59. Lard Refined in tierces, 6c; half barrels, 6Kc; 60-B tuns, 7c: 20-S. palls. 7ic; 50-S. tin cans. 6c; 3-& tin pails, 7c; 5-ft tin palls. TJc; 10-E tin pails, 7c;5-S. tiu palls, c; 10-S tin pails, 7c Smoked sansage. long, 5c: large, Sc Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bams, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, $3 50; quarter barrel. $2 00. Dressed Slept. Armour ffe Co. furnished the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 &s,5Kc;530 to 630Sis.6Vc; 630 to 750&3.6VC Sheep, 8c $ ft. Lambs, lOo V ft- Hogs, 6C Fresh pork loins, 8Kc. Lumber. PINE UNPLANXD TABD QTJOTATIO'VS. Clear boards, per M. ,....$S2 005S 00 belect common boards, per M.. Common boards perM , bheathlnr Tine lrame lumber per M Shinnies, No. I, 18ln. per M.... Shingles, No. 2, 18 In. per M.. Lath 3U Ul 20 00 18 OO !2 00(327 00 5 00 7J ...... S CO rusm Clear boards, per M. CO 00 barface boards 30 0035 00 Clear, ?s-lnch beaded celling M00 Partition boards, peril , 35 00 Flooring, No. 1 30 00 Flooring, No. 2 S5 0O ..1.. M.. 4.... rt W9l 4A fH. Acuvn iip;iiuviiug H wyv wu WpiLfhpih,rf1lnrr TnonMrt n. 1 30 utll Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... S 00 Weather-boarding. Jj-lnch 3000 HARD WOODS TARD QUOTATIONS. Ash, 1 to 4 in t40 00taJ5 00 Ulack walnut, green, log run 5 005O00 111 ek walnut, dry, log run 60 00(375 00 Cherry 40 ooraso oo Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 2)00325 03 Dry white oak plank. 2 to 4 in 22 003)25 00 Dry white oak boards, lln 20 00323 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 00X25 00 "WestVa. yellow pine, 1 Inch 25 0O330 00 West Va. yellow poplar, Htolla IS 03(325 00 Hickory, i)jto3in 13 0U25 00 Hemlock building lumber, peril 1300 Bank rails 14 00 Boas studding 14 00 Coal car plant 18 00 . HARD WOODS JOBBING FRICIS. Ash f30 00(345 00 Walnut logrun, green 23 0Q45 00 Walnut log run. dry 33 00(350 00 White oak plank, green 18 OUSSStO White oa plant, dry 18 00(323 00 White oak boards, dry 19 00(323 00 WestVa. yellow pine, lln 20 0023 00 WcstVa. yellow pine, lk In 20 00(323 00 "Vellow poplar 20 00334 00 Hickory, l)i to 3 In IS 00(323 on Hemlock 11 S013 30 Bunk rails 14 00 Boat studding. 14 00 Coal car plank IS 00 Swift's Specific cured me of malignant Blood Poison after I had been treated In vain with old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S. 8. nut only cured the Blood Poison, but relieved the Rheumatism which was caused by the poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELL. 2422 Third avc. N. Y. Scrofula developed on my daughter swell ing and lumps on her neck. We gave her Swift's Specific, and the result was wonder ful and the cure prompt. 8. A. DeArkond, Cleveland. Tenn. Swift's Specific Is entirely a vegetable remedy, and is the only medicine which per manently cures Scrofula, Blood' Humors, Can cer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for books on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ox feI-7 tts $375,000 5 per cent First Mortgage Bonds. Free of All Taxes. The Central Traction Company, of Pittsburg, offers for sale its total issue of Three Hundred and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars, first mortgage five per cent bonds due 1929. Bonds are for $500 each, interest payable semi-annually, are free of all taxes and a first lien on all the property and franchises of the com pany, whose cable road will be com pleted by October 1. Proposals for all or any part of these bonds will be received by the Treasurer of the company up to and including July 31, and allotments made thereunder. At 104.46 these bonds pay 4 per cent annually, at 109.24,4 percent, at 114.37, 4 per cent and at 119 87, 4 per cent The Company reserves the right to reject any or all offers. For further in formation, address F. L. STEPHENSON, Treas., The Central Traction Company, Pittsburg, Pa. Jyl8-S5-D3u JAS. MNEIL & BRO., BOILERS, PLATE AND SHEET-IRON WORK" PATENT 8HEET IRON ANNEALING BOXES. ' With an Increased capacity and hydraullo machinery we are prepared to furnish all work In our line cheaper and better than by the old "ethoda. Repairing and general machine work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val ley Railroad. fe5TTS 'Why toil and slave forever ? lite was meant for living', not eternal slaving:. Cease this -weary drudg ery. SOAPONA does your xrozk Itself, and neither injures hand nor fanric. Then why do it youp Tis nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awake 1 Tour health and life are at stake. TJse SOAPONA everywhere. It cleans like magic. ' WASHING pown BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Best Soap Mado. R.W..BELLMFB. CO., Buffalo, N.Y, Hi. I, ,..p mylS-S-TT A PERFECT imiiHH. f A purely Vegetable (Compound that expels all bad humors from the system. Removes blotch es and nlmnle. add -makes pure, rich blood. p34S Mr. James Brown, a well-known citizn ot Allegheny county, formerly residing in Glen wood, but who has for .the past 11 years lived in Hampton township, has passed through an eventful experience. His disease, although not unlike that of many others, assumed cer tain conditions that gave him great alarm. He had a continuous dropping of offensive matter from his head into the throat, where it as sumed a dry, tenacious condition, rendering it almost impossible for him to raise it out. There was a tickling sensation in his throat, and, as the poisonous matter extended down into the bronchial tubes of his lungs, he coughed badly both dav and night. He felt great tightness and, a stnffed-up condition in bis throat and lungs. His breath became very short, and, as the dis ease further preyed upon his system, he lost flesh and became very weak. He bad pain over the eye, poor appetite, coated tongue and. belching of gas after eating. Although 64 years of age, he received treatment from the physi cians of tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, at 323 Penn avenue, and he became entirely cured, of these diseases. He adds: "I am glad to give my testimony! for publication, as I have been cured as above stated, by the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. -James Brown." , Mr. Brown's postofflce address is Taller Cavey, Allegheny county, where this statement can be easily proven by himself and many, friends. W?ni p Mrs. Dr. Crossley is always present during1 office hours to consult with ladies. Consulta tion free to all. Office hours. 10 A. M.. to 4 r. JL, and 6 to 8 P. It. Sundays 12 to 4 P. SC jylS WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Cor; Wood and LibertySts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week In SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOOD& SATEENS,. SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS., For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesale"exclusively fe22-r83-D JAS. D. CALLERY President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier CITY SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD STi Capital and surplus. 1125,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. JjS-tts -hit ONEY TO LOA - On mortgages on Improved real estate tn sums of 1,000 and upward. Applv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mM-34-n ' No. 121 Fourth avenue. UROKERA F1NA.CIAL. TTTH1TNEY & STEPHENSON, a FOURTH AVENUE. Isno travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co , New York. Passports procured, ap28-l GEORGE T...CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 514-515 Hamilton Building, Pittsburg: Pa. mTlO-70-D JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKEHS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDING, Chicago.' mv29-R-lTTSO 3IEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTsBURG, PA As old residents know ana back files of Pitt-', burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. 23T53SN0FEEUNTILCURED MCDXni IO and m.ntal diseases, physical IM C. n V U U O decaj.nerrous debility. lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self cfistmst.basbf ulness, dixzlnesf, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers,organ!c weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN2ST4W blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swelling, ulcerations of tongue, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood' poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV kidney and bladder aerange U II 1 1 1 Am I j ments. weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment;' prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's llfe-Iorg, extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment." on common-sense principles. Consultation) free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated, as if here. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 p. M. Sun day, 10 A. Jt. to 1 P. H. only. DR. WHITTIER, SUPenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jy9-tOK-DSuwk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re- 3 airing scientific and confiden al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. M. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and most experienced specialist m the city. Consultation free and KlM wlWI st-.ictlv confidential. Offieo hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P.M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P.. M.Consultthemperonillv. orwrite. DoctobS Lake. 90B Pennove., Pittsburg, Pa. Jel2-i5-DWk ao3s's Oottbaa. IRoote' COMPOUND L. ....l . rVitt.,,, 17w.. fPmW Ifl J Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an 'nH nhvsiclan. Is mccasfullu used - T?T. c.f- Petotnal THw. t hv Ynftll- sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Coors, Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND UtT COMPANY, No. S Flsasr JUOCX, nguuwuu BTOifcuum -um MEN ONLY A P03ITIV1S CUKK' For LOST or railing MAN HOOD, Nervoos- ss. Weakness cf iini.- Mind. Urkof Rtrenrth. Vizor and De velopment, earned bv Errors, Excesses, Ac boot . MODS of SILT-TREATJtXST. and .Proofs mailed , (sealed) free. Address KKIE, iaj-. jsunaio, a. x. de33-57-TTS4Wk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in threw days, and cures in five days. Price tl 00. at ' J. FLEMINOS DRUGSTORE, ja5-29-TTssu 412 Market street. AOTTns7T7T?Ti,TD trom errors of BUrr HlXV HlJtV youth, wasting weakness, lost vigor, etc.. wasrestored to health , tniuch a remarkable mannerarter all else had' failed that he will send tbe mode of care i"KEK t. all fellow sufferers. Address L. O. MlTCHiLt, SartHaddam, Coon. ByK-X-MawK . . . . ft.".,. .-5iIii. . . Jkiki.-i.5iC-iJ&iJiJ.i lyVR 1 1 u iniimrr ;i