THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, . '" THURSDAY, ' JOLT 18, 1889f h J . r ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1846. Vol.44, A'altL Entered at Pittsburg rostomce, November 14, 18S7, as second-class natter. Business Offlce97 and G9 Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 43, Tribune Building-, New York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of Tux DlSrATCU for tlx montbi ending June 30, 1689, 29,492 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of Tux DiSFATCn for three months endlsg June 30, issa, 52,660 Copies per Issue. TER3IS OF THE DISPATCH. rOETAGE ritEE IN TUE UXITZD STATES. DAILT DlSFArciI, One Year t 8 00 Daily Dispatch, l'cr Quarter 2 00 Dailt Dispatch. One Month 70 Daily Disfatcc Including Sunday. 1 year. 10 00 daily Dispatch, lncludluebunday.lm'ths. 2 so Daily DisrATCii, Including Sunday, 1 month SO fcUNPAY Dispatch. One Year 2 SO M'eikly Dispatch, One Year 1 25 THE Daily Dispatch Is delivered br carriers at cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG. THURSDAY. JULY 18.1SSa. BEACHING TOE BUSINESS. I The arrangement which is reported else where lor a solid train between Chicago and Pittsburg over the Chicago and Atlantic and Pittsburg and Western roads,is another evidence of the manner in which the young est of Pittsburg's Western connections is reaching out for business. ' The Pittsburg and Western has heretofore demonstrated its importance as a factor in the freieht business of the city. The starting of a train which will shorten the time between here and, Chi cago by some honrs will give it an equal value in the passenger business It seems wisely determined to take the place which some of its predecessors have aban doned of the railroad that particularly looks alter Pittsburg's interests. This is a comfortable demonstration of the fact that, Ijowever trunk line negotia iions may strive to attain that end, it has not ret been possible to shut ont competi tion from our city. THE JANGLE 0VEB AWARDS. The note of dissension which was sounded between Messrs. Bigelow and Brown, at the Board of Awards some weeks ago, came out with renewed strength at the meeting of the same body yesterday. The merits of the dispute can be looked at from both sides. It is undoubtedly the right of a member of the board to, vote on each contract separate ly; while, on the other hand, the motion of Mr. Bigelow to award the Forbes street contract to the lowest bidder, will strike the public as a decidedly legitimate action on the part of the Chief of the Department of Public Works. The net result of the row seems likely to be that Forbes street may have to get along with cobblestone pave ments until next year. POSSIBILITY OF PLUTOCRACY. A New York newspaper which is some what notorious for its support of corporate and monopolistic interests, in replying to the talk about plutocratic tendencies of the day, asks the lollowing question with the evident belief that it is a poser: "Ip a country of popular suffrage how can there be a rule of the rich?" This is very much like the argument of Mr. S. C. T. Dodd, the solicitor of the Standard Oil Tiust, a 'year of two ago, which demonstrated, with convincing legal logic, that as the law of this country does not permit monopolies, and as the Standard Oil Company is operating under the laws of t his country, therelore it was conclu sively demonstrated that the Standard Oil Trust could possess no monopoly of the petroleum business. Both of them are strongly akin to the case of a lawyer who, when informed by a client of the legal ag gressions of his opponents, assured him re peatedly that his antagonists could not do what they had done The client finally lost patience, and declared somewhat wrathfnlly that, as they had done it, they could do it; and what he wanted was to know how to obtain redress. There can be no monopolies in this coun try if the laws are maintained and supported in their integrity; neither can there be a rule of the rich if the popular suffrage is preserved in its purity, and thus made to support the popular rights. But a few such gigantic facts as the Standard Oil Trust, and the defiance of the courts and law by the great combinations, iurnisn evidence enough to the effect that inch things can be in this country, because thoy are. THE APPBECIATION OF HTM0B. The disgust with which the Hon. B, G. Horr, of Michigan, has rejected thebffer of tbeconsulate at Valparaiso, is taken by a nnmber of our esteemed cotemporaries as an indication that political wit, of which Mr. Horr is regarded as the leading expon ent, is not appreciated by this administra tion. The inference is hardly a justifiable one. As the position offered Mr. Horr is stated to pay 53,000 a appears that the administration's estimate of Mr. Horr's mer it is not without positive value, although it may be very much below Mr. Horr's esti mate. Another evidence of the administra tion's valuation of humor is furnished by the fact that the services of the publisher of Judge in last year's campaign, has been re warded by getting ltusscll Harrison for a partner. The general conclusion is likely to be that Mr. Horr has the better of it, al though both Mr. Horr and the administra tion seem unable to appreciate the fact. While there maybe an inability on the part of the administration to estimate the literary value of humor, it seems clear that it has rather exaggerated appreciation of its polit ical worth. KOBE TEBBISLE THAN FICTION. That interesting person, the Ripper, fur nished another twelve hours of excitement to London yesterday if not the real "Eip per," then at least some skillful imitator, who selects his victims from the same class, and butchers in the same fashion, as the original sensationalist. Public interest in these "Kipper" tragedies throughout En-' gland can hardly be appreciated through any mere account of it. The andacity of the crimes, the invariable escape of the assassin, leaving not a clue .behind, the helplessness of the police, and the terros among the common people at the idea of scch a skillful assassin as the(Bipper stalk ing amonc them unrecognized', and waiting opportunities for ftewvictims, make a situa tion which, for a good month or more follow ing each of these murders, is very straining on the London mind. It was supposed that Gaborlau and Bois gobey, the French dealers in criminal ro mance, had composed plots so astounding that some of their novels should be dis missed as wildly extravagant. But they never invented a possibility equaling the "Kipper" and theories of tragedies which go by his name. Besides, they always or generally showed vice punished, the crim inal in irons, and the detective triumphant for a closing tableau. Hut the reverse of that is true of the affairs of the "Kipger," who still continues a mysterious unknown, respecting whose identity or motives the po lice of celebrated Scotland Yard are com pletely in the dark. The butcheries occur with a regularity and fullness of horror which make the "penny dreadfuls". and "shilling shockers" of London's light liter ature seem very tame indeed by comparison with the real.thing in Whitechapel. AN TJNNECESSABY OUTCBY. The large amount of outcry which has been raised by our esteemed cotemporaries over the reduction by Postmaster General Wananiaker of rates on the Governmental "telegraph business makes it necessary to remark that it is decidedly ill-founded. As the adverse criticism has been without regard to party, we are forced, in the light of the facts, to attribute it to a remarkable prevalence of ignorance in the editorial rooms of onr cotemporaries as to the usual rates on telegraphing on large contracts, or to relations between them and the telegraph company which is the interested party in the case. It is certain that any of them could have ascertained by a liltle inquiry that the usual contract rates on telegraphing, in quantities much less than that of the Government, is one-third of a cent per word. Before 'the absorption of the Baltimore and Ohio Tele graph by the Western Union it was one- fourth of a cent. That there are favored corporations which get the rate of one mill per word, as the Postmaster General alleges, is quite possible, but is matter for farther proof. Under these facts it is easy for any un prejudiced mind to see that while the new rate-which Mr. Wanamaker has fixed may be too low, it is not as much so as the old rate was too high. If the new rate is too low, or if there is any such difference in the business that the Government is not entitled to as low rates as private patrons on large contracts, the onus is on the telegraph com pany to show the fact. Until then the out cry against the Postmaster General's action can be attributed only to ignorance or in terest. There Is no justification for the idea that the Government should pay three or four times the rate given to private contract patrons; and Mr. Wanamaker ideserves the public approval for putting a sharp stop to a rate of charges that approached perilously close to the line of public scandal. . SHOULD BE STABTING NOW. Contracts were yesterday given out for several additional city streets. Now, push the workl Pittsburg should rise next win ter from the mud. The ordinances are passed, the appropriations made, and every thing and everybody waiting for the pave ments! When the improvements so far ordered shall have been made the comforts of resi dence will be greatly enhanced. -But do not let them lag until fall, or defer hope till another summer comes. GUBEBNATOBIAL GBIT. The vigorous attempt of Governor Lowiy, of Mississippi, to secure the arrest of the prize fighters has evoked the criticism from Northern newspapers that he could do more good by securing the punishment' of the prominent citizens of Mississippi, who aided and abetted in the fight, including the rail road officials who furnished special trains for that occasion, and the various officers who were present at the fight, and are re ported to haye afforded protection and coun tenance to the" fighters. The criticism would have been exceedingly jnst if it were not for the later report that this is exactly what Governor Lowry has done. It is stated that the rich lumberman who owned the field where the fight took place, the referee and the other local celebrities who abetted the violation of law, have all been arrested and bound over for trial. In additicn, the Governor announces his in tention to secure the forfeiture bf the char ter of the railroad which ran special trains for the purpose Of making the violation of the law profitable. While it may be doubted whether a corporation's charter can be taken away for the performance of its duty of transportation, there is no doubt that the railway officials who took such pains to make the fight a success can be in dividually punished for their action. It certainly seems as though the Governor of Mississippi is using impartial and vigor ous methods to punish the violators of the law. While he may not succeed in captur ing the fighters, who have escaped to the, North, lie has certainly cut short the lion izing which they had promised themselves as the usufrnct of their professional law breaking. DOWN WITH THE DANCE, Atlanta, Georgia, does not travel upon her shape, as the ungodly would put it, neither does she content herself with the reputation of being connected with a certain "march to the sea," bnt plumes and prides herself upon the abounding .measure of her righteousness. She Is dreadfully good. No city in the Union is in the race at all with Atlanta in this regard. . The other day it was proposed to -give a ball in the new State Capitol at Atlanta on the occasion of the. dedication of the buildr ing. The godly citizens of Atlanta took down their dictionaries, and among the B's they found the word ball defined as "a social assemblage of persons of both sexes for the purpose of dancing, either at the in vitation and expense of an individual or at the cost of those attending it, in which case the ball is said to be public." 4There was no need to go further than this definition. Dancing was a device of the evil one that could not be tolerated in a State building. It probably appeared more dangerous be cause it was to be public within the mean ing of the dictionary definition. Anyhow, the ball was promptly squelched. No idle foot will trip in 'mazy measure over the Capitolian floor. Now that Atlanta has1 vanqnished the daring-invaders of her virtue, her citizens may have time to look into the infamous ill-treatment of which convicts in Georgia constantly complain. It sounds rather significant to learn from the Republican organs of Philadelphia that Collector Cooper has determined to respect the.civil service law and the rules under it, but that this will not prevent him from making removals for the good of the service. The sanguine, field marshal is evidentlypre pared to make the most of Democratic pre cedents for reforming the civil service strictly upon a partisan pattern.' The commencement ot prosecutions in London against the owners of overcrowded apd -unhealthy tenements Indicates a possi bility that in some things the Old Country may still be able to ret an example to' this glorious land of tbejree. We have not yet heard of any landlords of rookeries in this countiy being hauled into court. It is interesting, as well as surprising, to learn from the esteemed Chicago 2fewt that "the people of Pittsburg, with a few excep tions, have grown bow-legged for some mys terious reason." We hasten to assure our Chicago cotemporary that the bow-legged-ness of Pittsburg- 'consists entirely in the obliquity of vision with which Chicago newspapers are too apt- to regard anything that comes from "the Iron City. Possibly the School Book Trust, which is announced as the latest development in that line, may succeed in convincing the public that the project of having the States publish their own school books is not with out its recommendations. No one cares to deny th'e assertion of William Muldoon, Esq., who trained Sulli van for the prize fight, that he is a "gentle man," and probably no one will undertake to dispute his assertion that Sullivan "has no brains." But, the facts being conceded, it seems necessary to gently hint to Mr. Mul doon that neither gentlemen nor brains have anything to do with prize fighting. DbT Bbown-Sequaed's elixir of life is tersely defined to be "extract of dogs." This is likely to do used by the habitual imbibers as justifying an attempt to prolong their lives by'tbeold resort to a hair of the dog that bit them. Oue esteemed Democratic cotemporaries, who were so much worked upoverthe-strlke at the Homestead works of Carnegie, Phipps & Co., are now exhibiting more than corre sponding wrath at the fact that it is settled in a manner satisfactory to the workmen. It is extremely exasperating to have the raw I material for campaign capital taken righ out of your mouth, as it were. The question of the wages of engineers on the Pittsburg and Western system has been wisely settled by conceding them the same wages as on other lines. This clears the labor horizon in Pittsburg once more. Ax enterprising publisher of a directory in St. Paul, Minn., has figured out that city to have a population of 193,000 inhabitants. It may be wondered why he let a little mat-' ter of 7,000 prevent him from giving St Paul a round 200,000 population; hut that it will be recognized, is wholly at variance with the recognized ethics of the directory publishing business. -- Whejt they get to shooting at that pro gressive old monarch'the Emperor of Brazil, it is no wonder that some other monarchsdo not enjoy the smell of powder. Sib Julian Pauncetote, the British Minister at Washington, has expressed 'his admiration for the national gome of draw poker. Having previously shown a gener ous appreciation of America's justly famous mixed drinks, it is evident that the British Minister is' fully qualified to mingle in the social amusements ot the national capital. PEOPLE OP PEOMINUKCE. Senatob Quay is In Washington loosing f,or a suitable residence for his family next winter. Pbivatb gECBETABY 'Haltobd is some thing o( a Methodist in his. way and when he goes to church 'joins In the singing as heartily as any of the congregation. Fbeddy Gebhabd will leave Long Branch for California next Wednesday. He has one of the best located and completely furnished ranches in the State, 100 miles east of San Francisco. Contrary to general belief. Mr. Gebbard is richer now than ever, and this is said to be the result of the good advice given to him by the prominent actress who-recently sailed for Europe. s WOMEN WHOJiBITE. Lady Colin Campbell is writing a novel. Mas. Maby J. Holmes, the American nov elist, is in Italy, accumulating material for a new story. Mbs. Kmilt Cbawtobs, the most famons of women journalists, has lived In Paris for more than 30 years. ' N "Sydney Paoe," the novel Mrs. Margaret Del and is now writing, will not be published until next year. Mbs. Helen Ainslie Smith will contribute stories of 'The Thirteen Colonies" to Putnam's series of "Stories of the Nations." Rhoda Bbotjqiiton, the English novelist, is 48 and a highly intelligent looking woman, with features hard and rather masculine. Jean Jnoelow has the poet's love of flowers and her low, rambling, cream-colored- stone house at Kensington stands in a mass of bloom. Mbs. Frances Hodgson Uubnett is re ported to have remarked recently that If she had known the penalties of fame she would never have written a line. Mbs. Mae.eline Vinton pAHx,aBZN, the widow of Admiral Dahlgren, and one of the busiest women,in Washington, b'as written 16 short stories in six months and finished her longest novel In two. , ILLINOIS MINES AND MINING. A Bad State of Affairs nt Braldwood and a Foor Outlook Generally. La Saile, III., July 17. The investigation of the coal mining difficulties . here yesterday developed a bad state of affairs at. Braldwood n the part of the miners, who enduro all the evils of the trnck stow system, are hampered In their work at some of the mints by reason of not being adequately supplied with timber for propping up the roof, contrary to the State mining law, and are in jeopardy of their lives. The coal cars, according to the testimony, were not properly constructed, so that much coal fell off while being hauled to the mouth of the mine, all of which Is, confiscated by the com pany, and which some days aggregates upward of 25 tons. The mines are very Wet, and the miners had their clothes constantly soaked. Often the air is insufficient and bad. Complaints from Bracoville and Streator were not so great. Miners' wages averaged only 827 to s30 a month, with deductions for powder, repairing, tools, etv, of several dol lars each month. L. H. Plumb, a Streator operator, feund competition so sharp that he said he saw little hope for the Northern Illinois operators. He had submitted his case to a Board of Arbitration. If be could not operate his mine at the rate of wages awarded he would close it If the miners would not work for the wares that might be named, they were to be under no obligations to do so. Fresldent Pepper Resigns. Portland, lis, July 17. At a" meeting of the trnstees of Colby University this afternoon, the resignation of Iter. G. ,Bv B. Pepper as President of the college, the late commencement but not previously announced, was accepted and Prof. Albion W. Small, Ph. D., Professor of History at Colby since 1831, was chosen President in Dr. Pepper's place. Begs Mast Stay In Jail. Chicago, July 17. Still another application for the release of John F. Beggs was made toJ, day. Beggs Is Senior Warden of Camp 20,Clan-na-Gael, and Is in jail on an ' Indictment chain ing him with conspiracy to rriurder Dr. Cronm. The application to-day was made to Jndge Alt gelt, of the Criminal Court, and was refused. An Eaormon Eye-Tooth. West Liberty, O, July 17. Last evening Dr. C. A Thatcher extracted a tooth for Mrs. Oliver Parks, which Is supposed .to be the largest ever extracted In the county. It is an upper right cuspid, or eye-tooth, and measured In length over Vt inches, and accordingly in circumference. Ho Female Troop la Haiti. New Yobx. July 17. The steamer Caroline Millar arrived here to-day from Haytlan ports. Her commander. Captain O'Brien, said that all was quiet at nortnera nayuan ports wmn nis vessel left. He denies the story that Legitime had found It necessary to enlist female troops. THE TOPICAL TALKEfi. The. Summer Exodns The Saleswoman at Beit Holidays of the Fait and Present. Ir the figures of the railroad accounts In this city conld be seen they would show beyond a doubt that the exodes of Fittsburgers this sum mer is in excess of any previous record. .The outflow has been tremendous. Most of those I' who bare left Pittsburg for a holiday have bad the seashore for a destination, bnt the mountain resorts and merely rural places have taken a great many. . , , Cresson, Chautauqua, Bedford and the rest of the well-Known surrounding spots within easy reach of Pittsburg are filling up rapidly. As soon as the weather becomes very hot again there will not be an empty room in the hotels and cottages at these places. The seashore, to judge from the reports that have reached'me from eye-witnesses at Atlantic City, Cape May and 'other popular resorts, Is also crowded to an unparalleled extent. And all these features of tba holiday season point to the prosperity of the nation at large. Holi day trips are not feasible unless the cash la at hand. The fate of the young woman who stands be hind a counter 12 or 13 hours a day and per suades us to buy what wo don't want ought al ways to be a matter of concern to ns all. It Is bard enough to keep the brain In an ag gressive attitude toward work In this weather, and the body Is still less eager to grapple with the day's tasks. The girl or woman who stands through long honrs In a hot store, and under goes the torments of serving men and women, especially women, who are irritable and frac tious because the thermometer is 90 in the shade this girl, who is generally called a sales lady in the affected slang, of the shop, always seems to me pitiable. Even after an honr's en forced shopping I could not help feeling sorry that the world conld not fclve np business in hot weather, send the shop girls to the country and the shoppers to Jericho. But I was surprised on Inquiry at one great store in this city, where women are employed by hundreds, that the saleswomen are allowed a month's vacation If theycare to take it Not all of them can afford to miss a month's wages, but a good many go. My impression was that the holidays of a saleswoman were not many. How useless holidays are to some men. When July 4 came around this year a coach man employed in a city family asked for leave to have the day to himself. His request was granted. It was to be supposed he would go out and enjoy himself. But he didn't. On the 3d he brought to the stable two bottles of whisky. On the Fourth, the glorious Fourth, he simply emptied both bottles and lay down in the straw drunk and insensible. He didn't wake up till the next day. " The holidays we get In after life never equal in flavor those of our school days. The schoolboy enjoys the holiday before it comes, when he has it, and after it is a thing of the past. Especially If he be sent away from home to school. As soon as he gets there he tfegins to calculate how long it is to the vaca tion, blotting off each day In a thumb-marked list as it slides from under him. It used to be a source of trouble to me to de cide, the morning after I reached home for the holidays, whether I was as supremely happy as I had. when at school, assured myself I would be. Possibly the joys in anticipation exceeded the realization sometimes. The last week at school before the holidays always seemed to me to be an intensely delicious period. Discip line was relaxed. Trunks appeared in the pass ages and bedrooms. Letters containing checks for railroad fares arrived. The results of the examinations came out tq,relieve everybody, though not always to bring tidings of great joy. A sort of fever of excitement seized npon everyone about the great school, and time, a sluggard earlier in the term, broke into a cal lop. At the end of this pleasant vista came the actual holidays, with the. return of a young scapegrace to his family. There's nothing like it in the after years. The vacation comes ,to ward off illness, to lift the harness off the tired animal, to prepare the man for more labor, bnt not as a season of almost supernatural joys. Not as a fairy tale, in fact; but a chapter of sober earnest dished up to look like a bit of pleasant fiction. $500,000 FOE THE KANAWHA. That Bum Is Asked to Provide a Uniform Depth of Six Feet Moooy for the James. Washington, July 17. The Improvement of the great Kanawha. Elk and Ganley rivers. West "Virginia, and New river, Virginia, and West Virginia, was under chargo of Colonel Cralghlll until March 30, 1889, and for the rest of the fiscal year in temporary charge of Cap tain Thomas Tattle. The object of the great Kanawha improvement Is to give a depth of not less than six feet the year round, the whole length of the river 96 miles. For the current year $500,000 is needed. Nothing was done for Elk river and $2,600 is now asked for. For the Improvement of Oauley river $12,000 is recom mended. Operations on New river have been confined to that part of the stream between Ivanhoo Furnace, In Wytbe county, and tne mouth of Wilson creek. To complete the ex isting project (159,000 will be required, but for the current year no appropriation Is recom mended. On the improvement of James river, Vir ginia, Congress has expended (1,091,540 and the city of Richmond $500,000. The project under which present operations are being carried on contemplates a channel of 22 feet depth at mean, low tide from Richmond to the sea. This will require $3,938,070 to complete and $400,000 is asked for next year. The total number ot vessels that entered at and cleared from Rich mond last vear was 891. with a tonnaco of 618.- 101. The value of imports was $23,670, and of export $435,906. A telegram from Parkershurg, W. Va., says: Hon. V. B. Archer, of this city, and William Beard.of Wirt county, filed the papers in a suit to-day for the county of Wirt against the Little Kanawha Navigation Company to recover $11, 000 Interest paid by that county on bonds is sued by it when the navigation scheme was proposed. The plaintiff claims that the navi gation company sold bonds and Issued a first mortgage on all its works and tolls for 145,000, and that it has paid 10 per cent interest on the same since 1873, contrary to the statutes under which the Wirt county subscription was grant ed. The plaintiff also asks for a receiver to take charge of the company's works and to re ceive all the tolls, etc This suit is the final outcome of theMemand for a free river made by every stcainboatman and every one Interested in the river business of the important' stream, and it will probably eno xn me uoTernmcut laiung cnarge ot tne tag ( river. BEE TONGUE TOO T0LDBLE. A Jersey Woman Found Guilty of Being- n Common Scold. Jersey City, July 17. Mrs. Mary Brady, of tats city, Is a common scold, according to a ver dict rendered to-day by a jury in the Hudson Court of Sessions. It is the first time in that county, and, as far as Prosecutor Winfleld knows, that a jury has pronounced a woman a public nuisance because of the volubility of lierionKue. unuer luocuuiuuu law luc pen- al ty was ducking in a pond. Mrs. Bradv has bad vision ira. Brady has bad visions lately of the duct ing stool and a compulsory bath In the' presence of a crowd of curious neighbors, bnt she was relioved during her trial to-day by the Informa tion that the present law of liew Jersey relat ing to common scolds does not countenance the old common Jaw penalty, bnt prescribes im prisonment not exceeding two years or a fine, in the discretion of the Courtf It took the jury only about five minutes to find her guilty. Mrs. Brady is about 55 years old. All Are Not So Particular. From tn.8t. Louis Globe-Democrat.-. Roswell G. Horr .explains his declination of the Valparaiso Consulate by saying: "If I can't be tablecloth. 1 won't be dlshrag." Fortu nately, the waiting throng of office-seekers includes an ample number of patriots who are not so fastidious. , Modest bat Great. From the Akron Telegram.! There Is only one thing about Lije Halford which marks him as a great man. He does not' think he Is President when General Harrison is away. Easy to Dispose of It. From the Chicago News.; "What shall we do with our silver?" pathetic ally asks the Springfield Republican. What's the matter with backing the Chlcagos to win a garnet DKATUS OF A DAY. 'J. XV. Znhnlzer. I J. W. Zahnlser died earlr Tnesdav raominnf I Bs was a contractor until seven -years aro, wh I 'he retired from active -work. 'Mr. Zahnlzer Was I wv.m iuiuvef uu iuic w xriusuarK wnen oeite 7ung- man. a wui bs sonea to-morrow .jiuwn aiLer- i v .1 i miauuLauic ra -i - n1- Vr. - i -j.r.aon,HijiafioauuDL I jHoae& t I ' .. . ItFll nmM T T lS, ?. . U. ar. ,,.... V-..T -... .. . ..j . .m.--.. ... .1 THE HABB0E OF ERIE. Not in Its Proper Condition, Owing to a Lack of Funds For Ir. , rsrrciAt. tiugsau to the nisrATca.1 Washington, July 17. Captain Mabao. the engineer officer in charge of the improvement of the harbor at Erie, has made bis repirt to the War Department He reports the north pier about half in good condition, and the other half In very bad condition. The south pier is all right, bnt the south breakwater is old and liable to be damaged or destroyed with every storm. The catebsand jetty, which was almost destrojed in November, 1SS3, hasn't be'en rebuilt. Of the peninsula he states that the defense of the shore line has been almost destroyed and has bad no attention op account of the lack of appropriations. He speaks In warm terms of the harbor, saying that It is un doubtedly the best natural harbor on the lake, but that it has been sadly neglected, and .that the Improvements made are often destroyed because of the failure of Congress to make firovision for the continuation of the work. It s difficult to ascertain the condition of the channel on account of the constant shifting of the sands. Once within the barbor there is ample space for vessels, bnt the movement of the sands of the channel with the action of the west and northwest wind, is a constant menace to the security of the harbor, and as a conse quence, vessels often run aground and great damage results. Captain Mahan recommends the construction of a strong catch-sand jettyas the most effect ive and economical method of remedying the chancing condition .of the channel, and says this jetty should be constructed as soon as pos sible. The short line of the peninsula, he rec ommends, should be protected by the construc tion ot a wall which has been almost ruined by the storms, and for the rebuilding of which tbero was no appropriation, and that this pro tection extend three feet above the mean level of the lake. The balance available for the Im provement ot the harbor Is $62,000. The amount required for the completion of the existing project Is $24,000. The amount that could profitably be expended during the present fis cal year is 550,000. In regard to the work on the shore protection of the peninsula, the last ap propriation of $60,000 will be exhausted by ex isting contracts, so that there Is no balance available. -The amount estimated for the com pletion of the existing project Is $113,000, and the amount that could profitably be expended during the current fiscal year 13 $75,000 . A GAS WELL'S FEEAKS. It Refuses to Flow When the Wind Blows or the Weather Is Cold. Columbus, Ind., July 17. The most pecu liar natural gas well In this section of the great natural gas belt is located at North Vernon, 20 miles south of this city. It has several remark able and unaccountable features. The well was drilled nearly two years ago.and at a depth of only GOO feet a good flow of the fluid was struck, which, when lighted, burned to a height of several feet The proprietors, however, thought that the output would be increased by going deeper, and. acting upon their advice, the ponderons drill penetrated terra firma to a 'depth of 1,500 feet. The well extended Into Trenton rock several feet, but not the slightest signs of gas w,ere found in that formation. The drill was then withdrawn and the water at the bottom of the well cased out. The "pock et" gas was given an unobstructed passage out ot the hole, and active operations were begun at piping the town with it. This was finally completed, and the fluid was turned into the mains. It was then that the strange actions of the well were first observed. It seems to be greatly affected In the flow by the weather. Whenever there Is a strong gale blowing from the north or east the flow almost entirely ceases, while a breeze from the south or west causes It to "escape in an exceedingly great vol ume. In cold weather there Is also a great diminishing in the flow, and whenever the mer cury records zero there Is a complete cessation, and owing to this unreliableness those who use the fuel for cooking and beatlne purposes are provided with a coal or wood stove In addition to tne one in which the gas is burned. The strange phenomenon is exciting great interest among scientists, but none who have yet exam ined the natural curiosity hare been able to explain its "breathing spells. EELIGI0N AND EDUCATION. A Joint Debate Between a Catholic Bishop and a Protestant Layman. Nashville, July H Before the National Educational -Association to-day-Bishop Keane read a paper on "Should Americans Educate Their Children in Denominational Schools T" He took the position that Christianity was the basis of all true government, and should be in culcated "during the period when children were attending school. If the influence of the church was beneficial in the family It was also in the school. Mr. Edwin, of Boston, followed in a lengthy paper, in which he said that the arguments ad vanced by Cardinal Gibbons in the favor of non-interterence of the State with the family in the matter of education wns only a device to damage the State's authority in public opinion to the end that the Roman Catholic church could take charge when possible. He said the Elan of the Romish church was to compel all athollcs to withdraw their children from the pnblic schools to parochial schools where they would be taught the doctrines of the church. Such systems, be said, would not be tolerated In America. Bishop Keaue replied and denied Mr. Mead's asssertion tha.t the Pope of the Roman Catho lic cnurco was seeKinc temporal power and the control of the Government. Both addresses were forcible and were heartily applauded. Bishop Keane regretted Cardinal Gibbon's in ability to be present to speak on the same sub ject. STEEL VESSELS FOE THE LAKES. A New Departure of the Bis Iron and Steel Combine of Chicago. Chicago, July 17. The statement is pub lished here that the Illinois Steel Company, recently incorporated as a consolidation of three great iron and steel companies in this neighborhood, has decided to go into the busi ness of building steel vessels for employment in lake commerce. It is understood that the shipyards to be created are to be located at South Chicago. At Duluth on the 10th Inst, the Minnesota Iron Company voted to place its $1,500,000 sur plus in the hands of the directors. This com pany is controlled by the Illinois Steel Com pany, and the voting of this surplus was to put it at that company's disposal W. L Babcock, Superintendent ot the Union Dry Dock Com pany of Buffalo, has been selected as the head of the mechanical department ot the proposed new yards. I GEACE'S C0NTEACT IS SAFE, As the Annual Payment to the British Bond holders Is Approved. Lima, July J7 (via Galveston). The first seven clausesot the Grace-British bondholders' contract with Peru have been approved by the Chamber of Deputies. The most Important of these articles is the seventh, which requires the Peruvian Government to pay to the British bondholders' commltteo 80,000 annually for 33 years. This money is to be paid in cash ont of the funds received at the custom bouse. The article received the most strenuous oppo sition, anu was unuer uiscussion ior lour clays. To-day a vote udod It was taken, which re suited in its adon us adoption Dy a vote ot as to zi. As the only doubt of the approval of the contract rested upon this clause. It is believed that the acceptance of the remaining articles and of the entire contract Is assured. How Wales Coald Slake Money. From the Chicago Hcrald.l And now a British syndicate Is said to have paid $5,000,000 for an Americanpatent medi cine business. This opens a new field ot in come for the members of the royal family, as they can write testimonials and boom the sale of the cure-all in the United Kingdom. If the fact should be published that the Prince of Wales bad taken a pill the patent medicine mill would be obliged to work overtime to sup ply the demand. v t Social Castotnln Topeka. From the Minneapolis Tribune. 3 A society lady of Topeka, Kan., Issued invi tations to a "breakfast" and three-fourths of ber guests put in an appearance before she was np. Either the Topekans are away off in the matter of social usages or else the lady in timated in her invitations that her sideboard would contain a drop of something in the way of an appetizer. Export Duties Reduced. Washington, July 17. The Secretary of State has been Informed by the United States Consul at Kingston, Jamaica, of the reduction of export duties on sugar, rum and coffee, as follows: Sucar. from bl 89 to 42 cents cer hors- I hfad; rum from $1 09 to SO cents per puncheon; I pollee from $1 46 to 8 cents per 112 pounds. ProsTM In the New South, from the Conner-Journal. I If a girl In Alabama really did say, "I should Jump np and tiptoe to caekle," our Northern friends will not despair of the "New South." 'There are soma signs ot progress that are nn- misia&auie. , -j - - ."A ;. EMPIRE CITY GOSSIP. Sent Back Home to Her Hasbnnd. !KXW TOMC 8UBZAU SPECIALS. New Yosk, July 17. Mrs. Emma Kottman, 23 years old and fairly good looking, arrived at Castle Garden by the Red Star steamer Penn land. She frankly confessed-that she had left her hnsband and three children on the other side without saying a word to them of ber in tention, and proposed to live for the f nture with her brother-in-law, Feter Nederlander, at Troy, N. Y. The only reason she could give for her action was that she was tired of her family cares. She had no money with her, her passage having been paid by ber married sis ter, and she was in delicate health. The Com missioners of Emigration detained the woman and Collector Erhardt ordered her to be sent back. She left forhonio again this morning on the same steamer which brought her over. Xavier Binder, a farm laborer, 63 years old, was also returned. Binder bad bnt 17 francs and an unknown asset In a nephew, living somewhere out Vest. Awaiting- the Champion's Coming. A 'florist In this city has completed a large floral rooster to be presented tb John L. Sulli van on his arrival. It is three feet high and three feet long. The body is of white carna tions, the wings of brown carnations, the tail of dark chenille, and the legs of yellow chenille. The comb and beard are of red satin. - OInch More Talk Than Action. It was reported to-day that there was a prob ability of Jay Goulcrwithdrawi'ng the Missouri Pacific from the Inter-State Commerce Rail way Assoc&tion, and that ha was in favor of the formation of a railroad trust. It is alleged to have been his desire to see a trust formed at the time of the creation of the association. It was also stated that G. H. H. Clark, of the Missouri Pacific, has been In town urging npon Mr. Gould the desirability of withdrawing, while other prominent railroad men were in sisting that he remain and help to tfarce the Alton back into the association. George Gould said to-day: "Yon may put it down for a fact that the Missouri Pacific will never be a dis turbing or disintegrating factor In any of the railroad problems. We have got our money, and it is foolish to say we would do anything but build up and make more valuable any rail road properties which we control. It Is impos sible for me to say just what my father thinks of the proposed railroad trustf You must see him about that. I have not heard of the Missouri Pacific going out of the Inter-State Railway Association. In fact, no such question has been discussed in my presence." Belief In American Cnpltal. Commander H. T.,Slavin let t on the Saale to day for Paris. His mission Is to convince the French people that the Panama Canal can be built at an expense of $200,000,000. Mr. Slavin, says that he has built 15 miles of the canal, and thinks the rest of It can be done if money is forthcoming. The Culebra cut lias no terrrfrs for him, and it is said that his mission to France is to get the contract for this part of the work. No contractor has yet been found willing to take the job without a guarantee. The canal, Commodore Slavin thinks, can be completed inside of four years from January L 1890. He fully believes that the canal will be flnhfhed by Americans and with American capital. Moving; for the Next World's Fair. Mayor Grant to-day issued an invitation to 300 prominent citizens and business men to meet him at the City Hall, Thursday, the 25th instant, to consider the advisability of holding an inter national exposition In this city In 1393, the quadri -centennial anniversary of the discovery of America. The wealth , of the citizens in vited to the meeting foots np folly $1,500,000,000. Shoe for Trying; to Earna Living. The police are engaged in endeavoring to ferret out the persons who for the past two days have been shooting 'longshoremen while at work on the Ocean Steamship Company's wharf at Pier 35, Nortb rlwr. This morning Frank Myeta, while moving some frnlt on the dock, received a pistol shot in the thumb. He quit his work and went down to Chambers Street Hospital and hatl his wound dressed. A few minutes later another 'longshoreman named Edward Fanning came Into the hospital. He had been shot in the thigh. The wound was dressed and he left. This afternoon James Egan, a 'longshoreman, limped into Chambers Street Hospital with three bullets in his body two in the thigh and one in the groin. He, too. hadbeen shot while at work. The bullets were extracted and be was taken away. From what could be learned tfi the hospital, it appears that some time ago certain 'longshoremen weru dis charged, and among the men who took their places were the injured men. Wby Mrs. Blaine Goes on the Stage. Mrs. James G. Blaine, Jr., who Is spending the summer at Point Lookout. L.L, is studying bard these warm days, preparatory to making her debnt In October. She said to a Dispatch reporter: "My going on the stage is no new idea. I bad signed contracts with Madam Modjeska.and Mr. Frohman for four years' work on the stage before I was married. When I first met my husband and he learned that I was going on the stage he made a'strong pro test against It. .rinally we decided to marry in haste and then annul the contracts by bis refusing, as my husband, to fulfill them. When Mr. Blaine wrote on a Pittsburg paper I took his place for a week while he was on a visit to his home, because I felt that we needed the week's salary. But I do not care to talk about these matters. I only want people to know that tne reason I have turned to the stage is because I consider it the best occupation I can adopt to earn a living for myself and my son. When the proper time comes I will talk about my unfortunate marriage episode." To Be a Mammoth Bulldlnc All of the $1,500,000 stock of the company organized last year,to erect ttys much-talked-of "Amusement Temple" on the site of the pres ent Madison Square Garden has been sub scribed, and the' new building will be com pleted by next. April. The plans for the build ing wero made by Architect Stanford White. They provide for an absolutely fireproof build ing, with an immense arched dome of glass. which is to be Si feet in height at the center of the arch. The assembly room will have a seat ing capacity for 12,000 people, and will be so ar ranged that 6,000 of the seats can be removed, transforming the assembly chamber into a great amphitheater. One of the officers said to day that the demolition of the present struct ure wonld begin on August L Better Than Knocking Oat Kilrnln. From the New Orleans Times-Democrat. j Two little girls were talking about the prize fight on Monday. Their mother was asked 'if one of the men might not be killed." She an swered "Yes.-' The elder girl said: "Well. I don't believe he'll go to heaven." Whereupon the younger responded. ' Then if Sullivan goes to tha( other place, he'll whip Satan and every body will be glad." The Old Mi Id a Myth. From the Philadelphia l'ress. J s. An English magazine has decided that a woman cannot be called an old maid until she bas passed the age of iX So there 'are no old maids. THE VOYAGE TO BLI7MBERLAND. She sails away on the sea of dreams This little skipper with eyes ofbrown. As tbe firefly's torch In the twilight gleams. And the garish snn goes down; Her bark floats over the grimy town To Slumberland and Its silver sea: The spotless folds of her slumber gown Are no whit fairer than she. There are angel birds In the warm, still sir, And the skipper laughs with ber eyes ofbrown, As they sing to her old songs, sweet and rare, While her bark billows np and down; They sing of a prince of high renown, And a princes ever so young and lair; Bnt where Is the princess had ever a crown Like the crown of bersoft browntalr. Cometh a storm over the sliver sea. That ebbs on the dreamer's land. And the angel birds fade ont to the lee Of this singular slumber strand; Is there a harbor by angels planned, From all storms, whatever they be. From the wicked talrles of Slumberland And the waves In Its silver seal Up, ltkcaflash, come the little brown hea, . And the brown eyes bnlr see A billowy blanket of silk outspread On an ocean of dimity: But It's fearlessly the skipper will flee, With a soft little barefoot tread. By the chart she learned on .ber bended knee, To the haven of mother's bed,. ' . . P.-Hnrrx. in Saltan alaln. SENATORS EXPECTANT, Gentlemen Who Hope to Snceeed Messrs. Newmyer and Cooper and the Late Senator Stebman Fllnn,- KaaQoian. Baker Jind Boblnson. There are now three Senatorial vacancies In Pennsylvania. The first was created by the appointment of Senator Newmyer to the posi tion of Frothonotary of the Supreme Court for the Western district of Pennsylvania, The second was created by the appointment of Senator, Cooper, of Delaware county, to the Philadelphia Collectorshlp of Customs. The third has just been created by the death of senator Stebman, of Lancaster, whose illness antedates the last session of the Legislature, and who, though In his seat the greater part of the session, suffered greatly and was but a shadow of his former self. Senator Newmyer's successor is as good as elected, in the person of William Fllnn. In Delaware county there Is a hot contest between Hon. Jesse M. Baker and Hon. Jqfan Robinson, who was Mr. Baker's predecessor In the Legislature. The fact that Mr. Baker defeated Mr. Robinson for a renom ination to the lower branch does not make the present contest any the less Interesting. Sena tor Stehman's successor, unless all sums fall, will be Hon. C. C. Kauffman. of Columbia, Lancaster county, a place famous for planked shad and good fellowship. Stebuian'a Probable Successor. -Hon. C. C Kauffman is a young man, only 32 years having passed over his bead, but In spite of that fact be has already made bis mark in politics, winning tor himself more than a local reputation. He is a lawyer with good practice, and is also engaged In the iron business. In the last session of the Legisla ture Mr. Kauffman brought to the attention of the House the necessity for having all the appropriation bills reported from committee by some fixed date. His idea was to have the money bills before the Legislature in sufficient time to have them carefully considered. He was unable to carry bis point, though the cor rectness of bis position was generally recog nized, and the baste with which appropriation bills were crowded through In the closing days of the session was a further vindication of his wisuom. .Late m the session. leading members, who feared the action of the Governor on cer tain Important appropriations, wished Mr. Kauffman's resolution had been adopted, as then the bills would have been In the bands of the Governor in time to force him to act on them before adjournment. KaaUman and the Orphans. Mr. Kauffman was more successfnl in another effort at reform a reform the people at large can more fully appreciate than they can the one first' mentioned. It was on Mr. Kauffman's motion that a joint committee of the Legisla ture, composed of ex-soldiers, was appointed to deal with the vexed question of the soldiers ornhans' schools, to ascertain whether it was advisable to close them so soon as the law pro vided, and whether if continued they should be continued under existing management. His resolution to leave the matter entirely to mem bers who were ex-soldiers was a politic one. It indicated that his intention was not to make himself ucdnly prominent as the champion of the orphans, or the opponent of the syndicate, but to have the Legislature place the whole matter In the hands of men who might be pre sumed to bare the welfare of the orphans of the veterans nearer their hearts than any other class of people. The joint committee consulted him continually during its deliberations, but he added that finishing touches to its work on the floor of the House of Representatives' when he offered an amendment to the bill for the continuance of the schools, and the bill providing an appro priation, forbidding any contract for the care of soldiers' orphans to be made with the so called syndicate or any of its managers, etc In spite of Influential opposition he forced the Din inrongn Dotn House ana senate, and It was signedby the Governor. In recognition of the prominent part taken by Representative Kauffman In this matter, the Governor ap pointed him a member of the pesnanent com mission to take charge of the soldiers' orphans. The Fight for Cooper's Place. Hon. Jesse M. Baker, representative from Delaware county, is a West Pointer and a law yer, and has served two terms as District At torney of his county. He is a Quartermaster in the National Guard, and served with honor on the commissary staff when the Commissary Department of the National Guard had charge of the distribution of relief at Johnstown. Mr. Baker served with conspicuous ability In the last session of the Legislature. He was one of the most fearless members on the floor, and bad to be assured on all occasions that a bill was right In every particular before be would vote for ft. His-opposition never degenerated into opposition for Its own sake, however. The same spirit that moved him to oppose bills bo deemed. wrong made him as warm a champion ot measures he deemed proper and necessary. He was severely condemned by the Philadelphia papers during the session for an attack he made on General Hartranft in connection with some legislation. It was one of the few mis takes hb made, for whether General Hartranft was or was not guilty ot the matter did not appreciably affect the merits of the bill before the House. This attack on the ex Governor will doubtless be used against Mr. Baker by bis opponent. It is to Mr. Baker's credit that he opposed the bill, passed by a narrow majority, that gives oil prodncing cor porations the neht to purchase stock in similar corporations. The passage of this bill will greatly aid the Standard Oil Company In its present efforts to absorb the oil Droducln? ter ritories of the State. Sir. Baker's independence is indicated in the fact that he opposed the seating of the Republican candidate In the Pailadelphia legislative contest, though every other Republican voted for It. Mr. Baker's competitor, ex-Representative Robinson, spent a great deal of his time at Hamsburg last session disguised ns a corre spondent for a Philadelphia newspaper. He is a lawver, and in the Legislature of 18S7 was considered one of the finest speakers In the body. He is a shrewd and able politician. Fllnn No Novice In Lesialatlon. William Fllnn will be no novice in the Sen ate, as, aside from his experience In practical politics, he served something more than an ap- Erenticeshjp In the lower branch of the Legis tture from this county in years agpne. Nothing has yet been said ot Democratic op- Sosition to the gentlemen mentioned. The enatorlal districts they desire to repre sent are too strongly Republican to make suc cess seem even remotely probable for the opposition. SutrsoN. The Enullnh to tbe Front. from the Detroit Journal. I Rev, Mr. Baxter, of England, who is on speak ing terms with the powers that know all things, scoops all bis cotemporaries by annonncing that the end of tbe world will positively take place April 11, 1E91, An English syndicate will probably buy up all the front scats. TKI-STATE TE1FLES. . A motheb and daughter llvine near Weston, Pa., were resting in a woods one day recently when the daughter exclaimed that she heard tbe rattle of a snake close by. The mother giving a quick glance around was horrified to find she was sitting on the reptile. She jumped away with a yell that seemed to scare it, as it wriggled out of sight immediately. South EastoN boys have been caught steal ingchickens from farmers In a new way, having fished for them with a grain of cprn on a small hook. Somo chickens that tore loose from tho hooks were so badly injured that they died. A hook in one chicken's throat revealed tbe rascality. An offensive trunk raised an excitement in the depot at New Oxford, Adams county, Pa a few days ago. On being opened it was found to bold ladles' wearing apparel well stocked with naphthaline to keep off moths. A Huntisodok paper says: There are vil lages in this county, of 200 or 300 Inhabitants, where it would be Impossible to find a soul astir on Sunday afternoon. It is a universal custom to "nap." The American raven, which naturalists thought extinct, is still found in Columbia and Sullivan counties, in this State. A Washington countt, O., farmer 90 years old assists the hands in the harvest field. Odd appeal to a Wheeling druggist: "Say, gimme a patent medicine almanac Pre got a sort of stiffness In tbe small ot my back, and I want to see If It's a disease." A SNAKE got Into the pfllplt at Chester Heights on Sunday and caused a commotion among tbe dangbters.of Ere. A son of Adam bruised the head of the serpent with his No. U heel. A Kanawha river fisherman caught a jack salmon that had swallowed one bass and had another half way down its throat. GRimrH WiixiAKSand a family of eight bare left for Wales. They are survivors of the Johnstown flood. One of the children, who was born in the attio of a house that was float- christened CDBI0DS CONDENSATIONS. John Hamilton, who died recently in Peoria, officiated as a notary public at the first marriage In Chicago. Frank Staab, of Louisville, was at tacked by a 350-pound black bear in that city and nearly torn to pieces. The animal was a pet and belonged to his neighbor. It is estimated that the money used in a single year to foot the salary and expense bills of the traveling salesmen of the United States woul pay off the entire national debt and leave a few dollars over. B. F. Eay. of Mitchell county, Ga., comes to the front with tbe largest cucumber of the season. The encumber measured UK inches In length and 8 inches in circumfer ence, and weighed two pounds. A sea turtle 10 feet lone, 5 feet wide and weighing 1,000 pounds, was caughtrecently in a trap off South Harwich, Cape Cod. This monster Is estimated to be fully 200 years old. As It stands the distance between its fore flip pers is over 10 leet, Lightning struck the house of Colonel L. N. Edwards, of Oxford. Me-, knocking kerosene lamp Into a thousand pieces and tak ing a metal clock from the wall of the roonx and hurling it under tbe Colonel's bed. Noth ing else in the house was disturbed. ' A New Yorker went into a Broadway store and asked to see some trousers. One of them went Into a dressing room, and when be emerged the salesman noticed that be had suddenly become "humpbacked. Running hi hand up the man's back, tbe clerk pulled out four pairs of trousers and the deformity disap peared. The news comes from the University of Padua that Prof. Gravenlgo has sneceeded in grafting the cornea of a barndoor fowl on the eye of a human subject. The operation is spoken of as most successful, the transplanted cornea being transparent, glossy and convex. If It be as is said there is a new hope for many blind people. An interesting table exhibited at the Paris Exposition shows the relative civiliza tions of tbe several countries from the post office standpoint, by showing the number of letters per capita passing through them. Great Britain leads with 40 per head. Australia is next with 35. and Switzerland with 3a The unitea mates, uermany and Holland nave M and Beleinm leads them at 25. The other conn tries of Europe gradually descend in the scale till tbe zero mark is almost reached In Russia, which reports only two letters a year per head. " Mrs. Baker, of Richford, Vt, went into her dining room the other day, and discovered a snake coiled snugly under Xhe table. She naturally objected to a boarder of that sort, and. securing a kettle of boiling water, pro ceeded to persuade the snake to leave. When she approached, his snakeship rebelled against the hot water treatment, and made ready to spring upon her. But Mrs. Baker, noting tbe snake's open mouth, gave him a generous dose of the kettle's contents and scalded him to death. , Thursday Mr. Segui and another fish erman of St. Angustme, Fla.. were spreading their nets at the mouth ot the little channel on tbe east side of the marsh island just across tbe river when a monster sawfish, which was coming down with the tide, became entangled in tbe meshes of tbe net. In the attempt to secure him he got underneath the fishing canoe, nearly capsizing It. He was finally cap tured and brought to the corner of tbe old fort and landed. Tbefish measures 14 feet in length and had a formidable-looking saw with a row of 23 teeth on either side. An average of five feet of water is esti mated to fall annually over the whole earth, and, assuming that condensation takes place at an average height of 3.0CO feet, scientists con clude that the force of evaporation t supply such rainfall must equal tbe lifting of 322.000, 000 p6unds nf water 3.000 feet In every minute, or about 300.000.000,000 horse power constantly exerted. Of this prodigious amount of energy thus created a very small proportion Is transferred to the waters that run back through rivers to tbe sea, and a still smaller fraction is utilized by man; the remainder is dissipated In space. Arthur Elmer Hatch, who recently graduated from Bates College, in Maine, bag been blind from childhood. His lessons were learned by tbe aid of bis mother and his fe!- low students. His mother read his English stndies to him nntil he bad them firmly fixed In his memory, and bis Latin and Greek bs , learned with the assistance of tbe other boys. I When his turn came to recite, instead of read ing the text from tbe book himself, the teacher would read a passage and he would then trans late and give Its grammatical "construction. Geometry he mastered by means of a cushion upon which be ontlined the propositions with pins and twine. The sexton of the chapel atBudd's Lake, N. J., was badly stung by bees tbe other day. While the chapel bell was ringing on a Sunday evening some time ago, the Dolt which held it to the framework Droke. and tbe bell clattered down tbe roof to tbe ground. The next day it was fonnd to be right side up and uninjured. Later, when tbe sexton pried it over to one side, preparatory to having it raised by a der rick, hundreds of honey bees flew out. sur rounded him and drove him Into the lake, whence he was rescued when nearly drowned. His head was covered with stings, and bis -hands and arms suffered severely. Tbe bell was found to be nearly filled with honey. The bees had obtained ingress and egress through a small hole in the top. At the recent meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Easton J. H. Hall narrated some legends from a Syriac maun scri'p: received from Persia a few weeks ago. The manuscript contains an account of Moses' colloquy with the Lord on Mount Sinai; of the letter which fell from heaven upon the bands of Athenasias, patriarch of Great Home (which in documents of thij sort means Constantino ple or Byzantium), about the year 740 A. D.; of Christ finding tbe skull of Arsenius, King of Egypt, making it talk and tell all his experi ences in death, and going down to Gehenna. It concludes with Christ raising Arsenius to life and proscribing a course of eight years' good conduct to fit him for heaven. AMONG TOE JESTERS. An exchange has an article "On Getting Ahead." Almost anybody can do that. Tbe dif ficulty Is with the hat. Burlington lYtt Prat. Kindness may be the "golden chain by which society Is bound together," as Scott says, hut there la always some fellow trying to borrow your particular link to pawn. Texas Sifting t. One Way of Putting It. Bobby had never seen the moon before when It was In Its first quarter. Look!" he said tohis nurse, "dod has broken bis lamp shade. Judge. Good One on Boston. Tot, a Chicago girl, en route to Europe with her mother, drives through Boston going to her hotel. Tot Mamma, why doesn't that stupid driver go through the streets, Instead of up the alleys? Jndge. How to Get There. First stranger (in Boston) Can you tell me how to reach Washing ton street? Second Stranger That's Jnst where I want to go. Let's work together. You go south and I'll go north, and we'll report progress every time we meet. Puct. Class in Physiology. Omaha teacher; Will some member of the class explain how we hear things? Bright Sprig Somebody tells pa something down town, then pa tells It to ma as a profound secret, then ma tells It at the sewing society meet ing, and then we all hear It. Omaha World. So ex-Congressman Horr declines to ac cept the Valparlaso consulate, eh?" said a Missouri politician to a Michigan man at the bbltt House last night. "Ol course he does." ( "WaaL I should think myseir he'd rather have some place In his own State than to go over Into Injlany. Waehlngfn Pott. Boys Will be Boys. Country magistrate) (genially, to complainant) Oh, boys will be boys! 1 wouldn't prosecute 'em. If 1 was you. That cut over y'r eye will soon heal, ana ye know they wouldn't 'a stoned ye If ye hadn't got mad when they sassed ye. Jest remember ye was a boy once y'rself, and Magistrate's wire (rushing In) Bllasl Sllast Them boys Is In our orchard ag'nt Magistrate (darting up) Conjara erat Where's my shotgun? Pue. A BONO rOB SUMMER B:S0RT3. Eyes were made to flirt. Tongues were made to spoon. .Hearts were made to beat all day. - With other hearts la tune. Hands were made to bold) Arms were made Just right, Waists were ditto, and lipsoh. myt Try guessing. If, you're bright. Judge. It Was Explainable. "Weigh -me, please?" said Brlggs, as he stepped on the grocer's scales. .. , The man who manipulated theVclghts looked at blnv In astonishment. Brlggs looked as though he ought to weigh abont ISO pounds, but the beam balanced at 5B-. i "Yon meat have something heavy abont yont clothes, " said the grocer, ' .v.-,. . "Oh, that's it," rejoined Brlggs;- 'I have my summer's lee bill Is my pocket. Pew Tors Kw. $ (trfil JGstvXlJ&t 5t'; .. 4LT:Mn '.r s . I m " "" P"BBBWiilaBfeMllMgT?stMMSWPsMByWBMM JjKKBEBfEKtKtBMSS& VQSjKesflitfMMtasglB&BBHiflBflBlBaE'lBkM - TTTTrT"- ' " " ''BsBBBBlSSaeBHBWIisS lsSlVsSSsSEBHBBBBBBBBBBHr4s'