.FUN FOR GROCERS. The Retailers Forsake Business for a Day of Joy in Ross Grove. ' THE MULE RACE FURNISHES-FUN. Other Sports and Games Help to Make the Day One of Gayetjr. A KOW THAT MAY KESOLT SEEIOUSLT A rumble of wheels, a sudden jerk, a rush of fcet.l push through a small gate and swept on by a myriad of rollicking, jolly grocers, with their wives and daughters, de scribes the landing of a Dispatch reporter at Ross Grove on the West Penn Railroad vestcrday afternoon. Going down the little hill into the crowd was like trying to get a seat in a flying circus at a country lair. The grocers of Pittsburg had turned out' en masse, and all went in to enjoy their fourth annual jubilee picnic to the best ad vantage possible. Augmented by the train loads from the city, and countless carriages arriving early in the afternoon, they num bered lully 8,000, and possibly nrore. Such a time, such a rush, and such scenes of gayety let loose Koss Grove has rarely seen belore. , "Hit the coon in the eye with the rubber balls; only 5 cents," "Knock the babies down," "Try the wheel of fortune," "Strike the machine and try your muscle," "Test your lungs," "All the latest songs for 10 cents," were but a few cries of the fakirs that mingled with the multitudinous shouts, laughter and music from the two bands, busy guiding the young people's feet through the mary waltz. A BAT OF GAYETT, when perplexiug accounts, stale ledgers, the ball ot twine, the bag and paper were all cast aside for a day with nature in the woods, a breath, of lresh air, and general pood time. Many of the grocers closed their places of business early in the day, and but few places were left open by 2 o'clock. Until abotlt 3:30 in the afternoon the grocers contented themselves with wander ing over the grounds, sitting under the trees, eating sandwiches, drinking lemon ade, pon, etc, swapping stories and making new acquaintances. At. about the time named, two nines composed of grocery clerks and commission house clerks com menced to knock a ball around a stone cor nered diamond, and the crowd commenced to yell "Go'er Jim.you'renotsluggingsugar now," "Land it in the river," and simi lar pet expressions of encouragement. The second inning was hardly over be'fore there, was a cry ot "The mule race. The mule race," and in two seconds time the players were left alone on the field, and the crowd lushed to the neper part of the grounds to see the race. THE MULE EACE. Drawn in line across the creek were six mules, with their riders, coatless and sticks in their hands. Joseph Westing rode Jennie, a steed with mulish larce ears. it. L. McGarvey was astride a gray mule with the high sounding name of Gray Eagle. Jiblets was the name Walter Kinley gave his steed. E. S. Kiskaddon rode Thunder. William Johnson was busy before the start soothing the nerves of an ugly beast. When the worn was given the crowd scattered, and a contusion of heels, ears and riders, striv ing to keep their places, made the people roar with laughter. The mules made for the creek; one ran into a tree; another jumped over a small boy and .turned around and looted at him to see what he had done. All finally fell in line and circled round a bush some way tip the 'creek, whicbirwusi the turning point. The crowd scattered as they came back. Jiblets came in first and Johnson's was second. The race was for two heats out of three. The next heat the mules raced around the lots for seme time amid the cheers of the crowd and started on the homestretch. Johnson's came in first and Gray Eagle second. In the third heat Jennie came in first, Johnson's second and Gray Eagle third. In the fourth heat John son's came in first, Gray Eagle second and Jiblets third. Johnson's mule took first money, 15, and Gray Eagle second money, BDSHIKG TO SEE A TIGHT. Following the sack race, several foot races were run outside of the scheduled sports. And just as one of these was in progress there was a cry and the crowd was seen rushing up over the hill. Sure enough it was a fight. 'Jimmy Shields, a young man employed as groom at the Hotel Boyer stables, so the story goes, took a loa( of bread from a wagon, when four or five men attacked him and pounded him over the head with empty beer bottles. He was not cut an v where, but his head was frightfully pounded up. As the reporter left he was lying under a tree unconscious, foaming at the mouth and his whole frame quivering. Some said he would die, others of the on lookers leaned over him, and said he would recover, but at last reports he was still in sensible. No arrests were made. THE SACK EACE. The sack race caused a good deal of sport. Six boys entered the contest. Thomas Hock carried off $3, as the first prize, and B.Sands $1, the secoiid prize. The boys were hardly given a fair chance, as the crowd closed in on them and did not "give them room to show any great amount of dexterity at jumping in a sack. At best it was but a yeli, a rush, three sacks lying flat and a rush for the prize money. The next leature was the balloon ascen sions. Pishes, dragons, pigs, and other curious-shaped balloons were filled with gas and launched into the air, but the majority of them toppled over on their sides and burnt up. However, the committee had enough on hand to satisfy the crowd, and they soon began to take the different trains for the city. A week hence from yesterday the Alle gheny grocers will hold their picnic at the came' grove, and also anticipate a jolly time. A SENSIBLE BEQUEST. Patrons or the P. Si L. E. Uy. Wnnt to be Kept Posted When Trains Are Late. People along the line of the Pittsburg and Lake Eric Hallway are swallowing the ground with fierceness and rage because the company does not display bulletin boards to let them know when trains are late. They say when the washout on Sunday night de layed trains at Bridgewater, crowds were kept waiting, some four and others sir Lours, being unable to get information from agents as to the probable length of delay. One man says his time wonldhave been worth $5 to bin could he have spent it at home half a mile distant, but owing to what lie styles the "pigheadedness" of a station agent, he could not get any idea ot the length of time he was likely to be so delayed,and so hung around the station four hours. Lot of Remnants Selling-, the Price tow Enough to make them go this is the week don t delay ip coming. Jos. Hobje Ss Co.'B Penn Avenue Stores. B. fc B. You can buy for as near nothing as ever In your life to-morrow at our great remnant sales. , Bogos & Buhl. The Pittsburg Academy has been hand somely papered, painted and renovated to be in readiness for the fall session. See adver tisement In, another column of this popular academy. VIRGINIA AFTER SETTLERS. A State With 13,000.000 Acrcnor CneU tinted Lnndi la Need ot People-Judge Graltan'TallM Politics In .Pittsburg. Judge Charles Grattan, Commissioner of Immigration of Virginia, is at the Monon gahela House. In an interview, the Judge said: "There are 15,000,000 acres of uncul tivated lands in Virginia that we would like tb have settled withjjood white people. I am trying to .induce people to emigrate into our State. We have a number of plantations containing from 1 to 500 acres of land that will be sold at from $3 to $10 per acre. In a few years the land will produce as much grass and corn as the soil of Pennsylvania. It is not so good tor raising wheat. These farms at one time were owned by wealthypeople and the negroes did the work, but the war ruined them fiuanciallv, and they have been forced to abandon the lands. The State is large enough to support double its present population." The Judge was ou his way to see some people in Jefferson county who had coal lands to sell, and were thinking of going to Virginia to live. He had the names of 43 altogether. On the subjert of State politics he contin ued: "If Mahone is nominated for Gover nor by the Republicans he willbe defeated. His conduct when in public life was such that his defeat would be easy. The Demo crats would be glad to see the little General put up. The Democratic nomination lies between P. P. McKenna and Editor Buroe, of the State. If the Eepublicans nominated a representative of the Wise faction, and Mahone would support him, we would have a hard time knocking out the candidate." THE FLINTS' CONTENTION. Glnnblovrera Adjourn, After Re-Electing Tbeir Old Officers. The convention of the American Flint Glass Workers' Association at Bellaire ad journed yesterday. The proposed reduction in the salaries of the President and Secre tary was voted down, and by a large ma jority they were given an increase of $100 each, making their salariesSl,400 and $1,300 respectively. The convention indorsed the Glass Budget as the official organ of the association. The pressed ware list was not reduced, and those in a position to know assert that no changes have been made in any branch that will cause a question with the manufact urers, unless it is in the prescription branch. The conference with manufacturers on this has been fixed Tor Fridayin Pittsburg. The officers elected are: - President and Treasurer, Wra. J. Smith, of Pittsburg: Vice President, Jo tin T. Hinckley, of Philadelphia; Secretary. W. J. Dillon, ot Pittsburg; Executive Board, Benjamin Reed, George Knowles. Charles N. Edmonds, James Driver, John N. Saylor and Andrew Hizler. This is the longest convention ever held by the Flints, and at times it was the storm iest. The conservative element held sway and no radical changes were -made in any department. The convention wound up L with a ball in honor of the delegates. The next convention will be held in iialtimore. AN ENGINE FOE THE PARK. An Automatic One to be Made to Pump (be Well Wnter. The fact that the water can only be pumped oukot the wells drilled in the Alle gheny park is somewhat annoying, especially when children who are not strong enough to work the pumps are sent for water. In order to overcome this trouble the citizens who are having the well drilled near the foot of Boyle street have arranged to have the water in that well pumped by an auto matic engine connected with the city water mains. When the subject was first suggested to Superintendent Armstrong, he objected for the reason that he thought it would consume too much water to operate the motor, but a type of engine was suggested by him which will consume exactly as much water from the city's supply as it pumps from the well, and will operate automatically only when a supply is being drawn from the pump. The Wilson-Snyder Manufacturing Com pany, which recently erected the new and successful engines at the Allegheny water works, have agreed to devise and construct the little engine on the plan suggested. They promise to make it work successfully, and at the. same time to be an ornament "to the park. The engine will require about a month in its construction. ODE OWN JOHN. The Alan Wbo Mnde Ibe During Rescue Is Well Known Here. John' Cabill, who rescued two persons from drowning at Atlantic City on Monday, as noted in The Dispatch yesterday, is a member of the Randall Club and a well known former glassworker of this city. Grand Court In Session. The Grand Court of the West, colored Masons, is in session on Fulton street. Last night a concert was given at the Wylie Avenue Church. To-night a reception and installation of officers will be held at La fayette Hall, which is being handsomely decorated. Thcmembership of the court is 1,200, and.this is the 24th annual meeting. He Broke Aims' and Fled. Thomas Forrester, who is charged with assault, broke away from Constable Jones yesterday at the doorstep of the Alderman's office in Soho and made his escape. The room was full of witnesses ready to testify for Bosie Thompson, and they loudly be rated the officer for his carelessness. stopped tbe Nuisance. Prof. Andrews got tired yesterday of the horse trading and selling on Duquesne way, and he notified the farmers if they con tinued to blockade the streets he would prosecute them. The warning had the de sired effect, and they removed the animals at once. A Plcnsnnt I.nwn Party. Miss Josie McCullough, of Herron Hill, gave a pleasant lawn party last evening in honor of Misses Mary and Harriet Hender son. About 25 little misses were present, and they had a very enjoyable time. New and Desirable Wash Goods are daily being added to the ging ham department. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Iron CIIT Beer. This delicious summer beverage, brewed by Frauenheim & Vilsack, is undoubtedly the best in the market. It is pure, whole some and nutritious. ttssu B. &B. Remnants in dress goods, silks, cashmeres, wash goods, lace', trimmings, embroideries, must go to-morrow, Friday. Boo as & Buhl. Anotber Disaster. Cabinet photos 89c per dozen for one week only; bring the family at Once. Lies' popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth tt TTSSU In Arranging for Your Picnic, Don't forget to put in your lunch basket an airtight family package of Marvin's superior ginger snaps. They are the most delightful .things imaginable. ttssu B. CVB. To-morrow is onr great summer remnant day. Booos & Bdhl. White Cotton Bed Spreads' At 65, 75, 85, fl. $l"25; all very good quality and lots of them in stock to-day. , . ,. JOS. HOESE CO-'S ,- Penn Avenue Stores, PARIS IN PROSPECT. The Committee Meets and Decides to t Consult Mrs. Schenley FOR TERMS OK THE MT.AIRY TRACT Mr. Carnahan Says Mrs. Schenlej Is Lib eral and Will Sell; IF A EEASONABLE FIGUEE IS 0FFEEED The Committee on Parks met in the City Clerk's office yesterday afternoon. Prior to the meeting several members of the commit tee and Chief Bigelow had a short informal talk about what property in the neighbor hood of the present Hiland Park and the proposed Twenty-second ward park could be 'conveniently purchased and added to them. When the committee was called to order Mr. Bigelow told Messrs. Carnahan and Ford, members of the committee who bad failed to accompany the party on Tuesday, about the trip they had taken and the im pressions they had gained of the Schenley property and that surrounding ths Hi land Park. He said that the committee was pleased with the Schenley property and that, with tbe addition of tbe Murdoch farm, which adjoined it, thought it would make one of the finest parks in the country. As to tbe Hiland Park it could also be made a beautiful and exten sive place by adding to it the Lock hart, Negley and a few othersurrounding proper ties which Mr. Bigelow thought could be bought for from $250 to $500 per acre. He had an option on the Lockhart property as well as several others in that vicinity, and thought the city could safely f purchase them. f e Mr. Magee advised that the whole Negley run valley, from Hiland avenue to the A. V. E. K., including the Hoeveller and sev eral other properties, be included in the park if it could be purchased at reasonable figures, but said it was probable that when the parties owning these properties found that tbe citr was desirous of buying, , they would run up the price on them to such an extent that their purchase would be out of thepuestion. He moved, however, th'at Chief Bigelow be instructed to nego tiate with the owners of properly in the vicinity of Hiland Park, and SECUKE OPTIONS from them on behalf of the city for the purchase of their land, the options to hold good until May, 1890. This motion was carried. Mr. Bigelow suggested that Mr. Carna han be requested to go to England at the expense Of the city to see Mrs. Schenley about the sale to the city of her property in the Twenty-second ward. Mr. Carnahan thought this was unneces sary. He believed Mrs. Schenley would sell if the facts were laid before her and a reasonable offer made. He denied the re ports that the lady would not sell any of her property, and said that during the past six vears she had sold over $300,000 worth of her Pittsburg property. She refused to sell before this because her titles were not clear, but they were fixed up in 1881. Mr. Carnahan'poinCed to the pay ment of a heavy assessment by her & im prove Penn avenue, Butler "and Stanton streets to show she is a liberal woman. A PERTINENT IMQUIBT. Mr. Keating asked Mr. Carnahan if he thought Mrs. Schenley would renew her offer, made some years ago, of 150 acres to the city for park purposes and if she would sell the balance to the citv. Mr. Carnahan replied that he did no know what she would do now. When the offer was made she thought the city would make improvements that would enhance the value of her property. The Junction road has some of the land, and there is left he thought about 370 acres in the Mount Airy tract. He suggested that the committee write to Mrs. Schenley and make her a reasonable offer for the tract. The committeewouldn't venture at an estimate of the property's value. Mr. Carnahan thought she would allow a low rate of interest. Mr. Bigelow said he had options on prop erty near the Schenley tract lor from $500 to $1,000 per acre, among them Jndge Magee's property, j The committee thought the park would be incomplete without the Murdock farm of 130 acres. Finally the committee instructed Chief Bigelow to write Mrr. Schenley for terms en the Mt. Airy tract. MAI HAVE TO GO HOME. Mr. Brennen Thinks tbe Case Is Against the, Forrlta Glnss Men. Attorney W. J. Brennen for the Trades Council said yesterday that they had un doubtedly shown that the foreign Jeannette glass blowers were imported, and they would either have to be sent back or fine the Arm $1,000 for every mantimported. A member ofUhc Trades Council declared emphatically they would have to go back. Mr. Brennen will hold a final consulta tion with United States District Attorney Lyon to-day. Sonnd Reasons for Approval. There are several cogent reasons why tbe medical profession recommend and the public prefer Hostetter's Stomach Bitters above the ordinary cathartics. It does not drench and weaken the bowels, hat assists rather than forces nature to act; it is botanic and safe: its action is net er preceded by an internal earth quake like that produced by a drastic purga tive. For 33 years past it has Deen a household remedy for liver, stomach and kidney troubles, malaria and rheumatism. FOR THE UOT WEATHER. Are Yon Wasting Timet Are you using Marvin's pure rye bread? If not, you are missing one ot the most de lightful things of this life. Don't waste any more valuable time. Get a few loaves from your grocer and try them. You will never regret it. ttssu REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK. MM, 401 Smltbfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent tts B. Si B. To-morrow is our great summer remnant day. Bogqs & Buhl. Remodeling Sale! For a few days only, greatest bargains in onyx, fine French and American clocks, silverware, etc. Bather than remove them while making extensive repairs to onr store, will sell at cost and less than cost. No mis representation. Ci.ll at once for big bargains at J. P. Steinmann's, 107 Federal sL, Alle gheny, Pa. ttssu New Train Arrangements. - The Bedford Sprirrgs Hotel Company beg to notify the public that commencing to-day, and during the season, the train on the Penn sylvania Bailroad leaving Union station at 1 o'clock makes direct connection via Hunt ingdon for Bedford Springs on any day ex cept Sundays. Lots of Remnants Bellini-, the Prices' "Lew Plough to make them go this Is the week don't delay in coming. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s I Penn Avenue Stores.' B.&B. Oar great July one day remnant sales 'are to-morrow, Friday. -sUOGOa & bdhl, es-Dltptay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise tnenis on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To vtet, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are 10 bo prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tns DIS PATCH. . PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 359 Butler street. EMIL O. STUCKEY, TMth street snd Penn are. E. G.ST"JCKEYCO.,Wylleave. andFultoust N. iSTOKELY. 1'lfth Avenue .Market House. EAST EHB. J. TV. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OABXAJfD. MCALLISTER & SHE1BLER, 5th av. & Atwood It. EOUTII8IDE. JACOBSPOHN. No. S Carson street. E. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEtt, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBKlUE. Federal and Ohio streets. FKE1 H. EOGERS. 17! Ohio street. F. H. EOOEKS4SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENBY, Western and Irwin ave. U. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Bearer ares. PEKKY M. OLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ayes. WANTED. Male Ileln. TITANTED-A GOOD BARBER-WAGES 1S YY per week. JACOBS & SCHOEN, 1139 Liberty st. Jyiw WANTEU-GOOD BARBER. APPLY AL BERT KING, 68 Grant ave.. MUlvale bor ough. Jyl6-ff WANTED-2 YOUNG MEN TO SELL UK commission. Address W. J., Dispatch office. JylS- WANTED I BRICKLAYERS. APPLY ON Davis St., Eleventh wrd. MITCHELL & FAHY. Jyl6- WANTED GOOD LABORING MEN ON Carson street, sear Fourth street S. 8. J. FRIDAY. Jyl6-6S-TTS WANTED-1 GOOD TIN ROOFER. CALL soon or address J, AY. BOWER, Home stead, Pa. JylS-7S WANTED-DEUG CLERK-MUST BE AN experienced man. Address POTASH. Dis patch office. jy!7-9 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS MANTEL AND grate setter. Apply to PITTSBURG FIL- INQCO., 2U Wood t. Jyl8-72 TU'ANTED-A COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER: VV a (rood place for the right man. Address A. G., Dispatch office. JylS-78 WANTED-S1X PRACTICAL, FIRST-CLAbS boiler makers; steady employment. KfcEVES ukus., .wues, w. jy"- w ANTED-COLLECTOK 8TATE REFER- ENCES. experience and wares expected. Address P. O. BOX 733, city. Jrl8-W WANTED-25 LABORERS AT RUCH'b HILL: apply at tbe work Tnursday morning. BOOTH FL1NN, contractors. JylS-86 -TTTANTED-A FIRST-CLASS WHITE BAR V BER: good wages and steady work. Ad dress to J. F. SHAFFER, Butler CO., Pa. JylS-M WAN1ED-TWO INTELLIGENTMEN:MUST be of good appearance. Apply Immedi ately P. F. COLLIER, No. UBS Penu avenue. TI8- WANTED-A JOURNEYMAN BARBER AND aboythathusomeXDerlenceln tbe busi ness. CHARLES DECKLAR, No. 1510 Caron St., S. S. Jyl8-t! WANTED-AGENTS TO SELL TEA AND coffees. Apply "perwmally or address to the LONDON TEA CO., 134 Washington ave., Pitts burg, S. 8. JylS-74 TTANTED-FIR3T-CLAH8 BRAbS MOLDER vv can find permanent employment at tne KELLY & JONES CO.; 143 First are.. Pg.. or Greensburg, Pa. Je29-3S -TTTANTED-AN EXPERIENCED MAN WHO YY thoroughly understands the produce busi ness to manage tbe details In office. Address PRODUCE, Dispatch office. JylS-ie WANTED-A GOOD STOUT BOY, 15 TO 17 vears old; one fiat wishes to learn tbe butcher business preferred. Apply to MEAT MARKET. HllButler St., city. - Jylg-3J WANTED-STONEMASONS TO WORK AT new Western University. Allegheny. Ap ply at wokjus, oraiomceor .uukkisum ukus., cor. Fulton st. and Grant alley, Allegheny, jyio-eu -crrANTED-lMMEDIATELY-A GOOD BOY YY to learn tbe barber trade, with some expe rience preferred; good wages to a good boy. Ad dress BOX 43, Evans City, Butler county, Pa. JylS-Io -TTTANTKD-BOOKKEEPEU FOR MANUFAC YY TURING firm: must be a first-class pen man, rapid and accurate: none other need apply; one wbo can begin at once preferred. Address IRON, Dispatch office J y 18-71 T7ANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING YV powder and pure spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners orinlllmcn can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASHUtO TEA CO.. S3 Jackson, St., Allegheny, Pa. JaZS-86-TTS TT7-ANTEDAN ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN. YY living outside Pittsburg, to represent our house In thfs State; salary about tluo mouthlv; references given and exacted. SOPT. MFG. HOUSE, Lock Box 1610, N. Y. oc7-48-Th WANTED-YOUNG MAN FOR TIMEKEEP EK and assistant bookkeeper: must have a knowledge of the building business and come well recommended; state age and where lust em ployed. Address D.X., Dispatch office. Jyl8- WANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S Eclectic Shorthand and Business College, 4 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Good penmanship taught In a few lessons, instruction thorough and pri vate for both sexes. College open dar and even ing through summer. Jyl3-93-TTSSn WANTED-DRUG CLERK-MUST BETHOR OUG11LY competent and practical. lioncU and sober, giving best reference; one experienced In down-town siore preferred: permanent posi tion: goodalary. Address PITTSBURG Dili G GIST.Dispatch office. Jyl8-2l WANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting bchooI:Urllngs actual measure ment taught In all Its branches; the 'only true sjstem fitting any and all shapes; no trying on: instructions, 10 A. u. to 4 p. M. ; evening. 7 j 9 r. M. ; call or write Tor circular. M4 WOOD ST., Pittsburg, Pa. Jy9-49 WANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail .trade: on salary: largest manufacturers in our line; inclose !c stamp: wages (3 per day: permanent position: money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'G. CO.. Cincinnati. O. JeS-l-TTSSU -Vf7-ANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF Y our sares; size 28x18x18 inches; weight 600 lbs. : retail price S35; other sizes in proportion: rare chance to create -permanent business at home: these safes meet demand never before supplied by othersafo companies, as we are not governed by tbe Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. je0-4-D Femne Help. -TTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL; FOR COOK AT VV ax) MARKET.-Pittsbnrg? jyi8-5 w- ANTED A HEALTHY WET NUBSE ATI18 siuriiLLusi., Aiiegneny. Jyl3-2J -rTANTKD-A GOOIV GIRL FOR GENERAL YV housework: best wages to suitable party at 58 PRIDE STREET, city. Jyl!-S4 WANTED-A YOUNG LADY. GRADUATE of some good Institution, to teach English branches a few hours per day. Inquire at 64 uxvi jvvfjiuj, Auegueny, oeiweeu l.aj ana 3:30 P.M. Jyl8-14 Male and Female ITeln. -TTTANTED - COOK AND CHAMBERMAID YV for small family, laundresses, cooks.cbara bermaids. dining room girls, nurses, house girls, German and colored girls, waiters, drivers, farm hands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 60S Grant st". Jyl4-4 -TTTANTED-10O INSIDE LABORERS. 43 FARM Y V hands. 4 colored waiters, man to attend to a horse and work about place, hotel cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls and dishwashers, cooks and house girls., MEEUANS, MJUrantst. Jyie-D WATE-,-: WEEKLY-KEPBESENTA-TIVE. male or female. In every community: goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight: no peddllftg: salary paUScromptly, and expenses ad vanced. Tull particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Juil what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE. CO., Boston. Mass. el4-70-D y Situations. TTTANrED-A POSITION AS ASSISTANT YV bookkeeper; reference. Address W. W., Dispatch office. Jyl8-9 VT7-ANTED-SITUATION BY AN EXPERI YY ENCED bookkeeper; can give ,flrst-class reference. Address is. K., Dispatch office. Jrw-t WANTED -SITUAfflON BY YOUNG MAN Just from school; good scholar; best refer ence: shorthand and typewriter: salary not the object; permanent position and promotion de sired. Address J. H., Dispatch office. JylS-76 -TTTANTED-ACCOUNTINO. BOOKKEEPING. YV complicated aceounuaudltedandadjusled; bookkeepers furnished permanently or tempora rily: small sets of books kept at reasonable rates; Improved system. W. WOOLSEY, Expert Ac coununt, 163 Fifth avenue. Jyl8-1 Booms. Booses. Etc TTT'ANTED-'-BY A YOUNG 'GENTLEMAN-A YV lurnlshed room; will pay a good fleure for a desirable location. Address T, W.,.Dlspatch Office. JylS-10 TTTANTED--A TCOUNG GENTLEMAN BE VY HIRES -pleasant, room . 'With or', without hoard, for summer. Address SUMMER. Dts- lmai num. - ' . -rajse.,- .- jjyie-x,- Partners. "TtTANTED-PHYSlCIAN A3 PARTNER IN A yv large and Increasing special practice In x.treuurs, i tk. ; a gooa ensnee lor me riKUb iubu; no trlflers. Address LOCK BOX S, Pittsburg, Pa, jyn-j Boarding. WANTED-BOAHDING FOR 10-YEAK-OLD boy In the countrv for one month from 30th' Inst.; state terms. INSURANCE, Dispatch of fice. Jyl8-73 WANTKD-BOARDING IN COUNTRY FOR elderlr lady and companion; good accom modations and location. Address "IKON B.." Dispatch office. Jyl6-41-TTh Bonrdcra and Ledgers. TTTANTED PERSONS DESIRING GOOD V V country board can learn of a pleasant place by addressing SIR. 31. K.. Emsworth. Jyls-3 WANTED-OCCUFANTS FORTWO NICELY lur lshed front rooms, with hoard: good lo cation, facing parks. JltsUEKIDAN AVE.. Alle gheny. , Jyl8-77 Financial. WANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT-MONTHLY settlement, with Itemized statement. L. O. FRAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Jyl6-45-TTS "TTTANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN TT In sums to suit at H, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth are. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTSSU ANTED-fAtlDO TO BORROW ON MORT GAGE on valuable Johnstown property: title good. Address F. 1 . V., Dispatch office. Jyl7-16 WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PKOP . EBTY. over SLOOO; 4!f per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. K Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D COYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. myZl-60 "TTTANTED-TO LOAN (350,000 ON MOKT n GAGES In amounts to suit, in oUy or coun try, at 4Klo 6 per cent, as to security; no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. jyit-io-AHna WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON piORT UAGES on Improved real estate In sums of l"O0 and upward, for three or five years, at 4), i and 6 per cent. L. O. FKAZIER, Fortv-fltth and Butler sts. Jyl-4i-TT8 TXTANTED-TO LOAN (500,000. IN AMOUNTS Y V of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4K per cent, freeortax: alio smaller amounts at 5 and S per cent. BLACK A BAIKD, 35 i ourth avenuev se21-d2S-r tTTANTEp-MOKTGAGES-Sl,000,OtlOTOLOAN Y V on city and snburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cea. and on larms In Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PEN NOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth arerwe. ap7-ftl TTTANTED-TO LOAN 1330.000 ON MOBT- t v UAixiLs: tiw ana upwara at o per cent: f500,OOOat 4M per cent on residences or business iiruperiy; aiso in aojoining FRENCH. IK Fourth avenue. so In adjoining counties. 8. H. OCJl-CM-U miscellaneous. TTTANTED-J7,5C0WORTH OF CLOTHING OR YV drrgoods for good real estate; no delay In this. SftVENSON'S AGENCY, lOOFlfthave. JylS-78 x WANTED-A SECOND-HAND ROULETTE wheel, 36 numbers. Address, stating price, M. GASPER, 143 Champlaln St., Cleveland, U. Jyl8-28 XTTANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S YV dozen (13) of Stewart & Co. s fine cabinet pnotos for II, at 90 and 93 FEDERAL ST.. AUe- gheny. mV2!--TTSUS WANTED-TO BUY A LIGHT ON.E.HORSE carriage, with leather curtains: modern style, In good condition. WIN A. S1PK, 93 Dia mond St., Pittsburg. JylS-87 WANTED-LADILS TO KNOWHAUGH Kecnan repair, refinlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 163.. ray9-32 TTTANTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM YV BEBS to secure a line gold watch for each one lu the club at tl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX SOI, and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 "TTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO VV TOGRAPHEK. 90 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is maVlng fine cabinets at tl 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-63 TTTANTED CALIFORNIA PERSONS IN Y Y TERESTED In California and co-operation can obtain valuable Information b correspond ing with Chicago and California Colonization Co.. S3Dearborn St., Room S. Chicago, III. RALPH E. IKIYT, President, HENRY HARRISON, Sec. and Treas. Jyl7-3 FOR SALE IMPROVED UEAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. rOR8ALE-l,100-HARRISON ST, SEVEN TEENTH ward, good frame dwelllng.Srooms, cellar, etc.: lot 25x50 feet: terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Jyl6-45-TTS FOR SALE-6 CHOICK HOUSES ON SIDNEY street, above Twentv-thlrd, tbe best and pleSsantest location on the Southslde: Sidney street being wide, newly paved and well lm- E roved; houses, to be finished by August lit, ave pressed brick and stone ornamental fronts, and contain elgnt rooms, witn Dath. laundry and every other convenience: city water, gas and natural gas on each floor, and good plumbing leading to city sewers makes dwelllugs first class In every respect; Smlthfleld and Carson street cars Sass within one square; terms, t-OD0 cash, with alancc payable as arranged to suit purchaser. ApplV to BAKEWELL PHILLIPS. Dispatch office. Fifth are., city. Je27-85-rrsa East End Residences. FOR SALE UH TO LET-A BARGAIN-NEW bouse in the East End, 6 rooms, attic, hall, cellar, marble mantels, natural gas, all newly papered and everything In nice order; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Plttssur. Jyl8-88 FOR SALE-ONLY H50O-WARD ST.. OAK LAND, a 2-story and mansard hrlck dwell ing of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, bath. Inside w, c, etc., all modern conveniences. This is a bargain In price as well as location. BLACK & BA1KD, 95 Fourth ave. (2D, 74.) Jyl4-58 FOR SALE-J2.80O-MIFFLIN ST.. SIX TEENTH ward, one square from traction line, good, substantial frame dwelling. 5 rooms, attic nail, vestibule, side entrance, etc.; Iot20x 101 feet to alley: terms easy. L. O.TRAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Jyl6-45-TTS FOR SALE-I2.700-GKOSS ST.. TWENTIETH ward, convenient to station: new frame dwelling, 5 rooms, finished attic, ball, vestibule, front and rear porches, inside shutters, grained and well finished all through; lot ZlxlOO feetl easy payments. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and But ler sts. jyl6-45-Tts FOR SALE-K0O3EAST END DWELLING, near Fifth avenue and cable line: cornerprop erty on good street: new Queen Anne style. 6 rooms, hath, porches. Inside shutters and w. c; natural gas. etc.; all newly papered and decorated: lot 49 xIOO; easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. J y 16-59-Trr FOR SALE ELEGANT NEW STONE RESI DENCE of tbe most modern style of archi tecture: finished with great taste and elegance; beautifully located on Ellsworth ave., Bldwell and Barton sts., bhadyslde. For full particulars and Information see W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jji6-6-tts FOR SALE-A COZY HOME-CHEAP AND easy terms; on Vera street, n. ito gan. Thir teenth ward: lot 50 ft. by 100 ft. to an alley: a 2 story frame b6use or 5 rooms; duisbed basement and cellar In excellent repair; nice lot, fruits, etc.; Price 11,750; S50O cash, balance to suit. I. M. E.S NOCK A SON. No. 105 Fourth ave. Jyl8-68-MThS FOR SALE-K.250-MEYRAN AVE., OAK LAND. 2-story and mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, bath. Inside w. c, stationary wash stand, slate mantels, tile hearths, elegant gas fixtures, nicely papered, it narjerea. front and back stain, front and rear porch, flag stone walks, etc. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. (2-D-7II) Jyl3-47.MTTS FOR SALB-flLOOO-E. E. RESIDENCE PROP. hltTY, 4 minutes' walk from lioup sta. : hand some new Queen Anne style brick containing 10 rooms, reception hall, bath, laundry, 2 Inside w. cs.. Inside shutters, sliding doors, handsome com bination chandeliers. Incandescent lights, etc.: certainly one of the finest dwellings in the E. E.; not built for sale: lot 50x150 to an alley. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jyl8-l-ThB FOR SALE ONLY A FEW NOW REMAIN unsold of the very desirable eight-room dwellings on Oakland square: the rapidity with which sales have been made shows the estimation In which they arebeld; durably built and hand somely finished, supplied with every modern con venience: standing on large lots and facing a handsome park planted with beautiful shade trees: these dwellings have tbe notable advantage of being but 15 to 20 minutes from the postoffloe by tbe Pittsburg Traction road; a cable loop, for which an ordinance is now in Councils, wltl pass within 1U) feet or the square; prices S3, too and 16, 750; terms, moderate cash paymrnt"and long time on balance. Apply to C A. CHANCE on the premises. Jyl3-94 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-ON NORTTI AVENUE ALLE GHENY, elegant residence, corner .'ot. 30x170 feet: a commodious house of 14 rooms, in fine order. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. , Jyi6-64-rrs FOR SALE-ONLY 7.C00-FKOFERTY ON Lacock, near Sandusky St., good brick bouse of 8 rooms. In front, and one of 4 rooms In rear, now paying a good rent; good reasons for selling. W. A. HERRON & SONS. No. 80 Fourth avenue. Jyl6-64-TTB T7KR SALE-SMALL HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS J with lot 12H by about 200 I eet: N o. 152 Bridge avenue, Allegheny; to be sold at auction on ac count of whom it may concern on Monday after noon. July 22, at 4oTclock,ln the office of JAS. W. DRAPE i CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. JylJ-57-MTuThs Suburban Residences. FOR SALE-THE FINE RESIDENCE AND4M acres of ground at Fair Oaks station, below Sewlckley, of Mr. J. M. S toner: great abundance of fruit and shade treesfina lawn, tennis and cro quet grounds, beautiful knoll with observatorr on top. copious supply of pure water from living stream, purling brook, etc; excellent dwelling house of 11 rooms, modern throughout, natural gas, etc; full complement of outbuildings, lncp bitlnr sheds, poultry bouses, etc, eta., to be sold st public sale on next Tuesday afternoon, July 23, at 3 o'clock, on.the premises; a great bargain may be expected, as tbe owner Is ofng to California; send for tull descriptive circular. Further par ticulars from the owneron the premises or JAS. ,W, DRAPE CO.. Agent and Auctioneers, lag ''Tr"'i -"""w-.i. Ji. W-! -17OR SALE-A, VKBV NICE FILVME HOUSE X? of 4 rooms, front porch, etc, with good lot only 3 minutes' walk from Olenshaw station. P. a W. R. H.: prtce800: very cheap. C. BERINOER A SON, K3 Fourth ave. Jyl6-52-TT riTIOR SALE AT MT. SEWICKLEY CAMF J Grove, a cottage,6 rooms and porch, suitable for housekeeping; choice location; excellent water: possession given Immediately; price SIM. Inquire of W. J. PATTERSON, ill Fourth avenue. Jyl8-66 FOB. SALE--I.OTS. Citr Lots. FORSALE-CITY LOT3-10LOTS ON LIBERTY ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts., Pittsburg, Pa.: low and on long time. H. FORBES. Wheeling, W. Vs. Je-3S F lOR SALE-FINE XOT ON "FORTY-SECOND and Calrln streets, near i'enn ave Seven teenth ward, about 96x100 ft.; price reasonable: terms easy. L M. PENNOCK & SON. 105 Fourth are. Jyl8-68-MThs East End Lots. FOR SALE-NICE LOT AT HOMEWOOD ON First street; on P. R. R.: 25xluo ft. to a 20 ft. alley. I. M. PENNOCK SON, 103 Fourth ave. JylS-63-MThS I7IOR 8ALE-SI.40O WILL BUY TWO VERY tine lots on Carver street. 20 and 22x100 feet to 20-rt. alley: sewer paid. .Apply to F. O. VAN GOKDER. 6014 Penn avenue. East En Je27-67-TTS T7IOR SALE tL7M FOR ALL 16 LOTS, 25X124 V each, Park ave., near Shetland avc.Twenty flrst ward: convenient to East Liberty station or cable cars; a great bargain; must bo sold at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. 1yl8-PS TTIOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL LEVEL LOTS IN JD one of the most desirable locations in the East End: convenient to both cable roadsP. It. R. and other city conveniences; reasonably low prices and terms to suit. BLACK BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. , Jyl3-3M3,16.1S,2u,22,24,26,30 FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTSI-3 CHOICE LOTS on Frankstomn ave.. Brushton station. Bank orCommerce addition-plan; each 40x140 feet to 24 foot alley; terms to suit: cheapest lots In the market. Secure pVm from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 SmUhfield St. Jvl8-64-Tbs FOR SALE-S70 PER FRONT FOOT. CRAIG st.. graded, sewered and about to be paved ; Iot50xl42toan alley, facing east: only 4 minutes' walk from Fifth ave. cable or 5 minutes from P. R. K.; will sell for fioo per ft. when paved. SAM'L W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. JylS-98 ITnzel wood Lots. TTIOR SALE-HAZELWOOD, ABOUT 4 ACRES X: of the finest property In Hazelwood; fronts on 4 streets and is onlr 2 minutes' walk from the station; nice and level. For particulars see ntiou. uuiLEsiAi., 131 ourtn ave. jyiou Alleahcnv Lots. FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In thelenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER. 43 N. Diamond St. mh"-8S-D FOR SALE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN desirable locality In Second ward, Allegheny; convenient to street cars; prlcei ic0 to f5W;ta easy terms; now is the time to buy. as prices are constantly advancing. W. W. MCNEILL BRO., 105 Fourth ave. Jyl8-99 Snburban Lots. FOR SALE-LOT IN NORTH BRADDOCK: large lot. triangular shspe, eor. Swlssrale and South streets, near City tarra station, B. & O. R. K.: price, tSOO. I.M. PENNOCK &SON. 105 Fourth ave. 1yl8-6S-MTbs FOB SALE-AX WILKINSBURG. LOT 56x132 corner Hill and Mill streets, 2 minutes from school house and 10 minutes from station. Will be sold cheap rorcash. W. E. HAMNETT. 404 Smltbfleld street, Wnklnsburg, Pa. - JylS-67 fTIORSALE A 5 OHIO-ACRE PIECE OF LAND X In plan of Marlvllle,snear city and railroad: spendldspot forsuburban house: fine river view and wide rangeof landscape beauty: one of the healthiest spots In the country. Plans from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 12!- Fourth avenue Pitts burg. Mortgages negotiated. JylS-88 Tfrorms. -I7UR SALE-FARM 125 ACRES, FR. HOUSE 7 JD rooms, bank barn, 6 springs, good orchard, near Elizabeth, river and railroad station; fS3 per acre. ED. WiTIlSH. 410 Grant St.. Pitts burg. Pa. Jyis-r Sllscellaneoas. FOR SALE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath bouses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS A CO., real estate agents, R. Est. A Law Bdg., Atlantic Citr. N. J. Je20-3-D FOR SALE A HANDSOME GROVE OF 5 acres fronting the New Brighton road and near Laurel station on Ft. Wayne Railroad. flTC miles from Allegheny depot. C. BERING ER 4 SON. 103 Fourth ave. JTI6-52-TT. FOB SALE BUSINESS. Bnslneas Chnnces. -TTIOR 8 ALE A CONFECTIONERY WTTH FIX T TURES for sale cheaD. Apply 1720 PENN AVE. , Jyis-s FOR BALE HARNESS SHOP. STOCK. FIX TURES, lease: first-class city and country trade. Address H ARN ESS, Dispatch office. Je30-U-TTg FOR SALE CITY GROCERY, CLEARING (4, 000 pel-year: a rare opening for a man who understands the business. Full particulars from BALTENSPERGER A WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth avenue. " Jyl8-91 F IOR SALE-iOO GROCERY. DRYGOODS, drug, china and notion stores: light manu facturing business, paying well; feed store, ex tensive and profitable bakery, ice cream and con fectionery business; cigar stores snd confection ery stores, all sizes and prices; fine restaurantand dining rooms, printing office, butcher shop, milk depots, upholstery business, shoe stores, etc. Free particulars. SHEPARD & COi, 54 Fifth are. Jy7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY property, a general country store business, with storeroom, dwelling, warehouse, etc.. at a good point on UnCof railroad, with postofhee. ex press and railroad agency, the revenue from which alone runs up to HO per mo.: excellent trade in grain. produeeetc:tbI Is a good opening; no opposition. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Mortgages negotiated. Jyl8-S9-D FOR SALE-BLACKSMITH SHOP AND LOT 25x50 feet with all ne cessary tools, 2 pair of bellows, 2 anvils, a large assortment of manufac tured horseshoes, iron, scrap, stove, etc., etc., on Oakland avenue between Filth avenue and Forbes street, Oakland, same stand occupied by 8. B. Mackle. to be sold at public Sale on Thursday -afternoon. July 18, at 2 o'clock-, on the premises. particulars irom jab. . iiiiAn x uu.. 121 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jylj-59-jrwThs Business Stands. FOR SALE THAT.FINE MANUFACTURING site known as the Banner Mill, cor. Main and Sycamore streets. Allegheny, with large substan tial buildings, engines, boilers, pulleys, shafting, etc: location, good: price low. Full Information see W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue JylS-4-TTS FOR8ALB-8TOREAND DWELLING-BUTLER street. Eighteenth ward, an excellent 2-story, mansard finish, brick store and dwelling, with store and 12 dwelling rooms; ball: excillcnt cellar; tin roof; water, gas, etc.: good location; lot 20x180 ft.: cheap, and on easy terms. I. M., PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth avenue Jyl8-S-MThs FOR SALE-VERY, CHEAP ON ACCOUNT of owner leaving the state, a small place of 2M acres of good land with a four-roomed house, stable and blacksmith shop: on a much-traveled public road, near Freeport, West Penn R. R,: price only poo if sold at once: an excellent opportunity fora blacksmith or wagon maker. CBLKlXUttt A SON. 103 Fourth ave. . y!6-52-TT FOB. SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Horses Vehicles. Lire fltock. drc FOR SALE FRESH. ARRIVAL OF 30 HEAD of choice Kentucky horses by steamer Hud son, consisting of fine drivers, saddlers, carriage teams and fast roadsters: buyers requested to call and examine stock at thc-siable of Jackman Sons, 5J6 Penn ave. M. D0GAN. JjlS-M FOR SALE FAMJLT HORSE A BROWN horse. 7 years old, perfectly reliable: can recommend his good qualities; no finer barouche or coupe horse In the city; alsocouneand harness; sold for want of use. Apply to C. A. WARM CASTLE, No. 5945 Penn avenue,' or No. 80 FOURTH AVENUE. . Jyl8-3-TT8 Machinery' and Metal F OR BALE-ONE SECOND-HAND TURNING machine. 2 surfaeers and 1 slianer. and new and second-hand engines and boilers, lard ket tles, tar tanks, blomen valves, castings, etc-. VELTE & MCDONALD, Thirty-second st, anoT Penn ave.' ; Jy2-9i-Tj,s BtSlNESS CHASGES DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice Is herehv given that tbe copartner ship heretofore, existing between the under signed, nnder the firm name of Hawksworth & Manchester, Keystono Steam Boiler, Works, was this day dissolved by tnntaat consent. All debts 0 wine to the said firm ar6 to be received by Wm. Manchester: and all demands on tbe said firm are to be paid by him. GEO; H. HAWKBWORTH, WM. MAiV CHESTER. Prrr8BTraG,JnlTl2.18o"J. l'"-3 1.EGAI, NOTICES. ESTATE OF CHARLES L. CALDWELL, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that let ters of administration on the estate of Charles L. Caldwell, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom air persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands airainst the same'will make them known with out delay. GEORGE P. HAMILTON, Administrator, 148 Fourth ave,, Pitts bare. cH-45-Tn OFFICE OF ALBERT "YORK SMITH. TJ1STATE OF GLTER C. SHIDLE DE Fl CEASED Notice U hereby given that letters testamentary oa tbe estate of Geter C Sbldle, deceased, later ot Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, asd those having claims or demands agatest the same will make them knowa wlaJrataHMar., AJTN1ER. SHIDLE. v j.. -iJifi-WAililJxoonmMiKiafi. Citv Residences. TO LET-BRICK HOUSE. NO. 1C CRAW FORD St.. containing eight rooms.lncludlng two In mansard; possession given Immediately. F.R. STONER, 415 Grant St., Room No. 22. , Jyl6-49 Alleihcnr Residences. T0LET-NO. 18 ANDERSON STREET, ALLE GHENY, only 47 month. Wrooma. 'ate 1m proveincnts. W. A. HERRON & SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. Jyl6t-TTS TO LET-ALLEGHENY NO. 24 KOB1NSON St., 8 rooms, 830; 139 Franklin St.. 8 rooms. 137 50; Drum St., Srooms. SIS. A. LEGUATE & SON, 31 Federal St.. Allegheny. Jyl6-80 Suburban Residences. TO LET-A NEAT 6-ROOM HOUSE IN WIL KINSBURG: ntturalgas, etc.: possession at once. JAS. W. DRArE & CO.. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jyl3-90 TO LET-SEW ICKLEY-P.. Ft. W. & C. KY., a furnished bouse of 9 rooms. bath, and 3 min utes' walk from station: rent, K0 per month. W. A. HEBRON Jt SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jjl7-20-MThs Offices. Detk Room. OTjc rpO LHT WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY 1 painted: elevator. Janitor serrlce and .tl modern conveniences. Apply to GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. e2-68-D TO LET-OFFICE ROOMS OR BUIIES FOR general business purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 7 77 and 79 Diamond St.; situation most central In tbe city: electtic light Included In rents, which are moderate. Apply between 11 A. M. and i P. u . Je27-to TO LET-PESN BUILDING. PENN AVE., near Seventh St., offices single or en suite, in this elegant 8-story building: 2Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low; floor plans at our office; we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Je29-32-D Business Stand. TO LET-BUSINESS OR JVAREHOUSE-NO. 93 Third avenue, near Wood street: rent low. A. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. Jrlg-64-TTg . PERSONAL. Personal-books: booksi books: New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 30,'JOovoI umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, 900 Liberty st. my3-28 PERSONAL WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters In reoalrlng snd clean ing your old clothes, when It can be donefora trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st,. second floor? Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mb.3 STOLEN. STOLEN-ON SUNDAY. JULY 14, A PUG dog, from 3813 BUTLER ST. Reward for re turn and no questions asked. JylS-69 S" TOLEN A YOKE OF CATTLE, WEIGHT 1 L600 each: dark red In color:lnformatlon lead ing to whereabout will be rewarded. BltUWN 4 KENNEDY. Thompsouvllle. Pa. Jyl8-70 LOST. LOST A GRAY HORSE-ABOUT 18 HANDS high, partlv Roman nose, carries mane on jertsiae. A iioerai rewara tor nis return to m. MEWES, Mt. Oliver. Jyl7-17 LOST-MONDAY. JULY 15, ON PENSYL VANIA avenue. Allegheny, skye terrier dog, registered; answers to the name of Dandy. Lib eral reward paid if returned to . Dx BOY, 144 Sheffield at.. Allegheny. Jyl8-ll DIVIDENDS. Office Armenia Insurance Company, 65 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jolv II. 1S8S. TMVIDEND THE BOARD" OF DIRECT- XJ ORS have declared a semi-annual divi dend of THREE DOLLARS per share, pay aole on demand. W. D. McGlLL. jyl37.p Secretary. The I&es Franklin Insurance Co., 7 of the qlty of allegheny, pa AiXEonEXT, Jnly 10. 1SS9. ) TIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS I company have this day declared a divl dend or THREE PER CENT ($1 50pershare), payable on demaud. WM. A. FORD, Jyll-IO-D Secretary. PROPOSALS.' PROPO-ALS WILL DE RECEIVED AT T.-A. WEBER'S store, 1000 Carson St. for papering, plumbing, painting and carpentering in Bedford School. Twenty-ninth ward. Speci fications can be seen at above place from 2 to 5 F. M. until Jnly 20. Tbe right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. jy!7 65 "VfOTICETO CONTRACTORS-BIDS WILL 1 be received up to July 24. 1889. at 12 M., for paving eleven thousand (11.000) square yards of streets with ve trifled firebrick. Plans and specifications for same can be seen at tbe office of tbe Borough Engineer, in Greens burg, Pa. C.T.LONG, Engineer. jyl7-4o-D IHE WZSTINGIIOUSK AIRBRAKE CO.,1 Pittsburg. Pa Julv 11, 1889. f VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PROPOS ITI ALS will be received by this company until MONDAY NOON. July 22, 1889, for the erection of fifty (50) frame dwelling bouses at Wilmerding station. Penn'a R. R. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the company oh, Robinson street, Allegheny, and will be fully explained bv W. C. Ferguson. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Proposals to be marked "wilnierding Hoaws" and addressed to tbe undersigned, O. MILLER, Purchasing Agent, Westinghouse Air Brake Company. Jyl2-74-DSu OFFICE CENTRAL BOARD OF EDUCATION, I SIS Market st. ( ATOTICE TO PAINTERS AND CALCI JM MINERS , Sealed proposals for pain ting and calciminlng, to be done at the Central High School, will be received at this office until 3 P. jr., FRIDAY, the 19th inst. Specifications of the work to be done can be seen at tbe office of C. M. Bart berger. Architect, room 62, Lewis building.. Tbe Committee on High School reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . " CHARLES REISFAR, Jb jyl6-89 ' Secretary. PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tbe office of the archi tect from now until 4 P. M. MONDAY. July 29. 18S9, for the erection of a 3-tory frame dor mitory and boarding hall, to be built at Oak dale, Allegheny county. Pa. (Panhandle Rail road). Plans and specification- may be seen at the office of James N. Campbell, Architect, Room 814, Penn building. Pittsburg, Pa., where all bids must be addressed, The board reserve tbe right to reject any or all bids. Separate bids must be made for the excavat ing and stonework. W. A. HERRIOTT, HENRY ADAMS. President Secretary. jyl8-58-TTbs PROPOSALS FOR WOODBRIDQE 10 INCH steel wire gun forglngs Ordnance Office, War Department, Washington, July 12, 1889 Sealed proposals in duplicate will be re ceived at this office until 3 o'clock P. it., on THURSDAY, Augnst 1. 1889. for supplying tbe O'dnance Department, U. S. Army, with forgings,of American manufacture, for three (3) boops and parts of breech mechanism for a 10-iuch steel wire gun, to conform in quality and dimensions to the specifications and draw ings to be had at this office. Bidders will state the price per pound for tbe f otgingtand how soon the whole can be delivered. Tne depart ment reserves tbe right to waive informalities and to .reject all or any bids or parts thereof. Blank forms on which proposals must be made can be had upon application. Copies of XhU advertisement, of the specifications and of tbe drawings must accompany and form.part of tbe proposals. Proposals sbould be marked "Proposals for Woodbfidge 10-inch steel wire con forcings." and be addressed to Captain C. S. SMITH. Acting Chief of Ordnance, U: S. Armv. Washlngson, D. C Jvl7-26 DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, such as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkisb, Mad ras and pnrtler curtains, lambrequins, table cover, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at tbe SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. M SIXTH AVE. Goods called tor and delivered. jell-TTS ! 1 " A FTER TWO TRIALS.-' FRED BEILSTEIN, of Spring Garden ave., was relieved of a large tapeworm by-Dr. Bur goon on July V. after having treated with two other physicians for tbe same. Mr. Beilsteln can be seen at the Allegheny market, where he has a butcher's stana. DR.BURGUON treats all curable diseases. Over 300 testimonials of your neighbors cured at his office. 47 Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. Consultation free. ' jyl2 IANOS, ORGANS. S. HAMILTON, U AND 83 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-a p A. RALPH, BUILDING CONTRAOTOBj" , 41 Seventh avenue, - Pittsburg. Pa. Telsphrme 134. , sei-nSO-TTS TITATCHES Ctocksv. Jewelry, rtverwartu'.m; irate, tad clock repairing aspeelalty.' V . -i- A it- jta a, WILSON,' 1 TTRTTr AVKNIIVL .. L ua 'AaTiSirtik -, tl t-T-na & '. For Circular And Information arjDl V to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND. my2-9.TTSu Longview School. Brookville.Pa. SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, 915 and 917 N. Charles i-trect, Baltimore. MRS.W.M.CARY. ; Established 1842. French MISS CARY. ( thelanguage of tbe schooL Jyl8-84-TTS HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Complete preparatory, commercial and collegiate departments, reopens WEDNES DAY, SEPTEMBER4; new students examined Monday. September 2. Apply to Rev. Joilt T. MURPHY, C. 8. Lp., President. jyl7-US CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ Pa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, etc address J. CALVIN RICE, A. M., Principal. Je28-53 -VTEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, J.1 Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of stndy In civil engineering. English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful onildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. SA. MSupt; BELDKN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jelO-11 CURRY UNIVERSITY. SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURG. 1,477 STUDENTS LAST YEAR, Classical, Scientific, Ladies' Seminary, Normal. Musical, Elocutionary, Business College- and Shorthand departments. Send for new cata logue. Correspondence withrforms persons de siring a better education respectfully solicited. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS, A. M-. Pres't jylS-82-TTS. PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal, Academic. Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in tbebest.eot leges, for teaching, for business. Young. La dies' Seminary Department Fall term opens September 9. 1889. Hon. Tbos. M. Marshall, President Board of Trustees. Address J.WAR REN LYTLE, Principal, No. 7 Fourth avenue. Jyl8-81-TT3 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALE 3 SUBSTANTIAL J. brick dwellings. No. 293 Wenster ave., SATURDAY, July 20. 1889. at 3 o'clock P. 3L, dn the premises, one 2-story brick of & rooms in the front: also 2 bricks in the rear, of 3 rooms each; all in good repair; lot 20x120; terms made known at sale. BLACK &. BAIRD. Jyl345-TT3 95 Fourth ave. 2-E-7S. UCTION SALE MANUFACTURING site. On the premises, Rirer are.. Alle gheny, opposite new Thirtieth street bridge, between P. & W. and W. P. R. R. TUESDAY, July 23, at 2 o'clock P. 3f lot 200x125, with Im provements, viz.: A large and substantially built planing mill, iith first-class machinery. 2-story brick office building, stable, etc Terms One-half cah: balance in 1,2 and 3 years. JOHN J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth ave. Jyl7-24 AT AUCTION FRIDAY. JULY 19. At 10 o'clock, at No. 311 Market st Fine walnut chamber suits, almost new, with French platemirrorand marble tops, wardrobes, lounges, rockers, easy chairs. Boats, bedsteads, washstands. bureaus, desk, cabinet pier mirror, pictures, rugs, mats, shades, portieres, curtains, oilcloth, brussels and ingrain carpets, lamps, fine tape'try parlor suit china, glass and silver ware, spring mattresses, sideboard, extension table, dining chairs, refrigerator, clocks, vases, ornaments, stoves, cushions, trays, tinware, fine parlor organ, card table, lawn mower, wringer, kitchen safe, bedding, bookcase, case drawers, feather bed, toilet ware, writing desks, etc Sale positive HENRY AUCTION CO.. Ltd, JyI8-95 Auctioners. BX JAS. W. DRAPE & CO. AUCTION SALE-OF BLACKSMITH'S shop (fitted with natural gas) and lot rox50 feet with all the necessary tools for the business. 2 sets of bellows, 2 anvils, a large as sortment of manufactured horseshoes, iron, scrap, stove, etc, etc. on Oakland avenue be tween Fifth avenue and Forbes street Oak land, same stand occupied by S. B. Mackie. To be sold on next THURSDAY AFTERNOON, July 18, at 2 o'clock, on tbe premises. PEREMPTORY SALE Further particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Auctioneers and Agents, 129 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. Jyl7-32 E. P. & C. W. Jones, attorney. 40S Grant st MASTER'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF AN order of tbe Court of Common Pleas No. 2, of Allegheny county, at No. 31, January term. 1889, in partition, I will offer at pnbllo sale, on the premise, on AUGUST 10.1889. at 2 o'clock, P. SL, the following property, vlx: All those certain lot sitnate in tbe Eleventh ward of the city of Pittsburg, connty of Alle gheny and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on Center avenue ata line dividing lots Nos. 14 and 15 in William Arthur's third plan of lots; thence along Center avenue, eastwardly, 80 feet to Roberts street: thence along Roberts street 100 feet to Short alley; thence along Short alley, westwardly, 80 feet to line of lot No. 14; thence along tbe line of lot No. 14 100 feet to Center avenneattheplaceof beginning. Being lots Nos. 15, 18, 17 and 18 In William Arthur's third plan of lots, as recorded In Deed Book, voL 51, page 2SL The above property will be sold sub ject to mortgage of Robert W. Franklin to Annie R. Speer. recorded in Mortgage Book, vol. 198. page 436. Terms of sale cash. 5100 upon day of sale and balance on confirmation ot sala by court and delivery of deed. A. F. BYRNES. Master. D. P. THOMAS fc CO- Auctioneers. Jyl8-5a-Th JOHN G. MACCONNELL, Attorney, Dia mand st ADJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT SALE Estate of Owen Traynor, deceased In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county I will expose to public sale, upon tbe premises, on THURSDAY, August 8, 1889, at 3 o'clock P. If., a certain lot of ground situate In the Thirty-sixth ward, city of Pitts burg, having a front of 50 feet on Wabash ave nue, and extending back 135 feet more or less, to a point having erected thereon 2 two-story frame dwelling houses and necessary outbuild ings. This sale Is made subject to the joint use by tbe purchaser and Mrs. Mary Traynor, widow, owner of tbe adjoining property, of ths hydrant standing on this lot, also of the propor tion of the ground rent arising therefrom. Terms of sale: One-half cash npon delivery of deed, and the balance payable In two equal an nual payments, with interest Deferred pay meats to be secured by bond and mortgaze wlth scire facias clause. 60 days default 1250 to be paid on day of sale. Possession given September 1-18S9. PATRICK KENNEDY, Executor, 93 Steuben, Thirty-sixth ward. A. J. Pentecost. Auctioneer and Real Estate) Agent 413 Grant street jy4 93-U8aul MEETINGS. A MEETING OF THE LIFE MANAGERS of Western Pennsylvania Exposition Society will be held in the Art room, second floor of Hamilton building, FRIDAY, July 18, 1889, at 3 o'clock p. K., to consider the question of issuing (200,000 in first mortgage bonus. Jyl5-3 JAS. W. BATCMELOR, Secretary; ELECTIONS. -VTOTICE THE SCHOOL BOARD OF J( Scott township will hold tbeir election of teachers, at Woodville. Chartiera Valley R. R., on SATURDAY. July 20. 1889, atJ0A.lt: term 7 months; salary for principal at Glen dale $50 per month; other schools 538 per month. M. C. DUNLEVY. Sec, Mansfield Valley, JV16-56 Allegheny County. Pa, IMPURITIES IN THE LIVER. When the Liver Is crowded or clotted with a mass of impurities, its action be comes slow and difficult Pleurisy, Headache, Pain in Side, Tired Feeling and General Weakness ensues, result ing. if unchecked. In BROKEN DOWN SYSTEMS. When you have these symptoms, try a lew doses ot the genuine DR C MrjLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS. Price, 2a cents. Sold by all druggists, and prepared only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburg. Pa. Beware or counterfeits made in St Louis. jylO-JTtvT J. A. JAQOBS, " ARCHITECT, M Fourth -venue, v. Jjll-2-.TTS Pittsburg. Pa, Walteb j. osBomant kichajuraAbo-.i B ARROWS A OSBOURNE , . , " JOB PRINTERS, H, . ' -BODIamnnrl u .- -..l.-r- oiw .."""".'J. 1 & m m i&fc&OJt 43ki .UAf 5.l..vdt'HJ?-ttK. T.ta?r.i '? issjsiairwamwersrjin .VIuTW.