Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 18, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Preacher E. B. Flemon Makes
a Great Fight for Liberty.
Governors Beaver and Richardson's
Actions Questioned.
He Doubts That the let of Assembly of
78 is Constitutional.
The legal wrangle over the extradition of
"Preacher" Flemon has narrowed down to
the question: "Who is the "biger" man, as
the well-remembered Texan once said,
Judge Ewing or Governor Beaver?
The Governor has issued a warrant for
Flemon's arrest and delivery to the South
Carolina authorities, but alter the events of
yesterday there seem to be good grounds for
the supposition that Judge Swing will
refuse to accept the action of the Governor
of this Commonwealth, and that the
requisition of the Governor of South Caro
lina will go unbonored. A Governor often
refuses to honor the requisition of a fellow
Governor, but the intervention of a, Judce
must he a great rarity, judging from tne
scarcity of precedents cited by counsel.
At all events, there was a great legal
battle fought yesterday over the body of
the colored minister, F. E. Flemon, who is
alleged to be John Yeldell, of Edgefield
county, S. C, a murderer under indictment,
and therefore supposed to be subject to a
requisition from the proper anthorities.
Hon. Charles F. McKenna, counsel for
Flemon, found himself debarred from the
privilege of consultation with his client by
the officers of Central station. He immedi
ately availed himself of the right of .habeas
corpus, and Flemon was produced yester
day morning in Common Fleas No. 2 before
Judges Ewing and Magee. The courtroom
Mas jammed by sympathizing members of
the prisoner's race, and all were evidently
in a white heat of excitement. The preva
lent idea seemed to be that if iflemou is
taken back to South Carolina it will mean
his death, and it was plain to be seen that
South Carolina justice is
in this community. While in the court
room a deputy sheriff of Allegheny county
arrested Flemon on the strength tf a. war
rant issued by Governor Beaver, the latter
being based upon the honoring of the for
mal requisition made upon the Pennsylva
nia Executive by Governor Richardson, of
South Carolina. Flemon maintained his
cool imperturbability under this fresh evi
dence of the fact that the machinery of ex
tradition had been put into motion. The
action of the habeas corpus was then va
cated in order to settle legally the point in
volved in the whole case, namely: Should
Flemon be surrendered to ihe South Caro
lina deputy sheriffs and United States mar
shals? In order to still further aid his client
Hon. C. F. JIcKenna renewed the habeas
corpus for the purpose of forcing the issue
of improper restraint from liberty under
Governor Beaver's warrant upon the coun
sel for the South Carolina authorities. This
action was considered a shrewd move, as it
placed a further burden of prooT upon coun
sel for the prosecution that Flemon was
really the man wanted by the South Caro
lina people; but it still further complicated
the situation, as it arrayed the Constitu
tional rights of the citizen against
the Legislative act of 1878 concern
ing requisitions. Having now thrown all
possible legal entanglements around the
case, the examination of the witnesses was
proceeded with. Both of the South Caro
lina detectives testified that they had fre
quently seen Yeldell, alias Flemon, in South
Carolina up to and during the years 1883
and 1884. They also detailed their identifi
cation of the prisoner at the county jail.
Inspector McAleese detailed the circum
stances of Demon's arrest upon the famous
"letter," and also testified that a letter from
,nn Edgefield county man was found in
Flcmon's pockets. Both sides then asked
for an adjournment in order to prepare argu
At the afternoon session excitement in the
courtroom was at fever heat and every point
made for or against the prisoner evoked
snch noisy ebullitions of feeling that the
tipstaves had to rap sharply for order. The
habitues of the courtroom had given place
to a motley crowd of colored citizens, who
lined the back: rail and looked at the coun
sel and His Honor with eyes all whites.
There were not a few faces which looted as
if mischief was meant. Inside the rails were
a number of colored women who buzzed
busily and looked with encouragement upon
thi prisoner and his counsel. Hon. C. F.
JIcKenna wore his usual debonair appear
ance, and the form of Hon. Thos. A. Mar
shall towered above the large sprinkling of
lawyers present. These two appeared as
counsel for the prisoner Yeldell, who sat in
a capacious armchair, quite at ease. Oppo
site wcie Colonel John W. Echols, Clar
ence Burleigh, Eq., and Mr. Marland,
counsel for the prosecution. Back of them
sat two Southern-looking gentlemen, the
deputy sheriffs who are making a vigorous
fight for Flemon'' s extradition. The colored
contingent gla.ed ferociously at these two
worthies and made audible remarks about
"pore white trash." Judge Hazen, of But
ler, entered with Jndge Ewing and sat
silently beside him, paying undivided at
tention to the case.
Clarence Burleigh, Esq. .opened in a brief
argument, in which he took up Judge Sw
ing's comment ot the morning upon the ab
sence of the date of the murder in Governor
Beaver's warrant, and also the absence of
the name of the murdered man, Deputy
Sheriff James Blackwell. of Edgefield
county, S. C. Mr. Burleigh claimed that
the warrant was complete so far as judicial
jurisdiction was concerned. He then re
viewed the facts presented in the case and
admitted that the letter upon which the ar
rest was based might have contained errone
ous information. Judge Ewing said that
the counsel for the prosecution
to verify the facts stated in the letter, and
should have done so. Mr. Burleigh argued
that the action of Governor Beaver in issu
ing the warrant made the necessary steps
Judge Ewing Have you any authorities for
your proposition?
Mr. Uurleigh We bare some.
Colonel Echols I have here some authorities
upon habeas corpus.
Mr. Marshall WAtj read'them. We want to
know what they are.
Judge Elng Are they not in a brief?
Colonel Echol I found the authorities but
a few moments since.
Mr. Burleigh Your 'Honor, all the necessary
papers, including a copy of the South Carolina
L . . t. .Ti t . Tt jL.i -i.. , . . i ltR..?, .: . 1K -..'. f.-Al... i, Sr-.W(&rf- . ' tJ-C-J.' i? . I II y !! in. . 1 i ' iMH i
indictment, are on file at Harrisburg. Inspec
tor McAleese was rieht in arresting the man
even on vague information,and the subsequent
Identification waR complete. There is no ques
tion but that Governor Beaver is satisfied that
Flemon is the man wanted. The defense have
no evidence to offer In contradiction to the
identification or proving that Flemon is not
Yeldell. I therefore demand that Yeldell, alias
Flemon, be Jellvered to the representatives of
Governor Richardson.
Colonel Echols then read a number of
extracts which seemed to indicate that the
warrant of the Governor was mandatory
upon the judiciary, even overriding the
habeas corpus. The law of 1878 concerning
requisitions was also quoted from liberally,
with the intention of establishing the prin
ciple sought to be established by the prose
cution, to the effect that the papers from
Harrisburg supported by the identification
were sufficient.
Judge Ewing I have thonght the matter
over, and have come to the conclnsion that the
act of 1S78 has no effect on the writ of habeas
corpus, which is too deeply grounded to be
changed by legislation. I have no donbt that
the legislative limitation is unconstitutional.
Some other reason should be advanced.
There was a sensation among the legal
fraternity at this statement, and murmurs
of "Supreme Court" were heard.
Hon. C. F. McKenna then arose and said:
May it please the Court: This case has at
tracted wido attention by reason ot the wrong
manner in which the city police officials have
acted. The State of South Carolina has com
menced the whole matter wrong. Our client was
arrested in violation of all law, upon the slender
evidence of a letter.
Mr. Burleigh Last Sundays papers printed
our evidence.
Mr. .McKenna The Court will take judicial
cognizance of newspaper publications. t
The speaker claimed that the testimony of
the deputies from South Carolina consti
tuted a strong alibi for the prisoner; that the
papers were faulty aud full of flaws, and
that the liberty ot the citizen was above the
Umperiug of the Legislature.
Hon. Thomas M. Marshall arose in his
most sarcastic manner and wanted to know
what murder had been committed,, and
when? There was nothing proving the
commission, ot any murder at all so far as
Flemon was concerned. He asked for
Governor Beaver's warrant, and pro
ceeded to tear it to tatters,
and remarked that it looked
like a mortgage instead of a requisition.
Jndge Ewing said it was not a requisition,
but a warrant. Mr. Marshall blandly
charged the other side with reading extracts
from a "peddler of law." (Church, of the
New Jersey Chancery Court.) He paid his
respects to Governor Beaver, whom he char
acterized as a great General, a wise Execu
tive; but a poor lawyer. Mx. Marshall said
that the chain of evidence was too slender
to drag a man to South Carolina to be bung
and quartered.
Jndge Ewing Is this requisition prima facie
Mr. Marshall Not unless properly made out
and accompanied by something more tangible
than "official information." It's all the opposite
side have in evidence, whether it be warrant or
Colonel Echols' closing speech was forc
ible and dignified. He hinted that in the
absence of law or facts the next best thing
was to raise a dust and an army of trivial
A trial by a jury of his peers will not dis
grace Flemon. 1 admit that it is a grave ques
tion. Society demands retribution for such a
crime as murder, and if this man is rightly
charged and legal steps have been properly
taken, he must face the consequences. Mr.
Marshall seems to think that Flemon is to
be deprived of bis rights. It Is not
so. The opposition has limited itself
to an attack upon Governor Richardson, but
Governor Beaver must have proceeded rightly.
At least it is always presumed that an Execu
tive is right until the reverse is proven. The
copy of the indictment is on file at Harrisburg.
Must it be sent around from place to place? In
a somewhat extended experience I never saw
the indictment presented in court in a case
like this. We have made out a prima facie
Judge Ewing (quizzically) Have you?
Colonel Echols We think so. The requisi
tion demands tbe return of a fugitive from
Judge Ewing Yes. but is he a fugitive from
justice? Where is it said that he is a fugitive?
This man is young. What date is given roe to
base my judgment upon? iiowdo I k tow some
other John Yeldell did not commit the crime
charged in I7S6T
Colonel Echols The fact that this man is ill
another State, under an alias, goes far to show
him to be a fugitive. Where is anything to the
Judge Ewing We are not going to ignore
tbe fact that we have held this man over a
week. The prosecution has had ample time to
bring enough witnesses here to prove Flemon's
identity with Yeldell.
Colonel Echols Our papers are evidence
enough. We have positively identified the man.
Of what use would further evidence be?'
Judge Ewing It was an effort to hold back
testimony much as is done in divorce cases of
the present day.
Colonel Echols Everything has been present
ed by us that we deemed necessary to extradi
tion, and tne defense simpiy'stands in the light
of a demurrer.
Judge Ewing They have a right to require
you to make out a case. Tbe copy of the South
Carolina indictment should accompany the
Colonel Echols I have never seen it come
down with the warrant.
Jndge Ewing Then the rules of practice
should be amended.
Colonel Echols We conclude the case here.
Your Honor, and stand or fall upon this war
rant from Governor Beaver.
This closed the case; and the Court asked for
briefs, remarking that the decision would be
forthcoming this morning. Mr. McKenna
asked that tbe police be admonished to leave
the prisoner free from arrest or further moles
tation until the decision be made.
Judge Ewing said sharply: "It will not be
safe for anyone to molest the prisoner,"
Taciturn Roger O'Mara made a speech to
the Court. He said: "Your Honor, tbe Chief
of tse Department of Public Safety says that
no further proceedings will be taken against
the prisoner. It all rests with the Court."
Judge Ewing: "If I bad believed one-half of
what has been published, I should have taken
a band long ago. If anyone interferes now it
will be made unpleasant for him."
Colonel Echols said laconically as the crowd
drifted out of court: '"This cise is famous. If
Judge Ewing refuses to accept Governor
Beaver's warrant It will become w ell, still
more famous."
Tbe Eighteenth Regiment Are Ketidy to
Leave for Their Camp.
To-morrow morning the boys in bine of
the Eighteenth Eegiment, N." G. P., will
leave for their camp near TJiuontown. They
will assemble at the corner of Filth street
and Duquesne Way at 10 o'clock, and march
to the depot. Six hundred and forty-eight
men will go. They will consist of 540 pri
vate 40 officers, 40 members of the drum
corps and the new Eighteenth Eegiment
Band of 28 men.
The camp, which will be known as Camp
Bipley, is situated about two miles from
Uniontown in a section of very beautiful
On the 24th the Governor and Adjutant
General will inspect the troops and camp.
The regiment will be in campfight days.
Mr. Klages. Who Warn Struck With a Stone.
Has a Very Sore Fnce.
Undertaker W. A. Klages, who y was
struck in the face with a stone, ai the cor
ner of Pennsylvania and Allegheny ave
nues, Allegheny, on Tuesday evening, by
"William Wilson, is confined to his home on
Liberty street, Allegheny. The cnt on his
face is proving a very sore wound. Charles
E. Klages, a son, made an information be
fore Deputy Mayor McKelvy yesterday
charging Wilson with aggravated assault
and battery. The defendant is confined in
the Allegheny lockup, and will have a hear
ing as soon as Mr. Klages is able to be
Tbe Rumor Not Trnr. ..
A rumor was afloat yesterday that
James S. McKean had received the appoint
ment of postmaster. No information re
lating to the matter has been received from'
Washington, and Mr, McKeau said the ru
mor was without foundation. i
1 '-
' .
Messrs. Bigelow and Browa Differ
About Awarding a Big Contract
A Yerj Lively Session of the Board of
Awards Testerday.
There was another squabble in the Board
of Awards yesterday afternoon. The open
ing of bids occupied nearly an hour, and
just as everything was well finished up,
Chief E. M. Bigelow said:
"Mr. Chairman, I move that the bids for
street improvements be let to the lowest bid
ders, as follows: For paving Forbes street,
from Boyd to Brady streets, with asphalt,
to the "Warren Scharf Asphalt Pavement
Company, at 53 23 , per square yard;
for grading Keystone street, from Fifty
foutth to Fifty-fifth streets, John Pirt, at
4G cents per cubic yard, and from Stanton;
avenue to Fifty-second street, to K. Brack
en, at Jl 40; for paving Dresden alley from
Fifty-second to McCandless streets to Booth
& Flinn, and from Stanton avenne to Fifty
second street to K. Bracken; for paving,
grading and curbing Allen street to Utt
Bros., at 51 68 per square yard, with irregu
lar block stone; for paving with asphalt No,
2, at 53 40 per square yard, to Booth & Flinn,
the following streets and alleys: State alley
Scott alley, Church alley, Slocum's alley,
Corday alley, Strawberry alley, Larkin's
alley, Mawhinney street for '510 feet south
from Forbes street, and South Twenty-eighth
street from Carson to Jane streets, the price
per yard for the last two mentioned being
53 30 and 53 10 respectively!"
Mr. J. O. Brown I second that motion,
but reserve the right to vote "no" as to the
'Forbes street contract.
Mr. Bigelow Then I withdraw my mo
tion. Mr. Brown Well, I understand that the
advertisement for the Forbes street contract
called for No. 1 asphalt pavement. Is that
not so, Mr. Bigelow?
Mr. Bigelow Yes, sir, it is.
Mr. Brown Well, I can't vote that way.
Mr. Bigelow (rising) I will state that in
regard to my withdrawing my motional do
it (imply because 'I know the vote will be
two for and two against it, and there is no
use in wasting time with it.
Mr. Elliott Ob, hold on there, you have
no right to anticipate how I am going to
vote. You haven't any absolute informa
tion as to how anybody will vote except
Mr. Bigelow Well, you'll see I am right
Mr. Brown then suggested that as they
could not agree to the Forbes street matter
that" the contracts forIl the streets but that
one be voted on, but Mr. Bigelow refused to
allow this, but alterward renewed his mo
tion to award all the contracts to the lowest
bidders. '
Mr. Brown I second the motion with the
same reservation as before.
Mayor McCallin then repeated the mo
tion and called for the ayes and nays.
Mr. Brown was first called and answered:
"Aye, to all except Forbes street."
Mr. Bigelow answered "No."
Mr. Elliott Why, you are voting against
your own motion, Mr. Bigelowl"
Mr. Bigelow No, I am not. He has split
my motion, which he has no right to do,
and I voted "no" on his amendment.
Mr. Elliott Oh, that's all wrong; we are
voting on the contracts now, and there's no.
auisndment before us.
Mr. Brown (with emphasis) I seconded
the motion with the reservation to vote "no"
on that portion of it, and I had a right to
vote that way. .
Mr. Bigelow (equally emphatic) Well,
1 object to doing business that way.
Mayor McCallin Well, gentlemen, rather
than get into a wrangle or quarrel about
this matter, we can take up the streets
separately. There are a large number of
contracts here that should be let at once. I
think they could be let separately in a few
minutes, if Mr. Bigelow will withdraw his
motion. ,
Mr. Bigelow Well, I withdraw my mo
tion. Anything to have peace in the
Mr. Brown also withdrew his second to
the motion, and the Mayor was about to pnt
the motion to let the contracts separately,
when Mr. Elliott objected loudly, saving
that after two members had voted a motion
could not be withdrawn. Mayor McCallin
rapped for Mr. Elliott to sit down.
Mr. Elliott Well, vou can't do it.
Mayor McCallin I'm in the chair, sir,
and I rule that you can.
Mr. Elliott, (laughing) Well, all right,
il you rule that way, let 'ergo.
The Mayor then called for the Forbes
street contract.
Mr. Bigelow I, move that the contract
for paving Forbes .street be awarded to the
Warren-Scharf Company, they being the
lowest bidders. '
Mr. Brown I second the motion with ihe
reserved privilege to vote "no."
On the call of the roll Messrs. Brown and
Elliott voted no, and Messrs! Bigelow and
McCallin aye.
Mr. Bigelow (excitedly) There, I told
you how it would be, two and two. What
becomes of that contract now, Mayor? Does
it die?
Mayor McCallin I guess it will have to
go. I can't help it, X have done all I
Mr. Brown I move that the contracts for
nlljtht) other streets be let to the lowest bid
ders, as read off by the Chief of the Depart
ment of Public Works.
This motion was seconded bv Mr. Elliott
and unanimously agreed to. The contracts
for sewers were then let as follows:
Sewers on Brooks, Bates, Zulema and
North streets to M. Gallagher1, on Penn and
Braddock avenues to E. J. Mcllwaine, on
Harcum's alley to P. O'Donnell, on For
street to M. Golden, on Miller street to Ott
Bros., on Twenty-second street to E. J. Mc
llwaine, on Wallmgford street to Mr.
Mr. Brownthen moved to award the con
tract for altering and repairing the Eleventh
ward patrol stable to B. F. Anderson &
Bros., the lowest bidders, at 51,863. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Elliott When
it came Mr. Bigelow's turn to vote he said:
"Mr. Chairman, I don't see why I should
vote aye ou the gentleman's motion; but as
the Chief of the Department of Public Safe
ty has gone over these bids, understands
the work, knows what he wants, and, there
fore, knows what he's going to do, I will
give him credit for knowing that much and
vote aye, though I must take his word for
it that it is right I can't tell."
No one made any reply, and the. motion
was adopted. The contract for altering and
repairing tbe Twelfth ward station house
was then awarded to B. F. Anderson & Co.,
also, at $1,938. There were three bidders
for the new Thirty-sixth ward police station,
but they each bid over 515.000 on the con
tract Mr. Brown moved that inasmuch as
the appropriation ordinance only allowed
511,000 for the work, and as all the bids
were above that figure, that all the bids be
rejected and, that the contract be readver
Used, which was agreed to.
Mr. Bigejow explained the reason of his
difference with Messrs. Brown and Elliott by
saying that the Wnrren-Scharf Company
had put in a bid of 53 23 per square yard for
a No. 1 asphalt pavement on Forbes street,
while Booth & Flinn had bid 53 40 for No.
2 asphalt On the contract there would be
23,317 sqaare yards of paving, and the dif
ference of 17 cent a yard would amount to
considerable. He said lie wanted to get the
best he could for the money, and at that dif
ference in price the Warren-Schart was the
best for the city, whose inteests he was con
sidering. Chief Brown said he had opposed Mr.
Bigelow's motion because he thought the
No. 2 pavement of Booth & Flign was su
perior to the Warren-Scharf pavement, even
at the difference in price. And further, the
specifications for the Forbes street pavement
called for No. 1 asphalt, which (there being
only one company in the county that con
trolled the materials necessary to make it)
was unfair to the other bidders.
P. d; W. Engineers Settle Their Grievance
Willi fllannger McDonald New Run.
nine Arrangements to Chicago.
The reported, trouble between the officials
of the Pittsburg and Western road and their
engineers and firemen has been satisfactorily
settled, and the friendly relations existing
between General Manager McDonald and
the men will be continued. Tbe conference
between them was settled last night, and
the engineers and firemen were happy in
The conference began on Monday after
noon and continued until 720 o'clock last
night Those present were General Man
ager McDonald, Superintendent C. E.
Doyle and Master Mechanic John Quinn,
representing the company. There were six
representatives from the engineers. They
consisted of one passenger and one freight
engineer from each of the three divisions of
the road. The firemen had no representa
tives present, but their interests were looked
after by the engineers.
The men are members of the Brotherhood
of .Locomotive Engineers, and comprise
'Division 411,which takes in all theP. & W.
men. They made the demand for an in
crease of wages under the seal and authority
of the Brotherhood. It was stated by en
gineers in this city that if they did not get
what they wanted" they would "tie up" the
road. After three days' figuring with them,
General Manager McDonald gave them
what they considered better wages than
wese paid by the other roads competing with
the P. & W. The wages were changed from
a trrp schedule to a mileage basis, and will
date from July 1. There are many different
runs and conditions that a fair standard can
not be given. On an average, the freight en
gineers will be paid about i cents per
mile, while the passenger men will receive
3 cents. Some of the former will be paid
as high as 5 cents. These latter run local
freight trains, and are required to dd a con
siderable amount of shifting None of the
runs have been shortened and the man mak
ing the shortest run will receive the least
pay, no matter how long he may be out
This only applies in cases of delay where
the trainmen have to lie on sidings waitintr
to get through. The average increase will
be about 8 per cent. Some of the men have
been advanced as high as 12 per cent The
conference committee will make their re
port to the engineers at a meeting of the
members of Division 411, to be held at 11a
honingtown Sunday next. There are 80 lo
comotives on the road and about 200 en
gineers and firemen.
The Pittsburg and Western road have been
offered a through train service from Alle
gheny to Chicago that will shorten their line
considerably. At present they have a
shorter route to Chicago than the Fort
Wayne, making the run in about one and
one-half hours less time, on ordinary ex
press trains. Their present route is from
Allegheny to Orville over their own line,
thence via the Wheeling and Lake Erie to
Monroeville, then back to Chicago Junction
over the Lake division of the Baltimore and
Ohio, and from there to Chicago over the
Chicago division ot the same system. By
the new route they can run trains from Al
legheny to Kent O., over their own line,
then over the N. Y., P, and O. to Marion, O.
From Marion they would go over the Chi
cago and Atlantic a distance of 269 miles.
Tbe officials of the P. and W. claim the
B. and O. people have never given this
Eastern business the attentiou they should
and may drop this route. At present they
only run a sleeper through, hut over the
new route thev will run solid through,
trains. They claim they will be able to
make the run about two and a half hours
shorter than via the Fort Wayne.
Mr. Henderson Will Sue for Damages If
nil Boats Are Injured The Lake Erie
Will Narrow the Channel Temporarily.
Mr. James A. Henderson, of the Pitts
burg and Cincinnati Packet Line, was busy
yesterday interviewing lawyers and railroad
officials about the closing up of the Lake
Erie bridge at Phillipsburg and a Pan
handle bridge at Steubenville. Both rail
roads have commenced work, and the river
men claim they are obstructing navigation.
A protest signed by coal men 'and river
operators was sent to the Secretary of War,
and his answer is expected to day. It
was the intention of tbe Pittsburg
and Cincinnati Packet Line to sue out
injunctions against the roads pending the
decision of the Secretary, but this will not
be done.
Mr. Henderson said yesterday that if any
damage were done to their boats the Lake
Erie wonld have to pay for it As the Lake
Erie proposes to close up the spans, Mr
Henderson claims that a boat'as large as
the Hudson cannot pass through if it is a
little foggy, or the wjnd is blowing. Some
time ago tne Scotia was wrecked at this
point by ruuning into a pier in windy
Superintendent Holbrook, of the Lake
Erie, when seen about the matter, said:
I suppose all tbe talk about bringing injunc
tion suits is a lot ot wind. We intend to re
build the bridge at Phillipsburg, and tbe only
way it can be done is by putting two temporary
piers under the long span. The span is about
450 feet tilde, and wben divided by the piers
will leave a cbannel 125 wide. I admit this is
narrow, and if the river got high or the weather
was bad navigation would bedaugerous, bnt as
we expect to have tbe span completed by Octo
ber, and there is little coal to be taken out, I
don't think much barm can be done. The
bridge was built originally in this way.
The New Government Bnlldloff la Making
Some Progress nt Last.
Another cargo of granite for the new post
office building is on the ocean, from East
Blue Hill, Me., on its way to Baltimore en
route for "this city.
The schooner M. B. Miller left the coast
of .Mains, last Monday with 650 tons of
material, which is expected here within two
Tbe work on the building is cow pro
gressing very rapidly, there being on the
average 600 cubic feet of stone laid every
day. There are over 100 workmen em
ployed ou tbe building, 50 of, whom are
stonemasons and the rest bricklayers.
Not a Case of r-ulcldr.
In relation to the death of John McShan
nic. who was drowned at Zelienople, Butler
county, the evening papers were in error at
tributing, it to suicide. Mr. McSbannic
was at Zelienople on a visit and just before
returning home he concluded to takenbatb.
"While in the water he was seized with a fit,
to which he had been subject, and before
aid arrived he was drowned.
Their Track Extended.
The Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway
Company commenced work yesterday ex
tending their tracks from their present ter
minus on the Sawmill Bun Plank Boad, to
Valley street, to Shaft avenne, to Howard
street extension, to Howard street and to
North avenue, where the road again con
nects with the present tracks of the com
pany. Tbe Force Donbled.
The force of men working on Power Hall
was doubled yesterday. The foreman thinks'
with this foree he can complete the building
by September 1. The building was to have
been of iron and glass, but the pillars are
oak.' It is thought oak would e&swer all
purposes better than iron.
- 'if; ? -
Shoenberger fc Co. Ask for a Scale
Similar to tbe C;irnegie3
Master Workman Boss Reports D. 1. 3. K.
of L., in Yery Good Shape.
All but three iron and steel firms in this
vicinity have signed the Amalgamated
Association scale, and there may be some
trouble before the wage scale is satis
factorily arranged at these mills. They
are Shoenberger & Co., A. M. Byers &
Co., and the Linden Steel Company. The
first named firm has announced that it
will not sign the steel scale unless it is
made to slide the same as the one agreed to
for the Homestead mill of Carnegie, Phipps
& Co. This firm is willing, it is
said, to sign tbe iron part of
the Amalgamated scale, but if Home
stead has any benefits in its
steel departments, it wants to enjoy them
also. The Linden Steel Company is in the
same fix, and is holding off for a while to
see what arrangements can be made. A. M.
Byers & Co. have some serious objections to
the scale proposed by the workers, as it
affects them in a number of departments.
A conference has been held by the mill
committee and the firm, but no conclnsion
has been reached. Another conference will
be held to-day at which a settlement will
likely be made.
The objection to the steel scale made by
Shoenberger & Co. may cause con
siderable trouble in tbe Amal
gamated Association. (The firm wants
to be placed on an even footing with
the Carnegie concern. Although the scale
agreed to on Sunday does not change the
wages paid at present in the converting,
blooming, armor plate and basic depart
ments, the system is different and there may
be a chang'e after January 1. This change
may give an advantage to the Homestead
workers or it may give an advantage
to the workers in the departments
named above in. steel mills not
governed by this special scale. The firm of
Shoenberger & Co., it is understood, ao not
want to take any chances. If they Bign the
regular Amalgamated Association steel
scale they will be compelled to pay it until
June 30, 1890, the same as Jones & Laugh
lins and other steel concerns.
As has been stated, Carnegie, Phipps &
Co. will pay the same wages as are paid in
other mills doing the same kind of work un
til January 1. After that date the wages
will be based on the selling priceof billets.
If the price drops the Carnegie firm wilt
have an advantage over their competitors.
and if the prices advance the other firms.
will nave an advantage over tbe uarnegie
.None of them have expressed any dissatis
faction over the settlement of the Home
stead trouble except Shoenberger & Co.
They will not sign the Amalgamated scale,
but insist upon a sliding scale similar to the
one in force at the Homestead plant
This will result in a conference between
the firm and the Amalgamated Association
officials on this matter.
When a Dispatch reporter mentioned
the difficulty to Secretary Martin he de
clined to talk, saying that President Weihe
had his hands full with the Homestead
scale. He was busy yesterday arranging
the details, and has no time to respond to
tbe request of the Shoenberger & Co. people.
Several officials of the Amalgamated As
sociation were spoken to on the subject yes
terday, but they declined to talk. They de
sired that nothing be said on the matter, as
it mightprevent a settlement
An effort was made to see some of the
members of the firm of Shoenberger & Co.,
but without success. General Fitzhngh,
one of the leading members of the firm, is
enjoying a tour through Europe.
There were four new signatures to ihe iron
workers' scale yesterday, making 73 in all.
They are the Pittsburg Forge andiron Com
pany, of this city; Trumbull Iron Company,
of Girard, O.; Beeves Iron Company, of
Canal Dover, O.; Apollo Iron and Steel
Company, of Apollo.
Secretary Martin, of the Amalgamated
Association, in the official column ot the
Labor Tr6ne, in speaking of the settle
ment of the Homestead trouble, savs:
It is but just to say that Sheriff McCand
less, of Allegheny county, was tbe mediator
through wnich the conference was brought
about, and by the happy termination of the
trouble those who were ready to accept uncon
ditionally the company's scale, and be pro
tected therein by tbe Sheriff, at the expense of
human lifeblood, are disappointed. They are
usually men who, in times of trouble, like to
curry a few favors, but who, tn times of peace
and prosperity, don't want work.
"We venture tbe prediction that the averting
of the tronblo and settling of tho wages ques
tion at Homestead will give tbe little burg tbe
greatest real estate boom it has experienced
since the steel works were built.
The bitter feeling that has existed be
tween the Amalgamated Association aud
the Knights of Labor is evidently at an end,
as will be seen by the followingpublic and
official announcement made by Secretary
Martin: - ,
For valuable and timely pointers given pend
ing the difficulty at Homestead tho general
office of tbe K. of L. has placed the A. A. ot I.
and 8. W. under obligations, and should like
opportunity present itself, the latter will not
be slow to reciprocate. Many thanks, brethren.
There Won't be Any Necessity to Import
Glaaablowera Hereafter.
The Window Glassworker's Convention
adjourned at noon yesterday, and the dele
gates spent the afternoon in visiting the
points of interest in the city.
At the evening session the report of the
Committee on Apprentices was approved.
It provides for an increase of apprentices,
and the President t is given the power to
make any further increase necessary that it
will -not be necessary to call on Europe to
furnish workers to fill vacancies in this
A communication was received from ihe
Green Glass Workers Conveution in session
at Atlantic City, asking the assistance of
window glass workers in making all non
union factories union. The communication
was favorably considered, and President
Campbell appointed Messrs. William A.
Wallace, Joseph Biggins and Emit Gaier
tiere a committee to eonfer "with a com
mittee of tbe green glassiworkers. .
A lot of routine' business was disposed of
aud the convention adjourned.
The Men at Braddock Paid Less Than
' Those at Homestead.
The settlement of the strike at Home
stead on such favorable terms to tbe men,
has set the workers at thi Edgar Thomson
works to thinking. One of them said they
have come to the conclusion that they did a
very foolish thing when. they quitthe Amal
gamated Association, and wish they were
back again.
A member of the association in speaking
of the matter said:
When they 'were in the association they
wanted the earth with a neatly painted f enca
arnund it bnt we could not grant their request
and tbey left tbe organization. We are willing,
however, to take tkem back again, but they are
tied up in an agreement tbey cannot honorably
break, and we can do.nothing for them.
It is said 'hat the wages at the Edgar
Thomson are from 10 to 20 per cent lower
than those paid at Homestead.
ftiftif sTissVrssTiV
The Green Glass Vlnl Blowers to Ask Con
areas to Put a CTarlfT an Battles Im
ported by Americans.
The convention of D. A. 149, K. of L.,
green bottle blowers, at Atlantic City, ad
journed last night. ' District Assembly 143
will finish its business to-day when
the delegates will leave for their homes.
The most important business yesterday was
the adoption of a resolntion withdrawing
their indorsement of the glassworkers' offi
cial organ on account of its course in the
Campbell importation matter. A resolu
tion was also adopted appointing a commit
tee of five members from each of the two dis
tricts to meet in Buffalo, N. T., November
10, to conferou thequestion of consolidation,
in pursuance of the resolutions adopted in
joint convention Monday. At the Buffalo
conference, the plan of organization will
be perfected. The officers suggested that
this' ma tter.be referred to the different locals
thrbughout the country, and if they receive
a two-thirds popujar vote in the locals the
districts will be consolidated.
Another resolution, appointing a commit
tee of five to attend the next meeting of
Congress to ask for the passage ot a bill tax
ing imported bottles filled with wines and
liquors, by the importers of the United
States, was adopted. If this bill is passed it
will materially affect prices of imnorted
The apprenticeship rules were left exactly
the same as last year, as was also the base
scale of wages throughout the country. At
the close of the convention of District No.
149 John Coffey was unanimously re-elected
Master Workman. At the meeting to
morrow No. 143 will also re-elect Louis
Corrington, whose administration of affairs
has been satisfactory during the past year.
When the consolidation is effected Coffey
will undoubtedly become head of the Asso
ciation in the United States and Canada.
Railroad Men Want a Conference at Ever
son and Want an Advance.
The following telegram was received last
night from Scottdale:
The delegate meeting of the organized and
unorganized coke workers held here to-day,
was well attended. Tne greater part of the
time was occupied in discussing the question
of an advance in wages. The following
resolutions, which indicate the feeling of
the men throughout the" region, were passed:
Whereas. The workmen employed by the
coke manufacturers of tbe Connellsville re
gion, feel keenly the unjust and unfair manner
in which they have been treated by their
employers in the past, in refnslng them a
conference upon tbe wage question, and while
we regret that our employers fail to realize
that a conference by mutual consent wonld be
best for all concerned, tbeir indifference to
our petitions calls for decisive action on our
part; therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of this joint
convention, that the Conference Committee
selected by this body, be authorized to demand
a conference with our employers, said confer
ence to be held at Everson on Saturday, July
Resolved, That if onr employers ignore our
committee, that we call upon all workinemen
in the region to be prepared to lay down tbeir '
tools ana quit woriron tne nisi aay oi Augusi,
and be it farther
Resolved. That a conventiou of delegates
representing tbe employes of the said coke,
companies be held on tbe day appointed for the
conference at Everson.
Resolved, That It is tbe opinion of this con
vention that the following should be tbe mini
mum rates of wages for the different classes of
One dollar per 100 bushels for mining room
coal; 31 20 per 100 bushels for mining heading
coal and all other narrow work: 52 10 per day of
eight hours for drivers, cagers, borsebackmen,
timbermen. trackmen and rope riders; chargers,
4 cents per oven; GO cents per 100 bushels of1
coal charged for coke drawing; 10 cents per
oven for leveling; blacksmiths. 2 0; carpen
ters, S2 25: helpers. SI 85; car greasers, SI 75,
and all other work to be paid in proportion to
tbe above prices.
Resolved, That these resolutions be submit
ted to tbe rank and file, and that we call upon
all employes to bold meetings at their various
works and elect delegates and instruct them
upon the resolutions submitted. Each pit and
yard is entitled to one representative.
An Important Meeting- of District Assembly
No. 3 of the Knlghta of Labor.
The third and most; important quarterly
convention of D. A. 3 K. of L. of the year
began yesterday. Fifty-three delegates
were present Master Workman Boss read
his report, which showed that the district
was in better financial .condition and
stronger numerically than at the last quar
terly meeting. The amount in the treasury
is $1,323 42, and the membership is 4,121.
There are between 600 and 600 members
in bad standing, and if they had paid up
the district would have been entitled to
two delegates to the General Assembly.
Under the present conditions only one dele
gate will be elected.
The reports of the Financial Secretary
and Treasurer were also received. The seat
of W. D. McAuliffe on the Board of Trus
tees was declared vacant, and James Mus
grave was chosen to fill it
N. T. A. 135, K. of L., Shows an Increase
la Membership of 3,000.
The semi-annual convention of Sub
Division 25, N. T. A. 135, K. of L., com
posed of railroad coal miners, was held yes
terday at K. of L. Hall. No special busi
ness was before the body, and the store
order system was not discussed. The report
that some of the assemblies proposed to
withdraw from the National District was
denied. Only 16 delegates were present at
the meeting."
National Master Workman John B. Bea
was present and made an address. He said
that N. T. A. 135 had increased about 3,000
in membership during the past six months,
irnd is now in a very flourishing condition.
Thomas Paxon was elected a delegate to
the annual convention of 135 tq be held at
Wilkesbarre next September.
Chairman Abbott and General Manager
Jones Upon Tcry Good Terms.
It was reported yesterday that Captain
"W. E. Jones, General Manager of the Ed
gar Thomson Steel Works, and Chairman
W. L. Abbott, of Carnegie, Phipps & Co.,
had had a quarrel.
Tbe former, it was said, contemplated re
signing bis position.
Mr. Abbott was seen yesterday, and said
the report was utterly false, and he could
not command language emphatic enough to
contradict it Their relations, he said, are
very pleasant
At Volley Camp.
At Valley Camp the Hamilton cottage is
occupied by C. T. Flaccus and family, the
Hays cottage by Messrs. Collins and Wal
lace and their families, and the Ktally cot
tage by Dr. Staub and family. The camp
is filling up rapidly.
Colorado, Jtocky Macntala and Pacific
Cont Excursion
Tickets over ihe Union Pacific Baiiroad via
Council Bluffs and Omaha, or Kansas City,
are now on sale by all ticket agents. Fol
lowing are names of points reached best by
the Union Pacific Baiiroad: Denver, Colo
rado Springs, Pueblo and Trinidad, Col.;
Cheyenne and Yellowstone Park, Wyo.;
Ogdeu and Salt Lake City, Utah; Soda
Springs, Pocatello, Beaver Canon, Sho
shone Falls and Boise City, Idaho; San
Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego,
Cal.;Portland and Ontario, Oregon ;Ta'coma,
Wash. Ter.; Victoria and Vancouver. B. C
and Sitka.Alaska. Excepting to Sitka, first
and second-class tickets, one way, are sold to
all of above-named points; also to Salem,
Olympia and Astoria, Ore., Seattle and all
towns in Wash. Ter. Trams of the Union
Pacific Baiiroad are equipped with Pnllman
buffet sleeping cars, Pullman tourist cars for
second-class passengers, free reclining chair
cars and through coaches; also dining cars to
For rates ot fare, maps or any information
call on or address H. E. Passavant, or
Thos. S. Spear, T., F. &P. Agts., 400
Wood st, Pittsburg, Pa. . sturssawk
sfflu iAF&ui
Mr. Thompson Couldn't Get Two Men to
Help Slat at Johnstown Tho Peeplo
Wonld Not Dlwrtbme the Funds.
Treasurer William E. Thompson went to
Johnstown yesterday afternoon to begin the
work of distributing the 5500,000 to-day.
Mr. Thompson tried hard to secure two
competent men from the local banks to
assist him, but he had to go alone. Before
leaving he said:
My business has been greatly neglected,
and I really haven't tbe time to sparo to
eo to Jobstown. bnt I am doing it. to
keep up tbe record of Pittsburg and show the
people that thU cltr is kindly disposed. I will
do the work if I bare to do it alone, and .re
main up halt the nisht to make the entries.
We will commence to pay out the money In the,
From an authoritative source yesterday it
was learned that Jndge Cummin had offered
the 1500,000 to the Johnstown people to dis
tribute it, but they refused to handle the
Both of the banks claimed they couldn't
do it, and yet Mr. James McMillan, the.
President of the Financial Committee, is
President of the First National Bank.
Finally Judge Cummin had to fall back on
Mr. Thompson, who consented to do the hard,
work for the suffering people.
The gentleman who furnished the above
Information thought the facts should be
made public to show the people at. Johns
town, who complain of not having the priv
ilege of handling the money, that they de
cline to distribute the funds when they are
offered to them.
The same man thought the $150,000 dis
tributed by the Johnstown Financial Com
mittee should have been held to even up
matters. He claims that the committee has
nothing to show for the money.
A temporary bank will be established at
Johnstown. Checks will be drawn by
Judge Cummin for those who have a claim
on the fund, aud will be cashed by Mr.
Thompson. He will simply open a branch
bank, and stay with it until $500,000 are
paid' out Enough cosh fl00,000 wjs
sent by Adams Express yesterday to run one,
perhaps two, days, and it will be forwarded
as fast as needed, and the whole will be
paid out as soon as possible, but as some
rare must be taken there is a possibility of
some delay.
Only 5190 were received for the fund yes
terday. The Allegheny Light Company
sent a receipted bill for electricity furnished
at Old City Hall. Lizzie Springer and her
sister, from Johnstown, visited the Society
for the Improvement of the Poor. They lost
two houses in the flood and for the present
they will stop with a friend until they can
secure work.
Johnstown Sufferers Who Were Aided Will
Make Their Home There.
The committee appointed by the employes
of the National Tube Works Company at
McKeesport to distribute the remainder of
the fund the employes raised for Johnstown
sufferers, which amounted to 1,800, has
used the sum in assisting 62 persons who
came there and have concluded to make.
McKeesport their Home.
Men's Flannel Shirts New Ones To-Dny.
, Also English cheviot and English madras
shirts also new silt shirts be sure to give
this department a call before you start away
on your summer trip.
Penn Avenue Stores.
B. fcB.
To-morrow-Is remnant day remnants of
fine dress goods, of silks, of black goods, of
cashmeres, ot wash goods, of laces, of em
broideries come to-morrow.
Boogs & Buhl.
A Dollar for a Cent.
The greatest thing out, Marvin's dollar
cakes, a cent each. All grocers Keep them,
and they are just what the children have
been crying for all summer. Don't let the
little darlings suffer any longer. xrssa
b. as a.
To-morrow is remnant day remnants of
fine dress goods, of silks, of black 'goods, of
cashmeres, of wash goods, ot laces, ot em
broideries come to-morfow.
Boggs & Buhl.
Here's Yoar Chance.
. For one week only cabinet photos 89c per
dozen; bring the family at once. Lies
popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st
Pittsburg- Beer.
In using this excellent brew of Franen
heim & Vilsack you will be encouraging a
home industry. Call for it ttssu
Secuee a sound mind,which seldom goes
without sound digestion, by using Angos
tura Bitters.
On all fancy Printed Cottons, Batistes.
Lawns and Chintzes.
Clearance prices
On Domestic and French Challis.
Clearance prices
On Mohairs and Brill ian tines.
Clearance prices
On French Satines. French and Scotch
Gingham, Anderson's most choice at 25c
Clearance prices
On all India, Pongee and China Silks.
Clearance prices , s
On all UmDrellas and Parasols.
Clearance prices
On Flouncings, Laces and Embroideries.
Clearance prices
On Mnslln, Egyptian and Lisle Underwear.
Extra French Ealbriggans at 45c.
Clearance prices
On Gents' ''Flannel Shirts. Ladies' and
Children's Blouses and Jerseys.
Clearance prices
On Boys' Star Waists.
Clearance prices
On Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery and Handker
chiefs. .
Clearance prices a
On Suits, Wraps and Traveling Costumes.
605 AND 507 MARKET ST.
California Wines at 50c per quart
Imported Liquors and Cordials at
Finest Old Whiskies In "Western Penn
sylvania at same prices others are selling.
. JU J v! -i
An Electric Street Car System That Covers
Overhead Wiring- and tho Slot Kail
Nine Years In the Patent Office.
The last issue of the Patent Gazette gives
an account ot an invention covering a, sys
tem of electric street car system that affects
more or less all tbe existing railroad sys
tems in use to-day. On this account the
pateut is of great interest to all street car
companies who contemplate adopting elec
tricity as a motive power.
The patent was issued to Mr. Stephen D.
Field, of New York, who is a nephew of
Cvrus W. Field, the millionaire, and
Stephen Field, Judgfc of the Supreme Court
in Washington. In his invention Mr. Field
covers the sysjem of overhead wiring and
also the slot rails.
Mr. Field completed his invention in
1880, and be applied for a patent the tame
year. Since then, however, numerous cases
of interference have been in the patent of
fice, for' the purpose of nulifying the 'in
vention, but at last it has come out all
right, and there is no doubt that there will
be a good many law suits coming up in a
few'days on account of it, because nearly
every street car system of to-day is more or.
less an infringement upon Mr. Field's
Tbe Railroads Reduce Coke Rates to the
Lake Points.
The Baltimore and Ohio, Lake Erie and
Pennsylvania roads have reduced the coke
rates to , the lakes at the requestor the coke
manufacturers. The demand was made
some time ago, and finall yacceded to by the
railroads. The coke men discovered that
coke from tho Beyuoldsville district was
going into the lake points at such rates that
they could not compete.
The reductions are as follows: Detroit,
from 52 65 to $2 35; Toledo, from 52 50 to
2 35; Cleveland, 51 80 to" 51 70. These are
the main places, and the reductions apply
to a number of intermediate points, as San
dusky, Ftndlay, Tiffin, Monroeville, Fos
toria and Elyria.
Kot n Cnndldate for Mayor.
Mr. William Flinn denied yesterday that
he is a candidate for Mayor! The report
was current in the lower part of the city that
H. I. Gourley would be withdrawn and Mr.
Flinn wonld run. He is a candidate lor
State Senate.
That's the way it has been thus far this July.
French Satines, this morning, at 15c a yard
Tbe 30c kind, this season's styles. ,
The 45o "Anderson" Finest Scotch Ginghams
in high novelties are now 25c a yard here.
The 25a quality flue American Ginghams are
now 15c here.
More of then Printed Lawns at 5c; the yard?'
wide Satines at 8c; the Standard Prints at 4c;
the 12Xc Ginghams at 6c.
Over in Wool Dress Goods aisle sea the new
patterns in French Challis; the ChalUAlohalrs
at 25c: the fancy Mohairs at 25c; the I and SI 25
Fiencn Summer Dress Goods at 50c a yard; the
all-wool Debeiges, 35c, 50c and GOc; the 50-inch
Plaid and Striped FineWoot Suitings at Jl: tho
Mohair Mixtures at 35c; the Cream Albatross,
at 40c: the Cream Flannel Suitings at 60c; the
fancy Scotch Shirting and Suiting Flannels at
23c and at 50c
Tho cheapest way to buy Ribbons the lot
we have in are of odd lengths plain colors
and fancies.
The Summer Hats sailors and other shapes,
at 25c; the stylish trimmed Bonnets and Hats
patterns at S3.
Parasols-S10 50oncsat$3 50! -
The Cambric and Muslin Underwear and
Dressing Sacquestthe Summer Corsets; the '
Traveling Bags and Chatelaine Bags.
Tbe new fancy Lisle Thread Stockings at 50c;
the "fast black" Cotton Stockings at 25c, zar'
better than usual.
( The new style Blazer Jackets for Ladles the
"mark downs" in Snmmer Cloth Jackets; the
Long Wraps and Dusters, for travelers; the
alt kinds of Summer Suits for Ladles and
Children; the Flannel and Silk Blouse Waists,
Jl and upward. " -
Then, the Curtain Room bargains; Curtains
and Lace Bed Sets: also the Embroideries and
Flouncing Laces: the Fish Net Draperies.
Silks. t -
Silks Silks Silks we never have sold so
many as now never so good at the prices as
now. Buy them now, of course. , '
r i TMidiMlliliisMte
mrT- ilmri