ft Advice to Summer Tourists. Don't fall to notify TnE Dispatch office of your chance of location, and your paper will be forwarded to you without extra charcer I FORTY-FOURTH TEAR. BEATEN WCOTT. A Colored Man Who Thinks He Hasn't Been Made a Postmaster Because WANAMAKER WAS WARNED Thai Such an Appointment Would Injure Bis Business. SECEETAEI HALFORD NOBODrS FOOL Colored Citizens of Newberry, S. C, Hare a Bod in Pickle for the Postmaster General 'Lice Hnlford Denies flint lie Edits the BlcKee-nnrrison Telegrams Sixth Auditor Conker Once More Col lides With the ClTii Serrice Commis sionPresident Ilarrtson Thinks the Late Campaign Wasn't Bun for the Benefit of x-Officeboldora The Ga lena Being: Bashed to Bendlness for Dnty la Haytian Waters Bill Jones, the Avenger, Once More Heard From. Postmaster General Wanamaker is now under fire. The colored Republicans of a little South Carolina town, where there ore so white Republicans at all, accuse him of withholding the commission of a colored postmaster because the Philadelphia busi ness house of the Postmaster General was threatened with a boycott it he didn't with draw the appointment Secretary Haliord declares he is not quite a fool. Sixth Audi tor Coulter again runs amuck with the Ciril Service Commission. rSrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCH.1 Washington, July 17. The colored Republicans of the county of Newberry, S. C, have a rod in pickle for Brother John "Wanamaker, President Harrison's Postmas ter General. According to the stories told here by colored men, they have been led to believe that the Postmaster General is mir ing the affairs of the Postoffice Department nnd his Philadelphia business hduse to gether. Henry Kennedy, a colored man from Newberry, who was a delegate to the Chi cago convention, is in the city at present, the bearer of a set of resolutions adopted at a mass meeting in Newberry, on the Pourth of July, recommending one Charles W. Whitmire for postmaster of that lively town of 4,000 inhabitants. In connection with Whitmire's candidacy for the appointment, Kennedy and his 'friends tell the following interesting tale: A Threatened Bsycott by the Whites. Whitmire was appointed (Postmaster at Newberry by Postmaster Oeneral Wiraaina--ker, last Hay. His numerous friends re joiced at his success, for he was very popu lar. The population of the town of New berry is two-thirds colored, and they control the county by overwhelming numbers, but the white people of the town objected to the Postmaster General's appointment, and the newspapers of the State advised the pre dominant element to withdraw to a man their patronage from the princely merchant of Philadelphia. The idea took, and Mr. Wanamakerfound his mercantile interests the subject of a boycott. Before this he had written to Whitmire, notifying him of his appoint ment and requesting him to come on here to receive his commission. Before the young man arrived, however. The Bovcott Hnd Been Declared, and when Whitmire put in an appearance the Postmaster General told him that he would be compelled to withhold the ap pointment for the reason that he had learned that there were white Republicans in the' town, and he preferred that a white man should hold the post Mr. Wanamaker was told there was not a white Republican in the town of Newberry, nor was tnere one in the county, for that matter, who was identified with the party before the election of President Harrison. Whitmire was then told to return home, with the understanding that his commission would be forwarded to him. Days and weeks went by, and still The Commission Was Withheld. Then letters and telegrams began to pour In to President Harrison and the Postmaster Genera, giving the strongest indorsements, and asking that Whitmire should be made postmaster at Newberry. Some three weeks ago the young man re turned to Washington with the names,' as indorsers, of more than 4,000 of the people of his State and county, and with those the names of every member of the Republican Executive Committee of his State with the exception of two. Robert Smalls, the colored leader of South Carolina, who had been appointed as Col lector of the Port of Beaufort, called on the Postmaster General and said: "Mr. Wana maker, I indorse Whitmire for postmaster of Newberry, as does every colored man in his section. There is Not n White Bepnbllcan in the town of Newberry, nor in the county. If you can find one I will pledge you my word to resign my position the very day you find him." But still the boycott was not removed, and the Postmaster General failed to issue Whitmire's commission. Kennedy, there fore, came to Washington in his behalf. He says frankly, however, that judging from what the Postmaster General has told him be does not believe Whitmire will get the place. Kennedy insists on connecting Whit mire's failure to the fact, as he expresses it himself, that Mr. Wanamaker has goods to sell in Philadelphia. Got Just as Good a Job. rSFECIAL TXLZCBAX TO TUX DISrjLTCn.1 Washington, July 17. Mr. William M. Henry, of Kittanning, one of the dele gates to the Chicago Convention, mentioned in these dispatches last evening as being booked for a good place in the Treasury Department, was to-day appointed Chief of the Indian Division, which is the office of Second Controller Gilkeson. NOT QtilTE A FOOL. The President's Private Serectarx Hasn't Lost All Self Respect ne Doesn't Con sider That He Has Been Editing Telegrams to Newspapers. tSFXCIAI. TXLXOBAX TO TBI DISrATCII.l "Washington, July 17. Quite a flutter .was occasioned among the correspondents this morning by the appearance of a special telegram from Deer Park in an Albany newspaper, asserting that Secretary Halford had edited the telegrams which were sent from that point on the day of Mrs. Harrison's arrival. The story ran that the correspondents .who were on the Kilrain train, on which Mrs. Harrison and her companions also were, filed a lot of specials at the telegraph office in regard to the bump of the head of Baby McKee, giving various sensational versions of how it occurred, telling how the baby was examined and prescribed for by the doctor who was in attendance on Jake Kilrain, and that all of these specials, save one to a New York City paper, were scanned and edited by Mr. Halford before they were put on the wires. "It is a lie," said Mr. Halford, warmly, when his attention was called to the very serious charge this morning. 'The only foundation for the story is this: When we arrived at the station a young man came to me and said he was the station agent, and would be glad to aid me in any way possi ble. After a moment's conversation he showed me some manuscript which he said contained some account of the trip. from .Washington to Deer Park, and asking if it was reasonably correct as he wished to send it to a news paper. I scanned it hurriedly, and sug gested' that one passage, where Kilrain's doctor was referred to as attending the child, be slightly changed, as it wasn't necessary to connect the name of Mrs. Har rison with Kilrain in any way. I ran my pencil through this passage., and made one or two other trivial corrections, as the young man was apparently anxious to have a cor rect account That is all there is of it I'm not quite a fool, and would therefore hardly presume to alter telegrams that had been filed." ' MORE TAETISAN THAN PEOPEE. Captain Coaiter Bringing Down Vials of Wrath Upon His Head. israelii. TELEQKXH TO THX DISFATCH.1 Washington, July 17. Captain T. B. Coulter, of Ohio, the Sixth Auditor of the Treasury, seems determined to run amuck with the Civil Service Commissioners. A day or two ago he requested the resignation1 of a colored Democrat- who was a clerk iff the classified service in his office. The young man laid the case before the Com missioners, and it is probable that a test will be made of the power of the Captain in the premises. It was not claimed that there was any other charge against the clerk than that of being a Democrat Notwithstanding this near prospect of trouble, Captain Coulter to-dav demanded the resignation of another clerk in the classified service, and does not admit that there is any other reason than the clerk is a Democrat This last person decapitated is E. J. Mossman, of Gallipolis, O., who re ceived a salary of $1,800 and is said to have been a very efficient clerk. These two re movals are the boldest violations of the civil service law that have been known, and it is probable the commission will take them up in an energetieway.. KEW MEN TO HATE A CHANCE. The President Thinks Ex-Officeholders Need No General Vindication. ISrXCIAI. TELXCfllAM TO THE DISPATCH. Washington, July 17. Major Clark, who was discharged from his position as Chief of Division in the Xand Office, has been treated to a piece of President Har rison's mind The Major went up to the "White House and told the President that he wanted vindication, and furthermore, that the particular variety of vindication which would suit his case was reappoint ment to his old position. The President inquired: '"How long were you an office holder?" I Clark replied: "About 23 years." "Then'' said the President, "I think that you have had your full share, and you must step aside and let some other equally good Republican and equally capable man have an opportunity There seems to be a mistaken idea that lh- ficht last fall was to put, the ex-officeholders back again." In this connection it is a significant fact that not one old chief of division has yet been appointed in the Treasury Depart ment GETTING THE GALENA IN SHAPE. She Slay be Sent to Hayti to Believe the Osslpee. rSFZCZU. TZLXaEAK TO TUX DISPATCH.! Washington, July 17. "We are getting the Galena ready for sea as rapidly as possible," id Commodore J. G. Walker, this afternoon, "and it may be necessary to send the vessel to Hayti to relieve one of the ships now stationed there. The Ossipee has been in that fever-infected part of the world long enough, and if an order to change station is made, it will be with a view to relieving that vessel. On the other hand, the Kear targe has been but a short time in Haytian waters, and' is likely to remain a few weeks longer. "Under existing circumstances no vessel should be kept at Hayti over a month, and, if matters are expedited at New York, the Galena may be put in readiness for a cruise to Hayti. Tnus far no order to that effect has been issued, but there is a possibility of it if the necessary repairs are completed in time.1 THE AYENGEE POPS UP AGAIN. He Appears This Time In the Bolo of an Amatenr Pugilist. rsrxci.ii. mjcatiAic to tux dispatch.! Washington, July 17. Bill Jones, "the avenger," who shot a bullet through a window of the District jail at the assassin Guitean, was heard from again to-day in the Police Court, where he was arraigned on a charge of assaulting Christman Luttman. Last evening at a picnio at Berry's Woods, it was testified, Luttman was mis behaving" at the picnic; that Jones was called on as he was driving along in a buggy, and he took Luttman off the ground, and that when Luttman endeavored to strike him with his cane, he held him, and, after receiving two blows from the cane, Jones struck and knocked him down and left him. "The avenger" was discharged. PLANS OP TnE PEESIDENT. He Will Betnrn to Deer Park for a Couple of Weeks' Stay. "Washington, July 17. "While the President has not yet definitely determined upon his plans for the summer, he has in part mapped out his movements during the hot weather. It is probable that he will leave "Washington for Deer Park on Saturday. Ha does not expect to return to the city for about two weeks, and will transact at Deer Park any business re quiring his immediate attention. This visit to Deer Park and the President's con templated stay at Bar Harbor as the gnest of Secretary Blaine will constitute the President's vacation. There will be no Cabinet meetings held Me there, and if any heads of departments de sire to bring matters to the President's at tention it can be done over the telegraph wires or by visit to the President There will be no formal Cabinet meeting to morrow. Private Secretary Halford will spend a few days of each week at Deer Park. JACK THE BIPPEB'S WOBK. All the Usual Marks of Mutilation, but No Parts Missing-. London, Julv 17. A woman whose body was found in Castle alley, in the Whitechapel district last night, Was middle-aged. Her throat was cat to the spine. When the body was found it was lying on its back. The body had been mutilated in the fashion of former White chapel murders, but no part was missing. Warm blood was flowing from the wonpds when the body was discovered. A police man, who with the watchman of an adjacent warehcuse, must have been within a few yards of the spot where the murder took place when it was committed, heard no noise. Policemen have been placed at fixed points in "White chapel since the murders of this char acter began there, and since the murder preceding that of last night officers have been stationed at a point with in 100 yards of the scene of the latest tracedy. An old clav pipe smeared with blood was found alongside the body. It is supposed by the police that this will furnish a clue to the murderer, al though it may have belonged to the vic tim. Several arrests of suspected per sons have been made, but they have been discharged from 'custody, there being no proof on which to hold them. It is stated that a letter was received by the police officials before last nicht's murder in Whitechapel, signed "Jack theRIpper," in which the writer said that he was "about to resume his work." , NO BEST EVEN IN THE GRATE. The Bodies of Tiro Murderers Not Wanted Near tic Innocent Dend. rsrxcxu. telegram to tub DispATqn.i Boston, July 17. The burial of Augus tus Rosenberg, the threefold Somerville murderer, has caused a kick of goodly size on the part of lot owners whose relatives are buried in the vicinity of the spot selected for the murderer's last resting place. Astral Place is the name of the avenue, but indignant lot owners'call it "Murderers' Row," from the fact that Ndland, the other Somerville murderer, is also buried there. In factNoland's coffin was partially uncovered while the grave which was to hold Rosenberg's body was being due. There is a feeling tbatf the stigma-which always follows such a crime will attach to the memory of the innocent ones who in life were far from being associated with murderers, Such strenuous objections are being made that it is probable the mur derers' bodies will be removed. TUBES AND PIPES PUT UP. The Wrought-Tron Manufacturers Meet and , Acres to Balsa Prices. rSrECIAI. TXLXQXAX TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 New York, July 17. A meeting of the Wrought Iron Pipe and Boiler Tube Manu facturers' Association took place this afternoon at the Oriental Hotel, Coney Island. Those present were Joshua Rhodes, C. B. Herron, J. H. Murdock, and D. E. Lyon, of Pittsburg; J. Don. of Troy; G. Timmins, of Syracuse; A. Wheeler, J. Roland and L. J. Piers. of,Philadelphia; A, lu Murphy, of Conshohocken; L. J. Hearne, of Wheeling; J. J. Spowera and C. Wharton Hoover, of Norristown. It was agreed that an Increase of from 2 to 2 per cent should- be placed on tubes and pipes. L'ANGELUS COMES TO AMEEICA. France TJnabio to Pay for the GreatMaster piece of Millet. roT CABLE TO TUX DISPATCH.! London, July 17. Copyright J. T. Sutton, of American Art Association, New York, telegraphs your correspondent to night: "It is settled. Millet's masterpiece TAngelus' is mine. It will be exhibited in the American art gallery this summer." The picture comes to Sutton by rea son of the fact that he is the next highest bidder to M. Proust, the Minister of Pine Arts of Prance, to whom it was knocked down for 551,000 francs. Sutton bid 553,000 francs. The Prench Government has not been able to pay for it OVERCOME BY F0DL AIR, Poor Men Perish In a Cessnool and Three Others Narrowly Escape. , Lincoln, Neb., July 17. This afternoon one of a party of four, trying to recover a watch from a cesspool, was overcome by foul air and fell in. A friend tried to rescue him and fell in. Others came to help and one by one seven men fell into the water, which by this time was full of muck and slime from the vault Three were rescued, some by men who afterward perished in attempting to save the others. The dead are James Crawford a bricklayer; Albert Kunk ler, a laborer; John Cieary, a blacksmith and Prank Maloney, a plasterer. PLUNGE OP A TRAIN. Passenger Cars Go Over a Ten-Foot Bank Passengers Cat Out. Vincennes, Ind., July 17. At 11 o'clock to-day (the Cairo and Vincennes north-bound passenger train No. 2 met with almost complete demolition two miles south of Mt Carmel.lll. Twelve to 15 passen gers were seriously Injured. The passenger train was rushing along at a speed of about 35 miles an hour, and went down a ten-foot embankment Most of the passengers were extricated only by cutting into the coaches with axes. The engine did not leave the track. M'KEEBPOBT GETS LEFT. The Next Scandinavian Saengerfest Will be Held at Minneapolis. Chicago, July 17. It was decided to day that the next Saengerfest of the Scandi navian singers of America should be held at Minneapolis, July 4,, 1890. The other con testants were Philadelphia, New York, Mc Keesport and Omaha. A promise of a guar antee fund of $10,009 and a per diem to all visiting singers secured the pripe to Minne apolis. To-night the singers concluded their festivities here with a grand "sexa'or stag party at Aurora Turner HalL Lover and Father Killed. Phix.adei.phia, July 17. Last night Louis Clabrado, while pursuing his 11-year-old daughter, who was eloping near Waterford, N. J., with Michael Vinopolo was shot by the lover, who in turn was battered to death by Ciabrado's friends. All are Italians. A Life Prisoner Breaks Jail. Louisville, July 17. Dr. J. Pouragan, who was recently convicted at Bardstown. Ky., of the murder of his brother-in-law, J. H. Hayes, and sentenced to the penitentiary for lifer broke jail at that town last night A 840,000 Firo In n Small Town. Shellbock, Ia., July 17. Seven, busi ness buildings were burned here last night Loss, 540,000,- insured only ia part, - --. ffi$faKO& PITTSBURG, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1889. THE E. OF L. ABKOAD. Mrs. Barry Bearing a Charter to a New Assembly in France. POWDERLY TALKS ON EDUCATION And Thinks Greater Secrecy About the Ballot Box Necessary. A NEED FOB REFORM IN PENNSILTANIA. A Beformei Socialistic Idea Concerning Stats Ownership. Mr. Powderly tells the reporters that Mrs. Barry is taking the first K. of L. charter to Prance. He points out the need of educat ing workmen and advocates ballot reform. He tells how coal fields might be operated bythe Government Chicago, July 17. General Master Workman Powderly, of the Knights ot Labor, and his coadjutors, Holland, Wright Hayes, Devlin and Costello, got fairly down to business at their Sherman House head' quarters to-day. "The charter of the first assembly of France," said Mr. Powderly to a reporter, "was prepared this morning and started on its way to the old country. It was given to Mrs. Barry, the general director and instructor in woman's work, and she started for Philadelphia, from whence she starts for Paris. The first as sembly has been organized for some time, but we have held back the charter, pre ferring to send it by a speeial messenger." "Is anything being done, or will anything be done, by your board to bring back the seceding members of the Knights of Labor who have organized a rival order?" "Oh, no. We do not want them back. "We are stronger without them. They formed the disturbing element In the order and we were glad to have them go. They were hostile to the principles of the Knights of Labor. Now thatohey -are out we have no hostile feeling toward them, and are per fectly satisfied to have them succeed. ' It is not our purpose to do them any injury." Then there was a general running talk on the course to be pursued by the order to solve the problem of labor troubles, and it developed that no single line will be fol lowed out,but a series of educational efforts, the most important of which is ballot re form. education a necessity. "That something of this kind is necessary can be seen by the state of affairs in my own State, Pennsylvania," said Mr. Pow derly. "There, in the coal fields, the laborer is under the grind of the millstones.' Every effort has been made to convince him that his remedy is in his own hands at the polls', but when election day comes he walks up and votes, as usual, for the old parties and for men who go to Con gress and sell out There laborers cannot plead ignorance. Every man over 18 years of age has had a chance to post himself, and why is it that he votes against his own interests? It is a question easy of solution to the thinker and reader of to-day, and the only remedy is the secret ballot, where the citizen can vote without fearing to express his own feelings and bring misery upon himself by his vote. Several bills have been prepared for the develop ment of this theory, but not one of them covers the requirements. It is only a pre tense. - - A SOCIALISTIC THEOBT. "Another lesson in the Knights of Labor school will be the teaching of the members in regard to some reformed socialistic theo ries that the coal fields belong to the Gov ernment, for instance, and should be oper ated by the Government without profit, or that it should lease the lands to firms which shall continue their operation steadily, a lock-out or a shut-down to result in a for feiture of the lease." It was decided by the Executive Board that the next general executive session of the Knights would be at Atlanta, com mencing on the. second Tuesday in Novem- Der. Mr. Powderly was asked about the joint circular issued some months age signed by the chief -officersdf thedifferent labor ortran- tizations calling on the member tn'wnrt in harmony and declaring that the interests of - V - r .. . ... all were common. "We did issue such a circular in March," he said, "but it did not in any sense look toward a fusion of all the bodies in one organization, as I have heard intimated. It will not be referred to in this meeting." This refers to the statement of a local paper to-day that the leaders of all. the labor organizations, save the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers, had agreed to combine to oppose the encroachments of employers. FOUE UNKNOWN BODIES FOUND. A Quartet of Unldentlfled 'Victims of Water and Fire. SPECIAL TZLXQRAM TO TUX DISFATCn.l Bondout, N. Y., July 17. The bodies of three unknown and unidentified men have been taken from the Hudson river and Rondout creek, within the past three days. Prom their clothing and effects found upon their persons they are all believed to have been laboring men. The last was taken from Hudson river, offFlatbnsh, last night, and is supposed to be John Donnelly, late of Brooklyn, who has been working in brickyards in this city, and is now missing. The body is apparently that of a man 28 to 30 years old, 6 feet tall, full head of brown hair, and reddish mustache. Another mysterious death is believed to have taken place. early this morning. A barn was totally destroyed, with its" con tents, and in the debris were a skull and human bones, burned almost to a crisp. It is thought tbajt a tramp sought refuge in the barn and the fire was started from a pipe he had been smoking before falling asleep. FLOODS IN TEXAS. Too Colorado River en a Rampage and the People Take to the Hills. Columbus, Tex., July 17. The Colo-" rado river at this point is 31 feet high and rising. The low lands are all inundated and crops are entirely destroyed. The dam age alone to the cotton crops in this county is estimated at $500,000. People are moving to the high lands, expecting the river to wash over everything before morning. Melons, fences and ferry boats are coming down the stream too numerous to connt. It has been raining here for three weeks, J anu crops vast ure not uooaea are almost lost in the woods. One foot more will cut off all railroad communication. COL. HEMPHILL DEAD. He Swore la the Famous Backtnlls An Iron Wan and Politician. Ebie, July 17. Colonel James Hemp hill, a well-known Iron master, politician and citizen, died to-night, at the age of 72. Deceased was a native of Philadelphia. During the war he commanded the Thirty seventh Pennsylvania VoUrnteers, raised in the Vicinity of Lock Haven. As Marshal under Governor Curtin he swore in the famous Bucktails. He was a prominent' jaason. .ne leave a widow ana son and daughter. . T. ,". . u ;: ROBBED OF HER LITTLE BABE. Two Prominent Phlladelpblans Arrested on the Charge of Abduction. UriCIAI. TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH.; Philadelphia, July 17. William D. Stevenson, a druggist at 1500 SouthNinth Wreetand Dr. Charles A. TJsllton, living at 1232 South Tenth" street, were arrested to day, on warrants issued by Magistrate 'Smith, on the oath of Lillie Connor, em ployed as a domestio by the physician, charging them with conspiring to ab duct her new-born .babe, and accusing tie druggist of being the fatherof the child. Both defendants waived a hearing, and Ste venson was held in 12,200 and Dr. TJsllton in $800 bail to answer at court Miss Con nor's parents live in Ashland, this State, and about a year ago she came to this city, working as servant In the doctor's family, "he girl says she became acquainted with the drngirist through visits to his store to have her employer's prescriptions com pounded. The girl alleges that she was subsequently sent to the house of Mrs. Mabry. 512 .Can trell street, where, on January 14 last, she became a mother. Dr. TJsllton attended her, and five days later a woman visited her and exhibited a note, written on one of Dr. TJsilton's blanks, setting lorth that "Mrs. Jones, of 1624 Germantown avenue, will take your child and care for it properly." She was very weak and unable to offer any resistance, and against her will, she says, the babe was taken away. When she had recovered she went to 1624 Germantown avenue, and was astonished to find that no such person as Mrs. Jones lived there,fnor did anyone in the neighborhood know the woman. She communicated her case to rel atives, who advised her to prefer charges against Stevenson and the doctor. A WINDOW GLASS BOOM. , Last Season's Ontpnt the Largest Ever Known Plttsbnrcers In Office. New Yoek, July 17. The semi-annual convention of National American "Window Glass Manufacturers was held to-day at the "Windsor Hotel, President P. L. Bodine, of Philadelphia, presided and there were present representatives of the following cities: Philadelphia; Bridgeton, N, J.; Blossburg, Pa.; Pittsburg; Ravenna, O.; Zanesville, O.; Barnesville, O.; Massillon, O.; Quaker City, O.; Toledo; New Albany, Ind.; Rock Island, 111.; New Castle, Pa.; Meadville, Pa. The business of the meeting consisted of 'a report of the glass situation by President Bodine and the election of officers. P. L. Bodine, President; Thomas "Wightotan, of Pittsburg, TIee President; "Win. Loeffler, of Pittsburg, Treasurer, and O. P. Frazee, of Canestota, N. Y., Secretary, were elected. The President's report stated that the general production of the season was the largest ever known. The imports were also large, being 30 per cent ot the entire con sumption. Almost all of the Increased production and consumption was west of Pittsburg. The prospect of the trade during the coming year was bright Since the 1st ot January 1,250,000 boxes of French glass have been imported, and since the starting of the fires in September last 3,200,000 boxes of American glass have been put out The next meeting will be held in Washington, January 15, 1890. SAEAH ALTHEA NQT SHARON'S WIFE. The California, Supreme Court Again De cides Against the Woman. ISFECtAL TELEQEAJI TO TUB DISFATCH.1 SAN Feancisco, July 17. The notori ous Sharon divorce case was probably ended to-day by the State Supreme Court decision reversing Judge Sul livan's ruling granting Sarah Althea the rights of property of a wife and ordering a new trial in the case. This is the second decision of. the Supreme Court The first affirmed Sullivan's decision in the case. Then the Sharon heirs appealed on the ground that the findings were not warranted by the evidence, and on this ground the Supreme Court to-day upheld their appeal. This decision dealt a death blow to secret marriage not solemnized by Church or State. The best lawvers here believe that this ends Sarah Althea's case, as she would have to prove on a new trial that the marriage with Sharon was known to the public, which would ho Impossible. Nearly all her witnesses have deserted her. Sharon's estate was worth $15,000,000, and she would have received one-third of that amount if she had won the case. THE CHINESE IN MEXICO. Investments in Mines. Garden Iiands and Fisheries in Lower California. City of Meico, July 17. Advices from Lower California state that the Chinese syndicate, wljo have bought a half interest in the Masao concession, regard the ore in the Real mine as looking well, and miners will soon be put to work there, receiving as wages from $2 to 53 per day. The China men are already talking of importing Chi nese laborers direct from China to Ensenda by the projected oceanic line to be put on by Claus Spreckles. The syndicate ha7e also bargained for ex tensive tracts of land to be used for market gardens, and for valuable fishing privileges along the coast of the peninsula. All this will necessitate an investment of no less than $1,000,000 of Chinese capital. . A PRELIMINARY CANTER. Tfao Joint Committee on State Charities Clnsslfles the Poor and Vicious. rsrxcxAL telxoram to tux Disprca.i Cape Mat, July 17. The Joint Penn sylvania Committees of State Charities met at the Stockton to-day and made suggestions to one another.as to the best course to adopt to secure information in reference to the mode adopted by the United States Gov ernment and the several States and foreign countries and to get the latest reports and information as to the disbursementfif funds. The report prepared classifies the dependent section of the population of Pennsylvania, and the measures taken by the State and charitable institutions for their relief or reform. The committee met again to-night but simply adjourned out of respect to the death oi Senator John M. Staunton, of Lan caster. MRS. PILLOW WANTS 100,000. " - The Widow of a Confederate General Brings Suit tor Slander. Memphis, July 17. The attorneys for Mrs. Mary Pillow, filed a bill in the Circuit Court this morning against Colonel Clay King for $100,000. damages for defamation of character and slander. The present suit is the outcome of a suit commenced in Chancery last month by Colonel King, en joining Mrs. Pillow from taking possession of certain property in Arkansas which she claimed had been deeded her by King. Colonel King in his bill made some severe charges against Mrs. Pillow. Mrs. Pillow is the widow of General G. J. Pillow of Confederate fame and is connected with some of the best families ia Tennessee. Fatal Kittanning Point. Axtoona, July 17. John Duffy, aged 28, was killed, and Thomas Towey, aged 32, seriously injured at' the Kittanning Point this morning. Jn getting put of the way of a train on one track the got in front of a moving engine. Both were frosa Cleveland.- DisiJittin . CAME WITH A CRASH. Death Swoops Down on a Lehigh Valley Railroad Passenger Train. TWO GONDOLA CARS FDLL OP COAL Run Down a Bteep Grade and Telescope Two Cars Filled With People. TWO PERSONS ARE KILLED 0UTB1GHT, Fenr Bore Mortally Wonnaed, and Fifty Cthcrs Serioasly Injured, Two gondola cars, loaded with coal, crashed Into a passenger train on tie Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Shamok5n,'resteruay, Killing two men outright, mortally wound ing four others, and seriously injuring 60 more. It is supposed that mischievous boys started the coal cars dot',rnva grade, causing theawfol accident rSPXCIAL TXLEOBA1I TO TBS DISPATCH.! Shamokin, July 17. An accident on the Lehigh Valley Railroad one mile east of this place, at,6 o'clock this evening, caused by two gondolas loaded with coal crashing into a passenger train, resulted in the death of two and the mortally wound ing of four others,.whlIe fifty were more or less seriously injured. The dead and wounded are: dead. AARON SHlPE,single,acaTpenterat Hickory Swamp colliery, killed by being crushed be tween a tank of the locomotive and the plat form, of & car. JOHN ROUSH, married, employed as a car penter at Hickory Swamp, killed In the same manner. WOUNDED. NORTON 'WEAVER, legs and face f earfuHy lacerated. LEVI ALBRIGHT, head cut and leg broken. 1RV1N KA8HNER, both legs broken and head cut JOHN BAKER, slate picker; shoulders bro ken. UNKNOWN HUNGARIAN WOMAN, leg and wrist broken and head badly cut. JAMES HODGE, legbroken and face out PATRICK BRITTAIN, legs frightfully man Bled: will probably die. MIKE BRITTAIN, back broken: Injuries con sidered fatal. WILLIAM LINDEKMAN. conductor, bruised about tbe bodv and face cut. ENGINEER ALBERT REED, legs Injured, face and head badly cut MICHAEL GABLE, head cut and badly braised. MRS. JOHN McHUGH, serious Internal in juries. JOHN MILLER, Polander.collar-bonebroken. JOE FREDERICKS, back broken; will die. JACOB KULP, head, face and legs cut and bruised. JOHN DARAT, legs mangled. JOHN THOMAS, fracture of jaw and face cut MOST OP THE VICTIMS 2IIXEBS. The above list of wounded was all that could be obtained up to the time of filing this dispatch, as many of the injured pas sengers left the scene of the disaster imme diately after the collision, some living at Springfield, Luke Fidler and other mining hamlets surrounding this city. The wounded were principally miners and la borers employed at different collieries be tween this place and Mt Carmel, and were coming home from work. ' The train left Hickory Swamp, a village four miles east of here, several minutes be fore 6 o'clock. After a run of one mile the train ran on the main track, previous to which -timi .thb oranch road was con cealed fromthi main track by a ,rV" shaped mountain. As the last car passed the switch, Plagman John Aletz, who was on the hind end, glanced. up tbe main line and was paralyzed at the sight One hundred yards behind, enveloped in a cloud of dust, came two loaded coal cars, rushing down upon the doomed tram like an arrow from a bow. ECAECELX A SECOND'S WAENINO. The passenger train was somewhat behind time, and was skimming down the tracks at a speed of 40 miles an hour. Without a second thought Metz yelled to the inmates of the car and then jumped. He landed safely alongside a pile ot railroad ties, four of which he at once threw, over the rails, but the runaway cars cut them like a knife. By this time the inmates of the two pas- beheld the danger, and a wild scene of con tusion ensued. A simultaneous rusn lor the doors was made. A few succeeded in gaining the platforms and safely jumped off when a jam occurred in the doorways. Then a number leaped through the open windows and roiled Qowiva steep emDauic- ment Mrs. John McHugh leaped from her seat and shouted to the men in the rear car: "Clear the way for me." Instantly the men, who were fichtine like demons to tret out cleared a passage way, through which the woman ran onto the platform and jumped off the flying train into the creek. THEN THE CRASH CAME. andin a second many of the tenants were writhing about the floors, while others were rushing over their bodies to gain the open air. Alter the runaway cars struck, they passed through the passenger cars like a bullet, tbe coal flying abont as though fired from a battery of Gatling guns. The scene that followed was terrible. All this time the wrecked train kept tbe track and rushed on toward Lakefield sta tion at full speed. Two miles down the line the engine left tbe track and the cars telescoped. Here is where the most dam age was done. After the clouds of dust had cleared away the uninjured went bravely to work, and in an hour succeeded in extri cating the dead and wounded. WHAT CAUSED THE WBECK. The cars that caused the wreck started from the Excelsior colliery, two miles east of Coal Run switch. There were four cars standing on the siding below the colliery, and it is supposed that mischievous boys, in order to procure a ride, uncoupled two and loosened the brakes. When nearing a patent switch leading to the main street, the brakes were put on, but' the boys, un able to tighten them, became frightened, jumped off, and took to the woods. Wrecking crews are at the scene of tbe disaster, and will have the road, open for traffic by morning. The road will sustain a loss of 515,000. A BIG EAILE0AD DEAL. Tho Chicago and Alton to Be Sold to the Missouri Pacific 16FXCTAL TXXIOltAK TO TUX DISPATCH. 3 Chicago, July 17. A private dispatch from New York states that Vice President McMullin, in obedience to cable advices from President Blackstone, of the Alton road, who is now in London, held &', long conference with leading Eastern bankers, at the office ot Drexel, Morgan & Co., regard ing the sale of tbe road. Various reports were current in regard to the pending deal, but nothing very definite coud-be ascer tained. It is surmised that the purchaser of the Alton will be either the Missouri Pa cific or the Northwestern. The Alton is conceded to be in splendid condition and able to earn at hast 6 per cent on its stock In almost any condition of railroad affairs. Its purchase at 125 (or the purchase of a controlling interest in the stock) would, it is thought, be an excellent investment as it would insure the elimina tion from the Western railroad situation of a troublesome factor and enable the Western roads to once more secure paying' raies.- , -. i 2'. SAILING THE AIB. A Company Organized at Boston to Build Air Ships Peter Campbell's Aerial Vessel Stakes a Trip and Seems to be Lost. Boston, July 17. The Aerial Exhibi tion Association has been organized in this city, with C. M. Ransom, of Modern Light and Beat, Treasurer; R. N. Bowlby, Chair man, and Charles B. Basford, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The object of the association is to assist Dr. A. De Baussett to construct a steel air ship upon the vacuum principle. The ship is to be con structed entirely- of thin steel plates of the strongest possible tensile strength and thoroughly braced inside by a new development in mechanics to resist the stress of the pressure of the atmosphere when a partial vacuum Is obtained. It is expected to Hit 200 passengers and SO tons of mail or other matter, and also to carry all the machinery and apparatus, With electrical power sufficient to give a speed. to the ship or at least 70 miles an hour. Br. DeBausset has applied for permission to build the ship at the Charlestswn Navy Yard. The cost is expected to be $250,000. Br. DeBausset claims that his plans are ap proved by the most eminent scientists and engineering experts in this country. A dispatch iron. New York tells of the experimental trip of E. D. Hogan, of Jack son, Mich., in the air ship invented by Peter Campbell. The ascent was made from the yard of the Nassua Gas Company's works, at the foot of Morton street, Brook lyn, where the egg-shaped balloon was filled with gas. About 15,000 feet were forced into it It was estimated that there was gas enough to carry 700 pounds, and 250 pounds of sand bags were put in the car with the teronaut and the electric motor to propel it The ascent was successfully made, but after the ship had risen sev eral hundred feet the propeller fan, used for raising and lowering the ship, was lost and fell to the ground in Hoop street This lelt no means for raising or lowering except by the sand bags and by letting It out The air-ship started on the way toward tbe ocean. There wai some dis agreement among spectators as to the exact direction taken by the air-ship, but the general opinion was that it went toward Coney Island. It was thought by some hat the machine had'gone ont to sea. but it was said, on the other hand, that tjje tcronant could steer it wherever he pleased. Camp bell, the inventor, was anxiously waiting to day for news, and telegraphing to different points, but learned nothing of the ship. SOME MONEY WANTED BACK. Tbe Reading RallroadCompanr Purchasing Claims for Taxes Pnld to tbo State. rSl'ICIAL TXLIQRAM TO THE DISrA.TCB.1 Philadelphia. July 17. The Reading Railroad Company, through its agents, Messrs. C, & H. Borie, is purchasing the claims of the bondholders of the Schuylkill Navigation Company for the taxes retained from the interest payments due by the navi gation company during the years 1879 to 1883, 'inclusive. Only a portion of the interest retained at that time to pay the taxes was used for that purpose by the company, which regarded the im position of taxes by the State as illegal, and contested it on these grounds. The case has been pending in the courts for a long time, and from recent decisions in parallel cases, declaring the exaction of taxes as un lawful, it is hoped that the amount paid to the State in taxes may be recovered. The Beading Company is purchasing the claims for the purpose of effecting a com promise on the portion of the'interest money retained but'nbt used in the payment of taxes. It claims that a considerable amount has already been purchased by their repre sentatives, and it is said, provided they are successful in making the compromise, they will begin litigation in the courts to re cover from the State the amount paid in taxes. EEAL FUN IN THE WILD WEST. Twenty Men, While Whipping a Cruel Has band. Engage in a Free Fight. rSFICIAL TXLKQBJUt TO TBI DISrATCU.l Evanston, Wvo., July 17. John Lewis, keeper of a saloon and gambling house at Passll, frightfully maltreated his delicate wife to-day. She received an un usually severe castigation last night, being detected in teaching her little boy a prayer. Late last night men of Passil to the number of 20 visited Lewis' place, armed with blacksnakes, buggy whips and willow switches. They overpowered the fellow and gave him a good thrashing, leaving stripes all over his body, and cut ting his face and head badly. Lewis re sisted with all his strength and cursed loudly. Becoming personal in his -abuse, some men present essayed to quiet him, threatening the use of a rope. A few of Lewis' friends came to his rescue. Re volvers were drawn, and the barking of six-shooters was loud and lively. The room was filled with smoke and the lights were extinguished. ' When order was restored, among the men to crawl out from under the billiard tables was one with a shattered shoulder and another with awounded arm. A bullet passed through the hich coiffure of one of .the women. The fright and shock caused the woman's prostration, and her condition is now Critical. .ADESPEEATE AFFEAT. In a Scuffle In a Foundry One Man Is Nearly Burned to Dealb. rsriCIAL TXLXORA1C TOTSS DISPATCH. Elizabeth, N. J.t July 17. A desper ate affajr took place last night among some of the molders employed in tbe Singer factory, Elizabethport, which resulted in one of ihem, George W. Lake, being thrown among some red-hot castings, his hand frightfully burned, and the arteries of his wrist severed. He is now at Elizabeth Hos pital. The fight began by someone calling Lake a scab, which he resented with a blow. He was them set "upon by William John son and Henry Alwards, who hammered him even while he was prostrate. Lake nearly bled to death before reach ing the hospital. Both his assailants were discharged from the factory to-day, and were afterward arrested and held in $700 bail each for atrocious assault A MISTEEI0DS GAS 6UPPLT. Something That Has Puzzled and Fright ened East Liverpool Explained. East LrvEBPOOL, July 17. The mys terious gas supply that since last winter has been feeding into the defunct East Liverpool Gas Company, a system of pipes laid by J". H. Connelly, of Pittsburg, nearly 20 years ago, has been burning con stantly ever since from escape pipes in the streets. It was claimed that the earth was permeated with gas in many parts tof the city, and that this portion of the Ohio Valley was liable at any moment to be blown up. In excavating for the new paved streets the trouble was located. It was fonud in an old connection at the Thompson House, which has been fed for two years from the Ohio Valley pipes, where they con nected with the hotel. The danger is over and East Liverpool is still here. 6,009 Idle From a Glutted Market. Wilkesbabee, July 17. Tbe Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company suspended mining to-day for the balance of the week on account of a glut in the market Some 6,000 men kad boys aiejaffeeted, - ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY Who hii a good article to seU. and who adver tises vigorously and liberally. Advertising U truly the Ufa of trade. All enterprising and judicious advertisers succeed. theSee gents K ik.n 8? MAN OF MYSTERY i- u- A-, r Cn. V.noiT finotilcf o nTT tn WoDn- Venied to all Callers. HE CAUk - 4aviEAL OP GRUMBLING By Eefnsing to Allow His Intimate Friends' Cards to be Brought in. THE TIEGI5IA CAMPAIGN C05SIDEEED By Quay, Clarfaou and Dudley, Who Decide t Secnizs Uahoae. Senator Quay was in Washington yester day, but he was invisible to most of those who wished to see him. He held a session with Messrs. Clarkson and Dudley, and de cided on a plan of campaign in Virginia. It is said to be a ruse, in that while the executive committee will nominally have charge' of the coming Gubernatorial fight, Mahone will really have his own way, nd the wool will be pulled over the eyes of the Anti-Mahoneites. CiFICIAL TXLXGKAM TOOTHS DISF ATCIL.1 Washington, July 17. If the fate of the universe had depended on the secrecy of tbe movements of to-day, Senator Quay and all around him could not have been more exclusive and mysterious. It was impos sible for anyone to imagine him the same man who, a few weeks ago, opened his whole heart to the correspondents on the grave subject of the treason of Senator Sherman. At the earliest hour when callers began to make their appearance the Senator became invisible. Some of his most favored and warmest political and personal friends were chagrined when the colored porters, with scarcely concealed grin, would take cards to a the Senator's room, come back, and report that he had an engagement, was going out and could not see anyone. Even bis stanch and loyal friend, Hon. Charlie O'Neill, of Philadelphia, was "turned down" in this way, and be looked very mad as he walked out of the Arlington. ALL CALLERS DISGUSTED. This evening it was the same way, only more' so. Callers waited until their pa tience was exhausted, and could not even get their cards to the apartments of the Senator; nd to put on the last straw, an order was given that cards should not be sent to Private Secretary Leach. There was a deal of grumbling around the corridors among those who look upon a Sen ator of their own selection as a servant who ought to respond to their call, .but the best of them had to pocket their affront and wait for another time. Senator Quay went to the Interior De partment during the day, and also called on the Postmaster General, but what he said or did remains locked in the inner recesses of of his capacious knowledge box. He will probably go to the Department of Justice to-morrow to say a word in regard to the appointment of a successor to Marshal Miller, and he may be ready to start for home to-morrow evening or Friday morn ing. As the President is now here the Sena tor will see him before his departure. A BIG TEITTMVIKATE. This evening was passed with members of the Executive Committee of the National Republican Committee, the only prominent members present being Messrs. Qnay, Clark son and Dudley. The principal theme of discussion was the situation in Virginia. The Mahone men, six or eight of them, held a consultation at Chamberlain's to-day and decided they would permit the Execu tive Committee to dictate the management of the campaign, and that ostensibly Ma hone would retire from all manage ment of the primaries or the convention. The Executive Committee will call the convention, and it will be given out that all Republicans will go to the primaries uninstructed, untrammeled and uninfluenced, and that Mahone and his friends will abide by tbe resnlt The anti Mahone faction some time ago signified their willingness to acquiesce in anything tbe Executive Committee would do, and so. it is expected that all will go merry and ' s harmonious asa marriage bell. aiEBELT A mahone euse. Of course it is apparent to everyone that this is a mere ruse, and that Mahone will eet in his fine work all the same, but it is 'some solace to the anti, and gives them the opportunity to work with the Mahone fac tion, for the success of the party, without abandoning their position. Just what course the Executive Committee will pursue in its dictation of the methods of the cam- , paign is not fully decided. The members of the committee present also discussed in some measure the situs- ' tiou in the prospective new States, and in the Third district of Louisiana, but did not ' conclude at this time to go farther than to give their moral support In fact nothing more has been asked, but it is probable that before the campaign is well under wav, some of the sinews of war will be furnished, as it is of the utmost importance that as. many new Republican Congressmen be elected as possible. Senator Quay has not yet selected a house for the coming season, but will probably d? so to-morrow. A FAEFDL CEIME. Two Brothers Charged With Murdering Their Father and Stepmother. Dubuque, July 17. John Elkins and wie were brutally murdered last night on their farm in Elk township, Clayton county, this State. Elkins' second son, a boy of 15, by a former wife, slept in the barn and states he was awakened about 3 o'clock by a rifle shot Going into the house the fearful sight met his eyes of his father lying on the bed with a bullet through his brain and his wife also on the bed with her head smashed in. A babe was still sleeping, the boy says, between them. Grasping the babe he made his way to the neighbors and gave the alarm. The Coro ner's jury is investigating the matter. The murderer is not found, but suspicion rests on the boy and his elder brother, a young man of 24, who both had a grudge against their stepmother. Elkins ijos a man of 0 and his wife 27. A PROHIBITION GATHEEINd. The Union Prohibitory Iagno Divides the State Into 10 Districts. Altoona, July 17. At its meeting here to-day the Union Prohibitory League was presided over by Rev. A. J. Kynett, of Philadelphia, and decided to diyide the State into ten districts, with a superintend ent for each, for non-partisan, non-sectarian work. A State convention will be held in Harrisburg September 25. B. C. Christy, of Pittsburg, was present The ten districts are Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Altoona, Pittsburg, Erie, Franklin. Bradford, Will iamsport, Reading and Wilkesbarre. A Failure to Convict. Ebie, July 17. The United States Court failed to convict Curtis 'fox and Perry H. Porter, ot Butler county, of counterfeiting. The Government tried to convict upon the evidence of an ex-convict Noble Ricker son, of Corry, indicted for making false pear. uoa Gituui9 noa uavcniso acquiweu l - r .. -s n. ' - J.-V,. -.2hV"J,. -, atfa ,,