A LAW OVERTIMED. Judge JIcFlierson Decides Thai Taxes Are Kot First Liens. JOHNSTOWN TEOPLE GET MONEY. A Springfield. 0., Clergyman Dies Broken Heart Because of a HIS WIFE LEFT DIM FOE THE STAGE TfrECiAi. tslequxm to TnsDisrATCir.i Huntingdon, Pa., July 16.-Judge Jlcrherson, of Ltbanon county, who re cently presided at the Argument Court here In the absence of Judge Furst, has just handed down an interesting opinion in a case heard before him, and which was in effect a radical chance in all the State courts of the interpretation of the act of 1881, P. L. 45, entitled 'An act to mafee tax assessment upbn real estate a first lien." The literal acceptance of this act has been observed in this and all other counties in the State erer since the act was passed, but now, under Judge McPherson's opinion, it is declared unconstitutional and, therefore, inoperative any longer. The case in question was an action brought by the County Commissioners of this county to recover back taxes, amount ing to about $600, on unseated lands, con trolled by A. P. W. "Wilson et al. H. B. Dunn, the Auditor before whom the issue was first heard, decided against the allow ance of the taxes, but this not provine mu tually satisfactory, the case was taken be fore the last Argument Court, presided over by Judge McPherson. "Without allowing the parties to enter upon the questions ar gued at the hearingbefore the Audltor.Judge McPherson ruled that these had nothing to do in the way of disposing of the case, but that the constitutionality of the act of Assembly bearing on the case should first be taken into consideration. Judge Mc Pherson reserved his decision until yester day, when he filed an opinion declaring the act of 1881 relative to the case at issue un constitutional. Since the Judge's decision has been received the legal fraternity here are unanimous in indorsing the Judge's views, although the constitutionality of the act has never before been given serious con sideration. AFFAIRS AT JOUXSTOWN. A Comparatively Quiet Time, With Funds BcSnc Paid Out. ISrECIJU. TXLEGRAX TO Till DISPATCH.! .Johnstown, July 16. The body of Mrs. Mary A. Swiuiford, of St. Louis, was disin terred to-day and shipped to her former home. But one body was recovered, and it was unrecognizable. The people here are ery much annoyed at the silence of Gov ernor Beaver as to how he has expended the money, and they now fear he will have the relief fund mixed up so badly with the funds that the State is supposed to be furnishing that the two cannot be separated. The Board of Inquiry had a difficult case before it to-day. William Sweitzer resided in a jtart of the town that was not flooded, but was caught while on his way home from work and drowned. He leaves a helpless widow and several children, and the board has about determined to give them a share with the other sufferers. Judge Cummin did not come to the town to-day, but the Board of Inquiry handed out the orders to those entitled to relief in the Fourth ward. The Judge has an nounced the different districts that will be naid during the next week, beginning with Thursday. Father Field, of Philadelphia, who has been in town since morning, says he finds a great need of bed clothing. He is also very much opposed to the saloons being open here at this time, and will call a meeting of the clergy and others one day this week to take some steps toward closiug them. James F. Graham, who has the $10,000 fund contributed by the New York World in charge, arrived here yesterday, accom k panied by his wife and daughter. With the party was Nellie Bly. The party had con siderable trouble securing comfortable quar ters, there being co hotels of any preten sions here. Mr. Graham has the money with him in currency, and the party expect to make a canvass o! the place and apply it personally to the most destitute cases they can find. COI-LlXs DIDN'T ELOPE. Ho Knows Nothing of llic YVliercnbonta of Mm. Wylen SSO.ODO for a Lcs. Youngstown, July 16. Charles Col lins, charged by Edward "Wyles with elop ing with Mrs. "Wyles, was arrested at Silver J Lake, O., last night by Detective Moyer and brought here this afternoon, where he gave bail for a hearing next Tuesday. The accused protests his innocence of the charge and most emphatically asserts that he has not seen or heard of Mrs. AVyles, and has no knowledge of where she is. Mr. Collins states that he had only a slight acquaint ance with Mrs. Wyles, and that he had no thought of eloping with her or anyone else. He is desirous of a full investigation, as he asserts he can prove his innocence beyond a doubt. Owen Loftus, Jr., this afternoon com menced suit here against the Pennsylvania Company, claiming 500,000 damages for the loss of a leg while attempting to board a passenger train at Haselton in 1877. Loftus was 10 years old at the time. WOOL AlkD PETROLEUM. An Excellent Showing- for llic Products of Wnfthlngton County Bcjioettsto'WN, Pa., July 16. W. H. Witherspoon, of this town, took in 20,000 pounds ol wool at Frankfort to-day, and ex pects to take in 10,000 pounds more on Thursday. The price paid was 33c and 33'Ac Well No. 1 on the James Saxton farm, at Murdochsville, is in and doing 0 barrels. N. F. Clark & Co. are erecting two more derricks on the Savpge farm. The rig on the S. J. Christ place is completed. A lUUilne S400 Found. rFPFCTAL TELZCRAM TO IHI DISPATCn.1 Fij.di.ay, O., July 16. About a year ago Mary Hoover, an aged lady of this city, reported that she had been robbed of $400 ;n cash, the savings of many years, but as there was no evidence of a burglary the matter has ever since remained a mystery. Two weeks ago Mrs. Hoover died and left a will providing for the sale of borne real estate to pay her debts and funeral ex penses. Yesterday the executor in hunting througb her effects found the missing money in a basket of carpet rags, where the old lady had doubtless hidden it herself and forgotten all about it. The amount was more than sufficient to pay all her debts, leaving the real estate clear for her heirs. Two Attempts nt Snlclde. WAMtEN, O., July 16. D. "W. Mc Clurky, an expert carriage builder, tried to commit suicide this afternoon by shooting and alterward escaped from his attendant and had nearly readied the river to make a second attempt, when he was recaptured. McClurky was injured in the head by an exploding shell. His act was due to tem porary insanity. He is a member of Tod Post, Youngstown, and moved here with his family a few months ago. lion. A. YV. Acbeson' 60 111 Dlrtlidnr. Washington, Jolj 1G. Yesterday was the 80th birthday of Hon. A. W. Acheson. Quite a large number of his friends called upon him in the evening. A congratulatory letter signed by nearly all of our most promi nent citizens was handed to him, which he gratelully acknowledged. r'Ti flsaftln" it ft Vi lilis ii MJitifiisfi rr A CIcrKimnn Wboo Wire Denartcd Illm for the (Mngo Riven Up Iilfr. IFrrCIALTrLEGtlAM TO THE DISPATCH. SrniNCFlELD, O., July 16. Rev. W. T. Lewis, pastor of the Fr Will Baptist Church, died here in the city hospital? to day of a broken heart. He was born in England, graduating at Oxford in 1877. His parents were well-known theatrical peo ple, and irom them he inherited a love for t'ie stage. Coming to America, he entered Harvard College, studied law, and was ad mitted to practice in all courts in Ohio. Bev. Lewis married in Washington, D. C, in 1881, Miss Ellie Johnson, daughter of George W. Johnson, who for years managed the old Madison Square Theater, a rotem porary of Forest and the rest of the eminent old-timers. The girl had a predilection for the stage. Possessed of marked personal charms, and a very fair voice, she entered upon a course of study under Sidney Bosenfeld, and graduated from his tutorage wellequipped for the comic opera stage. She had appeared in "Olivette," "Mascot" and some of the lighter operas. In 1884 Mr. Lewis became a minis ter ot the gospel. His wife settled dowp and became apparently a model Christian. Lut October she surrepti tiously let her husband and has not been heard from since. Mr. Lewis used every ef fort to find her, but failed, and sighed his life away. It was reported she was with the Wilbur Opera Company, but the report was never substantiated. Bev. Lewis was small and emaciated, of brilliant and varied attainments. AS OHIO ftCUMER SCllOOL. It Opens at SienbcnTillc nnd Promises to be a Great hucccas. Steubenyille, July 16, The Ohio Valley Summer School of Methods of Teach ing in session here under the auspices of the Ohio "Valley Superintendents' Bound Table is a highly gratifying success. Its first week began with 100 teachers In attendance; its second began to-day with ISO, and a programme replete with able in structors and increasing interest. The at tendance is above that which was had at the last National Summer School at Saratoga, and the advantages, while not spread over as broad a field, with as many courses, are yet fully the equal of the former in the paths chosen and the work done. lie Was In the Flood. Gbeensbdkg, July 16. A private tele gram from Philadelphia this afternoon an nounces the death of John Dorsey. Mr. Dorsey was a victim of the Johnstown flood, having been one of the four commercial travelers quartered at the Hurlbut House. He has traveled for Bittew & Co., the Phila delphia tobacconists, through Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Vir ginia for a number of years. Counterfeiter on Tilal. Ebie, July 16. The United States Conrt was occupied to-day with the -cose of the Government against Curtis Fox and P. H. Porter, the ringleaders of a gang of coun terfeiters who have been making Cherry Tree township, Butler county, their head quarters. The counterfeiters are defended by Judge McCandless, ex-Chief Justice of Mexico. Witnesses are here from Iowa and elsewhere. Hebb's Assailants Cnptnred. Uniontown, July 16. J. S. Hebb, a coke worker, at Brownfield, who was so se verely beaten in "Coon Hollow" on Satur day night by a number of colored men and women, died at his home to-day. To-day Frank Atkins, Lizzie Hunt, Emma Wells and Fannie Franks, all colored, were ar rested, charged with being Hebb's assail ants. Vennnco Republican Primaries. Frankxin, July 16. The Republican County Committee met yesterday and fixed upon Saturday. August 17, as the date for holding the primary election. There are but two offices to fill in this county this fall, that of Sheriff and County Surveyor. LATE LOCAL BKETITIES. Last Klcbt's Gleanings of Little News Item From Dotb Cities. Chief Evans went to New York last night. Judge Charles Geettan, of Staunton, Va., Is at the Monongabela House. Tub unmarried men in the employ of the Derry Coal Company at Bradunville have been suspended. Thomas Leech and Elmer Pillow, two Al legheny jouhb men, started on a Western bunt, ing tour last uigbt. B. Dwigiit Wiman. a son of Erastus Wl man, was in the city yesterday. He left for Chicago last night. Hannah Joseph, of Soho, yesterday bronght suit against ber husband, Thomas Joseph, for desertion and non-support. Joshua Rhodes left for the East last night to attend a meeting of the Pipe Association at Manhattan Beach. Mr. Rhodes said the trade was good. Charles Weuiabth, a heater atMoor hcad's mill, bad bis leg broken by getting It caught in a switch in the mill yard early j es terday moraine. A lawn fete was given at the residence of Joshua Goldthart on Washington avenue, Mount Washington, last evening, for the bene fit of the Mount Washington Episcopal Church. A WAGON" belonging to John A. Martin and a baggy owned by James McKnigbt collided near the corner of Forbes and Craig streets yesterday afternoon. The buggy was demol ished. &mm"k All Tired tout from the depressing effect of the changing season, or by. hard work and worry you heed the toning, building np, nerve-strengthening effect of Hood's Sarsapv rilla, to give you a feeling of bealtb and strength again. It parities the blood, cures biliousness dyspepsia, headache, etc Hoo d't Sarsapzrilla is sold by all druggists. $1; six for 55. Prepared by C. I. HOOD t CO., Lowell, Mass. Be sure to get Hood's. WHEN YOU ORDER, APOLUNARIS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Attempts are frequently made to palm off inferior Waters bearing labels closely resembling the genuine Apollinaris labels. Bottles bearing the genuine Apolli naris labels are frequently filled with a spurious article. LOOK AT THE CORK, which, if genuine, is branded with the name of the Apollinaris Com' piny, Limited, and the words "ApoU litiaris Brunnen ' around an anchor f 'JC344I-W Imported Ale and Porter Bass ale, Burke's bottling bass ale, Mc Mullin's bottling and Guinness' extra Dub lin stout; pints by the dozen. Telephone 677. SCHDETZ, BENZIEIIAUSEN & CO., lOOnd 102 Market St., cor. First ave. MWF See the Gernvrood Kew Pall Neckwear To-Day. We are the first to show fall styles. Too early? Well you may want to see the latest. Here's the place. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penu Avenue Stores. For Medical Purposes. Old Cognac brandies, pure blackberry wine, genuine imported Gilka kummel, genuine imported Boonekamp of maag bit ters, imported Holland gin. bCHUETZ, RENZIEHAUSEN & CO., 100 and 102 Market St., cor. First ave. Telephone 677. MW Excursion to the Ocean. The B. & O. R. B. will sell excursion tickets to Atlantic City to-morrow, July 18. Bate $10 for the round trip, tickets good for 10 days. Trains leave depot at 8 a. M. and 920 P. M. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accommodations at once. Table Linen Hcmnnnts Good Lcnstbs Of fine Damasks, cheap remnant week here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. WlLnELll's Quelle natural mineral waters, imported from the spring, Nassau, Germany, celebrated since 1S68, in cases of 50 quart bottles, $5 per case. SCIItTETZ, KENZIEHAUSEN & CO., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. MWP Four Dots More Remnant Week. Come in this week remnants and rem nant prices are making business lively here. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Champagnes, Louis Boederez, Veuve Clicquot, G. H. Mumm & Co. Extra Dry, Piper Heidsieck Sec, Napoleon's Cabinet, etc., etc. ScnuETZ, Renziehatjsen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st. cor. First ave. Telephone 677. MWP Ribbons for Dresses Remnants Lengths Of all silk ribbons, very cheap dark and light. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. The Celebrated Bedford Spring. Passengers taking mail express via Penn sylvania Railroad, leaving Union station at 1 p. m., arrive at Bedford same evening, every day except Sunday. California wines, Gutaedel, Riesling. Zinfeudal, Muscatelle, Angelica, port and sherry. Schcetz, Renziehausen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. Telephone 677, MWP Fob cramps and colics. The original Brown's Ginger. Fred. Brown, Phila, White and fancy dress vests. Jam.es H. Aiken & Co., 100 Filth ave. marriage Licenses Granted "Yesterday. Name. Beildencs. William n. Martin ... Freedom I Emms 31. Msrtln i Allegheny J George Truial Tarentum 1 Clara Coss. .Tsrentum ( George Mangold Allegheny Mary Miller Allegheny t En gene Meters. Allegheny J Caroline UieUche Allegheny ( Jacob K. Craig Fayette county Jacob K MzzleU I j.izzieiinmDaia rayene county ( John Wilson Mlraln township Ana Colley Mifflin township (Thomas U. Batemau .......Millvaic I)oro J Jennie K. Gillespie analer townsnlp (Charlei Keys Plttsbnrg (Xlis Fairfax Pittsburg: John T. C Michael...... Allegheny (Ida E. Buth Allegheny t Emll Oartlscr. Pittsburg Lizzie Uelntz Pittsburg DIED. BOLLMAN At Way Cross City, Ga., July 13, 1SS3, Chables Habvey Bollman, son of the late Lewis Bollman, in the 21st year of his age. Funeral Irom the residence of his grand father. A. T. Gregg, Monongahela City, Jult 17, at 3 o'clock P. M. COYNE On Monday afternoon. July 15, 1889, at 6.10 o'clock, annie uufft. wile oi xnomas Coyne, aged 33 years. Funeral from her late residence, Harrison street.between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets, on Wednesday afternoon. July 17, 1889, at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. 2 DILLON On Tuesday morning, at 3:10, Samuel Bates, and at 12-40 p. m., Charles Wilmeb, twin sons of F. B. and Kate Dillon, aged 2 months and 2 days. Funeralervices at the residence of their pa rents in Coraopolis, on Wednesday, July 17, 1SS9, at P. M. Friends of the family are in vited to attend. HEYL Tuesday, July 1(L at 6.50 A. il, Francis G., only son of W. A. and Ollie P. HeyL Funeral from his late residence, Penn ave nue, near Main street, Wednesday, July 17, at 10 A. M. McGRAW On Monday, July 15, at 10 A. M. John, ton of B. McGraw, aged 8 years and 5 months. Funeral on Wednesday at9 a. k., from res idence of father. East street, Allegheny. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 PATTERSON At Amsterdam. N. Y.. on tho 15th Inst., at 3.30 A. M., D. E. Patterson, Gen eral Manager of Union Pacific Tea Company. Notice of funeral later. 'New York, Cleveland and St. Louis papers p'ease copy. RODGERS-June 15, at 530 o'clock, sud denly, James Rodoeks, aged 63 years. Funeral at 9 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, from St. James' Church, Elliott street, Thirty-sixth ward. z ZANHISER On Tuesday, July 16, 1889, at 5:30 o'clock A. M., J. W. Zanhisek, In his 61th year. Funeral services at the Seventh U.P. Church, Forty-fourth street, on Thursday after noon, at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 JAMES M. FULLERTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Street. Telephone 1153. ap272-wrsu w. U.UEVUBE ASOK, Undertaken and Embalmers and Livery Stables, jKhouunniBucci, ucarxiim STeaue. At the old stand fine carriages for ihopplngor parties or opera at the most reasonable prices. 'J elephone 22S. mhU-9(t-wsa ANTHONY MEYER, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold it Co., Lim.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1134 Penn avenne. Tele phone connection. mylO-09-MWFSu FLORAL EMBLEMS. . CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND. SMILAX A. M. & J: B. MURDOCH, jri n smithfield st. 01U Telephone 9. deB.f4.MTTP ROSES, WATER LILIES.. FLOWERS AND FLORAL WORKAGREAT SPECIALTY. At low prices daring summer. JOHN R & A. MTTBDOOH, Telephone 239. 503 Smitiipield St. Je28-MWP pEPRESENTEIi IN PITTSBURG IN ISO. ASSETS . t9J071,6D63S. Insurance Co. ofWTorth America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia2042-D mHE BELLE OF THE SEASON WAS THE I young lady who wisely called upun Miss Landers before going to the srashore andpro vided herself with those beautiful, all natural hair bangs and curls. Latest styles. La Tosca, Hading, Little Paris and others. Be sure and call on MISS MARIE LANDERS, Hugos 4 Hacke building, upstairs. Take Sperbeps ele- '"" -. i in- 19 We believe we have the finest assortment of Diamonds in tho city. We do our own m6unt ing and can show some very handsome styles. We bare a specially nlco assortment)! Rings, with Diamonds. Rubles, Opals, Sapphires, Emeralds. Pearls, etc It will do you good to see our stock and prices. WATTLES & SHEAFER, JEWELERS, 37 FlfTH AVENUE. We will close our store at fi p. m except Saturdays, nntll September J. jyiu-Mwr BRASS and IRON BEDS-TEAPS. BRASS, 3x6-0, at 29. IRON, Brass Trimmed, 8x64, at J9 75. Any size on order. FACTORY PRICES on ORDEflS in LARGE QUANTITIES P. C. Schoeneck, 7U LIBERTY ST. jyl4-'wsu OPPOSITE WOOD. REMNANTS -OP- BANKRUPT STOCK -OF- SUMMER GOODS of J. R. ANDERSON, at 138 Federal street, 8,000 OHATiIIS rem nants. 10,000 SATINE rem nants. 6,000 wool cloth remnants. -WILL BE SOLD- FRIDAY, JULY 19, AND .FOLLOWING DAY& The grandest bargains offered to this public. T, M, LATIMER, 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. Jyl7-jnvT8u SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL OVER THE STORE. This week we have placed on Gents' counter a lot of French Balbriggan striped Shirts and Drawers at 75c each, reduced Irom t 23 each. This is a good bargain. , THE PARASOL BARGAINS ought most certainly to command your atten tion. Think of ltt Parasols at SI and 2 each that sold at two to three times the price. Also the Sun and Rain Umbrella bargains will at tract you if you will place yourself in their way. YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S TENNIS S SASHES, Ottoman, Silk and Fancy Striped Buran, ft reduced prices. WHITE FLANNEL SHIRTS j and WAISTS have not been as rapid sellers this season U usual, on account, no donbt, of the many handsome patterns in fancies. We have de cided to close out at J GREATLY REDUCED PRICES' two lines of White Flannel Waists one line ot Men's .White Flannel Shirts, Button On and Ulonse Waists, reduced from J2 to fl 60, $3 &j toC Men's White Flannel Shirts from t2 50 to J2. This is enough for this time. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTS AVENUE. Jjis-d ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, KS LDJERTY STREET. Whv do von mv SI 00 nor bottle t for Sarsaparllla and Beef. Wine and .iron wnen yon can bny either pre paration from us at 75c per bottle, six bottles H 00, and quality guar anteed to be the best in the mar ket. We have numerous testimo nials from nhTsicians and others indorsing our Liver Pills as a mild and effective cathartic. They are unsurpassed. After giv ing them a trial you will use no. others. Price 25a For sprains, bruises and all rheumatic pains, use the Anchor Liniment. It has no eaual. Come and see us if you are In any way afflicted. Kwr CHAS. PFEIFER'S Men's Furnishing Stores, 413 SMITHFIELD STREET, 100 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. New line of Flannel Shirts just received. All the new things in that line. Full line of White Hhlits, laundried and un laundried. Best values tor the money. Dyeing, cleaning and laundry offices. Pfttabqrg Telephone 12M; Allegheny Tele phone 3169. jyS-HWr THC GREAT ENCLISH REMEDY. Beecham's Pills For BMtts aod KerTovs Mseriirs. "Hr m Guinea a Box" tart Mid for 25 cents. BY Alt BKUC43I8T8. 'to! Flannel Shirts -FOR- MEN and BOYS. Men's Flannel Shirts at 75c. Men's Flannel Shirts at $1 50. Men's Flannel Shirts at$l 75. Men's Flannel Shirts at $2. Men's Flannel Shirts at $2 25. Men's Flannel Shirts at $3. Men's Flannel Shirts at $3 25. Men's Flannel Shirts at $3 50. Men's Flannel Shirts at $4. Men's Flannel Shirts at $4 75, Boys' Flannel Shirts at 50c. Boys' Flannel Shirts at 75c. ALSO A FULL LINE OF MEN'S and BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS. Fleishman & Co.'s NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG, PA. jyl7-D PAULSON BROTHERS. LADIES' BLAZERS, $3 50 and 84. TTETSTSTS OUTFITS. Caps, 0c; silk belts, E0c; flannel blazers. S3, (3 GO and $4; flannel shirts, from 1 GO to Z4; silk shirts, from S3 50 to $7; silk jersey shirts. $4 60 to $7; lone; pants, $5: knee pants, $3 and $3 SO. Complete outfit, including English flannel cap, blazer, belt, shirt and pants, only 810. Onr blazers are very wide stripe. This Is the correct thing tbis year. Our English Lounging Suits are white with fine blue or brown lines. $1 HAMMOCKS. 51. Best woven "Perfection" from fl to the lar gest made. Length 11 feet, width 3 feet. 'Will not pull off buttons. 50c STRAW HATS. SOe. A (rood Straw Hat for 50c, 75c and SL Of coarse we have the finest also. PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. Fire Doors below Fifth avenue. N. B. Ladies' Sailor Yacht Hats, Steamer Caps and Riding Hats now ready. Je20-MWP WM. 165, Iifuunii 1 I'm 1 1 Uis 1 III i lsSl rlliM 1 1 14 SI 1 VI 1.1 1 L IlllmmX I IP&fMif Mi bbbb1 1 IkwI 1 ' 1 Mb JffflMV VYl I !J. IflsBBBBH Hill I'UB&n. i BBBBBBK n n1Ljil I Isk'&i R JRIibbbBwS.I 'iV-S- J ' BAw THE IMPERATIVE CLEARANCE SALE STILL CONTINUES Last week w inaugurated the .Ml", J -11 .T. J are suu 101s oi guuus in an ine ucpariraenis ana muse not moving so rapiuiy nave uccn sun luriucr reuuecu. j-.usc no nine in maKing your selection. You can afford to buy now at our price for future use, especially is this the case in our FXN3B 3DTfESS 0O03DS. Colored Cashmere, all-wool, 25c, 35c and 50c, worth double the money. Colored wool Henriettas, Serges, 40c and 50c. Side barred, wool Suiting, 46-inch goods, 620, down the season. Nuns Veilings, Albatross, De Beiges, Black Cashmere and other light-weight fabrics at very desirable prices. SILKS. SILKS. Never in the history of the Silk market have you been offered such bargains in Colored Dress Silk, India Silks, Surah Satin, Mervellaux, Baratheas, Gros Grains and fancy weaves generally. See the Black Gros Grains, 24 inches wide, 90c, $1 and $1 25, worth 50a a yard more respectively. It goes without s'aying, theie is an immense rush for Wash Goods and Ginghams, 5c up. Seersucker, 5c up. Satine, 6c up. Challis, 5c up. Scotch Zephyrs, 20c and 25c for 40c yard. Many of these stylish, serviceable fabrics are just half their actual DON'T FORGET. Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, eta, are clearing at immense sacrifices. Carpets, Chenille Curtains all reduced to close. Jackets, Suits, Shawls, Infants' Cloaks, etc, are marvelously low. Underwear for Men, Ladies'and Children, in summer weights, 'one-third to one-half off price. Colored ParasQls for Ladies and Misses at half price. ,,' A Kid, Lisle and Silk Gloves and Silk Mitts at one-half off. . , ,"'' ' Table Linens, White, Cream and , Glassware, Chamber Sets,'Toilet -Samples'sent When requested. SamnU'''itWl. .,n..t.J " Stock eduction Too much Light "Weight and Hot Weather Clothing on our tables. "We have determined to get rid of it before the season eloses, and if selling it depends on low prices, it is bound to ga Quality as good as ever fashioning the best and new est, but prices ono-fourth to one third less now than a month ago. All sizes included in this sale. Lowest prices on the newest styles ofXight-colored Derbys and Straw Hats. -- STRASSBURGER & JOSEPH, More, (Mere an! Hatters, 161, 163 Federal St, Allegheny. joSkwrsn JOHN FLOOKER & CO., MAmTFACTCEEES OT Flocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing FOB RAILROAD USE. Italian and American Hemp Packing; Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines, Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc. WORKS East street. Allegheny City, Fa. OFFICE AND SALESROOM-89 Water St, ttsburg. Telephone Ha 1370. my3-irwa DR. ORR And Associate Physicians. No. 720Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, submit a brief report of a few cases selected from their many patients for the SeAS . fiat nersons slml. --7' larly affected: Mrs. W. stated she had been pronounced in curable by some traveling doctors. Her disease Is one of which many ladies complain. She is very much Improved In three weeks' treat ment. Another case of club-foot, very great deform ity, now being treated without pain and Im proving rapidly. Young lady with catarrh, bronchitis and kidney disease; treated by a num ber of doctors, but grew worse; gained five pounds during first month's treatment. Old gentleman with Varicose veins and ulcers on right leg cured without an operation. Consultation free. Office hours 10 to 11:30 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. x. jyl7 PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH 8TREET. A One, large crayon portrait 53 GO; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, ti and U 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. apll-15-MWrsa V HE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Philadelphia. Total Assets, January L 1SS7 $2,301,858 63 ED1VARDS &KENNET, Ag'ts, no FOURTH AVE Pittsburg, P. 3fc Telephone 700. jalSO-TV Sale BBBffJssBBByjfjsJssssssWP id I rt ' i SEMPLE'S STORES, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. Grand Clearance of our entire stock a- 1 il i 5 from 75c and $1. All the stripes and qualities. Immense stacks of Dress iancy Colored, 18c uo, are genuine Sets, Vases, Bronzes Silver Ware, tr.it D.J... n.nn.nfln fill-A, !.'. Mail Orders promptly filled' at lowest Wednesday, July 17. Six (6) pieces Regular 76o quality Pure Mohair Glace Stripe at 25o a yard. Twenty (20) pieces All-wool 38-lnoh Imported Stripes and Plaids, Reduced from 50c to 25o a yard. Thirty (30) pieces Beautiful 40-inoh Imported All-wool Side Border Suitings, at 35 cents, worth 76o a yard. Fifty cent (60o) quality Black French Ohallis, at 35o a yard. B0GGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal st., Allegheny Fine Henrietta accordion plaited Dress Patterns, beautiful shades, reduced from 920 to 810. jy!7-D PURE Apollinaris. Bedford, Poland, Sal a taris, Strontla, Saratoga, Sorudel, mriVPD Clysmio, Betbesda, Vichy, Buffalo, niillut Lithla, Eureka. GEO. K. 8TEVENSON fc CO., SIXTH AVENUE. jal29-irWT BIG BARGAINS In Every Department. The Goods must be disposed of and that speedUy. OTJE PEICES WILL LNSUKE THIS. Nerer before, has such an opportunity been offered to buy Lamps, Chandeliers, Im ported and Domestic Glassware, Household China, Gas Fixtures, Bronzes, Clocks, Umbrella Stands, Vases, Pedestals, Easels, Bric-a-brac, etc., at such a big reduction. Bemember, no old, shop-worn or shoddy, but all new, fresh goods. Wedding and Anniversary Gifts in profusion. Former and present prices on each article. The J. P.Smith Lamp, 935 Penn Ave., between P. S. We still hare a few Dinner Knives at fl 24 Per Set. SPECIALTRAIH Will leave Lake Erie Depot, end of Smithfield street Bridge, at 9 a. it, cjty time, THURSDAY, July 18, and will arrive at Beaver at 9:30. Carriages at Depot and a drive through the handsome streets and attractive roadways to Where a Lunch will be provided in the Cool Shade of the Forest Trees. Prepare to come and see this, the handsomest, most ao cessible, healthful and desirable residence Property in the Market. LABGE, LEVEL, on wide streets in view of river on main street of Beaver, con venient to three railroads. To be sold at AUCTION on JULY 18. Call on ire, for Excursion Tickets and learn all particulars. CHARLES SOMERS, 313 WOOD SO?. and we must say the sales for the season have been unprecedented. Thera i ?Jt I 1 M1 11 1 1 T ..! , . plaids and mixed wool fabrics at 40c Goods on the cheap counters, 5c, value. bargains. Kitche'a Ware,. Baskets, etc), all must.go and that quickly. ,' prices. ntl. A S 5. , . ." . , i ' ' . BOSTON NOVELTY STORE, 406 and 408Wood Street. Grand Opaning of "Bolls. We are now opening the largest assortment of Dolls ever before seen in Pitts Dora and at prices below the cost of importation. DOLLS AT WHOLESALE. DOLLS AT RETAIL. READ OUR PRICES. China-limb doll, 13 Inches long, only 5c China-limb doll, 17 inches long, only 10c. Patent-head doll, flowing hair, 22 Inches long, 15c Jointed doll, blsqne head, flowing hair, 13 Inches long, 19c Indestructible head dolt 23 Inches long; only Jointed doll, bisque head, flowing hair, 18 j inches long, 31c . ' Kid-body doll, bisque head, flowing hair, shoes and stockings. 16 inches long, only 31c Beautifully-dressed doll, bisque bead, with flowing hair, with hat. 12 Inches Ions. 25c Patent-head doll, flowing hair, shoes ana stockings, 25 inches long: only 60c Jointed doll, bisque hea.d, flowing hair, 23 Inches long, cheap at 82 00. only $1 00. Rubber dolls, all kinK from 10c to $1 00. All-china babes only 5c Doll heads, china, indestructible, bisque. In all sizes, from 5c to $1 25. Doll bodies, in dotb and kid, 10c to 31 50. VASESI VASES! VASES! Ten thousand rases In all styles from 5o to ti GO each. A new line of statues in ll auierent styles, ,, which we shall sell from 10c to J3 50. Tf Croquet sets, a few left at 75c ,7. Mexican hammocks only 51 25. ' If yon want any kind of a traveling bag don't . fall to examine our stock. We have all kinds ' and sizes from 50c to M 50; also, a full line of tinware, crockery ware, wooden ware, and tho greatest bargains erer offered on our 5c and 10s , counters. i H. G. HAYDEN El CO. j JjH-wsu 2Li U I lTrr A INSURANCE CO.. .ZXLj L LN 0 Hartford. Conn. Assets. January L 1837 R,58,839 50 EDWARDS & KENNEY, Agents, on fourth avenue Pittsburg. lalSO-Ml- Glass and China Co.. Ninth and Tenth Sts. left of Rogers Best Triple Plated JyH-wygn SHADED LOTS V jrU-80 and 50c, were 75c and $1 earlier in 6c, 8c, 10c and iajc up to 25c a Lace Curtains, Turcom an .and . -1 . ?T. ' tSTr. x . , j&a&fte i V,