-"-" -'f t7 THE PITTSBUEG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1889. ESfABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1S48, Vol.H NO.1G0. Entered at Pittsburg Postofficc, November 14, 1S8T, a second-class waiter. Business Offlco97and90FifthAvenue. News Booms and Publishing House--75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Easttrn .Advertising Office, Itooni 43, Tribune Building, New York. ATerage net circulation of the dally edition of The Disimtcii for als months ending June 30, 1639, 29,492 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation or the bunday edition of Tu E DISIM.TC1I for three months ending June 30, 1689, 52,660 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. rOSTAOE FREE IN the fmtzd states. Daily DiSPATcn, One 1 car f g 00 DULY Dispatch, I'er Quarter 2 00 Daily Disi-atch. One Month 70 Daily Dispatch, including bundar, 1 year. 10 00 Daily DisrATCiL Including bunday.Sm'ths. 2 M Daily DisrATcu.lncludlng Sunday.l month 90 bcxDAT Dispatch, Unclear 2 SO Weekly Dispatch, One 1 ear 125 The Daily Disi'ATcn is delivered by carrlersat IS cents per week, or including bunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17. 1SS9. THE COHMISSIOH'S W0BK DONE. The Pittsburg Relief Committee yester day made an order of transfer for $400,000 of its Johnstown money to the State commit tee. It Governor Bearer and his associates , will now pet together and turnover that and all the other relief funds in their possession to the Johnstown people themselves, they will be doing just what the situation calls for. So long as the people of Johnstown vere themselves in no shape to attend to the matter, the distribution of relief by outsiders was proper. But they have now their own organization. One ot their first acts has been to express gratitude to the donors of relief, coupled with complaint of the man ner cf its administration. Now that they are again up and doing, it should require no great sense of delicacy for the State Com mission to perceive the fitness of letting them decide for themselves how the balance of the funds are to be applied. This is the quickest and least questionable way of clos ing an unpleasant chapter of the relief movement No doubt, too, this is the course which would commend itself to the public. There is no official trusteeship of the relief moneys. They passed through many chan nels before reaching the present deposi tories. The purpose of the donors was in every case to furnish quick relief. The money would have been sent to Johnstown direct had there b:en anyone thereto receive it The committees and commissions which acted as intermediaries in the main rendered excellent service, and we make no doubt will be able to show a clear account for every penny expended. But their func tions should cease when the need for their agency ceases; and that is precisely at the moment when Johnstown is able to show an organization ol its own composed oi honest and capable men. Even if the State Commission were ever so much wiser than Hie Johnstown people, or knew much better how to apply the money, and when, than the beneficiaries themselves, it is still the plain fact in the case that the donations contemplated no such period of guardianship, and thit the proper thing for the commission to do is to close up the ac count and hand over the balance, at once, to thoe for who.se immediate use and benefit the whole was given. The commission's work is done. THE GLASS WOBKEBS' CONVENTIOH. The prolonged session of the "Window Glass Workers' Couention in this city in dicates that they have had some subjects of very lively discussion. Although there has been some disposition to develop an op position to Mr. Campbell's policy as presi dent of the association, the result of the dis cussion has been to secure the strongest in dorsement ot his course. This appears promi nently in the rather pugnacious resol utions supporting his course with regard to bring ing foreign workmen here, and vigorously denouncing those who have attacked him for it The announcement that this fight is to be carried to the length of boycotting merchants who advertise in the labor or gans that have attacked President Camp bell indicates a new use of the boycott, which may be found on experiment to be the reverse of advantageous to the labor in terests. A HTREUWP DETECTIVE. The course of a certain private detective of the State of Ohio, in connection with the Suliivan-ICilrain prize fight, is, according to his own statement as published in yester day's Dispatch, a most remarkable illus tration of the abuses which are possible un der the private detective system. As this professed detector and enemy of crime is now engaged in hunting down the prize fighters, it is pertinent to remark that if there is one person in connection with the recent prize fight more obnoxious to the honest administration of justice than the prize fighters themselves, it is this very de tective. Prize fighting is bad enough; but the de liberate perversion of the instrumentalities of law for the protection of those who con template its violation is a good deal worse. The detective agency business is supposed to exist for the purpose of preventing, de tecting and punishing violations of the law. Yet here we have the spectacle of a private detective placing his services at the disposal ofapaity of men who intended to violate the law for the sake of permitting them to do so with impunity. "When to this is added the detail that the professional supporter of law and order proposed to secure that pro tection by the use of bogus warrants and false affidavits, in order to prevent the officers of Mississippi from arresting the prize fighters, it affords a remarkable com mentary upon the possibilities of the private detective system. It is not strange that a detective of this class, who places himself at the disposal of the violators of the law, should turn around and seek to secure their arrest because he had not been paid for his services in the conspiracy to defeat justice; but the Gov ernor of Mississippi, who is trying to punish those who defied the laws of his State, should take notice that one of the most de serving objects of punishment in the whole gang is the professedly official supporter of the laws who hired himself out to secure im munity to the prize fighters. AN UffPOETIC EPISODE. Poets are usually sensitive, but all too seldom sensible. Kobert Browning b sensi tive beyond measure, and he has just ex hibited his lack of common sense in a very striking way. Some lines in a letter written by the late Edward Fitzgeralc!, a lesser English poet, whose life and letters have re cently been published, were the catus Mli. Mr. Eitzgerald had not enough wit or good taste to admire the writings of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and an apologetic cHtic says for him also that he had-a literary .man's dislike for women who write. "We know that Fitzgerald wrote some verses above the average in merit, but beyond this he appears to have been not much of a man. A narrow gauge creature, in short Else he had never written "Mrs. Browning's death is rather a relief to me, I must say. She and her sex had better mind the kitchen and their chil dren, and, perhaps, the poor." But Kobert Browning's rejoinder to Eitz gerald proves him to be lacking, in good taste and decency, to say nothing of com mon sense. His versical abuse of Eitz gerald was published in last Sunday's Dis patch, but to remind our readers of its quality we will reproduce a line or two: Now to rctnrn you thanks would task my wits. Kicking you seems the common lot of curs, Whdo moro appropriate greeting lends you grace, Surely to spit there glorifies your face. Spitting from lips once sanctified by hers. It is a pity that Kobert Browning could not remember that his wife's memory would survive the sneers of a million Eitzgeralds. We do not like to think of one of the few living poets condescending in his old age to throw mud reeking from the gutter at a fancied foe. For after all. if Fitzgerald chose to dislike Mis. Browning's work and 10 rejoice that she could write no more, he had a right to tell a personal friend about it Probably Fitzgerald had no idea his dictum on the poetess would ever be pub lished. The whole episode is vile and un poetic. Poets when they grow old ap parently would be better ofl if pens, paper and ink were denied them. A SOLEMN FIZZLE. There was never a judicial body in a more pitiable plight than the Koyal Commission which is now leit sitting on the case of Par nell and his colleagues, while the defend ants have withdrawn. "Whatever was said as a pretense, to give decent color to the proceedings, the commission was a body specially constructed to convict the Home Kulers. It was formed by their Tory oppo nents, by and with the advice of the Times. It was to be the means of giving formal and judicial expression to the falsehoods which Pigott, Le Caron and company put upon the "Thunderer" as a mercantile commodity, and which that hasty organ of landlord in terests accepted as solemn facts important to the State. The accusers in appointing the 'commission and refusing inquiry by a com mittee of Parliament, namedthejury. The pretense of impartiality was felt to be a sham. Ii there was any doubt at all about that, the commission's rulings dispelled it The culminating evidence of the commis sion's one-sidedness was its refusal to order for inspection documents held by the prose cutors, which Parnell claimed would show a conspiracy to ruin him; though Paraell's papers had been unhesitatingly ordered into court at previous stages of the trial. The withdrawal of Parnell leaves the famous Koyal Commission. with only the Clan-na-Gael and the Cronin murder to in vestigate. The learned big-wigs may prove serviceable as a fifth wheel to the Chicago detectives' inquiry; but even that modicum of irrelevant usefulness is uncertain. Any how, it is a poor outcome lor a commission which was created with such a flourish of trumpets and which the world was confi dently told would convict Parnell, destroy Gladstone, ruin the Liberal party and put an end forever to the Irish national aspira tions. Whatever the commission's verdict, it will have no weight with the public The confessions and suicide of Pigott; the ad missions and venality and vicious purpose by almost every individual of the long and weary train of 'professional "informers" whom the Times marshaled to the support of its case, and, finally, the palpable bias of the tribunal, disclosed by the commission itself, sink the accusations against Parnell below contempt. AN EXAMPLE FOB PITTSBURG. A very striking example of the. way to take hold of a big enterprise is furnished by the offer of the energetic New York Sun to start with the sum of $10,000 a public sub scription for the Exposition of 1892, which project it is now booming with all of its proverbial force. The Sun declares that it will not only furnish its own subscription of $10,000, but that it can find a large number of people in New York to support the en terprise with subscriptions of equal amouut In doing this the Sun shows a commend able public spirit; but the supposed dona tion is not by any means a gift of charity. It is a good business investment The loca tion of the World's Fair in New York in 1892 will be worth a good deal 'more than 510,000 to a live newspaper like the Sun, and the business men which the Sun states to be ready to make similar subscriptions will undoubtedly get back their money, many times over, if the World's Fair is made the success that it should be. In other words, the best possible use that can be made of the surplus funds of leading business men is to put them Into such enter prises as this in a way that will secure the full success and best prosperity of the Ex position. There is a lesson for Pittsburg in this which ought not to be lost If New York can afford to roll up $10,000 subscriptions for its World's Fair, Pittsburg ought to be able to raise a lew of similar magnitude to place its permanent Exposition project upon a basis which shall be free from in cumbrance and secure its highest usefulness at all times in the future. A bather optimistic view is presented by the Rev. O. B. Frothingham. of .Boston, who finds a streak of good in'prize fighting, on the ground that "it awakens conscience, and provokes the criticism that enforces public opinion." The same consideration is equally true of that notorious Charleston murder; but it can hardly be held to justify the practice of assassination and of grant ing impunity to the murderer. Mr. Froth ingham might, perhaps, have strengthened his' case a little by pointing out that the prize fight is a sort of an educational cam paign on the subject of the extradition laws. The Associated Press dispatches are now trumpeting with great gusto the fact that the railway combinations have rallied to the defense and promptly preserved the country from the peril of getting its grain transported to the seaboard at cheap rates. Maek Twain is reported to have de clared himself against interviewing, because an interviewer only reports smaH talk un enibellished. Mark's idea of the amount of embellishment required to go with a grain or two of fact may be "drawn from the "Jumping Frog" or "Innocents Abroad." Only the author of those works could regard the modern interviewer as failing in the quality of imagination and embellishment. Mb. Aekell deserves the thanks of the public for refusing to sell Judge to the En- glish syndicate which is reported to have made proposals through Russell Harrison. The American public must be proteoted against the inroads of English humor. The French Chamber of Deputies has passed a bill that will prevent a candidate from contesting more than one district at a time for a scat in that body. This is a blow at Boulanger, and will prevent the doughty General from further repetition of his fa mous attempts to spread himself so as to represent every electoral district in France at one and thexame time. Allegheny City is undoubtedly awakening to the fact that it has got to have an abundant and pure water supply; but it is rather slow to be convinced that the way to ensure both qualities is to rely upon a few holes in the ground. The report that Mr. Paraell's lawyers may be instructed to withdraw from the case before the Parnell Commission, has its commendable features. If the lawyers on both sides could be instructed to withdraw, the commission might come to an end. There does not seem to be much hope of that result in any other way. The latest report being to the effect that the prospects of the wheat crop in the United States are excellent, it may be concluded that the cornerer in the grain exchanges is taking his summer vacation. While there may be widely conflicting opinions' as to its justice, there is no doubt that Mr. Wauamaker's mark-down of tele graph rates to the hard-pan price of one mill a word, has created a greater sensation than anything he ever produced in his artistically-worded and always interesting adver tisements. A, United States Judge in Kansas has decided that there is no law in Oklahoma. It may be well to have a judicial declara tion of the fact; but the public was pretty well aware of it already. Notwithstandkj o many discouraging features of the times, evidence that the world is gradually becoming more peacelul is afforded by the fact. that the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne was celebrated last Friday, and so far not a single riot has been heard from. Now that the iron and steel scales are all settled, it is to be hoped the rumor of a dis pute over the wages of railway employes will not materialize into the unpleasant reality of a strike. Report says that Austin Corbin is tak ing steps for putting in operation his new trans-continental steamship line; but report does not say whether Mr. Ccrbin will fol low the example of other eminent American capitalists in sailing his steamers under the British flag. PEOPLE OP PEOMINEtfCE. Leslie 3. Febry, ot Kansas, has been ap pointed by the Secretary of War to be one of the civilian experts on thejboard to edit the Re bellion records. It J. HART AX, of Findlay, O., was yester day appointed Chief of the Division of Ac counts in the General Land Office, vice Fletcher Johnson resigned. Prof. Bell, of telephone fame, has built a floating palace for himself, on which he will this week entertain 800 invited guests. It is said to be a veritable palace. Governor Uoss, formerly ot Kansas, and one of the United States Senators who stood by Andrew Johnson In the impeachment proceed ings, is now employed as a printer in the office of the Santa Fe Sew Mexican. Me. Frederick K. Weathbrlt says that he has written something between 600 end 1,000 songs, of which "Nancy Lee" and "The Three Old Maids of Lee" are the most popular. He wroto "Nancy Lee" at Oxford, within an hour, while waiting for an unpunctual pupil. Lieutenant Robert Crawford, United States Navy, who bas been selected as the head of the great Williamson scbool of this city, was originally a workman in the engine shops at Altoona. He was born in Washington's old house at Valley Forge and is about 45 years old. Owrxo to the rather unappredatlve manner In which Ignatius Donnelly's political aspira tions' have been sat upon, that gentleman con templates leaving Minnesota and perhaps tak ing up a residence in New York. He hopes also to benefit himself professionally by such a step. Mrs. Leonora Barry, investigator of the work of women among the Knights of Labor, will sail for Europe in the City of Rome on July 24. She will bo one of the jparty of 60 working men and women who will visit the Paris Exposition and all the industrial centers of Europe for the Scripps syndicate under the direction of Mr. Frank K. Burton. General Schofield left Washington last night for New York where he will attend a' meeting of tho Board of Fortifications and Ordnance, of which ho is a member. Tfce board usually holds its meetings in Washington bat at this time there ascertain worksjin prog ress that render It advisable for the members to go to Sandy Hook, where numerous experi ments are to bo made. The pneumatic dyna mite guns, now under construction for tho Government, will be inspected. A LETTEU PE0U POPE LEO. He Thnnka French Cnnadlon for Their Expression on Temporal Power. Montreal, July lft-Pope Leo XIIL has sent an autograph letter to the authorities of Laval University thanking them and tho citi zens ot Quebec for the resolutions adopted by them at the demonstration on April 2S last, in favor of the restoration of the temporal power of the Pope. His Holiness congratulates tbera not only upon their prudence, but upon the sagacity of their action, and says It is evident that they well understand bow the Impunity enjoyed by the enemies of the Church Is tbe source of improprieties in human society and of troubles to the State. A EAILR0AD CLEARING HOUSE. The Trunk Line Passenger Ascents Talking About tbe Matter. New York, July IS. The Passenger Com mittee of the Trnnk Line Association txlay considered the clearing bouse problem. The special question considered was whether they should recognize outside immigrant agents now that all the lines bad come into tbe "pooL" Commissioner Tuttle expressed surprise at tbe diversity of views taken In the matter by the members of the committee. Tbe commis sioner said that be could not form an opinion as to bow the decision would be made. The committee meet again in the morning. 81,000,000 to Narrow tbe Mississippi. Washington, July 18. Major Miller, of the Engineer Corps, In chargo of the improvement of the Mississippi river between the Ohio and Illinois rivers, reports that the plan of im provement contemplates a reduction of the river to an approximate width of 2.600 feet be low St Louis, and estimates that 11,000,000 can be profitably expended during the next fiscal year. Pence nsd the Hogs ol War. From the Washington Post.", V Tbe beautiful peace which hovers over Eu rope reminds us of that white-winged variety which wu have seen fondly brooding over two unacquainted bulldogs chained in opposite corners of the carriace room. If a staple should fetch loose, we fear tbe air would over flow with tattered bits, of this sweet entente cordlale. ' The First 10 Escape. from the Philadelphia Inquirer.) 'Kilraln locked himself in bis car and so passed through Pittsburg without being inter viewed. He Is believed to be the first man of any distinction who bas accomplished this feat since the present Pittsburg- papers were started. THE TOPICAL TALKER. A Dos Blast Not Be Indisposed In Summer Tbe Clank of a Mad Dos' Chain A Burglarious Beast. It is as much as Its life is worth for a dog to be the least bit indisposed these days. There is always someone at band to diagnose the symp toms of hydrophobia. Then a panto ensues in which nobody gets hurt but the dog. Chloro form, revolvers and clubs aro used to put a term upon the dog's existence, and'if the dog goes mad under the treatment It is not sur prising. A good many dogs have been killed in and about Pittsburg on tbe charge of hydrophobia. When the fiat of man bat gone forth compassing the death of a dog, tbe latter has no opportu nity to appeal in this world. It may be, how ever, that dogs have a hereafter, and if they have, it is reasonable to suppose that the court of appeals is very busy setting 'aside the ver dicts ot the lower courts just now. It has always been the way of man to sacrifice the lives of the brute creation whenever it ap peared that bis life was even remotely threat ened by them. Goldsmith has immortalized this human trait In tho "Vicar of Wakefield." You remember the lines ' "The man recovered from the bite, Tbe dog It was that died." , , There are very few men who can rise supe rior to the terrible fear excited by the appear ance of a mad dog. A doctor whose name is ' one ot the best known In Pittsburg told me the other day of an experience that he bad a good many years ago. "There bad been many reports of mad dogs in the village in which 1 then lived, and there was a certainty that at least one of tbe reports was true. It was blazing bot weather. Late one night, or rather early one morning, I was called by a barefooted boy to hurry as fast as possible to the bedside of his brother who lay sick with typhoid fever in a sort of shanty cot-' tage on tbe river bank a couple of miles away. "I got on my horse and rode rapidly over tho quiet road. There was a little moonlight. The sky was cloudy and tbe moon would be covered and disclosed again every minute. The silence was a little trying, and I was glad when the low roof of tbe shanty for which I was bound came in sight. But as it did so my horse swerved so violently that I was almost thrown from the saddle. Every hair on my bead imme diately stood on end. My horse bad sbled at a large dog which crossed tho road running at full speed and dragging after it a long iron chain. I knew at once that the dog was mad. It had broken loose evidently from some house, and I thought that it looked like a dog I had seen at the shanty to which I was going. "I spurred my horse to a gallop, and a min ute later sprang down at the door ot the shanty, where the sick boy's mother stood ready to receive me. I was nearly ont of breath, but 1 managed to 'say as I hurried her inside the house: There's a maddogabout; you'd bet ter shut tbe door. ; "As she turned to swing tbe door to there was a clanking sound and the dog my horse had shied at rushed through tbe doorway and into the room. It's a tough story to tell on one's self, but the trnth is that when I heard the clink-clank of tbe mad dog's chain, I jumped on the table in the middle of tbe room. Tho sick boy lay on a mattress spread upon tho floor just by tbe threshold. Tbe dog stood within a yard of me foi a minute glaring abont him. There was froth on his muzzle and dust all over him. To my surprise be lay quietly down on the mattress beside the sick boy. The woman bad remained standing with her hand, on the door latch, she was dazed for a moment, but only for a moment. Sud denly she took two strides to the bed on the floor, caught up tbe iron dog chain, and then, with a force that seemed superhuman, whirled tbe beast in the air and slung it as if it were a pebble through the open window. Her strength was sufficient and ber aim wasjgood, for there was a rattle of the chain for a second or two, and then a prodigious splash told that the dog was In the Ohio, which flowed, rapid and deep at this point, but a few yards from the house. "I shall never forget bow ashamed I was as I got down from the table and looked that plucky woman in the face. Nor does my memory fall on other points about that night's adventure, the gallop home, and tbe haunting clank of the mad dog's chain. I never saw that dog again, but he was not drowned. Someone shot it next day on the road." - The trouble about a crazy dog -Is that you can't depend upon its sticking fast to customary canine ways. A year ago a mad dog made its appearance in a suburban village and created the liveliest consternation over about two square miles of villas. After a series of Jess exciting episodes it approacbed a bouse from an upper window of which a lady was observing the proceedings. The dog sprang up the steps and on to the porch, but the lady upstairs felt quite comfort able she bad shut all the doors and windows downstairs. Suddenly there was a crash of glass and the spectator on high bad only time to shut her chamber door before she beard the dog racing all over tbe house. The mad bruto bad plunged through the skylights of the door, a pane of glass not more than seven inches wide. The aog was as big as a Newfoundland, though not of that breed. "It was an exciting time tor the unhappy mis tress of the house. She coula hear tbe great animal rushing about downstairs knocking over the furniture. Tbe neighbors saw the dog jump into a rocking chair in tbe parlor, evi dently In tending to spring from It through a bay window. But the rocker tipped up and the dog lost its balabce and fell over. Then it got out of the house through the same narrow bole by which it bad entered. Tbe succeeding chapters in this mad dog's wild tragedy were equally extraordinary. After keeping up a reign of terror for several hours it ran up a ladder into tbe loft over a carpenter's shop, and tben sprang back to .earth and broke its neck. DEATH IN AN IMPURE WELL. An Epidemic ot Typhoid Fever In a For lion of Franklin Connty. Chambersburo, PA.July 18. The part of Path Valley lying between Dry Run and Con cord, in this connty, is at present subject to an epidemic of typhoid fever. In one familv there bas been six cases and three deaths, and there are about 35 cases in the neighborhood. All are directly traceable to using drinking water from an Impure welL Famine Threatened Dakota. Chicago, July 16. The Inter-Ocean has ad vices from Dakota that the wheat crop of the Territory will not be more than 20,000,000 bush els, 30,600,000 less than itsbouldbe. This is due to droughts and bicb wind". Oats and other crops are also a failure, and there will be little fodder for cattle. It promises well for famine in the Territory. A Luxury for the Rich Jinn. From the Buffalo Express. 1 Now take stock ot your possessions, and if you aro north at least $250,000 yon may.be be lieved when you announce hereafter that you are suffering from hay fever. The Best Plnco for Him. From the Baltimore American. John L. Sullivan's father says his son ought to be elected to Congress. , ITero is where be is mistaken. The term that John L. ought to serve should not be in Congress, but in jail. Ilernldrylii Boston. From the Boston Herald.; Coats of aims are worn by a great many young women at the "Fire of London" show. Especially cool nights. DEATHS OF A DAY.' Rev. Dr. Eaton. Fbaxkxin, Pa., JulylS. Ber. Dr. Eaton, an eminent Presbyterian divine, died suddenly in this city this afternoon. He was walking alone the street when he was seen to fall. He was at once picked up and removed to bis residence, but died before reaching it, of heart failure. Br. Eaton was tne author of several valuable works. Including a History of Petroleum," or "lhe Western Theological Seminary, " or "The Pres bytery of Erie, "and had lust completed an his torical catalogue or Washington and Jefferson Collese, 01' which Institution he was a graduate. Be was an instructor of the Chatauqua Assembly, and was engaged to lecture there on -The Holy Land." For 25 years he was pastor of the Pres byterian church here. Charles II. BoIImnn. Chicago, July 1S.-A dispatch from Indianapo lis says: News has been received here of the death of Charles II. Bollman, of the National Fish Com mission, In tbe swamps of Southern Georgia, where he was engaged In sclentlOc work for the Government. He was a recent graduate of the Indiana Slate Uujvrnlty, ami had acquired a na tional reputation as a naturalist. , 1 A FORTUNE IN A HULK. The Purchaser of lhe. Anlletnra Find tho Old Vessel a Bonanza. From the Philadelphia Record.l The purchaser of the old sloop-of-war Antlo tam, lying at tho League Island Navy Yard, has discovered that be has a much richer prize than he at first suspected, although rival bid ders from all parts of the United States forced him tcpay the Government $37,000 at a public salejiefore he could get possession of the leaky bulk. ' Tho Antfetam was built on the day's-work system common in the Navy Department years ago at tho old navy yard, piers, now the prop erty of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and when the yard was abandoned the Antle tarn was towed to the back channel at League Island, where she has been rotting for 14 years, with her lower hold full of water. No one really knew what thero was In ber, although the records.at the Navy Department gave a slight clew of what bad been stowed in ber bold since her arrival at the Island. Wh,en the order came for the- abandonment of the old yard 14 years ago many huge anchors weighing many tons, ingots of brass, tin and other metals and fathoms of chains, which cost the Government tbonsands of dollars, were hurriedly gathered up and thrown into the hold of tbe Antietam, wbere they have lain undisturbed until taken out by the recent pur chaser. Although it is not accurately known bow much metal haa been taken ont of ber hulk, tbe navy yard officials say that for three weeks wagon after wjgon bas been carrying away loads of material from her. which bas been sold in this city at bigh prices, realizing not less than $50,000. It is proposed to cut a ditch to the back channel, and an attempt will be made to tow tbe vessel out into deep water and to Cow Bay, Long Island, where she will bo burned, so that the copper on ber hull can be saved. AN UNTENABLE COMPLAINT. Assistant Secretary Bntcheller's Ruling on an Important Customs Appeal. Washington, July 18. Complaint has been made to the Treasury Department aaalnst tbe action of the Surveyor of Customs at St. Louis in accepting notice of liens for freight on cer tain tin plate Imported under tho immediate transportation act and imported upon arrival and still remaining in the railroad car. The im porters protested against tbe Surveyor's refu sal to deliver merchandise on entry, there be ing permits issued after payment of duties only except upon satisfaction of such liens, alleging that under the provisions of section 2,881, It. S., as amended by section 10, of the immediate transportation act, a lien for freight is inappli cable to goods on the wharf or in a sealed rail road car, on the ground that the goods are not in the custody of tbe Surveyor, in bond, or un der "general order." Acting Secretary Batchcller. iu a letter to tbe Surveyor on the subject, says that the objection to the recognition of the validity of such Hens would bave some force were it not for tbe fact that the mercbandise at the time of Us arrival at St. Louis is in the custody of the Govern ment, having been continuously in Its custody from tho date of its arrival at tbe exterior port until tbe date of its delivery to the importers after entry payment of duty and satisfaction of liens. Tbe acting Secretary says that the com plaint in this case Is therefore untenable, hav ing no foundation in fact or iu law. Acting Secretary Batcheller bas also informed the Surveyor of Customs at St. Louis that in a case here the transportation company bas given notice of the arrival of merchandise un er the Immediate transportation act, the Sur veyor should, after the expiration of 24 hours, issue a "general order" and take possession of the mercbandise, without regard to causes which may prevent tbe importers from making entry of the goods within such period. LUXURY FOR JUNIOR OFFICERS. Their Quarters on a New Crnlser to be as Flno as tbe Captain's. Washington, July 16. The Construction Bureau of the Navy Department has com pleted tbe new detailed drawing for tbe new 2,000 ton cruisers, 9, 10 and IL A noticeable feature of the internal arragements and one which will be peculiarly acceptable to tbe younger officers who are assigned to the vessel is tbe transfer of the wardroom and quarters for the juniors from the small, cramped space, where they are usually located, to a broader and more commodious part of the ship. Stand ing bunks a naval luxury are provided, as well as a winding staircase under tbe after pivot gun, bathrooms and other accommoda tions, making tbe junior officers' quarters as comfortable as those formerly enjoyed by the captain of a ship. OUR LEGISLATORS AT CAPli MAT. A Committee Does Llttlo Business at tbe Seashore, and Will Try Again. ISFECIAL TKLKORAU TO Till DISFATCH.l Cafe May. July 16. The joint Committee on Correction of Charities, consisting of Senators John K Reyburn, William McAleer and Amos H. Mylin, and Representatives Joseph S. Ring ham, James L Graham, Dr. Walk and Robert R. Deardou, appointed by the Legislature, held their first meeting in the Stockton Hotel to night. Senator Reyburn presided. The mem bers have been here since Saturday, but were unable to meet to-day, as they expected, be cause Senator McAleer was called to his home in Philadelphia and did not return till to-night. No definite conclusions were arrived at and only Informal business was transacted. They will meet again to-morrow. A HUN'S RAILROAD TRIP. He Walks Sevcnij-Foqr Miles With a Ticket In His Pocket. Easton, July 16. The Lehigh Valley agent last night noticed a Hun walking on the track and accosted him; When asked wbere he was going and what bis business was he produced a card which stated his destination to be Scran ton. He also sbowed a ticket good from New York to Scranton. issued on Friday. The man managed to explain that be was under the im pression that the ticket entitled bim to walk on the tracks between tbe two cities. Tbe agent detained him until the night ex press came aiong. put mm on it ana sent mm to Scranton. The Hun haa walked 74 miles with the ticket in bis pocket. Greenville's Postmaster Resigns. Greenville, July 11 H. K. Reiss created a sensation here to-day by resigning the post mastersbip of Greenville. He had about two years yet to serve, havinz been appointed bv President Cleveland. Republican aspirants to succeed bim bave been circulating petitions all day. Tbe most prominent are Mrs. Louisa Keck, E. F. Bennett, W. F. Brade and W. H. Dumaist, a A Lawn Fete. A lawn fete was held yesterday afternoon and evening on the premizes of Joshua Gold thrope. corner Grace and Virginia avenues. Jit. Washington. It became"? sort of musicale after 8 o'clock with E. H. Dcrmitt and other vocalists to make melodious the evening still ness. The proceeds of the entertainment were fdr the Grace Episcopal Church's purposes. TRI-STATE TRIFLES. Mr. Eli Gibbons, of Blairsville, has abrood of domestic partridges. They vre batched by an old ben. pho takes very kindly to her nimble little flock. There aro 15 "Bob Whites," and not one of them, or the old hen, either, is yet aware of tho fact that they are not chicks. At Norwalk, O.. a 15-year-old girl i under ar rest for stealing a buggy from a liveryman. Toads from tbe squares, loiter around the Philadelphia electric light poles to feast on the fried bugs that tumble to them sizzling hot. A 3-year-old girl, named Ellen Mans, was knocked down in Marietta, Pa., on Saturday by a game rooster, which gashed her with his spurs, and was only diiven off by a club in the bands ot the child's mother: To a persistent and loquacious sewing ma chine agent near Llewellyn, Pa., who asked a woman where her husband was, shesald be was behind tbe barn burying a dog. Tbe agent sympathetically asked tho cause of tbe dog's death, and was sadly assured that he had barked himself to death at machine agents. A liohtnino bolt struck a large tree at Lynnville, Lehigh county, beneath which Charles Kistler's cattle were huddled a few days ago. None of them were hurt, except a large bull with a copper ring in its nose, which was killed. A Wheeling man paid a Greene county farmer 1123 for a horse that died on its way home. A Canal Dover boy found ablrd's nest that contained eggs o(f our different colors white, pink, bluo and green. An were of the same size. A XlKADiNOjonth has an unsurpassed record as a rejectcd'sulfor. Hehas been refused -17 umesny tne same Biri.!,. ,. . TALKED OP IN NEW YORK. Honors From General Hlpnolyie. :new toiuc Buutr sriciALS.1 NewYorX July 16. Minister Preston an nounced to-ay that tbe Haytian insurgent. General Hippolyte, bad commissioned two American citizens and merchants Generals on his personal staff. Mr. Preston says that the steamship Ozama on her last trip from Cape Haytl .brought a Division General's commis sion froin;Hippolyto to W. P. Clyde, of the Clyde Steamship Line, and a Brigadier Gen eral's commission to Mr. Clyde's partner, Mr. Cameron. The Haytian Minister also says that J. Hanstedt, who has fought Hippolyte's battles in this city, was rewarded by being mado Hippolyte's Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary from Haytl to tbe United States. The little black republic is therefore represented here by two full-fledged Ministers. M onnness of Petty Contractors. Recent investigations of the District Attor ney show that tho small contractors on the aqueduct have long abused and swindled the workingmen under them. Tho District "Attor ney's attention was first directed to tbe prac tices of the contractors by the open brutality of an Italian, Antonio Capobianco. Sometime ago Capobianco induced a Russian laborer on bis section to deposit 35 roubles with bim for safe keeping. When the Russian asked for bis money, some days later? bo was punished by being set to work in water up to bis waist. Capobianca responded to his second request by knocking out three of his teeth and beating him till he became unconscious. The contrac tor also stole small change from tbe coats of tbe Ignorant Italians at work under him. Their complaints were sllencec by his threats to ar rest them. Capobianco bas been arrested, and will be brought to trial shortly, with other con tractors of like stripe, whose cruelty and dis honesty have been discovered within tho last day or two. Forsakes tbe World and Its Yanlty. Miss Angelesea Willetts, 22 years old. took the veil to-day in the chapel of tbe Sistersof Divine Compassion. Her parents, who live bandsomely on Brooklyn Heights, are High Church Episcopalians. Miss Willetts was never fond of society. She was pretty, clever, well educated and ha8 a fortune In her own name. She was correspondingly popular and received a vast amount of attention from tbe marriageable young men of Brooklyn. Never, theless, sue refused to dance, entertain or marry. Last fall she was converted to Catholi cism. Against the protests of her family she decided to become a nun. None ot ber Imme diate family was present at the ceremony to day. Mass was celebrated bv the Rev. Father Andrew J. Clancy. The address was delivered by Vicar General Preston, and at its conclusion tbe usual questions were put to Miss Willetts. She answered all satisfactorily and in a firm voice. Miss Willetts was elegantly dressed in a gown of the latest fashion during the first part of the services. At the close she retired, changed her attire and reappeared in a plain black robe. A minute later she was a sister. Want n World's Fair la 1S92. Tbe Chamber of Commerce will hold a special meeting on Thursday, July 23, in re sponse to the following notice: NEW YOBK, July 18, 1889. To Charles S. Smith. President of the Chamber or Commerce: Dear bin The undersigned, members of the Chamber of Commerce, respectfully request you to call a special meeting of the Chamber lor Thurs day, July 25, at I o'clock P.M., to consider what measures should be taken toward celebrating a great International exhibition In this city in 1S92. tbe rour hundredth anniversary of the dis covery of America by Christopher Columbus. This Is signed by Cornelius N. Bliss, John Jay Kn ox, U. Edward Simmonds,Solon Humphreys, William L. Strong, John T.Terry, George S. Coe, Richard A. McCurdy, and others. A Vessel With a Variable KeeU ' Andrew H. Lucas is here consul ting a naval architect concerning plans for a novel steam ship to be constructed for him by Cramp & sons, ot Philadelphia. Tbe pew vessel will have two hulls, united forward by a solid bulk head, with an open space toward the stern. Between the twin hulls will be an adjustable keel, which can be raised and lowered on tbe principle of tbe center-board of a yacht, so as to vary the draught of the vessel by 14 feet. This device, Mr. Lucas thinks, will enable a loaded ship of 1,000 tons, and drawing seven feet of water, to run up the Mississippi river to St. Louis; while at sea, by lowering the keel, she would obtain a draught of 21 feet. Tbe ex perimental vessel will be called the St. Louis. Schoolbook Publishers Call a Truee. A new agreement in tho schoolbook trade went into effect to-day, and for tbe first time all tbe principal houses in that business are working in harmony. Harpers, Lippinootts and other firms have been fighting a syndicate of which Van Antwerp, Bragg Co.. of Cin cinnati, were tbe head, and which included D. Appleton & Co., Irlson, Blakeman A Co., Por ter it Coates, and most of the other firms in the business. Each firm on both sides employed a force of agents and canvassers to push the salo of its books. These agents were especially plenty and active in tbe West, and it has been alleged that their sinful custom was to go about in the rural districts working up dissat isfaction with the set of books in use in pub ic schools, and tben endeavoring to induce the boards of trustees to adopt the books of their house instead. Every time a change was made tbe people bad to buy a new set o9 books for tbeir children. Had No Pity for His Brethren. Francis E. Trowbridge was discharged from jail to-day, under the insolvent act, his credit ors making no opposition. BrokerTrowbridge, at the time of bis failure and for a long time before, was very prominent in the Methodist Episcopal Church, t He was favorably con nected with the Methodist Book Con cern. He was a trustee of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church. He did great things, or was about to do great things, for Syracuse University. He was a member of the Union League Club and the New York Athletic Club. His failure was a very bad one. He made an assignment to his cousin, A. E. Bateman. His indebtedness was $208,174, and his nominal assets were $395,272. The actual assets panned out 12,553. Most of Broker Trowbridge's creditors were Methodist divines and members of the Methodist church, who bad great confidence in Mr. Trowbridge's ability and foresight, and gave him money to invest or speculate with. Another Bogus Count. Alleged European nobility still commands a price sufficient to obtain credit in Mow York. Count Julius A DeBona, son-in-law of Con gressman J. B. White, gf Indiana, and a general good fellow, left New "iork on tho Umbria July 6, and besides America thero remains be hind Mr. DeBona a very large supply of debts, with several attendant suits. Tbe Austrian Consul says that there Is no Count DeBona in "Austria. Thero isn't any in New York, either, now. Tho gentleman claiming that name bit this country nearly three years ago and walked West. He met Miss White and says be married ber two weeks after their introduction. Sincotbat time Miss White's father has paid all the expenses that have been paid and given money for tho pay ment of many debts tbat are still unpaid. It is said tbat there are still unpaid claims against tbe alleged Count amounting to several thou sand dollars. IN JULY. Why do we look so dull and glum? It' hot. Why are we so quarrelsome? It's hot. Life seems a burden hard to bear; J. o clothing's thin enough to wear; If we were wicked, how we'd swear! It's hot. The city seems an oven now; It's hot. The perspiration bathes your brow; It's bot. Yon do not feel inclined to work; If you could get a chance, you'd shirk; But you're the owner, not the clerk; It's bot. Well, nevermind, although to-day It's hot. There'll cornea tune when you can't say It's hot. Tbe winds wtllwbUUe, fierce and chill, December snows your whiskers fill. And then you'll growl you know you will , It's cold. - SominilU JournaC MRS. LINCOLN'S BAD TEMPER. The President Crept In at ibe Back Door to Escape Her Wrath. In William IL Herndon's new book are given for the first time glimpses ot Mr. Lincoln's domestic sidewblch leave no chance for mysti fication as to the reasons for the unbapplness or the great man's married life. While Mrs. Lincoln was proud, quick tempered, sbarp tongued and eccentric, Mr. Lincoln was not a model husband. What angel among my fair listeners would hare enjoyed keeping house with a man who encouraged his boys to turn the house topsy-turvy and served butter to his guests with bisown knife Ignoring all the con ventionalities of polite society? Herndonsays that Mr. Lincoln was In the habit of lying in his house on the floor with the back of a xsbair for a pillow, while he read. One evenintr while in this nosition a knock was heard at the door and he answered in his shirt sleeves. Finding two ladles at the door he in vited them Into the parlor, notifying them in his familiar way that he would "trot the women folks out," Mrs. Lincoln overheard the remark and took in the scene Her indignation was instanta neous and unrestrained, and she made tbe situ ation exceedingly embarrassing for him. He retreated from tne house, head down, did not return till very late at night, and then slipped in at a rear door. His fear of Mrs. Lincoln's violent temper is illustrated by another anecdote now told for the first time by Herndon: "One day a man making some Improvements in Lincoln's yard suggested to Mrs. Lincoln the propriety of cutting down one of tbe trees, to which she assented. Before doing so, however, tho man came down to our office and consulted Lincoln himself abont it. ' 'What did Mrs. Lincoln sayf inquired the latter. " Cut it down.' "Then in God's name cut it down to the roots!" " THE PETREL A GOOD ONE. A Gnnbont for tTncloSamThntls a 'Flno One. Despite Broken Machinery. Baltimore, July 16. Although the gunboat Petrel which left here Saturday returned thU moraine with part of her machinery out of or dcr.sshe has shown herself a credit to the navy. The secondary liqk-strap ot tho low pressure valve gear broke yesterday on the return trip. Before the accident she developed 1,250 horse power for a short time far more than specified in the contract. She made 13K knots while not under forced draft, which indicates that she could make 16 knots under forced. She turned completely around In 5 minutes and 30 seconds. All the tests Intended were applied. Thursday, at the request ot the builders, sbe will make a four boar trial under forced draft. If the official report of the horse power developed equals that of yesterday, tbe builders receive 515,000 premium. She met a heavy sea at the capes and rode tbe waves bravely. Lieutenant Commander Bainbridge-Hoft said he was never on a vessel tbat kept her decks so dry in a heavy END OP A LOiNG LITIGATION. Fifty Years of Law stalls Over thf Will ol a Woman. ISFECIAL TELZ.QKAM TO TOE DISFATCn.l POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., July 18. The last ot a litigation which bas covered a period of 50 years in various courts came to a final termina tion before Surrogate Huffcut this afternoon. It was in the matter of tbe will of Eliza Keep. She left the income of ber property to Patrick Callahan, and after bis death it was to go to Archbishop McCloskey. The latter dying. Archbishop Corrlgan was appointed bis execu tor. Because of the long litigation Callahan bas never received any of tbe income. Mow that it is about to be paid to him tbe question comes up as to whether the expenses of litiga tion, about $9,000, should be paid out ot the in come or out of the principal. All the parties are represented in court, law yers being present from New York, represent ing Archbishop Corngan. and lawyers from Schenectady, representing tbe executors ot the Keep estate. Several witnesses were sworn, after which the Surrogate decided that the ex penses must be paid from the principal. Judge Nelson represented Mr. Callahan. The estate is valued at JC0.O00. Elocution In America and England. From the London Saturday ltevlew. It is qulete true tbat in our schools and uni versities, elocution, a most important Item of education to a parliamentary people, is much more neglected than it is in America for in stance, where what our transatlantic cousins are pleased to call "oratory" is stndled with much assiduity and with the satisfactory re sult that at the Washington Capitol you will frequently hear speeches by "distinguished statesmen and Senators" which are not only models of 'eloquence, but which are delivered with an ovident knowledge of elocution and a grace of diction, wholly unknown, unfortun ately, at Westminster. Prizes to Go to Ohlonns. New York, July 18. The Caleb C. Hall prizes annually awarded by the American In stitute of Civics to graduating students in American colleges, whose essays or orations on subjects relating to citizenship and Govern ments possess the highest merit, are announced for the year 1889 by President Henry Randall Walte. Tbey are: Belolt College, Henry B. Kemmle, of Milwaukee; Buchtel College, Ed win F. Cone, Akron, O.: Rio Grande College. Anna M. Shepherd. Gallipolis, O.; University of Minnesota, Gustav O. Brohaueh, Minne apolis, Minn. A Blalno Wedding, nnd Quiet. Minneapolis. July 18 Miss Anna Kelly, daughter of Anthony Kelly, and James F. Blaine, of St Paul, nephew of Hon. J. G. Blaine, were married at the Immaculate Con ception Church at 9.30 this morning. Tbe bride's father and J. R. Corrigan accompanied them to the altar. Itwasa very quiet wedding. Ways of Getting Into Odlce. From the Elmlra Advertiser.; Thebar.bclps many a man into the Legisla ture. It maybe the legal bar or tbe saloon bar. Out in Denver entrance bas just been effected Into the Senate chamber by means of a crow bar. Tbe Angelas Is Oars. Paris. July 16 M. Frousts has written a letter in which he announces tbe withdrawal of the request to the Chamber ot Deputies for a credit for the purchase of Millet's "Angelus." The painting will, therefore, becomx tbe prop erty of the American Art Association. BITS OF NATURAL HISTORY. Berry Oolesby, of Sylvania, Gx, exhibits a hen's egg no larger than a sparrow's egg. It was found inside a hen's egg of the usual size. Mlss C. T. Crosby, of Phillips, Me., Is the champion fisherwoman of the Rangeley lakes rctrion. The best record sbe ever made was to capture 43 fish In 64 minutes. The king of trout in Stony run, near Canadensis, Pa., wad caught last week by Mil ton D.Price. It' weighed two and a quarter pounds, and lived in a pool whence scores of anglers had tried iu vain to lure it. At the country home of Judge Hill, near Bronwood, Gx, can be soen a swarm of bees which have settled on a naked limb, and built comb the size of ahalf-busbel basket. The comb Is filled with honey. All was done in tho open air. They hare been there about three months, and are still at work. , Edward Blaisdell, of Hawley, Pa., dis covered a chipmunk lying on tbe ground, apparently dead. Going up to it he found the animal alive, and near it an enormous rattle snake. Ho fired and killed tho snake. Tbe squirrel then ran Into its hole. Mr. Blaisdell believes the snake had charmed the animal. Mrs. Richard Blocker, of Carrabelle, Fla., missed a number of chickens and eggs, and she finally concluded that a snake was the depredator, so one day she took up a piece of the flooring in the fowl house, and there was the depredator sure enough. He was 0 feet in length and a oretty hard customer. He was an alligator. Uncle Bob Munford, of Munfordrille, Ky., caught the same catflsjl twice last week. He landed tbe fish after a bard battle and tied It to a stake. W bile ho was down the river the fish got away. Four or fire days later bo was fishing at tbe same place when be caught tbe same cat. He Identified the fish by a piece of hickory bark tied to its gills. While fishing on tho Satilla river, in Georgia, a few days ago, Mr. Ira E. Smith found himself without bait. He decided tbat the worms, sometimes called "sawyers," which burrow Into old logs, would serve his purpose. He didn't bave to look far for old logs, but at once proceeded to tear of! a piece of btrk from one, in search of "sawyers." As he grasped the bark, be idt something soft and warm squirm ing la his hand: A hasty glance disclosed a large moccasin snake Just In the act of bltiug. He dropped bark and snake and jumped away to a safe distance. In the meintlmo tbe angry reptile spent its fury biting at the ground. CUKIOOS CONDENSATIONS. Apache county, in Arizona, is larger than the State of Massachusetts, yet it has not a single doctor wlthlnlts borders. In England there are over 800,000 more widows than widowers. In Franco there are 194 widows for every 100 widowers. An advertisement in a London paper offers "to pay a fair price for second-hand tooth brushes and catt-off old teeth." Guthrie, with its suburbs, now has lfl, 000 inhabitants, six banks, eight newspapers, 37 lumber j arils and hundreds of stores. AtWiikford, E. I., one day last wee it rained small toads for half an hour, much to the confusion and disgust of the inhabitants. " Annie Perkins, of Cleveland, wears boys' clothes, subsists on oatmeal, and sells papers for a living. She is 30 years of age and a poetess. A Decatur, Mich., shoemaker evaded the fire limits ordinance by constructing a shop on wheels, and it now reposes serenely within the proscribed territory. At Lexington, Ky., a lawsuit that was begun in 1811 has just been settled. It related to a land claim, and" the sum in dispute wag originally about $5,000. A French coin of the time of Louis XIV. was found in a cornfield at Marengo,Ini, a few days ago. It is supposed to have been there since the days when the French traded with tbe Indians. Nearly 200 persons were made very 111 by poisoning at a Seeley's Bay (Ont) picnic. The people partook freely ot ice-cream which had been kept for several hours in zino f ree ers. Lactate of zinc permeated tbe ice-cream. Samuel Eoop, a well-known Kepubli can politician of Westminster, ML, was badly injured while opening a bottle of cider. The bottle burst and a pleco of glass struck him In the eye, cutting open tho baU. The sight will be destroyed. An artesian well in North City, a suburb of St. Augustine, Fla.. is said to have the largest flow of any artesian well in tbe world. It is an eight-inch well, and its flow ex ceeds the hlgbest expectations. From a measurement made by Dr. J. K. Rainey. tho flow exceeds 8,000 gallons per minute, or over 11,500,000 gallons every 24 hours. The jury in the case of William Minor; tried for the murder of Farmer Jeffers at Trenton, Mo., was discharged, being unable to acree npon a verdict. Eleven were for convic tion, but one, a preacher, stood out from be. ginning to end in favor of acquittal. Being asked his reason he declared tbat be thought the better course was to release Minor and then reform him. A justice of Logan township, Blair county. Pa., has a perplexing case. A black smith built a wagon for another citizen, paint ing it brown, and ref usine to change the color to green. In the night the citizen entered tbe shop and.gavo tbe vehicle a coat of parts green. Early next morning tbe blacksmith's cow, spy ing the verdurous tint, licked it off and died. Tbe blacksmith now wants damages for his cow. Mrs. Matilda Nonis, whose home is near Howell, Mich., recently celebrated her 98th birthday. Sbe has 100 lineal descendants now living, 4 children, 25 grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren anil lo great-great-grandchildren, tbe youngest being over 14 years of age. Mrs. Norrls bas not used spectacles for IS years. Is a great reader, and bas within six months knitted IS pairs of stockings and made 88 blocks for bed quilts. A gentleman described as one of the best known Hebrews of New York lost 811,000 at Phil Daly's, at Long Branch, Thursday night. On many occasions he has lost $7,000 or $3,000 In the early part of the night, bur he al ways managed before to retrieve his fortunes before daybreak. Tbis Is the heaviest "square" loss of tbe season so far, and the incident causes much talk. The merchant takes his bad fortune very good naturedly. Rev. W. B. Bachman, a leading Pres byterian minister of Chattanooga, states that on the top of White Mountain, In Western North Carolina, are three trees of the cachoin species growine close together and each being about' a foot hi diameter and about 15 feet in height. Tbe top of tbe trees is about 20 feet in diameter and perfectly flat, belngsocompletely interwoven that a number of persons can walk on tbcm with ease. Twelve persons can lie down on the top of the trees without danger ot falling. Indeed, so close are these toDS that boles had to De cut in the middle for persons to eel on top. The American clipper ship, Joseph S. Pinney. in latitude 46 north, longitude 13 west, passed an Iceberg about half a mile long, and several smaller ones in that vicinity. Tho bark Crusade, on June 2, passed a berg tbat looked like a; snow-covered island. Shortly after passing the berg another was sighted about three and a quarter miles from the first, seemingly smaller in area but of greaterheigbt, with turrets of ice nearly as tall as a mast. Tbe bark two days later passed a black painted buoy in latitude 44.20, longitude 46.50. On July 2, In latitude 4110, longitude 55.30, sbe sailed for miles through a large quantity of pine lum ber, amonir which was a door sainted white and some other evident pieces of wreckage. John Dawson, of Cleveland, is a middle-aged man who Is intelligent and ration al on every other topic, but is a thorough crank on the subject of bills of large denominations. He is well known among bankers, brokers and merchants, and knowing his weakness for large bills they save them for him, as they gen erally know what day Dawson makes his rounds. He walks into a bank or office and says, "Any large bills te-dayr" If the cashier hands bim a $100 bill he Is delighted, but it the bill should happen to be one of a $1,000 denom ination be goes wild with joy. Tbis Is his mode of procedure. He takes tbe bill into his hands, fondles It, looks at It with longing eyes, places it in his vest pocket aud walks up and down the room for abont fire minutes. He then takes the bill out of bis pocket and with a "thank you, sir," be returns It, He devotes a day or two every week for thfo sort of thing, and the more money be can handle and place in his vest pocket the happier he is. In all other respects Dawson is as rational as any man in Cleveland. THE LAUGHING PHILOSOPHERS. The good die young. Ihis is particularly true of the chickens. Boston Courier. It I had a donkey what wouldn't go Do you s'pose I'd wallop her? No, no, not A nobler jnetUod I'd take to fix 'er, I'd give her some Brown-Sequard's elixir. -VMcago Tribun. "What is that green stuff in the cream, Williamr" asked s young wife, referring to the pistachio In tbe center or the form. aO, that's an oasis, my dear." "A what?" "An oasU-a little green spot la tbe dessert, you know." Xenkert Staterman. Managing a Boy. Anxious Mother I am so worried about my boy. , Be Is on the street the whole time, rata or shine. 1 should think he might sit down and read occasionally, as bis sis ters do. Qld Friend Tell bim reading is bad for bis health. -V Xort Hteklj. Man of the house What's this little bundle? t-j Boy-lt's your wife's dress they told me to bring around. "Where'sthebtll?" "O, they'll bave to send that around In tbe wagon." Keio Iork Sun. A Great Change. Mother (to daughter lately married) What a change bas come over your husband, Clara. Ue has grown very profaae or late. Daughter Yes, I noticed tbe change, mother. And to think that It has all taken place In the short time you have been living with us. I cannot understand It.A'ew Iork Sun. The Wedding Prelude. Little Boy Say, ma says yon are eolng to take sister off. Engaged Youth (soon to be married) Yes, la a few weeks she's going to my home, and my ms, and pa will be her ma, and pa, See? Isee. Thensbe'llbe your sister, same as she was mine. Say, don't you do anything she doesn't like, for if you do she'll bang you around awful when your ma and pa ain't looking." .Veto for Wetkty. Brown Do you find your wife waiting nploryouwhen yon go home late and 'tired," Green? Green-No, I do not. B. Then yon onstit to be a happy man. O. I ought, ought 1? bomethlng worse thaa my wife Is waiting np for me when I go borne lata and tired, u yon call It. ;- B.-What? O. lly mother-ln-taw. Bolton Courier. TUX BACHELOR'S BXSOLVZ. ' ' The thousand smiles, the thousand wiles)' That maidens sweet so sweetly use," ' I cannot bear; It Is not fair . . My battered heart to so abuse. aeb with ber lines my soul entwines. Though a new Isle each year I've sought, a i ao noi sea wny 11 must oe J.u" every stason am cangnt. .. - nuw us 1 iwrar oy su uiai'i nur v Byrne fresh bait shall not be kissed; Tjjwjft a mousana miles rrom thousand Isles I'M fly, their tuning to resist. Detroit Fret Prtiut iPrui Kla r - . L '.. . j! i.?:.",.U, "' '1 . .( - - . . T.UW1 ,a------l---H-----ii .ttH V- M . . 3 I ... . S It . - .u.. f fet. . r ....ft r- 4: JH .lfj :, . ..-..A i .J j iL i. UHi'AWUI7 SLb arfiMgygOiip iifr?. -'" $& &kPK .&. ,k v. . j y .-. . ..-;. --v-j' -; . .... ... ' 4 -3KH