-.: .LARGER GENEROSITY. That is Yhat the Sum of $1,700,000 is Intended to Represent, ACCORDING TO MR. JAMES B. SCOTT. Pittsbnr? Turns Over $400,000 to the State Commission . TOE DISTRIBUTION IN TAB TALLEI Mr. James B. Scott wrote to Mr. Ogden, a partner of John "Wanamaker, and mem ber of the State Flood Commission, and Sec retary Kremer, for some explanation of the statement that $1,700,000 had been expended in the Conemaugh Valley. Mr. Scott yes terday received replies from both gentlemen, but their answers are unsatisfactory, and for the present will only increase the muddle. For this reason Mr. Scott declined to hare them published. Mr. Kremer, in his letter, said that the statement was not official, and the figures were notobtained from him. Like Mr. Scott, be felt sore tbat the amount did not represent money expended in the valley, bat included everything that went in there and had been done to alleviate the suffering. Mr. Ogden ad mitted the statement was indefinite, and his explanation was somewhat similar to Mr. Kremer's. . COMPLICATED SOMEWHAT. Mr. Scott said: "I think the people will un derstand what this amonnt means when they know that it is only a guess and is not official. Governor Beaver's idea undoubtedly was to show the great generosity of the people, and he attempted to convert into money what had been contributed in the way of clothing, food, etc. Of course, anyone can see that it is a difficult matter to esti mate how much in money has been contributed in material form. That 51,700,000 does not represent expenditures, and it was a mistake to use such a word in this connection. People no doubt wonder why a detailed statement is not given at once, and thus clear up the whole matter, -but that is easily explained. What has been turned into the valley comes from various sources, as the Philadelphia and Pittsburg committees and the btate for example. Each of these sources has bills yet to be paid, and until these came in and the business is closed up no one can tell what has been done, or what the sum will be when itemized. "I understand the people ofJohnstawn think it funny that a local man was not appointed on the commission. The fact Is the Oo ernor sent four commissions to as many men in the town, and they all declined to serve. He finally got tired of asking tbeni, and nobody will blame him when the truth is known." Mr. David Robinson said everything would come out all right in the end. and the people crj ing fraud now will be ashamed of them selves. Mr. Ogden also in his letter to Mr. Scott saj s that he sent the statement to Mayor Grant, and the New York committee telegraphed back credit to the Governor for J3.Mhi.000. lie thought this didn'riook as if the New York people had lost faith in the commission. riTTSBUKQ'S COMMITTEE MEETS. The Citizens' Belief Committee of Pittsburg held a meeting in the -Chamber of Commerce building j esterday. Messrs. McCreery, Miller, Prick, McCrea, David Robinson and YV. R. Thompson, with S. S. Marvin and James 11. Scott, were present. The committee is anxious to close out the business as soon as po-sible, and to this end ordered (400,000 to be turned over by Treasurer Thompson to4he State Com mission to distribute among the sufferers. The committee has 525,000 altogether, and the balance is held to pay off outstanding bills. About 2100,000 additional will be given to the State Commission. One thousand five hundred dollars was appropriated to the Ladies' Committee to pay oil immediate debts, with the understanding that no more requisi tions forsupplies were to be made on the com mittee. They will refer their needs in the future to the State Commission or Johnstown Finance Committee. . Clara Barton, in a letter, wanted to know where she could secure beds and straw. Mr. Robinson stated they had plenty of both In Johnstown, and the lady could get them there. The Subsistence Committee was Instructed to make a statement of its claim on the com mittee as soon as possible, so that a detailed statement can be given to the public A letter was received from Cyrus Elder in behalf of Mr. McMillan, Piesident of the Cambria Iron Works, in which he states that the latter gentleman says he is not dissatisfied with the plans of the commission, as repotted. He states efforts are being made to pick up a row in certain quarters, but he assures the committee that the Finance Committee will not be a party to it. SOME TOTALS GIVEN. Judge Cummins will distribute $500,000 among the sufferers this week, and Pittsburg's $400, 000 will soon reach the State Commission. It may not be distributed at once, however. A complete list of all the places that contributed $1,000 lias been prepared by Mr. Thompson. The amount subscribed by the places giving oter S1.0U0 each is 409.000, leaving about $105,000 contributed by towns in amounts less than SLOUO. The city that comes next to Pittsburg in this list is Chicago, with J101,26i St. Louis gives only $16,368. Detroit with her 30,000 and many other places go ahead of bt. Louis. Of this $761,000 there has been drawn out 1210.000, leaving a balance on nand of $521, 000. The money was generally applied as follows: Amount paid out for the recovery of bodies, cleaning away debris and such work, $111,1100; for lumber, tools and implements. $12, 0U0: for groceries and supplies, $45,000; for household goods, clothing and bedding. 140,000; for undertakers and undertakers' supplies and various sundry articles, J2S.000, making a total of $240,000. Of this amount the money paid for tools aud cleaning away debris, $127,oM comes back to the fund. TOO SOLD THEM GOODS? The suggestions in The Dispatch yesterday that an itemized statement be prepared by the Pittsburg committee are being acted upon. Messrs. David Robinson aud S. S. Marvin are at work upon such a statement, and it will be ready in about two weeks for publication. W. R. Thompson. Treasurer, stated to a reporter that his section of the affair was quite simple. He had paid out between $80,000 and $90,000. beside some amounts to various ladies. To show his part of the matter would beamall job in the statement of account. Mr. Thomp son further stated that Mr. Marvin's statement is expected to show all that was necessary when it Is issued. Mr. Thompson was told that by some people a disposition has been inanltested to criticise, it having been hinted that certain members in, or connected withthe Relief Committee may have furnished supplies, thus getting whatever money there is'in the contracts, bit. Thomp son denied such a story. He said he believed drugs had peen purchased from Geo. A. Kelly, but, thougb Mr. Kelly had assisted the com mittee in its work, he was not a member, and consequently had as much right to deal with it as anjoae else. As to S. S. Marvin, Mr. Thompson explained that he (Marvin) bad taken some flour off the hands of the commit tee and that it was a favor to the latter, as It was in danger of spoiling. It will be recollected that the Northwest bent considerable flour. As to lumber, Mr. Thompson said the most used Jiad been donated, much ot it coming from Cleveland. None was purchased here. Mr. Thompson did not exhibit any impa tience regarding strictures; rather, in fact, thought it well that people were disposed to be censorious, as be said such public trusts could not be too closely scanned. A Plcnafnff Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in C0c and $1 00 bottles by all leading druggists. Rhine Wine Bottled by G. W. Fabst tnann & Solin, Mainz & Hochheim, Queen "Victoria, Berg, Marcobrunner.Kudesheimer, Hochheimer, Geisenheimer, Niersteiner, Iiaubenheimer, Deidesheimer. SCHUETZ, ltENZIEHAUSEN & CO., 100 aud 102 Market st., cor. First, ave. Telephone C77. mwp Remnants Curtain Goods Cheap. Also our Tery low prices on good lace curtains. JOS. HORNE & co.'s l'enn Avenue Stores. CALL on Louis D. Bert, with Hendricks & Co., for lessons in crjyon. Inquire at 68 Federal street Jor lurlher particulars. jiwr , . Persons who have been photographed by Dabbs are never quite satisfied with any other. trs See our line of summer neckwear. "James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. rrja. j A METHODIST PIIiGBlMAGE. Plttsburgcr to Join a Ministerial Explora tion to the Holy Land. Rev. W. H. Pearce. D. D.. pastor of the But ler Street M. E.- Church; Rev. T. J. Leak. D. D., of the North Avenue M. E. Church, and Rev. J. A. Balantyne, of sTazlewood M. E. Church, will leave the citv on August 20 for New York. There they witl join about 100 other Methodist preachers and sail on the 21st upon a pilgrim age to the Lands of the Bible. This trip has been arranged by Rev. Nathan HubbeL editor of the Methodist Itinerant, and, will be under the charge of Mr. Frank C. Clarke, late U. S. Vice Consul at Jerusalem. The party will embark on the vessel City of Rome, and will visit England, France, Italy. Turkey, Greece, Syria and Asia Minor. The Pitts burgers will be away three months. TRANSFER OP LICENSES. The Activity Among Liquor Dealers Still Golns On. Samuel Tschume will ask the .Court of Quarter Sessions on the 27th Inst, to transfer his bottling license to William Bellsteln. On the same day will be beard Thomas Gamble's petition to transfer his wholesale liquor license to Meyer Rosenthal. A similar request from J. M. Rammell to transfer the privileges of his license to a firm which has been organized since it was granted, with himself as a partner, will como up for decision. The activity with which license transfers are being made caused a gentleman in the Court House to remark yesterday that the wonld-be purchasers of licenses are still around looking for licenses in eligible districts. It is not known that they bave bought any recently. MOST HAYE SAND. A Peculiarity About the Cable Railroads of Pittnbunt. The cable cars in Pittsburg are now all sup plied with "sand levers." These are attach ments to the cars by which sand is dropped along the rails with a simple pull of the rod. Locomotive sand is used. It has been found to. save considerable time In the entire trip of a car by reason of the wheels not slipping when a start is made, thus giving the grip a quicker clutch upon the cable. A gripman on the Penn avepue line, who has had experience on the traction roads of Chi cago and Philadelphia, told a Dispatch repor ter yesterday that this sand was absolutely necessary on the Pittsburg lines, because of the steep grades on streets here. Sand is unknown on the cable roads of Philadelphia and Chi cago. A BIG EXCURSION. Many Will Take Advantage of tbe B. & O. Low Rates to Atlantic City. The Baltimore and Ohio excursion to Atlantic City to-morrow promises to be a big one. Di vision Passenger Agent Smith said yesterday, that be never saw such large advance sales. Passengers have already been booked for two parlor cars, and the third Is almost filled. THE SON OF HIS FATHER. Dick Quay Goes to Atlantic City to See the Old Man. Dick Quay and Jim Anderson, .General Pas senger Agent of the Allegheny Valley road, went to Atlantic City last night to rest. Young Quay is not well and he hadn't much to say. He was accompanied to the depot by Harry n. Paul, Sam Warmcastle and James 8. McKean. A Bad FalL Yesterday morning Samuel Logan and Gabriel Neely, two carpenters, fell from the roof of No. 456 Webster avenue. They were trimming the water conductor at tbe rear of the house. The root of the building is steep and the men were supporting themselves by placing their feet on the conductor. They had almost completed the work when tbe conductor gave way beneath their weight. Tbe men made an effort to catch the edge of tbe roof, but were unable to do so and fell to a boardwalk in the yard, crashing through tbe branches of a tree, a distance ot over 40 feet. Logan's arm was broken and his shoulder dislocated. Neely's skull was fractured. He may not recover. Questions. Can I get a fine piano at Hamilton's? You can. Can I get it at low price and on easy pay ments? ' You can. Can I get a low-priced piano, say at about ?175 or $190? You can. Can I get a low-priced organ -at Hamil ton's? Yes; at $40 or $50 you can get a good organ of the well-known makes that he sells and has sold for the last ten years, every instru ment warranted. Go in and see him before making a purchase; he is making a special sale these mild summer months. You will be surprised to learn how prices have been reduced. Export Brer. Schlitz Milwaukee, Pilsner, extra pale and extra stout in cases ot 2 dozen quarts and 3 dozen pints; liberal allowance for empties; also the same beers in casks of 6 dozen quarts and 10 dozen pints. SCHUETZ, BENZIEHAUSEN & CO., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. MWP Remnant Week Lots at Finest Embroid eries In this sale the prices are very low see them. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Export Beer. Anheuser-Busch, St Louis. Budweiser and Anheuser beer in cases of 2 dozen quarts and 4 dozen pints; liberal allowance for empties; also the same beers in casks of 6 dozen quarts and 10 dozen pints. SCHUETZ, Renziehausen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. Telephone 677! ' Jiwr Excursion to Atlantic City "Via the B. & O. B. B,, to-morrow. July 18. Bate $10 for the round trip; tickets good for 10 days; good to stop off at Washington City returning. Train oi Eastlake coaches and Pullman palace cars will leave depot at 8 A. M. and 920 P. M. Fonr Days More Remnant Week. Come in this week Remnants and rem nant prices are making business lively here. Jos. Horse & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Diamond Monogram copper distilled pure rye whisky has been sold for many years at the leading hotels and restaurants in this citv. Absolutely pure; trv it SCHUETZ, B.ENZJEHAUSEN & CO., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. MWP Remember. At S. Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue, is the onlv place in the city you can get the celebrated Estey organs, with that wonder ful jnbilante stop. Who has not heard of the Estey organs and their clear, sweet (jnbilante) tone? Go to Hamilton's to see them. A full line of Morgan & Bro.'i fine Oporto port wines; various prices. ScnuETZ, EENZiEnAUSEir & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. MWP More Blouse Waists at 81 Remnant Week. Come to the suitroom this week it's lively there. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. GlBSOK, Guckenheimer, large Overholt, Finch, Dillinger, Sherwood and Hannis tille pure rye whiskies. SCHUETZ, KENZIEnAUSEN & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. MWP There is a merit in the photographs made by Dabbs that always commands no tice and always will. WS We have a very fine lot of old crow sour mash bourbon whiskies. SCHUETZ, Bekziehausejt & Co., 100 and 102 Market st MWP Silk dress shirts. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth Are. THE THE PKOPOSEB PARK. It Was Inspected Yesterday by a Committee From Councils. BIGELOW'S TLANS AEE APPROVED. Scenery Said to be Superior to Central Park, Kew York. COMMITTEE TO MEET THIS AFTERNOON Three carriages left Municipal Hall yes terday at 11 A. M., and did not return until 5 p.m. They were occupied by the Council manic Committee on Parks, composed of J. S. Lambie, A F. Keating, E. B. Carna han, W. A Magee, G. L. Holliday, H. P. Ford and B. G. McGonnigle, accompanied by Chief E. M. Bigelow, Controller Morrow and City Clerk George Sheppard. The party made a tour of inspection of the pro posed park on the Schenley estate, in the Fourteenth and Twenty-second wards. They first drove to the Second avenue park, and alter the improvements in the way of flower beds and the fountain had been admired, the trip was continued out Forbes street as far as Joncaire street in the Fourteenth ward. Here the territory for the proposed parks' commences, and the party, leaving their carriages under the care of an obliging citizen, made a tour of the ground on foot Everybody was full of admiration as to the beauties ot scenery surrounding. The land is broken in three places by glens or gal leries that are described as simply beauti ful, one of them, known as Panther Hollow, having a place in history as a favorite camping place lorbe Indians. "Did you ever enjoy a view like this before?" quietly remarked Cblef Bigelow, as they all stopped on tbe higbest knob, and continuing to comment upon tbe scenery, be said: "Over there you can see Sharpsbnrg; there is the East Find. In fact you can look around for a dis tance of mile upon mile. I venture to say that Central Park has not a snot to be compared with this." A COMMANDING VIEW. From this point the entire section which is proposed to be covered by tbe park conld be overlooked. It has an area of 379 acres and lies southeast of the Oakland power house. If the ground is made into a park, the entrance would be within 300 feet of Forbes street Thn grounds are bounded on tbe east by tbe line ot Brigbtwood street on tbe north by Joncaire street the Junction railroad skirts along tbe western end, and on tbe south tbe proposed park is to be bounded by Nixon street. Tbe park may be reacbed by a number of routes. By taking tbe Fifth arenuo cable cars, a visitor can reach it via Halket street Ward street Meyran avenue, Atwood street Oakland avenue and Boquet street. The shortest route would be down Oakland avenue to Bates ave nue and across tbe Four Mile Run bollow to tbe western boundary line; or down Boqnet street to Joncaire street which crosses the run and winds aronnd the bill. Another route is via the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad or Second avenue. Laugblins station is within five min utes' walk of tbe spot. A good view, of tbe ground may be bad from tbe Forbes street bridge over tbe Junction Railroad. Bryson street runs into a section of tbe proposed park. Tbe land is sloping, and the higbest point com mands a magnificent view of the surrounding country. Tbe proposed line of the Fifth Ave nue and Park Flare Railroad crosses Neville street and cuts thorugh the center of the property. THE IMPROVEMENTS NECESSARY. - Tbe Pittsburg and East End Railroad, an other projected line of past years, was also sur veyed along the northern edge. Linden Grove is just opposite the ground, on the otnerside of Fonr Mile Run. All the Conncllmen agreed that tbe city would be enriched by tbe acquisition of such a park, as it would make tbe finest in this part of tbe country. After they had walked over tbe entire area a detour was suggested to tbe car riages. Then tbe ride was continued to Hiland Park in tbe East End. The party drove aronnd the place and walked over the macadamized road, wblcb forms tbe circumference of the plot Chief Bigelow received many congratu lations upon his work there. Tbe committee will bold a meeting this afternoon. Chief Bigelow intimated that tbere would have to be improvements made In the way of patbs, road ways and bridges, but he stated that was a matter to be considered later on. Very little will bave to be expended except in cleaning up tbo brush and dead trees and making the road-way. Special Clearance Sale Of summer dress goods, French cashmeres, serges, fonleS, beiges, plaids, checks, em broidered robes and combination suits, at greatly reduced prices. American challies reduced to 5c and 6Jc Wool challies reduced from 25c to 15c French satines reduced to 20c and 25c American fine satines reduced to 12)4 c. Dress ginghams at 8c, 10c and 12c. Great bargains in beaded wraps, shawls, jerseys, blouse waists and embroidered fichus. Special bargain case ladies' gauze vests at 15c each, or 2 for 25c; Indies' balbriggan and Swiss ribbed vests at 15c, 20c and 25c. Also, genu' and children's summer underwear closing o'ueclieap. Immense bargains in silk sun umbrellas, satin and lace trimmed parasols, gloves, handkerchiefs, corsets, collars, cuffs and hosiery, to close tbe season's stock. Close buyers will find it to their interest to call at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and, 440 Market street wssu Rend What E. P. Roberts & Sons, The Fifth avenue jewelers, have in spe cialties lor the summer new, bright, pretty styles inexpensive useful. 100 styles gold stick pins.... $1 00 to $3 00 Gipsy rings, solid gold 1 50 to 2 50 Hairpins, silrerand roll gold. . 35 to 2 00 Solid silver cuffbuttons, pair. . CO to 100 Solid gold collar buttons, each. 1 00 Solid gold studs, each 90 to 1 50 Solid gold cuff pins, pair 150 to 2 00 Gents' silver knot rings 100 to 150 Also, our three large stores are filled with all the novelties of the season in more expensive jewelry, silverware, pottery aud fancy goods. Oqr stores are cool and pleas ant to shop in. wsu Quarter. Decker Bros. Decker Bros. Decker Bros. & Knabe Pianos. Knabe Pianos. Knabe Pianos. Fischer Pianos. Fischer Pianos. Fischer Pianos. Estey Pianos. Estey Pianos. Estey Pianos. Go to Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue, for one of these splendid and well-known pianos. See tbe Gernwood New Fall Neckwear To-Day. We are first to show fall styles. Too early? Well, you may want to see the latest Here's the place. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Caution. The Ester organ leads the world the others lollow. The wonderful jubilante stop in the Estey organs may be copied, bnt can never be equaled. Go to Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth ovenue, and get one Tery low and on easy payments. Remember, To-Morrow Is the date of the excursion via the B. & O. B. B. to Atlantic City. Bate, $10 for the round trip; tickets good lor 10 days. Trains leave at 8 a. M. and 020 P. M. Secure jour parlor and sleeping car accommodations at once. Moselle wines, bottled by Adolpb Hues gen Traben, on the Hose), Erdner, Trepp chta and Trabener. SCHUETZ, BENZIEHATTSEN & CO., J 00 and 102 Market st, cor. First are. 'XWJ P1TTSBTIEG piSPATOH, SOME TIMELY ADVICE Concerning; the Core of Diseases Caased by Summer' Deadly Heat. There is no season of the year when neo ple are in more need of good, sound, prac tical advice on the subject of health than when the sun is shooting his burning rays straight down upon our heads, sapping our strength and breeding daily pestilence. It is not general and vague advice that they want, but definite as well as sensible ad vice plain directions.as to how to get well and how to keep well. It is comparatively easy to tell a person that if he gets sick such and such a physician will cure him for such a sum of money. The physician may or mar not cure him, but in either case he is called upon to pay out the money, some times a small but often a large amount To tell people how to cure themselves with little trouble and at slight expense is another kind of advice altogether, and is to offer them a true boon. In saving that for every disease that par ticularly atuicts mankind at this dangerous season of the year Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin can be recommended as remedies tbat are at once agreeable and absolutely safe to take, and reliable and infallible in their action, we feel consoious that we are offer ing mankind just such a boon as is referred to above. And in recommending these remedies, we cannot but emphasize the statement that the health of men, women and children and particularly the latter1 is in pecnliar danger at this season of the year. Colics and cramps, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentery and levers are rampant during the heated months, and ther are especially violent and dangerous when once they' get started. vThose who are well cannot be too caretul ot their diet and habits in general, and they will find that keeping- their liver in good condition and their bowels regular, for which there is nothing better than Man-a-lin, will greatly assist them in keeping, well. Should they be attacked, however, if they desire to get well surely and quickly, Pe-ra-Tia will enable them to do it In its curative work Pe-ru-na is greatly assisted by Man-a-lin, which, in health aud in sickness, is a liver regulator without an equal, and a gentle and effective laxative. These' two great family remedies have met with such marvelous and unquali fied success everywhere that it seems useless to further sound their praise. A trial will satisfactorily demonstrate their remarkable and reliable powers. Send to the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for a free copy of Dr. Hartman's "Ills of Life," an inval uable little volume that will save you much time, trouble and money in curing yourself of a thousand different diseases. Tare Rye Whisky. We desire to call the attention of the trade to our stock of pure' rye whiskies, which in cludes all the leading brands of Pennsyl vania and Maryland. Guckenheimer, Gib son, Large, Finch'sGolden Wedding, Dil linger, Overholt, Sherwood and Hannisville, made in various years, from the present year up to the year 1869, which we offer at low est prices consistent with value. SCHUETZ, Benziehatjsen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. MYVF See tbe Geravrood Netr Fall Neckwear To-Dnr. We are first to show fall styles. Too early? Well, you may want to see the latest Here's the place. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT T. A WEBER'S store, 1000 Carson St. f 6r papering, plumbing, painting and carpentering in Bedford School. Twenty-ninth ward. Speci fications can be seen at above place from 2 to 5 F. M. until Jnly 20. The right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. jy!7-55 VTOTICEffO CONTRACTORS-BIDS WIIJj JM be received up to Jnly 24. 18S9. at 12 M., lor paving eleven thonsand (11.000) square yards of streets with vetrlfied firebrick. Plans and specifications for same can be seen at tbo office of tbe Borough Engineer, in Greens burg. Pa. C.T.LONG. Engineer. Jyl7-45 "VrOTICE-TO BUILDERS, . PAINTERS JL and kalsomlner. Sealed proposals for tbe remodeling, paint ing and kalsomlning of tbe Ralston Bali District School Building will be received up to JULY 18, 1SS9. Specifications can be seen at Frank Lutz' 8,1335 Penn ave. The Board reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. jyl6-74 T. A. DONOVAN, Secretary. The Westinghouse Air Brake Co.,! Pittsburo. Pa.. July 11, 1SS9. .1 VTOT1CE TO CONTRACTORS PROPOS LM ALS will be received by this company until MONDAY NOON. July 22, 18S3, for the erection of fifty (50) frame dwelling houses at Wilroerding station, Penn'a R. R. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of tbe company on Robinson street, Allegheny, and will be fully explained bv V C. Ferguson. Tbe right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Proposals to be marked "Wilmerding Houses" and addressed to tbe undersigned, O. MILLER, Purchasing Agent Westinghouse Air Brake Company. jyl2-7-usu Office Centrai. Board or Education, i 516 Market st, KOTICE TO PAINTERS AND CALCI MINERS Sealed proposals forpalntlngandcalclmlning, to be done at the Central High School, will be received at this office until 3 P. St., FRIDAY, the 19th inst Specifications of tbe work to be done can be seen at tbe office of C. M. Bart berger, Architect room 62, Lewis bnilding. ' The Committee on High School reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CHARLES REISFAR, Js, jyl&-89 vSecretary. PROPOSALS FOR WOODBRIDGE 10 INCH steel wire gun forglngs Ordnance Office, War Department, Washington, July 12, 18S9 Sealed proposals fn duplicate will be re ceived at this office until 3 o'clock p. M., on THURSDAY, August J. 1889, for supplying tbe O'dnance Department, U. S. Array, with forglngs, of American manufacture, for three (3) hoops and parts of brecih inechauism for a 10-inch steel wire gun, to conform in quality and dimensions to tbe specifications and draw ings to be bad at this office. Bidders will state tbe price per pound for tbe foigings, and how soon the whole can be delivered. The depart ment reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject all or any bids or parts thereof. Blank forms on which proposals must be made can bo had upon application. Copies of this advertisement, of tbe specifications and of tbe drawings mnst accompany and form part of tbe proposals. Proposals should be marked "Proposals for Woodbridge 10-inch steel wire gun forglngs." and be addressed to Captain C. 8. SMITH, Acting Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army. Washlngson. D. C. jvl7-28 BUSINESS CHANGES. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between A. D. Neeld, J. G. Gal lagher and N. Patterson, nnder the firm name of Neeld fc Co., has, this day, beet dissolved. A. D. Neeld having purchased tbe interests of the other two partners, will pav all debts owing by tbe said firm, and will receive payment of ail bills due said firm. A. D. NEELD, J. G. GALLAGHER, jyl7-31.W N. PATTERSON. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice Is hereby given tbat the partner ship lately existing- between tbe undersigned under the firm name of Watters &. Lawler, gen eral contractors, Pittsburg. Pa-, was dissolved by mutual consent Jnly 8. 18S9. All debts owing to tbe said firm are to be received by Robert S. Watters, and all demands on the said firm aro to be settled by him. No. 5809 Penn avenue, Pittsburg. ROBERT a WATTERS. WM. L. LAWLER. PlTTSBPRO July 8. 1889. )vl3-13-MW3 LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF KLIZABETH NASSER, DE CEASED. Letters testamentary upon tne above estate having been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment and those having claims against the same present to the under signed. CHARLES P. NASSER, MATT. V. NASSER, executors. jy!7-13-w FRANK W. SMITH. Attorney-at-Law. ESTATE OF F. W. RUBAU, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on tbe estate of F. W. Ruban, late of the city of Pittsburg, county of Alle gheny, Pennsylvania, deceased, bave been granted to E. D. W'lngenroth. of said city, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known tbe same without delay. , E. D. WINGENROTH. Administrator, je!9-12-w 100 Fourth, ave.. Pittsburg. ATfrarTBTEY: J28H THIRD AVU. UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes scled and heeled in 15 minutes lor 73 cents. . Finest work in the city. -.-T. , "! WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, Display advertisement! on dollar ptr iguare for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, et a, fen cents per line Jor each inser tion, and none taken or less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES'. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning;- Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already bave accounts with Tub D1S- rATCIL rirrsBUiio. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. SK9 Butler street. EMIL O. STUCKEY, Ztth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY CO., Wrlle ave. and Fulton it H. STUKEliY, Firth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, emrenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & snEIBLEK,Sthav. Atwood st EOET11BIDE. JACOB BPOHN. Mo. S Carson street H. A. DONALDSON, 1707 Carton strest n ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 89 Federal street H. J. McBltlDE, Federal and Ohio streets,' FRED H. EGUERS. 172 Ohio street. P. II. EOGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. (5. AV. HUGHES. 1'ennivlvanla and Bearer aves. PEKRYM. OLEIM. Hebeccaand Allegheny ares. WANTED. a QIalo Hcln. fTTANTEI) A GOOD BARBER GOOD , V V wages paid, at S3 FIFTH AVE Jyl7-50 w ANTEO-FIKST-CLAS3 BAKBEK. CHAS, ilitutiut'lt, 1Z38 Second are. Ulenwoot. Jyl7-14 TTTANTEII-GOOD BAKBEK. APPLY AL VV BKKTKINU.es Grant ave., Mlllrale bor ough. Jyls-17 WANTED-A STKNOGBAPHEKFAMILIAK with Itemlnzton typewriter. F.. Dispatch offlce. Jyl7-s TTTANTKD BKICKLAYEKS. APPLY ON V Davis it., Ueventh ward. MITCHELL FAHY. Jyl8-46 WANTED-DKUO CLERK-.MUST BE AN experienced man. Address POTASH. Dis patch office. Jyl7-49 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO SELL TO stores on commission. Address W. J., Dispatch offlce. , Jyl7-U WANTED-A GOOD BARBEU. APPLY AT 51. LEININUKK'3,88 Irwin are., near Jack son St., Allegheny. Pa. . Jyl7-43 WANTED-BKICKLAYEIIS-MSOPER DAY; . inside work. DIXON. WOODS A CO., Thirtieth and Jane sts., S. S. Pittsburgh, I'a. Jyl7-30 WANTED-A F1KST-CLAS3 POL1SHEK AND buffer to finish stoTe plates tor nickeling. Call at CUXTEKUFU. CO.'S, 26 Sandusky, Alle gheny. iyl7-9 WANTED-A BOY ABOUT 16 YEARS OF age to keep stock: must hare experience In iewelry-business. Call M. BONN & CO.. 807 Liberty st. - Jyl7-23 WANTED-A YOUNG 31AN KOK OFFICE work; one familiar with typewriter; a per manent position. Address IKON WORKS. Dis patch offlce. Jyl5-ll WANTED-FlKST-CLASS BRASS MOLDEK can find permanent employment at tbe KELLY & JONES CO., 143 First are., Pi., or Greensburg, Pa. JeS-36 WANTED CATHOLIC MAS-A SOBER, IN DUSTRIOUS person will have steady em ployment: fl5 weekly; bring references. KUNZ 4 CO., 62 Fourth are., upstairs. It 17-11 WANTED-INSURANCE SOLICITOR OF good address, and well acquainted with manufacturers, to solicit new line. Employers Protective Insurance;willpay liberal commission. PITTSBURG COMPANY, Limited, 140 Klrth arenue. )y!3-7-i WANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School; Urllng's actual measure ment taugbt in all its branches; the oily trne system fitting any and all shapes: no trying on: Instructions, 10 A. u. to 4 F. H. ; evening. 7 to 9 p. II.: call or write for circular. M4 WOOD ST., Pittsburg. Pa. JT9-49 TTANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF YY oar safes: size 28x18x18 Inches; weight 500 lbs.: retail price $35; other sizes In proportion; rare chance to crearc permanent bnslaess at home: these safes meet demand never before supplied by otbersafe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe PooL ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. Je20-4-D WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE PIN LESS Clothesline: only line ererlnrented that holds tbe clothes without pins: perfect suc cess; patent ree-ntly Issued: sola only by agents, to Thorn excluslre right Is given: on receipt of 60c.. we will send sample line by mall; al.o circulars, price list, and terms to agents; secure four terrftory at once. Address WORCESTER IN LESS CLOTHES LINE Co., 17 Hermon st. Worcester, Mass. Jy5-57-WT Femals Help. w ANTED-A HEALTHY WET NURSE ATU6 bHEtFIELUST., Allegheny. jy 13-23 WANTED-A YOUNG LADY. GRADUATE of some good Institution, to teach English branches a ew hours per day. Inquire at 64 UNION AVENUE, Allegheny, between 1:30 and S.30 r. K. Jyl6-47 male nnd Female Heln. WANTED TWO LADIES AND THREE gentlemen to receive and classify orders. Must come well recommended and be prepared to So to work Immediately. SUPERINTENDENT, oon. 2, 1108 Penn are. Jyl7-40 XIJANTED COOK AND CHAMBERMAID Y V for small family, laundresses, cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls, nurses, house girls, German and colored girls, waiters, drivers, farm bands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st. JyI4- WANTED-IOO INSIDE LABORERS, 40 FARM bands, 4 colored waiters, man to attend to a horse and work about place, hotel cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls and dishwashers, cooks and house girls. MEEH AN 'S, Hi Grant St. JTIS-D WANTED -125 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female, in erery community: goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad ranced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: wemeanjuit what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. Jel4-70-D -VTT ANTED EARNEST CHRISTIAN MEN Vy and women to sell "The Christian's Legacy." Agcntswrlte; "TheChrlstlan'sLegacy Is tbe fastest selling bosk I bave ever handled, lu a little less than 4) hours' work I bare taken 50 orders, and made more money In Its sale than on any book 1 have erer sold, and 1 have been a cau-v-tsscr for several years. I enjoy showing It to people.lt Is such a good, helpful book." "I have a record of hours worked. In allalittleoreraweek's vork. containing 10 hours lorn dar. and have 89 orders." Send for circulars. W. J. HOLLAND, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Jy)4-81-wsn Sltuntlona. TITAN TED POSITION IN OFFICE BY V vouugladr of good address. Address, for three days. S. . B., Dispatch office. Jyl7-S3 WANTKU-SITTJATION BY AN EXPERI ENCED bookkeeper: can give first-class reference. Address B. K., Dispatch office. Jyl7-1 . -TTANTED-POSIT10N BY YOUNG MAN IN Y Y store or office: speaks German and English. Address L. W., 22 Diamond square, Pittsburg. JyW-18 WANTED-POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN who is a stenographer, typewriter and tele graph operator; In or out or city. Address 'JN," Dispatch offlce. Jyi7-2 WANTED-tMALE) BOOKKEEPER-COMPETENT D. E. bookkeeper woold be pleased to correspond with parties In need of an experi enced man, at moderate salary; At references. Address BOOKKEEPER, BoxlOl, Lewlstown, Pa. JJ17-4. Boarders and Lodgers. WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR LARGE FRONT and large back rooms handsomely furnished, with first-class board, located a lew doors from East Prk. Address, PRIVATE FAMILY, Dis patch office. - Jyl7-lS Partners. -CI-' NTED-PHYSICIAN AS PARTNER IN A YV large and Increasing SDeclal Dractlce In Pittsuurg. Pa. i a good chance for the right man: j Pa. Jyl7-3 Financial. WANTED-tS.000 TO BORROW ON MORT GAGE ou valuable Johnstown property; title good. Address ". 1. V., Dispatch offlce. JT17-18 WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over ti.Ou0; 4), per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., KFourth arenue. tnh2-a22-D WANTED-MORTGAGES-fl. 000,000 TO LOAN in large and small amounts at 4H. 5 and per cent, free of State tax; no delay. REED B. COYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth are. my21-60 TTT-ANTED MOR1GAGES1 MORTGAGES! YV On Pittsburg, Allegheny or suburban lin prured real estate; In sumsof SjOOto S20,00Uand upward, at lowest rates. ALEXANDER ALEE, 313 Wood St. Jyl3-44-MWS TTJANTED-TO LOAN (500.000. IN AMOUNTS Y V of S3, 000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 41 percent, free oftax: also smaller am6nntsat5aua.il per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, H Fourth avenue. se21-d2t-D WASTED MORTGAGES-?!, 000, OOOTO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4W, Jand C per nut. and on larms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at sper cent. 1. AL PENNOCK A BON, 101 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 fTTANTED-TO LOAM $203,000 ON MORT- YV GAGES; SM0 and upward at 6 per cent; SSraLfinOat 4U ner cent on residences or nuitneiu . -, -,- - . ;.-. . 1-. .. . also in aojoming counties, s. s. 135 fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D 1889. WANTED. SMacetlancouv. WANTED-CCSTOMEKS FOR DIAMONDS, gold and silver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc., at tl per week upward, at 130 Fed eral St., AUegheny. J. MITSCH. Jelo-MWTSn WANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH ft Kecnan repair, refintsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. mya-82 WANTED--TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch for each one In the club at tl 00 per weak. Address P. O. BOX 601, and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 ANTEII VETERAN SOLDIERS TO CALL on J. H. STEVENSON. Atty 100 Firth ave., for la formation as to tbe late law on local boun tles In this State; Important to many. Jyl7-19 ANTED-BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGKAPHEK. 86 fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at (1 50 per dozen: pbotos delivered wben promised: lnstan tancons process. mhlJ-3 ANTED---CALIFORNIA PERSONS IN TEKESTED In California and co-operation can obtain valuable Information h correspond ing with Chicago and California Colonization Co.. Ullearborn St., Room 29. Chicago, 111. RALPH E. HOYT. President, HENRY HARRISON. Sec. andTreas. JT17- ANTED-10 OR 12 INTELLIGENT PER SONS to send 2c its inn for particulars as to how they can earn SIM to SMOa month: light and respectable business, suitable ror school teachers (elthersex), oranyperson with a good common school education: this Is a chance seldom met with. Address PEOPLE'S SUPPLY CO., Manor vllle, Armstrong Co.. Pa. " )y!7-25 FOR SALE I31PROVED REAL ESTATE. Citv Residences. FOR SALE-ONLY fl,750 FOR A GOOD brick home. 8 rooms: late Improvements: on Bluff, near Chestnut st.. Sixth ward ton easy pay ments. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth are nue. Je30-71-l,S.10,13,I7t FOR SALE-CENTER AVE.-A VERY DESIlt ABLE modern 2-story brick house or 8 rooms, all in excellent repair: lot 24x163 ft. to Wylie are. : cheap to an early buyer. 1. 31. PEN NOCK A SON, 105 Fourth are. JylI-52-MWS FOB SALE-MT. WASHINGTON-ULYSSES st. A choice home, well-built and nicely finished 2-story frame bouse of 8 rooms, ball, ce mented cellar: frame stable and out-buildings: lot 114X118 ft. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON. 105 Fourth avenue. Jyl3-52-nws OR SALE-COK. PENN AVE. AND FOR TIETI1 St., a most beautiful residence, large lot. new 2-story pressed brick and mansard, dwelling of 8 large rooms, sliding doors, ball, vestibule, batb. porches, laundry, both gases, marble and slate mantels, stono and tile hearths, pantry, cedar closet, cemented cellar, costly chandeliers: this house is finished in lhebest modern style, and wlU be sold below cost, for rash or easy payments: will exchange for other property la Lawrencerllle; possession given at once. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3Sb Butler st. Jyl3-S2-ws East End Residences. FORSALE EAST END-BELLEFO.NTEST-A nice 2-story frame honse of 7 rooms; good cel lar, etc: lot 25x103 ft. Price only S3. TOO. 1. M. PENNOCK it SON, 105 Fourth ave. Jyl3-5i-MWS FOB SALE-t3.400-Mut CASH. BALANCE ON easy payments: houses rooms: well located onparer street In the midst of Oakland. JY. . A. HEBRON & SONS. 80 Fourth are. Je30-69-L5,8,12,17 FOR SALE-86, SCO-OAKLAND AVENUE.ONE square from-cable line, new 2-story brick dweUing, 8 rooms, nail, bath. Inside shutters and w. c. slatemantels, etc.; easy terms: a bargain. SA M U KL W. BLACK CO., 99 Fourth are. Jyl6-58-TUWT " FOR SALE ONLY K500-WABU ST.. OAK LAND, a 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing of 8 rooms hall, vestibule, range, bath, inside w. c. etc., all modern -conveniences. This Is a bargain In- price as well as location. BLACK A BAIKD, 95 Fourth are. (2 D, 74.) J 714-53 FOR SALE-ON PENN AVE., NEAR REBEC CA St.. the finest and best arranged resi dence property in the Nineteenth ward: lot 40x268, with new frame and mansard roofed dwelling of 12 rooms: large halls, vestibules; porches front and real": painted, grained and pa pered throughout: both hot and cold water; both gases: cemented cellar: fruit and sbade trees: new frame stable on rear of property. Any one seeing, this property cannot help but like It; satisfactory reason given for selling: price, S1Q. 000; easy payments. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Jyl3-82-ws FOR SALE-ONLY A FEW NOW KfcMAIN nnsold of the very desirable eight-room dwellings on Oakland square: the rapidity with which bales bare leen made shows the estimation in which they are held; durably built and hand somely finished, supplied with erery modern con venience: standing on large lota and facing a haudsome park planted with beautiful shado trees: these dwelllugs bave the notable advantage or being but 15 to 20 mlnntes from the postofflce by tbe Pittsburg Traction road; s cable loop, for wblch an ordinance Is now In Councils, will pass within HO lector the square; prices SO, 500 and sa, 750; terms, moderate cash paymenand long time on balance. Apply to C A. CHANCE on the premises. Jyl3-94 Xlnzelvrood Residences. FOR SALE-AT HAZELWOOD-A SNUG 2 story frame house of 6 rooms, cellar, etc; ex cellent water, healthy location; lot 30 ft. front on a streetnear Hazelwood ave. and 120 ft. deep; price Jl, 600. I. M. PENNOCK & SON, 105 Fourth are. Jyl3-52-HWS Suburban Residences. TTIOR SALE--ATMCKEESPOKT A SPLENDID JTJ property; centrally located lot, 120 feet front on Fifth avennc, and 140 feet deep to an al ley, on which are 8 brick and frame nouses; a snlendld site for hotel: will pay handsomely. I. M. PENNOCK i. bON, 105 Fourth arenue. JylS-52-jrws FOR SALE THE FINE RESIDENCE AM)4Ji acres of ground at Fair Oaks station, below Sewlckley. of Mr. J. M. Stoner: great abundance of fruit and sbade trees, line lawn, tennis and cro quet grounds, beautiful .knoll with obserratorr on top, copious supply of pure water from living stream, purling brook, etc.; excellent dwelling house of 11 rooms, modern throughout, natural gas. etc.; full complement of outbuildings. Incu atlng sheds, poultry bouses, etc.. clo., to be sold at public sale on next Tuesday afternoon, July 23, at 3 o'clock, on the premises; a great bargain may be expected, as tbe owner Is going to California; send for lull descriptive circular further par ticulars from tbe owner on the premises or J AS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth are.. Pittsburg. Jyl7-33 FOR SALE LOTS. City I.ota. TTIORSALE-CITY LOTS-10LOTS ON LIBERTY JJ are., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts., Pittsburg, Pa.: low and on long time. H. FORBES, Wheeling, YV. Va. le22-35 -ITlORSALE LOTS. LOTS, LOTS-NICEBUILD-J ING lots In Byrnes' clan. Eighteenth ward, and Patterson's plan, Mt.Washlngton: price low: payments easy. 1. M. PENNOCK & SON. 105 Fourth ave. Jyl3-52-MWS East End Lota. T7H)K SALE-LOTS-EAST END EDMUND Jj and Alder street. Twentieth ward, 2 lots, each 60x120 feet: desirable and cheap. I. M. PEN NOCK & SON, 105 Fourth are. Jyl3-52-MWS TTOR SALE ABOUT Hf ACRES ON FAIR JJ MOUNTarenue and Rebecca street: delight fully situated; grand view of East Liberty Valler; five minutes' walk trqin Penn ave. cable road; onlv (B.ax. J. J. ALAND, 131 Fifth arenue. Jyl4-12-wss FOR SALE BAUM GROVE LOTS: MOST DE SIRABLE location In the East End; wide flagstone sIVewalks through tbe .whole plan; se cure colored 'plan from MELLON BROS.. East End. or JOHN P. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smith field street. Jyl4-C9-MW FOR 8ALE-SL600 FOR ALL, THIRTEENTH ward, 3 lots, each 24x100 feet, to alley, online of new cable road, nearTulrty-thlrd street: this lot will nearly donble in value on completion of the road. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth are. Jyl6-58-TuWT FOR SALE-LARGE EAST END BUILDING sites, commanding a magnificent new of the bcautirul Liberty Valley; this handsome residence place Is situated on Linden are. abore Penn are., convenient to P. R. R. and cable roads: verr low prices and good location. BLACK A llAIllD. 95 Fourth aTe. JylO-30-10,12,15,17.19,23,25.27,29,31 TlrizelTTOOd Lots. TTIOR SALE-CHEAP LOTS AT HAZELWOOD, X! close to station, nice and level and on line of new electric road: some good bargains; sure en hancement In a short time. HLACK t iUlltD, 95 Fourth ave. lyl4-59-I5, 17,13,23,23,27 FOR SALE-LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND Glenwood. near the station! only Umlnnl'S from new B. & O. station. Smlthfleld st.: graded streets, sidewalks, city water, gas: (300 to (1.CC0: bouses for sale, small-payment down, balance In monthly payments If desired: railroad fare, monthlr tickets. 5H cents per trip. UEORGE C. BURUWIN, ISO Fourth ave. fel6-71-MWFSSu FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS IN THE BLAIR estate, within 3 to 5 minutes' walk of Haiel wood and Glenwood stations; fine level lots re quiring no gradlns or filling: wide street, city water, gas, natural gas. sidewalks, pavements, schools, stores, etr.: on line of the electric street car line now building; 10 minutes by the B. O. R. R. from the new deoot: all express trains stop; monthly tickets, fare St cents: prices JlSStoSl.CU); 10 per cent cash, balance long time; monthly pay ments If desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO., 90 Fourth are. Jt14-5-mws Alleabcnv 1,01s. FOR SALE ALLEGHENY. ON BELL AVE., a nice lot 20x100 ft.; will sell cheap. I. M. PENNOCK Jt SON, 105 Fourth ave. JT13-52-MWS FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, in the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH UCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond st. inb7-9S-D Irnxfns. FOR SALE-OR EXCH AN G E-FAKM 12 ACP.KS house 5 rooms: good orchard: blacksmith shop: uear Carney station, P. K. R. ED. WIT T13H. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. Pa. Jyl2-P FOR HALE -FARM -14. COO WILL BUT A splendid farm or 8u acres: nicely Improved; Is near I.tvermore," Indiana Co., W. P. K. R. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON, 105 Fourth ave. ljlJ-52-MWS Miscellaneous. "CTOBSALK- ATLANTIC C1TY.N.J.-HOTEL8, JC boarding bouses., cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by 1.9. ADAMS CO.. real estate agents, V Eat. Law Bdg., Atlantic Citv. N.J. V '.; JeaM-r FOR SALE BUSINESS. Dnslnrsw Cbnnces. FOB SALE DRUGSTORE IN A LARGE manufacturing town near city: over 88.100 business done last year; good reasons for selling. Address DRUGGIST, Dispatch office. jyl7-12-TUW8u F OR SALE-A HARDWARE. STOVE.HOUSE FtlRNISIIINn and tinware store. In a neighboring manufacturing city, doing) a good paying business; to a live man this is a good open ing. Particulars from J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jyl3-56-MWs -p,ORSAt'E-r'lIRNITUKESTORE poijjrj A JD good and paying business In a manufacturing town of 15. 000 people: owner recently deceased, and widow does not care to contlnnc tne business; a splendid opening: trade well established. Ad dress P. O. BOX 226. JlcKeesport, Pa. Jyl7-8-WTS FOR SAI.K-iOO GROCERY. DltYGOODS. drug, cldna and uotion stores; light manu facturing business, paying welt; feed store, ex tensive and profitable bakery. Ice cream and con fectionery business: cigar stores and confection err stores, sll sizes and prices; fine restaurantand dining rooms, printing, office, butcher shop, milk depots, upholstery bnlness, shoe stores etc. Free particulars. SHEPARD i, CO.. 54 Finn are. Jy7 FOR SALE-BLACKSMITH SHOP AND LOT 25x50 feet with all necessary tools, 2 pair of bellows, 2 anvils, a large assortment of manufac tured borhCshoes. iron, scrap, store, etc. etc., on Oakland arenue between Fifth arenue and Forbes street. Oakland, same stand occupied by S. B. Mackle. to be sold at public sal eon Thursday afternoon, July 18, at2o'clock. on the premises. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE CO.. 129 Fourth arenue. Pittsburg. Jyia-59-irwThs FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. riones. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc FOR BALE PANEL DOOR, LEATHER sash barouche: will be sold at a sacrifice; also oue barouche harness, nearly new; iut been used a few times: Inquire Immediately. KERR'S SALE STABLES, 625 and 526 Penn ave. Jyl7-54 FOR SALE-FRESH ARRIVAL OF 30 HEAD of choice Kentucky horses by steamer Hud-1 son. consisting of fine drivers, saddlers, carriage teams and fast roadsters: buyers requested to call and examine stock at the stable ox Jackman Jt bona. 536 Penn are. M. DUGAN. J 1 10-48 Machinery ana Itletals. FOR SALE-2SX48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation: price on application; Wortblngtou pumps, automatic and plain slide valve engines, boilers, pipe and fittings, j. a. Mccormick, 150 Hm ave. T aui-p32-MWy FOR SALE-SECOND-HAiND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, rrom 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at I west E rices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 1-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-S2-MWT F lOR SALE-CONTIIACTOKS' MACHINERY: one7Uxl2-lneh iouble cnrlne. double drum: others large and small, with single or double friction drums; wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc.; two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. Jal7-uwr MIsceTlaneoirs. F1 IOR SALE-FEW 10O SHARES AT J75 OF shed snd paying 14 per cent. TRUSTS. Box 1306, 'liiladelphla. 1yl4-82-Mwrsu trust companv organizing: Business estan- l..lH.ln,rilu,.nit 'PtMWTU Uav IWt FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF YoUNG PAR ROTS guaranteed to make talkers: nrtce. 15 each; comesoon to secure first choice. EsPICH'S, 6 Smlthfleld st. Jyl4-lJ-w.su FOR SALE-80 GROSS QUART BOTTLES AT Well Bottling Works. TitusTllle, which Is also for sale. Apply to L L. WEIL & SON. care Matchett Paper Box Co., 23 Seventh arenne. Pittsburg. jv 17-1 17 TO IjET. Citv Residence. TO LET-NO. 1701 PENN AVE. DWELLING of 8 rooms; owner pays natural gas for fuel and water rent: rent low. YV. A. HEBRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. J ylO-44-Mwr TO LET-BRICK HOUSE. NO. 112 CRAYV FORD St.. containing eight rooms. Including two in mansard: possession given Immediately. F.R. STONER, 415 Grant St., Room No. 22. Jyl6-49 East End Rrslnenera. TO LET-ON PARK AVENUE, EAST LIB ERTY, new brick bouse of 7 rooms: natural gas: rent. 820 per month. YV. A. UERRON Jt SONS, SO Fourth are. " JylC-44-Mwr TO LET-FIFTH AVE.. NEAR CKWG ST. Complctelr furnished S-rootn residence; all modern conrenlenees: elegant large lawn: moder ate rent, SAMUEL YV. BLACK &. CO., 99 Fourth are. Jyl4-3-MW Allegheny Residences. TO LET-ALLEGHlCNY NO. 24 ROBINSON St., 8 rooms, 830; 139 Franklin St.. 8 rooms. fa 50; Drum St., 5 rooms, f 15. A. LEGGATE ft SON, 31 Federal St.. Allegheny. . Jyl6-80 TO LET-HOUSE. 6 ROOMS, WASH HOUSE, pantry, vestibule. 3 halls, continue! stair rail to finished attic marble mantels, hot and cold water, batb tub, range, frescoed ceilings, large dry cellar, front porch, a yard, shade tree. back porch, side entrances: fine location: bouse was built for a home: owner leaving city. Inquire at 195 BUEN A VISTA ST., Allegheny. Jyl7-42 Sabnrbon Residences. TO LET-SEW ICKLEY-P.. Ft. W. C. KY.. a furnished house of 9 rooms, batb. and 3 min utes' walk from station: rent, fXl per month. YV. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth arenue. J)17-20-MThS Apartments. TO LET FURNISHED ROOM, YVITH kitchen to yourself: washing done free by yodrs IKTH bouse. 164 FOU AVE. JV17-3S TO LET-FURNISHED ROOMS; KITCHEN separate: Iceboxes, foldlngbcds, etctwash Ing done by house; look at the rooms and yon will hare no others: choice of four dwellings; rent low for summer. NO. 41 LOGAN ST., near YVyile. JyW-SJjl Orflces. Desk Room. fcc rriO LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY JL painted: elevator. Janitor serrlce and al modern courenlences. Apply to GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 YVood street. e2-68-D TO LKTFOUK LARGE OFF1CE-J-S1NGLE or en suite. In the Standard building. YVood street, between Fifth and Sixth arennes: com- Elete In erery detail: rent reasonable. See W. A. 1EKRON ft SONS, No. 80 Fourth arenue. JylO-12-jrwr TO LET-OFFICE ROOMS OK SUITES FOR general business purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond St.: situation most central In tbe city: electtic light Included in rents, which are moderate. Apply between 11 A. 11. and 5 r. 11. Je2f-so TO LET-PENN BUILDING. PENN AVE., near Seventh St., offices single or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators. heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low: floor plans at onr office: we bave also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL YV. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth are. Je29-32-D PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS 1 New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and sclentlnc3Q,'J00rot umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE, 900 Liberty st. my3-28 TERSONAL-YVHY TROUBLE YOUR YV1FE, X mother or daughters In repairing and clean ing your old clothes when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Firth aTe. and Wood st.. second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order: spring styles now readr. 'telephone 1558. mhs LOST. LOST-A GRAY HORSE ABOUT 16 HANDS high, partlv Roman nose, carries mane on leftside. A liberal reward for his return to H. MEYY'ES, MLAillrer. Jyl7-17 T OST-BETYVEEN THIRTY-EIGHTH AND XJ Forty-second sts., pocketbook containing small amount or moner: liberal reward paid if returned to No. 171 FOItTY-SECON D. Jyl7-10 DIY1DENDS. Office Akmkxia Insurance Company, 65 Fourth are., PrrrsBUEQ. Jnlv 1L lS8a TMVIDEND THK BOARD OF DIRECT. XJ ORS have declared a semi-annual divi dend of THREE DOLLARS per share, pay able on demand. YV. D. McGILL, jyl3-37-D Bccretary. Manufacturers a Merchants Ins. Co., ) Office. 417 YVood street, Pittsburo, Pa., July 9. 1889. ) DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS or this company have thi day de clared a dividend of $1 50 PrJR SHARE, pay able on demand. YVM. T. ADAIR. jylM9-D Secretary. The Ben Franklin .Insurance Co., Of the City of Allegheny. Pa.. J nil! Allegheny. July la 1880. rlVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS If comp.inv have this day declared a dlvi dend of THR'EE PER CENT (II 50 tier share), payable on demand. W21. A. FORD. Jyll-10-D Secretary. rpHK BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE JL Aiononzahcla Navlcation Company bare this day declared a dividend on tbe capital stock of THREE DOLLARS PER SHARE for tbe past six months, payable to tbe stock holders or their legal representatives on and alter the loth Inst. V. BAKEWELL, Pn-rsBUKO, Jnly 1L 18S9. Treasurer. JV12-51 AMUSEMENTS. H ARRIS' THEATER Monday. Tnesdav and Wednesday, STREETS OF NEW YORK. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, THE CREOLE, ARTICLE 47. lyl5-o-MWy TAUNCAN C. WHITE, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smlthfleld, Plttsbnrg. fel4-7-annr ' l E. LINKENHEIMER, , ARCHITECT, 515 Smlthfleld street, Pittsburg, Fa- Frelheit FrenndBoildlnc. second floor. rahSsVSO-MWT , ..r -i , EDDCATaONAL. ELOCUTION - MUSIC -UTERATURE. Mrs. Lizxie Pershing Anderson's School. 61 Union avenue. Allegheny. French and Ger man. Drawing and PainUnc Emrilsh studies. Fall term opens September 10, 1889. Send for prospectus. JylO-18-ya HOLY GHOST COLLEGE , , . Complete preparatory, commercial .and r.iil"iat departments, .reopens YV i.DJ'i.fciS DAY, SEPTEMBER; new students examined Monaay. September 2. Apply to Rev. Jonx T. MURPHY, C. S. Lp., President. JJ17-2H BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE A COL LEGIATE school for young ladies, cor ner Penn are. and Fourth street, Pittsburg; The next session begins Wed., Sept. 1L Send for register giving foil Information. Addresa the rector, REV. R. J. COSTER, A. M. CHELTENHAM -ACADEMY. OGONTZ Pa. Unexcelled location and surround lugs. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc. Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, eta, address J. CALVIN RICE. A. M., Principal. Je2S-53 -TEYV YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, il Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful building?, grounds, location. COL. C J. WRIGHT, a S., A. M, Snpt,; BELDUN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jel0-ll PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACAD EMY. Chester. Pa. Twentv-elchtU year opens September 18. A MILITARY COL LEGE. Civil Engineering. Chemistry. Archi tecture. Arts. Thoroughly organized, prepara tory courses. Circulars of Mr. F.G.PAUL SON, 441 Wood St., city. CoL CHAa E. HYATT. President- jyl062-YVS PITTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE FULL X and special couraes of stndv in Literature. Language, Natural Science, Music, Art and Elocution. Unsurpassed home eomforts and care. Buildings large: facilities ample. Health ratio not surpassed anywhere Location cen tral; Eighth street, near Penn avenue. Tuition and boarding very reasonable. Next season opens September 10. For catalogue and full information send to PRESIDENT A. H. NORCROSS, D. D jylO-23-ws Pittsburg. Pa. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE MANUFACTURING site. On the premises. River ave.. Alle gheny, opposite new Thirteenth street bridge, between P. & YV. and YV. P. R. R, TUESDAY, July 23, al 2 o'clock P. M., lot 200x125, with im provements, viz.: A large and substantially built planing mill, with nrst-class machinery. " 2-story brick office building, stable; etc. Terms One-half cah: balance in 1,2 and 3 years. JOHN J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth ave. jyl7-24 BY JAS. W. DRAPE fc CO. AUCTION SALE-OF BLACKSMITH'S shop (fitted with natural gas) and lot 25x50 feet, with all the necessary tools for tbe business. 2 sets of bellows, 2 anvils, a large as sortment of manufactured horseshoes, iron, scrap, stove, etc., etc on Oakland avenue be tween Fifth avenue and Forbes street, Oak land, same stand occupied by S. li. Mackle. To be sold on next THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Jnly 18, at 2 o'clock, on tbe premises. -PEREMPTORY SALE Further particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE 4 CO., Auctioneers and Agents, 129 Fourth ave nne. Pittsbnrc yl7-32 MEETINGS. A MEETING OF THE LIFEMANAGER3 of Western Pennsylvania Exposition Society will be held in the Art room, second floor of Hamilton bnilding, FRIDAY. July 19, 18S9, at 3 o'clock P. M., to consider the question of issning 53)0,000 in first mortgage bonds. jyl5-3 JAS. YY BATCHELOR, Secretary. NOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of tbe Pennsylvania Manufacturing. Mining and Snpply Company will be held at their offlce. No. 1004 Penn ave nue. Pittsburg. Pa., on WEDNESDAY, July 17, 1889, at U o'clock A. M. D. A. STEVENSON. Secretary. Pn-TSBURO. July 11. I8S9. Jyll-16-p NOTICES. -T OTICE TO TEACHERS THE BOARD 1M of School Directors of FIndlev township, Allegheny connty. will meet at Imperial JULY 20, at 10 o'clock A. X. to elect 11 teachers; term 7 months: wages 35 per. mo,: applicants re quested to be present at this meeting. D. E. STONESIPHER, Secretary. jr!3-34-MW3 Clinton. Pa. TOT:UROPI2WE-SEn7TlCTn7rHFO"R' the leading line. secuie berths and pass ports. Issue drafts, letters of credit and money orders, and sell foreign com at N. Y. rates. MAX SCHAMBERG CO., 627 Smlthfleld st, Pittsburg. jyl-wsu ELECTIONS. XTOTICE THE SCHOOL BOARD OF JN Scott township will hold their election of teachers at YVoodvilIe. Chartiers Valley R. R., on SATURDAY. July 20. 1889. at 10 A.M.; term 7 months; salary for principal at Glen dale $50 per month; other schools 38 per month. M. C. DUNLEVY. Sec Mansfield Valley, jvl656 Allegheny County. Pa. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. XT OTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED IN proposals will be received at tbe office ot City Controller until WEDNESDAY, tbo 17th day or July, A. D. 1SS9. at 2 P. SL, for the fol lowing, viz: REPAVTNG. Forbes street, from Brady street to Boyd street. Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street. State alley, from Wylie arenue to Fifth, avenue. Scott alley, from Penn avenue to Duquesno way. Church alley, from Sixth avenue to Straw berry alley. Slocum alley, from Pennavenuo to Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smlthfleld street to Liberty avenue. PAVING AND CURBING. Corday alley, from Pearl street to Cedar street- The paving of the above street and alleys to he either of Standard Sheet ' Asphalt with, bituminous base or Vulcanite Asphalt. GRADING. Keystone street, from Fifty-fourth street to Fifty-flfth street. PAVING AND CURBING. Keystone street, from Stanton avenue to Fifty-second street. GRADING AND PAVING. Dresden alley, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street. Dresden alley, from Stanton avenue to fifty second street. GRADING. PAVING AND CURBING. South Twenty-eighth street, from East Car son street to Jane street. Mawhlnney street, from sonth side of Forbes) street to a point 567 feet, more or less, south wardly. Allen street, from Lillian street to Washing ton avenue. " Larkins alley, from South Twenty-fourth, street to South Twenty-fifth street. Tho paving of the above named streets and alleys to be either of Standard Sheet Asphalt with bituminous base. Vulcanite Asphalt, Block Stone. Irregular Block Stone or Cobble) Stone, and bids will be received for each kind of pavement. SEWERS. Miller street, from Center arenne to Reed street; 15-inch pipe. Twenty-second street, from south sids of Railroad street 'to Allegheny river; 18-lnch pipe. Through and over private properties of Margaret Hardie et al. and crossing Brooks,' Bates and Zulema streets, from YVard street to a connection with Cunlifle run sewer; 18-inch pipe. Wnintnl Haw ffutm QnrttT 1Mitw.t.laJ street to south twenty-fourth street; 15-inch, pipe. Fox ox street, from South Twenty-fourth street to South Twenty-third street; 15-inch W-tlllngford street, from Bidwell street to Barton street; 15-Inch pipe. Penn avenue and Braddock arenue. from Linden avenue to Susquehanna street: 15, 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Eacn proposal must be accompanied by a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tha right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. Jy6-24 " A FTER TWO TRIALS." FRED BEDLSTEIN, of Spring Garden ave-, was relieved of a large tapeworm by Dr. Bur goon on July 9. after having treated with two other physicians for tbe same. Mr. Beilstein can be- seen at the Allegheny market, where he has a butcher's stand. DR.BURGOON treats all curable diseases. Over 300 testimonials of your neighbor! cured at his office, 47 Ohio st Allegheny. Pa, Consultation free. yl3 IANOS, ORGANS. a HAMILTON, I AND 3 FIFTH AVENTJZ, rutsnurg. ra. , , apw-7-s ( 1 . y - . , mi - HW. . - - -' - , u..A ' -VH i.W.ii-.,... nf J-r 'Li-U'ASkB , gjtfiiijM