mm fTWWJ . V THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1889. I f of looking solely to his numbeV of boxes and getting out of tares shestsof clus as many cuts as tbo demand) for sizes would warrant. The judgment of the cutter, which Is thus final as to the work of gatherer, flattener and, blower, might thus have been made to lean toward his fellow employes, and, as it would bring them more wages, to lean lrom tbo manufacturer to just that extent. IT TOOK A DAY AND A HALF. The manufacturers' element in the conven tion prevailed, However, after one and a half days of earnest discussion on the part of the delegates. The method by which those in favor of the Chambers plan (by the box) pre vailed finally, was to declare the quality per centage plan unconstitutional. One quite important resolution, favorable to the worker and against the manufacturer, was adopted. It provides that hereafter no flat tener be allowed to flatten for more than four pots, or that there be allowed three flatters to each ten-pot furnace. They have been here tofore allowed only two flatteners to each ten pot furnace: so that, by the new arrangement, the manufacturer will have to hire SO per cent more help in such cases. Another matter of general interest, but which has not j et been disposed of, is the asso ciation's proposed insurance feature It came before the convention, was discussed and strongly opposed. Many of the window glass workers already belong to secret beneficial or ganizations, giving them policies on their lives, and they did not feel that an additional assess ment of II for each three deaths in their labor organization should be levied on them, the benefit, in case of death, being 1.000. Because of these objections, a motion prevailed to refer the matter back to the committee for revision. AS TO THOSE BICH TANKS. Probably no matter that came before the convention was of more widespread importance to the trade than a resolution, which was in troduced, discussed and finally sat down upon by the predomincnt clement, and which pro Tided that all :ank furnace proprletois pay all their employes 10 per cent more waces than the same classes of employes receive for working at pot furnaces. As to how great the ramifica tions of this movement were, and how much stronger its opponents were, the narration of a few facts will serve to illustrate. The limita tions of the windowglass industry in the East ern district (New Jersey and Maryland), and the Northern district (New York and Northeastern Pennsylvania), have been such that the Association has here tofore conceded the manufacturers in those districts a scale of wages 10 per cent lower than that prevailing in the western district, which includes Pittsburg, Jcannette and all places west thereof. Indeed, those Eastern and Northern manufacturers could hardly make ends meet and pay the Western scale. With this fact in view, and because it bad been demonstrated that the enormous Sroportionate output of the" tank furnaces at eannette would enable them to crush out all weak window glass competitors i. e., those weaker than Pittsburg boasts of the Northern and Eastern delegates, and many who sympa thized with them, pushed this scheme "for 10 per cent additional wages from tank furnaces to equalize matters. But it wouldn't work. The Chambers A -McKee element andfolloncrs had already gained complete control of tbo convention, and they held it, so that it now re mains only a question of survival of the fittest as between the great tank furnace and its weaker rivals. KADICAI, AITEENTICESlIir CHANGES No question of all those that came before the convention except possibly the kindred one of importations of labor has attracted more attention than the apprenticeship tan gle. The lack of blowers here due to this very shortage of apprentices was, indeed, the cause of the alleged violation of Federal lavs on the part of the association. No the aporen- tkscship question, with its half dozen or more knotty problems, is still troubling the conven tion. Several planb are suggested as affording remedies, cither partial or, complete. One is to allow the sons and brothers of the tradesmen at present employed to be taken in as appren tices at the age of 14 cars, instead of 1C. years as heretofore. The advantage of this plan, which is heartily favored by President Camp bell as a wise one, is that it will not hold an apprentice down to be a mere gatherer's as sistant until he is 19 years of age, as hereto fore, but will present him at 17 ears of age as a finished and competent gatherer, ready to begin learning the blower's trade. Another plan is to increase the maximum of apprentices b) CO per cent, and thus insure the balancing of suppl) and demand within a few years. Heretofore apprentices to gatherers only have been allowed as beginners, and the proportion of even these has been so very email that the growth of the bus'ness (10 per cent a J ear) and its demands have far out str'pped the KECKUITS TO THE HANKS of finished workmen. Indeed, so great has been this discrepancy that over SO percent of the blowers on American foot benches to-day are foreigners men who were born and learned their trade In cither England, France, Belgium or Germany. President Campbell recognizes this sad condition of affairs as regards home in dustry, and has often called the attention of bis fellow craftsmen to the need of a radical rem edy. He favors the GO per cent increase in number of apprentices not only, but suggests and urges that green hands be apprenticed to blowers as well as to gatherers, and that the tra de begin at both ends of the string to educate competent home workmen. In this reform President Campbell has the almost undivided support of the trade, except as to the degree or extent of the reform. The blowers, nf course, or most of them, while leeling that the present 20 per cent recruiting process which only ripens once in three years, shouM bo made more liberal, are loath to go as far toward sup planting tbeir own craft as some of the work ers who arc not blowers, yet who sec the need of more of them. As above stated, however, this whole apprenticeship question is still pending, and may, indeed, have a tendency to still further prolong the convention. The convention yesterday took the very radical course of not only condemning Joseph L. Evans and Homer L. McGaw for antagon izing its chief officials, but of instructing the delegates from L. A. 300 to the General As sembly, Knights of Labor, to vote and work for the expulsion of the two gentlemen named from the order. One of its delegates is always President Campbell, and he will undoubtedly obey the association's instructions in this re spect. Other resolutions adopted in the same line are as follows: THE BOYCOTTING BErOLTJTIONS. Whereas, It lias come to pasi that X.. A. 300, K. ofL., Window Ulass Workers, have had occasion to use the benefit or the universal federation of labor In order to protect the interests of li. A. 300 and its members; and Whereas, The course pursued by the officers of I.. A. 300 was in our opinion light arid proper and the only one open to them if they bad the Interest of the organization at heart: and Whereas, The actions of the officers orij. A. 300 have been severely criticised and condemned by certain people whose motives may or may not be plain to the general public: and Whereas, Two certain alleged labor papers published In this city have Joined in the hue and cry against our officers with motives actuating tbem which it were best not to mention: and Wheri-as, One of these papers, which was In no wav affected by the action referred to. but chose to nil Itscolumns with contemptible editorials on the officers of L. A. 300 and the apprentice laws of l!i same without em miillnf. mm 1ti-.tlfrtlnn or Inquiry of the officers of the organization. mercuj irjnijc u icar uown a laDor organization in thceyes or kindred organizations; Ve It ItcsoHed, That we offer our condolence to a paper which once stood In the front of all labor papers, when Its Illustrious editor was alive, but which his since drgeneratcu-untll It is known to day as a labor paper without a union man on It, exrept the printers. JSe It further Itesolved. That as another paper, vthlch alms to represent the glass trade by the pen or men who are disowned by 1.. A 300, though once Its officers,' has sought to gain come cheap notoriety bv the same questionable method, we desire to go "upon record In the statement that the paper re ferred to. driven from Its original ter ritory by Us peculiar hallucinations and settling down In l'lttsburg tempo rarlly.hoplng to dazzle the organized workmen or this vicinity. Is In no sense recognized by L. A. 300 or Its members, but that we regard both It and the other paper In their present attitude to ward the association as enemies of organized labor who are given to pernicious slander, and are unfit to be read by union men who have re gard for their honor as such, lie It further Itesolved. That we as Individuals withdraw our support from all persons who advertise in the columns of either paper, after giving said parties a proper notice of the same. THOSE-IMPORTED BOTTLEMEN Ilave Not Landed Yet The Atlantic City Convention Determined to nave Them Sent Dack A Letter From New York. A letter was received yesterday from New York by Homer L. McGaw in regard to the SO green bottle blowers. Prom that letter there appears to be some doubt whether the men actually sailed or not. Mr. McGaw stated: It appears that a Western bottle manufacturer bad engaged an emigrant agent In New York to procure sufficient green bottle blowers from Ger many to run their factory, claiming thai tbe Gov ernment having permitted the Window Associa tion to bring English blowers to Jcannette with out Interference, that the same privilege should be accorded the manufacturers. The prompt action of the secretary of the Treasury and the United States District Attorney at Pittsburg in complying with the wishes or the Trades Council of Western Pennsylvania fcran Investigation In the Jeannette matter, has caused the Importers to call a halt. A cablegram has been sent to Ger many countermanding the order to ship the men until the decision of the Secretary of the Treasury Is mads, but whether It reached Germany befor the men had sailed is not definitely known. The concluding paragraph of the letter re ceived by Mr. McGaw is as follows: The working people of New York are fully aware of the gravity or the situation, and trust that the Trades Council will be .uccessful In its efforts to secure an Interpretation of the alien contract labor law that will prevent the further Importa tion or foreign labor, cither by labor unions or manufacturers. We look forward with feelings of the gravest apprehension If the window glass workers are sustained In the position they have taken, to wit: That a trades union can Import alien labor while a manufacturer cannot, for. ir so sustained, the alien contract labor law will be come a dead letter, as the manufacturers will con test successfully in the courts their right to the same privilege accorded to any other cljss or citi zens. The men who are expected to be coming over ,m airi tn nmA from Germany, and are sup- 'posed to have been sent for by De Steiger's. of laLalle, wis. iMicompinT ua i running a non-union factory, but the firm lost the men last spring, when all of them left to work at Colorado Springs. Onthls accountDe Steiger was compelled to look around for fresh men. and, as it is supposed he snt to Germany lor them, me green doiuo mowers woubki mincd,1o prevent their landing. A LIVELY SESSION. The Flints Discuss tbo Contract Labor Law A Strong Resolution Passed Denoun cing It Wages to be Increased. The flint glass workers at their convention in Bellaire had a lively session yesterday, which continued until late at night. The Shade Committee reported, making con siderable changes In their list A portion of the report was so ambiguous that it had to be referred back: but the balance was adopted. The iron mold branch was also changed con siderably and adopted, but both reports brought'out considerable discussion, and the shade men did not get all Indorsed that they desired. The reduction of officers' salaries is to be voted on to-night and will probably fail. The convention without a dissenting voice adopted a long preamble, setting forth the sentiment of the flint glassworkers in favor of the strict enforcement of the Government contract labor law prohibiting the importation of contract labor from foreign countries and denouncing in unqualified terms the laxity of the proper authorities in prosecuting violators of this law and Itesolved. That the American Flint Glass Work ers' Convention hereby authorizes the Executive Board, in eonjuctlon with the national officers, to take such steps as Is deemed advisabls by them ,n h Inn this nitHlInn In Ih. allnnHnn nf triA hi retaryof the Treasury and Insist upon havlnzU roper aueuuon. so mai we may nacrnam 11 i. loerlinger, at V bite Mills, or anv other manu facturer, have violated the contract labor law, and it Is further Itesolved, That If sufficient evidence be found to warrant a prosecution the officers named shall proceed in such course. This paper was received with enthusiasm and was heartily indorsed by the whole con vention. The Pressed Ware Committee to-nichtwill re port a reduction in moves on opalescent ware, which vill amount to a practical advance in wages of more than 10 per cent, but it is not certain that tbo convention will indorse it. GREEN GLASS WORKERS. They Decide 10 Consolidate the Eastern and Western Districts. The following telegram was received last night from Atlantic City: The green bottle b'owcrs' convention to-dav re ceived the report of the Joint committee which vi as appointed yesterday to reconsider the matter urthe consolidation orthe two districts. The two conventions have practically adopted the report or tbo committee and appointed a committee to perfect the plans of consolidation as proposed In the resolution presented by th,e committee to-day. As soon as the plans are completed a conference will be held by delegates fruni both 149 and Its, at which the two organizations will be made one, the l'resldent elected to have Jurisdiction over both sections of tbe country now covered by the two organizations. The result of the work to-day Is delighting the delegates or both sides to-night. As soon as the convention of 13 convened tuis afternoon a rep resentative from Altou. in., read from The 1)18 xmtch an article on the proposed Importation or 30 non-union green bottle blowers to take the place or union men at work in Liballc, 111. He also made a vigorous speech in denunciation or the outrage or importing foreign labor generally, and concluded with a set of resolutions denounc ing James OnupbeU, President or the Window Olassworkers' Association, ror Instituting the practice, and branding the present proposed Im portation as an outrage upon labor In the United States The present conventions will adjourn with the sets of officers who will have charge until the joint convention is neld later in the vear. The Campbell resolutions are said to be pushed by the l'lttsburgcrs hers, but they decline to be inter viewed. THE D. A. MEETING. An Important Quarterly Session of tbo K. of L. to Begin To-Dny. The third quarterly meeting of D. A. 3, K. of L., will convene to-day and will be tbe most im portant session of the year. It will not be as large a convention as nsual, owing to the falling off in membership, but tome very important matters are to be considered in addition to the election of a delegate to the General Assembly which will be beldn Atlanta, Ga., next fall. Two years ago the district had four repre sentatives in tbe Minneapolis Convention, rep resenting over 11,000 members. Last year at Indianapolis they bad two delegates, repre senting about 6.00Q. This year the membership is not quite 4,000, and tbe district is only en titled to one delegate. There arc onlv two (candidates for tbe position, and the fight will likely bs a verv bitter one. The candidates are Master Workman ltoss and Worthy fore man O. A. Williams. Three locals held meetings last night, and were addressed by Master Workman Ross, who gave advice to the members as to what they should instruct their delegates to the D. A. to do. Meetings were held by L. A. 6875 of installment agents and collectors, 1536V of box makers, and 1CW0. machinery molders. The latter local re-elected the present officers for the next six months and installed them. This local is increasing in strength. THEIR ANNUAL MEETING. Window Glass Owners Slay Ask tbe DIcn to Work for Leas Wages. Secretary William Loeffler went to New York last night to attend the annual meeting of the Window Glass Manufacturers' Association. One pf tbe features of the meetings is the re ports and election of officers. Mr. Loeffler sup posed the present officers would be re-elected. He said the trade was fair at present, out noth ing extra. He didn't know what would come up for consideration at the meeting, and tbe settlement of the time forresuminsr operations was purely a quest.on of wages. He was sure they would not be advanced, and if anything reduced, and be believed the men with the present condition of the trade would consent to a reduction. THE HUNGARIAN'S FUNERAL. 3,000 Homestead Striker Tarn Oat to Pay Their Lnst Respects. A special train of ten cars was sent up over the Pittsburg, McKeesport and Youghiogheny Hailroad yesterday morning to convey the funeral of John Elker, tbe Hungarian who was killed on tbe Pittsburg, Virginia and Charles ton Railroad on Monday. As bas been stated. Elker war a member of tbe Amalgamated Association, and-took an active and earnest part in tbe late strike at Homestead. He went without sleep for five days to help guard the gate of the mill. Three thousand men. em ployes of the Homestead mill, marched from tbe train to tbe Braddock Cemetery where tbe interment took place. MR, PHIPPS IS PLEASED. Nothing In Ike World to illnr the Late Set dement nt Homestead. " Chairman Abbott, of Carnegie, Phipps ffcCo., said yesterday that the Homestead mill would go on double turn Friday or Saturday. A tele gram was received at tbe office of tbe firm from Henry Phipps, Jr., saving that be was glad that the matter bad been settled. Ex-Secretary Botsford Engaged. E. P. Botstord, ex-secretary of the defunct coke syndicate and lately manager for the Leisenrings, has been appointed secretary and treasurer of tbe Shenandoah Furnace Com pany, of Roanoke, Va. Tho company he rep resented was bonghtlby tho H. C. Frick Coke Company, which left him without a position. Two More Firms feign. Two more Arms have signed the Amalgamat ed Association scale. They are Jennings, Beale fc Co., a sheet iron company, whose works are located at Leecbburg, and Phillips, Nimlck & Co.. who signed for tbeir upper mill, tbe Clinton, formerly operated by Graff, Ben nett & Co. They Didn't Reach Ir. - It was stated that D. A. 1030 K. of L, iron molders. would bold a meeting last night to consider a change in the by-laws, providing for a benefit clause, but at 10 o'clock Mr. Ross stated that tho meeting bad not completed routine business and none other would be reached. A IINIATUREtfOREST. Old City Hall Nicely Metamorphosed for the B. P.O. Elks. THIRD ANNUAL BEUNION OPENED. Two Business Sessions So Hot Draw Large Kninbers of Visitors. . BIG CK0WDS EXPECTED HERE TQ-DAX A primeval forest is so congenial to elks that it cannot be wondered at that every Elk who entered Old City Hall yesterday felt perfectly at home. All the profuse lux uriance of a deep and dark wood has been so cleverely imitated in miniature that the effect is really beautiful. The local lodge of Elks has been promis ing that the preparations for the third an nual reunion of the national representatives of the Benev olent Protective Order of Elks wonld far excel those for any previous gath ering. If everything has been done as thoroughly and with as much taste as the decoration of the reunion headquarters the whole session bids fair to be a howling suc cess. Old City Hall is a sylvan poem. At the back of the stage is a magnificent life-size picture of a magnificent elk, poising- himself upon a huge promonotory, with a fiery sun set in the background throwing the animal into strong relief. There could not have been a more clever central piece than this fine piece of brush work, and Scenic Artist Johnson, of l the Academy, who is the artist, has made a big hit with the counterfeit presentment of the King of the Forest The effect sought for is further carried out by the use of small, up right trees and potted plants masking in Charles liewis. Grand Parade. Marshal Elks' the painted center piece. Running down to both sides of the stage are masses of vines and foliage, and in this umbrageous sur rounding is posted the Pittsburg Orchestra of SO men, conducted by tbe veteran Prof. Weiss. The front of the stage is covered with rare exotics and more foliage, and tho perma nent officers and Grand Lodge members occupy places near where tbe footlights ought to be. The main body of the ball is ELABOBATELY FESTOONED with streamers of laurel and bunting, and tHe general effect is many degrees' in advance of anything ever attempted in Old City Hall, and reflects great credit upon the Committee of Arrangements, ot which Hon. M. B. Lemon is tbe Chairman. The large delegations did not arrive yester day as expected, bat all sent telegrams an nouncing that they were en route. The Elks who were here, however, did not let a little thing like small attendance affect their energy or capacity for enjoyment, and the whole daywas devoted to getting well acquaint ed and discussing Elk lore. Then being no pellucid streams or limpid pools to reflect the visage of the Elks, other fluids were called into requisition. Vhe Elks are jolly and they don't care who knows it. After dinner had been enjoyed, the first session of the reunion commenced at 2t) o'clock with music by the orchestra. Each Elk was armed with a ticket adopted by the Committee of Arrangements ir. order to avoid confusion. The ticket will be an "open sesame" to all features of tbe reunion. Upon schedulo time Brother McClellan, Ex alted Ruler of Pittsburg Lodge No. 11, called the convention to orderln a short speech, con sisting of well-chosen sentences of welcome in which Mr. McClellan managed to blow tbe trumpet of the Gas City very neatly. Ho was loudly cheered, and the assembled Elks sang an ode v ith a dittyeccompaniment in a strange if not barbarous lingo. This seemed to afford unctuous joy to the participants. Prayer was then eloquently offered by Grand Chaplain Rev. Henry G. Perry, of Chicago, Rev. Mr. Perry is a man of eminence in bis profession' and also in secret society work. He is rector Rev. Senru O. Perry, D. D Chaplain of Grand Lodge. of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church ot Chicago, and Exalted Ruler of Chicago Lodge No. i. His election as Grand Chaplain of the 1!. P. O. Elks Grand Lodge took place in New York last Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Perry is a noted man in Masonry, having been Prelate of a score of commanderies, and maintaining membership In at least a dozen chapters and lodges. He is a 32d degree man. HIS EXALTED BIKTU. He is tall and floe-looking, and a pair of English mutton-chop whiskers give him a still more distinguished appearance. He is a native of Philadelphia and a lineal descendant of Commodore Oliver H. Perry, who put the En glish navy to confusion in tho famous Lake Erie naval engagement. Dr. Perry served as chaplain athe memorial service at Cleveland, O. when Commodore Perry's statue was un veiled. Tbe scope of his religions duties bas included rectorship in all portions of America and missionary work among Pacific Islanders. He has been a graceful contributor in poetic and prose lines to various journals and keeps open bouse In Chicago to men of mark. Dur ing Bishop Kerf oo's incumbency ot the Pitts burg Diocese. Dr. Ferry preached on several occasions ac Trinity and St. Peter's churches. He is a leading spirit of the present reunion. Dr. J. P.' McCord, Esteemed Leading Knight of Pittsburg Lodge No. 11. followed Dr. Perry in an introductory address, which was very cordially received. Clarence Burleigh, Esq., of the Pittsburg Bar, delivered a graceful ad dress of welcome, to which Dr. Simon Quinlin, Exalted Grand Ruler of the li. P. O. Elks, re sponded. Mr. Burleigh said: Allow me to discharge an exceedingly pleasant duty In behalf or this community and Pittsburg Lodge No. 11, in bidding you heartily welcome to the city orFittsburjr. 1 assure you we area on- pliable people, l'lttsbure always welcomes a siranger warmiy, out 10 your organization, whose object is TO KELP THE SICK and succor the suffering, we bid you more than a hearty welcome and bid yon God speed In your noble work. We throw open wide foryonr recep tion tbe sates of the State or Allegheny. Dr. Quinlln's response, though brief, was dignified and polished, and expressed tbe thanks of tbe visiting Elks to the citizens of Pittsburg. Hon. Thomas J. Barry, of Boston Lodge of y. Elks, was then unanimously chosen Permanent Chairman of the convention. He has a fine voice and makes a model presiding officer. Brother Oscar A. Tanner, of Pittsburg Lodge No. 11, was then elected Permanent Secretary. The Committee on Rules retired to deliberate, and in the interim the orchestra rendered some exquisite selections, after which the commit tee reported the programme already made out. Considerable cneeringwas caused by a 'tele gram from Dr. Hamilton E. Leach, of Wash ington, saying that he would be hero for to day's session. Dr. Leach is Past Grand Exalted Rule ot tbe order. An adjournment was then had until evening, A LIVELY EVENING SESSION. The evening session was devoted to the dis cussion of various topics for the good of the order. Chairman Barry presided, and an' nounced the topics. The first one was: "How Shall New Lodges be Geographically Sit uated r William G. Myers, of Philadelphia, was to have opeped the discussion, but be was not present, and Chairman Barry Invited vol unteers. W. W. McClelland made a few remarks, stat ing that it was scarcely necessary to discuss tbe question, as the Grand Dodge provided for the location of new lodges. He thought, however, there ought to be a modification for the benefit of cities located as Pittsburg add Allegheny are, so that each city could have a lodge. Rev. Dr.Henry G. Perry, of Chicago, thought the order could afford to adopt tbe plan of the tortoise in its race with the hare, and go slow. He would be satisfied if there would not be a new lodge instituted for the next year. Out siders would then begin to appreciate the or der. He cited Boston Lodge, whose member ship is limited to .100, and it takes a death or a suspension to make room for a new member, and he bas to pay S100 before be can be ini tiated. That makes the order valuable to a man. WHAT A TISUE ELK IS. The second topic "What Constitutes a Good and True ElkT" was opened by Dr. J. P. Mc Cord, of Pittsburg. He said the standard of a perfect man was his ideal qualification for a good Elk. Mr. Perry suggested that tbe man who always paid bis dues promptly ought to make a good Elk. Edward Larkin, of Omaha, Neb., saia the cardinal principles of true man hoodcharity, fidelity, justice and brotherly,, love were required to make a good Elk. Exalted Grand Ruler Simon Qulnlin, ot Chicago, was on the programme to open the discussion of the topic "Shall We Have a Password for Our Lodges, Changeable Every Six Monthsr' Dr. Quinlin commenced by saying be was opposed to a changeable password, for tho reason that it would result in no good to the order, but entail more clerical work and it would be almost impossible to give it to the traveling members. Dr. Quinlin was about to enter into details, whPn an occupant of the stage whispered something to him. Mr. Quin lin said: "I must be more careful. I understand there is a gentleman in tbe hall who is not an Elk. " He continued on the topic saying that the object ot a changeable password was to, OCAKD AGAINST TEATJDS, but he thought there should be no imposition by reason of there being a permanent pass word. Mr. Perry agreed with Mr. Quintan, saying that a changeable password would complicate matters very much. James Courtland, of Philadelphia, moved the postponement of further topical discussion un til this morning's session, when a tyler would be present to exclude all but Elks. Mr. James IL Reed opposed this motion with vigor, say ing that there was no necessity for the bring ing into an annual reunion of any secret work. At this juncture tbe obtrusive reporter offered to retire, but Dr. Quinlin made an emphatic speech, complimenting the press very highly, and that be for one was in favor of letting tbe ubiquitous newspaper man browse at will in the Elk stamping ground. Uev. Dr. Perry arose and said that tbe order should discuss secret work for its on n good, and that although a newspaper man himself, he believed in excluding the press when occa sions like the present demanded. Several Elks arose and clamored for recognition and Chair man Barry awarded the floor to Brother Philip Berry, of the Quaker delegation, who made tbo humorous motion, afterward carried, that the discussion bo carried on by those who cared to do so after tbe adjournment. This ended tbe session of the evening. Notes of the Elks, Youngstown Lodge, 180 strong, will arrive this morning. Aixen O. Mteks will come with the Col umbus Lodge to'-day, 40 good Elks and true. Twelve hundred Elks are expected to turn out in tbe parade this afternoon at 2:3) o'clock. General Joseph Dtek. of the War De partment, is with the Washington Elks, who are 16 strong. Tbe annual business meetings with which the reunions are always opened do not generally attract tho rank and file of the order. COLORED CROOKS. Two Aliened Blackmailers Run Down and Arrested In Allegheny. Two colored men have been making a living during the past month or two by prosecuting, or threatening to prosecute, people for viola tions of tbe law and subsequently withdrawing the informations upon the payment of a certain sum of money. Tbeir victims are many and their profits are large. A liquor dealer, who indiscretely served goods to a minor, was asked to pay S30 to avoid prosecution or trouble and the amount was promptly paid. Others who ran "opeak-easies" were compelled to give up money. -v The persecutions continued until several per sons reported tbe matter to the authorities, and tbe resnlt was a suit before Alderman Casslday against Isaac Brown and Charles Mc Clure. tbo former living on Sandusky street and the latter on First alley. Warrants were Issued for their arrest, and yesterday Detective John R. Murphy, of Allegheny, succeeded in running them down. They will be turned over to Alderman Casslday tu-aay. ALLEGHENY'S NEW HIGH SCHOOL. Contracts for Famishing tho Building Awarded Yesterday. Tbe Allegheny High School Committee met last night and awarded tbe contract for fur nishing the new building. Dunncll's desks and chairs, with two patterns of the latter, were chosen for fS25. Twelve self-winding clocks, similar to those used in the Court House, were also contracted for at $33 each. Rieseck's patent duplex safety fire escape was considered the best proposed and it was selected, the price being SSSO. The committee set aside the whole of tbe second story of the new building for tbe use of the Secretary, the City Superintendent and the Board ot Control.' DESTROYED THE HOUSE. A Landlord Objects to n Tenant Catting Up His Properly. S. J. Cox, of the Seventeenth ward, sued James Acor for malicious mischief yesterday. The defendant rented a house on Forty-fourth street from Cox, and it is stated that Acor, out of pure spite, took a batchet and cut the plastering from tbe walls, cut the window sills, the furniture, and destroyed everything re maining in the house. SAM JONES WAS JEALOUS. ne Knocked His Soho Ulvnl Senseless and Is Now In Jnll. Samuel Jones was held for a bearing before Alderman Bonis last night, on a charge of aggravated assault and battery. Ernest Eg. gerton alleges that jealousy about a girl existed between the two men. While he was walking along Second avenue, in Soho, Jones knocked bim senseless. THEIE CHARTER COMPLETED. The Sonthildo Hospital Completing Their Legal Organization. At the meeting of the Directors of the South side Hospital yesterday, tbe charter of the in stitution was completed. The charter will be presented to court for approval to-morrow The visiting days were fixed on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 3 o'clock in the afternoon of each week. Colorado nnd Pacific Coast Excursion Tickets over the Union Pacific Railroad via Council Bluffs and Omaha, or Kansas City, are now on sale by all ticket agents. Ex cursion tickets are sold to numerous other points, the most prominent of which are Cheyenne, Wye; Ogden and Bait Lake City, Utah; Helena and Butte, Mont., and to Sitka. Alaska, tor August 1 and 17. First and second-class tickets, one way, are sold to all points named above; also to Tacoma, Seattle and all towns in Washing ton Territory. For rates of fare, maps or any information call on or address H. E. Pauavant, or Thos. 8. Spear, I., F. & P. Agts., 400 Wood it. A AfcfcWU4g JL A. TBACTIOH IS COSTLY. Three New Cables Already Laid by tbe Citizens1 Cable Company. THE FIFTH AYEHUE CABLES AGING. Interesting Details of the Condition of the Tiro Eoadj. TWO NEW CABLES AWAITING 0EDEES. Within the last 48 hours the additional two cables on the Citizens' Traction line have been laid and tested, and the new cables are now working' smoothly. The cable lrom the power honse to East Liberty, on Penn avenue, tcis laid ten days ago, as exclusively reported in The Dispatch. The Butler street cable was next relaid, and tbe cable from the power house to the city depot on Penn avenue, below Sixth street, was laid during one night this week. The latter cable was in much better order than either of the others, owing to the com paratively small number of curves, but it was deemed best to relay all and start out on the second six months' operation of the road on a new basis, with everything in good order. The cost of the new cables was not a bagatelle, it may be said by way of information to stockholders. No delays to travel were entailed by the relaying of tbe cable, as the ingenious scheme of severing the old cable and splic ing on the new and laying the new cable by the aid of the engine, was made use of in each instance WITHOUT EVEK A DISTUEBANCE of tbe pulley wheels over which tbe cable runs. It is understood that the ratio of Increase in the traffic over the road shows a probable busi ness for tbe first year, as estimated upon the basis of the first six months, of not far from nine millions of passengers annually. This figure was hoped for by the promoters of tbe road and is largely in excess of the business done in the borse car period of operation. On two huge spools in the cellar of the power house at Oakland are the new cables, which will replace the two long cables on the Pitts burg Traction lines. Tbe cable running from Oakland to East Liberty is already famous in cable circles, for it bas lasted nearly 11 months. whereas tbe maximum life of a cable is nine months. The cablo in question bas broken the record as to longevity, and it will probably be rnn as much longer as may prove consistent with safety, for obvious reasons. Some of the reasons for its excellent condition as given by a cable expert are as follows: In the first place tho cable was one of tbe best ever manufactured, and. In the second place, its immense length 30,000 feet makes tbe strain much lighter. There are fewer stops made than on either of the other cables, and tbe curves, thongh abrupt, have not apparent ly worn the cable more than elsewhere on the road. By way of precaution, however, the gripmen have been ordered to keep the cars closely bunched in tbe East Liberty depot, lest a broken strand should catch a grip and haul a car, without a possibility of stopping, and rush it into other cars and do damage. Everybody is on tbe alert on the road, and nothing happens but what is Immediately re ported. A VEBY THIN CABLE. The lino from .Oakland to the Washington Street power house is worn very thin, and may have to be replaced any night. The terri ble wear and tear of tbe Soho bill bas worn tho cable to such an extent that the gripmen on leaving Oakland for down-town have to in variably tighten up the grip in order to get hold of the cable. This cable is being very assiduously watched, and several, splices have already been made, without which it would possibly have gone to pieces. The cable from Washington street to the foot of Fifth avenue is also considerably worn by the frequent stoppages necessary in the heart of the city and by the tremendous friction caused by the "loop." It will be relaid within a few weeks at most. The portion of tho public whose work is of a nocturnal character will be interested to learn that the reason cars are run no later than 1220 o'clock in the night, is that tbe company needs every moment of the time of Idleness for in spection and repairs of the cables. Every foot of all tbe cables is carefully passed upon by the splicer and bis assistant, and these individuals have to hustle to get through their task nf look ing over the East Liberty cable ot 30.000 feet, tbe Oakland cable of 20,000 feet, and the Wash ington street cable of 10,000 feet. NO DRIVEN WELLS. Allegheny Does Not Take Kindly to the Pare Water Snppty System. A special committee ot the Allegheny Water Committee met yesterday morning to consider tbe proposition of the National Water Supply Company, of Cincinnati, for furnishing pure water by their driven well system. The agent said they could furnish 3,000,000 gallons per day, and this caused some amusement among the members of the committee, and also 'the representatives of the company when they were informed that Allegheny used 21,000,000 gallons of water every 24 hours. The meeting ad journed after deciding to refer the matter to the general committee, which meets next week. Superintendpnt of the Water Works Arm strong, in speaking of tbe matter said that the plan was not feasible, as Allegheny used more water than could be supplied by the driven well system. The supply he says must come from tbe river. He recommended, however, that the city lay an influent pipe up tbe river to a point above tbe sewers and manufactories along tbe Allegheny river. Tbe question will be thoroughly discussed at the next meeting of the Water Committee. . WILL ADVERTISE FOE BIDS. Allegheny City Dlay Yet be Illuminated by Electricity. The Allegheny Gas Committee met last night to discuss tbe ordinance providing for the light ing of the city by electricity. Mr. Kennedy mo red to strike out tbe clause relating to com mercial lighting, or, in other words, supplying to private consumers. Mr. Snaman objected to it and advocated tbe clause, saying it would bo a benefit to all the citizens and proposed that bidders be allowed to bid as they liked. A vote was taken on it and Mr. Kennedy's motion was lost. Mr. Hunter moved to strike out the clause relating to tbe erection of towers and substi tute tbe mast-arm instead. This was also lost, but the clause was modified to allowing bids for both the towers and mast-arm lights. Mr. Kennedy moved to insert a clauso to the effect that tho company securing tho contract must erect the plant on tbeir own ground, and this too was lost. Tbe matter was then woond up by sending tbe ordinance, with tbe specifica tions, to the Controller, with instructions to advertise for proposals for the erection of the plant. ANOTHER TOUNG THIEF. He Smnshed a Money Drawer With a Weight but Got Nothing. A bold attempt by a boy was made yesterday afternoon to rob the grocery store of Mrs. Mary Stttzer, No. 223 Penn avenue. The lad entered the store and desired to purchase an article, to get which Mrs. Stitzcr bad to leave the store temporarily. During ber absence the young fellow took a weight and broke the money till into splinters. Mrs. Stitzer re turned and made an effort to catch tbe thief, which she did. He broke away, leaving in her bands bis coat, to which she clung. The boy secured no money. Accident to a Picnic Party. John Self ert, a Hverymariof Allegheny, yes terday started to drive out to a picnic at Ross' Grove. Ashe was driving along the line of the West Penn Railroad the horse became fright ened at a train andran over an embankment. Tbe buggy was overturned and broken to pieces. Mr. Seifert and bis two little daugh ters, who were with him, were thrown out of tbe buggy. Tbey were injured to some extent, but not seriously. Mistake) About a Pastorate. The item appearing in last, Sunday's Dis patch, the tenor of which was that the Rev. J. Dermltt, of Sewickley. had been called to the pastorate of the Seventh Baptist Church, Forty-third and Butler streets, was. It seems, incorrect. Mr. Dermltt filled that church's pulpit fcr one Sunday, and from this fact, doubtless, arose the report that ae had been cauea 10 ino pastorate. SMALLPOX IS DISCOVERED. Tbe First Inmate of Ibe Pest Honse In Two Years Stnte Beard of Health Asked to Investigate. A smallpox patient was sent to the Munic ipal Hospital yesterday by tbe Bureau of Health. The patient's name is Owen Mc Mahon. an oil driller, 40 years of age, whoso home Was formerly in Bradford. Lately he bas been working at Cannonsburg, Washington county, from which town be was sent in here on Monday, and his friends took, him to Mercy Hospital. Thn nature of his illness was not Known at the time, but yesterday morning the physician of tbe hospital, in making his rounds, examined McMahon and found be bad small pox. He at once notified tbe Bureau of. Health, and City Physician McCandless was sent up. He discovered the case to be of a very serious nature and had him removed at once to the pest house. It is the first case that has beou therefor two years, but everything was'ready for its reception, and tbe man was made as comfortable as possible. Dr. McCandless, how over, bas no hope of McMahon's recovery. The Bureau of Health, in turn, notified Dr. Thompson, of the State Board of Health, who will go to Cannonsburg to-day to look into the matter further. ' A TEEEIP1C BLAST. Dynamite Creates Great Excitement In tbe Hill District. Tbe people in the neighborhood of Sumner street and Wylie avenue were thrown into great excitement yesterday afternoon, owing to a terrific concussion, which was caused by the blasting of rock on Sumner street. The city has a number of men occupied on Sumner street for the purpose of grading that thoroughfare and laying it open for traffic There are some very heavy rocks obstructing the work of the men, and ip order to clear tbe obstruction effectively some blasting was de cided upon. The charge was let oif about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the effects of tbe concussion terrorized the entire population ot the hill. A man who passed by there at tbe time said that pieces of rock were flying about fifty feet high, and for a few moments a perfect rain of rocks descended upon the streets and basements near the spot where the blasting bad been done. Opposite 8umner street is a long row of brick bouses, and all the window panes m these buildings were smashed by the explosion, and the people were quite indignant. Some of them said that they will bold the city responsi ble for tbeir losses. What the amount of thn damage is could not be calculated. None of the workmen were hurt. THE MERCY WANTS AID. Johnstown Refugees Deplete Their Stores nnd Badly Cripple Them. The managers of the Mercy Hospital are qnito indignant at tbe treatment they received from the Pittsburg Relief Committee. Tbe institution is very badly in need of funds at present, and tbe managers say they should have received something for tbe treatment given refugees from Johnstown. The hospital was tbe first in the city to offer medicines and the use of cots for the sufferers. Forty-nine patients were shipped to them, and a great many of them are still being cared for. Two of the worst cases died while under the care of tbe sisters, and tbe latter asked tbe Pittsburg committee to defray the burial expenses. They refused to do this, and will not do anything for tbe patients still confined there. As tbe bospital was tbe first to offer their services they claim they are entitled to some help in their present financial condition. This is the institution Governor Beaver says is sectarian, and refused to sign their appropriation bill. THE CONTEST FOE CHIEF. A Lively Fight for the Position Left by James . Crow. Tbe contest for tbe position made vacant by the death of James E. Crow, late Chief of the Allegheny Fire Department, is becoming very interesting. Two of the candidates have dropped out, leaving two members of the fire department and two others. One of the candi dates that retired from the fight is John Hunter, a brother of Chairman James Hunter, of the Common Council. Mr. Hunter is an old fireman and a member of tbe Friendsbtp Company. In speaking of bis retirement last evening Chairman Hunter said: "I did not want bim to run. as it would handicap me in Councils, as 1 would be accused of working for men and measures instead of the interest of the city." The right has narrowed down to Peter Schatz man, the foreman of the Grant Engine Com pany, one of the best known firemen in the city, Robert Jones, the Assistant Chief, Will iam Paul, Jr., and Samuel B. Cluley. The elec tion will be held at the next meeting of Coun cils. - A BAND OF ROBBERS. A Youthful Gang That Has Made a Easiness of Stealing. A number of boys, whose ages range from 10 to 14 years, have organized themselves into a band, the object being mutual pleasure and robbery. They have a shed on North Diamond street, Allegheny, which they nse as headquar ters, and tbeir plunder is stored in there. They steal everything they can conveniently carry away, principally tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. These 'boys have robbed Thos. Atkinson's cigar store on Federal street several times, and have frequently stolen groceries from differ, ent stores In the city. Detective Sam McClure swooped down the gang yesterday, and arrested three of the boys. Their names are William Robinson, Elmer Melvm and James Weber. The lads admit their guilt, but say there are others implicated. They will be held for a hearing to-day. TO WORK IN EARNEST, Ground Has Been Brokea on the Pleasant Valley Street Car Line. The work of laying the new tracks of the Pleasant Valley and Federal street electric road was commenced yesterday. About ISO men will be employed on tho road within a few days. Ground was broken at the corner of North avenue and Federal street. Mr. Wil liam McCreery, ther Pesldent of tbe road, said last nljbt that tbe work would now be pushed as raoidly as possible. "Oh acconnt of the Johnstown disaster," he said, "our plans were thrown back six weeks and it was impossible to get any of the material into town. But that is all overcomo now and we are able to go ahead. By next week the power bouse will be commenced and the engines and dynamos will soon be put up." bun ovee in Philadelphia. A Well. Known Seventh Ward Citizen' Sad Pleasure Trip. James Riddel!, of tbe Seventh ward, yester day received a telegram from tbe University Hospital in Philadelphia, stating that his brother-in-law, William Dougherty, had been run over by a train near that city and seriously injured. No particulars were given. Mr. Dougherty is a carpenter and is a well-known resident of Federal street. He went east a few weeks ago for a sbprt pleasure trip. AGAINST HUSBAND AND WIFE. The Former Points a Revolver and tho Lat ter a Poker at a Neighbor. Anton Meiser, a resident of the Twenty-seventh ward, yesterday sued Thomas Kinser for felonious assault with intent to kill, and Louisa Kinser for aggravated assault and battery. It is alleged that tbe husband pulled a revolver on tbe defendant and threatened to shoot him. and that Mrs. Kinser struck him on tho head with a poker. THREATENED THE OFFICER. A 10-Yeor-Old Thiet Will Have Him Dis charged for Impudence. Jimmie Lewis, a diminutive youngster, 10 years of age, was arrested at the market bouse last evening for stealing fruit. As he was being placed in the patrol wagon the boy turned and shaking bis tiny fist at the arresting officer, threatened to have bim discharged from the force for bis Impudence in arresting bim. SHOULD BE 60 YEARS. Another Wife Beater Only Gets Two Months to the Workhonse. William Frailer was committed to the Work bouse for 60 days by Alderman Porter yester day for cruelty to bis wife and family. The parties live on Thirty-eighth street, and it is said the defendant continually abused bis wife. A Fatal Runaway. A team attached to a spring wagon driven by Mrs; W. F. Gregerson. whose husband con ducts a market garden in McKeesport, ran off yesterday afternoon at that place and caused the lady to receive lninrlas from which thn I will hardly recover. I THEY LIVE IN HOPE, Ketail Liquor Men Carefully Bevise the List of Applicants. SOME LACK THE QUALIFICATIONS, And Are Dropped at Once by the Commit tee and the Lawyers. TAKING TESTIMONY FOR THE COURT Applicants for retail liquor license are picking their way carefully. One of them stated last night that he believed Judge White had been misled by certain people whom he said it was unnecessary to name, and that this had much to do with the in congruity that marked the granting of license in Hay. He said they wanted to get in shape by Saturday to present their case. The applicants to the number of 126 were represented yesterday at a meeting with their attorneys, Messrs. Cohen, Bobb, Mc Kefina and Hontooth. Some of those in terested expected to get something definite from the Court to-day, while others thought there would be no.iurther progress of conse quence before Saturday. Messrs. N. Sny der, Samuel Bing and Thomas Delaney were seen regarding yesterday's meeting, but they didn't tell mnch about it, further than that they were encouraged to hope they would fare better on a further presentation of their cases. It was learned, however, that affidavits of character had been secured to show that appli cants stood well in the estimation of those who knew them. Statistics bare also been col lected going to show that in districts where re tail licenses were refused disorder bas been on the Increase, and showing bow many trips the patrol wagon had made to those districts in consequence ot lawless dealing in liquors. The dealers agreed upon a list of 126 appli cants, whose character and record they con sidered wonld stand scrutiny and submitted it to counsel for consideration, and the attorneys pruned the list to tbe extent of three names. There was some dissatisfaction, such as might be expected, but it was deemed best to present a list in which flaws conld not be picked. Tbe attorneys discussed law points involved, but they declined to give the result of tbe dis cussion, one of them stating that it would not Interest tbe public. A great deal of Interest attaches on account of the magnitude of the Investment effected. One acaler stated that be bad a lease on bis bands, the rent of which was $3,000 a vear. It is a hotel, and he says that bis custom has so fallen oif since bis bar was closed that he can not oven make the rent. Along with several others spoken to, he thinks that Judge White was mis ed by influences unfriendly to him, and states that had be not tried to conlorm strictly with the law, he could have made fully $5,000 more last year than be did. Einse the waste pipes twice a week with Piatt's Chlorides, and so keep them sweet and clean. Fine Ryo Whiskies. All the leading brands of pnre rye whis kies; also brandies, gin, rum, kimmel, black berry brandy. SCHUETZ, EEKZIEHAT7SEIT & CO., 100 and 102 Market St., cor. First ave. Telephone 677. mwf IIiiii, Ribbons. Flowers Remnant Week. Prices way down on summer hats and trimmings this week. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Pnre Rye Whiskies. All the leading brands of pure rye whis kies, ranging in age from 1869 down to the present month. Telephone 677. SCHUETZ, RE2TZIEHAUSEX' & CO., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First are. HWP A Rent Beauty The Black and White Sntine at 12 l-2c. America is ahead on this make of satine; see it. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. We sell the claret wines ot Cruse & Fils, Bordeaux. These wines are imported in tbe Dottle and are sold at all the leading hotels in this country and on the Pullman cars. SCJMJETZ, RENZIEHAUSEN & CO., 100 and 102 Market St., cor. First ave. jnrr Flannel shirts tor boating, fishing, etc. James H. Aijcen & Co., 100 Fiith ave. IMPURITIES IN THE LIVER. When the Liver is crowded or clotted with a mass of impurities, its action be comes slow and difficult. Pleurisy, Headache, Pain in Side, Tired Feeling and General Weakness ensues, result ing, if unchecked, in BROKEN .DOWN SYSTEM& When you bare these symptoms, try a few doses of tbe genuine DR. C McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS. Price, 25 cents. Sold byall drngeists, and prepared only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburg. Pa. Beware of counterfeit made in St. Louis. jylO-KWF NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A FLANNEL SHIRT, ' " 35c to S3. , OUR FAMOUS . '.FAST BLACK HOSE, "" 10c, 15c and 25c per pair. . ."-. f ': T.- T. T. THOMPSON BRDTHERB, 109 Federal Street, Allegheny. jjl7.JtTV VICTORIA TO PREVENT 8ICKNESS IN your family keep the Victoria Natural Mineral Watsr, Imported direct to this city from near Ems. Germany, bv Malnr fr W TCrm. Rand nt-riant hv mail m mftumM. A c, w. KRAUS, UN liberty are. Jel3--9 MB. PATRICK SAYS IT'S A GO. He Believes the Birmingham Road. Will Be . Sold HI. Stock, However, Not Bonsht Yet It Will Be a Cable Road. Mr. R. Patrick, tho President of he .Bir mingham 8treet Car Company, acknowledged tbe fact that there is a syndicate at work try ing to Duy out the road, as tbe following inter view shows: "It is now about two weeks since Mr. James Sonne), of N.Holmes & Son, came to me and asked me whether I was willing to dispose of my stock in tbe Birmingham Street Car Comnar, 1 told him I would at a certain figure. ben Mr. Donuel told me that Mr. Murray Verner had approached bim on the suDject of buying the road, bat he would not tell me what peonle are interested. "In about ten days Mr. Donnel returned, and be said that he was going to Europe, and that his stock in the road had been bought. That Is all 1 know about the matter, ana I believe that tbe change is rapidly taking place. "Mr. Donnel is the trustee of tbe Beltzhoorer stock, which amounts to 1,150 shares. Then there is tbe Nimics stock of GOO shares and the Thaw stock of 600 shares. Although I am President of the road my stock amounts to enly a moiety in comparison to theirs, and. if all bas been bought, they control the stock of the company. However, nobody has been to seo me yet in Tegard to mine, but it is ready at the price I named." It was stated yesterday that tbe Pittsburg men at the head of the syndicate are H. Sellers McKce, James A- Chambers, Murray Verner and several others. It is understood that they are operating for a Philadelphia concern distinct frcm the Elkins-Widener syndicate. Tbe Intention Is said to be to make tbe line a cable road. An arrangement bas been made with the Monongabela Bridge Company for laying the cables across the Smithfield street bridge. Overtures were first made to the Smithfield Street Bridge Company about laying a cable across their bridge, out as tbey asked too high a price for the privilege, the negotia tions fell through, and the proposed bridge was chartered. SIXTI INFANTS DEAD. The Heavy Mortality In Pittsburg for One Week Only. The mortuary rep ort for tbe week ending on Saturday shows a total of 122 deaths in tba city. The principal cause was teething ot chil dren and choleraic diarrhoea. Fifty were under 1 year 6f age and ten from 1 to 2 years. New Divorce Cases. Stewart Simpson yesterday sued for a divorce from Drucella Simpson. The couple were mar ried in 1865, and It is claimed Mrs. Simpson proved unfaithful and deserted her husband nine years ago. Mrs. Bessie Kirkham also sued for a divorce from William T. Kirkham. She alleges infidelity. JDS. 'HDRNE I CD.'B PENN AVENUE STORES. BUSIER AND BUSIER. That's the way it has been thus far this July. Now. French Satines, tbia morning, at 15c a yard here. The 30c kind, this season's styles. Tbo 45c "Anderson" Finest Scotch Ginghams in high novelties are now 25c a yard here. Tbe 25c quality fine American Ginghams are now 15c here. " fl More of the Printed Lawns atoc;the yard., wide Satines at 8c; the Standard Prints at 4c; tho 12c Ginghams at 6c Over in Wool Dress Goods aisle sea the new patterns in French Challis; the Chain Mohairs at 25c; the fancy Mohairs at 25c; the SI and SI 25 Frencfi Summer Dress' Goods at 50c a yard; tho all-wool Debeiges. 35c. 50c and 60c; the 50-inch Plaid and Striped Fine Wool Suitings at SI; tho Mohair Mixtures at 35c; the Cream Albatross at 40c: the Cream Flannel Suitings at 50c; tbo fancy Scotch Shirting and Suiting Flannels at 25c and at 50c The cheapest way to buy Ribbons the lot we bare in are of odd lengths plain colors and fanciest The Summer Hats sailorsand other shapes, at 25c; the stylish trimmed Bonnets and Hats- patterns at Si Parasols. Parasols WO 60 ones at S3 60 1 . The Cambric and Muslin Underwear and Dressing Sacquesttbe Summer Corsets;-the Traveling Bags and Chatelaine Bags. fancy LisIeTbread Stockings at 50c; tbe "fast black" Cotton Stockings at 25c, far better than usual. The new style Blazer Jackets tor Ladles the) "mark downs" in Summer Cloth Jackets; the) Long Wraps and Dusters, for travelers; the) all kinds of Summer Suits for Ladles and Children; the Flannel and Silk Blouse Waists, tl and upward. 5 Curtains. . V?"' Then, the Curtain Room bargains; Curtains and Lace Bed Sets: also the Embroideries and' Flouncing Laces; the Fish Net Draperies. Silks. Silks Silks Silks we never have soldi so many as now never so good at the 'prices as now. Buy them now, of course. I 1 y JDB. HDRNE & CDB', PENN AVENUE STORESKf Va- k