. 1 g, i'"f IP jiliWifJsMMWHMBLW HR " -."r;-w ''pr""JCF'1 j "'prl vTf JT'SS" . -,??f " S ' -7r - , t ' 3B 1VW-' "'""'-"''-, - " r V ' J S3 jR,-.c . ' . ' J W " ' ' c Advice to Summer Tourists, Don't fall to notify THE DISPATCH office of your chango of location, and your paper will be f om-arded to you without extra charge. rOKTT-lTOTniTH TEAR A Deal Consummated Whereby 'the Ex-President is Given the Go-By. WHITNEY THE COMING MAN And Cal Brice for Second Place if He Isn't a Senator. THE POLITICAL POT IS SIMMERING. Machine Democrats, Led br Senator Gor nuii, Want Another Leader Next Time A Deal, and How It Worked Ohio Re publican Ueallze Ihc Size of the Tatk Ahead of Them Why Itlaine Insulted Roswell G. Ilorr Ko Room for Any Alger Meu IKnhone Dlckcrinc for the Federal Patronage orills state Colored Republicans of the Old Domini -n Revolt and Will Bolt If the Little Dictator rer slsts In Banning; for Governor. It is claimed in New York that a deal has been made by machine Democratic leaders whereby ex-President Cleveland is to be thrown overboard in favor of ex-Secretary of the If avy "Whitney for the Presidental nomination in 1892, and that if Colonel Brice fails to be elected to succeed Senator Payne, he is to be the Vice Presidental can didate. Secretary Rusk is shouting for Har rison's second term. Qnayis house hunting in AVashington. Mahone is dickering for the Federal patronage of his State. If mClAL TELEOB-AV TO THE DISFATCII.1 New York, July 16. It is rumored in political circles that a deal has been made which shelves ex-President Cleveland per manently, and places ex-Secretary of the Navy "William C. "Whitney in the lead as the Democratic Presidental candidate for 1892. Last week there was an influx of Democratic leaders from Ohio to see Colonel Brice, Chairman of the Demo cratic National Committee, and their pres ence here is considered by shrewd Cleveland Democrats as another link in the chain of evidence to prove that a deal has been made. A prominent Cleveland Democrat, who does not wish his name published, said to a reporter to-day that he had every reason to believe that the machine Democrats had dropped Mr. Cleveland. His story of Why the Ex-President Was Dropped is the same as that given by rumor. Sen ator Gorman, of Maryland, was at first op posed to the election of Colonel Brice as Chairman of the Democratic National Com mittee. He felt that the Colonel represented the tree trade tariff ideas of Mr. Cleveland, and he did not wish to have another campaign on the same issue as 1888. His opposition to Colo nel Brice was assuming definite shape, when the leaders "got together" and mapped out a course that placated the Maryland Senator and made him an enthu siastic supporter of Colonel Brice. The deal was that Mr. William C. "Whitney should have the support of the committee for the f Presidency in 1892, and that Colonel Brice 'should be elected Chairman, and then make a strong fight for the Senate from Ohio. If he failed to succeed General Payne, then he was to be supported by the committee lor the Vice Presidency. The Deal Malms All Smooth. Matters have worked well since the al leged deal. Colonel Brice was elected Chairman, and Senator Gorman was hearty in his support. The Randall-Gorman wing of the Democracy is now on' top, and has won over the prominent Cleveland Dem ocrats by promising to see that tbey are well taken care of if the national ticket wins in 1892. All is serene and the plan is working well. Ex-President Cleveland still thinks his most influential friends are lor him, and they permit him to indulge in the flatter ing delusion. Efforts are now being made to help Colonel Brice to get to the Sen ate from Ohio. Ex-Congressman Benjamin Lefevre, the Colonel's right-hand man, is now in the Buckeye State, doing what he can to help elect a Democratic Legislature. If a Democratic Legislature is elected Col onel Brice will assuredly succeed Senator Payne. Straws Showtbe Wind's Direction. Chairman Townsend, of the Democratic State Committee of Ohio, Allen O. Myers, . and others, were in the city last Friday and I Saturday. It is supposed that the purpose of the visit was to confer about the Ohio election. Allen O. Myers, of Cincinnati, is too well known to go into details about him. He detests Cleveland, and never loses an opportunity to show how happy he is that the man of destiny was defeated. It is said the Standard Oil people are pleased at the outlook for Mr. "Whitney as a Presidental candidate. The Mugwumps look very sour these days, and, after, all, these rumors may have many grains of truth in'them. WHY H0RRIS MAD. Ho Flinss Hack In Blaine's Face the Prof fered Consulship His Loyalty to General Alcer Caused the Insait. ISri-ClAL ThLECBAM TO THE DISrjLTCTt.l "Washington, July 1C Ex-Congressman Roswell G. Horr, of Michigan, re cently appointed Consul to Valparaiso flings ihc honor back in the face of the ad ministration, and says it is an insult to offer him such a paltry place. It is under stood that Mr. Horr has written a letter to the President in which he explains, in his characteristic style, why he cannot accept a banishment at $3,000 per year. This letter has not yet reached "Washington, but is ex pected to-morrow The entire Republican party of Michigan seems to have taken up the case of Mr. Horr, and are resenting his ill treatment. The Democrats think that he was treated vty generously in getticg anything at all. Horr first aspired to be Minister to Mexico, CLEVELAND SHELVED and he and his friends tbonght for a long time that bis ambition would be gratified. A Persistent Attempt at Punishment. Some of the very enthusiastic friends of the ex-wit of the House who have been here lately, claim that they see in repeated snubs which certain Michigan applicants are re ceiving an attempt on the part of both Blaine and Harrison to punish the men wbo stuck so persistently to Alger at Chicago last summer. Horr, who was a howling Blaine man in 1884 was, howling equally loud for Alger in 18S8, and refused to listen to offers of a compromise. His friends do not hesitate to say that he was singled out By the administration as a subject for re buke. Ex-Senator Palmer, whose appointment as Minister to Spain was a personal favor from the President, with which the becre tary of State had nothing to do, was an enemy of Alger, and at heart More of a Harrison Mnn than anything else. He has been opposed to Blaine since 1880, having been an Ar thur supporter in 1884. Mr. Blaine repeatedly told the Michigan Senators and other friends of Horr that he, should be given an appointment that would be entirely satisfactory to him, both as re gards dignity and importance, and in a financial way. But whatever the cause may have been, for putting Horr o2 with such an obscure appointment, end no matter what justifica tion there may have been for it, President' Harrison has made many enemies among the Michigan Republicans, who have long regarded Horr as one of the finest products of their State. He was A Choice Specimen, and constantly on exhibition. They are in dignant at the small prize he has secured, and are saying some pretty mean things about Harrison. Horr himself does not hesitate to say he expected better treatment The Valparaiso uonsulsnip will not go a begging, in addition to the salary or. $3,000, the fees are quite respectable, and it is not atall prpbable that the President will have to go outside of Michigan for -a man willing to accept a place at which Horr turns up his nose. A OT OHIO IDEA. Fprakcr to be Supported for His Own Sake and for 1S92 The Notional Admin istration Scored by n Colored Ex-Offlce Holder. -SPECIAL TELSOHAU TO TBS DtSFATCCl "Washington, July 16. The Ohio Re publican Association, that was recently re organized here, had a called meeting this evening which was for the purpose of ratify ing the work of the Ohio State BeDublican Convention. ConcressraenButterworth and Thompson, Sixth Auditor Coulter and ex State Senator Rannels were announced for speeches. The only one of these gentlemen who showed up, however, was Sixth Auditor Coulter. He made a short speech, indorsing mildly the work of the State Convention, and strongly eulo gized the administration of President Har rison. After he had concluded, one Milton M. Holland, a colored man, formerly of Colum bus, who was fired out of the office oi Sixth Auditor two years ago by Dan McConville, tor insolence and insubordination, made a fiery speech. Holland, it should be re-' marked, has not yet been, vindicated by "being reinstated. He , Wnded Into tho Administration of General Harrison, saying it had reached a point now when, like Flanagan, of Texas, the Republican party wanted to know what it is here for. He said Ben Harrison had pulled them all out of their beds last fall, to work for him, and now he had turned his back on them. Holland had no use for any man who would pander to the Mugwumps, and in this respect he was a Jackson Democrat, and be lieved that to the victors belonged the spoils. "When Holland was 4ired by Mc Conville he protested vigorously, and endeavored to secure his retention. However, he continued his speech by saying he was anxious to see Gov ernor Fo'rakcr win in Ohio, because he is the man upon whom the party could rely. He said by the appointment of Parsons to be United States District Attorney in Ala bama, the leader ot the white man's party in the State, President Harrison Had Deserted Them in an hour when they most needed his protection. As a Republican he said he could not indorse such a policy as gav; one white man in the South as mnch power as ten in the North. He then made a great talk about a party that had deserted its principles, and he said a party that would do that in this way de served to die, and he wanted to see it die. He eulogized Foraker some more, and urged the association to raise funds and assist in his election. He said the Democrats were going to make a hard fight against him, but he wanted him to win because he has backbone to carry out the principles of the party, and could not be swerved by the Mugwump element. He referred incidentally to the Rebel flag inci dent. Where the Applnnso Parted. The members of the association who had not yet been appointed to office applauded the sable colored orator with vigor, while the inns cheered Auditor Coulter's eulogy of the administration of Dan Grosvenor, who was recently appointed to a S2,000 position in the Treasury Department, made a speech announcing to the association that he had been an original Foraker man, and urged' the Republicans to go to work and raise funds to aid in his canvass. Dan is a brother of Congressman Grosvenor. The absence of Butterworfh, Thompson, Second Assistant Postmaster General Whit field, r G. Rathbone, Chief Postoffice In spector, the recently appointed Assistant Attorney of the Department of Justice, ex State Senator Rannels, and other Ohio of ficeholders was conspicuous and much com mented upon. MAHONE'S AMBITION. The Little Wizard of Virginia Determined to Kun for Governor, to Vindicate Himself lie Koascs Deter mined Opposition from the Negroes. Washington, July 16. General Mahone and some of his Virginia followers will meet Senator Quay, Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Clarkson and other members of the National Committee here to-morrow for con sultation. Mahone is apparently conduct ing affairs in Virginia with a higher hand than ever. He has now determined to be a candidate for Governor, in order to vindi cate himself. When the anti-Mahoneites met in confer ence lately, they submitted a plan to "the Dictator" embracing a scheme of reorgani zation on a basis of equality to all factions. Mahone ignored the doc ument utterly. Last week he held ,-r three davs' conference with his followers at his home in Petersburg. A new plan of reor ganization, based on Mnbone's ideas, was drawn up and will be submitted to Quay & Co. for approval. It is not known whether other members of the National Committee me popuxg T than Quay and Clarkson will be present, but others aie expected. More Bitter Than the White People. The colored Republicans in Virginia seem to be more bitter against Mnhone than the whites are. They are taking a great deal of interest in the coming confer ence. The Virginia " statesmen who are Mahonc's lieutenants in his efforts to brganize the State with himself as chief commander do nqt include a half-dozen colored men, and this has created a larger number of kickers than the General, even in his 'most sanguine moments, can hope to corral in the approaching Gubernatorial fight. His opponents have little doubt nawuhat Mahone has been fully recognized as the boss of his party in Virginia by President Harrison, and theyregard the acceptance of his plans for reorganization, as they are to be submitted to Senator Quay to-morrow, as a foregone conclusion. If the worst fears of the anti-Mahoneites are realized there is no doubt' that the wizard of the Old Dominion will have The Blsccst Fight of His Life on hand. To judge by what the colored Virginians say who are here and for the most part, they represent the-intelligence of their race in the State Mahone wiH no longer have the solid support of the blacks. These people, from one cause and another, are in a highly rebellious mood, and their disaffection is spreading every dav. One of the reasons for this was Mahone's defeat of John M. Langston's aspirations for Congressional honors, last fall. Langston was the idol of his colored brethren in the district where he ran for Congress, and it is said that at least two-' thirds of them voted for him and against Mahone's candidate. He will contest his seat in the House, which. will be entirely useless, his friends think, If Mahone re ceives his1 commission from the National Republican Committee to-morrow as boss of the State as a further indorsement from President Harrison j Determined to Break Away. The colored leaders say that Mahone's plan toward them rs, and always has been, to subjugate them to the dictation and con trol ot his white lieutenants, "planted all over the State, and they have determined to break away from these conditions, let the result be what it will.' "There," said a man from Virginia to day, pointing to a ragged and almost shoe less, but intelligent looking colored man who passed by with a dejected countenance, "is a specimen of Mahone's methods toward my race. That man, sir, represented Charlotte county in the Legislature of his State for more than seven years. He had great influence among his people, and Mahone worked him ouCof the way. The General promised him a big position in one of the departments here, and Henry Cox resigned his seat in the Legislature and came here. He was given a place as laborer in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, where he was retained for a year and then discbarced just before the Democratic party came into power." Killing off Colored Leadership. And so it has gone. Everything has been done by General Mahone to kill off the col ored leadership in his State. No colored man is allowed to gain and maintain prominence. It was in pur suance of his well-defined method that he was led to oppose John M. Lanston. The colored people are going to give him a final overthrow next fallj if they have to elect a Democrat Governor by a solid negro vote. The colored men also claim that at the Petersburg conference last week the few negroes who were invited to be present were not allowed in the parlors of the house, but kept by themselves in a downstairs room. KDSK IS FOE nAEEISOJk, The AKricBltnral Editor Proclaims Himself la Favor ot His Chief. iSrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO IK DISPATCH.! "Washington, July 16. Secretary Rusk, interviewed with reference to the statement that he would be a candidate to succeed Senator Sawyer, said to-day: "I am a can didate for nothing. I never thought of the thing. The newspapers are writing too mnch abont me, altogether. Mr. Sawyer wili no doubt succeed himself, as will Mr. Spooner, whose" term expires two years earlier than Sawyer's." "Is it so, as The DisrATCH indicates, that yon will loom up as a candidate for the Presidency in 1892?" The Secretary laughed again. "I have said," he replied, "that I am not a candi date for anything. Mr. Harrison will be the candidate, and a right popular and suc cessful one he will be, too." "You have no doubt Mr. Harrison will be the candidate?" "None whatever." "And that he will win?" "Of course he will win. He is making a most popular President, especially with the common people." "By the common people you mean 'the mass of the voters?' " "Of course there are some politicians who think be is not making removals rapidly enough, and that things generally are not running as fast as they would wish. But President Harrison is a level, clear-headed man, and knows what he is about, and will prove himself to be one of the best as well as one of the most popular Presidents." SENATOR QUAY HOUSE HUNTING. He Has Abont as Much to Say on Politics as Usual. TEFECIAL TEIEORAJI TO THE DtSPATCn.I "Washington, July 16. Senator Quay arrived in the city this afternoon, and is stopping at the Arlington Hotel. He said this evening that he came on more for the purpose of securing a house for the Con gressional session than for any political purpose. His intention is to leave for Phila delphia to-morrow evening, go from that place to Harrisburg and call on Senator Cameron, and thence home to Beaver. If the President returns from Deer Park to-morrow, Senator Quay will see him, but will not wait for a meeting unless he changes his programme Whether any Pennsylvania appointments will be made during his visit is not known. It Is ex pected that Mr. Henry. Kittanning, who was a delegate to the Chicago convention, will soon be appointed chief of a division in the Treasury Department. TIIE FIGHT AGAINST TANNEE. OCIcIals Who Dislike the Corporal Con tinno to Hob It In. rSrZCIAI, TELEOBAM TO TIIE DisrATCH. Washington, July 16. Corporal Tan ner is still being subjected to the chastise ment of Secretary Noble and Assistant Sec retary Bussey, who do not like him, and it looks very much as if he would finally have to go. To-dav three medical examiners were re moved 'by Noble, under Tanner's protest, because theyhave been altogether too libeial in rating pensions. Tanner tried hard to save his men, but when beaten, said noth ing about resigning. AN APPALLING QUESTION. Lord Salisbury Sees Futuro Generations Discussing; Ireland Tho Colonics. London, July 16. Lord Salisbury, in a speech at Mile End to-night, told his hear ers that they mnst not expect the day would ever come when the colonies would become a federation in the same sense as the United States, but he hoped that by a common agreement the present difficulties would be removed. Regarding Irish affairs, he said it was appalling to think that years hence their sons and grandsons might still be dis cussing the Irish problem, with nothing new to say oh the subject ,- , t. .. PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY, JULY '17, 1889. E. OF L QUESTIONS. Mr. Powderly Answers Them Diplo matically for the Papers. EIGHT H0UES AS A DAI'S WOEK Favored hy Him, Though He Dees Believe in Arbitrary Acts. Not AN 0EDINAEI MEETING AT CHICAGO. The rresent Order larst Enough, and the 0. A- to Meet in Atlanta. Th'e General Executive Board of the K. of L". met yesterday at Chicago. Mr. Pow derly said the1 meeting was merely for ordi nary business and was held at Chicago for the .convenience of the "Western District. He makes it plain that he is fn favor of eight hours fpr a day's work. The meeting of the General Assembly will be held in Atladta, fv Chicago, July 16. The much-discussed Chicago meeting of the Executive Board of the Knights-of Labor 'began to-day at the Sherman House, with General Master "Workman Powderly and the following members present: General Secretary-Treas-urer John W. Hayes of Philadelphia; J.J. Holland, of Jacksonville. Fla.; A."W "Wright, of Toronto, and John Devlin, of Detroit. Mr. Powderly and his fellow leaders arrived in the city this morning directly from Pittsburg. Before noon the board went into executive session which was continued throughout the day and evening until a late hour. , The first business of this board was the selection of the -time aud place of the next General Assembly.' It was decided that it should be held vat Atlanta, Ga., on the sec ond Tuesday of next November. The next matter taken up was the hearing of a com plaint by J. R. Sovereign, of Dubuque, on the question of a ocal assembly's' jurisdic tion. During the afternoon Mr. Powderly retired from the meeting for a short interval during which time he received calls from several gentlemen, among them Congress man Lawler. In talking to a reporter as to the purpose of the board in coming "West, Mr. Powderly said: ONLY BEOUI.AB BUSINESS. "This, is a quarterly meeting of the Execu tive Board, called in Chicago for the con venience of Northwestern assemblies to save them the time and expense of a journey to Philadelphia. All other statements of the purpose of this meeting in the "West are false and without foundation. I see it has been claimed by some newspapers that it was to revive waning influence in this por tion of the country, and that the. meeting is an exceDtional one, none having been held hitherto outgide of Philadelphia. It is hardly necessary to deny this, asevcry one knows we meet wherever convenience sug gests, and, as a matter of fact, met here in Chicago two years ago." "It is also said the K. of L. have gone to pieces in the East, and you are looking to the-West fnr inn fntnre" .-. -Vttftriftll. "I have only to say that statement is on a par with the other one." ti Mr. Powderly was asked: "Is it true that you have come West to placate any dis gruntled element or tender the" olive branch to Mr. Barry or the United Brotherhood?" "We have no overtures to make to Mr. Barry and no olive branches for him. There has as yet been no complaint made to us of anything he has done, and I know of no intention to meddle with his affairs. He can organize as he sees fit. No local Chi cago troubles have yet come before the board. Of course they may. Wherever I go it is my duty to look into K. of L. affairs." "How will these matters come up?" "All appeals foraction on complaint must be made through the District Assemblies, and our action is then subject to the Gen eral Assembly." MEMBEBSHIP FLUCTUATIONS. When the Chicagoans, George Dtwiler and George Schilling, and their relations to the organization were referred to, Mr. Pow derly said it was not worth while to speak of them, as both had been expelled and had no connection with the K. of L. "If the matter of the recently organized United Brotherhood comes up, will it result in any expulsions?" Mr. Powderly was asked. He said decidedly: "In such cases there is only one alternative. The moment we learn a member belongs to an organization inimicable to the K. of L., he is immedi ately dropped from the rolls. But this trou ble is greatly exaggerated. We don't hear nearly so much of the United Brotherhood in the East, The talk of it is mainly in the West" Concerning the present condition of affairs, he said: "In the beginning of '86 we had 87,000 members. Six months later we had 700.000. At present we have 800. 000. When I am asked to explain the fall ing off, I ask why should so many come in? This present number is really an increase which I strongly opposed. Much of it is made up of those people who think the strike the solution of all evils. I have op posed this membership from the begin ning." THE 1IOUBS OF LABOR. An attempt to elicit a categorical state ment from the Master Workman on the eight-hour question was not wholly success ful. "I am decidedly in favor," he said, "of a reduction in the hours of labor. As early as 1886 1 suggested that steps should be taken to shorten hours, but I am opposed to sudden measures. What I really believe I will neither print in our paper or sav for publication. Our order has the eight-hour question before it for consideration, and I want them to send their delegates to the General Assembly with opinions on the questions that are not biased by my judg ment. It is a matter to be settled by the General Assembly." "You are not then In favor of the arbitrary introduction of eight hours as a day's work?" "I am not prepared to say positively. Bnt I don't think eight hours are too much for a day's work. Franklin thought four hours enough. "When the Federation of Labor in 1885, announced May 1, of that year as tho date on which the eight-hour plan was to be put in operation, I brought the plan before tho organization and they insisted I should say what they should do. I-wanted them to settle the matter for them selves and now insist that they shall do so. My manifesto telling the would-be strikers that they could expect no help from the order was not because I was opposed to eight honrs. Possibly it prevented the strike, but it was the matter of the K. of L. members and they must decide it at Atlanta." The board will continne in session several days. Manayunk Paper Mills Bnrned. Philadelphia, July 1G. Fire this afternoon totally destroyed the Schuylkill Paper Mill at Manayunk, a suburb of this city. The mill was owned jnd occupied by Frank"McDonald, who places his loss on building, stock and machinery aC $80,000, on which there is an lnsurancs.oi fjo.wu.. THE MONEYS ABE MIXED. "Why the Governor is Unnble to Give a Detailed Statement of tho lxpendW tares for the Relief of the , Jahastovrn Sufferers. terXCIAI, TELEQItAH TO T11E DISPATCH. 1 HABBlSBUBG,Julyl6. GovernorBeaver is unable to furnish a detailed statement ot the expenditures for the relef of the flood sufferers In the Conemaugh Valley and the abatement of nuisances in that locality out of the funds received by him. The office of the Relief Commission in this city is just as unprepared to furnish this much desired information. The trouble arises from the fact that the drafts made on the Gov ernor by General Hastings failed to state in nearly all instances to what purposejhe money was to be applied whether to'the relief of the sufferers by supplying them with money or articles in kind, or to the abatement of nuisances. This is an unfor tnnate state of affairs, as the contributions entrusted to the Governor for distribution among the people whose property was swept away by the flood were not intended to be used by the Governor for anything but the relief oi these persons. "'This fund reaches nearly Sl.150,000, and is made up of contributions from every State in the Union except Delaware (which sent no money to Governor Beaver)v all the Territories and from England, Ger many and other foreign countris. The fund for the enforcement of sanitary regula tions is known as the State fund and is not .made -up from contributions. It is supposed to have been loaned to the uovernor, and is intended to.be aDDlied only to the abatement -of nuisances caused iby the flood. The mixing of the twa accounts has been a great annoyance to the Governor, and a rumor prevails that he has repeatedly Indicated his dissatisfaction with the manner in which General Hastings has handled the finances in Johnstown. It is hinted here in circles close to the Governor that one of the reasons for the immediate distribution of large sums of money is to enable a few persons to reap the profits from the moneys that would be ex pended at their places before the establish ment of other places of business. Johnstown is said to be the only place from which com plaints have came about the Governor's management of the relief fund. Williams port, Lock Haven and other flood-visited places are said to be fully satisfied with their treatment. THEI UNDEBSTAND EACH 0THEE. The Trunk Lines Expected to Restore Bates Monday, nsAereed Upon. tsrECtAX. TELEQKA1I TO TUB D1SPATCTI.1 Philadelphia, July 1C. General Freight Agent Joyce, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, this evening characterized the statement as absurd that the reduction made by the Lake Shore and Michigan Central in grain tariffs to a 20-cent basis to New York was permanent until .the close of naviga tion. He intimated that the reasons for the various reductions in grain rates recently announced were wilfully, or at any rate per sistently, misunderstood, and gave the as surance that the Pennsylvania Railroad, with the majority of other trunk lines, would restore rates, jnst as they agreed to, on next Monday. The other roads would follow in the general restoration in the latter part of next week. Continuing, he said: At the meeting of the trunk lines in New York, on the 12tb, in the general discussion the 3 nestion came; up, what would bo done by the liferent roads now pending the restoration. It was decided to leave tho management of each road to do as they tbonght best, and it was, of course, understood that one road com- peting with another using tho reduced tanns jforalAsvsXcraJly mako tho same Tate. That is all that is being done now, and tho roads that bare recently maae the redaction will follow in the advance, on or abont July 24 and 27. THE PLAINTIFF A TEIFLE AHEAD. A Virginia Judge Whose Rnllnss Indicate tho Outcome of n Case. tSFECIAI. TELKaiLlM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Petebsbubg, Va., July 16. The liti gation between the Postal Telegraph Cable Company and the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, which since the month of March last has been going on in the county courts of the several counties be tween Norfolk and Petersburg, has been occunying the attention of the County Court of Prince George county since Thursday last. The legal proceedings pending in these several cases have for their object the condensation of the privilege of erecting telegraph poles and other necessary struct ures of a telegraph line along the roadway of the railroad company, and is hotly con tested by the railroad company and by the Western Union Telegraph Company, the latter company having this privilege under contract between it and the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company. In the Prince George case, all of the rulings of Judge Rives up to this time have been favorable to the plaintiff, and.the de fendant has taken bills of exceptions in each, with a view to an appeal. A JOB FOE JUDGE LYNCH. Horrible Deed of a Drunken Negro Father . ' ia North Carolina. SFECIAl.TELZOItAU TO TUE DISPATCH. CnABLOTTE, N. C, July 16. News is received here to-night of the terrible deed of a negro father in Rutherford county, a man named Amos Gregory, who has living four children two boys and two girls. To day Gregory got beastly drunk, for some cause or other, and began whipping his children with keen hickory switches. The children screamed and ran out of the house, with their father in swift pursuit. Some of them he knocked senseless with stones, and others he caught and brought blood from their hides with the switches. Gregory's wife rushed to the rescue, and for some time all were pitted against the old man in hot battle. Neighbors, hearing the screams, came on the scene aud quelled the row. All four children were badly hurt, and .three may prove fatal. The old man and his wifewere also badly used up. Reports say there is much indignation among the negroes, and rope may be called into service. IND0ESED BY THE NOBILITY. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kendall Sent to Stnr America With Aristocratic Blesslnes. LONDON, July 16. A banquet was given this evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kendall, who are abont to depart on an American tour. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain presided. Among the distinguished com pany present were Lord Powton, Lord Londesborougb, Lord and Lady Ardilaun, Sir Charles and Lady Russell, the Mar chioness of "Waterford, Sir Morell and Lady Mackenzie, Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, and most of the leading artists of the London stage. Mr. Chamberlain; in offering a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Kendall, bespoke for them from his American kinsmen a gratify ingre ception, promising in return a presentation of characters of the highest artistic merit known on the English stage. Mrs. Kendall, in acknowledging a present of a splendid diamond star, expressed herself as sanguine of the result of the venture, the Americans having exalted canons of artistic taste, com bined with kindliness toward artists. Three Yonnc Girls Drowned. Paola, Kan., July 16. Addie and Kate Gordon and Myrtle Cranby, ranging in age from 11 to 14 years, were drowned in the river near here, while bathing, to-day. The current carried them. beyond their depth and iney couiu.uuv mum. : mmtm FOBMG A FAVORITE With the Heads of the Mammoth Eail road Systems, Who Are After A GOVERNMENT POSITION FOR HIM. The Detective Who Uisled Martin Irons and Got Him Disgraced TO BE WELL PAID FOE THAT WOEK. Eow Amos; Worklnrmen Bare to Fallow His Introduction Into Oiflce. Detective Furlong, who made himself so odious to the workingmen and their friends during the Southwest railroad strike,it is now said, is to be shoved into a fat Government position by the influence of the railroads, despite the fact that Knights of Labor all over the country protest against it. Such an appointment would be sure to raise a chorus of indignation. tSFECIAI. TELXaBAU TO TnE DISPATCH. Washington, July 16. It is rumored that Detective "Tom" Furlong is to be ap pointed this week to the position now occu pied by Mr. Bell, Chief of the Bureau of the Secret Service of the Treasury Department, and if that be true it will raise one of the biggest rows among the working people and against the Republican party that has been known for some time. If every one does not know, at least eyety workingman is aware of the fact, that Fur long was mainly instrumental in defeating the great strike of the employes of the Gould system of railroads three years ago, and in ruining Martin Irons, the Master Workman of the Knights of Labor of that district. He connived at the drunkenness of Martin Irons, which destroyed his efficiency as a leader, and it wa through his instrumental ity that Irons was induced to tap the wjres of the system, for which Irons would have been imprisoned had it not been for the dis covery that Furlong was as deep in the mire as Irons was in the mud. The history of the conduct of Furlong has been detailed in every assembly of the Knights of Labor in the country, and there are FEW MEN MOKE ODIOUS to the workingmen than he. Furlong ha3 been here since March, burrowing in every possible way for the place of Chief Bell. He went so far as' to call at the office of the Chief, to look upon the rooms in which he expected soon to be' domiciled, and while there indiscreetly let slip the remark that one of his principle objects in lite was to "down the Knights of Labor." Such a remark was not necessary, how ever, to rouse the Knights to arms against him. His connection with the Missouri Pacific strike was enough. Resolutions in many of the assemblies have heen adopted in opposition to his appointment, many prominent labor champions have protested in person, and among these is Mr. Powder ly, the General Master Workman ot the order. Mr. Powderly told the Secretary of the Treasury that, if necessary he will have res olutions adopted in every assembly of the order, but the Secretary answered that there was no need to go further, as the assurance that Furlong was specially obnoxious to the working people was sufficient to defeat him. It is learned from a semi-official source, however, that the railroads have brought tremendous influence to bear in favor of the appointment, and that it is not by any means impossible. ANOTHER OF THE SA3IE KIND. Another applicant for the place is Mr. Frank Erskine, of St. Lonis, chief of the detectives of the St Louis and San Fran cisco Railroad, who has also made himself particularly obnoxious to the working peo ple. It seems to be a determination of the railroad kings, for some reason, to secure the appointment of one of their leading de tectives to this office. Ex-Chief Brooks, the predecessor of Chief Bell, is also a candidate for the position, but, though he is the youngest old man in the city, it is thought that his age will pre vent his reappointment, notwithstanding his great record, extending over a period of a quarter of a century. Since he resigned to give place to Bell, about two years ago, Mr. Brooks has for much of the time been a de tective for the discovery of shoplifters at Woodward & Lothrop's, one ot" the creat fashionable drygoods establishments of the city. As the office is not viewed as a political one, it is the hope of the working people, ns well as many others who recognize the effi ciency of Chief Bell, that he will be re tained. The salary of the office is 53,500 per annum. "YOUTHFUL EL0PEE3 TnWAETED. A Hot of 1"1 Prevented From Donning; Away With n Girl of the Snmo Age. ISFKCIAI. TXLEOBAM TO TBI DISPATCn.t Chicago, July 16. Edith May Kent ley, the 14-year-old stepdaughter of harsh and ugly A. C. Kcntley, tried to elope to day with John Throop.a youth of about her own age. Edith has been subjected for over two years to the brutal treatment of her stepfather, an has confided all her woes to her young lover. Throop" resented the treatment imposed upon his sweetheart, as far as he daredand it was the intention of the young couple to be married as soon as the young fellow could sunpot a wife. Edith's mother became ill and was removed to a hospital, The girl was left alone with her stepfather, who became mora harsh than ever in. his treatment of her. This decided the matter, and the young pair decided to elope. .Throop took the girl to a Westside board ing bouse, and then returned to tjie city to obtain money to take them to Kansas Citv. He obtained $20 from a friend of his father's, telling him oi his plans. They were com municated in some way to thegirl's parents, and the police were notified. The young people were caught at their hiding place, just as they were preparing to leave the city, and were landed in separate police stations. The girl is accused by her stepfather of stealing her mother's clothing, rata the boy is in trouble over the money he obtained. Tbey will have a hearing before a justice' in the morning. A EOMAKE OF THE STAGE. Mr. Eugene. Bisbee, n Baltlmorean, Married to a Pretty Chorus Girl ISPXCIAL TELEOHAUTO THE niSFATCII.I Washington, July 16. Quite a little romance was concluded to-day by the mar riage at the fashidnable church of St. John, of Mr. Eugene Bisbee, a well-to-do young man of Baltimore, and Miss Evelyn Math ews, a pretty chorus girl of the Thompson Opera Company, now playing a summer en gagement at the National Theater. Mr. Bisbee became infatuated with the young lady when she was in Baltimore, some mouths ago, with the Casino Company. He sought an introduction.. The two were mutually attracted, and this week the young Baltimoreanicame to this city and insisted on a marriage. Miss Matthews has been quite successful on -the stage, and though she is married, says she has not yet decided whether ,she will abandon her protessMB, , . - j ANY ONE truly tho judiclo AN AMERICAN FLEET Of Atlantic Steamers to be Unlit Eight Boats to Cost 810,000,000 En eland's SoTcreisnty of "the t Sen to be Disputed. FSPECIAL uLeOKAU TO TUX DISrATCS.l New Yobk, July 16. Austin Corbin.Jof the Reading xoad, has. bought 3,200 acres of land and water frontat Montauk, L. I., for a landing place for his new proposed steam ship line. It is also reported that the Rapid Transit Steamship Company, of which Mr. Corbin is President, will proceed to build eight steamships to do service on the route from Fort Pond Bay to Milford Haven, in Wales. The undertaking has been in con templation for some time, and the possibility of its construction has often been asserted and as frequently denied. A member of the Maritime Exchange says: I have it from headquarters that a stock company is at the present moment forming and that before many days have passed it will have been incorporated with a capital stock of, J101 000,000. It is impossible to say to wbom the honor of building the first American steamship will be given. A number of prominent builders are after the contract. The first steamship will be turned out in about two years from the pres ent date. There are to be for the trial of American fortunes on the seas eight ships in all. Of course, if the venturo is successful, there will be more ships added to the fleet until there are enough to establish branches, as the En glish bare, in all parts of the world. The eight steamships will cost by themselves a fortune. Each one will cost the company nearly S1.2.V), 000. the total being, for the eight ships, nearly $10,000,000. The eight steamships will be float ing palaces, equal in accommodation to the famous Parisian hotels, and fitted np with every comfort and convenience that art and Ameri can skill can devise for the use of travelers. Mr. Corbin says that the docks that will be erected at Montauk Point will equal those of Livemool and that a magnificent L-new dry dock will be built that will equal r.i : i. . a-j -a ti.:i.. jl me uuo now ueiug couaiructuu at iuuaucj- phia. In addition to all this the new line and its new landing place will necessitate the construction of a new Custom House and of a barge office at Montauk Point. By landing at Montauk Point the journey from" Europe will be 12 to 24 hours shorter than the present route to New York. A dispatch from Philadelphia says that Austin Corbin has been in that city all day looking after the projected new terminal for the' Reading tRailroad. To-night he was shown a copy of a dispatch about his pur chase of 3,000 acres of land at Montauk Point for a new'steamship line, but declined to be interviewed. He -said that- any such publication was premature, and that as soon as the plans for the new line were perfected he would be willing and glad. to talk about it at length. ' A GE0WIKG OEDEE. r The Jr. O. V. A. M. .Receive 9,000 New members Dnrlns; the Year. ISFICIAL TELEGRAJC TO TUE DISPATCH. I Habbisbubo, July 16. About 3,000 Junior American Mechanics participated in the parade af the order in this city to-day. Dr. Harris Stites, of this city, was Chief Marshal, and C. P. Lang, of Allegheny, Chief of StafC Ihe third division was mar shalled by Stephen Collins, of Pittsburg, who will to-morrow be ejected State "Vice Councillor. Jose Morris was Chief of Staff; Assistant Chief, of Staff, H. C. Young; Color Bearer, Harry Kalkoff; Adjutant, E. Gordon, Jr.;Aids, C. E. Sucnoff. G. B. Snyder, Horace It. Mentzes, S. Trenk, W. J. Fix, James Kirkwood, S. A. Bickford, G. M. Murphy. The Allegheny council in this division numbered 63 men, and follow ing it was a Pittsburg delegation of COO men. This evening James T. Long lectured in the ri House on the principal battle, scenes at Gettysburg and showed the visit ing Juniors'about 300 views. To-morrow an excursion train will run to Gettysburg for the accommodation of members of the order. On Thursday even ing the American, Comedy Company, com posed of members of the order from Johns town, will give an entertainment at the) Opera House, the proceeds of which will go towards fixing up their council room which was destroyed by the great flood. The order of Junior American Mechanics received about 9,000 net accessions last year. Eighty councils were chartered. The money in the treasury of the various coun cils in the State is $309,532 67. BOBBED OF L0TE AND LUCEE. A Girl's Wedding Portion Stolen and Her Marriage Thereby Postponed. rSFXClAl. TELEOEAM TO TnE DISPATCH. 3 New Yobk, July 16. Rose Behrns. who works in a restaurant in Monticello street, Jersey City, complained at the police head quarters to-day that she had been robbed of $460 in a Third avenue horse car. She was to have been married to-day, she said,' and on Monday she gavo up "her place, came over to New York, and drew her savings from the Bowery Bank. She put the money in a hand satche'l and boarded a Third avenue car. A young man who had seen her get the money fol lowed her into the car. She put the satchel on the seat beside her. Presently she missed it, and saw the young man getting off the car with the satchel in his hand. Before she could stop the car the thief had disap peared. It is supposed that Miss -Behrns' mind was occupied with her wedding, and that she paid no particular attention to the safety of her valise. She said that she could identify the robber. Sergeant Bird seht'two detectives out with her. Her wedding has been postponed. SIXTEEN MEN" llfeSING. Only Three of the Crew of the Edith Emery Arrive With Her In Boston. Boston, July 16. The fishing schooner Edith Emery, Captain Patrick Sullivan, arrived to-day with only three of her crew of 19 men. Sunday morning when the Emery was only 70 miles off Highland Light the missing men set out in dories to tend their owls. The weather was very thick and the tog became so heavy as to shut out all sight of the men. A search was kept up until Monday afternoon, foghorns being blown and as much noise made as possible to attract their attention, but nothing could be seen or heard of the men. The Captain is nearlv distracted over theloss of the men, although he believes they have been picked up by a passing vessel, as fishing vessels were nu merous at the point where they were lost. The wind was not blowing heavily, and he sees no reason for lear of capsizing, even should the men drift 48 hours before being picked up. All but two of the crew are married and hare large families. THE KEW 8ISTEES. More Talk Than Baslaess la the Conven tion Meeting Yesterday. Bisiiabck, July 16. The , taxation of railroads continues the principal fopic before the convention. It is proposed to make the State officials a board to assess them, the rate of assessment to be not less than $3,000, nor more than 7,000 a mile. The protection of public lands for school purposes is one thing the convention is united on. The committees from North and.South. Dakota to divide the present debt hive commenced their joint sittings. The Chairman of each alternates in presiding. In the Montana convention equal suffrage was reported adversely. The Washington convention provided for a supreme court and twelve district courts. The South Dakota convention was practically idle. , nO" V-V jC -50XO- CAN MAKE MONEY j ' j Who has a good article to sell, ana woo aer tisaa vHroroonly and liberally. Advertising Is. r trade. All enterprising And Srs succeed. THREE CENTS TROUBLES wrs Were Wv.at Prolonged the Big Convention of Window -Glass Workers. MR. CAMPBELL DID RESIGN., Prom the Presidency of the Associa n tioD, But Reconsidered. A BIG TOTE AGAIXST HIM SET EIGHT. Deccntrnllzntlon Wns Carried, bat He Wonlda't Havo It The Council to bo, Half Appointive, ns Heretofore Cot ters' Wages Caase a. Flcht That Lasts a Day and a Half So Change In Them More Fiatteners Mnst be Hired Tho Tank Furnaco Gets the Best of It Ko Insurance Feature Ready An Ap prentice Tangle Some Very Hot Reso lutions. There has evidently been trouble in' the Window Glass Workers' Convention. Some of it has been kept absolutely secret for a, week. But it's out now. President Camp bell resigned, on an adverse vote, but re considered after the vote had likewise been reconsidered. Decentralization's fail ure, cutters' wages, the edict for more fiat teners, the tank furnace's victory, the in surance and apprenticeship hitches and some fearfully hot resolutions make inter esting reading. Something unprecedented in the history of the Window Glass Workers' Association of America has just occurred and is yet occurring. Never before since its organiza tion has one of v its general conventions lasted for a period -of more than one week. This special conyention began on Tuesday of last weeK, and cannot possibly conclnde or finish its work before Thursday of the present week. Its many delegates, under large expense while remaining in Pitts burg, have not prolonged their stay in this city to one-third longer than the usual duration of a convention", for any ordinary trifling circumstance, or combination of cir cumstances. "But," the questioning reader may here interject, "all has seemed exceedingly harmonious on the surface of the conven tion; can it be that matters of great moment matters somewhat sensational have been going on beneath the surface, to have us prolonged or complicated matters?" It can. "Then what was, or is, the matter?" Several things. Before proceeding to narrate them, however, or as much of them as can br persistent, quiet inquiry, be bbotjcht to the sueface, it maybe well to state a patent fact or two, so that there shall be no misunderstanding or the possibility of it. In nearly all the news published about the recent importation of foreign glass blowers, The Dispatch has found it difficult to get at more than the one side of tho matter which officials of the Window Glass Workers' Asso ciation have chosen to disclose. In giving re ports of their convention, down to date, a like condition has prevailed. That important and more or less stirring proceedings of the con vention have been withheld from the Pittsburs reporters, however, goes without saying; first, because this great American convention of workers in an industry of matrnttnde Is and has been a secret one, and secondly, because there were, evidently, matters transpiring which the managers of the association did no desire to have publicly Known. Let It be under stood, therefore, that the publication of some trade secrets, as tbey appear below, is undertaken without animus, and simply for tho sake of giving important news which has hitherto been kept a secret: All that the Press Committee of the association has thus far seen fit to give reporters has shown tbo drift of the convention to have been entirely harmonious and without a break, and tho Press Committee fairly represented the dominant or major faction. But that there was another, and at times quite a significant faction, constituting, it is true, the ultimata minority of the convention, is a simple matter of news which may be given for the informa tion ot thqusands of newspaper readers who have been led to believe the exact reverse. President James Campbell, It is stated, re slgnet his seat in the convention about the middle of last week. And thereby bangs a tale. WHY HE BESIGNZD. All the national and international fuss abont the importation of those foreign glass blowers found its way to the eyes, ears and brains of the window glass workers throughout the country. As a consequence, it is stated and . upon undoubted authority that there was in the Window Glass Workers' Association quite a concerted and general movement In favor of decentralization: in other words, to distribute more widely the authority now and in the past vested in the President and Council of the organization. That movement came to a head last Wednesday or Thursday in the Introduction not only, but tho nassace by a (dear majority, of a resolution providing that, instead of the President having authority to appoint four of the eight memDers ot tne council (and inevitably to control one or more of tho other four elected members), and instead of the Council having power to appoint the as sociation's Secretary, that both tho entire Council and the Secretary be made elective officers. The day after this more or less revolutionary resolution had been adopted. President Camp bell, it is stated, vacated his seat as President of the convention, took his place among tho plain delegates, and refused to re turn to the cbalr until per suaded by friends, wbo assured him that the association, rather than lose his ser vices, would reconsider the vote and leave the Council and the Seeretaiy both nracucally under his control, as thev are and hare been for some time. Reconsiderations, as indicated, took place on both sides, and the Council will consist, as it has heretofore, of two gatherers, two blowers, two fiatteners and two cutters, one-halt of- them appointed by the President and tho other .half elected by the members. SECBETABTSniP AND CUTTEBS' PAT. The resolution to hereafter elect the associa tion's Secretary by popular vote"was. as a matter of course, squelched likewise, after the action noted above. That all this could be done without heated discussion and lively scenes, however, was impossible. To the general public, perhaps, the above facts will be more interesting than will the news that follows; but, to the window glass worker, and all who caro to observe the changes in this important department of indus try, the aDove may be considered only as an in troduction to equally important facts, narrated below. A resolution was introduced to change the cntter's wages, so that, instead of his being paid by the box. he be remunerated according to the quality as well as the quantity ot glass handled. It was contended by those favoring tbls resolution, that its passage would accrue to tbe advantage ot the blower, Eatherer and nattener. be tween all of whom and tho manufacturer the cutter now stands. ,Xhe chanee would make it an inducement for tbe cutter to look to tbe highest quality and get out of it the largest possible panes of glass consistent with quality and orders an obvious advantage to the blower of from 63 cents to more than J8 1 box Instead -X x D&j NLstV V 4 J - 5 a f a Ji&rirfWi: m HfctsBMfe