SS ESKLsdiii rtf . - Sj tuedIt, THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, JULY 16, 1889. HKiftiBa 'OPENING A NEW BOAD Tlio McKeesport and Belle Vernon Kailroad Through to Monon. City. A GREAT DAY FOE VALLEY PEOPLE Celebration of the First Train's mrriral Quite Memorable. AS EYEXT TO HAND DOWN TO HISTORY O.NONGAHELA City fairly went wild ""yesterday over the formal opening to that point of the McKees port and Belle Vernon Eailroad. The event was made a holiday all along the line from McKeesport to Monongahela City, and the citizens of every hamlet were ont with flatter ing pocket handkerchiefs to see the first train from Mc Keesport through to Monon City go by. The citizens of the latter place at a public meeting had arranged all the details of the ovation. The Reception Committee, composed of Mayor Robinson, M. Borland, H. Sandeield. S. P. Keller, J. M. Grable, T. S. McCurdy, John Blythe, Isaac Yohe, Colonel Gregg, Adam Keil and other, went to McKeesport early in tbe morning and at 9:20 A. 2L the train, with a special car attached for tbe vMtors, left McKeesport. General Super intendent and General Passenger and Freight Agent J. C. Grooms were on tbe train and pointed out tbe sigbts along tbe road. Many Monongahela Citizen to Meet IL DELEGATIONS ALONG THE LINE. Among the McKeesport delegation were W. S. Abbott, of tbe limes; James L. Devenny. of tbe A'ctcs; J. B. Shale, Postmaster: W. J. Sharpless; President Board of Trade; ex-Burgess Tillbrook, ex-Burgess Alonzo Inskeep. J. W. Bailie, Hon. A. B. Comes, TV. E. Harrison, CoUDcilmen E. P. Douglass and R J. Black,and Thomas Reynolds, a director of tbe road. Tbe Council of Reynolton, a suburb of McKees port, came in a body. Tbe ride to Mouongahela City was througb a beautiful section of country. Tbe air was cool, and the trip a success in every way. Tbe road bugs tbe left bank of the Mouongabela river, giving on one side a view of tbe mount ain Bide covered with forests, glens, rocks, groves, etc Peeping througb tbe trees tbe traveler ever and anon caicbes glimises ot farm bouses in tbe more open portions, and from Pollock to Monongahela City, a succes sion of coal mines, with Uieir tracks laden with care, are seen winding up the hillsides. There is a large quarry at Frantz. wbere material for grindstones is gotten out. At Lovedaie are large coal mines. Elizabeth, a borough of some 1,200 inhab itants, is tbe first large town on tbe road. Here another delegation of citizens boarded tbe train. Among them were Burgess George V. Roberts. IS. V. Blankenbeler, Clerk of Coun cils: Josiah Specr, County Controller, and R.T. Wiley, of the Elizabeth .fferalrf. SCENERY ALONQ THE BOAS. At East Elizabeth and O'Neil (tbe first sta tion south) are large coal mines. The first sta tion past O'Neil is at Lock No. Z. The land for a half mile along tbe river front is owned by Secretary of State James G. Blaine, and is very valuable undeveloped coal land. Bunola, a little station near which are O'Xeil & Peterson's large coal mines, was named after a brand of coffee and tbe sign presented by tbe firm dealing in tbe coffee is over tbe door of tbe station. Tbe citizens could not agree on a name and preferred something out of tbe usual order While they were in conference a man picked up a package of coffee and suggested tbe name of tbe coffee, "Bunola," which was caught up and adopted by tbe citizens. Tbe firm afterward sent the miners a gift ot 100 packages of coffee. At Elkhorn, about two miles from Monon gabela City, is a picnic ground called Sbebola Glen, beveral Indian graves have been found there. Local historians say that it was near here that Queen Allquippa held her conference with Washington. Washington at one time surveyed tbe present site ot this road, for the Goveinor of West Virginia, for a great Na tional highway Some of those connected with tbe road said that while excavating at one point the steam shovel scooped up several In dian graves, with the skeletons still well pre ceded, and along with them a quantity of ar rowheads and other implements of war. TKEES GROWING IN BOCKS. At another point along tbe road several trees were seen, which bad grown through rocks. Tbe description given is of tbe left bank of the river going up. Across tbe river, along tbe line of the Pittsburgh, Virginia & Charleston Railroad, is a charming farming country, with coal mines peering out between tbe hills. The w bole scenery is superb, and Is not paralleled or surpassed in tbe country. TLe roadbed of tbe new road is very smooth, tbe steel rails being well ballasted with rock and slag. As tbe train sped alone; stopping here and there. The DisrATCH reporter, in company with other newspaper men, enjoyed tbe view from the rear platform. The train neared tbe outskirts of Mononga hela City at about 10 o'clock, and was greeted by the blowing of whistles and booming of cannon, waving of handkerchief) ana a general hurrah. Handkerchiefs fluttered from every window, and even sheets were flung to the breeze. The workmen in all tbe mills were out to bcrald tbe approach of the train. Tbe people seemed to have gone wild with joy. As the population ot this little city of 6,000 inhabitants were heralding the advent of a new highway, the excess of their joy carried the reporter in memorv back to the time of tbo opening of Davis Island dam. Tbe latter event could not have seemed more significant to Pittsburg than tbe com peting railroad does to Monongahela City. As the train slonly pulled into Carrolton. across the river from the city proper, it was surrounded by A CROWD OP CITIZENS. Carriages were in waiting for the visitors and tbe parade commenced. Passing over the bridge, the carriages wound around the hills and up to Walnut Farm, where the new city reser voir is in course of constrnctlon. It is at an elevation ot 10.3 feet above tbe street level, near the river, and when done will have a capacity of 1.O00.G00 gallons. The work is being done by tbe Monongahela Water Company, a private corporation. From the rocn oir the visitors were driven through tbe different streets of the city, ending up at City Hall, where a general jubilee was held. Colonel Chill W. Hazzard. editor or the JirjmbUcan, was chairman. Mayor Robinson read a welcome to the city. Superintendent Ritchie made a short speech as a representative of the railroad, after which the representa tives of each place, as follows, made a few re marksof congratulation: McKeesport, Messrs. Ji. P. Douglass, 8harpless.Fillbrook, Captain A. B. Camel; Rejnoltnn.Hev.McHrlde: Elizabeth. Controller bpeer. Rev. J. J. Hill; Monongahela City, ex-benator Lawrence, William Mc Gregor and Colonel Chill Hazzard. Tbe tele gram to the hotel, ordering tbe dinner for a large number, was not received until late. and. to fill in the time. Chill Hazzard talked against time. "Joll Chill" was at the head of every thing, and made all forget any unpleasantry that might have marred the pleasure of some few. THE BANQUET PROCEEDS. When the hour bad turned to 1 p. t, and Colonel Cbill had nearly run out of wind, the hotel people gave the call for dinner, and the hungry visitors rushjd for the Hotel Wllgue, where an elegant repast had been pre pared. The return to McKeesport. leaving Monon gahelsZlty at 4 o'clock, was uneventful. Now for something in regard to the cause of all this jollification. The MeKcessort JSP! " rt ifjwftffil and Belle Vernon Railroad, now, built tn Monongahela City, about 11 miles from McKeesport, is supposed to be one of Vander bilt's extension schemes. It connects with the "Femlcky' at McKeesport, the latter road being, as is well known, an adjunct of tbo Lake Erie. At present the prospective terminus is Fayette Citv; but it is generally understood that at no distant day it will be pushed Into West Virginia and form a link with tbe West Virginia Central from Fairmount to Morgan town, the latter 'place being 80 miles from Fayette City. PACTS ABOUT THE BOAD. The road was commenced in 1887 and has been in operation to Elizabeth since February. Its present capitalization Is S6Q0.00O. Drake 4 Stratton, contractors, of New York, are doing the work. Mr. Drake said yesterday that the road was wholly a private enterprise, and that no other company held stock in it, nor had any arrangements been made to attach the road to any sjstem. The lesources from which the line is expected to uraw its revenue will consist in the coal-carrying trade, stone quarries, etc. It is thought that tbe road wdl also do away with a good deal of river trade in coal. Should It be extended into West Virginia, an unlimited and heretofore unde veloped coal and iron region will be tapped, and, it is claimed, would work a revolution in tbe iron ore trade. The rolling stock of the company at present consists of four locomotives, five passenger roaches and 100 freight cars. Tbe officers of the road ire: President, J. Wainwrigbt; Audi tor. James Chamberlain; Treasurer, William Wallace: Directors, Messrs. Wainwright. Lin ton, Wallace. Thomas Reynolds. Edward Hous ton, Benjamin Wood, J. M. Guffy. Jones. The general office will be in Pittsburg, at No. Ill Fourth avenue. EURAL HESITANCY. Southslde OH and Gnu Development De moralizing Farmer Agriculture Thrown to the Winds. It has often been said that to work a silver mine ordinarily consumes the profits of a gold mine. Whether this be true or not, it is certain that, under our present knowledge of mineralogy, geology, etc., the procuring of some of earth's treasures is attended with , vast amount of cost and demoralization. Per haps it is as well, as the frittering away of treasure consequent not only disseminates it in a measure among the needy, but possibly pre vents its application to less useful purposes, and though the greater part may be lost, yet possibly worse results might accrue from con gestion. I Counting the waste from fire and other causes, such as boring in dry territory, loss of tools through Ignorant management and many other things, it is doubtful if all the petroleum ever produced has paid cost of production, though, of course, combinations and individ uals have grown immensely rich by handling it, and a vast amount of employment has been furnished in its development. The storing of 40,000.000 barrels surplus was also an Immense waste from detenoratlon by evaporation. Just at present there is considerable demoral ization among farmers in tbe southslde of this countv. Instead of studying bow to compete with the agricultural products of the West and South they are. many of tbem. oil-crazy and are allowing their farms in a creat measure to lie fallow, and it is said, and known tn be partially true, that there are -farmers in Stowe, Robin son, Chartiers and Moon townships that have not only mortgaged their farms, but are actually borrowing money to pay interest on the mort gages. There is at present much interest attaching to tbe well on tbe Moore farm in Robinson township. From the best information attain able, it appears that tbe oil output did not pay, but the explorers found gas, and tbe present agony is to determine the pressure, and that is what it seems no fellow but tbe operators can determine. Home say it is 120 pounds, while others say 45a If the former, it is only good for local consumption; if the latter It will pay for piping. Some people opine that the Phila delphia Company and others than the Standard Oil Company are interested in not only sup pressing information, but also in husbanding the product, whatever it maybe. Tbe Utter would be an exhibition of cood sense, as there being a surplus of production it is good policy to preserve as much known territory intact as possible. It is said tbe lessors are talking of surrender ing leases. Others have expressed a disposition to take the present lessors' places, and. several parties having been making inquiries with ap parent intention of purchasing territory out right, some holders have become stiff in their views. Coins to Johnstown. The ladies of the G. A. R. Relief Committee have decided to remove their headquarters to Johnstown. They think the work of distribu tion can be done better there than here. The Ladies' Relief Committee distributed L000 nieces to 40 persons yesterday. The demand is rapidly falling off. ' A Bridge Washed Awnv. Tbe bridge on the Lake Erie over Brady's run, below Fallston, was washed away yester day morning. All trains were held for five hours, and many suburban people lost a day's work. When distressed and out of sorts, with a low vitality and moody spirits.a good tonic, such as Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, will often set the system in order, and assist nature in maintaining normal strength. It is the best medicine in the world for enring worms in children, ridding their bodies of pests which sap their constitutions, and which, if unattended to, render their lives miserable by their distressing symptoms. When nsed as a tonic, the larger sized bottles are cheapest. Anolber ew Lot Men's fine flannel shirts received this day. Gents' department. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Perm Avenne Stores. The beautiful effect of Jnbilante stop on the Estey organs is peculiar to the Estey make. It is very poorly imitated in a num ber oi other makes, both in effect and name. Don't allow yourself to be deceived, but get the Estey at Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. Another New Lot Men's fine flannel shirts received this day. Gents' department. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Pittsburg Beer. In using this excellent brew of Frauen heim & Vilsack, yon will be encouraging a home industry. Call for it ttssu Remnntt Week Thousands of Remnants Here To be sold this week. The earlier in the week you come the better. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Oft" to tbe Seashore. Take the excursion on the B. & O. R. R. to Atlantic City next Thursday, July 18, at the extremely low rate, $10 for the round trip; tickets good lor ten days; cood to stop at Washington returning. Trains leave depot at 8 A. M. and 9:20 p. M. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accommoda tions at once. All Wool 30-Ccnt Qnnllty Summer Saltings Now 25 Cent. Ask for them in dress goods room, near door. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. A Dollar for a Cent. The greatest thing out, Marvin's dollar cake, a cent each. All grocers keep them, and they are just what the children have been crying for all summer. Don't let tbe little darlings suffer any longer. ttssu This Is Rcmnnnt Week All Over Ibe Store. Laces, embroideries, ribbons, flannels, wash goods, silks, dress goods. Come to this all-week remnant sale. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Here's Your Chnnce. For one week only cabinet photos 89c per dozen; bring the lainily at once. Lies' popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. -ttssu Fob low prices and easy terms of pay ments on a strictly first-class piano or organ go to Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. Remnant Prices In Oar Salt Department On entire stock, ladies' and children's sum. mer suits this Is remnant week. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Arum Store. CHEAPER ORE HERE. Such is the Significance of Edison's Magnetic Separator. A GREAT INVENTION EXPLAINED. H. M. Curry, of Carnegie, Phipps & Co., Thinks It Means Much. IT WILL TEND TO 1E8SEN FEEIGHT8 The latest invention of Thomas Alva Edi son, the "Wizard of Menlo Park" (a magnet ic ore separator), will be of great importance to the iron manufacture ol this country, if the invention be as successful as the experi ments at Bechtelsviile, near Reading, indi cate. These experiments were concluded last Saturday, and the working of Mr. Edi son's invention is explained in this way: The rock containing tbe ore, after passing through the crusher and being broken to about the size of an egg, is conveyed in small buckets and dumped into a large hop per. From here it drops out in a small stream down an incline ana passes within a few inches of a powerful magnet. Tbis Is so heav ily charged as to draw the iron ore from its course into one channel, and the rock and other foreign elements contained in tbe ore are per mitted to pass through another channel to the refuse pile. Mr. H. M. Curry, Vice Chairman of Carne gie, Phipps A Co., when asked yesterday wbat influence such an invention would have on the iron market in-Pittsburg, said: "If the invention shall prove a successful one. the ad vantage to us cannot be calculated at present; but it will undoubtedly be great. About nine tenths of all iron ore shipped Into Pittsburg to day comes from Lake Superior, for tbe simple reason that tbe best iron ore is mined there. What 1 mean by that is, tbe ore from there contains the largest percentage of iron. Of course it is a well-understood fact that ore containing less than 60 per cent of iron does not pay to be shipped lor a distance of more than 400 or 600 miles, because tbe freighting would be too ex pensive. That is tbe reason why Lake Superior ore is tbe only quality we can use here to make any profit at present. "But. If this invention of Mr. Edison is to be successful, iron ore from other places ran be shipped to any part of tbe conntrv, because when tbe magnetic separation has divided the iron from other minerals and the required metal can be sent anywhere, the iron supply will, of course, be much larger, and the result will be a falling off in price. The northern part of New York produces a great deal of ore; but it Is very lean material, and the magnetic separator would at once bring it into our mar ket. There are a number of other productive places; for instance. Lake Cbamplain. All these ores are good if tbev can be separated, and on that account tbe fnvention is very im portant." THE LATEST TRDXK LINE. This Time President Corbln Will Connect a Number of Roads. It is now rumored that Austin Corbin, Presi dent oi tbe Reading road, will establish another line from New York to Chicago. The rumor states that the Reading road will be used to Rarrisburg and 100 miles of road will be built to connect with the Pittsburg division of tbe Baltimore and Ohio. The Ohio. Indiana and Western, with its connections, will be used from Columbus to Chicago. Between Pitts burg and Columbus they will try to make run ning arrangements with tbe Pittsburg and Western and the Cleveland, Akron and Colum bus. K0T TO CAYE IN AGAIN. That Red Pond Drop, nnd the Burial of One of Its Victims. Chief BIgelow bas ordered cribbing to be built over tbe well of tbe Red pond, so that it will not clog tbe mouth of tbe sewer again. Tbe injured men are doing well and will re cover. William Daily, late of High street, tbo best known of the victims a warm-hearted, kindly fellow who supported a large family and is mourned by a bost of warm personal friends, will be buried this morning. BOILING WATER. An Allegheny Firm Ha Gone Into the Con densing Badness. Some progressive Allegheny people are boil ing water for public use, which they sell for 3 cents a jug. The water is turned into a steam in a large tank and then condensed, leaving it minus all traces of animal life. Superintendent Armstrong, of tbe water works, says be will put in a meter, because it requires five gallons of water to make one of the distilled. To be Dlstribatrd at Last. Judge Cummin has made Mr. W. R. Thomp son bis banter for tbe 1300,000 to be distribnted in Johnstown this week. Mr. Thompson said yesterday he would get the money in New York, and stay at Johnstown until it was paid out. Sonnd Reanona for Approval. There are several cogent reasons why the medical profession recommend and tbe public prefer Hostetter's Stomach Bitters above the ordinary cathartics. It does not drencb and weaken tbe bowels, but assists rather than forces nature to act; It is botanic and safe; its iction Is never preceded by an internal eartb- Suakelike that produced by a drastic purga re. For S3 years past it has been a household remedy for liver, stomach and kidney troubles, malaria and rheumatism. Remodeling bale! For a few days only, greatest bargains in onyx, fine French and American clocks, silverware, etc. Rather than remove them while making extensive repairs to our store, will sell at cost and less than cost. No mis representation. Call at once for big bargains at J. P. Bteinmann's, 107 Federal st, Alle gheny, Pa. TTSSU Excursion to Atlantic City Via the B. & O. R. R., next Thursday. July 18. Rate $10 for the round trip; tickets good for 10 days; good to stop off at AYashington City returning. Train ot Eastlake coaches and Pullman palace cars will leave depot at 8 A. si. and 920 v. M. Something new for the children this week at Hendricks & Co.'s new photo par lors, 68 Federal street, Allegheny. Cabi nets $1 a dozen. ttssu The charm of beauty Is beautlfnl hair. Se cure It with Parker's Hair Balsam. Parker's Oinger Tonic cures Inward pains. MEETINGS. A MEETING OF THE LIFE MANAGERS or Western Pennsylvania Exposition bocictv will be held in the Art room, second floor of Hamilton building, FRIDAY. July 19, 1SS9, at 3 o'clock P. if., to consider tbe question of issuing $200,000 in first mortgage bonds. jyl53 JAS. W. BATCHELOR, Secretary. -VTOT'CE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF JLM the stockholders of the Pennsylvania Manufacturing, Mining and Supply Company will be held at their oflice. No. 1004 Penn ave nue. Pittsburg. Pa., on WEDNESDAY, July 17, lbS9, at 11 o'clock A. M. D. A. STEVENSON, Secretary. PittsbtjbO. July IL lb89. jylMO-p BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that tbe copartner ship heretofore existing between tbe under signed, under the firm name of Hawksworth & Manchester, Keystone Steam Boiler Works, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to tbe said firm are to be received by Wm. Manchester, and all demands on the said firm are to be paid by him ! GEO. H. HAWKSWORTH. WM. MANCHESTER. PITTSBURG. July 12, 18e9. Jyl4-2 a ABAEFHT BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u ueventa avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1314. se5-n60-rra TTTATCHES Clocks, jewelry, silverware. Fine watch and clock repairing a specialty. WILSON, 61 FOURTH AVENUE. Jyll-TTS J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT, 96 Fourth avenue, Jjlt-23-TTS Pittsburg. Pa. . i'l1 ,"Vf' - ' i" 1 sal-is&KJ'' . ' . " . 1 jbasff -sCftil Jafc MfDlrplay attverttaementi one dollar per tquare or one insertion. Clauifled advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To- Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser Hon, and none taken for lets ihpnjlfly cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the followingr places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisementa will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements aro to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTniDls rATCIL PITTS BUBO. THOMAS MCCAFFKKY, 34 Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, S4tb street and l'enn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylleave. and Fultoait. M. STOKKIA'. Fifth Avenue Market House. XASTXSD. J. TV. WALLACE. 61Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHEIBLER,hav. ftAtwoodst. gotrrnsiDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. SCarson street. H. A.DONALDSON. 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 89 Federal street. H. J. McUKIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. KKEDH. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street F. IL EGGEBS SON, Ohio and Chestnut st. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin ares. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver ares. PEKltY M. OLEIM. Kebeeca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. ainle Ileln. WANTEU-A. GOOD BABBEH AT 2308 PENN ave. JOHN H. SCHLOTT. Jyl8-87 WANTED-PHOTOUKAl'HEB COMPETENT to make views. Address N 0. 6M. Wells ville, o. Jyw-w W ANTKD-A GOOD BARBER ATH.MEHEB MANN, JB,'S, No. 310 Chartiers St.. Alle gheny. Jyl8-81 WANTED GOOD LABORING MEN ON Carson street, near Fourth street. S. S. J. FRIDAY. JylS-63-TTS WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS MAN TO RUN a molding machine. Apply to MURl'in A DIEBOLD JylS-73 -TTANTF1J-A WAGON BLACKSMITH. AP W PLY cor. TWENTY-F1KST AND bMALL- MAN STS., city. jyie- WANTEU A FIRST-CLASS TILE AND mantel setter. Apply to PITTSBURG TIL IN G CO. . 213 Wood St. J y!6-M WANTED-A YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE work; one familiar with typewriter: a per manent position. Address IRON WORKS. Dis patch office. jyl5-U WANTED A GOOD BARBER TO HELP rnn shop for 10 days: good wages will be paid; applv at once. CRAFT S. LIVINGSTON, Indiana. Pa. Jyie-91 WANTED-A FEW YOUNG MEN OF GOOD address who can come well recommended; none others need apply. J. R. CUTTER, room 2, 1036 Penn ave. lylG-70 WANTED-FlRST-CLAbS BRASS MOLUER can And permanent employment at the KELLY & JONES CO., 143 First ave., Pg., or Greensburg, l'. Je9-38 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS WHITE BAR BER; good wages paid and steady work,and a boy to learn trade Address J. A. BILLITTER, No. m Market .t., McKeesport, Pa. jyie-34 WANTED-TWO BOOKKEEPERS: VOUCH ER and regular systems; first place. 0 weekly; second, S15 weekly; No. 1 reierences. W. tfoOLSLY, Lxpert Accountant, IG3 Fifth avenue. J 16-38 TJANTED-A SOBER MARRIED MAN WITH. V V OUT family able to care for and drive horses, and willing to make himself useful on a small farm in the hast End. Apply, with reference, to HoX K, Dispatch office. JyJ6 63 WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pore spices: gifts with goods; coke workers, miners or mlllmun can makemoney in their spare time. YAMASHUtO TEA CO., Si Jackson St.. Allegheny, Pa. J&26-86-TTS WANTED-IMMEDIATELY-YOUNG MAN about 18 years old to do office work; must be a good writer and oulek at fignres: grad aate of High bebool preferred; reference required. Ad dress LUCK BOX 1,010, city. Jyl3-S WANTED INbURANCE SOLICITOR OF good address, and well acquainted with manufacturers, to solicit new line. Employers Protective Insurance;wlllpay liberal commission. PITTSBURG COMPANY, Limited, 140 Firth avenue. yl3-67-c WANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S Eclectic Shorthand and Business College. 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Good penmanship taught In a few lessons. Instruction thorough and pri vate ror both sexes. College open dar and even ing through summer. JylVttTTSSu WANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; on salary: largest manufacturers In onrline; Inclose 2c stamp: wages p per day: permanent position: money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'G. CO.. Cincinnati. O. JeS-1-TTSSu WANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School: Urilng's actual measure ment taught In all its branches; tbe only true system fitting any and all shapes: no trying on: Instructions. 10 A. . to 4 r. M.; evening, 7 to J r. h.; call or write ror circular. SHUOODbT.. Pittsburg, Pa. lyV-40 TTANTED-MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF V our safes; size 28x19x13 inches; weight W0 lbs.: retail price f35; other sizes in proportion: rare chance to create permanent buslaest- at home: these safes meet demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by tbe Safe Pool. ALPINE BATE CO., Cincinnati, O. JeSM-D TTTANTED AGENTS TO HANDLE THE v. new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil: greatest novelty everproduced: erases ink In two seconds: no abrasion of paper; 200 to 500 percent profit: one agent's sales amounted to fCM CO in six days: another f32 00 In two hours; territory abso lutely free; salary to good men: no ladles need an swer, sample 3a cents. For terms and full partic ulars, address tbe manufacturers,..!, V. BK1N NER &CO., Onalaska, Wis. v JyH-2l Female Help. w ANTED A HEALTHY WET NUESE ATI1S DHtriuwui., Allegheny. Jyl3-23 WANTED-GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK OR attending store. NO. 17S FIFTH AVE. Apply Immediately- Jyi6-33 -TT7-ANTED - GERMAN LAUNDRY GIRL. V Apply BOLEY'S HOTEL, 31 and 33 Dia mond square, Pittsburg. JylG-78 WANTED-A YOUNG LADY. GRADUATE of some good Institution, to teach English Branches a few hours per day. Inquire at 64 UNION AVENUE, Allegheny, between 1:30 and 3.30 r . m. Jyis-47 Male and female flrln. XTrANTED -COOK AND CHAMBERMAID TV for small family, laundresses, cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls, nurses, house girls, German and colored girls, waiters, drivers, rarm hands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 6 and 8 Grant St. JJM-M TTTANTED-1CO INSIDE LABORERS. 40 FARM T t hands. 4 colored waiters, man to attend to a horse and work about place, hotel cooks, cham bermaids, dining room girls and dishwashers, cooks and house girls. MEEH AN 'S, 643 Grant St. Jyl6-D W '4iSSF.UF "WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, maleorfemale. In eTenrrnmmnnltv. goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced, lull particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Jutt wbat we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. Jel4-70-D Situations. WANTED-A POSITION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper: reference. Address W. D., -..-K-.h JTJO-H ANTED SITUATION AS CASHIER Four years' experience: good reference. Address LADY B., Dispatch office. J y 16-32 T7-ANTED-T0 ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, TT etc. A first-class encaustic tile setter re- 3 ulres employment; floors, walls or (ellin?. Ad ress J. L., Dispatch office. Jyl6-73 WANTED-SITTJATION BY A MAN, SIN GLE, as general manservant: can take care or horse and cow: has good knowledge of garden ing and not afraid or any kind or work. Address J. J., Dtspatcn office. JylD-40 Partner. V1JANTED-PARTNKB, WITH ABOUT 7E0. V foralaundryneartheclty: no knowledge of the business necessary, but must be steadv. Apply or address LAUNDRY, 103 Carson st.,S.S. Jyl6-J8 Hoarding. "fTTANTED BOARDING FOR MARRIED YV couple, with one child. Address, stating terms. E. Z., Dispatch office. Jjl6-85 WANTED-BOARUING IN COUNTRY FOR elderly lady and companion: good accom modations and location. Address "IRON hi.," Dispatch office. Jyl6-4l-TTh Boons, II onsen. Etc WANTED-THREEOR FOUR GOOD ROOMS ror light housekeeping for family or two; (13 to (IS per mo. Address FRED, Dispatch office. JylS-67 WANTED TO RENT ONE OF THE MOST beautiful places in tbe Sewlckley Valley, modern bouse often rooms with all tbe latest Im provements; one acre of ground with stable: pos session Immediately or October 1. Address for particulars BOX24J, Sewlckley, Pa. JylS-il Financial. -TTT-ANTED-MOKTG AGES-fl, 000, COOTO LO AN Y V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 percent, and on farms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at (per cent. 1. IL PEN NOCK A SON, 101 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTFD-TO LOAN 3M,000'ON MORT GAGES; S100 and upward at per cent; f5M,0OOat 4)4 per cent on residences or business property; also In adjoining .counties. 8. H, FKEN OH, 1 fourth avenue; ocl-e4-D WANTED. Financial. WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT-MONTHLY settlement, with Itemized statement. L. U. FUAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. , Jyl6-45-TTS "T7-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN YV In sums to suit at Vi, i and 6 per cent. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth are. Tel. 167. aplS-14-TTS'su TrAJ,TED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP YV ERTY. oyer H000; 4M per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., S2 Fourth avenue. uiua2-p WANTED-MORTGAOES-l:000,C00TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4H. 3 and 6 per cent, free of State tax: no delay. REED B. jiuls cm., 131 Fourtn ave. Iny21-G0 TYTANTED MORTGAGES WE HAVE A Y V large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent on Improved city property. W. A. UERRON BONS. 80 Fourth nve. Y-.o, aj loarui nve. Jy3-9-3j 8, 8, IS, 1 6, 20, 23, 27. 30 WANTED-MORIXJAGES IN LARGE AND small amounts: we have a large amount ot money to loan at S per cent. W. A. HLRRON & SUNS, sulonrtb avenue. Je3O-72-l,3.B,,ll,13,16)18,20,23,l5.27.30 WANTED RENTS TO COLLKCP AND bouses to rent In all parts of both cities and suburbs: established ISO. W. A. UERRON bONS, 80 Fourth nve. Jy3-8-3, 6. 9, 13,16.20, 23. 27.80 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY ON MOBT GAGES on Improved real estate In sums of SjOO and upward, for three or lire years, itX, i and S per cent. L. O. FRAZ1ER, t ortv-flrth and Butler sts. Jylo-4S-TTS WANTED-TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS of (3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4K percent, free or tax; also smaller amounts at i and t per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, CS Fourth avenue. scil-dJK-D Sllsccllnneons. TTTANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S ii dozen (13) of Stewart A Co. fine cabinet photos ror f 1, at SO and 82 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mr28-80-TTSu WANTED LADIES TO KNOW HAUGH A Kecnan repair, retlnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man ner. 33 AN D 34 WAT ER ST. 'Phone 1626. iny9-82 T1TANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM TV BERS to secure a fine trotl watch for each one In the club at tl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX 301, and I will call and snow you the watch. Jy3-40 WANTED-BY PEARbON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Filth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be is making fine cabinets at 1 50 per dozen: photos delivered when promised: lnstan taneons process. mhl3-3 FOR SALE I3IPUOVED UEAL ESTATE. Cltv Residence. F)RSALE-1,100-HARRI3ON ST, SEVEN TELN1U ward, good frasie dwelllng,3rooms. cellar, etc: lot 25x50 feet: terms easy. L. O. FKAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. Jyl6-4S-TT8 FOR SALE ON TUNNEL ST.. NEAR Fifth ave., property now renting to pay 7 per cent net on the price asked, with future en hancement almost certain. Full information from . A. HERRON & SONS, 8J Fourth ave. JT3-7-3, 6,0.12,18,20 F; L,-VIfc BALii!, O UlllUUC. HUU3U Ufl BIUVH.1 L1 Street, abore TwentT-thlrd. a the best and pleasantest location on tbe Southslde: Sldnev street being wide, newly paved and well Im proved; houses, to be finished by August 1st, bsve pressed brick and stone ornamental fronts, and contain elgnt rooms, witn oath, laundry and every other convenience: city water, gas and natural gas on each floor, and good plumbing leading to city sewers makes dwellings first class In every respect: Smlthfield and Carson street ears Eass within one square: terms, ILOOO cash, with alance payable as arranged to suit purchaser. Applv to BAKEWELL PHILLIPS. Dispatch office. Fifth ave., city. 1e27-63-TTSu Enst End Residences. FOR SA1.L-FOR 1,300-ON EASY PAY MENTS, a new and complete Oakland resi dence. 9 rooms; only 15 minutes from P. o. via cable line. For full particulars see W. A. HER RON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth ave. 1e30-6S-2,6,9,12,16 FORSALE-t,600-OAKLAND AVENUE.ONE square from cable line, new 2-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms naU. bath. Inside shutters and w. c. slate mantels, etc.; easy terms: a bargain. SAMUkL W. BLACK & CO., 89 Fourth ave. Jyl6-58-TUW FOR S A L E-2,800-MIFFLIN ST.. SIX TEENTH Ward, one square from traction line, good, substantial frame dwelling, 6 rooms, attic, nail, vestibule, side entrance, etc: lot20x 101 feet to alley: terms easy. L. O. FRAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and Butler sts. jyl6-43-TTS FOR SALE-ONLY HMO-WARD ST.. OAK LAND, a 2-story and mansard brick dwell ing or 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, bath. Inside w. e , etc , all modern conveniences. Tills is a bargain in price as well as location. BLACK St BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. (2 D, 74.) J y 14-53 FOR SALE-S2.7D0 GROSS ST., TWENTIETH ward, convenient to station: new frame dwelling. 5 rooms, finished attic hall, vestibule, front andrear porches. Inside shutters, grained and well finished all through; lot 21x100 feet; easy payments. L. O. FRAZ1ER, Forty-fifth and But ler sts. jy-4-TT8 FO OR SALE-H COO-EAST END DWELLING, near Fifth avenue and cable line: corner nron- erty on good street: new Queen Atfnestyle.6rooms, bath, norcbe. inside shutters andw. c: natural gas. etc.: all newly papered and decorated: lot 43 X1U0; easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., S9 Fourth ave. jyio-w-xrir FOR SALE-ELEGANT NEW STONE RESI DENCE of tbe most modern style of archi tecture; finished with great taste and elegance: beautifully located on Ellsworth are.. Bldwell and Barton sts., Shadyslde. For full particulars and Information see W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jyl6-64-TTS FOR 8ALE-S.2S0-MEYRAN AVE, OAK LAND. 2-story and mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, bath. Inside w. c.. stationarvwash stand, slate mantels, tile hearths, elegant gas fixtures, nicely papered, front and back stafrb, Imnt and rear perch, flag stone walks, etc. DLACK & BAIRD. 93 Fourth ave. (t-D-70) Jyl3-47-MTTS FOR SALE-ONLY A FEW NOW RtMAIN unsold of the vary desirable eight-room dwellings on Oakland square: the rapidity with which sales hare been made shows the estimation In which they are held; durably built and hand somely finished, supplied with every modern con .venlencc: standing on large lots and facing a handsome park planted with beautlfnl shade trees: these dwellings have the notable advantage or being but 15 to 20 minutes from the postoffice by tbe Pittsburg. Traction, road; a cable loop, for which an ordinance Is now In Councils, will pass within 110 feet or the square: prices (0,(00 and ss, 750; terms, moderate cash pavmentnd longtime on balance. Apnly to C A. CHANCE on the premises. Jyl3-94 Alleabenr Residences. FOR SALE-ON STOCKTON AVE.. NEAR Arch. st.. very desirable residence property, lot 26XX240 feet to Park way, with large dwelling. 14 rooms. W. A. HERRON & SON, No. 80 Fourth are. . jy3-a-3,8.11,I3,16,20 FOR SALE ON NORTH AVENUE. ALLE GHENY, elegant residence, corner lot, 30x170 feet: a commodious house of 14 rooms. In fine order. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jyl6-I-TTS F lOR SALE-ONLY S7.000-FROPERTY ON &. U.tW., IICK1 OMUUU.JkJT B... kvuu UflCft. UUUIO oiBnnms, lnirosi, ana one oi rooms in rear, now paying a good rent; good reasons for selling. W. A. HERRON ASONS, No. 60 Fourth avenne. Jyl6-4-TTIt TTHJR SALE SMALL HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS 1 with lot 12K by about 200 feet: No. 152 Bridge avenue, Allegheny: to be sold at auction on ac count orwhom it may concern on Monday after- noun. uiyA ai o'ciocK,jn me omceoi aA3. w. DRAPE A CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jyl3-57-MTuihs Subnrbnn Residence. FORSALE-A VERY NICE FRAME HOUSE or 4 rooms, front porch, etc, with good lot only 3 minutes' walk from Glenshaw station, P. W. R. R.: price S80O; very cheap. C BER1NGER & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Jyl-52-TT FOB SALE-AFINESUBURBAN RESIDENCE with modern conveniences and flue large lot with abundance ot fruit and sbade trees near R. R. station: a nice place for a home; worth at least S3. 000, but will be sold for about half Its value. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. JyI3-5t-D FOB SALE-VFRY, CHEAP ON ACCOUNT or owner leaving the State, a small place or ZX acres or good land with a four-roomed bouse, stable and blacksmith shop: on a much-traveled public road, nearFreeport, Westl'cnnR. 1!.: price only $300 If sold at once; an excellent opportunity fora blacksmith or wagon maker. C. BERING ER A SON. 103 Fourth ave yl6-52-TT FOU SALE LOTS. East End Lots. FOR SALE-11,400 WILL BUY TWO VERr fine lots on Carver street. 20 and 22x100 feet to 2o-ft. alley: sewer paid. Anply to F. O. VAN GORDER, 6014 Penn aVenue.EastEnd.Je27-67-TTS FOR SALE UOMEWOOD LOTS. FROM 550 to 8050; this property Is selling fast and these bargains are worthv of your consideration; look at them before purchasing your home. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 Station st., E. E. jyl2-90-Tusu EIOR DALE-BEAUTIFUL LEVEL LOTS IN one or tbe most desirable locations In the st End: convenient to both cable roads, P. R. R. and other city conveniences; reasonably low prices and terms to suit. BLACK & BAIKD, 95 Fourth ave. Jyl3-20-13. 16, IS, 20, 21,24,26,30 FOR SALE Jl.600 FOR ALL, THIRTEENTH ward. Slots, each 24x100 feet, to alley, online or new cable road, near Thirty-third street; this lot will nearly double in value on completion or tbe road. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 89 Fourth ave. Jyl6-58-TuWT FOR SALE-OUR ORCHARD PLAN LOTS, ranging In price from 11.500 to S3. oou, are tbe eholcestln East TSnd for fine residence: tbe loca tion between Negley and HUand aves. makes them very desirable and it will pay von to Inspect them before purchasing. MELLON BROTHERS, 6349 button su. E. E. )yl2-90-TUSU FOR 8ALE-GILT-EDGK RESIDENCE EBOP ERTY Where can you find better bargains than In the Baum grove? Negley are. is fast be coming tbe most fashionable thoroughfare from Fifth ave. to Butler street: low prices and money to build. MELLON HKOS.. 349 Button St., E. E., or JOHN F. BAXTER, SB Smlthfield st, Jylt-70-Tursu . Altesbenr Lots. TTIOB SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN J? avennes and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPHMCNAUUHEB, 48 mT, Diamond St. mh7-W-D FOR SALE LOT'S. Cltv Lota. FORSALE CITY LOTS-IOLOTS ON LIBERTY ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts., Pittsburg, Pa.: low and on lone time. U. FORBES. Wheeling, W.Va. e22-33 Farms. FORSALE-OBEXCHANGE-TAimi! ACRES house & rooms: good orchard: blacksmith shop: near Carney station, P. K. R. ED. Wir T13H. 410 Grant st PitUbnrg, Pa. yl2-D FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE, A FARM NEAR lkewood, N. J., tbe famous wlnterresort: containing 125 acres. ln.excellenLstate of cultiva tion; bnlldlngs or every description In perfect or der: a pretty and productive home. Address "FARM LIFE," Lakewood. N.J. lytt-80-Tursu Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-ATLANTIC C1TY.N.J.-HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or for sale by 1. G. ADAMS St CO., real estate agents, R. Est. A Law Bdg., Atlantic Cltv. N. J. Je20-3-D F. R SALE-A HANDSOME GROVE OF 5 acieafrontlnrthe New Brighton road and near Lai'rel station on Ft. Wirne Railroad, five milesrron Allegheny depot. C. BER1NGEU A SON. 103 fourth are. It16-52-tt iTOK. SALE BUSINESS. Bnslnrsw Cbnncem. TTORSALE A GOOD PAYING CIGAR STAND J? In heart of tbe city. Address CIGARS. Dis patch office. Jyl6-8S TL?OR 8ALE HARNfcSS SHOP. STOCK. FIX JJ TURES. lease: first-class cltv and country trade. Address UARNEbS, Dispatch office. Je30-ll-TTS FOR SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF grocery store, doing good business, in good locality: also horse and wagon. Address STORE, Dispatch office. JylS-75 -T7UJR SALE-DRUG BTORE IN A RAPIDLY X" growing town online of railroad: nlco fresh stock; good opening: trade principally prescrip tion. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth are.. PltUborg, Jyl3-5-Tus FOR SALE-A NO. 1 BUMNESS-WirH A good market already established, consisting of sewer pipe and brick works In a thriving town near Pittsburg, with a full set of machinery for a large and profitable business. CBERINGERA BON, 103 Fourth ave. JylG-M-TT TTIOR SALK-iOO GROCERY. DRYGOODS. X drug, china and notion stores: light manu facturing business, paying well; feed store, ex tensive and profitable bakery. Ice cream and con fectionery business; cigar stores and confection ery stores, all sizes and prices: fine resuurantand dining rooms, printing office, butcher shop, milk depots, upholstery business, shoe stores, etc. Free particulars. SHEPARD & CO.. 54 Fifth are. Jy7 nnslneas Stand. T7IOR BALE-THAT FINE MANUFACTURING ' site known as the Banner Mill. cor. Main and Sycamore streets. Allegheny, with large substan tial buildings, engines, boilers, pulleys, shafting, etc.: location good: price low. Full Information see W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth arenue. JylS-64-TT8 FOR SALE-A LARGE BUSINESS PROP ERTY: substantial brick building cove'log the entire lot, running through from street to Eaved alley, and situate near Penn avenue and leventbi excellent place lor warehouse or for storage purposes: will be sold at a rare bargain on moderate payments. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. J J13-&4-D Mnnnfneturins: Sites. IJiOR SALE MANUFACTURING SITE V River avenne, Allegheny, between P. A W. and W. P. R. K-, opposite new Thirtieth street bridge; lot 250x125; one of the best locations ror manufacturing purposes In the two cities. If not sold this property will be offered at nubile sale Monday, July 15. at 10 o'clock. For particulars call on or address JOHN J. HOWLEY, 127 Fourth are. Je30-63 FOR MALE MISCELLANEOUS. Iloraes. Vehicle. Live Stock, etc TTOR SALE A FINE SHETLAND PONY, JD well broke for children to drive: can be seen at 3306 Forbes St., OakUnd. W. H. WOOD. lyl6-78 FOR SALE-FRESH ARRIVAL OF 30 HEAD or choice Kentucky horses by steamer Hud son, consisting of fine drivers, saddlers, carriage teams and fast roadsters; buyers requested to call and examine stock at the stable or Jackman Ss bons, 536 Penn ave. M.DUGAN. JylS-46 Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-CHEAP, YET DESIRABLE AL LEGHENY building lots, as low as 8350, on easv pavments: call or send for plans. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. J e3O-70-3, 6, 9, 13, 1 6, 20, 23, 27, 30 FOR SALE-ONE SECOND-HAND TURNING machine. 2 surfacers and 1 shaper, and new and second-hand engines and boilers, lard ket tles, tar tanks, bli'men valves, castings, etc VELTE A MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. Jy2-91-TTS Miscellaneous. FOR BALE-CHEAP-TWO BILLIARD AND one pooh Address 105 West Federal St., Youngstown, O. 1yl6-60 FOR SALE-A NEARLY NEW ORGAN IN good order and splendid toned: must be sold at once at sacrifice price. Call or address No. 7 LOCUST ST., city. " Jyl6-66 FOR SALE-BAR FIXTURES NOW IN DU QUESNE Hotel on account or our replacing same with new ones. For price, .erms. etc.. In quire of THE BRUNSWICK BALKE CULLEN DER CO., 117 Firth arc. GEO. MEYER, Jr., Mgr. Jyl4-9I PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS1 BOOKS I New and old. ancient and modern, sundard and rare, legal, medical and sclentlflc-30,'J00voI-umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, 900 Liberty st. my3-28 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done fora trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order: spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mha LOST. LOST-METWEEN FIFTH AVE. AND SOUTH Twenty-first St.. gold-headed cane: owner's name engraved on It. Finder will please return to BRYCE BROS., Southslde. lv!6-42 EDUCATIONAL. NEW YORK" MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study In civil eniclneerinc, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds. location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, 15. S A. M Supt.; BELDxSN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. ielO-11 CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ Pa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, etc, address J. CALVIN RICE, A. M., Principal. Je2S-53 LONGVIEW SCHOOL-FORMERLY HO TEL Longview will be opened for tbe reception of Summer boarders by July 1, 1889. For circulars and information apply to REV. JOHN G. MULHOLLAND, jny2-93-TTSu LongviewSchooI.Brookville,Pa. KEBLE SCHOOL. SYRACUSE, N. . Boarding School for Girls. Under the su pervision of tbe Rt. Rev. F. D. Hnntington, 8. T. D. Tbe nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 188U. References Rt. Rev. ILC. Potter, D.DN.Y. Rev. Wm. R. Huntington. D. D., Grace Cburcb, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potter. D. D., Geneva. N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. jel4-72-Tur Pennsylvania Female College. Situated in a beautiful park, on a commanding platean. In tbe suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dust. Unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness. Excellent facilities ror study of Natural Sciences, Classics and Mathcmatlcs-ln short, every department well equipped. The completion or Dllworth Hall, conmrlslng new chapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, has Increased capa"'ty and furnishes faculties for thorough educational work of the hlghrst.ordcr. Season opens September 11, 1339. Early application Is desirable. For catalogues and further Information apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETREAU, President, Plttsburg(EastEnd), Pa. Jy6-94-TU8 PROPOSAL.". -VTOTICE-TO BUILDERS. PAINTERS and kalsomlner. Sealed proposals for the remodeling, paint ing and kalsomlnlng of the Ralston Sub District School BuildlRg will be received up to JULY 18, 1889. Specifications can be seen at Frank Lutz' 8,1335 Penn ave. Tbe Board reserves tbe ncht to relet any or all bids. jylo-71 J. A. DONOVAN, Secretary. 1HE WZSTTNGEOUSE AIR BRAKE CO.,1 Pittsburg. Pa.. July 11. 1SS9. ( VfOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-PROPOS-Jv ALS will be rereived by this company until MONDAY NOON. July 22, 18S9. for the erection of fifty (50) frame dwelling bouses st Wtlmerdlng station, Penu'aR.R. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe office of tbe company on Robinson street, Allegheny, and will be fully explained bv W. C. Ferguson. The right lsreservetl to reject any or all bids. Proposals to be marked "Wilmerdlng Homes" and addressed tn the undersigned, O. MILLER, Purchasing Agent, Westingnousc Air Brake Company. Jyl2 74-DSu Office Central Board of Education, ( 5is Market, st. ( N OTICE TO PAINTERS AND CALCI MlCitMO Sealed proposals forpaintlng and calclmlnlng, to be done at the Central High School, will be received at this office until S p. Jr., FRIDAY, tbe 19th Inst. Specifications of the work to be done can be teen at the office of C. M. Bart berger, Architect, room 82, Lewis building. Tbe Committee on High School reserves the tight to reject any or all bids. CHARLES HEISFAR, J&, JylOSB Secretary. TO LET. Cltv Residence. TO LET-BRICK HOUSE. NO. 142 CRAW FORD St.. containing eight rooms. Including two rooms In mansardr possession given Imme diately. F.B. STONES, 415 Grant St., Room No. 22. JylS-49 Allegheny Residence. fT!0 LET NO. 18 ANDERSON STREET, ALLE JL GHENY, only 47a month. 19 rooms, late Im provements. W.A. HERRON SL SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. Jyl6-64-TT8 TO LET-ALLEGHF.NY NO. 24 ROBINSON St., 8 rooms, S3); 139 Franklin st- 8 rooms. 837 50: Drum it., orooms. 815. A. LEGGATE A SON, 31 Federal su, Allegheny. Jyl6-80 Offices. Dek Room. t:c TO LET OFFICE ROOM ON GROUND floor: large front window; on Wood St., near Fourth ave. ALEXANDER A LEE, ,313 Y ood st. yl3-43-TU3 rriO LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE, NEWLY JL paluted: elevator, Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. e2S-8-D TO LET -OFFICE ROOMS OR SUITES FOR general business purposes in the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 73. 77 and 79 Diamond St.: situation most centra! in the city: electilc light included in rents, which are moderate. Apply between 11 A. M. and i r. X. Je27-80 TO LET-PESN BUILDING. PENN AVE., near Seventh St.. offices single or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, heat and janitor services: rents exceptionally low: floor plans at our office: we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth ave. je29-32-D Tiuslne Stand. TO LET-BUSINESS OR WAREHOUSE-NO. 93 Third avenue, near Wood street: rent low. . A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. Jyl6-4-TTS alO LET-3-STORY BRICK STORE IN GOOD . repair; both kinds of gas: central location: rent very low. I. M. PENNOCK A SON. do. 105 Fourth are. JyI4-l-Tusu TO LET-ONE OF THE FINEST MANU FACTURING properties In the city: 100x300 feet, with railroad sldlng;a 13 horse power en glne and machinery of different kinds: very large floor space: this property will be leased at a mere nominal rent as a whole to one part; or divided Into parts If desired. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth are. JyI3-46-D ELECTION'S. NOTICE THE SCHOOL BOARD OF Scott township will hold their election of teacher at Woodville, Chartiers Valley R. R., on SATURDAY. July 20, 1889. at IOa.31.; term 7 months; salary for principal at Glen dale $50 per month; other schools SS per montn., Mansfield Valley, Allegheny County. Pa. iyl6-56 OFFICIAL PITTSUDRG. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received at the office nf City Controller until WEDNESDAY, the 17tU day of July, A. D. 1889. at 2 p. M., for the fol lowing, viz:, REPAVING. Forbes street, lrom Brady street to Boyd street. Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street. State alley, from Wylie avenue to Fifth avenue. Scott alley, from Penn avenue to Duqucsne way. Cburcb alley, from Sixth avenne to Straw berry alley. Slocum alley, from Penn avenue to .Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smitbdeld street to Liberty avenue. PAVING AND CURBING. Corday alley, from Pearl street to Cedar street. 1 The paving of the above street and alleys to be either of Standard Sheet Asphalt with bituminous base or Vulcanite Asphalt. GRADING. Keystone street, from Fifty-fourth street to Fifty-fifth street. PAVING AND CURBING. Keystone street, from Stanton avenue to Fifty-second street. .. GRADING AND PAVING. Dresden alley, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street. Dresden alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty second street. GRADING. PAVING AND CURBING. South Twenty-eighth street, from East Car son street to Jane street. Mawbinney street, from south side of Forbes street to a point 567 feet, more or less, south wardly. Allen street, from Lillian street to Washing ton avenue. Larkins alley, from South Twenty-fourth street to South Twenty-fifth street. The paying of the above named streets and alleys to be either of Standard Sheet Asphalt with bitnminous base. Vulcanite Asphalt, Block Stone, Irregular Block Stone or Cobble Stone, and bids wtU be received for each kind of pavement. SEWERS. Miller street, from Center avenue to Reed street; 15-lnch pipe. Twenty-second street, from south side of Railroad street to Allegheny riven 18-inch Through and over private properties of Margaret Hardie et al. and crossing Brook. Bates and Zulema streets, from Ward street to a connection with Cunliffe rnn sewer; 18-inch pipe. Harcnm's alley, from South Twenty-third street to south Twenty-fourth street; 15-inch Fox street, from South- Twenty-fourth street to South Twenty-third street; 15-lnch pIw" IValUngford street, from Bldwell street to Barton street; 15-inch pipe. Penn avenue and Braddock avenue, from Linden avenue to Susquehanna street: 15, 18, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Plans and specifications can bo seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained, at this office. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond probated before the Ma or or City Clerk. . The Department of Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. jyo-2 LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF MARGARET J. CKOMLISH. deceased Letters testamentary upon tbe above estate having been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those haying claims against tbe same present tbem to NANCY C. ALKER, Hazelwood avenue, or her attorney. MARSHALL BROWN. 157 Fourth avenne. Jy9-71-TU ASSIGNEES' NOTICE COURT OF COM MON Pleas No. L No. 482. December term, 18S8. In re voluntary assignment of tbe Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, of East Bir mingham, to J. H. Sorg. L. S. Cunningham and H. J. Berg, Jr. Notice is hereby given that the assignees have filed their account in tbe above entitled matter, and that tbe same will be al lowed by tbe Court on WEDNESDAY, Jnly 3L 1889, and confirmed nisi, unless exceptions are filed thereto. D. T. WA1 SON. jjSMS-tu Attorney for the Assignees. HARRY L. GOEHRINO, Attorney, 100 Diamond st. ESTATEOF ADOLF SAUER. DECEASED. Administrator's notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the es tate of Adolf Saner, late of tbe city of Pitts burg, in tbe county ot Allegheny and the State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to F. C. SAUEH, Admin istrator, corner Sixth and Liberty street. Pitts burg, Pa. Jyl&57.Tu IN THE COURT OF QUARTER SES SIONS of Allegheny county. Notice is hereby given that on tbe 27th day of July, A. D. 1889. at 10 o'clock A. M.. the Court will hear the application of Samuel Tscbnme for a trans fer to William Beilsteln of bottler's license heretofore granted to said Samuel Tschume, at No. 1330 March Sessions. 1889, and running to May 1, 1890, to bottle liquor at No. Saw Mill Valley Plankroad, Tenth ward. Allegheny City, at which bearing the parties opposing said transfer mav appear and they will be heard. D. K. McGUNNEGLE. Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions. Jyl6-55 -VTOTICE-1N THE COURT OF QUARTER JM Sessions of tne Peace of Allegheny co inty. In re application of Thomas Gamble, No. 403 Ferry street. First ward, Pittsburg, for trans fer of wholesale liquor dealer's license to Meyer Rosenthal, No. 1,193 March term, 1839. Notice Is hereby given that said conrt has fixed Saturday, 27th of July, 1889, at 10 A. X.. as the time for bearing ot tbe application of Thomas Gamble for transfer of his license as a whole sale liquor dealer for the house anil place of business, Nu. 403 Ferry street. First ward, Pittsburg, to Meyer Ro-enthal, at which time the parties in interest and nil persons having any objections thereto will be heard. D. K. McGUNNEGLE, jylo-33 Clerk of Courts. IN RE APPLICATION OF J. M. HAMMEL. for transfer of hi wholesale liquor license to John M. Haramel & Co. Court of Quarter Session of Allegheny Connty, No. 1291, March session, 1889. Notice 1 hereby given that on tbe 13th day of July. IS89, application was made to said court by J. M. HaiumeL Of the Twenty eighth ward. Pittsburg, for leave to transfer unto J. M. Hamtnel ami Edward J. Klrsch. co partners as John M. Hammel Co., of said ward, a certiin license to sell liquors at whole sale, heretofore granted said J. M. Hammel at above number and term of said court, for tbo bnllding situate on the southeast corner of South Fifteenth and Bingham streets, Twenty elghth A? rd. Pittsburg, for the year expiring May L JsV'. and that the Court has fixed Satur day. Jnly 27, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. M-, for bear ing said application. D. K. MCGUNNEGLE, jyl8-a Clerk of Courts. AUCTION SALES. ADJOURNED ASSIONEES' SALE-THE glassworks at the bead of South Four teenth st. Twenty-eighth ward, Pittsburg, in cluding 8 building lots, on which the works are erected, will be offered for sale, on, the premi ses, at public anctlnn, by the undersigned as signees of tbe Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, of East Birmingham, on THURSDAY. August L 1889, at 9 o'clock A. M. Tbe same will be offered as a whole, and If not sold then. In such Earcels as will suit purchasers present. The ulldings. machinery, steam boiler and other materials on the said premises will, in ths latter event, be sold, to be removed from the said lots within 30 days from the day of sale. Terms of sale: 10 per cent of all purchase money on day of sale, one-third when deed is delivered. In two equal annual payments, with interest payable annually from date of deed and secured by tight 'bonds and mortgage on the premises sold. The balance of purchase money on materials and machinery within 20 days from day of sale. J. H. SORG, H. L BERG. JR.. L. H. CUNINOHAjr, Assignees of the Farmers and Mecb. Bank. jy9-72-Tn YELVET AND MOQUET, BODY AND tapestry brnssels and ingrain carpets, fine furniture and fancv goods at anction, TUES DAY. July 16,lS89,at 10 o'clock A.M. Fine walnut, oak. cberry and mahogany chamber snlts,ward robes, folding beds, dressing cases, chiffonier, bedsteads, wasbstands. tables, chairs, rockers, glasses, bookcases, secretaries, cabinets, desks, cbina closets, ball racks, extension tables, bed lounges, sideboards, buffet, side tables, odd pieces, parlor furniture, full line of handsome croup parlor suits, pictures, bric-a-brac, cbina, glass and silverware, curtains, cornices, shades, lambrequins, rugs, linoleum, clocks. lamps, kitchen goods,lanndry furnishments, decorated toilet ware, bedding, ruzs, groceries, notions, stoves, refrigerators, etc. etc. Goods now on exhibition. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM Auctioneers. jyll-77 AUCTION SALE 3 SUBSTANlIAls J brick dwelling. No. 293 WeDater ave:, SATURDAY, July 20. 1889, at 3 o'clock P. st, on the premise, one 2 story brick of 5 rooms In the front; also 2 bricks in the rear, of 3 rooms each; all In good repair; lot 20x120; terms made known at sale. BLACK & BAIRD. Jyl3-45-TTS 95 Fourth ave. 2-E-78L DIVIDENDS. Office Armenia Insurance Company, 1 65 Fourth ave., PiTTSBUr.G. Jnly IL, 1889. ) DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS have declared a semi-annual divi dend of THREE DOLLARS per share, pay able on demand. W. D. McGILL, jyl3-37-D Secretary. Manufacturers & Merchants Ins. Co.,1 Office. 417 Wood street. PlTTSBURO, Pa., July 9. 1S89.) DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS or this company have thi day de clared a dividend of 51 SO PER SHARE, pay able on demand. WM. T. ADAIR. jyll-19-D Secretary. The Ben Frankun Insurance Co Of the City of Allegheny. Pa. Ar.T.nTf EST. Jnlv 10. 18S9 I DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day declared, a dlvl dend of THREE PER CENT (SI 50 per share), payable on demand. WM. A. FORD, jyU-10-D Secretary. Office of Piithburq Traction Co.. 1 N o. 310 Fifth avenue. DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR per share ont of tbe earnings of tbe past six months, payable July 15. "at Alle gheny National Bank. Transfer books will be c!oed from Jniy 12 to 15, inclusive. W. MC CANDLESS, Treasurer. jyl038-D Office Western Insurance Co- Pittsburg, J nly 9. 1889. DIVIDEND NO. 7i THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS have thi nay declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT or ONE DOL LAR AND FIFTY" CENTS upon each share of the capital stock. Payable on and after the lltb Inst. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. jyl0-28-D rpHE BOARD OF MANAGERS OFTHE J. Monongahela Navigation Company have tfiis day declired a dividend on the capital Stock of THREE DOLLARS PER SHARE for tbe past six months, payable to tbe stock holders or their legal repreentatlves on and alter the 15th inst. W. BAKEWELL, Pittsburg, July U, 1SS9. Treasurer. SWISSVALE PLACE. Does this weather suggest living in the suburbs, -where it is possible to get away from the hot sidewalks and close rooms of the city ? We toller you choice, large lots, 50 to 60 feet wide and 125 to 140 feet deep on your own terms, in Swissvale Place, at Swissvale, and fire minutes from Edgcwood stations. 61 trains daily. Sidewalks, also water and natural gas mains through the property. Prices $100 to $1,000, according to size and location. Terms, 10 per cent for first payment and balance on weekly or monthly pay ments. t The prices, sizes, location and sur roundings of these lots commend them as a most desirable investment. A representative of this office will be on the ground on the afternoons of Thursday, Saturday and Monday, to show the property to visitors. Get plans on application to SAMUELW.BLACK&CO. 99 FOURTH AVENUE. , yll-30-TT3 WOOD MANTELS. CEILINGS AND WAINSCOTTINO, IHTERIOR DECORATORS, Manufacturers and Importers of Fino Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimate submitted for complete House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT A CO.. 1219 and 1221 Market St, Jy9-7(J-TUF Philadelphia, Pa. DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, such as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portier curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at the BIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 66 SIXTH AVE. Goods called for and delivered. Jell-TTi, mHE FOLLOWING COPIES OF RECEIPTS I speak for themselves: Received Johnstown. Jnne 10. 1889. of the citizens of Duqnesne. Pa,through Wm. Oliver, II2S 77 for the relief fund Johnstown snfferers. (Signed.) JOHN D. ROBEfwTS. Asst. Treas. Johnstown, July 13. 1889. Received the further amount of $45 from the citizens of Duqnesne. (Signed.) JOHN D. ROBERTS. Asst. Treas. Johnstown. July 13, 1SS9. Received the further amount of 45 10 from tbe employes of the Duqnesne Tube Works. (Signed.) JOHN D. ROBERTS. Asst. Treas. jyl6-H " A FTER TWO TRIALS." FRED BEILSTEIN, of Spring Garden av&, was relieved of a large tapeworm by Dr. Bur goon on JulyO. after having treated with two other physicians for the same. Mr. Beilsteln can be seen at the Allegheny market, where he bas a batcher's stana. DR.BURGOON treats all curable diseases. Over300 testimonials of your neighbors cured at his office. 47 Ohio st, Allegheny, Pa. Consultation free. lyU plANOS, ORGANS. a HAMILTON. .1 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7i-B Waiter j. Osbousne. kiciiard harrows. B ARROWS & OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, JO Diamond street; Telephone No, &XI M3-UXTM 1 1 A.,' .....jit. .,AlilMAIfey.Tp- rvivJMWliiirir' 7 -JCfsfetftfasist'lBL 4ijAJH8jwayMf ,-fl'rjMahOM? fMnMMsMMsyiWsiMBsMBBMBillsarWH?r5TW lstsssssssMssWIlBryssCTgi13n3MM 'MsMMsssaMhsSSsEhaStlls itjhtJtj&Q