Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 15, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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iEe Was Only 9 Years Old, But Well
Able to Make Use of a Knife.
Un Incident of the Wild Hatfield-McCoy
Mountain Warfare.
5IdEilIteniteyat Down for the Deed Com-
tnitted by Another.
The Hatfield-McCoy feud is not yet ended.
A member of the former faction is now con
fined in jail whose connection with the case
. unfolds a strange history. A 9-year-old boy
was responsible for much of the bloodshed
which has dyed the WestVirginiaandKen
tncky mountains.
Matsvtlle, Kr., July 14. Alexander
Jlesser, one ot the Hatfield taction in the
famous Hatfield-McCoy feud, is now in jail
on a charge of murder. The crime which
Cesser committed was due to a mistake
made by mountain officers in arresting a
boy of 13 for a deed done by a boy ot 9.
The part which this boy Budd McCoy took
in the feud has never been told in print.
Budd McCoy was 9 years old at the time
to which reference is made in this st6ry, and
lis home was on the Blackberry branch of
Pond creek, in Pike county, Ky. It ought
to be said now that this is a trne story, for
otherwise the reader might think that the
writer, in an attempt to be sensational, had
drawn the long bow. The McCoy family
Was a large one. Budd had eight brothers
and six sisters, all of whom were older than
het some of them being married and having
children quite as old as tneir Uncle Budd.
Besides these brothers and sisters, Budd
had so many cousins living in Pike county
that he couldn't for the lile of him remem
ber half their names, thouch he generally
saw them all from two to three times a year,
When they all went to th outdoor church
gatherings, which, in the mountains of
Kentucky and "West Virginia, are called
Over the State line in West Virginia was
ft family that consisted ot no end of brothers
and sisters, with cousins, also, just like the
McCoys, whose name was Hatfield. An
derson Hatfield was the name of the father
of this family, and Randolph McCoy was
the father of Budd. Between the McCoys
and the Hatfields there was a deadly feud.
As they say down there, the two families
were at war, and that means that whenever
three or lour McCoys caught a Hatfield out
by himself, they would hide in the brush on
the mountain sice and shoot him in the
back, while the Hatfields were just aa anx
ious to kill McCoys, and just as cowardly
in their way of doing it.
In 1S82, the year that Budd was 9 years
old, butcne man had been actually killed
in this way. His name was Bill Stayton,
and he was one of the cousins of the Hat
fields. He ha4 been waylaid by two of
Budd's cousins and shot to death because
he had once thrown a stone at Budd's
father and knocked him down, and thus
openly arrayed himself with the Hatfields.
Little Budd knew all about the leirfl from
the time it began, when his father sued one
of the Hatfields lor the value of two long
nosed hogs and got beaten. He had listened
to his father and older brothers as they dis
cussed the chances of meeting the Hatfields
and shooting them and getting shot by
them, and the one thing that worried him
most was that his father said he was too
young yet to learn to shoot, and so he must
wait an awful time, it seemed to him two
"whole years beiore he could hope to kill a
Hatfield. However, lie got a chance at one
ot tbem quicker than he anticipated, and
the revenge taken for the blood that he
helped to shed was horrifying.
On the first Monday in August, 1882,
there was a general election in Pike county,
and among other candidates before the peo
ple was an elderly cousin of Budd .who
wanted to be Justice of the Peace. Now, it
happened that this man, whose name was
Thomas Stafford, had married one of the
Hatfield girls, and so was considered a
member ot that family alto. He was a dis
creet man who had kept friendly with both
families, and the consequence was that not
only Budd's father and elder brothers
turned out on election day to help Mr. Staf
ford get elected, but the Hatfields, who lived
in West Virginia and could not, of course,
vote in Kentucky, also came over to the
polls to work for the same end. Little Budd
and his next elder brother, Randolph, Jr., a
lad of 13, both went to the election ground
to play with the other boys sure to be there.
Up there in the mountains the elections
are held in the open air. This time the
judges of election had a table placed on
the grass under a big beech tree over on
Blackberry creek (not the branch Budd
lived on), and the ballot box stood on the
table before them. With the two families
there interested in obtaining a common end,
what easier than for a discreet man like
Stafford to get tbem together, to shake
Lands and become friends again?
After emptying the jug of applejack Tal
bot McCoy, one of Budd's grown-up
brothers, was anxious for more, but had no
money to buy it. Then he met one of the
Hatfields who had borrowed $1 75 of him a
long time before. Talbot asked for the
money, and the next thing anybody noticed
was the two men fighting, "immediately
there was a rush made by the men about the
polls, and the fighters were separated and"
arrested by two constables.
But the fight was destined to go on. A
McCoy had hit a Hatfield, and all the ill
feeling that had existed between the fam
ilies was roused once more, and the truce
which Stafford had brought about was for
gotten. Deacon Ellison Hatfield, a brother
of Anderson Hatfield, chief of the Hatfield
faction, was the one to pick up the fight for
his side. The more be talked the angrier
lie got, and so, too, did Talbot, until finally
the constable who was holding Talbot saw
that the Deacon was going to cut Talbot
nnyhow, and so concluded to get out of the
way and let the two men fight it out.
The instant he was released, Talbot sprang
back two steps, and with a quick motion
drew a pocketknife and opened the blade.
Then both men stooped a bit and jumped
foreach other with murder in their hearts,
while the ring of eager mountaineers about
them swayed to and fro as each one strove
to see every move made. Talbot, who was
the younger and quicker, drove his knife
into the Deacon's lelt side, missinz a fatal
Wound only because the point of the knife
struck a rib and glanced ofT. The Deacon's
knife descended on Talbot's head, slashing
through the soft black hat and clear across
the top of his head, laying open the scalp
to the skull for over five inches.
At last the two separated and then closed
in with a bonnd. Neither uttered a word
or cry, although the Deacon's knife closed
on his hand, cutting it half way across, so
that he had to drop the weapon, while Tal
bot plied his, stabbing the Deacon again
and again with the agility of an Italian
desperado, But the Deacon, although mor
tally wounded, was a man of great strength
and pluck, and closed in on his younger
opponent, intending to throw him. There
after he had the advantage, for Talbot could
Iio longer use his knife so well.
As the two men struggled from side to
tide, swaying first against one part of the
ring and then another, the men of both
families began to draw their weapons here
n pistol there a kuifc. Squeezed in between j
two tun grown men, witn ins Head stretched
eagerly forward, watching every movement,
stood little Budd McCoy, with an open
pocketknife clutched in 'his right hand.
After a little the two fighters in their
struggle half stopped in front of him, and in
an instant he had reached out and plunged
his knife repeatedly into the legs of Deacon
Hatfield. Two of the blows were below the
knee, but one was in the hip, and it was a
deep cut for so small a hand to make.
Among the spectators was Farmer Mc
Coy, another brother of Talbot. He had
drawn his pistol, as he said, to see fair,
play. Now he could stand the eight no
longer, and shot the Deacon in the back.
That ended the fight The Deacon fell to
the ground dying, while Farmer McCoy
fled up the road with a lot of bullets from a
Hatfield pistol flying past him, while young
Budd threw his knite into the creek and
slipped away unseen.
At the same moment Randolph McCoy,
Jr., the boy of 13, came running from a
spring some hundred yards below, where he
had been playing witn a companion. He
had heard the shooting and arrived just in
time to see his brother Farmer arrested and
brought back, and Talbot also arrested.
Then the Hatfield who had seen Budd
stabbing the Deacon's legs pointed out
Randolph to the officers and accused him of
the crime of which little Budd was really
guilty. It was an awful mistake, but a
natural one. People could not be expected
to distinguish between two small brothers
in a family of 15.
Talbot, who was, after all, a manly sort of
a fellow for a mountaineer, soon recovered
his composure. Turning to old Bad Anse
and to Valentine Hatfield he said:
"Gentlemen, when you shoot me I want
you to look me in the face." Then he
pleaded for the lad, Randolph. It appears
that at this time both Bad Anse and his
brother Valentine had been convinced that
they had got the wrong one of the two little
boys, and had determined to spare Ran
dolph's life, but to teach him a lesson they
meant to make him witness the death of his
older brothers. The prisoners were then
shot down, and afterward!, for fear of his
being a witness against them, the boy was
shot too.
Young as was little Budd, he fully real
ized that it was his act that caused the ar
rest and murder of his brother Randolph.
Six months later he was attacked with a
sort of fever common in the mountains.
From the first he told his mother that he
should not get well, and he did not. With
in seven days the disease had run its course,
much sooner than usual, and he was dead.
The last words be spoke were an incoherent
reference to the murder of his brother Ran
dolph. Of course the feud has not been ended.
The laws of the States are openly defied,
the officers seem to care nothing about it,
and one deed of violence has followed an
other. Probably many other murders are
yet to come, and not until this wild country
is opened up by railroads and settled by
law-abiding citizens from other States will
life and property become safe from bush
whacking and mob rule.
Overtaken bx tho Girl He Robbed and
Tamed Over, to the Police.
New York, July 14. Christina Schafer,
a very pretty, brown-haired young woman,
is employed as a clerk at Cammeyer's shoe
store, Sixth avenue and Twelfth street. She
lives at 411 Kent street, Brooklyn. The
shoe store is open late on Saturday nights,
and it was after 10 o'clock last night when
she boarded a bobtail blue car at Fourteenth
street to go tojthe Twenty-third street ferry.
There was only one other passenger, a
man. At Irving place and Seventeenth
street a voung man entered the car. He
walked in as though he was going to pu t
his fare in the box, butsuddenly turned and
grabbed Miss Schafer's pocketbook, which
lay in her lap. Then he rushed out of the
car. Miss Schafer's pocketbook contained
$8. She jumped up and rang the bell
sharply. The driver bronght around his
brake short, and stopped the car. Then
Miss Schafer dashed out of the car after the
thief, followed by the other passenger and
the driver.
f tit was an exciting chase up Irving place,
the car being meantime deserted. The
thief was finally run down. Miss Schafer
looked upon him severely. " "Where is my
pocketbook?" she demanded. The thief
fished it out of his pocket without a word.
Miss Schafer opened it and found the $8 in
tact. The thief was taken along on the car
until a policeman was seen, to whom he was
turned over. At the Twenty-second street
police station he said his name1 was Charles
Grau, aged 16, of 279 Avenue A He is an
old offender. Justice McMahon held him
in 51,500 for trial.
An Italian Contractor Arrested on Three
Srrioas Allegations.
rsrrciAL telegram to toe dispatch.:
Elizabeth, N. J., July 14. Michael
Angelo Capobianco, who claims to be an
Italian contractor, was arrested to-day by
a New York officer at Linden, where he has
charge of the Italian laborers at work
grading the new race course at that place.
The charges against the contractor are rob
bery in the first degree, larceny and assault.
The complaints are made by immigrants
whom he enticed to work on the New York
aqueduct, where he had charge of 300 men,
and, it is claimed, assisted by his brother,
plundered any of the unfortunates who bad
money and robbed them of their clothing,
after which they would be clubbed by his
gang of Italians and driven away from the
The prisoner's brother has been arrested
in New York, but Capobianco, getting wind
of this, fled to Jersey. He was brought to
Elizabeth and lodged in a cell at police
headquarters, where he will be held until
a requisition can be obtained from Governor
Hill for his removal to New York.
He Was So Popular That the People
Wanted to Keep Him.
New Yoke, July 14. Inspector Byrnes
late last night got a dispatch from Detect
ive PhilReilly, who is at Valparaiso, Chili,
saying that he was leaving there for New
York .with William A. Bushnell, alias
Girard F. Hansom, the embezzling book
keeper of the law firm of Butler, Stillman
& Hubbard. He is also the embezzler ot
$ls,000 from the "West Coast Telephone
Company. He made away with this sum
while he was the agent of the company in
1886 and 1887.
Hansom was arrested in Santiago, but
was so popular there that no iurv could eon-
,vict him. Inspector Byrnes' man had a
hard tight to get his prisoner away on the
extradition papers.
Export Beer.
Anheuser-Busch, t Louis, Budweiser
and Anheuser beer in cases of 2 dozen quarts
and 4 dozen pints; liberal allowance for
empties; also the same beers in casks of 6
dozen quarts and 10 dozen pints.
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
Telephone C77. , awr
Children's cabinet photos 81 per dozen,
nt Aufrecht's Elite gallery, 510 Market st,
Pittsburg. Use elevator.
Moselle wines, bottled by AdolphHurs
gen Traben, on the Mosel, Erdner, Trepp
chen and Trabener.
SCHUETZ, Rekziehausen & Co.,
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
Kemember, Jiext Thursday.
Is the date of the excursion via the B. & O.
R. R, to Atlantic City. Rate, $10 for the
round trip; tickets good for 10 days. Trains
leave at 8 A. M. and 9:20 r. it. Secure yonr
parlor and sleeping car accommodations at
Call on Louis D. Bert, with Hendricks
& Co., for lessons in crayon. Inquire at 68
Federal street for further particulars.
Queer Disease Which Suddenly At
tacked an Indiana Farmer.
He Has Now Been 30 Days Without Either
Food or Water, and
Some of the Tery Eemarkable Features Connected
With the Case.
An Indiana farmer was suddenly attacked
with paralysis while working In his garden.
All his senses save that of touch seem to be
destroyed. For 30 days he has partaken of
neither food or water, although he has been
walking a little each day. The physician
has not been able to accurately diagnose the
Indianapolis, July 14. On the La
fayette pike, near the second toll gate and
about half a mile back from the road, re
sides the Widow Jones, as she is known in
the neighborhood for miles around. With
her lives Robert Marvel, an aged relative,
who has lately become afflicted with a terri
ble disease, which has caused him to go
without food for 30 days. Dr. Hasty, of
this city, who was called in to see the man,
states that the case is a difficult one to diag
nose, but is of the opinion that his patient
is afflicted with an ossification of the coats
of the vessels of the brain. His reason for
the supposition is given in the fact that the
radial artery feels full of little hrd sub
stances, which would indicate this as the
Marvel wss working in an onion patch on
the little farm when the disease attacked
him. No one was near but his constant
companion, a lad of about 12 years. It was
in the afternoon and, dropping his hoe, he
broke straight for the house, on reaching
which he was unable to speak or tell of what
had happened to him, and furthermore he
was almost sightless.
The family got him into the house and
into his bed", and by this time his whole
right Side was found to be paralyzed, he
having no use of any of the members or
muscles on that side of the body. From the
moment he was taken down he refused
nourishment of any kind. Dr. Hasty, who
saw him three days after he bad been con
fined to his room, noted that he was sensitive
almost alone to touch. A jarring of the bed
he noted, and he seemed to look about to
ascertain the cause of the disturbance. He
could see, however, only a little, as he
evinced but little satisfaction after looking
about him.
Ever since he was stricken Marvel has
been irritable, and will not accept assistance.
He pays no attention to a conversation in
the room, and when handled or touched re
sists and appears vexed. After several days
he gained sufficient strength and use of his
side to be able to walk. At first though.
he required a little help, but shortly alter
attacked any person offering assistance.
It was 15days before any substance what
ever was taken into his stomach, he fighting
and pitching off his relatives when they at
tempted to give him water. After the fifth
or sixth .day of his illness Marvel would
arise from his bed several times during each
day and walkout into the yard. His route
was always the same.
Leaving his bed he would go directly
across the room, out the south door, and
onto the veranda, sometimes resting here a
few moments. Then he would step to the
ground, walk east to the end of the house
where stood a washstand on which was a
basin. Around this stand he would walk
and quite a distance into the yard, where he
would attend to the necessities of life, and
then, turning directly about, return to the
house by the same route and again resume
his couch. At night he never left the house,
but seemed to rest in a quiet, placid manner.
The fifteenth day of his fast there bap
pened to be a little water in the basin which
stood on the stand, and during one of his
tript that day he picked 'up the basin and
made an effort to drink. This was the first
substance that had passed his lips since the
beginning of the fast. Always after this as
he would rise to take his walks some of the
family ran out of the house and placed a cup
of fresh water on the stand. Several times
after the basin episode he drank from the
enp, and twice milk was put in the cup
instead of water, which he also drank. Out
side of the little water he drank, the two
teacups of milk was the only nourishment
he has taken for 29 days.
For several days past he has been unable
to take his walks on account of weakness,
and will doubtless never again be able to
stand. Even to this day he sleeps placidly,
and is still averse to having any attention
shown him. He cannot be given any medi
cine because he refuses to take anything,
and as he fights off anyone who attempts to
touch him, even a hyperdermio injection
cannot be given.
Mr. Marvel, notwithstanding hislong fast,
is emaciated but little; still he is very weak,
thouch he exercises considerable strength
when anyone comes near him to assist him
in any wav. In the neighborhood in which
he lives Mr. Marvel has always been con
sidered an exemplary citizen. The early
years of his life from 7 until about 18 he
followed a sea-faring life.
Qaiting the sea he took up the life of a
farmer, and has since followed that occupa
tion. He is about six feet in height and
strong and muscular, though of a slender
build. His hair is whitened now, and his
face is beardless. He is of a sanguine,
bilious temperament The old man is a
widower and has several crown children, all
of whom are married. He has relatives in
Haughville named Nelson.
Platt's Chlorides instantly disinfects
and chemically neutralizes all disease
breeding matter. k
Export Beer.
Schlitz Milwankee, Pilsner, extra pale
and extra stout in cases of 2 dozen quarts
and 3 dozen pints; liberal allowance for
empties; also the same beers in casks of 6
dozen quarts and 10 dozen pints.
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
jrwr ,
Absolutely Pure
This powdor ndver varies. A marvel of pur
Ity, strength and wuolesomcnesa. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitude of
ow est short weight alum or phosphate pow
ders. Sold only in carta. ROYAL 11AKINQ
POWDER CO., 109 Wall Bt,(N. Y.
Tho Discovery of a Skeleton In a Cheater
County Cnve A Faded Missive In a
Bottle A Sequel to the story
Found nt Richmond.
Reading, July 14. Editor Kauffman.of
the Chester Valley Union, published at
CoatesvUle, Chester county, and W. W.
totts, manager of one of the granite quar
ries at the falls of French creek, vouch for
the entire truth of one or the strangest
stories on record. Briefly it is as follows:
Recently a skeleton was found- at French
Creek in a cave discovered while quarrying
for granite. Alongside, Mr. Potts found a
bottle. He took it home with him,
and upon opening it found inside a
manuscript faded and yellow with age. It
gave a detailed account of the life of the
man who perished in the cave. The manu
script, which is dated February 20. 1778, is
signed Arthur Carrington, of Richmond,
According to the letter he was with
Washington's army at "Valley Forge, and
while out on a foraging expedition pear
French creek was pursued by a British
force. He took refuge in the cave, and
while there the entrance was blocked by a
large rock, which fell from above. The writer
says he spent many agonizing days in the
cave, when, believing that he would perish,
he decided to write the missive. The letter
is addressed to Virginia Randolph, his be
trothed, and is very pathetio in tone, refer
ring to his deep love for her, and expressing
the hope that sue may be informed as to his
fate. Mr. Potts says that he wrote to a
friend in Richmond who mado inquiry
among the old families of that city.
This friend copied the inscription of a
tombstone in one of the private family
burial grounds of Richmond. It is as fol
lows: "Died of broken heart on the first of
March, 1780, Virginia Randolph, aged 21
years and 9 days. Faithful unto death."
Mr. Potts says that the crumbling skeleton
will be removed to Richmond. He claims
that he has the letter, and Editor Kauffman
gives it hisstrong indorsement Thequarry
workmen also substantiate it
A full line of Morgan & Bro.'s fine
Oporto port wines; various prices.
Bciitjetz, Renziehausen & Co.,
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
WjiHELM's Quelle natural mineral
waters, imported from the spring, Nassau,
Germany, celebrated since 1568, in cases of
60 quart bottles, 55 per case.
' Schuetz, Renziehausen & Co.,
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
One of the leading surgeons in the Army,
made the following characteristic! remark
"Water kills more soldiers than bullets." His
meaning was, that soldiers who drank Impure
water, died by disease in greater numbers than
those killed by bullets. The surgeon was right
Impure water, especially at this season, is a ter
rible cause of sickness and death. But the pub
lic say, what shall we doT There is but one sen
sible thing to do, and that Is to pnrify the
water by mixing it with something that de
stroys all poison or disease-breeding germs, and
nothing does this like pure whiskey. But it
mav be asked, where can I obtain pure
whiskey? Prof essor Henry A. Mott says, "the
puilty of Duffy's Pare Malt Whiskey is abso
lute, and should commend it to the highest
public favor." There are hundreds of families
that are drinking water constantly, and are
kept In perfect health by simply mixing a little
of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey in each glass they
drink. It Is a simple and a sure preventive of
Summer diseases and germ poisons, and is in
dorsed by. the best people in the land.
Why do you Day $1 00 ter bottle
for Sarsaparilla and Beef, Wine and
Iron when you can buy either Dre-
'panttlon from us at 75c per bottle,
six bottles4 00, and quality guar
anteed to be the best In the mar
ket We have numerous testimo
nials from Physicians and others
indorsing our Liver Pills as a mild and effective
cathartic They are unsurpassed. After giv
ing them a trlaf you will nse no others. Price
25c. For sprain, bruises and all rheumatic
pains, use the Anchor Liniment. It has no
eauaL Come and see us IX you are in any way
afflicted. MWT
The cases of catarrh treated and cured by
the physicians ot the Catarrh and Dyspepsia
Institute at 323 Penn avenue, are usually those
of the most advanced stages, and who have
spent years of time and much money treating
elsewhere, until by some friend or in reading
the papers they learn of the Catarrh and Dys
pepsia Institute, and that others have been
cured of diseases similar to their own. The
physicians of this institute refer with pride to
the many testimonials already published and
hundreds of others on file at their office, re
ceived from patients whom they
have cured of simple catarrh, ulcerative ca
tarrh and some cases where the lungs were
badly diseased. Dyspepsia, including ulcera
tion of the stomach and diseases of women.
The words of comment and praise received
concerning tbelr treatment and cure of diseases
Secullar to women are very encouraging. Mrs.
ir. Crossley Is always present during office
hours to consult with ladles. "You will not
publish my picture or name in the pacer, will
your' is of ten asked. The portraits of patients
are never displayed In the papers, ana no testi
monial or name of any patient is published In
the papers without the full consent or wish of
the patient
"When Is the best time to cure catarrh?" is
asked. In the summer, by all means, as in
cold weather with sudden changes of temper
ature, the patient Is much more liable tc colds,
thus retarding the progress of the treatment
Many children are badly afflicted with catarrh,
frequently developing into consumption at a
very early age. Tbe crowds of men, women and
children that dally assemble at the parlors of
tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute fs the best
evidence of tbe standing of these physicians
and tbelr success in making cures. Remember
the place, 323 Penn avenue. Consultation free
to all. Office hours, 10 A. M., to 4 p. it, and 6
to 8 P. M. Sundays 12 to 4 P. it. jy-9
Great July Sacrifice Sale, a Most Thorough Success!
Come Early and Participate.
Look at following bargain compendium, and theyare simply snatches'of bargains, all along
the line. In our big stores:
Beautiful 44 lawns that sold at 8c and 10c, now going at 5c and 6e a yard. The brilliantly
lovely 6c, 8c 10c and 12c challls, all to go at 4c, 5c, 6c and 8c a yard. O ur charming collection of
American satlnes, now 8c, 10c and 12c, instead of 12c, 15c and lSc. And the handsome French
satlnes that were 20c, 25o and 33c, now marked 15c, 18c and 25c Then we've got 50 pieces awfully
pretty 54-Inch all-wool saltings, in select mixture shades, to offer you at 45c a jard. they're worth
every penny of 75c A few pieces only 62c, summer silks, to be closed at 2ocayard. Also the
last of those elegant 62c, 75c and 81 25 India silks, now offering at 39c 43c and 75c a yard.
Now, above is all we have time to partlcularizo, but remember at every counter, and in every
aisie, on ererj uuur ul uur uiauiiuuui stores, gooa, evcrj-uay iuo j;uvua win uo vucivuakniwu
stock-reducing, trade-enlivening prices, not only mutually beneficial, but saving you lots of
lfCRV CPtTPIAI Se8 our large and beautiful range ladles' muslin underwear,
Ull I OrtUIHU--babies' and children's lace caps, etc, etc, etc
All Reduced for This Great Sale.
Geo AMacbeth&Cj. P.ttsburgh,Pa
A Remarkable Experience.
Mr. H. Bobertson, a native of Scotland, but
who has been a resident of this country for sev
eral years, has been a victim of kidney disease
with the following symptoms: He had a heavy
dragging paln.across.the small of his back, ex
tending from one side to the other, and a bloat
ed, 'dropsical condition of the bowels, high col
ored urine, and he noticed that sometimes It
contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment
and at other times the sediment was of a light
ish color. He noticed that he felt very tired In
the morning, and as he gradually grew weaker,
his stomach became affected. His appetite
became poor, and be was constantly annoyed
with sour eructations of gas from his stomach
after eating, and n account of the kidneys not
performing their function properly, bis blood
became charged with rheumatic poison, so that
he had much pain about his shoulders and dif
ferent parts of his body. As be became more
emaciated he began to cough, and he felt much
tightness and weight across his lungs. In
speaking of the matter one day, he said:
"I doctored with the best doctors I could hear
of, but was fast getting worse. I became mel
ancholy and tnougbt 1 could not live. Finally
I began treatment with the physicians of the
Polypathic Medical Institute, who are special
ists for chronic diseases, and although eonflned
to the bed when I commenced their treatment
my Improvement was very rapid, and I have
been entirely eared by these physicians, and I
gladly sign my name. H. Robertson,
Anyone wishing to call upon Mr. Bobertson,
or write bim with reference to bis ease, can
have his full address uv calling at THE POIjY
PATHIC INSTITUTE, 420Penn ave. Office
hours, 10 to 11:30 A. SC. I to 4 and 6 to 8 P. M.
Sundays, lto 4 p.m. Consultation free! je24-a
Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hemp Packing,
Clothes Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yam, etc
WOBKS East street. Allegheny City, Pa.
OFFICE AND SALESH0011-8 Water st,
ttsDurg. Telephone No. 137a my3-MWS
Barometers, Thermometers and Hydrometers,
Medical Batteries, Photographic Cameras. The
largest stock of ArtlflciarEres. Every style of
American and European Patented Ere-Glass
and Spectacle Frames. Lenses of superior
quality perfectly adjusted to the sight at KOBN
Fifth ave.. near Wood st Telephone No. 16S8.
Transact a General BanMns Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all paits of the world. Also Issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
By Lake Erie Railroad. Thirty minutes ride.
Carriages at depot A drive through the wide,
beautiful streets of Beaver. Lunch in the
grove at Groveland.
Look at plan of Groveland. Wide avenues,
shaded with forest trees. Large lots. Right
amid tbe finest educational institutes.
Churches, Stores, Three Railroads and Ohio
These lots are selling rapidly and are ad
vancing steadily. Buy now on your own terms.
Call at my office for tickets for excursion.
CHAS. SOMERS, 313 Wood St
A number ot our patients who have been
swindled by traveling doctors, ask why don't
the law protect us T We answer: Every doctor
will cheerfully show yon a receipt given by the
Prothonotary bearing tbe seal of the Court and
the date be registered bis diploma. Self-called
doctors cannot show such a recelot, and travel
ing doctors may have one of late date. You
can also examine Physicians' Register In Prc
thonotary's office. Ladies don't employ a
Mrs. doctor who is not registered if you value
We are encouraged by so many of our new
Satlents manifesting their appreciation of our
onest effort to -protect those who are being mis
ledbyadlsplayoffalsecolors. We are an asso
ciation of regular registered resident pbysicians
of long experience and thorough education.and
by combining our skill we offer the sick and the
deformed an amount of talent worthy ot their
patronage. Our specialty, catarrh, dyspepsia,
diseases of women, tumors, deformities and
other chronic diseases, medical or surgical.
Consultations free; physical examinations SI to
3. Correspondents inclose two stamps. Office
hours 10 to 1130 A. M., 2 td 5 and 7 to 8 P. at.
Dr. ORR, 720 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
11 Does the
m X WtP IT "ff
Low Strap Tics,
Low Southern Ties
And Gents' Congress Gaiters.
Fine, light, soft, single soles for cool com
fort GenU' Low Dongola Ties, $2.
Gents' Southern Ties, $3.
Gents' Dongola Congress, $2.
Genuine Kangaroo cong. and bals at only
$3 00, ,
As to vhere you should buy
if economy is the object you
have in view.
Cash and Credit House,
923 and 925 Penn Ave,,
is the house for you to pat
ronize, if you want to save
money, and get dependable
andstylish merchandise.
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1124,
Factories throughout Westers
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
Lithia, Eureka.
I. 81
COMPANY Schedule In eflect Jnne X 1W0.
Central timet
V. &. L. K. B. R. -Depart For Clerrlinrt. 3:00,
4:00 a. m., 1:33, 4:1(V:30P. M. Kor Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis, 6:00 A. M., "1:33, 9:30 r. M.
For BaSalo. 8:00 A. M.. 4:10, "9:30 p. M. for Sala
manca, "8:00 A. it., -1:35 r. U. For Dearer Fall.
SlOI :00, 8:30. 10:15 A. M.. '1:35, S:30. 4:10. SMS,
9:30 r. M. jror CUartler. 5:00, 13:3a 5:35. SAL
8:35, 7:15, 'S.-OS, 8:30, 9:23, 10:15 A. M.. 12:08, 'IZ-.ti,
1:40. 3:30. 14:30, 4:30, -5.-06, 3:13, 8KI3, 10:30 r. X.
abbto rrom Clereiana. eaa A. ju 12:30.
3:33, 1:53 9:40 r. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago
and Si. Louis. 12:3a 7:35 F. If. Krom Buffalo.
"8:30 a. M., 12:30, 9:40 r. M. From Salamanca.
12:30, 7:SSr. it. From Toung.toirn. 6:30, 9:20 A.
M.. 12:30, 8:35. TiSS, 9:40 P. IT. From Bearer
Falls, 5:13, "6:30, 7:20. 9HO A. K.. 12:30, 1:10, 8:35:
7:53, 9:40 r. u From Chartiers, '3:1 5:23, "6:30
:43. 7:08. "7:47, 9;20. 9:57, 11:39 A. M., 1:10. 1:32,
3:17, 4:00, 4:40, 4:52, 8:33, "8:12, 9:40, 11:12, 18:02
A. M., 19:12 r. M.
I'., CiY. trains for Manafleld. 8:30 A. X. 1:30,
4:50 p. ir. For Essen and Beecbmont, 8:30, a. m.,
3:30 p. M.
1., C AT. trains rrom Mansfield, Essen and
Beachmont, 7:03, 11:39 a.m.
V., McK. AV.E, K. DEPART ForHewHaren.
I'S:WA. M-"3:30P. . For West Newton. '5:S0
10:05 A. M.. 3:30. 4:15 P. M.
ABBivx From New Karen, i7:50 A.X.. 3:00P.
M. From WeitNewton.:13. tlOA. Uli23, "3:00
For McKeesport and EUxaheth, "5:30,10:05 A. X.,
3:30, 5:15 P.M.
From Elizabeth and McKeesoort. I'M A. M..
1:25, "5:00 P.M.
Dally. ISundars only. 2W1U ran one hour
late on Sunday. I Will run two hoars UU on
City ticket office. 401 Smlthfleld street.
a T.T.itrtmrjrr VAi.r.icr railroad
f Trtlni 1xv TTnlnn Mr.tlnn fRi.Sti.rTl HtxQdard
i Stadi
time): Klttannlne Ac. 8:55 a, m.: NUHira Ex.,
daUy. 8:45 a. n:.. Uulton Ac. 10:19 a.m ': Valley
Camp Ac, 12Kp. m.t Oil City and Dubois Ex-
Sress,2:00 p.m. ; Hulttn Ac.,3:00p.m.: Klmnntng
.c, 4:00p.m.; Braebnra Kl 5 a5op.ini: Klttaan
lns; Ac, S.S0 p.m.; Brae burn Ac, 0:Jtip.m.: Hul
ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.: Buffalo Ex., dally,
8:50 D. m.; Uulton Ac. 9:43 p. m.t Braebnrn Ac,
11:30 p. m. Church trains Braebnin, 12:40 p. m,
and 9:35 p. m. Pullman Parlor Buffet and
Bleeping Cars between mttsburgand Buffalo.
JAh. P. ANDERSON. O.T. Ajtt.a DAVID ilo-
J Tralnsrct'lstan'dtlmell Mare. Arrtre.
Wlldwood Accommodation.. 4:30.1 m 730 m
lfcir Kr Akmn.Tntp.in Kanp 7ll a m 7:23 n m
liniler Accommodation. .... s:ja m S:10 a m
Chicago Express (dally) 12:60 p m 11:05 a m
Wildwood Accommodation.. 3103 p to 4:00 p xn
New Castle and FoxbnrgAc. 5125 p m 5:40 a m
, First class rare to Chicago, f 10 30. Second class,
5 50. Pullman Bullet sleeping car to Chicago
UT .j
Ladies wearing our splendid line of hand-sewed Shoes find their
daily walks give a double measure of enjoyment Nowhere else will yoa
find the same dressy shoes or the same excellence of make. We handle
only the very best of manufactures. Young Ladies' Dress Boots with
jaunty tips-at-the-toes are among them. Quieter styles for stately dames.
Extra broad shoes with softest soles for ladies of declining years, all
here at very low prices.
An especially beautiful line of these goods on display. All the
latest styles in black, russets, browns, tans, etc., tipped toes or plain
enough sorts to please every one's fancy. It is impossible to mention
all the lots and their prices nor a few leaders, because they are all
"leaders." Still, the few given below will give you an idea of the values:
Ladies' Olive and Coffee Colored Oxfords, hand-sewed, $1 to $3.
Ladies' Oozecalf Oxford, very stylish, at $2, worth S3.
Ladies' Patent Vamp Oxford at $1 50 to $2 50.
Ladies' Tipped Oxfords only $1.
The above mentioned goods are great bargains, but are only a few
out of many equally as good. We are also showing a large assortment
of fancy Dress and Party Slippers. In fact anything that you would ex
pect to find in a first-class shoe department is here. Besides regular
goods we have many "exclusives" that are to be found only with us.
Others may have them next year, but we have them now!
Some particularly good bargains offered in Children's bhoes.
Tennis Shoes in stock.
What a Glorious Chance for Any Man to Buy
a Fine Dress or Business Suit This Week.
No man can feel comfortably wise until he's on good terms with
himself; ergo, you must have one of that new line of Suits$i2 ere
you will enjoy tranquility of mind. On sale to-day and through the
week. The prices trimmed closely $5 to $10 less than real worth.
We've slashed into the whole Suit stock; dissolved the profits from cost,
and left many standing without a face of gain for us prices $5, 7, $10 .
and I12 per suit. Money to us now is preferable to the goods. Suits
can't stand on the order of going, but must gitl
You know them. If you knew
for 3, not another word would we
week, and see our stock.
WHERE you going for a week, month or so during the high temper
ature? Lakes, ocean, mountains, farm? Maybe we can give some good
points. Know we can about the things you ought to take along. In
their order: Flannel Shirts, Blazers, plenty of cool Underclothing and
Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Sashes, Belts, etc. Got 'em all, and more, too.
There's a pretty sprightliness about this stock of Furnishing Goods, and
the prices are not mean they're low.
ANENT our. Children's stock of Clothing. Mothers, this depart
ment gets lots of our attention. This week's specialties are: Lot of
Suits for Boys 4 to 14 years, 3; market value $$. Got more than we
need, and you'll profit by our being overstocked. 75c Boys' fine Knee
Pants; you wouldn't object, ordinarily, to pay $1 25 for them; that's
(1 25) the town price for them.
That's all we need to write. The mothers know we've always got
the largest lot and lowest prices.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
aTter Mar 12, 1889. trains leaxe Union
Station, l'ltuburz. u rollowj, Eastern Standard
New York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ve
UbuledallTat7:lia. m. .
Atlantic Xxpresa dallr for the East, J.-20 a.m.
Mau train, daUr. except Snndar. 5:aia. m. ban
dar, mall. 8:) a. m.
Day express dallr at 3:00 a. m.
Mall express daiir at J :C0 p. m.
Philadelphia express dallr at 4:30 p. m.
Eastern express dally at 7:li p. m.
Fast Line daily at 8:10 p. m.
Greensbnra: expressa:ii p. m. wees: days.
Deny express 11:00 a.m. weekday!. .
AUthronrh trains connect at Jersey Cltywlta
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. X. , Y,
aToldtnBdouhleferrlajteand Journey through X.
Trains arrtre at Union Station as rollows:
Mall Train. daUy l:,?.V- m-
Western Express, dally .!' -
I'aclllo Express, dally :!SP- "
Chlcajro Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m.
Fait One. dally 11:45 p. in.
JTor Unlontown, 5:30 ana 8:35 a. m. and 4:25 p.
m., without change or care: 12.50 p. m., connect
ing at Oreensbnra:. Train arrlre from Union-
UJWU Jit !. ALU. A.., uuu M
From FEDERAL ST: STATION. Allegheny City.
Mall train, connecting for JSlalrsTlUe... 6:45 a. m.
Express, for UlalrsTlUe, connecting for
Butler fslSp.m.
Sntler Accam .8:20a- m, :2and : p. m.
eprlngdale Accom9:00,ll:50a.m.S:30and 6:20p.m.
Freeport Accom.." 4:15, 8:30 and 111:40 p. m.
OnSnnday 12:50 and JjMp. m
North Apollo Accom 11:00 a; m. and 5:00 p. to.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation
connecting ror Butler 8:3) a. m.
Blalrrrllle Accommodation j.-"JS!L?;.S
Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m.
Mall Train. v!!JSp m"
Butler Accom S:10a m., 4:40and7:20p. m.
UlalrsTlIle Accommodation 9:52 p.m.
Freenort Aecom.7:40 a.m.. 1:25. 7:20andll:10p. in.
On Sunday 10:10a. m. and 70 p.m.
Eprlngdale Aeeom....6:37,ll:48a.m., 1:23,6:30 p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8 no a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Trains leare Union station, rituonre;, as roUowi:
For Moaonnbela City, Wesi BrownsrlUe and
Unlontown. 11 a, m. For Monongaheia City and
West Brownsville, 7rt and 11a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Mononsahela City. 5:40
p. m.. week dara,
DraTosbnrc Ac, week days, 8:20 p. m.
West Elizabeth Accommodation. 4:20a.m.. 2:00,
6:20 and 11:85 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m.
Ticket offices Corner Fourth arenno and Try
street and Union ataUonv
General Mahaeei. GenU l'ass'r Acent.
X station. Central Standard Tin . Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d7J0ka.ru., d 8j0p and
d 11:15 p. to. Dejralson, 2i4& p. m. Chicago,
12:05, d 11:15 p. m. Wheeling, 7 JO a. m., 12:05,
6:10 p.m. SteubeBTjUe, 6:56 a. m. Washington.
6:4isa. m.. 1:55, 1130.4:45,4:55 p. m. Bulger, 10:10
a. m. Burgettstown. 811:36 a.m.. 6:26 p. m. Mans
field, 7:13, :. 11.-00 a. m., 1:06, 6:30, d 8:35; 10:35
From the West, 1?:lo, d6.-co a. m., 35, d5:53
n.jn. mnnudo, iimiD. dicuuciit utt. wm, u.
Wheeling. 2:10, 8:43 a.m.. 30, S -.53 p. in. Bnrgettv
town, 7:13a. m.,S9S.-.in. Washington. 6:55,7:30,
8 1 . 10:25 a. m., 2:23, 6:45 p. m. Mansfleld, 5:33,
i-.y. 11:10 a. m-, 12:44. 3:53. 10:00 and S 6:20 p. m.
Bulger. 1:40p.m. McDonalds, d6:35 a. m., d 9.-00
d daUy; tt' BundAy only; other trains, except
of the $$: $4 ones we're now selling
have to say. Bear that in mind this
A n sm
May 12, Ilia. Central Standard Time.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, d7rB
a. m.. d 12:20, d 1:00, d7:45. except Saturday. 11:20
g.m.: Toledo. 7:25a. m dl2:2a dl.-OOand except
aturday. 11:20 p. m.; Crestline. 5:45 a. m.: Cleve
land. 6:i0 a. m 12:45 and d 11:05 p. m. and 7:25
a. m.. rla P., F. W. & C Ry.: New Castls
and Yonngstown, 7:05 a. m.. 12:20, 8:45 p. m.;
Yoancstown and X lies, d 12:20 p. m.; Meadrllle.
Erie and Ashtabula. 75 a. m.. 12:3) p. m.; Xlles
and Jamestown, 3:15 p. m.: Masslllon. 4:10p. m.;
Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10a. m-12:45, 1:30 p. m.:
Bearer Falls. 4-00. S-05 p. m.. Rock Point. 88:29
a. u.: Leetsdale. 5:30 a. m.
ALLEGHENY Rochester. 6:80 a. m.t Bearer
Falls, 8:15, 110 a. m. : Enon. J:0O p. m. ; Leets
dalc 10:00, 11:45 a. m 2.-C0, 4:20, 4:45. 1:20, 7:00. 90
p. Ei.: Conway, 10:30 p. m.; Fair Oaks, S 11:40 a.
m. : Leetsdale, S 8:30 p. m.
TRAINS ARRIVE Unlop station from Chicago,
except Monday 1:50. d 6.-00. d:3i a. m., d 6:50 p.
m. ; Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 6:83 a. m., 6 CM
S, m. . Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Yonngstown and
ew Castle, 9:10a. m., 1:23, 6:50. 10:15 p. m.: Ntles
and Younestown. d 6:50 p. m.tCIereland, d 5:50a.
&.. 2:25, 7 .TO p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 9:00
a. m., 225, 7i p. m.: Erie and Ashtabula, lrS,
10:15 p. m.: Masslllon. 100 a. ni.: Ntles and
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m. ; Bearer Falls. 7:30 a. m..
1:10 d. m.. Rock Point, S J 25 p. m.: LeeUdals,
10169" p. m.
ARRIVE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a.
m.t Conway, 6:50; Rochester. 9:40 a. m.: Bearer
Falls, 7:10 a, m, 6:45 p. m.: Leeudale, 60, 6:15,
7:45 a. m 12:00, 1:43, 4:00, 6:30, 9:00 p. m.; Fair
Oaks. S 8:55 a. m.: Leetsdale. S 6:03 p. m.: Rock
Point. S 3:15 p.m.
B, Sunday only; d. dally; other trains, except
Sunday. jeo
Snmmer Time Table. On and after May 1.
1S89, until further notice, trains will run aa rollows
on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard
time: tearing Flttsburg-6:20 a: m., 7:10 a.m.,
80 a.m.. 9:31 a. m.. 11:30 a. m.. 1:40 p. m., 3:40 p.
m., 3:10 p. m.. 6:50 p. m., 6:30 p. m.. 9:30 p. m..
11:30 p. m. Arlington 5:40 a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10
a.m., 80 a.m., 10:20 a.m, 10 p.m.. 2:40p.m.,
4:3) p. m., 8:10 p. m.. 5:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 10:36
p. m. Snndar trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a.m.,
12:50 p.m.. 2:30p.m., 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 9:30
p. m Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m.,-lUO p. a., OO
p.m. 6:3Jp. m., 8Op. m.
X Schedule In effect May 12.1389. For Washing
ton. D. C Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New
York. "SrfXl a. m.. and "90 p. m. For Cum
berland, '8:00 a. m., 210, 920 p. m. For Con
nellsrllle, 26:40 and "80 a. m.. il?. 149
and90p. m. For Unlontown, 26:40, 8 :00a.m.,
11 0 and 40 p. m. For Mount Pleasant, 26:40 and
13:00 a. m., and 210 and 140 p. m. For
Washington. Pa 6:43. 19:40 a. m,, 3J5, 13:30
and 8:30p. m. For Wheeling. 6:45, 29:40 , m..
3:35, 8:30p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis.
6:45a.m., 3:30p.m. For Columbus. 6:45and9:40
a, m.. 8:30 p. m. For Newark: 6:45, 19:40 a. m
3:35, 80 p.m. For Chicago, 8:45. 29:40 a. m..
3:35 and 3:30 p. m. Trains arrive from New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington,
6:20 a. m. and "8:50 p. m. From Columbus. Cin
cinnati and Chicago. 7:45 a. m. and "90 p. m.
From Wbeeltng, "7:45, 10:50a. m 150, 9KO p.
m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore. Wash
ington and Cincinnati.
Miec.tng accommodation, 8:30 a. m.. Sunday
only. Cunnellsvllle accommodation at 18:33 a. m.
Daily. IDally except Sunday. SSundayOnlr.
The Pittsburg Transter Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residences
upon orders left at B. & O. Ticket Office, corner
Fifth avenue and Wood street. CHAS. O.
SCULL, Ges.Puj.Agt. J.T.ODELL, Oea.Mjrr,
i rwTIHnir iiit
iM- -
U.,'o. . Ujii? &LmM