i A STKOflG DOCTRINE Is What is Needed by Christians to Uattle With the World. THE BOWER OF TBEE BRANCHES Chosen as the Topic of the Sunday Dis course of Dr. Talmage. KEEPING A JIAN ALIVE J3Y BELIGION tPrECIAL TXXXQKAX TO OE DISFS.TOII. J The Hamptons, July 14. The subject of Iter. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage's sermon to-day was:;"The Bower of Tree Branches." His text was Xebtiiiah viii., IS: "Go iorth unto the mount and fetch olive branches and pine branches and myrtle branches of thick trees, to make booths." Following is the sermon: It seems as if Mount Olivet were un moored. The people have gone into the mountain, and have cut off tree branches, and put them on their shoulders, and they come forth now into the streets ot Jerusa lem, and on the house tops, and they twist these branches into arbors or booths. Then the people come forth from their comfort able homes and dwell for seven days in these booths or arbors. Why do they do that? Well, it is a great festal time. It is the feast of tabernacles; and these peopleare going to celebrate the desert travel of their fathers and their deliverance from their troubles, the experience of their fathers when, traveling in the desert, they lived in booths on their way to the land of Canaan. And so these booths also become highly suggestive I will not say they are neces sarily typical, but highly suggestive of our march toward heaven, and of the fact that we are only living temporarilv here, as it were, in booths or arbors, on our way to the Canaan of eternal rest And what was said to the Hebrews liter ally may to-day be said figuratively to all this audience. Go forth into the mountain, and fetch olive branches and pine branches and myrtle branches and palm branches aud branches of thick trees to make booths. Yes, we are only here in a temporary resi dence. We are marching on. The merchant princes who used to live in Bowling Green, New York, have passed away, and their residences are now the fields of cheap mer chants. Where are the men who 50 years ago owned New York? Passed on. 02? T1IE MAECH. There is no use in our driving our stakes too deep into the earth; we are on tbe march. The generations that have preceded us have gone so far on that we cannot even hear the sound of their footsteps. They have gone over the bills, and ueureto follow them. But, blessed be God, we are not in this world left out of doors and unsheltered. There are gospel booths, or gospel arbors, in which our souls are to be comforted. Go forth unto the mountain and fetch olive branches and pine branches and myrtle branches and palm branches and branches of thick trees, and build booths. Well, now we are to-day to construct a gospel arbor, or gospel booth; and how shall we construct it? Well, we must get all the tree branches and build. According to my text we must go up into the mount and bring olive branches. What does that mean? The olive tree grows in warm climates, and it reaches the height of 20 or 22 feet, a straight stem, and then an offshoot from that Etem. And then people come, and they strip off these branches sometimes, and when in time of war the general of one army takes one of these olive branches and roes out to the general of another army, what does that mean? Why, it means, unsaddle the war chargers. It means hang up the war knapsacks. It is but a beautiful way ot saying peacei JCow, if we are to-dav going to succeed in building this gospel arbor, we must go into the mount of God's blessing, and fetch the olive branches, and whatever else we must have, we must have at least two olive branches peace with God and peace with man. When I say peace with God, I do not mean to represent God as a bloody chief tain, having a grudge against us. but I do mean to affirm there is no more antagonism between a hound and a hare, between a hawk and a pullet, between elephant and swine, than there is hostility between holi ness and sin. And if God is all holiness, and we are all sin, there must be a read justment, there must be a reconstruction, there must be a treaty, there must be a stretching forth of olive branches. AN ILIOSTEATION. There is a great law suit going on now, and it is a law suit which man is bringing against nis Maker; that law suit is now on the calendar. It is the human versus the divine; it is iniquity versus the immaculate; it is weakness versus omnipotence. Han began it; God did not begin the law suit We began it; we assaulted our Maker, aud the soonerwe end this part of the struggle in which the finite attempts to overthrow the infinite and omnipotent, the sooner we end it the better. Travelers tell us there is no such place as Mount Calvary, that it is only a hill, only an insignificant hill; bnt I persist in call ing it the Mount of God's divine mercy and love, far grander than any other place on earth, grander than the Alp's or Himalayas, and there are no other hills as compared with it; and I have noticed in every sect where the cross of Christ is set forth it is planted with olive branches. And all we Lave to do is to get rid of this war between God and ourselves, of which we are all tired. We want to back out of the war, we want to get rid of this hostility. All we have to do is just to get upon the mount of God's1 blessing, and pluck these olive branches and wave them before the throne. Peace through our Lord Jesus Christl Oh, it don't make much difference what the world thinks of you what this King, that Queen, that Senator thinks of you. But come into the warm, intimate, glowing and everlasting relationship with the God of the round universe; that ii the joy that makes a hallelujah seem stupid. Ah, why do wc want to have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ? Why. if we had gone on in 10,000 years of war against God, we could not have captured so much as a sword or a cavalry stirrup, or twisted ofl one of the wheels of the chariot of hit omnipotence. But the moment we bring this olive branch God and all heaven come on our side. Peace through our Lord Jesus Christ; and no other kind of peace is worth anything. PEACE WITH MAN. But then we must have that other olive branch, peace with man. Now it is very easy to get up a quarrel. There are gun powdery Christians all around us, and one match of provocation will set them off. It is easy enough to get up a quarrel. But, my brother, don't you tljink you had better have your horns sawed ofl?" Had vou not better make an apolocy? Had you "not bet ter submit to a little humiliation? Oh, you say. until that man takes the first step I will never be at peace with him; nothing will be done until he is ready to take the first step. You arc a pre,tty Christian. When would this world be saved it Christ had not taken the first step? Wc were in the wrong. Christ was in tbe right all right and forever right. And yet He took the first step. And instead of going nnd getting a knotty scourge with which to whip your antagonist, vour enemy, you had bet ter get up on tlie radiant mount where Christ suffered for His enemies, and just take an olive branch, not stripping off the solt, cool, lragrant leaves, but leaving them them all on, and then try on them that gos pel switch. It won't hurt them, and it will save you. Peace with God; peace with man. If you cannot take those two doctrines you are no Christian. Blest be the tie that binds Our liearts In Christian low: The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. From sorrow, toil and pain, And sin we shall be tree; And perfect love and friendship reign Through all eternity. But my text goes further. It says: Go up into the mountain and fetch olive branches and pine branches. Now what is suggested by pine branches? The pine tree is healthy; it is aromatic; it is evergreen. How often the physician says to bis invalid patients: "Go and have a breath of the piucil That will invigorate you." Why do sueh thousands of people go South every year? It is not merely to get to a warmer climate, but to get-to" the influeuceof the pine. There is health in it. and this pine branch of the text suggests thehealthfulness of our holy religion; it is lull of health, health for' all, health for the mind, health for the soul. kept aite ur eeligion. I knew an aged man who had no capital of physical health. He had had all the dis eases you could imagine; he did not eat enough to keep a child alive; he lived on a beverage ot hosannas. He lived high, for he diced every day with tbe king. He was kept alive simply bv the force of our holy religion. It is a healthy religion; healthy for the eye, healthy for the hand, healthy for the feet, healthy for the he'art, healthy for the liver, healthy for the spleen, health v for the whole man. It gives a man such peace, such quietness, such independence of circumstances, such holy equipoise. Oh, that we all possessed it, thai we possessed it now. I mean that it is healthy if a man gets enough of it. Now, there are some eople who get just enough religion to other them, just enough religion to make them sick, but if a man take a full, deep, round inhalation of these pine branches of the gospel arbor, he will find it buoyant, exuberant, undying, immortal health. But this pine branch of my text also sug gests tne simple iact uiai i. is an evergreen. What does this pine branch care for the snow on its brow? It is only a crown of glory. The winter cannot lreeze it out This evergreen tree branch is as beautiful in winter as it is in the summer. And that is the characteristic of our holy re ligion; in the sharpest, coldest winter of misfortune and disaster, it is as good a re ligion as itisln the bright summer sunshine. Well, now that is a practical truth. .For if I should go up and down these aisles, I would not find in this house SO people who had had no trouble. But there are some of you who have had especial trouble. God only knows what you go through with. Oh, how many bereavements, how many pover ties, how many persecutions! How many misrepresentations! And cow, my brother, you have tried everything else, why don't you try this evergreen religion? It is just as good for you now as it was in the days of vour prosperity; it is better for you. Per haps some of you; feel almost like Muckle Backie, the fisherman, who was chided one day because be kept on working, although that very day he buried his child. A TEBTINENT ANSWEE. They came to him and said: "It is in decent for you to be mending that boat when this afternoon you buried your child." And the fisherman looked up and said: "Sir, it is very easy for you gentlefolks to stay in the. house with your handkerchiefs to your eyes in grief; but, sir, ought I to let the other five children starve because one of them is drowned? No, sir, wc maun work, we maun work, though our hearts beat like this hammer." You may have had accumulations of sorrow and misfortune. They come in flocks; they come in herds upon your soul; and yet I have to tell you that this religion can console you, that it can help you, that it can deliver you if nothing else will. Do you tell me that the riches and the pains of 'this world can console you? How was it with the man who had such a loud ness for money that when he was sick he ordered a basin of gold pieces to be brought to him, and he put his gouty hands down among the gold pieces, cooling his hands off in them, and the rattle and rolling of these gold pieces were his amusement and enter tainment Ah, the gold and silver, the honors, the emoluments of this world are a poor solace for a perturbed spirit You want something better than this world can give. A young prince, when the children came around to play with him, refused to nlnir- TTft jtnM: T will nlav nnlv with kings. And it might be supposed thai you would throw away all other solace be fore this regal satisfaction, this imperial joy. Ye who are sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty ought to play only with kings. Tbe hill ot Zion yields A tbousaod sacred sweets Before we reach the heavenly fields Or walk the golden streets. But my text takes a further step and it says, "Go into the mountain and fetch olive branches and pine branches and palm branches." Now the palm tree was VERY MUCH nONOEED by the ancients. It had 300 different uses. The iruit was conserved; the sap was a bev erage; tbe stem was ground up lor food for camels, the base of the leaves was turned into hats and mats and baskets; and the leaves were carried in victorious processions; and from the root to the top of the highest leaf there was usefulness. The tree grew 85 feet in height sometimes, and spread broad leaves four and five yards long; it meant usefulness, and it meant victory; usefulness for what it produced, victory be cause it was brought into celebrations of triumph. And oh, how much we want the palm branches in the churches of Jesus Christ at this time! A great manv Chris tians don't amount to anything. You have to shove them out of the way when the Lord's chariots come along. We don't want any more of that kind of Christians in the Church. The old maxim says: "Do not put all your eggs into one basket;" but I have to tell you in this matter of religion you had better give your all to God, and then get in yourself. "Oh," says some one, "my busi ness is to sell silks and cloths." Well, then, my brother, sell silks and cloths to the glory of God. And some one says: "My business is to raise corn and carrots." Then, my brother, raise corn and carrots to the glory of God. And someone says: "My business is to manufacture horseshoenails." Then manufacture horseshoe nails to the glory of God. There is nothing for you to do that you ought to do but for tbe glory of God. Usefulness is typified by the palm tree. Ah, we don't want in tbe Church any more people that are merely weeping willows, sighing into tbe water, standing and admir ing their long lashes in the glassy spring. No wild'eherry, dropping bitter fruit We want palm trees, holding something for God, something for angels, something for man. I am tired and sick of this flat, tame, insipid, satin slippered, namby-pamby, highty-tlghty religion! It is worth nothing for this world, and it is destruction for eternity. JlLJj that is needed. Give me 600 men and women fully con secrated to Christ, and we will take any city for God in three years. Give me 10,000 men and women fully up to the Christian standard; in ten years 10,000 of them would take the whole earth for God. But when are we going to begin? Ledyard, the great traveler, was brought before the Geographical Society of Great Britain, and they wanted him to make some explorations in Africa, and they showed him all tbe perils, and all the hard work, and all tbe exposure, and after they bad told him what they wanted him to 'do in Africa, they said to him: "Now, Ledyard, when are you ready to start?" He said: "To-morrow morning." The learned men were astonished; they thought he would take weeks or m nths to get ready. Well, noffj yon tell me you want to be earnest for Christ; you want to be useful for Christian service. When are you going to begin? Ob, that vou have the decision to say, "To day, nowi" Go now into tbe mount and gather the palm branches. But the palm branch also meant victory. In all ages, in all lands, tbe palm branch means victory. We ere by nature tbe servants or Satan. He stole us, he has his eye on us, he wants to keep us. The word comes from our Father that if we will try to break lhote from this doing of wrong, our Father will help us; and some day we rouse up, and we look the black tyrant in tbe face, and we fly at him, and we wrestle him down, and we nnt our heel on his neck, and we grind him in the .dust, i and we say, "Victory, victoiy, through our Lord Jesus ChristJ" Oh want a grand thing it is to have sin under foot and a wasted Hie behind our backs. "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered." "But," says the man; "I feel so sick and worn out with the ailments ot life." You are going to be more than conqueror. "But," says the man, "I am so tempted, I am so pursued in life." You are going to be more thafl conqueror. "I, who have so many ailments and heartaches, going to be more than conqueror?" each in his place. Yes, unless you are so self-conceited that you want to manage all the affairs of your life yourseH instead of letting God manage them. Do you want to drive and have God .ir o haoir Mt? "Oh. no." vou sav: "I want God to be my leader." Well, then, you will be more than conqueror. Your last sickness will come, and tbe physicians in the next room will be talking about what they will do for you. What difference -will it make what they do for you? You are going to be well, everlastingly well. And when the spirit has fled the body your friends will be talking as to whare they shall bury you. What difference does it make to you where they bury you? The angel of the resurrec tion can pick you out of tbe dust anywhere, and all the cemeteries of the earth are in God's care. Oh, you are going to be more than conqueror. Don't you think we had better begin now to celebrate the coming victory? In the old meeting house at SummerviIIe my father used to lead the singing, and he had the old-fashioned tuning lork, and he would strike it upon bis knee, and then put the tuning fork to his ear to catch the right pitch and start the hymn. -But, friend, don't you think we had better De catching the pitch of the everlasting song, the song ot victory when we shall be more than con querors? Had we not better begin the re hearsal on eartn7 xney snail nunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on tbem, nor any heat For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them to living fountains of water; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." City of Eternity, to thy orldal halls From this prison wonld I flee: Ah, glory I that's for you and me. My text brings up one step further. It says, go forth into tbe mount and fetch olive branches and pine branches and myrtle branches and palm branches and branches of thick trees. Now, you know very well that a booth or arbor made of slight branches would not stand. The first blast of the tempest would prostrate It So, then, the booth or arbor must have four stout poies to hold up tbe arbor or booth; and hence for tbe building of the arbor for this world we must have stout branches of thick trees. And so it is in the gospel ar bor. Blessed bo God that we have a brawny Christianity, not one easily upset STRONG DOCTRINE. The storms of life will come upon us, and we want strong doctrine; not only love, but justice; not only invitation but warning. It is a mighty gospel; it is an omnipotent gos pel. There are the stout branches of thick trees. I remember what Mr. Finney said in a schoolhouse in this State. The village was so bad it was called Sodom, and it was said to have only one good man in all the village, and he was called Lot; and Mr. Fipney, preaching,described tbe destruction of Sodom, and tbe preacher declared that God would rain destruction upon his hearers unless they, too, repented. And the people in the schoolhouse sat and ground their teeth in anger, and clenched their fists In indignation; but before be was through with his sermon they got down on their knees and cried for mercy while mercy could be found. Oh, it is a mighty gospel; not only an invitation, but a warn ing; an omnipotent truth, stout branches of thick trees. Well, my friends, I have shown you here is the olive branch of peace, here is the pine branch of evergreen gospel consolation, here the palm tree branch of usefulness and victory, and here are the stout branches of thick trees. The gospel arbor is done. The air is aromatic of heaven. The leaves rustle with the gladness ot God. Come into the arbor. I went out at differ ent times with a fowler to the mountains to patch pigeons; and we made our. booth and we sat "in that booth and watched for tbe pigeons to come. And we found flocks in the sky, and after a while theydropped into the net and we were successful. So I come now to the door of this gospel booth and I look out I see flocks of souls flying hither and flying thither. Oh, that they might come like clouds and as doves to the win dow. Come into the booth. Come into the booth. The Work of Rebnlldinir Seattle. Seattle, Wash., July 14. Citizens of Seattle, through J. Ii. Lewis, Chairman of the Belief Committee, have issued an ad dress in which they return thanks for sym pathy and material aid tendered them by the people of the country since the late dis astrous conflagration here. The address states that the city is being rebuilt as fast as money and men can do it Save Tour Hair BYatimelyuseof Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation has no equal as dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming "bald and gray; but after using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my; hair grew thick and glossy and the original color was restored." Melvin Aldxich, Canaan Centre, N. H. " Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequeuce of measles. Alter due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." J. B. Williams, Floresville, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four or five years and And it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being harmless, causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. " I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years, and believe that it has caused my hair to retain its natural color." Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer In Dry Goods, &c, Bishopville, Md. AVer's Hair Vigor, s rSZPABXD BT Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by DroggitUand Perfumers. Apollinaris J7HE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. "People cannot hearken too earnestly to the WARNINGS already sounded by medical men against the indiscriminate use of the ALLEGHENY WATER at this time." "Dr. W. T. English said: 'It cannot' be told how long the water will be impure; it may be for months'? Pittsburg Dispatch, June 4th, 1889. " The purity of APOLLINA RIS offers the best security against the dangers jvhich are common to most of the ordinary drinking waters" London Medical Record. Of aU Grvcm, JDruftub,'&' Mi: Wot. Dtoltrt. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS NOT MU0II ENCOURAGEMENT. Another Indian Agency Thnt Want to Bold On to the Land. Cheyenne Kivee Agency, Dak. July 14. The commissioners arrived at this agency yesterday morning, and held their first council in the afternoon. The usual( lull explanations of the act of Congress were made. The Indians were asked toj discuss the matter among themselves and prepare to meet the commission again on Monday. From such information as can be obtained, it is impossible to make any predictions as to the result at this agency. There seems to be conflicting interests here which have not been met with at other agencies. Among these are the cattle interests of several of the half-breeds living here, who have large herds ranging on the lands which are ceded if the present bill is accepted. This fact, in addition to the disinclination of tbe older chiefs to make any change, makes the work very formidable. The de meanor of the Indians at the council gave no encouragement that they were in favor of the bill. There are 730 votes here. A Plcaslnc Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows tbe use of Syrup of Figs, as It acts In harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or billons. For sale in 60c and SI 00 bottles by all leading druggists. Gibson, Ouckenheimer, large Overholt, Pinch, Dillinger, Sherwood and Hannis tille pure rye whiskies. Sckuetz, Renziehausen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. first ave. MOT Ofl to the Senahore. Take tbe excursion on the B. & O. It. It. to Atlantic City next Thursday, July 18, at tbe extremely low rate, 510 or the round trip; tickets good tor ten days; good to stop at Washington returning. Trains leave depot at 8 A. 11. and 920 r. M. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accommoda tions at once. Diamond Monogram copper distilled pure rye whisky has been sold for many vears at the leading hotels and restaurants in this citv. Absolutely pure; try It Schtjetz, Kenziehatjsen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave. Children's cabinet photos SI per dozen, at Aufrecht's Eljte gallery, 616 Market st, Pittsburg. Use elevator. fan-Alcoholic Summer Drinks. Apollinaris water, Wilh'elm's Quelle wa ter, Cantrell & Cochrane imported ginger ale and Club soda. Schuetz. Benziehatjsen & Co., 100 and 102 Market st, cor. First aye. DIED. BEARDMANN On Friday. July 12, 1889. at 5 a.m.. Helena, wife of Edward Beardmann, aged 77 years. Funeral on Monday, July 15,18S9,at 8.30 A.K from her late residence. No. 63 Fourteenth street, thence to St Michael's Church, Plus street (where High Mass of Requiem will ba held at 9 A. M.). Southside, Pittsburg, Fa. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. DALY Suddenly, on Sunday, July 11 18S9. at 25 a. m., William, eldest son of Thomas and .Bridget Daly, aged 30 years 9 months. Funeral from tbe parents' residence, 18 High street on Tuesday at 9 A. k. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. FRANZ-on Saturday, July 13. 18S9, at 8:15 p. w.. Elizabeth, wile of Adah Franz, Br., in her 63d year. Funeral from ber late residence, 1603 Carson street, Southside, on Tuesday, July 18, at 9:30 A. at Requiem high mass at St Michael's Church at 10 A. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 GlLNER-On Saturday. July 13. 18S9, at 10 p. if., Catherine, wife ot tbe late James Gil ner, age 54 years. Funeral wilt take place from her late resi dence. No. 4431 PeDsIavenue, TO-DAT,(Monday) at 4 p. st Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. KILLGALLON On Sunday, at 11 A. M., Annie Bridgetta, daughter of P. A. and Kattle Klligallon, nee Griffin, aged ll.months. Hang the crape upon tbe knob, A written notice on the door, Another angel gone to God, Our little darling is no more. Funeral from the residence of parents, Bis marck street, Thirteenth ward, this day. at. 2f.u. Friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend. LEWIS-Saturday, July 13, 18S9, of dlpli theria. Jean HUNTER, dauchter of JoseDh PL and Sophia Eccles Lewis, aged 7 years 2 Fnneral services at the residence of her aunt, Mary J. Eccles, No. 97 Fremont street Alle gheny, at 10 a. M., Monday, 16th Inst Inter ment private. 2 MORRIS At his home In North Braddock, at 230 Sunday afternoon. July 14, Robert Morris, In tbe 58th year of his age. Funeral Tuesday at;? p. k. 2 McGREAGOR On Sunday morning. July, 14, 1ES9, at 6:30,Andeew N.McGREAGOR,in the S6th year of bis age. Funeral from bis late residence, Puseys court, Ninth street this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. McCLURG On Thursday, July 11, 1889, at 1:1a r. m., jame3 juculubq, in nis disc year. Friends ot the family are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral, from his late residence. No. 191 Rebecca street, Allegheny, on Monday July 15, at 220 P. M. PHILLIPP1 At her residence. 33 Second street Allegheny, on Sunday, Jniy 14, 1580, at 1235 A. it., Kate Schapp. wife of Wn. M. Pbilllppl, in the 231 year of her age. Funeral from her late residence on Monday at 2 p. v. Friends of the' family are respect fully invited to attend. RICHARDSON At Brushton, Saturday. July 13. 1SS9, SARAH Gh only child of JOSEPH and Fanny Richardson, aged 1 year. Funeral services will be held at tbe residence of its parents, Tioga street Brushton, on Mon day, July IS, at 2 P. It. Interment at Union dalo cemetery. STANLON-On Saturday, July 13.1S89, at 7:30 P. M., John, son of Patrick and Winifred Stanlon, aged 8 years and 10 months. Funeral from tbe parents' residence, Spang'a estate, Etna borougb, on Monday at 2 p. m. Friends of tbe family are respectfully Invited to attend. 2 WEAVER Sabbath morning, July 11. 18S9, Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver. Funeral services at the residence of her son. No. 40 Resaca streer, Allegheny, Pa., Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the fam ily are respectfully invited to attend. 2 ANTHONY MEYER, (Snccessor to Meyer, Arnold fc Co., Urn.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, 1134 Pcnn avenne. Tele phone connection. mylQ4SP-uwFSu FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. & J. B. MUBDOCM, j-1 n SMITHF1ELD ST. OIU Telephone 429. deB-tt-jnVF ROSES, WATER UHES. FLOWERS AND FLORAL WORK A GREAT SPECIALTY, At low prices during summer. JOHN R & A. MURDOCH, Telephone 239. COS SlUTHFIELD ST. je28-MWF -pEPRESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN13CI ASSETS - . (9.071,69683. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. iaanfi-D n puis 091 A WEAK STOMCH. QE$ytm. , Box Vt- IL PKUCCI8T8. DIAMONDS. We believe we have the finest assortment ot Diamonds In the city. We do onr own mount ing and can show some very handsome styles. Wo have a specially nice assortment of Rings, with Diamonds, Rubies, Opals, Sapphires, Emeralds. Pearls, etc It will do you good to see our stock and prices. WATTLES & SHEAFER, JEWEL.EBS, 37 FIFTH AVENUE. We will close our store at 6 p. v ezceot Saturdays, until September J. jylO-MWF" ALT, SUMMER GOODS MUST GO -At this- BANKRUPT SALE of J. R. ANDERSON'S stock of DRY GOODS, -WITH- 500 ROLLS CARPETING to make remnants and full pieces go quickly. - T, M, LATIMER, 138 Federal St, Allegheny, Pa. jylO-irwpau TO CAMPERS-OUT, Sojourners in the Country and Travelers in General. Men's Flannel Shirts. Our stock never was so large as now. Plain heavy Flannel, in navy blue, gray, tan, white; fine light weight flannels in white, fancy stripe and checks. Finest Scotch Flannels and Surah Silks, all these we get in every size for boys, youths and men, from 12-lnch to 20-inch collar. Then those who do not want flannel can get the Cheviots In flannel patterns or the Percale in neat sttipes and figures. After roaming over the waters or the hills during the day you may want to get rid of the flannel shirt for one of a more dressy character for the evening. We have a full line of Fine White Evening Dress Shirts, In plain Linen, Embroidered, Plaited Pique Bosoms, open front and open back, for studs and eyelets. Then you must hare Night Shirts. We have them either In warm or cool kind. If you want a warm kind to pro tect you from chills buy Scotch Flannel, Canton Flannel or heavy Twilled Mus lin; if for medium warmth buy our medium weight muslin, and if you want the coolest night shirts made, buy our Nainsook, fine Cambric or Silk goods, or if you do not want this form of a Nightey buy Pajamas. t These we have in flannel, Cheviot, Pongee Silk. Then you may want Underwear. Our lines nre the most extensive in the city. All kinds and prices, and in all cases the best values. To speak of every thing we have (hat is suggested to our mind as we -write will take more space than we have to-day, but then we can't leave out NECKWEAR, of which we have a large line of the latest; also Qol lars and Cuffs, Suspenders, Handker chiefs, Belts, Hand Bags, Gloves. Half Hose, Combs, Hair, Nail, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, Collar and Cuff But tons, Shirt Studs, Key Chains, Umbrel las, Mackintosh Coats, eta EARLY CLOSING NOTICE.-During Jnly and August we close at S. o'clock and on Sat urdays at 6 o'clock. Please come before tbese hours. HORNE & WARD, 4:1 FIFTH A VEX UL jyia-n CHAS. PFEIFER'S Men's Furnishing Stores, 443BMITHFIELD STREET, 100 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. New line of Flannel Shirts Just received. All tbenew things in that line. Full line of White Bbiits, lanndrled and un lanndrled. Best values tor tbe money. Dyeing, cleaning and Ianndry offices. Pittsburg Telephone 1264; Allegheny Tele phone 3169. jy9-MWF WM. 165, THE IMPERATIVE.CLEARANCE SALE STILL CONTINUES Last week we inaugurated the Grand Clearance of our entire stock and we must say the sales for the season have been unprecedented. There are still lota of goods in all the departments and those not moving so rapidly have been still further reduced. Lose no time in making your selection. You can afford to buy now at our price for future use, especially is this the case in our fuste toilless qooids. Colored Cashmere, all-wool, 25c, 35c and 50c, worth double the money. Colored wool Henriettas, Serges, 40c and 50c Side barred wooL Suiting, 46-inch goods, 623&C, down the season. Nuns Veilings, Albatross, SILKS. SILKS. Nev,er in the Satin, Mervellaux, Baratheas, Gros a yard more respectively. It goes without saying, theie is Scotch Zephyrs, 20c and 25c for 40c yard. Many of these stylish, serviceable fabrics are just half their actual value. DON'T FORGET. Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, etc., are clearing at immense sacrifices. Carpets, Lace Curtains, Turcom an Chenille Curtains all reduced to close. Jackets, Suits, Shawls, Infants Cloaks, etc., are marvelously low. Underwear for Men, Ladies Children, in summer weights, one-third to one-half off price. "Colored Parasols for Ladies and Misses at'half price. Kid, Lisle and Silk Gloves and Silk Mitts at one-half off. Table Linens, White, Cream and fancy Colored, 18c up, are genuine bargains. v - Glassware, Chamber Sets, Toilet Sets, Vases; Bronzes, Silver Ware, Kitchen Ware, Baskets, etc, all must go and that quickly. Samples sent when requested. Mail Orders promptly filled at lowest prices. ' 1 ' '-.c - CLEARANCE SALE -or- LACES - -ANI- EMBROIDERIES Machine-made Torchon Laces. Hand-made Torchon Laces. Everlasting Trimmings. Swiss Trimmings. Cotton Trimmings. Cotton Pillow-slip Laco. Venetian Lacea Fine Smyrna Laces. Black Chantilly Lacea Black Spanish Lacea Black Escurial Laces. Cr6am Spanish Lacea White and Cream Oriental Lacea Imitation Valenoiennes Lacea Black Hand-run Lace Ties. Black Lace Fichus and Tiea White and Cream Lace Ties and Fichus. Cambric, Jaconet, Nainsook and Swiss Embroideries, in match seta All-over Embroideries to matoh above. SKIRTINGS AT HALF PRICE. Blaok Spanish and Chantilly Skirt ings, 42,inches wide. Black Spanish Guipure Skirtings. Blaok Drapery Net Black all-over Lace. Black Beaded Net. Cream Lace Skirtings. Cream Drapery Net Swiss Hemstitch Skirtinga Swiss Schiffli Skirtinga Jaconet Skirting. Cambric Skirtinga Fleishman &Co.'s NEW DEPARTMENT STOKES, 504,506 and 508 Market st. PITTSBURG, PA. Jyl5-D PAULSON BROTHERS. LADIES' BLAZERS, 83 50 and 84. TENNIS OTJTariTS- Caps, GOc; silk belts, EOc; flannel blazers, (3, 3 CO and $4; flannel sblrt, from SI 50 to $4; silk sblrts. from 3 50 to 7; silk jersey sblrts. $4 50 to 17; long pants, to: knee pants, S3 and S3 SO, Completn outfit, including English flannel cap, blazer, belt, shirt and pants, only f 10. Onr blazers are very wide stripe. This Is tbe correct thins this ycarOur English Lounging Suits are -white with line bine or brown lines. $1 HAMMOCKS. $1. Best woven "Perfection" from f 1 to the lar gest made. Length 11 feet, width 3 feet. Will not poll off buttons. 50c STRAW HATS. SOe. A good Straw Bat for 50c, 75c and IL Of course we have the finest also. PAULSON BROS., 441 WOOD STREET. Five Doors below Fifth avenne. N. B. Ladles Sailor Yacht Hats, Steamer Caps ana Hiding Hats now ready. Je20-arwr !Biilllil ii ic III IM! llK n I b4 I I L'Wianl llln Uiflli ! n 3-B Mil !fl.mmv iiitllffllw SBMPLE'S STORES, 167 and 169 FEDKRAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. from 75c and $1. All the stripes and De Beiges, Black Cashmere and history of the Silk market have you Grains and fancy weaves generally. an immense rush for Wash Goods and qualities. Immense stacks of Dress B. & B. MONDAY, JULY 15. The stock of LADIES' SUITS is getting low we marked tbem down to clean tbem out, and the tnarkdown has been most effectual. Now we have a few that MUST UO AT ONCE. Read these prices for to-day. Glngbam and satin e suits: S3 suits, reduced from 110. tlO suits, reduced from tlL $12 50 suits, reduced from 318. J13 50 suits, rednced from 117. S15 salts, rednced from 22. (18 suits, reduced from $25. India silk suits: S20 salts, reduced from $25. $25 suits, reduced from $30, $30 suits, reduced from $35. Cballle suits, $10, a bargain; and a special $15 directoire, very stylish Cballle salt, that was 20- Colored cashmere suits at $12 50, were $15; at $18 that were $25. Remember, tbese prices are reductions from prices already below tbe marker. Here's a chance to make good wages washing clothes: Our children's gingham suits have been on the counters some time we have had a very large trade, and consequently the suits have been handled and "mussed up" a little. An ap plication of soap and water will make any one of them just as good as new. Many will not need it, tiat all go together, and we give you 50c on the 31 in every suit because they are slightly soiled. The prices WERE $1 to $10. The prices to-day ARE 50c to $5. A small lot of colored bead shonlder wraps this morning that were $15 each, will be closed out quick at $5 each. Also a small lot of mourning dull jet bead shonlder wraps, that were $12 50, will be closed out at $5. All oar bead wraps will be closed out. Prices that were $3, $1 and $5, Are now $2, 52 50 and S3. DRESS GOODS BARQAIN& This week there are many INDIA SILKS. Tbere are $2 ones at SL $1 25 and $1 60 ones at 75c. $1 00 and $1 25 ones at 60c 50c and 75c ones at 35c This is what we said last week It accounts for the great rush for tbe Indias, and tbe enor mous sales of them. Come whilo they last all are choice. Tbe same "redaction story" in all tbe Dress Goods Departments. There aremany specials for this week. B0GGS & BUHL, 115, 117, 119, 121 Federal st., Allegheny f. 8. Store closes at 5 o'clock. jyiM You're Shrewd. A make of clothing that's dependable takes leadership with you because it ought to. No matter -how great a hullabuloo mean clothing raises it doesn't get the peo ple's favor. Good clothing justifies its price. If compared with com mon you'd be willing to give it the higher price. , But don't misunderstand us. We're selling the best cloth ing: we're selling it at low prices. The two go together at Wanamaker's, you know. This season finds out the broken lots: not to be let stay: lower prices to quicken their going. A fresh stock of Thin Goods, at pleasing prices. Clothing made to order, the very best: 1,000 styles of goods. -o$- Wanamaker & Brown, Sixth street and Pcnn avenue. JT13-D PHOTOGRAPHER, 18 SIXTH STREET. A fine, large crayon portrait S3 5U; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, $3 and $2 Super dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. apU-16-uwirsu plaids and mixed wool fabrics at 40c MmiL other light-weight fabrics at very desirable prices. been offered such bargains in Colored Dress Silk, India Silks, Surahi See the Black Gros Grains, 24 inches Ginghams, 5c up. 'Seersucker, 5c up. Goods on the cheap counters, 5c, ETOTEL NORMANDIE, ATLANTIC CITY, NOW OPEN. Under new management. T. C. GILLETTE, Prop'r. my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel. Philada, HOTEL ROYAL Appointments and service first-class. Spacious lawns COO feet. Porch promenades. Cuisine unexcelled. W. H. REYNOLDS. je2552-D Late Lafayette Hotel Phila. THE ELDREDGE.NO. 18 SOUTH CARO LINA avenne, within three minutes' walk of depot or beach. Large cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E. J. ELDREDGE. Proprietress. mvlMl-D THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On the beach, sea end of Virgiala avenue. je7-19-i:OD BUCK 4 McCLELLAN. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. apl6V81-D Is. ROBERTS & SONS. ,' TEE MAHSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Largest and most prominently located hotel with a new and first-class Restaurant attached. 350 chairs. Open all the year. Coaches to and from Beach and Trains. Brophy's Orchestra. je25-51 CHARLES McGLADE. CAPE MAY. N. J. Directly on tbe beach. Now open. jel-tD W. VV. GREEN. mHE NEW COLUMBIA. I CAPE MAY. N. J. Opens June 15, 18S9. James Mooney, "Owner." FRANK H. HILDRETH, (Late of tbe Hotel Lafayette.) jeM-73-atwr Proprietor. ASBURY PARK-HOTEL BRUNSWICK A leading hotel in every respeoc. Beauti fully situated near tbe beach. All rooms com mand an unobstructed view ot tbe ocean. Ap pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani tary arrangements perfect. For information address MORGAN 4 PARSONS. jel5-35 CRESSON bPRINGS, PENNA. MAIN line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of ALLEGHENY MOUNTA1N& THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Now open. All trains stop at Cresson. For circulars, etc, address WM. R. DUNHAM, Supt, my"-2-DSa Cresson. Cambria Co., Pa. HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J Hesrt WAi.TEB,Prop'r., Its o. B. Scki.os.seb, Manager, late of Hotel Duquesne, Pittsburg. jy7-50 Thomson House, Kane, MCKEAN CO, PENNSYLVANIA. 2,000 feet above ocean level. Open all tba year. Now prepared for tbe reception of sum mer visitors. Rates, $2 CO per day and from $7 00 to $U 00 per week. Write for circular. jyiMl-MWTSU C. H. KEMP, Prop. RENOVO HOTEL, RENOVO, Clinton Co., Pennsylvania. L200 feet above ocean level. Open all tbe year. Now prepared for the reception of summer visitors. Rates. $2 00 per day and from $7 0U to $14 00 per week. Write for1 circular. jy9-42-M-WF3n C. H. KEMP. Prop. STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. UMAKD LUSE. si: IW YORK TO I.rVF.RPOOr. VIA OTTEKN9. iuw.1, ritual riEK moktu itivtu. JTAST EXPRESS S1A1L SEKVICE. Etrcrla. July M, noou. Bothnia, Aug. H 7:30.1.x Auranla, July:?, SAM F.trurla,Aug.l7,10:30 AM Umbria, Aug. 3, 19 am I Auranla. Aujr. 24, Jr x SerTU. Anirust 10, s r x Cabin passage. SSO, SO and f 100; lntlrmedUte, 135. steerage ticket to and from aU parts of Kurope at Tery loir rates. VEK.NON H. BKOW N & CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling tireen, (ew York, J. J. MCCORMICK. Agent. fourth ave. and smitbSeld t., Plttsbnrj. jyl2-D State Line To Glasqow, Belfast Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin passaro S3S to ISO. according to locatloa of tateroom. Excursion SC5 to too. steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN BALDWIM & CO., General Agents, SJ Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK. Agenl, Pltltburg. Pa. mhia-P ANCHOR LINE. Atlanlio Express Service; LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN. Steamship "CITY OV KOITE," from Kev York, WEDNESDAY. July S4. Aug. a, Sept. IS, Oct. 1&7 Saloon passage. SCO to SIOO: second-class, 330. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from Sew York to GLASGOW and LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow. Londonderry, Liver pool, (SO and 50. Second-class. 50. Steerage passage, either service. f3K Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Travelers' circular letters or credit and drafts for any amount Issued at lowest current rates. for books of tours, tickets or Information, Apply to HENUEKSON BEOTHEKS. Jf. V., or J. I. McCOKMlUK. fourth and Smlthfleld: A. D. SCORER & SON. 413 Smlthfleld St., Flttsburg; W. UEMPLE. Jr., IBS federal St., Allegheny. Je27-MWT ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE From GLASGOW, LONDONDERRY, and GALWAT To Philadelphia. Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled. Prepaid Intermediate. J0. Steerage. $19. Passencersby this route are saved tbe ex. ense and inconvenience attending transfer to Iverpool or from New York. j. j. Mccormick, or a. d. bcorera soy, Pittsburg. my27-57-MWT 3-l 'I I HVT A LNSORANCB CO, lll JL LN JOl. Hartford. Conn. M Assets, January I, 1SS7. $V,SH,SS 0 i EDWARDS fc KENNEY, Agents, OQ Fourth avenue Pittsburg, lal5V59.jnr 3 s m and 50c, were 750 and $1 earlier ini wide, 90c, $t and $l 25, worth 50c Satine, 6c up. Challis, 5c upj 6c, 8c, 10c and i2c up to 25c al 1 I iiJiiasMski. miintk'ii SHOT fmffrei