tS! iBjmjJbsma $K iH " z5'- -v THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH,. MONDAY, ' JULY 15, 1889. t ESIABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, ISiO. Vol.44, N0.IM. Entered at Pittsburg Postoffice, Kovcinberlt 1887, as secona-class matter. Business Office--97 and 89 Fiftli Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising office, Uoora 43, Tribune llullding, JcwYork. Average net circulation or the dally edition or THEDisrATCU fortlx monthsendlng June 30, 1339, 29,492 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation or the bunday edition or The Dispatch for three months ending June 30, 1S33, 52,660 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF TUE DISPATCU. POSTAGE TREE IN THE UNITED STATES. Daily Dispatch, One Year (BOO 1IAILV U:srATCU, l'cr Quarter ZOO Daily Dispatch. One Month 7u Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 Daily Dispatch. Including bunday.tm'ths. 2 50 Daily DiSPATCH,lncludlng bunday. 1 month W fcrNDAY Dispatch, One Year ISO eekly Dispatch, One Year 13 The Daily Dispatch Is delivered by earrlersat 15 cents per week, or Including Sunday edition, at SO cents per week. PITTSBURG. MONDAY. JULY to, 1882. THE POND CALAMITY. The sequel to the tale of accidents and errors in connection with the artificial pond at the corner of Center avenue and Sobo vtrcei, in the destruction ot two lives Satur day night, with an almost miraculous es cape or three more, puts the climax on a remarkable mixture of bad luck and bad management. Heretofore the matter has been mainly a food target for jokes; but the serious as pect with which it is invested by this fatal ity will cure all disposition for jesting. The waste of a few thousand dollars could be laughed at, hut the sacrifice of two lives will necessitate a legal inquiry into the causes of the disaster and the fixing of full responsibility for the loss of life which it has produced. Pending that inquest and the evidence which wifl be brought out, extended com ment is perhaps uncalled for. It is plain on the face of the case that no one has wilfully done anything which he thought would sacrifice life. But it is by no means so clear that full inquiry into the case will not develop that the original difficulty was caused by negligence and lack of precau tion, and that the final disaster was pro duced by the continued absence of the latter qualities. Certainly misfortune has done its utmost to contribute to the train of accidents that cost two lives on Saturday night; but the law cannot be content with laying the re sponsibility on Providence until it is made clear that no human blunders or lack of precaution aided in the calamity. BENCH, BINS AND CORPORATIONS. The remarkable decision of the Nashville Judge who discharged Sullivan alter what is reported to have been "a full hearing of the case," at which none of the evidence for the prosecution could have been presented, awakens universal comment. Legal opin ion is almost unanimous to the effect that the Governor of Mississippi was entitled to have the prize-fighter held for extradition. The solid Muldoon of Sullivan's party, liowever, furnishes an explanation of the decision in the statement that it "cost Sullivan $1,000 to get out of If ashville." That sum looks like a small prize for a ju dicial decision; but considering the kind of law which the Kashville judge appears to deal in, it was probably all it is worth. Per haps the Mississippi Governor will have better luck if he should try the experiment of prosecuting the high-toned railroad offi cials who ran special trains and otherwise sided the fight, fur the money there was in it. A CASE OF DESTITUTION. A dismal tale of waul and poverty has been spread over the country in the shape of a report that one of the Minneapolis "Washhurns, who was supposed to be worth millions, is reduced to the dire condition of having only 5400,000 in surplus assets, be sides a big house. This is sad; but still it does not on its face seem to call for the im mediate organization oi relief committees. The public lesson of this destitution is, however, complicated by the avowal of the rather torrid (in this connection) New York Sun that Mr. "Washburn's poverty is due to his having engaged in the "unpatriotic proceeding" of building a railroad that gave his section a direct and cheap transportation route to the seaboard. The complaint has heretofore been that the route built by "Washburn and his associates squeezed the water out of other wealth than Washburn's; but the avowal of the Sun impresses the lesson upon the public that those who would not be satisfied with a fortune of 400,000 and a home, must not engage in the construction of competing lines. But the real gravity of the case has not yet been stated. Mr. "Washburn 11 a United States Senator-elect; and his election may furnish as good an explanation of the dimin ution of his fortune as the building of a new railroad does. The spectacle of a newly elected United States Senator worth only half a million dollars is too dreadful to contemplate! The danger that this fact may result in a declaration that Mr. "Washburn is ineligible for the position, should warrant the starting of a subscription paper to permit hjm to en ter the Senate with the required wealth of a million and a half. AN UroUSTBIAL FEATTTBE. We observe a statement that "the indus trial exposition at St. Joseph, Mo., will com bine a great military attraction. There will be a hundred genuine Apache war riors, a hundred Indian-fighting frontiers men, and a full complement of soldiers to do the great "Wild West act." The remarkably "industrial" character of a show of this sort is likely to create the idea that hair raising, fighting and stage-robbing are re garded as the industrial features of St. Joseph. Yet this is only an extreme ex ample of the general idea that the main ob ject of industrial expositions is to get any thing in the line of a raree show that will draw the crowds. This may do for places that have no industries worth mentioning, but cities having something to show will find a deeper and more lasting benefit in making their expositions present an epit ome of the manufacturing and commercial features that will command public atten tion. We are glad to understand 'that the latter course will receive its best illustra tion in the Pittsburg Exposition. Exposi tions and hippodromes are not harmonious. TOE BAEEF00TED BOYS. Two or three years ago nearly nil the newspapers in the country, including the greatest dailies in New York, were denounc ing Maurice B. Flynn as a monster of cor ruption and unholy creed. His plot to plunder the city of New York with the aid oi his tool, Squires, was laid bare, and he died politically then and there. Mr. Flynn departed this life a few days since, and bio graphical sketches of him are plentiful. In some of these nil-nisi-bonum compositions a good deal of stress is laid upon the incidents of Mr. Flynn's youth. One or two of these arc suggestive in a certain way. We are told that when Maurice B. Flynn was a barefooted boy on his lather's farm in New Ycrk, be earned his first money by picking berries, which he sold in the neigh boring villages. It is said that while the other boys were glad to accept G cents a quart for their berries, Maurice would hold off and refuse to sell for less than 8 cents. It is somewhat surprising to learn that he usually got the higher price. But the peculiar power oi" extracting 8 cents from the public where others only asked for 6 seems to have always been Mr. Flynn's. Somewhere in this incident a moral is con cealed, though it is a little hard to see. Some might say that in the youthful de termination to get more money than his fellows was foreshadowed the ruling spirit of Mr. Flynn's life. He was a successful money maker. But his life was not a suc cess. Perhaps here it is that the moral comes in. Money is not worth accumulating if honor and the respect of one's fellowmen are to be lost in the process. To possess all the fat contracts in a great city, and to coin millions from them, will not compensate a man ior being held up to public obsecration as a swindler and a corrupt citizen. The little barefooted boys in Allegheny county had better be content to sell their berries at a fair price, and grow up to be self-sustaining men of good reputation. Perhaps if they held off for higher prices the berries might spoil on their hands. That's what happened to Mr. Flynn's schemes in later life. They rotted in the sight of everyone. Enterprise and industry were Mr. Flynn's best qualities, and very good qualities they are always. Lack of principle and, a greed for money were hw failings, and they swamped him. A GOOD SETTLEMENT. The Homestead strike is ended and an agreement for a sliding scale is completed which will remove the possibility of further struggles for the next three years. This is the result of the conference which began on Saturday, and has thus proved the superior ity of settling wages questions by reason in stead of by force. The details of the agreement need hardly be gone into here. It is enough that each side has gained something. The firm ob tains the very satisfactory arrangement that the scale is to stand for three years and that -the annual dispute over wages shall thus be avoided. The workmen have secured ma terial modifications of the sharp reductions which were at first proposed. On the whole the compromise is one which both parties can accept with satisfaction and which will leave both with the assurance that they have gained important points by the conference. This happy termination of, a threatening struggle relieves Pittsburg of all wages dis putes and ensures steady work for the rest of the year. It also gives another solid proof of the rule which The Dispatch has constantly urged with regard to wages dis putes, that compromise is better than conflict. NULLIFYING THE STATUTE. The formal announcement of the North western railroads that they will henceforth disregard the long-and-short-haul clause on their lines leading from Chicago to St. Pau is another evidence ot the corporate idea that law is to be respected only when it falls'in with the ruling influences in cor porate policy. The long-and-short-haul clanse has been so far the chief restraint upon these rail roads from thoroughly cutting each other's throats upon through business. Their much boasted combinations, professedly to enforce the law, but actually formed with the purpose of eluding it, have proved en tirely futile in keeping the railroads from engaging in those wars which are the neces sary outgrowth of the combination policy. But the fact that if they reduce through rates to ruinous levels, they must do the same, to a certain extent, upon local rates, has been a healthy restraint upon them. Inasmuch as this rule causes the traffic from St. Paul and Minneapolis to take a direct route to the seaboard, instead of taking the more circuitous route by way of Chicago, it Is decreed by the railway combination that the law shall be disregarded, and that the lines shall enter upon the career of slashing through rates and making the local traffic support them in their struggle. From such features as these it would ap pear that the present is an especially good juncture to try whether the law is equalin authority to the edicts ot combined corpo rations. The German navy has bombarded and occupied Tanga in East Africa. "What right the Germans have there is not very clear; but we presume that the spread of civilization requires them to burn and seize the villages which in our nomenclature are called savage. A pitiful tale of fleeting greatness comes from Washington to the effect that Congressman John R, Thomas, of Illinois, has not got anything. Only a short time ago Congressman Thomas attained that pinnacle of getting a clause inserted in the appropriation bills that one of the naval vessels was to be built according to plans furnished by him. And yet Mr. Thomas has not even got the consulate which Bos wfll G. Horr rejects with such scorn. Verily, it seems as if republics or adminis trations must be ungrateful for the honor which Mr. Thomas does them in asking for an office. With regard to the authorship of the "Arthur Bichmond" letters Gail Hamilton continues to observe a silence that speaks volumes. The internal evidence of a pecu liar genius ior scolding declares to that literary female: "Thou art the man." Tiie report that during a hot debate in the French Chamber, the utterances of one orator evoked from the other side the cry "To the river with him," makes it necessary to firmly remark that the idea of cleansing representative bodies by throwing legis lators into the rivers, must not be trans ferred to this country. The purity of our water courses must be maintained. The Governor who is pursuing the task of having the prize fighters punished, has by his first record of letting them get away from his jurisdiction, established his title of Governor of Miss. It appears to be determined that the French Chamber of Deputies is not going to authorize the payment of 5110,000 for Mil let's "Angelus." Ths French legislators appear to have some idea of the actual values of art, and no idea at all of paying a fortune just for the notoriety of the thing. The Allegheny baseball team appears to have found the culture of Boston too strong ior it. Weather prophet Devoe is reported as declaring that from the 15th to the 18th of this month there will be cool weather. This is calculated to restore Devoe's popularity if it were net for the unfortunate fact that his prediction of cool weather is most like ly to usher in a scorcher. PEOPLE OP FfiOMINENCB. The daughters of Julian Hawthorne are named Hildegarde, Gwendolen, Gladys, Beat rice and Imogen. The grave of Mrs. John Tyler overlooks the James river and is within a lew steps oi the grave ot President Monroe, Miss Mary Wanamaker, eldest daughter or tuo Postmaster General, will next fall make her first appearance in society at Washington. Kino Kalakatja of the Sandwich Islands is still trying to borrow money. The total sum of bis present ilchfs is one crown rather the worse for wear. Private Secretary Halvord says that President Harrison devotes 72 hours every week to tho public business, and gives only five hours to the office seekers. William H. English, of Indianapolis, led., the Democratic nominee for the Vice Presidency of tho United States in 1SS0, is at present employing his leisure time In writing a history of his State. Mr. English is one of tbe wealthiest citizens of Indianapolis. William Hatden Edwards, the new Consul General at Berlin, who was raised with the Grant family, was at one time regarded as the future husband of Miss Nellie (Mrs. Sar toris), and whatever romance there was in the, affair is said to have tept him a bachelor. Superintendent of Census Pouter says that no more applications for positions in tbe Census Bureau will be considered, and no more appointments made except those already de cided upon, until after September L There are to be 175 supervisors appointed, and each supervisor will have the selection of about 800 enumerators. Dr. vox Buelow was recently asked to con duct tbe performance of an operetta which he considered worthless. He declined, but went to tbe show and occupied a conspicuous seat. What rendered him more conspicuous was tbe fact that he was attired in deepest mourning. That staff," he said, meaning the operetta, "is being buried, and I am attending its fu neral." Jons L. Sullivan's fatber takes great in terest in tbe fistic achievements of bis young hopeful. He proudly asserts that his early training made the champion what he Is. "When bo was a mere lad," says Sullivan the elder, "I told blm never to let anybody impose upon him. 'If a bigger boy bits you, John,' I said, 'never mind his size. Remember that the O'Sullivans never retreat, and try to be always worthy of your blood.' John was always in difficulties as a boy, and often knocked outlads twice his size. He's a son to be proud of, I tell you." SOME EEC0EDS WASTED. The Offlclal Documents Relating to tbe Bat tle ot Cblcknmangn. Washington, July 11 Major George H. Davis, in charge of tbe publication of the war records, has made up a list of those regiments and batteries from which no official reports of the battle of Chickamauga have been received. As the volumes covering this period are now being pnt in type be is very anxious to secure such of these originals as may be In private bands, or such copies as were made from the originals and which can be vouched for as cor rect. If those having' such reports will send them to Major Davis, at the War Department, they will be copied and returned, it It is so de sired, and tbe reports will then appear in the forthcoming volumes. Nothing but originals or fully authenticated copies can be used. " Of Union commands tbe following are missing: Illinois Infantry Nineteenth, Twenty-second, Twentv-fourth. Twenty-nflh, Thirty-fifth. Thirty-sixth. Forty-second. Forty-fourth, ifllty flrst. Seventy-third, Seventy-fourth, jjchty elghth. One Hundred and Tentb and One Hun dred and fifteenth. Artillery rirst. Second and the Chicago Board of Trade Battery. Indiana infantry Tentlu Fifteenth. Fortieth. Forty second. Fifty-seventh, sixty-eighth. Seventy-fifth, Elghiy-nr&t, Eighty-second. Eighty-fourth. K ghty-seventh. lOghty-eightn. One Hundred and First. Artillery-fenth. Cavalry-Third. Ken-tucky-lnfantry-Fourth. Tenth. Tlfteeuth. Cavalry-Second. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth. Michi gan infantry Eleventh and Twelfth. Cavalry iourth. Ohio-Third. Fifth. Mnth. Fourteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth. Thirty-first. Thlrty-slxtl- Thirty-eighth, Fortieth, Sixty-ninth. Ninety-seventh, Ninety-eighth, One Hundred and Flftii. One Hundred and Fifteenth, One Hundred and Twenty-first. Artillery First, Sixth. Eighteenth. Cavalry Third and Fourth. Pennsylvania Infantry Seven ty-eventh. Seventy-eighth and beven(y-nlnth. Cavalry Seventh. Regulars Cavalry Fourth, Wisconsin in fantry First. Twenty-flrst and Fifteenth. Ar-tlllery-EightU. Of Confederate commands the following reports are missing: Arkansas Infantry, Twenty-fifth; cavalry. Third, First and Second mounted rifles: artillery, Wlcglns' battery. Kentucky Cavalry, becoud and Third. "Louisiana--Infantry, Fourth; cavalry. First and Grcenleafs: artillery. Moody's battery, LegarUeiir's, Robinson's. Tennessee In fantry. Third, Tenth. Thirtieth, Thirty-third. Forty-first and Fiftieth: cavalry, First, Second Fourth, Fifth. Sixth. Eighth, Mnth. Tenth, Eleventh, Eighteenth. Clark's and White's: art 11 lerv. First. Carnes' batterv. Meabane's. Ilaxter'a. Hugglns' Morton's and Huwald's. Texas In fantry, Seventh and Ninth: cavalry. Eighth, Tenth. Eleventh. Fourteenth and Thirty-second. Mississippi Inrantry, Thirteenth, Seventeenth, Twentv-flrst, and Founds' Sharpshooteis: artil lery. Stanford's battery and Darden's. Missouri Artillery, lsarrctt's battery. UNCLE BAH A POOR PAYMASTER. Good Stenographers Decline to Work at the Government's Bates. rEFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THI DI8PATCB.1 Washington, July It The Government is having some dlfflcultr obtaining good steno graphers. The fact is, that while tbe Govern ment work in the departments is compara tively light, the remuneration is light, too; and good stenographers prefer to work where they can obtain better compensation, even at the expense ot a little more exertion. The amount to be paid for piece work by tbe committees ot Congress is fixed by law, and tbe amount fixed is so small compared with the amount paid to stenographers elsewhere, that it is with great, difficulty that good stenographers are obtained. There is a great deal of stenographic work done for the committees of Congress during the session. The greatest piece of work done during tbe last Congress was the taking of testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance connected with the tariff question. Tbe stenographer's bill, which the Senate paid In the tariff, investigation, was more than 53.CXJ0. Tbe results of the work of the committee will not be appreciated fully until Mr. Durfee, tbe committee's clerk, sball have completed tbe compilation of tho testimony on which be is now engaged. But in spite of tbe large amount expended on this work tbe stenographer who undertook tbe contract's fulfillment says 'that he would not renew it. The price which the Senate commit tees are permitted to pay is 1 23 per page. The regular pay for stenographic work is 23 cents a. folio, which will average 11 50 a page at least, with a prospect of doubling this, where legal work is done, by furnishing extra copies of the testimony. Even this is small pay, com pared with what stenographers received a few years ago. Then the rate paid was 13 50 a page. Tbe market is very well stocked- with first-class stenographers though, and the price of labor-has sought a lower level. The Senate reporting is done by Dennis Mur phy, who takes It on contract for 25,000, and employs his own assistants. He is popularly supposed to save about 515,000 a year out of this. Mr. Murphy is ouo of tbo best steno graphers in the United States. Tbe House of Representatives claims the blue-ribbon opera tors, though. Tbe work In the House amid tbe babel of tomrues, ill-beard In that great hall, is far more difficult than the work'oi the Senate. APTEE AMERICAN OIL. Russian Steamers Came to Philadelphia to Securo American Petrjlenm. (Philadelphia, July It The fight between the Rothschilds, tbe owners of the Russian oil wells at Batnum, and the Russian Government over the right to build a pipe line from the oil wells to the Black Sea, has driven a fleet of tank steamships to Philadelphia to secure car goes of the American product. Tbe steamship Persian Prince arrived Thursday to load at the Schuylkill refineries for the continent of Europe. The Prince will be followed by the Darwin, Kosbeck, El Barge and the Circassian Prince, all tankers, which have for several jears past been running to Russia. Tbe dealers in tbe Russian oils were led to believe that the pipe lines would'be built a year ago, and on thcsC assurances a fleet of steamers was chartered, which has been con tinually added to until tbe tonnage exceeds tbo oil putont, and vessels were forced to go elsewhere lor business. Tbe railroad which brings the oil to the sea board is owned by tbe Russian Gorernmant. which fears If the pipe line Is laid tbe railway will be ruined, as tho passenger traffio amounts to notmng. THE PKESIDENT'S HOME. Agitation for the Erection of a Private Residence for tbe Executive Tbo White House Unhealthy x-Gav. Fletcher's isolation of tbe Mormon Problem. 1 correspondence Of the dispatch. 1 Washjnoton, July 13. During the absence Of the Harrison family from Washington this summer, there will be few changes made in the Executive Mansion, although there is general complaint from all of those who occupy it con cerning Its mallness and tbe wretched con dition of its plumbing. If "Baby" McKee, the most important member of tho Executive household next to the President, should have malaria or typhoid fever, or any other one of a dozen dangerous ills, bis sickness would be attributed, and doubtless with some justice, to the imperfect sanitation of tbe White House. Washington is natnralty an unhealthy town, although you will never persuade a Washing tonian to admit It; and Washington people find it necessary to take every precaution to avoid malaria and its attendant liver troubles. They cannot afford to take any chances on defective plumbing. It was to escape tbe malaria for which Washington is famous, that Mrs. Har rison was anxious to get jnto the mountains for the summer. A Prlvnto Residence for the President. Tbe result of the agitation of tbe condition of the White House will be a revival In the next Congress of the discussion of a question which has been before a great many Congresses without decisive action the proposition to build a private residence for tho President, reserving tbe present Executive Mansion ex clusively for executive business. The most frequent proposition has been to erect a chateau upon a site to be purchased outside' tbe city that is, to carry out the Cleveland idea on a more extended scale and at the public ex pense. Every time tbat this proposition has been considered it has been found tbat there was a real estate deal behind it and it has therefore been given little consideration by Congress. Another proposition and one which has met with much favorable consideration in the past is for the extension of the' present building. It has been proposed to construct another building, almost a duplicate ot tbe present Mansion, to the south and adjoining it, to be connected with it by a broad corridor which would form a porte cocbere and an exit for the guests who throng tbe White House parlors at public receptions. At present, when ever a public reception is held, it is necessary to build a temporary bridgo from one of the windows and to use that as an exit. Tbe plan for an official residence, which was favorably reported to tbe Senate in 183.' and again In 1SS8, is a net scheme of Senator Mor rill. "For executive offices and public use ex clusively this will preserve tbe present Execu tive Mansion as it stands," said Senator Morrdl in his report to tbe Senate, "and the simplicity and elegance of its palladian style of architect ure will only be modified by being repeated in snch a manner as to give emphasis and addi tional character to tbe whole structure: Even the admirable semi-circular colonnade now on tno south front will be preserved by being transferred to the south front of tbe new build ing, where it will present the same graceful ap pearance It does now. Tho present charming and very ample site will be further utilized without any additional cost -for grading or planting, or for any other improvement or sur roundings save some changes of roadways. The site is near the summit of an elevation gently sloping toward the Potomac, and its attractive features its tree-clad knolls have long been noted for their great natural beauty. It belongs to tne people, ana its great merits, as wnen nrst pointed oat by Washington, still stand unri valed." Just Like Other Monarch. In his report Senator Morrill called attention to tbe fact that the crowned heads of European nations all have two or more residences. The Queen of Great Britain has five or six. Tbe King of Italy bas a palace in almost every city of bis kingdom. Tbe Emperors of Russia, Germany and Austria lire in the greatest pomp in castles of enormous cost. .Louis XT, and Napoleon ILL exhausted France by their lavish expenditures on public buildings. Palaces are un-American institutions, ana a proposition to establish a palace or even a residence of great cost for the President of the United States wonld meet with very general criticism and al most unanimous disapproval. The best proof of this is found in the fact that tbe scheme for extending at comparatively small cost the pres ent Executive mansion met wih the disap proval of Congress. It remains to be seen what a Republican Congress will do now that tbe complaint comes from a Republican President, It would be impossible to complete such a building as is proposed within tbe term of President Harrison, bnt in the event of his re election it would be a pleasant thing for bim to have a residence built on plans agreed upon during his first term and approved by htm. Sirs. Adams' Opinion. It is interesting to read at this time tbe de scription of tbe White House which Mrs. John Adams wrote in 1600. It was occupied in 1800 for the first time. It was begun In 1792 and was fashioned after the plan of the palace of the Duke of Leinster. Jefferson, the exponent of simplicity, favored a more elaborate and or nate structure. When President Adams moved into the White House in 1800 his wife wrote tbat It was on a grand and acperb scale; but that bells were wholly wanting, tbat wood was not to be bad, although tbe place was sur rounded with forests; tbat they could not use coal because tbey could not get grates, and tbat the great unfinished audience room tbey used as a drying room to bang clothing in. But she thought the situation "beautiful and capa ble of every Improvement.' ' The engineer officer Who reported on the con dition ot tbe bonse In 1882, said: "The present mansion is old and dilapidated: its floors are sunken, its basement is covered with mold and infested with .vermin, which it is Impossible to exterminate. Whatever of tbe modern conve niences have "been introduced partako of tbe nature of patchwork, and are, at tbe best, greatly inadequate for the health and comfort of its occupants." How to Settle the Mormon Question. Ex-Governor Thomas C. Fletcher, of Mis souri, has been here for some time looking after some land business before the Depart ment of tbe Interior. Durlug his stay. Gov ernor Fletcher has called at tbe White House to see tbe President In relation to some Mis souri appointments, for Governor Fletcher is one of the most prominent Republicans In the State from which be comes, and be was thought at one time to be tbe mostnromlncnt candidate for tbe position of Indian Commissioner. While discussing the policy of tbe administration. Governor Fletcher made a proposition to the President for the solution of .the Mormon Suestion, which was prononnced by Senator ullom, who heard it, tho most practical sug gestion ever-made In relation to the matter. He said to the President: "Send a man to Utah who will develop the Territory; who will ad vertise Its agricultural and mineral resonrces and induce immigration. The only way you will crush out Mormonlsm altogether in Utah Is to fill up tbe Territory with a Gentile popu lation which will out-vote the Mormons. Utah bas the making of a great Territory and in time of a great State. As long as the Mormons hold tne oaiance ot power, nowever, its develop ment will be retarded." "Well, will yon undertake the task of de veloping It?" said the President. "I will If you will give me my own men to assist me," answered Governor Fletcher: "but with the minor offices In tho Territory filled by men who have lived for years among the Mor mons, and who are in sympathy with them, it would be impossible to carry out my ideas." The President replied tbat the policy of the party was to fill the Territorial offices with men who were residents of tbe Territories, ".Tills rnle will not apply to you," he continued, "but it would have to be enforced in filling the rn'i or offices." Then the President told the nol known story ot Sheridan's defeat of Early. Sheridan came to Meade, who was In command ot the Army of tbe Potomac, and said to bim: "Early is lust over the river, and I think I can whip him." General Meade stated tbat this would interfere with some of bis plans. Bat Sheridan itched to get at Early, and shortly after ho came to General Sherman and re peated his proposition to him. "Early is over tUre," be said, "and I think I can whip out of bim." "Why don't you do it tbenT" said Sherman; and Sheridan went In and did it. The Presi dent thought this was a good illustration of Governor Fletcher's position although In telling tbo story he left out tbo most char acteristic part of tbe illustration. General Sheridan's profanity. "That's a good story," said Governor Fletcher, "but it is not a good illustration. You see Sheridan knew bis men. You ask me to go to Utah with a lot of captains and lieu tenants I am not at all sure or." So it is alto gether likely the Utah problem will not be solved in tbo way suggested by Governor Fletcher. O'Brien-Bain. A Cariosity In Rending. From the Harnsburg Telegraph. They have discovered a river under theclty of Reading, and the most remarkable thing about it is that it is a river of water. Now, if it was a river of beer gossip could account for it, and no doubt find its source in a leaking vault. But where water can come from in Reading, that, knocks him out. Not Minctlnnrd br Custom. From fie McIIenry (HI.) I'lalndcaler.l "While traveling on a Western trip Jay Gould once drew a check for several millions on the back of an envelope." This drawing checks for several millions on the back of an envelopo while traveling is not business-like. Wo never do it. S1M0X CAMERON'S KINDNESS. How lie Befriended a Man la Pecuniary Trouble nnd What Cams of It. Hew York Mall and Express. Christopher L. Magee, tbe well-known Re publican leader in Pittsburg and Allegheny county, Pa is In the- city and will start for a four or five months' trip to Europe in a few days. The late Simon Canieron was fond of Mr. Magee. and tbe latter often visited him at Harrlsburg. A Jlfail and: Exprest reporter beard Mr. Mageo relate some Incidents In the life of the ex-Secretary of War that point a strong moral. One of them was as follows: When ithe ex-Senator was a banker years ago ' there came a very severe winter. Rivers were frozen up and lumbermen who depended upon rafting their timber were tied np by tho ice. A man from Bradford county bad started to market with lumber, and bad got as far as Middletown with it. He could not sell bis lumber for anything like be ex pected, and he was literally tied up. All of bis calculations for tbe future were upset. He had bought land in Bradford county, and the sale of tbe lumber was to make tbe first pay ments. Ruin stared blm in tbe face. Every day be would wander down to the river and look at his raft in silent dejection. One day Simon Cameron happened lone, got Into conver sation with tbe man and heard his story. It impressed him. as well as tbe sincerity of tbe man. "Don't be downcast; maybe we can. ar range it so you can make jour payments promptly," cheerily spoke Mr. Cameron. The stranger did not know him, and replied tbat be had tried every way to meet his first payments. Nobodv wonld advance blm money on his timber", and altogetberthe outlook was gloomy. " Well. I'll trust you," said tbe ex-Scnator, and invited him to go to his bank, where he gave him the money. The man was aston ished and gratified, and finally said: "Mr. Cameron. I have no security to give you." Oh, tbat does not matter: your timber may be worth something after awhile, maybe," was the reply. The man returned to Brad ford, paid his debts and prospered. Some years afterward the citizens of Bradford county met in convention, and among other thlntrs had to indorse a candidate for the United States 8enatorshIp. Tbe county was strongly anti-Cameron, and bad been for a long tune. A set of resolutions wera offered in tbe convention declaring against Cam eron, and instructed ..the delegates when chosen to vote against him first, last and all tbe time. Tho resolutions were about to be put and carried unanimously, wben a fine looking man, evidently a man of means and importance, arose. He said tbat be knew tbe convention was in favor of tbe resolutions and tbat donbtless tbey would be carried without any opposition, but that ho felt it bis duty to protest against tbe adoption of tbo resolutions. Tbe convention was hushed with astonishment to bear that one man conld be found in Bradford county to support Simon Cameron for the Senate. In a simple, unaf fected way, the protestor related the story of tbe man whom Cameron befriended in time of need, and closed by saying tbat he was the man. One delegate got up and said: "Wby , don't you offer a substitute amendment, in serting the name of Simon Cameron to be voted for instead of against T" The snbititute amendment was offered, and the entire conven tion voted for it. From tbat time Bradford county has been strong for Cameron. To illustrate tbe affection tbat tbe ex-Senator bad for his son. Senator Don Cameron, Mr. Magee said the old gentleman a year or so ago fell and hurt himself so tbat he was con fined to bed for several days. He wished the fact of his being hnrt kept a secret from his son, because the latter, who was then In Wash ington, had had some kind of an operation per formed, and ba thought the news might retard his recovery. A CHILD SWALLOWS $20. A Wlikcsbarro Babe Eats Up Its Father's Weekly Salary. Wilkesbaeee, July It Yesterday Christo pher Bates, an employe ot the Woodward mines, received his pay, and going home gave his little child a $20 gold piece to play with, thinking it wr s too large to get Into its mouth. In 20 minntes the gold piece was stuck in the child's throat. The grandmother of tbe baby hastily picked up the sufferer and endeavored to extract the coin, but utterly failing in this and believing tbe child to be dying, she pushed tbe money down. Upon the arrival ot the physician the child was found manifesting no symptoms of injury, but grave doubts are held as to tbe result of the accident and the case is to be watched very closely. TKI-STATE TRIPLES. A scheme for hatching partridges for stock ing Montgomery county. Pa., is to be put in operation by tbe Game Protective Association of tbat county, The eggs will bebongbtin large quantities and batched In artificial Incu bators. Miss Gertrude Pattos, of Cochranton, Pa., has been elected a teacher in the Govern ment school at Sitka, Alaska, and starts for tbat place about September 1. A sister of Miss Patton, Miss Lizzie, taught at Sitka until ber marriage to a business man of that place, and another sister. Miss Cassia, is now teach ing there. A citizen of North East, Pa., made actual measurement last week, and found that his corn grew between four and five inches in 24 hours. He drove stakes in tho ground, stretched up the longest leaf, and marked the stake. The next morning showed the growth stated. Ik a Congregational church near Altoona Sunday evening, just as the choir had finished the first verse of a hymn, a sudden gust blew in at the open window, extinguisning every light. The lamps were relighted, and the 'dominie turned purple with a suppressed smile as he gave out the Becond verse: "Come, light serenel and still our utmost bosoms fill." Mr. Frank Shallop, of Linfield, Mont gomery county, Pa., was hiving a swarm of bees, and to prevent being stnng he tied a quantity of mosqult" netting about his head, la bis efforts to hive the bees he used a smothered fire to smoke tbem. and by some means the netting about his face caught fire, and burned him painfully before it could be torn off. A FEW days ago a lady of Kingston, Luzerne connty. Pa., killed two snakes which she found in her front yard, and carrying out an old idea, burnt the remains "so that no more would come." Friday her laundress, having hung out a wash, thrust her hand into a bag of clothespins that lay upon the ground and clutched a clammy object that squirmed. Her yell brought help, and tbe snake was killed with an ax. A practicing physician writes to a Greens burg paper: "A lady visited my offlco to-day with a babe 6 weeks old having two teeth, which she says that tho child brought with it into the world. Upon examination I found two teeth in the lower jaw, well formed but loose, where the deciduous incisors first make tbelr appearance in six or eight months after birth. I' removed the teeth with a pair of small forceps, and upon examination I found tbey have the general appearance of the declduons incisors when removed to give room for the permanent teeth. We read in history Viat King Richard the Third was born with teeth. But this is certainly a unique casein our day and generation." A Steubenvillk young man was calling on a young lady a couple of nights since, wben she proposed making ice cream, a favorite dish of his. Everything being ready, he began to revolve tho freezer, and kept it up, with breath ing spells, till 1 o'clock, but no croam resulted. Investigation followed, when the Inexperienced miss discovered'that sho had put buttermilk In the freezer. Mb. H. F. HaiiAn. of Meadville, thus tells of a battle in Kebort Run between a monster blacksnake and a large yellow sucker a foot long: "Tbe snake bad the fish by the head, and the fish fairly foamed the water in its struggle to get off. I got a pitchfork, and after several jabs I succeeded in getting one of tbe tines through tbe serpent's body, wben he loosened his grip and the fish swam slowly away. I killed the snake, which measured fully four feet" Miss Nan Gilchrist, of Wllkcsbarre, saw what she supposed was a large green leaf lying on ber bedroom carpet. On approaching the object It straightened out and developed into along glittering-eyed snake. Tbe young lady called the family. Tbe snake disappeared, however, and although it has been seen several times around tbe house, it has got away. It Is supposed that there Is a nest of them in a Virginia creeper which adorns the side oi tho house. Henbt WliES, of Charleston, W. Vs., turned over bis pillow tbe other morning on arising and found a rattlesnake colled up under It and quietly sleeping.'!. " HOW TO KEEP COOL. Eminent Physicians Give TJInts and Advico for Hot Weather Take Things Easy and Avoid the San Harmful and Wholesome Food and Drink. The great question just now Is how to keep cool and healthy. "You want to know bow to keep cool and Jicalthy this warm weather, do you V repeated Dr. W. A. Hammond, the Jamous physician, with a pleasant smile, as be stood in tbe lobby ot his magnificent sanitarium at Mount Pleas ant. "Well, come in," and a Washington Foit re porter was ushered into a neat, bnt handsome room, where the celebrated practitioner, wear ing a thin black alpaca coat, took one seat and motioned his visitor to another. The blinds were closely drawn, and the sun's rays, scorch ing everything that came In its reach outside, failed to penetrate the apartments. "To return to your question," began the doctor, "first of all. I should say, keep calm. Keep tbe mind per fectly tranquil. Nothing beats a man np quicker than getting excited or worried. Busi ness cares and troubles should be laid aside as far as Is possible If a man desires' comfort and freedom from beat. Look at me," be con tinued. "A few minutes ago I was much warmer than I am at present. I had business to look after. Now I am calm and tranquil and my mind is more at ease. I am cooler (be certainly looked so) than I was, solely on that account, as there has been no change whatever in the temperature. The mind and the body, you see, are very closely connected. What affects one affects the other. "One should avoid tbe sun also. The Ameri can people do not know how to live comfort ably in warm weather. Residents in tropical climates have tbe art to perfection. During tbe heat oi the day, when the sun is shining down with almost unbearable Intensity, they remain indoors. They also keep their shutters closed and their houses thoroughly darkened. This makes it much cooler. The Americans live with everything wide open, allowing tbe sun to pour in; and in addition to tbis are not satisfied without heating up tbelr rooms to a high temperature with gas at night. In ad dition to Keeping tbe mind at rest andavolding tbe sun, the pores of tbe skin should be kept thoroughly open and the bowels free and In good condition." Drinks Tbnt Cause Dyspepsia. "What about the custom of drinking cooling drinks, soda water and other beverages?" "The practice is so injurious that it has proved the canse of a good deal of tbe dyspep sia for which tbo people of this country are noted. The Americans are tbe greatest guz zlers on earth. They are not satisfied without drinking continually. The amount of soda water and other cooling drinks tbat Is con sumed in a summer is exceedingly large, and works Injury in this way: Water cbarged with carbonic acid gas can bo cooled down to nearly 32 degrees without freezing. Such liquid taken Into tbe stomach reduces its normal tempera ture and prevents digestion. The secretions are stopped, and tbe food is compelled to re main undigested and in a fermented state until tbe temperature Is raised. In this way tbe di gestion is impaired and dyspepsia produced, and yet many of the drug stores, I believe, bavo signs claiming to keep the coldest drinks to be found. The cooler the drinks are, above a cer tain limit, tbe more Injurious they are." Splrltnons Liquors Harmful. "How about the necessity of abstaining from spirituous liquors in the hot weather?" "There is no question that drinking beer or liquor of any kind tends to increase the tem perature of the body, but people do not always do tbat which they may think Is best for them, or what they ought to do. A person may say to bimself, for instance, 'this glass of cham pagne may make me a little warmer, but what ever discomfort I suffer in this way will be more than counterbalanced by the exhilara tion I shall experience.' " "You say the American people are tbe great est guzzlers in the world, how are they as eaters?" "I do not know that they eat any more than other people, but they are unquestionably the worst of cooks." "How about diet for the summer?" "I do not tblnk people should abstain from eating, particularly. Tbey should eat what is in season." Hot Weather Diet. ' Dr.T. W, Clark, late of Baltimore, said: "There are various devices for keeping cool. Above all a person should abstain from drink, lng intoxicating liquors. If he must drink, let him take beer or light wines tbat contain little or no alcohol. A good reform that might be in stituted here would be for the patrol wagons to carry around ice witb them. Because man's breath smells of alcohol it does not follow, by any means, tbat be Is intoxicated, and the timely application of a little Ice to the head of a man overcome by tbe beat, whether he is in,. loxicateu or not, lias aavea a great many lives. The method his. been tried in New York witb success. It is useless to send for a physician when tbe man is dead. It is the duty of tha police, I take It, to save life as well as preserve the public peace, and I throw this out as a sug gestion for what It is worth. But, to continue, a person should eat less. Meat once a day although such diet might not please the butch ersis sufficient. Two Meals Enough. "Much less food is required in the summer than in tho winter. Two meals a day are enough, and they should be light. Tbe lunch rooms and dairies, are excellent things. Milk, as is known, contains lots of nutrition, and a' mug of milk and a biscuit or two makes a flrst rate lunch. In the way of dress a flannel sbirt is one of the best things to wear to keep cool, flannsl being a great absorber of heat. Light, well-ventilated bats should also be worn. Ice water Is good if drunk witb discretion. It makes a person perspire more freely and opens tbe poies of the skin. But, of course, each per son must conduct bimself, in a large measure, according to his own constitution." "First of all," said anotber physician, "a per son ought. Id tbe summer, to rise early, exer cise with tight dumb-bells, take a bath, eat a light breakfast, and follow it witb a little rest, if only for 15 minutes. Excessive activity should be avoided throughout tbe day. At noon a plain lunch should be followed by an hour's rest. Tbe dinner In the evening should be the substantial meal of the day." What to Eat for Lunch.' "What diet do you particularly recom mend?" "No fixed rule can be given. For a busy man a plain diet is by far the best a breakfast of hominy or oatmeal witb cream, bread, but ter, and fresh fruit, with either cocoa, coffee, tea or milk. Luncb, bread, butter, a little fruit, with cold lemonade, tea, or bread, and milk alone Is sufficient. Dinner should consist mainly of vegetables. Meat should be eatn sparingly and only once a day. Fruit, if fresh, is excellent. Owing to the dampness of tbe season berries have not matured In a normal manner. They are much j uicier than is natural, consequently they decay more rapidly. Tbe doctors have probably realized more from the raspberry crop this year than the planters. Tho Porest and Best Drink. "prinking large quantities of liquids is es pecially injurious. Lemon juice, added to melted ice water, not ice cold, or tbe carbonated waters, furnishes about the purest and most wholesome drink for quenching tbe thirst." "What class of clothing do you consider best?" "Tbe loosely woven woolen goods which have come Into snch general use in recent years are unquestionably tbe best, not only for comfort, but from a hygienic standpoint. The under wear should be of cotton or thin woolen fabric" LOVE'S GUISsES. O, love, he is a bandit bold. Who blazes It by daytime. Thro shower and shine, thro' beat and cold. On Life's highways! But Life's bywaysl Be chooses for bis playtime: His arrow flics From wbero be lies, Beneath the rose In Maytime. O, Love, he Is a pirate rare. Who prowls abroad for pillage! He sails the oceans of the air Agog for prey: Or young, or gray, No toller at his tillage. No titled dame But knows his name, Do verdant vale or village. O, Love, he Is an arrant knave, ". Who ploughs Life's seas for plunder! Was ever one that trolled a stare So merrily. So cheerily, "Who wrought such havoc under Tbe sun and stars 'Spile bolts and bars Such wicked wight, I wonder? O, Love, he Is a robber wretch I N or tears, nor prayers can move html The proudest carry and they fetch For hlm-they go And come, as tho' There were no power above him; A tricksy thief. Who brings us grief. Is Love, yet all men love him I O, Love, he Is so cruel kind, ' Wc love blm while we doubt hlral O, Lore is beautiful, tho' Mind! Fond hearts may break For bis dear sake. Philosophers may flout blm. , But, pray, how would? Now, say or could The world go on without him? ' '"" 1 Bolton Qlobe. A GREAT KEWSPAPEE. Brief Summary ei Lending; Featares of Yesterday's Donble ri amber. Reading matter enough to fill a good sized volume, of tbe freshest and most Interesting cbaracter, was contained in the lo-page Dis patch of yesterday. All the Important news, domestic and foreign, was .presented in attrac tive form. Choice literature, from the pens of noted writers, and tbe various departments, full of newsy and entertaining matter, helped to fill 128 columns witb Information of interest and valuo to young and old. It was a great newspaper In every sense ot the word. L London is enjoying tbe society of the Shah of Persia. The English are entertained, but tbe Shah is bored. Tbe taxpayers of Great Britain are' grumbling loudly because they must pay the bills for tbe coming marriage in tbe royal family. Browning has written a poem in which ne takes to task a roan who spoke disparagingly of the late Mrs. Browning. English politics are lively. Churchill's deter mination to run for the House of Commons bas aroused the opposition to renewed activity. Switzerland has replied defiantly to the de mands of Bismarck, who has been forced to modify his plans. Tbe Chancellor Is trying new methods of retaliation. Tbe Empress of Austria has become a Catholic Minor gossip by cable contained much tbat was interesting Governor Heaver estimates that 2,500,000 bas been used for the Johnstown sufferers and for cleaning up the town. His cash fund reached nearly 1,100,000, and of this 1700,000 has been expended In charitable work. Tbe citizens of the borough held a meeting and passed resolu tions against the withholding of funds, and claiming tbat Johnstown people themselves should disburse the-funds, Sullivannd Kil raln are in hiding, and their friends are mak ing earnest efforts to prevent an arrest. The Braidwood strikers were attacked by a Sheriff's guard and several men Injured. New York Anarchists celebrated tbe centennial anni versary of the fall of the Paris Bastlle. The Otis Iron and Steel Company, of Cleveland, has been sold to an English syndicate. Prof. Geslle, of tbe State Geological Survey, thinks that the Pennsylvania oil fields will soon be exhausted. Tbe trouble at Homestead is practically at an end, as a result of a conference between Amal gamated Association officials and representa tives of Carnegie. Phipps &. Co. A new scale is proposed and likely to be agreed to. Three men were killed and two Injured while trying to clean ont the sewer at the red pond on Soho street, Joseph McCarty, William Bailey and Andrew McGregor are tbe names of the miss ing men, who are supposed to be dead. Fatber M. Carroll, who has returned from tbe Holy Land, cafe a Dispatch reoorter some account of his travels. T. D. Messier, a well-known Pennsylvania Railroad official, was stricken with paralysis and is in a critical condition. Plttsbnrg spiritualists have obtained a charter for a church. Local undertakers and physi cians are discussing a new project for disposing of tbe dead. It is proposed to erect mauso leums and dry the bodies by a system of air draughts. Tbe Pittsburgh were defeatodby the Bostons, 0 to t Amatenr nines played several interest ing games. Englisb turfmen are paying enormously high prices for race horses. The sporting news in general was unusually full and interesting. n. "A Dead Man's Vengeance." by Edgar Faw cett, a complete story, was a leading feature of tbe second part. It was one of this popnlar writer's best productions. Under tbo title of "A Modern Pharaoh," Frank G. Carpenter de scribed tbe home life of tbe Kbedire of Egypt, and gavo an interesting account of bis system of government. Katnera portrayed in exquisite style the amusements at fashionable Newport. Shirley Dare discussed tbe social situation and told wby marriage is becoming uupopular in New York. Ror. George Hodges gave an able sermon on death and the resurrection. Blakely Hall gave a faithful picture of the Prince of Walej, and told how tbe heir to the throne passes his time. Correspondence from various summer resorts contained much inter esting gossip about PIttsburgers who are away from home. M. M. Dilke, in a letter from Lon don, discussed the political influence of tbe wires of English statesmen. "Everyday Science." as usual, was full of useful informa tion. Clara Belle's chat. Berry Wall's paper "How a Duae Dresses," iteinricn's fairytale, of an Trish fair, Belra Lockwood's letter from Uermany, ii. M.'s sketcnes 01 norma me, ana a paper on fishing, were other excellent ar ticles. A BIG TASK COMPLETED. A Man Succeeds In Rending tbe Dictionary Through la 17 Years. Fhilaselfhia, July It Dr. Joseph Taylor, ot Kennett, has just completed a task which he started to' perform 17 years and 6 months ago. He has read Webster's Unabridged Dic tionary from cover to cover, and says it was a great relief wben be closed the big book. Tbe doctor says be never heard of but one other man doing the same thing, and he lived in Georgia. , 1 One Head Qnite Enough. From tbe Chicago Herald.l If that two-headed girl who was born tbe other day in Tipton county, Indiana, lives the allotted period of human existence she will die an old maid. No man will be foolhardy enongh to undertake the responsibility ot paying her milliner's bills. A Star ofGrrnt Magnitude. From the Philadelphia Herald.l There is a woman in the West who has been divorced eight times. Theatrical managers will find her in Indiana, and that State is ex pecting a great rush. A Souvenir. From the Philadelphia Press. J Wben "Lo" pats on bis daubs of red 'Tis for remembrance; that is clear, Bince, truthfully. It may be said To he a sort of Sfoux veneer. JOHN AND JAKB. Detroit Journal: Tha authorities shouldn't have waited until Sullivan arrived In Nash ville. He should have been arrested in Kuocks villc Philadelphia Jlecord: It has been sug. gested tbat tbe unconquerable Snlllvan's pict ure should be put on tbo 2-cent postage stamp. Then anyone could "lick him easily. Boston Herald: Mr. Jake Kdraln's objurga tory remarks concerning tbe wicked newspapers are quite in harmony With some ot the good people who have been heard from lately on tbe subject of newspapers publishing tbe news. It looks like an offensive and defensive alliance. New" York Ti'orW.' There Is a serious move ment on foot in Boston toward the nomination of John L. Sullivan for Mayor of tbat cultured center. As J ohn is the only man who has reflected any great credit on Boston fur some years there is every reason for his elevation to the Mayor alty. CHICAGO Newt: "We sincerely regret," says the good Mr. Grady, of Atlanta, "that Mr. Jake Kilralu did not wipe up about half of the State of Mississippi with Mr. John Sullivan." Mr. Grady should stop betting on prizefights. Then be will not feel so sorry if the wrong man wins. Cincinnati Commerclal-GazcUt: With our champion pugilists and their friends and body guards dodging and flying through the land, to escape officers of the law, some in full chase and others lying in wait to intercept tho fugi tives, it looks as if tbe manly art is not to re ceive tho highest encouragement in this coun try. - Boston a lobe: Extradite Sullivan? Wonld Massachusetts extradite Sullivan on a requisi tion from tbe Governor of Mirslsslppl? Well, we should say not. Wonld the United States extradite Stanley Afrlcanus on tho requisition of theJCing of Dahomey? Notmnch. If Sul livan tbe Great ever gets back to Massachu setts he will bo safe Philadelphia Inquirer: As usual, while the police and State authorities were Indus triously hunting Sullivan and Kilraln and cleverly missing tbem every time, the newspa per reporters found them whenever tbey wanted them without the slightest trouble. But then the reporters had been trained to find men, not merely to look for them. Chicago Tribune: Governor Lowry is a re vengeful man. Here Is Sullivan trying to reach tbe bedside of his sick mother and to' onibrace his a'ged father and not get drunk before ha reaches Boston, but the Mississippi Governor Is chasing him from pillar to post and forcing him to take refuge in Canada (where red liquor is plenty and cheap) as If he were a common embezzler or defaulter. . CUKI0US COHDUKSATIOSa. The Italian laborers are largely given to the quaffing of sarsaparilla and other light non-intoxicating beverages at this season of the year. Comparatively few of tbem indulge in beer or other alcohodc liquors while at work. John D. Nutting, while prospecting for garnets iu the mountains near the County House in WarTen county. N. Y.. has dis covered ore which he believes to be rich In sil ver. Ha also states that there are traces of gold and coppet in the ore. There Is consider able excitement over the discovery. A Greenland expedition has been planned for next summer. Seven men. under tbe command of an officer of the Danish Royal Navy, will leave Copenhagen In the spring, tak ing with tbem provisions sufficient for 2 years. Their definition will bo the east coast of Greenland, and thev will explore lfbe tween the degrees of CO and 73 north latitude. One of the most curious inventions Is a method for producing food for fishes, which Is tbe joint production- of two men from Switzer land. It provides two ponds and'passes the fish from tbe first pond to tbe second, allowing thq excrement to remain and develop animal-' ruix, and returning tbe fish to the first pond to feed upon tbe animalcule, while it is develop ing in the second pond. About a week ago Charles Perris, a farmer, of Sherborne, England, was out In tho mowing field when he was called bv his daugh ter to hive a swarm of bees wblch had settled in the garden. While so engaged he was se verely stung. He went into bis bouse and died in a few minutes. Wben a doctor was called it was fonnd that a bee had got into tbe man's throat and stnng itsana. a rapid swelling ensu ing, he died of suffocation. The huge organ for the Town Hall, Syd ney, has been completed In London, Its most remarkable feature is a 61-foot stop. The low est note of the stop, expressed in organ build ers language as "CCCCC." is two octaves be low the lowest C on tbe pianoforte, and, as it gives only eight vibrations in a second. It can not be perceived as a no(o at all. Its effect lies wholly in the extraordinary richness and power of its upper harmonic, by which it reinforces notes given by the higher pipes. Sergeant Haag must be looked upon as the Samson of the Jersey City police force, if the following story but does him justice: "A few days ago a pony had a cantankerous fit in front of the Fifth precinct police station, and managed to kick so hard and high tbat be straddled the shaft. Sergeant Haag stepped ont and Jifted the unruly beast bodily and drooped him gently between the shafts. Tbo surprised animal was instantly cured of bis balkiness, and has since been as docile as a lamb." A new wrinkle that broke out this week is for ladies to wear masks in the water. The masks are either black or white, and made of chamois skin. It is currently remarked tbat tbe masks are worn as a protection to the com plexions and not from a sense of prudish mod esty. Some of the wicked, so it is said, have Started pools on tbe esplanade, the bets being as to the Identity of the maskers; but this is be coming unsafe, as it is hard to unravel the se cret otwho Is below the masks. The wagers are chewing gum and bathing tickets. A peculiar case came np before tho Mayor of Gadsen, Ala., recently. A FortPayna man named Lively became "lively" and tried to blow ont tbe electric light in his room at the Johnson House. Falling to do this be picked up bis hat and knocked the lamp Into a thou sand fragments. The breaking globe made a noise like a pistol shot, and Lively thought that somebody was sbooting at bim. He rushed down stairs shooting "police" at the top of his voice, while tbe proprietor, thinking somebody had been murdered, rushed out on the front veranda andalso yelled "police." The marshal was soon on hand and arrested Lively, who tbe next morning was fined $15. The strangest canal in the world is a canal 16 miles long, between Worsely and St. Helens, in tbe north of England, and is under ground from end to end. Many years ago tbo Duke ot Bridgewater's managers thought tbey could save money by transporting tbe coal in bis mines underground instead of on the sur face. So the canal was constructed, the mines connected and drained attbe same time. Ordi nary canal boats are used, but tbe power is furnished by men. On tbe roof of the tunnel arch are cross pieces, and tbe men who do the work of propulsion lie on their backs on tbe coal and push with their feet against the cross bars on the roof. There are some queer instances of trans literation of names In the Province of Quebec A suburb of the old City of Qnebec was orig inally named Sbepherdville, after an English resident of tbe name of Shepherd. Tbe French translated tbis into BersrervIIle. which the English soon corrupted into Beggarnlle. Hope Cape was turned bv the French Into Cape d'Espoir. which the English then trans lated Into Cane Despair. Point or Cliffs first became Pointe des Monts, and was then Angli cized, first into Demon's Point and then into Devil's Point. Reindeer Lake became Lac a la Renne, which was soon corrupted by the English into Rainy Lake, and then, strange to say. was corrupted by the French into Lac a la Plule. The Shah of Persia has a museum in his palace that Is described as a curious place. "It contains jewelry and treasures of different kinds worth a fabnlous amount. The so-called Peacock Throne, carried off from Delhi 150 years ago. is alone valued at many millions. In this museum you may aUo see vases of agato in gold and lapis lazuli, said also to be worth millions: and alongside of them empty perfume bottles of European make with gandy labels, tbat can be bad at 4 cents apiece. You will see priceless mosaics and exquisitely painted cups and cans and vases which were presented by some European potentate;and side by side with them yon will notice horrible daubs, veritable 10-cent chromos, picked np no one knows bow or where. You will perceiro glass cases filled with huge heaps of rubies, diamonds, emer alds, sapphires, turquoises, garnets, topazes, beryls of all sizes and kinds, cut and uncut; , and cheek by jowl with these your eves will see 1 cheap music boxes, jewsbarps.squeaky hand or gans. The Sbab must also be In a condition to "bull" the market on peatls, for here is. for in stance, a big glass cae, 21 inches long by IS inches wide and high, which is more than half filled with pearls (mostly from the Persian Gulf fisheries) of all sizes and degrees of loveli ness." FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES. He Had Made Sacrifices. Captain (sym pathetically) You don't seem to lore tbe sea, Mr. Jones. . Seasick Passenger Well. I ought to; I've given up almost everything for it. Team Siflingt. Flies Are Absent. Miss Boston Chi cago la growing in culture. I learn from the pub lic prints. Miss Wabash. , Miss Wabash-You're dead right. When It comes to colt there's no files on us. Epoch. The reaper now is reaping From dswa till daylight fades. And In huge sheaves Is heaping The straws for lemonades. Chicago Keici. Hot the Same Thing. C Did I Under stand yoa to say that Kilraln was going .to Join the church? D. No, I-dldn't say that precisely. What I did say was tbat from now on he would be regarded as an ex-pounder. Ttxat klftingt, A Thoughtful Girl. Husband Your sis ter Jennie has run away and got married eloped. TVlfe (ralntly) What was she married Inr Unsband-Silk. Wife (relieved) Then she didn't disgrace the family after all. Whom did she marry? Harper' 1 Jiazar. "Going far, Snag?" asked Wag, as the former shot by blm on Market street yesterday morning, walking like a six-day pedestrian the first night. "Don't know, Wag." came the cheerful re sponse; "depends on that fellow you see chasing me one block back. He's my tailor." Philadel phia Inquirer, In Strange Company. Blooms Did yon notice bow embarrassed Fltzglbbons seemed at tha party last night? Crumley Tbat Is easily explainable; be was 111 at ease on account of the lady constantly by his side. Blooms Who was she? Crumley-Hiswlle. Chicago Globe. Mrs. Fkunnyman (looking np from the paper) A dog In Virginia with two tails: What a chance for a museum! M. Pbonayman Better chance for a humorous weekly. Mrs. Phnnnyman How do yon make that out? Mr. PhunnymanWhy, those two tails will make such comical wags. Philadelphia Preit. "Ma," said Young Hopeful, "I know some tops tbat are Just like tho fillies of the field." Why are they?" asked his mother. "Became tbey don't spin." "What kind of tops are they?" asked his mother. "Treetops." saidhe, ashe wheeled round on bis heel. Vet nit Journal. THE DECEPTIVE LAWN MOWER. The lawn mower in the picture Looks ethereal snd light, . , ,,V And the fair youug lady pushing It, . J. A phantom or delight. -yS And vou buy It and you take It home, '- , But ere your work is done. tS VfinltlMn.Hm.ln....Llt eKr A vi ." ".. mM ujk M JIUU1 It, -JW Ana you'll swear It weighs a ton. Ouaha World!