Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 15, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Or a Miracle That Even .Any
body Escaped
Two Men Dead Last Night, But the
Others Recovering.
He Does Not Think the City Can Be Held
Liable for the Men.
That ugly accident at the Bed Food,
which resulted in several fatalities at an
early hour yesterday morning, was very mi
raculously affected in some of its results, in
asmuch as the fire men, all at work in the
sewer at the same time, were not all killed
Since the little dam was built on Center
avenue, above the pond, a few weeks ago,
and the water was carried off through a pipe
the pond itself has been practically empty,
and on that account the men were enabled
to work in the fcewer. The hitter, connect
ing with the SO or 40-foot "drop" at the
pond, is about 100 feet long, and
is ' laid parallel with Soho street
This sewer, as most of the readers know,
had been clogged up, and on that account
the water, which could find no outlet, gath
ered in the pond, but was kept pumped out
until Saturday night's sudden and violent
shower. During the last week the men in
the sewer had been using several explosive
charges, and had blown open the front of
the sewer, and after the mouth had been
laid bare the work of cleaning it out was
r comparatively easy.
On Saturday night there were the follow
ing named men employed in the sewer: Joe
McCarthy, Andrew McGregor, Robert Mc
Munn, William McCIoy and Robert Daly.
about 8 o'clock, had loosened a great deal
of theabutment above the pond, and a large
pool of water had formed immediately over
the still partly closed, pond entrance of the
sewer. At this point was the deep drop,
and about 2 o'clock this drop caved in, and
the water rushed wildly through it and
the sewer. The men were all in
there at the time, using a strong
stream of water to clean the outlet from the
opposite side. When the water came upon
them they were all knocked down and car
ried along with the stream. Billy McCIoy
and Robert McMunn were carried about 300
feet, and then they got ashore in the ravfnc,
which runs from Center to Fifth aveno.-.
Both men were badly injured. Their bodies
were bruised, and, from the amount of dirt,
water and gravel which they had swallowed,
they were nearly drowned.
McMunn was taken to the Homeopathic
Hospital, and, according to the physicians'
account yesterday afternoon, the patient will
McCIoy was taken to his home, 21 Logan
street, and Dr. Shaw was called to attend
him. He was resting comparatively easy
yesterday a'ternoon, and, it is thought, will
get over his injuries. His daughter stated
to a Dispatch reporter that her father had
a presentiment on Saturday night that
something would happen to him, and ex
pressed the sense of tear before he went to
The other three men were carried down
by the stream in the ravine as far as Fifth
avenue, a distance of half a mile. They
were all three found at the culvert there.
Robert Daly was then dead; but McCarthy
and McGregor, although they were uncon
, scious, still breathed.
McGregor was taken to the Homeopathic
Hospital, and died at 10 o'clock yesterday
morning. McCarthy was taken to the
Mercy Hospital, and, from the last ac
counts heard from there, he was "doing
very well." That this man, after having
been knocked against stones and thrown
over rocks for a distance of about half a
mile, and was not killed outright, simply
affords pretty good evidence of the very
nearest possible thing to a miraculous
t escape.
The inquest will be held on July 27,
when the injured have sufficiently recov
ered to testify.
"The Red Fond sewer is open at last, but
the achievement was too dearly bought,"
was the remark made by Mr. William R.
Browne, of the Bureau of Engineering and
Surveys, when a Dispatch reporter called
to see him last night at his residence, the
Fast End Hotel. Then he said:
"It was 9 o'clock last night when I
was at the pond to see how the men
were getting along with their work, and
I had not the slightest idea that there was
auy danger of such an accident, or I would
certainly have prohibited the men from pro
ceeding with their work. There were cer
tainly not more than about
of water in the pond, and that quantity
i could not harm anybody working in the
sewer. In fact, I have all alone observed
the greatest care and caution with the men.
Of course that rain last night was an un
usually heavy shower, and all the water
from the surrounding hills must have ac
cumulated within a very short time."
"Will the citv be liable for the lives
"I do not know anything about that. I
do not see why, because negligence cannot
be charged against us."
"What will be done with the pond now,
after the sewer is opened?"
"The first thing we shall do is to make a
wooden sewer under the street, and then a
tnore substantial one. That sewer will be
right through the pond, and the latter will
be filled up."
"Will you make a park out of the
"I don't know, that is a matter which
restsentirely with Mr. Bigelow; but, in my
opinion, better ukc could not be Jiade out
of the place. The location is excellent,
and the whole pond could be bought very
"I was told of the accident about 4 o'clock
this morning, and the news gave me such a
strange shock as I have never experienced
in my lile. When the man came to my
door and said what had happened, the blood
circulation stopped in both my arms Irom
the elbow to the wrist for abont three or
four minutes, and when I felt the blood
rush back into my veins, the sensation was
very peculiar."
Ills Costly -Sleep.
'William M. Hinton, an Italian in the
wholesale fruit business at No. 7 Diamond
street, yesterday afternoon opened up the
door of his store to get a little fresh air. He
then retired to a back room to read and fell
asleep. While he slept someone entered
the store and stole $130. The police were
notified of the occurrence.
Drowned In the Hirer.
Coroner McDowell was notified last night
that James Deller, aged 28 years, living on
the Butler plank road near the Rising Sun
House, had been drowned in the Allegheny
river, yesterday afternoon, below Pine
creek station. The body was recovered
and on inquest will be held this morning.
Tbe Slot MncIilncH Worlitd Without I- dfc
O. Interference speculation on ibe
Attitude of the Lencue Soda Water
So far as could be learned yesterday the
Law and Order League did not arrest any of
the slot .machines for performing worldly
labor on the Sabbath or for vice and im
morality, as had been more than indicated
by the exclusive publication of an intention
to do so in Saturday morning's Dispatch.
An effort was made to find Mr. H. M.
Black, agent of the slot machines, hut his
office at Eleventh street and Fenn avenue
was not open nor did he seem to be in the
city. The machines were merrily at work
all day and did a thriving businesi, most of
them proving greatly inadequate to the
It is possible that the Law and Order
League was deterred from proceeding sum
marily against the machines by the univer
sal chorus of derision that greeted the pub
lication of their intention. An attorney
who has given the subject some thought
stated last night that the league might be
hesitating on account of certain nice legal
points involved in tbe matter. One of
these is the fact is that in nearly every in
stance the agent of tbe machines has placed
them upon private property, by and with
the consent of the respective owners. Re
moval of the machines would doubtless be
construed as trespass under the circum
stances. There were two thirst-quenchers in active
operation yesterday. The Federal street
druggist who has announced an intention
of keeping open on Sunday indefinitely
was doing an immense business during the
heat of the day, but not so much during the
rainstorm of last evenimr. A stand in
front of the Casino Museum sold every sort
of soft drink vigorously, and no one seemed
to be able to tell just who the proprietor is
and who will be "seen" by the Law and
Order League.
Electric Workers In Other Cltlen Are Organ
izing Unions.
The organization formed in Pittsburg by
the electrical workers a month ago, known
as the Fittsburg Flectrical Union No 1,
promises to become national. Applications
for copies of the constitution, by-laws, etc.,
have in from several parts of the country,
and charters have been taken out for New
York and Kansas City, where unions are
now being formed.
The objects of the new organization are
largely social and educational. The Fitts
burg union is forming a library of books
bearing on the work of the members, and a
collection of electrical appliances will be
added soon. The advantages to the public
from this new order will be in having elec
trical work done bv skilled men, as none
others are admitted. The union in Fitts
burg has already gotten an advance of 25
cents a day for its members employed by
one local company.
Four Cnrlondu of 1'lnkerton Men
Ride-Trucked Nenr tbe City.
For the past few days a number of Pink
erton guards have been quietly side-tracked
at Sixteenth and Thirty-second streets.
There was one carload at the former place
and three at the latter. They were intended
for Homestead, but will never get there
in the capacity of detectives. Altogether
there were about 200 men or more quartered
in these places ready to move at the firm's
orders. .
The three carloads at Thirty-second
street were hired in New York. Ths gang
rather enjoyed the loaf, and frequently le!t
the cars and mingled anion? the people in
the city. Later they were removed to a point
between BraSdock and Walls station, where
they were lying last night. They will be
sent back Fast.
Filled Up Cellars and Mopped Travel on
the Citizens' Line.
The rainstorm last night caused a block
on the Citizens' Traction line for over half
an hour. The water washed mud and sand
down Penn avenue and partially filled the
vault at tbe power house near Thirty-fourth
street. A half hour was required to clean
it out, and about 30 cars were blocked for
that length of time.
At the corner of Penn avenue and Thirti
eth street tbe water covered the streets to a
depth of about. 2 feet. It ran doTn the
hillside, and Thirtieth street and a part of
Fenn avenue were converted into small
rivers. All the cellars in the vicinity were
flooded. A number ot cellars were also
flooded at Twenty-seventh street in the same
Abont 500 Junior Olpchnnics WIN Attend
the Die Parade.
About 250 members of the Jr. O. U. A.
M. on the Southside will leave for Harris
burg on the special train over the Pennsyl
vania Railroad at 10 o'clock this morning.
The representatives from the Southside
Council to the Harrishurg State Convention
are A. W. Rossiter and Robert Walters;
from Smoky City. Thomas Wallace and
Louis Smith; Iron City, Edward Fastorius
and Fred Kramer; Acme, D. L. McDon
ald and Alderman C. E. Succop; Hill Top,
Henry Kalkhol, William Penn, William
Kane and Peter Soffel, Jr. West End and
Grandvicw Councils also send two repre
sentatives each.
Sir. Smytbe Wants Only Americans to Go
With II I m to Paris.
A. B. Smythe, of Allegheny, who was in
dorsed by a number of organizations to rep
resent the marble, stone and tile workers at
the Paris Exposition with the Scripps
League, said yesterday that he would not
accept the appointment unless all the men
elected are native-born Americans. Mr.
Smythe's knowledge of the men is limited
as yet, but he has been led to believe that
some of tbe men selected are not citizens.
He said that he thought America should be
represented by Americans, and unless this
was the case throughout, he would decline
to serve.
The Reopening of the Bottle Business In
creases the Arrests.
More arrests were made on the Southside
on Saturday night than for a long time.
Judge Brokaw disposed of 36 cases yester
day morning. The increase is said to be
due to tbe opening of the jug and bottle
Robert Bowen spent his money for whisky
and abused his family. He was sent to the
workhouse for GO davs.
His Father, Dr. Fulton, Is Notified of His
Son's Death on tbe Its 11 road.
Word was received in Allegheny yester
day that Charles B. Fulton,'aged 23 years,
a nephew of Rev. Dr. Fulton, ot the Fourth
U. P. Church, had been accidentally killed
by the cars at Glencoe, O. The telesrram
stated that the accident occurred on Satur
day night, but no particulars, were given.
Tbe young man was well known in Alle
gheny. Dr. Fulton will leave for Gleucoe
III. Brother Killed.
Frederick Davfs, brother of Manager
Harry Davi, of the London Theater, was
killed by a train on the Pennsylvania Rail
road at Johnstown yesterday morning.
f s
That's Why the Fishing Clnba Only
Bait for the Former.
Camp Up the Allegheny Where Ion
Can't Get Fish on Friday.
yarns have, from
i the time of Jonah
land his monarch
' mascot of the deep,
been spun out so re
gardless of all that
the ordinary mortaj
in his rational moments could
conceive, that great latitude has
'come to be conceded to the men
with nets, hooks, lines or little
brown jugs of bait. But, with
all the stories they tell, these
modern fishermen and their actual lives in
camp are not at all well known by him who
hasn't "been there." The prose and poetry
that always blend in camp life are mixed
by or for the fisherman, or, more proprly,
clubman, in about tbe same proportion as
Old Monongahela Rye and iresh Mononga
hela water are mixed by him who appreci
ates the genuine qualities of the former,
and "never believes in mixing drinks anv
way." From this it is not to be inferred, by any
manner ot means, that there is no oil on the
troubled waters of a fishing camp. There
is. The only fact to be impressed by the
prose-poetry, Monongahela-Monon compari
son is that the club fisherman goes out
for prose, unmixed, and for his other com
modities likewise, though poetry will, of
course, creep in occasionally, as water will
trickle under the edges of a tent sometimes,
despite the best precautions. The poetry
not only, but the picture ot an actual fish
erman as well, has crept into the illustra
tions for this article in just (hat way.
Fifty-two of these clubs, with member
ships varying all the way from a dozen to
several hundreds, belong to and are cata
logued under the United Hunting, Fishing
and Camping Clubs Association of Western
Pennsylvania. There is no other locality
in America more prolific in this summer
Be Will If ever Get a Bile.
industrial line "line" is a good word, even
it the club fisherman does bar it. To take
a steamer up the Monongahela, and see the
pretty pictures on the bluffs; the seemingly
spotless tents, with camp-fire and lights
throwing glintsathwart the scene; the fisher
men on the shore, waiting for theirdaily con
signment ot eighth-keg packages of bait from
the city; to hear the songs they sing and
watch their sportive ways, is to almost wish
that you could be one ol them for a time, if
there were any such thing possible as a bite
or a nibble, or even anything more tangi
ble about camp than bait, to remind you
that all of these are Simon Peters, and have
gone a fishing. '
Above sounds of the steamboat, beyond
the swish ot the waters and the radiating
plash of the river as it kisses the sands on
the shore, you can hear, in measured ac
cents, the notes of the song:
We are tenting to-nigbt
On the old camp-ground,
I see the boat go 'round tbe bend;
Good-bye, my lover, good-bye!
And it makes you wish that you, too,
going to try a tent just for to-night.
A Dispatch reporter spent a day and
night, the latter part of last week, at the
encampment of the Irene Fishing Club on
the Allegheny river, at Templeton, and
took notes of what he saw and heard. The
reporter arrived just in time for supper,
with his appetite in such a condition that it
could only be tickled into real activity by
tarkling a good mess of fried bass. He was
seated at a long table under a canvas fly
with 18 jolly fishermen.
"Bring on the fish," was the order given,
and he was somewhat surprised and disap
pointed when, from the far end of the.
table, came tbe answer:
"If you really want fish, you had better
go to some other place than a fishing
The Irene camp is on the opposite side of
tbe river from Templeton, on a little 300
foot plateau, about ten feet (frequently bare
feet) above high water mark. The camp is
well shaded by forest trees. Backofitisa
hill, almost mountainous. To the left is a
ravine, through which a small brook flows.
In this latter all the rubbish of the camp is
thrown, and is carried to the river, thus
affording a good sanitary arrangement.
At this encampment there are two sleep
ing tents 12x18; also a storage tent, about
the same size. A kitchen stands next to
the latter. The next is a canvas table cov
er. The camps also have a spring house and
an ice house. The arrangements are com
plete. The great bed-ticks, at one side, in
each main tent, rest on such slats as the
boughs of trees, placed across two large
logs. On the other side of the canvas;
boxes, trunks, chairs and various other arti
cles are placed. The sleeping apartments
will accommodate 30 or 35 people. In the
storage tent the commissariat is complete.
The kitchen contains a No. 8 cookin?
stove, and is open on all sides, thus giving
the cook every opportunity of keeping cool
while standing over a hot stove. To the
right of this is the banquet hall, which is
about 20 feet in length and 10 wide. The
contents of this department of the encamp
ment are a long stationary table and bench es.
It is also open on all sides. While seated
at this table plenty of fresh air and a grand
view for a mile -up and down the river and
of the hills across can be had.
The next necessary appendage to", the
can.p and what appears to be necessaryin
all fishing camps is the springhouse. In
this is kept a keg of beer on tap, with the
faucet protruding. Ice and sawdust do
their work well for it. The springhouse is
a very neat stone structure, which was built
two years ago, and is now covered with
moss. Next on the list, and what appears
to be a new idea, is that of a large frame ice
house, 20x40 feet. In it are 20 tons of ice
and also 10 or 15 quarter barrels of beer and
other lubricants. There are several lava
tories scattered about and a dish washing
department handy to the kitchen.
Breakfast is served at 6 A. m. to those
who are up in time for it. At this meal
oatmeal gruel (they just call it "oats"),
fresh beet, coffee, syrup, bread and butter
and several other dishes are served; but,
alas! no delicious fish. Milk is given to
those who prefer it to coffee. There is
plenty of life in the crowd at breakfast
time, of course. "Say, Bill, pass me those
oats, and don't take all day to do itl Chase
that cream up this way," and many other
such expressions are heard, etiquette hav
ing been thrown to the winds. There is a
great deal ot joking, and plenty of common
sense talk also.
At noon dinner for the hungry consists of
turtle soup, if they have been so fortunate
as to have secured "a turtle; frogs, when tbe
green-bjeked croaker is captured (which,
fortunately for him, does not happen very
often), and other substantial.
Supper is usually made up of mutton,
chicken and a big variety of other things,
with and without wings.
The reporter insisted on knowing at
which meal the fish were to be "dished up."
The inquiry was answered by uproarious
"Don't you ever have any of the finny
Another roar of merriment,but one fisher,
more feeling than the rest for the reporter's
sensitive nature, answered:
"We have been here now two weeks, and
in that time only three fishjiave been
caught. Their combined weight would not
It Looks Very Poetic
be a pound. One was caught on the out
line which we kept in the river, but as to
how the other two were caught it's beyond
my power to tell. Evidently they were
dead. The only fishing tackle we have
with us is the outline I spoke of and two
turtle nets. We do no fishing or hunting
td any extent. These are all the weapons
we have, with the exception of an old blun
derbuss, the capacity ot which to shoot I
doubt very much."
He pointed to the spring and ice houses,
however, as indications of occupation.
At the encampment in the way of pets
are a dog endowed with the shamrock name
of "Barney;" a mascot cat with three brand
new kittens, all named "Irene," after tbe
club; and a half dozen hens that cackle
after depositing fresh, eggs for their kind
owners, who can't eat fish.
Athletic sports are indulged in with the
aid. of dumbbells and Indian clubs. By
this and other exercises the campers usually
gain from 5 to 15 pounds in one season's
outing.. After supper they all repair to the
river, where about 20 minutes are spent in
swimming. As to games, quoits and cards
are the principal ones. Poker is usually
the game, but no gambling is allowed.
They have about two packs of cards for
every member. They often have visitors,
numbering as high as 30 or 35 at a time.
Lady visitors often come, and drinking and
cards take back seats then. Music is heard
out on tbe river at night, principally from
accordions and the cat. The camp is finely
decorated with flags, 50 large ones being
used. They are fastened around in the
foliage, and present a very pleasing appear
ance. The club's name is displayed on a
mg sign aown on tne river nanic.
The rules by which the club is regulated
are not very strict. As soon as one member
or visitor becomes visibly affected by drink
ing, no more drinks will be given him under
any pretext. No shooting or hunting is
allowed in or around camp. This rule is
not entorced, however. Any member who
refuses to do work that the Captain, Adam
Reed, orders done, is fined from 25 cents to
SI. The work is divided among tbe mem
bers, except tbe cooking, which is done
bv a professional. The work to he done is
simpiv the washing of the dishes and cloth
ing. The campers all take good wear
ing apparel along to be used on
special occasions, such as Sundays.
Slippers are used by all members of
the organization, except when they go to
the river bank. Un Sunday some of the
fishermen attend church, and the others
sleep or row on the river. No card playing j
or oiner game is auowea on Sunday. THE
Dispatch is scanned carefully everv day
by all the clubmen. Other reading matter
is also kept at the camp, such as popular
A rule not mentioned is thatagainst fight
ing, which is strictly prohibited, but is
sometimes indulged in, especially between
the cook and the consumers of the cook's
work.when the desserts, and especially the
usn, are Drownea too muca.
The ages of fishing club members range
from 20 to 40 years, the Captain, stated.
They usually support the club by assess
ments and by holding picnics and bails. By
so doing the'elub is enabled to leave on a
four or six weeks' camping tour, expenses
The Captain further'said that it was his
opinion that the reason Fittsburg and vicin
ity have so many fishing clubs is because of
the closing of the iron mills and glass works
in the summer.
This gives those who work at furnaces
nearly all the rest of the year an opportu
nity of staying away longer than they other
wise could. Mill men and glass workers
prefer the country in the majority of cases,
where they are together and are not bur
dened with ' society."
. It is a very cheap way of living; the aver
age cost per day is 40 cents per man. Three
gallons of coffee and about 20ipounds of
meat are used daily in the Irene camp. The
night the reporter spent in the camp was
very cool, and the statement was made that
it is always so.
About ten clubs are camped on the river
bank between Logansport and Mahoning.
There are several at Logansport and at
White Bock.
A number of other clubs beside the Irene
were visited, and tbe above affords a suffi
cient description of the life of the fishermen
(who do not understand bow to bait a hook)
lrom many of Pittsburg's clubs.
Tbe Maiden and Her Cat.
An ancient maiden lady with long gray
ringlets and a pretty white cat on her knee,
was the center of attraction at the Union de
pot last evening. The animal was very
tame, and would place its face against the
cheek of its mistress, fond of the lady's ca
resses. More than one person smiled at the
woman with the kitten.
A Novel Trip.
Mr. H. M. Haldeman, of the Oil City
.DerrtcJ:, and two friends have just made a
novel trip to Pittsburg from their city. A
flstboat was comfortably fixed up, and was
allowed to float tne whole distance. The
trip was made in five clays. The parties
will return by rail.
We Mast Have a Ronton Cook.
No applications have been received from
Pittsburg for the position of teacher ot the
Publio Cooking School. The Central
Board has written to the Boston Normal
Cooking School to obtain a teacher. No
answer has yet been received.
South Carolina Officers Not Allowed
to See Him Until To-Day,
They Will Fick Him Oat From Among the
Colored Prisoners.
The police authorities are pretty thor
oughly convinced that John Yeldell, the
minister, known as Rev. E. Flemon,
wanted for murder in South Carolina, is the
right man. United States Marshal Storm
and Deputy Sheriff Thomas J. Lyon, who
arc here to identify him and take him back
for trial, have not yet seen him, but they
both know him well and have described
him so accurately that all doubt as to his
identity has been removed. These officers
stopped in Harrishurg on the way to Pitts
burg and had the requisition papers signed
by the Governor.
This morning at 9 o'clock Yeldell will be
brought into court, and confronted by the
two men for identification. An exciting
scene is expected. The minister is a bright
fellow, and has ingratiated himself into the
hearts of the colored people. His arrest is
the general subject of conversation amorg
his congregation, and many of them will
not believe that their preacher is the man.
Yeldell has given out that if he is taken
back to South Carolina he will be killed,
and this has stirred up the people of his own
When Marshal Storm heard of this state
menthe laughed tnd.said Yeldell would be
given a fair trial, He stated that only six
j negroes had been lynched in Edgewood
county since the war, and thej brutally
murdered an old man of 80 years. Three of
the men, by the way, were ministers.
Marshal Strom is a wealthy plantation
owner, and he says Yeldell has picked many
a bale of cotton for him. He said he would
know him by his voice and walk, even if
Yeldell were to paint his face, although he
has not seen him since the murder was com
mitted, four yearsVago. Ycldell's father,
according to the Marshal, was a bad man,
and gave the authorities more trouble
than any colored man in the region.
He says John YeldeH ia desperate fellow,
and both officers admit tbey are afraid of
him. They are supplied with a good pair
oi nippers ana are wen armed.
Another seemingly convincing proof ii
tne possession ot tne omcers that xeldell
the man wanted consists of two letters.
written by a brother-in-law and the other.
.xeiueii. oince tne murder was comm
the officers had lost all trace of Yeldel'
was currently rumored among the n
that he was in some school studying ft
ministry, Dut they couldu t
Finally the brother-in-law got
trouble, and
a letter from rev. e. fl:
was found on his person. From certain
facts in the letter tbev were led m to believe
this was Yeldell. When the pft-eacher was
arrested the answer to this letteVr from the
brother-in-law was found. In tlhe letter the
brother-in-law gives him someg information
about the marriage of his sistjfer and fon'r of
his companions implicated ifc tbe crime.
The names in each instance ailfe given. The
close connection and correspondence of
these two letters soon convinced Inspector
McAleese and Captain XMxn Sylvns that
Flemon is the man wanted
The murder for whicfh Yeldell was ar
rested was committed in V886. One Sundar
morning Yeldell, in cefnipany with four
other negroes, visited tb i village of Farkb
ville. Tbe men were si ipplled with short
pistols, and got to drinti.ing a little, though
Marshal Strom said y.he men were not
drunk, and he never klnew John Yeldell to
he intoxicated. About the time for church
services to bezin the negroes with Yeldell
rushed through the ftreets firing their pis
tols into the air. Tlie next day
was made against tiem, and Deputy Sheriff
J. S. Blackwell sttfirted out to look ibrthem.
He chased them
11 day on Monday, and
ran them dewn
a cabin on Tuesday.
"When he approar.
the door to make the
arrests, he was
hot i
and killed by one of the
men. Yeldell ft
but his companions were
and sentenced to be
captured, convifcted
banged. Anrther
hearing was granted
when it was shown that Yeldell did the
shooting, and the sentence in their cases
was changed to imprisonment.
The MarshsAl said that when he tried to
arrest Yeldell the latter drew a revolver
which he dirJ not see, but one of his faithful
colored bev'j who was engaged to Yeldell's
sister grabb fedit,and saved his like. Yeldell
has been a fugitive from justice ever since.
He was r.-aised by ex-Governor Shepherd,
of South OJaroliaa, and has a good educa
tion. Thus Governor will be called as a wit
ness at th! trial in South Carolina to tell
what he lcnows about him.
Incident ta of n. Darin Two Cities Condensed
J for Rendy Rcndloc
HabbIy Oliver went East last night.
The --trains from tbe East on the Pennsyl
vania npad were SO minutes late last evening.
WIL-.I.IAM Jones, an old man living on Cliff
street, (fell down stairs yesterday and injured
bis baclk.
The Ida Bishop arrested for shoplifting last
week 4ias not the lady of the same name, the
wife o.y Nicholas Bishop. Jr.
Pm snuno will have no representatives at
the 71'eachers' National Association which
meetst at Nashville on Tuesday,
OscIak B. Stark; a colored man, was ar
rested! on suspicion of being the man who stole
two wf itches from Marks' store.
H. J. Gearing tripped while getting off a
Sontl side car and was thrown under the
wneeiis. 4is uoay was badly bruised.
ilu. Jakes allowed his hand to dangle over
tbe Xagon. As a result, it was badly crushed
agalilist a tree on tbe Brownsville road.
J. W. Dawson was thrown from his bnggy
on CI raft avenue, and Injured about the head.
The I horse was frightened by a piece of paper.
A J.' insane man named Patrick Manning was
f ouaid wandering about tbe streets of Allegheny
esi erday. He was locked up in tbe police sta
tion. Tije explosion of the corks In two bottles ot
ginljer ale In a Southside drugstore early yes
terl Jay morning led tbe neighbors to believe
thi t burglars were at work.
T V. H. Snyder, Superintendent of the
TJr ited States Express is at the Monongahela
H ue. Mr. Snyder reports that bis company
co itlnues to do an excellent business.
. lIX tbe school elections are over, with the
ex eptlon of the Franklin, which awaits the
rei urn of Chief Brown to tbe city, and the
str lggle ortr the deadlock in the Lincoln.
1 he Baltimore and Ohio excursions on Sun
da: to Ohio Pyle are very popular. A great
croy d of people visited the falls yesterday and
werl) caught in tbe rain when they got back.
JaSEPH Voqle, a professional beggar, gave
tbe (officers a lively tussle in Allegheny before
he as locked up. He had a pair of crutches,
but iDr. Woodburn said be didn't need them.
TiJce pressmen's annual picnic, under the
auspliccs of Pressmen's Union, No. 13, will be
beldl at Silver Lake Grove on Friday afternoon
nextl and promises to be a very pleasant affair.
This members of tbe European educational
partyurom Pittsburg, just before the pilot boat
left tlVeir ship, sent several letters to their
friendh here, savine that all were welt and an
ticipated an enjoyable trip.
TVe Ssell the claret wines oi Crm A: ffii.
Bordeaux. These wines are imported in the
bottle afcd are sold at all the leading hotels
in this ctmntry and on the Pullman cars.
100 sfcd 102 Market st, cor. First are.
Homer L. DIcGavr Saj 30 Green Bottle
Blowers Are Being: Imported Under Con
tract One Claim Refuted.
Joseph L. Evans, President of the Cen
tral Trades Council, stated yesterday in re
gard to tbe investigation of the importation
of glassworkers, that it was not his inten
tion, nor that of the Trades Council.to pros
ecute anyone for the alleged offense, nor to
claim the $l,OC0 penajty allowed in such
cases His course, which has been unani
mously approved by the Council, is to com
pel the sending back of these men, if it shall
be found that they are here unlawfully.
The whole case, he added, is now in the
hands of the United States District At
torney, and when that officer decides upon
his mode of procedure, the case will go on.
Mr. Homer L. McGaw, the prosecutor in
the case, confirmed tbe statement of Mr.
Evans, adding:
This action of L. A. 300, in bringing the
Englishmen to Jeannette has already opened
the .flood gates of European Immigration,
manufacturers claiming the same right to im
port as did Jj. A. 300, Why. there is reported to
Le about 30 non-union green bottle blowers
now on ihip board who will arrive this week.
Tbey are being Imported here to make a uMon
bottle factory in Illinois non-union; so at least
m v informant rays, and I deem it reliable.
Tbe Government authorities cannot act too
soon in regard to the Jeannette affair. When
tbe decision is made that neither trades unions
nor manufacturers can import, this wholesale
importation will stop. If tbe decision is in fa
vor otL.A. SOU. then the Lord help the trades
unions, for the Government won't!
Interesting Details of borne of 'be fieportn
The following telegram wa' j received last
night from Bellaire:
The first reliable infor' .nation from the
Flint Glass "Workers' Na ttional Convention
was obtained to-day, an' a is of a nature not
calculated to create air irm. The committee
osj the chimney bian- ch recommended the
indorsement of the action of the conference
held in Pittsburg e- publishing a scale to run
until July 1, 1890 ,, and the scale as agreed
upon was adopte-'a. The scale made by a
conference with the engravers last April
was also ratif Jed. In the mold-making
branch no cha nges were made as to appren
tices, and w" ah only one or two minor
changes the rules in force last year were
adopted. The Stopper Committee made
some sii'.nt changes in the direction re
questet by the manufacturers, and with
these ' .exceptions the same rules govern as
last year. The Cutting Committee re
afHrj uied the rules in lorce and they were
3 Jne Auditing Committee reported Satur
d?..v evenine that the books of the Secretary
ere in excellent shape, and in a compari
son with those of the Treasurer) every cent
received was accounted for and vouchers
for all paid out. The receipts last year
were JEirj.oas 12. The amount expended is
not given, but a larger surplus than ever
before is reported.
Some interesting information in regard to
the great strike which was inaugurated in
December, 1887, are given. The association
has paid out over $250,000 as benefits to the
members engaged in it, and there were
originally 2,760 of them involved in the
strike for 21 weeks, 1,000 of them until
August, 1888, and they have been paying
benefits ever since to from 40 to 60 members,
the minimum being still on the roll for
benefits. The Shade, Prescription, Pressed
"Ware, Iron Mold and Grievance ConimiU.
tees are still to report.
The Schoonmaker Coke Company Bay stho
Yoangitown Works. ,
The following telegram was received last
night from Youngstown:
Negotiations which have been in progress
for some time have resulted in tbe Brier
Hill Iron and Coal Company, the Struthers
furnace (Company and iUbertJUcunrdy, all
of this city, disposing of their interests In
tbe Youngstown Coke Company, at Youngs
town, O., to tbe Schoonmaker Coke Com
pany, of Pittsburg. The Mahoning Valley
Iron Company, of this city, still retains its
one-fourth interest in the company.
A Cool Day Benrflclnl to the Stricken Rail,
rond Official.
Mr. T. D. Messier, Third Vice President
and Controller of the Pennsylvania Com
pany, who was seriously stricken with
paralysis, due to the extreme heat on Satur
day last, was in about the same condition
last night as on Saturday night, with per
haps a" slight relief from pain. Drs. Hamil
ton and Fleming were somewhat encouraged
by the slight change for tbe better and now
express strong hopes of saving the patient's
life. The cool weather yesterday was a de
cided relief to the sick man, and every ad
vantage will be taken to aid in his restora
tion to health.
Claret wines St. Julian, Medoc, Fron
sae, St. Estephe, Margaux. Poutct, Canct,
etc., etc., bottled by Cruse & Fils, Bordeaux;
A Leland & Co., Bordeaux, and Jules Mer
man & Co,, Bordeaux.
100 and 102 Market St., cor. First aye.
Excursion to Atlantic City
Via the B. & O. B. E., next Thursday.
July 18. Kate $10 for the round trip;
tickets good for 10 days; good to stop off at
"Washington City returning. Train of
Eastlake coaches and Pullman palace cars
will leave depot at 8 A. M. and 920 P. M.
Pare Ro Whisky a Specialty.
"We have in stock at the present time
Guckenheimer pure rye whisky made in
the lollowing months and years.
March, 1879.
February, 1880.
June, 1880.
December, 1880.
March, 1882.
.march, 1883.
March, 1884.
November. 1885.
March, 1886.
November. 1886.'
March, 1887
May, 1887.
March, 1888.
May, 1888.
November, 1883.
"March, 1889.
May, 1889.
100 and 102 Market st., cor. First ave.
Pare Rye Wbliklei.
All the leading brands of pnre rye whis
kies, ranging in age from 1869 down to the
present month. Telephone 677.
Schuetz, Eenziehausex & Co.,
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
Lnke Cbantanqna and Uelnrn via Allegheny
Each Tuesday and Saturday durintr July
and August Fare only five dollars
(f5 00); good 15 days returning. Trains Ieav
iug Union station at 8:45 A. M., with Pull
man buffet parlor cars attached, and 8:50 p.
si., with Pullman palace sleeping cars 'at
tached. The great summer university
(Chautauqua Assembly) now in session.
Champagnes, Louis Boederez, Veuve
Clicquot, G. H. Mnmm & Co. Extra Dry,
Piper Heidsieck Sec, Napoleon's Cabinet
etc, etc.
ScnuETZ, Benziehausen & Co.,
100 and 102 Market st, cor. First ave.
Telephone 677; jtwp
A Chan en to Dip In Old Ocean
By taking the excursion via the B. & O.
B. E. next Thursday, July 18, at the very
low" rate of 10 for the round trip; ticket
good for 10 days. Secure your sleeping and
parlor ear accommodations at once.
Pittsbnrg Ahead of the Quaker City
in the Use of the
Some Wonderful Operations Performed bj
Allegheny County Surgeons.
Some clever sawbones in the Quaker City
has succeeded in securing wide circulation
for an item published in yesterday's Dis
patch in reference to the operation of "in
testinal resection," or the removal of a por
tion of human intestines, and the snecessful
joining of the separated ends. The ite m
also stated that the operation in ques';on
was the hrst ot its nature penornr jed ;
Philadelphia, and that there
wer1 -!
about 30 instances of a similar
upon recotd.
A aistingnisnea surgeon ojj th;s connty
was interyiewed yesterday non tne subject
ol abdominal surgery, suggested by the
Philadelphia case. He said: "Philadel
phia must be 'way;behir d the t;mes y tn:s
report be wrrect Pitt bnrg and Allegheny
X surgeons can iufirmtTi more extensive ex
perience than the one referred to as an
isolated case. There are by actual count 25
surgeons of thi3 county who have opened the
abdomen. Three or four of them have per
formed the operation from 10 to 23 times,
and a resident specialist just recently per
formed '
"As to this particular operation of intes
tinal resection, Dr. Sutton, of Allegheny,
removed three inches of intestine from a
patient in the spring of 1683, and I believe
the lady patient was still living three years
afterward. It is a delicate operation, hut it
has been done scores of times by Pittsburg
"I wonder if the public knows that
within a decade surgery has so advanced
that any obscure disease in the abdominal
regions can now be located and the cause of
the disease removed. A sample case was
treated in this city but two weeks since.
The wife of a professional man of eminence
had a mysterious disease which baffled any
diagnosis after the ancient style of medical
or surgical treatment. Finally an incision
was made in the abdomen, the gall-bag was
opened, and, through the latter, a number
of stones were removed from the liver ducts.
The patient has already recovered, and the
case will receive great attention from the
medical profession, as such an operation is
almost without precedent. Among the re
markable cases handled by Pittsburg sur
geons within a few years, are diseases of
every organ in the abdominal cavity, in
cluding tbe entire intestinal canal. The
spleen, gall-bag. liver, kidneys, and
have all been treated, and with re
markable minimization of fatalities. The
ancient Cssarian operation has been re
vived and improved, and at present both
mother and child are frequently saved,
whereas under the old method life was often
"One-half the murders of the present day
could be prevented by the use of the ab
dominal methods of surgery, that is if the
wound was -in that region of the body.
How? Simply enough. Gunshot or stab
bing wounds to be fatal must sever either an
artery or an intestine. If an artery is
severed what is called internal bleedinz
fills the stomach with blood, which de
composes, causing peritonitis, and death
follows in a few hours. Modern abdominal
jsurgery proposes to cut the patient open
and apply a ligature to the internal artery
and remove the blood that has flowed into
the stomach, and in nine out of ten cases,
no matter how ugly tbe wound may have
been, the patient will recover. The same
method will save life in cases of an in
testinal wound. The treatment must be
rapid, as a matter of course. Yon remem
ber the policeman who was shot by a negro
in the parks. It is very likelv that this
treatment would have saved his life. The
man that Ed Coffee killed would not have
died if he had been promptly opened and
patched up. The old way ot putting a
blister on a man's stomach and giving him
When the Liver is crowded or clotted
with a mass of impurities, its action be
comes slow and Uifflcnlc Pleurisy,
Headache, Pain in Side, Tired Feeling
and General Weakness ensues, result
ing, if unchecked; in
When you have these symptoms, try a
few doses of the genuine
Price, 25 cents. Sold by all drugcists,
and prepared only by Fleming Bros.,
Pitttbarc. Pa. Beware of counterfeit
made in St. Louis. jylo-irorr
An unpleasant feeling by wearing our
Ladies' Gauze Vests reduced from i5c to 15c,
small sizes.
10c, 15c, 25c and 50c per pair.
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
your family keep the Victoria Natural
Mineral Watsr, imported direct to thi city
from near Ems. Germany, by Major C W.
Krauc Send orders by mall or messencer to
C. W.KBAUH,U89L&erty ave. jel&D
a dose of morohine to ease his pain and
thin nniptlv irntrhlnif his life ebb away 1
obsolete, and I think it high time that tb
policemen and others who nave to ns. w
lives dailv should know that anaoro
surcerv can be depended upon to sav
in causes heretofore deemed of a
"I maintain that humani I
now call
upon meuicai science .or n;.ii1v.I,t treaU
,. , . r r 1 iu
ment ot dozens of diseas'
es which have been
.ncapau.e oi cure tf jason of concealment
by nature such are tr Je d $tr-d fonrard
made in the last i r - It , astoiih.
l 7,ri.. n Pe"I,fe can liTe and eTen
-m,nntrt. " w"h only one kidney or
mi finite , organs, and I could lay
,f. . ,: . pon dozens ofcases in these two
"Thi. '' may be calIed wlfcDg miracles,
t d r fu ture of surgery, as indicated by the
"" Jf the medical journals, gives encour
?Z ient for the conviction that it will not
De long before the human skull can be
r .pened for obscure diseases of the brain.
eyesight or hearing, with as great frequency
and brilliant results as are now achieved ii
abdominal surgery."
Remits of a Saturday Nlaht Fight With t
Fokernnd a Hniebet.
John Kirkpatrick, a riveter, and Charles
Staub, a bridge builder, recently employed
at Johnstown, and who are next door neigh
bors residing at Forty-fifth and one-half and
Hatfield streets, had a difficulty on Satur
day evening over the alleged attentions of
the former to the latter's wife.
Kirkpatrick attacked Staub with a poker,
cutting him on the face, and the latter re
taliated by inflicting a scalp wound on his
assailant's head with a hatchet. Kirkpat
rick walked to Dr. Sands' office on Forty
third street and had his wound attended to,
while Staub disappeared and had not re
turned home up to 9 o'clock last night.
Tnlnable Instruments Stolen.
About 550 o'clock yesterday afternoon
a sneak thief entered the residence of Dr.
Wall, veterinary surgeon, who resider at
121 Bebecca street, Allegheny, and stole
three cases of surgical instruments. Tha
cases contained 150 different kinds of instru
ments and are very valuable. The police of
both cities were notified.
That's the way it has been thus far this July.
French Satlnes, this morning, at 15c a yard
The 30c kind, this season's styles.
The 45c "Anderson" Finest Scotch Ginghams 41
in high novelties are now 25c a yard here.
Tbe 25c duality fine American Ginghams are
now 15c here.
More of tbe Printed Lawns at 5c; the yard
wide Satines at 8c; the Standard Prints at
the 12c Ginghams at 6c
Over in Wool Dress Goods aisle se3thenew
patterns in French Challls; tbe Chain Mohalrst
at 25c: the fancy Mohairs at 25c; the 31 and SI 5
Frencn Summer Dress Goods at 50c a yard; tha
all-wool Debeiges, 35c, 50c and 60c; tbe 50-inch
Plaid and Striped Fine Wool Suitings at fl: the
Mohair Mixtures at 35c; the Cream Albatross
at 40c; the Cream Flannel Suitings at 50c; the
fancy Scotch Shirting and Suiting Flannels at
25c and at 50c
The cheapest way to buy Ribbons the lot
we hare in are of odd lengths plain colors
and fancies.
The Summer Hats sailorjLand other shapes,
at 25c; the stylish trimmed BoHuets and Hats'
patterns at Sol
Parasols 110 50 ones at S3 50 !
Tito Cambric and Muslin Underwear and
Dressing Sacques; tbe Summer Corsets; the
Traveling Bags and Chatelaine Bags.
The new fancy Lisle Thread Stockings at 50c;
the "fast black" Cotton Stockings at 25c, far
better than usual.
The new style Blazer Jackets for Ladies tbe
"mark downs" in Summer. Cloth Jackets; tbe
Long Wraps and Dusters, for travelers; the
all kinds of Summer Suits for Ladles and
Children; the Flannel and Silk Blouse Waist,
SI and upward.
Then, the Curtain Room bargains; Curtai.
and Lace Bed Sets: also tbe Embroideries and '
Flouncing Laces: tbe Fish Net Draperies. "
Silks Silks Silks we never have sold so
many as now never so good at the prices ai
now. Buy them now, of course.
k' tw. :J,J&umiZjXji'
j 4 .uVJLiA1p ,